nature and newsletter | February 2019 1

Nature and Biodiversity Newsletter Number 45 | February 2019

NATURA 2000 ISSN2443-7727

Key drivers of success for Natura 2000

Environment 2 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019

Natura 2000 nature and biodiversity newsletter February 2019 Contents 3–7 Identifying the key drivers of success for Natura 2000 8–9 Marine Natura 2000 sites – protecting European seas 10–11 LIFE EuroBirdPortal 12–13 The UN Biodiversity Conference 2018 Commission © European 14–16 Natura News © Robin Chittenden/ © Robin Editorial 2019 will be an important year for the EU’s biodiversity policy. After almost a decade of hard work, the time has come to start taking stock of our successes and failures as regards our ambitious target to halt the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2020, and kick start its recovery as much as possible. The Nature Action Plan, adopted in 2017, has provided a much-needed boost to implementation of the © Georgette Douwma/ © Georgette Birds and Habitats Directives. Its ambitious work programme of 15 main actions and over 100 individual measures is well underway and will need to be finalised this year. Several EC guidance documents on implementing the directives have been prepared, others updated and translated into all languages, and widely promoted. Dedicated ‘Nature Dialogues’ have been held with many Member States to discuss key implementation challenges for the two Directives. Further marine sites have been added to the Natura 2000 network allowing the EU reach the Aichi target of 10% of designated marine area. We have also reinforced our commitment to broader biodiversity. A new EU pollinators initiative has been adopted and there has been important progress on implementation of the EU Invasive Species Regulation, on assessing ecosystems and their services as well as on actions for their restoration through © Laurent ©Geslin/ Laurent the deployment of Green and Blue Infrastructure. At the same time, work is underway on integrating natural capital into public and private accounts. We are also working to strengthen investments in Natura 2000 and biodiversity and improve synergies with other EU funds for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2020–2027). In this regard the Commission is assisting the Member States in preparing their Prioritised Action Frameworks and actively participating in negotiations at EU level for the next MFF. And last but by no means least, the Commission is continuing its targeted enforcement action focused on ensuring the completion of the Natura 2000 network and the setting in place of effective management measures. The impacts of all these actions will take time to translate into results on the ground. But it is hoped © © European © Aydin Bahramlouian/AEWA © Bahramlouian/AEWA Aydin that the next State of Nature report in 2020 will already show some encouraging signs in the conservation trends of protected species and habitats. On the international front, not least thanks to effective EU participation, the 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity started developing a new ambitious global biodiversity framework – the Sharm El Sheikh to Beijing Action Agenda for Nature and People – to collect voluntary commitments for enhanced implementation of the CBD. This will feed into the ongoing reflections at EU and global level on the post 2020 biodiversity strategy. To this effect, a major conference in May 2019 will be held in Brussels to discuss this further with key stakeholder groups, NGOs and governments. I look forward to sharing its conclusions with you in the next issue of the newsletter.

Cover: Green turtle Chelonia mydas © Alex Mustard/ Karmenu Vella European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 3 © Solvin Zankl/ © Solvin

European tree frog Hyla arborea has an unfavourable status in the Atlantic Region but a favourable status in the thanks to the development of a connected network of high quality habitats that facilitate meta population structures across the landscape. Identifying the key drivers of success for Natura 2000

The EU Biodiversity Strategy, to rapidly improve the outnumbered those affected by adopted in 2011, set a target practical implementation of further deteriorations. for 34% of the habitats and the Directives and accelerate This then begs the question: 26% of the species protected progress towards the EU what is driving these individual under the to 2020 goal. success stories? And how reach a favourable conservation could they be replicated on a status or show a significant A new study on grander scale to accelerate improvement by 2020. Similarly drivers of success the implementation of the for birds, 78% should either be Although the chances of Directives. secure or improving by 2020. reaching the 2020 target are The Article 12 and 17 reports Major efforts have been now rather slim there are themselves give very few clues underway ever since, both at EU nevertheless a few glimmers of as to why certain habitats and and Member State level, to hope. The State of Nature report species are improving and reach these ambitious goals. identified a limited number of others are not. The Commission But, as the last State of Nature species and habitat types with therefore decided to investigate report in 2015 revealed, a large an improving conservation this issue further in order to proportion of the species and status, or at least a measurable help identify a number of key habitat types of Community positive trend in one or several drivers of success that could interest are still in an of the assessment parameters. be used to roll out more unfavourable conservation For bird species, although successful conservation states and/ or had worsened in negative trends still prevail, measures in the future. status since the previous there have also been some The study, conducted by reporting round in 2006. remarkable recoveries. In IEEP and others, has just been As a result, the Action Plan a few Member States and published and offers some for Nature, People and the regions, species and habitats useful insights into the issue, Economy was adopted in 2017 with positive trends even which are presented below. 4 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019

