Cincinnati. KAILKOADB. FINANCE AND COMMERCE OMMWEMwrt, (b. Poti Regular. .10,?.V_ J0.«7; ,; fain I-»ri1 tn. tie dried. tr.. Bacon Short dear sides. ClOSlXG QVOTATTOES of Jto.v.'i. #7.-.V«7.Mi. \\ binky Balss of TM barrels of NoiioikiWesterflRH finished goods m tiie basis of .1.15 per gal- N^W on for high wines. anil Sale, at the Hlehmon- BCHEDCLR IN EFFECT MAY 22. I'm. CwTerini* WIlmliiKton. LEATF. RICHMOND (DAILY). Ka._*_./< Intern*! Keven** Collec- tur- RTRD-HTREET STATION. WitvtsoT'.v.N. C., Juno 2b- Hpinte ....0 A, throats tloi." A«l»l«*s. steady st ll Rosin steady M.. Richmoud ind Norfolk intT«r . Hires*. Arriv* Norfolk ll _*¦ A. tt nt rai: at Petersburg. Wavirlr RICHMOND DANVILLE I R. Bj stea ly. bard, fl; Stotnonlr I .RH). Crud., turpentine a . ond Sun"oik. »r00».. A. I Niw Yokt;. ,: M BBS clostd at 2 w dip sud vir_in, fl M., For Lynchburg. Roanoke aad Inter- tUu---.r_ ANT) QUICKEST ROUTE SOUTH th* lowest mediate lt*tlon. No connectio. AND SOUTHWEST. highest rato; Liverpool. b*yond P.a.nok* «xce,.t for Vttn- " IN EFJriCTMAI », Uti. division. _ SCUZLULE .,. ses- at .:> I.ynchhr.rg Perth* r*ady for oco- -_r_ 'Limittd, south-bound, leavoi Danville OU* taken in at I Baaey at 1-aoP. M. Ai*o Pullman 6: Jj A. __]. TEA IN 17. .leeper to Louisvllll s if rr ,. No. 6:00 P. M. oue told tl via i'eturihorg AMFHA dailr one at *. oue at * Norton, and Roanoke to Jdeta- -»- ACCOMMODATION except "ii" phu and New via Madar for Amelia CourtLou*.. and mtor- al two ut : L10, I ' Omani Kuoxvi.Ii ClSaia:,; ,,l,jt. j. . an' it at 18.60, ne at I raine, bsltanooga. AT Bt9a.80.ona Btg8.75.ont arrive Ri.-hrnou t from tod t,.. > ARRIVE RiriiMosn. -[ii at be West Lynchburg two at v 1.6 i. IS. dailr tl 7.4, a. M.. *¦ .*. P. M aud 7:43 10. 5:30 P. M.: No, COR THB I'rirate i lsd to the Hecretnrv of 1 tl from Norfolk an J il* tt A. M.. jailpf*!,,l-^i2.7:I0A_L!No. ref...... Batt 10rai K A I the Richmond ids to di I r. M. . Ticket*. naggage-cL'- IO leaf . 172. lot.. k*. and al! Information via uti (.dark at and UIVFU LOO! WRST POINT. ads. railroad?*B. A. Richmond P,.-or*burg yOU * sot 6 l. 10* In- depot; W. Oarb.-r ., m Vain street; DAILY -day: an l av tn* Company'* office, *M east Mun EXCEPT SUNDAY. i 186 bc_rsB< atr**t. O - a. Vi. ri bright, CHEN ET. !<> Rolnsrsaotioai Pa-iienger Agent. TUEi m,V",::,l: RALTIMORE. TOBACCO S_U 7 I IHiLARELPIIlA AND NEW YORK WHOLESALE Raciflo.... sm Bright, t uds; durk, ho.she.da W. B. BE VI Ll., TRADE, >1 t tiercel. n*- 1 -_ - 0eneral Paasenger Ag«sat. Old G*nera! OfBc*. Roauoke. Va. ., LEAVE RICHMO.' D Farmsr'a gil .U _hany. W. S:W P- M. Van . v' ia ncO' xs 7H N'>'"¦ Domioion t, AND OHIO Kl. RXRHF..SS. daily, sxcsp. Sunday. Beach 1 55 Mun w ¦koeandb" -arehouni»M RAJLWAIOoE I at ai! stations. At Rester Manor con- 53 and Street, . deiiv- QHESAPEAXE neets Htaga for alio rei-.rt b. day: Keceipte, gat; ¦wiUi. Walkert.n; eonneoU enea. IN I'.aitimoro itoam.r ac W_t Roint. m SCHEDULE BFTB j -.;¦ -IRA IN No. 1:41 I' revenue collections H4T-, , SI. MlllMOMi MOCK MAKKBT. ¦.ited Mitt's internal LIMITED, rlailv. except Hun. Va., Cigars i A/--lMORE Ya.. June Ba 1998. to-day: atio* Sir. for Welt Point, _o______qj_ nith York __tOa__. cigarettes, 01,071 mer ^earner for Ballimore At Ba i Btl steam,.