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illlg lU uJ I ' " -";,': ...... ,:',~':~..~" .A" ~,: ,- . ., .' ~ '" . '" ~ " . " • ,' " •~ ";.'.' ~ ,' ~:' 4 ~: ...... ~ ~~• '' ....~,-~-,,J:~:~'/~" .... ~...... ',~"-~ ,~:~~ ~,:':'"."" . %'," *: ;~ .r,~ ..... ,.* ~f~.~..,,,~, ,,~,'~,. ~,"~j.~- -:,~ ~ ~,~ . .,;,r-:~.~i',: ..... 0,"- " ,:~.,,-'~"~:* .~.;'~ " IZ~twhenlfoundoutIwouldhogoingtoCanada,/dropped' ' "" " ' '- " from Australia, .qu~tioq~why she.w~Id want to come to" ...... ~h, ,= *~., ~.. ,v ,.~ ~';,~ ~ e dea of collegd for one year. She be geing tb Terra~.

. TERRACE _.--It'ia long way from:,'"i~r Collie, ': Almtralla, but ' ~ ~2~~.~ ~,/,*~ ~i!~,~i~! r Caledonia Senior Secondary during 1984.. "It's part of Canada, and l'vo always wanted to see Canadsand I plan fusee as much of B.C. as I can." .... ,. . , . . . :*..: ...... ~:.: ,~,,~,~:.,:- ,~-~o ~ - .. . ~."" 4 :` ..; " '~ h " q • P' "d:'" r,;'. :' d p " ~ " ' ~h d 'p ~ ~' ' ~d . And what sort of actiy~ties does the young Australian Louise ¢oneldere bemel~'to .be a true Ausate, and evea th~ she was ~rn in the dislzlet of Kent; in England, she =ub's Kudantez~8o lxogram. ,- :. : i' !/..: :, ..... - ~'~'i~j~~~'~ : ~Ienjoylistening.torecoi'ds, a~l]Lkereadinga lot, and dee~n/'i let. anyone.tell her otherwise. , This is her fhnt to Canada,and li ,,,mtores . me. But ow everyonetakes '?Back home in Aeatralin, the feeling Is thatff you were th0ul~ht ofTerrace nnd ,rag rl~i]troanding ~;,::~!~Hed..: ~~~ '-smrtsreallysedo0s, butl just cloLt,tomuckabeut., . - not born there, you're not a true Am.tralian, and everyone Is that the people 0f tl~.a~'were very.-frlm~g~Ith~ ~~~~ ' , Two winter'a~tivi'ties She'll be'attem~ this year are always pointing this outto me, espeeinlly when England Icenory just fantastic .' ' ...... ": :~'~.,.., ...:-.~~~~,'. skhting and skiing and she plans to give both a UT when she ho~eas4o lose at something," she points out. • Her ~fl~. Complaint iswlththe weather".,~it~s:~o.¢old, ~~~.: : goe~ to.Hopo in/early February for an orientation s~r ,j~!W~L].sOt~S recommend the Rotary.exchange "It's ~ to believe'that hack home It's the~']~dd]e of " '~[~]~i~=~!/', -',. ~:; ~,,'i~!~'~ i::~• ~~ . put on by theRotary Club.., ~v. ~ . •. .-. .. p~gram fro" ~t~r interested Smdmts. ~mm,,r. and probably arol~d :40 ~!:us;:.:E~--8!-,~:,.: ~~ii,:::: : : ~:,:'~:::;~'~:~:.'i::~~i .. Loum.e has`,.two.sisters .and two brothers and she [a tlie !'~tely," ~ sa~, ."just the buildup tO_ getting having tIDub|eL.l~eep~g l~eeaul~ of the'heat/.,and! lhey're/(~;i:~?,;-i,~':~::;: i~i~.i~:~! :see.gad oldest m the family, • ': ~...... pasalZ~' ~;eady, and.meedng with Rotary 0fficiskis good Koingswimn~ni~a'10t,,shewentonteexplain " ::-iI": " './. - - ~ - _-'~.!'/:"~q~:~-""~.~:~ ':.. Her moth@ looks after:tho:hegse and her father is an fun in lizulL'But then to aetuafly.fly around the,world for LouiseisZT, andgradnatodfromgradel~lnNovember,"~:~!::/~!"•:'~i,:;/'~:~:~~ ~ ~. eugmeer(at~ne,of.tbe lo~.!;ceal.mines. .- " ... such a long time and come to Canada is Just fantastie..And but",.,hen -uestiened about her "';as for the futtu'e she:.-- - - - :~"-%'~ ...... " "~:::~i~ " There~ionaroundColll4Is'dneofAuntral[a'smaJorcoal even though I've only been here four days, I think the trip ., ,',. '~ , . ' . "v'~ . , ,, ':: .,..'