Identifying genuine Their incidence was are no or very few case studies involved in land and sea improvements nevertheless very unevenly found for Macronesian, Steppic, management) is a pre-requisite The study started by identifying spread, possibly due at least in Marine Baltic and Marine for effective implementation genuine improvements in part to data gaps in the Articles Mediterranean biogeographical of the Nature Directives and conservation status. These 12 and 17 reports. regions. broader conservation actions. are cases where real progress Most of the improvements There is also a relatively high The coherence and has been made on the ground were found to be in the proportion of improvements in enforcement of environmental as opposed to those resulting Continental and Atlantic coastal habitats (4), mammals policies and legislation is simply from better data or Biogeographical Regions, and (9) or birds (17). essential and, in this regard, the improved knowledge. to a lesser extent in the Boreal Although every effort has political support is crucial. Little The genuine improvements Region for habitats, and the been made during the study can be gained from implementing were then investigated further Alpine region for species. Far to provide a coherent and effective measures that support to highlight those that have fewer improvements were representative sample of habitats and species if other been triggered by intentional identified for the more southerly case studies, the results are actions are taking place that environmental measures, be it biogeographic regions. inevitably skewed in favour of undermine them. targeted conservation actions those with available data. Another common driver of aimed at the habitat or species Selecting case studies As such, the case studies do success is the strong motivation in question, or other habitats To supplement the analysis not necessarily represent the and commitment of particular and species, or more general of the reporting data, case best examples of conservation individuals. The kind of environmental measures (e.g. to studies were investigated to measures for the habitats organisation they work for is reduce pollution). ascertain who, when and by and species covered, or of the less important. Overall, 80 such whom these improvements approaches and methods that Nevertheless, no matter improvements were identified had been achieved, giving they illustrate, and they may how dedicated the individual for habitats and 132 for species particular attention to how not have resulted in the most or team, they still need the protected under the Habitats the improvements are being significant improvements. necessary political support and Directive. For birds protected maintained in the long-term. Nevertheless, they provide a funding to create the critical under the Birds Directive the This led to the identification of valuable body of information mass of expertise to drive and figures were substantially some 50 case studies, mostly offering a useful insight into achieve large-scale impacts. higher: altogether 455 in the Atlantic Biogeographical many of the drivers of success. improvements were identified. region (14). By contrast, there The role of land owners and Identification of other stakeholders drivers of success Many sites of high nature Number of habitats and species of the Habitats Directive and key lessons conservation importance that have improved due to conservation and other Based on the above, a series incorporate large areas of environmental measures. of key drivers were identified private land. As the case studies and assessed. These are briefly amply illustrate, adequate Number of Number of summarised below. and effective stakeholder Region Annex I habitats Annex II, IV & V species consultation and engagement is Alpine 4 15 The role of political support, essential and is a major driver Atlantic 31 37 governance, institutions of success. Good stakeholder Boreal 12 6 and their staff involvement can also go beyond Continental 17 56 There is wide evidence the avoidance of conflicts. that strong and coherent It can provide a basis for Mediterranean 6 3 governance, with effective developing joint positive nature Pannonian 1 12 supporting institutions, conservation goals and carrying Marine Atlantic 7 1 (especially nature conservation out substantial collaborative Marine Baltic 1 0 authorities, but also others actions. Marine Mediterranean 1 2

Habitat type coverage. Species coverage.

Number of Number of Number of Number of Habitat types improvements identified case studies Taxa groups improvements identified case studies Coastal 20 4 Lower plants 4 1 Dunes 8 2 Higher plants 26 3 Freshwater 13 3 Arthropods 25 5 Heath and scrub 4 1 Molluscs 2 Sclerophyllous scrubs 1 Fish 17 4 Grasslands 11 2 Amphibians 9 2 Raised bogs, mires & fens 10 2 Reptiles 7 3 Rocky habitats 1 Birds 455 14 Forests 12 2 Mammals 42 9 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 5

The role of the Natura 2000 This is especially the case for The approaches to tackling grasslands from agricultural network and other habitats and species that tend pressures in agricultural conversion), strengthened protected areas to be concentrated within the and wetland ecosystems environmental components of The case studies and data Natura 2000 network, but more Despite the challenges, a the CAP and a considerable analysis also shows the widespread species have also number of improvements have increase in targeted funding importance of the Natura 2000 benefitted as the sites often been achieved in agricultural through the Natura 2000 network in two ways. Firstly, comprise high quality habitats systems and wetlands. However, measure and agri-environment it is clear that the network that are key core areas for the most of them involved habitats climate schemes. contains a large proportion species survival. and species that are relatively The situation for rivers, lakes of the habitat area, and scarce and have a high and wetlands is more positive populations of species for which The role of broad proportion of their range but further implementation improvements were observed. conservation measures or population within Natura of the Water Framework Secondly, a large proportion From the evidence collated, 2000 sites. Directive is necessary as the of the most important actions it was particularly difficult to This has enabled target poor condition of some water that contributed to these draw reliable conclusions on the interventions to be carried bodies is clearly a major barrier Improvements occurred within role of wide-scale conservation out, through intensive to improving the conservation the Natura 2000 network, actions in driving improvements engagement with farmers and status of some habitats and especially for habitats. from the evidence collated. the establishment of carefully species. Thus, On the face of it relatively tailored management and designation has not only few observed improvements restoration actions supported Funding and resources provided basic protection (e.g. appear to have involved by LIFE projects and sometimes requirements from habitat destruction), but important wide-scale actions, CAP agri-environment climate There is ample evidence to also stimulated the required possibly because of their measures. demonstrate that access to conservation measures for complexity. There are, however, However, it appears to funding is likely to be a major the habitats and species some clear examples in the be difficult to achieve such driver. However, this study that are present, for instance case studies of where broad- improvements for other was not able to objectively through access to funding, the scale actions (e.g. water more dispersed agricultural examine the extent to which development of management quality improvements), have species without increased funding constraints have limited plans, enforcement actions, and undoubtedly been major drivers implementation of the Nature opportunities for improving stakeholder engagement etc. of the improvements. Directives (e.g. to protect the status of habitats and

