MahcKester ou But Much to Men Overseas Private Robert Richmond, sort of Group D of Center church Manchester district committee­ OeraM J. Demeuaey, Gunner’s women workers will meet this eve­ men and troop committeemen of I Mate 2-c, U. S. Navy Seebeaa is Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond, of Main street, arrived home yester­ ning at 7:30 in the ^bbins room. the Boy Scouts will hold an Im­ About Town on 10-day furlough fi-om his post Miss Helena Booth, local teacher’, portant meeting tonight at 7:30 Average Daily CirculaticHi at Camp Peary. Va„ and Is spend­ day for a short furlough. He is in For the tloath of October, IS4S The Weather the Army Medical'ICorps and at win spea^ on "Dolls in a Chang­ at the .School street Rcc. Plans ' ing his leave at 8 Regent street Forecaet of L’.-S. Weather Barcan present stationed at Camp White ing World," and illustrate her arc bcin^ made foir the annual I ' Mrs. Hd«n ttavsU, telephone with hla wife and parents. Dc- ^Ik with specimens from her va­ banquet and the nominating com­ reminds the members of In Oregon. He has been in the 8,456 Cloudy with occaaional light meusey, former Sergeant Major service just about a year. It requir­ ried collection. The King’s Daugh­ mittee will make a report. All Bden DasMsoa Lodfe, IMughters of the 2nd Battalion. 1st Military ters will meet in the Federation committeemen are urged to at-/] Member o f the Audit xhoivers in th* Bcrkwhlrm tonight •f that reservstions for ed five days to reach Manchester District, Connecticut State Guard, room this evening. tend.. , ' and over entire ntate Wrdneiiday:. ^l^tl^1■ttnll banquet Friday from Camp White and will take as Bnleaa o f CIrcnIation* voider. is now attached to the 16th Super many day.s to get back so that ten •TCOlns ahoUM be in this evening. Battalion which will move from days of his" l.'i day furlough are Chief Daughters of Helen Manclte$ler—~A CUy of Village Charm X.. Camp Peary to an overseas des­ taken up in travel. His parents I^tni««"i« r . Blldredge of Har- tination directly after the per­ Davidson Lodge, Daughters of • n r d Road his left on a buelnew gave him a dinner party yesterday. Scotia, will meet tomorrow eve­ (deeilSed Adverttalng on Page 8) sonnel have completed their al- OLD VOL. LXIIL, NO. 34' MANqHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS trip to Atlanta. Ga. ' Mr. Eld- loted furloughs. ning with Mrs. Hejen Davidson of r e ^ la aariatant aeijiretary of the Hose Company No. 1 of the 36 Ensign street.. Caledonian Insurance group. Manchester lire, department will RECORDS Center Church Women's Guild meet this evening at headquarters. .Must be turned In for sal­ vage It you want to keep I ' Seek Lontlon Air Raid Victitna will meet tomorrow afternoon' at Main arid Hillard streets at 8 , FOR TOP VAI.UE three o'clock, when Mrs. Edward o’clock. Important business will playing the new onea. Notions, School Supplies 2 Russian Armies ROOFING l>wis will speak on hand weaving come before this scs.sion and all IN .A NEM HOME 2 CHALK about 180,000 men—blasted from a new swath five miles deep piuoioM HEAT Behind Radiators A.MBIXANCE SER51CE CHRISTMAS BELLS plants to produce' gasoline from Prime Minister Churchill through enemy positions, theJ CHILDREN’S PLAY CRAYONS the Ukrainian capital in a four- day battle which ended last Satur­ coal was urged today by Senator gravely proclaimed the “ im- Phosphorous Boiiiks British Eighth Army h a n Roll of 8 sheets, enough REINFORCEMENTS GIFT TIE RIBBON O’Mahoney (D., Wyo.) who de­ KNIFE and FORK SETS day. One Red Army force waa re­ pending ruin" of (leriTnahy to seized positions overlooking/ fe'r 4 average fadiatora. ported surgring forward beyond clared the government must pio­ Latest Addition to De­ J neer this field if the United States day, but with all the force of the Sangro river and tt Makarov, 28 miles west of Kiev, Heavy rescue squads, working with the aid o f searchlights, search the wreckage of a London his leadership and language fenses of Rahauly Fail / D U R K E ® to within 50 miles ,..of Zhitomir, is to maintain aviation leadership suburban dance hal! and milk bar soon after a bomb, dropped by a lone German plane, struck the build­ heights beypnd where tneJ F L U E ^ key Junction on one . o f the two after the war. ing Nov. 7. Msny casualties were, reported. The toll waa the greatest since 44 children were killed warned that in his belief the To Halt Allied Raids. Germans are reported estab- last north-south railways avail­ Arguing that American petrol­ in the bombing of a school last Jan. 20. This photo waa transmitted to New York from London by Nazis’ defeat could not come Ifshing the eastern anchor of an. ■/ , I r 87 i CiNTER ST MlNLHESTTR.Cnis The J W H A L C c o u $1.95 able to the Germans toward the eum reserves are steadily falling radio. before 1944, He asserted sol­ Southwest Pacifir Allied Head­ Italian "winter defence llne)i" MANCNISTIR CONM* Polish border, 65 miles away. off, O'Mahoney said in an address headquarters announced to ^ v . emnly that the campaigns of next quarters, Nov. 9. Phosphor­ Smaller Sixe . . . Within 140 Mile* of Frontier prepared for delivery in.the Sen­ year might .surpass the tragedies To the west the ^ z i s massed ' j ate that unless some way is found ous bombs, which look when they heavy formations yOf troops and Heat Is rcflcctial bark i| A second Soviet spearhead; was of Waterloo and Gettysburg, that atriking southwest of Fastov, and to produce synthetic liquid fuel Relief Pact "unless some happy event occurs, first burst like tenacled octopi, guns in the Mlgnano area, at* Quality Plate Glass Mirrors Into room. a Russian communique said It waa "our supply will not last more Second Front Action on which we have no right to then shoot forth smoke and flame, tempting to halt the American than 20 years.” drive toward. Cosalno on the main within 140 miles of the Rumanian count, 1944 will sec the greatest have been added to Rabaul'g de­ Make your room seem large and brighter. L frontier. This drive apparently sacrifice of the British and United road to Rome. DenruinAt Likely to Increase Strong Link fenses by the .Tapanese, desperate Vertical style for consoles and. dressers; C | 1 waa aimed at enveloping, the The Wyoming senator, who States Armies." 51***' for Counter-Attack horisontal for mantels and buffets. 20x28 countless thousands of Germans for ways to prevent that key Thej^mawed a powerful strik- comes from an oil producing state Advanced Materially M’ar hlnchlne Wrecked by Reds from being bombed out of the war. inches. There Are No Shortages At Haleys Self Serve still fighting in the area between declared that military demands The valiant and brilliant Rus­ Ing force for a counter-attack In Tying Allies But the relentless Allied campaign the krea five miles southwest of the Dnieper river and the Black for gasoline are likerly to increase sian offensives have wrecked the moves ahead unchecked. MIRROR CORDS— Gold Braid With Tassel ...... 29c t sea. with the advent of. mass produc­ German war machine and inflict­ Mignano and west of 'Galluclo yes­ Galvanized Still another Russian Army op­ Impression Prevails in Headquarters, in listing losses of terday, but Allied .juns laid down* tion of the“lTew' B-29 long rangre Deadline Set ed wounds "that may well prove 6:. .tapanese planes within the past erating far to the north In the bombws and their likely use Roosevelt Sayg United London Hour for In­ mortal." he declared. a curtain of artillery and mortar Canned Jar Nevcl sector wss said in a Moscow 48 hours, reported that 35 fire before the aae-xult could be M ilk Booster ,53c agatrist Tokyo. He estimated The British war premier a. vasion from West launched, dispersing the enemy. No. 2 Can Burt Olnry that 1000 four-motor bombers now ed that the back of the Nazi sub­ by Liberators and Lightnings Humidifiers Polotosk, rail junction on the consume l,800.p00 gallons of gaso­ For Testing marine warfare has been broken, German prisoners reportetl. Golden In War in Political, Nearer at Hand Now. which bored through the fantastic unanimously that the Nazi com­ Vntebsk-Riga railway and only 20 line on a six hour mission. and that the devastating air war bombs, 50 Zeros and a heavy cur- FIRE-PLACE Can miles from the old Polish border. Hiiiiiaiiitarian Senge. mand planned to dig in for tha Hangs on back of Tender Sweet Peas Lb. Box “Obviously," he said, “ we can- upon the Reich has "been one of taln of anti-aircraft fire. Wheat Germ 29c Stockholm dispatches said the London, Nov. 9.—(^)— Air Attacks the prime forces in the impending winter on a line anchored in tha yadiator. 84 Tons of Bombs Drop|>ed west along the Garigltano river Germans were .evacuating civilians (Contlnned on Page Three) With American and British ruin ot the Hitler regime." The ’ big Liberators exploded 84 Save Futl with No. 2 Can Burt OIney from the HO-mile-wide area be­ Washington, Nov. 9- - Pres­ and Aiirunci mountains, througli GRATES Sugar Heart ident Roosevelt climaxed the sign­ troop.s girding swiftly for an In other high points of an ad­ tons of Isombs accurately among tween LAke Ilmen in Russia and Ground Invasion of dress broadcast to the world dispersal bays and installations of the mountains near Mignano—* For Coal or Wood Succotash Can 17c lAke Feipus on the Estonian bor­ ing of a United Nation* relief invasion of western Europe, Churchill: the Rapopo airdrome, blowing up where U. S. troops already hava mmvi SWEEP Lb. Jar Western Europe Will won footholds—and- acrosa the .Peanut Butter 31C der, a possible prelude to a forced Crime Expert agreement today with the declara­ th e. impression prevailed in Noted that next year is election nine enemy Ijombers and three Fvul i» ol a firumium. Don’t lot German withdrawal from the Len­ year in the United States and com­ fighters on the ground and shoot­ Apennines to the Sangro river. No. 2 Vi Can Burt OIney tion that it. coupled with the re- London today that the hour Go Forward If Allied The Fifth and Eighth Armies^ ciouo hoot 90 ufi tho CHIMNEY ingrad front. ccr\l Moscow documents, shows mented; "I am sure I apeak for all ing down 13 Zeros. The Light­ “Temrex” with two ftre^ O f t A German communique yester­ for the .second front prom­ already are ramming againat brick.8 or .cafi be set on your andirons,* V R e a F O SWEEP quickly and ooiily dtsiroys tool Denies Print that "we mean business in this Aerial Efforts Fail. those on both sides of the Atlan­ nings. at a loss of five of their own and icalo from furnoco to chimnay T omatoes Can 17c Kraft Macaroni Dinner day admitted Naii forces were en­ war in a political and humanitar­ ised by Marshal Joseph Sta­ forte, shot down 10 other Zeros. line in most sectors. tic who mean the same thing and Nazis Caught Off Bslaa thu> parMining Ih* htol lo stcop* ini* gaged in a "defensive struggle ian sense just as surely as we lin had been advanced mate­ they are numbered in scores of Eight other Jap planes probably I • * Only One Red Point against major enemy forces” in the Washington, Nov. 9—(>Pi—The Slashing along the Adriatic IS* heuu. Sal*. non-*ipleiiv*. fquolly mean business in a military rially as a result of the close mili­ millions—when I say that our su­ were destroyed. •e*Oi«* in cool,.ill Of ||n lurnoc*! or 20-Oz. Can Burt OIney Nevel sector. victory - through • air - power the­ coastal sector, the Eigb^ Army CAST IRON GRATE From Screen "It is one more strong link join­ tary cooperation envisaged at the preme duty, all of us British and The new bag of between 35 and on woodburning /itrtplqicti. CnI your Kiev Breakthrough Expanded captured Torino Di Sangro, four ing the United Nations in facing Moscow conference. Should the ory is getting an acid teat against Americans alike, is to preserve the 43 planes at Rabaui was added to WITH LEGS •••••••* lupply today. / c... The Kiev breakthrough waa ex-< blow from the west fall in the im­ milea northwest of cajnured Caa- $ 1 0 -o Q Glass Tomato Juice 3 29c I 2 packages, 21c problems of mutual need and in­ Germany with a definite deadline goodwill that now exists through­ lo.-.-’es there aggregating 800 in de­ -panded to an 80-mile-long front Keeler Says He Does terest.” he said at the conclusion mediate future, German forces stroyed and d.imaged within less albordino, and PagHbta leoa than with the capture yesterday of Gor- —a time limit after which, if the out the English-speaking world No. 6 Can of a White House ceremony in reeling under the mighty Soviet than a month, rendering that New two milea from ^ river. The nastaipol, 45 miles north of Kiev Not Call Himself Fin­ offensive would find themselve.s effort fails, a ground invasion of and, thus aid our Armies in their speed of this z'drfve obviously which representatives of 43 coun­ g rii and heavy task." Britain fortress presently unequal The New and 10 miles west of the Dnieper. tries -joined with the United States confronted with another grand as- western Europe will go forward. to the of formidably restat­ caught the Nazis off balance. Wmdow Can Canned Milk Here the Russians were pinning gerprint Expert in .sault while still fully engaged in The actual timetable is, of Vowed again his intention not Farther inland, British, Cani^ V8 Cocktail Juice in creating the United Nations Re­ to "liquidate the British empire." ing the Allied invasion of its east­ Nestle’s — Carnation — Sheffield or Van Camp’s German forces back against the lief and Rehabilitation administra­ the attempt to stem the onrush- course, a military secret. ern approaches on Bougainville. dian and Indian troops punched Courtroom Sense. No Time For Dreams ,' 14-Oz. Can Campbell’* almost impassable Pripet marsh tion to feed, clothe, and revive ing Red Army. But the deadline is the invasion Strove To Expand Positions through .Yorrebruna, three miles Canvas Coal Hods country, the Soviet war bulletin de­ war-stricken nations. Ma,V Not I’aiiKe L'ntll Spring Stated bluntly that this "is no west oC'Of Celenza, gaining control clared. ; • date which was communicated to While United States Marines Ventilators Bulletin! The President spoke in the his­ Considering the Russians' past I time fur those who have practical Attractive Stripe* With Strong Handle* ' Cans 3 tall cans 29c Kiev cost the Germans 75,000 toric east room. He faced repre­ the Russians. Gen. H. H. Arnold, strove in torrential rain to expand Tomato Juice Nawtau, Bahamas, Nnv. 9. winter successes, their drive may war work to do to dream o f a (heir Empress Augu.sta bay posi­ /ficontlnued on Page Six) dead and 6,‘200 prisoners, Moscow — powers would seem to be before To Shatter 90 War Center* aged' weak attacks over a wider scale of Japanese operations ^ ^ o ^ O Style .... For House Plants.. .Keeps Them Growing! Potatoes the spring lull, or after—and On the same program, Marshal area than i^has appeared in some caused some speculation as t* —Leonarde Keeler, private crimi­ whether the Invaders might be Burt OIney Destruction of Center scarcely anyone here b eev es it Harris promised to shatter 90 Interjiretefi afi Attempt time, hiti^g at Allied-won Treas­ nologist hired by tbe defense, tea- Sudden Flurry of Activ­ will be that late. Nazi war centers. ury to the south of Bougainville aiming a thrust In the direction of Floor Lamp Baldwin Apples 3 Lbs. 25c Off Coast of Green­ titled today that in his opinion the , SuggcNt Early .VIlied Hop The theory Here is that if 40 To Bolster Sagging and the big air of Munda, on Chungking. While asserting the 59.C— Can ity in Italy Simmers Japanese had been baited In some S iz e ...... $3.98 and $5.25 2 5 c— 9 9 c Apple Sauce land Told by Knox. fingerprint, in evidence against Al­ Nazi news broadcasts have per cent of Germany’s productive New^^eorgia. Other enemy raids fred de Marigny waa not taken suggesting an early Allied bop^ capacity is knocked out, she must Morale of Gerinang. attempted against an Allied sectors of the widely-spread front, To Political Truce. the Chinese communique admitted from a bedscreen which stood in across the channel into France W t . rfleld in the Markham valley of No. 2^ Can South Haven ./ that one enemy column had pene­ Washington, Nov. S—(JV-De- the room where Sir Harry Oakes from southern Ehigland, 'where the Um of Russian bases for shut- London. Nov. 9.