. '',/'~i' ':':/ ,~,.~!; < ii .'.'-"" , , "~.'. • " ' ',::": Stated that at th~ moment it's yery difficult to say hecause '. ~i'/~ F~'.~~ ~g areas,, and the town is .similar.to Terra. in that it Would have been worth it for those four days alone., she isn't sure'what she wants to do: . ., :..:.. :. '. ~.---~,:~ R'~.;C~,:!:i/~; ha~s only tWO major indus~es,,the coal mines and the pulp At pi'esant, Louise Nutley is staying with the family of "Befa'e I was.chosenior the exehangeprogrami:I:had " ...... ,. - " . ' ' . mliL .'- ': :, : ::, Mr. and Mrs. John Cannicbael. Mr.. Carmichael IS the I-~n n(fm.,~d sn ~minu in n hmeh~a online,"., i~ ~,~id, L.OU ise Nutlev .. She says that most people, when finding outshe comes current Irsasurer'for the Rotary Club in Terrace. ., ~. -: . ,, .- . ~ : . " " "i-,'," ;i'-"..'i: " " " " ' M .. -." .. " " t~ , .". / , " C. " . • ";',,;~ I I I

Serving,the• ' r ' "- " Am / • ,..:, :.:.-./!

' . .. :t, ~/".'. 7. ,~_'-,: ;' ,' ...

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~.','., :,' . ~ , ~, - ,.f; ce~Is . Established 190| - " ' • /,,. .i~25

• , . • . * s :', pLLy now . . . . : •.gndnapped i $ " ' girl helped in escape MONTREAL (CP) -- A desperate Dominique Rocheleau separating the basement from that of an adjoining triplex. ~. lm"d barely ended his third telephone Conversation with a She squeezed through the gap, into the hasemeat of the Don Forbes terrace horseman: .:m.~ c[aiminglt0 be his daugi~ter's kidnapper Thursday dwelling next door, also empty ~nd ~under renovation, ~.: wl~en the little girl fled her prison and iwalked intothe arms climbed up the basement stairs and uscalk~l through the PAM WlllTAKER " : • Hereld'Columolst of~a passer-by. " .... -, - - frontdoor. • . -~.. Forbes of Kalum ~ Stables says that he STARTED TOCRY .... :' "" ," " ' ,~ '/-:'.~,, ' wouldn't trade the 10 years he, has spent on the [and ~/:~,Eight-year~old Verenique was foUnd wandering the, street /:~:'l~ursdaY at about 4:a6 p;in. EST, almost 48 ho~s after:she Aurora' Debarros,':the'woman veronique approae.lied.0n fro* any.thing" "It's been a grit environment: In the street, s.aldi ~!I took her in.my arms and staried crying 'which t0 raise children," he said. - ~;disappoared,,~iih an Uii~entified mad 'od her ~Wayl home ~t~, ,,', ' .~. . -" became I had been listening.to the news and feltso badly." He zlmy accept a position in Pdnce/Ge0rge in the .from school i~ .... : • " - Joel l~ille~.owner of the store:where Deharros took eiectrlcel field and sell or lease the 50 ~eres that he '.has~, His p[ace is a!~t five mfle~ up the Kalum Lake •Cold, hungry and e4-yingand still clutobing.hei" sch~lbag, Ver6nlqu~ said'the little girl "was J~t Sr~ing and crying, • .x~d.': It, s 0~ of ii~!arger acreages near town- t!!e: • i Veronique ~pproac'hbd a woman waltingat a bus stop and she, couldl.hardly talk,. , ~ .,. i~:., ~.:..