A. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 3 B. Kitt Peak National Observatory 10 C. National Solar Observatory 19


A. Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) 24 B. Gemini Project Office 26 C. 3.5-m Mirror Project 27 D. WIYN 28 E. SOAR 29 F. Other Telescopes at CTIO 30


A. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 30 B. Kitt Peak National Observatory 32 1. KPNO O/UV 32 2. KPNO Infrared 35 C. National Solar Observatory 38 1. Sacramento Peak 39 2. Kitt Peak 41 D. Central Computer Services 44


A. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 45 B. Kitt Peak National Observatory 45 C. National Solar Observatory 46 1. Kitt Peak 46 2. Sacramento Peak 46


A. Cerro Tololo 47 B. Kitt Peak 48 C. NSO/Sacramento Peak 48 D. Tucson Headquarters 49 VII. SCIENTIHC STAFF AND SUPPORT 49

A. CTIO 49 B. KPNO 50 C. NSO 50


A. Director's Office 51 B. Central Administrative Services 51 C. Central Computer Services 52 D. Central Facilities Operations 52 E. Engineering and Technical Services 52 F. Publications and Information Resources 53


Appendix 1 - NOAO Organizational Chart

Appendix 2 - NOAO Management

Appendix 3 - NOAO Scientific Staff List

Appendix 4 - Scientific Staff Primary Fields of Interest and 1991 Publications CTIO KPNO NSO

Appendix 5 - User Statistics, FY 1991 CTIO (Visitor Telescope Usage) KPNO (Visitor Telescope Usage) NSO (Visitor Telescope Usage) CCS Facilities (Visitor Reduction Facilities Usage)


The next decade will present unparalleled opportunities for making qualitatively new kinds ofastronomical observations from the ground. The revolution in infrared array detectors makes it possible to address a host of new problems ranging from the analysis of magnetic structures on the Sun to the study of the evolution of . The availability oflarger format optical CCDs, more powerful computers for handling massive quantities of data, and efficient fibers for multiple object spectroscopy will dramatically increase the scientific productivity of existing optical telescopes. Adaptive optics will find important applications in both solar and nighttime astronomy.

In order to respond to these opportunities, NOAO has prepared a long range plan for building major new facilities and for upgrading its existing telescopes. In nighttime astronomy, the centerpiece of the program is the construction of the Gemini 8-m telescopes, one to be located on Mauna Kea and the other in Chile. The plan also calls for construction of new 4-m class telescopes in collaboration with universities. These telescopes would be located at KPNO and CTIO.

In solar astronomy, the GONG project is already in progress. The sites have been selected, the prototype instrument is in operation, and construction of the equipment for the sites is well underway. Work on adaptive optics is continuing at Sacramento Peak, and new instrumentation for infrared solar astronomy has been made available at the McMath telescope.

Overall, the NOAO plan is consistent with, and indeed in several areas has anticipated, many of the recommendations of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee (AASC) for the next decade. The planned NOAO 8-m telescopes will provide the scientific capabilities recommended in that report. Adaptive optics was cited as a high priority moderate program. The emphasis on infrared astronomy at NOAO is designed to take advantage ofthe revolution in technology highlighted by the AASC. Initiatives with universities respond directly to the need for additional 4-m class telescopes.

A new budget category is included in the program plan for FY 1993. NOAO has assumed responsibility for the support activities required in the US by the Gemini project. These activities include working with the community to formulate the US input into the scientific requirements for the telescopes, working directiy with project staff to review particular technical approaches, preparing proposals for work packages to be carried out within NOAO, and identifying potential US bidders outside NOAO for additional work packages.

In addition to summarizing the work that will be carried out for major new facilities in FY 1993, this program plan also outlines the projects and scientific research that the divisions of NOAO plan to undertake in order to continue their support of the astronomical community. Highlights of the program for FY 1993 include the following:

• Completion of the components for the field instruments and field-station shelters for GONG.

• Integration and testing of the first two field stations.

• Installation of the GONG Data Management and Analysis Center in the AURA building on Warren Avenue. • Completion of the bar lap polishing tool for the 3.5-m mirror project.

• Grinding and polishing the 3.5-m mirror to its aspheric configuration.

• Completion of the enclosure for the WIYN telescope on Kitt Peak.

• Installation of the WIYN telescope mount on Kitt Peak.

• Modification of the Hydra fiber-fed spectrograph for use at the WIYN telescope.

• Deployment of imagers with 4x4 mosaics of CCDs at KPNO and CTIO.

• Installation of a new prime focus corrector at the CTIO 4-m telescope.

• Completion of modifications to the CTIO 4-m building to improve the thermal environment.

• Initiation of construction of a wavefront sensor for the CTIO 4-m telescope.

• Scientific verification of the performance of the Cryogenic Optical Bench at KPNO.

• Implementation of 256 x 256 HgCdTe imagers at both CTIO and KPNO.

• Completion of design of a 55-cm All-Reflecting Coronagraph at NSO/SP.

• Further progress on adaptive optics at NSO/SP.

• Upgrade of the detector used with the Near Infrared Magnetograph at the McMath and bringing the NIM up to full operational status.

• Installation of a large format CCD and a cross disperser for stellar observations at the McMath.

The budget request submitted to Congress by the President for FY 1993 includes an increase of approximately 3.5 percent relative to the budget initially received in FY 1992. While 3.5 percent is the assumption being used by the federal government for inflation in FY 1993, NOAO's costs are expected to increase by slightly more than $1M beyond the rate of US inflation. The two contributing factors are an increase in the GONG budget ($250,000 as specified in the project plan) and the higher rate of inflation in Chile relative to the US rate of inflation ($800,000 if changes in the peso/dollar ratio continue at the present rate.) The $800,000 is a combination of a $300,000 differential (Chile relative to US) inflation rate in FY 1992, which must be built into the base budget for future , and an additional $500,000 in FY 1993 if present trends in Chilean costs continue. NSF has provided funds to cover Chilean inflation in each of the past two fiscal years. If the NSF does so again in FY 1993, then the budget problems will be substantially mitigated. II. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM

The scientific staff of NOAO is expected to devote approximately half of their time to service, with the remaining time reserved for research. In accordance with NSF requirements, this section of the program plan summarizes the research that will be undertaken in FY 1993. A list of papers published in calendar 1991 is contained in Appendix 3.

A. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

J. Baldwin has been working in collaboration with G. Williger (CTIO), R. Carswell and A. Cooke (U. of Cambridge, UK), and K. Lanzetta (U. of California, San Diego) on several projects involving echelle spectroscopy of high redshift QSOs. Data have been obtained of the z = 4 absorption spectrum of an intervening , with the aim ofdetermining chemical abundances and physical conditions in the galaxy of highest known redshift. Other data were gathered of Lya forest lines at lower redshifts. This coming year these spectra will be supplemented by observations redward of the Lya emission line to provide a large sample of redshift systems which can be stacked (co-added) to search for weak metal lines. The goal here is to determine whether or not the Lya forest clouds are composed of primordial material.

In another echelle QSO spectroscopy project, Baldwin made observations of Lya forest systems as close as possible to the atmospheric cutoff in order to try to link the statistics ofLya forest systems as observed from the ground to the surprisingly high number of very low-redshift systems seen with HST. Also, molecular hydrogen lines from another intervening galaxy were observed for the purpose of comparing ISM conditions at high redshift to the conditions that are found locally. Analysis of these data will be carried out in FY 1993.

Baldwin will continue to work with G. Ferland (Ohio State U.) and P. Martin (Canadian Inst, for Theoretical Astroph., Toronto) on studies of local HII regions. Long slit echelle spectra have been obtained of M17, with the goal of mapping out the three dimensional structure of the ionized gas.

A continuing project will make use of the 36-inch telescope for photometric monitoring of a sample of QSOs, which are also being observed with HST in collaboration with B. Wills and D. Wills (U. ofTexas), G. Ferland, H. Netzer (Tel Aviv U.) and I. Browne (U. of Manchester). Finally, Baldwin will work with T. Storchi-Bergmann (Brazil) and A. Wilson (U. of Maryland) on studies of narrow-lined regions (NLRs) in Seyfert galaxies.

Data are now coming in from HST for two projects, which will require major effort from Baldwin. The first is the spectroscopy of the extended 3CR complete sample of quasars. This study will allow Baldwin and his collaborators to compare the spectra of a sample that is free from many of the usual selection effects, including redshift. The PI is B. Wills; other collaborators are D. Wills, G. Ferland, H. Netzer and I. Browne. They will study effects such as beaming and the C IV equivalent width correlation, which they hope will convey information about the innermost regions of quasars. HST spectra are being taken over a two year period, but these will need to be supplemented by ground-based spectra in order to cover the full rest-wavelength region Lya-Hfj for the full range of redshifts. Baldwin will be obtaining spectra at CTIO and KPNO as part of this effort and will also continue his photometric monitoring of southern members of the sample. The other HST project consists of a very detailed study of the narrow-lined region (NLR) in one individual Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 3393. Direct images have already been taken with HST; spectra will follow in the next few months. These data will be integrated with ground-based direct imaging and long-slit spectroscopy and radio mapping of the same galaxy in order to build a picture of the NLR structure and kinematics on all size scales. Baldwin is PI in this project; other collaborators are G. Ferland, B. and D. Wills, H. Netzer and A. Wilson.

During FY 1992 V.M. Blanco, in collaboration with B.M. Blanco, completed and submitted for publication two studies about RR Lyrae variable . One of the studies was a survey for new variables in a relatively clear region of the galactic bulge. The selected region is remarkable for its uniformity of interstellar extinction and thus avoids a serious problem affecting the classical bulge window used for such studies, namely Baade's Window. Observational and variability-discovery techniques assured that the survey reached well past the galactic center, thus making it useful for determining the distance to the Galaxy's center. The other study was aimed at determining the reddening of field RR Lyrae stars from their colors near minimum light. In a variation of the classical Sturch study, blanketing corrections were derived from Preston's AS parameters rather than from ultraviolet-blue colors, which require disentangling metallicity and reddening effects. Current Kurucz atmospheric models were used to evaluate blanketing corrections.

During FY 1993 the Blancos plan to survey a second bulge window with similar techniques and to explore the possibility of determining the AS parameter from light curve characteristics. In addition, V.M. Blanco expects to complete a census of Magellanic Clouds clusters with 4-m telescope observational material.

O.J. Eggen will continue his extensive analysis of the Pleiades, Hyades and Sirius superclusters for stars in the FK5. Fifty nine stars in the FK5 or with PPM(H) quality proper motions are discussed as members of the Sirius supercluster. The convergent point of the supercluster motion is (A, D) = (20v55, -38?1) and the space velocity is VT = 18.5 +0.026X km/sec, whereX is the radial distance of the members from the Sun. The member stars indicate [Fe/H] Hyades - [Fe/H] Sirius = 0.18 dex from both photometric and spectroscopic evidence. The bulk of the supercluster members fall into two age groups, 6.3 x 10 and 10 years on the basis of models with convective overshoot. However, there are also members with ages of 2.5 x 108 and 1.5 x 109 years. The youngest stars include HR 2491 (a CMa) and HR 3615 (a Vol), both of which are A type stars with close companions. The oldest stars are three Am objects, two of which are equal component binaries and one of these, HR 140122, is a visual binary with an orbit confirmed by recent speckle observations. The orbital elements and the supercluster parallax produce a mass that is the same as expected from the components' age and temperature. The age spread of the red giants is confirmed by photoelectric parameters measuring gravity and CN strength. The available observations of chromospheric activity in Mg II (h and k) are quantized, as a function of Log(LBOL), into three well defined groups for both Sirius supercluster and Hyades cluster members. For twenty superclustermembers with cluster parallax greater than 0.03 arcsec, the ratio of 7c(cluster)/7i(trigonometric) = 0.95 ± 0.20. The cluster M39, with a modulus of 7.25 mag, may be a member of the supercluster but the available does not allow confirmation of this.

The members of the Hyades superclusterbrighter than about Mv = +4 mag and contained in the FK5, or having nearly FK5 quality proper motions, show a convergent point of (A,D) = (6.4,+6?5). The Hyades cluster stars in the FK5 have a mean distance of 46.75 pc (modulus = 3.35 mag). The supercluster, as well as the Hyades and Praesepe cluster populations, represent at least three age groups. Because of difficulties with the temperature to color conversion and the possibility that the stellar cores have convective overshoot, precise dating is impossible but, presumably, these problems will not affect differential age determinations. Standard models indicate ages of3 to 4, 6 and 8 x 108 yrwhereas models with convective overshoot are nearly twice as old. Most of the Am and USPC (8 Set) stars in the supercluster are of the same age (~ 8 x 10 yr for standard models). The Ap stars mark the onset of shell hydrogen burning. The photometry of the red giants confirms the age spread and indicates a weakening of CN strength with age. Attention is called to the need for further study of NGC 2423 as an effective prelude to understanding the evolution of the supercluster.

The dependence on radial distance from the Sun of the total space velocity of Pleiades supercluster members, determined from the accurate proper motions of FK5 standard stars, confirms that predicted for iso-periodic galactic orbits. A larger variation in space velocity was found previously from the very uncertain radial velocities for these broad-lined stars and attributed to expansion of the supercluster, but the present results satisfy both the tangential and radial motions of the members. The cluster stars have a very wide range in age based on models with convective overshoot, from a few times 10 to a few times 108 yr, and individual clusters show dual epochs of formation. Three wide pairs of supercluster members (HR 4583+HD 104237, HR 5999+HR 6000, AB + SU Aur) appear to be pre-main sequence stars (10 yr). Three late-type supergiants (5 Cep and the eponymous stars of the a Per and 5 Lyr clusters) are supercluster members with ages between about 4 and 7 x 107 yr. Attention is drawn to an important evolved, supercluster member (HR 3594, k UMa) a close visual binary, for which speckle observations secured now will provide a very useful orbit, and two nearby main sequence stars (HR 5463 and 5897), which are probably close, equal component binaries.

During the coming year, J. Elias will emphasize work on an IRAS-selected sample of galaxies and on SN 1987A. Final analysis of the IRAS galaxy sample likely to be completed and published before year end. SN 1987A, on the other hand, is likely to continue to be a source of data for many years to come! As part of the CTIO program of continued observations of SN 1987A, Elias is obtaining 1-20 u.m photometry and near-infrared images and spectroscopy ofthis unique object. The infrared photometric data are critical to a determination of the evolution of the bolometric of the supernova; data taken during 1990 and 1991 show a clear flattening of the luminosity decline of this object, currently interpreted as due to the presence of 57Co in the remnant.

A program on the measurement of the luminosity function of infrared-luminous galaxies is being carried out in conjunction with P. Hacking, G. Neugebauer, and B.T. Soifer (California Inst, of Tech.). This study makes use of deep pointed observations by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) to produce a sample of faint 60 u.m sources. Most of these (> 95%) are distant galaxies, which must be identified and whose redshifts must be measured in order to construct the luminosity function. The bulk of the observational work is now complete, and final reduction of the data is now underway; the assessment of the IRAS data is mainly being carried out at CTIO with the aid of L.F. Barrientos under the NASA ADP Program. Preliminary results indicate an excess of galaxies at redshifts greater than z = 0.2, consistent with strong evolution.

D. Geisler will continue to work with J. Forte (Inst, de Astron. y Fisica del Espacio, Argentina) and P. Ostrov (La Plata, Argentina) on the populous globular cluster system ofNGC 1399, the central elliptical in Fornax. CCD imaging with the CTIO 4-m has been obtained to investigate the metallicity distribution function of the globular clusters and the existence of any radial gradient in their mean metal abundance. Geisler will also collaborate with N. Suntzeff (CTIO), J. Graham (Carnegie Inst. Dept. of Terrestrial Mag.), and M. Mateo (Obs. of Camegie Inst., Washington) on a large-scale spectroscopic study of LMC cluster giant abundances using the CTIO 4-m ARGUS multi-fiber system. Geisler plans to investigate detailed O and Fe abundances in a number of the most metal-poor Galactic globular cluster giants. Good high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio data have been obtained for a large sample of cluster giants with the 4-m echelle and long camera. This study will be in collaboration with J. Claris (Obs. C6rdoba), D. Minniti (Steward Obs.), and R. Peterson (Lick Obs.).

The close circumstellar environment of SN 1987A in the large Magellanic cloud is being studied by S.R. Heathcote and A. Crotts (Columbia U.). Spectra with the highest possible spatial and spectral resolution have been obtained ofthe compact nebulosity surrounding the supernova at several epochs, each separated by approximately six months. This is thought to consist of material lost by the supernova progenitor during the red-supergiant and subsequent blue-supergiant phases, which has been photoionized by the intense initial burst of UV photons from the supernova. This study reveals that the nebula has the form of a slowly expanding ring, rather than being a spherical shell as had been assumed. Constraints have also been derived on the duration of the red- and blue-supergiant phases and on the mass loss rates during each. In the next one to two years it is anticipated that the fastest moving (~ 0.1 c) ejecta from the supernova explosion will begin to collide with the ring. It is therefore planned to continue this program, which should provide very interesting data on the earliest stages in the formation of the SN 1987A supernova remnant.

M.M. Phillips will continue to concentrate his research effort during FY 1993 on supernovae and novae. Optical spectroscopy of SN 1987A will be obtained with the 4-m telescope as part of a CTIO staff program to monitor the evolution of this important object. Phillips, Suntzeff, M. Hamuy (CTIO), and L. Wells (CTIO) will continue a complementary program to obtain optical photometry and spectrophotometry of type I and II supernovae using CCD detectors on the 0.9-m, 1.5-m, and 4-m telescopes. The immediate goal of these observations is to determine accurately the observable properties of type I and II supernovae from outburst to relatively late epochs (1-2 years after outburst). Such data should provide considerable insight into the nature of the progenitor stars. Moreover, as the case of SN 1987A has shown, the availability of high-quality light curves and spectra for individual supemovae will inevitably generate further advances in the theoretical understanding of these events. Phillips and Hamuy also plan to use the light curves of type la supernovae obtained as part of this program to test the utility of these events as cosmological standard candles. Together with Williams, Elias, and Hamuy, a similar long-term program will be continued using the 1.5-m and 4-m telescopes to follow the spectroscopic evolution of novae in outburst. These data will be used to model the expanding envelopes and determine the characteristics of the outbursts.

R. Schommer, with G. Bothun (U. of Michigan), J. Mould (Calif. Inst, ofTech.), and T. Williams (Rutgers U.), is continuing to pursue questions concerning the large scale peculiar motions seen in the southern hemisphere clusters of galaxies. Tully-Fisher relations, based on I band CCD frames and Fabry-Perot Ha velocity fields will be used to determine distances and peculiar motions for six clusters of galaxies in the redshift range of 5000-8000 km s"1.

Schommer and N. Caldwell (Whipple Obs.) are obtaining more photometric measures on the variable stars in the Phoenix dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Existing color magnitude diagrams have established the local group membership of Phoenix, and about a dozen variables have been identified, but the periods and nature of these variables are still being explored.

Schommer, Caldwell, A. Walker (CTIO), and Graham are obtaining photometric measures of identified variable stars in M83 (NGC 5236) in the Centaurus Group. This galaxy has had recent supernovae of type lb (1983N) and II (1968L), and there have been 6 SN in the group, with distance estimates ranging from 2.4-4.8 Mpc. Approximately a dozen variables have been identified to date. Planetary nebula and luminosity-fluctuation distances have been obtained for several members of this group of galaxies. Schommer, Suntzeff, W. Weller (CTIO), and E. Olszewski (Steward Obs.) are continuing their study of field giants in the LMC. Photometric fields are being obtained with the Schmidt telescope and Thomson CCD in BVI color, and giants are being selected from color-magnitude diagrams. Spectra will be obtained with the ARGUS multi-fiber system, using the near infrared Call triplet lines to determine velocities and abundances. Schommer, et al. intend to search for abundance-kinematic correlations, examine the metal abundance distribution, search for a metal poor halo, and map the age-abundance relation in the outer parts of the LMC. Initial spectra were obtained of giants in several outer fields of the LMC, in November 1991 on the 4-m. In four nights of observations approximately 800 spectra were obtained, and velocity criteria indicate that approximately 50% are members.

R. Chris Smith has just arrived at CTIO having completed his Ph.D. work at Harvard University. Smith has completed a spectroscopic survey of the SNRs and SNR candidates identified in M33 by Long, Blair, Kirshner, & Winkler (Ap.J.Sup., 72, 61). All 32 of the SNR candidates were confirmed to have spectra consistent with known galactic and LMC SNRs, and abundances and the abundance gradient in nitrogen and oxygen was derived for the disk ofM33 (Smith 1991, Ph.D. thesis; Smith, et al. 1992, in preparation). Smith and collaborators also show that the current sample is consistent with the canonical four stage model of SNR evolution, and that the previously reported relation between SNR diameter and estimated energy is probably due to selection effects. Although the M33 sample of 42 SNRs is currently the largest known extragalactic sample of remnants, statistical study of SNR evolution remains difficult. Blair, Kirshner, Long, and Winkler, and Smith have therefore undertaken a survey of the whole of M33 in an effort to expand the sample of SNRs. They have also extended their surveys to several other nearby galaxies. With additional remnants, both in M33 and other galaxies, they will be able to better constrain models of SNR evolution and energetics as well as probe the interstellar medium in these galaxies.

While many of the remnants in our nearest neighbor galaxies, the LMC and SMC, have been studied in detail, very little work has been done on the global optical properties of these SNRs. Smith plans to obtain images and spectra of all of the known LMC and SMC SNRs, both from archives and new observations, to study the similarities and differences within these samples. This information will complement that obtained from the surveys of more distant galaxies, where only the gross properties of the SNRs can be measured. Winkler and Smith also continue to work on an optical survey of the LMC and SMC for new SNRs, a somewhat daunting task made feasible by the wide field available on the Curtis Schmidt telescope combined with the sensitivity of CCDs.

J. Raymond (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophys.) and Smith will continue to investigate the physics of collisionless shocks in the context of SNRs, through both observation and modeling. Smith plans to survey several Galactic remnants in search of additional examples of this type of shock to expand the types of environments (densities, shock velocities, etc.) studied. Additional optical spectroscopy, ranging from some recently obtained echelle data to low dispersion work, will aid in the efforts to understand these shocks and their transition to "normal" radiative (collisional) shocks.

Working with the well-established supernova group at CTIO, Smith also plans to investigate the transition from old supernova (SN) to young SNR. While SN 1987A permits a detailed look at this transition, it provides only a sample of one (possibly peculiar) object. Fewer than ten SNe have been observed in this transition period between ten to a few hundred years of age. By following recent SNe to extremely late time and trying to recover historical SNe, Smith hopes to work on bridging the gap that currently exists between SNe and their remnants. N. Suntzeff plans to complete a number of long-term projects in 1992. In collaboration with Schommer, Olszewski, and Walker, he will finish the project on the comparative study of the LMC and Galactic population II. This will allow the first definite test of the Searle-Zinn scenario for the formation of the halo of the Galaxy. Suntzeff also plans to finish a study of the halo blue horizontal branch population in the Galaxy, with Kraft (Lick Obs.) and Kinman (KPNO). This study is a complement of their research on the nature of the Galactic halo using RR Lyrae variables as density and abundance tracers. The BHB population reveals the short period RR Lyraes missed by the Kinman surveys and fills out the horizontal branch to give a better idea of the nature of the Galactic halo.

Suntzeff will finish a project on the metallicity of the Sextans dwarf galaxy, with Mateo (OCIW), Olszewski, D. Temdrup (Ohio State U.), and others. With Argus spectra, they have found that the mean metallicity of Sextans fits perfectly with the metallicity relationship for the dwarf galaxies. In addition, they have measured a velocity dispersion for Sextans implying a large M/L ratio of 10.

Suntzeff will continue the study of the metallicity and kinematics of the LMC using the field population in selected areas of the LMC. In collaboration with Klemola and Kraft (Lick Obs.), he has observed proper-motion members of the LMC with Argus and has discovered -45 metal-poor giants in the region near NGC 2257. These spectra will yield abundances and velocity dispersions. In collaboration with Schommer, Olszewski, and Weller, he has begun similar surveys in three other regions of the LMC, this time using photometric data taken on the CTIO Schmidt. These surveys will yield a huge number of LMC members and will allow a much more detailed study of the motions and of the older LMC stars.

Papers on the spectral and photometric evolution of the supernovae 1989B, 1991bg, and 1992A will be submitted for publication in 1992. SN 1991bg is an important la supernova that apparently was two magnitudes too faint at maximum light. SN 1992a is an extremely important la supernova in Fornax. This supernova is one of the closest type la events and has occurred in the periphery of an SO galaxy with very low internal reddening. The photometric coverage started a full 10 days before maximum.

With B. Camey (U. of North Carolina), Terndrup, and Walker, Suntzeff will study the RR Lyrae population in the Galactic center in Baade's window, using K magnitudes measured from the CTIO 4-m InSb array camera. This work will allow determination of a better distance to the Galactic center due to the minimal absorption at 2 fim. Suntzeff is also collaborating with Smith and Drake (U. of Texas) to derive detailed abundances of stars in the globular clusters M4 and NGC 6752. Extremely high S/N spectra with R = 35000 of pairs of giants in the clusters will be used to study the Al/Na abundance variations. This study is unique in both the quality of data, and the use of NLTE calculations for the abundances.

