Official market leader Lawrence, from Audited by PGD/OJD April 20th to 26th 2018 Arabia to Almeria British archaeologist Neil Faulkner talks of his research News 2 What To Do 48 Comment 24 Sport 53 prior to his lecture on the 26 59 Lifestyle My Home Costa del Sol next week P28 Food & Drink 39 Classified 63 in English Health & Beauty 42 Pastimes 70


The club’s women’s team are favourites for promotion to the top flight while their male counterparts prepare for a move in the opposite direction P53-55

Málaga CF Femenino sealed the title in on Sunday. :: ÑITO SALAS Costa councils prepare mass spending spree ahead of elections next year

The government has relaxed restrictions, Local councils around the province allow councils whose accounts of Malaga are making plans to spend showed a surplus last year to fund allowing town halls to invest in new an extra 100 million euros on finan- extra improvements to roads, parks, cially-sustainable projects. The cen- public transport or facilities. With projects if their balance sheets permit tral government has relaxed its re- local elections next year, impress- strictions on municipal spending to ing voters will be a priority. P2&3

Luxury property prices 21 in have Big screen stars FESTIVAL DE MÁLAGA doubled since 2011 as come together demand for high-end for the Malaga properties exceeds supply Film Festival due to land shortage P12 Who do you live with? Guillermo del Toro and Figures show that 40 per Juan Antonio Bayona cent of young people still picked up special prizes live at home while 22 per at this year’s event which cent of elderly people live runs until Sunday P26&27 Del Toro picked up the Málaga-SUR prize at the weekend. :: ÑITO SALAS on their own P6 22222222 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Town halls prepare for a spending spree with next year’s local elections in mind

FRANCISCO IVÁN JIMÉNEZ GELIBTER  [email protected][email protected] The government has reduced restrictions so municipalities with a healthy bank balance can invest in projects which do not increase everyday expenses

MALAGA. With the next local elec- In the past two years Malaga city hall has tions just over a year away, in June spent 7.8 million euros on the purchase of 21 2019, we can expect to see councils buses as part of its financially sustainable embarking on numerous new pro- investment projects. :: SUR jects to impress their voters, al- though of course the extent of these will depend on how much money is in the municipal coffers. ning costs (on salaries, for example), Some councils do, however, have THE CONTEXT and before rubbing their hands with an advantage: those whose finances glee at the amount of surplus, they are in a healthy enough condition What are sustainable and modernisation, but this three conditions: they have a must make payments on bank loans. are being permitted by the govern- investments? year vehicles and equipment surplus and enough funds for However, this year the government ment to use part of their surplus for Local Police, fire brigades general spending, a moderate is allowing these funds to be spent in from 2017 on investments which The concept of financially sus- and Civil Protection services level of public debt and they more ways. Until now the money are “financially sustainable”, and tainable investments is defined are also included, as are social comply with the Debtors Law could only be used for projects such in many cases it means they will in the Regulatory Law of Local welfare programmes, creating which obliges them to pay their as street lighting and drainage, green have tens of thousands of euros to Finance. It sums them up as ac- and running nurseries and suppliers in less than 30 days. zones, public transport and minor spend. tions which improve the well- schools, cultural and sports fa- improvements to streets and roads, This is a type of ‘prize’ which the being of citizens but do not in- cilities and the rehabilitation but now it can also be spent on new Spanish government has been award- crease the Administration’s and improvement of council How long do they have equipment and vehicles for the Lo- ing since 2014 to town halls who have everyday spending. They can buildings. to carry out the cal Police, the fire brigade and Civil reduced their public deficit, but this therefore include improve- Protection services, social welfare year it goes even further by expand- ments to streets and facilities, Conditions for spending projects? programmes, the creation and run- ing the type of projects that can be but not to employing more the surplus The councils have to have all the ning of nurseries and even the resto- carried out using these funds. staff. Until now, the money has projects ready to put to tender ration and improvement of council There are some conditions in- been used for improvements to The town halls can spend part of before 31 December, and they buildings. volved: no project must generate water supply, street lighting, their resources on financially must be completed before the The local authorities also have a greater expenditure in the future or green zones, public transport sustainable investments on end of 2019. longer period to carry out these pro- increase the council’s normal run- jects: the decree which was ap- April 20th to 26th 2018 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS

Around 100 million euros are available to Councils with no debt town halls in Malaga province for projects ask for permission is left over once part of the debt has pects to have a surplus of 30 mil- considered to be been paid off, but it is one thing to lion euros, but has not yet released financially sustainable have resources to spend and another information about new projects. to spend more altogether to have the full freedom “The money will be used as laid they used to enjoy before the diffi- down by the law,” is all that sources cult years of economic crisis arrived. there were prepared to say. and Benahavís its surplus is very much higher. They are allowed to Firstly, because all the operations Benalmádena council has already argue that with their A few days ago the mayor, José improve roads and have to be financially sustainable, laid down an order of priorities. Mena, confirmed that if the town and secondly because of the spend- The mayor, Víctor Navas, says the healthy bank balances hall were able to spend more renew vehicle fleets but ing ceiling imposed by the Finance funds they can use (they do not yet they should be allowed money it would either contract not take on more staff Ministry. This is a limit on non-fi- have exact figures) will be spent to spend in other ways, more staff - the council employs nancial expenditure, which is cal- on “improving basic services, such 125 workers in all, and there is culated in accordance with the ad- as rubbish collection and beach including taking on more only one civil servant in the con- ministrations’ income and which maintenance”. municipal staff tracting department - or would proved by parliament on 23 March since 2012 has also applied to coun- They had hoped to employ more carry out a major project to bene- gives them until 31 December 2019. cils to prevent them getting into street cleaners, Local Police officers :: IVÁN GELIBTER fit the village, which could be an This was in response to concerns more debt than they should. and firefighters, but the govern- MIJAS. Although the Ministry indoor swimming pool which from mayors that they were losing With these instructions on the ment decree does not permit the of Finance does plan to ease would cost six million time because of the delay in the table, the councils are now doing money to be used in that way. In restrictions further on euros to build, and government obtaining approval for their sums to decide how best to in- the meantime, the town hall is con- municipalities improve the fa- its 2018 general budget, as the meas- vest the money and, especially, tinuing to reduce its debt, which is which have a sur- cilities of the ure is included within the budget- which projects can be completed currently 72 million euros. This is plus, some Local Police ary conditions. before next year’s local elections. 50 million less than three years ago. town halls station. In Malaga city the council has a It has also reduced its average pay- which are in Bena- Pressure from mayors surplus of 127 million euros and ment period for suppliers to 16 days. this situation havís is the The mayors put pressure on the Min- hopes that this year there will be On the other side of the coin is but also have municipal- istry of Finance through FEMP, the even more to spend than the 37.5 . Far from having a sur- no debt and ity which Spanish Federation of Municipali- million euros last year, which were plus, the town hall there is one of money in the has accumu- ties and Provinces. It demanded used on 150 projects in the 11 dis- the most indebted in the province, bank are asking lated the more flexibility in the use of the tricts of the city which should all be a situation which has led to a strict for more conces- most money money, bearing in mind that due to finished before the end of this year. adjustment plan still being enforced. sions now. These in its accounts, the restrictions imposed by the gov- “We would like to have a simi- In recent years the council has had range from being able Mijas Town Hall :: I. G. but its situation is ernment to control council spend- lar sum again this year, but we need to focus on reducing this debt, to employ more staff to not the most striking ing the town halls were only using to look at the accounts carefully to which is 2015 was 197 million euros. undertaking projects which in the province. Mijas, which a quarter of the money they could see exactly how much there will “Our situation is different, because would not be considered finan- has nearly 90,000 inhabitants and otherwise have invested. be and what to spend it on. Within we are showing that with the ac- cially sustainable. is Malaga province’s third munici- This type of parental control has a month we should have definite counts properly taken care of the Among these councils, Bena- pality, also has no debt and has just been applied since 2012 through the plans drawn up,” says councillor town hall has the ability to recover havís is exceptional. Its financial under 70 million euros in its bank Montoro Law, an abbreviated name Carlos Conde. its financial muscle. Our annual sur- situation is better than any other accounts. As he has explained on for the Law of Budgetary Stability Other municipalities have al- plus has to be spent on reducing the in Spain, mainly due to the several occasions before, the mayor, and Financial Sustainability, which ready started planning: in Marbella, municipal debt and reducing the av- amount of income it receives in Juan Carlos Maldonado, believes closed the tap on spending by all ad- for example, the council announced erage payment period for suppliers,” terms of town planning. Sources it essential that the ministry eases ministrations and obliged them to this week that it will be spending says deputy mayor Maribel Tocón. say it has a surplus of more than its restrictions, especially so more spend every euro they had saved on over 20 million euros during the Nor is Torremolinos alone. In 76 million euros, but it cannot staff can be employed. reducing their level of debt. rest of this year and the whole of Rincón de la Victoria, the council invest all of it because it would The principal problem in Mijas The first to do their homework 2019. ended 2017 with a surplus of 3.5 mil- exceed the spending ceiling im- is that the town hall loses out on properly were local councils, and in In , the situation is lion euros, all of which will have to posed by the Ministry of Finance. around five million euros every year 2014 the Ministry of Finance began similar. The town hall has had a be spent on reducing its debt. This limits the expenditure of due to its lack of staff, because due to reduce the pressure on them as positive balance of 20 million euros town halls which have positive to the zero substitution policy it is long as they met three conditions: for three consecutive years and it bank balances to amounts which not able to replace workers who re- they had a surplus, a moderated level hopes to be able to spend a similar were previously calculated in ac- tire or are off sick. A study by the of public debt and they paid their sum to last year on investment pro- · Contributors to this report: cordance with their budgets. It council’s Treasury department suppliers in full and on time. jects. Last year, it used 12 million Agustín Peláez, Héctor Barbotta, means that Benahavís council can shows that about 40 extra staff are Those who meet these criteria euros from the 2016 surplus. Charo Márquez, Eugenio Cabezas only spend about 1.5 million euros needed in order to collect more are allowed to use the money which In , the town hall ex- and Alberto Gómez. a year on average, even though money for the public coffers. 4 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Brave guards foil Alhaurín de la Torre 112 REPORTS Investigation ended station the previous evening. De- spite a huge overnight hunt for prison break in the nick of time into little Lucía’s the child, the grim discovery was railside death made the next morning on the line some four kilometres away. MALAGA Despite an autopsy concluding Window bars were sawn :: J. CANO / Á. FRÍAS / J. SEDANO. that Lucía had died after being hit and sheets knotted Further investigation into the by an early-morning train and rul- death of Lucía Vivar has officially ing out foul play, the dead girl’s together inside the cell in been stopped after a judge said that family had asked for further in- which the inmates, both no more admissible evidence had quires to be carried out, particu- 22, were caught been found. Three-year-old Lucía larly into why early morning trains was found dead on the rail line be- on the line weren’t halted despite tween and Álora, in the warnings that a girl was missing. :: ÁLVARO FRÍAS / JUAN CANO Guadalhorce valley, on 27 July last They also wanted telephone re- MALAGA. Just like something out year after disappearing while play- cords from local masts to be of a film, guards at Malaga’s main ing near family at Pizarra railway checked for suspicious behaviour. prison complex, outside Alhaurín de la Torre, managed to foil an es- Man investigated for ‘Cannabis club’ raided in cape plot just in time on Wednes- day night. dragging and kicking a Fuengirola and 12 found Prison officers were shocked to sick dog down the street inside taking drugs walk in on two inmates who had care- fully prepared a breakout, sawing MALAGA FUENGIROLA through the bars to their cell and stor- :: I. LILLO. A 54-year-old man is :: SUR. National Police have raided ing knotted sheets all ready to go. under investigation in Malaga for a shop unit in the centre of Fuen- According to prison trade union allegedly mistreating a dog. The girola that was promoting itself representatives, on Wednesday night man was spotted dragging the as a private club where members officers became suspicious that all Guardia Civil on duty outside the jail near Malaga (file photo). :: SUR German Shepherd some 400 me- could enjoy “the delights and was not well with the two prison- tres along the road on a lead, kick- therapeutic qualities” of products ers inside cell 17 and that they could in the room. around the interior yard to the out- ing it as he went. made out of cannabis, which were be planning something unexpected. Sources say the two inmates are side is three metres high and has Onlookers immediately called sold there, including hashish and Without further investigation, the both aged 22 and repeat offenders; barbed wire which is alarmed at police and the man was identified. marijuana. When officers arrived two men were moved to other cells one is a Libyan national currently in the top to alert Guardia Civil, so The animal was examined by a vet they found 12 people inside tak- and searched by the guards on duty. jail for causing bodily harm and the the next stage of their plan would and found to have a severe gastric ing the drug. Of the 12, eight were Returning to search cell 17, guards other is a Spanish national and in- have been especially difficult. condition, hence why it hadn’t Spanish nationals, two were Ger- discovered the meticulous prepara- side for violent robbery. Union representatives praised the been able to raise its body off the man and two had no paperwork tions; a broken bar on the window The plan appears to have been guards’ actions, claiming that Al- ground for the man. Despite an on them to check. A young Mo- was found and the prisoners had to escape from the first floor cell haurín de la Torre jail is very short emergency operation, the dog’s roccan man who was behind the carefully knotted their bed sheets into the interior yard below. How- staffed and that officers have to put life could not be saved. counter at the club was arrested. together, securing them onto items ever sources said that the wall up with very abusive behaviour. April 20th to 26th 2018 5 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS

HERE AND THERE Caminito puts 100,000 Club Med to revamp more tickets on sale Hotel Don Miguel Supreme Court rules in cooks and reception staff, regardless of the company which provides the favour of ‘Las Kellys’ service, should have the conditions EL CHORRO MARBELLA of the current [hotel industry] ‘con- :: P. M. One hundred thousand new :: N. C. The Hotel Don Miguel, which MALAGA venio’ applied.” This would therefore tickets for the Caminito del Rey closed in 2004, will reopen in sum- :: P. M. The Andalusian Supreme Court entitle workers to basic employment gorgeside walkway in El Chorro mer 2019 with a new name and un- has ruled in favour of the so-called rights. went on sale on Monday for the pe- der new management. ‘Las Kellys’ (a collective made up of According to the CC OO trade un- riod June-October. Club Med-Magna Marbella will be hotel cleaning staff), obliging the ho- ion which published the results of According to the attraction’s di- open 11 months of the year and will tel sector to apply the ‘convenio’ (col- this Supreme Court ruling, this af- rector, Francisco Campano: “Our be an all-inclusive resort, catering for lective workers’ agreement) for the fects 550 workers and 44 hotels in forecasts are very positive. We ex- families with new installations for hotel sector to staff carrying out serv- Malaga province which have now pect to be sold out for most days dur- meeting and events. It is estimated ices in hotels. It ruled: “The tasks car- been reported to the employment in- ing the summer but last-minute that 300 jobs will be created, plus a ried out by cleaners, waiting staff, spectorate. bookings can still be made.” The Caminito del Rey. :: SUR further 1,000 indirectly.

New financial irregularities come to Platform rejects extension light in Parque Animal investigation of the Cercanías in favour of direct line to Marbella The inquiry is now looking into the financial The group wants the is a 55-kilometre overground line train line to be a good running parallel to the toll motor- movements of the way, with lines coming off to con- disgraced shelter’s alternative to car travel, nect Marbella and San Pedro. president’s children, son- connecting Malaga They estimate that this would cost one billion euros to Marbella in-law and assistant Airport and Marbella and 2.37 billion if extended to within an hour Estepona. :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ The second proposal runs closer MALAGA. The judge in charge of :: FRANCISCO JIMÉNEZ to the coast and would run un- the investigation into financial MALAGA. Barely two weeks af- derneath the A-7 motorway (the wrongdoing in the case of the dis- ter the mention of the train line old N-340) which would cost 3.85 graced Parque Animal shelter in Tor- to Marbella in the state budget, billion (two billion just until Mar- remolinos has confirmed that the the Platform for the Coastal Train bella). The pros and cons of both unjustified sacrifice of thousands has rejected the idea of extending are currently being studied, with of animals, mainly cats and dogs, the Cercanías line (which currently a decision likely to be reached by between 2008 and 2010 had finan- runs between Malaga and Fuen- September. cial motives. girola) to Marbella and Estepona. The platform met on Monday According to the investigations, The budget, which was an- in Torremolinos and spokesper- the non-profit organisation was used nounced earlier this month but son, Violeta Aragón said: “We are to pay the private costs of its presi- which still needs MPs’ approval, not going to get into technical or dent, Carmen Marín, currently in set aside six million euros for budgetary matters but we will prison for animal cruelty and falsi- studies into the future project. demand that the train project is fication of documents, and mem- The Platform for the Coastal a competitive one in terms of the bers of her family. The case first came to light in 2010. :: SUR Train is made up of the Malaga time it takes. This is a basic de- The inquiry has now moved Confederation of Businessown- mand and that is why we are call- onto Marín’s two children, her son- clare in May, accused of money the sacrifice of animals despite them ers, the hotel (Aehcos) and con- ing for a new and direct line.” in-law and her assistant at the laundering, having allegedly bought “being brought to the shelter for struction (ACP) associations and Aragón added that given it shelter. a 14,000-euro car with money from protection” and normally charging various professional bodies and takes 45 minutes to get from The actions of the late brother of the shelter in 2008. around 60 euros each for services has the political backing of the Malaga to Fuengirola on the cur- former mayor Pedro Fernández Mon- One of Marín’s daughters is also not carried out. PSOE, Ciudadanos, IU and Po- rent line, “people coming to Mar- tes are also considered of interest. accused of money laundering after In a previous judgment, Marín demos, as well as of the PP on a bella for business will not want The lawyer representing the As- a payment of 104,384 euros was de- had been found to use town hall provincial level. They say that ex- to [get on a train that] stop[s] sociation for those affected by Par- tected to refit her cosmetic clinic subsidies to repair an elevator in a tending the existing line makes every five minutes and which que Animal, José Luis Mota, had in Los Álamos. building she owns. little sense as it doesn’t provide takes an hour and half to get from maintained at the initial trial that Her husband, Marín’s son-in-law, She also used shelter money to a competitive alternative to pri- Malaga Airport”. there were more people involved is also under investigation for his fund shopping sprees, rent cars, pay vate car or bus travel and instead Provincial vicepresident Mar- than just Marín in the scandal. Now role in a trading company which for gym memberships and driving propose a direct line which con- garita del Cid (PP) added: “Hav- the judge is partially accepting this was allegedly used as “a vehicle for lessons, as well as paying for stays nects Malaga and its airport to ing a fast train at reasonable prices accusation and Marín’s assistant the money laundering”. in luxury hotels in Marbella, Lis- Marbella in around an hour. is a necessity for both tourism (Felipe Barco, also in prison for ani- Marín herself could be facing fur- bon, Marrakech, Boston and Saint The platform has put forward and the people’s ability to get mal cruelty) will be called to de- ther charges of fraud for ordering Petersburg. two different proposals. The first around.” 6 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Malaga live? The survey shows that in most cases, 57 per cent to be ex- act, they live in couples. About 22 per cent live alone, and that percent- Who do we all live with? age is double that of single-occupancy households among the general popu- lation, and below the national aver- age for this age range (of 22.9 per cent). A survey reveals that a quarter of homes in Malaga province are In addition, this proportion has occupied by just one person, four out of ten 25 to 34-year-olds dropped in the past three years, which can be considered good news still live with their parents and 22% of elderly people live alone when compared with the alarming data about loneliness among elderly people in other countries and regions. Over 65s The figures show that 10.5 per cent -Living alone 22% of retired people in Malaga live with -Living with a one of their children and 8.2 per cent partner 57.36% with other family members. -Living with a son What is curious about these fig- or daughter 10.5% ures is that they hide major differ- ences among sexes, because only 15 per cent of men over 65 live alone, Households by type Living alone Young adults compared with 28 per cent of -Couples with children 34.7% 9.46% of the population -Living with their women. On the other hand, 68 per -Single occupant 24.14% of Malaga province lives parents cent of elderly men live with their -Single parent 10.81% alone 38.2% partner, compared with 44 per cent -Couples without children 20.76% (of 25 to 34-year- of women. Two facts lie behind these olds) differences: women live longer than ------men and, after their spouse has died, 11.2% men are more likely to remarry than (of 35 to 44-year- women. olds) These differences become wider with age: for example, in the 80 to Couples living together 84 age range 46 per cent of women -Of different sexes 98.7% in Malaga live alone, compared with -With children 61.49% only 10 per cent of the men. -Married 83.56% Young people At the other end of the population pyramid, among young people, the opposite is the case: it is hard for them -Rent 15.65% to leave the nest and fly alone. -Mortgage 32.1% The figures show that 38.2 per cent -Owner 46.3% Home size of those aged from 25 to 34 in Malaga still live in their parents’ home, which -Between 46 and 75 m2 26,3% is nearly one per cent more than the Single parent households Properties (by age) -Between 75 and national average (37.3 per cent). In -Formed by women 80.8% 105 m2 43.9% the 35 to 44 age range, 11.2 per cent -Pre 1980 42.3% live with their parents. -1980-2000 36.6% -Between 106 and Widows 38.15% 2 -After 2000 21% 150 m 17.2% Divorced 27.4% / Separated 6.2% Couples -After 2010 0.5% Married 15.5% In Malaga, living as a couple is still Never married 12.5% the preferred way of life: that ap- plies to 387,400 of the 642,000 homes in the province. Of those, The average size of a the Continual Survey of Households, son households, and they account 85 per cent are married. Nearly household in the province whose results for 2017 were published for 24.1 per cent of the total. In 2014 two-thirds of these couples have this week by the National Institute there were fewer than 149,000. On children. Male homosexual cou- is 2.55 members, above of Statistics (INE). the other hand the nuclear families, ples are one per cent of the total, the national average, but NURIA In Malaga province 1,638,000 peo- of which there used to be 228,000, and female couples 0.2 per cent. the trend is the same: TRIGUERO ple live in 642,100 homes, according have decreased in three years to Nearly 11 per cent of Malaga to the survey. What are those homes 223,000. The ageing population and households are single parent fami- there are fewer nuclear  [email protected] like? That is the question the INE sur- fall in birth rate are behind both these lies, although in the past three families and more single vey is intended to answer, and since changes. years the numbers have dropped. people and couples 2014 it has covered the whole prov- Eight out of every ten families of ince. Over-65s this type are headed by women: without children What is immediately striking is Speaking of the ageing population, 38 per cent are widows and 27 per that there are now 155,000 one-per- how do the 300,000 over-65s in cent are divorced. MALAGA. The number of house- holds in Malaga province is increas- ing, but fewer people live in them. The average size of families reduces it has been paid off or because the and 75 square metres. year after year, just like the rest of Only 16 per cent of occupied property has been inherited or Only ten per cent of properties Spain, but Malaga is still slightly gifted. in the province are more than 150 above average in terms of people homes are rented With regard to age of proper- square metres in size and about who live under the same roof. The ties, it can be seen that those in three per cent are less than 46. national average is 2.49 people per Malaga proare quite old. In fact, The Continual Survey of House- home, while in this province it is :: N. T. province, of which the great ma- 42.3 per cent of homes in the prov- holds, which began in 2013, pro- 2.55. MALAGA What are Spanish jority (78 per cent) are owned and ince were built before 1980; about vides annual information about Although the most common type homes like? The Continual Sur- only 16 per cent are rented (the 37 per cent were built between the basic demographic character- of household is still the nuclear fam- vey of Households also tries to an- others, about six per cent, are lived 1980 and 2000 and only 21 per istics of the population, how the ily (a couple with children), single- swer that question. in rent-free). cent have been constructed dur- households are formed and the occupier homes are increasing and The size, age, type, ownership However, the number of rented ing this century. homes they live in. now account for nearly a quarter of and other factors associated with properties has increased slightly With regard to the size, nearly In 2017 the survey included the total, as are couples without chil- family homes are analysed in de- in recent years. 44 per cent of homes are between 52,881 households, and the ques- dren, which are now about 20 per tail in the study. Of the homes which are owned, 75 and 105 square metres, while tions were asked in different ways: cent. It is estimated that 642,100 it is noticeable that six out of ten 26 per cent of families live in a by Internet, telephone, post or a These are the initial findings from homes are occupied in Malaga have no mortgage, either because property measuring between 46 personal visit from INE staff. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 7 8 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Businesses in La Four soup kitchens suffer funding crisis Carihuela set up an association to campaign for local Delayed local government funding improvements and a fall in private donations puts daily :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ service at the Emaús TORREMOLINOS. Company owners in the La Carihuela dis- centres at risk of closure trict of Torremolinos have formed a group in order to more :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ effectively lobby the authorities MALAGA. A lack of donors and de- for improvements. They want lays in the arrival of public fund- the beachfront to be safeguarded ing puts the continued work of and are asking for more street Emaús, which feeds over 550 peo- cleaning and police on the streets ple at four soup kitchens across during the summer months. Malaga province, at risk. The non- They say that in the peak season profit organisation is often short almost one million people visit of funds to pay for its costs, accord- the area. ing to the group’s coordinator Eva Last week some business own- Casal. ers met with Torremolinos mayor, Emaús has agreements in place José Ortiz, and councillor for Plan- with the councils of the four towns ning, Maribel Tocón. They have it operates in (Torremolinos, Vé- promised to set up a special urban lez-Málaga, Estepona and An- development plan to present to tequera), none of which have given the national government, who the organisation any funds so far The Emaús soup kitchen in Vélez-Málaga serves food to around 200 people every day. :: SUR are responsible for overseeing any this year. The daily service, which work on the shoreline. Locals is now at risk, includes hot lunches, lez-Málaga, which is visited by pona, as in Vélez-Málaga, are loaned “People think that the crisis is want to see more breakwaters to as well as sandwiches, biscuits, close to 200 people per day. The from the town hall. over and that we don’t need as avoid sand erosion. fruit and other items for breakfast council made a delayed payment The soup kitchen facing the much help any more, but the real- The firms also want to work and dinner. of 45,000 euros to the organisa- greatest financial difficulties is in ity is that we still have to provide with the council to find a way of In Torremolinos, where Emaús tion in December 2017, but those . “It uses up resources food for hundreds of people every increasing spending on police launched its first soup kitchen to funds were used to pay staff sala- from the other three locations in day,” said Casal. and cleaning in summer, when help people at risk of social exclu- ries. The organisation has asked for the region,” explained Casal. “The Anyone interested in becoming the local population quadruples. sion in the 1990s, the local coun- the money to be paid earlier this council had previously told us that a regular donor is invited to call Councils are subject to spending cil had signed an agreement stat- year, but the local council had said it would help with supplies,” a Emaús on 951696224. The associa- caps preventing them scaling up ing that it would provide the or- that this is “unlikely” as they “still promise that “has not yet been tion has also organised a series of in peak months. ganisation with 5,400 euros each haven’t approved this year’s kept”. The Antequera branch re- activities to raise awareness of its month if it agreed to cater for peo- budget”. ceives 6,000 euros annually from work, gain extra income and at- ple over the age of 65, dependents The situation is brighter in Este- the local council, the lowest tract new volunteers. and people who had problems with pona where the town hall takes care amount out of all four locations in Benalmádena mobility. The agreement has spent of water and electricity bills, as well Malaga province. a long time in the offing due to a as providing 18,000 euros of fund- As well as public funding Emaús · Agustín Peláez, Charo council calls for wide variety of contractual issues. ing per year. This is paid regularly survives thanks to donors, although Márquez and Antonio J. The soup kitchen that has the in August (80%) and December numbers have fallen in recent Guerrero have contributed to funds to build a most daily users is the site in Vé- (20%). The premises used in Este- months. this article. new National Police station

:: ALBERTO GÓMEZ BENALMÁDENA. The PSOE- led coalition government in Benalmádena has said that the town is suffering from a “lack of security services” because it does not have its own National Police station. The deputy mayor and local councillor for Security, Javier Marín, criticised the national government for not including funds for a police station in Benalmádena in its general state budget in which a sum of 3.8 million euros has been desig- nated for improving the Arroyo de la Miel junction on the A-7. He pointed out that Benalmádena currently has to share a National Police station with Torremolinos. This is not the first time that the Socialist party has put for- ward the plan. The mayor, Víc- tor Navas, held a meeting in 2015 with the secretary of state for Se- curity, Francisco Martínez, in which he asked him to consider the proposal. The PSOE has high- lighted that the issue is worse in the summer, when the town be- comes “inundated with visitors”. April 20th to 26th 2018 9 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS

completed very soon”. The building, believed to be the From card factory to tourist office oldest in Arroyo de la Miel, was re- fitted after an investment of two mil- lion euros over the course of a dec- ade, when then mayor Enrique Bolín The oldest building in Gálvez family to produce playing hoped to turn it into a museum. The Arroyo de la Miel was cards to sell in the Americas, in or- project was never completed. More der to provide money to develop recently, local residents have com- part of a factory that their home town of . plained about the state of the build- made playing cards The factory, located in Benalmádena, ing, which has been used as a squat that were exported to was known as the Real Fábrica de and vandalised in recent years. Naipes de Macharaviaya. Víctor Navas, along with the lo- the Americas La Tribuna has two floors and has cal councillor Salvador Rodríguez an area of nearly sixty square me- visited the site earlier this month. :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ tres. With an architectural style “By turning the building into a BENALMÁDENA. In the eight- more common in the north of Spain tourist information office we hope eenth century the building was part than on the Mediterranean coast, to give new life to one of the most of a paper factory that produced play- it was restored by Benalmádena historic buildings in our town,” ex- ing cards, but it will soon be con- council in 2007 with a plan to turn plained the mayor. “Through in- verted into a tourist information it into a museum. vesting in the promotion of the centre. Benalmádena council has an- The paper from which the cards heritage and history of the town nounced the project in response to were made was sourced from Arroyo we hope to attract new visitors and complaints from local residents that de la Miel, which was then ground better inform those who visit our the building, located between Plaza in water mills and made into pulp picturesque town.” de España and Avenida de Andalucía, for playing cards. The cards were then The Gálvez brothers were influ- had been abandoned. Local mayor, stored in a building on Calle Granada ential in the growth of industry, ag- Víctor Navas, announced that the in Malaga before they were exported riculture and trade in Malaga prov- decision was “an attempt to restore to the Americas. ince. They founded several playing the town’s historical heritage.” The local councillor for Tourism, card factories in the local area. To La Tribuna is the only remaining Encarnación Cortés, said that the ensure that their venture was a suc- part of a paper factory built by the project for converting the building cess the brothers employed Félix Italian businessman Félix Solesio into a tourist information centre was Solesio from Genoa, which was and chosen by the well-known The building is in the centre of Arroyo de la Miel. :: SUR “at an advanced stage and due to be then famous for its paper industry.