-, - . '~e b~d ~ h~i::e!0tbeson, her hat and ~ts,,but sh'e was ':'~I Carl P01fle place. " ' .,.,, - ' - ' told her sl~was,iost. ~A ne~arby Convehience'store ~owner : When the Fox'besmoved to Terrace from 'Prince " calted police and s~e Was take~ to hospLtal, Where chewas so di~y, ~r face was smeared with dirt because I guess she George in 1970 It was to form Formal Electric with a reunited wi[h"her tearfulparenis~ " ' '- " had been'~ping,her toara away with her hands. , friend. Later th~ family had acquired two berseb and Eight.detoetives now are concentrating on the hunt far • needed a place for them to stay. John Gieubrecht .., :; "She said~e h~'dn't eaten Since' n'0bn'on Tuesday," said the kidn'apper. Late Thursday the.Y went throughlthe gar- ow'~edthe propertY then, and hod dairy..coWs', beg, ' ihe1"mother~ l~is`e,lv;h0.1seight months,' i~gnant~ She a,sked i :base and.debris in. the basement for clues. • ~and eMeken. Hebearded their ~rses f~¢awhile : .'~ ' for ,,toast ~~k/d:~//t butter, her., favorite :meal;'; .l)er.i /:.Th#'famlly's ordeal began Tuesday aft erno0n when the

tiadnot been!molested: ...... • ,.. :~..~ ~ , -, ..,:,~Mterphm~g s~veral ot her friends, Veronlqu~'a mother 'l!tey are presently hoarding nine horseb' and Don. learned timt she had walked off.h~d-in-hand wlth "a big hana feed business as we]]. They have made-many i'."$he fell aslee~inher mother's arms"*tthe poilcesta'tion:' man in a" black coat., . :- : .. , " * renovatinusover the years including restoratioiz of . a~ter the hospital examination," be said. "We want'to give' .She said she will never again follow, someone wh6says • e.Pohle home which was built about 191¢ .Their htr'~'and her' parents"-- a good nightls sleep before 'I'm a friend of your parents,'" her mother said Thursday. immaculate new ham is the largest in the area. q~ed00nlng her (t~lay).' ' . " , :. " "She knows not to follow strangers, but you never know " In cooperation with Jean Webber, dressage [a teught what children will do." . . " during summer months. Dressage.simply means TALKS: TO FATHER .... ' , trai~lng with different levels ef achievement being- Earlier ThurMay, police rushMVeron)que'~.Paren~ to a reeosnlzed, Webber teaches English,~iiid~Western lo~alrbdio station after a mad Claiming to I~the kidnapper ridMil and jumping ..... '.... :.: Don. Forbes,!.:"-/:- .... called iand denjanded to speakto her. father~ • .Harness is Dun'Forbes specialty.."I ride but l'm Home bombed- chosen by the Terrace Rotary ,Club .to'. be. the.'. •"Beln~r said police taped the mas's'v0ice as he was talking ~rERRACE--Police saythat on Thursday, tM.ee Juvenile not a good rider by any means," he explained. He exchunge student who will go to Australia o,rp~ibly to Rochelean for the thh'd time, but the man wan careful to knows all about cutters, bullies andtwo wheel cam,, mules.were posit~ as boyscoum and going door to door indinfor4',.year,. SheIs lookihgf0/'Ward-~t~, t. if(See.,. s~k'i~only,~: few wm;.dS duHng"each te0nvetsation s0 the ': r~questtng ~d0natloi~ of money:. .. though, In fact, he has a vintegeLeutter and buggy that ,~ Ralph Resciike'sstor~0n i;b~e Nutleyi~w~,in: _ was manufaotured bytbe Lou~hary Coach Co, at the Aspokesn~n for the scout's organization says that there thisiesue.) " '- -"." " " '" are no fund-raising caml~jgns occurring in the Terrace •turn of theeentury. Scruffy, his Morgan.horse, husn't Fif teen-year~01d: Dexter Forbes: and K~na, 1!,'~, Rocheleau;~; asked the man,several questions, suchas been beaten yetin show harness. "it's funl" he said. area,_and thiit-residents should ask to'sac some have individual skills that they are developing thei~ the coior of Verenique's tights;to determine whether he ldentlflcatino from scouts asking for monetary donations. "Ibere are four Forbes children and.they excel in . 