The role of LIFE Over the last 25 years, the EU LIFE programme has played a pivotal role in designating, protecting and actively restoring species and habitats under the Birds and Habitats Directives. It has undoubtedly contributed to many of the genuine improvements witnessed in their conservation over recent years. Since it was launched in 1992, LIFE has supported over 1,700 nature and biodiversity projects. The overall investment amounted to €3.8 billion, to which the EU contributed €2.2 billion. More than a third (760 species) covered by the nature Directives have been targeted for conservation, some several times over. The single most targeted species has been the Bittern Botaurus stellaris with 80 projects, followed by the brown bear Ursus arctos with 40 projects. Over 5400 Natura 2000 sites had also benefitted from LIFE funding by the end of 2018, representing almost 20% of the EU network. Forests, grasslands and wetlands have been the most LIFE improves targeted with alluvial forests (habitat type NATURE 91EO) and natural eutrophic lakes (habitat © Widstrand/ type 3150) vying for first place with over 200 projects each.


publications Environment 6 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019

species, as information was not widely held view that the ● ensuring the financial in complex ways, depending on gathered on the reasons for design of appropriate, effective sustainability of conservation the local circumstances. failure (i.e. where there have and efficient conservation management over time. Thus, based on its findings, been intentions to take actions and restoration measures are the study has also drawn but these have not materialised dependent on reliable, up- The specific mechanisms that up a comprehensive list of or been adequate due to a lack to-date and context relevant may satisfy these conditions are recommendations, focussing of funding). knowledge of the ecological likely to include: on those issues that are most Nevertheless, it is likely requirements of the targeted ● a long-term management likely to result in sustainable that the relatively low number habitats and species, and the plan; conservation successes, and of identified improvements, pressures affecting them. ● a binding contractual that are likely to be of sufficient especially for some habitats Several cases also showed agreement; magnitude and extent to and species that would be the value of investing in ● securing rights to manage improve the status of a species reliant on large-scale and improving scientific knowledge, the land for conservation or habitat at the national or at relatively expensive measures and the benefits of carrying purposes; least regional scale. (e.g. on intensive farmland out trials to test the measures, ● securing access to finance As the day of reckoning and in productive forests), is before rolling them out more to fund conservation action; rapidly approaches in 2020, at least in part the result of widely. and the recommendations provide overall funding constraints, and Once measures are being ● safeguarding against risk of a valuable reminder of the barriers to access to funding. implemented, then adequate, failure. many aspects that need to It is also abundantly clear appropriately designed and be put in place so that the from the case studies that, targeted monitoring can In conclusion Nature Directives deliver despite its relatively small facilitate adaptive management From the evidence gathered for genuine improvements in the size, the LIFE programme (such as refinements to the this study it is clear that there conservation of the species and remains the most important practical measures), as well as are indeed a large number of habitats they protect. funding related driver. As the provide important assessments factors that drive the success Study and case studies case studies show, some LIFE of trends and conservation of conservation measures for available on: projects were supported or status that can feed into Article habitats and species. These environment/nature/knowledge/ followed up with larger-scale 12 and 17 reports. factors often operate together index_en.htm and/or longer-term funding, However, the results of this principally through EU agri- study have shown that there environment schemes. are currently numerous gaps

As agri-environment in knowledge of the status of

schemes are primarily aimed many habitats and species.

The Eurasian Otter –

to maintaining or enhancing There is also a lack of such


biodiversity that is already in evidence to determine whether ©

Conservation status: D good condition, the current or not observed improvements a


Atlantic: Favourable, i d

study, which is aimed at are genuine and, if so, K j

Netherlands: Unfavourable – a e identifying the drivers for whether they are the result but improving r improvements, cannot properly of intentional conservation reflect the key importance of measures. The Eurasian otter became RDP funding for maintaining extinct in the Netherlands due to biodiversity. Factors that lead to the habitat loss, poor water quality and Other important funding long-term sustainability of traffic kills. In 1988 an Otter Recovery sources included EU regional conservation outcomes Plan came into action, through cooperation between national development funds, which A particularly important and local governments, water boards and nature management have been used to develop requirement in sustaining organisations. The plan included the following measures: habitat management plans or carry improvements is to ensure restoration, water quality improvement, a breeding programme out one-off actions. National long-term commitments to combined with reintroduction/repopulation of the species, funds were also important in a conservation actions. The connecting habitats and creating safe routes for movement and number of cases. security of these depends on at dispersal, as well as scientific research and educational activities. On the other hand, there is least three main factors being very little evidence within the satisfied: Improved water quality resulted mainly from wider EU and case studies of funding from ● ensuring the effective national policies, but, in otter habitats, water pollution was private sources or innovative on-going delivery of more strictly prohibited. As the otter is considered to be a good funding instruments, except in a conservation management indicator species for overall environmental quality, and also an couple of cases. activities through iconic species for the river delta, a large budget was provided for appropriate regulatory and these measures. The combination of measures has resulted in a The role of research management systems; population of about 200 individuals which is still spreading and and monitoring ● securing the long-term use increasing. However, ongoing road kills and the limited genetic This study found numerous of land for conservation diversity of the population need still to be fully addressed. examples supporting the purposes; and nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 7