Intu begins ground Experts find “major flaws” in old town hall clearing work for mega shopping building set to be made into a gourmet market and leisure centre

The building in central revealed that they had been “re- Torremolinos has been moved at some point”, according :: A. G. to deputy mayor Maribel Tocón. TORREMOLINOS. The com- stripped of four support pany Intu Costa del Sol has pillars and there is Workers put at risk started ground clearance work evidence of “a risk of Tocón went on to say that the state on the land where it will build of the building “had put those its new shopping and leisure cen- collapse” working on the project and any- tre in Torremolinos. one in the vicinity of the building Despite not yet receiving the :: A. GÓMEZ at risk” and that the investigation green light from the Public Works TORREMOLINOS. Engineers who would look at who authorised the ministry regarding the plans for have been overseeing the remod- dangerous works so that they could access roads, the company has elling of the old Torremolinos town be held accountable. gone ahead with pruning work hall, which will be converted into The provincial authority has al- on the land it owns near the Pala- a gourmet market, have warned of ready invested 329,000 euros in cio de los Congresos. the “serious risk of collapse” fac- the project which is due to be com- Some 237 trees will be de- ing the building. plete in November this year. stroyed because they are in bad The town hall has announced it health, while another 716 will will conduct an investigation “to A market again be removed and placed in stor- find out when and why four sup- The works will return the build- age before forming part of the port pillars had been removed from The old town hall building is on Plaza de la Independencia. :: SUR ing to its original use as a market new landscape when the project the building” located on Plaza de la and will sell products that are part is finished. A hundred of these, Independencia. This serious struc- by the Diputación provincial gov- Work on the old town hall of the ‘Sabor a Málaga’ (taste of mostly olive trees, will be loaned tural deficiency, highlighted by the ernment. The town hall will foot started in February. The demoli- Malaga) brand. to the town hall for use in Torre- experts, has forced an adjustment the bill for the missing pillars, esti- tion of a wall which was supposed More than 20 people will be em- molinos’ public parks, according of the budget for the project, funded mated to be around 60,000 euros. to have hidden the support pillars ployed in the new market. to the developer. 10 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

HERE AND THERE New showers and toilets First prize for Scot at the wind picked up later on, mak- for Vélez-Málaga beaches ing the sea choppy and conditions Almuñécar triathlon for the swimmers difficult. After fin- TORRE DEL MAR ishing the challenge, Roy said, “Un- :: E. C. Vélez-Málaga town hall has ALMUÑÉCAR til I got to the first buoy everything installed six new shower units, half :: J. RHODES Scottish triathlete, was fine, but by the second it was of which are adapted for wheelchair Christopher Roy, took first prize in difficult because the waves made users, along the beaches in both Almuñécar’s Pikaeras triathlon last me lose my reference and I couldn’t Torre del Mar and La Caleta. In ad- Saturday. He completed the compe- see anyone. I didn’t realise I had come dition to the showers, public toilets tition, which consisted of a 750-me- first until I got to the end.” have also been installed, in response tre swim in the sea, 20-kilometre This was the third time that Roy to residents’ requests, at the dog bike race and a five-kilometre run, had competed in the triathlon. How- beach, which is located at the west- in one hour and seven minutes. ever, he was unable to take part in ern end of Torre del Mar, as well as Despite the clear start to the day, 2016 and 2017 after an accident. Christopher Roy (centre of podium) with other winners. :: SUR by the children’s play area.

Moclinejo town hall sets up Junta completes illegal pioneer animal protection unit dump clean-up operation :: EUGENIO CABEZAS the illegal dump. . The Junta de Andalucía Mayor of Nerja, Rosa Arrabal The service will be able to finished cleaning up the Barranco and Environment and Foreign provide basic care and del Viejo area just two kilometres Residents’ councillor, Jorge Bravo, from Nerja town centre and near visited the site on Tuesday. Bravo rescue in emergency the border with this week. said that the Junta “had to be con- situations as well as give The site had accumulated 5,000 gratulated” for its work to clean general information and tonnes of rubbish over a 15-year up the area and asked for “public period and was the subject of a spirit” in order to keep this and help to pet owners 6,000-euro fine given to Nerja other public spaces clean. town hall by the Junta de Anda- The Barranco del Viejo illegal :: JENNIE RHODES lucía in 2008 for illegal dumping. dump is considerably smaller than . All of the political The council had been calling for another illegal dump in Nerja, the parties at Moclinejo town hall have the Junta to clear up the area since Río de la Miel site, which is cur- voted in favour of creating an ani- 2014, when SUR published a se- rently at the centre of a case being mal protection and rescue unit. ries of residents’ complaints about heard in the court in . The unit (Unidad de Protección y Rescate Animal or UPRA in Span- ish) will form part of the Moclinejo- El Valdés civil protection (Protec- ción Civil) group, and will be the first of its kind in Spain. Francisco Delgado Bonilla, who is responsible for Sustainability at Malaga’s provincial authority, Dipu- File image of dogs in a rescue centre. :: SUR tación, said during a meeting on Mon- day morning that the unit would be the unit’s care. It will also provide of the animal rescue and protection supported by his department. information, vaccination campaigns unit is “an achievement in the field The UPRA will be equipped to and other help to pet owners. of civil protection which is going rescue, transport, identify and of- The unit will work with vets, se- to attend to the basic needs of many fer basic care to animals in emer- curity forces, other animal protec- animals”. gency situations and will be based tion associations and individuals During 2016 and 2017 many cases in a property belonging to Mocli- and has already made contact with of abandonment and ill treatment nejo town hall. Protocols will be many of them. of animals were reported in Mocli- followed according to the needs of For Antonio Muñoz Anaya, nejo, which eventually led to the individual animals that come into Mayor of Moclinejo, the creation idea for the unit. Mayor Rosa Arrabal and councillor Jorge Bravo at the site. :: E. C. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 11 12 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Starlite to start The price of luxury properties in recruitment next week for 400 jobs Marbella has doubled since 2011 at this summer’s festival

The demand for high-end :: H. BARBOTTA properties in exclusive MARBELLA. Starlite will be- gin its recruitment process for areas of the town is this year’s festival next week. outweighing supply due The interview process will take to the lack of land place between Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 April, dispelling the doubts that had surrounded :: HÉCTOR BARBOTTA the festival’s return after the MARBELLA. The property mar- problems encountered over ket in Marbella moves at different opening hours and council fees speeds and the fastest of all is the last year. luxury sector. In some parts of the Although an agreement still municipality prices are now dou- hasn’t been officially reached ble those of 2011, which was the and the word Marbella has been worst year of the crisis, as shown removed from the official brand- by the latest report on the market ing, the start of the selection from Panorama, Marbella’s long- process should be taken as con- est-established estate agency. firmation that the festival will The price increase in some of the go ahead. most exclusive areas reflects a lack In total, Starlite has to recruit of supply compared with the grow- 400 people for the 45 days that ing demand from would-be purchas- the festival will run, between ers. The sale of properties costing 11 July and 25 August, includ- more than four million euros dou- ing waiters, hosts, bar staff, at- bled in 2017, when over 40 were sold. tendants and logistics staff. Although in other areas of the The first round of interviews town the prices have not yet re- The Golden Mile is one of the areas where prices have risen most. :: JOSELE-LANZA begins on Tuesday 24 June at turned to 2006 and 2007 levels, 10am in the Palacio de Congre- when they were at their highest, 15,917 in the Balearic Islands), be- solid at present are apartments ers, as they are protected from pos- sos in Marbella. Those looking the increases are notable in the hind only Madrid, Barcelona and costing between 200,000 and 1.5 sible fluctuations in the property to register can do so on the web- most prestigious areas, especially Alicante. million euros, and villas priced be- markets of their own countries. site on the Golden Mile, south of the tween 700,000 and 2.5 million. The Panorama report shows that Marbella council is working main road. Two years earlier Many of the properties which the rental market in Marbella is to finalise legislation that will Another highly-coveted area is According to the ‘2018 report on were built 20 or 30 years ago, or also performing well at present. regulate the use of the Nagüe- the Casablanca residential devel- the Marbella property market’, the longer, in the best residential ar- Demand for property to rent has les quarry as an events venue opment beside the Meliá Don Pepe recovery of the residential market eas, are being bought either to be increased, and prices are at unprece- which can speed up processes hotel. The lack of land has meant in this area began in 2012, two demolished so that new ones can dented levels, especially for mod- and allow for other events to that many investors have pur- years earlier than the country as a be built on the site, given the lack ern luxury properties which have take place there at other times chased properties in these areas in whole, which is why it is now more of land in those sectors, or to be security measures in place. Accord- of the year. order to demolish them and build consolidated than other regions. completely reformed, according to ing to the report, demand for rental Municipal sources have said new ones. At present, the new-build sec- the report, which was produced by properties in Marbella last year rose that they have begun proceed- The Panorama report shows that tor is starting to pick up again, but Christopher Clover, the CEO of by more than 20 per cent. ings early to avoid a situation the Costa del Sol, especially Mar- it is a gradual process. In 2017 the Panorama, who has been analys- Marbella also has an influence like last year, when the use of bella, is one of the locations which College of Architects of Malaga ap- ing the luxury property sector on on the property market in nearby the quarry was approved just drives the residential property mar- proved 4,895 plans for new prop- the Costa del Sol for 48 years. towns and villages, and the figures two days before the festival’s ket. In fact, the National Institute erties, but this was only 10.88 per Christopher also explains that show that last year there was also events began. of Statistics (INE) confirms that cent of the 45,000 which were ap- the strength of the market in Mar- positive movement in the market Starlite’s promotion agency has Malaga was the fourth Spanish proved ten years previously. bella differs from the rest of Spain in locations which are becoming so far confirmed 29 different acts, province in terms of property sales The segments of the market because of the extraordinary di- increasingly popular, such as Este- but they say that the programme in 2017 (30,064 compared with which are the strongest and most versity of nationalities of purchas- pona, Benahavís and Ojén. has not yet been finalised. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 13 14 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH HERE AND THERE Poor state of former McDonalds El Pimpi bodega Next stage for port gets ready for its tower planning process next open-air in Fuengirola raises concerns charity festival on MALAGA :: I. LILLO. The long planning 28 April process towards granting permis- The building on the edge sion for a 135-metre-high hotel of the port has been the in Malaga’s port by the cruise ter- minal took another small step for- subject of plans to :: JUAN SOTO ward this week. renovate it since the MALAGA. A well-known his- The port authority resubmit- food chain vacated toric bodega in the centre of ted its revised planning request Malaga is getting ready for its to the town hall after several some ten years ago next charity day. El Pimpi, near months of changes at the town the Alcazaba, will be holding its hall’s request. The next stage may :: IVÁN GELIBTER event on Saturday, 28 April. take a year as the council consults FUENGIROLA. Residents and busi- Some twenty local music art- with members of the public and ness owners are pleading with the ists are giving up their time for other bodies. council to do something with a large live street entertainment abandoned restaurant unit on the as funds are raised for local seafront in the heart of Fuengirola. charities. CAC gallery boss to be Up until ten years ago, the prop- This year’s day, organised by quizzed over street art erty was home to a local branch of Soles de Malaga, El Pimpi’s McDonalds but since then has had charitable foundation, will raise MALAGA no new tenant, meaning it has Locals complain about grafitti and smell of urine at the empty unit. :: I.G. money for charities including :: M. E. MERELO. The head of gradually fallen into a state of dis- Redime, AECC, Amirax, ASIMA, Malaga’s CAC contemporary art repair. Business owners say it is hav- nored this site for years,” said one an environmental educational Ma Inmaculada, Incide, Afenes, gallery, Fernando Francés, is be- ing a negative effect on their own local restaurant owner. group, Aula del Mar, would use it Naim, AREA and AMUSUVIG. ing formally investigated over the premises, citing the widespread The spokesperson for the Ciuda- but the scheme wasn’t carried out. One further charity will be se- installation of works of street art graffiti and smell of urine as danos party in Fuengirola has called The council says it has been work- lected by popular vote. around the city centre last spring. passersby coming from the beach on the mayor, Ana Mula, to do more. ing on a plan for the site for a year and Last month the project was The art consists of Space In- or the bars in the neighbouring port Javier Toro is to ask a council meet- that it regularly cleans the surround- launched in the auditorium of vader-style icons made of mosaic area often use it as a toilet. ing to vote on a proposal that the ing area. As the building is on a beach- the Diputación provincial tiles by the French artist known “All the local authorities, from site be taken over for public use. side plot it is subject to the same ex- authority. A song has also been as Invader. The artist is also under the town hall to the Junta, have ig- Back in 2012 it seemed likely that tra restrictions as chiringuitos. written for the occasion with investigation, alongside Francés, lyrics by Ricardo Marín and for damage to historical sites. video by Eva Nilsen. The eye-catching display, alleg- edly created in collaboration with NEW LINK MAKES the CAC, appeared overnight in prominent locations, including LIFE EASIER WEST on the side of the bishops’ palace. OF ESTEPONA

A new road bridge over the Enmedio stream bed, west of Estepona centre, is set to make life much easier for lo- cals. Now the Santa María and Valle Romano areas are linked at last, meaning a longer drive via the busy A-7 coastal road can be avoided. In addition the road over the bridge pro- vides access to Estepona’s new hospital, which is under A flamenco-style artwork. :: F.G. construction nearby. :: CHARO MÁRQUEZ The launch last month. :: S. S. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 15 16 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH street race raises funds for sufferers of fibromyalgia

The women’s category was won by Nazha Machroun, who triumphed in the race for the seventh consecutive year

:: TONY BRYANT COÍN. More than 250 runners took part in the 49th edition of the Vu- elta Pedestre last week in Coín, one of the oldest street races in Anda- lucía. The 10 kilometre race was held to raise funds for the Coín based Afi- coin, an organisation that helps suf- ferers of fibromyalgia. The men’s section of the race was won by Javier Díaz Carretero, who finished with a time of 00.31.52. In second place, and only six seconds behind the winner, was Mounir Elouardi, who has won the race for the past three years. The women’s category was won :: SUR by Nazha Machroun, (00.39.30), who crossed the winning line first SPREADING THE WISDOM OF BUDDHA for the seventh time in a row. Jan- ina Lima came in second place. More than 250 people participated in the 10 kilometre race. :: SUR The European Buddhist Union (EBU) met in Malaga last week for In a separate fun race, led by its annual international conference. Under the banner of Spread Mayor of Coín, Fernando Fernán- fibromyalgia, a relatively unknown cal condition characterised by the Wisdom and the Compassion, the event was held in the stupa dez, children, fun runners and mem- disease. Aficoin raises funds to im- chronic widespread pain and fre- in Benalmádena. Organised by the EBU, The Cultural Association bers of Aficoin participated in a 2.7 prove the quality of life of people quently associated with depression, of Karma Kagyu and The Hispanic Association of Buddhism, it was kilometre run to raise awareness of suffering with fibromyalgia, a medi- and post traumatic stress disorder. the first time a meeting of this nature has taken place in Spain.

Marbella summit to propose more ways of helping local expat community

:: TONY BRYANT youngsters. We would like cine- MARBELLA. The United Nation- mas, restaurants and sports facili- alities Summit is to take place in ties to create specific activities Marbella on Tuesday 24 April. with prices that the younger gen- Organised by Nicole King of eration can afford. We will also Marbella Now Television, the propose a scheme called Zero Hero, event is aimed at ways of helping where young drivers receive free the local expat community. soft drinks in restaurants and bars,” This year’s summit, the third of Nicole King explained. its kind, is held in collaboration Zero Hero is aimed at stopping with local consuls and other com- youngsters drinking and driving. munity members, such as school The designated driver scheme idea directors, representatives of chari- is based on the UK’s successful ties and associations, restaurants THINK! Campaign, which rewards and bar owners, and anyone in a people who volunteer to do the position to offer their services to driving on a night out and help the local community. family and friends get home safely. The community platform will Another item on the agenda will discuss ways of helping the over be ways of supporting children in 50s in and around Marbella. Ideas local care homes and integrating include organising volunteers and them into society once they come identifying those in need of assis- of age. tance with health care and nurs- “Our last two summits really ing support. Another proposal is did sum it up and we have clearly communal areas in restaurants detected what is missing in our in- that are reserved for people that ternational community and what are on their own due to bereave- we, as a community, can do to re- ment and who want to meet oth- solve these issues that frequently ers in similar situations. only affect us, the foreigners,” the They also have several schemes presenter declared. aimed at the younger generation. The summit, which will begin “Marbella has so much to offer, at 10am and continue until 2pm, but we feel that local businesses will be held in the Velvet Restau- should offer an incentive to attract rant in Marbella. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 17 18 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Andalusian students complain of cruise holiday nightmare

More than 200 87 from the Victoria Kent school in Marbella, 58 from Jorge students and ten Guillén, 42 from Los Colegiales teachers from the de Antequera and 19 from IES province of Malaga Andrés Pérez Serrano in . say their school trip was “The boat also set off over an the “worst ever” hour late,” said Ariza, who met up with a large group of pupils :: EUGENIO CABEZAS and parents to write a letter of MALAGA. Although tickets for complaint to the local agency the cruise cost parents 750 euros, that sold them the trip. the trip turned out to be “a total One of the other teachers on View of the snow behind Malaga Airport on Saturday. :: ÑITO SALAS nightmare”. “We felt ripped off, board the ship told SUR that she this has been the worst school lost four kilos. “We had a terrible trip of our lives,” said students time on board the boat, I wouldn’t from the Jorge Guillén secondary wish it on anybody,” said the school in Torrox, one of the four French teacher, who would prefer schools in Malaga province that not to reveal her identity. organised a trip with the Italian “The management of the boat cruise company GNV. The holi- got to know me quite well by the day, on board the Rhapsody, took end, because I had to complain place between 2 and 8 April, leav- about something every day. I’m ing from and returning to the lactose intolerant, and they didn’t port of Malaga. take that into account at all,” she In fact nearly all of the 1,600 said. passengers were teachers and stu- dents from 43 schools in Anda- Media attention lucía and Castilla La Mancha who The anger towards the organis- had arranged the school holiday ers of the cruise has been taken for the week after Easter. How- to the media across all of Anda- ever, the promotional material lucía, with regional TV channel was “absolutely nothing like” Canal Sur broadcasting a report the reality on board the ship. with the students’ experiences. “Filthy cabins and communal “We called it the ‘horror cruise’,” areas of the boat, terrible, mo- a spokesperson for the parents as- notonous food and a lack of sociation at a school in Adra told safety.” That was how Mercedes the newspaper Ideal. “There The snow-capped peak of La Concha in Marbella. :: JOSELE-LANZA Ariza, an English teacher at the wasn’t enough food, the water Torrox school, described the “ter- came out of the taps dirty and rible cruise” which took its pas- there were thefts in the rooms.” sengers to Naples, Rome, Flor- SUR tried on repeated occasions ence and Mallorca. without success to contact the Wintry scenes from the Costa On the ship were 206 pupils cruise company for its reaction to del Sol at the height of spring from Malaga province, including the complaints.

La Concha mountain in MALAGA. It may be the middle of beachgoers. Marbella and peaks in spring but many of the higher peaks Peaks above 1,500 metres in the across Malaga province were cov- Almijara and Alhama mountain the ered in snow early last Saturday ranges were also covered in white and in the Axarquía were morning. while snow at La Maroma (2,068m), covered in snow on On Marbella’s iconic La Concha in the Sierra de la Tejeda, could be mountain, at just 1,215 metres above seen from the city of Malaga. Na- Saturday morning sea level, snow that fell on Friday vachica, the highest peak of the evening settled, creating a stunning Almijara range in Nerja, also had the :: I. L. / E. C. / M. P. view for early Saturday morning unseasonal wintry covering. The students from Torrox on the Rhapsody. :: SUR

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UK announces new curbs on bogus holiday sickness claims

Tour operators will now be able to challenge more suspected false claims in court thanks to a cap on defence costs

:: SUR MADRID. The UK government has secured a rule change that will fix the legal costs that can be claimed in package holiday sickness claims, closing a loophole which the travel industry believes has helped fuel A British tourist in Benidorm (file photo). :: REUTERS a rising number of claims. Up to now, the amount of legal been largely uncapped. UK minis- court rulings. costs that can be claimed by law- ters have felt this was encourag- From now on defence costs will yers who are seeking compensa- ing claims specialists to hunt out be fixed and predictable, making tion in British courts for clients cases of food poisoning, some of it cheaper for tour operators to who allegedly get ill on overseas which have been proven to be challenge what they feel are bo- holidays, including to Spain, have fraudulent in recent high-profile gus claims.

Chaves becomes second former Source of funds for illegal Catalan Junta boss before the ERE judge referendum disputed at the top :: SUR SEVILLE. The second former Presi- dent of the Andalusian regional gov- :: SUR ernment to appear in court in a week MADRID. The ongoing Supreme was in the dock on Monday. Court investigation, supported Manuel Chaves, 72, led the Junta by the Guardia Civil, says that pub- de Andalucía from 1990 to 2006 and lic money was used by the Cata- is one of 22 top ex-regional officials lan regional government to pay on trial for allegedly misusing mil- for the illegal independence ref- lions in public funds to pay for ille- erendum last year. This has been gitimate or inflated subsidies to the basis for part of the legal ac- struggling companies. tion against ex-Catalan officials Last week Chaves’s successor in and politicians. the role, José Antonio Griñán, was However, this week the na- also before the judge in the same trial tional Finance minister, Cristóbal in Seville, known as the ERE case. Montoro, controversially said that In his grilling this week, Chaves Manuel Chaves in Seville. :: EFE he saw no evidence that public denied any detailed knowledge of funds were used, provoking calls what money was being paid out. couldn’t discuss each one,” he claimed. for an urgent clarification from “There were 150 programmes in the The prosecution is asking for ten both sides of the separatist politi- budget and the regional cabinet years disqualification from office. cal crisis.


As with every year, tourists have been flocking to the iso- lated rural landscape of the Jerte valley, in Cáceres prov- ince, Extremadura, to photo- graph the spectacular display of cherry blossom. One and a half million cherry trees grow in the area and 3,500 farmers form part of the local coop- erative. Some 70 per cent of the fruit is exported. The UK alone imported 8.4 million euros’ worth last year. But un- til this weekend at least it is the blossom that attracts, which this year was enhanced :: ANDY SOLÉ by late snow. April 20th to 26th 2018 21 SUR IN ENGLISH SPAIN NEWS

THE EURO ZONE MARK NAYLER Llarena is right to ask the Spanish group joins budget minister to back up his claim, but the burden of proof SHOW US doesn’t only rest with Montoro. campaign for public The Spanish Supreme Court said THE MONEY that his statements “contra- dicted evidence sources” it has vote on final Brexit deal collected during its investigation into last October’s independ- ence vote - sources that prove, The PeoplesVote was we’re to assume, that public launched on in London money was used to finance the ho exactly paid of public money that the Span- referendum. Well, what are last Sunday and has the for the independ- ish courts maintain was unlaw- these sources? The Catalan poli- support of pro-European ence referendum fully squandered on October ticians who are currently in ex- celebrities and politicians W held in Catalonia 2017’s independence referen- ile abroad or in Spanish prisons on October 1st last year? This dum, although some sources are, as yet, only charged with was the question raised by said this week that the actual the misuse of public funds. They :: JENNIE RHODES Spain’s budget minister amount spent on the referen- have yet to be proven guilty - al- MALAGA. Bremain in Spain, the Cristóbal Montoro in an inter- dum is closer to €1.9 million. though pro-independence Cata- anti-Brexit group formed by British view with the Spanish daily El In his apparently revelatory lan politicians, it seems, are residents in this country, joined last Mundo on Monday. The Popular interview with El Mundo, Mon- guilty until proven innocent. weekend’s launch of the PeoplesVote Party politician - whose 2018 toro went on to assert that he The politically-charged na- campaign, aimed at securing a pub- spending plan has yet to be ap- did know that the Catalan inde- ture of Spain’s treatment of lic vote on the UK’s final deal for its Wilson and Giménez. :: SUR proved - has made two puzzling pendence referendum was not these activists has already re- exit from the EU. Pro-Europe organi- and almost-contradictory claims funded with public money (thus duced their chances of a fair sations were joined by actor and cam- Teresa Giménez Barbat. The MEP an- about how last October’s inde- implying that he at least has an trial. Yet as Germany’s Justice paigner Patrick Stewart, comedian nounced her plan to put forward the pendence referendum in Catalo- inkling about how it was fi- Minister Katarina Barley has Andy Parsons and MPs in London for anti-Brexit group for the European nia was funded. nanced). This came as a surprise, said, it is the responsibility of the event. Citizen’s Prize during a visit by Chair Montoro told El Mundo that not least because Catalonia’s for- Spanish courts to prove that Thousands of anti-Brexit cam- of Bremain in Spain, Sue Wilson, to he didn’t know where the mer president Carles Puigde- Puigdemont and his followers paigners took to the streets around the European Parliament in Brussels money to finance the Catalan in- mont and fifteen other Catalan are guilty of misusing public the UK on Saturday to raise aware- last week. dependence referendum had politicians are charged with mis- funds, a crime that carries a ness and collect signatures to take Each year, the European Parlia- come from. The Spanish govern- appropriating public funds in prison sentence of up to eight to politicians. Further events have ment awards the prize to individu- ment has had direct control of last October’s vote. The judge years in Spain. Doing so, said been planned for the coming als, associations or organisations that Catalonia since last October’s di- handling the Catalonia affair, Pa- Katarina, “won’t be easy” and if months, including a rally in West- have “displayed exceptional achieve- visive plebiscite - plenty of time, blo Llarena, has instructed Mon- they fail, Puigdemont will be a minster on 23 June, on the second ment and/or outstanding commit- surely, to pour over the region’s toro to provide concrete proof of “free man in a free country” - anniversary of the referendum. ment in areas such as ultural coop- books and establish how Catalan his assertion that Spanish tax- i.e. Germany. In the meantime, eration contributing to the strength- separatists got their hands on payers’ money was not used in it’s up to Llarena and Montoro European Citizen’s prize ening of a European spirit”. Wilson €1.6 million. That’s the amount the referendum. to show us the money. Bremain in Spain has been nomi- said, “To say I am chuffed would be nated for an award by Spanish MEP, an understatement”. 22 April 20th to 26th 2018 NEWS GIBRALTAR SUR IN ENGLISH


Rita Ora will perform at the music festival. :: SUR

More music festival Rita Ora, Texas, Chase & Status, America, Bad Manners and Sweet artists announced will be joining Sister Sledge, Suzi Quatro, Stormzy, The Boomtown GIBRALTAR Rats, Rag ‘n Bone Man and Two :: D.B. Six more acts have been an- Door Cinema Club for the two-day nounced for this year’s MTV Gi- festival, which is Gibraltar’s big- braltar Calling music festival, gest music event. Other artists Many festival activities will take place in the atmospheric Casemates Square. :: SUR which takes place at the Victoria have yet to be announced, but fur- Stadium on Friday 21 and Satur- ther information is available from day 22 September. Spring is in the air and Gibraltar Night bus service in Mein Schiff 6 pays plans to celebrate in style Upper Town inaugural visit GIBRALTAR GIBRALTAR :: D.B. A second night bus is now :: D.B. The German cruise ship Mein in operation on Friday and Satur- Schiff 6 paid its first visit to Gibral- Food, music, dance, art, sive and varied, with events and ac- Celebration of Opera at the Con- day nights, covering the Upper tar on Sunday. The ship is the new- fashion, sport, visits and tivities in numerous venues around vent Ballroom on Wednesday 9 Town area. The N1 service runs be- est in the Tui Cruises fleet and made the Rock. May, ‘Zarzuela - Gigantes y Cabe- tween Market Place and Willis its maiden voyage in June last year. fundraising events, just Art lovers will undoubtedly want zudos’ at the John Mackintosh Hall Road every 40 minutes, from It can carry approximately 2,500 part of the Rock’s Spring to make a note of an exhibition by Theatre on Thursday 10 and Friday 9.30pm to 2am. The other night passengers and 1,030 crew. The in- Festival in May and June Patricia Lombard at the Fine Arts 11 May at 8pm, the International bus service, the N8, between Both augural visit was marked by an in- Gallery from 7 to 23 May, the Heri- Song Festival at the Tercentenary Worlds, Europa Point and the formal ceremony on board, attended tage Trust annual painting compe- Sports Hall on Saturday 2 June and South District, runs every 30 min- by Gibraltar tourist board and port tition in Irish Town on Saturday the World Music Festival from 19 utes from 9.20pm. authority representatives. :: DEBBIE BARTLETT 12th, ‘Turner versus Constable: The to 21 June. GIBRALTAR. May is just around Great British Paint-Off’ at the Gar- For those who like something a the corner and so is Gibraltar’s Spring rison Library on Wednesday 16 May, bit different, Gibraltar International Conservation works by The Southport Gates and old Festival, which kicks off on May the Spring Visual Art Exhibition at Comic Con takes place from 4 to 6 city walls need constant atten- Day and continues until 23 June. the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery from May, the Royal Naval Field Gun Dis- Ministry of Heritage tion because of their age, as some Many of the activities will be tak- 23 May to 2 June, ‘Still Dancing Un- play will be in John Mackintosh parts were originally built during ing place in Casemates Square, in- der The Shadows’, a multimedia Square on Saturday 5 May from 10am GIBRALTAR the Moorish era, and damage can cluding live music and dance per- Fine Art exhibition by Ambrose Av- to 3pm, the Gibraltar Museum will :: D.B. Two of Gibraltar’s most em- be caused by invasive plants and formances, family fun days, classic ellano at the same gallery which be holding its Open Day on Saturday blematic monuments , the South- shrubs. and vintage car rallies, arts and crafts begins on 14 June, and exhibitions 19 May and on the same day the fa- port Gates and the Almond Tower, The Almond Tower, whose name markets, and of course the famous at the Mario Finlayson National Art mous Med Steps 5 Challenge will take are undergoing conservation comes from the Spanish ‘Torre Al- ‘Calentita’ food and street party fes- Gallery in John Mackintosh Square place to raise funds for Cancer Relief. works at present, and the balus- mendrada’, is part of the castle and tival which is held to celebrate Gi- and ‘GEMA’, the Gibraltar Exhibi- These are just a few of the events trade around the front garden of also dates back to mediaeval times. braltar’s multi-cultural community tion for Modern Art at Montagu to look forward to during the Spring the Garrison Library is also being It is in urgent need of deep re-point- and will take place this year during Bastion in Line Wall Road. Festival. The full programme can be restored, to return the main en- ing and there are holes and cracks the evening of Saturday 23 June. Nor will music lovers be forgot- obtained from the Gibraltar Minis- trance to its former grandeur. in the masonry. The festival programme is exten- ten at the Spring Festival, with A try of Culture. April 20th to 26th 2018 23 SUR IN ENGLISH FOCUS ON FINANCE NEWS