'father Qid.' Helping~round thd.stables had'been a was sbJ'ious, but the man didn't answer. Lr~e caller did various aspects of horsemanship. ':My. kidsLare The nmtter M under investigation by the RCMP. trainlng.i~ound in many ar~...... make a ransom demand, but Rochelean ref~Lsedto say how really busting my buttons," Don admlis. ,_ At approximately,9:10 p.m. Terrace pellce received a Forbes was horn in Nova Scotia. He Says bemisses much,he asked: for. , ~' N~¢tin Is the oldest and since high school report of an explosion in the Scott Avenue area, it sometimes but not enough to leave B.C. His family Police discovered that a homemade exploeive device graduation is employed by the F~etal:Fisherles in a Still has ahomestead in Goshan. Nova Sc'0~la that was The little girl spent two days alone in a debris-strewn dirt- salmon enhancement prograiu, on the Qncen • made of copper tubing had been placed at the hack door of deeded to .one of his :a~satero. by...tbe.Bdtish floor basement of a dwelling underrenovati0n. She slept on the residence of Nlrmal Jaswal.and, then Ignited. Charlotte Islands..'He .entered the Canadian , government forflghtlng in the Battle OfN~ Orleaim . : ~twO:grimyfoam e/mblons and drank fr0m,,a juice botUe f011 ." IPentathlon champloaskip In Tomato l~July 1~, and The resulting explodon caused minor damgo to the door. in 1812. • " '- . 0f~water, which she said "tasted fanny.. " ~ placed eighth out of 2o. ,The top four were ehasento . Police are continuing the lnvasUgatinn. • The Furbes property is pastoral in the Sumn~E and i Pollce~ said.! the. Iddnapperdropped her ther e and ap- Compete in the olympics..He is alao on theB.C, rep smells good. There is a'relaxed atmosphere there team. f~ water polo. P~ently never:returned. He locked the basement door by. and it has been a wholesome lifestyle in whiCh'to ta[ae • tying the knobwith ~m'electrie wire lo.the kn~ob on the Chm.yl; xe, excells in.~i ~are~s of horsemanship :a famliy,,,','That's really spoeia! to me/, bonF0.rl~, ," bat~'oom donr:acrese' ~e hallwaY.:////~i~,i, ' r ' " "L" "~" won. many ~awa~ ~i~•-She has •been. : sald7 ,It'sb~. worth more than anXthing eise.'/. :.~...~:... /! , ,Verontque escaped by. p~ing :l~!~':;~d:in a wall : ""':' "~i, " "'. ' ..... ' "'"":},:~:'.'.'.' .... Winter/Games buses available gani i i 'softens ' hard hne" '"' wew" . " / on "- Sovie.. :., • ,;, ts ,Aliathletes'.~let 19 years 0f." age who are LONDON (Reuter) , President.Reagan's first three TheSovietnewsngency'TasssaldMondaythatReaganis ~ fighting U.S.~backed rebels., "", ,'~,': "",ii'.'" " , . lzavellingt.otheB.C.wintergmneaareremindedthat years in the White.House have won him a mixed reputation a' rabid militarist" who tolls "fairy:taies and f~,bles" about,: " Nicaraguan leaders blame Reagan Jot/~eir country s the Iw are leaving Thursday, Feh. 2, at 10 a.m. eround the world -- as a staunch defender of democt~acy to his adminMration's achie~ments:-:. :i,.'i' ~i:: ,( ~: .