With Y-W Lee (Yale U.), A. Walker will determine abundances for all the type ab RR Lyraes in the galactic globular cluster Omega Centauri. A complete sample of abundances for this unique cluster, in combination with newly available photometry, will allow comparison with horizontal branch evolutionary models, investigation of the magnitude-metallicity relation, and determination of the age of the cluster.

A. Walker will continue, with E. Brocato (Rome), a program to obtain UBVI CCD photometry of Magellanic Cloud clusters in order to compare with evolutionary calculations made by the Frascati group. Accurate colors will be obtained for both evolved and unevolved stars so that stars can be precisely placed in the luminosity, temperature plane. With H. Smith (Michigan State U.), Walker will begin follow-up B and V photometry of a 1 x 1.3 deg. SMC field, using a CCD on the Schmidt telescope. This field contains 136 new variables, mostly short period Cepheids and RR Lyraes. Earlier photographic work shows that different pulsation modes exist amongst the Cepheids. The CCD observations should make it possible to determine the temperature of the mode transition as a function of luminosity over this entire magnitude range. This work will constrain the models, which at present are rather uncertain.

R.E. Williams will continue to investigate the conditions in post-outburst novae, including both the remnant and the ejected shell. Attention will focus on the interpretation of the emission spectrum immediately following the outburst. Inhomogeneities are very important in this period and must be included in the spectral analysis. Numerical calculations ofthe ionization and temperature of an expanding shell with condensations will be made in order to model the spectrum. Comparison with observations will yield element abundances and the temperature and luminosity evolution of the remnant. In addition, the CTIO nova program will continue, in which optical and IR spectra are regularly obtained for all accessible novae after outburst. This program is providing an important data base for the study of novae. As part of the nova program, considerable effort will be devoted to refining the classification system now employed for novae spectra and to establishing a physical basis for the system.

Most of G. Williger's research focuses on echelle spectroscopy of QSOs. He is also involved in theoretical work and galaxy photometry observations. Williger, along with R. Carswell, R. McMahon, C. Hazard (Cambridge U., England), and J. Baldwin plans to observe 1202-074 (z = 4.68, ml ~ 17.5) with the 4-m+echelle in order to investigate characteristics of the Lya forest at higher redshift than has been studied to date. An exciting possibility would be a first detection of the Gunn-Peterson effect, not ruled out in low resolution spectra obtained by Schneider, et al. of an object at similar redshift. Williger, A. Smette, P. Shaver (European Southern Obs.), and J. Surdej (Liege U., Belgium) will take blue 4-m+echelle spectra of the gravitational lens 1429-008A.B (z = 2.07, 5" separation) in order to estimate the sizes of Lya absorption systems. Red spectra will be obtained at ESO. With R. Thomson and D. Forbes (Cambridge U., England), Williger plans to investigate shells around elliptical galaxies in order to test the hypothesis that they arise from mergers. B and R images of known shell galaxies will be used to look for double nuclei and to constrain alternative models through shell colors.

With R. Carswell and A. Babul (Canadian Inst, for Theoretical Astrophys.), Williger intends to study the evolution ofLya clouds in a cold dark matter mini-halo scenario using a one-dimensional hydrodynamical code. Preliminary work by Ikeuchi, et al. has indicated that CDM mini-haloes can explain the observed redshift and HI column density distributions. With the numerical code, it will be possible to synthesize line profiles and study the Doppler parameter distribution.

Williger has observed the QSOs 2206-199N, 1937-101 and 0420-388 with the ESO 3.6-m using the CASPEC echelle in collaboration with J. Webb (U. New South Wales, Australia) and Shaver. They hope to study chemical abundances in selected metal absorption systems; data reduction is still in progress.

S. Raychaudhury (CfA) and Williger are performing galaxy photometry in order to calibrate photographic plates used in the APM Equatorial Galaxy Survey. This is to fill in the "missing strip" of -17°.5 < 8 < +2°.5, \b\ > 20° between the UGC and ESO catalogues.

M. Ward (Oxford U., England), K. Kotilainen (Cambridge U., England), and Williger have performed photometry of an X-ray selected sample of AGN. They have obtained BVRI CCD images of a sample for which they already have IR images. The stellar and nonstellar components will be separated in order to determine the relative contributions of thermal and nonthermal components to the optical and near-IR nuclear continuum emission.

B. Kitt Peak National Observatory

H. Abt is establishing a more precise determination of the binary frequencies in open clusters of various ages. Work is complete on three young clusters (Orion Nebula, a Persei, and IC 4665) and has started on two clusters of intermediate age (Praesepe, Coma). To date the results are consistent with the model of capture as the primary formation mechanism for binaries. In that model the initial generations of binaries would be loosely bound (long periods) and have large mass ratios because the massive stars would first acquire more common low-mass companions. With time the binaries would harden (shorter periods), and the massive stars would shed (through three-body interactions) their low-mass companions in favor of massive companions (mass ratios near one). This is seen in the young clusters. A second project involves Trapezium systems, which are systems of three or more stars with roughly equal separations. They are dynamically unstable, and the known Trapezium systems are in H II regions and are young. However, Mexican astronomers Poveda and others searched for Trapezium configurations among all known multiple-star systems and found that the average age of such systems is about one billion years. C. Corbally and Abt have observed a sample of 268 of the 968 Poveda, et al. systems. One quarter of the analysis is complete, and they find that the Poveda, et al. systems are contaminated with background or foreground stars and that less than 10% are probably true physical systems. Only five Trapezium systems have been found out of 62 systems and all five have primaries of Bl or earlier, ie., their maximum age is 107 years.

T. Armandroff is working on a variety of problems in the area of stellar populations in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies. He is undertaking a project, in collaboration with G. Da Costa and R. Zinn, to improve the quality and quantity of abundance determinations for outer-halo globular clusters via spectroscopy at the Ca II triplet. These measurements will investigate if there is an abundance gradient in the outer halo, address the second parameter problem, and determine if there is an age spread among the outer-halo globulars. Armandroff and G. Da Costa are involved in a multi-year spectroscopic study of K giants in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. The velocities from this study have yielded an improved velocity dispersion, and hence mass-to-light ratio, for Sculptor. Armandroff and P. Massey are continuing their study of Wolf-Rayet stars in nearby galaxies with CCD surveys for Wolf-Rayet stars in the Local Group irregular IC 10 and the Sculptor group Sc NGC 300.

Most of S. Barden's research is devoted to a study of the binary frequency and dynamics of the globular cluster M71 by multi- fiber spectroscopy of a sample of 150 subgiants. This is the first determination of the binary frequency in a globular cluster that does not rely on the brightest giants; the use of less luminous stars greatly reduces the uncertainties in inferring the primordial binary frequency, a quantity of great import to a cluster's dynamical evolution. This project is in collaboration with T. Armandroff (NOAO) and T. Pryor (Rutgers U.). After two successful observing epochs, one year apart, the rms uncertainty in the velocities is well under 1 km/s. This sample includes stars down to V = 17 and is possibly the first time such high precision velocities have been obtained for such a faint ensemble of stars. The project utilizes the extreme stability of the Nessie multi-fiber feed at the 4-m. A third observing epoch was obtained in July 1991. Other ongoing collaborations include a search for pre-main-sequence stars (the so-called naked T Tauri stars) with F. Walter (State U. of New York), a search for binaries in open clusters with both R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin) and D. Latham (Center for Astroph.), and a high

10 precision velocity survey of stars in M67 (with D. Duncan and others) in a search for Jupiter-like planets in which a precision of better than 100 meters/second is required.

M. Belton is currently involved in a microwave spectroscopic study of the structure of lo's neutral atmosphere, a determination of the spin state of Halley's nucleus, a theoretical investigation into the structure of the atmosphere of Chiron, and various investigations associated with the Galileo mission. In 1990, Belton and his colleagues at Meudon, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute ofTechnology, and University of California, Berkeley made the first unambiguous ground-based detection of S02 in lo's neutral atmosphere by fully resolving the 222 GHz rotational line with the IRAM radio telescope. Since that time further observations by Belton and Paubert have yielded a second line at 143 GHz, and colleagues at Meudon have placed significant upper limits on lines ofdifferent rotational excitation. These data are being used to define the mean vertical structure and to explore the definite signs of variability that are present in the data. lo's neutral atmosphere is important since it represents the immediate source of S and O atoms to the extensive Jovian magnetosphere. In his investigations of activity associated with Halley's nucleus Belton had to resolve the nature of the nuclear spin state before progress could be made. Belton has now concluded a three-year investigation that demonstrates that Halley is in an excited spin state and for the first time produced a model that satisfies both data taken from spacecraft and from the ground. There are significant implications in the model for large scale chemical inhomogeneity in the nucleus. Belton was co-discoverer (with K. Meech) of the coma surrounding 2060 Chiron with the 4-m Mayall telescope. He followed this up with a theoretical study of the coma's radial structure and stability. In his model the coma dust is gravitationally bound on metastable satellite orbits to great distances from Chiron. Finally, Belton is the Team Leader of the Imaging Science Team on the Galileo mission. In the past year scientific encounters have been accomplished at Venus, , and the Moon, and Belton has been responsible for leading the scientific planning for the imaging sequences and the subsequent analysis of the images.

B. Bohannan's research centers on observational studies of the evolution of massive stars. Determination of the basic stellar properties of temperature, gravity, mass, and surface element abundances of luminous stars are crucial in understanding at masses where mass loss rates determine the evolutionary path a star follows. Recent work with colleagues at the University of Colorado on O-type stars in the Galaxy suggests that perhaps all Of and O-type supergiants have enhanced helium abundances, an indication that core-processed material is at the present stellar surface. Current investigations involve abundance studies of B supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud with E.L. Fitzpatrick (Princeton U.) and determination of the properties of the Of/WN class of stars with properties intermediate between the Of and WN types with P.S. Conti (U. of Colorado). B supergiants in the LMC exhibit a range of CNO abundances, an observation that implies that some of these stars have evolved to the red supergiant region and have returned to the blue supergiant region with core-processed material now in their atmospheres. The study of the Of/WN stars aims to determine if there is an evolutionary link between these stars as well as a morphological one.

T. Boroson has continued to work on both normal and active galaxies. In collaboration with I. Thompson, he has completed a study of line strength gradients in several elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster. The gradients in the features measured in NGC 4472 fall into three groups: those with no measurable change, those that decrease moderately outward, and those that decrease strongly outward. The two features in this last category are the Na I lines, X5892 (the D lines) and A.8192. This result may be interpreted either as an indication that sodium is enhanced in the nucleus or that in the center a large fraction of the light comes from late type dwarfs rather than giants. Boroson and D. Silva will follow up this study with observations in the 3400-4500 A region of these galaxies. In the area of active galaxies, Boroson and

11 R. Green will complete a spectroscopic survey of all the PG quasars having redshifts less than 0.5. The goal is to quantify the correlations among emission line properties (H|3, [O HI], Fe II) and other global properties such as optical and radio luminosity. Analysis of these observations has turned up a number of interesting trends, including the finding that most of the variation in properties cannot be attributed to orientation effects, in contradiction to recent work on unified models of AGNs. Finally, Boroson and K. Meyers will undertake a study of IR-selected QSOs and Seyfert galaxies looking for low-ionization absorption from outflowing material. There is known to be an excess of broad absorption line (BAL) quasars in the sample, and the new work will be aimed at a) determining the frequency of Na I absorption in such objects and b) learning what other properties are associated with the BAL phenomenon. Preliminary examination of the limited data obtained so far shows that not only is Na I absorption seen in objects known to be BALs but Na I emission is 10-20 times as strong as in most other quasars. This may argue that these BAL objects are not drawn from the general population of quasars and seen from a preferred angle but have different intrinsic properties.

Next year D. Crawford will be continuing his photometric work on open clusters. Current plans include finishing the efforts on M16, a very young open cluster/association with a wide range of interstellar absorption. As such, it is most useful in helping establish the hot end of the zero age main sequence and of the ratio of total to selective absorption. Additional CCD photometric observing time will be requested to continue the program for other clusters. In addition, efforts will continue on the understanding and calibration of standard photometric systems.

D. De Young's recent research activities include theoretical studies of the evolution of galaxies at very high redshift, the origin of low metallicities in dwarf galaxies, the interaction of cosmic jets with their environment, and the amplification of magnetic fields by nonlinear turbulent flows. Recent observations of clusters of galaxies which are both X-ray sources and which contain radio sources have provided new and unambiguous measurements of the magnetic fields present in the inner regions of the intracluster medium. These observations also provide an estimate of the scale length of the field structures, and the overall conclusion is that several clusters contain magnetic fields of microgauss strength with coherent structures on scales of 10 kpc or more. It has been suggested that these fields could be produced by turbulent amplification in the ICM which is driven by the motion of the cluster galaxies through the hot gas, and order of magnitude calculations seemed to verify this. However, a recent calculation by D. De Young which includes in a self consistent way the effects of fully nonlinear and time dependent MHD turbulence suggests that this mechanism will not work. The basic reason is that this calculation includes the effects of the turbulent cascade of energy from large scales to ever smaller scales, where it is lost to dissipation and cannot be used to amplify the magnetic field on large scales. Previous order of magnitude calculations did not include these effects. Hence some other cause of such large scale fields must be found, and this is presently under investigation. Other work in progress includes an investigation of the interaction of jets which emerge from an AGN and encounter a rotating accretion disk. The object of this study is to see if a dense accretion disk can explain some of the optical and radio properties seen in Seyfert nuclei. A related investigation, which is nearly complete, explores the effects of a cloudy two phase ISM on propagating jets. The motivation is to explain the phenomenon known as Compact Steep Spectrum radio sources and to see if in fact these objects are "normal" radio sources confined by an exceptionally dense ISM. The indication is that these objects may be permanently confined and never "grow up."

I. Gatley will continue work on infrared emission line images of photo-dissociation regions. Photo- dissociation regions (PDRs) occur when ultraviolet radiation at wavelengths beyond the Lyman edge of hydrogen illuminates an interstellar molecular cloud. They are therefore common, occurring for example

12 in H II regions, reflection nebulae, planetary nebulae, and galactic nuclei. Gatley proposes to use the Cryogenic Optical Bench to make images of PDRs in lines of atomic and molecular hydrogen, and in the 3.28 um dust emission feature. He will map the distribution of (and extinction to) the ionized gas, the excitation of the molecular hydrogen, and the distribution of the hot dust. This will provide the first detailed (arcsec resolution) study of the rich phenomenology that results when ultraviolet light is incident onto the surface of molecular clouds. Targets include a massive H II region, a reflection nebula, a planetary nebula, a bipolar outflow from a YSO, and the Galactic center.

F. Gillett's research interests are in the area of continued IRAS data analysis and utilization of IR array-based instruments for followup of IRAS results and studies of star formation regions. He plays an active role in the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) Science Working group since leaving NASA headquarters. SIRTF is, hopefully, about to enter Phase B and could be up for a new start as early as FY 1994. Another substantial activity has been the planning and definition of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) project, where he is actively involved on the 2MASS science team, headed by S. Kleinmann (U. of Massachusetts). A conceptual approach for the survey has been selected is now being refined. Proposals for project development are being prepared for submission to NSF and NASA.

R. Green will continue his work on quasar energy distributions, line strengths, and absorption lines. Work is proceeding with colleagues at the Center for Astrophysics on large NASA archival research projects to determine the spectral energy distributions and line strengths of quasars. His role has been to provide the IUE spectrophotometry to combine with X-ray, optical, infrared, IRAS and radio data. The initial analysis has been to look for correlations between properties in different energy ranges; multi-component modeling of the emission sources will follow. One paper is in final draft containing the large observational database. Osmer, Porter, and Green are collaborating to combine ultraviolet line data with optical and near-IR photometry of high-redshift samples to study trends in line and continuum properties with luminosity and redshift. The high-redshift database has been extended to IUE, the VLA and ROSAT in order to determine the evolution of the continuum spectral energy distribution with cosmic time. This project has involved two REU summer students, one undergraduate, and two high school interns.

A collaboration is in progress with J. Bahcall and his HST team of Schneider and Jannuzi to exploit the information in high S/N ultraviolet spectra of low-redshift quasars. Green's role in the group is two-fold: to study the systematic properties of the emission-lines as they relate to the optical line profiles in the same objects, and to correlate the large-scale structures with detected absorbers. Boroson and Green also received HST time to obtain an FOS spectrum of a strong Fe II emission-line quasar to use as a template for studying the 2000-3000 A region.

Osmer, Porter and Green are pursuing a multi-color survey of about a square degree of sky at high galactic latitudes, which should be complete to 23rd magnitude in V. Hydra time was granted in Spring semester to begin confirmation of sources that are stellar but stand out in multi-color space from the stellar locus. The goal is to determine the evolution of the quasar and Seyfert galaxy luminosity functions. In addition, they will obtain color data on faint galaxies as a function of magnitude and will work on the metallicity distribution of distant halo dwarfs. Ellingson, Green and Yee have successfully proposed for ROSAT HRI time to observe quasars in rich clusters at z > 0.4. The goal is to observe the development of the hot intracluster medium as a function of central velocity dispersion and blue galaxy content in order to look for correlations with virilization and ram pressure stripping.

K. Hinkle's research interests are in the area of medium to high resolution spectroscopy of cool stars and circumstellar shells. The symbiotic star CH Cyg is not only the brightest of the typical symbiotics in the

13 visual and infrared but has also proven to be among the least tractable. Extensive visual spectroscopy and photometry reported in the literature have not produced insight into the nature of the interacting system. Over the summer, F. Fekel (Vanderbilt U.), D. Johnson, and Hinkle completed an analysis of the time series of FTS spectra spanning the last 13 years. These observations show that this star is a triple-star system, with a M6 III primary and compact secondary in a two year orbit and a G-K dwarf in a 15 year orbit about this pair. The activity of this system results from the M6 giant and compact object being a semi-detached binary system. Hinkle is planning future observations of the M giant in the 4.6 um region to examine the circumstellar environment. The compact object is currently surrounded by an accretion disk and information on the accretion disk may be obtainable from the infrared spectra. A paper on the triple system in nearing completion.

G. Jacoby is continuinghis efforts to validate the planetarynebula luminosityfunction (PNLF) technique for deriving distances to galaxies. Future plans call for a second test of the Sb/EO connection using the close galaxy pair NGC 4564 and 4494. Other planned observations are directed toward resolving the discrepancies betweenthe PNLF method and the use of Type la sypernovae by observinggalaxieshosting these rare events. A great deal of weight is given to the SN la technique, and the distance scale controversy will not end until the discrepancy is understood.

R. Joyce continues an investigation of heavily-obscured late-type stars in the infrared. A long term program of photometric monitoringhas established variability on timescalesup to 2300 d for M-type stars and 1050 d for C-type stars. The C stars appear to show a correlation between period and [K - 12] color, an indicator of the dust shell optical depth. This program will continue, with the aims of obtaining coverage of a statistically complete sample and monitoring longer term effects. A near-infrared (1-4 urn) spectroscopic study is underway to determine if these heavily-obscured stars differ significantly in chemistry or abundance from their less obscured counterparts. One very unusual star shows only polyatomic (HCN, C2H2) absorption bands and may have arelatively unobscured, extremely cool (1250 K) . Serendipitous spectroscopy of NovaHerculis 1991 showed emission linesof [SiVI],[SiVII], and possibly [Si X], indicatingthat this star is entering a coronal line phase similar to that of Nova Cygni 1975 (V1500 Cyg).

T. Kinman is obtaining contemporary ephemerides for 150 nearby RR Lyrae stars from more than 2,800 photoelectric BV observations and 2,000 infrared H measurements. In collaboration with H. Morrison, spectroscopic observations of these variables are beingmade at known phases using the Palomar60-inch. This new sample will be more complete for chemical abundances and radial velocities: this will allow a much better discrimination between the halo and the thick-disk RR Lyrae stars and allow a better understanding of the stellar population with which the latter are associated. Kinman is also investigating the nature of the Case AF stars in two fields at the North Galactic Pole and towards the Galactic Anticenter (b = +37°) that he had previously surveyed for RR Lyrae stars with the Lick Astrograph. The blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars (0.0 < B-V < +0.2) are separated from main sequence stars in a u-B vs. B-V plot. (Stromgren u, Johnson BV) The AF stars include nearly all the RR Lyrae stars regardless of amplitude. Some 13 new RR Lyrae variables have beendetected. This has doubled the number of RR Lyrae and BHB stars with V < 16.5 in these fields (1.0 < log R< 1.4). The total numbers of RR Lyrae and BHB stars appear to be comparable overthis range of R . thus this field halo population appears to have an evenly populated horizontal branchlike that of the globular clusterM3. An extensive population of faint main sequence stars is also confirmed. Kinman is extending this study of the AF stars to other fields at both the pole and anticenter in order to increase the statistical weight of the data.

14 T. Lauer will continue the Space Telescope program on normal galaxies throughout 1992. Observations are in hand for several galaxy cores. Highest priority will be given to the nuclei of the local group galaxies M31 and M33 and to other black hole candidates such as NGC 3384 and M81. A separate problem is understanding the central structure of galaxies without massive black holes, with the goal of determining whether one can refine use of high resolution images to detect black holes by their effects on the central structure of galaxies.

Lauer and M. Postman (STScI) are using first-ranked cluster galaxies as distance indicators to look for convergence of the local large-scale flow on scales of 15,000 km/s. The survey depth is roughly three time deeper than the "Seven Samurai" sample that led to the discovery of the large scale flow. From the portion of the sample observed so far, Lauer and Postman find that the dispersion in the luminosity of first-ranked galaxies is 0.27 mag., which is actually better than what they had hoped for. Part of this program is also to obtain accurate redshifts of Abell clusters. Lauer and Postman have obtained a number of new redshift observations of first-ranked galaxies in the CTIO sample.

Lauer will begin a number of programs following on from the study of Abell clusters, a project being carried out with Postman. One goal is to further refine the use of brightest cluster galaxies as distance indicators. Velocity dispersions for galaxies in the sample will be obtained. Preliminary tests suggest that dispersion information leads to a significant reduction in the cosmic scatter of the purely photometric distance indicator that has been used so far.

R. Lynds continues his research efforts on arcs, or gravitational images, in distant clusters of galaxies, in collaboration with V. Petrosian (Stanford U.) and F. Hammer (Obs. de Meudon). A major fraction of Lynds' time has been spent on technical and scientific research in connection with WFPC data from the Hubble Space Telescope. Much of this work has consisted of task-specific analysis of data bearing on telescope and instrument characteristics. Some has consisted of processing and reducing of observational material on WFPC program objects and has resulted in the publication of a number of papers.

P. Massey will concentrate research activity in three areas. The first is the determination of the mass- luminosity relation for massive stars. He has selected the most massive binaries from Batten's Catalogue, and then taken the subset for which the inclinations are known from eclipses or ellipsoidal light-variations and for which the can be determined from cluster memberships. These orbit solutions were typically done with photographic spectrograms at modest signal-to-noise, and in many cases the mere presence of the secondary spectrum has been in doubt. Using the CCD on the Feed, Nidia Morrell and Massey are obtaining high SNR observations at critical binary phases to determine accurately the semi- amplitudes of the velocity curves of the two stars. By fitting line profiles to the best separated lines, they will be able to obtain masses free from the systematic effects of pair-blending, which has probably affected earlier results. This should allow a critical resolution of the apparent discrepancy between "spectroscopic" and "theoretical" masses.

One of the first uses of the CCD on the Burrell Schmidt was to obtain Ha images of M33. These data revealed giant loops of Ha, numerous H II regions, and a vast number of seemingly stellar sources. T. Armandroff, C. Neese, and Massey have since followed up the imaging by obtaining spectra of these sources, and they have conducted a similar survey of M31. Roughly 600 stellar sources were found in these galaxies, and follow-up spectroscopy with the 4-m was made possible only by the availability of Nessie, so that spectra of 40+ objects could be obtained simultaneously. While they found that (unsurprisingly) many of the "stellar" sources were simply compact H II regions, they detected Of, Be, Oe stars, and—most interestingly~a large number of stars whose spectroscopic characteristics are

15 indistinguishable from Hubble-Sandage variables. The nature of H-S variables remains controversial, but there is general agreement that they are a missing link in the evolution of very massive stars. However, only a handful ofthese objects have been known in M31 and M33, and they believe that the objects newly found (e.g., discovered on the basis of Ha emission rather than light variability) implies that previous estimates of their number densities have been too low by factors of 5 to 10.

S. Oey (U. of Arizona graduate student) and Massey have been investigating the nature of the giant loops of the Ha emission found in the outer regions of M33 in the above survey. Using the MMT this past October, they were able to obtain spectra of a complete sample of stars within two of the loops. Comparison with theoretical models suggests that the size of these regions (= 100 pes) and ionization are perfectly consistent with their being bubbles blown in the interstellar medium by the stellar winds of these stars. The fact that nothing like this is seen deeper in the disk of M33 suggests that isolated conditions are needed for these bubbles to exist for several million years.

