Artificial Insemination, Egg Donation, and Adoption
EH 1:3.1994 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINIATION, EGG DoNATION AND ADoPTION Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff This paper wa.s approred by the CJLS on /Harch 16, 199-1, by a vote (!f'trventy one inf(rnJr and one abstention (21-0-1). K1ting infiwor: Rabbis K1tssel Abel""~ Bm Lion Bergmwz, Stanley Bmmniclr, Hlliot N. Dorff; Samuel Fmint, Jl}TOn S. Cellrt; Arnold M. Goodman, Susan Crossman, Jan Caryl Kaufman, Judah Kogen, vernon H. Kurtz, Aaron T.. :lfaclder, Herbert i\Iandl, Uonel F:. Moses, Paul Plotkin, Mayer Rabinou,itz, Joel F:. Rembaum, Chaim A. Rogoff; Joel Roth, Gerald Skolnih and Cordon Tucher. AlJstaining: Rabbi Reuren Kimelman. 1he Committee 011 .lnuish L(Lw and Standards qf the Rabbinical As:wmbly provides f};ztidance in matters (!f halakhnh for the Conservative movement. The individual rabbi, however, is the (Wtlwri~yfor the interpretation nnd application r~f all mntters of' halaklwh. An infertile Jewish couple has asked the following questions: Which, if any, of the new developments in reproductive technology does Jewish law require us to try? \'\Thich rnay we try? Which, if any, does Jewish law forbid us to try? If we are not able to conceive, how does Jewish law view adoption? TIH:s<: questions can best he trcat<:d hy dividing those issues that apply to the couple from those that apply to potential donors of sperm or eggs, and by separately delineating the sta tus in Jewish law of the various techniques currently available. For the Couple May an infertile Jewish couple use any or all of the following methods to procreate: (1) arti ficial insemination
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