ur first purchase of real The strong relationship between estate is usually moti- replacement cost and market value vated out of desire to leads to one of real estate’s most at- O have somewhere to tractive attributes: a high correla- live. As we accumulate capital, so tion with inflation. Since the la- we turn our attention to owning bour materials used to build real property as an investment. Why? estate assets rise in line with infla- Bricks and mortar as well as land tion, the replacement cost of real are a real, tangible asset. A legal ti- estate tracks inflation closely. tle is conveyed to guarantee own- Let us remember, however, ership. The investable world of that in its purest form real estate real estate exposes investors to is actually illiquid. Sensible inves- Susana Díaz and Mariano Rajoy both said that this week’s meeting in Madrid had been satisfactory. :: EFE the benefits and risks of owning tors recognising this will also hold land, commercial office proper- a portfolio of marketable securi- ties, apartment complexes, villas, ties, providing both diversifica- PM gives Junta president promise industrial warehouse facilities tion and liquidity. Although ex- and retail establishments. ceptions do exist for individual in- Real estate assets combine vestors, publicly traded real estate to unblock regional finance reform characteristics of fixed income in- securities generally provide rea- vestments (bonds) and equities sonably low cost exposure to high (shares). Fixed income is just that, quality pools of real estate assets. a contractual obligation to deliver Unfortunately, with few excep- Rajoy also said he was 2018, which is still to be approved crease the budget for new railway a fixed sum for a specified time. tions, the privately offered shares ready to negotiate an by Madrid’s Congreso. Rajoy is look- infrastructure in Andalucía. She Leasable real estate properties ex- in private partnerships provide ing to win support from the differ- said that the 32 million euros that hibit bond-like qualities. It is im- exposure to real estate at such an increase in state ent regions for his spending plans Madrid has put aside to improve portant, however, that investors obscenely high cost, that they infrastructure investment ahead of a difficult vote by MPs in the rail access to Algeciras port via differentiate between such ‘core’ wipe out any individual investor’s in Andalucía, including on the coming days. Bobadilla, in Malaga province, was real estate holdings and more chance of earning fair returns. The Junta president said that An- “insufficient” when it needs an es- risky ‘non-core’ real estate. Non- Finally, many investors in real an improved rail line from dalucía was ready to attend the meet- timated 300 million spending. The core properties without tenants estate benefit from an unusual in- Bobadilla to Algeciras ing to discuss regional finance re- line is due to be integrated into a or with short-term leases exhibit vestment vehicle, the Real Estate form “with the will to reach agree- Mediterranean freight corridor. mainly equity-like qualities. In- Investment Trust (REIT). The :: MARÍA DOLORES TORTOSA ment and understanding” and to Díaz was also looking for a com- vestment in raw land, ground-up REIT, unlike any other legal en- SEVILLE. The national govern- support a formula that “guarantees mitment to finish the high-speed development activity and hotel tity, does not pay income taxes as ment has agreed to convene a meet- equal treatment [for all regions]”. AVE to Granada, asking for the 140 operations fall outside the defini- long as it distributes 90% of its ing of the body tasked with nego- Some Spanish regions are fearful million euros put aside for all rail tion of core real estate, because taxable income and generates at tiating the financing of the Span- that demands from Catalonia for projects in the region to be increased the investments rely substan- least 75% of that income from ish regions and will discuss with more spending by Madrid could be to nearer the two billion estimated tially on operating expertise to rents, mortgages and sales. the Junta de Andalucía an improved agreed to at some point to soften the to be needed to complete them all. produce cash flows. With its inflation-sensitive na- budget for local rail projects. independence movement, and see The Junta leader asked the na- Real estate risks generally fall ture, real estate provides a power- These were the two main com- other regions get a worse deal as a tional government to increase re- between those associated with ful diversification to portfolios. mitments that the socialist regional result. Andalusian politicians across gional infrastructure spending to bonds and equities. Due to bond- Sensible investors, however, pay president of Andalucía, Susana Díaz, all parties have signed a document at least the Spanish per capita av- like rental streams and equity-like close attention to fee arrangements secured from conservative PM Mari- claiming that the region is already erage. Madrid has said that Anda- residual values, real estate inves- and measure their options against a ano Rajoy in Madrid on Wednesday. missing out on four billion euros an- lucía already receives slightly more tors should be expecting results benchmark of passively managed, The two politicians were meet- nually that it should receive. money than its percentage share somewhere between those of the publicly traded REIT funds. ing to discuss the state budget for Díaz also pressed Rajoy to in- of total Spanish economic output. bond market and stock market. Ib- botson Associates data for the past The comments and observa- 78 years to 2014 indicates that tions by the author are a reflec- stocks returned 10.4% annually tion of his opinion and do not and government bonds 5.4%. This constitute an offer to buy and suggests that real estate investors hold securities, nor does he re- can expect a return around 7.9% ceive any remuneration of any pa (2.5% above bonds). kind from names referred to. 24 April 20th to 26th 2018 COMMENT SUR IN ENGLISH

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR This alarming man We accept letters by email ([email protected]), post or fax, but they must include identification and a telephone PETER EDGERTON number, and be exclusive to SUR in English. We do not publish THERE IS A PRIZE FOR THE BEST MUSIC MAKER WWW.E-PETER.COM anonymous letters. Opinions expressed by contributors to this and other pages of SUR in English do not necessarily reflect CONTRIBUTION TO THIS PAGE those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers. SO PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS

here are various catego- into his contract). A couple of mas- Johnny Marr’s guitar jingly jangles Elephant poem cheaper goods. I also think that ries which musicians fall sive blokes were there to enforce can be exquisite sometimes, there’s many tourists are too reluctant into: the brilliant arrogant the rule but they needn’t have no denying that. None of this, how- What a beautiful poem about to familiarise themselves with T ones, the brilliant hum- bothered, no-one batted an eyelid, ever, is generally what gets people the elephant that died. the local community and there- ble ones, the half-decent arrogant let alone ran towards the vehicle. talking about Morrissey these days; And I herewith would like to fore consider being approached ones, the half-decent humble ones, Poor bloke had forgotten it wasn’t it’s more the utter nonsense he say thank you very much Paula in the street as something hos- the rubbish arrogant ones (usually nineteen eighty-six. Anyway, to spouts in interviews or on social Waterson, loved to read the tile, when in fact it usually is found singing in bars unable to com- give him his due, he performed and media which leaves people sport- poem. It’s beautiful and it is not. prehend why they aren’t megas- sang very well, over-indulging in ing the kind of incredulous expres- saved for more times Obviously, as these people tars) and the rubbish humble ones. that whiplash microphone cable sion normally only associated with THIS to read. are often undocumented, they And then there’s our old mate Mor- technique thing he so loves, but it those who’ve just witnessed a WEEK’S have trouble finding other types rissey in a category all of his own - was a very good show nonetheless. Spanish politician resigning after WINNING A. OLIJSLAGER of jobs. Sometimes this is the the quirky delusional one. Plus, I got to go home happy be- being caught banged to rights over LETTER BY EMAIL only way they can make a liv- His musical output is a parson’s cause he sang his best song The some misdemeanour or other. Oh, ing. egg if ever there was one - good in More You Ignore Me The Closer I sorry, bad example - that never hap- In defence of street Why is it relevant to draw parts and bewilderingly poor in Get which includes the magnifi- pens, obviously. people’s attention to the fact others. Years ago, I saw him up at cent rhyming couplet ‘I bear more Lately, Mozza’s come out with sellers that they are from Senegal? Fuengirola castle where I went to grudges than lonely high court a couple of corkers, most notably I saw in last week’s paper that What are you trying to say? I do some festival interviews at a judges.’ the totally baffling ‘Brexit did not Benalmádena’s Local Police are have witnessed Spanish sellers time when I worked on the radio. Morrissey’s former group, The happen’. Once someone has be- planning to crack down on as well. It feels like this article He bowled up in a big limousine Smiths, are a sacred cow for many; come that detached from reality, street sellers this summer. has targeted one group in par- and nobody was allowed within a there are people who simply can’t it’s difficult to see a way back for As a local resident, I’ve come ticular. certain number of metres of him comprehend why anyone wouldn’t them, although if he caught the across many street sellers in my (I was told it was a clause written like them. I’m not much of fan, but bus to his next gig, it might help. time and none have caused any G.FORSYTH more damage than a slight in- BY POST convenience. To pool police resources in Solidarity with IDÍGORAS order to prevent people from cleaning staff selling goods on the street, in my opinion, is a waste of pub- I was pleased to read about ‘Las It never lic money. Kellys’, the group of hotel clean- fails... Rosa María González, presi- ers leading the fight against low the daily dent of the Benalmádena shop- pay and poor working condi- news is traders’ association says that tions. I was not aware of their enough to “tourists shouldn’t tolerate this struggle and after reading this scare image, with the seafront clogged I have decided to make a point anything up with sellers.” Surely some- of being nice and appreciating one from a shoptraders associa- their hard work. away tion will be slightly biased L. FRANCCINNI against these sellers that offer BY EMAIL

Published by: PRENSA MALAGUEÑA S. A. Director General: JOSÉ LUIS ROMERO

Editor in Chief: Editor: Advertising Manager: MANUEL CASTILLO Rachel Haynes Emma Vera Publications Director: Assistant editor: Commercial Director: Pedro Luis Gómez Daryl Finch Jorge Artero

t’s fine to advise locals to put lation swells from 300 to 2,500 dur- happen if they were closed when a smile on their faces for the ing the holidays. Recently it has you come back next year,” reads tourists, as long as we don’t Thick-skinned spoken out on behalf of all the small the statement from the mayor. I go over the top and they in- Spanish towns that tourists flood And then there’s the warning terpret our cheerful friendliness to. The visitors are very welcome, for visitors who see themselves as as an indication that all we do is locals but the towns call for respect for VIPs: “Avoid comments about how go out and party. It’s not a cliché - the rural environment and under- great it is to be without a mobile there really are people out there standing of the difficulties in offer- signal, because if you want to who think that the smile on our ANA BARREALES ing certain services. switch off you can activate flight faces means that we don’t do any In a glorious announcement, the mode anytime; there’s no need to work. mayor reminds visitors of the rules use the underdevelopment of one This Easter, for example, I expe- of coexistence adapted to the char- Spain to the delight of another.” rienced this attitude with a group acteristics of a small village and to It’s a bit like saying you come, of foreign visitors I was advising to give up vital hours of sleep to ommended most by the locals. A avoid comments such as “in Valen- you invade our village, we do all we about what to do during their stay show them around. journalist turned up at the railway cia this is much cheaper” or “how can to welcome you, we make al- in Malaga. They laughed, saying Here, we’re generally very station as if she were a newly ar- can they be so slow in bars or shops”. lowances for the population to mul- that here we like having a good fi- friendly. That and thick-skinned rived tourist and let the locals guide “A self-employed worker pays tiply by ten and you just annoy us esta more than going to work. And enough not to be rude when some- her. An elderly pensioner overheard the same in the Diagonal of Barce- with your big city comments. We so, doesn’t everyone? I ought to one makes that sort of comment. her questions and offered to be her lona as in the village store, and so might be a village but we do have clarify that this was said by people I remember a little experiment guide for the rest of the morning. don’t underestimate how difficult feelings, just like anyone from the swanning around on holiday to me, we did at SUR some years ago to see There’s a little village in Cuenca, it is for the bars and restaurants to Big Apple, or more. who had just left work and offered which tourist attractions were rec- Santa Cruz de Moya, whose popu- keep open and imagine what would I would vote for that mayor too. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 25 2626262626262626 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH Bringing together the big stars of the big screen

Guillermo del Toro and Juan Antonio Bayona have been the star attractions so far at the Malaga Film Festival this week

:: I. GELIBTER / F. GRIÑÁN / R. SOTORRÍO / D. FINCH MALAGA. Red carpets, selfie sticks and major names in world cinema have all come together in Malaga this week for the annual Malaga Film Festival, a meeting point for the Spanish-language film industry on both sides of the Atlantic. This year in its 21st edition, the fes- tival got under way last Friday with the gala opening at the Cervantes theatre, attended by Spanish cinema’s great and good who maintained their glamour despite the rain, as well as representatives from the local, re- gional and national government. Between then and this Sunday, the ten-day event has hosted mul- tiple premieres, workshops and prizegiving ceremonies across vari- ous venues in the city, including the Cervantes and Echegaray theatres and the Albéniz cinema. Guillermo del Toro with SUR editor-in-chief Manuel Castillo and Malaga mayor Francisco de la Torre on Saturday afternoon. :: ÑITO SALAS All of this will draw to a close this weekend with the presentation of the prized ‘biznagas’ (awards in- spired by the flower arrangement typical of Malaga, made from jas- mine) for best picture and best di- rection, among others. Giants of cinema However, it is the honorary awards that have attracted the most at- tention this year, thanks to the festival’s two major international guests. Spaniard Juan Antonio Bay- ona, director of the upcoming Ju- rassic World film for which pro- motion will begin in the coming days, claimed the Retrospective award. The man responsible for The Or- phanage, The Impossible and A Rain couldn’t dampen the opening gala. :: ÑITO SALAS Ron Perlman promoting Sergio y Serguéi. :: FRANCIS SILVA April 20th to 26th 2018 27 SUR IN ENGLISH LIFESTYLE

Monster Calls received tributes at the Cervantes theatre on Monday, Banderas and Cruz to be following in the footsteps of his mentor, Mexican filmmaker Guil- lermo del Toro (director of the Os- reunited with Almodóvar car-winning The Shape of Water) who received the Málaga-SUR Prize for upcoming film on Saturday. “A critical time for humanity” Filming for ‘Dolor y Gloria’ will begin in July The affable Del Toro, who met with a number of fans between various commitments as he explored the :: MIGUEL LORENCI The main roles will be played city and sampled the famous ‘bo- MADRID. Legendary Spanish di- by Banderas and Asier Etxeandia, querones’, explained that he was rector Pedro Almodóvar will bring but Cruz, alongside Julieta Ser- taking a year out and was humbled together old favourites Antonio rano, will play “essential secon- by the SUR award. “It’s always im- Banderas and Penélope Cruz for dary characters”. portant to grateful,” he said ahead his latest film ‘Dolor y Gloria’. The film is expected to explore of the award ceremony on Saturday If all goes to plan, shooting for themes such as “the difficulty of night. “We are living in a very criti- the film, which will heavily focus separating creation from real life”, cal time for humanity because we on its male characters, will com- according to the director who ad- are more often choosing hate over mence in the second half of July mits the film could also have auto- empathy.” this year. biographical elements. For Del Toro, his Oscar win went “against the narrative created by Trump” as his film, like may of his others, promoted “sympathy, dia- Juan Antonio Bayona received a prize on Monday. :: ÑITO SALAS logue and understanding”. Del Toro transmitted his par- character in Del Toro’s Hellboy, later tidimensional characters.” ticular vision of cinema at a work- told SUR: “Filmmakers are gener- shop later the same day at the city’s ally crazy - and I mean that in a good Strong public interest Palacio de Congresos. This was fol- way. There was never a normal day As with every year, there has been lowing the unveiling of a plaque [working with him], nor is one ever a lot of interest from the general to commemorate the occasion on like another. It’s crazy.” public, with large crowds outside the Antonio Machado seafront The American was in Malaga to the major venues of fans waiting to promenade. promote his latest venture Sergio y catch a glimpse of their idols of the At the prizegiving itself, numer- Serguéi, a Hispano-Cuban independ- silver screen. ous big names, including Paz Vega ent film in which he starred and was Tickets for a number of screenings and Eduardo Noriega shared anec- executive producer. “In Hollywood and the gala events sold out quickly dotes about working with the “gi- they are obsessed with genre,” he but a limited number is still available ant”, as he was described by Ron said. “Independent cinema is much to the general public and can be pur- Perlman. more interesting because you can chased through the festival’s official Perlman, who played the title explore more themes and have mul- website ( Banderas, Almodóvar and Cruz after winning an Oscar in 2000. :: AFP 28 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH “Lawrence of Arabia was broken by the war”

Neil Faulkner Archaeologist THE LAWRENCE LECTURE

Speaker: Neil Faulkner as a sort of military genius who played a major role in the outcome of First Venue: Benahavís Town Hall World War in the Middle East and those who think of him as a serial Date and time: 24 April, MADDY HAY liar,” says the archaeologist. 6.30pm Based upon his findings in Jordan,  [email protected] Faulkner’s team were able to draw a Fee: 12 euros with complimen- conclusion which could perhaps bring tary glass of wine On Tuesday the Arts some answers to this century-old de- Society welcomes Time bate. He’s keeping quiet for now, promising a big reveal during the up- glasses. I think he was extremely na- Team history buff and coming lecture in Benahavís. “We ïve about their potential benevo- T. E. Lawrence expert Neil certainly came to a definite view as lence. The British Empire wasn’t Faulkner to Benahavís to whether The Seven Pillars of Wis- some cross between the National dom can be considered to be a reli- Trust and the United Nations, it was able account,” he says. a rapacious system of exploitation.” MALAGA. Based upon new histori- The story of T. E. Lawrence contin- He puts it down to Lawrence’s back- cal evidence, the lecture on the Costa ues to be relevant to this day. Faulk- ground and the political influences del Sol next week by Neil Faulkner ner explains that Lawrence internal- that he came under. Ultimately, (London, 1958) promises to be a fas- ised the remaining Middle East con- Faulkner believes that Lawrence was cinating uncovering of the real man flict post-war, something from which subject to ideological conditioning. behind the legend of Lawrence of he never properly recovered. “He was never able to break away Arabia. “Lawrence was broken by the war, and see the underlying purpose of Faulkner’s interest in T. E.Law- primarily as a consequence of his sense the British Empire or the reaction- rence was sparked during a 10-year- that the Arabs had been betrayed by ary nature of the leadership of the long archaeological project look- the British. The British had effectively Arab Revolt.” ing for evidence related to the Arab promised the leaders of the Arab Re- Although he’s a regular lecturer Revolt in the deserts of southern volt a united independent Arab state for the Arts Society, this upcoming Jordan. in the Middle East, if the Ottoman trip to Spain is of particular interest “Lawrence’s war memoir, The Empire was defeated, which obvi- to Faulkner. Seven Pillars of Wisdom, was the most ously it was,” he explains. “I’m going to take advantage of detailed record of the revolt, so our Faulkner continues, “However, “Up for it” - the archaeologist at work. :: SUR my time there. The lecture is on Tues- project meant that we inevitably had after the war, a secret agreement be- day, but I’m coming on Saturday with to have a very serious engagement tween the British, the French and archaeologist. three mates and were going to be do- with the biography, the character, the Russians meant that the Middle “Lawrence viewed In some respects, Faulkner him- ing some field work in Almeria.” the role and indeed the controversy East was actually divided between self must identify with T. E. Law- Most know that Almeria was a top surrounding Lawrence. I’ve indirectly the imperial powers. Over time, as the British rence. Both are scholars, academics Spaghetti Western filming location. become a sort of Lawrence specialist, the various states of the Middle East Empire through and archaeologists whose work has Perhaps lesser known is that it was as a consequence of our archaeologi- got their independence, those arti- rose-tinted glasses” brought them to the same part of also the setting for a large portion cal project,” Faulkner tells SUR in ficial borders that had been created the world. “He was somebody who of David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia. English in a telephone interview prior were fossilised and are largely un- was very ‘up for it’. He took himself “We are going to go to the site of to his trip to southern Spain. changed to this day.” out to the Middle East to collect in- the town of Aqaba, and we’ll try to After the First World War, Law- The archaeologist states that what formation for an undergraduate dis- find where they built the railway rence’s story became something of a the imperial powers did between into sectarian warfare.” sertation on crusader castles in 1909. line for the famous train ambush legend, made concrete in 1962 with 1916 and 1921 continues to impact The title of David Fromkin’s 1989 He then went back there after gradu- scene.” As Faulkner puts it, what he’s the release of Lawrence of Arabia, the Middle East of today. account captures it for Faulkner: ating to work as an excavator. That’s now interested in is the “archae- David Lean’s Oscar-winning histori- “The region is extremely dysfunc- “They imposed a ‘peace to end all the kind of thing that I can identify ology of cinema”. cal drama. However, Lawrence’s ce- tional in terms of where the bounda- peace’. What was done after the war with very strongly.” Faulkner is clearly passionate; his lebrity is surrounded by controversy, ries are and what the nation state en- has shaped the Middle East for 100 However, as an anti-imperialist, views are both fierce and incredibly which according to Faulkner has ex- tities are. We can see what’s happened years.” This modern-day connec- Faulkner considers Lawrence to have well considered. Sparks will fly this isted since 1919. in Iraq and what’s happened in Syria tion is what makes Lawrence such been too trusting. “He viewed the Tuesday alongside insights over fif- “There were those who saw him - the whole thing sort of implodes a fascinating point of study for this British Empire through rose-tinted teen years in the making. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 29 30 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

SOCIETY SCENE Clubs make the most of the season

Spring arrives with a Friday from 4.30 to 6.30pm. Sessions classic car run, a field are held at the Language School in Paseo Martiricos, near the Rosaleda hike around a natural Football Stadium. Anyone interested park and a concert contact Lola Ortega: lolaortegamu- [email protected] Spring soirée with Collegium Musicum :: SUR. :: SUR IN ENGLISH Collegium Musicum SOL Classic Car Club Spring soirée April Run Last Saturday, Collegium Musicum, Sol classic car owners recently went directed by Annemarie Philipps, of- on a day out starting from Hotel Las fered a Spring Soiree of light music Camelias in Torreguadiaro near So- in Fuengirola. The international mu- togrande. They drove up on a moun- sicians performed a wide range of mu- tain road to Venta Puerto de Galis and sic from Vivaldi to Lloyd Webber, enjoyed views over the Reserva Na- showing their individual talents and cional de Cortes de la Frontera before playing in chamber groups. Their next returning via Gaucín. The final stop concert is on 27 May in Guadiaro and was at Venta El Mirador in Casares. the annual charity concert in aid of Concordia is on 29 May in Marbella. Age Concern More details email: [email protected] Volunteers needed Age Concern Fuengirola and Mijas The Field Club Members of the Field Club in the Norte de Sevilla natural park :: SUR. are looking for more volunteers to Spring trek spend a few hours a week helping in Members of The Field Club, Fuengi- the shop in Los Boliches. They also rola, enjoyed their spring holiday on need drivers (expenses paid) to take top of ‘La Capitania’ in the Natural clients to hospital or doctor’s appoint- Park Norte de Sevilla. The club goes ments. Anyone that can help contact on long and short walks every week, Age Concern on 686289904 or at the and go on spring and autumn walk- charity shop (10.30am - 2pm week- ing holidays. For more information days) in Calle Francisco Cano 56 in email: thefieldclubfuengirola@hot- Los Boliches. or visit the website Gerald Brenan Cultural Association Language exchange What are you up to? The Official Language School of If you are involved in a club or associa- tion and planning events, trips or activi- Málaga and the Cultural Association ties that would be of interest to other Gerald Brenan organise English-Span- readers of SUR in English, we would love ish exchange language sessions every to hear from you: Wednesday from 11am to 1pm and Email: [email protected] SOL Classic Car Club on an excursion. :: SUR April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 31 32 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH Gold, Pearl and Silver celebrations for the Arts

The international Arts members and 16 guests to the first Society is marking fifty lecture which was held in the base- ment of the Balcón de Europa ho- years in 2018, while tel,” explains Roberta. “Everything here in Malaga was done on slides, there was no province, the Costa del Power Point in those days,” she adds. Nadfas Costa del Sol supported the Sol branch is 30 and Nerja branch until it achieved 100 Nerja turns 25 this year members in 2000 and the two so- cieties have always shared lectur- ers and therefore expenses. Nowa- days each lecture is sponsored by a local company. The Benahavís branch was set up six years ago. Betty admits that by the time they started they “had the ad- JENNIE RHODES vantage of email and the internet”. They now have 106 members from a  [email protected] range of different countries and re- cently as well as joining Costa del Sol MALAGA. This year is a special one for the Golden Memories event, they for the Arts Society, Formerly Nad- also ran an art exhibition in the Villa fas (National Association of Decora- Padierna, which is where Michelle tive & Fine Arts Societies), both in Members of the Costa del Sol and Benahavís Arts Society dress up for the Golden Memories event. :: SUR Obama stayed when she visited the Malaga and internationally; the lat- area in 2010. ter is celebrating 50 years this year, between,” she says, adding, “many internet and she says that they had Nadfas was founded in 1968 in the while the Costa del Sol branch, which people wanted something other than no phone in the finca she and her hus- THE PROTAGONISTS UK by Patricia Fay, who died in 1979. was the first ever in Spain, is 30 and sports and bars.” band were building at the time. In 1984 the first international soci- Nerja is turning 25. Sue had previously been a mem- “Our nearest neighbour had a Sue Brodie ety was started in Germany and The societies are holding a series ber of Nadfas in Haslemere, Surrey, phone and would hang out red trou- Founder, Costa del Sol four years later, Sue Brodie of events to celebrate their golden, after returning from Germany where sers whenever there was a message “People were com- founded the first branch in Spain. pearl and silver anniversaries respec- she and her husband had been liv- for us,” she laughs. plaining that there was The name was changed to the tively. The Costa del Sol society, ing. When Sue said that she and her There were a few incidents regard- no culture and no cin- Arts Society in 2017 to incorpo- along with Benahavís, celebrated husband would be moving to the ing lecturers in the early days, in- ema in those days” rate all the arts and to make the so- with a ‘Golden Memories’ event at Costa del Sol she was asked to “look cluding Nadfas’s decision to send a ciety’s name and objectives clearer. the beginning of March for which at the possibilities” of starting a so- gentleman to give the inauguration Roberta Kettel Helen in Nerja is delighted that members dressed up either as hip- ciety here. It took her two years to talk on British silver. “We were told Founder, Nerja branch since the name change, the soci- pies or in floral dresses with hats do so and she recalls that there was who would come to speak to us in “The first lecture was ety “is seeing a younger influx of and gloves, befitting of the image a lot of enthusiasm for the idea. While those days and there was little con- held in the basement members” and that it is slowly of Nadfas at the time. Current Chair there were already branches of Nad- sideration that we were an interna- of the Balcón de Europa shaking off the “fuddy-duddy” of the Nerja Society Helen Sijsling, fas in other European countries, Sue tional group, which included my hotel” image of days past. The society con- admits that under the name, Nad- was the founding member of the first Spanish hairdresser whom I man- tinues to grow internationally and fas, the society did have a rather Spain-based society. aged to persuade to come along,” Sue Yvonne Sjokvist three more are set to open in Spain “fuddy-duddy” image and was re- She recalls with humour the dif- remembers, pointing out that per- Chair, Costa del Sol in the near future; Mallorca, Me- lated to “middle-class, middle-aged ficulties of getting a society started haps a talk on British silver may not “We have been meet- norca and Mojácar. There is also women in hats and gloves”. in the late 1980s, when there was no have been the most interesting of ing at the Salón a branch in Gibraltar. Founder of the Costa del Sol subjects for the Mexicans, Germans, Varietes theatre since The Costa del Sol anniversary branch, Sue Brodie; Roberta Kettel, Dutch and Spanish among the first 2002” exhibition runs until the end of April who founded the Nerja branch; and members. Lectures and meetings (by appointment only) at the Com- the current Chairs, Betty Fooks in There was no phone or started at the Casa de la Cultura in Helen Sijsling mercial Centre Los Olivos, Sitio de Benahavís, Yvonne Sjokvist, Costa Fuengirola, until they moved to the Chair, Nerja branch Calahonda, Mijas Costa. Nerja’s del Sol and Helen in Nerja; all wel- internet when Sue Salón Varietés theatre where they “I think the name exhibition has already happened come the name to change to the Arts Brodie started the have been since 2002. change is helping but there will be further events Society. “It’s marvellous and all-en- Costa del Sol society Five years later, Roberta Kettel the image of the towards the end of the year when compassing,” says Roberta, although who lives in Nerja, was approached society” a bench designed by Cómpeta-based Betty admits that she feels the soci- by some people who had been attend- artist and Arts Society member, Lieu- ety could have “made it sound more ing the meetings in Fuengirola. The Betty Fooks wke Loth, will be inaugurated on international”, given the number of Images of winning suggestion was to start a Nerja branch Chair, Benahavís the Balcón de Europa, to mark the branches around the world. anniversary art work as regular trips to the other side of “We had the advantage Nerja society’s 25th anniversary. Sue Brodie recalls starting up Nad- the province were not ideal. of email and internet Most branches have sent images fas in Fuengirola in 1988. “People will be screened at the The first lecture took place in De- when we first started of their winning works to the na- were complaining that there was no AGM in London in May cember 1993 and unlike the British six years ago” tional headquarters in London and culture and no cinema and the mu- Silver theme in 1988 in Fuengirola, they will be shown on a screen dur- seums in those days were few and far the talk was on Gaudí. “We had 14 ing this May’s AGM. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 33 34 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

DENISE BUSH GARDENING READER’S PHOTO LATE BLOOMERS IN THE Rayless golden rod ALPUJARRAS Reader Janny Redondo has sent in this photo of tulips. She says, “Here are the tu- A tough, evergreen perennial with bright sulphur yellow lips I planted this year in Bubión on a terrace in the blooms which attract honey bees and butterflies Alpujarras.” Despite the de- layed start to spring, most Bigelowia is a small genus of though commonly called Rayless eventually form dense crowns bulbs are finishing flower- plants native to Texas, Louisiana, goldenrod it is not related to the of foliage. ing now. The dead flowers Alabama, Georgia and Florida in similar-looking Solidago. The closely packed umbels of should be removed (unless the US. This slow growing sub-shrub bright yellow flowers are held you’re hoping to collect the It is a member of the daisy has fine, almost succulent leaves above the foliage on long, thin seeds) and the leaves left family (Asteraceaea) and al- that form in short tufts and will stems approximately 30cm long until they are yellow as at through the summer and into the moment they are feed- the autumn. ing the bulb below the soil Bigelowia flow- for next year’s flowers. :: JANNY REDONDO ers in the second yeary and the bblooms are GARDENING HINTS ffull of nec- tar,t at- tractingt It’s slug and snail season honeyh beesb as wellw as The copious rainfall of the it up and inspecting the butter-b last few months and the ar- base to see if there is any- flies.f rival of the warmer, more thing hiding in the drainage TheyT spring-like, weather has holes or under the pot rim. makem a boosted lots of tender, new Move pots away from over- long-lastingl plant growth and slugs and hanging plants that may cutc flower. snails are seriously busy also be harbouring the Bigelowia nut- taking advantage of all that pests; irises are the worst, talliit is drought re- lush greenery. they seem be a favourite sistant once established Great for the snails but a place for snails to hide. and is invaluable for xeriscap- tragedy if you’ve been Removing the top few cen- ing. During the winter it is ever- watching and waiting for timetres of soil and replac- green and when dormant needs your hostas / lilies / carna- ing with fresh potting com- no watering at all. tions etc. to send up bur- post can also help as snails It can be grown in the front geoning new shoots only to and slugs lay their eggs in of the border, in rock gardens and find that overnight they’ve the top few centimetres. It is also very popular for green been ravaged by these vora- will also give your potted roofs. Bigelowia nuttallii will cious mollusks. plants a boost. grow happily in poor soils and It’s worth checking every Use chemical slug pellets will tolerate some shade. pot on a daily basis, lifting only as a last resort. Propagation is by seed and, in ideal conditions, it will seed it- self around the garden. PHOTOS The common name ‘Rayless goldenrod’ refers to the fact that Calling all Email your photos to eng- the flowers have disc florets and gardeners [email protected] or send no ray florets. them to SUR in English, The ray florets are the long, Avda Dr Marañón 48, 29009 thin marginal petals and the disc We know that many of our Malaga, with a caption and a florets are the tightly packed pet- readers have lovely gardens, few words of explanation. als that form in the centre, a com- or enjoy growing plants on Alternatively, you can send mon daisy is a good example. their terraces or balconies, them to us via Facebook Dandelions are composed en- so why not share them with (surenglish) or Twitter Bigelowia nuttallii and close up of flowers (inset). :: WIKIPEDIA tirely of ray florets. others? (@SUR_English) April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 35