*-, connect with and ohiorall- S" l'-v *. w Except Mundar for Ch/tOBl*tji .harei Petersburg railroad at I A very good salo ut bhelburue's to-day. > AM D*i ,ik. 1}'%X _\ Wuhingrou. Philadelphia and Now Zfi-l. -isfeea. AverHoe, R_ c.uta. ¦' M Dilly for Cincinnati Ix?It fA'*E: P.icbmoud to Rainmore, t.; to ii nt* econ. iiKKM-MTK-t rani-*. 4 1:81 P. M. washington, BJ; to Philadelphia. BlflO; New Planters' hud a satisfactory sale to¬ |D*ilr foi j rk , U. S.4'aK AC ino?. 117 .... very ¦ IrJO P M. Except Munday for DoaweLL day. A Rig d..«e f.r tbs bnysrs to-morrow, I n riMORE5 P. M. STSTB MCrBlTlBHt ad ut the Richmond r_de _£___»."¦ Haily lor ( incinn.ti. iNT, Sunday. l's. C.. 1910. w»H» .... P.ichniond daily,and Danvill**exespt mi. 184 1U-K iy Willis ..).,-. Carolina* W. B, Leere railroad IdOH I _ ELLET CHEWERS. A. N. Parkina, J. NV. Jae-. Richmond. R STATION. arriving at J:.)5 A. _l au i 10:_) TO TOBACCO . Hugnson. _j Louisa; Lr. 0. C. Broadd Ina .). W. Mr* tao A. M. for J Uftoa Fae -. n,-,, .''RAIN No. M S-tO A- M Rm nett, Elliston; P. lb Winlree, Chester- M. Daily I s> ar MIXED, daily,except Ruudsy; leave* andante.. held. Daily forj ynch A J w.[,iT-third itreet itatiou for Wost Joint in-fuuda- -rn-- air (ar conneott *r Oordoni »".'.¦. nts. Maritana, Rustic, Zulieka a .... for Wnshingtou; at >'. M. .Inn.-lion for - Ranger, at of Humbug, A Street-Cur Tte lt.. at Lynch* nation foot Virgitiia street ten forties, non- hurg: I'.k.i,; itj for Bbonandoab Valley. WAM.to6._0P. M.. and from 9:00 to brand- of sun tobo co.. on the market; are made from the . are the moat .med they .... North . lg The four lines and South, and at Staunton for Hai per . ti com- ierrr. City Mrket Le»t leaf 1,'rown in Caroline und Louisa counties, which have the reputation of grow* I 'OTIKli. of tl avshind airest railroad, office. 901 Main stroot. aoleoted k .nelie, avenue, i tdai BVSnus, Central 1'ullman for Cincinnati. _.^ORHS J.vs. R. TAYLOR, leaf in wur! 1. nd R.. 1904-1910. lil . prisiag mg. tho finest Ilivored the Bichit,. City In, and Park avenii". with tied up ucmnatL lraflicAIausger. Gen. I'as-euger Agent. 1904-1910. Ill .... avenue Wsdl f.t These linen ;nt. W, A. TURK, 103 .... thia ni'iruing .O'clock. Iman for Old Point. Assistant General Faaienger ageBt, >'ow lor an cit ra linc mild chew, trj 19.1 and later. 110 . Usrgtat street railroad hystem in N il. Palace (ar < fi: rn ar ,.,.... -Brlottt, N. 0. City 4'8. lb. inti. M .... town. Tiie strike has been for sotna Lynchburg!1_ brewing KAINS ARRIVE BROAD-BT. STATION. Jv ". eneral Manager. HAiutoan -on tn. dayt, ami was in part precipitati E_B__i__Ll nt.ndent. AMAZON ____.G-I___, A. AC isl Ts R. 1907. 120 strike SX-Sti-tg OB the Rr MsdWBJ nut New¬ 2. 8:20 J. ». j nj ,ge, Agen\ run cars were AM. Daily from Cincinnati. an itruet. Richmond. which is made of tho finest Purley Leaf. This ra something new, hut rapidly becoming popa* A. A . lines. Attempts to provented D A. .M. Daily from Nerf « r A., 1.16. w by the strik- s Ott P. M. Daily Dom Cm.