Working with a variety of collaborators, M. Merrill continues to exploit the unique wide-field capabilities of the NOAO/KPNO four-channel infrared array camera (SQIID) to address a variety of problems concerning star formation in our own and nearby galaxies. These observations provide fundamental statistics on the luminosity function and the spatial distribution of young Galactic stars greater than a solar mass, and Merrill and his collaborators have found evidence of circumstellar envelopes/disks within young OB associations such as M17. JHK images of M33 cleanly distinguish and inventory the entire population of luminous red stars (heretofore represented by a few optically identified individuals), providing a record of the history of star formation within a spiral galaxy. The J-H and H-K color images of barred spiral galaxies mirror at high resolution the radio molecular observations and provide significant insight into the star formation process near dense spiral features.

H. Morrison will continue research on the inner halo and bulge. Morrison and P. Harding plan to investigate these populations using a survey of 2 square degrees toward the bulge. The major aim of the project is to measure the galactocentric rotational velocity of stars with [Fe/H] from -3.0 to solar, to decide whether they are looking at disk, bulge or halo stars, and whether these are even separate populations near the galactic center. Other interesting offshoots of the survey include the investigation of BHB stars, which extend to ~ 10 kpc past the bulge (they already have one authenticated halo blue straggler as well), and the study of the infrared properties and kinematics of a large sample of M giants. This last will be particularly valuable for comparison with work by Frogel, et al. on the bulge. In 1991 about 70% of the spectra needed to measure rotation as a function of abundance were obtained, and in June 1992, Morrison and Harding hope to finish the observations for the original field and take CCD data in another field which is closer to the galactic center.

In addition Morrison will finish gathering data and start analysis on the RR Lyrae project. She and Kinman have a magnitude-limited sample of -150 RR Lyrae variables in the solar neighborhood, for which they aim to measure both abundance and . They are particularly interested in investigating the metal-rich RR Lyraes and their relationship to the thick disk. The data in the literature are of extremely mixed quality, and a sample this large, observed in a consistent manner, will be a real addition to the subject. This is a challenging observational project, owing to the difficulties of catching the stars at the correct phase, but generous time allocations in 1992 should make it possible to finish the data collection.

P. Osmer's current research concentrates on the distribution in space of quasars at large redshift. A main interest is the space density of quasars at z > 2.2, where the principal questions are: at what redshift does

16 the density peak and how rapidly does it decline toward larger redshifts? He has been collaborating with S. Warren and P. Hewett on a wide-field, multicolor survey that produced the first quasars discovered with z > 4 and now has yielded a complete sample of 54 quasars with z > 3. An extensive effort is being made to determine the selection efficiency as a function of redshift and magnitude so that the apparent space density can be converted to true density. P. Osmer, A. Porter, R. Green and collaborators have active programs on the properties of the emission lines and continuum in high redshift quasars. They are searching for evidence of either evolution in the physical properties of quasars or the presence of reddening in the inter-galactic medium, both of which can affect the interpretation of the results on the space density. P. Osmer, P. Hall, R. Green and collaborators are using the Tektronix 2048 CCD to survey 1 square degree of sky with the 4-m telescope in six colors ranging from the ultraviolet to 0.9 urn. The survey is aimed at quasars with z as large as 5.5, faint AGNs at redshift 2, and faint field galaxies. To date they have data on 0.8 square degree.

In 1992 M. Pierce plans to finish the high resolution imaging survey for variable stars in Virgo Cluster galaxies. This work may make use of a new method of estimating distances using Long-Period variables. This method is similar to that of the Cepheids but the LPVs are brighter and much more common. The promise is the possibility of an independent method of estimating the distances to galaxies out to ~ 50 Mpc distance which can be well studied in the Galaxy itself, where numerous independent methods can be used as a check.

Another project will extend the morphological study of distant cluster members to fainter galaxies in order to investigate what relevance interactions and mergers may have on the evolution of the faint field population. This work is complementary to a lower resolution, wide-field survey being undertaken at KPNO. This survey has already identified a population of faint "ultra-blue" galaxies which appear to be undergoing intense star formation. These objects are prime candidates for follow-up imaging at high resolution and almost certainly will provide an important clue to the understanding of the evolution of faint galaxies.

The primary focus of C. Pilachowski's research continues to be the study of processes associated with the evolution low mass giant stars, including mixing, the onset of convection, and nucleosynthesis. One current project is the study with C. Sneden and J. Booth of the dilution of lithium in metal poor stars evolving across the subgiant regime from the main sequence to the giant branch. By identifying a sample of metal poor subgiant stars, they are able to measure quantitatively the dilution of lithium as the convective envelope forms and grows during early red giant evolution. A second program with T. Armandroff and R. Rebolo concerns the determination of the oxygen abundance in globular clusters. The oxygen abundance is an important parameter in determining the ages of globular clusters and has relevance to the age of the Galaxy. Unless the original abundance of oxygen is known in each globular cluster, the age derived from the color-magnitude diagram will remain uncertain by up to a few Gyr. To avoid uncertainties associated with the use of the forbidden 6300 A [O I] transition, Pilachowski, et al. are attempting to observe the high excitation OI triplet at 7775 A in low luminosity metal poor giants in the field and in the globular cluster M 13. A third program to study the chemical enrichment and kinematics of the early galactic halo is underway with T. Armandroff. Work on rotation in white dwarfs also continues in collaboration with R. Milkey and D. Bruning.

R. Probst's personal research has concentrated on infrared searches for substellar mass brown dwarfs, as companions to known stars and as free-floating field objects. He has conducted a search for low temperature companions to southern hemisphere white dwarfs, in collaboration with B. Zuckerman and E. Becklin (U. of California, Los Angeles). Using the recently completed multiband IR camera, he has

17 done a deep search for brown dwarfs in the Pleiades in collaboration with J. Stauffer (NASA-Ames). He also participated in a spectroscopic followup effort at KPNO and Mt. Palomar which determined that the claimed enormous population of brown dwarfs in the Taurus clouds was in error. Most recently, Probst has instigated an effort to use the multiband camera for a large scale survey of star forming regions, with the data to be archived for use by the community. As an offshoot of his responsibilities as instrument scientist for the facility IR camera, he has been an active participant in infrared speckle imaging and in synoptic observing of the dark side of Venus.

S. Ridgway has developed the analytical formalism for predicting the performance of adaptive optics in non-optimum circumstances, especially off-axis wavefront reference. He worked with Mariotti and de Forresto to develop a plan to demonstrate the interferometric linkage of existing telescopes with fibers, and began implementation of a prototype with the McMath auxiliary telescopes. In collaboration with Dyck at the Wyoming Infrared Michelson Array, he obtained an accurate angular diameter measurement for a Herculis, improving the calibration near spectral type M6. Additional measurements revealed a distinct Tefrcolor relation for coolsupergiants. The infrared speckle collaborators have reported a variety of preliminary results, including Zinnecker's survey of T. Tauri stars for multiplicity, images of late-type star envelopes showing evidence for bipolar shapes, and resolved images of high luminosity YSOs BN and IRC2 in OMCI, in the former case apparently resolving directly the expected dust "cocoon." Ridgway began mechanical design for the cryogenic infrared echelle spectrometer and initiated the tilt-correcting secondary program for IR imaging at the 2.1-m telescope.

Next year Ridgway plans to bring the tilt-correction prototype into operation and operate it for science in at least a limited fashion. He will continue the fiber interferometry project, concentrating on data analysis, demonstrating the capability for good calibration, and planning a substantive next step, perhaps at La Silla. Ridgway will also begin more serious participation in the IOTA project, with initial setup of an IR correlator at Mt. Hopkins.

Since his arrival at KPNO, D. Silva has become involved in several studies which fall within the general category of extragalactic stellar populations. Collaborative projects include a study of elliptical galaxy absorption line gradients below 4200 Awith T. Boroson, a study ofelliptical JHK gradients with R. Elston and I. Gatley using the newly commissioned Simultaneous Quad Infrared Imaging Device (SQIID), and a search for red supergiants in extragalactic star formation sites using Arizona's 256 x 256 NICMOS IR array with R. Elston and M. Rieke. Independent projects include an investigation of "disky" ellipticals via direct CCD imaging with Gunn filters and a comparison of SO disk and bulge ages using the spectroscopic Rose absorption line indices found near the 4000 A break. Silva is also working on the development of a new empirical population synthesis techniques based on cross-correlation techniques.

L. Wallace is working with W. Livingston (NSO) on tracking the changes in the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Other programs devoted to this topic use chemical analysis of gas samples collected at ground level from a number of sites. This work uses telluric absorption in infrared solar spectra obtained on Kitt Peak and yields total column amounts as opposed to ground level concentrations. The most recent work has concentrated on stratosphere HCl and HF. During the 12 year interval, 1978-1990, HCl has increased a factor of 2.0 and HF has increased a factor of 3.0. The near consistency of the rates of increase of HCl, HF, and the chloro-fluorocarbons and the tight correlation between of the HCl and HF amounts has confirmed the expectation that the primary source of these gases should be the dissociation of chloro-fluorocarbons in the stratosphere. L. Wallace will look at last year's worth of data on HCl and HF to see what impact the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic event has made. A substantial impact could largely invalidate interpretations of single observations based on the assumption of no volcanic connection. HCl and HF are known to be emitted by volcanos, but it is also thought that most of these gases will dissolve in the emitted water vapor and rain out before they reach the relatively dry stratosphere. On the other hand, some of the strongest proponents of this quick rain-out theory have a vested interest in there being no volcanic contribution to stratospheric HCl and HF. It appears that the El Chichon event at least marginally affected the HCl and HF amounts, and the more dense observations around the time of the Mt. Pinatubo should increase the chances of clarifying the volcanic connection.

C. National Solar Observatory

R. Altrock will work on solar-cycle studies of the solar corona, using data from the Sacramento Peak Emission-Line Coronal Photometer (ELCP). This will include investigation ofthe variation of activity and rotation as a function of latitude and of various periodicities in activity. Efforts to understand the implications, and to refine knowledge, of overlapping solar cycles as observed in the corona will be made. Studies of the variation of Fe XIV and Fe X coronal flux and their relationship to other global solar parameters will be performed. ELCP data will be searched for transients, and correlations with chromospheric, upper-corona (from space-based instruments), and possibly solar-wind and geomagnetic measurements will be investigated. In particular, collaboration will continue with the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) on a study of transients as observed with the ELCP and the HAO Mk III K-coronameter. Observations will begin with the full-limb "One-Shot" coronagraph after modifications to add a CCD camera are complete. Altrock will continue work on the design and construction of a new, space-based system to observe interplanetary disturbances called the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI). Studies of coronal mass ejections will begin with data from the new Miniature Advanced Coronagraph (MAC I) CCD prominence-eruption patrol instrument. An investigation of the spatial and temporal variations of coronal temperature will be carried out. The ELCP data set will be compared and integrated with Czechoslovakia and Russian data to allow extended studies of solar-cycle variations to be made. A comparison of coronal structures as observed in He 10830 A and Fe XIV will be performed.

K. Balasubramaniam will continue to be actively involved with S. Keil in the Solar Activity Initiative. The program will involveacquisition and interpretation of the data acquired underthe Initiativeprogramduring the 1991, 1992, and 1993 observing runs at the Vacuum Tower Telescope, Hilltop facilities, particularly the NSO/JHU-APL Vector Magnetograph, and the Evans facility. The goal is to look for signatures of active region development that give rise to eruptive situations, such as flares, separate from, and in conjunction with, the magnetic field evolution. Such signatures could be changes in physical parameters such as velocity, temperature, pressure, proper motions, etc., or a combination of them. Balasubramaniam also intends to use the non-linear, least-square fitting techniques to infer multi-line magnetic and velocity fields of evolving active regions over several heights of formation in the solar atmosphere. J. Brault plans to publish with G. Stark (Wellesley College) new molecular constants for the A-X (3080 A) system of the OH radical, derived from high-precision FTS spectra obtained using a hollow-cathode source. An absolute accuracy near 0.001 cm"1 is expected for the stronger lines, and the last observable lines extend out to about N = 30. Work will also continue (with S. Davis, R. Engleman and others) on the extension and reduction of the rich store of CN spectra now available, including both high temperature (arc) spectra and rotationally cool but vibrational^ hot (active nitrogen) spectra. Brault will also continue his work with the IUPAC Working Group on Unified Wavenumber Standards, including numerical

19 simulations to test the relative effectiveness of the reduction algorithms in use by the various groups involved. If more laser heterodyne measurements on iodine hyperfine structure become available, an attempt will be made to improve the precision of these lines as standards in the visible. Finally, Brault will work on acquiring better solid state detectors for the FTS in the 10-100 picoamp region; avalanche silicon diodes look like a promising, inexpensive intermediate solution.

R. Dunn will continue to work on all aspects of the adaptive mirror program for the Sacramento Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope. In addition, he also plans to maintain his role as Telescope Consultant to the Large Earth-based Solar Telescope (LEST) project.

T. Duvall's plans include the development of a new instrument to observe solar oscillations at the South Pole; using the new spectromagnetograph at the Vacuum Telescope on Kitt Peak to observe the height of formation of spectrum lines by means of a new technique based on solar oscillations; and using the new high degree helioseismometer to begin a long-term study of the properties of the short-wavelength oscillations.

M. Giampapa intends to complete his analysis of joint McMath and ROSAT data on the chromospheric and coronal properties of low-mass stars, both in the field and in members of nearby open clusters. This work will emphasize Ha and He D spectroscopic observations in the optical and measures of coronal X-ray luminosities from the ROSAT data for various assumed thermal models. The synoptic data that has been thus far obtained for the so-called "marginal" BY Draconis stars will be examined for evidence of rotational modulation of the Ha line. Finally, the McMath data-set acquired for the T Tauri star SU Aurigae will be re-analyzed for short term (less than one-night) variability in the Ha line.

J. Harvey, in collaboration with F. Hill, T. Duvall (NASA), and S. Jefferies and M. Pomerantz (Bartol), plans to continue analysis of helioseismology measurements made at South Pole. The principal scientific goals are to study changes in the solar interior as the solar cycle evolves, to define the location of the noise sources believed to power the global oscillations, to understand the origin and physics of the enigmatic high frequency oscillations, and to investigate local properties of the solar interior based on helioseismic observations. In collaboration with R. Komm and R. Howard, Harvey plans to continue to study the motions of small-scale magnetic features as a diagnostic of the physics of the solar convection zone.

K. Harvey will concentrate on two areas: (1) Collaborations with the Soft X-ray Telescope on board Yohkoh. Of special interest is a study of X-ray bright points and their association with the evolution of the underlying photospheric magnetic field and with their chromospheric counterparts, observed in He I 10830 and Ha. Additional research areas will be coronal holes observed in He I 10830 compared with those in soft X-rays, and coronal mass ejections and their disk sources. (2) A study of solar irradiance in terms of magnetic structures observed in the photosphere. Use will be made of the NSO full-disk magnetograms to define objectively magnetic network elements and active regions to determine (a) a mapping function with Ca II K intensity, He I 10830, and (b) the variation of the magnetic flux in these structures as a function of the cycle to establish their relative contributions to the total solar irradiance.

F. Hill plans to build up a map of the convectionzone flows with the synoptic data from the High Degree Helioseismometer and will help integrate the ring diagram analysis into the Stanford SOI Pipeline. He plans to continue working on the development of inversion methods and will resume work on the four- dimensionalFourier analysis of atmosphericwaves. Hill will continue to develop GONG merging software and will work on validating the GONG Pipeline. In this context, he plans to investigate systematically all

20 sources of errors in helioseismic data sets. Hill also plans to finish the site survey papers; continue development of the GONG artificial data set; test the GONG Pipeline; and continue development of the merging algorithms. He also plans to resume developing the ring diagram analysis by applying it to various data sets (South Pole, High-Degree Helioseismometer, Lockheed La Palma, Mt. Wilson) in collaboration with several colleagues (Patron, Toomre, Gough, Julian, Milford, Harvey, Duvall, Jefferies, Rhodes, Krozennik, Brown). Hill further plans to develop a 1.5 and two-dimensional inversion code and use it on the South Pole data; finish the g-mode study; continue developing pattern recognition algorithms with K. Harvey; and use the site survey data to observe the effect of Mt Pinatubo dust with W. Livingston.

R. Howard will continue his collaboration with K.R. Sivaraman of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. This project is now proceeding satisfactorily with the measurement of daily white-light photographs from Kodaikanal for most of this century. A paper describing a detailed comparison of these data sets is in progress. Also Howard will continue his collaboration with R. Komm and J. Harvey in the analysis of Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope data. This project will continue to be centered on the study oflarge-scale velocity fields of small-scale magnetic features. In addition, Howard will continue his studies of plages and sunspots in an effort to define parameters for, and set limits on, the activity dynamo process from its surface effects. Work next year will center on the separation of magnetic polarities in regions as a parameter of activity and dynamic behavior.

J. Jefferies will continue work to develop a proposal for a high resolution solar imager as a mission for the Small Explorer program. This work is to be carried out in collaboration with a scientific team drawn from several institutions in the US and Europe.

S. Jefferies intends to continue working on the reduction and analysis of South Pole data. He will also propose another expedition to South Pole during 1993 and 1994.

H. Jones will collaborate with colleagues at NASA GSFC (J. Davila, S. Jordan, R. Thomas, and W. Neupert) in analyzing the SERTS-4/Spectromagnetograph data set to quantify the mechanisms for forming He lines in the solar chromosphere and transition region. He will carry on studies of continuum contrast with Lawrence and Topka and will concentrate on absolute and cross calibration of the Spectromagnetograph.

S. Keil will analyze active region build-up data collected as part of the solar activity modeling initiative and the Max '91 and Flares 22 campaigns. He will parameterize changes occurring before flares and mass ejections, correlating velocity and temperature maps made with the NSO/SP VTT with vector magnetograms obtained with the JHU/APL vector magnetograph at the NSO/SP Hilltop facility. Keil plans to complete a coronal mass ejection imaging system based on the Mark II mirror coronagraph and use it to study the evolution of mass ejections at the solar limb. S. Keil and D. Neidig will explore the possibility of placing vector magnetographs at the Air Force Solar Optical Observing Network (SOON). The study will include evaluation of existing systems, comparison of ease of implementation in either visible or IR wavelengths, and a report on how vector magnetograms could be put into use as a forecasting tool.

R. Komm will continue his collaboration with R. Howard and J. Harvey in the analysis of high-resolution magnetograms obtained with the Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope. This project is centered on the study of large-scale velocity fields of small-scale magnetic features and on the variation of these velocity fields during the solar cycle.

21 G. Kopp intends to use the new McMath spectrograph turret and infrared grating to observe velocity and intensity fluctuations due to five-minute oscillations using the fundamental band of CO at 4.7 jam. This will allow for a simultaneous and co-spatial comparison of the motions and temperature changes in the lower chromosphere. Kopp intends to use the measurements to determine the thermal response of the chromosphere to compression and compare the results with current estimates of relaxation rates. Kopp plans to utilize the temperature sensitivity of CO to detect and characterize regions of cool gas, assuming a bifurcated atmosphere. Kopp will continue work on the Near Infrared Magnetograph (NIM). This will involve characterizing the Amber camera in a new twin-flask dewar, changing over to a 256 x 256 array, and readying optics for measurement of all Stokes parameters Q, U, and V. Kopp will then use the system for measurements of sunspots and plage, extending current measurements of sunspot magnetic fields out past the edge of penumbrae.

C. Lindsey and S. Jefferies are working on a project with D. Braun, (U. of Hawaii), in local helioseismology, using the NSO-Bartol-NASA South Pole Observations of 1987, 1988, and 1990. They hope to use acoustic waves to detect magnetic structure in the solar interior. Preliminary results are encouraging. They think they are seeing the acoustic signatures of magnetic flux tubes stretching across the solar equator hundreds of thousands of kilometers to connect the northern and southern bands of solar activity. These curious features seem to lie only a few thousand kilometers beneath the Sun's surface along their entire length, rising to appear at the surface only rarely in small localized regions. These results suggest an interior magnetic structure quite different from any previously expected and offer the prospect of a new and powerful interior diagnostic called helioseismic holography.

Lindsey and J. Jefferies are collaborating on a project using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) on Mauna Kea for solar work. They are preparing a project to model the physical conditions of chromospheric structure, such as spicules and fibrils, based on solar images they have obtained from the 350 urn continuum to 2 mm. Their project is based largely on occultation measurements of the solar limb brightness profile, obtained from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory in the total solar eclipses of 31 July 1981 and 18 March 1988. By far the best of these occultation observations was recently made at the JCMT when the total eclipse of 11 July 1991 passed directly over the summit of Mauna Kea.

W. Livingston plans to continue his basic monitoring of the solar spectral irradiance through measurements of spectrum line variability (Ca K, C 5380, Mn 5394, etc.) and line bisector variation over the solar cycle (5000 to 6300 A observations made with the FTS). Livingston will also continue the atmospheric trace gas measurements (C02, CO, CH4, HCl, etc.). This work is done in collaboration with L. Wallace (KPNO). The installation of the large IR grating in the 13.5-m spectrograph will allow more frequent measurements of HCl and HF.

D. Neidig will continue studies of white light flares using high speed CCD images in four wavelengths; these data will be combined with X-ray and microwave measurements in order to study energy transport mechanisms during the flare impulsive phase. Existing three-wavelength imaging data will be studied further in connection with flare magnetic loop geometry, using Doppler shifts observed in bipolar flare footpoints near the solar limb. The upgraded multi-band patrol (MBP) is now mounted on the Hilltop spar and will be used to acquire white-light flare data for collaborative studies with the flare bi-dimensional spectroscopy team (R. Falciani (Florence), G. Smaldone (Naples), and others) and with the Yohkoh/STX co-investigators. Design studies for a combined XUV and visible light telescope, as well as a small coronagraph, will be undertaken in response to an opportunity to fly small experiments under the Air Force SDI program. Acting as a mentor for the Air Force Palace Knight program, Neidig will continue to monitor the progress of T. Payne in observations and analysis of solar Ellerman bombs.

22 L. November will continue work on new methods for precise polarimetry based upon the equivalence between Stokes-state transformations and rotational transformations. These include: (1) total-internal reflection ellipsometers, (2) absolute calibration by rotational transformations of a crystal sphere, and (3) calibration of ellipsometers based upon a single-rotating Jones element. An underlying theme in this work is the "geometric analogy," which has significant theoretical implications in quantum mechanics.

D. Rabin will concentrate on two aspects of infrared solar physics: true-field magnetometry and carbon monoxide spectroscopy. The Near Infrared Magnetograph (NIM) will become fully operational, providing two-dimensional maps of IB I in the low photosphere. The two main scientific goals of the magnetometry will be (1) to measure how the intrinsic properties of subarcsec magnetic fluxtubes—now recognized to be basic constituents of the atmosphere of the Sun and late-type dwarfs—depend on their larger environment; (2) to investigate the coupling between the magnetic and thermal properties of sunspots, a long-standing problem for which near-infrared observations are ideally suited because of their high magnetic sensitivity, intensity-temperature linearity, and low stray light. Also Rabin will employ the CO molecule as a sensitive thermometer for the temperature-minimum region ofthe solar atmosphere. He will test a proposed two-component model of the temperature minimum region in the Sun and solar-type stars. For the Sun, this model can be directly tested by obtaining bi-dimensional spectra in selected vibration- rotation transitions of CO. The addition of a large infrared grating to the vertical spectrograph at the McMath Telescope will, in conjunction with NSO's infrared array camera, allow such spectra to be obtained for the first time.

R. Radick plans to study the imaging characteristics of the Sacramento Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope by continuing his efforts to measure the aberrations produced by its optical system under varying conditions. Correction of these aberrations should substantially improve the image quality. He will also continue his comparative study ofwavefront sensor concepts through both simulation and experiment, with the objective ofdetermining the ability of various sensors to function using solar granulation as the target. The prospects for using UV laser beacons and interferometric arrays for solar imaging will also be explored. He plans to conclude two long-term solar-stellar studies: an eight-year study comparing the photometric and chromospheric variability of lower main-sequence field stars of various ages, and a 12- year study of the photometric variability of young solar-type Hyades stars. The former promises to produce an interesting perspective on the possible range for long-term solar irradiance variability that remains ill- defined on the basis of contemporary solar observations plus various proxy relationships alone.

G. Simon will continue his collaborations with N. Weiss (U. of Cambridge), A. Title (Lockheed), P. Brandt (Kiepenheuer Inst.), and G. Ginet (Phillips Lab.) on kinematic modelling of magnetoconvection at the solar surface. These studies have already demonstrated that power spectra obtained at Kitt Peak confirm the existence of meso-granulation (MG); that exploding granules (EG) and MG, while spatially almost co-located, are nevertheless completely different aspects of solar convection; that supergranulation (SG) controls the evolution, advection, and disappearance ofMG; and that the existence ofthe well-known chromospheric network is mainly controlled by the SG, and only slightly perturbed by the EG and MG. The model will next be used to clarify the role of vortex motions in the surface velocity pattern and to show how sunspots and plage regions decay in the presence of SG and MG flow fields. Up to now the longest time series of solar granulation ever obtained with high resolution is approximately three hours. This is insufficient to determine the intrinsic lifetime of MG, which is estimated at two to 10 hours, depending on the location of the MG within its SG. Using adaptive optics recently developed jointly by NSO/Sac Peak and Lockheed, it should be possible to obtain an all-day run of solar granulation, from which, after suitable destretching, filtering, and correlation tracking of the images, the evolution of MG should be much better understood. Simon will be a member of an NSO/Sac Peak team which hopes to

23 fly a series of three solar satellites during the next five years. The instruments will probably include a coronagraph to measure space debris and coronal mass ejections and a soft X-ray/EUV/visible telescope to study solar activity buildup and release. He will also continue as a team member of the SOHO/MDI mission, scheduled for a 1995 launch.