—IJ*|— Adol New Guinea and Australian poai- gtruction o f a German radio and Italian Government Hcadqusr- trated Into the iiioimtains about 46 tle-bb(nbing of Germany may be Hitler's address yesterday on ^ e miles south of Irhang, a port on Cans weather base on an island off the (Coatliufed on Page Six) teta In. Southern Italy, Nov. 9 —(>P> (Continued on Page Three) Involved in the truly "all-out" 20th anniversary of his a b o^ ve (Continued un Page Six) Lombard Plums ✓ 2 25 c HEALTH MARKET — Prospects of assem.bling a the Yangtze river. coast of Greenland waa reported aerial amault expected to reach a Munich beer hall putsch war gen­ . * • Corey Coffee by Secretary of the Navy Knox patchwork cabinet representing climax shohUy. erally Interpreted here today as an To Seek .Ne%v Indictment An old friend makes a bow again and ’tho we’ve been today. ■ the variou* Italian political fac­ Treasury Balance ^ The small but'weU constructed tions faded today with Count Car­ The Unite^States has a terrific attempt to stir the Gerroiui people German Units Washington, Nov. 9—(J’t—At­ Baked A p p le s iiyneavy more than busy doing “ our share” in food distribution base, Knox said, indicated a plan Two Men Die lo Sforza’s. refusal to join an.v gov­ stake in this tegt of air power. It to a final effort and bol«er morale torney General Biddle announced Makers . Washington, Nov. 9—(Jh— The has been made clMr that Ameri­ sogging under reverse in Russia toda.v the. goterninent would seek it’s been gratifying to see the^niimber of new friends tri maintain It permanently. It In­ ernment headed, by King Vittorio position of the Treasury Nov. 6: cluded a radio station, power Emanuclc. can troops will makg up the bulk and Allied. bombings. Given Beating a new Indictment againat Bep. Cherry Flavored Syrup who have learned the advantage of shopping the Health house,, e m e r g e n c y genera­ During Blaze Sforza, pre-Faacist foreign min­ ReceipU, 8161.630.774.25; ex­ of the invasion Army.xand that the Press commentators noted that James 5|. Curley (D., Mass.), foi“ . ^ penditures, , 8486,288,820.42; net New, Rubberlcs.8 market, v ^ ‘ tor and radio tranamitter, defen­ ister who returned to Italy receiiV the Feuhrer, while voicing as usual mer mayor of &mtoD and one-time sive machine-gun emplqcementa ly after a long sojourn in the Uni­ balance, 418,160,023,512.77, (Conttnued on Pagei^Yi^ree his own confidence in vetory, ac­ governor of .Massachusetts, and 4-Cup Si:^.e Pound jar 25c and food supplies. A small- supply Another Overcome by ted ' States, was said to have the knowledged that there were some Several Gurrisoiis in five others on mall fraud charges.. TUESDAY SPECIALS ship, anchored in the harbor had support of the leaders of Italy’s \ inside Germany who believed de­ A previous Indictment, alleging Smoke in Willimautic feat to be inevitable. He warned Zagorge Wipetl Out fraud In operation of Engineers* N. ■ ' --.y■ V telephone comipunications with six antl-Fasoist political parties. No. 2'/i Caa 10 Points all principal shore points. Rooming House/Today The Sudden flurry of activity that those who lost their nerve By Yugoslav Partisans. Group, Inc., which the guvemment $3r80 Discovered by Sledge Patrol that had sent both the king and Clothing Retailers Pleading would be liquidated, prompting The called a "war contracts brokerage 3 7 c Scotch Ham Premier Pietfo Badoglio ecurrying Daily. Sketch to say editorially; tract,” was dismissed in F e d e ^ The German base, the second London, Nov. 9 (/Pi Several A New Shipment of Fruit for Salad Can destroyed by American fofcea In Willimantic, Nov. 9..—(/P)—Two to Naples in. an..effort^to broaden "Nothing that anyone could say Court Nov. I on the ground that German garrisons holding strong- the grand jury which returned (t 9 Points ered by a United States Army men perished and another was the cabinet thus simmere4 down to For Trousers^ Underwear could'ipore damnlngly condemn 8-Cup Size the Greenland area, waa discov- a political truce baaed on Sfprza’a points in the Croatian province of was Improperly Impaneled. 2 "Cupper” Silex Drip Bedoado overcome by smbke loday in a H itler's'^ ck ed dictatorship than Zagorje north of Zagreb have been B • B Lb. sledge patrol. promise of "parallel" collabora­ his ow n'' words— that German Beef Rib Roost fire of undetermined 'origin which wiped out by 'Yugoslav partisan DINNERWARE The pa^tH waa attacked by the tion at least until Rome is retaken Kansas City, Nov. 9.---tJ»)— It’s,* ally I'm doing your customers a loyalty will be preserved even if it Harass Jap Ground Forces forces and other .patriot units are New Deihl, Nov. 9.—

:>.• O.-- --- m TUESDAY, NUVEMBEH 8, 184$ -H A iif! n

'^R. McCormick, Chicago Tribune of new forma of attack upon this but will serve as an immediate owners in the vicinity said that It island," Churchill warned. Not Yetftalf Coal Gasoline guide for the dlsppsal of surpliu: has been a bad spot for years when publisher, answered by saying: Local Officer [ EngagementeT^ Wage Ceilings f'oliumbia Engineers Bridge Volturno River Deadline Set Rains Moscow Pact “The speech tonight is only. an J He repeated later in his address materials and for strategy-dictated ! there is a heavy rain due to inade­ attempt to distract attention from : thfit "the year 1944 vill .see the changes In war production. | U ftw quate drains installed some ycai's greatest sacrifice of life of the Miss Gladys M. Rloe Plants Urged the overwhelming repudiation oi Way to Goal 575-1$, WilUmanUo Dlvtsloa "Cqingress ought to fix a gener-' ago by the state. Given Praise Gets Citation j British A d American Armies.” Carini-Rieder - Hit as Costs For TeMing Batter Town Fire Whistle Blown Roosevelt at the last elections. Mr. and.Mra. Frank J. Reidcr of al over-all policy so that there Will •Tckea, in Chicago^ was a small ' In thd last year, he pbaerved. As Duty Now During the storm this morning i there have been an Unbroken s e -1 49 Riverside Drive, Manchester Pfc. Lester Thompson, • son ' of* not be bungling and delays in these IF YOUR Nl a limb was blown from a tree on bucket shop operator, who a-s a Re­ Green, announce the engagement War Fund Did Not . Study Starts Air Attacks matters, with government agencies By Officials publican did dirty work for Demo­ Edwartl J. Ka/JiiHki itt rios of Allied victories and the Mrs. Lottie Thompson, arrived the former R, O. Cheney property back of the U-boat campaign “has of their daughter. Mist Evelyn home Friday night after being (OontlniMd froiB Page Om ) working at cross-purposes,” the _ Winds Accompany cratic Boss Brennan. He was tak­ Reach Amount Ex* Georgian said In an interview. *ClO SESU r and falling across a wire of the Honoreirun Tk»*ec Oc- been broken." » Marie Rieder, to Eugene Paul discharged last week from the (Contlnned from Page One) South End alarm system caused en into the administration to do il.i B. F. not iise up our present petroleum He added that the committee Is Downpour and Flood dirtiest work, which ho did con­ He said the aerial campaign Carini, apn of Mr. and Mrs. pcctcd by Officials.. Main Attack Now froin McCloskey General hospital, Tex­ the fire whistle tb sound once. Ickes Calln for Coiitin- ra^iiuiih for Serviccfi. against Germany might well be Carlni of 362,-Vernon street. as.. Private Thompson has served reserves for the purposes pf the immediately concerned with the Some Streets Here. sistently, and as a reward has war and then attempt an over­ casualties of such a campaign TONIOHT That was the only, trouble with uefl Harmony While the precursor of victory in the CIO, AFL Railroad overseas for a year, and was would be very great. problem presented by cancellation the system although high winds been allowed to carry on petty Warrant Officer Edward J. Ka- The National War Fund drive night change to coal and oil shale Put S-jtorasseVa-tm-ndupeeeli)' European struggle. wounded at the Battle of Munda Marshal Harris told the British o f war contrairtit and the conse­ nostril. It (1) shrinks swollsB'i prevailed moat of. the night and graft In his department-." has reached the total of $17,428.08 Upions and Independ­ when an acute emergency arises, quent accumurattofKpf surplus ma­ T 1» rain of the, fall Nelson Says Obliga- Me added: zmski, son of Mr, and Mrs.- Enocli Huh Borne lairgpHt Share last July, soon after which he was people: membranes, (3) soothes IrrltaUiiiiKi i l i M Mancbeater last night, ac- during the early morning. 'Tn all. these struggle.s on land, ^azi Weather according to official figures re­ aw ard^ the Order oi the Purple as in the case of rubber. terials, tools and manpower caiuied (S) teUeves transient nasal ooo- It waa a warm'rain and tobac­ lions Will Be Repaid. “ I t^-hiildn't reply to tliis man J. Kazmski, of 134 Birch s.treet, ent Brotherhoods. "We propose entirely to emas­ ^ioBipaniefl by gusty high winds, sea and in the air Great Britain leased this mo'rnlng by Robert Heart. ' "Oannot Take Necessary Risk'* culate every center of enemy pro- by sudden changes Ip ordnance gestlon . . . and brings grratar' co that was still in the sheds and with a fouler tongue than Win- who ' has been serving with the plans as the war progre.ssek.x^ ^ breathing comfort. t -imS oontinuad intermitteotly dur> chcll's except that it gives me the has had the honor to bear the Base Wrecked Hathaway, treasurer of the gen­ Eleven guests were present Sat­ "Private Industry cannot be ex­ dviction, 40 of which are centers J Sig the day. The downpour was had not been taken doVn was re­ New York. Nov. 0, - i/PH-Jointly 169th Infantry for the past year largest share and pay the'larg­ -Washington, Nov. 9.—(A‘)—Lfi' urday evenlhg at a birthday par­ Follow the complete W N H D moved today. There la aX,opinion opportunity,^ to point out that lh% eral committee. This figure fails to pected to make the expenditures vital 'to his >yar effort, and 50 The term "Uncle Sam” directions w m raraah If yralcomed by farmers as it soaked acclaiming the Moscow pact. Sec­ only hope that the people wlio want in the South Pacific, has been hon­ est price,” the ‘ prime minister bor assaults on wage celltnga ty gi>^n for Mrs. Ruby Wolff at now that are necessary to demon­ that can be turned considerably Came'-- ^ in folder. W l l " l K O ”l i a i i : among growers that tobacco still (Continued from Page One) reach the halfway mark In. the into use about 1813. X I? ‘ttto the ground and filled up wells. ored witn Uirec citations for ex- asserted. widened today as a presidential her home by her children, Merton. strate the feasibility of the hydro­ important. \ I' ’ w ith several showers in the first hanging by Thanksgiving de^xtiot retary of Inter ior Ickes last night to overthrow bur republic haye is His reference to the American quota of $36,300 but an extensive to steal the Rci^blican nomination cmiilury service rendered. Evelyn, and Norma. Mrs. Wolff genation of coal and oil shale be­ IWsek of November, the preclplta- turn out to be the best quality. called for continued American-So­ drive will mark the close of the committee charged with reporting received many gifts. Whist was “We are well undeh way toward tittoa for this month, bolstered by ,, .At the North End for president in "1^4 as it was He received the regimental cita­ S a ils'^ no two peoples any­ Officer Kazinski In September was terest. Under this bill the gov­ ?Stey. from trees without any damage be­ paid in full. Russian soil from the foul invad-l enemy bwe. Later ^ after C^st night and despite the bad weather, duced to secondary issues—If not Stuttgart, A ^. Arnold, commenting recently on jT . Leaves Block Drains, ing reported. From Middle Turn­ where in the world better qiiqlifled engaged In combat duty on Arun- he said This, tool brought a | Guard cutters had batUred their covereii the eastern section of Man­ finally resolyed—the main attack The regular Grange ‘ meeting ernment will do the pioneering "The fate of,, civilization," said to win each other's respect anX ad­ er, considerable losses of heavy I 4 Storm drains were b l ^ e d by pike to the .Square, water filled rel Island. He has performed his round of applause. ' way through the ice, it was found chester to the Bolton line. The on the wage front came from the will be held on Wednesday eve­ and private industry can follow Icke.s, "and the lives and well-being miration and friendship than ^he assigned duties in a military and bombers In raid on Germany and I Isavea at many poin|^ causing most of the .side streets during the Russian valor and generalship! that the bombings had destroyed work will be continued again to­ CnO, the AFL railroad unions, and ning with election of officers. up as civilian needs develop.” German-held Europe, told 'Wash­ ■ at many jmerscctions. height of ttfe rain but Sub.slded of future genciationii depend On the Russians and Americans. \ efficient manner, as well as super­ and science have wrecked the all main buildings except a small night and through tomorrow eve­ the independent railroad brother­ Plans have been made for , the Observing that this country, has ington newsmen that he had lit and this without causing any property dam­ relations between the iJnitcd States “ I join with you in acclaiming vising the handling of supplies and hoods. All the rail unions are tak­ and the Soviet union." ''v Nazi war machine, he asserted, generator shack and also had simk ning. / next card party to be held on 51.9 v—A freight cars standing nearby. ] “It Is no time to relax any ot group which is one of its offshoots. training in a Pre-Flight school in To Press For Adoption business trip. tion for new fields, and the press­ House subcommittee considered niture by the reputation of the store from which He continued: "The feet Is that .Magazine Wall Holding j of attek on this tslami." ;iur precautions of our ftrewatching Whether they arc of the same Forcibly, . Churcbill predicted Miami Beach, Fla. Senator Truman (U-Mo), spon­ ing need for petroleum products abolishing war time in the north­ you buy! Since 1922, we have carried furniture they must hate their own country Forty-five minutes after the ex­ ami li'/nie guard 8etvlce.i. mind, however, 1s Uie question. sor of a joint resolution to permit and despite its institutions if, de­ great and' prirr casualties tielore Mr. and Mrs. Martin Little of near centers of large cotuuimption, ern states today—so the kids can that is beautifully styled and expertly constructed. plosions started, they liad decreas­ " i t ia no lime for those who have .May Not Ik- in Agreement Windsor Locks were guests of the the 8-cent raise to become effec­ Second Front liberately, they pursue an inten­ victorj’ is won. provide an Imporiant opportunity go to school by daylight. And now, nYore than ever, when you must get com­ ed greatly and the magazine wall practical war work to do to dream ItallaiT government members Hatheway family Sunday. tive for the "non-ops,” announced for the advantageous expansion of tion to stir up hate for the two na­ was still holding. The Army said "The camp-'ign of 1911 in Eu- Nf a brave new world,” he said, and have let it be understood that "Up in our part of the country,” plete value for every penny you spend, is this im­ tions (Russia and Great. Britain) rooe will be the most severe and he would press for its adoption be­ Plans Advanced secondarv-rccovgry operations ... said Republican Knutson (R., it believed the damage was con­ for Belaxatioa an "unfair burden” in the stabill' “ We must strain every nerve for class. peace.” a pincers on the Balkans. A So­ fltlda arc a sign of weakness or All cards sent in. this country zatioii program. ^ viet drive to the Rumanian l»r- prudence.” its successful accomplishment. This is no time for relaxation.” that are not mailed first class and I der-^the Red Army was 140 We have passed through the worst drought that The Berlin radio said Hitler Hitler still has 400 divisions, found to be improperly addressed WAI.TZES HOPS miles from the border today— spoke from a Munich beer cellar, will not be returned as they are to southern New England lias experienced in many, promises a desperate struggle, and Wants to Slash would present the three Allies I flanked by Reichamarehal Her- “we cannot exclude the possibility be destroyed. EVERY TUESDAY AND! with an unparallel«gl opportunity ' man.. Wilhelm Qoerlng and Ges­ m an y years. That drought is now broken and FRIDAY NIGHTS to pinch off Hitler's southeast sal­ tapo Cfiiieftaln Heinrich Himmler. Leiid-Lease Funds ient quickly, join forces across a Occasional burata of applause 1. Dnn’t overload w othor. Overloading 2. Watch running time. M odern washers 3. Don't forco clothos through wringor. we are getting fin abunciance of rain. It is said 500-mlle front along the Black Sea could be heard on the broadcaat. K. OF C. HALL and drive the Germans back Into the machine may strain both m^hanism need only five to ten minutes to wash ordi­ Adjust rolls for thickness of clothes snd (BBC engineers in London said U ^ldiiM inea — t y v o s ^ Washington, Nov. 9—(/R—Sena­ Germany. and motqr and can very easily damage your nary clothes, ten to fifteen minutes for feed them through evenly. Belt buckles, that inequalities of seasons are made up and that the broadcast apparently was $S Proapect Street, Bartfard f~O N THE ,8AME SHOW**" \- Shooting it.but to the dratb tor Butler (R., Neb.) said today Associated Press Correspon'dertt clothes. 