INFANT MULTINATIONALS the Internationalization of Young, Technology-Based Swedish Firms
Maria Lindqvist INFANT MULTINATIONALS The Internationalization of Young, Technology-Based Swedish Firms AKADEMISK AVHANDLING som for avlaggande av ekonomie doktorsexamen vid Handelshogskolan i Stockholm framlagges till offentlig granskning fredagen den 8 november 1991 kl10.15 i sal KAW ahogskolan, Sveavagen 65 STOCKHOLM 1991 INFANT MULTINATIONALS The Internationalization of Young, Technology-Based Swedish Firms INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (liB) STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Address: Hollandargatan 32, P.O. Box 6501, S-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden. Telephone: +46 (0)8 736 9000; Telefax: +46 (0)8 319927; Telex: 16514 HHS S o Founded in 1975. o Is a research institute at the Stockholm School of Economics. o Conducts theoretical and empirical research within the area of Business Administration with emphasis on International Business. o Arranges seminars for businessmen, researchers and key people in the civil services. o Is in charge of undergraduate and graduate courses in International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics. o Publishes its research findings and results in a series of research papers, and in articles and books. lIB BOARD Professor Staffan Burenstam Linder, President, SSE (Chairman) Mr. Torbjorn Ek, Chairman of the National Swedish Organization of Small Businesses Professor Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, SSE Professor Bertil Naslund, SSE Dr. Lars Otterbeck, Executive Vice President, Axel Johnson AB Dr.h.c. Jacob Palmstierna, Vice Chairman, Nordbanken Dr.h.c. Hans Rausing, Chairman, AB Tetra Pak Mr. Bert-Olof Svanholm, Executive Vice President, Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Mr. Tom Wachtmeister, Vice Chairman, Atlas Copco AB Mr. Sven Agrup, Chairman, AGA AB Professor Jan-Erik Vahlne, Director lIB Further information about current research at the Institute and its publications ca be found in a brochure, which will be mailed on request.
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