FIVE MEMBERS ELECTED PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL TO DELTA Spectrum All-Conference Selection CLUB MEMBERS OPEN Pledging services for five new mem- GIVES ANNUAL CHARITY bers will be held at 5 p. m. Sunday in FIRST TEAM SECOND TEAM ANNUAL CONVENTION the College Y for those elected to Felber, le N. D. U. Selliken, le N. D. S. BALL ON JANUARY 29 membership in Sigma Thu Delta, na- Schoenfelder, It N. D. S. Hopple, It __ __ S. D. U. AT COLLEGE TODAY tional honorary English fraternity, at Jahr, 1g ____ .... ______... _N.D. S. Malo, lg N. D. U. a meeting held Sunday evening. Invi- Bourne, c N. D.U. No Decorations Used For An- Gray, c ______...... D. S. tations to join will be sent to the new Orness, rg N. D. S. Thirty Counties Send Delegates nual Event In New candidates and initiation will be held at Dablow, rg Rott, ______S. D. S. To Twenty-Second 4H Long, rt N. D. U. Building the beginning of next term. Tollefson, in _S. D. S. Club Institute Elected to membership are: Abbie Lonsbrough, qb .N. D. S. Bunt, qb N. D. S. CHARITY AFTER MILITARY Porter, Leonard Gilles, John Hyland, Rishoi, lh S. D. S. Jenkins, lh S. D. U. Grace South and Howard Kilbourne. Pierce, rh ______14. D. U. Smith, rh Morningside REGISTRATION IS TODAY Committees On Arrangements Plans for a benefit bridge to be held Burma, fb N.D.U. Richmond, fb N. D. U. in the near future were discussed and Delegates Are Named By Local Begin Work After Appoint- Ruth Barrett was appointed chairman Committees On Basis Of ments Late Yesterday of the committee on arrangements. Superior Work Jan. 29 has been tentatively set for AIKEN'S ORCHESTRA Marguerite Jennings the annual Charity Ball given each Lecture Recital Is To Lead Co-ed Prom North Dakota State college campus is year by the college Pan-Hellenic coun- RETURNS FROM TRIP swarming with 4H club boys and girls cil for charitable purposes. The ball from all over the state who have gath- will be the second event on the formal Planned by Classes Event Is Traditional Costume ered for the twenty-second annual season following the Military Ball on ABOARD OCEAN LINER Ball ; Men Students Achievement Institute, which started Jan. 23. Under Alice Bender Not Admitted this morning and will continue until Because the ball is given for charity, Dallas Rudrud, Ole Severson, Friday. Registration began at 9:15 no decorations will be used this year Two Groups Conduct Combined this morning and before all have regis- Selection of Miss in the new physical education building Fargoans, Are Included Marguerite Jen- tered it is expected that there will be Entertainment Next Sunday nings to lead the 1932 Co-ed prom at where it is planned at the present time In Touring Party over 350 enrolled; with at least 33 Afternoon In Theater the North Dakota State college is an- to hold the event. counties represented. nounced by Mrs. Carl A. Teet, general TRIP MADE TO ORIENT Lists of delegates now being sub- Committees were appointed a n d A variety of authors, their moods secretary of the college Y. W. C. A., mitted by county agents indicate that plans laid at a meeting of the council and philosophies, will be traced by the sponsor of the traditional event, a cos- numerous local 4H club leaders will late yesterday afternoon. Arranging for members of the two interpretive read- Stops On Tour Include Visits tume ball for women students. The accompany their boys and girls to the dance are: Grace Hunkins, ticket ing classes of the public discussion de- To China, Philippines, affair is the one event of the school Fargo, and for their benefit club offi- sales; Ora Hammerud, entertainment; partment of the North Dakota State And Japan year to which men students are not 'Dorothy Rutherford, orchestra; Joyce college at the combined lecture recital admitted. cials have arranged a series of special Peterson, refreshments; Virginia Davis, they will present Sunday at 3 p. in. in conferences. "Although the Pacific did wreck With Jan. 21 set as the date for the invitations and chaperons; Eva Sher- the Little Country theater, under the havoc with my digestive system at ball, plans are under way for the tradi- This year 33 counties are sending wood, lighting; Marjory Archer, publi- direction of Miss Alice Bender. Selec- times, I'm ready for another cruise," tional affair. Prizes are awarded each delegates to the meeting ,19 of which city; and Marguerite Jennings, pro- tions from each author will also be said Jack Aiken, N. D. S. student who year for unusual costumes. will be represented by exhibits in the grams. given. has just returned with his band from sixth annual show and sale of market During the intermission between the As social chairman of the Y. W. C. A., classes of club livestock. Seventy head a six weeks tour to the Philippines, Miss Jennings will be in direct charge two divisions of the recital, tea will be China and Japan of baby beeves, swine and lambs com- of the event. A senior in the school of Nancy Elliott To served in the Lincoln Log cabin. Included in the party were two prise the show which is held in con- Those chosen to appear on the pro- home economics, Miss Jennings is a junction with the institute program. other Fargoans: Dallas Rudrud, a N. member of Alpha Gamma Delta social gram and the selections they will give D. S. student, and Ole Severson. The These will be sold following the com- Wed John Doerr sorority and , na- are: orchestra started from Fargo Septem- pletion of judging Thursday: Jean Pote, "Cobbler's Wax," Achmed tional honorary home economics organi- ber 20, and left the west coast Octo- zation. Doris E. Earl, Grand Forks, 1931 Miss Elliott Sails Christmas Abdullah; Frank Sanders, "The Congo" ber 3, on the S. S. President Cleveland, president of the state 411 organization, Day For Honolulu ; Leaves (with musical accompaniment), Vachel of the American Mail line. To plan a special entertainment fea- will officiate at many of the meetings Lindsay; Vivian Luther, "The Romance ture for the ball members of the dra- Fargo the Sixteenth The ship was a day late into Yokoho- of the juniors. A large proportion of of a Rose," Nora Perry; Helen Solow, matic group of the Y. W. C. A. will the program each year is handled al- "The Dark Brown Diplomat;" Helen ma because of a typhoon and also de- meet in the Y rooms at 4:15 p.m. today. Announcement was made Sunday by layed on its return trip by stormy seas. most independently by the club mem- Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Elliott