SERVICE Interview with Dr Reyes, head of the medical unit at Sanysol socio-sanitary centre, which specialises in caring for the elderly “SANYSOL’S PROJECT IS UNIQUE IN ANDALUCÍA AND THE QUALITY OF ASSISTANCE PROVIDED AND FANTASTIC RESULTS HAVE HELPED CONSOLIDATE IT”

TORRE DEL MAR and speech therapy; a social Dr Elías Reyes is a specialist in worker and a team of transla- internal medicine, cardiology tors to cover English, German, and diabetes mellitus and is head French and Russian. of the medical unit at Sanysol. I’m in charge of the medical The socio-sanitary centre, which and rehabilitation sections. specialises in care for elderly Other doctors specialising in people, also offers a temporary dentistry, traumatology, neu- stay service for post-operative rology, psychiatry and geriat- recovery and to enable special- rics also collaborate with us. ised rehabilitation with the very How is Sanysol organised? best assistance and attention. Sanysol is divided into 6 major What makes Sanysol stand out sections relating to patients’ con- compared to other centres? ditions and needs, with their re- Ours is an international socio- covery in mind. sanitary centre which is highly One unit covers post-opera- specialised in the recovery and tive recovery (orthopaedic-trau- rehabilitation of people who suf- matology, general surgery, car- fer different pathologies follow- diac, gynaecology, neurology). ing a hospital stay. Ours is a pio- Here, we help patients who have neering project on the Costa del undergone surgery to regain Sol that has managed to become their independence, with re- consolidated thanks to the qual- gards to mobility and self-care, ity of its assistance and services to allow them to resume their and the fantastic results normal lives as soon as possi- achieved. ble. The programmes, which Dr Reyes in his office at Sanysol. What do you mean when you are always personalised, usually diet with local produce and a high say it’s an international centre? last between one and three Omega 3 content. That we receive patients from months depending on the pa- We also encourage daily physi- all over Andalucía, but also from tient’s situation, motivation and cal activity and keep a careful abroad. We have a very high oc- the nature of their surgery. watch over accompanying con- cupation rate, of up to 65%, of We also have a neurological ditions and modifiable cardio- foreign residents who come rehabilitation unit (especially vascular factors. mostly from Great Britain, Ger- for post-stroke and neurode- In collaboration with all of this many, Switzerland, Scandina- generative conditions); an on- we can also carry out comple- vian countries, France, Belgium, cology care unit for patients mentary diagnostic tests such as Holland and Russia. who have either received or are blood and urine tests or EKGs. What are the centre’s goals? receiving radiotherapy or che- We have also incorporated a mul- We mainly strive to ensure the motherapy; and a general re- tidisciplinary ultrasound unit for residents feel at home and that covery unit for people who abdominal, urological, thoracic- they are well attended by a team come for a short stay for a break, pleural, musculoskeletal, joint, of highly qualified and motivated rest, etc. cervical and thyroid ultrasounds, staff. To achieve this, we offer very We also have a palliative care colour Doppler of the extremi- personalised care to suit their in- unit as well as a dementia unit ties, supra-aortic trunks and dividual needs and conditions. with specific care for these con- echocardiography. Who makes up the team? ditions, both for cases for which All to ensure the patients re- We have a multidisciplinary there is no cure and for poten- The centre has incorporated a new ultrasound unit. ceive the best attention and feel team including nurses and clini- tially curable ones. at home. cal assistants who provide bi- Can dementias be cured? studies the patient’s case to pro- What are the most important lingual attention and assistance Between 10% and 20% of these vide the best possible treatment points to treat for patients’ re- 24 hours per day; specialists conditions are reversible as they and this produces very positive covery? who provide physiotherapy and are due to external causes such results. Even when it isn’t pos- Specialised and personalised sani- ergotherapy with personalised as tumours or even depressive sible to cure the illness, we try tary assistance is undoubtedly programmes drawn up to suit syndromes. We always carry out to slow it down and help peo- first on the list. Correct nutrition each individual’s needs and con- a full diagnosis and evaluation ple have the best possible qual- is also very important, with an dition; psychological attention and a multidisciplinary team ity of life. emphasis on the Mediterranean ADVERTORIAL 36 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH Volunteers needed for charity shop OBITUARY LA CALA DE MIJAS LIONS CLUB

The newly opened can work as part of a team.” JOY Spanish Stray Dogs The shop, which is in Duquesa Port, sells secondhand clothes, WILDBUR charity shop in books, furniture and general bric-a- Duquesa Port needs brac. at least six more Sharon explained that in addition to paying for a vet, the Spanish Stray valuable member of volunteers Dogs charity also pays for most of La Cala de Mijas Li- the food for the dogs at the munici- ons, Joy Bridget :: ASH BOLTON pal pound. A Wildbur, sadly . A new charity shop that She added: “A volunteer was beg- passed away last week, at the raises funds for stray dogs is look- ging for dog food outside Mercadona age of 81. She will be sorely ing for more volunteers to help ex- in Sotogrande back in December missed as she was a lovely lady, tend its opening hours. 2016, as the pound was regularly appreciated by everyone for her The Spanish Stray Dogs charity running out of dog food and was in kindness and wonderful nature. shop opened its doors last month in real dire straits. During her period as Social Sec- Duquesa Port and is staffed by a “Since then local expats have got retary she set team of expats. together and have organised regu- up two popular Funds raised in the shop help pay lar food drops for the pound.” annual events for a vet that visits some 350 dogs Sharon, bottom right, and volunteers at the charity shop. :: A. B. Locals wishing to donate dog that remain to- at the Los Barrios municipal kennel food, cleaning products or bedding day major fund- near Gibraltar. “Since we’ve opened we can’t it open. can drop them at Itzabar in Sabinil- raisers for the The charity shop was opened by move for the amount of donations “We get a lot of people coming in las, the English Butcher in Duquesa club. The Spring Sharon Peterson, who started fund- we’ve received - but we can’t turn the afternoon, but we have to close Port, A1 Electricals in Torreguadi- Fayre and Fashion show held in raising for the organisation by host- them away. as we don’t have enough volunteers. aro and Sotogrande International May and the Christmas Fayre in ing garden parties at her home and “We’ve been overwhelmed by The idea is that if we open later in School. December. selling donated items. the generosity of people, it’s moved the afternoons, we can raise more Joy, who was married to John Sharon, 68, who is originally from me to tears.” money. · More information : and leaves a son, Robert, joined Yorkshire, and has lived in Spain for Sharon told SUR in English that “We need another six volunteers or the Lions in 2003 after moving the past five years, said: “I was get- the charity shop has to close most at least. No one gets paid including email to Spain from her home in Nor- ting so many donated items that it afternoons and on Sundays as there myself. We are looking for people charityshop@spanishstraydogs. folk. She was an amazing lady made sense to open a charity shop. are not enough volunteers to keep with good customer service who with talents and ideas that were always appreciated. She worked tirelessly serving the commu- nity; even after her stroke she attended the club meetings Costa journalists discover the regularly. A former hairdresser, florist floral delights of Estepona and professional painter, Joy was never one to seek praise; she quietly got on with what :: LIZ PARRY ing dull walls with murals and plant- was needed to be done with en- ESTEPONA. The April meeting of ing as many as a million flowers. Lo- thusiasm and energy. She gave the Costa Press Club took the form cal children have been involved plant- many paintings to the Lions raf- of a guided tour of Estepona led by ing trees and dozens of streets have fles which raised so much for the town’s head of Tourism Strat- been lined with colourful hanging the local community. egy, Aleksandra Broch, followed by flowerpots. The project has also seen Goodbye Joy, the world will drinks and tapas at the Casa del Rey considerable pedestrianisation in the be poorer without you but what restaurant. town centre. a memory you have left behind. Members travelled from Malaga The tour started at the Orchidar- Please go along to the Spring in the east to Los Barrios in the west ium and ended at the restaurant Fayre and Fashion show on to see for themselves the transfor- where members were addressed by Monday 14 May at the Hotel Ta- mation brought about in the historic the mayor, José María García Ur- misa Golf, 11.30am to 5pm, and centre of Estepona by a beautifica- bano, before enjoying a selection keep her memory going. tion project which has involved adorn- of original “pinchos”. Members of the Costa Press Club in Estepona on Tuesday. :: HERTA FRITZ April 20th to 26th 2018 37 SUR IN ENGLISH LIFESTYLE Benefit concert in favour of orphans in Rajasthan, India LEGAL ADVICE International Lawyers answers readers’ queries :: GABRIELA BERNER with a continuous education and a We speak English, German, French, Spanish and Russian MARBELLA. More than 40 guests decent home. Diksha allows further enjoyed a wonderful benefit con- education for especially talented cert offered by well-known singer children. The goals of the NGO are Please send your questions or jected, but I have been notified want her to be well covered if I and guitarist Alicia Fajardo at the mainly financed by the proceeds of contact us directly to arrange that the court will take a year pass away. The insurance com- beach restaurant Ra-Ma in Marbesa several charity events as concerts a personal appointment on: and a half to make a decision. I pany sent a questionnaire with last Saturday. It was organised by and big dinner parties around the am fed up with this situation, many questions about my Dr Jovanka Manojlovic, the head of year and the sponsoring of individ- Ilagoson International and want my money back. health, which I answered hon- Diksha España, and other volun- ual children. Lawyers Could I ask to receive the estly. Unfortunately, last teers of the Indian-based founda- After the concert, Dr Jovanka Ma- money, even if the judgment month I detected a lump on tion with the support of always co- nojlovic explained that they were Avda. Playas Andaluzas 38 from the appeal court has not my neck, and after several operative and generous restaurant always looking for volunteers to (Exit ‘El Rosario’) come through yet? medical tests I have been diag- owners Rafael Osorio and Maria spend six months in Ajmer to help 29604 Marbella In principle, you could. Some nosed with cancer. My concern Rueda. Diksha is a non-profit or- Diksha and their proteges directly. Tel: 952 77 12 13 years ago the law that governed now is that the insurance com- ganisation based in the town of For further information please Fax: 952 82 68 61 the stages of court proceedings pany rejects to pay my wife the [email protected] Ajmer, Rajasthan, which provides phone 650 752 691 or send an email changed, and it was allowed to amount established, alleging orphaned children, especially girls, to [email protected]. Offices in Málaga, Marbella ask for the provisional enforce- that as I took the policy a little and Cádiz ment of the first instance judg- while ago, I have hidden rele- ments, irrespective of what the vant information. Could they appeal court can decide. Never- refuse to pay? theless, if the court accepts the Technically they couldn’t, as if REF. S. A. B. appeal, you will have to pay the you did not know that you suf- Three years ago I took court ac- money back. fered that illness, you did not tion to claim an amount of hide any information. Sadly, it is money that someone owed quite usual for insurance compa- me, and we have only just ob- REF. T. E. K. nies try to avoid paying com- tained the judgment, which Four months ago I took out life pensation using any kind of ruse sentences the defendant to pay insurance with a reputed in- or excuse, so if this is your case the claimed amount. However, surance company, designating it will be very important that the defendant has appealed, my wife as beneficiary in the you can prove, by means of the with the intention of delaying event of my demise. She has al- medical reports obtained, that the payment as long as possi- ways been a housewife and you only discovered about the ble. I hope that the appeal is re- does not have any income, so I illness after taking the policy.

First Assessment Consultation FREE of Charge

Volunteers of Diksha España with singer Alicia Fajardo. :: G. B. 38 April 20th to 26th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

BEN CLARKE WHAT HAPPENED TODAY? LANGUAGE FOOTNOTE E20 APRIL 1992 Exposición Exhibition Arquitectura Architecture Pabellón Pavilion The opening of the Cristóbal Christopher Colón Columbus Ambicioso Ambitious 1992 Universal Millón Million Descubrimiento Discovery Inauguración Opening Exposition of Seville Explorador Explorer Innovar To innovate Lema Motto n April 1992, the Universal attended by nearly 42 million visi- Isla Island Exposition of Seville, located tors. The Cartuja island site was Destino Destination on Cartuja island, across the chosen to represent the New Tecnología Technology IGuadalquivir river from the World, and the site was so large Teleférico Cable car city centre, was opened to the and varied that visitors had to Puente Bridge public by representatives of the spend several days there in order Ciencia Science Spanish royal family. King Juan to see most of the exhibitions. It Proyecto Project Carlos was accompanied by Queen was praised for its architecture, An aerial photograph of the 1992 Seville Expo. :: SUR Sofía, Prince Felipe and the Infan- which included many impressive tas Elena and Cristina. bridges and gates, as well as inno- popular. It was a modernist cube showing Japan at the time of Co- view of travel, ranging from Co- 1992 was a particularly signifi- vative and unusual methods of on the edge of the artificial Lake lumbus, and several sections of a lumbus’ discovery of the Ameri- cant year for the city as it marked travel around the site, which of Spain. It featured a gagalleryllery with Japanese cascastle. cas to the Space Race. The organ- 500 years since the first voyage ranged from buses and ferry boats works by Miró, Dalí,í, Carav- The MoroccanM pavilion isers even built a ‘Plaza de las of Christopher Columbus from to cable cars and monorails. aggio and others, as well was oneo of the most beau- Américas’. Seville in search of trade routes The Expo was marketed as a city as a cinema dome whichhich tifultifu of the Expo. It was After the end of the Expo, many with India and China. What he of the future, designed to show the took visitors on a vir-ir- builtbu in the style of a of the structures were dismantled. found instead was the New World, success of a new Spain that had tual tour of Spain. Thehe three-storeyth traditional The site is now divided between today known as Latin America, flourished in the 17 years since the Japanese pavilion was mamansion, and included the Cartuja 93 science and tech- much of which would remain un- end of Franco’s dictatorship. The also particularly im-m- an impressive fountain nology park and the Isla Mágica der Spanish control for four hun- event’s director, Manuel Oliven- pressive. It was thenn the in theth centre, as well as theme park. It has become a popu- dred years. The Expo’s motto was cia, prevented the United States world’s largest woodenooden al frefresco dining and an lar destination for urban explorers. ‘The Era of Discoveries’. from having the largest pavilion, structure where guestsuests could atrium witwith an open roof. It is The Expo itself was an incredi- stating in 1989, “We as hosts in- walk through multiple levels one of the few buildings that visi- bly ambitious project which rep- tend to have the largest.” showing life-size photographs of tors can still view today. · Bilingual crossword resented 112 countries and was Spain’s pavilion was the most Japanese people at work, a video The US pavilion took a broad inside back page April 20th to 26th 2018 39 SUR IN ENGLISH FOOD&DRINK


proliferation of the fable. MARINA MARTÍNEZ ew myths persist longer Most of us believe India to be a than those referring to vegetarian country, where cows  [email protected] the customs of different are sacred and never eaten. In fact F nationalities, even more meat-eating is far more wide- Mari Ángeles García, so when these reflect the eating spread than we imagine, and the student of the Sabor a habits of the country in question. Hindu 80% of the population We all know that a Texan is hap- does not go short of chicken, goat Málaga Catering College in piest eating a huge T-bone steak and other types of meat. This was Benahavís, won a prize for accompanied by endless Buds, or revealed in a recent American her haute cuisine awarded that the Norwegians eat rotten study of Indian eating habits, and fish washed down with aquavit. has blown the myth of India be- by the prestigious Cordon So everlasting are these stereo- ing a mainly vegetarian country Bleu in Madrid types that even after we have out of the water. Fake news in- witnessed a Texan eating bellota deed, fostered by the government ham and drinking fino de Jerez, or on behalf of the Hindus, and al- She doesn’t know where her pas-as- GarcíaGa Roldán alongside the a Norwegian cooking steak Wel- though nobody gets hurt in the sion for cooking comes from.m. judges.jud :: LE CORDON BLEU lington and opening a bottle of process it is difficult to see the Maybe from her grandmotherr or Planter’s Punch, nothing makes point of it all. If the process of fab- an aunt who used to run a createcre their own version of a com- us change our impressions. ricating national myths becomes However, Mari Ángeles Garcíacía monm dish: salmon and prawn ‘bal- Nearer home it is a given that all widespread, we may even find Roldán remembers that she begangan lotine’,lo watercress mayonnaise and Spanish people live off the that the Spanish, instead of living cooking at a young age. The 23-year-ear- vegetables in a vinaigrette. healthy Mediterranean diet, the off fruit and vegetables, olive oil, old from Cordoba used to challengee In her case, she filled the ‘ballo- French cannot survive without and blue fish, actually prefer roast her parents to suggest three ingre- tine’ with prawns, capers, lime and their frogs’ legs and Bordeaux suckling pig. dients from which she would make ‘Ballotine’, the dish that won chervil, adding mayonnaise and the wine, or the Russians without her own dish. She became so en- the young chef first prize vinaigrette with orange. Technical their caviar and vodka. WINE OF THE WEEK grossed in cooking that her parents quality, originality, taste and pres- Our imagination works over- bought her recipe books. But she felt about techniques, products... and entation are the most important ‘in- time even though we know we Parotet Vermell that this wasn’t enough. She wanted above all about passion for food, be- gredients’ sought by the team of are involved in a typecasting that to do more. And so she signed up to cause the teachers pass it on,” she judges, headed by José Carlos Fuen- is both valueless and misleading. A very highly-rated little wine the Burgos Campos Catering Col- said. She finished the course with tes, head chef of Club Allard (two But we manage to live with it, from the Valencia region that has lege. She began to train with Celia a good taste in her mouth. Yester- Michelin stars). The highest score and even have a bit of fun at the even caught the attention of US Jiménez, (the first Andalusian day she was awarded a prize for was awarded to García Roldán, with expense of the poor victims – be- wine critics. Produced by Celler el woman to win a Michelin star, as Promising Young Chef by the pres- second place being awarded to an- hind their backs of course. Rather Roure from three local grapes in- head chef of Marbella’s El Lago), and tigious Le Cordon Bleu in Madrid other Andalusian, Alejandro Pérez less amusing is the discovery that cluding Monastrell, it is notewor- soon afterwards she got another op- which recognises the greatest tal- Polo. “It’s been a unique experience someone somewhere is trying to thy for being made in portunity to improve her abilities, ents across all of the culinary for me. I want to keep following my create a false impression for the old style using clay this time in Malaga. She won a place schools in Spain. García Roldán won dreams as I still have a lot to learn,” whatever reason. This is exactly fermenting pots rather at the Sabor a Málaga Catering Col- the sixth edition of the contest She left Madrid with a diploma worth the case with Indian national gas- than wooden barrels. lege in Benahavís. against nine other finalists follow- 23,000 euros, the equivalent of a tronomic stereotypes, and the In- Around 7€. “I have learnt a great deal here, ing a test where contestants had to master’s degree in haute cuisine. dian government is behind the 40 April 20th to 26th 2018 FOOD&DRINK SUR IN ENGLISH

A simple yet exact science

The expert judges of the second Concurso Tutti Pizza de Málaga en la Mesa finals share the secrets of the internationally famous traditional Italian pizza

A good pizza is made At the final the judges, Luigi “You can, but the difficulty is in with type 00 flour, whole Cinquegrana, export manager for The dough must be proved cooking it. Temperatures of 350º C tomatoes, preferably Polselli flours; Italian gastronomic for a minimum of eight and more are needed. The Neapoli- journalist, Luca Stillitano and SUR’s hours to ensure a light and tan pizzas are cooked at 400ºC, in fresh and definitely not own gastronomy critic, Enrique just one minute. That temperature paste, mozzarella filata Bellver, started judging each pizza easily digestible crust is difficult to achieve in a domestic by looking at the underneath. oven,” remarked Cinquegrama. cheese and a balanced “Examining the base gives you Bruno Procaccini, manager of La combination of toppings many clues. The first thing is to (the finest grade), with a balanced Contadina, who has been sourcing see if the cooking is uniform, that capacity to absorb water and an and importing quality Italian prod- :: ESPERANZA PELÁEZ it is not burnt and to see if the adequate percentage of protein, ucts for many years, comments on MALAGA. Well known and much dough has oil in its ingredients,” ideally around 11 per cent. the importance of the ingredients: loved, the pizza, along with pasta, explained Stillitano. “In Italy, quality flours with 100 “The tomato base must be made is the great ambassador of Italian per cent natural gluten are very with whole tomatoes, either fresh cuisine. But those who are happy Napoletana or Romana? important, we are even recover- or tin, without any excess liquid, to settle for an industrially pro- Whether the dough has oil in it or ing flours from old varieties of but never tomato purée. The amount duced, frozen version of the pizza not defines the type of pizza it is. wheat,” he adds. has to be exact, not too much, and should know that the Italians take The Associazione Verace Pizza Na- Another basic aspect is the prov- the perfect cheese is mozzarella ‘fi- the matter far more seriously. poletana, the organisation that ing. lata’, because it melts better and its SUR’s supplement in Spanish, watches over the preservation of “Lengthy proving time makes flavour and aroma is perfect for Málaga en la Mesa has just held the the original recipe from Naples, the dough light and easy to digest,” pizza.” finals of Il Concurso Tutti Pizza, says in its constitution that the in- explains Paloma Amansa, the edi- Mozzarella ‘filata’ or ‘filament’ is sponsored by the distributor of Ital- gredients of Neapolitan dough are tor of Gastronews ((http://gas- made by repeatedly stretching the ian products, La Contadina. water, salt, yeast (or sourdough) curd cheese until it forms threads. Bruno Procaccini, manager of La and flour, left to raise for a mini- Cinquegrama points out that This treatment makes the melted Contadina explained the reason, mum of eight hours. many master pizza makers (called cheese very elastic. “We want to show the true essence For the competition the dough pizzailoli) use their own sourdough And one last piece of advice comes of Italian cuisine, what may ap- is left to rise for much longer but (a portion of leaven dough left over from Stillitano: pear to be a simple task is carried if the dough contains oil, which from the last baking) although oth- “For pizzas, less is always more. out with a lot of care and precision. gives it a crisper crust, then it is a ers prefer to use fresh. It is always necessary to balance the Its success lies in good quality prod- Roman style pizza. combinations of ingredients well so Elasticity ucts, from the flour to the toma- Luigi Cinquegrama, an expert Home cooking that all the flavours shine through”. A good pizza dough should be elastic toes, cheese, cooked meats and in Italian flours, explains that a And can you make a good pizza at Pizza making is, as you can see, and not rubbery, and easy to extend many other ingredients.” good pizza needs a type 00 flour, home? a simple but exact science. without shrinking. April 20th to 26th 2018 41 SUR IN ENGLISH FOOD&DRINK

Masterly hands A delicate dough :: SUR The ‘pizzailoli’ stretch the dough with Very fine grade flour, an adequate amount of their hands. The flexibility and elastic- water (60% of the flour), kneaded for around ity of the base makes this easier. ten minutes and a long proving makes the BELLAVISTA MARE WINS BEST PIZZA dough soft and flexible. Of the eight contestants in the final of the Il Concurso Tutti Pizza organised by SUR’s supplement in Spanish, Málaga En La Mesa, the Pizzorante Bellavista Mare in Malaga came out as overall winners. :: DANIEL MALDONADO They won over the judges with their impeccable dough base and harmonious combination of tomato, crema tartufata (truffle cream), Fior di latte mozzarella, pancetta arrotolata, rocket and parmesan. They won 3,000 euros of publicity in Málaga En La Mesa.

Tomato, tomato Check the base To obtain the best flexibility, Except when being creative, the tomato The underneath of a well-cooked base will kneading and resting are vital. on the base should not be too watery in be toasted evenly and if it contains oil, it order to avoid making the base soggy. should be crispier in the browned areas. 4242424242424242 April 20th to 26th 2018 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH An answer for Chloe

Spanish researchers discover cause for rare sickness that affects Marbella girl and just 10 others worldwide

denounces the public health system The first problems began in May for their scarce support. This discov- 2011. She started to drool more regu- ery has given way to a new battle, ex- larly and as the days went on she be- plains Jorgelina, “to find someone came difficult to understand. There NIEVES CASTRO who wants to study this gene, or to commenced a string of medical ap- spark interest in someone who pos- pointments. The dentist attributed  [email protected] sesses the knowledge and the facili- it to a problem with her teeth. The ties to do so”. She continues, “unless speech therapist suggested that her MARBELLA. The fight for Chloe’s more cases like Chloe’s appear, the pronunciation issues were down to life began eight years ago. Over this funds for research will be lacking.” the fact that she grew up speaking time, Jorgelina Borda has visited Jorgelina Borda is the founder of Bub- both Spanish and English. countless hospitals, laboratories, in- bles and Dreams, a not-for-profit or- One month later, Chloe’s left foot stitutions and scientific foundations ganisation that supports children suf- began to turn inwards, giving her in search of a diagnosis for the vicious fering from rare and undiagnosed ill- trouble walking. Soon after, she combination of symptoms that af- nesses. started to experience extreme tired- fect her daughter, who is almost 10. When the researchers initially iden- ness. Chloe was referred to a neurolo- The journey has been long, desper- tified the gene alteration, which af- gist at the Costa del Sol hospital which ate and fruitless, until now. Research- fects mitochondrial function, their resulted in her urgent admission to ers from the Carlos III Institutes in work solely focused upon five peo- the Malaga children’s hospital. She Madrid and German Trias and Pujol ple. Over the past week, five more remained there for three weeks. “It in Barcelona have identified the faulty cases of the illness have been regis- happened very quickly. I honestly gene that torments this Marbella child tered (two in the US, one in Holland did not think that these separate and just 10 other people across the and one in Germany). symptoms were linked to the same world. Its name is VPS13D. illness,” explains Jorgelina. Scientific report in hand, Jorge- The road to diagnosis The doctors searched for a brain lina’s emotions are mixed. On one Chloe was born a healthy child in tumour. When it could not be found, hand, she’s exhilarated at having fi- Marbella on 3rd August 2008. She they suggested physiotherapy. This nally found some answers. On the was precocious and quickly learnt was not sufficient and Chloe began other, she approaches this new search how to walk and talk (both of which to deteriorate further, collapsing when for treatment with trepidation and she now struggles with). she tried to walk and choking on food. Jorgelina and Chloe then set foot on a journey around Spain, Italy, Ar- gentina and Israel in search of a diag- nosis derived from endless tests at various medical institutions. This proved a highly traumatic experience, both personally and economically. This surely highlights the signifi- cance of this latest discovery. Already, both of Chloe’s legs have turned in- wards and she has began to exhibit some minor memory issues. Frustration Jorgelina is still in shock. “I’ve spent over seven years fighting against eve- ryone, writing to doctors and scien- tists night after night, with almost no response. I cried with exhaustion and anger at every closed door.” Among all this, the desperate mother found doctors Matilla and Posadas from the German Trias and Pujol and the Carlos III Institutes, who were sensitive to Chloe’s cause. Jorgelina Chloe, left, and sister Kaia kiss their mother :: JOSELE-LANZA is forever grateful. “There’s nothing good in knowing that my daughter has a mitochon- drial problem which will become pro- The discovery opens the “I might spend the next gressively worse. However, it is amaz- ing to know that there now exists the door to finding a 20 years looking for possibility of finding a treatment for treatment for this something I don’t find, it,” Jorgelina explains. “I might spend mitochondrial illness but at least now I know” the next 20 years looking for some- thing that I never find, but at least now I know where I am”. April 20th to 26th 2018 43 SUR IN ENGLISH HEALTH&BEAUTY

The Butterfly Horizonte Proyecto Hombre launches Children event continues to give new plan to combat technology addiction wings to people with butterfly skin