-iunatL lar. (.jive it a trial. ill P. M. Daily from Norfolk. 97 :. 1st from Clifton Fgt. CTT1 AND SEVEN PINE- The uhotc braniN (in bi* liiid of alMlr>f-rl;i«.s retailer*. Save the titra from MW '' RICHMONDRAILWAY < OMPANY. IMO. joy na [OHTfi ST. STATION." loU'.utiis. and ton will soon have a brownstone front. ( har I Aug. O's.* Trains leave station. Tweotjr-sixth and P .ia Pacific 1 M. Daily from Lynchburg, straits, as foLUtati .idated d's.1923. io. B:00 P.M. (Daily fromLynchburg. I "ave I "sve !_3. 14 .roiiv D. Po TTS. Seven Riues. :. Division Passenger Agent. \ M. A M. .oi ciaos Af OM. ;a_l Manufacturer. ;_. W. T. KL M- HANCOCK, P P. K'HMOND. FltP.UKf'.irKKfU'Ka ANO FO- 6:::. .eirj-w.f.Tsuly ns. ii* ¦_TOMAO KAlLllOAD..Schedule comment* P.;_L JV C. int e's, guar... 90 ttTID-t. Wsiferu ing Al'i'.i I. ..'... 1- lard Leave / "ave -; 11 A. M- leaves IJvrd-atreot sfatiou Seven P;_e_ a 4 Charlotte. M 90 »tops o:\[y a». Ashland. Lo*.oil,dally: V *d ISM A M. b nubia and Augusts-, io 80 Milford. Fredericksburg, H.-ooki ll:. EVERYTHING ON WHEELS « D . SJ and widar/ater. Sleeper Wa«!ung. 3:00 P. ti le. 103 Jon and Nea img. Arrives *t P. M. tion_ Washington et If sm P. M lial'd - Forty fivo rntnutei* mn each way. Kloctrl. 0> THE LATEST STYLES . . more. P. M.; Philadelphia, 3;H carii : ¦._ .... f. M.: New York. ., p M thur information call Thonei N AT THE .... lliSO A, M.. leato* Rvrd-street station dad-ex- AX1> ut. guar.... ce;>t f-'nuday. iSaffot Parlor Car Ineffvct June : BttJI i '. w maand .loo .... Rlchrnon N fork, A rr! tc* at Washington at % rio P. M Haiti- _a more. i;-ji P. .M.; Philadelphia. 7:41 ROW II A IAN RAILROAD. LOWEST PRICES. J ir.t National.. . 197 170 I si N.w York. 1 H P. M J. Ue. ral Office, No ', 3 east Maia street. i I 7i03P. M., leave* lirrd-»rreet station dailr. -chodule in iff. Sleeping car Richmond to New IND: __.. an Toba. iny. 99 100 York, moo* only at Aahland. Doa* TDJ^^TTJD AINSLIE, w*Ll, 1...3 P. IL via AthttiMo Roast Lias for Farm- lidford, Fred*nckahurg, villo ami intern, xiiate points west Va. Grain Bud Cotton K-rbanr*. Brook* an! Widewater, htop* at Ni a. 8, lt) and 12 South lamia. Street, Kichmond, et). :-idays. Arrive* Va.. Juno 23, 1392. et Washington at Uria P. M LaltC M.. via Atlantic Coast Pine for Rsrmu la. ; RIM i. KU >i doSt). FINK VEHICLES. | Wheat, IC bushel-, corn. 3.196 H. W. mors, 11*1 V M.; Philadelu'nia, 1:11 MANUFACTURER OF MOESTA'S, a. M.: New York. ( BO *» via ushels: mill 16 tons. M M., Aflintic Coast Line from Farra- offal. 