of Des Tarplee, "The Alien;" Lucille Smith, Claire Newell is in charge of the sec- bers, with but a minimum amount of Outside of a Japanese, accompanying tion. - Moines, Iowa, of the engagement of selections for "The Spoon River An- assistance from club officials. This thology," Edgar Lee Masters; Veronta some goldfish to America, being thrown their daughter Nancy Elizabeth to John overboard and a few good card games, Committees to handle the several tendency on the part of the boys and Edward Doerr, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Weppler, Sara Teesdale; Violet Lueth, )hales of the prom entertainment have girls to assume a large share of the re- group of sonnets by Edna St. Vincent `he sailing itself was rather dull, Mr. John S. Doerr, Mt. Vernon, Ind. The Aiken reported. The youths missed been appointed by Miss Jennings. The sponsibility for the success of their wedding will take place early in Janu- Miloly; Donalda MacDonald, sketches groups include: meeting reflects the valuable training from Dorothy Parker; Harold Fredrick- Henry Preslesr's Vagabonds ,also cruis- ary in Honolulu. ng in the orient, by a week in Shang- Entertainment — Aura Charbonneau, they have received in their local club son, Rupert Brooks; Leonard Gilles, . Chairman, Carl Cooper, Betty Foster, Miss Elliott is an instruct"r in the art lei. They were informed of this by groups, Mr. Rilling believes. modern philosophies; Jeanette Cooper, quth Hartman, Frances Loomis and department here and was graduated ln old guide, Shanghai Charlie. No- Following registration of the dele- Edna St. Vincent Mil ay; and Clare Constance Martin. from Iowa State college. Before com- hing of the present battle was gates Tuesday morning, time was Schrag, William Rose Benet. Music—Anne Heiberg, chairman, Lu- ing to North Dakota State she spent -.een as the party was south of that spent in getting acquainted, which will A group of poems will be given by a ella Illness, Helen Skei and Amy two years teaching at the University of listrict. However, numerous French, include the singing of club songs. Dr. quartette composed of Carol Ladwig, Glaser. Oklahoma. She is a member of Delta kmerican and British warships were J. H. Shepperd, president of the college, Betty Mackin, -Glenora Belland, and Hall—Jeanette Naftalin, chairman, Delta Delta, national social sorority, --•er in the harbors. Especially inter- and C. F. Monroe, director of extension Grace Putney accompanied by Mar- Virginia Davis and Marguerite John- Omicron Nu, National Collegiate Play- 'esting was the new flagship, "Houston," work, gave brief talks, welcoming cella Ike. Instrumental and vocal mu- son. ers, Iota Sigma Pi, and , of the Asiatic fleet. the group to the campus. In the after- sic will be given by members of the honorary fraternities. The longest stopover of the tour was Ticket s—June Miller, chairman, noon a 4H party will be held by the classes. At the present time Mr. Doerr is n Manilla, for two and a half days. Frances Nichol, Ruth Henderson and girls under the direction of Ella M. Assisting with the plans for the re- park naturalist for the Hawaii National While there they broadcasted over a Lois Rudrud. (Continued on page 4) cital are the following chairmen: Park, Hawaii. Previous to this he was radio station for an hour and a half. Refreshments—Irene Hudson, chair- Mrs. Julia Scranton, tea; Jeannette the organizer and head of the depart- They had previously received a request man, Frances Hedner, Louise Barton, McComb, music; Adeline Shefte, recep- ment of geology here which position he rrom Governor-General Dwight Davis' Marian Powers and Ida May Hollands. tion; and Mary Clarke, rooms. held until last spring. Mr. Doerr was daughter to broadcast. Brevities Manager Each member of the class is allowed graduated from the University of Wis- to invite two guests. In Seattle the boys saw Les Narum. Calls Meeting at 4 consin and was a member of the fa- N. D S. alumnus, who is stationed Edwin Booth Club culty of Pennsylvania State college there at a naval base. Thanksgiving before coming to Fargo. He is a mem- New Athletic Building day was spent in Los Angeles where Blue Key Utilizes Profits For ber of Theta Chi, national social fra- the party witnessed the acclaim ac- Initiates Suiday Improving Festival Hall ternity, , Pi Gamma Nu, Blue Is Formally Dedicated corded the jubilant Trojan football For Productions Key, and , honorary team, victors over Notre Dame. Cali- Four New Members Admitted fraternities. fornia was in the midst of the coldest To Dramatic Organization One representative from each social Miss Elliott plans to leave Fargo De- Prominent Men Attend And As- spell that state had experienced in fifty organization, from the Cosmopolitan cember 16 and will sail on the S. S. sist In Program On years. The return across the United For Outstanding Work ?dub, from the Y. M. C. A. and from President Monroe from San Francisco Saturday Evening States was made by a southern route Y. W. C. A. are asked to meet in the Christmas day to meet Mr. Doerr in in a car, with band equipment on a Formal initiation services were con- Faculty-Alumni clubrooms at 4 p. m. Honolulu. In a short program before the several trailer. They touched Mexicali, Mexico, ducted for four new members of the oday with James Konen, manager of Numerous social affairs are being thousand people present Saturday eve- (noted for its saloons), Fort Worth and Edwin Booth Dramatic club of the he 1932 Brevities. given for Miss Elliott before her de- ning, the new physical education Oklahoma City. No snow was en- North Dakota State college at 5:30 p. m . Any individual interested in writing parture. Friday night Misses Matilda building was formally dedicated and countered before the boys reached yesterday in the Little Country theater 'yrics, skits or any other type of ma- Thompson and Dorothy Hatch were presented by the State of North Dakota Sioux Falls. Carrying out a custom of former years erial that might be of use in the hostesses at a formal dinner in the to North Dakota State college. the initiation followed the Christmas 3revities is also asked to meet at this home of Miss Thompson. Appoint- Introduced by President J. H. Shep- festivities being given at the college time. Material will be selected as soon ments featured Christmas in North Da- perd of North Dakota State college, LAST CADET HOP OF this afternoon. as possible and tryouts will be held kota and New Year's in