'The clothes should be able to move very dirty clothing. Overlong running adds buttons, etc., should be folded undtr Uto made from a recording). thought lend-lease expenditures the ground will be filled with water before freezing Featuring with the most desperate ban­ Wes Gallagher reported from and turn freely in the water. wear to washer. clothes to protect the rollers. dits that ever terrified the could be slashed five or six billion Italy yesterday that the G|rmans dollars a year because "the dan­ weather seals the surface. Art Webster's W est! realized fully the might of the Sportsmen’s Club ger of enemy attack against this Allied Air Force being assembled Old nmers' Ofcbeatn RICHARD DIX in hemisphere has passed.” Hfink Post, Prompter in the Mediterranean for a winter ^ yotn e~ i To Meet Tonight “THE KANSAN” He had in mind, BuUer said, attack against Germany. ffox-'Trots S-12 halting the use of lend-lease funds cC o o t v This is basicly true, but in the!.meantime while for development of oefense instal­ Great Air StrnggKs Loom '"There Is every prospect,” he The local chapter, Connecticut Today: ‘Princeas O’Rourke’ lations in South America. we have been passing through such a period as Sportsmen, will meet this evening TB" "Some of these outlays have said, that starting tn December at the Legion home on Leonard P l S e s e • been stopped, I understand, as a one of the war’s great air strug­ we have just experienced it is gratifying to realize ! street at 8 o’clock. The club is "D r . .CMUespId’s CrtantiMl Case” result of the change- in the mili­ gles wllLbe fought over Italy. seeking to have more birds re­ tary picture, but Tm convinced A dispatch from Istanbu)’ said that by careful use of water as practiced by prac­ leased in this area and expect to that more ia still being spent than today that Germany waa reported have offeial sanction to purchase [• 0 3 2 3 is necessary,” said Butler, who to be reorganizing!' her Aegean tically all people w c had enough for all necessary more. made a South American tour last command bolstering southeastern Plans for ths annual meeting LAST TIME TODAY! I Learn To Play A sumimer. Eurtyiean defenses. Thgt Field • • • • .i'r - purposes. which will be held in January will Marshal Gen. Maximilian Von be laid this evening end a commit­ THERE THEY SO ... Parislam Stage Baythg Spree Welch's, commander o f .the armies tee appointed to handle the affair (4) String Tenor in southeastern Europe, was said REDUCES ITSELF EVERY MONTH! will be named by President Lee BOMB-BLASTMQ , Madrid, Nov. 9—(>P)—Paris has to have inspected cdastal defenses, Frscchis. - ■' THE MUSI ■broken out in a rash of "black giving particular attention to the One payment covers everything — feductlon of princi|>al. Interest, 4. Handle your cord with core. P ull the 5. Clean washer after using. W hen 6. Invostigoto strange nolsof. If yoa Guitar or Bonjo market jitters,” with prices fluctu­ Salonika area In Greece. taxes, insurance. And, of course, the new low interest rates plug, not the cord, and, above all. don’t let you are through with the machine, remove hear any 'mramiUsr noise in your mschins^ Britlsli Coounodore Mlsehig ating wildly amidst rumois of an The dispatch said that General apply. „ the cord get damp. When you push plug soap curd or lint from tub, agitator or suc­ it*s a good idea to call an authorized aerw impendl^ Allied invasion of Bauer, former commander In in, be sure the switch is "OFF" and a ll iceman immediately. It may mean a worn London, Nov, 9—(P)—Commo­ Popular Music Can Bo France, dispatches - to Madrid />ete, now controlled the Saloni­ We think yonll also like the friendly, cooperative servire— tion cups snd wipe dry. Standing srater dore Percy Todd, 48. o'f the Royal newspapers said today. Spanish ka area, while Crete and the Dd- talking with men aad women who have served Manehester*s home controls ato in nautral. can rust, stain and rot part& or part that can canoe dofooga Navy was reported missing in ac­ Lcnmed Qukkly If you cinrel^ndents pictured frantic -decanese command haa been fused Iona needs for ao m aayyears. Ctune in for carefree home flnane- tion by the British Admiralty to­ Parisians sUglng a buying spree iag. > e . . a under General Leintz. day. have 40 minntoa day to to lay up .stores for the winter, PL178 practice. A few new Gui­ with a consequent skyrocketing of BTiHah Ageata A m o te d ■NlUdersleeve’s Bad Day” black market prices. tars for sale. The Manchestera Water Co. Personal Notices Rtockholpi. Nov. 9— OP)— Rwed- Do Not Plan to Open^ Nights ish -preM diopatchea from Buds |T*S H ER B, W E D . ■ » * KH U ES. rert ''est'’ rrtaw renortsd' fiv'- m-n The Manchester Electric Division Card of Thanks BETTY GRABLE in Geotge J. Smith ’ Hartford, Nov, fl.—(ff»—Hart­ identified by Hungarian police as CM.4:Mie/Le6te^ ford bank officials Indicated -last To my friends for ihelr cards of Britiah agents had been arrested THE OONNSCnaiT POWSB COMPANY sympathy, to the doctors and es­ “CONEY ISLAND* 19 Flower St. Dial 8860 night that they do not plan to in a Budapest cafe while disguised BUILDING W LOAN ASSOCIATION. INC. pecially to those efficient, thought­ — A ad — — spen one night a week, , as sug­ as Hungarian Army officers. The f n i M M S l N M m m k^km ,em rn, ful end cheerful nureet. snd The gested by manpower officials to Nurmie A ldu of Meniurial hospital "Tonight Wa Bald Calais” Private Instruction Only. police declared the five arrived In ------ORGANIZED APRIL 1 8 9 1 ------1 sm truly griteful. ■ f I reduce sbsenteeism, unless their Hungary as parachutists, the dis­ Arthur A, WiUlsme. tepositora ask them Ub patch adde^ * r m m post mistress, asks that those wtahlng to send Christmas remem­ be ret up in a trust fimd io con­ i?ct that the commander who had Rllington brances to our men In toe U. S. tinue up to 15 years. At toe end of DeGaHlle Se^ks Comes Tomorrow to State Hayes Cut Off that time, the trustee is author­ Manchester been EtadusUy surrounding Kiev service who are still In this coun­ Lewis H. Chapmaa Ucation Week Finds v/M iuddenly replaced on the eve hire. O. F Bsrr try, should be sure to send It some ized to terminate the trust and The Open Forum 498-8. Rockvine MA. RorhviUa divide the estate equally between rime during toe present month. Evening Herald of the lightning , aaaault which did Full Control W ithout Cent Colonel Hayes and Mrs. D. T. Communications for publications In tbs Open Forum will not Otherwise the boys in training ItS'-piSM »»»a Anally take the city. Even In the Edwin M. Lavitt, 83. son of Mr. may not receive their gifts on Schools in Difficulties Farrington, Jr., his Sister. What ratdat of aucceaa the Ruaalana are be guaranteed publication It they contain mors than 300 words. the residue of the estate will in­ | BUMll ■(£•«< The Herald reserves the right to Jecllns to publish any matter and Mrs. Joseph Lavitt, of 41 time. Packages may be marked PTARegional i 'Not to be opened , until Christ- Showdown l^ h t Likely Codicil to Will of clude will not be kpown until the _5S?AS-FSAfe not content. They want atlll bet­ that may be libelous or which U In bad taste. Free eapreaalon North Park street, Ellington, wae Many Schoo^ Closed as appraisers, already appointed, file ter. aUll bigger victories—more As Consultative Assem* Mother Revokes All Our labor readers would be dis­ of poliuoal views is dsslred by contributions of this character a member of the 19th class of avi­ *” Mrs. Leroy Getchelf. has been their inventory. but letter> which are defamatory or abusive wlU„bs rejected. Meeting Today Thousands of Teach­ promptly. appointed If vrr didn’t make our ation cadets to graduate from the appointed to take toe old age as­ bly Resumes Session. Bequests to 8’on. Mrs. Hayes’ home and ~lol at In the northern sector of what sistance ■ enumeration in her part Grove and Prospect streets is' be­ first aftermath to the Connecticut new Columbus Air Field near Co­ ers Lost to Armed used to be the Dnieper Line, the the purpose of contrast compare lumbus, Miss., on NoV. 3. He re­ of the town and environs, and Mrs. queathed to Colonel Hayes togeth­ city elections a tender . dl.scussion ydCnr I p The .Mystery" , the Senator’s advice given to the Clarence V. Rathbun has been ap­ iurtford and Tolland Algiers, Nov. 9—(iP)—A de Gaul.- Waterbury, Nov. 9. - UP)— For­ er with the automobiles and house Red Army la now within some 40 ceived the silver wings of a fly­ Services or Iiidustries.‘ mer Mayor T. Frank Hayes, serv­ of the new successes gained by T>4he. ------Editor.- i Senate, Abgust 8th, 1941. In op- ing officer and was commissioned pointed to. take it in the Gilead County Units Gather in list showdown fight for compute furnishings. ■OBaoRipnoN RATES milea of the old Polish border. The organized labor's plunge intd par­ Senator Danaher’s extended ax- pbelng the ^tenalon of the draft ing a term in state's prison at Another son. Rblph, Is -to he ,t*AT b» ic«ij ...... y•^^ as a second lieutenant lU the section and environs. By James Marlow and George control of toe French provisional iLvarage distance from the present tisan politics, so here goes. ^ planatlon of his Amendment to the he scoffed at the idea that our Na- Army Air Forces. Lieutenant Lav- The auction and square dance at Wethersftelrt following conviction given $25 weekly from a $10,000 lUioth V «*>> ...... ! 01 The Capital City. ZIelke government appeared likely today in the Waterbury conspiracy trial, front to the borders of Poland and The most spectacular exanfple Connally Resolution was most wel- tlonal interest was imperiled. See itt entered pilot training in Au­ toe town hall Saturday evening trust fund to be set up from the of the labor man In polltlcpds. We Wnahington, Nov. 9. (4*) • TTic ds the National Liberation Com­ ia cut off without a bequest under estate with ,the Waterbury Trust come His own defense should do Congressional Record, page 9978, gust 1942, and attended flyiiig wa. s well attended and was a suc- Roclsvillc, Nov. 9.— (Special) — FroduMion - Tuesday through Rumania Is perhaps 125 miles. suppose, Mayor Ja.sper ^ 'McLovy. mittee's CYmsultative aiuembly. a codicil to tha will of his rfiothcr, Co. as trustee. I’rovislon is also I ” IIEUBCR o r more to call public attention to his note that these remarks were schools at LaFayette,*' La., and -eeas financially as well as socially. 23rU annual observance of AmcTl- Friday, 10-4:30; Thursday evening, 15? T " « A860CIATBD PRESS One wonders how many gtins Sta­ Yet the back pages of, the McLevy biased viewpoint and to his qulb- punctuated by. Senate laughter, Carlton P. Jones was in Splendid Rockville is represented at toe the late Mrs. Ellen E. Hayes, made for grandchildren. Greenville, Miss., before his grad- can Education week' finds the na­ 7-9:,jyentcr church. . ■' ■ augmented by last week's arrivals 15- TIM P«** '• lin will shoot off back In Moscow career reveal that M fought some bling legislation than could , the Nero only fiddled! ^ ustibn at the advanced flying rwettlc as old-fashioned auction­ regional niectlng of toe , Parent copies of which have been filed •oUtltd to tbo uio of tion's school systems beset by •Surgical Dressings—-Wednesday, from France, resumes iU first sea- at the office . of Judge Patrick “ Sfnn all nawi Slapatohaa cradltoS when that remaining distance has of his most bitter battles, about censure of an opponent. Where In .the record of Senator I school near Columbus, Miss. Pre- eer. and his dollar-lollor-loners” Teacher Associations being held twenty years - ago, to prevent n-u a .av> referring »o Danaher do you find a tribute to rolled off his tongue as if oiled for wartime difficulties which, leading American Legion Hall. ion after a recM 'of several days. Healey in probate court. to u or not otharwiM *!J!*^*,**A^? been negotiated. But one cannot I viQUs to enlisting for pilot train­ Blood Donors-Trips to Hartford ■ "Sia popor w>S also tha local nawa union organizations from endors­ fhev should “/uth^t BriUln Tor the time ahe gave us ing, he had attended Massachu­ the purpose, to the edification of at the Hotel Bond In Hartford to­ educators say have brought a Supporter OT Gen. Charles de Under toe will, drawn April 27, /WOMEX doubt that the Red Army will ing political candidates. Rome of his critics that they should autni ^ prepare for war? Where la ex- this month: mobile unit here 1937, the former mayor was rt1h?a''*o7 r.pobltc.t.00 of setts State University at Amherst, all. Fantastic prices were realized day. , crtai.s in the school of a greatj Gaulle are expected to launch a now keep at its task until It has the candidates who would certain­ entlcate their gratitude to Russia Mass., where he was the manager for some objects. Orin Smith of Oecehibor *6; call Mis. Swanson named trustee and given one- ppMlal dlapatohaa herein are aleo f This meeting replaces the Fall many children. for appointments—2-1442. determined effort to cleanse the paaar»aa. ■' ' ___ produced that day of celebration. ly Have won labor endorsements Snow"'“what thS are talking: that every American owe. to RuS; of the varsity track team and a Amscon bought a rooster for $5, county meeting with Tolland and School superinteridenta, unable national committee elements they third of the estate. The codicil, if it hadn’t been for Jasper’s last- Sian dead? ‘.’Observe good faith pumpkins, squashes, shoes,' all Homo “Nurqlng— 'New afternoon drawn March 18, 1041, revoked COM m AND m u aarolpa ollant of N. E. A. about.” It happens that I had alt member of Tau Epsilon Plii frater Hartford counties having a joint to replace thousands of teachers regard as "lukewarm” and replace The Germans opened this war ditch struggles againat it we.-e and justice to all nations” M(IHI IntaUlblllty w « would suggest paillcular treatment. Little is problems and obstacles confronting A hearing was held In the the Senate. « evident from the generosity of remain as co-president and com- sents ths chance that this war can where Its head lands. policy advocated by Mrs. Tilton be realized tMt time w d^uca- Under its terms, if enacted, 01 S I lb I S t HAN ANV O I HI If that If Hartford’s labor leader­ imown about Its cause or how it a young minister, comparing them bate Court today to act upOT toe their donations.” mander-ln-chlef. sUU last a long Ume, even after and a few others would eventuate tlon alone will bring a ^ u t the ca- somewhat to those confronting $200,000,000 a year would be ap­ During November," trips will be ship had somehow decided to in w a r” Wow* pabllltles In man which are esaen- spreads. It is apparently limited application OT toe executor OT toe . endorse Mortonsen Instead of Titus on toe Isle of Crete, at toe portioned among the states, on the arranged to the Hartford. Blood German defeat la cerUln, as It Count Sforza Climbing Fast Tf my letter had done nothing tlal to government of. by and for to children or-the younger adults. estote of Mrs. Elizabeth Hardtag ^ O’Connor, the vote would still Reddish spots from toe size of a time he was visited by the Apostle Little, late OT this city who Het to cover this sub- lumbla.' The speaker was Intro one of the candidate professors at Collected Fat comfort and recreational articles may decide that there is no good a monto State Fi- ‘he last-paragraph of h « - K. ject but they'do Illustrate the al- Hartford, Nov. 9^ (ff*)— From ocratic side of things In liberated 110 0 0 duced by toe Rev. Charles A. the Chicago Theological Senilnary. The Red Rose Troop, Girl for men In the armed forces were reason why they should now die Commissioner James 3g however,nowever, thoseinose very same i^ople Lj^^jg^ toUl agreement of Senator DownA and his remarks were of He was assisted by toe Rev. Japnes now on. the five rent control offices made by the 17,000,000 members Hardware ScouU has reported that a total T1 Get Your Wish Italy a chance to see what it endlessly just to prolong his iTwTii esrimated Mtimated lastiast S niEht 7 ' intend to ^ rslst in an obvioitaly Danaherg with ^jethe_Atlantic, AUanUc Char- the greatest Interest. Music was p. English. Superintendent of toe of 102 pounds of wrsuite kitchen in donnectlcut will be run by the of the Junior Red Cross In -the could do. And the liberal, long­ State OPA Instead OT the Regional chences of life. For those Ger­ hidlS ta now being > ter. No cooling off period U per- by an augmented choir, with Mrs. Connecticut Conference of (3ongre- fats were collected In their recent .schools of the nation, who also time enemy of Fascism has been n « ^ d for ^ u n a n c ^ bv Gov. of their own adoption, fitte d m toe AmendmentA they W. O. Seyms as organist. Miss gational' Christian churches, and campaign. The proceeds re­ OPA in Boston, State OPA Direc­ collected more than. 50,000 tons Machinist's Tool B o x ...... $19.95 mans with a memory, Hitler's Raymond E skwwln MmeUme k “ be their planned purpose to L re a caldron of boiling oil. To tor Anthony F. Arpaia announced demonstrating, aU our other fas- Ullian Grlfflng sang a soprano the Rev. Howard Orr. ceived will be turned over to the of'^salvageable materials. Nearly . r harangue may well prove a boom­ ___ AW V 1 discredit roe by use of such terms, I more than one can rive goio. The right hand of fellowship was 'Slast night. . . . when peacetime comes ctnaUon with estobllahed authori­ Juliette Low Fimd. 3,000,000 articles were collected Vernier Caliper 5 . •. • • • • • • • X.05 erang. And when they realise just Hebron’s scrap drive will make extended by toe Rev. Frederick State Officers Here Much of toe execution of the by these Juniors last year, includ­ ties notwithstanding, that there 52 tao^Vr”romT\“mrhe puih ‘‘“M It 1« to be presumed that these Its start Nov. 15. Residents are Trayer, minister of the Soroersville Mrs. Lucretla Bunnell o f Nor­ rent control program will be turn­ ing. coat hangers, used games for what It I* Hitler is asking them the Bveraae cost at $12 000 a vMr event, I can mention with reason- Amendments were sincerely of- la strength and power In the dem­ asked to pldr up waste paper. Congregational chureh and regia- folk and her staff will be gu^t of ed over eventually to panels of reronditioning. Jig-saw puzzles, Combination Square with Hardened to do, It Is a good chance that «5lSdf^2*wch8TOClal'i^s M re- certainty dates and times andJfered. It is also presumed that the cardboard. rags, metal serap, trar of the Tolland Association, volunteers working through local ocratic Idea, even In an Italy honor at the joint meeUng of the etc., for distribution to the sol­ Blade . . . • • a a • a • . a a- a • • a 3.60 they will develop an Increasing S r & s5,d ?^terti^?ng. fifteen Senators who yoted In be- etc., ready for collection. Trucks The charge to the minister was Spanish'War Veterans and their ration boards much as the prerent diers and sailors. Fortunate is the home owner who Keats fils Home with gas* which has known nothing but dlc- Entertotom^^^ ““ "'*"**’ Senator, drop h»if of the AmendmenU were Sin- price panels now do, he said. resolve to reverse the original will take up the offering where given by the Rev. Dr. Herbert S. Auxiliary to be held this evening Over 100,000 gift boxes are sent j totorshlp for twenty years. to come from a special $5000 y®***" "self-imposed restraint; cere. Examine carefully this roll, feasible and those living wheral Brown, pastor emeritus OT toe The five areas are Hartford-New abroad each year by members Thickness Gauge 26 leaves ...... 