R. Smartt will continue to work on problems concerned primarily with the solar emission corona, as well as the development of prototype reflecting coronagraphs. With Z. Zhang, he will carry out further analysis of the interaction ofpost-flare loops as observed in Fe X(6374 A), Fe XIV (5303 A), and Ha emission. Following observations at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, during the total solar eclipse of 11 July 1991, Smartt will, together with collaborators, continue to analyze the data as recorded at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (high-angular-resolution white-light images) and those obtained in a separate experiment that recorded the corona in the near IR. Preliminary analysis of the white-light images reveals subtle changes on small angular and temporal scales. Detailed analysis will follow digitization of the large film record. A preliminary analysis of the IR data reveals that a thermal-emission enhancement was not present at the time of the eclipse. Nevertheless, the data are of high quality and the first (together with two other related experiments conducted during the eclipse from Mauna Kea) provides a two-dimensional map of the IR corona under eclipse conditions, including the polarization signature, thereby giving new results on details of the F- and K-coronal distributions.

J. Zirker will continue to study the physics of coronal heating in collaboration with H. Strauss (New York U.), D. Wentzel (U. of Maryland), and P. Cargill (NRL). Zirker is engaged in several searches for the nanoflares postulated to heat the corona: with S. White and M. Kundu (U. of Maryland) on the NAIC telescope at Arecibo, with T. Bastian (NRAO) at the VLA, and with S. Koutchmy (IFA/CNRS) at the Vacuum Tower Telescope at Sunspot. Zirker is also planning further work on the formation of prominences, in collaboration with S. Martin (CIT).


A. Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG)

The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) is an international project to conduct a detailed study of the internal structure and dynamics of the closest star by measuring resonating waves that penetrate throughout the solar interior—Helioseismology. To overcome the limitations of current observations imposed by the day-night cycle at a single observatory, GONG is developing a six-station network of extremely sensitive and stable solar velocity mappers located around the Earth to obtain nearly continuous observations of the "five-minute" pressure oscillations. To accomplish its objectives, GONG is also establishing a distributed data reduction and analysis system to facilitate the coordinated analysis of these data. The primary analysis will be carried out by a dozen or so scientific teams, each focusing on a few specific categories of problems. Membership in these teams is open to all qualified researchers.

The project got underway officially in FY 1987. Since then, a breadboard version of the Doppler analyzer has been built and thoroughly tested, yielding excellent results. A prototype instrument was then built and began producing useful engineering data in FY 1990. Since then, refinements have been made to the prototype, improving the quality of the data, and increasing the level of automation and reliability of the systems. A project to develop data reduction and analysis software for the network has proceeded in

24 parallel with the instrument development. Software for the data-reduction pipeline has also gone through a "breadboard" and "prototype" phases, using data from the instrument to test and optimize algorithms.

The project has revised its long-range plan to attempt to deal with the absence of capital funding at the levels anticipated in the original proposal to the NSF. This has forced a departure from the originally proposed approach that called for subcontracting the actual production ofmajor systems for the instrument. Much of this work is now occurring in house. Further, in order to get the network on the air in a timely manner, the development and production phases of the project have, of necessity, overlapped; while refinements are still being made to the prototype Doppler imager, the construction of many field- instrument components has proceeded. While this strategy involves some calculated risks, it will likely allow the project to field an excellent network of instruments in the shortest possible time.

The project continues to hold its annual meeting, but with significant adjustments to allow the format to evolve as the project moves into a new phase. Beginning with the April 1991 meeting, the format became less of a review ofproject developmental plans for the instrument and reduction software, stressing instead the scientific aspects of the project. The 1991 meeting attracted a record number of participants, and included both oral and poster papers coordinated by an organizing committee in response to submitted abstracts. The 1992 meeting will be hosted by the High Altitude Observatory/National Center for Atmospheric Research and is called "GONG 1992: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars."

During 1993 the prototype instrument will take data routinely with daily visits by a non-expert attendant, thus simulating actual field operations as closely as possible. More remote sensing will likely be added as the instrument team gains experience with the operational prototype. As in the past, the oscillation data obtained will then be made available to GONG's science teams in support of their various developmental activities.

Production activities will also continue in FY 1993. Much of the remaining fabrication of optical, mechanical, and electronic parts should be completed early in the year. Integration of the field units will be a major activity, leading to deployment of the first instrument early in 1994.

The development of the data reduction and analysis system will also continue in 1993. A detailed, peer- reviewed plan for the Data Management and Analysis Center (DMAC) will be in place. On 1 October 1992, the old AURA corporate office on Warren Avenue will be available to the project, and interior remodeling to accommodate the DMAC can begin. Occupation of the building should occur three months later, near the beginning of calendar 1993. The facility should be fully operational later that summer.

Specific FY 1993 tasks will include the following:

Complete fabrication of field instrument components Complete field-station shelter construction Begin integration of field stations Complete integration and testing of first two field stations Continue routine operation of the prototype instrument Order DMAC hardware Remodel and occupy DMAC facility Perform DMAC end-to-end tests

25 • Conduct a deployment readiness review • Continue operating site-survey instruments at selected sites

Looking forward to GONG network science operations in June 1994, the long-range plan calls for the following milestones:

GONG Long-Range Milestones

January 1994 Begin network installation June 1994 Begin network operations June 1997 Cease network operations May 1998 Complete initial data reduction

The anticipated long-term funding requirements in 1992 dollars are as follows:

Fiscal Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Funding (M$) 2.55 2.55 2.10 1.47 1.33 1.69

B. Gemini Project Office

Each of the Gemini partner countries has been asked to create a Gemini project office to support scientific and technical activities. In the UK and Canada, the project offices are each staffed with approximately four people, includingthe project scientistfor that country and some additional engineeringand administrative support. The project scientist in each country has the responsibility for formulating input into the project by working with the sciencecommunity of his or her own country.The technical staff will work with the Gemini team in Tucson in order to identify work packages that might be carried out in the partner countries and to suggest potential bidders.

NOAO has taken the initiative to establish a parallel effort in the US. In the absence of a project office, the US would be at a clear disadvantage in terms of competing for work packages and for instrumentation projects. Since no funds have been provided for a US project office, funding has been obtained by redirecting resources from other NOAO programs, and most particularly from KPNO.

Because of the need to balance the Gemini work with ongoing activities in NOAO, no people can be assigned full time to the US project office. The US project scientist is Richard Green, who is also serving as Acting Directorof NOAO for the first part of FY 1993. Larry Daggert, who is head of ETS in Tucson, will be devoting approximately half his time to Gemini related activities. Fred Gillett is the one exception to this part time effort. He is devoting nearly full time to developing technical specifications for the telescopes, with particular emphasis on a quantitative definition of the requirements for infrared optimization, and is in effect acting as deputy project scientist. Since such a position has not been authorized for Gemini itself, NOAO is bearing the cost. Gillett's involvement is essential if the Gemini design is to satisfy the Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee's recommendation for infrared optimization of the Mauna Kea telescope.

26 The primary activities of the project office are to work with the US optical, infrared, and adaptive optics committees to formulate scientific requirements for the telescopes and to identify work packages that the US particularly wishes to carry out. As part of the latter effort, NOAO expects to identify university groups who might wish to prepare proposals for design and fabrication of some of the instrumentation packages.

A separate line in the budget table in Table I of this program plan shows the costs to NOAO of supporting Gemini. Primary expenses are for partial salaries of the individuals named above and for the travel expenses of the US science committees. Salary costs are also included for those staff who work with Gemini on a regular basis to review designs for specific subsystems. Because these NOAO staff are in Tucson, the Gemini project team relies heavily on them to help work out the details of how to define the scientific requirements and how to translate those requirements into technical specifications. Seven NOAO staff are involved on a regular basis in this effort, and partial salary support has been reallocated to the Gemini project office from KPNO for their activities. By international agreement, salary support for scientists involved with Gemini and their travel expenses cannot be charged directly to the Gemini budget.

C. 3.5-m Mirror Project

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

3.5-m Aspheric Polishing 293 50 343

3.5-m Upgrade Cell, Supports, and Thermal Control 163 155 318

3.5-m Assemble Upgraded Systems 157 47 204

Total 613 252 865

During the past year this project has changed its name from the Advanced Optical Telescope Technology (AOTT) Program to the 3.5-m Mirror Project because our effort has shifted from that of developing technology for large mirrors to that of preparing this particular 3.5-m mirror to be delivered as the primary mirror for the WIYN Telescope on Kitt Peak. This mirror is cast borosilicate glass and has been the source of experiments for grinding, polishing, and testing at NOAO since 1989. Past work on this mirror has resulted in the development of mechanical supports, thermal control, testing, and in-telescope figure control. Future work will provide for the final grinding and polishing of the mirror to an f/1.75 aspheric surface in preparation for its February 1994 installation on the telescope.

The project is divided into four phases; at present we are just completing Phase II. During Phase I the mirror blank was ground and polished to a 1/15-wave RMS sphere to facilitate optical testing from its center of curvature. The mirror was then aluminized, and the mirror support, thermal control, figure control and the temperature monitoring systems were built and installed into the mirror cell.

During Phase II, tests have been developed to provide two independent optical measurements to be used during the polishing activity. Scatterplate interferometry will be used as the primary optical measurement and Hartmann screen tests will be used as the redundant optical measurement. Data from both techniques

27 have been collected in the zenith pointing orientation and data from the interferometer have been taken in the horizon pointing orientation as well.

We have high confidence in the interferometric data. However, the Hartmann data in their present form are unacceptable. The Hartmann screen is currently undergoing modifications to increase its structural stiffness; final conformation of this technique must be completed during Phase II in order to provide the redundancy of optical measurements required to begin grinding and polishing operations scheduled for Phase III. In a parallel activity, an IR null lens assembly is being designed and will be fabricated for measurements to be made during the grinding operation. A visible null lens assembly is being designed and will be fabricated for optical measurements to be made during the polishing operation.

At the start of Phase III, the mirror cell assembly will be removed from the polishing table. Most of the 960 thermal sensors attached to the mirror will be removed. Passive polishing supports will be fitted to the mirror cell, but the thermal control system will be left intact. The mirror cell will be remounted on the polishing table and will hold the mirror during the aspheric polishing. This approach will make it possible to ventilate the mirror with controlled-temperature air after each polishing session, which will shorten the thermal stabilization time.

In Phase III the mirror will be polished to the hyperbolic figure required by its modified Ritchey-Chretien design. While polishing is underway, the support system and thermal control system will be modified to incorporate the experience gained from the Phase II testing. At this time the computerized controls of the active optics, active alignment, and thermal control systems will be integrated into the telescope control systems.

Phase IV will be the final acceptance test. The polished mirror will be installed in the mirror cell, and a final series of tests will confirm the performance of the mirror and its support systems. Following the acceptance tests, the mirror will be shipped to Kitt Peak to be aluminized. Following the coating, the mirror will be assembled in its cell for installation in the telescope.

In FY 1993, the following work is planned on the 3.5-m Mirror Project:

1) Publish the Phase II test report. 2) Complete the bar lap polishing tool. 3) Complete the fabrication of the IR and visible null lenses. 4) Grind and polish the mirror to its aspheric configuration. 5) Upgrade the existing mirror support hardware. 6) Disassemble the polishing cell in preparation for the Phase IV testing.


NOAO has joined together with the University of Wisconsin, Indiana University and Yale University to build on Kitt Peak a new 3.5-m telescope utilizing a borosilicate honeycomb mirror cast at the University of Arizona Mirror Laboratory. The new telescope (known as the WIYN telescope for Wisconsin-Indiana- Yale-NOAO) is designed for use with optical fibers for multi-object spectroscopy, with a relatively fast focal ratio (about f/6.3) and a field of view of a full degree (15 arcmin uncorrected). The WIYN telescope will also be instrumented for CCD imaging. WIYN is devoting substantial effort to producing a telescope of superb image quality, with an enclosure designed to minimize dome seeing and on a site known to

28 provide excellent seeing (the southwest ridge on Kitt Peak). The error budget for WIYN is planned to allow image quality as good as 0.5 arcsec when seeing permits. When the seeing is good, the WIYN telescope will be capable of high spatial resolution imaging with good image sampling.

Two Nasmyth foci will be available, one equipped for multi-object fiber spectroscopy with a wide field corrector, and the other available for a CCD imaging camera and other university instrumentation. Instrumentation for the WIYN telescope will be provided both by NOAO and by the universities. NOAO will provide the fiber-positioner and the multi-object spectrograph. NOAO will maintain facility instrumentation provided with the telescope. The universities will be responsible for university instruments which will not be available to the general community.

Time on the telescope will be shared among the members of the consortium according to the financial contributions of the four partners. At least 40% of the time is expected to be allocated to NOAO for use by the astronomical community. NOAO's portion of the telescope time will be used for survey and synoptic programs that make efficient use of multi-object spectroscopy. Observations will be obtained by the Observatory staff, rather than by individual astronomers assigned nights on the telescope. The telescope will provide the dedicated resources needed for studies of distant clusters of galaxies, selected samples of stars in nearby galaxies and in star clusters, and the physical environments of galactic nebulae. This new facility will therefore allow NOAO's community to pursue larger programs than are often considered feasible on Kitt Peak's other telescopes due to oversubscription. The telescope will also provide ground-based support for space astronomy.

During FY 1992 the project entered the construction phase, which will continue throughout FY 1993 and into FY 1994. Major work on the telescope mount, the enclosure and control building, and the control system will be completed. The enclosure and control building should be completed during the first half of FY 1993, and the telescope will be delivered in the spring of 1993. Following delivery of the telescope mount, the control system will be installed. The optics will be delivered in early FY 1994.

The planned work on the WIYN telescope project in FY 1993 includes:

• Installation of the dome and electrical controls and testing. (December 1992) • Interior finishing of the control building. (November 1992) • Assembly and testing of the telescope mount at the fabrication shop, disassembly, and installation on the site. (June 1993) • Fabrication and installation of the telescope control system. (August 1993) • Commissioning of the telescope mount, the enclosure, and the control system. (September 1993) • Polishing the primary mirror to the proper figure for the telescope and polishing the secondary mirror, the tertiary mirror, the wide field corrector, and the ADC corrector for the WIYN port. (September 1993) First light is anticipated early in 1994, and regular operations should begin early in 1995.


CTIO has joined with the University of North Carolina (UNC) and Columbia University (CU) to form a partnership which plans to build and operate a 4-m telescope on Cerro Pachon. An interim Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by the three partners, in which UNC and CU will fund construction of

29 the telescope and CTIO will operate iL Observing time is to be allocated commensurate with contributions to the project, and is currently figured at 30:30:30:10 for UNC:CU:CnO:Cerro Calan. The telescope is to be patterned after the ESO NTT and will have a 4-m f/2.0 thin meniscus primary mirror made of Coming ULE glass. The two Nasmyth foci will be optimized for optical and near-IR high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy. The primary will be supported by an active optics system, and the initial complement of instruments will include both optical and near-IR imagers and spectrographs. The instrumentation configuration is being designed to permit low-maintenance operation and to allow for the quick change of instruments. The observing will be done through queue scheduling, and it is hoped that a broad-band satellite link from Tololo to the US will allow some remote observing. Cost of the telescope and initial instruments is currently estimated at $20M.

During the past year, the ULE glass for the primary mirror was fabricated by Corning. The fund raising efforts at both UNC and CU received a shot in the arm recently when the steering committee of the UNC Bicentennial Campaign extended a formal commitment to the project to raise $10M. This allowed a contract to be drawn up soon with Coming to provide for the fabrication of the primary mirror blank. For its part, CTIO has undertaken a site survey over the last three years which has shown Cerro Pachon to be an extremely promising site for such a modem 4-m telescope.

F. Other Telescopes at CTIO

Harvard University and Cambridge University, England, have announced their intention to construct and operate a 4-m telescope on Cerro Pachon. Since they plan to raise enough funds to endow the operation of the telescope, NOAO would not be a partner in this project. Rather, Harvard/IOA wish to locate the telescope on a Pachon site leased from AURA and make use of the CTIO infrastructure (roads, water, gas, electricity, phones, etc.) by paying for all such services. In this manner, their operation will remain largely independent from CTIO. The Cambridge2 consortium does intend to avail itself of the AURA exemption from importation taxes, and for that will grant a certain fraction of telescope time to Chilean astronomers and to NOAO. The amount of time remains to be negotiated.

This project is still in the early stages of design and fund raising. A gift of $3M has been made to Harvard for the telescope. The final telescope configuration has not been arrived at, and additional funds must be acquired to assure the construction of the telescope.

Two Brazilian groups have expressed an interest in putting telescopes on Cerro Pachon. They would build and operate the telescopes, paying for all services used. The first group is the University of Sao Paulo, who have an agreement with Zeiss of (then) East Germany involving a swap of coffee beans for technology; Zeiss will completely fabricate a 2-m telescope for the State of Sao Paulo. The second group is the National Observatory in Brazil, which is interested in placing a telescope of unspecified size on Pachon. Both of these projects are still in a very preliminary stage.


A. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

The overall CTIO instrumentation effort for FY 1993 will be, as it was for FY 1992, devoted primarily to work in two areas: improving the imaging performance of the 4-m telescope, and implementation of new, large-format detectors in the visible and the infrared.

30 Summary of CTIO Projects

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

4-m Telescope Imaging Improvements 57 93 150

New Detector Controllers 137 50 187

CCD Mosaic 0

Second Generation IR Spectrometer 151 36 187

Spectrograph Cameras 13 70 83

Total 358 249 607

4-m Telescope Imaging Improvements (Project Scientist: J. Baldwin) Cerro Tololo, as a site, should routinely deliver subarcsec seeing. Work at a number of observatories around the world has shown that, with proper attention to detail, large telescopes can in fact be made to produce images as good as the intrinsic site seeing. In FY 1991, a program of improving the thermal environment of the 4-m telescope by removing heat sources and improving air flows in the dome was begun. This work should be largely completed by the end of the local summer.

It has also become clear that many aspects of the telescope optics themselves, while considered entirely acceptable by the standards of the times when the telescope was designed and built, are in fact not adequate to meet the more rigorous imaging standards that are now considered appropriate for large telescopes. Imaging at the prime focus will improve substantially when the new prime focus corrector-set back by an unfortunate accident in the contractor's shop—enters use. This is expected to occur around the end of this fiscal year. However, the f/8 Cassegrain focus, which is currently used for slightly over half of the observations at the telescope (the remaining time being split between the f/30 Cassegrain and the Prime), has by now been demonstrated to have serious problems as well. The most efficient solution appears to be to re-figure the existing secondary—a new secondary would be much more expensive, while alternative fixes may not be effective.

Once the secondary is re-figured, the desired performance can be maintained only if it is continuously monitored and corrected, i.e. on a weekly or nightly basis rather than once or twice per year. The Image Analyzer, on which construction will begin this fiscal year, is essential for this purpose, in that it will provide accurate and unbiased evaluations of imaging performance in near real-time. We will also modify the f/8 secondary mount to provide more efficient alignment of the secondary.

New Detector Controllers (Project Scientist: T. Ingerson) The design of a prototype array controller was actively begun nearly three years ago, and is now nearly complete, with successful tests of the prototype having been made recently on the Curtis Schmidt telescope. Several repackaged copies of this prototype, (Arcon 3A) will be manufactured this year and will be used for operation of new CCDs and IR arrays. In FY 1993, we intend to make some further improvements to the design (Arcon 3B), and to make ten copies thereof, as well as retrofitting the improvements to the Revision A controllers. The new controller design, portions of which are also being used at KPNO, offer a variety of advantages over our existing controllers, which are by now 10 years old,

31 in reliability, flexibility, andefficiency. The newcontrollers arenecessary forthe effective implementation of large-format IR and visible arrays, which typically have multiple read-out amplifiers.

New Instrumentation Many of the large-format arrays becoming available cannot be used effectively in conjunction with existinginstruments, and either new instruments or majormodifications of existingones are required. Two continuing projects and two new ones fall into this category:

1. CCD Mosaic (Project Scientist: A. Walker) This is a joint project with KPNO. The current phase is to produce two mosaic imagers based on 2 x 2 mosaics for 2048 x 2048, 15 um pixel Loral (ex-Ford) chips, as a probable preliminary to a single, still larger instrument to be shared by the two divisions. The 2x2 mosaic requires the new controllers since a total of 16 read-out amplifiers involved. It is our expectationthat the schedule for fabrication, thinning, and packaging of the chips is such that these stages will not be completed in FY 1993, and we have therefore budgeted no additional resources for the project; we do expect that additional resources will be needed in FY 1994. The request for zero resources should under no circumstances be interpreted as implying a low priority for the instrument.

2. Second Generation IR Spectrometer (Project Scientists: J. Elias, B. Gregory) This project is awaiting both manpower resources, which should become available at the end of the year after completion of the HgCdTe Imager, and capital funding, which could not be budgeted in FY 1992. The present IRS cannot be readily upgraded to a large IR array, and the most efficient approach appears to be a new instrument that uses existing dewar designs as much as possible. We have not included the cost of a new detector in our budget estimates. However, while the instrument can be commissioned with a Pt:Si detector, the low quantum efficiency of these devices makes them unsatisfactory as a long-term solution.

3. Spectrograph Cameras (Project Scientist: M. Phillips) CTIO expects to receive enough of the long-awaited NOAO/Steward 3K x IK CCD detectors to be able to dedicate one or more of them to spectroscopy on the smaller telescopes. However, the existing cameras are not suitable for detectors so large. New cameras are therefore needed for both the 1.5-m and 1-m spectrographs. While our resources do not permit us to handle construction of these cameras internally, we are exploring arrangements with STScI to provide mechanical design and construction, with CTIO providing the optics.

The 1.5-m Bench-Mounted Echelle currently uses cameras borrowed from the 4-m Echelle. Not only does this produce operational problems, it also means that the instrument is not operated in an optimal configuration. A single camera, to be used with a direct imaging CCD dewar, can replace these 4-m cameras on this instrument.

B. Kitt Peak National Observatory


The Optical/Ultraviolet Instrumentation Group has placed its emphasis for the last four years on the development of multiple object fiber-linked spectroscopy. The first step in coupling the 4-m focal plane to the spectrographs with fibers came with the Nessie plugboard system, which includes blue and red fiber

32 cables, andNessie was scheduled at the4-mtelescope on morethanthirtynights each semester. The group then undertookthe developmentof an automatedfiber positioner and bench spectrograph.This system was the first new major optical instrumentfor the 4-m telescope in many years, and its successful completion this last year places KPNO at the leading edge in fiber-fed spectroscopy.

A second major focus of the O/UV group has been the acquisition, testing, and implementation of the best available CCDs. This program began with the STIS IK and 2K chips and the Tek IK devices with square formats, all of which were well suited to imaging and echelle applications. Acquisition of these CCDs is a direct result of the development programs undertaken with Tektronix for the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). Significant improvements in CCDs for spectroscopy have been realized from the successful foundry run at Ford Aerospace, made in collaboration with CTIO and Steward, which yielded devices with 15-um pixels in 3K x IK, 800 x 800, and 2048 x 2048 formats. Thinning and packaging are in progress with new AR coatings and UV sensitizing resulting in 80% efficiency from 3500 to 7000 A. The new architecture and processing ofboth types of CCDs promise read-noise at5 electrons or less, very good cosmetics, and excellent charge transfer efficiency. In addition KPNO now has three Tektronix 2048 x 2048 chips, one obtained through the STIS program.

The program proposed for FY 1993 completes the transition from emphasis on spectroscopy to major effort on the long-term project for wide-field imaging, principally at the 4-m prime focus. This includes primarily the development of CCD mosaics, together with the deployment of large format single CCDs and several IK x 3K chips. The proposed program looks beyond the applications to the Mayall 4-m telescope. Multiple object spectroscopy is a strong driver for the wide-field designs selected for the WIYN 3.5-m telescope and the NOAO 8-m telescopes. The current fiber positioner and bench spectrograph will be modified for use at the WIYN telescope. The mosaic imager is not restricted to the 4-m prime focus; it could be used at the 0.9-m, 2.1-m, or 8-m telescopes, but more importantly will provide the experience in CCD-mounting and handling of large volumes of data, both of which are essential if large mosaics are to be implemented with the 8-m telescopes.

Summary of KPNO O/UV Projects

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

CCD Mosaic Imager 310 70 380

CCD Development 66 2 68

CCD Controller 165 12 177

New 4-m Prime Focus Corrector 22 50 72

Fiber R&D 8 9 17

O&M 22 5 27

Total 593 148 741

CCD Mosaic Imager (Project Scientist: T. Boroson) The long term goal for CCD imaging is the development of a mosaic of 16 CCDs, each 2048 x 2048 square, all mounted in a common dewar. As outlined in the CTIO section of this plan, a first step toward

33 this longterm goal is the fabrication of a 4-chipmini-mosaic. There are three reasons for building a mini- mosaic: 1) as a technology demonstration of our ability to mounta numberof chips togetherin a way that can be extended to a larger array; 2) to be a useful instrument in its own right; and 3) as a prototype for testing many of the peripheral aspects of the mosaic, such as controllers, dewar design, and data processing.