Hawaii on the Governor George F. Shafer, Nelson TERM ON THURSDAY Qualified for membership because of ;portly after Christmas. two dinner tables lighted with red Sauvain, chairman of the State Board outstanding ability and participation in Profits from this year's Brevities will tapers. Six tables of bridge were in of Administration, and State Senator The last cadet hop of the fall term dramatic work on the campus, Dorothy be used by Blue Key to make addi- play following the dinner. A. W. Fowler of Case county were the will be held Thursday at 4 p. m. in Holes, Hunter; Audrey Medley, Wim- tional improvements in Festival Hall Mrs. Kenneth Kuhn entertained 35 feature speakers at the dedicatory Festival hall. Billy Euren and his Col- bledon; David Minard and Lyle Phil- making it more suitable for productions guests at tea and handkerchief shower program. legians have been engaged for the hop. lips, Fargo, were initiated into the or- of this and similar types. for Miss Elliott on Saturday. Tropical Formal presentation of the building Students are urged to attend these ganization. In charge of the service flowers and foliage were used in the to the college was made by Chairman hops if they want them to be continued. was Dorothea Olson, club president. Formal initiation services were held rooms. Sauvain with praise of the program of Unless a good attendance is shown at Assisting her were Misses Ruth Barrett in the chapter house Sunday morning On Sunday Alpha Omicron of Gam- "athletics for In a short return this event they will not be held next and Jean Pote and Malve McKoane. for Captain F. McChrystal, new honor- ma honored Miss Elliott, a address, President Sheppard accepted term. Initiates were honored at a supper ary member of the fraternity. patroness, at tea in the chapter house. the physical education building in the in the Lincoln Log cabin following the Appointments in green and white were name of the college, esrpressing the ap- Dick Fowler was a dinner guest at formal supper. An hour of informal- Harry McLachlin, an alum residing featured on the tea table. Musical preciation of the school to the state of the Delta Kappa Sigma house Satur- entertainment, including stunts and at Hunter, N.- D., visited at the Delta (Continued on Page 4) North Dakota. day noon games followed. Kappa Sigma house Friday. GANGSTER DANCE, Thurday at The CRYSTAL F'eaturirtg 141-11.


education building was dedicated. Un- • episodes were under the direct super- SIGMA DELTA DISCUSSES THE SPECTRUM fortunately we couldn't see the dedica- vision of students frona the Festivals GR.ANDI AND MUSSOLINI r. Official publication of the students of tion and a continual hum of a wireless The Griddle class. and click of a typewriter kept us from North Dakota State College, pub- By "Fry'' A large Yule Log, donated to the col- "Fascism and Hitlerism" will be the hearing what was said. But of course lished every Tuesday and Friday lege by Frank P. Peterson, opened the subject for general discussion at the the typewriters must click even though 1 second part of the program Specially during the school year. Address all next meeting of the Sigma Delta dis- the governor is speaking. We under- Dedication communications to the Editor-in- costumed characters brought in the cussion club at their first meeting next stood that typewritten copies of the "Georgie" must have left the specs Chief. Yule Log. Mary Healy was in general term on Jan. 16. Abbie Porter will be governor's speech might be secured home Saturday night—high scorer. charge of this episode. the leader. Subscription rate: $2.00 per school before presentation. We didn't see With authentic authorization racketeer Tiny run, Old Scrooge and other "Grandi and Mussolini" was the topic year. anybody rise when the governor came Jacobson entered the field programs- famous characters of Dickens were for discussion at the regular meeting Entered as second class matter at in so perhaps he wasn't there or maybe whoops—what a cleanup — attractive portrayed by 25 students who drama- of Stine Delta in the Alley Casino State College station, Fargo, N. D., he was there before we came. piece of binding, too. The only thing tized, "The Christmas Carol" for the Sunday evening. Fredrick Martin led under the act of March 3, 1879. Senator Fowler, according to the that wasn't in the program were the third episode. Mary Healy and Cather- the discussion. newspapers, tells to that the building Spectrum Phone: 2221. salaries. ine Donahue were in charge. Miss Alice is not entirely intended for physical !Bender, instructor in the department, ___Editor-in-Chief education, but for large college gath- Marjory Archer Eyebrows—that exotic, oriental touch, read "The Birds' Christmas Carol" William McDonald, Theta Chi, a stu- _Business Manager erings as well. Perhaps the Letterman's Glenn Reichert oh. Madelon!—it's an art. preceding the play. dent in the law school at the University Editorial Staff dance wasn't a large gathering, but we of North Dakota, spent Saturday as the Pupils of Miss Frances Wright por- Assistant Editor saw everybody we knew and bumped guest of his fraternity brothers here, Gerald Garlid Ceres Hall Party trayed human dolls entertained in the Managing Editor into all we didn't corning to attend the dedication pro- Robert Connolly Ghastly lights — passionate affair. fourth part of the program. Abbie Porter_ _ Desk Editor A. M. gram of the physical education build- Rosella, queen of the ball. A post The fifth episode, a revival of Dick- William E. Stewart Columnist ing. mortem affair. ens' "Old Curiosity Shop," was under Jack Grohnke_ Sports Editor The North Dakota State college Pep club got off to a nice start Saturday the supervision of Clara Borden, and Sally Hunkins. Feature Editor night at the dedication of the new gym. Brevities the sixth episode, "Christmas in Many Amy Oscarson .Music Editor Lands," was in charge of Marjorie Clifford Bowman______Exchange Editor More new members turned out that Jimmy Konen, potentate of the Bre- night than were expected, according to vities—much attention from co-eds— DePuy. Reporters Milton Lee, president of the organiza- Leads in Brevities? "Alice Blue A demonstration of the making of a Charles Christensen, Nita Oleson, Fred tion. However, with a bigger gym, Gown"—"Pink Carnation"—respective- Queen Victoria plum pudding by Jen- Payne, Luella Furcht, Gale Monson, North Dakota State certainly ought to ly Kappa Gamma and Gamma Phi— nie Sothern, a