1.00 roles at Munich and let 'Hitler, a year tond usually ^ v l d e d ’ for bring out your "dates and times note toe names of many Senators at seven o’clock In the G. A. R- Britain, New Haven-Bridgeport, for he la assured o f a constant supply of fuel without hav* Count Sforza, arriving In Italy toe trucks can not go are asked olivet CongregaUonal church In hall. At this time there will be the Junior Red Cross to England, this time, be the last ditch hero. toe^ gov2)2^2r’s ”e x ^ ^ « - P'®®®" ” “ P “ “ ''y- whoke records are full of quesUon- to bring donations In to some Bridgeport. The charge to toe New London and Waterbury. It minus any official blessing or I able acts and tfierebytllerebv judgesludsss toe a supperiand the business meeting Iceland, Alaska and 15 Central Spring Dividers 6 " ...... \-.i 1.05 penses.” point where they .:an be taken up. parish was given by the Rev, was indicated later that toe pres­ and South American countries, ing to glref ft his attention. . .And, during these war years, backing from us. entirely on his Eleanor Taft Tilton. quality *of Senator Danaher’s back­ win follow. ent area rent offices will continue World’s Greatest Army or if too heavy WllUmantlc 4S^J4 James F. English. Benediction waa Meeting Tonight iyssistance to children in many own, 'has accumulated power and ing. may be called. pronounced by the newlyy ordained aa OPA field offices; Batterson On Danaher W. E. Batterson The Every Mothers Club will war-stricken countries was pro­ Firm Joint Caliper 6'* ...... 90 Mr. and Mrs. Homemaker have discovered that the eoiii* If any one thinks that the tri­ prestige and influence In almost Gordon Bevin of East Hampton minister, the Rev. CHiarles D. vided last .year through the Jun­ Must Reinslale To the Editor: Hartford, Ckmnectlcut has donated a $25 government Broadbent, with a choral response, hold a meeting tola evening at umphs of the Russian offensive miraculously rapid fashiVi- He Senator John A. Danaher’s re. November , 1943..' eight o’clock with Mrs. Nora ior Rc^ l^ n ’ H. the coming year. Outside Caliper 6** . . 's'...... 90 be confused by its language. Why Editor of The Herald: Austin and the Rev. ^ n to n Gas- Marriage Intentlona have been Action ill House ..•<• eosts no more In the long run, and that with it fuel storage mans, that Is refusing proper forming an Italian provisional cannot Senator Danaher state Gray: Nearly 350,000 Junior First Aid The Scrap Metal Salv^e Com­ "Dear Mr. Gray: At toe time kell of North Coventry, and the filed at - the office of the ^ w n certificates were awarded to boys credit to the Red Army. government. And he Is apparent­ Washington, Nov. 9—(IPi— The where he stands on the matter of. Clerk b f George Frederick Hem* Cabinet Hinges Chrome fi^sh ...... 2 .5 NLRB yesterday ordered reinstate­ mittee for the town of Manchesr yoiir t,egion Post conducted that Rev. Donald Rhodes of Mansfield and girls last year, and these and fuel delfvery worries go out the window. It takes only a glance at the ly In process of toppling the little international co-operation in plain ter wishes to express their thanks mahn, defense worker and Doro- ment by toe Wallingford Steel Very fine memorial serilce for Ar­ Center. . Washington, Nov. 9 — (>P) — young people also earned approxi­ map In the Krlvol Bog section to Italian king our diplomacy feared English? to the townspeople for their The musical program. In charge thv Mae Weber, both of Rock- company of 61 employes dtacharg thur Keefe I planned then to make Speech-weary House members re­ mately 35.000 Junior Life Saving L ock ^ ^ ^ u U Brass und antique finish *65 For a long period toe writer has whole-hearted cooperation In con­ some sort of gift to the Post in hla ■viUe. reveal that the Germans are bat­ to touch or disparage; eu in 1941 following a strike at the examined toe Senator’s legislative ol Organist Ruth T. Welles, Includ­ signed themselves to another certificates. nection with the tin can coUecUon memory. I z wantwenv yuuyou tuiuand the mem . gQed ujethe nynwihymn "God v»ou 01 of. thewuc Pro­» W AC Representative Here All the children In the public tling with desperation and effi­ j It was to Count Sforza. symbol Wallingford. Conn., plant involving record with great attention and, Arrnngeqpents have been made, round of talk today as a small but I^awer and Door Pulls Likrome finish .19 which took place Friday and Sat­ bers of your organization to know phets,” by choir and congregation; aggressive bloc of Republicans schools of Manchester belong to But now CAS Kas ^one to war, and Is not available to home ciency. For weeks, the Red Army of democracy, that' King Victor union activities. frankly,' It Is difflculb to ascribe urday, November and . 5 4 ^ 0 that at least one person was deep- anthem by the choir, "Glory to thS with the cooperation of toe Ver­ to blip a classification of any 6 8 continued a reverse . filibuster tola organization, and, quietly and had been on the ou^klrta o f I Emmanuel went seeking imd Im­ The Federal board ordered also pounds of prepared cans (vere col­ ly touched by toe fine way the of Kings" (WUson); recea- non War- Council for represents-. efficiently, have been carrying out that theUlC companyf;UiUpBUl> "destat” aavasefrom 1 as\4\#pwvzss.^adoption.^He, aaw, like'the late Senator against what they called failure of Rural Mail Box—Gov't approved . *. . 2.49 owners who had not been faeatliig their homes with gas Krlvol Rog. Yet, In the last few ploring, the other day, obviously lected and delivered to the distri­ service was planned and carried I ^,,„al hymn, "In toe Ch'oss of tlvea’ OT the Women’s Army Corps the administration to present a their part of this big program, un­ discouraging memberahlp In Unit. I Borah, is hard to define because bution point In Hartford. — ‘ I T m .,,,,.- and a Gregorian to be In Rockville to give out In­ days, if has had to give ground to offer him any terms, any pow­ ed Steelworkers of America (CIO) judgment should be predicated on out Christ l’ Glory: legislative program. der the leadership of Miss Eliza- Weather Strip—Rubberized welt, ft. . . * .03 We wish to thank William Bur­ "I knew Arthur very well and Postlude. formation In regard to the plans By talking day-in and day-out beth Clark, chairman. before present restrictions went Into effert. before Nazi counter attacks. er, so long aa Victor Emmanuel or in any other manner coercing 1 constructive accomplishment. gess and hla men who helped with as you know have been Intimately-----> I Members of the Ladles Assocla- for the WAC All States Plan, the _j£l Its employes in the exerelse of the TUe S ta t o r is right t ^ t those on miscellaneous subjects, and Ths Crimea is certainly a lost could cling to that throne of hla. toe real w o rt o f this collection. connected with the .family tlon served a lunch In the church purpose of which !■ to rtcruit rirtt ot self.organizaUon to form who criUctae Invite critlctam. Cer- * I making their colleagues sit by ancL Files 10" mill t y p e ...... 30 cause with the Nazis. Yet the He had to seek Count Sforza out They did a swell Job! Also, we since I married. In making this vestry at the close of the service. 70.000 WACa In 70 days. listen, they hoped to force action •kk 4«in I«hnr rrouDs. tainly toe writer doeA and has re- gift I do It with the hope that at ______The representatives coming to Women to\]lieck When peacetime comes, Gas foi^ healjiig will again be with* RusaUns, crossing at Kerch . to In the etty of Naples, once consid­ wish to thank caiarles D. Whltch- The Rev. Charles D. Broadbent is soon on such subjects as taxes, Ttoe ord^'*v^ i^ued foUowlng (fretted the lack of opportunity of er of the Seaman Coal Co., who some time In the future the mon-1 ^ native of Bridgeport, where he Rockville are Lieutenant Elizabeth Sash Cord 100' Hank ...... 1.59 begin their inevitable round-up, ered the most pro-royalist city in a hearing on complaints by the | facinga«swais0 thevesv Senator publicly ^ d food, the Office o( Price Adminis­ having misunderstanding, if any, gave us his time and the use of ey can be used^o perpetuate the grammar school and the McGrath. Sergeant Nancy tration and oU. Sanitary Facilities in the realm o f every home owner, and you can then fulfill have been met with full-fledged Italy. Perhaps counting on this union that toe company diacharg cleared up. The Senator was to hta yard and scales for weighing memory of Arthur Keefe and toe I central High school, graduating In and Sergeant LaDena Stogall. Snow Shovels...... • • ...... >98 opposition, fighting as If the war fact, the King went to some pains ed two workers who had joined have debated hts record at a meet­ the tin canA fact that he gave hU Iwt full J J9J2. ‘ He continued hta education They will be located at the Coun­ New Paternity Salt Plied and assisted the union. We endeavored aa much aa poa- measure of devotion for hta coun- ^^ Defiance (Ohio) college and toe your wish by converting to this ideal fuel. were just beginning. to show himself to the poputace ing of toe Republican Btate Cen­ cil room. Memorial building Wd Hartford. Nov. 9—(P) — Two BuckSa4Ys 1.45 sible to collect all cans that wrere „ , 1 Chicago Theological Seminary, re- ot That, In face of such opposi­ What he got waa the cold shoul­ tral committee at which Governor try-. . at the Woolworth store ths Loi Angeles, Nov. 9.— iJP)~ A more women have been- assigned to 18 Womeii In Orchestra , Baldwin and the writer were to put out but If through an over­ “I am sorry to be ao late In get- ^.^lyjng hjg Bachelor of Divinity Board Walk Where they wW be new paternity suit has beejn filed ting toe bhnd to y®^fi**t ‘t_ w m inspecting sanitaary facilities for tion, the Russians keep amassing der. That. apparenUy, Is what he " have challenged him. Pearl Harbor sight there were somrf cans not plsased' to answer any questions against Actor Erol Flynn by Mrs. Common Nails 8d to 60d, lb. . .S ... .07 Pittsburgh, Nov. collected, we urge the people to purchased during ourlrecwt drivA I tp become pastor of the women In the state’s war plants, triumphs Is a credit to their o' I got from <3ount Sforza, too. ■ J '" :!. P®*^P®n«fi the debate and should on the Women’s Army Corps. Shirley Evans Hassau, 21-year-oId Labor CJommlssioner Cornelius J. strength. Ingenuity, and intense I This, of course. Is colorful his­ Reiner, conductor of toe Pitu- j destroyed all cause for dif­ keep .the cans In a safe dry place and ‘t ^ south Coventry church the follow- housewife, In which she drops her butgh Symphony orchestra, re* until our nekt collection. Dannaher announced yesterday, Sand Paper 2-0 to No. 2 grit, 3 sheets .05 ference of opinion on the war. Why name of an month, succeeding toe Rev. original request for specific one ln,the New Haven area and the seal for 'victory. The Nazi re- tory, But. more important, it'* vealed' today that there arc 18 wo The town of Mancheeter did a Praise Work o f Chaplains ddes the Senator atilt contend that lo n ^ r In J 1 James A. Dailey. Mrs, Broadbent, amounts and merely asks "reason­ other in Bridgepiort. slatance iz successful at some democracy getting Its open men among the 86 mulsicians of swell job In contributing the send It to you * ^® . " ? I formerly Miss Evelyn Handy of Hammer Handles .07 * c Americans and not Hitler and HI- know toe name of the treasurer or | „ __ able” litigation costs and a "rea­ In ths Hartford area. Inspections NfanelM ^er Division points, but the. diversification and chance, and proving its own natu­ toe orchestra which opens its sea- rohito are guilty of causing the largest amount of cans collected Seattle, Washington, is also _ Panama, Panama. Nov. •— sonable” monthly allowance fqr in any drive for tin Manchester commander of your Poet. Col. George F. Rl*ey. deputy chlel will be continued by Miss Edna insistence o f the Russian attack ral strMigth."’ That is what t,he son Friday. war ? graduate of the Chicago Theologi­ her daughter, Marlyn, 3. Purtell, whose description of toilet 7^ Hartford Gan €•• It is pious thinking for Senator has h*!! and the committee ap­ ‘'Signer, cal SeMnary, and holds of U. S. Army chaplains, and Dr. soon wins through at others. liberation of this war-torn world preciates the cooperatloo It re- “Gordoo Bavin." facilities In war plants as "aatro- e H e M a a o 7 » Canadian General Honored Danaher to refer to his desire for OT Master of Arts in Religious ^ u - William Barrowr Pugh, chairman To Seek Gold In Dump If there is a price to be paid, should mean. It is good to see it celved. _ —. . East Hampton, Oct. 27, 1943. of-the General Commlailon • on cious” last week stin^ the War peace. While he waa predictlilff catioh. They have one son, Nor- Council’s Manpower committee to the "Rueelana, who speclaliae In developing. In at least one in­ ' Alaaka. Defiartment Headquar­ that those who favored aiding the 'Stuart J. Waatey, A half Mstsr of the Ute Private Army and Navy Chaplains, whf Phoenix. Aria., Nov. 9.—(P)—J. ask iRiprovemenL announcing German casualties as stance. PerhapA seeing results ters, Nov. 9.—(flV—The United Allies were warmongers he forgot In charga o f the tixt can eoUeo- are completing a wmrld-wlda tout on for & town brought up aa a mamber OT 1 ^ “toS****^? OT U. 8. Army poata, expressed to- W. Bingham believes there’s gold Mias Plirtell declared that * \e ■ontgomery Y fard H war were a one-aldsd affair, are here, our State Department will States Legion of Merit award haa the advice of George Washington tton 0 in that city ' dump-rge he's filed to the CongresB, January th, OT Mr. and Mrs. Bevin day (heir complete satlsfactlor lack OT adequate sisnitary facilities been preaented Maj. Gen. Ran­ 8 an application with the Smaller was one great reason whv women ' wUUng to pay that price. There have more confidence in the dolph Pearkes. commander-ln; 1790, namely. “To be prepared fqr IPlreanns ware first used In Eu­ b r o t o W t h ^ ^ with the work thst A m y chaplain* 824-8211 M AIN ST. TEL. 5161 MANCHESTER waa a symbol fit the all'^ut way strength of democracy In the fu­ war is one of toe most effectual ropean warfare In to# 14th cen are doing in all theaters of the war. War nants. office for $10,000 to were, not volunteering for war chief of toe Canadian f Army’s Mrs. Clarence E. Porter, Hebron | tor, waa godfather- flnanoa a pmtreg-ahovel axcavatioa. woric in induatrial plants. , tba Rusaiaas are fighting In the ture. Pacific command. means of perservina oeace.” For i tury. KJUroBCB5TEn#T^lNU HBKALiD. BIANCHBSm^, tXmN„ TUB5DAT, rH/VEMl

the German garrison tr*^ped in the To Take Over Crime Expert peninsula. / ___ 63 Jap Planes lame Aides Rationing Data WDRt)—issa / Q u oy S MCOUtO W fiBO—141# Some Germans Baff for Allies State Project Chandler Voted A. L. Most Valuable Playe) Denies Print o Furnished By Basteni War nmo For Benefit Already Evacuated Deaths I Stockholm. Nv. 9.—(A’)—A Bern L_ OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION dispatch to the Swedish newspaper In Two Days ' Stanley P, Jackson William Roscoe of the ♦ 4; ? WTIC — Backstage W ife;. Harry James; WTHT — Memoty jProm Screen Regional Department of tnfonUBtlon V'.’DRC — Home Front Reporter;’ Lahe; WNBC—Carson Robinson. Sevenska’’ Dagbladet said today Stanley P. Jackson of Church loapHal Auxiliary Is 4 l.A>cal Trade School to News; tVTHT — News; Music; 7:30—W nC—Salute to Youth; that some contingents of German (Gontinued from Page One) street. Broad Brook, died yester­ ' 55 Tremont Street, Boston, L Mastachnsetta Notre Dame Yanks’ Star, (Continued from Page Oi.e) soldiers already had been evacu­ W'NBC — Blue Frolics. WDRC — American M elod y Complating Details for day afternoon at the Memorial Leave Job Here, Hour: WTHT—Arthur Hale; ated by sea from the Crimea to Ru­ tions on the coast of Finschhafen. hospital. Mr. Jackson who was 34 4:J5— WTIC — Stelta Dallas; was beaten and biimed to death Brown Stamps stamps become valid for three gal­ WNBC — Alvlno Rey. WNBC—Cheater Bowles, OPA. Still Leads Annual Dance. mania and that hundreds of Black Air Attacks Taper Off years old leavSk his wife, Mrs. 'William Roscoe, dlrectoi; of car­ lons Nov. 9. B and C coupons good Chandler, Is sea castal ships and Danube river Brown stamp J becomes valid 4:30—WTIC — Lorenzo Jones; 7:46—WTHT—Knightf of Co­ « . . . last July. Allied air attacks on the Japa­ Alice Smith Jacksdn; one son, pentry at the state Trade school, for two gallons. Theft and forgery The former head of the North­ boats were assembled to try to res­ with Stamps G and H until Dec. 4. ' WDRC — Ad Liner: WNBC — lumbus; WNBC>-Pop Stuff. P l i i l i l . M n . Cajarlei Felber, president nese warships being rushed from Richard, hia father. Anthony Jack- will leave the local institution Green. Stamps of stamps is sabotage of your ra­ 8:00— WTK3—Johnny Presents; western University Crime Labora­ cue the trapped Sixth German Truk to bolster the enemy’s Crum­ son of Poquonock; three sisters, Time VieFZ the News. Grid Parade i i l l i i l l . No. 1 Playeir^ ' the Memorial Hospital Wom­ Monday, November 1.5. . according Green Stamps A, B and C in tion and attempts to sell stamps 4:45-_WTIC — Young Widder WDRC—Big Town: WTHT — tory testified In the Bahamas Su­ Army. ' bling Solomons-New Britain posi­ Mrs. Herbert Kerr of Manchester, to announcement made todgy by Book Four valid through Dec. 20 should be reported to tho nearest News: Music; WNBC—News. i l i j i l i an’s AualUary is chairman-^ of the preme court'as de Marlgny’s trial The dispatch quoted some of the tion tapered off but low flying Miss Nellie Jackson of Poquondek Brown: WDRC — Ad Liner; ■ «msral committee arranging for John Echmalian, school director. for processed foods. Blue stamps OPA office. Help beat the black 8:15—WNBC—Lum and Abner. Uumium S i I II tt;|j on a charge of murder neared an first evacuated German sotdlcrs as Beauforts, with Australian pilots, and' Miss Sophie Jackson or Hart­ market by endorsing ail coupons, WNBC — Count Basle. Leahy Fears Grahain^^ Pitching Ace Receive, ^i*ke annual benefit dance, Friday saying that Russian pressure was Mr. Roscoe has been in Manches­ X, Y and Z in Book Two expire 8:00— W n C — When A Girl Mar­ 8:3^WTIC — Horace Heldt's end. managed to score hits or near ford. He w«s employed at the ter since July 20, 1025, and dur­ Nov. 20. in your possession with your li­ Treasure Cheat;- WDRC—Judy i svening, November 26, at the There was a round o f laughter growing very great on the Kerch misses on two enemy destroyers Pratt Sc Whitney Aircraft, cense number and state. ries: WDRC — News: Ad Utter; Saturday's Contest; The Writers’ tsl BOTd, Hartford. Her assist- penlhsula as well as in the Perckop ing this period has made many Sugar WTHT — News; Music', WNBC Caiiova Show; News; WTHT — at Keeler’s expense at one ^*ht north of Bougainville. The funeral ■ will be held froip friends.