Compendium of Jain Academic Bowl Manual of 2021 JAINA Education Series - JES904

Table of Contents Page # SECTION A. INTRODUCTION 19

A.1. Jain Prayers 20

A.1.1. Namaskär Mahämangal 20

A.1.2. Mängalik - Chattäri Mangalam: (Divine Prayer) 21

A.1.3. Khämemi Savva Jive Sutra: (Universal Prayer) 21

A.1.4. Upsargäh Kshayam Yänti Sutra: (Reflection on Universal Peace) 21

A.1.5. Shivmastu Sarva Jagatah Sutra: (Reflection on Universal Friendship) 22

A.1.6. Religious Stutis 22

A.1.7. Sadguru prayers: (Reflection on True Teacher) 24

A.2. : Religion 26

A.2.1. Introduction 26

A.2.2. What is Religion? 27

A.2.3. Meaning of Jainism 28

A.2.4. Why Do We Pray? 29


B.1. Introduction to Jainism 31

B.1.1. What is Jainism? 31

B.1.2. Major Beliefs of Jainism 32

B.1.3. Main Principles / Tenets of Jainism 32

B.1.4. Theory (Law of Cause & Effect) 33

B.1.5. Texts / Scriptures 33

B.2. Panch Parameshthi 34

B.2.1. Namaskär 34

B.2.2. 35

B.2.3. 40

B.2.4. Ächärya 40

B.2.5. Upädhyäy 44

B.2.6. Sädhu and Sädhvi 45

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B.3. Jain Path of Liberation - Ratna Trayi 48

B.3.1. Ätmä (Soul) 48

B.3.2. Samyag Darshan (Right Perception or Faith) 49

B.3.3. Samyag Jnän (Right Knowledge) 50

B.3.4. Samyak Chäritra (Right Conduct) 50

B.4. Six Universal Substances I: Jiva or Living Being 53

B.4.1. Jain 53

B.4.2. Shad (Six Universal Substances) 53

B.4.3. Jiva (Soul or Living being) 54

B.4.4. Paryäpti (Power) and Prän (Vitality) 57

B.4.5. Four Realms 60

B.4.6. Conclusion 61

B.5. Six Universal Substances II: Non-Living Substances 63

B.5.1. (Non-living Substances) 63

B.5.2. Classification of Ajiva 63

B.6. Nav Part I: Jiva, Ajiva, Punya, Päp, Äsrav, Bandh 69

B.6.1. Introduction 69

B.6.2. Jiva (Living Beings) 70

B.6.3. Ajiva (Non-living beings) 71

B.6.4. Punya and Päp (Good Deeds and Bad Deeds) 71

B.6.5. Äsrav and Bandh (Inflow of Karma and Bondage of Karma) 73

B.7. Nav Tattva Part II: Samvar, Nirjarä, and Moksh 76

B.7.1. Introduction 76

B.7.2. Samvar (Prevention of Karma) 76

B.7.3. Nirjarä (Partial Eradication of Karma) 79

B.7.4. Moksh (Total Liberation from Karma) 84

B.7.5. Summary 84

B.8. Theory of Karma and Reincarnation 89

B.8.1. Introduction 89

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B.8.2. Bandh (Characteristics and Process of the Bondage) 90