~/"': p~blems, saying he ~!s~d~'eiood the C,entrai American from the old winter games L~'ontrelcenter next to the his friends and a hawk to his foes. • - / Western. analystssay Moscow has'littie lmpe for lr~. eribis'by :viewing it jn :terms of East-West conflict rather municipal building. There .will be a $17 cbarge, Reagan has seen East:West, relations plunge to their proved relations, ff Reagan is re-elected, but: it h~s Ik~en. than as' a ~gional' dispute with social..... and. economic payableThebuseswfllberetumingatappro~dmately8Whenyou lceve. ' p.m. low~ t paint in years during his firSt'term lp office and haS. careful to direct'attacks at.the president himself, keeping diamensions: ,- .' .,. sis0 ~und himself In conflict with Amerioa's olosest allies.' options open should a'~ewadministrati0n be Voted into the But his.l~.li¢ies are regarded by friends in the region as a .Sunday .nigltt. The Softer tone headonted reward Moscow this month, ~Itlto HS~e~.- ,~/..,~. !,.i: .-.i " " '. / ",' .' / :., . ,..' ..~ , .,.' saf~guard~against, grewing leftist iusurgenele%!,.Reagan's ~. '4,,~,~,~,.,~nrm,mAld,,~l~'inn~'~'m~InuTor'no"~-~te~ " Rea~an'snx'esidei~saw'major~wsbetweentheUniied '/ r@ei~floh~/buldl~'aguaruntecfordem0craeyandiihorty ~'~-"~'['.~-~',~f,~.-~,'H~;,'"~.~,~,,,--;~-~,,,-,~'~'~ '~-~ Stal~s0 end'-its ~E't~,,,an" alll'es beth.' o/I securltv ~and /' • in Cenirai.A~neriea," says one rlght-wing.politi~innM El ..-

' '" " ' '' ' '' x "" .... ' ' ' ' ...... ' • ...... , ' .... Salvador, He has got the right ideas " ," , , mAmemn • sati~led some allies and drawn a cautious reae,U#n from economic ,t~U~.4a ~, ad d ' ] da'J ~ ' ' ' " . ',' , ' : . , '4 ~" ' ' '~' . , M ' r. " " ' ' M ' • the'Kremlin" ' . ~'~ , : ~ '. ~ '.. ' , His, adminislrfltibn infuriated WestemEuropean leaders ~the Middle East, Reagan came under fire f~m her-~ M0~ow, described by Reagan ~st ysat as ~ ".fo~s b~ in~1982.by its unstleceesul attempt t ° block a Sue"pipeline di~ere-while raising some hopes among moderate Arab evll,,,blamesthepoorstate'ef.U s;kqovletirela oqs nhis deal,with the S0vlet Union over martial law in Poland, while stateS," • . . . Sports .... ,,,, pages 4&5 admh~trnU0n. • .... at. t~ uetinie:'~um~g U.S~ gi.ain/saies to M~cow,. In syria~ whose media ]abeHed him "fhe,~y and The ...... ~. !~,. . . ~tlet leaders have. sald lhey:i hol~i, l~agan's team MM~,::~We~to~Eur.o~n offi~|~ds~iuy ,,.Rcegaii'~' anii, -Actor,: ~:a'dminlstration drew harsher erlticls m than any .. •responsible foractio~ whlch Moscow. cells kdventta'oull • ,~o~miie 25 ?)ofW2¢yof negotlati~gffbm, a P~sitlono,f pr~i-. . • . .: . .... ~_ .. ;~ - . ." 'Comlcs ,Pages 6&7 and.flereely-anti-Sovlet. .'~ '.', ~ ... i ~ r. :' . nuelearstrength inflamed European 0ppceitlbn ~NATO s . S~ian ~Mdent Hazez m,,.,~san, whose~or~s,..elates...... , ...... US.-SevietrhetoHe,' - ulrUdyliherpoverdloputessuchas':" ' ' ' ' .-basing" ...... of he' w U,'~ .,,'miulles.... Jn,~Eu~. pc...... ' ~ ': -~:' :~ ,.....~ -,with . U,S.' ".!~-;,_' " cekse P.ing forces. . in'...... Lebanon •last '. year;'satd-' .... "'-, p the ~et resence in Afghanlstan and"U S, pulley In the S0~e,NATO dlplom,t~ say Rceg'~:hasr,mii[gnifled-a .. this.m0nth:. "Tncre ns no spocme u.