Loggerhead Turtle Nordic Alvar Habitat –

© (and Green Turtle) – ©

D J i o e Cyprus r Conservation status: t d m

C a

h r

Boreal: Unfavourable – bad; Conservation status: i



s i




n n

Mediterranean: a Estonia: Unfavourable – a

t t

u u

r r e

Unfavourable – bad, inadequate e

p p





c c

o o

m Cyprus: Favourable m The Nordic alvar habitat, found Massive over-exploitation of around the Baltic Sea, suffered turtles from the end of the First dramatic losses over the last 50 World War to 1970 led to a virtual years due to the abandonment of collapse of the turtle populations of the region. traditional low intensity grazing. Most of the More recently both turtle species have been under pressure remaining habitat is now protected by Natura 2000. There has again, mainly from habitat loss and disturbance as well as from been a substantial improvement in its management since 2015 fishing bycatch. After 40 years of implementing conservation thanks to large-scale restoration actions funded through LIFE measures in Cyprus, steady improvements have been seen in and national land management agreements. turtle populations. Time was the key to seeing results, keeping in mind that turtles need at least 20–30 years to mature. Key factors of success include the use of efficient and large- scale mechanical restoration techniques, good communication Knowledge gained through these efforts has resulted in the between the local people and the state organisation, availability designation of protected areas, the identification of harmful of targeted agri-environment support, and the project team’s activities, and the targeted implementation of effective efforts to help farmers restore their livestock numbers. The conservation measures. Joint action between dedicated NGOs, the Estonian Government has set the target of 7,500 ha of Nordic Government, local authorities, supported by volunteers, ensures alvar grasslands to be under annual grazing by 2020, and the continuation of conservation efforts and the spread of public funding has been secured until then under the Cohesion Fund, the awareness. Key measures to improve turtle breeding and reduce Rural Development Programme, and national funds. Prospects hatchling mortality have included legal protection, prohibiting are therefore good for this habitat even if it will inevitably take cars, sunbeds and parasols on beaches, and caging nests to reduce time for the habitat to fully recover to favourable status. natural predation by red foxes.

Great bustard – Bittern – United Kingdom



Conservation status: R Conservation status: D o

b i e i n t

EU27: Secure m EU27: Secure C














n e

This species declined across a The Eurasian bittern is n






a e


Europe through agricultural p a widespread waterbird u


. r







. intensification, habitat in Europe, but due to its c



deterioration and hunting. In specialist habitat requirements

Portugal, agri-environmental for large wet reedbeds, it is programmes and LIFE projects have relatively scarce and only occurs promoted an expansion of the area of land in scattered locations. In the UK, its cultivated by using dry cereal-fallow cycles (the great bustard’s population dropped to a low of 11 booming males in 1997. primary habitat) in Castro Verde and Vale do Guadiana SPAs, National extinction of the bittern was only averted through and, through the adoption of measures to reduce human-related a concerted conservation effort involving statutory and NGO mortality across the Natura 2000 network. nature conservation organisations and local authorities. This started with an intensive research programme that Key drivers of the success have been the LIFE projects involving established the causes of the species’ decline, its specific habitat both conservation organisations and farming associations in the requirements and related habitat management measures. design and promotion of the agri-environmental measures. Legal protection of SPAs through the denial of permits for agricultural A major programme of reedbed management, enhancement, development that would be detrimental to steppic birds is restoration and creation was then undertaken, with the help of also important, especially outside the two core areas. This has LIFE funding. The bittern population responded well, increasing however led to hostility towards nature conservation and limits to 40 booming males by 2006 and 164 in 2017. Although the the future prospects of the species in Portugal outside the two species population has recovered, and is much more resilient, core areas. Nevertheless, Castro Verde and Vale do Guadiana on-going management of its reedbed habitat is essential and hold over 80% of the national population, and here, numbers are further wetland restoration and expansion may be needed to increasing slowly but steadily. sustain the population in the long-term. 8 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019

Marine Natura 2000 sites – protecting European seas

Marine protected areas cover approximately 11% of EU seas. Their total coverage has more than doubled in the last six years, primarily due to the expansion of the Natura 2000 Network – the largest coordinated network of conservation areas in the world.

There are currently over 3150 marine Natura 2000 sites The LIFE programme plays an important in the Network covering 551 898 km2 (end 2018 figures), role in safeguarding Europe’s seas. Over the which represents 9.5% of EU seas. This major progress is the result of intensified joint efforts to protect valuable years, it has co-funded some 120 projects and vulnerable marine ecosystems. However, significant to the tune of €170 million. This has discrepancies still exist between the different marine included 55 projects on nature and regions or sub-regions, as well as between near-shore biodiversity, and 42 on marine pollution. waters, where Natura 2000 coverage is relatively high, LIFE projects have not only greatly improved and offshore zones which are largely under-represented in the network. our knowledge of marine offshore habitats, such as reefs, but also improved the Until now, most attention has focused on identifying conservation status of numerous species, and designating suitable marine sites for Natura 2000. especially seabirds (73% of projects), While efforts to fill in designation gaps are still ongoing, cetaceans (17%) and sea turtles (9%). the priority is now increasingly shifting to establishing suitable conservation objectives and appropriate management regimes for Natura 2000 sites. Protection often involves restrictions on pressures and threats, such as limits on fishing effort, on use of certain gear types, or on certain damaging activities such as extraction, often via a system of zonation within a Natura 2000 site.