B.8.3. Four Characteristics of Bondage 91

B.8.4. Summary of Bandh 92

B.8.5. Classification of Karma 92

B.9. Theory of Karma: Q and A 103

B.10. Punya and Päp 105

B.10.1. Introduction 105

B.10.2. Punya (Virtuous or Wholesome) 105

B.10.3. Päp (Non-virtuous or Unwholesome) 108

B.10.4. Four-Fold Combinations of Punya and Päp 116

B.10.5. Relationship among Ghäti, Aghäti, Punya and Päp Karma 118

B.10.6. Classification of Punya (Shubh) and Päp (Ashubh) Karma 119

B.10.7. Practical Aspects of Punya Karma and Päp Karma 120

B.10.8. Summary 121

B.11. Anekäntaväd I - Theory of Multiplicity 124

B.11.1. Introduction 124

B.11.2. Application of Anekäntaväd 125

B.11.3. How to know a Substance? 126

B.11.4. Summary 128

B.12. Anekäntaväd II - Pramän, Naya and Syädväd 130

B.12.1. Introduction 130

B.12.2. Aim and Subject matter of Jain Logic 130

B.12.3. Classification of Pramän 131

B.12.4. Summary of Pramän 133

B.12.5. Nayaväd 133

B.12.6. Classification of Naya 135

B.12.7. Summary of Naya 139

B.12.8. Syädväd or Sapta-Bhanga (Seven Predications) 139

B.12.9. Is "Self" Permanent or Transitory? 142

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B.12.10. Importance of Anekäntaväd 143

B.12.11. Anekäntaväd and Ahimsä 143

B.13. Anekäntaväd III - Five Samväy or Causal Factors 146

B.13.1. Introduction 146

B.13.2. Samväy 146

B.13.3. Significance of Samväy 149

B.13.4. Summary 149

B.14. Fourteen Gunasthän: Stages of Spiritual Development 151

B.14.1. Introduction 151

B.14.2. Fourteen Gunasthän 151

B.14.3. Summary 156

B.14.4. Gunasthän, Karma, Leshyä, and Dhyän Relationship Table 157


C.1. Jain Ascetics: Sädhu and Sädhvi 161

C.1.1. Introduction 161

C.1.2. Mahävrat (Major Vows) 161

C.1.3. Rules of Conduct for Specific Activities 162

C.1.4. Summary 164

C.2. Jain Lay people: Shrävak and Shrävikä 165

C.2.1. Introduction 165

C.2.2. Vrat For Shrävak and Shrävikä (Twelve Vows of Laity) 165

C.2.3. Sanlekhanä Vrat (Peaceful Death) 171

C.2.4. Summary 171

C.3. Bhävanä (Reflections) 173

C.3.1. Introduction 173

C.3.2. Twelve Main Bhävanä 173

C.3.3. Four Auxiliary Bhävanä(Compassionate Reflections) 175

C.3.4. Summary 177

C.4. Leshyä (State of Mind and Karmic Stains) 178

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C.4.1. Introduction 178

C.4.2. Classification of Leshyäs 178

C.5. Panchächär: Five Codes of Conduct 180

C.5.1. Introduction 180

C.5.2. Panchächär (Five Codes of Conduct) 180

C.5.3. Summary 190

C.6. Jain Ethics and the Environment 192

C.6.1. Jain Ethics 192

C.6.2. Three Cardinal Principles of Conduct 192

C.6.3. Survival of Life vs Ethical Living 194

C.6.4. Ethical Living and Dairy Products 194

C.6.5. Jainism and the Environment: What does Jainism teach about ecology? 195

C.6.6. Summary and Recommendations 198

C.6.7. Jain Conduct and its Relevance to Modern Times 199

C.7. Application of Nonviolence 200

C.7.1. Introduction 200

C.7.2. Animal Cruelty and Ecological Impact 201

C.7.3. Ecological Impact of Non-vegetarianism 201

C.7.4. Abstinence from Drinking Alcoholic Beverages 202

C.7.5. Refraining from Consumption of Honey 203

C.7.6. Conscious Consumer 203

C.7.7. Summary 207

C.8. Jain 208

C.8.1. Introduction 208

C.8.2. Meaning of Yoga in Jain Tradition 208

C.8.3. Four Primary Paths to Yoga 208

C.8.4. Yoga Benefits 214

C.8.5. Yogic Diet 215

C.8.6. Yogic (Oath) For Meditation 215

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C.8.7. Method of Yoga Meditation 215