story hour for children Howard Trangsrud, Frederick Swan- have a larger pep club than the one watch yourself Jimmy. and social hour were the features of Selden Catlin, Maxine Rusted. that appeared Saturday evening. It is the last episode. Sara O'onnor was in Business Staff suggested that all students who wish to Tank Team charge. Jay Lynch __Advertising Mgr. better support their team and who have McEssy, captain; Bob Streibel, John Thorsen. __Advertising Mgr. the little spare time that is needed to "Bunker" Hill; Don McNaughton, William MacDonald__Advertising Mgr. go out for this activity join the orgaru- Percy Evander; Chris Bjornson, Frank Robert Parrott—Asst. Advertising Mgr. zation. Notices of meetings will be Carlson. Captain honored with letter When Pleasure is the Jane Adams_ Advertising placed on the bulletin board ahead of B for BURPING. time, and anyone who wishes to join Goal Member National College and North can do so by attending the next meet- Greeks Central Press Associations ing. Ideas are being worked out for Luther, Ottinger and company—in- Christmas the coming basketball games of the teresting. LUGER winter term. Lee is asking for the co- Sigma Taus Wednesday night din- is Coming operation of all fraternities on the cam- Welcome ners—girls and everything. A bit of Furniture Co. pus to make this year's Pep club bigger tradition. Now is the time to make your The twenty-second annual Achieve- and better. Incidentally, it might not Sentimental drivel—notes in class- Puts it over with great delight to selection of the newest in ment Institute of the 411 clubs opened be a bad idea for the Betty Coeds of 10 years old—Goodwin and company. the buyer of any item from the Greeting Cards on the campus this morning bringing the college to work out something along Who is the company? What a ques- largest and best stock of merchan- Gummed Ribbons and Seals to its sessions some 350 boys and girls the line of the Pep club. tion! dise in the Northwest— Our Gift Wrapping Papers are from over the state. We welcome them —A Member. Pop trio, Gamma Phi mob, Kappa Therefore it is a unusual, while for window and to the campus and hope that their quart—sweet music -a good big Eddie tree decorating be sure and see meeting here this year may be as pro- Cantor for them. Pleasure to buy from the new Hanging Cut-outs, Win- fitable and enjoyable as the ones of the BACTERIOLOGISTS DO dow Transparencies and Silhou- Past. PLANT EXPERIMENTING Hops LUGER'S ettes. The students of North Dakota State Import Novelties Social lions—Here's a good one—Co- are anxious to help you and will be Chinese Medallions and The coming of cold weather does not eds—"What, no Sigs at the hop?" "Let's glad to direct you on the campus or Calendars from England put an end to the gardening of the bac- go and study."—I wish I could dance. about the city. will add an overseas flavor to teriologists, according to Dr. Casper L. Featured on the program for the your Christmas gifts. Nelson, bacteriologist at the North Da- Big Shots week will be the auction sale of live- Wrapping Papers kota State college. However, their stock on Thursday forenoon. Seventy Rooney, Ryan, Harris—Theta Chi Printed Gummed Ribbons gardens do not consist of flowers but boys and girls will have animals en- Crewe, Cone, Seebart—Sigma Tau Chinese Medallions of plants far to small to be seen with tered in the sale. State college organi- Shamp, Euren, Bermel—A. T. 0. Cellophane—Sparkle Floss— the naked eye. zations and faculty members can do Thomasson, Ellingson, Gray—Gamma Mica Snow themselves and the college consider- At the present time some of the bac- Rhos and able good by being on hand to buy teriology students at the college are Bothum, McCleary, Isley—Delta Taus Exceptionally Smart Designs in some of the livestock. beginning to work upon these experi- McKoane, Goodwin, Wyarcl—Delta Gummed Seals ments. They do not dig the dirt to Sigs Labels—Tags Cooperation prepare their gardens, but by combin- Grove, Holiday, Velleu— Pottery, Pictur, Mottoes, Mirrors, Decorative Corners and ing beef extracts, peptone, salt and wa- Forman, Fox and Eckstrom,—Kappa Vases, Lamps, Bookends, Busts, Gift Cards ter they make various kinds of jellies Sigma CM Glass and Chinaware The students at North Dakota State Just out—the Christmas issue of must enjoy being preached at The and soups. One of the most common Simonitsch, Bierly, Johnson—Sigma Incense and Burners sermon for today is on "Cooperation"— of the soups is called "Bug Soup" or Phi Delta. RCA Victor & Atwater Kent "PARTIES" necessary although admittedly trite. bouillon by those who work with —containing the latest ideas on At present the Bison staff are at- it. Nevertheless, it looks good enough holiday entertaining and decorat- tempting to edit the most representa- to drink but its looks belie the taste RADIOS ing. And don't forget—we can sell you a tive annual in the history of the school. Still the bacteria love it. Sixteenth Annual PIANO for less. Easy terms. To do this they are including pictures In one experiment either gelatine or of all classes. To date they have met a sea weed product known as Agar was Christmas Pageant SEE US FIRST Office Specialties per cent added which made a solid jelly. On L2-14 Broadway Fargo, N. D. with cooperation that is ten 115 Bdwy. Across from Black's perfect. the surface of these jellies the other Presented Sunday Need we remind you that the 1932 bacteria which are to be studied grow. annual will be just as representative as Some of the bacteria have very fasti- Adda Blakeslee, Homer Huntoon dious tastes and have to be coaxed the cooperation which it receives? Direct Chorus of One That makes the 1932 book ten per cent with special sugars which cost from ICE CREAM AND PUNCHES representative. fifty cents to fifty dollars a pound. Hundred Voices We might point out the obvious ad- Several specially prepared incubators FOR ALL OCCASIONS vantages of making the yearbook a are available to the student bacterio- With a chorus of 100 voices singing logist to furnish a summer climate for remembered one For one, the Uni- Christmas carols the sixteenth annual Phone 1200 versity of North Dakota has been his crops, while outside it is cold and Christmas pantomime opened in Festi- Frank 0. Knerr Dairy Co. Inc. forced to abandon publication this year. blustering. The temperature main- val hall Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6. A truly representative annual would be tained