However, no marine Natura 2000 site can operate in isolation. Integrating the requirements of the Birds and Habitats Directives into wider European policy areas is therefore fundamental to the success of Natura 2000. Important synergies are being created with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), the Water Framework Directive, the Common Fisheries Policy and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, amongst others, to safeguard the health of Europe’s seas. nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 9

Marine Natura 2000 sites – protecting European seas Marine Natura 2000 (km²)

Type 551 898 Natura 2000 SCI/SAC 453 029 SPA

301 378 244 191 atura 2 204 987 MarineN Natura00 2000 (km²) e 0 125 943 in r k a Type m

2 551 898 M Natura 2000 SCI/SAC 2012 453 029 end 2018 SPA Marine Natura 2000 (km²) 301 378 Type 551244 898 191 Natura 2000 204 987 SCI/SAC 453 029 SPA 125 943

301 378 244 191 204 987 125 943 2012 end 2018

2012 end 2018

Marine Natura 2000 sites. A fully interactive map is accessible at: http://

The contributions of marine LIFE projects to LIFE the MARINE EU marine conservation are presented in a new LIFE brochure: ENVIRONMENT

Environment 10 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 © Rob ©Jordan/ Rob

The EuroBirdPortal uses records from over 100,000 volunteer birdwatchers across Europe to create animated maps depicting the week by week distributional patterns of 105 bird species in near-real time. LIFE EuroBirdPortal For years, birdwatchers across on the temporal and spatial The EuroBirdPortal (EBP) Europe have spent many happy distribution of birds across project was therefore launched. hours collecting valuable large geographical areas. Such It aimed to create a common information on the occurrence knowledge is also urgently data repository containing and movements of bird species needed to help us better data from each of the existing across the continent. At one understand bird distributions systems and with the objective time, this information was and movements and to address of unraveling the large-scale carefully recorded in personal EU policy needs under the EU spatiotemporal patterns of note pads, and preciously kept Birds Directive. bird distributions (seasonal in a drawer or, at best, shared It can, for instance, provide distributional changes, locally. early-warning systems, help migratory patterns, phenology) But, with the advent of online predict wildfowl movements and their changes over time. data collection platforms, such due to cold spells, improve the Its first product, the EBP observations are increasingly delimitation of species-specific demo viewer, was launched being inputted into a range hunting seasons, monitor range in June 2015 at Green Week. of web portals. This, in turn, changes for pests and invasive This viewer depicted, for the is generating a vast amount species or monitor avian-borne first time, week-by-week of data that would previously diseases, etc. distributional patterns of 50 have been impossible to amass, However, in order to make bird species using a series but which are invaluable for best use of the data gathered of attractive and innovative orientating conservation policies by the various online portals animated maps. and practices. across Europe, a common The sheer amplitude of their database was urgently needed EU LIFE EBP project combined geographical and to link up the different data During the last three years, the taxonomic coverage offers sources and render them more EBP project has been further great potential for research readily accessible. developed with the help of nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 11 © Saverio Gatto/ © Saverio Right: Common crane Grus grus. Poidevin/ © Loic Far right: Common swallow Hirundo rustica, and below right: Field fare Turdus pilaris.

Comparing the migratory patterns of different species, or the migratory patterns of the same species in different years, is just one click away with the EBP viewer. In the example below, the migratory flyways used Bailey/ © Krys by the crane during early November in two different years (2017 and 2018) can easily be compared.

EU LIFE funds. The objective was to turn the EBP demo viewer into a fully-fledged web portal displaying detailed and up-to-date European-wide spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution in near-real-time and in a reliable manner. A complementary, but equally important, objective was to promote the value of citizen science data collection on an EU-wide scale and provide best practice advice and guidance on how to compile and display citizen science- based information on such a large scale. In terms of geographical coverage, the EBP now covers 96% of the EU territory thanks During the last few years, the – will be launched on 9 April in will be able to easily compare to the fact that Hungary, initiative has been increasing at the framework of the European the migratory patterns of , , Cyprus, an annual rate of around 20% Bird Census Council conference: different bird species, or the Romania, , Estonia and both in terms of participation Bird Numbers 2019. Thanks patterns of the same species in joined the initiative and number of observations to the new viewer, which will different years. during the course of the LIFE submitted. be updated almost daily from Given the number of species, project. Thanks to the LIFE now on, anyone can explore types of maps and years Currently, the whole EBP grant, this huge quantity the spatiotemporal distribution available, this means that more partnership involves over 81 of information has been of 105 bird species on weekly than 50 million different map institutions from 29 countries further harnessed through animated maps from January combinations are available to (27 of which are in EU Member development of the new central 2010 up to the current week, choose from. It goes without States). Together, their online EBP database repository and hence the term ‘live’. saying the that the new ECP data gathering portals collect the implementation of an Since the viewer allows two represents a joint leap forward some 50 million bird records automatic data-flow system different animated maps to be for bird conservation and every year thanks to the that connects 13 different shown simultaneously, users research. collaboration of more than online bird recording systems 100,000 volunteer observers. (94% of the whole EBP data) This is the largest and with the central database. More information on: most dynamic citizen science and biodiversity data flow currently Latest state of play EBCC conference: existing in Europe. It is also The final product – a live up-to- becoming increasingly popular. date version of the EBP viewer 12 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 © Georgette Douwma/ © Georgette