C.8.8. Importance of Yoga in 216

C.8.9. Summary 217

C.9. Jainism in Action 220

C.9.1. Nutrition, Health and Spirituality 220

C.9.2. Yoga, Health and Spirituality 221

C.10. Living Values 226

C.10.1. Introduction 226

C.10.2. Kshamä (Forgiveness) - Overcomes Anger 226

C.10.3. Vinay (Humility) - Overcomes Ego / Pride 227

C.10.4. Saralatä (Honesty) - Overcomes Deceit 227

C.10.5. Santosh (Contentment) - Overcomes Greed 228

C.10.6. Karunä () 229

C.10.7. Maitri (Friendship) 230

C.10.8. The Power of Determination 231

C.10.9. Self-Reliance 231


D.1. 234

D.1.1. - Greeting 234

D.1.2. Michchhämi Dukkadam - Asking Forgiveness 234

D.1.3. Jinälay - (Deräsar or Mandir) 234

D.1.4. 234

D.1.5. Hrim 235

D.1.6. Arhum 235

D.1.7. Swastik 235

D.1.8. Tilak 235

D.1.9. Universal Jain Symbol 235

D.1.10. Federation of Jaina Logo 236

D.1.11. Ärati 236

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D.1.12. Mangal Deevo 236

D.1.13. Ashta Mangal 236

D.1.14. Mäna-sthambha 237

D.2. Tirthankars, Emblems, Dreams, Pujä Rituals 238

D.2.1. Länchhan (Emblems or Symbols) 238

D.2.2. Tirthankars 238

D.2.3. Dreams of A Tirthankar's Mother 242

D.2.4. Ashta Prakäri Pujä / Ashta Dravya Pujä 245

D.3. Going to the Temple (Shvetämbar & Digambar Tradition) 247

D.3.1. Introduction 247

D.3.2. Digambar and Shvetämbar Images / Idols 247

D.3.3. Recommendations 248

D.3.4. Shvetämbar Tradition Pujä 249

D.3.5. Digambar Tradition Pujä 257

D.3.6. Significance and of Pujä 260

D.3.7. Special Pujä - Shvetämbar Tradition 261

D.3.8. Pujan - Shvetämbar Tradition 262

D.3.9. List of various Pujä performed in Digambar Tradition 262

D.4. Six Ävashyak (Six Essentials and Daily Observances) 264

D.4.1. Introduction 264

D.4.2. Six Essential Observances of Shvetämbar tradition 264

D.4.3. Six Essential Observances of Digambar Tradition 271

D.5. Paryushan and Das Lakshan Parva 275

D.5.1. Paryushan Mahä Parva 275

D.5.2. Das Lakshan Parva 277

D.5.3. Forgiveness Day 281

D.6. (Parva) and Celebrations 282

D.6.1. Kalyänak - Auspicious Events 282

D.6.2. Paryushan Maha Parva 283

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D.6.3. Das Lakshan Parva 283

D.6.4. Mahävir Janma Kalyänak (Mahävir Jayanti) 283

D.6.5. Diwäli 283

D.6.6. Jnän Panchami (Holy day for worshipping Knowledge) 285

D.6.7. Dev Diwäli or Kartaki Poonam 285

D.6.8. Navapad Oli 285

D.6.9. Maun Agiyäras 286

D.6.10. Posh Dashmi 286

D.6.11. Varsitap 286

D.6.12. Akshay Tritiya - Varsitap Pärnä 286

D.6.13. Fägun Sud Teras 286

D.6.14. Twelve Tithi 287

D.6.15. Chaumäsi Chaudas 287

D.6.16. Mastakäbhishek - The Head Anointing Ceremony 287

D.7. Jain Temples and Pilgrimage Places 288

D.7.1. Jain Pilgrimage Places (Jain ) 288

D.7.2. Summary 293

D.8. and Yakshini 294

D.8.1. Chakreshwari 294

D.8.2. Ambikä Devi 295

D.8.3. Padmävati Devi 295

D.8.4. Devi 295

D.8.5. Devi 295

D.8.6. Dev 295

D.8.7. Ghantäkarna Vir 295

D.8.8. Näkodä Bhairava 295

D.8.9. Bhomiyäji 295


E.1. History of Jain Traditions and Sects 297

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E.1.1. Introduction 297

E.1.2. Prehistoric Period 297

E.1.3. Historical Period - Jain Tradition and Archeological Evidence 298

E.1.4. Keval-jnäni, Shrut-kevali and Das-purvi Ächäryas 300

E.1.5. Jain Sects and their brief History 301

E.1.6. Survival of Jainism in Difficult Times 305

E.1.7. Jainism in Various Regions of 305

E.1.8. Jain Contributions to Indian Culture 308

E.2. Jain Scriptures and Literature 309

E.2.1. Jain Scriptures or Ägam Literature 309

E.2.2. Vächanä (Recensions - Critical revision of Ägam as per Shvetämbar tradition) 310