Around thirty children in Marbella community needs to 2017 have been treated know that Horizonte Proyecto :: SUR Hombre caters for addictions in all MARBELLA. On 2-3 June, the with a programme senses of the word and not just prestigious Aloha Golf Club will designed for young people conventional drug addiction.” host the sixteenth annual But- with behavioural problems Among the range of programmes terfly Children Golf and Gala that they offer, one in particular event. Every year DEBRA, the caters for teenagers, young people butterfly children charity, cele- :: NIEVES CASTRO between the ages of 13 and 18 brates the start of the summer MARBELLA. Last February the years, who have fallen victim to a with an event that offers the op- Spanish Cabinet approved a Na- substance-less addiction: video portunity for their social and tional Addiction Strategy which in- games, tablets, mobile phones, so- health care team to continue cludes new technologies, online cial networks, online gambling or growing and improving the lives games and video games as types of any other type of addictive behav- of people that suffer with the very addiction for the first time. The first iour. As well as offering an educa- rare butterfly skin condition. stage of this plan has been to tackle tional and therapeutic programme, The gala takes place on the 3 what are known as substance-less they also offer preventative meas- June on the golf club’s terrace. addictions, which are prevalent ures to those who they deem to be Anyone who wants to attend the among Spanish teenagers. at risk of addiction or considering dinner can do so at a special price According to figures from the using any type of drug. of 60 euros if they make a reser- government, one in ten young peo- “We see children who don’t ac- vation before 19 May at ple between the ages of 14 and 18 cept the authority of their parents, in Spain admit to having gambled they live without rules and they Passionate golf players also online and 18 per cent admit to perform poorly at school. The re- have the opportunity to play a having abused new technologies. The president and director of the association. :: JOSELE-LANZA sult is that they begin to start drink- part in this wonderful event, Staff at Horizonte Proyecto Hom- ing alcohol and smoking tobacco playing Stableford rules at the bre Marbella have spent years try- things to retake control of their Proyecto Hombre we are increas- and cannabis, which tend to be the unique Aloha golf course, on 2 ing to solve these problems. The lives. ingly dealing with young people first substances to which they have June. Those who want to take director of the association, Jaime “Addiction to technology isn’t with addictions to video games, easy access,” explains Álvarez. part in this friendly competi- Álvarez, highlights that his organi- a new phenomenon. It started sev- mobile phones and the internet, The organisation held a gala din- tion can do so by reserving their sation increasingly doesn’t just eral years ago but it is steadily while other people have different ner on Friday 13 April at the Hotel place at a special price of 80 work with drug addicts, but also growing. We only have to look at types of problem which often fol- Fuerte in Marbella to raise funds euros before 19 May on provides the necessary resources reports from the National Plan for low a more classic path,” explains for Horizonte’s programmes, which www.butterflychildren- for people who are hooked on other Drugs to realise that. At Horizonte the association’s director. “The the organisation offers for free. 44 April 20th to 26th 2018 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH

future? –Yes. That door is opening, because “Our research opens the door to hope the tests on mice have shown that there is a regeneration of cells. That means that cells which were dead for a cure for Type 1 diabetes” because of the attack by the immune system reappear again. Basically, there are two types of cell, alfa and beta. It seems the alfa cells turn into Javier Bermúdez Endocrinologist at the Carlos Haya hospital and research scientist betas through transdifferentiation. One of the effects of this drug is transdifferentiation, which opens the door to the beta cells destroyed by the immune system starting to appear again from the alfas. That is ÁNGEL something that gives hope to the ESCALERA idea that there could eventually be a cure for Type 1 diabetes.  [email protected] –And why does the immune sys- tem attack and destroy the beta Andalusian scientists cells? have discovered a –That still isn’t clear. We think two factors contribute to it. One is ge- molecule which, it is netic. It seems that some people hoped, will help to are genetically predisposed, like combat the illness in someone who is allergic, for exam- ple. And the other factor is envi- future years ronmental. The environment can play a role in certain people, so it MALAGA. Researchers at the An- produces this anomalous response dalusian Centre of Molecular Biol- in the immune system and there ogy and Regenerative Medicine have is an attack on the beta cells of the opened a door of hope for a cure for pancreas. Type 1 diabetes. Javier Bermúdez, an –Over 30 scientists have taken part endocrinologist at the Carlos Haya in this research; what has been hospital in Malaga and a member of your role? the Biometric Research Institute of –Two researchers from the Carlos Malaga (Ibima), was one of them. The Javier Bermúdez is a specialist in endocrinology and is participating in the diabetes research. Haya hospital have taken part, study has discovered a molecule Yanina Romera and myself. Basi- with a high therapeutic potential animal models. We have also tested In the best of cases, if everything drug is effective in humans and cally what we have done is analyse to combat Type 1 diabetes, a con- human pancreatic islets ‘in vitro’. We goes well and it is shown that the passes all the safety phases of the samples from the animals. dition from which around 800,000 did tests and saw that the molecule drug is effective and safe, it will take clinical testing. Researchers always –Will you continue to work on the people in Andalucía suffer. has a beneficial effect on the isolated between eight and ten years. work to find a cure, but to talk of next stages? –What is the most outstanding as- human pancreatic islets. Next we –From the results obtained so far, a cure at the stage at which we are –We will continue with the work pect of this research, and what have to look further into the rele- could this drug lead to a cure for at present would be risky. I which still has to be done on the stage are you at now? vance of the drug on the human im- Type 1 diabetes? wouldn’t dare to claim that to any- subject of the immune system and –We need to keep looking deeper into mune system. After that will come –In the experiments on mice, it body, because there is still a long the pancreatic islets. There are still the mechanisms and, above all, study the clinic tests. gave the impression that the re- way to go. many mechanisms to explore. I don’t how the molecule affects the human –Will the clinical testing stage take generative effect of the cells could –Can it be said, though, that this know about the clinical tests. They immune system. The main part of long? potentially lead to a cure. But of drug opens a door to the hope of are still far off and that will have to the research has been carried out with –The clinical tests have four phases. course it remains to be seen if the a cure for Type 1 diabetes in the be arranged nearer the time. April 20th to 26th 2018 45 SUR IN ENGLISH HEALTH&BEAUTY

tive. Within a few years we’ll suf- fer the consequences.” The doctor Infant screen addiction is no stranger to this issue: she has had to restrict her own son’s screen time. “Children become rebellious, violent or aggressive and experi- Children are showing similar symptoms to addicts through misuse of technology ence disruption to their sleeping patterns,” she adds. The first stage of treatment for the abuse of digi- :: DOMÈNICO CHIAPPE tal technology is parenting. “We MADRID. He’s eleven years old, must make parents aware,” ex- goes to a Catholic school in the cen- Social networks can give plains José Antonio Molina. “They tre of a large city and is the young- should limit the time their child est child of a well-to-do middle you a warped peception of spends with screens and establish class family. Formerly a football reality in a way that books other leisure activities.” player, he now won’t attend his do not Video games and social networks extracurricular classes or go to cate- can warp your perception of real- chism. He plays on his Playstation ity in a way that books, for exam- day and night. He didn’t even leave ple, do not. “Applications like Face- the house during the Easter holi- book and Instagram are designed days. This is just one case of an ad- mail, childhood obesity and gam- to be addictive, in the same way diction which is increasingly com- bling. Lots of screen-time “pro- slot machines were, with bright mon among young children. motes a sedentary lifestyle which colours, sounds and the chance to “When speaking about addic- can cause obesity and, in turn, dia- win something,” suggests Barraca. tion among adolescents, we often betes,” says psychologist Jorge Bar- Molina agrees: “There exists a sort refer to guidelines from the World raca, professor of the Camilo José of reward system for the use of Health Organisation, though in Cela University. these technologies, meaning that, the case of technology the debate A pattern exists for this type of when you stop using, you experi- is more open”, explains José Anto- problem: worsening academic per- ence withdrawal symptoms.” nio Molina, psychologist and pro- formance, isolation, poor eating Children, regardless of gender, fessor at the Complutense Univer- habits and an insufficient amount are all vulnerable to this addictive sity of Madrid. However, it does of sleep. “The symptoms start with digital content. It is especially com- adhere to much of the same crite- A child plays on his laptop. :: FOTOLIA a lack of interest in everything out- mon if the child is shy or finds it ria. “Technology addiction has last- side of the screen,” explains Bar- difficult to connect with people; ing effects on different areas of an works is highly excessive,” warns influencers are figureheads of raca. “They will show anxiety and if their adult role models spend individual’s life; they can lose con- Macarena López, a social worker beauty and popularity: to be very withdrawal symptoms if they’re lots of time looking at their phones, trol over their usage; other expe- for the Home Project Association, young, thin and bikini-clad is pre- not connected. As with drug use, or if their parents are permissive riences start to seem insignificant which works with girls who are sented as something normal and the addiction to online gambling with regards to screen time. For or insufficient”. deemed to be in vulnerable situa- attainable.” brings with it an economic risk. every eleven year old child you Young girls tend to favour social tions. “They are subjected con- Lucía Galán Bertrand, paediatri- walk past playing ‘Zelda’ on a con- networking over video games. stantly to all this information from Bullying and blackmail cian at the Vithas Medimar Inter- sole, there is an adult who cannot “This generation’s use of Insta- “influencers”, which is often fo- The door is also open to the risks national Hospital in Alicante elabo- lift their eyes from the screen of gram, Whatsapp and other net- cused on the female body. These of cyber bullying, sexting, black- rates, “screens are highly addic- their mobile phone. 46 April 20th to 26th 2018 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH

The Costa del Sol hospital launches a campaign to treat lazy eye in children

The hospital’s regional can result in reduced and poor vi- ophthalmology unit has sion in adulthood. Doctors from several departments, organised an along with nurses and auxiliaries information table for from the ophthalmology depart- parents and teachers ment, were present at the informa- tion table in order to answer ques- tions asked by members of the pub- :: NIEVES CASTRO lic. There they explained the char- Staff from the Ophthalmology Unit of the Hospital Costa del Sol last week. :: SUR MARBELLA. What is a lazy eye and acteristics of the disease, including what is the strategy to combat it? details about the importance of an lem with communication between The most common form of lazy child after the age of 12. Questions like these were answered early diagnosis and how they would the cerebral cortex and the eye dur- eye is found in only one eye, while Strategies to tackle amblyopia, as by staff at the ophthalmology unit go about treating it. They also handed ing the first years of life due to a prob- the other eye is able to see perfectly outlined at the information table, of the Hospital Costa del Sol during out information leaflets so that visi- lem with development, which is well. That is the reason why many are varied and the condition is very a campaign that began last week to tors could learn more about what commonly known as a lazy eye. families think that there isn’t a prob- treatable. Tests should be carried out raise awareness for parents and was offered by their university. lem until it’s detected in a medical as early as possible, eye conditions teachers about the importance of In the Costa del Sol hospital three Treatment eye examination. Specialists recom- should be treated and if there are early detection and treatment of specialists carry out 5,000 consul- “The majority of cases of amblyo- mend that children should first visit signs of congential cataracts the eye this condition, which doctors refer tations each year related to lazy eyes, pia occur because the patient has a an eye doctor between the ages of should be operated on. Once this is to as amblyopia. with the help of other facilities such very different degree of vision be- 4 and 5. They insist that the treat- done or at the same time, the lazy This campaign, centred around as the CARE unit in Mijas, which is tween both eyes. This is known as ment of this disease is benefited by eye has to be stimulated at the same optical health in children, is included also managed by the Costa del Sol anisometrophia and is the cause of early diagnosis. If this is delayed, time as the sight in the other eye is as part of World Health Day, which health agency. a lazy eye, which is formally known and the problem is not detected un- reduced. How? With eye patches or was celebrated on 7 April, with the From the regional hospital the as amblyopia anisometropica. Lazy til the child is between 10 and 12 drops to dilate the pupil which is aim of getting across a message: the specialists explain that amblyopia eye is also commonly caused by years old, their vision is likely to be struggling to function properly, tech- later you detect an illness and, there- is a visual deterioration which origi- short-sightedness, and sometimes worse than it would otherwise have niques to try to stimulate the lazy fore, you commence treatment, the nates in the brain at a cortical level. occurs as a result of both situations,” been. In fact, it is unlikely that doc- eye, or trying to find ways to get it lower the chance of recovery, which Certain situations can lead to a prob- according to the doctors. tors will be able to do much for the to work harder. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 47



The sentinel of the Guzmán El Bueno Castle. :: TURISMO ANDALUZ Strait QUICK GUIDE What to see in Tarifa Bolonia Sand Dune. A natural monument located on TWO DAYS IN TARIFA ature and history go came about several centuries the Punta Camarinal isthmus, Car + walk hand in hand in later, when Abderramán III or- on the south Atlantic coast of Europe’s southern- dered the construction of the Cadiz. In the Estrecho natural Journey time: Two hours from Malaga. Cultural visit four hours. Hiking four N most town, which for tower named for Guzmán El park (Tarifa). hours. centuries has tirelessly watched Bueno, a Moroccan who became over the Strait of Gibraltar. famous for his loyalty to Castile. Guadalmesí Tower. A watchtower Tarifa has been one of the Today the fortress is the most built in the sixteenth century most coveted sites on the planet significant historical site in the on the orders of Felipe II to Cordoba because of its strategic value. area. From there, there are two defend the Trafalgar coast. Estu- Seville Here the Mediterranean meets options; look out over the sea or ray of Guadalmesí river. 11380 Huelva the Atlantic. The city was the en- lose yourself in the narrow Tarifa. trance point for the Moorish streets of its historic quarter, forces in 711. The leader of that which are designed to reduce the Estrecho natural park. A protected Malaga Cadiz invasion, Tarik, gave his name to harshness of the wind during space in the extreme south of Tarifa the town which has stood watch bouts of stormy weather. the province of Cadiz, with a over the North African coast. But Tarifa is much more than a coastline of over 60 kilometres. JAVIER ALMELLONES The name of the actual fortress city with Andalusian roots. Its Calle Coghen, 3. 11100 Algeciras vast territory, with around 38 y Tarifa. kilometres of beaches, is a para- dise for those looking for white- Guzmán El Bueno Castle. A for- sand Atlantic beaches or seeking tress defended by the Spanish an ideal place to go surfing. hero Guzmán El Bueno in 1294. Idyllic beaches, sand dunes, Calle Guzmán el Bueno, s/n. pine forests and marshland are 11380 Tarifa. just some of the aspects that at- tract thousands of visitors each Ruins of Baelo Claudia: An ancient year who want to break free of Roman city located 22 kilome- their daily routines in idyllic sur- tres from Tarifa. Ensenada de roundings.  Bolonia, s/n, 11380 Tarifa. As well as the Estrecho and los Alcornocales natural parks, Tarifa offers other incredible sites, in- cluding the beaches of La Playa, Los Lances, Atlanterra, Valdeva- queros and Bolonia, among oth- ers. Bolonia beach is home to the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia and, at the same time, also has one of the most spectacular natural landmarks in all of Andalucía, known as the Dune of Bolonia. Those who prefer to look north also have a lot of choice. The hiking trails of the Los Al- cornocales natural park are fun to explore or visitors can enjoy the calm of the village of Faci- Panoramic view towards Africa over the Strait. :: TURISMO ANDALUZ nas. 48 April 20th to 26th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

EXHIBITIONS acrylic, as well as patchwork and Marbella. 22 April, from midday quilting. Open 10am -2pm and until 5pm. Triple A, Crta de Ojén. 4pm - 8pm. Triple A have a lot of black pets Magpie International Gallery looking for homes. They are often Marbella. Until 23 April. C/Virgen Antonio Machado the last to be chosen, possibly be- del Pilar. 200m from port. Torremolinos. Until 30 April. Cen- cause of superstition. Anyone The exhibition by Pedro Molina is tro Cultural Pablo Ruiz Picasso. adopting a black cat or dog on the entitled Aguadas de Primavera. ‘Laberinto de Espejos’ is the title of day will get a special gift. Live en- the exhibition of photographs, tertainment etc. texts and books written by the Stephan Balkenhol Andalusian poet Antonio Machado. Touch Of Class Malaga. Until 22 April. Centro de Benalmádena. 25 April, 7pm. Sun- Arte Contemporáneo, Calle Ale- Pintura en Primavera set Beach Club, Moonlight mania. Torremolinos. Until 27 April. The Lounge. The exhibit consists of around cafetería of the Centro Cultural Touch Of Class will be performing thirty sculptures from the German Pablo Ruiz Picasso. The Dutch community celebrates King’s Day in La Carihuela. :: T. B. ‘Variety Espectacular’ in aid of artist’s collection representing his Students from the Universidad AECC, the Spanish Cancer most significant works in recent Popular will be displaying their Association. Tickets 10€ from years. work. The Dutch ready to Sunset beach. Costa del Sol Photographic Benalmádena. Until 27 April. Casti- llo Bil-Bil party for King’s Day The members of the Costa Del Sol Photographic Club are exhibiting some of their photographs. :: TONY BRYANT ary for Dutch nationals to TORREMOLINOS. La Carihu- adorn orange wigs, wacky out- Superpunk ela in Torremolinos will be fits and face paint. Torre del Mar. Until 29 April. Centro decorated in orange to cele- The festival will include a Cultural Ntra Sña del Carmen brate Koningsdag (The Kings street market offering Dutch Local artist Javi Rojo will be exhib- Day), the national holiday of handicraft products and the iting his art which he says is influ- the Netherlands, on Friday 27 traditional gastronomy of the enced by Almodovar, Hitchcock, April. Netherlands, like stamppot, a Quilting exhibition, Alhaurín. Andy Warhol, Dalí and Greta The Festival, which begins hearty stew of mashed pota- Garbo. at 3pm and continues until toes, vegetables and meat. Experimental Art 8pm, is organised by the cul- There will also be shows, at- Alba Blanco, Vélez-Málaga. Malaga. Until 27 April. Ateneo, Cabradeluna tural department of Torremoli- tractions, and music supplied by C/Compañía. Vélez-Málaga. Until 27 April. Cen- nos town hall and the Voom live bands and Dutch DJs. An exhibition by various artists tro Contempóraneo ‘Francisco Voom Club in La Carihuela. With a population of 700 Festival Solidario that links the work of artist Vik Hernández’ Dutch residents will enjoy an Dutch residents and more than Malaga. 28 April, various districts Muniz with Buster Keaton. The inauguration is this evening at all-day street party in celebra- 220,000 tourists in 2017, Torre- of Malaga city. 7.30pm. tion of King Willem-Alexan- molinos maintains strong his- This is the 3rd year that El Pimpi Church treasures der’s birthday. Orange is tradi- toric ties to the Dutch commu- has organised the Festival of Soli- Malaga. Until 28 April. ArsMálaga, Alba Blanco tionally worn on this day to nity. This is the third consecu- darity supporting 11 local ONGs. Palacio Episcopal. Free entry. Vélez-Málaga. Until 1 June. Casa show respect to the country’s tive year the festival has been The Festival this year will take The old Capuchin monastry, now fuerte Bezmiliana. royal family, and it is custom- held in Torremolinos. place in 11 districts across Malaga the Divina Pastora y Santa Teresa An exhibition of photographs by and through local support, hope de Jesús church, is being renovated Alba Blanco,photography and art to raise a record amount this year. and the works of art have been teacher. Throughout the day there will moved temporarily to the ated images of the Costa Tropical Europe”, Queen Machine at live music and performances. The ArsMálaga gallery. Sculptures and and design memorabilia from film 9.30pm. The concert will raise Star Wars Storm Troopers will be paintings from the Baroque period productions including Superman, funds for Cudeca Cancer Care also be there. www.solesde- are on display. Judge Dredd, Hamlet and Santa Hospice. More information Claus belonging to the artistic di- [email protected] or call: Sinfonía Celular rector of many cinematic and tele- 670635786 Tickets: Last Chance Animal Rescue Malaga. Until 30 April. Alfajar Sala. vision films, Don Dossett. Money Cartama. 6 May, from 10.30am. Calle Císter 1. raised from the exhibition will go Avanto Restaurante. Rafaela Pareja exhibts his works to a local charity. Lupus and autoimmune diseases Last Chance Animal Rescue ,based which reflect everday life and na- Mijas. 21 April, 7pm. Teatro Las in Cartama, are holding a family ture. CHARITY Lagunas. 5€ donation. fun charity walk at the Avanto Res- Bailupeando combines many dif- taurant, Urb. Torrenueva-Playa, La Quilting exhibition ferent forms of dance to raise Cala de Mijas. Starting at 10.30am Alhaurín el Grande. Until 2 May. Queen Machine funds for the Lupus and Autoim- the walk will be along the broad- Casa de la Cultura. Antonio Machado, Torremolinos. Fuengirola. 21 April, doors open mune Association. Tickets: Asoci- walk to La Cala and back. Entrance The Quilters del Sol and the Finca 7pm. Sohail Castle. Tickets 18 - 25€ ación Lupus y Autoinmunes de for Adults and children over 13 is Vida Art Group have joined to- The concert will begin with a Málaga Call: 952 26 65 04 or from 10€, Children 6€ and a Family gether for the exhibition entitled Don Dossett performance by Paul Maxwel, also the Academia de Baile Expresión ticket is 20€. There will be a small ‘The Sky’s the Limit’.. The exhibi- La Herradura. From 23 April Until 7 known as piano man, starting at call: 640 72 01 28 fair with stalls available at 15€ and tion includes works in charcoal, May. Centro Cultural Las Palomas. 8pm. He will be followed by the the Avanto restaurant are provid- oil, water colours, chalk and An exhibition of computer gener- “best group tribute to Queen in Triple A Black Pet Day ing a lunch on the day for 22€. Call April 20th to 26th 2018 49 SUR IN ENGLISH WHAT TO DO

Marti Oliphant 666860637 21 April. Play On. Alberto Soler Unicaja maría Cristina. Spain and one from Ecuador will be (bass) and Lola Casemeiro (vocals) The trio formed by Simona Mango performing at the event which has Darkness into Light The best international ballads, jazz, (soprano), Guiseppe Nora (flute), been organised by the town hall Estepona. 12 May, 6am. Starting pop and rock. and pianist Ivans María Vidova, and the Asociación Folclórica Cul- from Carrefour. will be performing romantic tural ‘Juan Navarro’. The aim of Pieta House who is Joven Orquesta Mediterránea French chamber music by Ravel, organising the walk is to create a Almuñécar. 22 April, 8pm. Caplet, Delibes, massenet and De- San Felipe Neri choir world where suicide, self-harm and Auditorio Casa de la Cultura. bussy as well as Bizet and Borne. Malaga. 22 April, 7.30pm. Sala stigma have been replaced by hope, Tchaikovsky’s concerto for violin Unicaja María Cristina. self-care and acceptance. Darkness and orchestra with soloist Emilia Victor Coyote This concert is dedicated to opera into Light is vital for fundraising, Ferriz and Brahms Symphony nº4 Mijas. 20 April, 8pm. Casa Museo. choirs with some solo perform- for raising awareness and for conducted byMichael Thomas. Victor Coyote introduced Punk- ances. Segments of operas by com- bringing people together. People at abilly in the 80s and then switched posers Verdi, Donizetti, Rossini, over 180 venues on four continents Play On, Wall Bar. Alegro con Fuoco to Latin and panamerican music. will be gathering on 12 May to take Malaga. 20 April, 8.30pm. Sala he will be in concert as part of the part. Register online: a raffle to raise money for Israeli María Cristina, Fundación Uni- ‘Música en el Patio’ season at the children with cancer. By ticket caja. 15€. Casa Museo. information/venues/register/costa only: 664469445 / 640337498 Chamber pieces by Ravel, Caplet, -del-sol Debussy, Delibes, Massenet and Atsuko Shimado & Juan MUSIC & DANCE arias and instrumental pieces from Galiardo Trío Israel 70th anniversary lunch the opera Carmen by Bizet and Nerja. 20 April, 9pm. C/Pintada. Marbella. 14 May, 1pm. The Board- Fantasia. The Ventana Abierta Jazz Club is walk, Avda La Fontanilla. 35€ The Wall Bar hosting ‘Keys Overdose’ with At- A three course Israeli meal (wine Malaga. Hotel Vincci Posada del Romantic music suko Shimado and Juan Galiardo and coffee inlcuded) live music and Patio, 11pm, entry free. Malaga. 20 April, 8.30pm. Sala Trio.

Royal British Legion concert Nerja. 21 April, 7.30pm. Nerja caves restaurant. 5€. Evgeny Konnov, Marbella. International cultural festival CANCELLED. Evgeny Konnov Leoncavallo, Gounod, Borodin, Marbella. 21 April, 8pm. Clínica Puccini and Purcell will be per- Buchinger Wilhelmi 25€ formed. :: TONY BRYANT Pianist Evgeny Konnov will be FUENGIROLA. The 24th edition playing works by Beethoven, Age Care Concert of the Feria de Los Pueblos will Liszt and Stravinsky. Tel: 689 000 Mijas. 24 April, 10.45am. Interna- be held in Fuengirola from Friday 944 www. tional Baptist church Calahonda. 27 April until Tuesday 1 May. An Acapella quartet called Reflec- This popular festival, which Folklore music festival tions will be performing. Doors will take place on the feria ground, Torremolinos. 22 April, from 11am. open at 10.45am for coffee/tea and is a multicultural event promot- Recinto Ferial. homemade cakes followed by the ing the gastronomy, culture and Verdiales bands from regions of concert. folklore of the participating coun- tries. Among those represented are the UK, Finland, America, Cuba, India and Morocco. Six re- gions of Spain will also be repre- sented and these include Anda- lucía and the Canary Islands. Puerto Rico, South Africa and the Ukraine will take part for the first time this year and there will also be a new a gastronomic fair Participants dress in traditional costumes for the festival. :: T. B. called Sabores de lo Nuestro (fla- vors of ours). This will be located tors dress in traditional costume. INFORMATION in a central marquee and will of- Live music and dance perform- fer visitors the opportunity to ances will take place throughout sample and buy traditional prod- the afternoon and these will in- What: International culture ucts like cheeses, cured meats, clude jazz, reggae, flamenco and and gastronomic festival. spices, herbs and sauces. rock. The popular David Bowie One of the highlights of the fes- tribute band, The Spiders from Where: Feria ground, Fuen- tival is the colourful parade of all Marbs, will be performing in the girola. the countries involved, which British caseta every day of the leaves the Plaza de España at festival. When: Friday 27 April until 11.30am on Saturday. An official programme, which Tuesday 1 May The casetas, which are open from includes a map of the feria ground 1pm until 4am, are brightly deco- and the casetas, can be obtained More information: rated with the country’s individ- from the town hall or from the ual colours and many of the visi- tourist office. 50 April 20th to 26th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

MUSIC & DANCE Tamisa Night Fever Peña Juan Breva, C/Ramón Fran- Boliches. Mijas. 27 April, 7.30pm. Hotel ta- quelo. Legalise assisted suicide? 20 April, misa Golf. 23€ 21 April, 8.30pm. Mariola 6.30-8pm. Some countries allow Manus Noble 70s and 80s night at Tamisa golf Martín(dance) with Alejandro Es- terminally ill people to request La Herradura. 21 April, 8.30pm. Hotel. Booking essential call: 722 trada (vocals), José M. Millan (gui- help to end their life, usually with Castillo de La Herradura. 10€ 336 978 or email: solo- tar). the aid of a doctor. But ought a Stephen Hill, guitar maker, with [email protected] or reservas@ho- 26 April, 8.30pm. Jenny healthy person also have the legal the support of the town hall has 952585988 Gómez(dance) with Tania Ortega right to choose to die aided by organised a recital by Irish guitar- (vocals), Dani Heredia (guitar someone else, whether ill or not? ist Manus Noble. Reservations: Malaga Philharmonic For information and bookings call 644063431 Orchestra 687 607 526 or email delsolfreethinkers/ Malaga. Teatro Cervantes [email protected] Piano concert 27, 28 April 9pm. Language School lectures Vélez-Málaga. 26 April, 9pm. Tea- Passio christi . Composer: Antonio Guerra Malaga. Paseo Martíricos. Fiesta del Pavo, Cañete La Real. tro del Carmen. 5€. Monseñor Marco Frisina. Tickets Vélez-Málaga. 20 April, 9pm. Tea- A series of lectures (in English) to A piano recital by María Márquez tro Del Carmen. 12€ introduce the new language Mills, International Financial Ad- Torres. Flamenco with Chelo Soto and exchange meetings which will be viser. Reservation: ilse.lie- Musical trip Delia Menbrive singing. Carlos held weekly between 10am and [email protected] or call: Marbella. 5 May, from various de- Haro on guitar, David Galiano 12pm. Volunteers are needed. 952 816 443 parture points. 60€. percussion, Nelson Doblas violin 25 April 11am - 12pm. Jane G A trip to the Festival Internacional and Macarena Álvarez clapping. Harlond Arredondo will be looking FESTIVALS de Jimena de la Frontera ‘Petite at how ‘being different’ in some Messe Solenelle’ with Gioachino LECTURES way can be advantageous in the Rossini, two pianos, soloists and classroom, and even lead to a Día de la Sopa Mondeña international choir. Tickets include writing career. A short discussion . 22 April, from midday. travel, concert, and meal. Reserva- U3A Lectures on how being a foreigner – a Plaza de la Constitución. tions 689000944. www.musica- Fuengirola. Lux Mundi reference stranger in a strange place – can be Every year for the past twenty two Library, free to members, guests turned to one’s advantage. How a years, Monda has held a festival to 5€. Email: u3afuengi- British teacher became an celebrate its famous dish, the Sopa FLAMENCO [email protected] international author of fiction and Mondeña. it is made with fresh school text books. J.G. Harlond is garden vegetables including aspara- Science and Crime – ‘Beyond DNA’ author of The Empress Emerald, gus, and bread. A free bowl of soup Flamenco in the Museum 25 April, 11am-12.30pm. The Chosen Man trilogy, Local for everyone who attends. Manus Noble, La Herradura Malaga. Museo de Arte Flamenco What have been the developments Resistance, Dark Night, Black in the scientific detection of crime Horse and The Doomsong Sword at Fiesta del Pavo since DNA Fingerprinting in 1985? Penmore Press and Oxford Cañete La Real. 22 April, from How close are we now to getting a University Press. 11am. Plaza de la Paz. complete picture of a culprit from a Turkey cooked every way and sample of their DNA? available to taste at this festival dedicated to the turkeys reared in ‘The science of stress ‘ various farms in the Valle del Gua- 9 May, 11am-12.30pm. dalteba area. A video of a Royal Institution talk where three professors look at EVENTS different aspects of stress from psychology to physiology including psychosocial factors. Thespa Fuengirola. 25 April, 7.30pm. Los Magpie International Gallery Boliches, Masonic Hall. 16€ mem- Marbella. 13 April, 7pm C/Virgen bers, 18€ guests. Includes set del Pilar. 200m from port. meal. Film and Visual Arts. This is the ‘Green Forms’ by Alan Bennett and fourth topic of Magpie Interna- ‘Scent of Honeysuckle’ by Jean tional Art Talks’ program, pre- J Harlond, author. Lennox Toddle. OGM starts at sented by Professor Juho Ahava, 6.45pm. Reservations tel: 622 454 from Finland. Residency or not? 422 Nerja 25April, 11am. Salon de ac- or email: thespabook- Lux Mundi Art Appreciation tos, Nerja town hall. [email protected] Fuengirola. 24 April, midday. Fun- In collaboration with Blacktower dación Lux Mundi, C/Nueva. 15€. Financial Management Interna- Cabramar A talk about the country, customs tional an informative talk has been . 22 April, 20 May, 10 and people of Colombia, finishing organised. The topics will cover June. off with a lunch of typical Colom- those areas that the foreign resi- A day for all the family with bian food. Reservations: www.lux- dents talk and hear about a lot, but Malaga’s goats. Goat’s cheese or call 952474 840 or e- find it hard to get correct and tasting and a chance to buy di- mail: [email protected] straight forward information on. rect from the manufacturer. The talk will focus on all aspects of Learn how the cheese is made Costa Discussion Group residency and non-residency. The and dress up as a shepherd and Fuengirola. Café Manila, Paseo talk will be given by Tim Govaerts, have your photo taken with a Marítimo Rey de España, 77, Los Associate Director and Richard goat. April 20th to 26th 2018 51 SUR IN ENGLISH WHAT TO DO