Masked butterflyfish with acropora coral, Red Sea, Egypt. The UN Biodiversity Conference 2018

Towards a post 2020 this it became clear that, usual’ and develop a truly policy framework although many actions have ambitious post 2020 Agenda. The UN Biodiversity Conference been triggered since 2010, they In order to help push 2018 was held in Sharm El are not enough to stem the biodiversity and ecosystem Sheikh, Egypt from 17 to 29 continuing loss of biodiversity services further up the world’s November 2018. It brought around the world. Numerous list of priorities, COP14 called together over 4000 participants decisions were subsequently for a high level summit on from 180 countries to review adopted to encourage Parties biodiversity to be held in 2020. progress under three major and stakeholders to step up Egypt and China, furthermore, international conventions: the their efforts in the remaining launched the Sharm El Sheikh Convention for Biological two years. to Beijing Action Agenda for Diversity, the Cartagena COP14 also saw the launch of Nature and People calling for Protocol on Biosafety, and the the process for developing a contributions from stakeholders Nagoya Protocol on Access & post 2020 global biodiversity and voluntary commitments Benefit Sharing. framework, to be adopted by from Parties. This should help to At the 14th Conference of the COP15 in 2020 in Beijing, China. lay the foundations for an Parties (COP14) of the This framework will have to live ambitious post 2020 global Convention on Biological up to the urgent challenges and biodiversity framework. Diversity, participants took trigger a long overdue stock of progress towards transformational change of Other sensitive achieving the 20 ‘Aichi policy. Many Parties, including issues addressed Biodiversity Targets’ adopted in the EU, emphasised the need to Three other sensitive topics Nagoya, Japan in 2010. From go well beyond ‘business as were also discussed at the COP. nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 13

The first concerns synthetic Dejon © Francis biology (‘synbio’). This encompasses various new developments in modern biotechnology which combine science, technology and engineering. Of these, ‘gene drives’ are perhaps the most controversial, with some Parties calling for a total ban, while others arguing that their benefits may outweigh the risks. After lengthy negotiations, COP14 agreed to recall the need to implement the precautionary approach and to launch a broad and regular horizon scanning process to update current knowledge and understanding of this rapidly evolving area. The second topic concerns CBD 14th Conference of the Parties Secretariat, Sharm El Sheikh, November 2018. the so-called digital sequence information. This is an important issue for developing However, the sharing of guidance concerning the Biologically Significant Marine countries who consider that benefits could be undermined contributions of indigenous Areas (EBSAs) in the Baltic, these new developments in the by the exchange of digitised peoples and local Black and Caspian Seas. world of genetics put the information generated from a communities and established Decisions were made to concept of benefit sharing at genetic resource, such as a solid preparatory process for encourage further efforts to risk because they make it easier DNA-sequences – broadly addressing the mobilisation of protect biodiversity in cold to create a product without called Digital Sequencing resources when developing water areas, noting in having to have physical access Information (DSI). The the post-2020 global particular the finalisation of to the genetic resource itself. participants finally agreed to biodiversity framework, to the Agreement to Prevent The Nagoya Protocol, set out a process for gathering ensure its adequate Unregulated High Seas concluded in 2010, specifically further information and implementation. Fisheries in the Central Arctic addresses this objective by understanding on the issue. Ocean and to minimise the seeking to ensure that access to Finally, COP14 adopted a Other highlights impact of marine debris and genetic resources is controlled decision on resource The Conference also led to the deep-seabed mining. through a national system of mobilisation which calls for adoption of: Lastly, various other permits, and that benefits are strengthening financial ● guidance on ecosystem- decisions were taken to shared fairly through reporting, capacity building and based approaches to further strengthen the overall negotiation of contracts introducing safeguards for climate change and disaster processes and implementation between users and providers of biodiversity financing risk reduction; of the Convention on genetic resources. mechanisms. It also provided ● guidance for avoiding Biological Diversity, e.g. unintentional introduction concerning communication, Coral reefs are under increasing pressure from climate change of invasive alien species cooperation with other and pollution. (IAS) associated with trade. organisations and initiatives,

© Alex Mustard/ Mustard/ © Alex An ad hoc group will, inter knowledge and science and alia, address risks review mechanisms. The associated with cross- voluntary peer review of border e-commerce; Montenegro’s and Sri Lanka’s ● an updated International biodiversity policies were Pollinators Initiative; and highlighted. ● a definition of ‘other COP14 furthermore effective area-based equipped itself with a robust conservation measures’ to process for avoiding and complement the work on managing potential conflicts Protected Areas. of interest in expert groups and ensuring transparency. Marine issues also figured Further information: prominently on the agenda. https://www.cop14-egypt. New descriptions were com/ and https://www.cbd. adopted for Ecologically and int/conferences/2018 14 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019

• news • publicationS • events

Large carnivores wolves and other protected The EU Platform on the Co- animals. These can now receive existence between People and 100% coverage. Preventive Large Carnivores organised measures can also be covered. two further regional workshops For more information, in 2018. including answers to Frequently The first, hosted by WWF and Asked Questions on large the European Landowners carnivores, go to: http://ec.