E.2.3. Classification of Jain Ägam 311

E.2.4. Purva 312

E.2.5. Anga-pravishtha Ägam 312

E.2.6. Anga-bähya Ägam 314

E.2.7. Commentaries on the Ägam 320

E.2.8. Digambar Recognized Literature 320

E.2.9. Non-ägam Literature 322

E.2.10. Some Sacred Books 323

E.2.11. Summary 327

E.2.12. Names of Jain Ägam Literature 328


F.1. Bhagawän Mahävir 339

F.1.1. Previous Lives 339

F.1.2. Birth and Childhood 339

F.1.3. Renunciation 340

F.2. Bhagawän Pärshvanäth 345

F.3. Bhagawän Neminäth 347

F.4. Bhagawän Mallinäth 349

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F.5. Bhagawän Ädinäth 352


G.1. Gautam-swämi 355

G.1.1. Somil's 355

G.1.2. Änand Shrävak's Clairvoyance Knowledge 356

G.1.3. Offering Food to 1500 Hermits 356

G.1.4. Gautam-Swämi's Keval-jnän 356

G.2. Ganadhar Sudharmä-swämi 358

G.3. Kevali Jambuswämi 360

G.4. Ächärya Sthulibhadra 362

G.5. Ächärya Kundkund 366

G.6. Ächärya -suri 367

G.7. Ächärya Hemchandra 370


H.1. Bharat and Bähubali 373

H.2. King Megharath 376

H.3. Sage Nandisen 378

H.4. King Shripäl and Mayanä-sundari 380

H.5. Ilächikumar 383

H.6. Monk Kurgadu 386


I.1. Mahävir-swämi and the Cow Herder 389

I.2. Chandkaushik 390

I.3. Chandanbälä 391

I.4. Nails in the Ears: Last Calamity for Bhagawän Mahävir 394

I.5. Meghakumär 395

I.6. Aimuttä Muni 397

I.7. Änand Shrävak 400

I.8. Puniä Shrävak 402

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I.9. Shälibhadra 403

I.10. King Shrenik and Queen Chelnä 405

I.11. King Shrenik and Anäthi Muni 406

I.12. King Shrenik's Destiny 407

I.12.1. Four Alternatives 407

I.13. Monk Prasannachandra 409

I.14. Abhaykumär and Thief Rohineya 411


J.1. Vajrakumär 415

J.2. King Samprati 418

J.3. Temples of Delwädä 420

J.3.1. Vimalshä 420

J.3.2. Vastupäl and Tejpäl 422

J.4. Udayan Mantri and His Sons - Ämbad and Bähad 424

J.4.1. Udayan Mantri (Minister) 424

J.4.2. Ämbad and Bähad 425

J.5. Nobility of Sävchand and Somchand 427


K.1. Shrimad Räjchandra 431

K.1.1. Introduction 431

K.1.2. Birth and Childhood 431

K.1.3. Family 432

K.1.4. Power of Avadhän (Multi-Tasking) 432

K.1.5. Shrimad's Writings 432

K.1.6. Spiritual Progress 433

K.1.7. Followers 433

K.1.8. Teachings and Contribution of Shrimad Räjchandra 434

K.1.9. Summary 435

K.2. Virchand R. Gandhi 437

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K.2.1. A Brief Summary of His Life and Mission 437

K.2.2. Literature Published by Shri Virchand R. Gandhi or complied from his Speeches: 439

K.3. Great Ächäryas of Digambar and Shvetämbar Traditions 440

K.3.1. Känji-Swämi 440


L.1. King Hansa 443

L.2. Kamalsen 445

L.3. Vipul and Vijan 446

L.4. Two Frogs 447

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