St George’s Day garden party Rampage: 16.50, 19.20 (Mon, (Mon); 22.15 (every day except Cártama. 23 April, from 2pm. Tues, Thurs) Mon). Betty’s Salon de Té, Cártama Esta- A Quiet Place: 19.00, 21.45 (Mon, Den of Thieves: 17.30 (Mon); ción. 5€. Tues, Thurs) 22.15 (Fri); 22.30 (Mon-Wed); Sandwiches, cake and afternoon 22.40 (Sat, Sun). tea in true British tradition. Enter- Cinesur Miramar Peter Rabbit: 11.45 (Sun); 15.45 tainment by Helen Rush, award for Avda. de la Encarnación, Fuengi- (Sat, Sun). best fancy dress and other activi- rola. Tel. 952 19 86 00. Miss Dalí: 17.00 (Mon); 18.30 (Fri, ties. Tues-Thurs); 19.45 (Sat, Sun). A Quiet Place: 16.30, (Sat, Sun); Spring Bazaar 17.45 (Mon-Thurs); 18.15 (Fri, Sat, Torre del Mar. 4 May, 11am - 1pm. Sun); 22.30 (every day). Lux Mundi Ecumenical Centre. Small gifts, preserves, cakes and Yelmo Cines, Plaza Mayor Visitors get a tour of the Ingenio at a previous event. :: E. C. homemade food, second hand Centro de Ocio Plaza Mayor, Avda. items, books, local art and crafts Alfonso Ponce de León. etc. Lux Mundi Torre del Mar. Tel: 902 902 103 or visit Tel:952 543 334 or e-mail: www. Sweet black molasses [email protected] Every Day: 16.30 (Tue, Thurs). Crooked House: 15.20 (Sat, O. V. FILM Sopa Mondeña, Monda. Sun). and May crosses Ready Player One: 16.45 (Mon- SUR in English advises calling A Quiet Place: 12.20, 16.05, 18.10, Fri); 12.40 (Sat, Sun). cinemas to check for any last min- 20.25, 22.25, 00.25. The Opera House (Documen- :: JENNIE RHODES El Ingenio Nuestra Señora ute time changes. Lunchtime and Ready Player One: 22.20. tary): 20.00 (Tues). FRIGILIANA. The village of del Carmen is the only working late night screenings weekends Crooked House: 20.00, 22.15 A Quiet Place: 12.45(Sat, Sun); Frigiliana will be combining its molasses factory in Europe. only. (Tues) 15.45 (every day). fifth Día de Miel de Caña (mo- However, from the 16th until Den of Thieves: 22.25 (Tues) Avengers: Infinity War: lasses day) with the annual the early 20th Century Malaga Cine Albéniz Finding Your Feet: 12.20, 16.05, 19.30(Thurs). May Cross Day on Saturday 28 province was home to a num- C/Alcazabilla 4, Malaga. Tel: 902 18.10, 20.20. April. The event will start at ber of such buildings. In the 36 02 95 or visit www.cinealbe- Peter Rabbit: 16.00. Screenings of opera, ballet 10am and finish at 3.30pm. 16th Century the Frigiliana In- or and theatre Most activities will be centred genio was home to the Count Isle of Dogs: 16.30, 18.20, 20.10, Cines Teatro Goya www. around the village’s Ingenio and Countess of Frigiliana. 22.00 (Mon- Thurs) For tickets and information call Prince, ‘Sign O’ The Times’ (con- (molasses factory) and will in- On the same day, visitors The Nile Hilton Incident: 18.15 951196665. cert). 21 April, 22.15 (Plaza clude guided tours during will also be able to walk around (Mon-Thurs) Mayor, Rincón de la Victoria, which visitors will have the op- the village taking in its May The Party: 22.00 (Mon-Thurs) Isle of Dogs: 11.45 (Sun); 15.45 Víalia) portunity to see the old ma- Crosses, each of which is deco- (Sat, Sun); 17.45 (Mon); 18.00 The Opera House (documen- chinery and molasses-making rated in typical spring flowers. Cinesur El Ingenio (every day except Mon); 20.10 tary). 24 April, 20.00 (Plaza process. There will also be tast- There will be traditional danc- Avda. Juan Carlos 1, Vélez-Málaga. (every day); 22.15(every day ex- Mayor, Rincón de la Victoria, ings of the dark, sweet liquid, ing and music to accompany Tel. 667 77 31 87. cept Friday); 22.30 (Frid). Víalia) which is used in a variety of tra- both events. For further infor- Finding Your Feet: 18.00, 20.15, Ready Player One: 19.45 (Mon- Hamlet (National Theatre Live). ditional recipes. mation visit: 22.25 (Tues) Thurs); 20.10 (Fri-Sun); 22.00 26 April, 20.00 (Víalia) 52 April 20th to 26th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

Open Studios event returns to Gaucín in May

:: DEBBIE BARTLETT ramics, photography, weaving, MALAGA. When the month of jewellery, textiles and lithographs. May arrives, it is time to head to Many of the artists’ names will the beautiful white village of be instantly recognisable to art Gaucín, in the Serranía de , lovers in the area, as they are for the Art Gaucín Open Studios members of Art Gaucin and ex- weekends which have become a hibit every year. well-known fixture of the art They include painters Joseba scene in Andalucía. Sánchez Zabaleta, Ana Pellón, No- As usual, the event will be tak- zomi Hatano and Paddy Robin- ing place over two weekends. This son, photographers Chris Klees year’s dates to note in the diary and Vivienne Whiffen, ceramic are Friday 25 to Sunday 27 May artists Juan Antonio Sangil, Rosie and Friday 1 to Sunday 3 June. Venables and Anna McGrane, and This is the perfect opportunity sculptors Sebastian Fisher and Photographer Vivienne Whiffen will be exhibiting at the Open Studios event. not only to discover the charms Silvia Franco. of the village, which is set amid Two other long-established and of guest artists Javier Machim- panoramas as the village has sev- stunning countryside, but to pop popular local artists are Jim Rat- barrena, from Spain, and Gerrit eral justifiably popular and cele- INFORMATION into each artist’s own studio, see tenbury, whose paintings and Oppelland-Hampel, who is from brated restaurants. their latest creations, learn more sculptures are in several private Germany. With the upgrading of the road about their techniques and watch collections abroad, and Michael With its warren of quiet, pretty from Gaucin to the coast, access What: Art Gaucín Open Stu- them at work. It also gives visi- Roschlau, former Glasgow School streets, Gaucin is a delightful is faster and smoother now; it is dios weekends tors the chance to purchase of Art lecturer, whose works in- place to explore on foot. It has just a 45-minute drive from Este- unique works of art, with the clude lithographs, paintings and ancient castle ruins, offers spec- pona and 40 minutes from Ronda. When: 27-29 May and 1-3 June. added pleasure of having met the intricate and very surprising tacular views across the coast and The full list of artists, details artist in person. clockwork wall sculptures. towards Africa, and provides of their works and the Art Gau- Where: Different studios in the Art takes many forms, so the This year, visitors to Art plenty of places to linger over a cin Open Studios event can be village of Gaucín, in the Serranía Open Studios event includes not Gaucín’s Open Studios will also coffee, tapas or something more found on the website de Ronda. only paintings but sculptures, ce- have the chance to enjoy the work substantial while enjoying those April 20th to 26th 2018 53 SUR IN ENGLISH SPORT


Malaga: Chelsea, Shiv, Postigo, Encarni, Paula, María Ruiz, Sheila, Adriana, Raquel, Ruth, Meri. Substitutes: Alba, Noelia, Karina, Farfán, Aurora. Pozoalbense: Portero, Bejarano, Nazaret, Troyano, Gloria, Victoria, Juani, Loba, Igle- sias, Elena, Andrea . Substitutes: Clara, María Ángeles, Garrido, María, Lucía. Goals: 1-0 Meri (22’), 2-0 Adriana (54’), 3- 0 María Ruiz (72’), 4-0 Adriana (90+3’). Referee: Virginia Santaella. Venue: Ciudad Deportiva de Cártama (150 spectators).

sault on their goal continued but Malaga could only count on a sin- gle goal lead going into the break. Complete dominance Malaga didn’t step off the gas in the second half and went for the Málaga CF Femenino won the league with victory in Cártama on Sunday. :: ÑITO SALAS kill. Adriana, who was at the heart of much of her side’s attacking play, scored her side’s second in the 54th minute with a strike the keeper could do nothing about. Malaga crowned league champions The third goal was scored by Ma- ría Ruiz, who pounced to score a header from a rebound. Adriana bagged her brace in A 4-0 win over Pozoalbense secured the title; now the playoffs will decide their promotion fate stoppage time (the captain’s 42nd of the season) sealing a 4-0 win and a championship medal, to the :: CARLOS J. MARTÍNEZ delight of the crowd who chanted MALAGA. The Cártama munici- their support throughout. pal stadium became a party venue Now most of the hard work is when the referee blew the final done: Malaga are champions after whistle. After an immaculate sea- claiming 65 out of a possible 72 son, Málaga CF Femenino sealed points, scoring 119 goals and con- the league title, with a game to ceding just six in the process. It all spare, and confirmed their place comes down to the playoffs for the in the playoffs for promotion to right to compete in the top flight the top flight. next season. As with almost all of their second Each of the champions in the se- division games this season, Malaga cond tier (in which there are seven were far superior to their opponents. groups) progress to the playoffs to Pozoalbense set out in Cártama with compete for two promotion places. the intention of causing an upset The seven teams will compete in but only came close to Chelsea’s goal either a mini league of three or a on a couple of occasions. play-off of four (depending on the Despite this, the side managed draw) and the winners of each will by Antonio Contreras were not able earn promotion to Primera. to make their dominance pay and “It will come down to luck,” said made fans wait for the opening head coach Antonio Contreras who goal. After numerous attempts, expressed his dislike for a knock- Meri put the hosts in front in the out system. “The most important 21st minute, seizing on a loose ball thing is that we continue to work in the Pozoalbense area. The as- Top goalscorer Adriana, congratulated by Luisa. :: Ñ. S. Antonio Contreras celebrates with his team. :: Ñ. S. hard, come what may.” 54 MALAGA-REAL SOCIEDAD April 20th to 26th 2018 SPORT SUNDAY 4.15PM SUR IN ENGLISH


MALAGA REAL MADRID BALL POSSESSION MATCHDAY LEAGUE TABLE 41% 59% Champions League Europa League Relegation TEAM PT. P W D L GF GA MALAGA REAL MADRID 1 2 32 1. Barcelona 82 32 25 7 0 81 17 2. At. Madrid 71 32 21 8 3 54 15 1 Goals 2 4-3-3 4-3-3 3. Real Madrid 67 32 20 7 5 79 35 Ricca 9 Total shots 13 Results Carvajal 4. Valencia 65 32 20 5 7 60 33 Vázquez Girona - Betis 0-1 Rolán 4 On target 7 Sevilla - Villarreal 2-2 5. Betis 52 32 16 4 12 53 53 5 Off target 6 Barcelona - Valencia 2-1 6. Villarreal 48 32 14 6 12 43 39 Las Palmas - R. Sociedad 0-1 4 Corners 7 7. Sevilla 47 32 14 5 13 41 52 Miquel Isco Vallejo Leganés - Celta 1-0 (Iván, 71’) Lacen (Mayoral, 72’) 2 3 Athletic - Deportivo 2-3 8. Girona 44 32 12 8 12 44 49 Offsides Eibar - Alavés 0-1 (Bueno, 53’) 9. 12 Fouls committed 8 At. Madrid - Levante 3-0 Celta 43 32 12 7 13 50 44 Ideye Getafe - Espanyol 1-0 10. Getafe 42 32 11 9 12 36 30 Benzema 4 Yellow cards 0 MALAGA Roberto Iturra (Lestienne, 78’) Casemiro Navas - Real Madrid 1-2 11. Real Sociedad 40 32 11 7 14 57 52 0 0 Red cards 12. Eibar 40 32 11 7 14 36 46 Fixtures Adrián 13. Athletic 39 32 9 12 11 35 38 Kovacic Goals: 0-1 Isco (29’), 0-2 Casemiro Deportivo - Sevilla Miguel Torres Sergio Ramos Celta - Barcelona 14. Leganés 39 32 11 6 15 27 39 (63’); 1-2 Rolán (90+3’). Villarreal - Leganés 15. Alavés 38 32 12 2 18 29 45 Chory Espanyol - Eibar Asensio Valencia - Getafe 16. Espanyol 36 32 8 12 12 26 39 Rosales (Ceballos, 66’) Théo Referee: Ricardo de Burgos Bengoetxea. Real Madrid - Athletic 17. Levante 31 32 6 13 13 28 48 Real Sociedad - At. Madrid 18. Deportivo 26 32 6 8 18 32 65 Alavés - Girona Unused substitutes: Unused substitutes: Venue: La Rosaleda (27,112 Levante - MALAGA 19. Las Palmas 21 32 5 6 21 22 64 Prieto (GK), En- Casilla (GK), Marcelo, Betis - Las Palmas MALAGA Nesyri, Rolón, Samuel. Kroos, Llorente, Achraf. spectators). 20. 17 32 4 5 23 20 50

nasi Miquel had a chance of his own Isco steals the show on return home after getting on the end of a knock down from Ricca but failed to get his effort on target. A change in approach The local boy was warmly In the second half the home side received despite scoring Relegation to Segunda continued their hunt for a goal and manager José González made an at- and bagging an assist to almost confirmed tacking substitution, replacing mid- inflict defeat on the fielder Mehdi Lacen with forward Defeat on Sunday erased all re- Alberto Bueno. Bueno was instantly bottom side maining hope of salvation for involved and, just two minutes af- Malaga whose coach José ter coming on, got on the end of a :: MERHAWI HESABU González had hoped to master- freekick from Chory Castro but MALAGA. It was always destined mind an upset over the under- failed to get enough on his header to be. In a Real Madrid team with strength Galácticos. “We tried to to trouble Navas. some notable absentees, Isco stepped freshen things up and do some- In spite of this attacking intent up to deliver what proved to be a thing new with the system [4-3- it didn’t take long for the away side match-winning performance with 3]. Without Bale or Ronaldo, we to double their lead. It was a great a goal and an assist on his return to knew they would have fewer team goal after 63 minutes with his former club on Sunday night. shots so we wanted to prevent Isco, needless to say, at the heart of With Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth them working their way through it. Isco had the opportunity to grab Bale, Toni Kroos and Luka Modric the middle.” his second goal of the game after be- all rested in the wake of their mid- But despite limiting the oppo- ing put through on goal by Karim week Champions League exertions, sition, he admitted that his own Benzema but the selfless Spaniard the burden of responsibility fell on side’s goalscoring problem was instead decided to tee up Casemiro the Spaniard and he duly delivered. what cost them the game - and ul- for a simple tap-in. Isco was at the centre of every- timately their La Liga status. Isco then left to a standing ova- thing for the away side, particularly At the time of going to press, tion from the home crowd after be- in the first half. He created a good Isco receiving a standing ovation from La Rosaleda. :: ÑITO SALAS Malaga are taking on Levante. De- ing substituted after 71 minutes. chance for Lucas Vázquez with a feat would mathematically con- clever dinked through-ball which The Spaniard then almost dou- traffic and Malaga had a flurry of firm relegation to Segunda. Late consolation the winger failed to convert. bled his tally when he cut in from chances towards the end of the half Malaga continued to push and Isco then had three chances of the left onto his stronger foot after in their pursuit of an equaliser. It grabbed the consolation goal that his own in quick succession. The a neat one-two with Marco Asensio started after clever interplay be- Iturra when he nipped in front of a their spirited performance deserved first was a sublime freekick which but could only shoot wide. His third tween the Uruguayan pair of careless Casemiro to put himself with Diego Rolán converting with was the game’s opening goal. From effort was another long-range ef- Federico Ricca and Diego Rolán though on goal but a smart save from the last kick of the game. His per- roughly 25-yards out Isco left Rob- fort but this time Roberto made a ended with a dangerous cross across Keylor Navas denied him. The home sistence paid off, capitalising after erto with no chance and he received comfortable save from a volley from the six-yard box from the full-back, side managed to keep the ball alive Jesús Vallejo miskicked Ricca’s cross the warm applause of the Malaga the edge of the box. cleared at the last by Sergio Ramos. and Roberto Rosales’ shot was de- from the left to smash the ball into and Madrid fans alike. However, it was not all one-way A clear chance then fell to Manuel flected over for a corner. From it, Ig- the roof of the net. April 20th to 26th 2018 55 SUR IN ENGLISH SPORT

Shatat with Al-Thani in 2014. :: ÁLVARO CABRERA Pressure piles on Al-Thani as date is set for BlueBay case

Former club vice start two years ago before Al-Thani’s lawyers lodged a criminal complaint president Moayad Shatat for falsehood and misappropriation will also press charges for against former Malaga CF directors damage the sheikh’s Abdullah Ghubn and Moayad Shatat, and the head of BlueBay, Ja- accusations caused to his mal Iglesias, a day prior to the pre- “honour and dignity” liminary hearing. This put the trial on hold but now these complaints :: A. GÓNGORA / S. CORTÉS have been officially shelved, it can MALAGA. The trial for the so-called resume this December. BlueBay case will begin on 4 Decem- ber this year. Shatat versus the sheikh The BlueBay hotel group is de- The aforementioned Moayad Shatat, manding that the conditions of a now cleared of the accusations made contract, which it signed with the against him by the sheikh, is seeking Sheikh Al-Thani and his collabora- to repair the damage caused to his tors in 2013, be honoured. The group “honour and dignity” by the “serious is claiming “co-ownership of the 97 accusations” made against him. per cent shares in the club” and “con- “I have kept quiet out of respect trol of the club to implement a vi- for the justice system,” said Shatat. able and sustainable project for the “But now the time has arrived for me future”. to defend myself.” Al-Thani, for his part, says Blue- According to the sheikh’s former Bay never complied with the condi- right-hand man, he only wants to tions of the contract, rendering it protect his public image and any dam- invalid. ages awarded would be given to a lo- The trial was originally due to cal charity.


Ricca, centre, following surgery. :: MALAGA CF

Federico Ricca out for der all season and it is hoped that the rest of the season surgery will repair it for good. Ricca’s surgery was postponed to allow him to play against Real Ma- MALAGA drid on Sunday in the absence of the :: SUR. Malaga left-back Federico suspended Luis Hernández. Ricca will not play again this sea- The 23-year-old has been under son after undergoing surgery on the knife last summer and in Octo- Tuesday. ber but still has problems with The Uruguayan has been trou- movement. He is expected to re- bled by an injury in his left shoul- cover in time for preseason. 56 April 20th to 26th 2018 SPORT SUR IN ENGLISH

ROB PALMER Marbella get back to A LOOK AT LA LIGA Commentator, Sky Sports @robbopalmer winning ways in La Masia: The famous pursuit of promotion Goals from Ferrón and well is running dry Juanfran sealed victory for Marbella in Sunday’s derby against Recreativo Tito Vilanova could field an all-Catalan XI MARBELLA 2 RECREATIVO 0

in 2012; this Tuesday :: JULIO RODRÍGUEZ there wasn’t a single MARBELLA. Marbella’s quest for local player in promotion got back on track on Sun- Barcelona’s line-up day afternoon as they put last week’s loss in Écija behind them and saw off Recreativo de Huelva by two Think of the iconic player of your goals to nil. favourite club, and the chances Head coach Fernando Estévez The players celebrate the win are it will be a local lad made good made two changes, with Chus he- that keeps them top. :: J. R. who speaks about the glory years via replacing Sergio Narváez in at- in a distinct local accent. tack and Lolo Pavón coming in at The Class of ’92 are making a the back to give extra height to Belgian group takes killing on the back of their to- counter Recreativo’s physical getherness at Old Trafford (are strength in attack. control of the club they the biggest thing to come The home side had the ball in the out of Manchester since Oasis?) net after just two minutes when Marbella owner Alexander Jamie Carragher and ‘The Spice Sergi Roberto is still the most recent La Masia graduate. :: EFE Ferrón converted from inside the Grinberg has handed over con- Boys’ have been making a grand six-yard box. The referee had other trol of the club to a Belgian living out of their era at Liver- past this would have allowed could select a team made up ideas, though, disallowing it for a group which has promised to pool. Think of Newcastle and it even more of the ‘next genera- solely of players who had been foul on the keeper. invest 2.85 million euros in in- is Alan Shearer, at Chelsea the tion’ to pull on famous shirt. mentored by the club. The fans were on their feet again stalments to acquire Grinberg’s dominant voices were those of The sign of the times is the fact Now the pendulum swings shortly after when Chus Hevia majority share. John Terry, Frank Lampard and that every single player had been and Sergi Roberto is the most re- played the ball into Añón with the The group, headed by foot- Dennis Wise. transferred in, and for a club that cent alumni. He came through backheel, only for the captain to ball agent and businessman In Spain no club reflected the prides itself on representing Cata- in 2010! So it is something that strike the ball against the post. Louis de Vries, has taken con- local area with greater pride and lonia, not one local started. The has to be addressed. In response, the away side pushed trol of the club’s finances, en- basked in their famous youth sys- two Spanish players, Denis Maybe the ‘non-Catalan’ se- out, compressing the field of play suring that the players get paid tem more than FC Barcelona. Suárez and Paco Alcácer, are from lection was a political statement and catching the Costa del Sol side on time and receive their per- When you go on the Camp Galicia and Valencia, respectively. from the coach. After all, at his offside with increasing frequency, formance-related bonuses in Nou stadium tour they boast of In the good old days the chang- previous club Valverde was re- limiting their creativity. light of Grinberg’s assets being the famous La Masia - the acad- ing room lingo was Catalan; it stricted to choosing from ONLY Despite this, Recre themselves frozen following his arrest. emy that has produced crop af- was in the contract that a player Basque players. only had one chance - a strike from ter crop of first teamers for the must have lessons in the lan- So it could be the fault of the Rafa de Vicente which Wilfred gath- club. Ideally, the first team is guage. This week even Spanish scouting department or even the ered on the second time of asking. try and find a way back into the shaped by graduates who have wasn’t the first language! parents of the Catalan youth play- The breakthrough goal game two game but Marbella continued to con- all learned ‘the Barcelona way’ The coach shouldered the ers. Remember when Gordon minutes from the break, result of trol the play and sought to take ad- with a few superstars signed to blame for the Champions League Strachan jokingly blamed genet- strong running from Dominican vantage of the extra space, bringing plug the gaps. exit, the director of football is ics for Scotland’s failure and sug- full-back Carlos Julio who powered on Juanfran to lead the attack with At the absolute height in No- getting criticised for the recruit- gested the country should get “big down the right before sending in ten minutes to go. vember 2012, Barça were able to ment. The problem goes way men and women together” to im- the cross which was parried by Marc His speed caused the Recre de- name a team of eleven players back, though. Way back... (Bear prove the football gene pool? Martínez into the path of Ferrón, fence all sorts of problems and with who had all studied their foot- in mind that players are recruited Maybe that’s it? Instead of who couldn’t miss. full time approaching, he was able ball at La Masia. as young as seven in this mod- boasting about La Masia foot- Far from sitting on their lead, to strike on the counterattack, run- Contrast that to last Tuesday ern era.) ball finishing school as the tour Marbella went for the jugular. ning from the half-way line before when Ernesto Valverde chose to The last time that Barça failed bus passes, they could reveal that Within two minutes of the restart, unleashing a strike on the outside rest many of the big hitters for to select a homegrown player was it is a breeding ground. After all a good combination move between of his right foot. the Copa del Rey final and se- 2002. The situation was rectified it is next door to the maternity Chus, Corpas and Bernal resulted in With four games left to go, Mar- lected the fringe players. In the so that by 2012 Tito Vilanova hospital... a chance for the Seville man who bella are almost certain of being in hit his shot over the crossbar. the playoffs, but will still want to The visitors took more risks to seal the title. April 20th to 26th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 57 58 April 20th to 26th 2018 SPORT SUR IN ENGLISH

THE BOOK A book to increase self-esteem

It has taken golferr Sebas Lorente a year to write ‘8 Días levantándome de #buenhumor’, a book which helps people to increase self-esteem, learn to value reality, stop complaining and put problems into proportion. He says it has been “ a pleasure” to write, and especially to see the 2,500 copies which were initially printed almost flying off the shelves.

supportive, honest, generous, and have a sense of humour, are able to create a pleasant atmosphere and make life easier for others. People liked those reflections and the readers of the blog used to interact with him, which is why he decided to share his experience and way of looking at life to try to Sebas Lorente plays a stroke from the ‘paragolfer’ which enables him to stand up and move around the course :: R. C. help others. Despite his achievements, Se- bastián Lorente insists that the ac- cident didn’t change him as a per- son, and he hates it when people “The accident didn’t change me at all” talk about his determination to overcome problems. “I’m just the same as any other person. If some- one let this get them down then Sebas Lorente, who was again, 20 years after the accident. chapters in his book. Throughout minding a great many people” they would let another problem The day he became European its 240 pages, he makes it clear that where to find the tools they need get them down too. It is all a mat- left paraplegic after a adapted golf champion was one of we can all wake up happy. to solve a problem. ter of attitude,” he says. The only car crash, believes the happiest of his life. “We are all going to have prob- “On one occasion, a woman told thing he changed was his way of liv- everyone can be happy. “If I look back at things I have lems at some time, but the solu- me she had been taking medica- ing (he had to move to a home with lost because I can’t walk, the list tion lies within us. We only have tion for a year because of depres- no stairs), but not his way of being, “Walking isn’t that would be long but if I look at the to look back into our past and see sion and that after listening to me thinking or feeling. He continued be- important,” he says ones which are really important that we have been able to recover she felt ashamed to continue do- ing who he was; his personality didn’t the list practically disappears. Not from difficult circumstances be- ing that. She realised that she had change at all and he didn’t become :: SUSANA ZAMORA being able to walk isn’t important,” fore. You have to accept your prob- to take action. Her thanks, and all bitter. Things he had been able to do MALAGA. Three decades have says Lorente in the book he has re- lems, and learn to live with them. those I have received since I began when he could walk ceased to be im- passed since the dreadful accident; cently published, ‘8 Días levantán- Time is our great ally, because it doing this, have been the greatest portant to him and he began to en- that night in May when, return- dome de #buen humor’. teaches us that we can always get reward,” he says. joy what he had at that moment, ing home after a night drinking The title comes from something over things,” says Sebas, who has As well as the talks, Lorente “which was a great deal because I and partying, the coffee-coloured he once posted on Twitter, after been touring Spain for the past five writes the blog which caused his could have died”. Seat 133 crashed in Sitges. It was counting the days that had passed years, giving conferences on ac- change in lifestyle, when he He continues to see life as if noth- being driven by a friend, who was since he was born: “19,539 days quiring a positive attitude and “re- stopped practising law after 13 ing had happened, as if there had not unhurt; he, on the other hand, aged getting up in a #GoodMood. May years and decided to follow his own been any consequences to the acci- just 20, was unlucky - or was he? they continue!” he said. advice and do what he wanted to dent. In fact, for some years he still Because despite suffering a seri- “That message came to mind be- do. In the blog he encourages peo- continued to drive (he had an adapted ous spinal injury which left him cause for the whole of my life I had “If someone let this get ple, almost as a doctrine, to be car) after drinking: “I thought light- paralysed, Sebastián Lorente, now been lucky enough to wake up in happy with what they have and ning couldn’t strike twice,” he says. 56, is not sure that his life would a good mood, all 19,539 days of it,” them down, they’d let not wait for something to happen But then his children were born, and have been better or happier, if he explains Sebas, as he is known. another problem get in order to make them happy; to the costs of the damage caused made had still been able to walk. Since then he has tweeted some- them down too” support others by example, high- him realise that alcohol and driving He finished his Law degree, thing similar every day: his age in lighting their strengths and never are not compatible. That is something worked as a solicitor, married, had days and a reflection, which are criticising their defects; to use as he makes very clear these days, when two children and even took up golf now the headings of the eight a role model people who are kind, he gives talks at schools. April 20th to 26th 2018 59 SUR IN ENGLISH

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Inland Marbella Mijas Property Wanted COIN, lovely countryhouse 3 bed- PROPERTY FOR rooms, garden, 550 STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! SIERREZUELA: 3 bed, 2 bath bun- WE HAVE clients actively looking euros/month.679111522 SALE Packaging materials. Selfstorage galow, garage, pool, immaculate. for villas, townhouses & apartments COIN, center large 3 bedrooms, 2 WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM Bar- Marbella 952811311 329.000 Euros. 626.864.683 from Torremolinos to Calahonda. bathrooms, 380 gain inland properties for all budg- Call Joe 626.864.683 euros/month.679111522 Axarquía ets, fincas, village homes, apart- Stylish CAMPO Mijas: 3 bed villa, large plot. ments and villas. Legal building detached 4 bedroom villa in great 299.000 Euros. 626.864.683 WE ARE looking for attractive COIN, townhouse, 4 bedrooms, 2 location of El Paraiso between Este- plots. Tel. 952491609 /667067269 TOWNHOUSE half a way Fuengi- properties, seaview is a plus, min. bathroom, garage, 480 pona and Marbella, full of charm, rola to Mijas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath- 2 bedrooms between Benal- euros/month.679111522 private and on one level. Guest apart- rooms, gest toilet, nicely furnished madena/ Marbella for our Scan- BEAUTIFUL house first line Lauro ment, garage, heated pool. Please and well maintained, 3 terraces, dinavian clients. Call 952469519 call Future Homes 952796389 Golf, 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ bathrooms, open views, small garden, own ga- unfurnished. 615652189 RIO REAL golf/ sea views. 3 min- rage + parking. Beautiful commu- ute drive from town. 200 m2 apart- nity pool. 260,000 Eur. 610045539 ALOZAINA 3 bedroom country house available long term. 646542795 ment feels like a house. 3 bedrooms BUENA Vista: 4 beds, 3 baths villa, ensuite. Two cars garage. garden many extras, sea & mountain views. ALHAURIN Torre-Grande, long term with private jacuzzi. NO community 340,000 Euros. No agents. rentals. Esme-Julia 629487762, fees. Now Only. 389.000. Anxious 625908687 678457784 owner .640661129 BEACHFRONT 1 bed apartment with seaviews. 45m2. 230.000 euros. Commercial Marbella 656887399 Properties STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! Estepona CALANOVA Golf, impressive duplex Packaging materials. Selfstorage penthouse, 4 bedrooms, 4 bath- SELLING We urgently require Marbella 952811311 rooms, 2 living areas, 392m2 + properties for sale between El STORAGE space for rent, from 5m2 260m2 terraces. Fully refurbished, MARBELLA puerto deportivo. fan- Faro and Marbella, we have cli- FOR SALE Unique family villa, stun- jacuzzi bath, BBQ area, plunge pool, ents waiting! Properties Costa del upwards, San Pedro Alcántara cen- tastic commercial opportunity. Two tre. From 40 euros/month. Video ning views, pool, patios, gardens, elevator to both floors, fireplace, frontline locals for sale next to each Sol. Call Daniela 607716254 granny flat, parking, wheelchair ac- closed garage for 3 cars and stor- surveillance. +34951517296. cess. Perfectly situated in Torre- other. For more information age rooms. 785,000.00 EUR. Tel. 663810702 or 677243459 guadiaro. Website www.masome- 620552620 PROPERTY TO LET MARBELLA Banus. Short term. Sunny Beautiful one bedroom, big Estepona apartment by Marina, gardens, Pool, WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM are Parking, [email protected]. always looking for inland and Mi- LA CARTUJA 2 bedroom, 2 bath- 63743922 Fuengirola jas properties to sell to our inter- room furnished penthouse apart- ested buyers.Tel. 952491609/ ment with roof terrace, 24h. secu- 667067269 rity. 1150 euros/ month. Long term. TORREBLANCA: 3 bed villa, garage, 616373777 sea views, large plot. 299.000 Euros. NICE villa in "El Romeral" 3 bed- 626.864.683 room, 3 bathrooms, 200m2. Plot VILLA Atalaya Beach 4 bedrooms, 2,800m2. Pool. 350,000 Euros. 2 bathrooms, living & fireplace, air- LUXURY Penthouse on the prome- 629555815 con, sat, wifi, 600 m2 garden. 1600 nade, Carvajal, Edif. Violet. Total 634596946 build including terrace 178 m2, ALOZAINA Country finca with house, housing 157 m2 + terrace 21,5 pool and land, 14,000, olive grove, m2. Large living room of 42,5 m2. 2 wells and droplet irrigation sys- Fuengirola Modern kitchen 15 m2. Currently tem. 646542795 2 large bedrooms en-suite (be- FUENGIROLA, beach, room with fore reform, 3 bedrooms), toilet. ALHAURIN Torre Sol. Walk in and bathroom, 390 euros/month all in- Terrace with magnificent views. smile! Top quality spacious 2 bed- clusive. 679111522 Fully refurbished and furnished room, 2 bathroom aparrtment large to a high quality. Integrated air- balconies semi furnished. Gated conditioning. Electric shutters. Inland Covered parking space. Storage complex with pools, lake, tennis room. Fenced enclosure. 720,000 courts and immaculate gardens. A WWW.RENTINLAND.COM Long euros. Tel. 952474892 Mob. steal at 175,000 euros. Esme-Julia term rentals in Coín and surround- 610045539 629487762, 678457784 ing areas. Phil 659537525 64 April 20th to 26th 2018 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