- He will be a director of Sereno Gammell; Castles in the Purdue Second Place 1)t anU on the committee aie Mrs. during his appearance, and (^ ief zone and that Soviet air attacks The newly reported Japandfie the T. P. Holloran Funeral Home; Stami) 29 in bhek of Book Four — News. Award \ This ; the State Rehabilitation project valid to Jan. 15 for five pounds. Remember the Soldiers Air; WNBC—Duffy’s. ,, Arthur Baedor, Mrs. Charles Justice Sir Oscar Bedford Daly were increasing dally. air losses were pattered ovter a 175 Center street Thursday November is Christmas mail 8:15—WTIC — Portia Faces Ufe;! t^W inson. Mrs. Keith Johnson. located in Norwich. 9:00—WTIC—Mystery Stories; But Far Behind. Appling S^ond. threatened to have any spectator wide area of New Guinea, New morning at 9:15; with a requiem Shoes I month for gift packages: WNBC — Dick Tracy. WDRC — Bums and Allen; " Mrs. tharles Burr, Mrs. Martin mass at S t Catherine’s church. HU Future Dufies Aeroplane stamp number one 'x” s»«* who laughed ' ejected trorn the Britain and the Solomons. Mr. Rpsfcoe Is well fitted for, his Nov. 22—Far western states. 8:30—w n C — Just Plain Bill; WTHT Gabriel H eat ter; By Ted Meier - Alvord. Mrt. G, I. Emerson Mrs. crowded . courtroom, declaring. Broad Brook at 10 o’clock, and Valid for one pair. Stamp 18 in Nov. 24—Southern and western WDRC — War Commentary; Ad iLililr New York, Nov/ 9—(VP)—Spur­ new duties which will consist of ..-WNBC— Famous Jury Trials. New York, Nov. 9—VP)—Coach ITrank Gerlach, Mrs. "This is no theater.’’ Relief Pact burial in St. Catherine’s ceme­ Book One still valid for an indefi­ states. Uner; WNBC — Jack Arm­ 9:15—WTHT—Grade Fields. geon "Spud” Chandle^stiU 'Is win­ , Sdggina Mrs. D. M. Caldwell, Mrs. Knox Sees Japanese getting men now in service back nite period. To control the black Frank Leahy, of Notre Dame, be- Nancy to B« Final Witness tery, Broad Brook. . / into the regular groove of living Nov. 26— Middle and eastern strong. 9:30—WTIC— Fibber McGee and tSfiMicLy' ning. The big rlght-h^der who B o r ^ k Keen, Miss Feme l^ k e . "The funeral home will be open market, loose coupons cannot be 6:45— WTIC — Frottt Page Far­ iieves the Irish - Northwestern Keeler was employed by de In Critical Position after war campaigns. This rehab­ states. Moljy: WDRC—Report ;to the ivon 20 regular season gataes for Mrs, Mary Orlowskl Mrs. Esther from 7 o'clock this evening until accepted except with a mail order. Dec. 6— New England ^States. rell; WDRC American Wom­ Marigny’s faithful wife, Nanc.v, Strong Link ilitation program, as outlined by Nation > WTHT—American Fdr- football gams this Saturday “can the^New York Yankees am Clarke. Mrs. Marie Acconaro. Washington, Nov. 9.—(iP)— Sec­ the hour of the funeral. Fuel Oil en: WTHT — Superman: WNBC •Qm of the Air; WNBC— Spot­ ■ The personnel of the ticket com­ who waited to go to'the staml as retary of the Navy Knox declared the State Department of Educa­ go either way,” but the sportawiit* w won a Jan. 4. Class four il’orth 10 gal­ ers of the nation apparently, think Ovfi won the pol) to determine sert her belief that her husband Tying Allies areas ithroughout the state. Just Board ia located in the' Lincoln Evening 10:00—WTIC — Bob Hope and in the South and Southwest Paci­ Raymond Horace Jacobs, three lons, class- five worth 50 gallons. the South Bend mentor is talking Americaiis^ague’s most valuable -wrd. Mrs. John Barr^ did not attack her elderly, multi­ when he will assume - his new school opposite the post office. Of­ a;00—w n C — News; WDRU Com pany; WDRC — Suspense; player for 1943. ■ Buies Mrs. P. L- Davis. Mrs. fic areas warrants the statement months old son of Mr. ami Mrs. WNBC—Raymond Gram Swing. through his hat. millionaire father. (Conttnued from Page One) that' “ the Japanese are now In post is not known as it was un­ Tire Inspection fice hours are as follows: Monday, News; George B. Arinetead; Receiving i*. out of 24 first- g S fr t Dillon. Mrs. W. C. Fisher Everett Jacobs, of 7 Center street, 10:16—WTHT — Concert Hour; All of the 91 grid experts par­ Capt. James O. Barker of the a more critical position than ever derstood that Mr. Roscoe will a.s- • A-car deadline Marsh 31. B-car 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.; Tuesday. 2 WTHT — New*: WNDC—Terry place votes and'^a "point total of Mrs. Robert Hawley, Mrs. Samuel the document pledging each to Stafford Springs, formerly of slst in the local school In the eve­ deadline Jan. 31, C-car deadllno p. m. to 5:15 p. m.; Wednesday, 2 and the Pirates. WNBC— Listen to Lulu. ^ ticipating in this week’s Associa­ iliiin 'K iijij 246 out of a possible'336, Chand­ Kemp, Mrs. Albert Knofia. Mrs, Miami police, called in to help before In that area ” Manchester, died at his home last 10:30—WTIC—Red Skelton and ted Press poll to determine the top solve the slaying of Nassau’s fore- feed and clothe the millions op­ The Navy secretary added at a ning school program which has Nov. 30. p. m. to 5:15 p. iq.; Thursday, 10 8:15—WTIC — Connecticut on the ler led mHe Appling, (Jhlcsgo Arthur Knofia, Mrs. Ja^^® pressed by the Axis and, as Mr. evenlnjf after a short illness. The already, started. Gasoline a. m. to 6:15 p. m.; Friday, 10 a. Alert: WDRC" — Dinner Hour Company; WDRC — Congress tenjteams ranked the Irish in first > / White Sox shortstop and league • Kav. Mrs. Mortimer Moriarty, most private citizen, testified that news conference that "it no long- child was bom on July 16 of this Speaks; WNBC—This NaUon at Roosevelt ptjt it, to build for the Is War Veteran Number 6 stamps in the A Book m. to 5:15 p. m.; Saturday, 10 Melodies; 'WTHT — Sports: ^ptace. This ia the first time a team batting' champion, by 31 points, Mrs. Stuart Segar, Mrs. George he found the impression of de er * question of holding their yekr. His mother is the former WiJ'. received unanimous backing. Marigny’s right little Anger on a future "a world of decency and positions at possible cost; Since coming to Manchester good for three gallons each a. m. to 12:30 p m .—The tele­ WNBO-^Sports; News. with Appling providing the only H WaddeU. Mrs. Fred Carpenter, security and peace." lilllian Kelsh of this town. Mr. Roscoe has made a host of' 6:30—WnC — StrioUy Sports; 10:45—WDRC—Guy Lombardo. Altogether Notre Dame, on the serious competition. bedscreen in the room at west- it is a question of actxial survival through Nov. 8 only. Number 8 phone number is 2—0494.- 11:00—News on All Statlona. ^ Mrs. W, R. Tinker, Jr.. Mrs. Se and a on a similar screen. dent told his distinguished audi­ vital heavy craft when they want cemetery there. Five Youths Held a MysteiY: WTHT —Fulton third place with Michigan, Iowa players, with Appling getting flvej- mcondlUoned electric flat iron. In the presence of Maj. Herbert to go to sea with their entire Address oofiununlcatlons to The (Conttnned from Page One) Lewis, Jr.; WNBC — Newi; Guy lonl va Joe Bennett Fight; Seahawka, Army, Duke North­ Bitter Rivals U. S. Grid Game Rudy York of the Tlgeis and Bob ence and several hundred’ official News; WDRC—News; WTHT— By Jack Dwyer good against Httll last Friday and War Bonds Oflered Pemberton of the Nassau police, guests, "can be relieved only if we Herald, Attention McCoy Lombardo. western, Southern California and Johnson of the Washington Sena­ fleet.” News. HeraM Sports EdHor I so did Oorrnan, also. At the, benefit ball at the Bond Keeler said, h e ' applied finger­ utilize the production of all the Reviewing actions In the South Fiinerals 111 Street Fight Health Service of an additional chunk of valu­ T:15—WnC — News; WDRC — Penn completing the first ten. I Odell 'Brtad tors one each. Bill Johnson of the five persons ^ il l have a chance prints In the top six Inches of a world to balance the want of all and Southwest Pacific areas in the 1 able lateral road. "Northwestern has one of the Win Four Points from Play Football All Year Yankees three, and Bill Dickey of greatest backs in the country in Benefit Game Watching a fine Yale line con­ the Yankees two. to win a war bond on their ad­ panel and lifted them. the world. last ten days, he declared there Enlargement of the Prostate Herbert A. Nye Bridgeport, Nov. 9.—(A5—rFivc Near the center. Eighth Army Otto Graham,” Leahy told the Moriartys; Pixips Win It has been suggested that Man­ sistently stop Brown’s . running South of the Border; Appling was the oply player to mission ticket. All of _ thfse “ In UNRRA we have devised a have been “ several important mili­ Gland units occupied Pescolanclano, eight game in the l^ w l last Satiirday, I “ What did you use, Scotch The funeral of Herbert Allen youths were arrested shortly aft­ New York football writers yester­ chester High's victorious football be mentioned among the 10 ^ im s will be donated for the baU. mechanism, based on the process­ tary defeats for the Japs.” miles northeast of Isemla in a Frank Sinatra Preparing was under the impression that Like Razzle Dazzle. tape?” asked the chief Justice, Nye who died in Broad Brook er midnight on charges of breach After flft^, one of the very com­ day. “He is a wonder at passing, Over P. O. Keglers. choices by every voter, (^handler the proceeds of which udil ^ who now uses fingerprint termi­ es of true democracy, which can He listed first the landing of mile-and-a-half advance, and team play a benefit game for, the Odell erred. He set up a six, three go far toward accoriipUshment of Marines on Boni?iilnviUe . where Saturday night was held at the of the peace, bringing to six the mon disorders of men, is an en­ running and kicking. I know be­ missed out by one, and York was imed as the nucleus of a fund for nology freely altho;igh the print other formations seized Fornelli, National War Fund at the West { two defense that made it nice for on tha lists of 20 of the scribes. M, much-needed nurses’ home for such an objective in the days and positions now are being consoli­ -Holmes Funeral Home, 28 Wood- arrests in connection with a street largement of the prostate. The To Become Buck Private cause I coached him for the All- Paganl’i bowling teani swamped By Harry Orayson In evidence Is the flmt ever intro­ fight between eight civilian youths five miles west of Isemla, in a Star game in Chicago this year.” Side Oval. There are many dim-1 O'® overhead attack. A six, NEA Sports Editor Yanks Top Ust the hospital staff. months of desperate emergency dated in preparation for “cleaning bridge street this afternoon at prostate gland is made up of three Moriartys last night at the West duced at a murder trial in Nassau. and eight Coast Guardsmen Sat­ three-mile stab. \ *We got tbe breaks to beat ....Ui.. In fh. n# ik.* n.nnn.i defense would have New York, Nov. 9—Fairly new In ail, 38 players were mentloa- Chance committee: Mrs. Ernest which will follow the overthrow out the Japanese on the island." 2:30. Rev. Goodenough of Broad lobes, weighs about one-half ounce, Side Rec alleys, taking four cultjes In the way of that proposl- | enabled Yale to win easily. The ed, with the Yankees topping ths “ Yes, sir," said Keeler. He put in second place the night urday night on Housatonic ave­ Bomb Durazzo Harbor New York. Nov. 9.— VP)—Just'^slx-flgure situations to confront Army,” Leahy con^ued without B ^ o n . Mrs. 8. W. Oulow. of the Axis." Brook Congregational church offi­ measures a little over one inch, tion. First off. the boys deserve a ! Une stopped the Brown ground at- south o f (Jie border, football is list with eight nominees. DstroiL “Are S»u a fingerprint expert?” The president said that respon­ surface engagement in which nue. On the air front. Allied planea like others of Uncle Sam’s neph- him. cracking a smile. “1 think North­ straight. Clemens of the losing Mrs. Gordon Fogg. Mrs. ^Walter ciated and interment was in the surrounds the neck of the bladder, chance to play for the statlle title tack cold but Odell stayed with rapidly replacing soccer and base­ Washington, Cleveland and Bos-, inquired the justice. sibility for alleviating the suffer­ American warships sank one Japa­ Held in bonds of $2.50O were bombed Durazzo harbor in Al­ western will give us a .tough bat­ team annexed high single with 123 j , Fo*. Mrs. T. E. Brosnan. Mm. M. “ No. sir. I don’t call myself cimetery at Melrose. The bearers and is composed of numerous fine ewa Frank Sinatra, whose sing- j^gC has changed lU 9 a. m. tle. It can go either way. I know and from where we sit it looks as , his orlglpal defense. Scuasel look- ball as Mexico’s No. 1 sport. ton each had five players named, r Kirby, Mrs. Henri Lord, Mm. W. ing and misery occasioned by the nese cruiser and four destroyers Isaac Turpin, 17, of 480 Broad bania, scoring a dlrqct hit on a but Zwick of Paganl’a copped high an expert,” said the witness. were his three nephews. Herbert, street; and Waymon Belcher. 18, tubes, and of muscular and fibrous ing on the radio and otherwise has dguy series from the more or iabs a lot of persona will be surprised though Hillhouse of New Haven I ed terrlbje in the first quarter but They play it the year 'round four, and 8L Lioalo p T i^ lsh . Mm. Arthur Seymour. German and Japanese campaigns and damaged two cruisers and two Kenneth and Arthur Finley of warehouse. three string with a neat 339. and Chicago three each. “ Then I don’t see the value of of plunder and destruction "must destroyers, without the loss of an of 1185 Iranistan avenue; John tissue. The prostate gland has long Photographs taken during yes­ thrilled many u young feminine ; zany production. Everything Goes, if they beat us. but not me.” The Postoffice team needs its will be the team to meet. Kelley \ he made' up for it In the last three south of tbe Rid Grande. College M rs^Harry Sweet. Mm. Walter I Hartford, and Howard Reed of periods. Prechilk, a tackle, seemed Chandler, aside from miastiis your testimony if you are not an be assumed not by any Individual Miller, 17, of 17 Gfeen street and been considered an Important part heart, is all set for the Army now I into a more conservative edition Here’s how the teams ranked, cheer leader, Charles Rogers quite has a fine first team but he would teams play during t)ie regular sea­ Vernier. Mm. Elmer Wedem Mm American ship. Broad Brook. of reproductive apparatus in man. terday’s big raid by Flying For­ counting 10 points for first place, to be all over the place and a big out entirely on one voter’s lisA expert," Sir Oscar commented. nation, but by all the united and Third, he said, was the surprise Joseph Nelson, 18, of 41 Hull tresses on the Fiat bail bearing that his Jersey (Jlty, N. J., d ra ft: which it lists as Music from Man- badly. Either that or the glittering need every one o f them in there son. High schools play from Janu­ L. Burbank Keen, Mm. Walter In many cases^ a disturbance of etc.: rangy fellow by the name of Bate­ was named not lower than sixth Quickly Tbrealens Ejection ■initiated nations acting togeth- attack_on Rabaul harbor by Navy court, Stratford. All ..rrests were factory at Turin showed today board has placed him in 1-A. ' hattan. Irving MUIer’s orchestra Props blinded them because they throughout the game. Talking to a ary through April. Junior high and Waddell. Frank Martin the gland because of Inflammation, 1. Notre Dame, 910; 2. Purdue, couple of sports writers in New man for Brown matched him on on the 23 others, and Appling was er. carrier planes and then by Army m^de by Sergt. Robert Dunlgan That every building of-tho plant “I’m ready to go whenever i get continues, so do-thk Escorts and lost three points last night with advanced grammar school teams Spectators laughed, and the The •funeral of Frank Martin or enlargement will tend to induce 570; 3. Navy. 518; 4. Michigan. Haven Saturday afternoon they the defense. We went down to osee not placed lower than fifth with “No, one country.” he added, bombers. Navy planes, he said, hit and Detective Thomas Mullane. was demolished or damaged and the call," Sinatra waa quoted.' Betty, with Alice Oom dl added. Hamilton hitting a shade better play from May until'July. ^ the exception of ons nlntb-pMcs chief justice quickly threatened to who died in Colorado on Friday; a loss of virility. 488; 5. Iowa Seahawks, 459; 6. seemed to think a lot of Manches­ Scussel perform and were satisfied “could—or should—attempt to five of six enemy heavy cruisers Also being held in bonds of $1,- mado it plain that the establish­ When that call will come has hot I ------throughout the contest. Twamlte B. A. Hoban, the Dartmouth vote. have “anyone so rude" ejected by will be held at the Holmes Funeral 000 following his arrest Sunday The prostate may undergo either Army, 404; 7. Duke 8; Northwest­ ter's chanceg. One chap said that after the game was over. bear the burden of meeting the with bombs and torpedoes and the ment has gone out of business. beene