It is anticipated that two 2x2 mini-mosaics will be finished in early FY 1993, one for use at KPNO and oneforuse at CTIO. Afteracquiring experience with the mini-mosaic, we willinitiate design for the large mosaic. We will design a dewar and a mechanical mounting scheme for the 16 CCDs. We will design a filter "wheel," shutter mechanism, guider, and physical mounting scheme. We will at that point have learned how to multiplex data from multiple chips and will investigate how to satisfy requirements for the data acquisition system. This will result in a detailed design study for the big mosaic, which will be submitted to an outside committee for review. Following a successful review, we will contract for a new run of CCDs with Loral Fairchild. These new devices will be optimized for a 4-side buttable format. At the same time, we will negotiate a new contract with Lesser (Steward Obs.) to thin and package these chips. We will also begin building the dewar and the filter wheel/shutter assembly. The project should be completed by the end of FY 1994.

CCD Development (Project Scientist: T. Boroson) Most of the work described in the FY 1992 Program Plan has been completed. We now have a chip complement that includes three Tektronix 2048s (one included through our involvement in STIS) and a thinned Ford 3K in Gold Cam. In the remainder of the fiscal year, we will concentrate on the Ford 3Ks, with about 40 CCDs requiring evaluation. These are to be divided between NOAO and Steward Observatory. Also, we will designate one 800 x 1200 chip from the 3K Ford run to replace the TI CCD in the Cryocam. This replacement is scheduled for summer, 1992.

In 1993 we will concentrate on finishing the 3K project. The hope is to have two 3K x IK devices in universal dewars for use on the R-C spectrograph and at the Feed. Several 3K chips will go to CTIO after characterization, and two will go to solar, either for the McMath or for use at Sac Peak. Also, we plan to package a single 2048 from our foundry run for small pixel applications. In addition, there is the usual maintenance of the chips in use on the mountain.

CCD Controllers (Project Scientist: T. Lauer) This is the continuation of a project approved since FY 1988, originally spearheaded by CTIO. Although strongly motivated by current CTIO hardware requirements, this is a forward-looking project. It anticipates the greater capability required for mosaics of CCDs, multiple amplifier read-out on single devices, and special requests, such as region-of-interest framing and rapid read-out for acquisition.

CTIO has made substantial progress toward a working prototype system, with special emphasis on the functions of KPNO's "head electronics" and the sequencer card. The KPNO OUV engineering group is consulting on the design and implementation of some components of the system. The final result is a "hybrid" system for KPNO, which uses the Sequencer PC card and Fiber Optics Link PC card developed for the system by CTIO, while using an in-house power supply box, custom communications node to accommodate KPNO head electronics, and A to D converter card for the processed video out. A test hybrid system is running in the OUV lab, which has been demonstrated to have the same low noise characteristics as the old controller system. It will be tested at the 2.1-m with the fiber optics link in June.

34 In FY 1993 we will continue this multi-year project Development of the hybrid Arcon3 will yield a new hybrid box with a faster A/D converter, possibly with 18 bits, and with some modifications to the heat sink structure. The backplanes will be identical to the Arcon system. The request is also to build five hybrid systems to replace the existing old controllers at all KPNO mountain sites. S-bus to VME interface boards will be required for the Sparcstations running ICE, and transputers will be purchased.

New 4-m Prime Focus Corrector (Project Scientist: G. Jacoby) This proposal, which is a continuation of a FY 1992 proposal, is intended to upgrade our CCD imaging capability at theprime focus (PF)of the4-m telescope. Weareinvestigating optical designs formodifying the triplet as an altemative to the more expensive option of building another CTIO-like corrector (~$125K). Thus, we are not yet to the point of purchasing glass, and we may not reach that point until late in FY 1993.

Fiber R&D (Project Scientist: S. Barden) A modest level of continuing support is required for evaluating new commercial products and addressing such issues as minimizing fiber stresses and focal ratio degradation, obtaining maximum photometric stability, and developing techniques for accurate sky subtraction.

2. KPNO Infrared

In 1987, KPNO introduced a camera based on the SBRC 58 x 62 InSb array. This camera and, more recently, a spectrometer based on the same detector chip have been in very high demand by visiting observers. The early implementation ofthese detectors was a direct consequence ofa vigorous R&D effort.

Continued investment in R&D is the key to the future of the IR program within NOAO. In the near infrared-the 1 to 5 um wavelength region-we are confident that there will be dramatic improvements in both format size and noise performance. Development of new instruments deploying these new detectors will emphasize, where possible, commonalityof design. Designs will continue to be modular, will support plug-in detector upgrades (including the anticipated format size increases), and will utilize closed-cycle refrigeration.

Upgrades both in computer hardware and software, and in the speed of instrumental electronics, will be required in order to provide reduction and archiving capabilities consistent with these innovations. A new f/15 secondary mirror at the 4-m telescope and small active secondaries capable of "fast guiding" at the 4-m and 2.1-m telescopes will be needed for IR operation, and in addition closed cycle coolers will need to be implemented at these telescopes.

The KPNO Infrared Program is well positioned to meet the requirements of the NOAO 8-m telescopes. The fast guiding and coatings endeavors are directly applicable to the design of an infrared-optimized telescope. The instruments now under construction can also be regarded as prototypes for the 8-m telescopes.

35 Summary of IR Projects

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

Cryogenic Optical Bench 51 20 71

High Resolution Cryogenic IR Spectrometer 486 64 550

IRIM Upgrade 51 20 71

Detector R&D 180 45 225

O&M 82 35 117

Total 850 184 1,034

Cryogenic Optical Bench (Project Scientist: R. Probst) The Cryogenic Optical Bench (COB), a second generation IR camera with multiple spectral and spatial filtering capability, has seen first light on the 1.3-m telescope earlier this year. Two more engineering runs are scheduled for later this spring and summer, and we expect a further engineering run during summer shutdown. Thus by the beginning of FY 1993, the fabrication, assembly, and engineering test phase of this instrument will be behind us.

Tests of the COB at the telescope will occupy most of FY 1993. Carefully defined science observations will exercise various instrumental modes-for example, narrowband, polarimetric, coronagraphic imaging of gas/dust shells around evolved stars. The KPNO IR group will draw upon the expertise of members of the user community for this effort, as co-investigators in these observations. The participation of observers expert in various instrumental modes is expected to be most helpful in this effort.

High Resolution Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometer (Project Scientist: K. Hinkle) This instrument is a long-slit spectrometer that will provide a resolution of 100,000 over the wavelength range 1-5 um. The high resolution can be achieved with a slit width of about 1 arcsec on the 2.1-m telescope; the slit length is 1 arcmin. The instrument can also be used on the 4-m telescope. On the 2.1-m telescope it should be possible to observe spectra of a 9th magnitude object in the K band with S/N = 60 and a resolution of 100,000 in one hour.

The optical train consists of a five-element fore-optics assembly that re-images the telescope pupil onto a Lyot stop, a slit, and CVF filter, and an 8-inch R-C telescope as collimator. A major goal of the optical design work is to identify commercially available optics. Since the instrument is cryogenic, it must be enclosed in a dewar and operated in a vacuum; because of the "modular engineering" approach adopted for the IR instruments, future outstanding engineering issues will closely resemble previously solved problems. Initial performance tests will be performed with PtSi devices, to be upgraded to an InSb 256 x 256 array when funding allows.

A detailed scientific justification has been prepared as a separate document. In brief, the spectrometer will allow high resolution spectroscopy of the nuclei of galaxies, including sources in the nucleus of our own Galaxy; of embedded (pre-main sequence) sources in dark clouds; of infrared spectral lines originating in dark clouds; of all types of stars throughout all parts of the Milky Way to study their kinematics; and of

36 star-forming (obscured) regions in order to study their dynamics. The infrared contains excellent abundance indicators for cool stars. It will also be possible to observe a large number of galaxies and globular clusters in integrated light and derive abundance estimates for them as well.

The Phoenix project is proceeding in queue behind the COB. The optical design is complete. The mechanical design is proceeding. Optics will bepurchased in this (1992) fiscal year. In the nextfiscal year the mechanical design should be completed and fabrication should be underway.

IRIM Upgrade (Project Scientist: R. Probst) KPNO's first infrared array camera, known as IRIM, has been a popular and productive instrument since its commissioning several years ago. Due to its now modest array size, it is no longer a front rank instrument for many applications. However, it continues to be used extensively on the 4-m telescope for deep imagingof sources at cosmological distances, and on the 1.3-mand 2.1-m telescopes for narrowband imaging.

KPNO has entered into an arrangement with Tony Tyson (Bell Labs) underwhich IRIM willbe upgraded with a 256 x 256 element HgCdTe arrayproduced by Rockwell International. IRIM's internal optics will be replaced by a system optimized for 4-m use, giving 0.55 arcsec per pixel and a 2 x 2 arcmin field of view. Since these optics take an f/15 input beam, the instrument will be transportable to the 2.1-m and 1.3-m telescopeswithoutthe time-consuming and potentiallyhazardousincursionsinto the dewar required with the present arrangement. This uniformity is made possibleby the installationof a new f/15 secondary at the 4-m, to take place in summer 1992.

To accommodatethese changes in concert with other IR projects. IRIM will be taken out of service in July 1992 and remain unavailable as a facility instrument until spring semester 1993.

Detector R&D (Project Manager: A. Fowler) On completion of the laboratory testing of the 256 x 256 PtSi arrays for SQIID, the lab test dewar is being used for InSb 256 x 256 and 640 x 480 PtSi arrays. Since the existing lab dewar was modified for the Fast Guiding project, a second lab dewar was constructed in FY 1992 to accommodate the large number of arrays to be tested. Evaluation and testing of the 20 x 64 As:Si IBC arrays will undertaken in order to prepare for development of a 10 um camera. The IBC arrays, which have been in hand for three years, are sensitive out to a wavelength of about 27 um; they will be the arrays for the initial 10 um and 20 um imager/ spectrometer, the prototype of which would use a retrofitted IRIM system.

All of the IR instruments will profit enormously from utilization of high quantum efficiency detector arrays. Very high performance HgCdTe 256 x 256 arrays for wavelengths less than 2.5 urn have been produced for the NICMOS instrument; our joint development program with NASA will give us the opportunity to evaluate a new high QE 256 x 256 InSb array produced by Cincinnati Electronics. Longer wavelength versions of the HgCdTe array (sensitive out to 4 or 5 um) will be available on a slightly longer time scale. SBRC is currently developing commercially available high performance 256 x 256 InSb arrays.

Subsequent generations of IR arrays will advance in two areas: larger format arrays for the 10 and 20 um regimes, with large pixel capacity to accommodate the very high photon background, and 512 x 512 arrays for the 1 to 5 um regime. Both array types will be of great interest to NOAO, and funding needs to be identified for acquisition of such devices.

37 Operations (Project Scientist: I. Gatley) The IR group continues to support the operations of infrared instrumentation on KPNO, and the bulk of the funding in this category is devoted to such maintenance.

In addition, the group plans to undertake a special study of advanced mirror coatings. The performance of all IR instrumentation is affected by the reflectivity and emissivity of the telescope optics. The optical design of the telescope system, the intrinsic properties of the mirror coating, the contamination of the mirror surfaces by dust and other residues, and the deterioration of the mirror surfaces are all important factors in determining the system emissivity, and thus the ultimate performance of the IR instrumentation. In the thermal IR, notably around 4 and 11 um (and perhaps even in the K-band), the thermal emission of the telescope system is the dominant source of background at the detector.

We propose to continue the program of evaluating the performance of telescope mirror coatings by monitoring the emissivityof the existing 13-inchf/15 low background configuration telescope, which will be placed in the dome of the 1.3-m telescope. The results of these tests will provide a realistic approximationto telescope and dome environment and a comparisonbaseline with the aluminum coatings on the 1.3-m telescope. The results will be directly relevant to the choice of coatings for the f/15 secondaries on the 8-m telescopes, as well as to the operational requirements relevant to cleanliness and coating frequency.

C. National Solar Observatory NSO's primary instrumental goal continues to be the ongoing development of the principal instruments at each site-adaptive optics, infrared systems, and mirror coronagraphs. The resources to begin "new" projects must come from the wedge of resources that result from the completion of "old" projects, and potentially new resources. Thus, the NSO plan anticipates a span of at least two or three years in order to identify start times and levels of effort for future activities. Such an approach also naturally supports the development of a self-consistent long-term program. It should be noted that NSO pursues a scientific program which is the result of a partnership between the NSF and a number of other agencies, primarily the AFSC/PL, NASA, and NOAA. All of these partners contribute funding of one sort or another to the program. Nearly all of these activities impact the NSF supported program. The discussions here are limited to projects which receive at least partial support from NSF. Summary of NSO/Sacramento Peak FY 1993 Projects

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

Adaptive Optics *229 31 260

All Reflecting Coronagraph **96 96

Liquid Crystal Optics **58 58

Total 383 31 414

* Includes $64K from traditionally non-payroll funding. ** Air Force funds.

38 Summary of NSO/Kitt Peak FY 1993 Projects*

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

IR Magnetograph/Arrays 104 30 134

Video Filtergraph 63 63

Solar-Stellar Large Format Array 22 11 33

Solar-Stellar Cross Disperser 53 53 McMath 4-m Upgrade Study

Spectromagnetograph 22 22

Total 264 41 305

* NSF support only.

1. NSO/Sacramento Peak

Adaptive Optics (Project Scientist: R. Dunn) The development and installation of an adaptive optics system at the NSO/Sacramento Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) continues into FY 1993 as NSO's highest priority project. Many fundamental physical processes on the Sun occur at small angular scales of less than one arcsec. For example, the interaction of surface convection and magnetic fields, the buildup and release of flare energy, and the emergence and decay of sunspots all involve processes at the subarcsec scale. The addition of an effective adaptive optics system to the VTT promises to enhance significantly the ability to observe and measure these effects by providing diffraction-limited resolution for extended periods.

In 1990, S. Acton (Lockheed LPARL) made many improvements in the Lockheed 19-segment mirror, including automatic control via a Microvax computer, of the offsets and gains of the 38-XY channels that steer the segments. The system was left set up at the VTT/Sac Peak, for all of 1991. During that time, R. Dunn and L. Wilkins (NSO/SP) improved the optical system, aligned the quad cells in the Hartmann wave-front sensor to reduce the offsets supplied by the Microvax, and calibrated the input and output of the phase network that pistons the segments in and out to fit them to the continuous surface of the wavefront. The calibration is now so accurate that the adaptive mirror itself can perform the correction of the overall tilt, a task that is usually left to the tilt-tip mirror inserted in the beam prior to the Adaptive Mirror. Videos taken by Dunn on 18 July 1991, with a sunspot as a target, show spectacular real-time improvement of the images. In the middle of the day, when the disturbing layer is close to the pupil of the telescope and the "isoplanatic patch" is large, areas greater than 20 arcsec are considerably improved.

Acton and Dunn assembled a 14-minute video that shows the capabilities of this system. This video, which has been widely distributed throughout the AO and solar communities, demonstrates that AO really works well on solar images! The success of the Lockheed project has greatly increased interest and demand for a system on the VTT. NSO had planned to incorporate the Lockheed system into the optical system of the VTT in 1992 as part of a comprehensive AO system, which integrates a universal birefringent filter,

39 two spectrographs, a Stokes polarimeter, and correlation tracker. However, early in 1992 the Lockheed system was returned to Palo Alto to incorporate further refinements. It has now become increasingly important to complete the NSO system, which consists of the optical system mentioned above, a 61-actuator mirror with a continuous faceplate, a digital wavefront reconstructor, and a wavefront sensor based on a liquid crystal display that can work on granulation as well as sunspots. Considerable progress has been made over the last few years, in spite of limited funding.

Currently the program is supported by a combination of NSF and AFSC/PL funding. Additional support from the NSF is being sought as part of the Large Earth-based SolarTelescope (LEST) proposal. At the present time only a very small staff is available for this project, namely an electronic engineer and an instrument maker, in addition to R. Dunn. Part-time help in programming may also be available. The non- payroll funds have in the past been supplied by PL/GPSS, but this contribution is predicted to be very small in 1993. Objectives for 1993 include debugging the wavefront reconstructor, completing hardware and mechanical residuals, and testing of the wavefront sensor, all with the intent of completing the NSO system as soon as possible.

Reflecting Coronagraph Development Program (Project Scientist: R. Smartt) Conventionally, the emission solar corona is detected from ground-based observatories using the singlet- lens-objective type of coronagraph as invented by Lyot in 1930. Severe limitations in the observations result from the lack of achromatism in the objective, limited aperture and also limited spectral coverage. Recent advances in super-polished mirror technology offer the possibility of developing a mirror-objective, fully achromatic coronagraph with IR and UV spectral coverage. Further, in principle quite large-aperture systems can be constructed. Such new-technology coronagraphs have a far superior performance compared with the Lyot design. In a joint program with Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), the feasibility of a mirror-objective coronagraph was demonstrated at Sacramento Peak in 1988 with the development of a small, 5.5-cm aperture prototype instrument (MAC I) that uses a super-polished silicon mirror objective. This instrument has been modified for use as a large-field, eruptive-prominence monitor.

A second prototype coronagraph (MAC II) based on a 15-cm aperture zerodur super-polished objective has been constructed, tested, and mounted on the Hilltop spar. It has undergone further development, principally the incorporation of a new secondary annular field mirror and mounting system. The metal field mirror was constructed at IAP, as was its new mounting system and solar-disk-image rejection optics. In addition, a new Lyot stop, collimating lens, filter system, and camera lens have been incorporated. Recent tests of this MAC II coronagraph have revealed major improvements in the quality of its performance. However, multiple images and stray light problems require further modifications. Correction of these residual problems is currently in progress. During FY 1993, MAC II will be developed and tested further to the point of performing in the visible and near-infrared to a standard at least comparable to a high-quality, lens-objective coronagraph. This will provide valuable input for optimizing the design of larger reflecting coronagraph systems.

The third stage of this program is to construct a 55-cm aperture, research-quality, mirror-objective coronagraph to be mounted on the spar of the Evans Solar Facility. Further refinement of the advanced optical design has been achieved. Final specifications for the critical primary mirror have been completed. During FY 1993, mechanical design of this major instrument will be carried out, possibly in a joint program with Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace, Toulouse, France. The program is funded jointly by AFSC/PL and NSF.

40 Liquid-Crystal Optics (Project Scientist: L. November) The Liquid-Crystal-Optics program has been applied to making high-resolution measurements of solar vector magneticfields. This is accomplished by using liquid-crystal technology for a generalpolarization- mapping device that is used in conjunction with the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) and the Universal Birefringent Filter (UBF). This system provides millisecond polarization-state tuning and real-time calibration.

Two types of liquid crystals were tested and are used in building a polarization compensator: fast (40-microsecond switching) two-state, ferro-electric devices which are acquired from Display Tech and slow (4-millisecond switching) nematic devices which are acquired from Meadowlark Optics. By a combination of the two types, the desired speed is achieved for measuring each Stokes state. With slow scanning through all of the needed Stokes states and spectral samples, a vector magnetogram is acquired which is not seriously compromised by the atmospheric seeing. Calibration of the polarimeter with the telescope is done in place using methods that have been developed. The liquid-crystal polarimeter is located before the filter and consists of two slow and variable nematic-type liquid crystal elements and one fast ferro-electric element. The spectral modulator is located after the Lyot filter and controls the modulation in two CCD output channels; it consists of one slow nematic-type liquid crystal and one fast ferro-electric liquid crystal. The optical assembly of liquid-crystal polarimeter and liquid-crystal spectral modulator sandwiches are complete. A video multiplexer, which provides a horizontal-sync pulse for the ferro-electric controller and a frame-sync pulse for the control computer, is finished. A nematic liquid- crystal controller has been constructed to allow computer control of the slow elements at the normal video rate. Likewise, a ferro-electric, liquid-crystal controller has been built that provides modulation in sync with the horizontal scan rate in useful states that are selectable by computer control.

A longer term goal of this work is to build a liquid-crystal tunable filter to be used in place of the Universal Birefringent Filter. Used in a stack with calcite and quartz crystals, liquid crystals provide the possibility of tuning through one fringe of birefringence, thereby permitting the use of a spectral tuning filter based entirely on electrical control. It is expected that this filter will be based on a Sole or Lyot design, following the tuning and calibration technology already in use at the UBF. Such a system can be compact, portable, mechanically simple, self-calibrating, and with a dedicated computer control it will provide spectral-tuning ability from 3000 A to 12000 A. It will permit a wide variety of experiment modes, including Doppler velocity vector magnetometry and vector electrography. The program is funded by a combination of AFSC/PL and NSF support.

2. NSO/Kitt Peak

McMath Infrared Program (Project Scientist: D. Rabin) The initial project in the McMath infrared program is the Near Infrared Magnetograph (NIM), a unique instrument to map the true magnetic field strength in the deep solar photosphere using the McMath Telescope, the vertical spectrograph, and the Zeeman-sensitive line Fe I 1.565 um. The NIM comprises three major subsystems: precision limb-guiding and scanning hardware to execute raster scans ofthe solar image; fast-switching liquid crystal retarders to carry out polarization analysis; and a fast-framing infrared camera and associated data system. True-field magnetograms acquired with the NIM development system have already led to several refereed publications.

A major goal of the NSO infrared program during FY 1993 will be to bring the Near Infrared Magnetograph to full operational status. The first shared-risk visitor run was successfully executed in

41 November 1991, using the KPNO 58 x 62 InSb camera. Another visitor-support run is scheduled for June 1992,using the NSO 128 x 128 InSb camera. The remaining elements of the operational system are well advanced, including anamorphic transfer optics, faster liquid crystal retarders, and a graphical user interface. The system has been designed to accept a 256 x 256 array without significant alterations.

The second major goal of the infrared program is the conversion of the vertical spectrograph to dual- grating, visible/infrared operation. The infrared grating will enable two programs requested by visitors: spatially-resolved spectroscopy in the fundamental vibration-rotation bands of carbon monoxide (4.7 um), which are sensitive thermometers of the temperature minimum region, and true-field magnetometry in the high photosphere using the Mg I emission lines (12.2 um). Both gratings are in hand and the dual turret and new top-plate for the spectrograph are largely fabricated. Installation is scheduled for the summer of 1992, followed by engineering runs early in FY 1993. The NIM project is partially supported by a PI grant from NASA.

Video 10830 A Filtergraph (Project Scientists: J. Harvey, H. Jones) The proposed joint NASA/GSFC and NSO video 10830 A Filtergraph is designed to improve the time resolution and geometric integrity of time sequences of images at the Vacuum Telescope on Kitt Peak. The instrument will be used to study active-region evolution and rapid flare-associated transients. The instrument is a unique design that allows high sensitivity measurements ofequivalent width, Doppler shift, and line-of-sight magnetic field, using the He I 10830 A line. The instrument will be able to run simultaneously with the Spectromagnetograph. Conceptual design studies were conducted during FY 1991 and in early 1992. Long lead-time optics were purchased. The plan for 1993 is to build and install the instrument at the Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope before solar activity drops significantly. Specifically, the construction will be completed and software will be finished. This effort will build on the software developed to run the Datacube hardware that is an integral part of the Spectromagnetograph. This project is funded jointly by NSF and NASA.

Solar-Stellar Large Format Array (Project Scientist: M. Giampapa) While the solar-stellar spectrograph with the 800 x 800 CCD has yielded speed gains of about two magnitudes over the retired Reticon, the CCD is physically smaller and permits only half the former spectral range to be observed in an average exposure. In particular, our spectrograph configuration allows only one order at a time to be observed in the echelle mode, in which a single echelle spectral order is isolated through the use of interference filters. We therefore plan to install a large-format array detector and cross-disperse the present system. We will thereby achieve an enormous increase in our operating efficiency through the acquisition of spectra extending over several thousand Angstroms in range compared to ourcurrent maximum spectral range of less than 100 A. This will produce tremendous gains for all high-resolution programs, such as magnetic fields, Doppler imaging and, eventually, stellar oscillations.

The NOAO O/UV group has committed to providing the NSO with at least one high-quality SAIC/Ford Aerospace 1024 x 3072 device. Tests have shown that these thinned, rectangular CCD arrays are characterized by impressive performance that includes quantum efficiencies near 80% through much of the visible spectrum. We thus plan to use one of these devices to replace the existing CCD in the current dewar after modifications to the entrance window, shutter, and chip mount are completed. The control computer would be upgraded, at that time, to a SPARCstation 2 running the IRAF Control Environment. Following successful installation and operation early in FY 1993, we will modify the grating turret to accommodate the cross-dispersing optical element.

42 Solar-Stellar Cross Dispersion (Project Scientist: M. Giampapa) A preliminary design using a 60-degree prism for the cross-dispersing element and the aforementioned SAIC/Ford Aerospace 1024 x 3072 CCD rectangular array has been developed by R. Dunn. This spectrograph-detector combination will produce 24 orders on the chip with approximately 1.4 times the spectral width of our present system at 2.8 times the dispersion. As an example, we will be able to obtain high-resolution spectra extending from 3900-7200 Asimultaneously with the 1024 x 3072 array and cross- dispersed echelle.