Mijas Builders CSW ELECTRICAL and maintenance Repairs Floors Spe- for all your electrical and mainte- cialist manufactures, installers. High- WE HAVE a large selection of long nance needs. No job too small. Call WASHING Machines, refrigerators, MARBLE polishing, crystallizing, est quality UPVC windows, doors, term properties available along the Craig for a free quote. 604106414 boilers, cookers, ovens... Profes- lasting, high shine. Regrinding, enclosures, persianas. Glass replace- JIM'S Home Improvements. Bath- ment fully guaranteed. Trade/ pub- Coast. For more information please room/ kitchen reforms, repairs, ELECTRICAL services all areas. Com- sionally repaired. Christian restoration of salty, dead floors. contact 650148945 608337497 Cyril, 634455064 lic. Showroom. 952667761/ plumbing, carpentry, painting, til- plete installations, maintenance, 680828000 ing, maintenance. Give us a call, no fault finding, extra lights and points, ELECTRIC gate automation and ga- 2.50 P/M2 Why pay more? We job too small. Mob. 692207799 boletines, power saving surveys. rage door motors. Servicing or Re- (clean, crystallize, seal, polish). Torremolinos Call Richard on 687352358 PLASTERING, rendering, artexing pairs. Call Colin 951242873/ Also repair, grinding, laying, sell- Locksmiths 636394641 ing marble. Clean, seal terraces. CostaCASA real estate Torremoli- & coving specialist, 20.years on the Coast, 1st class job. Phone Robbie: 25 years experience. Cover all nosThe best long term property rent- Decorators REPAIRS to Washing Machines-Dish- Costa. Tel: 0034-671244683 LOCKSMITH 24/7 Emergency/ Ap- als from Málaga to Fuengirola 679646185 washers-Ovens-Fridges. Call Garry pointment. Doors opened with- Yolanda 0034 622168090 whatsapp HMS PROFESSIONAL builders. THE BEST painter/decorator on Goodman +34 673344212. English TERRACOTA cleaned and sealed. out damage, locks changed, patio or yolanda@costa-casa-torremoli- General reforms, extensions, the Coast. Call Nick 678889933 Service Technician. 36 years expe- Wooden floors treated. No job too doors, windows secured. Paul pools, damp specialist...We im- rience small. Family-run. Cleansol. 10am- 657466803 prove on any competing quote. 10pm. 7 days. 952930861- RAINBOW Pinturas. English, pro- 607610578. SECURITY of Spain. 24 hour lock- Any size job.610502623 fessional paint & decorating com- Bathrooms smiths. 30 years experience. Call SWIMMING POOLS CONSTRUCTION in general, all pany. All aspects/ jobs undertaken. MARBLE floors polished. Fast serv- Daren. 636770865-952660233. ice. Reliable family-run. Cleansol. types of reforms. Quality building Damp repairs. Also kitchen/ furni- BATHROOMS and kitchen renova- AND GARDEN at the right price. Stuart 648153718 ture spraying & effects. Call / 952930861-607610578. 10am- tions. Property reform projects. 10pm, 7 days. All areas. www.clean- WhatsApp: Daniel 628066308. Plumbing, electrical installations, Elec- Solar Energy trician, plumbing, construction, painting, carpentry. www.master- Swimming Pools PAINTING & decorating. For a quick info@masterbuild- www.sunshinecoast-supreme- painting. Innovation Sotogrande GAS FIRES Wood burning stoves. to Marbella, 648712530 and efficient service call Ian 952663141/ 670409759 Pressure washing drive- CALOREX pool heat pumps. World 603219176 ways, patios, marble floor, polish- Airconditioning heating. Bathroom/ leaders ( 8x4 CONCRETE- OZBUILD The spe- ing. 643253828 kitchen heaters. Heated towel rails. pool 4,499 Euros, fully inclusive. cialist imprinted concrete. Re- HOUSE or apartments. Inside and/or Awnings-Blinds Solar heating. Instant gas heating Acair ( Estab- seals, brickwork, tiling, plaster- outside. "Wedo it all" efficiently, systems. Central heating systems. lished 1986. 952486287/ ing, screeding. 14 years cleanly and reasonably. Please call Windows and Glass All work fully guaranteed. All areas 654762993 coast/campo. Competitive prices, 607 693536 for a free estimate ROLLER shutter repairs 7 days a covered. 21 years on the Coast. quality finish. 952426074/ EXPERIENCED Painter & Decora- week. Conversion from manual to Curtains 952663141/ 670409759 www.en- POOL Maintenance/ Repairs. 606745920 www.ozbuild- motorised. New installations. Also info@enviroca- Málaga/ Estepona. 678791495/ tor available for all your painting REPLACEMENT of discoloured, plas- needs inc paperhanging and Ames blinds, awnings, mosquito screens. 951295699 sparklenripple@hot- All areas covered coast and inland. tic jointing, strips between the glass COSTADIGGERS & Construction. taping . Phone Brian on 603202823 WWW.SOLARSUNO.COM Solar en- 655825931 curtains. Also repairs. 655825931 Mini digger hire, 35 years experi- SUPERIOR decoration service for ergy & construction. Lowest prices. ence, building projects. 678450051. the discerning client; interiors +ex- Highest quality. 653456091 Garden [email protected] teriors, paper hanging +paint fin- DAMP & humidity stopped. Contact ishes. Call Tim on 695875118/ Air Conditioning / ARBOLISTA Tree surgery. Nº1 for for free survey. Architect run com- 952455551 trees & palms. On the Costa since pany. Heating 1998. 600260534/ 952117486 Kit Tel: 654384171 Hogg C.G.Arb. Drain Repairs SUPPLIERS of refrigeration equip- PLASTERING and tiling 15 years DREAM Gardens: Landscaping ar- ment, glass door refrigerators, ice experience on the coast all work DRAINS blocked? Call David makers, bottle coolers, dishwash- chitecture, design (computer pre- guaranteed call Mick 672857598 visualization), water features, ir- 952568414, 661910772. HP Jet- ers. Fantastic value and reliability, rigation. Specializing in beauti- BUILDER Property maintenance ting, CCTV survey. Drain- tech So- after sales service. Williams Refrig- ful gardens. Also replan- contractor. Fully legal. Competitive lutions eration SL. 952596404/ 679284959 rates. Phones 677079704 UPVC, aluminum doors, windows, ning/maintenance. 610502623. AIR CONDITIONING installation. Carpenters SUNSHINE blinds , awnings shut- shutters. We manufacture and in- Service & repair to any make or GARDEN and pool maintenance. ters repairs motorized cheap toldos stall. 631571108 model, also repair fridge/freezers, Plumbers persianas fix electrify cheap awn- Private villas and communities. Pro- CARPENTER. Doors, wardrobes, bottle coolers, car A/C & A/C on fessional, reliable service. ings shutters repair motorized cheap boats. All work guaranteed. All ar- flooring, vinyl flooring, own work- 952467783/ 680323969 602424974 shop, 13 yrs. Marbella. 666269751 eas covered including campo. Con- 30 YEARS on the Coast. I cover all tact Williams Refrigeration: GARDENING services from 10 aspects of plumbing & general 952596404/679284959 Euros/ hour. Contracts from 90 Euros maintenance. Graham, 607923486 Gates monthly. Benalmadena to Marbella. Upholstery BEST service engineer. Ricardo 637160129 www.ricar- CITY and Guilds. Qualified plumber. www.acair,com Established 1986. All areas covered. Adrian 677063272 ELECTRIC Gates & Garage Doors. Intercoms and access control sys- Fujitsu inverter 999 Euros fully ADVANCED Cleaning Services. inclusive. 952486287/ 654762993 www.sunshinecoast-supreme- PLUMBER: All plumbing work un- tems. New installations and re- Pressure washing drive- dertaken, fully qualified. 625702772 pairs, for all your gate and garage Professional carpet and uphol- AIR CONDITIONING installations, ways, patios, stonework, decking, door requirements call The Ga- stery cleaning, 27 years experi- repairs and servicing. Airflow JUST Leaks: Leaks detection serv- rage Door Company & 2 Way Gates. roofs. 643253828 ices. Latest state of the art equip- ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, 952443222 [email protected] [email protected] www.the- reliable service. ment. 625702772 VENTANAS Arcoplan quality UPVC 678808837/952669701 or email AIR CONDITIONING installation windows at unbeatable prices, check service, repair & re-gas, 24h 952786178 / 605356469 [email protected] SERVICES Electricians out our offers and new product lines callout. All work guaranteed. Con- Pest Control UPHOLSTERY including leather at, we will beat tact Cool Breeze 610887921/ cleaned as well as all carpets. any genuine quote by 10% call to- 951351051 day. 952 667 559 Alarms 24H EMERGENCY Electricians. Ex- COCKROACHES, all insects, fleas, 685524921 QUALITY air conditioning installa- wasps, rats, termite specialists. Bars, tions. Repairs and servicing. 21 years perts in fault finding. Complete CARPETS, Sofas and mattresses UPVC and Aluminium windows rewires, extra sockets, boletins, houses, apartments. Sanitary de- on the Coast. All areas covered. All partment registered. Serving the cleaned. Reliable fast service. Fam- and doors direct from our factory. projects. 610887921/ 951351051 work is fully guaranteed. www.en- ALL types video security cameras Coast and Inland since 1985. NPS ily-run. Cleansol. 952930861- We measure! We make! We fit! info@enviroca- detectors José Sotto 952443838. POWER failure rewiring José Sotto Pest Control. Phone Nigel 607610578. 10am-10pm, 7 days. 952587482/ 678768454. gene- 952663141/ 670443838 952443838. 670443838 606008940. Credit cards accepted All areas. [email protected] 670409759 April 20th to 26th 2018 65 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED

AIR-CONDITIONING by Cool and Others Architects REAL ales crowdfunding investors. Man van re- Cosy. The family company that local meetings in may. www.peral- movals from 20E/ Hr. Local & Euro- BUY / SELL cares. Installation and repairs. COMFORTABLE and secure acco- ARCHITECTS, projects, construc- pean. Storage containers in Este- Quality machines. EcoSense modation units within large coun- tions, new buildings, extensions, re- pona. David 696810618 MISCELLANEOUS movement sensors supplied and try home adapted for disabled use furbishments, legalisations, inter- fitted from 100 Euros. Coin me- SPAIN/ UK, UK/ SPAIN. Part full and respite care. Peaceful and beau- iro design. 680700430 Others HOUSE clearances specialist. ters supplied and fitted from 260 tiful setting, with 24 hour care avail- loads. Pet transport. Houses, gardens, garages cleared. Euros. For other energy-saving able from experienced and dedi- STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! [email protected] Cash on collection . Man & van re- products visit www.cooland- cated carer. Malaga airport 30 min- Mortgages Packaging materials. Selfstorage 637980655 moval service. Fast and reliable. Rich 952935513. Junta de An- utes 10 minutes from beach Trans- Marbella 952811311 639229607 Joanne 649977723 re- dalucía authorised. Approved pro- STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! [email protected] port available Contact Ana +34 648 MISLAID your payslips/ P60 or Packaging materials. Selfstorage fessional service for your peace 684406 of mind. On the Costa del Sol since other paperwork? Recovery docu- Marbella 952811311 WANTED all furniture and house- 1993 ment service available, fast con- hold items. Best prices. 697511071 fidential, reliable.TL 617910147 REMOVALS [email protected] FURNITURE wanted same day col- PROFESSIONAL AND STORAGE lection. Cash waiting. 675357575 Property RE-MORTGAGE Spain, Fluent Fi- SERVICES nance can offer a free, no obliga- MAN & VAN Big/ small removals, QUALITY BRIC-A-BRAC REQUIRED. Management tion Spanish mortgage review to see clearances. 100% reliable. Ikea col- GOOD PRICES. QUICK COLLECTION. if you can save money or better your lection/ assembly. 20E hourly. 661402134 TRUSTED Property Care and much Lawyers terms by changing Spanish lenders. 622020856 CASH for your unwanted furniture. more. Please visit www.sun- LAWYER: Arroyo Miel/ Malaga. Do you have an old interest only 2 MEN & Van. 30 Euros/hour. Al- House/ garage/ bar clearances. Also for more detail. Con- Legal advice conveyancing, wills, mortgage which needs to be refi- ways on time. 651081610 removals. Steve 722306194 tact 611338427 inheritances, contracts, divorces, nanced? Contact Marc 952 85 36 criminal defense, any litigation, 47, melliott@fluentfinance- BRITISH Removal Company SL. BALAY washing machine 100 Euros. or visit www.fluentfi- Regular service Spain, UK includ- Balay fridge freezer 100 Euros. Both Cleaning Services [email protected] 15 METRE VAN LEAVING SPAIN 1 year old. Call Lisa 652189088 ing Scotland and Ireland. FOR UK APRIL 27TH. SPACE 952964591 952426463 CHIMNEY sweep, clean, reliable, FLUENT Finance Abroad. Are you AVAILABLE BOTH WAYS. COLLECTOR buys watches, pocket economical, all types of fireplaces. DO NOT MAKE ANY PROPERTY looking to raise funds against your WWW.SPAINUKSPAIN.COM Vehi- 639928090. LOCAL REMOVALS watches and coins of all kinds. Tel Chris 608337497 INVESTMENTS WITHOUT CON- home in Spain for property reforms, cle leaving Spain 9th-19th-29th, TOO!! 651187549 SULTING US! WE PROVIDE FIRST debt consolidation or liquidity pur- returning 10th-20th-30th.Prices BUY RECORDS, record player and ADVANCED Cleaning Services. LEGAL CONSULTATION FREE OF poses? We have alternatives to high MAN WITH big van, local removals, from 90 pounds per m3. Cars 525. 20 Euros/ hour. Also house clear- radios. Tel. 651187549 Professional carpet and uphol- CHARGE! 0034-619-930-052 street Banks which offer bespoke Bikes 325. Dogs 395. Cats 295 in- stery cleaning, 27 years experi- ance. Ikea runs. 609321958 solutions! Call us or visit www.flu- cluding vet checks/ travel with your [email protected] We ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, for more in- NATIONAL and International Trans- buy collections of stamps. Chinese reliable service. Accountants pets. Various vehicles cater for your formation. +34 952 961 952 or email needs. 952596213, 665150227 port regular loads to the UK LWB items ivory, 1960s Scandinavian 678808837/952669701 or email ACCOUNTANTS. English and Span- [email protected]. Visit Van Focus Transport 952816582 furniture and objects. Cash settle- [email protected] ish Accountants for all accounting/ our San Pedro office [email protected] ment. Call 618090073 bookkeeping jobs. Tax and company RUGS, fitted carpet and upholstery EXPAT Mortgages for new or exist- 12 TON lorry with tail lift for trans- SOLAR power system. 3x200W pan- including leather cleaned on site. formation. Professional, reliable, els, 1000W pure sine wave, 3000W confidential. Tel: 952440773 ing UK property? FCA regulated. In- port and removals. Phones: German 685524921 formal chat & no obligation quotes. 722449989/ English 603476612/ per day. Including all cables and fit- WINDOW Cleaning. Don Jose Pro- REGISTRATION of holiday proper- Contact Simon 646 689947 French 647404608/ Spanish tings. Never used. Cost 1400. 1000. fessional, Reliable, Affordable. ties, company formations, business [email protected] 603476602 655316526 www.windowcleaningdon- start-ups, bookkeeping, taxation TOYOTA SL1 overlocking machine. and translations. Vehicle transfers, VAN GOING to UK end of April and Tel: 629769136 returning in May. Space available Unused. Boxed. 150 Euros. Fuengi- Spanish driver´s licence. Malcolm Loans rola. 677786037 OVEN cleaning domestic commer- Greenwood. 699780389 both ways. 602637242 cial professional cleaned from 40 BORROW Cash on your house. Any SLIDING Mitre saw, 12¿ Dewalt slid- euros. 632569282 MAN & VAN. Anything considered. ing mitre saw with spare blades. 110 Detectives property. Any amount. No monthly No job too small. FROM 15Euros payments. No credit checks. Pay volt with 220v transformer. 550 LAUNDRY Self/service El Candelero. per/hour+ fuel (IVA credited). HIRE SERVICES Save time & money doing your back ONLY when you sell. euros ono. 602576156 PRIVATE investigator, debt collec- 605215917 weeekly laundry in one hour. Open tion, discreet and professional. 617333777 express4finance@ya- MOBILITY Scooters, electric wheel- daily 7-23h. C/ Camino de Coín, 23 697834934 MOVING LOCALLY? Call chairs and wheelchairs for sale or Antiques Fuengirola. (Search on Google Maps) PRIVATE investor needs British 952426463/ 660563131. Best rent. Same day delivery! Scooters WINDOW cleaner, professional Translators pounds. Call whatsapp prices. Fully legal. British Removal also bought for cash!! New batter- [email protected] We and reliable. Affordable prices. +34627176956 Company ies supplied & fitted. 609581139. buy collections of stamps, Chi- Call Chris 603630049 www.mobiltyscootersdi- nese Items, porcelain, paintings, OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS, MEDI- STORAGE Clean dry secure ware- EXPRESS Cleaning Service. Fast, CAL TRANSLATIONS, TECHNICAL bronzes, old ivory. Cash settle- housing Marbella. Container, Pallet ment. Call 618090073 professional domestic cleaning & TRANSLATIONS ENGLISH/SPAN- or Loose. Guaranteed best rates. Fo- management services. Tel. ISH. Tel. 634882377 Business cus Transport 952816582 661903526 OFFICIAL translations. All languages. Opportunities [email protected] www.sunshinecoast-supreme- 952789204. Mobile 654613094 RECRUITMENT Pressure washing drive- [email protected] WORLDWIDE SHIPPING, ways, patios, marble floor, polish- COMMERCIAL Premises in Cala- door2door service. British Re- ing. 643253828 honda (reason retirement), 100mtrs. moval Company SL. 952426463 Insurance 120,000 Euros. 606191939 Situations Vacant General Services QUALITY staff? With over 5000 can- didates and 400 new registrations monthly, we can help you hire and STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! keep the best staff quickly and cost Packaging materials. Selfstorage effectively. Find out how at www.job- Marbella 952811311 or call 951400234 SEWING Services. Curtains, blinds, NEW JOB? At jobfinder Spain we Upholstery, made to measure, meet with you, identify your key wide range fabrics/ foam. strengths, build you profile, then 672800887 judeinspain@hot- guide you through the selection and interview process for that perfect job!.Call 951400234 www.jobfind- Mosquito Screens MARBELLA For Sale Realty Consult- ing is recruiting for its busy Puerto Banus office: Sales Consultants, MOSQUITO Screens. Sliding. Pull- Property Lister, Telemarketers, Sales down. Pleated. Colours. Call Nick Support. Send your CV to info@mar- 647072861, 66 April 20th to 26th 2018 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

Ambientjobs This week's HOTJOBS WE ARE looking for 2 telemarket- BOUWERSGIDS.BE zoekt Belgische CAREER opportunity for Pension NATIVE teacher required for Al- !!!TELEMARKETER wanted!!! Great European Project Marketing man- ers must be native English speaking en Nederlandse televerkopers om Consultants and Pension Adminis- haurín de la Torre English academy. Marbella based Real Estate office, ager, full contract and package, for part time hours in central Fuen- ons product te promoten. Hoge ver- trators in Marbella area. Our admini- Must have experience with children seeks suitably experienced Telemar- Malaga. Senior Sales Executive. Face girola. Ideally you must swear like diensten en wekelijkse betalingen. stration team is growing and due to and Cambrigde exams. 687035488. to face, B to B & B to C. Property CV: medi10 keters, English Essential and other a trouper and be middle aged with Info: 685855297 www.bouwers- an expansion we require experienced languages an advantage to support sales and promotion, Marbella- Gi- a sense of humour, experience would of [email protected] personnel to take over a client base MARBELLAAPARTMENT.COM Due a busy sales team. You will be quali- braltar. Financial Sales Consultants, to provide administration services various roles, pension and mortgage be preferable. Why not come and WE ARE a Real Estate agency in Este- to our ongoing expansion, we are and consultancy. There are excel- looking for an English telemarketer fying a regular supply of hot incom- background advantageous, Mar- work for a company that you know pona port with international clients lent long-term career opportuni- serving our English-speaking cli- ing leads. Previous experience in bella. In-house telesales, finance, will always pay you on time. Call us from all Europe, looking for expe- ties offering ongoing training, de- ents. Experience within telemarket- similar role is essential, together Marbella. Java Full-stack develop- on 952586140 after 1.00pm rienced sales agents, English spo- velopment and full support for pro- ing and a good knowledge of the with good knowledge of the coast ers, Malaga and Ireland, full pack- ETSIMME Suomen. Espanjan ja ken/ written is a must, driving li- fessional study as well as an excel- Costa del Sol is a must. Very high and property market. You will need age. Contact, Jochem on Englanti hallitsevan reipaan hen- cence and car. We are open to dis- 0034634344244 or Susana on lent remuneration package. Previ- commission. Please send applica- cuss autonomo/ nomina. Please send tion and CV to: a professional and confident tele- 0034665774400 or jobs@ambi- kilon lentokentta toimistollemme ous knowledge and experience in your CV to: info@properties-spain- marked with Telemarketer phone manner, solid IT skills and a asiakaspalveluun. Marko@auto- SIPP/SSAS is essential. Email: re- desire to achieve and exceed tar- 952475179 cruitment@pensionpractitio- WANTED fluent Russian and Mid- gets. Permanent contract, excellent BUSINESS project with contract and MALAGA Biludlejningsfirma søger training included, preferably over FANTASTIC Carer available for a dle Eastern Arabic telesales person- basic, commission and incentives. 40 years old. Call during afternoons. dansk-talende medarbejder. live in position, non smoker, excel- ASIAN Carer housekeeper required. nel for the launch of an exciting new Kræver kørekort og spansk/ Please send CV to info@stellaek- 640879469 lent references, DBS & NIE. Part time or live-in. Marbella. product. You must have experience !!! Good Basic Salary and engelsk. [email protected] - 643458865 669067057 952475179 in telesales and be able to work on High Commissions, guaranteed!!! REAL ESTATE Agency located in Mi- your own initiative. We are an es- jas Costa and operative on the en- REAL ESTATE since 25 years in the tablished company based in Fuen- EXPERIENCED receptionist required tire Coast is looking for experienced area of Marbella is looking for sales girola, full training is given along for busy and professional aesthetic sales agents and telemarketers. The consultant. English/French/Span- clinic in Puerto Banus. The candi- candidates must speak English flu- ish speaking essential, driving li- with Nomina and excellent commis- date must be bilingual and fully flu- ently and preferably one of the fol- cense and own car. Send cv puerto- sion. For more information please ent in both spoken and written Eng- lowing languages: French, German, [email protected] call us on 952586140 after 1.00pm lish and Spanish and have knowl- Nordic. Great conditions and high edge of social media for marketing commission scheme for the right HEAD Chef, kitchen porter and bar EXPERIENCED chef required for a purposes. Please send an email with candidates. Please send CV staff wanted for Caffreys Irish bar. small bistro restaurant in Torre- your CV to [email protected] [email protected] and/or Good rates of pay. For more infor- guadiaro. Tel: 679 900 392 for the attention of Maria call 951484500 mation call 951275121/ 634787655 [email protected] TELESALES: We are looking for homebased telesales people to join WAITRESS with experience re- our team. Sales experience essen- quired Bar Puerto Cabopino (Mar- bella). Full time. Tel. 652165807 tial, native English speakers only. OTE earnings 1,500 per month. 1 NATIVE English speaking teacher month training at our Fuengirola of- required. Academia central Fuengi- fice. For full job spec, send CV to rola. Mon-Thurs 4.00pm-7.45pm. [email protected] or call Good salary + contract. Contact Ver- 951203002 ity 952197652 April 20th to 26th 2018 67 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED

WE ARE looking for native English Situations Wanted CABRIO Saab 93 Aero... Only AUTOMATIC Jaguar "S" Type, 2002, speaking sales people to join our call MOTORS 38,000 kilometers, stunning sky 144,000 Kms. New ITV. 3,000 Euros. centre in Marbella selling Google blue with 2 tone leather interior, 605109796 NUDE model (male) seeks individ- electric black hood, one owner advertising. For an immediate in- ual artist or group working with RANGE Rover Evoque ED4 4 x 2 terview please email your CV to ad- Buy / Sell Cars from new, drive is style turns head. drawing, painting or sculpting. Also 8,995 Euros. See photo www.rob- PURE, 2014. Many extras, immacu- [email protected] or call posing only, bodypaint /cast or CFNM. late, 42,000kms. Need to sell! New 683594980 WANTED all cars, any registration, Samantha Very experienced. croquis- 952832173 / 608658785 price 26,000 Euros. 609547483 ENTHUSIASTIC telesales required [email protected] or call / SMS runners or non runners. Embargos ROBERTSON Cars... 4X4 2012. Nis- RANGE Rover 1987 LHD 3.5EFI pet- for exciting brand new product 600795608. Ole & finance no problem. Call now, cash rol manual colour white with colour waiting. 687049592/ 622156022 san Juke 1.6 Acenta, only 38,000 arriving in Spain. Technical and ENGLISH gentleman requires part kilometers. Small SUV. Looks right coded white alloys and bullbars air- innovative company. Full contract time driving job, own car, anything CARS & Vans any registration, in- in white, manual, 5 door. CD. Cli- con just serviced one owner very 1,200 Euros. Mon-Fri, 10ºº-18ºº. considered. 634346464 stant cash. Finance/embargo UK mate control. Immaculate. Only low mileage 61000 miles £14995 Limited availability. Office in La or Spanish.. 685524921 10,995 euros. See photo: Tel Mobile UK 07716011677 Cala. Send CV to admin@interac- WANTED: Best prices paid for Samantha 952832173 / RESTAURANTS proper cars, same day collection. 608658785 Buy / Sell Motorbikes REAL ESTATE agency, Calahonda 678808837 Mijas Costa. Looking for reliable SMALL established restaurant for SIMPLY The Best. Top prices paid MOTORCYCLES/ Scooters bought staff: Customer services; sales; sale a little goldmine. Turnkey op- CARS WANTED, UK or Spanish best for any second-hand cars. Jeff and sold, same day response, ITV advertising. Languages: English eration. Great timing for the upcom- prices, also embargos/finance/ lost 639416333 , Gestoria service. 674843115 ing season Tel: 679 900 392 papers. Problems solved. Call and German. Own car. CVs to KTM DUKE 390. 2015. Only 500km. [email protected] 678808837 AUTOSEDAN.ES: Great stock of tourism vehicles, all terrain and As new. Bargain 2500. 655316526 WANTED Cars & vans. Free collec- SUNCARE Central is looking to ex- vans. Bmw 520 Touring Automatic, HONDA CB500. 1997 in great con- pand their team with people who PERSONAL tion same day. 685524921 2013. Citroen C8 HDI Automatic, dition. Complete with screen and can deliver great customer service AUTOMATIC Seat Altea XL Diesel, 2018. Honda CR-V 2.2 I- DTEC top box. New battery, good tyres. to hotel guests. Our team of Sun- 2008, 92,000kms. 6,500 Euros. Automatic, 2013. Nissan Path- Irish registered. 1.500 euros. care Advisors work poolside in ho- Meeting Point 605109796 finder 2.5 DCI Automatic, 2012. 602576156 tels from Estepona to Torremolinos Hyundai Santa Fe 2.2 Automatic, giving suncare and tanning advice 70s and 80s Tamisa Night Fever!! ALL CARS/ Commercials wanted 2013. Hyundai I20.4 Klass Auto- while promoting natural, organic Groups or Individual guests.Wel- any age, any condition. Cash. Buyer matic, 2016. Renault Espace 2.2 Repairs sun lotions. On contract, full train- come Drink, 2 Course Dinner with collects. Transfer included. DCI Automatic, year: 08/2012. ing given; flexible, reduced hours; Wine, entertainment only 23 Euros 605109796 Renault Scenic 2.2 INY Automatic, TRANSMATIC Automatic gearbox friendly working environment and Friday 27th April, 7.30PM. Hotel year: 06/2006. Toyota Auris 1.8 specialists. All models including clas- ROBERTSON Cars. Sale. Only Hybrid Automatic, year: 12/2011. great potential earnings. Are you Tamisa Golf. Booking Essential. 24,000 Kilometers, 2012. Diesel, sic cars, serviced, repaired and re- motivated, positive and a good com- Totyota Auris Touring Sports Hy- 722336978 [email protected] black and white stylish Skoda Fa- conditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes municator? Contact Lorraine on brid Automatic, year: 03/2015. and power steering. Call/Fax: 952585988 bia, 1.6. 5 door hatchback, CD, air [email protected] Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I City Auto- 952796166/ 952805804/ AFFLUENT slim fashionable so- conditioned. Was 8,995 euros, matic, year: 06/2014. Toyota 615834322. transmatic2005@ya- REAL Estate Office Mijas requires ciable gent 67, enjoys walking, Now 7,995 euros. www.robert- Prius 1.8 HSD Advance Automatic, sale person. Must have driving li- dining out, travel, swimming, Samantha year: 07/2013. Toyota Yaris Hy- ENGLISH Bodyshop, fully equipped, cense, fluent English and some Span- WLTM slim active lady (55/70), 952832173/ 608658785 brid 1.5 Automatic, year: 04/2013. ish. C.V to [email protected] Toyota Yaris Hybrid 1.5 Automatic, Mijas Costa. No job too small. for friendship/ long term rela- ROBERTSON Cars. Sale. 4X4 Die- 952667074 tionship. Please text/ call Ken on year: 09/2013. Nissan Leaf Elec- EXPERIENCED ASP.NET Developer sel Nissan Qashqai, only 61,000 tric, 2014. Honda Jazz 1.3 VTEC in Marbella, website/ SEO skills and 610361114 Kms. (Approx 40,000 miles) 2016 Hybrid, 2012. Reanult Clio 1.5 dCi advantage. Email CV to hboard@ul- ELDERLY gentleman fit seeks domi- 1.5 Acenta. Award winning jeep, eco2 90CV diesel Automatic, 2015. Paperwork nant contemporary 55+ for outre stunning in Grey one owner now Mercedes Benz E500 Avantgarde PART Time position - Administra- companionship on a regular basis. leaving Spain, every extra Blue- Full Equiped Automatic, 2004. tion: We are looking for an extremely Coast or country your venue... outre- tooth, CD, climate control. Genu- Certified kilometers and body- organized and focused person to [email protected] ine reduction must sell price now... work vehicles. Not from car rent- work alongside and manage our ad- 15,995 euros. You will not buy als. Visit us in min and logistic team. The candi- LADY looking to meet eligible gen- better. See photo: www.robert- Tel: 685637211 - 952319935. date must be self-motivated and ini- tleman, "sixties", living on the coast. Samantha C/ Nabucco, 25 (Polígono tiative. Preferable you will be com- N/S. 667290152 952832173 / 608658785 Alameda). Málaga ing from an accounting and admin- CARS wanted. Good honest prices istrative background but you should paid. Call Steve 602407084 be used to work under pressure and WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, towards deadlines. Logical forward all years, all models...from exotic thinking, ability to multi task, Con- to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch fident, Organized and efficient with plated. Call 951977329/ excellent communicative skills. Also, 606647597 to be bilingual (English and Span- UK MOT Car collected and deliv- ish) and proficiency in Microsoft Of- WE BUY your car or motorhome. ered by transporter, GBP400. Email fice Package. If you think you are up State and year no matter. Pay fair in [email protected] for this challenging job please send cash. 651187549 R. Theiss (0044)7553367285 your CV to andreab@ambiencehome- SICK? Of not being paid within the Timeshare industry? Company bosses refusing to pay your commissions? Then it's time to work for the Best UK partnered SL Company in Spain. We have positions for listers and closers in our 2nd telesales office in Fuengirola. Fantastic reward pack- age on offer if you are hungry for money and success? If so , this is the place to be! Call Reece 660549635 LOOKING for a lady to work in villa Sotogrande (Costa del Sol). Speak- ing English and driver´s license. No matter nationality. Highly qualified and good salary. Send CV by e-mail: [email protected] 68 April 20th to 26th 2018 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