—Three Ge^ I tomorrow morning. self-addressed envelope and tan 135H. Trenton, N. J„ knocked out T w o big questions were toesed was congratulating Pistol Pets Manchester Chapter, The American Red Croaa ers” were . cUlmed to have been Minister (Jhurchlll today praised in tbe face dC a poasible Nasi Johnny Hutchinson, 137 H> Phila­ New Haven at 2:15 a. m; today, the once beautiful city of Kiev be­ Waterbury, Nov, 9.—(A5—Fa­ man planes wehi destroyed li^ cents. Bridgeport, Nov, 9,—(^)— Gov. at Lieut Commander Mai Stevens, Cawthon because the Grid Dodg'> fore they fled. Pravda described damag^ seriously. American and BriUsh newspapers withdrawal from the Leningrad delphia, 3; Chalky Wright, 181)4 era finally won a gams. Scout 1 Want TB Donate Blood for the Army and Navy Mrrying out the armed robbery so vorable reports on a proposal that Another Berlin broadcast, errtit- night aa raldefs gave London Ita Money Stolen Prom School Raymond E. Baldwin, State Re- Sampson Nava) Station coach, at quietly that patrons in the estab- it as a scene of devastation, hav­ the savings bank life Insurance for their “very full and vivid In- area, have ordered clvlUans evac­ Loa Aimeles, atopped Billy Banka, Jack LaveUe offered oondolcncs. ing Tokyo dispatches, described seventh straight night alert while Cousin o f Czar Dies publltan (Chairman J. Kenneth yesterday’s football writers, lunch liahment, lAcluding a ' policeman, ing been systematically destroyed fund of Ckmnecticut issue group j formation from all the theaters uated from three towns in Rus­ 133) 4. Washington, 5. "Sorry you lost the draft rights the batUe as "the biggest Japa­ rescuers were stlU digging for vic­ Hamden, Nov. 9.—VP)—Theft of Bradley, and ^State Oimptroller ... . When Mai was telling about Name » • a a a e a 4 were nnaware of what was hap­ by Nazi demolition squads. Kresch- life insurance policies were heard doUar bUl and some small London, Nov. 9—(ff)—The Paris of war.” sia. New York — George Kochan. Russ Strait 17-year-oId Sampson to P)—Irving Ber­ Providence—Buddy Farrell, 166, tion stamps and certificates may Green .Bay, Wta„ Nov. 9—OP) —I tween two Republican aldermanlc of BUI Mscejdco of Cornall----- year 'Duka’s topponsnla rsportsd above, of Big Green the moet fo r aasiatance in keeping under sian Army had. launched a violent chusetU, Houae Republican leader year-old Mary EUiubetb CanoU. glowered—rat a report that whis­ Riga, with Klngisepp, Lugs and lin has written a new war song Newark, ouQMlnted Johnny Jones, key is so scarce in the city a well not be reproduced in their actual Dr. J. C. M. Hanson, 79, natlonaUyj candidatas, WlUlam V. Gerardl “W s’vs got him,” replied Ms) with that Eddie bad so many out ta r n u in and mail to ««B tiol brush fires that have de- assault on the Pereko isthmus lead­ and former Republican national accidentally ehot by her brotler's known librarian and profeSsorland George L. Klngst«m. which re- Odov as the kay points in the sys- which he plana to introduce as 151)4. Pittsburgh 10. fonpldable end to ever saw and playmate bi her home Saturday known restaurant In the theatrical size and color in advertising Ulus surprise at 4hc opening tomorrow York, Pa.--7Vffy Cummings, a cat-ate-canary grin. "But ;he'a football that bs couldn’t see from American Bed Croat, Houao A Hato atnyvd IfiO homes and aeared 16.- ing into the Crlmek and that Chairman, said today his party tratlons, the OJfice of Price Ad emqritus of the University of On-1 suited from the balloting in las* tam. one end the players' bench to the beet in footbaU today, coUege ' bt Santa Monies hoped to win control of the Sen­ night, was still on the critical Ust section is restricting customers to night of “This Is Uia Araiy.” Tbe ISA Baltimore, outpointed George not ks good as our regular half­ at strong Red Army forces wsre being imlnistjraUon ruled todaj(^ ;Cago, died here last nigbU iXueaday’x ^municipal etocUon, , Bateiuive mobilisation of the MT pf^MKiOOftla ^hurled into the batt^ to ate in next year’s elections. at 8L Francia hospital todafl^ ons drink. WBulatloM ta ■steiiis and Latvia title is "My BrltkA^^Suddr.” Brown. ISA Wilmington, DSL. A back. A ^ Stoppss.” tbs ethss.” i mAWUttriSlfiR EVENING HBRALP, MANCHESTER, CONNw TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 9 ,194S get on S'^nlckel, but as I hfidn't ShouM Marry Quick 'any sBVer I used five pennies and h^iir^been asleep for five dsys Boise, I d a .- (db—The camp and Nonsense low. newspaper of Gowen field, con­ ducting a symposium on Mriicther Lines as a Pips Smsker girl friends should help pay for In a recent land valuation caM that I asked toe much- for tli^ land •r • in federal court it was testified at the ^ Your day dreamt are mental es­ dates with enlisted men, found that it might take many years to Even the jurymen . Smiled. capes Only two soldiers in favor of femU sell the land at the price adked. From a sordid world of care nine financing. “ A GI who finds a itu's Wants dlassified ForYour Benefit Carolina,,Is,a recipe' The governmeiit then produced a girt like that," commented Mess It wad wrHten by Mrs. Nathaniel They’re telUpg the yarn about To the realm of fairy folk witness who said it should not In the wreaths of -curling smoke Sergt. Michael O'Hara, "should Warring, wife of Captain War­ s sdper-snob #ho carried his nose Chsptsr XVI floor was slipping awsy from un­ take long to niaks a land sale. so high in the air he nearly That hover over your chair. marry her quick; I should know— der him. ' ring, I married one." From the look of the dance floor : "Take on* draftee slightly Cross-Ehcamlning Attorney drowaed every time It rained. —Norman I. Schiller. Automobilea For Sale 4 Business Services Offered 13 Help Wanted— Female 88 Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Household Goods Roonis WitJItedf Board * * • Didn’t you own some land onceT u hen Sally walked up to the door I But someone would cut soon. At green. Stir from bed at an early Automobiles for S«l« 4 on Saturday night, every soldier Witness— Yes. ,, :Man—How much Is this hat? Telcphoner— Long distance ? I Cat Makes Her Ijite Lost sad Feond WANTED -^IBAKERY Saleslady. COtaCER SPANIELS from cham­ BUY Yo u r s t o v e s now. as Old FOR RE;NT—IX5UBLE room for the pace she’d been going, she'd Soak In shower daily, Dress 1941 PON’n A C 4 . Door sedan, 1941 EXPERT RADIO service. Call H. stationed at Fort Meade was hav­ * Cross-Ebesmining Attorney —- Clerk— EYfteen dollars, sir. want to place a call to Damari- y S NORTH ELM Btrept, FOR SAUE—^1041 FORD sedan, Meade. Telephone Manchester Experience preferred, but not pion stock. Adorable healthy pup­ Man Winter is just around the 2 fijris'^or married couple. Call have danced with an entire regi­ in olive drab. Mix with others of Topekh, Kas.— oPi Miss Flor­ with heater, good tires. Cheap for Plymouth coupe, 1,941 Chevrolet corner. See Jones. He has a large ;2'-l614 or 47 Cottage atreet. ing a night oUL Men In uniform . ment by 11. They circled the floor iU kind. Grate on Sergeant’s Did you aell It Ifl 1940? Mari—Where arc the .holes ? scotta, Maine. ^ _ afternoon, lady’s wrist 2-0898. necessary. Apply Davia Home pies in solids ' and partl-coIors. were ranged in a ring that rap Operator— How do you spelt ence Heizer was late for her afl- 'quick sale. 410 North Main St. town sedan, 1941 Ford sedan. variety of stoves. New and uSc& once, her partner weaving un­ nerves. Toughen with maneuvers Witness—Yes. CTerk—What holes? ll of deep sentimental value Bakery. 02;:i Main street, in per- and some full grown dogs. Jack three deep all the way around the Cross-Examining Attbrnsy — Man—The holes for the ears of the name, plesae? dress to the state teachers conven­ Oqod^ selection of used care to Frost Kennels. 26 Gkrdne* S t 31 Oak street. Tel. 8254. steadily. Someone stepped hard and > liberal portions of baked lie owner. Reward If retusned to choose from. Cole Motors. 4164. Boardera Wanted 59-A room up to Uie orchestra platfortn. When did you first start to sell the jackass that would phy that Telephoner— Lady,' if I could tion, She had called, in turn, s 1940 CHEVROL^rr 4 door sedan, Moving—Trucking—; on her foot. Sally winced. An el­ beans and i-oast beef. Season with hospital, fire flepartnoent, hu­ North School street or call 1036 Plymouth 4 door sedan, 1940 CANARIES FOR SALE. Guaran­ FOR SALE- SM AI^L^AST iron Sally at first cbuldn’t even seethe wind. rain, and snow. Sweeten It? much for It. spelt It, rd write. Storagt 20 WANTED—WAITRESS in nurses ROOM AND BOARD for refined bow caught her squarely on the mane society arid street depart­ 11. Dodge 4 door sedan, 4 new tires, dining room, 12 to 2 or 11 to 3. teed singers. Can be seen at 174 range, suitable ' for cooking or dance floor. shoulder blades. Sally prayed for from time to time with candy W ltneas-In, 1929. Auto Repairing— American couple, man and wife. pui;Se and your ment, she explained, before the cat 1937 Plymouth sedan, 1940 L.a- •ThE AUSTIN CHAMBERS CO. Kitchen - woman 7 to 4. Salary Cooper. 'Tel. 7121. t)ick Grimley. heating, with'2 kprosene burners. in the low-ceilinged lounge be- deliverance. She even summoned bars. Let smoke occasionally. Cross-Ehcamtning Attorney (tri- Doctor (meeting Mrs. Smith in Keep your 209 Pine street. the street)—And how Is your-bus- iriouth. closed. she had founid in a city sewer was salle sedan, 1939 Lasalle con­ Painting 7 local ahd long distance moving^ and meals. Apply Dietitian. Me­ Complete with Silent Glow feed hind Sally, soldiers and their dates i courage enough to look the stag Bake in 110 degrees, and let cool umphantly)---Ha! It took you 11 rescued. Annoaneeineiits vertible coupe. Brunner's. 80 Oak. asscfiibly, stand and stove pipe. played bridge and checker^, or just liiTC square in the - eye. —The stag in below zero temperatures. years to make that sale. Doesn't band sleeping now? Did you givo DON'T W A lt ANOTHER minute. Return load system, furnltiire, morial hospital. land street. Open evenings until storage. Dial 6260. Poultry snd Supplies 43 Also a parlor wood stove. Tel. ■at in a corner and talked. Two line this time had its eyes else- Serves 140,000,000 people.” this suggset something * to you him the sleeping powders as 1 di­ ETlcnd—What became of ^ u r Wlnterlge today, here is what we Wonted— Rooms— Board 62 rected ? secretary ? During a person’s ^ ^ in g hours riiUkVB YOUR BABY photograph- 9. Phone 5191. ' I WANTED —HOUSEKEEPER to 8688 after 7 p. m. women with red, white and blue where. about how long It takes to 'sell In your own home. Call 2-1242 do: 'Grease your car, change to care for family of three, live in. WANTED-—WARM single room, USD armbands stood ,st the main The orchestra was Sn all-soldier Private—Did she let you kiss land? Mrs. Smith-rrYes; sir. You told Man—I married her and now the eyes are in a contilKtuus state winter oil, clean and flush radia­ FOR SALE— 100 PULLETS^ Also FOR SALE — COMBINA'nON entrance, welcoming a group of me to give him the amount I could she’s my treasurer. of activity. for appointment. George Dew. CASH FOR VOUR CAR—Any 35 Repairing 23 Phone 4202. 100 roosters, 6 to 7 n'lonths old. centrally located, by lady defen-se outfit. One of her partners—Sally her? Witness—Sure It did. to 41. high prices paid. Drive over tor. iise 1 quart ruaterizer, change Bengal' stove, practically new. girla Every girl, Sally had no­ Sergeant—Oh, heavens no! She Cross-Ebcamining Attorney — photographer. ______Middle $2.00 apiece, 136 IVoodland St. worker, kitchen privileges. Write couldn’t even tell which one—had now to 80 Oakland street. Brun to winter transmission and rear SHORT ORDER Call 2-1103. ticed, had to be sponsored. If you told her that the regiments took Isn’t that kind. What did it suggest? w a n t e d t o t u n e , repair and Box X, Herald. WANTED—RIDER TO East Hart- ner s Open evening until 9. Sat end. charge battery, check all aged woman preferred. Hours FOR SA.LE— 400 New Hampshire didn’t belong to the Girls’ Service turns sending their orchestraa Private—She was . to me. Witness—It suggested to me RED RYDER Roped regulate yoar piano or player FOR SALE—COMBINA-nON ga.s fofd Aircraft. 8 to 5:30. Driver urdays 6 Phone .5191—4485. tires, also renew your application from 10 a. m . to 3 p. m. Poeties RRed.pH ThilletiiPullets, 5 mnnlhnmonths nlold./1 904004 Organization, a soldier or an or­ over to the clubhouse dances. piano. Tel. .Manchester 2-0402. and coal stove $100, with oil ganized group like the War Com­ preferred. Telephone 3750. for A gasoline book, all for $4.95. Lunch, 316 Main. Parker street. Tel 6700. Apartments. Flats, Round the floor again.- In another ACE-' RYDt(2 SN TOUR HERE 1HEfA CDHE -AND H^RE^S ' FOR SALE- 1937 PLYMOUTH 4 Phone n ow -5191. Open until 9 ;t burners. Combination radio and 63 mission had to Vouch for you. second I’m going to leave this man NEW CONVERTIBLE TOPS. Cel- phonograph. $75. Call 5252 be­ Tenements FUNNY BUSINESS 1H’ INJUN KID HORSE-iJNE-I RED »»DER‘ ACE HANLON’S LUCK WANTED RIDE FROM Hart- door sedan Boland Oil Company, Bninner’s, 80 Oakland street BUSINEJSS COUPLE vjrant gen­ Some of the War Commission flat and go powder my nose. THEY CAN’t STARTO RUNNIN’’ ( X luloid replaced In curtains, all tween 5 and 7:30 p. m. iV^a r e : g o n e :ford ht 6,p. m. to West Middle 369 Center street kinds of leather work. Chas. Lak- eral houBCWorker, full' or part Articles for Sale 45 FOR RENT—ONE ROOM apart­ girls with whom Sally had trav­ Then the miracle happened. A HAVE A D IG I^Tumpike. Telephone 2-0626.' time. Live In or out. Call M05 ment, furnished with heat, 26 elled up to the Laurel clubhouse firm hand seized her partner. e FOR SALE— 1936 FORD coupe, Garages— Service— Ing, 90 Cambridge street. Tele­ WELL EARNED REST Is deserv­ recognized soldiers from previous "CatUng.” phone 4740. after 6 p. m. FOR SALE— ENGLISH motor Birch street. Inquire after 4 p. m. mechanically O. K. Good trans­ 10 ed after'a hard’ days work. Why dances. A t once they were rushed ^ ll y looked up into gray eyes portation. first $100 takes it. Storage scooter. 100 miles per gallon, $125 not invest in a Rest Haven mat­ SEWING MACHINES, vacuums, WANTED —WOMAN to serve cash. Inquire 82 Chestnut street FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement off to the dance floor. Here at least so dark they were almost black. Abel s. 26 Cooper street. tress and hand led box springs— on Madison street. Call st 48 FOR RENT—ONE CAR garage, irons, and all imtUl electrical ap­ night suppers, 9 to 12 p. m. .50c after 6 p. the usual Washington statistics They were so de*p she felt as at 9 Orchard street. Apply after an hour. Apply to Dietitian. Me­ now on sale and only $69.00 com­ Madison street. wei-c reversed. From tlie solidity though she were looking Into a ; Stenographer pliances repaired. Genuine parts, plete at Benson's, 713 Main, next 5 p. m. expert wot-km-uisbip. Parts for all morial Hospital. of sU g line. Sally guessed there mountain pool. For a moment to A. A P. were three times as many men as they stood motionless, searching makes. A B. C FHxlt Oo., 21 FOR SALE —Lie electric Wanted Ikications for girls. Right now the stag line each other’s facea Unconscious of Maple atreet Pel. 2-1575. SALESLADY WANTED —Per- train. $70. Call 2-0 In Local Industry. Businesa Services Offered 13 manent position, good salary. Ap­ Rent 64 wasn't doing much more than the crowded dance floor, the blast­ FOR SALE ply Sllbros, 881 Main street. Machinery and Tools 52 watching. Near hei'. Sally heard a ing of brasses, the mass of khaki PIANO TUNING AND repairing. FOR RENT—BLACK kjTCHEN FOR RENT—CENTRA,, store at PERMANENT POSITION STORM WINDOWS and doors In­ Player piano specialty. John range, with oil .burner. Alqo gas USD hostess ask an extremely tall all around the room, Sally noticed One !>-Room and two 4- stalled. roofing of all kinds, asbes­ WANTED WOMEN and girls to MILKING MACHINES, cement lu ll and 1013 Main street. Suit­ lad If he wanted to meet some only the suddenly accelerated beat Cockerham, 28 Bigelow etreet hot coil, cement block machine mixers, saw rlga, Fordson parts, able tor drug, shoe, millinery, sta-, available to one interested Room Houses. 3 years old. tos side walls, woou shingling, Tel. 4210. ' do bench, work. Apply at Tober with 40 drying boards. Tel. 7304, girls. "No, thank you. mam,” he of her heart, pounding wildly up general repairing, workmanship Baseball Mfg. Co., Elm, street water bowls. Cletrac- crawler tionery, etc. Improving location, drawled. "I don't want to irieet In her throat. la working A ^ E R THE Pre-war construction. All tractors. Dublin Tractor Com. attractive rental. Epply Edwa'ro guaranteed. Write Box W, Herald. FOR SALEl—THREE BURNER any. I just want to look them Then the man’s arm went WAR. Unlimited possibili­ equipped with oil burners. WANTED -HIGH SCHOOL girl '^^any, Willimantlc. j. Holl. Tel. 5118. around her tightly. They were Private instructions 28 kerosene stove, one kerosene hot over." Copper tubing. 2 unfinish­ to care for 7 year old boy after dancing as smooth and perfectly ties. Apply in own hand- ASHES AND RUBBJSH removed. water heater, one set of store FOR RENT — COTTAGE street, BOOT'S AND HER BUDDIES Worried writins: to Box R, care ed rooms upstairs in the 4- REFRIGERA'nON— Necessary in school until 7 p. m. and all day He kept giving Sally a sidelong matched as though they had been Call 3444. war or peace— Shortage of serv­ Saturday. Call 7170. scales, three large windows, 60 ft. .Office and Store Commercial building about 35011 look, but he didn’t come over. And partneis many times before. In The Herald. room houses. icemen. The need for trained rticn of 3-4 Inch galvanized pipe, new. ^ ^ qu ip m en t 54 feet of ground floor space. Base after a few minutes she began to that one moment Sally Thayer wtPtoNO oar -mx* li a or. iViW A% one Me.vers water pump, quantity ment under half of building out to ovo \.Mry vaos<*>'0u(q to overhaul and service refrig­ feel conspicuous, though that was thought she was falling suddenly, HfXJt A VOT or V^O»AE eration and air condition equip­ Help Wsnted— Msle 86 o f poultry wire, metal egg bas­ FOR SA L E X r . C. Allen Adding Steam heatmg plant, excellen silly when there were such crowds inexplicably, in love. AW. OAV -• AMO NV- lOOT GEORGE GRIFFIN kets. milk and cream bottles, machine, figures 1 to 10,000. prac­ light. Suitable for light manufao ca o te o L , L r^voyicr v^A'ot to ment Is urgent. If you are me­ around her. She was standing with (To Be Continued) WVTEN TO HEO PW>^AKI1.VST Phone 3429 small cream separator. Aldcn tically new $65:00. Wpite Box O, taring, pood location In busints chanically inclined and have a WANTED- COOK'S helper, salary two other War Commission girls, fair education, look into this big Mercier, R. F. D. 1, Rockville. Heraid. x section. Apply Edward J. Holl but for a moment she felt as CALL and meals. Apply to Dletitihn, Tel. 981-2. 