in these incubators is approxi- Miss Adds Blakeslee and Prof. Homer a feather in our cap. Secondly, we mately blood heat. Thus the plant Huntoon directed the chorus. might remind the lowerclassmen that gardens of the microscopic world are The second part of the program took this will be the first annual in the his- developed. place in the Little Country theater and tory of the college to carry individual was under the general supervision of OPPORTUNITIES pictures of you within its covers. In A. G. Arvold, head of the public dis- use four years every student will have a cussion department. Each of the seven Opportunities are of value only to those who are prepared to ELLENDALE FARMER them. Prepare now for the many opportunities offered by the business complete pictorial record of his college TAKES SHORT COURSE world to the young people who have made the proper preparation and days. Four years. from now it ought have the ability to work up to the higher positions. It requires only a to be indeed interesting to compare the Using the spare time of the year, late few months of training to prepare for a position that will pay you a first with the last and note the im- See our Stylist Niggerhead fall and winter, to improve his knowl- worthwhile salary with many chances for advancement. Phone 1099 or provements. And then thirdly, either write for information to the edge in livestock courses at North Da- Overcoats because of the depression or along with kota State college has placed R. C. at the depression the price per cut has $16.75 Heine, Ellendale, among the topnotch- been reduced from three to two dol- Interstate Business College ers in the livestock game in the state, FARGO, lars. Remember that the deadline for Hawkinson-Mjovig Co. NORTH DAKOTA according to Dr. H. L. Walster, dean 506 Front cuts has been extended until the holi- St. Fargo of the school of agriculture. He is a days—and you'll be broke after Christ- leading breeder of Shorthorn beef cattle mas. and Duroc Jersey hogs. A brother, Erwin, is also a graduate of the farm • husbandry course. R, C. Heine, grad- Student Opinion uated in 1920. I Jesse J. Simmers, farm husbandry SCHOOL of RELIGION 1926, Jamestown, manager of Valley View Stock farm, finds that the prin- Just Griping ciples of livestock management learned Courses offered for the Winter Term, 1932 of his purebred herds of Red Polled A pillow processional will be the or- cattle and Duroc Jersey swine, states der of the day at the future basketball Dr. Walster. games—that is if a short person really The practical short courses in agri- wants to see the game or at least the culture for this year begin January 5 New Testament History II. Later Hebrew History scoreboard from the,bleachers. Or per- and end March 20. haps some arrangement might be made 9:00, Tues. — Thur. 9:00, Wed. — Fri. to seat the spectators according to Bernice Rhinos was a dinner guest height putting us in the front row Monday night and a luncheon guest where we might occasionally see the Wednesday noon at the Phi Omega Pi Hebrew Morals ball if we so desire Last Saturday our History of Christianity I. house. only source of information was from a 10:00, Tues. — Thur. 10:00, Wed. — Fri. "wise guy" who obligingly shouted over our shoulder at intervals that "Blank played good FOOTBALL," that Plano—Jazz Philosophy of Religion "the game was terrible," that "the re- MARION F. NEWCOMB Religious Education I. feree was crazy," that "they would like Instructor in to leave,"—and oh how we wish they 11:00, Tues. — Thur. 11:00, Wed. — Fri. POPULAR MUSIC would have. They tell us that the new physical 6021/2 Front St. — At Broadway THE SPECTRUM THREE Boxing Classes Will FORMER STUDENTS TO September, sailing on the S. S. Presi- MIINNESOTA DEFEATS Dragon Ball Team LAND IN U. S. TODAY den Van Buren. They will have stop- ped at 24 foreign points when they Will Oppose Bison Begin Work Tuesday reach New York. NORTH DAKOTA STATE Scheduled to land in New York to- En route to San Francisco from New In Weekend Game New Ring and Race Track Are day, an orchestra composed of four York they will visit Cuba and the former students of the North Dakota Canal Zone. IN FIRST ENCOUNTER Made Ready for Band State college is expected to complete Baby Bison Issue Challenge To Of Fighters Second String of its trip around the world early in Janu- Saturday's Game Is Interesting ary when members reach San Francis- Miles Formo, a member of Theta Chi From Standpoint Of Teachers College Boxing Instruction for Bison chal- co, according to word received here fraternity, left last week on the fang lengers will begin this afternoon for from Henry Presler, Fargo, leader of trip to Los Angeles, California, where Spectators Negotiations are being pushed for a the first time of the 1931-32 season, the group, which includes Birch Hor- he will spend the coming winter. He Bison-Dragon basketball game this ERIC NORDSTROM STARS according to Lt. Fay Smith, fighting ton, Rudolph Hehr, and William Hilts. will enter the University of Southern weekend, either on Friday or Saturday tutor at North Dakota State college. California at the beginning of the win- night, Leonard Saalwaechter, North Prospective fighters of all weight The players left San Francisco last ter semester. Bison To Play Moorhead State Dakota State college basketball coach, classes will hold daily workouts in the Teachers Peds Friday announced today. ring constructed in the basement of 191211111111111MINIMMIIMIP In Second Game The game will be played this week, the physical education building. Fresh Coach Saalwaechter says, although cinder has been hauled to complete the The North Dakota State college bas- final decision as to the date of the game construction of the race track adjoin- ketball team under the tutelage of has not been completed with "Slid' ing the ring, where fighters will jog Coach L. T Saalwaetcher lost their first Nernzek, grid, basketball and track off avoirdupois and build up leg game of the season to the powerful mentor of the Moorhead State Teachers muscle. SURE University of Minnesota hoopsters. The college. With the first intramural tourney game Saturday, which was a part of Frosh Play Seconds scheduled some time after the begin- the dedication services in the new phy- Before the Bison varsity contest with ning of the second term of school and We appreciate our business from sical education building, was an inter- the team described as one of the most with the North