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Bill and Tom Nelson took horses LEGAL NOTICES Jackson... to Butte Thursday. Bill, Fritz, Youth Centennial Scott, Bob, Mary Alice, Kathy, HOSTS JEWELRY PARTY NOTICE OF HEARING ON Sherry, Ruth Ann and Jenny rode Jenny Nelson hosted a Sara PROBATE OF WELL in the parade. Mrs. Jay Nelson NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ST. ROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH Coventry jewelry party at her Parade Planned and Mrs Bui Nelsoruattended-the Father Bernard 1 . Sullivan, Pastor home Tuesday evening. Wednes­ Norma Coon has filed in the Dis­ rodeo. 'x—^ ' trict Court of the Fifth Judicial Dis­ Father Robert J. Beaulieu, Aas’t. day evening Mrs. Frank Rebish trict of the State of Montana, in and Sudsy Hass Schedule Dillon: Every Sunday 8 am., 10:30 asked a group of ladies to the For July 14th Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hirsehy, am. and 7:30 p.m. - home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jann and Frederick also took Lima: First and third Sundays. 10:30 Bud Lapham to view the jewelry. The promotion committee of the horses to Butte. deceased, together with her petition a m . Beaverhead County Chamber of that the same be admitted to pro­ Melrose: Every Sunday at 9. The ladies enjoyed a social hour bate, and that letters testamentary Jackson: Second Saturday, 9:00 am . and refreshments were served by Commerce met this week and des­ See the Tribune’s exclusive line thereon issue to her. Fourth Sunday. 10:00 a-m. each hostess. ignated July 13 as special week of stationery. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Grant: Second Sunday, 10:30 son. by order of said Court a hearing will Saturday Confessions: „ and sales day for Dillon merch­ 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.; 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. be had upon said petition, before said Mrs. Ben Holland and daughter ants. Court, at the courtroom thereof, at and before all masses. Mrs. Mundy and Brent drove from Dillon, Montana, on July 16, 1962, July 14 was designated as at 10 o'clock A.M., at which time and GRACE METHODIST CHURCH the Grasshopper valley Thursday place all persons Interested In said Marco* F. West, Jr., Faster to visit with Mrs. Harold Peterson "Youth Centennial Parade Day” , SKYUNE DRIVE-IN estate may appear and object to the Sunday: and family. with the participants wearing ear-' granting of said petition. 8:30 am . Church school. D ated June 28, 1962. 9:30 am. Worship service. Nursery Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson ly day apparel. | TONIGHT and SATURDAY H. fe. OONTWAY ' w ill be provided. attended the wedding of Todd Hol­ Tuesday: Paraders will be divided into age1 Clerk of said Court land and Jo Arvish in Dillon last “ Pari* Blues” June 29, July 6, 12 7:00 p.m. New Testament Seminar. groups with cash prizes in each Thursday: Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond division which includes horses, Paul Newman NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROBATE 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship. Peterson also attended. OF vnx bikes and miscellaneous entries. I Joanne Woodward and FIRST EVAN. LUTHERAN CHURCH Mrs. Frank Rebish spent the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A special prize of $5 will be given Sidney Poltier M u Feuerstaek, Pastor weekend in Dillon and attended John H. Coppln has filed in the Dis­ Sunday: _ for the best entry in the parade trict Court of the fifth Judicial Dis­ 7:30 p.m. Divine service. Rev. O. the wedding of Agnes Rebish and trict of the State of Montana, in and Jones. Joe Helle. Her daughter Francis' and in all 19 cash prizes will be SUNDAY — MONDAY for the County of Beaverhead, an in­ No adult instruction class. aw arded. strument purporting to be the Last Kay stayed with her grandparents TUESDAY W ill and Testament of Marie V. Cop LIMA COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lapham during Entry blanks will be available pin, deceased, together with his pel Rev. James Hedotheni her mother’s absence. & shortly. Watch for them kids, In Eastman Color Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hildreth came 1 am. Sunday school. A class for, and start, now to plan the attire from Medicine Lodge Sunday to every age. you will wear. “ CAN CAN" PROFESSIONAL... 11:15 am. Morning services. visit their son and wife Mr. and Second and Fourth Fridays: Mrs. Burton Hildreth and Blaine. Frank Sinatra 2:00 p.m. Ladies Aid meets. Upholstery Costs W ednesday: They enjoyed dinner at the Dia­ drove from Dillon to attend Mass Shirley MacLaine and 8:00 p.m. Bible study. mond Bar Inn and visited Mr. and in Jackson Sunday and spent the Mrs. Fred Nelson in the afternoon. Maurice Chevalier You No More! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY day visiting with relatives. Bill Osborn and John of Butte Ft>r Free Estimates Please 2 8. Washington St. Mrs. Dale Strodtman hosted a visited at the Bob Jackson ranch Leave Name at Metlen Stanley party at her home Tues­ SUU? 0?'am . How the Christ, Truth, Sunday. Hotel, Or Write . . . day afternoon. Hie sale was con­ Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Jardine ducted by Mrs. Rosella Holtz of A-1 tlon that the same be admitted to joined a Western livestock tour Butte. Fourteen ladies attended. MONARCH UPHOLSTERY probate, and that letters testamentary last Saturday, visiting ranches in thereon issue to him. ___ Mrs. Kenneth Krause, Kurtis ROBERTA THEATRE Anaconda, Montana NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the upper Lemhi valley. and Kade motored to Lima Wed­ 115 C herry St. — Phone 563-6126 by order of said Court a hearing will Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jardine mo­ nesday and visited at the George Double Feature be had upon said petition, before said tored to the Bitterroot valley Free Pickup sad Delivery Court, at the courtroom thereof, at Franks home until Sunday. TONIGHT and SATURDAY Monday to meet with the valley William W. Williams of Ana­ D illon , M ontana, on Ju ly 16, 1962, a t “Safe At Home” 10 o’clock A.M., at which time and mink ranchers. conda conducted services at the place all persons interested in said Mrs. John Jackson and grand­ Jackson church Sunday, substitut­ Mickey Mantle — Roger Maris estate may appear and object to the daughter Rase Marie Harrison granting of said petition. ing for Rev. Rex. who was at­ “ The Hellions” D ated June 21. 1962. tending the Synod of the Rockies H. E. CONTWAY A Technicolor Technlrama Clerk of said Court brings freedom from sickness and sin and the Westminster Spires camp will be brought out at the services. in Wyoming. June 22, 29, Ju ly 6 W ednesday: 8:00 p.m. Testimonial meeting. Kermo Krause enjoyed a fishing Saturday Only! IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE F rid a y : trip on the lower Big Hole with FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF MATINEE A T 2:00 2:00 to 4:00 P-m. Reading roam. Dick Roberts Saturday and Sun­ THE STATE OF MONTANA, (Last Summer Matinee) In and For the County of Beaverhead THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH day. In the Matter of the Estate of ) < Conservative) Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dooling Alan Ladd, Chil W ills ETHEL M. GRAETER ) Artkar C uh, Faster returned from a wedding trip to Sunday: “Sad Horse" Deceased. ) Glacier Park and Banff, Canada NOTICE 4F PROBATE OF W ILL 9:45 a.m. Sunday School with Bible classes for all ages. Henry Harms, Monday evening. Pursuant to an order of said Court supt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and SUNDAY to TUESDAY made on the 20th day of June, 1962, 11:00 a-m. Morning worship. notice is hereby given, that Monday, Message: "Jesus Wept,” by the Rev. Ashe arrived from San Carlos, the 9th day of July, 1962 at 10:00 Alfred Pederson, guest speaker. Calif., Tuesday for a visit with “ The Last Sunset” o'clock AM . of said day, at the court 7:30 p.m. Evening worship. Mrs. Smith’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Rock Hudson. Kirk Douglas room of said Court, at the Court House Message: "Power of the Gospel” by in the County of Beaverhead, has been the Rev. Alfred Pederson. R oy Ford. appointed as the time and place for M onday: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson and WEDNESDAY to FRIDAY proving the Will of said Ethel M. 8:00 p.m. Special church business Mrs. Bill Nelson and Paula mo­ / Graeter deceased, and for hearing the m eeting. (Three Days Only) application of Hugh Nelson and Nor­ W ednesday: tored to Hamilton Monday and man Nelson for issuance to them of 7:30 p.m. Midweek service of Bible returned Tuesday. "Tammy Tell Me True" Letters Testamentary when and where study and prayer. Mrs. Bob Peterson and Mrs. Ed­ any person interested may appear and Thu rsday: , contest the same. win Peterson enjoyed a coffee hour 7:39 p. m.. Youth fellowship, recrea­ Filmed In RKiman Color D ated June 20. 1962. tion and planning meeting. with Mr. and Mrs. A l f r e d Peterson H. E. CONTWAY, Clerk Wednesday afternoon. June 25, 29, J u ly 6 L . D . S. CHURCH Raymond F. Curtis, Bishop Sunday: 10:00 a-m. Sunday school. 11:30 a-m. Priesthood. 7:00 p.m. Sacrament. Tuesday: 7:30 pm. R elief Society. Thursday: 3:30 p.m. Officers and teachers pray­ er meeting. 4:00 p.m. Primary. 7:15 p.m. Mutual offioers and teach­ ers meeting. 7:30 p.m. Mutual. KEEP COOL! If you ore, you need com­ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH William J. Hollaad, Minister petent advice. Consult your Sunday: With A Pace Setting 9:30 a.m. Morning worship and Sun­ doctor; he knows what's day school. Sermon: "Heritage.” best for you. Follow his ad­ Solo by Miss Arlene Winn. You are always welcome. vice to the letter and if he prescribes, remember — TRAVEL-AIRE COOLER you can always FOR UNFINISHED New Shipment Just Arrived! RELY ON HIRNHURE OUR PHARMACIST See H a rv ey MITCHELL'S UVajCcfUzeic The D U M AR T Appliance & Furniture C ity Drag AJE NCI DSUC S'ORE Dillon's Homo Mart


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