Volume 7, Issue 1

October 2009

Upcoming Events and Important Dates W E ’ RE AT THE A NTIQUE T ROVE ! October 17th Come visit our new booth at the want, just order from me directly on- Antique Trove in Roseville! Gary and line at: Join Me at the Michelle Dean, owners of the Antique www.afternoontoremember.com. Peddler’s Market Trove and long time Afternoon to Re- at the Antique member customers, invited me to have I'll be adding more merchandise to the Trove in a booth at their location in Roseville. Trove as it comes in. We’ll also be Roseville for 3 doing classes and events there from special At the present time I have stocked 28 time to time. different kinds of tea, tea accessories, presentations fall tea pots and cups and cookbooks at The Antique Trove is located at 236 starting at 11:00 the Antique Trove. Unfortunately I Harding Blvd. in Roseville and is open on Saturday. won't be able to stock all 120 different daily from 10-6. Our booth is located , but if you don't see what you in Aisle A. 11:00 P EDDLER ’ S M ARKET O CTOBER 17TH Ways to Drink Tea On Saturday, October 17th, the An- At 1:00 I’ll be demonstrating how to tique Trove will be holding a Peddler’s make Cinnamon Pumpkin Pecan 1:00 Market in their parking lot and inside Scones. Learn the tips and tricks to their building. It will be a great day making perfect scones! How to Make filled with lots of activities and fun! At 3:00 join me for a fall tea tasting. I will be hosting 3 special presenta- Come try our fall favorites and a few Cinnamon tions there that day starting at 11:00. new ones too! Pumpkin Pecan The first one will be “Ways to Do Tea” Scones by Babette Donaldson recently re- turned from a tour of tea growing re- 3:00 gions in China. She discovered several unusual ways to prepare and serve tea, Fall Tea Tasting including Bar-B-Q Tea and Bamboo Tea as well as how people who live Come see me on and work in tea gardens prepare and serve their fresh tea. She will also October 17th! show some of the modern ways that Chinese people prepare and serve tea as a part of daily life. She will demon- strate two new brewing devices.

Page 2 Volume 7, Issue 1 W E N OW H AVE THE L ATEST E MMA L EA The Tea Cozies B OOK ! T EA W ITH D ADDY are back! For those of you who love the Emma the Antique Trove, Babettte Lea series, we now have the latest Donaldson, the author, will be avail- Yes! book in the series, “Tea With Daddy.” able for signing. These books make My mom is You can order it on-line or stop by the wonderful Christmas and holiday pre- Antique Trove and pick it up. On Oc- sents so stock up early! making the tea tober 17th at the Peddler’s Market at cozies again! Visit our booth at T RY O UR N EW 2 OZ. B AGS AND 1 OZ the Antique Trove to S AMPLE B AGS ! see the latest fall tea cozies! Since we’ve gone to the on-line for- food-grade material and keep the tea mat, I thought it would be great for fresh. The 2 oz size also includes a those who order tea to offer quality zipper. Try them today, only $8.50 per bags which weigh less and can more 2 oz. bag (regular and flavored teas On-line Special easily be shipped through the mail. only, premium teas extra). Only! Both bags are made from heavy duty M Y S AN F RANCISCO T EA D AY! Purchase On September 13th, I had a wonderful package of Silk (similar to our 1 pumpkin tea pot day of tea in San Francisco. It started Milk Oolong) for my son Jacob. and receive a 2 oz. early in the morning. My friend, Ba- bette Donaldson picked me up at the After China town we walked to James bag of Pumpkin Ferry Building. We went to Norwood Pratt’s apartment for after- Crème for free! Ghirardelli Square to the Crown and noon tea. Many of you may remember Crumpet Tea Room to take a picture him. We were fortunate to have him Click here to for the International Tea Sipper’s Soci- on 2 different occasions at the tea order! ety newsletter. From there we went to room. He’s a wonderful man and the original Tea Lounge. It knows absolutely everything there is to was wonderful! I had a delicious know about tea. His wife Valerie Phoenix Oolong. After Samovar we made us English Scones and we drank Check out our new stopped by Lovejoys, a traditional tea tea all afternoon and talked. decorative sugars! room to drop off some books for them. We spoke briefly with the owner and In the early evening, we back down to Pumpkins, leaves, had hoped to have afternoon tea there, the Ferry Building to take part in Roy everything you but they were packed! From there we Fong’s OMG Tea Class. Roy is the need to have a fall went to Japan town for a quick stop owner of the Imperial Tea Court. His and picked up some Tea class was absolutely amazing! We and holiday tea before going to China town. tasted 5 different teas from his private party! collection. They were all superb but In China town we went to Red Blos- my favorite was his Imperial Purple Visit the Antique som, a wonderful tea shop filled with PuErh from 1989. The leaves were ex- Trove for the best rare teas. I bought a package of An- quisite and the taste was amazing! selection! cient Wuyi Oolong for myself and a What a wonderful way to end the day! A PPLE C AKE

This is one of my favorite fall recipes. I’ve been mak- ing it for years. I don’t even know where the original recipe came from, but it’s delicious!

 1 ¾ c. sugar, divided

 ½ c. stick butter, softened

 1 tsp. vanilla extract

 6 oz. cream cheese, softened Come, Sit, Enjoy!  2 eggs

 1 ½ c. flour Visit our website!  1 ½ tsp. baking powder www.afternoontoremember.com  ¼ tsp. salt  2 tsp. cinnamon

 3 c. chopped apples (I leave the skins on, but you don’t have to)

If you are cold, Preheat oven to 350°. Beat 1 ½ c. sugar, butter, vanilla, and tea will warm cream cheese until well-blended. Add eggs, beat well. Com- you. If you are bine flour, baking powder, and salt. Add flour mixture to too heated, it creamed mixture, beating at low speed until blended. will cool you. If you are Combine ¼ c. sugar and cinnamon. Combine 2 tbsp. cinnamon depressed, it will mixture and apple in a bowl, and stir apple mixture into batter. cheer you. If you Pour batter into an 8-inch springform pan coated with cooking are excited, it spray, and sprinkle with remaining cinnamon mixture. will calm you. ~Gladstone, Bake at 350° for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until the cake pulls 1865 away from the sides of the pan. Cool the cake completely on a wire rack, and cut using a serrated knife. This cake also works

well in a square baking dish.

Our hearts go out to I also like to make a cinnamon sauce with cinnamon, powdered those who lost their sugar and a bit of whipping cream. Pour the sauce over the homes in the cake while it’s hot and serve immediately. Yum! Auburn fires.