Central conference esting game from the standpoint of outstanding in the history of Moorhead scraps looming on the seasonal horizon, the A. C. Campus.. the spectators, and the Big Ten team State Teachers college, the Baby Bison physical condition is the goal of• the finally came out on the long end of a will take a test game with the second prospective ringmen for the several and we believe all 31-18 score. varsity string of the Moorhead school. weeks remaining of the fall term. The University team displayed a It will be the fisrt public test of the Besides the boxing instruction, gener- our good customers short passing attack which was worked State college freshman basketeers. al wrestling instruction will be given out there appreciate up to a high point of perfection. At Practically the same varsity lineup by Coach Smith. Practically the en- times this passing attack was almost that faced the University of Minnesota tire freshman football squad, not can- our good work infallible and at other times it tended basketeers Saturday night, will be used didates for basketball, have signed up to become rather erratic. to test the Moorhead Teachers quint either on the wrestling or the boxing So will you! on either Friday of Saturday night, Weir Out On Personals lists. whenever the game is scheduled, ac- A number of promising newcomers The Bison were at a great disadvan- cording to Saaly. • tage in height, and this factor played are working out already, according to Sealy Is Pleased an important part in their defeat. Bob Coach Smith, who expects to have a "I was much pleased with the defen- Weir, giant center, was compelled to better knowledge of the calibre of the sive and offensive showing of the var- leave the floor on personals fouls after candidates after the first few days of Fargo Laundry Company sity in their first test of the season, but eight and a half minutes of play in workout. Saturday," Coach Saalwaechter said. the first half. Weir had collected five Phone 5440 "The demonstration by the team dur- points in this time, and his banishment ing the game with the Minnesotans Kappa Kappa Gamma held formal from the game was the turning point shows vast improvement in the condi- installation for the newly elected offi- of the battle. With this loss of height tion of the squad over that of last year cers of the sorority on Monday night at under the basket, the Bison found it at this time." 6:30. The following' took office at that much harder to score from this posi- Although the Gophers held the ball time: Ora Hammerud, president; Miss- tion, and also harder to get the ball on for three-fifths of the game, it is a beth Olsen, treasurer; Metta Cleveland, follow in shots. At this time in the compliment to the Bison defense that registrar; Helen Louise Clemens, cor- Send Christmas Greetings game, the Bison were leading 7-6. they were given no more chances for responding secretary; Ruth Barrett, re- The first half of the game was rather close shots at the basket than were the cording secretary; Marian Brainerd, slow with neither team showing a dis- Bison, according to Coach Saalwaech- marshaL TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS tinct advantage. Minnesota controlled ter. The brilliant series of • passes by the ball most of the time, but the Bison the Big Ten quint failed to open wide were putting up a great battle and al- At A Cost Of Only 40c holes in the Bison defense, although FRAPPE AND WAFERS ways fighting for the ball. The first tried throughout the entire game . half ended with the Bison trailing With the experience of a tilt with the 11-16. Use Fargo Forum Classified Greeting Card well-known Minesotans behind them, With only one half of a minute of the Bison varsity should be well pre- the second half gone, Bethel, sharp- pared for the game with the Moorhead Phone 1000 shooting Minnesota center, made a short Teacher squad this week. The game We Make The Good Kind shot from under the basket. Nordstrom data will be announced tomorrow. followed shortly as he intercepted a pass and dribbled the entire length of the floor to bring the count to 19-13. brand of ball while he was in the con- test and will prove to be a valuable Second Half Fast man before the season is over. Walt From this time on the game became Olson, who has been shifted from a fast, and frequent fouls were called guard post, played a steady game but This Is Fargo's due to the high speed at which the his shooting ability was not up to par. teams were travelling. Minnesota col- Leo Thomasson was succesfusl in get- Skate Headquarters! The New lected a total of six points in the sec- ting the ball off the backboard and ond half from the fre throw line, while putting it in play. the Bison garnered but 3 points in this Captain Cielusak of the University manner. Cielusak, captain and stellar team was the outstanding man on the guard of the University quint, proved opposing team. He plays a guard posi- HOCKEY to be especially effective in his free tion and collected 12 points during the throwing, by caging 6 of 7 attempts game. from the gift toss line. With the experience that the team The two teams used the same type of got in this game, the Bison should be offense, but the Minnesotans were a in good form for the game next Friday. little more adapt in their passing game. At that date, the Bison will engage in At one period just before the close of Skates battle, the Moorhead State Teachers the first half, the Minnesota team Peds on the new physical education worked the ball down deep into the building floor. Bison territory. They started a short pass game, with the elimination of Are Here! No. 610 and 670-L—Men's and Women's Shoe dribbling, which finally netted a bas- REPAIR SERVICE Skates. Goodyear welt shoe. Box calf leather ket by Sommers. This play was the fastened with strap and buckle, mounted on a OU should make it a point to see this fine col- outstainding bit of work of the fray. Genuine watch materials used only. sturdy aluminum frame. The best skate for ordi- lection of Shoe Skates. We've always had a Bison Shoot Poor Largest stock of watch crystals this nary purpose on the market. Y reputation for carrying superior quality skates side of Twin Cities. Get your watch The Bison had many shots at the —but these are the best values we have shown repairing done at hoop during the second half but the $4.90 in years. scoring aces were completely off in A. PERRY NELSON their form, and many of the shots