8iso A, arrives t of tho latest novelties on hand st all times myl.vtf corn, 3.2% bush¬ M* -t station dailr. W.ul aWTLargo assortment Wheat, ld bnaheli; 111 EAST MAIN STKLLT. Sew Vork. Ktop* oalf d els els. at ofl Widewater jlrooke. Freder k M., via Atlantic Coast Line from Uer- Lurg, Milford wed and Ash¬ H KM ILK-. ¦. u;ud\ timed, g to land. Htop* at Ot: ns OB Ali '. . day. White Vir¬ ICE CREAM bandar*. Leave* >n at iti ou sale and checked though ' rad, PURE 4 :W A. M. baggage Ila i ,_ . i. ginia AHD I3lr. M.. arrives at Ewd-stroet station daily, R. H WILSON. ho _ mix' ']tC. bvopa at Frtdorickabara, MllforS, . ral Freight andRa«scnger Agent. to SSC.; No. 3, 85o. to 37 to &3c J o weil aud Aiblsad W from New lura to W.ihington and J amis K. Wr.KiH. Ueneral Maiiag. r New York Cotton Harket. WATER ICES, *>« a tine* PRESTON BELVIN, not atop at Ell... Lt-av-j* Washing¬ - Kaw Yobs, Jd futuresst. ton M I t ..-bill. B. ART Receipts at the por'-, bul"S against 1:33 P. M., arrive* at Rrrd-atreet station dilly FINE FURNITURE, aud last year. Tim . xcept Huffet . _.000 last week lo.uoo BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Sunday. Parlor 'ar I 1NIA COM! I Vork to marknt in "iniet at unchanged quotst. Richmond. Letvei V JAMEfl RIVERITIAMBOATRINK for lhe Maahors. SteeQt,- . . Miles. Washington at 1*07 I* M. 18 G-o-v-ez?xi.oj? .:.da. 7 7-16, BETAIL. most pleasant route to N ISTo. Transactions in futures, 82,000 bales. '1 j WHOLESALE SST) FREDERICKSRURO ACOifMODATION, portsmouth, Old Pom' i ra ths lowest DAILTIXCXPT SUHUir m"iit ai, James Riv^i landing!. Sole for the Richmond Cedar Works' Celebrated MOTH-PROOF prices of the for. me, 7.24. Parties und Piexdot turnished 1*0 P. M^ leave* RyM-itretH -tatton; arnvn PORI NV Agent Weddiuga, rn, R. >RK for Hampton and Smithfield. Va.. Wash¬ Julv ; tem- notice. at Frederlokabnrgat P. M. and N»» RED CEDAR CHEST. ber. 7.5107.52; November. at lowest rates and at short l**_aV.a_i .rriv** at Itrrl street at.tion: ington. I». C., Rainmore. Philadelphia my__-fcu.we_itsel U.vea Fr*d*riok*bnrg .11*00 A. kb jerk am».s t i»«r Rt davligh- Great tounsi 1* i»-iy_ ..-______.______ASHLAND TBATN& line. .Tamestown, utch Oap and war scnery PAILT rx. ipr BtTBOAl Rates!'>s than half charged bl rap. I-are to toracco. and Norfolk ' I wrosndtrio; ur closed dull but steady; fine 1:18 A. M., leave* Elna; arrive* at Athlon* at fortsmouth MON- ll mer. #.'*' ran A. m. .'.elli- t eaves Richmond everv ¦nradsa of spring, 6:L' P. M, l**v*» Elba; arrive* at Aahland RDNEBDA. ANT 1 Th. M. ng, tl 2 .nter, 4 I k roi: al GO I'lRF.i I '. WALL P.M. (HTREET-CAHH PAPERS, i do. througk CARPETS, 1:46 A. arrive* tt ER'S WHARP forahovs-namedpUcei. CURTAINS, ill'3 M. Elba; leave! Ashland al wmt' .* lex A. M. ticket! on sale on steamer and at Osrbsr'l \tras. |_,_ 6*5 P. M.. arrive* at Elba; leave* Aihlandil Ag-nry, No. HOI Main street, Raggag- checked <. - 1 quiet, trade and family 1..-15P. M. through, htstl f I C A. TAYLOR, Trafflo Manager. reeer sd .xtraa, E. T. D. Mriaa. (lenora! Supermt«ud*nt* .laces an I Eastern North ( aroiinv Wheat were fairly active witb MANAOLA, Shore of and .U STRAW MATTINGS, Etc., Etc., -.» at irregular, but the fluctuations were m- (15-CENT PLUG) LINE. regnlar landingi on the J«m-"» rn . LOvi- -ignifioai .* as no feature of int- A Mi.S, and thrcugh billi i« tl closed RICHMOND A'.. ItsRURO RAILROAD I ciEN '.', 1 v i I'M, > ic Pr. iideat, IN GREAT VARIETY. casie I j\o. 2 red wine- J I Mr IA 1117 Mainstreet and Rocketti. do ¦Taly. *6?