The installation of the prism cross-disperser, along with the required modifications to the grating turret and to the current CCD mount, are planned for 1993.Thus, the actual cross-dispersingof the spectrograph is planned to follow the successful installation and initial operation of the large-format CCD array.

McMath 4-m Upgrade Study (Project Scientist: W. Livingston) A 4-m, all-reflecting solar telescope would foster new science in the infrared between 1 and 20 um. At 12 um, where seeing is significantly better than in the visible, a diffraction limit of 0.75 arcsec would ensure the direct measurement of non-sunspot magnetic fields in the high photosphere. Asteroseismology would become feasible for solar-type stars as faint as Mv = 7. It is proposed that the existing McMath Facility can be increased to a 4-m aperture. The telescope superstructure would remain unchanged and most instruments would need only slight modification. Internal image quality would be preserved by use of liquid-cooled, actively supported, aluminum-based mirrors. A feasibility study by L. Barr has been completed. He has made an analysis of how to support the 6-m alt-azimuth feed and the 4-m concave. A preliminary cost estimate is in hand, which includes a quote from the potential mirror manufacturer. One result ofBait's work is that general improvement in imaging may be expected from temperature controlled mirrors. Experiments are planned for the fall of 1992 to verify these promising new results.

Spectromagnetograph (Phase 1) (Project Scientist: H. Jones) The NSO/NASA Spectromagnetograph provides a modem two-dimensional detector and real-time data processing system for the calibrated measurement of solar magnetic and velocity fields at the NSO/Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope. In contrast to the two-slit modulation used by the current Diode Array Magnetograph, the Spectromagnetograph separates changes in line shape from changes in line position so that thermodynamic, velocity, and magnetic variations in space and time can be properly measured and compared. The instrument is thus a powerful new tool for the study of the magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. In addition to improving the daily synoptic data, the Spectromagnetograph enables study of the coupling of thermodynamic with magnetic structure in the upper photosphere and chromosphere, quantitative measurement of flux emergence, submergence, and interaction, and detection of rapid, flare-related velocity and magnetic field changes, which are inseparably confused with intensity variations in current detector systems. Moreover, the two-dimensional detector makes practical simultaneous continuum and line-wing photometry for comparison with solar irradiance measurements.

Fabrication of the Spectromagnetograph transfer optics was completed, and the new optical system was installed at the Vacuum Telescope early in FY 1992. This completes phases 0 and 0.5 of the project, although fine tuning and innovative use of the instrument will continue. KPVT observers are currently being trained in the use of the new instrument, and an approximate two-month period of joint operation and cross-calibration with the old Diode Array Magnetograph started in April 1992. Software for archival data reduction and storage is being developed. Software changes to improve the speed and quality of the real-time reduction on a new SPARCstation 2 will be developed beginning in June 1992. This project is funded jointly by NSF and NASA.

43 D. Central Computer Services

NOAO Tucson Computers The computer facilities run by CCS in the Tucson office complex serve three general needs for NOAO Tucson: data reduction and analysis for the scientific staff and visitors, general computing for all staff members, and IRAF development and support. Our distributed computing strategy for Tucson implements a combination of central, shared facilities and a variety of desktop facilities including workstations and modem, smart terminals. Computing systems are linked with real or virtual Ethernets, transmitted by wire in Tucson, optical fiber on Kitt Peak, and leased-line between Tucson and Kitt Peak.

In FY 1992 we completed an extensive improvement program to our central computing facilities, replacing older high-maintenance systems with modem low maintenance ones, achieving concurrently a major upgrade of capabilities. In subsequent years, we will continue our program of upgrades for increased performance with reduced maintenance and operating costs.

In FY 1993 we will replace the server for the Science Workstation Network, Gemini, at a cost of $60K.

IRAF Development The NOAO Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF) is a portable software system used for astronomical data reduction and analysis, general image processing and graphics, and astronomical software development. The IRAF software, first released several years ago, is now in heavy use within the NOAO observatories, at several hundred sites in the world astronomical community, and within the NASA astrophysics community.

During FY 1993, work will continue on IRAF systems software and scientific applications. Projects to be worked on during 1993 include a general mosaicing task, components of the new display interfaces and images structure projects (particularly graphics and image display support for X-Windows) and the IRAF CCD Environment (ICE) used to acquire CCD data at KPNO.

Kitt Peak Telescope and Instrument Control Systems The "Mountain Programming Group" (that part ofCCS that develops software for instrument and telescope control) will continue major projects that were begun during previous years. Among the instrument related work, integration of new CCD controllers, being developed at CTIO, into existing Kitt Peak systems will be particularly important. On the telescope control side, the new telescope control system, now running at the 2.1-m and to be installed at the Coude" Feed this year will be ported to the 4-m. The goal is to have not only a new computer and software at the 4-m, but also a new operator's console.

As detectors in both the IR and visible become larger, the data acquisition and reduction computers on Kitt Peak must keep pace. During 1992, a substantial number of new computers were added to the mountain (in some cases replacing obsolete systems). During 1993, the configuration of these machines will be further refined.

Funds for these activities, including salaries for the mountain programming group, are included in the budget for KPNO O&M.


A. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

A large effort is now underway at CTIO to clean up the thermal environmentof all of the telescopes, but especiallyof the 4-m. Thermographicmeasurements at 10 um of the 4-m telescope two years ago revealed that it had one of the worst thermal environments of any large telescope in the world. As a result of this, the median seeing at the 4-m has been greater than 1 arcsec. We therefore have initiated a number of projects whose aims are to ensure that the telescope remains as closely as possible in temperature equilibrium with the outside ambient air. To achieve this end, we are (1) moving the entire 4-m console room down to the ground floor, (2) cooling the oil used to float the telescope on the RA bearing, (3) cutting large vents in the 4-m dome to allow better passive air flow, and (4) providing fans, refrigeration, and temperature sensors to induce air flow at appropriate times within the dome. All of these projects will impact the operation of the 4-m telescope, especially having the astronomers observe where access to the telescope and instruments requires an elevator ride. We are also in the process of moving the 1.5-m telescope console room, so effective telescope and instrument controls via the computers are essential for all of our telescopes. This new mode of observing will bear some resemblance to remote observing, even though the observer is in the telescope building, so we are ensuring that we keep our mountain computer system, communication network, and instrument control software and hardware at the state of the art.

Apart from working on the thermal environment of the telescopes, the project with the largest impact on Tololo is fabrication of the new CCD controllers. Our present VEB controllers are old, decaying, unreliable, slow, and inflexible. In short, we are experiencing serious problems at the telescope in data gathering because of VEB failures. Fortunately, the new array controllers are now being tested on the telescopes and deployment will begin during FY 1993. CTIO will then have reliable and versatile controllers for both CCDs and IR arrays that will offer low read-out noise, quad readout, a higher speed "video" mode in selected areas, and eventually even simple picture mathematics like image addition and sky subtraction. This should provide new observing capabilities and also help the astronomer to cope better with the ever-increasing data reduction and storage burden.

B. Kitt Peak National Observatory

B. Bohannan, the KPNO Mountain Manager, has implemented many innovative ideas which will have a positive effect on telescope operations and user support, such as regularly scheduled "fine tuning" of telescope optics every six months. In addition to the regular instrumentation programs described elsewhere, several efforts are underway to provide an integrated, long term plan for improving and synchronizing telescope operations and user support. First, an overall plan for CCD chip acquisition and implementation has been developed. Another effort is underway to refine the interface between the forthcoming new CCD controller software and IRAF, and a similar activity is planning the integration of the massive data stream from the proposed 2x2 mosaic into the overall reduction and analysis structure. Finally, active investigations of new modes of observing and data archiving are taking place. Past workshops have been held on this subject, and a current experiment in implementing "key projects" and archiving is being carried out by the IR group. In addition, a proposal to save CCD images taken at KPNO is under active consideration.

45 C. National Solar Observatory

1. NSO/Kitt Peak

The aging Sun 3/260 at the McMath will be replaced with a Sun SPARC 2. This new machine will become the primary data acquisition system for the McMath solar-stellar program. The IRAF Control Environment (ICE) will be installed on this new computer, and then the old DEC PDP 11/73 currently running the CCD control software will be retired. This new system is required by the Ford Aerospace IK x 3K CCD anticipated for early FY 1993 installation.

A Sun SPARC 2 and Huerikon (68030) system will replace the ancient DEC PDP 11/44 at the McMath 1-m FTS in early FY 1993. This system, which is currently under development, will allow many new capabilities for FTS users. One important improvement will be the ability to save the current scan separate from the co-added interferogram. Also, the transforming of interferograms, on site, will become a routine procedure.

2. NSO/Sacramento Peak

The new computer hardware and software environment at the Vacuum Tower Telescope/SP allows a greatly improved instrument control and data recording capability. The overall plan to upgrade instrumentation at the VTT continues, with special emphasis on achieving an Adaptive Optics capability that will allow correction of images for the various analyzing instruments at the VTT on a routine basis. For the Adaptive Optics development program, further testing of the Lockheed AO system (currently at LPARL) is planned, followed by installation at the VTT for routine operation. Meanwhile, the SP AO system, which has certain advanced features, is undergoing further development. The HAO/NSO Advanced Stokes Polarimeter (ASP), currently installed at the VTT, will be upgraded with improved electronics later this year. It is anticipated that the ASP will be available next year as a user instrument for the general solar community.

A new computer hardware and software environment, similar to that of the VTT, is being incorporated at the Evans Solar Facility. New CCD arrays (NASA) and controller systems will be installed at both facilities, which should overcome limitations associated with the ten-year-old RCA arrays currently in use. The Hilltop facility is undergoing refurbishment so that its instrumentation will have the same computer control environment as established at the other two facilities, allowing coordinated instrument control from any one facility.


Funding for NOAO continues to fall below the levels required to maintain the facilities at even their current state of repair. A five year program of repairs and maintenance has been included in the Long Range Plan.

In addition to the programs outlined below for each division, NOAO has as a high priority the installation of new fire alarm systems at all four of its sites. It is necessary to have systems that will monitor the various buildings at each location and ring an alarm in a central place. At present, alarms are set off locally, and it is likely that at current staffing levels for the observatory sites, no one will be near enough

46 to hear them. Within the level of the program plan budget, it should be possible to install a system at one or two of the four sites we now operate, with additional work completed in subsequent years.

Summary of Operations and Facilities Maintenance Projects

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

CTIO 2,749 2,280 5,029

KPNO 3,760 1,482 5,242

NSO - Sunspot 1,275 640 1,915

NSO - Tucson 429 72 501

Total 8,213 4,474 12,687

A. Cerro Tololo

At CTIO, a long-term program of facilities improvements and maintenance will continue during FY93 to insure the proper functioning of the observatory and the safety of its personnel. Two years ago, a project was initiated to install guard rails on the 37-km Tololo road. In spite of limited funding, nearly 500 meters of guard rails have been installed to date on some of the most dangerous sections, but there are still several kilometers of curves in the road where such protection is badly needed. The replacement of the aging sections of water pipe used to bring water to the Tololo summit from quebrada San Carlos will continue during FY 1993, with another 25% of the pipe scheduled to be worked. Due to level funding, renovation of the CTIO vehicle fleet has been postponed for several years. As a consequence, two-thirds of the observatory vehicles average more than six years of use, and the rest are well over 15 years old. Urgently needed, but left unfunded again this fiscal year, is the purchase of several passenger transportation vehicles, pickups, and cargo hauling trucks.

The single most-important facilities improvement proposed for CTIO during FY 1993 is the construction of a pre-fabricated, two-story building just below the Tololo summit to house the optical shop, machine shop, observer support group, and a small night-lunch room. This building represents the final step in a program to improve the thermal environment of the 4-m and 1.5-m telescope buildings by eliminating all non-essential offices, workshops, and other heat sources. The new building, which would be erected along side the building where the electronics shop was recentiy relocated, would bring all of the Telops personnel together in one place again to provide for a more efficient sharing of duties and equipment. An elevator would be included in the project to provide safe and efficient transport of equipment to the summit area where the telescopes are located.

Emergency electrical power exists for Tololo from a back-up diesel generator, but not for La Serena. Thus, the frequent power outages that are common in Chile take down all of our computers and electrical equipment, sometime for as long as five hours. The purchase of a 200 KVA back-up generator for the La Serena compound at a cost of approximately $55K is planned for FY 1993 to remedy this problem. The Chilean national telephone network has recently incorporated modem digital equipment into its network which now makes it possible for each extension in the CTIO telephone plant (in La Serena or on Tololo) to be accessed directly from the outside. Currently, it is necessary to use an operator (the CTIO

47 receptionist) to take all calls and re-direct them. The new system would allow voice calls as well as FAXes to be received within the CTIO compound or on the mountain at night, after the normal reception hours. In order to implement this feature, the purchase of electronic components costing roughly $12K is planned.

B. Kitt Peak

It was planned in FY 1990 that the next large scale improvement to the Kitt Peak telescopes would be the multi-year upgrade of the 4-m. Recent layoffs at Kitt Peak have delayed this work, and in FY 1993 the major maintenance effort will remain the upgrade of the 4-m telescope. Work on the operator console and the telescope control system (TCS) will continue; and work on the building lighting and thermal environment control system will continue. A major effort at this telescope in FY 1993 will be implementaion of a closed cycle cooling system and cooling of the bearing oil.

Activity at the NSO/Kitt Peak facilities is expected to include the planning of a program to overhaul the McMath and a 4-m conversion feasibility study for the McMath.

In addition, limited resources are expected to allow continued upgrade ofthe telecommunications facilities, an increased emphasis on the training of the technical staff, seeing improvements at all telescopes, replacement of old TV acquisition and leaky memory equipment with state-of-the-art devices, expansion of the Administrative Building to allow space for the WIYN telescope staff (with funding from the university partners in WIYN), and other miscellaneous improvements to the telescopes as time allows.

A long list of deferred work remains. Unless sufficient funds are made available, a sample of major work that will be deferred includes the replacement of a section of the sewer line, implementation of a phased replacement program for the power line, construction of a clean room atmosphere for the 4-m aluminizing chamber, and a very expensive upgrade of the 4-m rotator/guider.

C. NSO/Sacramento Peak

During FY 1992, several significant maintenance actions were taken. The Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) building was reroofed and four boilers, five furnaces, a maintenance vehicle, and the commuter van were replaced.

In FY 1993, we plan to continue our energy conservation program by installing more efficient lighting and replacing the motor generator unit which serves the VTT. We have shown a 25% reduction in KWH usage from 1987 to 1992.

The New Mexico State Legislature has appropriated $150,000 for the construction of a Visitors Center at NSO/SP. Expected partners in this project are the State Department of Tourism, New Mexico State University, Apache Point Observatory, and the US Forest Service. It is anticipated that approximately $350,000 more will be needed to complete the project.

With the current budget, we will not be able to implement the maintenance plan spelled out in the NOAO Long Range Plan. Every year deferred maintenance becomes more critical.

48 D. NOAO Tucson Headquarters

For FY 1993, the Central Facilities Operations (CFO) department will allocate resources based upon whether the NOAO Tucson headquarters will be relocated, expanded, or remain status quo. If the decision is made to relocate, or the probability suggests that relocation will occur, all large-cost and multi-year improvementprojects will be deferred. If it is determined that the headquarters building will be expanded or remain as it is, then the large-cost and multi-year projects will be included in this year's resource allocation.

Two projects which must proceed in FY 1993 are the continued replacement of vehicles in the NOAO Tucson motor pool (a minimum of three vehicles are needed this year), and the renovation of the AURA Corporate building to house the GONG project data center. In addition, we will continue to upgrade our telephone equipment and consider implementing voice messaging; re-seal and stripe our main parking lot; and continue to repair or upgrade, as funds allow, our HVAC and electrical equipment.

Projects that will need to be deferred to future years include replacement of the bay lighting in the machine shop areas; re-paving of the maintenance yard; replacement of the coatings lab foam roof; repair or replacement of portions of the La Quinta building roofs; exterior painting of the headquarters building; and the purchase of energy management equipment for the headquarters facilities.


Summary of Scientific Staff and Support

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

CTIO 1,461 126 1,587

KPNO 1,669 259 1,928

NSO - Sunspot 568 38 606

NSO - Tucson 656 56 712

Central Offices 188 2 190

Total 4,542 481 5,023


R. Elston will join CTIO as a new tenure track staff member during the month of August 1992. A. Layden, a new post-doctoral fellow, will arrive at CTIO in September 1992. The following long-term visitors are expected at CTIO during FY 1993: N. Caldwell (Whipple Obs.), H. Netzer (Tel Aviv U.), G. Ferland and J. Shields (Ohio State U.), A. Sandage and J. Kristian (Obs. of the Carnegie Inst, of Washington), and M. Blouke (Tektronix).

49 B. KPNO FY 1993 promises to provide significant enrichment of the scientific atmosphere at KPNO, primarily through the post-doctoral program. In addition to one new hire in this program through the KPNO normal recruitment process, three additional post-doctoral appointees willbe comingto KPNO through programs funded by outside sources. Two of these will be from NASA programs and one will be a Hubble Fellow. This will then make two post-docs who have received the prestigious Hubble Fellowships resident at KPNO, and it is a reflection of the attractive nature of KPNO as a scientific institution that these individuals have chosen to carry out their fellowships here. This will bring the total number of post doctoral fellows at KPNO in FY 1993 to ten, including six funded from non-NSF sources. In addition, the KPNO visiting scientist program will be supporting two long-term visitors, M. Dyck and S. Strom. This program provides considerable enrichment of the scientific atmosphere at KPNO for a minimal cost.


During FY 1993 NSO will continue to enhance its program significantly from support outside its core program funding. As the premier solar observatory in this country, NSO attracts support from extemal funding agencies and visitors from other solar sites. Three post-doctoral fellows are currently funded from non-NSF sources: S. Jefferies (Bartol), R. Komm (Office of Naval Research), and K. Balasubramaniam (US Air Force). National Research Council post-doctoral fellowship positions, sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research at Sacramento Peak and by NASA at Tucson, are frequently available, and one or more such positions may be filled during FY 1993. As usual, a number of long-term visitors, with external funding, will be present during the coming year, including B. Dumey, K. Harvey, J. Jefferies, C. Lindsey, and J. Patron. In addition, D. Mihalas (U. of Illinois) will be an AURA Visiting Professor at NSO during the year.


Summary of Program Support

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

NOAO Director's Office 450 156 606

Indirect Cost Credits (330) (330)

Central Administrative Services 1,074 395 1,469

Central Computer Services 555 260 815

Central Facilities Operations 602 1,015 1,617

Engineering and Technical Services 698 313 1,011

Publications and Information Resources 109 (7) 102

Management Fee 493 493

USAF/NASA Support to NSO (631) (631)

Total 3,488 1,664 5,152

50 A. NOAO Director's Office

The NOAO Director is responsible for providing scientificleadership for NOAO, determining priorities, allocating resources, budgeting, and planning. The observatories reporting to the Director are CTIO, KPNO, and NSO, each headed by an Associate Director of NOAO. The Deputy Director of NOAO, P. Osmer, is on leavefrom NOAO and is serving as projectscientist for the 8-mtelescopes project. While he is on leave, NOAO is operating without a deputy director.

Five units report to the NOAO Director. They are Central Administrative Services, Central Computer Services, Central Facilities Operations, Engineering and Technical Services, and Publications and Information Resources. Activities and supervision of the Tucson switchboard and copy center are under this office. The NOAO Director's Office manages funds for the AURA Observatories Visiting Committee and the NSF Foreign Telescope Travel Fund.

B. Central Administrative Services

CAS provides support services in the areas of financial management, procurement, personnel administration, shipping and receiving, property control, and contract administration.

The CAS Manager is responsible for establishing and implementing financial and administrative standards and procedures throughout NOAO. He also monitors performance against the approved budget and advises the Director of potential problems.

The accounting department provides full bookkeeping, data processing, disbursement, payroll, and financial reporting services for the AURA Corporate Office, Gemini, WIYN, and all NOAO units except for certain transactions occurring in Chile. The latter are performed by CTIO's La Serena and Santiago business offices and reported monthly to accounting for inclusion in consolidated records and reports. The accounting department budget includes the cost of liability and fidelity insurance for all NOAO activities.

The personnel department develops, implements, and coordinates personnel policies and programs for NOAO. It is responsible for recruitment, relocation assistance, wage and salary administration, equal opportunity employment and affirmative action, and employee benefits for all NOAO personnel other than local hires in Chile.

The procurement department provides contracting, purchasing, expediting, and shipping/receiving services for Gemini, WIYN, and all NOAO units except local purchases by NSO at Sunspot, New Mexico and CTIO in Chile. It also arranges for export of supplies and equipment purchased in the U. S. for shipment to CTIO and other overseas destinations. In addition, it provides travel and clerical support to CTIO visitors, including the CTIO Telescope Allocation Committee and Users Committee, and serves as CTIO's main communications link to the U. S.

51 C. Central Computer Services

Summary of Central Computer Services Projects

(Thousands of Dollars)

Payroll Non-Payroll Total

IRAF 114 114

Workstation Server 60 60

Data Acquisition Computers (CTIO/NSO) 91 91

Total 114 151 265

CCS is responsible for policy development with respect to computer languages and hardware acquisition, for planning for the application of new and developing technology within the NOAO, for monitoring the state of the art in computer applicationsto astronomy, and for the development of major software systems for application to data reduction and analysis.

CCS personnel provide support for data reduction and analysis, operate and maintain the NOAO Tucson offices' computers and their operating systems, and provide general purpose programming support for scientific, engineering, and some administrative activities. CCS personnel also support the telescope and instrument control computers and data reduction systems on Kitt Peak, as well as the associated development projects in Tucson.

The CCS staff will continue to support the distribution of IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) software to over 600 community sites around the world. Several ports are in progress at NOAO, or in the community with NOAO collaboration, to make IRAF available on the newest and most cost-effective workstation-style computers.

D. Central Facilities Operations

CFO provides all the basic support services required for the daily operation of the NOAO Tucson headquarters buildings. The services provided include, but are not limited to, the operation/maintenance and repair of nine buildings which total in excess of 120,000 s.f, mail and general supplies distribution, management ofthe telecommunications system, security, safety, groundskeeping, motor pool, and cleaning. Other services include both major and minor modifications to the NOAO Tucson facilities and construction support for specific programs. CFO also provides architectural and civil engineering support to programs at the Tucson headquarters, as well as to NSO/Sacramento Peak and Kitt Peak facilities upon request.

E. Engineering and Technical Services

ETS is organized into: a) project style groups that have long-term assignments to specific project objectives, and b) general services groups that provide limited, short-term services on a first-come-first- serve basis. Support for general services is budgeted initially in ETS but is subsequently billed to the NOAO divisions making use of the general services group. General services also maintains basic

52 equipment and facilities for use by people assigned to the project groups. This office also operates the NOAO coatings lab. General services include the engineering manager's office and those engineering specialists who are not assigned to a project group. Costs related to the project groups are shown within the division where the projects actually occur.

F. Publications and Information Resources

The PIR office is responsible for producing press releases when needed, responding to requests for information from the media and from the general public, and supporting visits to Kitt Peak by educational and media groups. The office maintains the NOAO photo collection, which produces and sells images at cost to the general public. The PIR staff provides displays and representation for NOAO at national and international meetings and oversees the production of NOAO brochures. The office maintains a speakers bureau and is in charge of all educational outreach programs. The manager of PIR oversees the Kitt Peak Visitor Center, which is undergoing expansion and reorganization.


The budget tables have been prepared by assuming 3.5 percent inflation in the US, an additional 15 percent inflation in Chile above the US rate of inflation, and an increase of $250,000 in the GONG budget. This budget then shows the amount of money required to maintain the current level of services and to keep the GONG project on schedule. There are no increases in the level of support for any observatory activities.

The budget required to maintain the current level of services exceeds the President's request by approximately $0.5M. We have not chosen to reduce the budget presented to match the request level because the possibility exists that the NSF will, as it has in FY 1991 and FY 1992, provide supplementary funds to cover excess inflation in Chile. In previous years, the amount of money actually received by NOAO is reduced from the appropriated budget level by approximately $0.5M for reserves held by the NSF and for special NSF programs. Therefore, at the request level and without supplementary funding to cover the peso problem, the budget is likely to fall $1M short of the total required to maintain the program at its current level.




AURA Inc. G. Oertel, President H. Feinstein, VP for Admin.