© Jean E. Roche/ E. © Jean Organisation, was held in September as a side-event to the conservation/species/carnivores/ Pathways Europe conference ‘on coexistence_platform.htm human dimensions to wildlife’ in Goslar, . Various Natura 2000 presentations were made of Biogeographical Process different experiences across the Three further Natura 2000 EU in using EU funds under the biogeographical seminars have Financing Natura 2000 through the Rural Development Programme Common Agricultural Policy to taken place during the course of post 2020. prevent livestock depredation. 2018. The first seminar for the Discussions at the second Macaronesian region was Financing Natura 2000 and linking them to the regional workshop held in organised by the Spanish and post 2020 corresponding EU funding November in Budva, Montenegro Portuguese authorities and In May 2018, the Commission programmes. These must be revolved around the potential for hosted by the Regional published its proposals for the submitted by early 2019 in order joint information collection and Government of Madeira in next Multiannual Financial to have an influence on the new sharing, and stakeholder Funchal in September. Framework (MFF) for the period funding programmes post 2020. participation amongst both EU Participants discussed the 2021–2027 (see previous issue). The Commission is also and non-EU countries in the different challenges facing the This was followed by a series of currently organising a series of Dinara-Pindos-Balkan region. region such as monitoring draft legislative acts for each of financing workshops in each of Also, in November, the conservation status, evaluating the main EU funding the Member States. The aim is to Commission amended its EU the coherence of the network, or programmes (European Regional bring together different national Guidelines for State Aid in the harmonising the establishment Development Fund, the Common authorities, NGOs and agricultural and forestry sectors of conservation objectives and Agricultural Policy, Horizon stakeholders to discuss the and in rural areas in order to measures within the region. Europe, LIFE and others). As in various measures available for allow better coverage of the In October, the second previous cycles, most of these financing Natura 2000 under costs for damage caused by seminar for the Continental, funds will continue to offer the new MFF and to explore opportunities to finance the how best these could be European lynx Lynx lynx released during translocation from Switzerland Natura 2000 Network. integrated into future to Kalkalpen National Park, . To assist Member States in operational programmes, using this process, the Commission the updated PAFs. has developed a Prioritised Meanwhile, the Commission is Action Framework (PAF) format also working on updating its in accordance with Article 8 of guidance document on financing the Habitats Directive which is to Natura 2000 to reflect the be filled in by each Member provisions of the new MFF. The © Laurent Geslin/ © Laurent State. PAFs are strategic intention is to publish this guide multiannual planning tools, as soon as there is a final aimed at providing a decision on the next MFF in comprehensive overview of the mid 2019. measures needed to implement the Natura 2000 Network within environment/nature/natura2000/ a particular country or region, financing/index_en.htm nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019 15

Pannonian, Steppic and Black Sea regions took place in Strasbourg, hosted by the French Region Grand Est. Representatives from 18 Member States proposed that joint action be taken on: • linking site-level, regional or national objectives and favourable reference values; Ruiz/ B. © Jose • identifying and solving issues in relation to habitat type definitions; • increasing involvement of local land managers through integrated site management; • selecting biogeographical level A new LIFE project has been launched for the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata in Greece and Cyprus. conservation priorities and measures. matter produced when restoring Conference details: http:// targets and actions for their and maintaining protected conservation to guide Member Finally, the third Natura 2000 grassland and wetland habitats platform_en.htm States in the choice of seminar for the five marine in , to tackling the The EC guidance documents conservation efforts at national, biogeographical regions took problems faced by the Bonelli's are available in all languages on: regional or local level. place in Mallorca in November, eagle Aquila fasciata in Greece Available on: http://ec.europa. hosted by Biodiversity Foundation and Cyprus, and resolving nature/natura2000/ eu/environment/nature/ of the Spanish Ministry for the conflicts between foresters and management/guidance_en.htm conservation/species/action_ Ecological Transition and the the Siberian flying squirrel plans/pdf/EU%20Bats%20 Government of the Balearic Pteromys volans in . EU Bats Action Plan Action%20Plan.pdf Islands. Twenty-three Member A full summary of all approved In November, the Commission States were represented. Their projects can be found on: http:// published an EU Multi-Species “EnRoute” final discussions focused on identifying action Plan for all 45 bat species conference on ways to encourage cooperative MEMO-18-6163_en.htm listed in Annex IV of the Habitats urban ecosystems action in setting conservation Directive. Its aim is to support the The Commission in partnership objectives, favourable reference Conference: Renewable development of national or local with the European Committee of values and developing energy developments action plans in different regions the Regions organised the final conservation measures. and the EU nature across the EU. The Action Plan conference of “EnRoute” on 29 Full details are provided on the legislation has been prepared in cooperation January 2019 in Brussels. The Natura 2000 Communication In September 2018, the European with UNEP/EUROBATS and EnRoute project, run by the Joint Platform: Committee of the Regions, in nominated experts from all EU Research Centre and DG partnership with the European countries, following an extensive Environment, stands for nature/natura2000/platform/ Commission, held a conference to literature review. ‘Enhancing Resilience of urban events/index_en.htm promote the better and more The document provides a ecosystems through green effective implementation of the summary of the ecology, infrastructure’. It aims to New LIFE projects EU nature directives in relation to distribution, status and threats illustrate how EU biodiversity and approved the developments of the of the bat species in the EU and green infrastructure policies and In October 2018, the Commission renewable energy sector. offers a series of recommended actions are being implemented in approved a new investment The conference presented package of €243 million for various tools and smart Natterer’s bat Myotis nattereri in flight over the surface of pond. projects under the LIFE approaches to help local regional programme. A total of 142 authorities meet their renewable projects were approved of which energy objectives in a 40 are LIFE nature & biodiversity sustainable way, without projects aiming to support the damaging high value nature implementation of the Birds and areas and especially Natura Habitats Directives and the EU 2000 sites. Discussions focused Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. on the recently published