~, poucF towero uus Claeslflsds , ,i ages 10& 1 1 ',Midge ~.a~t, ro~ to new.. h e~_:_te 18|t` September. "al~.~_. dee~e ~,i,.We~terni,~E .m'o~ publi~j.~lden~e i~ t]h~! ~, ,redo n b0ti0niy' Israe.lidecls]ans i?&e~;~l~te~b~UiS ~ .- "..-.. .- SovtotflgMersshatdow~aSo0thK0reana~l!n~r, ldllInga]L:, U,!ted/.S.~,t~.ny,his,.tousn tone,,hb:~£e~.:ot,,m!Hta~ :. ~e!:gmvas.to.no~eoanon ,n ~z p._,ea,_~an~! ..... "'""., ...... , __ _-. _ : ...... eiVll[ans on bom'd" .... ' ...... , . ' '...... btdldtip,,.ana such ,~aeuons as: the~ u~i~t~ "mvamon of," annolmcmg ,a ~meast peace, pt.an wnz.ca, mmeult,n/ex- ,; r - "I' ' " 80vie~'= ...... rr~m~ ..11--t ~u,"O,~.A'~LA,,u~.~. ,~,~v~u, ~,,,,,ira,tiling'J" ....A~q erlean policy. Grenada" ' : "''" J"' as t y~ear , ; . :; " ' ,' -' " 'el~lin~' Pmvisioas for a Palest`alan state, Was gemi " oy -- and~Reagan" selfish ,all..ort-sl gh ted...... and suicidal. '- .." , ~his. ... closest. ~,,, ....Eurol~an .- , su P-porter, ..... British Prime,- . mod~ato, .... , ...... Arab countries as, a basis for progress.' , • - WHY BUY NEW? RELATION8 PLUNGE " ' . " . "~ ' ' . l~nistm'.Margaret Thatcher, was ,angered by Reagms.. _,King.Huseein of .,Jordan I~an ca`ted. Ro.a.g~s_pl .~ for 'WHEM U$EDWILL OO! .....,l~elatiou s p Inng ed further. ~:. toward ; the. freezing ., ...last fail~...... ~. to ...... tonlmlt ...i allies , before...... the levi/sign..:... -.. " ~ ~,...., ~ ? : ,.:, l~Mestlnlaq...... , self-rme in the. eceuplea we~t uan~. . ,,a Doyoowanfparfatofigupyo~rcar'bUfyourbudge! November when newU.S.mteleat mlesflesbegan arriving.. ~, ~e,,,~i¢. t~,.t,, E~pean eeo~,m~,.have . e o~. ~.eeus a.t~mpt.to d.~l with .th.eproblemsoLthe::~_ wo.'la,ow!t? Boa! ,heh;gh cost of new pacts with ,- w'-tern Euro,~ • : ". '~ ; : complained~ ~at Reagan-S pouches pusueo mmenean:m- Western .mpmmats sum counmea suen as ":gYP u .~allly UI~I p~rt$ from "~"So~tet Uni~n~ having t~edr~to'bi0¢kdeploYfi~t~r ' ~tor~trates~aiidtheU.S.donarup, hurting~eir0~fragile ~Udl,~abia!~lsaferwi~l~ea~..an.ino~fice,.eo~d.ent .that ' .... --- =--'='-~=-~ -~" '"'--'"th e~omte~V "~'° ' " '' "~.... '- new0MuuseU~ p0wermueteaomenmycoun~esmume me new meemm-ranse roc~w, ore. ~, .~ w, ' , -' • ' Weshlngton on Umltlng beth" iht~'n~edlato and ~stratogi¢ r ' [~, agSn's to~h:~!ietes in Central Am.er/~a re!..~d" h.o.p~s,:..~, of need. But Arabcountr!es' detect .a V.S_tilt tow_ard !srae! S.K.B, AUTO SALVAGE nuelem" weapons ., . ' • . • 0t.tlght.wi/~g an~ 'conservative governments wnne amr, ~, mnee to~agan mox over from x~resmem ~ar~er. "vney wanx Western diplomats tn M~¢.OW,.i~/y the Kremlin'bei!eves' "ruing MUst e~... i. -. " . ~i:i; :/ ' . :'~ .i'/i 'm~.°r~. U~s, pressure.on the Jewish sEa.re to extract c.~- . 635.2333 Or 655-9095 thSt with Reagan fervently., an tl.Can~nanJst, a return to He has be~,.h.~rtrayed as` an ageo coWboY in pelit.le.m ' ees.s!~s suen nsmoaeratlng its pouey m settlement on me : ~ m~mn {iostotl ~, ~, 8} debate unlikely so long aS he Is In the White House; cartoons In x~earagua, whose left-Wing governmem -~s west Bank ana xeavmg ~euanon. . ~, , , ,, . ,•J •i+j .... V + . ¢ ' +k,q '". :+ " +:''I : " *. ; ' r : --k --: +"' ]~ ; ' + • . • • , +. i "'.;" • -']•

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.+ • . . . .-.+' +* , .:~ +.+ ',+ :~++ +'+~/..~/.~+ ::- .