_a; WOODSIDE, Ibvi_ Wris.'fiXB. Freight and Passiugar A. ent Oannunelna SUNDAY. MAY aa, Mat, at '4 A. ¦ were dull aad weak, closing QOM WQ) M., train* on thia road Mill run as follow*: * l» AND NOR- SONS, I'll ARRRRHIA. RM"HMr>N ANDERSON WALD. W. ,y,-r lots closed TRAIN.- BO! C. tjenerally Spot KIN iRRRR . Pilli POLR STKAMHim-COMPANY. arm. Spot sales No. urned tl Aprointed saihnir days ererr ,1L hSUAi an. ad, June. .',.'. do. Au- No Richmond. jPett-raburg. FRIRAi at ISM., and _»-ry BUNDAY al .¦teinber, 6* FreiKht for Tnssday's and Frirtay t steamers re- 1204 E. MAIN STREET. SIR TOBY CUT PLUG. San lays k.eauier na were dull but firm, closing ,\ ti Foi till lap a tly higher for some months. Bpol at. A. M ciel til! 5 P. M. Hatarday freight received daily ¦/.. **9:i: 10*00 A. NI 1 Irani, r j' M 1 firmer. Si_>t sale*: No. -. whr* are lookini for daring thtte bee Brio P M. i. Are what yon 44-1 M Sund.y A rag., with rabalsttnct . summer months. Below la . hal of artl- Qt tiroi and sold t ] BOO rou; .Daily. . with-.'it suhsistence.... clo* which might interest stu*. ..' tioain ire via Chesapeake and Ohi> rail- at a. sssy ob low giadst; sales, 400 barrels POPPING l'LACER. . _¦ fllNOER ALE. RASPBERRY HTR. h»un _t *i#_o __ui ___,o strained at tl.25. _ Rea IA I nakfl bo stopt. No*. 23. m CablB far- via Richmond sud Petersburg IMPORTED MAYO and r- sion on at PP and VTNK(iAK.LIME JEM,'E andCLARITC E signal Manchester. railroad. P. CALL. BRO,, 1 Drewry's, Fieri ¦.EliHAN and ONCOnrORATEDl (. eutraha and heat' r tope on signal at tained at A. Vf. Oar» WINES SPAN -II and ('ALI- Chicago. ¦ancheitor only f ,r i.s.s*eng.-ra purcnaaing Main it: -ipeake and Ohio and Ri''h- FOKNIA WHITE WISES, lb* old. to r- ar train and at coim-any ¦ frOUM V PoKT.nd SUKKHY waa VA. rickets gu stopning oj»Cai for this mond and Peterabmg depoti, ELEM ll COONA* LLANDIEA, K>, June 23 ^Vbeat weak to-day RICHMOND, south of / . st and purest on ,sui>-j Petersburg. No» 10, 41, ofticei. 1.101 Mun street, and wharf^Rockett*. iS, EXTRA USE and of D fears [aaJVWt ... that tbe Hatch bill would pass, re- 18. 4H. U and 4'. wiil atop on aignal at al! atationa. Rreig!,* :,. j j_!iv nntil IP. M. IMPOHTI Vi 11 SON and MojL ra well under Pullman HuT.t car* on all Passenger! Richmond on nVSXtixin, I'I ll. OILHOS, harvesting way, Pslsoe sleeping leaving ftATLH- IK I HE EVE vYHlRKlKH. Imoorte* light exports un,1 heavy receipts in the North¬ through train*. On trt'.n* Noa. .*»'. and ll sle.-p- WEDNE8LAYH. 1 III'RSI'AYS and Un dlflar*at west IKINTINO. in^-car* between Richmond and hv the Chesapeake and ohio railway I'la and 1 mastic LAOKR BEEK. Closing pr: 0# lower. Lynchburg, PAYS » '* J Everything at low**t prlcei at .rs.