Their total budget amounts to Commission guidance documents ©Taylor/ Kim €153 million, to which the EU is on hydropower, and on energy contributing €97.5 million. transmission infrastructure and The projects range from EU nature legislation, as well as protecting bats for the benefit of on the forthcoming update of the organic farmers in Bulgaria and guidance on wind energy finding uses for organic waste developments and Natura 2000. 16 nature and biodiversity newsletter | February 2019

practice at a local scale. The and the lessons learnt. The final also those where EU action can African Eurasian Waterbird project involves 18 ‘city labs’ analysis, published in November bring the highest added value, Agreement (AEWA) in December, dotted across Europe. Their role 2018, concluded that the and where joint European action the European Commission was is to test how science and policy Directive still serves its purpose, is needed to make a difference. rewarded with a ‘Champion Plus’ interact on urban green and continues to play a small but One of the actions aims to status for its generous support infrastructure development at useful and necessary role within boost synergies between natural and commitment towards the local level. a wider legislative framework. and cultural heritage. To this AEWA African Initiative in 2017. The final conference presented However, although good end, the Commission intends to The AEWA African Initiative the main scientific and policy progress has been made towards publish a report in 2019 on aims to promote the outcomes of EnRoute and meeting the Directive's main linking natural and cultural implementation of AEWA in provided a forum for policy goals, this remains incomplete. heritage in Natura 2000 in order Africa and thus help conserve makers, scientists and Realisation of the Directive's full to highlight their common migratory waterbird populations stakeholders to exchange ideas potential will depend upon challenges and opportunities under threat. The generous EU on how urban green infrastructure improved implementation to and suggest ways of working grant for the period 2017–2020 can conciliate urban growth with ensure that zoos across the EU together as illustrated by good focuses on conserving iconic biodiversity objectives, quality of contribute to the conservation of practice examples from across species, such as the white- life and public health, climate biodiversity in a more effective the EU. winged flufftail and the grey- change, sustainable urban and efficient manner. crowned crane, and on planning, natural disaster risk content/european-framework- promoting an effective reduction, etc. environment/nature/legislation/ action-cultural-heritage_en conservation flyway across the For more information: https:// refitzoosdirective/index_en.htm French speaking countries. Champion of A new European Waterbird Conservation en/news/european-commission- The EU Zoos Directive Framework for Action At the occasion of the Seventh and-norway-champions- is considered ‘fit on Cultural Heritage Meeting of the Parties to the waterbird-conservation for purpose’ As the European Year of Cultural Adopted almost 20 years ago, Heritage drew to a close in Micheal O’Briain receiving the AEWA Champion award on behalf of the Directive 1999/22/EC relating to December 2018, the European European Commission. the keeping of wild animals in Commission published its first © Bahramlouian/AEWA Aydin zoos (Zoos Directive) requires ever European Framework for that zoos undertake a number Action on Cultural Heritage. This of conservation activities sets out 60 different actions before they can obtain a licence which aim to capture the to operate. momentum created by the In 2016–2018, the success of the European Year Commission conducted an and further promote and protect evaluation of the Zoos Directive Europe’s rich cultural heritage to determine if it is still fit for over the longer term. purpose. The assessment The actions cover five thematic compared initial expectations areas, helping to meet the main with results achieved, and looked challenges facing cultural into what has, or hasn’t, worked heritage in Europe. The areas are

The Natura 2000 Newsletter is produced by DG Environment, European Commission. Author: Kerstin Sundseth Ecosystems LTD, Brussels. Commission Editors: Sylvia Barova and Sofia Pachini, DG Environment. Design: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the , 2019. © European Union, 2019 Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders. The newsletter does not necessarily reflect the official view of the European Commission. Photos: Cover © Alex Mustard/; p. 2 © Robin Chittenden/, © Georgette Douwma/, © Laurent Geslin/, © Aydin Bahramlouian/AEWA, © European Commission; p. 3 © Solvin Zankl/; p. 5. © Widstrand/; p. 6 © David Kjaer; p. 7 © Jordi Chias/, © Dietmar Nil/, © Robin Chittenden/; p. 10 © Rob Jordan/; p. 11 © Loic Poidevin/, © Saverio Gatto/, © Krys Bailey/; p. 12 © Georgette Douwma/; p. 13 © Francis Dejon, © Alex Mustard/; p. 14 © Jean E. Roche/, © Laurent Geslin/; p. 15 © Jose B. Ruiz/, © Kim Taylor/; p. 16 © Aydin Bahramlouian/AEWA.

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