1009 Main street. Tel. 5118. though she were back at her first ATTENTION . pay trade. Learn how you can pet Memorial Hospital. this training in spare time or eve­ school dance. She hadn’t known OUR BABY CRIB stock is now Wearing: Apparel— Furs 57 how to dance very well, and all the nings. No Interference with pres­ WANTED AT ONCE man for part complete. Also a full line of crib Houses for Rent 65 INVESTORS 5404 ent job. For full information time outside work. Mrs. George way to the gym she was worried mattre5we.s, $2.75 up. Victory FOR SALE— LOVELY dark, blue for fear no one would ask her to AUCTION! WE n e e d GOOD USED write at once giving name, ad­ W. Cheney. 21 Hartford Road, FOR RENT—COMPLETELY fur­ If we can't bit them while strollers. $14.95. Benson’s Furni­ wool alack suit, never been worn, nished 7 room house located at 34 dance. For an agonizing ten min­ If you are looking: fo r an THIS WEDNESDAY dress, etc. Utilities ' Eng. Inst., telephone 4468. ture 713 Main street, next to good length coat, size 40-42. Tel. they’re off balance, as they ai-e I CARS AT ONCE care of The Manchester Herald. Lewis street. Available now. Rent utes, which seemed like a century 1 opportunity to Invest money A. & P. Manchester 7764. to the scared little 13-yeai-old now, we lose much of the military | NIGHT AT 6 P. M. WANTED—DISH WASHER. Ap­ $80. Call Robert J. Smith, Inc., advantage wc have and, prolong | in real estate paying an 19.30 and Later. ply Center Restaurant, 509 Main 963 Main street. Tel. 3450—5343. girl, she sat stiffly on the sidelines “ Beat til, Sudic! nubbir.s not tlie only meat that's point cellent return and also of- AT Help Wanted— f*'emale 35 with the chaperones while her the whole struggle. j free!” street. Tel. 3972. Household Goods 51 Wanted— To Buy 58 feringr splendid possibilities REIDS’ AUCTIONTORIUM BARLOW MOTOR SALES friends were whirled gaily bj’. —Gen. George C. Marshall,, ehief WANTED—WOMAN for house­ Suburban for Rent 66 When Harold White finally came of staff. for the future, may w e su r* 595 Msin Street 3 ROOMS OF Modern furniture U. S. ROUTE «, work, small family in Neis York PORTER WANTED-Apply Fed­ up and asked her to dance, she * O • • SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH test that you consider the Msnehester WANTED TO BUY good used doll COVEN'rttY RENTS Now Avail­ BOLTON. CONN. for winter. Apply Tel. Manches­ eral Bake ShO|/. 885 Main street. complete In every detail, includ­ was so grateful she could have The war-breeding gangs of mili- business comer of Pine and ter 3362. ing a combination stove. Reason­ carriage. Telephone 8461. able. Wall street, -South Coven­ kissed him. 3 Miles East of Manchester. tari-sts must be rooted out-of-^ Walnut streets? Two build­ WANTED —FUEL OIL truck able. Albert’s Furniture Co., 43 try, 2 family flat, 6 rooms, full By now the orchestra had swung many and out of Japan If we are \LLEY OOP ~lirtti« Tim t Maehlnff ICING GIRL WANTED. Apply WANTED TO BUY child’s tri­ drivers. Essential work. Bantly Allyn street, Hartford. baths, ligbta. Water, garden space, into a rhumba and the jitterbugs to have any real assurance of fu­ ings, one with store and WIDE ASSORTMENT Federal Bake Shop, 885 Main cycle. Call 5297 anytime between garage, $.;0 inoiHh. Single dwell­ were coming off the floor in dis­ (NONHudi iet WANTED—WOMAN to work in WANTED—MIDDLE AGED man ture. Moving soon. Call 2-0726. dwelling 5 rooms, lights, water, moet won a rhumba contest at the apartment plus a comer va­ WANTED small store. Inquire 352 Main any electrical appliance regard­ Let management spend less mO OlAL« UKB AMAOHANf Fine 9-Piece Walnul tlinlng for factory work. Steady work, less of condition. Estimates In chemical toilet. $35 month. An­ country club. cant lot offering possibili­ street. good pay. Apply Tober Baseball COAL AND WOOD heating stoves. Behind her a voice inquired, Umd telling the public what a Set Kemps Inc. Furniture and Mualc. your home. A. B. C. Flxlt Co. 21 dover, single dwelling, $ rooms. iW m ties of future expansion Mfg. Co.. Elm street, Manches­ Improvements, $28 month. Allen "Want to dance?” magnificent job it is dolng- 763 Main street. | Maple street. Tel. 2-1675. make up this attractive in- Walnut Bedroom Set, Twin ter. * Hitchcock, Inc.. Manchester Her rescuer was a short, stocky which evetybody knows—and lad with his'hair parted in the more time doing the job. vnatment. Total gross ren­ •Beds Women and YOU CAN LAUGH at Old Man I USED ETJRNITURE and stoves, Office, 953 Main street. Tel. 33d'L bought. sold and exchanged. Willimantlc Office, 824 Man middle. "Here." he said, "let me —Treasurj- Secretary Henry tal $2,200.00 annually. For Roper Gas Range, like new. Winter if. .you have a W arm' get in front of you and I’ll get us Help Wanted— Morning Heater installed now. Highest prices paid. Jones Furni­ atreet. Tel. 1935. Morgenthaii, 'Ir. further information about Extension Ladder, about 40 FOR s a l e Male nr Female 37 ture, 31 Oak street. Tel. 8254. out to the dance floor." They pu.",!:- Girls j Only • $45.95. Also attractive •ed their way through the mob and tUa property please call: Lots for Sale I A continuation of government ft. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE I kitchen heaters and gas stoves, WANTED .TO BUY soda water on • the dance floor. "Name POT WASHER WANTED. Apply used 3 burner gas stove $15.00. deficits coupled with bureaucratic Rugs, Scatter Sixes up to electric cooling machine. Phone FOR s a l e :—FIVE building lo; . please?" asked the boy as they be­ Two years old. Insulated. Federal Bake Shop. 885 Main Benson’s 713 Main, next to A. gan dancing. | control of the dally lives of our 9x 12 8421 between 1:00 and 9:00.p. y . all improvements, Bluelield ir.i people can onl^lead to*state so­ Robert J. Smith street * P. ’ Oorhcli and Campfleld Road. The \.Sally told him. "Just the Sally Many Fine Floor and Table Stoym windows and screems. WANTED TO BUY camp utility will do. Now if I’m lucky . . .’’ he cialism and dictatorship, the very New Model WINDOW SHADES -VENETIAN W. G. Glenney Oo. Inc. IF YOU ENJOY cooking arid see­ trailer with automobile coupling. 's t e e M her into the center of the I thing we are fighting to destroy in i r i r m s t Lamps House newly painted. blinds. Owing to our very low 9(13 Main Street ing folks enjoy fine food In con- Phone 3665. room, ’’nobody will cut for a cou- other lands, 2 Spinet Desks — Gateleg Ngenlal surroundings, we would overhead, get our special low LeRfil Notices 78 pie of seconds. Though Red ha.s | — W. Linn Ilemliu(\r:iy, ex- ! BY MERRILL BL09BBB 3450-5313 Table — Bookcases— Stu-' Laundry Inquire like to have you In our happy, or-^ prtcea on high grade window WANTED — WESTINGHOUSE been cutting in on every girl I’ ve f president .Vmerlean Bankers' i FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Gone, But Nut Forgotten Rmd Estate Insurance dio Couch — Stands. ganization. Apply Hansen’s MUk* atiades and Venetian blinds com­ Laundromat or a Bendlx washing UarOR PRRMIT discovered. Where have you been? ; .Vsnoeiatlnn. Summit Street Bar, Main and Haynes streets, pletely Installed Samples fumtsb- machine. Call 7837. ^'OTICK OP AFPLICATIOX I haven't seen you before.” • . 9 BOBBIN ROAD •d. Capitol Window Shade Co„ This Is to give notice that 1 Ross It WAS FOINTBO I vyb^l l f i o - A030RD1NG V I LBIS Many Other Fine Offerings betweeh,three and midnight dally D. WllUatnn of Id Ashford streot, Greenway Park 241 North Main street. Phone • • • I If there is anything on which DIRrcnON. COU3NEL. lURE THE lAYFXsUftES. /DffiVS From Homes in Manchester except Wednesday. Hartford. Conn., have died an aD* "I just arrivefd." Shorty was no i all right-thinking people are 1H6 SHELL MUSTA AN6LK, M L .ir LANOeC / jO U T 8819. Open evenings. WANTED TO BUY stroller In plication dated 2nd of November, and West Hartford. thrill,. but he was .nice. The de-1 agreed, it is the proposition that THArt* WAV ' llAJGCIDRy. HERE/ r SHew good condition. Phone 3801. 194^' with the Liquor Control Com­ mission for a Restaurant Permit for pendable type, Sally decided. | the monstrous sp^ter of a world ANO RANeS, AMO IN B4AT WAV A LOOK ./ Hsaobeater Orcen Sec- ROBERT M. REID & SONS Situation's Wanted— the sale of alcoholic liquor on the "Are you com ing' up tomor- | war shall not again show Its face. Hon— 10-room single with li­ Female ' 38 premises of 14 Depot Square. Man­ TOW?” , Auctloueera ART BENSON SAYS: WANTED—BABY stroller In good chester. Conn. The business Is ow'n* —Secretary of State Cordell brary. Flreptace. 4 good Canteen Frock ed by Rose D. WlUlams of 19 Ash­ "Tomorrow! I don’t briieve so. 201 Main Street Manchester 32 Alexander condition. Telephone 2-0497. HuU. sised bedrooms. 2-car garage. 740 Alien St., Springfield, fitnss. WILLING TO CARE for your ford street. Hartford. Conn., and I’m here with an office group.” T%at> location. Terms ar­ child afternoons. Phone 3178 eve­ wrill be con d u cted by R ose D. W ll- ”Oh! A working girL eh? Tfmt’s WE HAVE OVER Hams of 19 Ashford street, Hartfordg ranged. Street nings. Rooms Without Board 59 Conn., as permittee. fine. Working girls are alwa^ in CViugbs Up Bone ROSE D. W IL L IA M S the money. How about taking ihjs 500 r o o m s —SINGLE AND double D ated 2nd o f Nov., 1943. to the movies some night?” Parker Street. S acres of Large j5*Room House, fully H-H-2-4t. ^ Sell Lake City—(/Pi-^Hcr par- ifV** iiisulated; side porch; at* beds, kitchen prlvllegea 237 Cen­ Sally had to laugh at him. “Ob (tots rushed 19-montha-old Valoy lad with 8-room single WARDS POPULAR TYPE ter street. Tel. 2-1561. Girls only. — oh. Here it epmes.” An attrac­ house. Steam heat with coaL iached garage; hot water Peck to emergency hospital after tive, tanned man with sergeant’s she began to choke while eating eeeaTwM If st« tarher. it. 'f. n. ssa n. a Mrarr One and 2-car garages. Bam. heat with oil; down stairs FOR RENT—2 LARGE rooms for ARTHUR A, stripes tapped him on the shoul- I Chicken coop. S. P. 87,000. FARM STORE RADIO TUBES .■ialmot). All the doctors were out. lavatory. Gomplete bath up­ light housekeeping, In private dcr. , ' I "Oh. do come over—we’re dying lo see you! You can D. P. $2,000. ON HAND TODAY: WANTED home. Bus service, private bath An attendant couldn't remove the KNOFLA •Trying to get away, were you ? | bone. So^ Vatuy just codghed it tip. HEAVY DUTY^AIR stairs. Recreation room and entrance, steam heat, garage Back with the crowd, boy.” He help us move the piano and things!" Ltlley Street. 2-famlly COOLED GA8 ENGINE finished in knotty pine and We haven’t every want­ Male or Female available, suitable for 2 or 3 peo­ For put his arm around Sally, laid hia fireplace in ba.sement, I.s a co w o n t h e WE had rHoudHr DOkTOR » t y p e CONCRETE MIXER 1938. Due to transfer of We Will Also Use Em­ bath. In nice section, on bus line. 875 Main St. Phone 5440 and he was gone. X ^ u m b , ba bo m ^ AdAM&rnc West Center Street. 6-room if you need a Tube, come in Gentleman preferred. Phone 7305. ( ruuy MCAORNT HERR BARON 2''j cu. ft. capacity. 20 owner house must be sold. ployed Persons On a "Sally. That's a nice name,” said TRACKS IN t h a t PEEP ANP NARROW CLTT / ■Ingle. Hot water heat with in. Y ^pulley and belt in* or call 3535. the newcomer. ”I have a girl M C M ieeo AMSRKAMSi oik S-car garage. Nice lot. Split-Shift Basis. named Sally back home. Had a FROM M Y S. P. $6,800; D. P. $1,200. eluded...... $49.95 No 59-L6 - 3525 or 12 Se­ girl. She's probably forgotten me W- • WOUMD,HEMi ALEXANDER by now. Do yot( have a special VOKIDftr. WARDS LO LOAD ries Tubes are available at Inquire Crochet Handbag and H at Street. fl-ro<»m nln- present. date with anyone? If not, Tve got bt water heat. Ga- HORSE DRAWN JARVIS my eye on you. How about coming rage. 8. P. $6,500. D. P. MANURE SPREADER up next Saturday night?” 'S' 'ri'' $1,000. 65 to 70 bushels capa* Real Estate and Insurance Rogers Paper There was no time to answer. MortgfiRes She had changed partners again. \ A t A cit.v...... $181.50 Manafacturing Co. ThU time it was an exuberant lit­ HOfiFtTAL Beech Street, 't-romn «ln- 26 Alexander Street enson lN » M t (Farm Ration certificate J'MilklM.I «.1i1 a.M'M MiO and Oakland Streets tle fellow who hailed from the le. Hot-air heal. S. P. required). Phones 4112 or 7275 Bronx, and was an expert rug- 4JI00. n .P . $1,000. cutter. He began flinging Sally POITLTRY FpED.^ abbqt carelessly. After M seconds Office 8:30 A. 51. To l lTr Emeruency Laying: of this unaccustomed pace, she 5:30 P. 51. Uall.>' Except Sun­ Mash . .$3.83 per 100 lbs. was our'Of breath. day- Also 7 to 9 P. .5L "Here, 1 ^ . Don’t kill the girl." OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLB Tburaday Evenings. There came (umther uniform, and 8 X WANTED 12 HEN HOUSE $50.00 REWARD Sally came bacRvfrom a fancy spin 25 to 30 bird capacity... to find another soldier claiming Y BEER ? EGS, I'(V\ ■AOOmONAL USTINOS ^ ...... $162.50 Carpenters her. ASHAIWEO OF N O U .'-^ NO AVAILABLE AT OFFICES. "Sedate, that’s me. iKwill be a iNOEEO.THtS BARREL (Roosts and nests includ­ For information leading to the arrest apd conviction A NEVN lO E A F O R A ed). ^ Painters nice change for you.” Sedate, tne of person or persons unlawfully removing gasoline, tools, eye, thought Sally. The m:uK.had C H U R N THAT VOILL U^ABOUT THAT, ANNIE I CANT’ STAND LET ^ Pattern No. 8522 la designed for 5654 ME 6UT WHMT RACES FROM MEN /BOO KIE, EH? FROM THOSE POOR THEY PROBABLY ENJOY PROSPCRITYl SO I'M Ikes 11, 18. 15, 17, 1$. 81m 18. THINKl o w N t y ? THIS ABOUT PHIL AT THE FACTORV— lANO r S'POSE MEN EVERY OAV— playing the PO N I^S- HOPING y o u CAN short sleeves, takes 4 yards 89- SUGGEST SOMETHING Inch materisl, % yard contrast By .Mrs. Anne Cabot 5654 f send 10 cenU in coin, your — WHAT'S HE UP A M M KNOW HE’S /H E 'S LOSING HIS ANO rr ISN’T RIGHT, SO THEyO BE LOSING A handbag Scoop— ■ handbag name and addreas and the pattern THAT NIICHT banding. - TO NOW ? HEADING FOR SHIRT? OW N Eyl TO SOMEBODY, ANYWAY! For this sttracUve pattern, Mnd that’w good looking, inexpensive tp number to Anne Csbot, The Man- TROUBLE I 15 cepts, plus 1 Cent for postage, make and .as nice as any you’ve ' cheater Herald, 106 Seventh ave- in coins, with your name, addfras, ■een. It’s madfi of navy blue c o t-.1 nue, New York 11, N. Y, Enclose pattern humbw and slM to The top crochet thread and has smart 11 cent postage fpr each pattern J Manchester Herald Today’s. Pat­ red trim. The pretty hat .matches. otde'red. r tern Service, 106 Seventh avenue. The big, draw-string bag is \(f, Here’s the best news, in the C £b. Y New York 11. N. y . inches square— the inset sides are world for Anne Cabot needlework WE’LL UEt TfctU; Have you seen the new Issue of 2% Inches wide so you sec you fans . . . a new Album la off the M ILKN W A S “Fsshion", our 52-page guide to have plenty of room in the purse. press! You’ve been waiting to see rm iiTu u new sewing styles for fell? Qrder To- obtain complete crocheting this collection of Istect Anne Csb­ ■ copy today. The price is 25 1 Instructionstnftructlons for the Draw-string ot designs—so send, todsy, UMsy, for tor ths ui eenU. ‘ I Hindbsg snd Hat (Pattern No. 1 faU and winter Altnun. esnU. ■ . ,.,1^

I > c r i^ T h r o u i fu n d J. Donahue, Great Junior Saga­ Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., pastor Public* Records more, Torrongton; Alfred Smith, Another Drive of the South Methodist church, Armistice Day M anchester ^ Red Men Here Great Keeper of Wampum, New F About Town has received notice from the of­ Haven; William L. Record*. Averate Daily Circnlatioii fice of Governor Baldwin, of his D ate Book Great Prophet, Norwalk; and Isi^ O ffin g For the Month of October, 104g The Weather Appointment ‘ aa assistant re-em- Warrantee B«eds Orders Issued ToTakel^art William Saundert, Graat Chief of Forecast of D. S. Weather Bureau TK* DoroM ioclety i ^ n f ployment committeeman foi Lo­ Clifford L. Sullivan ss»a John V.. Tonight Records of Connecticut, Water- 8,456 cou p, of th* anonu*! Lutheran cal Board 4C of Manchester. Sullivan to F loren ce^ . Sullivan, Board of Police Commissioners bury. ■ - Old Clothing for Relief Fair. and colder .tonight with Surch. W«_onm tta aewiM aea- property on Nye st^ t. iM a r 9 h a 1 Hemingway at Headquarters. Large Delegation to At* The Organization committee Member of the Audit temj^'mtures bqlow freezing; ^ S hi 1m 4 Croas Headquar- Mary Bushneli Cheney Auxil­ Florence D. SulpV’an to Alex­ . Annual jneeting Manchester composed of Past Great Chiefs of Of War Victims to Be Bnrenn o f Cirenlntions Thursday fair and continued cold. «N* Cto ThuMtey u the rooms iary, U.S.W.V.. will meet at the ander ^Jarvis. property ^ on Nye Gives Details of Pro­ Garden club at Center church. te{G row evening. A good attendance is Elizabeth Mt'Taylor to Alex­ gram for Thursday. Hallowe'en 'Tea, Greon' P. T. A., from every section of Connecticut ander Jarviv property on Nye hoped for. at the Green school. SB welt'as many visitors from Beginning Nov. 23. and continu­ The monthly meeUnf o# the In-, street. ■/ Marshal Donald Hemingway Armistice service and prograps,' The Great Chiefs of the Great Pennsylvania, New York, New VOL. LXIII., NO. 35 (Claaaiiled Advertising on Pnge 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1943 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS The Asbury Group of the South ------^ ing until Dec. 4, th* Mtmchestsr agnnuch Qasa of the Church of we y/' issued the following orders of the South church, at 8. / * Councl lof Connecticut. Imp'roved Jersey and Massachusetts to at­ Ifaaarene, will be held on Thursday Methodist W. S. C. S. will- meet at ■ ■ Thursday, Nov. 11 Order of Red Men, will assemble tend thiq exceptional affair. There Salvage Committee will conduct an evening:, November H ^le home the church 'Thursday at 2 o clock. day for the annual observance of Armistice night supper,, Ameri­ with some .500 members In the win be roll call of the tribes In intensive campaign for the