hit 605 1st Avenue No. Phone 403 the rim only to drop off again. Donald Arthur, probably the surest shot on the team, connected for only two counters. Arthur, who generally counts much more heavily than this, missed many For The shots that he would generally have made. George Fairhead, second high scorer in the conference last season, HOLIDAYS missed shot after shot at the hoop. Weir displayed the greatest offensive White Satin ability of any player while he was on Sandal Types the floor and if he not been taken out and Pumps of the game the outcome might have been different. Eric Nordstrom, flashy guard, was the most effective player on the Bison No. 0390—Men's Hockey Skates, with Goodyear team. He displayed a highly effective welt shoes made of superior quality box calf leather . . . hard toe and ankle patch, defying hard defensive game and left his duties long No. 2124213—Men's and Women's Shoe Skates. enough to count six points toward the -knocks . . . mounted on an aluminum finish tubu- lar blade of special tempered steel that holds its Goodyear welt box calf leather . . . with strap and Bison totaL 'McKay played a good keen, sharp edge. Ordinarily they sell for $7.00. buckle mounted on hardened and highly polished Now— flat skates. A wonderful value at- BUY YOUR FLOWERS AT 4 AAA'S $5.25 to C'S $3.90

Tinted any shade to match or con- Bdwy and Front Phone 424 trast with your gown FREE OF CHARGE ARRINGTON Get Your Drycleaning Done at the OUGHTON A. B. C. Cleaners HARDWARE 58 Broadway A BISON BOOS1hR 4 South Broadway, Fargo PHONE 240 70.-.1tM0--310--N610,--7050-M 1111111•111111111=1111111.1111111111111111111111111


KAPPA DELTA HOLDS Benton Decides AGS!! ATTENTION!! FIRST "GET TOGETHER" SENIOR STAFF Box Chocolates Determining Factors A meeting of the Saddle and Sir- Sigma Psi chapter of Kappa Delta loin club will be held Thursday eve- Official Bulletin of Coming for all Occasions Events Cotton, Silk and Rayon Compete entertained at the first of a series of ning, at 7:30 o'clock. informal Sunday "get togethers" Sun- An important business meeting With World on Textile will be held covering the prepara- day, December 6, at the chapter apart- Tuesday, December 8- Page and Shaw Market tion for the Little International 3:00-6:00 P. M.—Sale and exhibit ment, 505 Seventh ave, N. Livestock show and banquet. of Japanese Prints, Art Studio. Johnston's Garrett The world wool price plus the tariff The evening was spent in playing At 8:00 o'clock Prof. Waldron will 4:15 P. M.—Y. W. Dramatic Inter- and cost of importation is the price "crazy" bridge and refreshments were talk, giving the results of the 2,000 est Group. North Dakota wool growers receive for served. The following representatives high bred -apple trees which have 7:00 P. M.—Phi Upsilon Omicron. Service Drug Store their wool in Boston, according to Dr. A. attended: Mary McLane and Ruth Dy- been developed at the Minnesota 7:00 P. M.—Typical Community Broadway and 6th Ave. No H. Benton, head of marketing at North son, Phi Omega Pi; Clifford Bowman Experimental station. Program given in honor of Boys' Dakota State college. He points out and John Bond, Theta Chi; Jack Din- and Girls' Institute, Little Coun- that the present tariff on scoured wool gle and Jim Lund, . try Theater. UMW is 34 cents per pound, which is equival- NANCY ELLIOTT TO Wednesday, December 9- ent to 13.6 cents on raw North Dakota CLUB MEMBERS OPEN WED JOHN DOERR 3:00-6:00 P. M.—Sale and Exhibit wool, as the fleeces from this state gen- of Japanese Prints, Art Studio. erally shrink about 60 percent. ANNUAL CONVENTION (Continued from Page 1) 4:00-5:00 P. M.—Y. W. Cabinet earigina5 earb5 Dr. Benton has just completed a new numbers were presented by the Gam- (Continued from page 1) Meeting. experiment station bulletin on wool ma Phi Beta octtet, Rhoda Marr, solo- Thursday, December 10— 5c A VERY 10C marketing which is now being publish- Gardner, recreation specialist of the ist, Jean Pote, cello soloist, and Mary ed. The bulletin, No. 252, will be U. S. Department of Agriculture. Later Powers, Mirium Narum, Marcella Ike, Friday, December 11- CHOICE available for general distribution about in the day boxing and basketball and Dorothea Ward pianists. 8:15 P. M.—Play: "The Cherry Or- Jan. 1. matches have been arranged by the Sunday night Prof. and Mrs. Homer chard," Little Country Theater. SELECTION "Variations in the price of raw wool athletic department to entertain the Huntoon were hosts at a buffet supper, Saturday, December 12- in the United States depend upon its delegates. In the evening the entire followed by informal entertainment. Y. M. & Y. W. Kiddies' Party grade, condition and character. The group will take part in a community On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Monday, December 14- COLLEGE diameter and length of the wool fiber program to be put on by Prof. A. G. Bayliss will entertain four tables at 3:00-5:00 P. M.—Blue Monday Tea largely determine the grade into which Arvold, in the Little Country theater. bridge in the colllege Y. M. C. A. Fraternity and sorority meetings BOOK STORE different fleeces fall," Dr. Benton says. For most of the delegates, Wednes- apartments. Tuesday, December 15- "Usually the wool of fine texture and day's seat of interest will be in the Misses Marjorie Rusch and Mae 4:15 P. M.—Y. W. Music Interest long fiber commands the best prices. livestock pavilion where judging of the Kelly will give a bridge dinner Satur- Group The bulk of the wool produced in livestock exhibits is scheduled to be- day evening in the home of Miss 7:00 P. M.—Phi Upsilon Omicron North Dakota grades medium. The gin at 10 a. m. Among the other high Rusch. Wednesday, December 16— After Parties and Shows amount of grease is the most import- lights of the day is a demonstration of On Sunday, Miss Elliott will be the FINAL EXAMINATIONS ant factor determining the condition of meats, reports of delegates who attend- guest of honor at the annual Christmas 4:15 P. M.