Rajnath Singh Flags Off Army's Fleet of 5 Trauma Care Ambulances

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Rajnath Singh Flags Off Army's Fleet of 5 Trauma Care Ambulances $! $)!&*#()$ ! #$$"%!#) %%&# %$ ! !'%*$%#$!&% &##%#$ %!#$$!% & #) )##& !% $#)&'#% &'&%! #%$ JAMMU, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 , 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.229 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 Destructive, terror forces can dominate for some Blinken, Jaishankar discuss situation time, but their existence not permanent: PM Modi in Afghanistan for second time this *@>?2E9E6>A=62?5:E:DECF66G6? week, agree to continue coordination +)*0% 1$ E@52JH96?E96H@C=592D2AAC6 96?D:@?D3642FD6@7D@>6A6@A=6 +F6D52JCFD965324<9@>6 !2:D92?<2C =2DE DA@<6 @? 'C:>6$:?:DE6C%2C6?5C2$@5:@? 7@==@H:?8DF49:56@=@8J96D2:5+96 /%&*$0+* 1$ :ED2>32DD25@C)F5C6?5C2 $@?52J2?55:D4FDD65E96 C:52JD2:5E92E56DECF4E:G67@C46D +2?5@?2?5DE2777C@>E96 D:EF2E:@? :? 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