י"ד תשרי תשע“ד Wednesday, September 18, 2013

פסחים צ‘ OVERVIEW of the Daf GEM 1) Money given for registering for the Pesach (cont.) “They could not perform the Pesach on that day…” ולא יכלו לעשות הפסח ביום ההוא וגו’ Abaye presents a lengthy explanation for the halachah in the Baraisa that allows the sanctity of money to extend to the sanctity of the Pesach lamb. W e can all appreciate the concern of these people at As part of Abaye’s explanation the opinion of Rebbi is not being able to bring the Pesach offering due to the fact cited. Rebbi permits the use of funds obtained for selling a that they were ritually impure. It was just a year since they portion of the Korban Pesach for other uses. had left Egypt and they certainly still felt the inspiration and Rabbah and R’ Zeira disagree what other uses are permit- drive to want to give thanks to God for their redemption. ted according to Rebbi. According to one opinion Rebbi per- What is strange about their question is the phrase “in the mits using the proceeds of the sale for purchasing matzoh and midst of Bnei Yisrael.” It would seem that this phrase is total- maror and according to the second opinion Rebbi permits ly superfluous. What difference does it make whether or not using the proceeds even to purchase a shirt. the other people are also bringing the korban? The Gemara unsuccessfully challenges the first part of When Moshe received the response from God, he was Abaye’s statement. told that anyone who was fit to bring the korban, yet did not do so, was to be punished with “kareis.” Of the thirty-six 2) : The Mishnah discusses circumstances where a times when a person is punished with “kareis,” only two are person who is tamei at the time the Korban Pesach is being positive commandments. These are Korban Pesach and Bris offered but will be tahor to be able to eat the korban that Milah. What makes these two commandments unique, that night. such a harsh punishment is given? A second unique feature to “kareis” is that the says (9:13): “That soul will be 3) Slaughtering for one who is tamei sheretz cut off from its nation.” We understand that to mean that Rav and Ulla disagree whether it is permitted to slaughter one's soul is cut off from God, not from the Jewish people. the Korban Pesach for one who is tamei from a sheretz. Ac- Why does the Torah choose to put it in terms of being cut cording to Rav it is not permitted and Ulla disagrees. off from the Jewish people? Rav’s position is unsuccessfully challenged. The uniqueness of Bris Milah and Korban Pesach is that The Gemara clarifies the exact source of Rav’s position they both involve a covenant between God and the individu- and explains that one who is tamei from a sheretz is in fact al. Bris Milah is the personal covenant between God and disqualified Biblically from bringing the Korban Pesach. man, while Korban Pesach is the communal covenant be- Rav’s position is again unsuccessfully challenged. The tween God and the Jewish people. Each individual relates to Gemara fails to prove definitively that Rav’s explanation of God on two levels, individually and communally. The sen- the Mishnah is correct. tence of “kareis” is not a punishment for a heinous crime committed, but rather it is the natural consequence of not 4) Zavah and Nidah participating in the covenant with God. If a person refuses to A teacher of Baraisos taught that the Korban Pesach may participate in the covenant with God, whether individually be slaughtered for a zavah on the seventh day of her tum’ah. or communally, God in turn refuses to relate to him. When R’ Ada bar Ahavah challenged the Baraisa and amended a person does not bring the Korban Pesach, he is not only it. cut off from God but also is no longer part of the Jewish peo- Ravina asserted that the conversation revolved around a ple. He has not, in a sense, paid his membership dues to be a rather than a zavah. member of God's people, and therefore his soul is not only cut off from God but is cut off from the Jewish people as Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated well. These people who were ritually impure were not only לעילוי נשמת צבי בן יחזקאל יוסף גרין, מחסידי דעעש From the Grin family, Sao Paulo, Brazil worried that they would not be able to perform the of Korban Pesach, but they were also worried that they would Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated in loving memory of father be cut off from the Jewish people, Therefore, included in Zvi Herschel ben Shmuel their question was the phrase “in the midst of Bnei Yisrael,” Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hill, Los Angeles, CA expressing their desire not only to perform the mitzvah, but to be part of the Jewish people as well. צ‘—Number 413 HALACHAH Highlight REVIEW and Remember May a woman immerse in a by day? 1. What is Rebbi’s rationale to permit registering others on the Korban Pesach to generate funds for private use? ______כדתניא כל חייבי טבילות טבילתן ביום, נדה ויולדת טבילתן בלילה, How does Rav make a distinction between one who is a .2 משא“כ זבה דאורייתא טובלת ביום ?