THAI massages, ayurveda, stress, DRIVER licence in English with CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cat- tired feet/ legs, muscle spasm. COMPUTERS / discounts. Also with AUTOMATIC tery. 952112978/ 630197435. Benalmádena. 634181891 VIDEO / TV car! Fuengirola/ Mijas. 657325808 THAI full body massage. Relaxa- INTERNET / PHONES SPANISH private lessons I design PETCARE Pet Hotel: Alhaurin El tion therapy. Anti-Stress, Lomi- Satellite Installation customized Spanish skype lessons. Grande. Holiday accommodation Lomi. Fuengirola. 600231544 I am Macarena. Native, qualified, for dogs & cats. Individually TV REPAIRS, Plasmas, LCDS, digi- Buy / Sell with 5 years experience teaching heated/aircon kennels. THERAPEUTIC relief, anti-stress boxes, video, hi-fi, microwaves. Free students of all levels . mbspanis- 952112284/ 685400216 massage. Previous appointment. estimates. Can collect. 35 years ex- DAYTONA Computer: Computers, [email protected] Follow Estepona center. Laura 605801466 perience. John 952491723 / mobile phones and accessories in us on Facebook at Petcare Spain SPANISH lessons at your home. PROFESSIONAL massage oriental 600706201 your language. Sales and repairs. Agents Masmovil & TIEKOM. Estab- Qualified Spanish female teacher EURODOG, Boarding Kennels & Cat- techniques and naturopathy. Mar- BBC 1/2 uk full uk pack 80 cm dish with many years of experience. Own tery, fully licensed & sanitary ap- bella. Include parking. 682359525 lished 1999. Los Boliches. info@day- CARAVANS no internet needed no contract. or call 952667395 method: simple and effective. Ideal proved, safe, secure and loving en- PROFESSIONAL relaxation mas- Wacht tv all rooms no cables. Sky for beginners. Also tutoring for stu- vironment. Large kennels & play ar- sage for disconecting. Appointments. full pack iptv internet from only 30 dents 617879834 eas. Fully refurbished, inspections Storage Estepona Port. Tel. 603045793 euros no contrat no dish. Satellite Repairs welcome. improuve reallignement bbc sky and 952464947 -679786669 PROFESSIONAL Japanesse mas- all europeens tv. Pave as you go. PARKING, storage & sales.Caravans, seur. Sports, golfers, general mas- COMPUTER problems solved! Er- motorhomes, cars and boats etc. sage. Great for aching muscles and José Sotto Since 1973. 952443838. ror messages fixed, viruses removed. PETS Short/ long term. Safe & secure. Ex- tensions. Puerto Banús. 603480043 670443838 Email jose- Hardware/software upgrades avail- Pet Transport cellent rates. 5 minutes from Fuen- [email protected] able. Kindle, iPad & Android help. girola. [email protected] BENALMADENA: Professional Buy / Sell TNT sat 50 chaines francaises sans Laptops in English. Also one-to-one 679786669/ 606101807 massage, lumbar, back, clay, training. Experienced, reliable serv- LOOK no further for your pet trans- chocolate. From 30E. 608181791 abonement José Sotto depuis 1973, CHIHUAHUA pedigree puppies CARAVAN 4 Birth,Archway Royal 952443838. 670443838 ice, no callout charge. Paul, port. We offer a service to travel 630652338/952493859 with passport. All year available. with/ without your pets/ furniture. 520,Parked in Cartema, Approx year 951312860/ 654285667 2004,built in separate shower , bath- Therapists BEST sales repairs all tv and Iptv Pets from 295 pounds including vet room Clean and tidy interior I will José Sotto 952443838. 670443838 PUPPIES German Shephards, Ken- checks. Various vehicles cater for be in Spain 26th April to 3rd May for ONLY here for short periods? Af- nel Coroninas, excellent pedigrees, your needs. 952596213, MARBELLA Counselling and Psy- CLASSES vaccinated,microchip, info viewing, Contact me for more pic- chosexual therapy. COSRT and fordable rental packages available 665150227 tures. 2750. 07940924424 for Internet and TV with Internet. 619464515 or 609535857, BACP accredited. Individuals and HOLA! Speak Spanish from first PET-COURIERS com. If you love couples. www.sextherapymar- No contract required. Just pay as lesson. Experienced qualified na- your pet try us first. We are the best. Richard 608 594 608 you go!! 0034951386044 tive teacher. One-to-one, groups. Door to door services throughout NAUTICAL ITEC Diploma courses in massage, IPTV 2300+ channels from UK and Fuengirola. 661159330 [email protected] Kennels / Cattery Europe. Specialised vehicles - be- reflexology and others. weekly, in- 16 other countries, 48 hour trials spoken service. Full legal service, WANTED JetSki's, Boats, Quads..etc tensive or online. 951311216. available... Full details DRIVERS licence in English. Dis- including documentation if required. working or not. Telf. 609521166. or 672836621 LAGUNA Kennels & cosy cattery. count with this advert. Autoescu- For further information call or email [email protected] (mobile/ whatsapp) Your pets lovingly cared for by ela Urbano. C/Maestro Angeles As- us. Tel. or WhatsApp (0034) piazu, Fuengirola, also C/Mayorazgo English mother & daughter. Coín. SPLASH Nautica RYA License 651033670 Email: info@pet-cou- Training center Cabopino & Fuen- Hairdressers 8, Trapiche area, Marbella. Manual Tel 952112021/ 606838983 or la- girola. Waters sport, Dolphin trips, or automatic. 687070256 [email protected] and private luxury boat charters. ROBERT James hair replacement. Boat sales. Tel/ Whatsapp Barry For free consultation call MUSIC 0034670659218 952574075/ 602668649 OPPORTUNITY: Pto Banus sale 12M mooring with parking facilities. Others LIVE CELLO Music Cellist Gorka 616969496 Onraita is performing beautiful PUERTO Banus 8M mooring for MALE/ female Viagra, kamagra jel- smooth jazz and romantic classi- rental Tel 630614252 lys, cialis, delivered or mail order cal music for night clubs, restau- rants, hotels and exclusive pri- INFLATABLE Dingy, SunSport [email protected]. 672883025 vate events. 677115150. SF260, 2.6 mtrs. Outboard trans- [email protected] lam. Hard Slatted floor, C-W lock- VIAGRA (Kamagra) 100 mg, Cia- ing oars, storage bags and pump. PARKER PM20 & P42 electric Ap- Only used twice 210 lis (Tadalafil) 20 mg, Jellies 100 plause AE047 acoustic guitars. All euros.643371814, mg. Wholesale & retail. Free de- hard cases. Marshall JMD1 50W valve 004479990552960 livery all areas. For the best prod- head, 2x12 cab. All pristine. 600 ucts & service. 617740250.24 hrs. the lot. 655316526 HEALTH & BEAUTY

Chiropodists Paul & Elaine Curtis-Turner. Tel. 619547636

Massage FULLY authorised and qualified unisex masseuse. Call for appoint- ments: 622231133 TIRED of meaningless massages. Try us!! You won't regret it! Also Manicure, Pedicure...etc. Benal- madena Costa 688553000 BEAUTICIAN/ masseuse with ex- perience looking for work. In/out- calls 633830406 MATURE male offering Naturist & Sports massage.Live in A.E.G and mobile . WhatsApp 693710522, UK mobile 07963134523. Mizpha- [email protected] April 20th to 26th 2018 69 SUR IN ENGLISH CLUBS CLUBS

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION INTERNAT. LABOUR GROUP CANTOLIBRE CHOIR Marbella Costa del Sol: Jacqueline Dueñas Joan 952520579 or Trevor on 952524743 Puerto de la Duquesa: 634717317 / Fuengirola: Alf Brewer 952449408 Amateur singers Estepona. 692558 041 619755031; Marbella Francófono: LOS BOLICHES BRIDGE CLUB [email protected] Rosalyn Bakker; 952884340; Marbella ASSOC. FRANCÓFONOS NEW SAYDO SINGERS Mijas Costa: 615758959. Fuengirola: German: T. Heyden 667760230; Marbella Dominiques. Mon & Fri. 645684756 952468106. Costa del Sol-Torre del Mar: All French speakers welcome. 951087994 Every Tuesday: Kate: 685563764 Decano: M. Álvarez 619414119; Mijas La C C MARBELLA BRIDGE 628343198 Nerja: 952526423. Los [email protected] Cala: Julie Barry 608315704; Mijas: Jose AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CLUB Romanes: 618293749. Torremolinos: Guasp Borreda 639 080 569; Nerja: Elke Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun. With Bridgemate. Tel: R.T.’S LINE DANCE CLUB 952112141 Welfare 654254799. Coín: Almuñécar to Torrox [email protected] Lange 693706900; Puerto Banús 636 673 372 or 663157776 Marbella: or Calahonda / Fuengirola / Benalmádena. Cosmopolitan: Egidia Ingels 68032009; CASTILLO BRIDGE CLUB 952774572 Bob 952931754 or 697441313. Rincón de la Victoria: Doris: 952407824 NEDERLANSE CLUB COSTA DEL SOL branches/marbella Alhaurín el Grande: Tel: 655459576 BOOGIE SHOES LINE DANCE CLUB TOASTMASTERS PUBLIC SPEAKING 952112118/637134616. Albox: Tel: 952473545. Various Costa locations ST ANDREW’S BRIDGE CLUB etgoodey@yahoo Benajarafe: Estepona, The Roadhouse Bar. Thurs 19.45 Al-Andalus Toastmasters Club #1788: ACE AMERICAN CLUB OF ESTEPONA 685413642. : 957535211. Riders’ Donna 956 840 497. Rota, Cadiz. Los Boliches. 697769170 / 952667861. MISSISSIPPI COASTERS branch: 952514226 /653108415 Calle San Roque. Tel: 952793059. The Achievers Toastmasters Club #5183: COSTA DEL SOL CRICKET CLUB Line dance.Fuengirola.Bob 697441313. Nueva Andalucía, Percy 646533112. BRITISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENGLISH-SPEAKING CLUB MALAGA Gibraltar: Luis 606460025. Malaga: PTA League cricket. Previn: 606526618. JIVE DANCE CLUB [email protected] 951203094 English/Spanish conversation. English / Spanish, Claudia 685965867. MARBELLA SURF CLUB 635717211. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FREEMASONS Avda. Independencia, 17, Tel:952778617. WELSH SOCIETY MODERN JIVE English-speaking groups. 600379110. Fuengirola: Norman Hay 674755024. INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS CLUB Arroyo de la Miel. Debbie 626292707 Benalmádena/Fuengirola.Howard Calahonda: Mike Williams 644133186. AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS 631813877 Los Boliches: Paul Clueit 667156806. Benalmádena Costa. 952373813. THE BRITISH SOCIETY English meetings: 602553470 Mijas Costa: David Mantle 952934193. JJ’S COSTA DEL SOL DANCE CLUB MIJAS LAWN BOWLS CLUB Sandra Addison 952 568 291 Benalmádena Coín: Ian Bushnell 611020641. POSITIVELY PINK ASSOCIATION Pueblo. [email protected] Ballroom, Sequence & Latin 627658925 Alhaurín: Vic Dean 952450678. Tel: 952 466 038. Breast cancer. BRITISH ASSOCIATION MARBELLA FOTA, FRIENDS OF THE THEATRE LODGE EUROPEAN FRATERNITY 52 MARBELLA SINGLES SOCIAL GROUP [email protected] Meets weekly. Jan/Joan 952835947 Desk open Mon/Wed/Fri 11.30am-1.15pm. Tel:658655511 or 646436967 Over 45s. [email protected] DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP Salon Varietés, Fuengirola. 952584268. ENGLISH PHOENIX CLUB ROTARY CLUB COSTA DEL SOL FREETHINKERS Fuengirola. Anne Bowles: 607879450 INTERNATIONAL THEATRE STUDIO [email protected] Torre del Mar: Gael: 951067723 Benalmádena: 952441440 Benahavís: [email protected] San Pedro district. Tel 952884034 670604392 Estepona: 952800999. MY WEIGH, WEIGHT LOSS INTERNAT. CLUB OF SALOBREÑA PAINTING GROUP Fuengirola/Mijas: 696494492. Marbella: THESPA-ENGLISH SPEAKING PLAYERS [email protected] 952821121 San Pedro: 951318381 Fueng. - Marbella. [email protected] 952583907/ 663674804 Dinner and Drama. Los Boliches. Marbella - Guadalmina: 952888077. ASOCIACIÓN IRLANDESA THE ART CLUB 622454422. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS President Finola Sloyan: 607340523 San Pedro NERJA HISTORY GROUP OVER 40S SINGLES CLUB Estepona: Janet 69445754/Ben 7557048 IRISH ASSOCIATION OF SPAIN KITCHEN CLUB 006. Bar Cristobel, Thurs 6pm. Talks/trips. Christina Sinclair 687602057 Estepona: El Limonero Tel: 952806759 618680148. Facebook. email: [email protected] [email protected] 697883717 CUDECA SUPPORT GROUPS ARROYO SOCIAL & WELFARE CLUB SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING ESTEPONA FLORAL ART CLUB YORUBA ASSOCIATION OF MALAGA 952 564 910 or [email protected] Arroyo de la Miel. Jean 952563580. Estepona: ACE Club 11.30am 1st Thurs. Arroyo. Martin 952383883/654859075 [email protected] Aluko 691314576 [email protected] TORREMOLINOS & DIST. SOCIAL CLUB Nerja: Cáritas 11.30am 2nd Thurs. INTERNATIONAL CLUB ESTEPONA SOTOGRANDE WRITERS CLUB Cómpeta: 11.30am 3rd Thurs Axareducación. Wed am. Rosaleda Bar. Mike 626880722. FLOWER ARRANGING CLUB 952802549. MABS CANCER SUPPORT GROUP ARROYO FRIENDLY CLUB Venta Platero (Coín-Cartama road) OUT OF AFRICA CLUB COMMUNITY PRESIDENTS CLUB Fourth Tuesday, Miraflores Club, Marbella, Benalmádena. 952446935. THE ANDALUCIAN GARDEN GROUP 11.30 a.m. 952833568/ 647054945 Trish: 952668081 Marbella:645784718/Fuengirola: SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Alh. el Grande. 952119767/952455213 952591071 CANCER SUCKS SPAIN U3A LEARNING FOR PLEASURE 653771625 THE AXARQUÍA GARDEN CLUB ASTOR RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Cancer support group. 662446388 U3A Fuengirola, University of the Third Age, HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Torreblanca: Tel Brian 609 548 656 Facebook & [email protected] learning for pleasure. Joining fee of 30 euros. For more information: Mijas: 606761942. Malaga: 654633430. BENALMÁDENA HEALING GROUP AGE CARE ASSOCIATION ANDALUCIA BIRD SOCIETY Also Spiritual Group Tel Liz 951947480 AMIGAS DE CASA Coffee mornings: from 11am-12.30 pm. on Facebook U3ACostadelSol 952817843 CLASSIC CARS CLUB Benalmádena: Mon, Bar Pitanza; Vva del Trabuco. 952751424/952751304 BRITISH SCOUTING MOVEMENT COSTA PRESS CLUB Calahonda: Tues, Thurs, Calahonda Int. Mijas. 3rd Sat each month. 607690057 Baptist Church; Fuengirola: Wed, Bar Salon 1st Fuengirola Scout Group. CLUB CHARITY AND PLEASURE FERRARI OWNERS CLUB Varietés; Coín: Thurs, Pépe’s Bar; Los Robert Troost 610755995 COSTA WOMEN Boliches: Frid, Hogar de Jubilados. Advice: Estepona. President Terry 952813336 635407255 [email protected] 677251058 THE ARTS SOCIETY PORCHE OWNERS’ CLUB AGE CONCERN TANGENT CLUB & EX-LADIES CIRCLERS COLMENAR DISTRICT SOCIAL CLUB [email protected] Costa del Sol: www.theartssociety- Estepona and Manilva: Lifeline 608458555 Nerja: 952533373. 952886772 [email protected] Marjorie 951163071. SPANISH/ENGLISH INTERCAMBIO [email protected] Malaga. AlCasa Bar, C/Pozo del Rey. Tues 41 CLUBS & EX-ROUND TABLERS TENNIS CLUB ‘EL CAPITAN INT’ 9pm until late Tel: 951106311 David. rg / De la Frontera: San Roque Club. nadfas- Fuengirola:Los Bolichos, Thurs 11am- Gibraltar: Costa del Sol: 952818772 / 627462410 Torre del Mar. Patrick 675391967. INDIAN COMMUNITY 1pm. Pensionista building near station. Benahavís: Nerja: 952529611 / 677090665 [email protected]: THE GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB Mijas: Mijas Pueblo, Thurs 11am-1pm. 663459103. 952477171 / 627108987 MIJAS ARTS CENTRE Oasis Bar. La Cala de Mijas, Fri 11am-1pm Los Boliches. Tel: Tony White 951661201. MARBELLA BUSINESS NETWORK THE IMAGE GROUP Grill de La Cala. Lifeline (Fuengirola and Classes 952485867, Photographic club. CLUB DE BÉISBOL COSTA DEL SOL B.B.C. Mijas):652537615. Joe 694442331 [email protected] PATCHWORK AND QUILTING GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS 952202940 / 952464468. Mijas ANREM - RESIDENTS & FOREIGNERS THE SENDERISTAS [email protected] Tel:620786772 AIKIDO TOMIKI SHODOKAN [email protected] 630927226 Multi national walking group. KNITTED KNOCKERS SPAIN COSTA PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Different levels. Tel: 952131670, Malaga Free handmade breast prostheses. FOREIGN RESIDENTS’ ASS. ANDALUCIA or email THE FIELD CLUB TAEKWONDO CLUB [email protected] [email protected] 658426227 ASTRONOMY COSTA DEL SOL Walks. Fuengirola. Fighting Dragons Club Benalmádena. Mike FABULOSO SINGING GROUP LUX MUNDI ECUMENICAL CENTRE 616679453. 618149373 Mijas / Fuengirola 622514781 COSTA CHORDBUSTERS Torre del Mar: [email protected] NERJA CHICK-LIT BOOK CLUB CALAHONDA BRIDGE CLUB ALIVE AND KICKING LINEDANCING 952543334.Fuengirola: 952474840 Anne Bowles. 952464184 Fuengirola.Jennifer 663516654 New friends, great books! 693373530 Club Naranja. 952198789 / 670593 232. ROYAL AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC SOCIETY LIONS CLUBS ACE BRIDGE CLUB Costa del Sol, Gilly: 952573983. Malaga Ilusion: May Ramirez 616613705; Fuengirola. Deanne Mutter: 747771404. Send any corrections or details of new CONSERVATIVES ABROAD COLLEGIUM MUSICUM COSTA DEL SOL Leos: Gonzalo 627712351; University: clubs by email marked ‘For the clubs NERJA BRIDGE CLUB [email protected] International choir/orchestra. 952775492. Sara 626835485 page’. [email protected] 7070707070707070 April 20th to 26th 2018 PASTIMES SUR IN ENGLISH


THE STARS CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Nº 11291 Aquarius January 21 - February 19 Surrounded by the love of Venus, make the most of opportunities to meet new people.

Pisces February 20th – March 20th Get planning your next adventure, THE WORDPUZZLER which involve some travel. Try somewhere new and get out of that rut!

Aries March 21st – April 20th Have patience with others when they seem to be dragging their heels. This is a good time for sorting finances or asking for what you want.

Taurus April 21st – May 21st A bright and social time when you should be full of energy and enthusiasm. Across Down Gemini May 22nd – June 21st A spirit of adventure leads you to make surprising and enjoyable changes. With Venus shining on you, romance and contentment are never far away. INTERNATIONAL RADIO Cancer June 22nd – July 23rd Someone in authority sends an Talk Radio Europe Spectrum (105.5 FM, Costa important communication. You can be 105.5 Axarquía Almeria/Mojácar 92.6 FM) open and ask for time to consider. 91.5 Costa del Sol East 24 hour music and entertainment 91.9 Costa del Sol West Leo 98.7 Gibraltar/Sotogrande Radio Mijas (107.7 FM) July 24th – August 23rd News, interviews, lifestyle, sport and 3 p.m. News, views and music This could be the time to get finances BBC World Service. organised or call in any cash owed to Radio Sol Almijara (99.1 FM) you. Global (93.6 and 96.4FM) Nerja radio in English and German and All week round the clock music and night time World Radio Network Virgo entertainment August 24th - September 23rd Heartfmspain (88.5 FM Costa, 96.1 Good news can come from home and Radio Radio Network (96 and 98.3 FM inland) Music, entertainment, news work with a possible promotion under FM). Music 24 hours. discussion. Lick FM (103.6 FM Marbella) Central FM (98.6 FM, 103.8) Urban music broadcast between Gibraltar Libra All week, classic tracks and today’s music and Calahonda September 24th - October 23rd broadcast to the Costa del Sol In this creative week you may decide to Rtv Puebla (107.7 FM) downsize your wardrobe and get rid of SUDOKU BY HANZO ACE FM (106.8 FM) Monday evenings, Rock music memories. clutter. Why not sell some things to Inland radio, news and music 7 - 9pm. email: bulk up the coffers? The Beat fm (106 FM) [email protected] Instructions Complete the 9 24 hours, music and entertainment Fb: Radiotelevision Peubla de Cazalla Scorpio square making October 24th – November 22nd sure that every 9185 Good health needs a bit of input from row of nine you. Get on top of exercise regimes and numbers includes 87 4 6 health checks. all digits from 1 QUIZ to 9, every 6572 Sagittarius column includes QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2 November 23rd – December 21st all digits from 1 to 9 and every 3 4 Bring together all of your talents to by 3 subsection Don Lusher and J. J. Breslau Tumbler, impress this weekend. That could take includes all digits 5384 Johnson were famous Ptarmigan and Saxon some planning, so start right away. from 1 to 9 players of what instrument? Monk are types of what? 4 Capricorn 1. Trumpet 1. Pheasant December 22nd – January 20th 48 2 1 5 Through a chance comment you are 2. Trombone 2. Quail led to a new way of thinking that 26 83. Saxophone 3. Pigeon could be just up your street! 4. Piano 4. Hen April 20th to 26th 2018 71 SUR IN ENGLISH PASTIMES


Across Down

ANSWERS Clockword solution Language Crossword

Quiz answers

pigeons, are all descendants from the rock pigeon (Columba livia). (Columba pigeon rock the from descendants all are pigeons,

Of interest: interest: Of Breslau Tumblers, along with other varieties of domesticated domesticated of varieties other with along Tumblers, Breslau

Answer 1: Answer Pigeon

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Of interest: interest: Of James Louis “J. J.” Johnson was an American jazz trombonist, trombonist, jazz American an was Johnson J.” “J. Louis James

Answer 1: Answer Trombone

Cryptic Crossword

BOOK OF THE WEEK THOUGHT FOR MALAGA PORT INFORMATION The All Saint’s Day THE WEEK CRUISE SHIP MOVEMENTS (SOURCE: MALAGA PORT AUTHORITY) Lovers Ship Date From Next port Docks Sails Juan Gabriel Vásquez The future Norwegian Epic 20/04 Gibraltar Barcelona 08.00 18.00 Black Watch 20/04 Livorno Southampton 08.00 18.00 belongs to Marella Celebration 22/04 Cartagena Lisbon 06.00 22.00 Achingly sad, The All Saints’ Day Lov- Celebrity Reflection 23/04 - - 11.30 20.00 ers is an intense exploration of rela- Azamara Quest 24/04 Gibraltar Valencia 07.30 18.00 tionships, loneliness and cruelty. A those who Star Pride 24/04 - - 08.00 19.00 Colombian writer is witness to a mur- Club Med 2 24/04 Cadiz Barcelona 08.00 20.00 der which will mark him forever. A believe in Sea Cloud II 24/04 Cadiz Ibiza 08.00 18.00 woman sits alone in her house, wait- Corinthian 25/04 Gibraltar Cartagena 07.00 16.00 ing for her husband to return, while the beauty Mein Schiff 3 25/04 Palma Gibraltar 08.00 23.00 he lies in another woman’s bed Aidaprima 25/04 Cadiz Barcelona 08.00 18.00 twenty kilometres away. Through of their Mein Schiff 6 26/04 Gibraltar Barcelona 08.00 18.00 Marella Discovery 2 26/04 Lisbon Gibraltar 08.00 18.00 blood-soaked betrayal, a love affair, Seadream I 26/04 Marbella Motril 08.00 18.00 murder and long-meditated revenge, dreams Costa Favolosa 26/04 - - 09.00 19.00 Vásquez achieves an extraordinary Sea Cloud 26/04-27/04 Cadiz Motril 14.00 08.30 unity of emotion, morality and land- Mein Schiff 4 27/04 Cadiz Barcelona 08.00 18.00 scape with these fragmented lives. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Royal Clipper 28/04 - - 07.00 22.00 April 20th to 26th 2018 Nº 1759 FREE DISTRIBUTION / Reference price: 1.30€ Head office: Avda. Dr. Marañón, 48, 29009, Málaga. Telephone: 952649600. Email: [email protected] Published by Prensa Malagueña, S. A. MA-1279-96 Circulation controlled by PGD/OJD. Advertising: Telephone 952649669 Email: [email protected] U.K. Representative: Global Media Sales Ltd PO Box 1126, Bromley, BR1 9TX Internet address: E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)20 8464 5577 in English

helps to create awareness of the importance of bees among city- Creating a buzz at the landfill dwellers. “Bees are fundamental to our sur- roundings,” Gómez stressed. The project also includes Ecoaula, a work- Malaga’s waste treatment plant hosts a pioneering project to pollinate the area shop where schoolchildren can learn about the importance of respecting their natural environment: from re- Bee Garden association to develop cycling to bees. pollination mechanisms in order to In terms of selecting the location protect and promote natural spaces. of the beehives, spaces with most ANA The initiative is based at Los Ruices protection for colonies of insects PÉREZ-BRYAN environmental centre, the home of were favoured. The sites are off the the city’s recycling plant and land- beaten track of staff and visitors,  Twitter: @anaperezbryan fill site. It aims to encourage polli- but still easily accessible, ensuring nation with the installation of ten the best possible working conditions The initiative, which bee hives where more than 300,000 for bees. The aim of this project is includes the installation of bees will be hard at work. not the collection of honey, but the Raúl Jiménez, the local council- pollination of the environment. ten hives, will also serve lor for the Environment, visited the “Whatever is produced will go to- to measure the Los Ruices centre last week with wards sustaining the bees during environmental impact of Eva Gómez, technical director of the winter,” said Gómez. Aula Bee Green, who stressed how This drive towards pollination the landfill site this was a “pioneering” initiative. around Malaga is complemented in Only a handful of similar projects the case of Los Ruices by a parallel MALAGA. To say that bees play an are in operation in Spain, in Valen- project to measure the impact of the essential role in the biodiversity and cia, Galicia and Catalonia. waste dumped in the area. the balance of the natural environ- Urban bee-keeping doesn’t just “As waste is treated in this area, ment is nothing new. Nor is the mes- facilitate environmental improve- the bees will also serve as a biologi- sage from scientists that the bee ments, explained Gómez. It also cal thermometer to detect environ- population is diminishing on a global mental imbalance,” explained Jimé- level (an estimated 37% in recent nez, who added that the aim is to in- years). This is particularly worrying crease the number of hives to forty. in countries like Spain. Here, 75% The centre will increase Furthermore, their ultimate goal of our food is provided by fruit and is to export the initiative to more vegetables, which rely on pollina- the number of beehives local areas, such as the La Con- tion in order to grow. In other words, in the long term and will cepción Botanical Gardens. Accord- we need bees. ing to the councillor, hives will be The City of Malaga’s Environ- cover more areas, such incorporated into the “green belt” ment Department has initiated a as La Concepción of the city as part of its reforesta- strategy in conjunction with the Raúl Jiménez and Eva Gómez with one of the hives :: ÑITO SALAS tion project.