July 1992 APPENDIX 2

NOAO Management

S. Wolff Director, NOAO/Gemini Project Director

R. Green Acting Director, NOAO

D. De Young Associate Director, NOAO KPNO

J. Leibacher Associate Director, NOAO NSO

R. Williams Associate Director, NOAO CTIO

R. Barnes Assistant to the Director, KPNO

G. Blevins Manager, Central Administrative Services

L. Daggert Manager, Engineering & Technical Services

J. Dunlop Manager, Central Facilities Operations

Y. Estok Assistant to the Director, NOAO

S. Grandi Manager, Central Computer Services

F. Hegwer Assistant to the Director, NSO

J. Kennedy Assistant to the Director, NSO

K. Meyers Public Information Officer

R. Smartt Deputy Director for NSO/Sacramento Peak

J. Tracy Controller, Central Administrative Services APPENDIX 3


Green, Richard - Acting NOAO Director/Astronomer, Tenure Wolff, Sidney - Director, NOAO/Gemini Project Director

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Williams, Robert - Associate Director, NOAO/Director Phillips, Mark - Astronomer, Tenure Baldwin, Jack - Astronomer, Tenure Blanco, Victor - Astronomer, Tenure Eggen, Olin - Astronomer, Tenure Elias, Jay - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Heathcote, Stephen - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Suntzeff, Nicholas - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Walker, Alistair - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Schommer, Robert - Associate Astronomer Elston, Richard - Assistant Astronomer Geisler, Douglas - Assistant Astronomer Gregory, Brooke - Support Scientist Ingerson, Thomas - Support Scientist Layden, Andrew - Research Associate Smith, R. Chris - Research Associate Williger, Gerard - Research Associate

Kitt Peak National Observatory

De Young, David - Associate Director, NOAO for KPNO/Tenure Osmer, Patrick - Deputy Director, NOAO/Tenure Abt, Helmut - Astronomer, Tenure Belton, Michael - Astronomer, Tenure Crawford, David - Astronomer, Tenure Gatley, Ian - Astronomer, Tenure Gillett, Fred - Astronomer, Tenure Kinman, Thomas - Astronomer, Tenure Lynds, Roger - Astronomer, Tenure Ridgway, Stephen - Astronomer, Tenure Wallace, Lloyd - Astronomer, Tenure Boroson, Todd - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Jacoby, George - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Massey, Phillip - Associate Astronomer, Tenure Armandroff, Taft - Assistant Astronomer Lauer, Tod - Assistant Astronomer Barden, Samuel - Associate Scientist Bohannan, Bruce - Scientist Johns, Matt - Scientist Hinkle, Kenneth - Associate Support Scientist Probst, Ronald - Associate Support Scientist Merrill, Michael - Associate Support Scientist Joyce, Richard - Support Scientist O'Neil, Earl - Senior Associate, Research Morrison, Heather - Research Associate Muller, Beatrice - Research Associate Pierce, Michael - Research Associate Porter, Alain - Research Associate Silva, David - Research Associate Wise, Michael - Research Associate

National Solar Observatory

Leibacher, John - Associate Director, NOAO/Director Smartt, Raymond - Deputy Director/Astronomer, Tenure Brault, James - Physicist, Tenure Dunn, Richard - Astronomer, Tenure Harvey, Jack - Astronomer, Tenure Howard, Robert - Astronomer, Tenure Jefferies, John - Astronomer, Tenure Livingston, William - Astronomer, Tenure Pierce, Keith - Astronomer Emeritus Zirker, Jack - Astronomer, Tenure Giampapa, Mark - Associate Astronomer, Tenure November, Laurence - Associate Astronomer Rabin, Doug - Associate Astronomer Hill, Frank - Scientist Toner, Clifford - Assistant Scientist, GONG Kopp, Greg - Research Associate *Altrock, Richard - PL/GSS, Astrophysicist ♦Balasubramaniam,Karatholuvu - Assistant Scientist *Duvall, Tom - NASA Astrophysicist *Harvey, Karen - Visiting Astronomer, SPRC ♦Jefferies, Stuart - Bartol Research Associate ♦Jones, Harrison - NASA Astrophysicist *Keil, Stephen - PL/GSS Astrophysicist *Komm, Rudolf - ONR Research Associate ♦Lindsey, Charles - Visiting Astronomer *Neidig, Donald - PL/GSS Astrophysicist ♦Radick, Richard - PL/GSS Astrophysicist ♦Simon, George - PL/GSS Senior Scientist

Central Computer Support

Sharp, Nigel - Associate Support Scientist CCS Valdes, Francisco - Associate Support Scientist CCS Wolff, Richard - Project Scientist - CCS

♦ not supported by NSF APPENDIX 4

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Scientific Staff: Primary Fields of Interest and 1991 Publications

J. Baldwin - Active Galactic nuclei; quasars; H II regions.

Baldwin, J.A., et al. 1991, ApJ, 374, p.580, "Physical Conditions in the Orion Nebula and an Assessment of its Helium Abundance"

Weaver, K.A., Wilson, A.S., Baldwin, J.A. 1991, ApJ, 366, p.50, "Kinematics and Ionization of Extended Gas in Active Galaxies. VI. The Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1380"

V. Blanco - Low dispersion spectra of late type stars in the Galactic center and Magellanic Clouds, photometry of variables in Baade's window.

Blanco, V.M. 1991, Boletin de la Asociacitfn de Astronomfa Argentina, 36, p.87, "The Distance to the Galactic Center"

McCarthy, M.F., Blanco, V.M. 1991, IAU Symp. 148, ed. R. Haynes, D. Milne (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.353, "Charting Cool Carbon Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud"

Schechter, P.L., et al. 1991, AJ, 101, p.1756, "Carbon Star Reddenings and Low Latitude HI Column Densities"

0. Eggen - Photometry and astrometry; dynamical evolution of the Galaxy.

Eggen, O.J., Iben, Jr., I. 1991, AJ, 101, p.1377, "First Giant Branch and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in Nearby Aggregates"

Eggen, O.J. 1991, AJ, 102, p.1826, "Photometry of F-K Type Bright Giants and Supergiants. II. Calibration on Indices in Terms of Luminosity Reddening and Abundance of F-Type Stars"

Eggen, O.J. 1991, AJ, 102, p.2028, "The IC 2391 Supercluster"

J. Elias - IR photometry and instrumentation; star formation; loss.

Bothun, G., et al. 1991, AJ 101, p.2220, "Carbon Stars at High Galactic Latitude"

Crisp, D., et al. 1991, Science, 253, p.1538, "Ground-Based Near-Infrared Imaging Observations of Venus During the Galileo Encounter" Elias, J.H. et al. 1991, ESO/EIPC Supernova 1987A and Other Supernovae Workshop 37, ed. I.J. Danziger, K. Kjar (Garching, ESO), p.293, "CTIO Infrared Observations of SN1987A"

Elias, J.H., DePoy, D.L., Gregory, B. 1991, ASP Conference 14, ed. Richard Elston (Provo, Brigham Young U.), p. 174, "Infrared Observations of SN1987A"

Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 1991, AJ, 102, p.1118, "The Late-Time Bolometric Luminosity ofSN 1987A"

D. Geisler - Abundances and properties of stars and star clusters in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies.

Claria\ J., Geisler, D., Minniti, D. 1991, Boletfn de la Asociaci6n Argentina de Astronomia, 36, p.3, "Galactic Globular Clusters with Extremely Low Metallicities"

Friel, E., Geisler, D. 1991, AJ, 101, p.1338, "Washington CCD Photometry of the Disk Globular Clusters NGC 5927 and NGC 6496"

Geisler, D., Clarid, J., Minniti, D. 1991, Boletfn de la Asociacidn Argentina de Astronomfa, 36, p.287, "New Empirical Metal Abundance Calibrations for Washington Photometry of G and K Giants"

Geisler, D., et al. 1991, IAU Symp. 148, ed. R. Haynes, D. Milne (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.341, "Metal Abundances of Magellanic Cloud Clusters"

Geisler, D., et al. 1991, BAAS, 23, p.949, "Abundances of the Most Metal Poor Globular Clusters"

Geisler, D., Clarid, J.J., Minniti, D. 1991, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 22, No. 2, p.305, "A New Abundance Calibration for the Washington System and Some Early Results"

Geisler, D., Claria\ J., Minniti, D. 1991, AJ, 102, p.1836, "An Improved Metal Abundance Calibration for the Washington System"

B. Gregory - Low temperature physics and infrared instrumentation.

Elias, J.H., DePoy, D.L., Gregory, B. 1991, ASP Conference 14, ed. Richard Elston (Provo, Brigham Young U.), p.174, "Infrared Observations of SN1987A"

Elias, J.H. et al. 1991, ESO/EIPC Supernova 1987A and Other Supemovae Workshop 37, ed. I.J. Danziger, K. Kjar (Garching, ESO), p.293, "CTIO Infrared Observations of SN1987A"

Nakajima, T., et al. 1991, ApJ, 373, p.452, "Near-Infrared Long Slit Spectroscopy of IRAS 14348- 1447" S. Heatiicote - Interstellar medium; planetary nebulae, Herbig-Haro objects; star formation; supemovae, polarization of active galactic nuclei.

Crotts, A.P.S., Heatchote, S.R. 1991, Nature, 350, p.683, "Velocity Structure of the Ring Nebula Around Supernova 1987A"

Karovska, M., et al. 1991, ApJ, 367, L15, "Measurements of the Diameter of the Supernova SN 1987A"

Kristian, J. et al. 1991, Nature, 349, p.747, "No Pulsar in SN 1987A"

Niemela, V.S., Heatiicote, S.R., Weller, W.G. 1991, IAU Symp. 143, ed. A. van der Hucht, B. Hidayat (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.425, "A Search for High Excitation Nebulae Around Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Magellanic Clouds"

Reipurth, B., Heathcote, S.R. 1991, A&S, 246, p.511, "The Jet Energy Source of HH 46/47"

Williams, R.E., et al. 1991, ApJ, 376, p.721, "The Evolution and Qassification of Post-outburst Nova Spectra"

M. Phillips - Supemovae; novae.

Bouchet, P., et al. 1991, A&A, 245, p.490, "The Bolometric Light Curve in SN 1987A. II. Results from Visible and Infrared Spectrophotometry"

Hamuy, M., et al. 1991, AJ, 102, p.208, "The Optical Light Curves of SN 1980N and SN 1981D in NGC 1316 (Fornax A)"

Leibundgut, B., et al. 1991, ApJ, 371, L23, "Pre Maximum Observations of the Type la SN 1990N"

Phillips, M.M., Williams, R.E. 1991, Tenth Santa Cruz Summer Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. S. Woosley (New York, Springer-Verlag), p.36, "SN 1987A: Optical Spectrophotometry 130-900 Days After Core Collapse"

Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 1991, AJ, 102, p.l 118, The Late-Time Bolometric Luminosity of SN 1987A"

Walborn, N.R., et al. 1991, IAU Symp. 143, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, B. Hidayat (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.505, "New Observations of LBV Environments"

Williams, R.E., et al. 1991, ApJ, 376, p.721, "The Evolution and Qassification of Post-outburst Novae Spectra"

R. Schommer - Star clusters; Magellanic Clouds; distance scale; Galaxy dynamics.

Caldwell, N., et al. 1991, ApJ, 370, p.526, "A Study of Star Formation in the Disks of Sa Galaxies" Olszewski, E., et al. 1991, AJ, 101, p.515, "Spectroscopy of Giants in LMC Clusters. I. Velocities, Abundances, and the Age-Metallicity Relation"

Pryor, C, Schommer, R., Olszewski, E. 1991, ASP Conference 13, ed. K. Janes (Provo, Bringham Young U.), p.439, "Primordial Binary Stars in the Low Density Globular Clusters NGC 5053 and NGC 5466"

Schommer, R.A. 1991, IAU Symp. 148, ed. R. Haynes, D. Milne (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.171, "The Kinematics and Abundances of Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud"

Schommer, R.A., et al. 1991, AJ, 101, p.873, "Kinematics of Star Qusters in M33"

R. Chris Smith - Supemova remnants, supemovae, interstellar shocks, and the densities and abundances of the interstellar medium in our Galaxy and nearby galaxies.

Leibundgut, B., et al. 1991, ApJ, 372, p.531, "Spectra of Two Very Old Supemovae: SN 1986J and SN 1980K"

Schild, R.E., Smith, R.C. 1991, AJ, 101, p.813. "Microlensing in the Q0957+561 Gravitational Mirage"

Seward, F.D., et al. 1991, AJ, 102, p.2047, "A Large Radio Galaxy Behind the Supemova Remnant HB9"

Smith, R.C, et al. 1991, ApJ, 375, p.652, "Six Balmer-Dominated Supemova Remnants"

N. Suntzeff - Stellar abundances and populations.

Anthony-Twarog, B.J., Twarog, B.A., Suntzeff, N.B. 1991, ASP Conference 13, ed. K. Janes (Provo, Bringham Young U.), p.227, "CCD Stromgren Studies in NGC 6397"

Bouchet, P., et al. 1991, A&A, 245, p.490, "The Bolometric Light Curve in SN 1987A. II. Results from Visible and Infrared Spectrophotometry"

Clement, C, Kinman, T., Suntzeff, N.B. 1991, ApJ, 372, p.273, "Two Double-Mode RR Lyrae Stars in the Field"

Elias, J.H., et al. 1991, ESO/EIPC Supemova 1987A and Other Supemovae Workshop 37, ed. I.J. Danziger, K. Kjar (Garching, ESO), p.293, "CTIO Infrared Observations of SN1987A"

Geisler, D., et al. 1991, IAU Symp. 148, ed. R. Haynes, D. Milne (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.341, "Metal Abundances in Magellanic Cloud Qusters"

Gilliland, R., et al. 1991, AJ, 101, p.541, "Time-Resolved CCD Photometry of an Ensemble ofStars in the Open Cluster M67" Olszewski, E., et al. 1991, AJ, 101, p.515, "Spectroscopy of Giants in LMC Clusters. I. Velocities, Abundances, and the Age-Metallicity Relation"

Suntzeff, N.B., Kinman, T.D., Kraft, R.P. 1991, ApJ, 365, p.528, "Metal Abundance of RR Lyrae Variables in Selected Galactic Star Fields. V. The Lick Astrographic Fields at Intermediate Galactic Latitudes"

Suntzeff, N.B., Bouchet, P. 1991, Tenth Santa Cruz Summer Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. S. Woosley (New York, Springer-Veriag), p.3, "The Bolometric Light Curve of SN 1987A"

Suntzeff, N.B, et al. 1991, AJ, 102, p.1118, "The Late Time Bolometric Luminosity of SN 1987A"

Suntzeff, N.B., Smith, V.V. 1991, ApJ, 381, p.160, "Carbon Isotopic Abundances in Giant Stars in the CN-Bimodal Globular Ouster NGC 6752 and M4"

Walker, A.R., Suntzeff, N.B. 1991, PASP, 103, p.958, "CCD Photometry of SN 1987A. I. Days 680 to 1469"

A. Walker - CCD photometry instrumentation, stellar evolution, distance scale.

Kinman, T.D., et al. 1991, PASP, 103, p. 1279, "New Field RR Lyrae Variables in the Outer Parts of the LMC and the Properties of the LMC Halo"

Schmidtke, P.C., et al. 1991, Comm. IAPPP, 45, p.60, "The Temperature of Antares"

Suntzeff, N.B.,etal. 1991, AJ, 102, p.1118, "The Late Time Bolometric Luminosity of SN 1987A"

Walker, A.R., Terndrup, D.M. 1991, ApJ, 378, p.119, "The Metallicity of RR Lyrae Stars in Baade's Window"

Walker, A.R. Suntzeff, N.B. 1991, PASP, 103, p.958, "CCD Photometry of SN 1987A. I. Days 680 to 1469"

W. Weiler - Telescope instrumentation, spectra of emission-line stars.

Niemela, V.S., Heatiicote, S.R., Weller, W.G. 1991, IAU Symp. 143, ed. A. van der Hucht, B. Hidayat (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.425, "A Search for High Excitation Nebulae Around Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Magellanic Qouds"

Weller, W.G., Anthony-Twarog, B.A. 1991, ASP Conference 13, ed. K. Janes (Provo, Brigham Young U.), p.302, "CCD Photometry with a Schmidt Telescope" R. Williams - Novae; accretion disks; emission-line formation; LMC abundances.

McWilliam, A., and Williams, R.E. 1991, IAU Symposium No. 148, ed. R. Haynes, D. Milne (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.391, "Abundance Analysis of Six LMC F Supergiants"

Phillips, M.M., Williams, R.E. 1991, Tenth Santa Cruz Summer Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. S. Woosley (New York, Springer-Veriag), p.36, "SN 1987A: Optical Spectrophotometry 130-900 Days After Core Collapse"

Saizar, P., et al. 1991, ApJ, 367, p.310, "PW Vulpeculae: A Nova with Nearly Solar Abundances"

Shore, S.N., et al. 1991, ApJ, 370, p.193, "Multiwavelength Observations of Nova LMC 1990 No. 2: The First Extragalactic Recurrent Nova"

Williams, R.E., et al. 1991, ApJ, 376, p.721, "The Evolution and Classification of Post-Outburst Novae Spectra"

G. Williger - Large scale structure in general and QSO absorption in particular, both observationally and theoretically. Cataclysmic variables and accretion disks. APPENDIX 4

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Scientific Staff: Primary Fields of Interest and 1991 Publications

H. Abt - Stellar spectroscopy; binary stars; .

Abt, H.A., Wang, R., Cardona. O. 1991, ApJ, 367, p. 155, "Spectroscopic Binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster"

T. Armandroff - Stellar populations in the galaxy and nearby galaxies: globular clusters: dwarf spheroidal galaxies; massive stars, the stellar luminosity function, the initial mass function; Population II variable stars.

Pilachowski, C.A., et al. 1991, PASP, 101, p.1991, "A Spectroscopic Binary Giant in the Galactic Cluster NGC 752"

Armandroff, T.E., Da Costa, G.S. 1991, AJ, 101, p. 1329, "Metallicities for Old Stellar Systems from Ca II Triplet Strengths in Member Giants"

Armandroff, T.E., Massey, P. 1991, AJ, 102, "Wolf-Rayet Stars in Local Group Galaxies: Numbers and Spectral Properties"

S. Barden - Instrumentation; binary stars.

M. Belton - Planetary spectroscopy; theory of planetary atmospheres.

Belton, M.J.S. et al. 1991, Icarus, "The Spin State and Homogeneity of Comet Halley's Nucleus"

Belton, M.J.S. et al. 1991, Science, 253, p.1457-1612, "Images from Galileo of the Venus Cloud Deck"

Belton, M.J.S. et al. 1991, Space Sci. Rev., "The Galileo Solid State Imaging Experiment"

Belton, M.J.S. et al. 1991, Adv. Space Sci., "Imaging of Venus from Galileo: Early Results and Camera Performance" T. Boroson - Quasars and active galaxies; stellar populations; galaxy kinematics; instrumentation.

Boroson, T.A., Thompson, I.B. 1991, AJ, 101, p.lll, "Color Distributions in Early-Type Galaxies. III. Radial Gradients in Spectral Features"

Peterson, B.M. et al. 1991, ApJ, 368, p.112, "Steps toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. II. An Intensive Study of NGC 5548 at Optical Wavelengths"

Boroson, T.A., et al. 1991, ApJL, 370, p.L19, "The Appearance of a New Redshift System in Markarian"

Mazzarell, J.M., et al. 1991, AJ, "Far-Infrared Properties of Markarian Galaxies with Multiple Nuclei"

Boroson, T.A., Green, R.F. 1991, ApJ, "The Emission-Line Properties of Low- Redshift QSOs"

D. Crawford - Photoelectric photometry with applications to standard photometric systems, open clusters, and galactic structure.

D. De Young - Theoretical astrophysics; active galaxies and QSOs, galaxy clusters; astrophysical plasma processes and hydrodynamics.

De Young, D.S. 1991, ApJ, 371, p.69, "The Interaction of Jets with their Environment: Origins of Deflection"

De Young, D.S. 1991, Science, 252, p.389, "Astrophysical Jets"

De Young, D.S. 1991, ApJ, 386, "Galaxy Driven Turbulence and the Growth of Intracluster Magnetic Fields"

I. Gatley - Infrared work.

Garden, R., et al. 1991, ApJ, 366, p.474, "A Spectroscopic Study of the DR21 Outflow Source II. The Vibrational FI2 Line Emission"

Lada, E., et al. 1991, ApJ, 371, p.171, "A 2.2 Micron Survey of the L1630 Molecular Cloud" Tamura, M., et al. 1991, ApJL, 374, p.L25, "Two Micron Morphology of Candidate Protostars"

Tanaka, M., et al. 1991, ApJ, 374, p.516, "Infrared Fluorescence of H2 in NGC 6240: A Starburst Origin For the H2 Luminosity"

Lada, C, et al. 1991, ApJ, 374, p.533, "Infrared Images of M17"

Garden, R., et al. 1991, ApJ, 374, p.540, "A Spectroscopic Study of the DR21 Outflow Source III. The CO Line Emission"

F. Gillett - Infrared photometry and spectroscopy of solar system interstellar, and extragalactic objects.

R. Green - Quasars; white dwarfs; extragalactic astronomy.

Ellingson, E., et al. 1991, ApJ, 371, p.49, "Quasars and AGN in Rich Environments II. The Evolution of Radio-Loud Quasars"

K. Hinkle - Infrared spectroscopic studies of late-type and variable stars.

Wiedemann, G.R., et al. 1991, ApJ, "CN and HCN in the Infrared Spectrum of IRC + 10216"

Hinkle, K.H., Martin, C.L., Ridgway, S.T. 1991, ApJ, "H2 in the 2 Micron Infrared Spectra of Long Period Variables"

G. Jacoby - Local group galaxies; stellar populations; planetary nebulae.

Kaler, J.B., Jacoby, G.H. 1991, AJ, 372, p.215, "Central Star Temperatures of Low Excitation Planetary Nebulae"

Chu, Y.H., et al. 1991, AJ, 376, p.150, "The Multiple-Shell Structure of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6751"

Kaler, J.B., Jacoby, G.H. 1991, AJ, 382, p.134, "Core Masses and Abundances of Low-Excitation Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds"

Ciardullo, R., Jacoby, G.H., Harris, W.E. 1991, AJ, 383, p.487, "Planetary Nebulae as Standard Candles. VII. A Test vs. Hubble Type in the NGC 1023 Group" Wade, R.A., et al. 1991, AJ, 102, p. 1738, "A Sharpened H a + [Nil] Image of the Nebulae Surrounding Nova VI500 Cygni"

R. Joyce - Infrared photometry and spectrophotometry of regions of star-formation.

Dyck, H.M., et al. 1991, AJ, "The Light Curve and Changes in the Circumstellar Envelope Around IRC+10216"

Tamura, M. et al. 1991, ApJ, "Infrared Polarization Images of Star Forming Regions. I. The Ubiquity of Bipolar Structure"

T. Kinman - RR Lyrae variables, planetary nebulae; globular clusters; dwarf and emission- line galaxies; photometry of QSOs and BL Lac objects.

Suntzeff, N.B., Kinman, T.D., Kraft, R.P. 1991, ApJ, 367, p.528, "Metal Abundances of RR Lyrae variables in Selected Galactic Star Fields, V. The Lick Astrographic Fields at Intermediate Galactic Latitudes"

Clement, CM., Kinman, T.D., Suntzeff, N.B. 1991, ApJ, 372, p.273, "Two Double Mode RR Lyrae Stars in the Field"

T. Lauer - Observational extragalactic research: image processing.

Holtzman, J.A., et al. 1991, ApJL, 369, p.L35, "Stellar Photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field/Planetary Camera: A Progress Report"

Lauer, T.R., et al. 1991, ApJL, 369, p.L41, "The Core of the Nearby SO Galaxy NGC 7457 Imaged with the HST Planetary Camera"

Lauer, T.R., et al. 1991, ApJL, 369, p.L51, "The Post-Collapse Core of M15 Imaged with the HST Planetary Camera"

Hester, J.J., et al. 1991, ApJL, 369, p.L57, " Ionization Fronts and Shocked Flows: The Structure of the Orion Nebula at 0.1 Arcseconds"

Campbell, B., et al. 1991, ApJL, " Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field/Planetary Camera Images of 30 Doradus"

Hester, J.J., et al. 1991, Science, "Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of r\ Carinae" R. Lynds - Observational cosmology; galactic morphology.

Burrows, C.J., et al. 1991, ApJL, 369, p.L21, "The Imaging Performance of the Hubble Space Telescope"

Faber, S.M., et al. 1991, ApJL, 369, p.L31, "NGC 1068: Resolution of Nuclear Structure in the Optical Continuum"

P. Massey - Study of massive stars both Galactic and in the nearby galaxies of the Local Group.

M. Merrill - Infrared observations, IR detector technology, seeing studies, NTT.

Lada, C.J., et al. 1991, ApJ, 374, p.533, "Infrared Images of M17"

M. Pierce - Observational cosmology, particularly the determination of the Hubble Constant.

C. Pilachowski - Stellar abundances and evolution; chemical composition of globular cluster stars; chemical evolution of the galaxy.

A. Porter - Clusters of galaxies: cD galaxies; surface photometry; supernovae; cool stars.

R. Probst - Infrared astronomy; instrumentation.

Aumann, H., Probst, R. 1991, AJ, 368, p.264, "Search for Vega-like nearby stars with 12 micron excess"

Stauffer, J., et al. 1991, AJ, 101, p.980, "The search for faint members of the Pleiades. I. A membership study of the Pleiades to My = 12.5"

Stauffer, J., et al. 1991, AJ, 367, p.L23, "Spectroscopy of Taurus Cloud brown dwarf candidates"

S. Ridgway - High-Resolution spectroscopy of late-type stars; infrared spatial interferometry. D. Silva - Empirical Population Synthesis; elliptical galaxies.

