National Identification Registration Regulations 2012
.. ..l . L.I. 2111 NATIONAL IDENTITY···REGISTER I REGULATIQNS, 20.12 I f. ARRANGEMENT OF REGULATIONS , •. ·. , .• , '. ' .... ··.: ' ,t • ... :· ,.,. Regulation . l .. · Application fornational identity card 2, Exemp; iripivid:u~ls . ·. · .. .. ·r ·3. · Procedure ·for·applitation r 4: . Processing of application . ~ ·. 5. Form of national. identity card 6. Collection of .nationa! id.entity card 7. Mandatory use ofnational identity card . 8 ..' Production of national identity card. - 9. Power to 'verify i~~ntity by.biometric match 10; Loss of or damage to national :identity. card 11. Obligation of finder ofnational idenrity card: 12. Invalidity, surrender and. cancellation. of national identity card lJ. Conditions under which data in the custody of theAuthoriry _may. ·: beacce.~ed _ ·- <<·, . - . 14. Access to information by· ~cliVidua~. · .. · . 15 ~ A: ,cess to inform~tioo by a ·µ$er ·a-~eti¢Y . ·. - " .1 · 16. -Disclosti~e· of pfrs6tiat infonnad~n with or Without consent I 7. Limits op use, disclosure or sharing of personal information by user ·.· - ,. ' . - - . ; 'agencies 18. Retention, disposal, storage and security .ofpersona! in.formation . by user agen¢ies . 19. Grievance procedure 20 .. · Fees payable 2 I: Ghanaians living outside ·Ghana and online application 22. Interpretation 23. Revocation SCHEDULE . 1_.1 j - l'J . L.I. 2111 2 - I'_,}· , __ NATIO~AL IDENTITY REGISTER REGULATIONS, 2012 I I [] I In exercise of the powers conferred on the Minister responsible for the: ~. ,. National Identification System by section 73 (l) of the National Identity .: LI' ) ,. Register Act, 2008 (Act 750), and on the advice of the Board of the National Identification Authority these Regulations are made this 20th day of February, 2012, i] Application for aationalIdentity card .
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