—Y. W. Poetry and Lit- meet at the wool. Dirt and other foreign ma- Chicago, a recreation program under party for members of the home econo- erature Interest Group terial such as burrs, straw and filth in ed the national 4H club conference in mics staff of the college in the practice the wool are other factors on which the guidance of Miss Gardner„ a tour house. Le Chateau William Gress, Mandan, was a guest condition is rated and are partly under of Fargo, and the annual Chamber of for Sunday dinner at the Theta Clu the control of the producer. Mixtures Commerce banquet in the evening. BEATTY GIVES SPECIMEN house. of color in wool are also considered Thirty-nine girls, winners of high OF CORAL TO COLLEGE under this head, places in clothing contests in their Special Attention to Students "The spinning quality and color of home counties, will model the gar- An unusual specimen of honeycomb First Class American and the wool when it is scoured are the ments they have made at a dress re- coral was recently presented to North —AT- Chinese Dishes points considered under character. The vue in connection with the banquet. Dakota State college by J. H. Beatty, DINNER AND SUPPER 25e and up best wool is springy, soft, elastic, of This feature is being directed by Miss commercial beekeeper of Fargo, for the MAROTZKE'S even crimp and bright in color. Pauline Reynolds, assistant 4H leader, College museum, according to Prof. J. BARBER and BEAUTY SHOPPE AMERICAN CAFE "Wool which has been well cared for, and Edna Sommerfield, junior cloth- A. Munro, head of the department of 623 N. P. Avenue Phone 330 Phone 392 505 N. P. Ave. being free of burrs and clean is placed ing specialist. entomology. The rock has the out- in a higher line when graded and Thursday forenoon the livestock ex- ward appearance of honeycomb, as it is handled by wool cooperatives, Dr. Ben- hibits are to be sold at auction, selling full of many six-sided cells resembling ton says. to be conducted by H. L. Finke, Minot; those built by the honeybee. It has Sheep numbers in the United States Frank Hyland, Devils Lake, and Fran- been identified by the college geolo- BUY A MEAL and also in North Dakota have in- cis L. Haibeck, Steele. The girls will gy department as honeycomb coral and creased greatly since 1923. That year attend meetings in the Little Country belongs to the Sirlurian age, an age long before insect life appeared in the Coupon 1300k the sheep population of the country theater. In the evening a special pro- world. was 36,600,000 and in 1931 was 51,900,- gram prepared and conducted by the While on a trip thru Iowa, Mr. Beat- 000 head. In 1923 North Dakota had boys and girls themselves will be held„ $5.50 for $5.00 ty was given the coral specimen by 240,000 sheep, in contrast to over 1,000,- a portion of which is to be broadcast Russel Hook of Greeley, Ia. It is now 000 head now. However, so far as over the radio. North Dakota is concerned, the state is placed beside a real honeycomb built Friday the girls will spend most of VIKING CAFE not overstocked with sheep. Natural by bees, to show the close resemblance their time in a group session, while advantages such as climate, large farms of the two. A BISON BOOSTER the boys will visit the Armour Packing with abundant feed and accessibility to plant at West Fargo. Home economics First Cafe on North Broadway good markets make this state a favor- demonstration teams from Ward, Bur- ed one for sheep production, Dr. Benton Try Our Bachelor Service leigh, Barnes and Benson counties are believes. scheduled to battle it out for state Wool's three foremost competitors on championship honors at this time. In Model Laundry the textile market are cotton, silk and the afternoon, before concluding the rayon. Cotton consumption has re- SMART WARDROBE LUGGAGE institute program, the delegates will Phone 4 mained about stationary during the hold their annual business meeting past years, but the use of both silk and The Ultimate in Service which includes election of officers for rayon has increased rapidly. SPECIALLY PRICED FOR 1932. In commenting on the sheep indus- try in North Dakota, the economist During the institute program a little points out that lambs and sheep in 4H club newspaper, familiar to boys small farm flocks are profitable even and girls who have attended previous with low prices prevailing, owing to institutes as the "Flickertale" will be For Ford Service the ability of this class of livestock to issued. Reporters on the paper will be COLLEGE save many feeds which might other- selected at the opening of the program. wise be wasted and to the fact that two Polly Johnson, former 4H club girl and crops are produced, lambs and wool. now a member of the staff of the Far- For a period of years fat lambs, rela- mer's Wife magazine of St. Paul, will tive to the price of feeds, have been assist the girls. MEN higher in price than any other class of Among the attractive features of the Donovan Motor Co. livestock, he declares. week's schedule will be a singing con- North Dakota is also well situated test among groups from each county; FARGO FORD DEALER for feeding lambs, being on a direct a health contest will be conducted to Phone 2100 route between the ranges and the mar- determine the healthiest boy and girl, ket and in a position to take advant- and a special recognition is to be ten- age of through rail rates. dered the two club leaders most out- standing in 1931. CO-OPERATIVE BUYING HEN your parents inquire, PLAN IS SUCCESSFUL Have An Account W After a six week's trial, the policy of Knight & Knight of Your Own "What would you like for co-operative buying inaugurated by eight fraternal groups on the North Ball Room Dancing Christmas, my boy?" CHOOSE Dakota State college campus at the be- WORK! ginning of the fall term, has proven it- Instruction EARN! LUGGAGE. A Gladstone or self successful, estimates show. Phone 5256-W for Appointment The plan of collective buying as SAVE! constructed by the several buyers for Aviator from Monson's gives Greek letter organizations enables the Keep your Savings Account participants in this organized buying to "swank" for appearance and ready save nearly 20 percent of the cost on in this old, reliable institution. many types of articles. Staple goods, Dakota Electric Supply Co. Withdrawals at any time. convenience for your travels. which are bought in wholesale quanti- Electrical and Radio Supplies ties, can now be purchased with a view Plumbing and Heating Services of good quality in mind and not for the We Pay 4% Interest CHOOSE MONSON'S BONDED LUGGAGE sole purpose of a low price, results FARGO, N. D. show. FOR LIFE-TIME TRAVEL The Iverson's Cafe "SAVINGS & LOAN" 's REGULAR MEALS 25c sGAT Established 1893 14Z Electric toasters $1.00 Hot Sandwich, Potatoes, Gravy, 10c 618 Front Street Where the Chimes Are Fargo, N. D. Electric Stoves ...... ------$1.00 409 N. P. Avenue FARGO, N. D. Phone 757 67 Broadway TED ENT.A.NTSONT'S