Silva, D.R., Cornell, M.E. 1991, ApJS, "A New Optical Spectrophotometiic Stellar Library"

L. Wallace - Temperature structures of outer planets.

Wallace, L., Livingston, W. 1991, J. of Geophys. Res, "Spectroscopic Observations of Atmospheric Trace Gases Over Kitt Peak 3. The Long-term Trends of Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrogen Fluoride from 1978 to 1990" APPENDIX 4

National Solar Observatory

Scientific Staff: Primary Fields of Interest and 1991 Publications

R. Altrock - Corona.

Jackson, B., Gold, R., Altrock, R.C. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, no. 1, p.377, "The Solar Mass Ejection Imager"

Altrock, R.C. et al. 1991, Solar-Geophysical Data, Part 1 (Prompt Reports), no. 547-548 (Mar. 1990-Feb. 1991). NOAA, Boulder, CO. ed. H.E. Coffey, "Sacramento Peak Coronal Synoptic Maps, 1990"

Altrock, R.C. et al. 1991, Solar-Geophysical Data, Part 1 (Prompt Reports), no. 547-558 (Mar. 1990-Feb. 1991). NOAA, Boulder, CO. ed. H.E. Coffey, "Coronal Line Emission (Sacramento Peak), 1990"

J. Brault - High resolution and laboratory spectroscopy.

Davis, S.P. et al. 1991, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 8, p.198, "CN Vibration-Rotation Spectrum"

O'Brian, T.R. et al. 1991, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 8, p.1185, "Lifetimes, Transition Probabilities, and Level Energies in Fe I"

R. Dunn - Image restoration, instrumentation.

Dunn, R.B. 1991, SPIE 1271, Adaptive Optics: International Congress on Optical Sciences and Engineering, The Hague, Netherlands, 12-15 March, 1990, p.216, "NSO/SP Adaptive Optics Program"

Lites, B.W. et al. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J. November p.3, "Preliminary Results from the HAO/NSO Advanced Stokes Polarimeter Prototype Observing Run"

Dunn, R.B., Smartt, R.N. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, no. 5, p.139, "High Resolution Telescopes at the National Solar Observatory"

Rimmele, T. et al. 1991, SPIE 1542, Active and Adaptive Optical Systems, ed. A. Ealey p.186, "Solar Feature Correlation Tracker" T. Duvall - Helioseismology, large-scale magnetic fields and flows.

Ronan, R.S., Harvey, J.W., DuvaU, T.L. 1991, ApJ, 369, p.549, "Wavelength Variation ofp-Mode Intensity Fluctuations"

Jefferies, S.M., Duvall, T.L. 1991, SP, 132, p.215, "A Simple Method for Correcting Spatially Resolved Solar Intensity Oscillation Observations for Variations in Scattered Light"

Chou, D.Y. et al. 1991, ApJ, 372, p.314, "Power Spectra of Solar Convection"

Duvall, T.L. et al. 1991, ApJ, 373, p.308, "Measurements of High Frequency Solar Oscillation Modes"

Jefferies, S.M. et al. 1991, ApJ, 377, p. 330, "Characteristics of Intermediate-Degree Solar p-Mode Line Widths"

Jefferies, S.M. et al. 1991, Antarctic Joumal of the U.S. 25, p.271, "Helioseismology From South Pole: Solar Cycle Connection"

M. Giampapa - Solar and stellar activity.

Stauffer, J.R. et al. 1991, ApJ, 374, p. 142 "The Chromospheric Activity of Low Mass Stars in the Hyades"

Sonnet, C, Giampapa, M.S. eds. 1991, The Sun in Time (U. of Arizona Press)

Feigelson, E.D., Giampapa, M.S., Vra, F.J. 1991, The Sun in Time, eds. C.P. Sonett, M.S. Giampapa (U. of Arizona Press)

J. Harvey - Solar and stellar magnetic and velocity fields.

Chidester, S.D., Harvey, J.W., Hubbard, R.P. 1991, AO, 30, p.12, "Measurement of Crystal Retarders"

Ronan, R.S., Harvey, J.W., Duvall, T.L. 1991, ApJ, 369, p.549, "Wavelength Variation of p-Mode Intensity Fluctuations"

Duvall, T.L. et al. 1991, ApJ, 373, p.308, "Measurements of High Frequency Solar Oscillation Modes"

Jefferies, S.M. et al. 1991, ApJ, 377, p.330, "Characteristics of Intermediate-Degree Solar p-Mode Line Widths"

Jefferies, S.M. et al. 1991, Antarctic Journal of the U.S. 25, p.271, "Helioseismology From South Pole: Solar Cycle Connection" Harvey, J.W. et al. 1991, Transactions of the IAU 21A, p.85, "Commission 12: Radiation and Structure of the Solar Atmosphere"

K. Harvey - Emphemeral regions, coronal bright points, and magnetic fields.

Gaizauskas, V., Harvey, K.L. 1991, Flares 22 Workshop: Dynamics of Solar Flares, ed. B. Schmieder, E. Priest, p.25, "Collisions Between Nested Sunspots: A Pathway to Flares"

Foukal, P., Harvey, K., Hill, F. 1991, ApJL, 383, p.L89, "Do Changes in the Photospheric Magnetic Network Cause the 11-Year Variation of the Total Solar Irradiance? "

Rabin, D.M. et al. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, eds. A.N. Cox, W.C. Livingston, M. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.781, "The Solar Activity Cycle"

F. Hill - Helioseismology, convection, large-scale flows, and atmospheric waves.

Hill, F. et al. 1991, ApJ, 369, p.237, "Simulation of Effects of Atmospheric Seeing on the Observation of High-Degree Solar Oscillations"

Hill, F., Leibacher, J.W. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, no. 4, p.149, "Ground-Based Helioseismology Networks"

Foukal, P., Harvey, K., Hill, F. 1991, ApJL, 383, p.L89, "Do Changes in the Photospheric Magnetic Network Cause the 11-Year Variation of the Total Solar Irradiance? "

Hill, F., Deubner, F., Isaak, G. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, eds. A.N. Cox, W.C. Livingston, M.S. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.329, "Oscillation Observations"

R. Howard - Rotation, large-scale magnetic and velocity fields, and sunspots.

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 131, p.239, "The Magnetic Fields of Active Regions. III. Growth and Decay of Magnetic Flux"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 131, p.259, "The Magnetic Fields of Active Regions. IV. Meridional Motions"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 132, p.49, "The Magnetic Fields of Active Regions. V. Magnetic Axis Orientations"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 132, p.257, "The Magnetic Fields of Active Regions. VI. Magnetic Axis Tilt Changes"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 134, p.233, "The Magnetic Fields of Active Regions. VII. East-West Inclination of Magnetic Field Lines" Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 135, p.43, "The Magnetic Fields of Active Regions. VIII. Cycle Latitude Variations"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 135, p.327, "Cycle Latitude Effects for Sunspot Groups"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 135, p.339, "Sunspot Group Areas and the Latitude Distance from the Average Latitude of Activity"

Howard, R.F. 1991, SP, 136, p.251, "Axial Tilt Angles of Sunspot Groups"

Howard, R.F. et al. 1991, The Solar Interior and Atmosphere, eds. A.N. Cox, W.C. Livingston, M. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.748, "Large-Scale Velocity Fields"

J. Jefferies - Radiative transfer and the structure of the solar atmosphere.

Jefferies, J.T., Mickey, D.L. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J. November p.373, "Direct Inference of Magnetic Field Vectors from Stokes Profiles"

Jefferies, J.T., Mickey, D.L. 1991, ApJ, 372, p.694, "On the Inference of Magnetic Field Vectors from Stokes Profiles"

Jefferies, J.T., 1991, ApJ, 377, p.337, "The Solar Mg I Spectrum from ATMOS 1. Identification and Preliminary Discussion"

Roellig, T.L., et al. 1991, ApJ, 381, p.288, "Submilhmeter Solar Limb Profiles Determined from Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of March 18 1988"

Deming, D., et al. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, eds. A.N. Cox, W.C. Livingston, M.S. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.933, "Physics of the Infrared Spectrum"

Lindsey, C.A., Jefferies, J.T. 1991, ApJ, 383, p.443, "The Solar Chromospheric Supergranular Network in 850 um Radiation"

S. Jefferies - Helioseismology.

Jefferies, S.M., Duvall, T.L. 1991, SP, 132, p.215, "A Simple Method for Correcting Spatially Resolved Solar Intensity Oscillation Observations for Variations in Scattered Light"

Duvall, T.L., et al. 1991, ApJ, 373, p.308, "Measurements of High Frequency Solar Oscillation Modes"

Jefferies, S.M., et al. 1991, ApJ, 377, p.330, "Characteristics of Intermediate-Degree Solar p-Mode Line Widths"

Jefferies, S.M., et al. 1991, Antarctic Journal of the U.S. 25, p.271, "Helioseismology From South Pole: Solar Cycle Connection" S. Keil - Narrowband imaging of active region build-up, flows and motions in active regions, and vector magnetic field measurements.

Zhang, Y., Engvold, O., Keil, S.L. 1991, SP, 132, p.63, "Structure and Oscillations in Quiescent Filaments from Observations in He I X.10830A"

R. Komm - Rotation, large-scale magnetic and velocity fields.

Komm, R., Mattig, W., Nesis, A. 1991, A&A, 243, p.251, "The Small-Scale Velocity Field in the Solar Photosphere" Komm, R., Mattig, W., Nesis, A. 1991, A&A, 252, p.812, "The Height Dependence of Velocity-Intensity Fluctuations and Several Non-Dimensional Parameters in the Solar Photosphere"

Komm, R., Mattig, W., Nesis, A. 1991, A&A, 252, p.827, "The Decay of Granular Motions and the Generation of Gravity Waves in the Solar Photosphere"

G. Kopp - Infrared observations and helioseismology.

Roellig, T.L., et al. 1991, ApJ, 381, p.288, "Submillimeter Solar Limb Profiles Determined from Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of March 18 1988"

J. Leibacher - Helioseismology, atmospheric dynamics.

Hill, F., Leibacher, J.W. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, no. 4, p.149, "Ground-Based Helioseismology Networks"

C. Lindsey - Local helioseismology, infrared solar physics.

Roellig, T.L., et al. 1991, ApJ, 381, p.288, "Submillimeter Solar Limb Profiles Determined from Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of March 18 1988"

Deming, D., et al. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, A.N. Cox, ed. W.C. Livingston, M.S. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.933, "Physics of the Infrared Spectrum"

Lindsey, C.A., Jefferies, J.T. 1991, ApJ, 383, p.443, "The Solar Chromospheric Supergranular Network in 850 um Radiation"

W. Livingston - Convection and spectroscopy.

Livingston, W.C. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J.November p.356, "Sampling V-Stokes on the Solar Disk with Fe I 15648 A and H Paschen B"

Livingston, W.C. 1991, Journal of Qimate Change 18, p.121, "Energy Input to the Earth" Livingston, W.C. 1991, Nature 350, p.45, "Radial Filamentary Structure in a Sunspot Umbra"

Mitchell, W.E., Livingston, W.C. 1991, ApJ, 372, p.336, "Line-Blanketing Variations in the Irradiance Spectrum of the Sun from Maximum to Minimum of the Solar Cycle"

Livingston, W.C. 1991, IAU Colloquium 130, The Sun and Cool Stars, ed. I. Tuominen p.246, "Convective Signature of the Solar Cycle from FTS Sun-as-a-Star Line Asymmetry Changes"

Cox, A.N., Livingston, W.C, Matthews, ed. M.S. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, (U. of Arizona)

Livingston, W.C, et al. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, A.N. Cox, ed. W.C. Livingston, M. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.1109, "Sun-As-A-Star Spectrum Variability"

Livingston, W.C, Wallace, L. 1991, An Atlas of the Solar Spectrum in the Infrared from 1850 to 9000 cm 2A (1.1 to 5.4 pm). NSO Technical Report 1991-01."

L. November - Image restoration and convection.

November, L.J. ed. 1991 Solar Polarimetry, 501 pp

November, L.J. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J. November, p.149, "Using the Zeeman Spectral-Polarization Symmetry for Telescope Calibration"

November, L.J. 1991, The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, ed. S.P. Maran (Van Nostrand), p. 194, "Tunable Optical Filters"

D. Rabin - Magnetic fields and the structure of the upper atmosphere.

Rabin, D.M., et al. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J. November p.361, "Plage Magnetic Strengths from Near-Infrared Spectra"

Rabin, D.M. 1991, ApJ, 383, p.407, "Energy Balance in Coronal Funnels"

Rabin, D.M., et al. 1991, Solar Interior and Atmosphere, A.N. Cox, ed. W.C. Livingston, M. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.781, "The Solar Activity Cycle"

R. Radick - Solar and stellar activity and image restoration.

Radick, R.R. 1991, The Sun in Time, eds. C Sonnett, M. Giampapa (U. of Arizona Press), p.787, "The Luminosity Variability of Solar-Type Stars" G. Simon - Magnetic fields, supergranulation, and oscillations.

Falciani, R., et al. 1991, Opening Frontiers in Solar Research: COSPAR Workshop, Adv. Space Res. 11, no. 5

Roudier, T., et al. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, p.205, "Results from High Resolution Solar Images and Spectra Obtained at the Pic du Midi Observatory (1986-1990)"

Simon, G.W. 1991, Astrophysics from the Moon, ed. M. Mumma, H.J. Smith (AJP), p.lll, "Observations of Solar Magnetoconvection from a Lunar Base"

Simon, G.W., Title, A.M., Weiss, N.O. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, p.259, "Simulating Exploding Granules and Mesogranular Flows"

Simon, G.W., Title, A.M., Weiss, N.O. 1991, ApJ, 375, p.775, "Modeling Mesogranules and Exploders on the Solar Surface"

Simon, G.W., Weiss, N.O. 1991, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 252, p.lp, "Convective Structures in the Sun"

R. Smartt - Prominences, corona, magnetic fields, and instrumentation.

Smartt, R.N., Querfeld, C.W. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J. November p.326, "Interpretation of Polarization Measurements of Coronal Fe XIII (10747 A) Emission"

Dunn, R.B., Smartt, R.N. 1991, Adv. Space Res. 11, no. 5, p.139, "High Resolution Telescopes at the National Solar Observatory"

Smartt, R.N. 1991, The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia. ed.S.P. Maran (Van Nostrand), p. 133, "Coronagraphs, Solar"

J. Zirker - Magnetic fields and prominences.

Koutchmy, S., et al. 1991, Solar Polarimetry, ed. L.J. November p.263, "High Spatial Resolution V: Stokes Polarimetry to Measure the Zeeman Effect in Flux Tubes and Prominence Filament Threads"

Zirker, J.B., Koutchmy, S. 1991, SP, 131, p.107, "Prominence Fine Structure II: Diagnostics"

Koutchmy, S., et al. 1991, The Solar Interior and Atmosphere, eds. A.N. Cox, W.C Livingston, M. Matthews (U. of Arizona Press), p.1044, "Coronal Activity" APPENDIX 5




Visiting Observers US Foreign US Foreign US Foreign US Foreign US/Foreign

Astronomers 96 47 330 44 107 31 533 122 655

Graduate Students 39 9 123 5 4 1 166 15 181

Other (technicians, 1 5 11 3 14 4 26 12 38 research assistants, etc.)

Total Visitors 136 61 464 52 125 36 725 149 874

Institutions 72 36 97 32 53 29 222 97 319

The figures in these tables reflect the number of observers/users physically present at each observatory for the fiscal period. Multiple visits by a single observer/user are counted separately. These tables do not include NOAO staff. During fiscal year 1991, a total of 217 observing programs were carried out by visitors and the NOAO staff at Cerro Tololo. Visiting astronomers were assigned 72% of the scheduled telescope time and the remaining 28% was assigned to the staff. During fiscal year 1991, a total of 317 observing programs were carried out by visitors and the NOAO staff at Kitt Peak. Visiting astronomers were assigned 80% of the scheduled telescope time and the remaining 20% was assigned to the staff. During fiscal year 1991, a total of 137 observing programs were carried out by visitors and the NOAO staff at the National Solar Observatory. Visiting astronomers were assigned 89% of the scheduled telescope time and the remaining 11% was assigned to the staff.


NOAO Tucson*

Visiting Scientists Totals Number of Institutions Ph.D. Student Other

VAX and Workstation 85 143 64 20 227 Computing Facilities

PDS Microdensitometer 3 38 1 9 48

Grant Comparator-2 axis 7 9 6 40 55

* The numbers in the table reflect duplicated usage of NOAO Tucson reduction facilities by visiting scientists. NOAO staff are not included in these figures. APPENDIX 6

National Optical Aatronomy Obaarvalorlaa FY-1993 Provisional Program Plan TABLE I

FUNDING BY SOURCE (Amounts In Thousands)

Scientific Staff & Instru Operations & TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Support mentation Maintenance FY-1993 FY-1992(1) FY-1991 NSF FUNDING Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 1,587 607 5,029 7,223 6,842 5,847

Kitt Peak National Observatory 1,928 1,775 5,242 8,945 9,245 8,016

National Solar Observatory Sunspot 606 260 1,915 2,781 2,881 2,731 USAF Support (600) (600) (600) (600) Tucson 712 305 501 1,518 1,637 1,552 NASA Support (31) (31) (31) (32)

Global Oscillations Network Group 2,550 2.550 2,317 1,998

US Gemini Project Oltice 450 450

3.5 Meter Mirror Project 865 865 946 847

Central Offices Director's Office 117 71 606 794 820 639 Indirect Cost/Miscellaneous Credits (330) (330) (637) (354) Publications & Info. Resources 102 102 126 66 Central Administrative Services 1,469 1,469 1,557 1,319 Central Facilities Operations 1,617 1,617 1,434 1,232 Central Computer Services 73 265 815 1,153 1,142 1,200 Central Engineering & Technical Services 1,011 1.011 1,009 657

Management Fee 493 493 475 424 29,163 25,544 Subtotal 5,023 7,148 17,839 30,010

NON-NSF Funding 631 2.709 1,687 Total Funding 30,641 31,872 27,231

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

462.88 NSF Funded 59.55 93.85 323.33 476.73 477.98 12.95 Non-NSF Funded 17.25 475.83 Total 476.73 495.23

(1) FY-1992 Program Plan, Revision I TABLE II



CTIO KPNO SUNSPOT TUCSON GONG OFFICES MIRROR OFFICES FY-1993 FY-1992 FY-1991 400 613 3,790 21,112 19,713 17,730 Personnel Costs 4,568 6,872 2,072 1,349 1,448 3,773 Supplies & Materials 1,572 1,116 289 83 154 96 508 3.818 4.034 538 1,482 1.383 1.249 Utilities & Communications 385 269 290 619 1,338 884 1,097 Purchased Services 339 187 60 12 54 67 7 58 414 419 263 Domestic Travel 71 133 20 54 21 50 22 262 257 187 Foreign Travel 142 78 5 14 1 1,722 2,629 1,453 Equipment 146 290 45 6 873 81 281 Management Fee 493 493 475 424 (631) (631) (632) USAF & NASA Support (600) (31) 29,163 25.544 7,223 8,945 2,181 1,487 2,550 450 865 6,309 30,010

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

3.25 6.25 65.50 65.00 62.50 Scientists 16.50 24.00 6.00 8.50 1.00 Engineers & Scientific 81.15 81.15 74.25 Programmers 18.00 24.60 9.00 2.50 12.25 0.75 4.40 9.65 34.50 34.50 31.50 Administrators & Supervisors 10.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 11.50 0.25 34.23 72.98 72.48 73.03 Clerical Workers 26.00 7.40 3.10 1.00 1.00 13.20 80.70 80.70 126.30 Technicians 29.00 26.00 8.00 4.50 141.90 144.15 95.30 Maintenance & Service Workers 50.00 45.00 10.90 4.00 12.00 7.00 13.00 27.25 4.25 11.40 87.83 476.73 477.98 462.88 Total 149.50 133.00 41.00 22.50 TABLE III

SCIENTIFIC STAFF & SUPPORT (Amounts in Thousands)

NSO CENTRAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL CTIO KPNO SUNSPOT TUCSON OFFICES FY-1993 FY-1992 FY-1991 4,171 Personnel Costs 1,461 1,669 568 656 188 4.542 4,556 Supplies & Materials 24 78 16 24 142 153 123 Purchased Services 5 33 5 2 45 60 47 83 Domestic Travel 5 56 12 20 2 95 117 Foreign Travel 65 50 5 10 130 136 91 Equipment 27 42 69 89 92

4,607 Total 1,587 1,928 606 712 190 5,023 5,111

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

54.00 Scientists 15.50 21.25 6.00 7.50 2.05 52.30 55.05 Administrators & Supervisors 4.50 4.50 Clerical Workers 1.00 0.75 1.50 1.00 4.25 3.50 Technicians 3.00 3.00 3.00

59.55 62.55 62.00 Total 19.50 22.00 7.50 8.50 2.05 TABLE IV

INSTRUMENTATION (Amounts in Thousands)

NSO Gemini 3.5M CENTRAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL OFFICES FY-1993 FY-1992 FY-1991 CTIO KPNO SUNSPOT TUCSON GONG Office MIRROR 1,448 400 613 114 4,869 4,339 3,769 Personnel Costs 358 1.443 229 264 808 1,107 1,277 Supplies & Materials 176 310 31 41 154 96 3 Utilities & Communications 67 71 273 336 502 Purchased Services 73 8 54 50 7 85 32 22 Domestic Travel 7 21 3 3 21 Foreign Travel 2 1 81 151 1,110 1,193 347 Equipment 5 873

2,550 450 865 336 7,148 7,010 5,941 Total 607 1,775 260 305

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

1.00 3.25 0.50 4.75 1.50 0.50 Scientists Engineers & Scientific 1.50 43.25 44.50 37.60 Programmers 7.50 12.35 3.00 1.50 12.25 0.75 4.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrators & Supervisors 1.00 1.00 0.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 Clerical Workers 7.00 43.60 44.60 46.10 Technicians 4.00 15.60 1.00 4.00 12.00 5.50 27.25 4.25 11.40 2.00 93.85 92.60 86.20 Total 11.50 27.95 4.00 TABLE V


NSO CENTRAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL CTIO KPNO SUNSPOT TUCSON OFFICES FY-1993 FY-1992 FY-1991 Personnel Costs 2.749 3,760 1,275 429 3,488 11.701 10,818 9.790 Supplies & Materials 1.372 728 242 18 508 2,868 2,774 2,373 Utilities & Communications 385 269 290 538 1,482 1,383 1,246 Purchased Services 261 146 55 10 548 1.020 488 548 Domestic Travel 66 70 8 34 56 234 270 158 Foreign Travel 77 26 4 22 129 118 75 Equipment 119 243 45 6 130 543 1,347 1,014 Management Fee 493 493 475 424 USAF & NASA Support (600) (31) (631) (631) (632) 14,996 Total 5,029 5,242 1,315 470 5,783 17,839 17,042

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

8.45 8.00 Scientists 1.00 2.75 1.00 3.70 8.45 Engineers & Scientific Programmers 10.50 12.25 6.00 1.00 8.15 37.90 36.65 36.65 Administrators & Supervisors 10.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 11.50 33.50 33.50 30.50 Clerical Workers 25.00 6.65 1.60 34.23 67.48 66.98 67.53 76.70 Technicians 29.00 26.00 8.00 4.50 13.20 80.70 80.70 Maintenance & Service Workers 43.00 29.40 9.90 13.00 95.30 96.55 95.30 314.68 Total 118.50 83.05 29.50 8.50 83.78 323.33 322.83 TABLE VI



CTIO KPNO SUNSPOT TUCSON OFFICES FY-1993 FY-1992 FY-1991 Engineering & Technical 1,011 3,801 3,853 3,561 Services 964 1,464 311 51

2,721 2,389 Telescope Operations 904 1,053 658 239 2,854

3,056 Mountain Operations 1,273 1.930 713 3.916 3,792

Central Facilities - Tucson/ 2,428 2.161 La Serena Operations 821 265 1,617 2,703

Central Computer Services 815 815 840 974

3,786 3.438 2.995 Administration 1,067 530 233 211 1,745

Publications & Information 102 102 126 68 Resources

Management Fee 493 493 475 424

(631) (632) USAF & NASA Support (600) (31) (631) 5,783 17,839 17,042 14,996 Total O&M 5,029 5,242 1,315 470

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

Engineering &Technical 16.05 52.55 52.05 46.55 Services 15.50 16.00 5.00 57.00 Telescope Operations 25.00 18.00 9.00 6.00 58.00 57.00 77.55 Mountain Operations 31.00 33.80 10.50 0.50 75.80 76.05 17.50 46.75 47.75 46.50 Facilities 24.00 4.25 1.00 Central Computer Services 4.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 16.55 76.23 75.98 70.53 Administration 23.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 40.23 83.78 323.33 322.83 314.68 Total 118.50 83.05 29.50 8.50 TABLE VII

NON-NSF FUNDING (Amounts in Thousands)

NSO CENTRAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL CTIO KPNO SUNSPOT TUCSON OFFICES FY-1993 FY-1992 FY-1991 Personnel Costs 1-183 502 Supplies &Materials 352 98 Utilities &Communications 3 Purchased Services 600 31 631 959 930 Domestic Travel 68 24 Foreign Travel 10 Equipment _^ 147 120

Total 600 31 631 2,709 1,687

STAFFING SCHEDULE (In Full Time Equivalents)

Scientists 600 15° Engineers & Scientific Programmers 300 225 Technicians ^25 *™. Total 1725 675