*-:.iA. M. aud ,M "_ blade itreel* J. W. VEBC.1 r.. H. KtSOl Richmond and Petenbarg railroad. »ams ILEUMANN SCUML'jTa. rot) eoit Broad ! in on lleyWLIXlTOaaXLOTi I hy mak¬ --lizing If Richman! I ll A. M. arriving dava. st.A. M and S H R M will aato crop condition leaving dailv; in at Norfolk with iteamen leaving those Branch Htore: sad the Government weekly & Wei .M. an 1 tt Atlanta « A. IL via S. (i*/"' J. W. Fergusson Son, A. E. through sleepers Richmond to Weldon GEOEQE Vi. * 00U Agent!. W. L. east Mala itreet. tsnor. Closing au 1 Wei Ion to Atltntt, APPEN and WHITE'S,ase 714 cars. N',. i:inl Mainstreet, Wipts, 4,6 and 8 N. Fourteenth St Near Exchange Hotel, THE ONLY ALL-RAIL LINE TO NORFOLK any s Wharf, Rocketti. rn aud closed LIA VI AOKIVE. ja2-tf Com, aipts. _5i oars RICHMOND, Richmond ."OoA.51. Norfolk.11:21 A. M. HEADQUARTERS FOB TABLE LUXURIES. 'Visions VA., " rangsd downward because of Richmond rfoll 1;M !'. M. attniMiii r.t_ .»¦ Ro,k declined Norfola *?:.«! A. M. Richmond.. lu:*» A. M. _ Ideal_ '¦ - CLOSING. bs KM? I M. Richmoo 1 !'. M. SCHOOLS ARE closed or Cm Tataa.) unchanged. _P__.I_STT_U_E.S- I hi tram* leaving Richmond at 9:(V» A. M. and vtR'E OFFER JO CLOSE OUT THL8 DE- Orrie* CoixscToa Utohwwt. CUftno. Norfolk at 4:i*)P. ra are solid train* between Cur Hart, WE HAVE ir n. V*.Vv Jun*Jan* I,I* lam Wbtai.Juna these two point*, an! passenger* go through PABTMENT OP OUR BUSINE3S. Rn:Ricnaoiui.bos -I AMIf I without of c*r*. are TO TAX PAY ERM. SCHOOL CATJ raw rooks. change Cloie connections ORR ai'OCK OP VOTICE rf.-sive CITY TAXER tefl al*., iiisde at Tetersbnm Ly the 545 P. M. and a\ readyfy to not t>i OF d train* from Richmond for 'ii EAEAUll IK**.ikh. If th*the ororon.--h»ifout-half l*ppl tiSIJ IfgBX DESCHU'TION URRCANTILE Norfolk. I PER CENT. WILL BM Cora. June. . II nm Laving Richmond at W:0u A. M. 12:*) Tubular and Locomotive Boilers, ,ith init.oi th.l unless ¦. P. au.t ll P. at Richmond Al'I'LL, .ndthe* provide* AND LAMER RUIN i INO EXFjCL'TLD M. :40 M., and arriving ll LS LAID IN JUNE Uset>* wBc4fwBote Aug. ot 7:41 A. M.. *':15 P. M. and 745 P. M.. make from i to 50 hone-power. ONE-HALF.V PAW.added.IN i*.JUNEdu* lt ono* ead AT HIIOKT NOTICE. close connection at Peteraburg to and from il wit!ith i..*u*iir 1«. lbs Col- Oats F.rnmile* Lynchburg .nd West. to a if nut paidd fetore SEPIEMBER oh.pwr li. Jul, R. M. KELLY. Horizontal Centre Crank EngUw, From four years old century. lactor ti to LEVY. d*«e A Superintendent tee l ion 7.) . . | E. T. Ii. MYtits. Detached or mounted on holler, from I to ll ..Ll. MALES Tl yeer* of .ge; all wrsai her se-pow er. nial* or female who own aer*tm»i properly **4 Pork-June ... General Superintendent. and letti*. T. M. E_rRsos. TrafSo Managir. Tbeae Enginei and Rollers are new, of OttT M««tt*d .nd will i-I*.!* call Lilli itaudard designs, tbat are well-known. A.K.tfcC.E.Schaap, Laving, pipe and **w*r connection ara Kept.. Ws also offer a lot of PULLK.ti. CRANIA la tbe tame moaner as ute* an- al tba I-_rd~ Juno. DRINTERS r.n* a I naiihod. Aay ot parthia BemedyFree. IfllTABTBltlD. BM ls. etc. rough and iain* tim*. nar* ti lu jays \*.,*r raturu*. Mpttr**] these can bo bought very los. 519 EAST BROAD mm. Ottloe open until 1 ?J*\. Kept nu .»»«; nasupuusiuiry. A vioinu Iried E, W CUNNINOUAM. alb*. Jun*. WHITTET _ SBEPPERSOiX PILES io vaia atari r«ai-d/ lia* d.*ru»*'*