שרץ from a טמא and one who is טבול יום ,It has been taught in a Baraisa: All those obligated in immersion their immersion is by day. A niddah and a woman who gave birth ______immerse at night. 3. What is R’ Shemaya’s principle regarding kohanim? ______4. Why does a niddah immerse after nightfall rather than O ur Gemara rules that a niddah immerses at night, during the day? however, a biblical zavah1 would immerse by day. ______In our days2, a niddah is a safek niddah / safek zavah. Therefore, biblically3 she may immerse during the seventh day, for even if she is really a niddah she waits seven days Geonim and arrive home after the time of Rabbeinu Tam. 4 from when she originally saw blood. However, the Rabbis However, those who follow Rabbeinu Tam for all halachos 5 forbade her to immerse during the daytime. The Poskim may not be lenient in this matter either. בין write that ideally she should not immerse during 6 1. ועי‘ ט“ז ביור“ד סימן קצ“ז ס“ק ח‘ הטעם and even on Friday evening after the ,השמשות 2. עי‘ ב“י יו“ד סימן קפ“ג congregation has davened ma’ariv she should still wait until 3. בששה“ל קצ“ז ס“ג א‘ .nightfall 4. בשו“ע שם -According to Rabbi S. Vozner7, shlit”a, one who is strin 5. בקשו “ ע סימן קס “ ב ס “ ב, (וע “ ע בפת “ ש קצ “ ז ס “ ק ב ‘) ושוב ראיתי שבשו “ ת מנח “ י ח “ ג סימן פ “ ו כתב בד “ ה והנה מסתימת הפוסקים gent to wait the time framework for nightfall of Rabbeinu משמע שבעי לילה ממש, היינו צאת הכוכבים וכו ‘. עכ “ ל. ועי “ ש שהוכיח -Tam for biblical laws, in a place where most of the commu כן מפוסקים רבים ושרק בדיעבד או לצירוף הקילו, ועע“ש -nity and its leaders are lenient (in accordance with the opin 6. בעה“ש ובה“ש שם, ועע“ש בפת“ש ס“ק ב‘ 7. בשו“ת שה“ל ח“ד סימן ק“ז בד“ה מ“מ ion of the Gaonim) may immerse after the nightfall of the -The Bnei Yissoschor, zt”l, tracks just as they pulled into the sta .טמא שרץ STORIES Off the Daf explains that since he did not yet both- tion! It had apparently gone astray, and er to immerse, has not yet felt true re- wound up right where they needed it, Do your part, and Hashem does the gret for his sins. We therefore suspect just at the right time. The exit of their rest! that he might not bother to immerse at train was exactly opposite the entrance all before the time comes to eat from to their connection, and it was a simple -the korban. We see from here how im- matter of a few seconds’ walk to trans שוחטין וזורקין על טבול יום ומחוסר .portant it is to make the effort, even if fer the Chofetz Chaim to the car כפורים ואין שוחטין וזרוקין על טמא שרץ

the final result is not in our hands! The conductor called out to them, Once, when the Chofetz Chaim, “I’ve been driving this train for thirty e find on today’s daf that the W zt”l, was already infirm, he needed to years, and I’ve never made a mistake preliminary avodos of the Korban Pe- travel to another town. His students like this before!” When one of the stu- sach are done on behalf of a person assisted him by carrying him as they dents pointed out the “miracle” to his who has made a genuine effort to rid transferred from one train to the other. Rebbe, the Chofetz Chaim reacted un- himself of tum’ah but still must wait “How will we manage to carry his seat expectedly. “Why are you so surprised? before the process is completed. He all the way to the stop in time to pick Don’t you know that when a person does his part, and Hashem accomplish- up the connecting train?” they worried. has pure intentions, Hashem helps him es the rest for him when sunset comes Much to their surprise, they spot- in every way!” to release him from his impurity. ted their connection right across the This is not done for the sake of a

© Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Rosh ; Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben and is compiled by members of the Ruben Shas Kollel of CCTC. It is written and edited by HaRav Ben-Zion Rand, HaRav Gershon Schaffel Past issues can be downloaded in pdf format at dafdigest.org Please do not rely on Halacha Highlights for Halacha L’Maaseh—consult your Rav for actual Psak.