collec­ df Miss Oertrude Phillips, 106 “ITje hostesses will be Mrs. Charles Fp^in Reports Armistice Day, November II. can Xioglon Home at 7, this reservation and it Is hoped tion of old clothing for victims of Hejaz Grotto Hall in New Haven Hamlin street. Crockett and Mr|. Ellen Crossen. The various units will assemble Saturday, Novi IS that they will answer present. war in liberated countries and for A good attendance is desired. at the Army gt Navy club at 9:45 Tall Cedars Ceremonial at Ma- on Saturday evening, Nov. 13, to . A large delegation from the relief purposes 'in the United Germans Retreat General Welfare Center No. 41 ■Members are reminded that the Gas Stealing o'clock sharp. All units will report sqhiq Temple. welcome two of the highest offi­ local tribe is planning to attend States, Chairman G. Philip Skew** Nazi Counter-Drives Christmas cards have arrived. Will hold its regular meeting this their arrival to Chief of Staff, I Monday, Nov. 15 . cials of the order, Thomaa Dun- Saturday night's* affa.r and will stated today. evening at the School street .Splecial dinner meeting of the take along several palefaces to Clothing which the owner .h is The Ann Spencer Voluntef-r James Hvnes. fee, Great Incohonee of the Great local Aircraft Observers at the be initiated. discarded "into the attic" is wartted Recreation Centtr. , Nurses’ Aides will hold tbeir Jarvis Co. Says Power 'liin IJne Of March Council of the United States, and Again as Russians Following is the order of the line Sheridan at 6:30. Orest Chief of Records of the and at the same time rags, urgeat- Oresrory Monaco, son of Mr. and vonthly meeting at the Y.Jg.C.A. Shovels Damaged and ly needed for wiping cloths in .in­ .'uesday evening, November 16 at of march: Thursday, Nov. 1$ Great Council of th* United Beateii by Yankees; Mrs. tiouis Monaco of 122 Florence 8 o'clock. The speaker will be Tools Aire Taken. Police escort Annual meeting South Man­ States, Herbert Stetser. Meeting Tonight dustry. will be collected. street, who recently enlisted in the Miriam DeMnrs, anesthetist at the National color" chester Fire District. The. usual visitation of the Chairman Skewea will outline the plan for the drive to local min­ Advance 27 Miles Army, has been transferred to Memorial hospital. Post colors. Saturday, Nov. $0 Great Incohonee comes following F ^ ^ K n ox . Kentucky, which he ...... ^ )J The Alexander Jarvis On. and • Manchester High school hand Stiver tea. Gibbons Assembly, Of Poliee Board isters with the request that com­ ^escribes as the ‘■flghtlngest The postponed gSrst Quarterly affiliRted organizations sre offer Auxiliary, units C. L. of C. at the Y. mittees be set up in churches, branch of the service. Conference of the South Methodist ing a $150 reward for the apprehen­ Veterans , Friday. Nov. 36 lodges, clubs, societies and other Superior Ru..ia.. Force. OU Problem S Raid Bearing Works groups. church will be held Monday eve- sion or information leading to the Caps, bearing disabled. Annual ball. Memorial Hospital The Board of poUceecommission- Thundering Toward. Major J H. Sweet of the Salva­ ninc, Nov. l."^ in the young pro^ The parade will' form at Main Auxiliary, at Hotel Bond.' era will act tonight on applications tion Army will be the guest speak­ arrest and ebnvletlnn of pefsnn or pie's room Dt. Far! R. Story, su­ persons responsible for unlawfully and Forest .aOpets. opposite the Thursday, Dee. 3 for appointment to the police de Polish and Ruiuaniaii | S o l V C d er at the. meeting of the North perintendent of the Nonvich Dis­ Army an^;-Navy club, and will Bazaar of South Methodist ,W. Nine Furious Attacks in Methodist WSCS. tomorrow after­ taking gaaollne, tools etc., from partment. At last week’s meeting DESIRABLE Frontier; Capture 80' , Giraiid Quits trict. wllj preside. . property owned and operated by proe.e5d '''to the Manchester Me­ S. C. s. Hope Speech noon at two o'clock at morial hospital where the Arniis- Wednesday, Dee. $ nine applicants were present. Each Past 24 Hours All The self-denial envelopes shoiil^f he this company. was asked' qviestlons, among them Towns and Villages DuritlR 1944 TcmtSic Chapter, O. K. 8. will For some time small Kerns h ^ e ' tlce D.-iy observance exercises, will North Methfidist W. S, C. S. FURNISHED ROOMS Thrown Back With returned to Mrs. Ralph Perwion. meet/tomorrow evening in the Ma­ be held. supper and sale. their desire to take the position for As Co-Head Will Put End been disappearing hiK recejitly^wo full or part time work. During Day's Push.' ''____ sonic Temple. The business meet' different power shovVla-havc been Tliese aides will he In line: Wil­ Saturday, Dee. M Artillery aiifi Infan­ The teachers of Concordia Lulh- “T. All of the answers have been ipif^ will be followed by a novelty f the $40 lump sum per ip. former interior commissioner, in the Vipnafro area poured ahelU Wa are offering for inuaedlate to carry on their membership, tian Seiwice and the Men's Friend' the enemy thrusting forward on miner aa retroactive pay for un­ as "state ministers” in a move ap­ Mrs. David Bennett presided at ship Club of the church. The pas­ \ MacDonald Uphoktery Co. son presents some very soiind rea­ strongly today that the Deiiiaiifi for Whiskey in into enemy ranks by day and night ■ale to settle an estate, a Iff- even though the Membership com­ a wide front,” the i^riln commu­ Attoriiev Asks Freeing already are attempting to exeit a derground travel time between parently preliminary to relieving the organ and accompanied Robert mittee has not been able to con­ tor, Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., will INSULATION sons- why we shouldn't.” room two-family dwelling lo- 1. Widi SaniUUwi American Industrial Building nique said. "Despite tough enemy squeeze play. While the northern April 1 and June 20? CatroifX of his post as governor- Some Places Is Four (Continued on Page Tea) Von Deck who sang "O Promise tact everyone, either because of preside. Dr. Saliburv'* P«r-0-S«n U Of (le lUarigny; Says At „ “earing yesterday. George general of Algeria. Catroux will eated at 103-104 Woodbridge Expert worhmanshlp. AO worh 983 MAIN ST. HARTFORD TEL. 2-4127 resistance. Geri.ian .counter-at­ force brought 90 'mm. mortars in­ The coal operators say they are Me” and "I Love You Truly.” the difficulties of transportation, Preceding the address by Mr. |uit the Ihinq Ipr bqhtiiiq tacks reached their assigned goals M. Harriso. president of the Rail­ remain in charge of Mussulman Times That of Last Street. This property Is offered The bride’s only attendant was or the fact that so many people Prince a short service will be guaranteed. Reasonable Prires. ddioiii throuqh MnlUtion; Actions May Have Giv­ way Clerks, one of the largest of to action,, ahdther force attempt­ not required to pay it. the United and captured lost localities." push up from the south Mine Workers take a contrary affair*. at the bargain price of $6,000. her slater Miss Gertnidefld. Ritchie are working different hours. conducted. All persons are cor­ No obUgatloa for an estimate. it kill* ooocklls on oontact the brotherhoods involved in the The committee dropped National Year as Supply Cut. Um a as a latsr Spray and The Germans said the Red en Shocks to Members. skirmished with Marines and was view, and the government hasn't as maid er duction. the tire situation will re­ international munitions brokers, Slewinir Veal church parlor which w m decorated War Plants’ torpedo .boats attacked one troop­ retroactive pay should not come the 25th anniversary of the World Mosf|iiitos Hit plant were curtailed tnda.v by ■ Freshiv Chopped with chrysanthemums. FOR TOP VALUE main "tight" for the next six or protested today what they called laden barge but it put into Atsini- from government funds, as distin­ war armistice, when intern'al.chaos strike of die wtters, said by a When- the bridal party was leav­ IN A NEW HOME Rubber Director Bradley Dewey an attempt to "amenr an^iacred- ma bay. seven miles north of Cap* guished from the industry bank broke the IXaiser's empire, Indicate com|iany spokesman to number l,e D A.MBURG, 29c lb. G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. nine months. It” them as a Housc..M val sub­ that Heinrich Himmler’s Gestapo •Zn. While final assembly work on ing the church a Guard of Honor Sec the Ones Being Built By Injuries Hit committee sought details of their Western Reich Steaks ^ was formed by friends of the bride­ in reporting this today said: (Continued on Page TweKe) (Oonttnufid om Page Two) atlll ha* the home front-, in a firm the big B-24 bombers was not Im­ Souo Rones "The non-essential driver will pre-Pearl Harbpr dealings with grip. mediately nfferted, the company groom stationed at the local Ar­ Lumber of AD Kinds Japan. / / Beef Slew- mory. .GREENBROOKE not get a new tire in the visible In view of the auccesaion of de­ , said that other departments of the future, and he can sta'y on the road Terry Asserts Fighting Alfred JCMiranda, the older feats suffered recently by the Ger­ A i r n e l t i s in r r a n e e a ilfl.i plant would feet the effects of the Round Steak The young couple left for a wed­ Mason Supplies— Paint-—Hardware brothejv^hipped from his pocket ding trip of undisclosed destination, HOMES, INC only if he reduces his driving to man Army, however. N.azi ieadera ' work stoppage If a settlement .of Fronts Will Suffer a pra^red statement midway in Belgiiini Targets for not reaeked PINEHCR.ST FRUIT for which the bride selected a moss Balsam Wool Insulatioii * ' bare necessity and recaps his Urea Army Dream Weapon Now have taken a number of precaution­ t)(e dispute *vas On Walkei Street on time." ' Unless Accidents Cut. testimony as Representative ary measures designed to keep af­ Florida Oranges and Grape­ green coat with tuxedo front of ■Qii'ant (R., Ind.) was inquiring Other Air Haitlers. i-rompti.. ocelot, brown accessories and To Drop Below Danger Line fairs at home undel control ami fruit are no5v in good sup- For further Information call at Dewey revealed that ,the coun­ into his admitted efforts to obtain avert any possibilKy of a collapse Brlckrr to Be Candidate orchid corsage. Alexander Jarvis Co. ofliee on Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 10.—(iP» machine-guns for export to Japan. Blasting Enemy From Skies ply. The bride is a graduate of Man­ COAL COKE OIL try’s crude rubber stockpile next due to cracking morale. I»ndon: Nov. 10' The R.A. CIticago. Nov. 10— lAb — Gov. Center street or ai 3b Alexander fall would drop below the danger- —MaJ. Gen. T. A. Terry, com­ He raced through the statement, Lengthy Conference Held F.'s speedy Mosquitos kept the John W. Brlcker of Ohio stated to­ Califorhiu Pears chester High ' school Class of street. which asserted that there have 1930A and is employed by the 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 line, primarily because of what he manding the Second Service com­ According to advices from inside sirens going in western Germany day at a pr*» s conference he woutil Avocados Phones: 41U or 7375. called a late start on rayon cord been "careless and often meaning­ Summit, N. J.. Nov. 10— an average of one plane to every last night for the sixth time in a lie a Republican candidate for Travelers Insurance Company. The mand, declared today that unless less references” to the Mirandas Germany, Propaganda Minister McIntosh or Oecning producUon. The U. S. Army’s “ dream'.' weapon 90 shots of 90 millimeter ammuni- Paul Joseph Goebbels, SS officials, week. They bombed objectives in president In the Ohio primaries in .bridegroom is a graduate of Huixth what ha termed the "enormous during the committee's investiga­ -a new electrical anti-aircraft "To bridge the crisis in domestic tiop. In the last war we used to police chiefs and propaganda lead­ that battered section of the Reich May. The governor declined to APPLES High school and Huron College, tion into production failures at the gun director—ia doing a good Job hit a plane on the average of every lbs. :I0c S2.00 ha.sket South Dakota. He was formerly a transportation which this situaUon tcKl" of accidents in war plants is ers held a lengthy conference in while other British bombers struck make a statement regarding any implies and keep their industry in Brewster Aeronautical 9orpora- in helping to blast the enemy out 17,000 shots, and then rarely, at two airfields in France and Bel­ other 1944 rampalgn plans, but member of the Coastal regiment curtailed "our fighting fronU will tion, in which they are big stock­ Berlin two weeks ago to study the Come to Pinehurst Wednes­ operaUon,’’ he said, "the truck and 'of the skies in far-flung theaters, knocked them down.” ■ gium by moonlight. remarked, “ I trill definitely enter stationed here. T-Sgt. Cummins suffer. holders. of War. itii developers claim. The ordnance chief explained situation and decided that; day morning for JOE'S GARAGE bus industry must oooperato as •>(lt The German security..police 'Two.fires were started at the the Ohio prininrien ns n Republlenn will return to his base at Camp 222 idcKee Street British and American "Every accident means victory The statement ' continued that The device originated in , a that bnly. mechanical anti-aircraft Haan, California, and Mrs. Cum­ never before. Over-loading and questions' concerning their muni­ should be strengthened and better’ Amiens airdrome in France and preoldential candidate. I think FRESH VEGETABLES apeodlng must be eliminated, and delayed and more names on the dream that Dr. David P. Parkin- [ gun directors had been used by damage also waa inflict**! on the they’re the second week In May— mins will remain with her parents Has decided to dlaoonttaue anto- tions sales abroad had nothing to son. physicist of the Bell % Tele- i the Army until recently. armed. Becker'b Native Spinach ST, every Ure carcasa which can be memorials to those who did not (21 The quaai-milltary forma­ field at Coxyde, Belgium, the an­ about May 14.” ■ for the present Mie nalee end o f their huataieM War R e lie f come home,” the general said in do with the inquiry, that they phone Laboratories staff, (| ad one j A t the unveiling yesterday, an Crisp Golden Carrots for the dnratien aad have for saved by recapping must Ito so pre­ never had participated in Brew­ tions of the Nazi party must be nouncement said. an address prepared for a Roches­ night back in 1940 when the Low'; Eastern Defense command anti­ The forays followed a series of Cauliflower sale: served.” ster's management, and that ref­ Countries were invaded by , Hit- ' aircraft battery spotted planes held in a state of intensified . pre­ .\iistrlaa Partlea Cnitn *'^*‘o**aow)g, Report Tone Peosimlslle ter Junior Chamber of Commerce paredness. daylight sweeps over France yes­ London, Nov. 10—*A>—Forma­ Beets r.a:ttuce 1 1940 Hudson Six 4-Door luncheon. erences to them "amounted to al­ ler's hordes. He dreamed he waa with electrically controlled range The tone of Dewey’s fourth pro­ most persecution.” ,• v a member of a Dutch anti-aircraft | flndera and tracks, positions were (3| Stricter control must be terday by 'Typhtxms. Spitfire* and tion of n representative committee GREEN BEAI^S Sedan with Radio and gress report was pessimistic, avcii. Terry, reporting on a survey of No Intention of PersecuUoa exercised over all areas in whiirh Mustangs, during which railway uniting nil .Auktrina poUtienI accident frequencies in th* "moat gun crew bringing down ' Nazi' measured instantly uy the electri­ NOTICE! H M t r r though Dewfljr disclosed that ayn- “There is no intention of perse­ planes in bunches with an electri­ cal device and four 00-mlllimeter industrial plants arc located arid lines and other target* were at­ parties la Britain waa naaoiinceit For Meat use G, H, and J. thaUe plants already completed important" war plants of the Sec­ tacked. Four R.A.F. planes were today ns a reoult o4 the Amerioan'^ 1 1937 Graham 4-Door cuting anyone,” retorted Rep. Her­ cal gun control mechanism. guns blazed on the target simul­ over all port areas. Brown stamps. MANCHESTER BARBERS have a rated annual capacity of ond Service command, called “ the bert (D„ La.), acting chairman. The M9, which grew from that taneously. New Arsesial EatabHobed lost in these sweeps. BritUk-RuMlaa dodaraiioa hi Sedan 646,000 long tons of rubber, only flgui^ startling," and added: 'And there is no intention of dream, was exhibited yesterday by Built-in ballistic tables make it In line with these decisions, it Britain meanwhile had its- first 'Moscow for reatornMoa ol Ana- ASSfXMATION 1 1936 Graham Super- BINGO about 200,000 tons short , of the “ For the first six months of this whitewashing anyone." Army ordnanc? men at the Bell poasible for the director in a sec­ was said, a new arsenal already raid free night in eight nights. trla'a ladependenoeb Tke commit­ goal. "‘No one need worry' about year over 1,000.000 man-days But. he said, productlim at B lew - Telephone laboratories at Murray ond or two to compute direction haa been established for the secur­ tee said Its atm wma t« naobiUsa tkn - Charger 4-Door Sedan this country’s aUUty to produce were lost through accidents in ity police in the industrial center .Austrian people t« Agkt lor tkeir Any two of the above cars are ster has become a “public disgrace, Hill near here, and waa pro- Imd -distance of the target, muzzle Treasury balance SHOPS CLOSED • Tonight at S O'clock •yntbeUc rubber.” he added. plants employing 1,000,000 em­ one of the scandals of the war, one pounced by Maj. Gen. L. H. Camp­ of F^nalau, 60 miles north of Ber­ Uberntlba. to sabotne* the Owmak for sale. velopity of the shell which changes Since the last progress report, ployes. shocking to the taxpayers who bell, Jr„ chief of the. Army Ord­ aa a gun becomes older, direction lin. Report* from Denmark alsq Washington, Nov. 10 — (Ab — war effort, give asoiMnacc to th* ALL DAY WED1, ADMISSION I o o o • • • o *25^ “To