i : + + I.'Gm WRItOKer,8 + +"+' /:~o (cP> _ A pot of .M~a of spruce trees bon~mde Soup +'+immered •on the.sto+e, outside EJma,: ] :~. ~i. ~.m,elm~.committed to~fi~lding a ~uot •"It's going to, Published every weekday at 30+0 Kalum StrUt, '!~HPeOt them buve met: . '/,,:. :"-'- neverheard of iEastbi~omlds, sin8 T " • - - .MargL,'et+herhlmbandDeanisanda sluall gimup, bf0ii~ - aircraft went d0~ns0mewhurei~ errace, B.C. by Sterllng Publlshers Ltd; " t ..... ' '"" ..... ' ...... ".... - Terrace Caledonia High School student Whitney:.13ri~nen ir Authorhed as second class • mail• I~lStratim -. .,M~:,.~bavespcot their:lantt~oeweekende.c0mbin8 . +Wkmipeg on~Jan.+.,S;.,' .... "+ S:/ m~e a musical tape in OctOber 19~.and enter~d.it~ina • ~ 1201. Postage pa d in cash, return ~o~taoe " "] ~'°fi~-astern Manitoba 0fi foot for' 8o~me:Si~ of An eidmmtiveLw0-~ contest for B,B. schoOl band students. She. playSl the/flute, guaranteed . , . :•. {'-•. +'? • W.i~..+p~ broadcasting consultoli/t~Nefl ,)~,.t,,.:i•!+~;'~:+i/.:.~+]+}.waQ.~J]el:lbfflust,.we .': O~: the thousands entered she was'/one:of~,the.:el~/ty + i- , • • ' . +.-. ~:. ,~:./' +:: +.ttb4L!m~ttbumfun.SearehersmusttrUdg;Y~+km~ ' +'I~,Im~Wh;;i +ierrace: ...... " 'ClrcUl01101~: ;::+-.+:,:-"++. *:+ :, + ~ -:' • +/.,+' . ="+ .... . i.,i.,,'~.~..+.~ +, s~l~ted to particlpa~ in ~e ProvincialiH0noi+.Band~s ..... , ' -:'.. ;+" ' ' " a " - *' ' :" ' 'i '"" '" + , ir~llul ~ u w.,l,Gj~jrlltall~ • 635-6357 . ' " " ' i -- " ~+'~''' ~ I+ + :' '' ; ; r ...... " ":" ' "; ''%'' + I ~ d ++~'~++','"' + :+'~/ + " +I.~+' 4 ' '~ a~:~m ~ m+j~ .. The ,+band +recently /++hnd a three~ l~:pa~+~pr~tj~;iin + ' ' ' ' M " ~, ' . ' . J : +''" ' ' ;'~:+' i + i; ' + ; +" . ' ; + ~ '" M + ~ M" i''++: + ' + ;, +: "i :],; ~+ +" ~' ~+ L + M;+ (~IP ' +~ + ~ "" *:~ Cranbrook,: Richmona and'.Victoi%:' ~dimulisne~s]y: + 7 Publlsher-.DavldH,milton .:: ,+.'~ r++':+:i+'A:|||~,t~l~...e :+. +~L:,+~~9++:++ .m~,'+~~ Whitney attended the one in ;Victoria :,a.'+~ ihe~.,.~e.iates • " :-: • ++ ++ .+ ++/:]+ + :+';!+.+IyHIitCIIV.,... ~, +.VVt~..C:ti~:! d~ ++ :I+ " + ' + ;he,~"p+~+.Id"~+;(°r.+me-' were e~ed to see a student.tha t had~,tr/wel!~ ~f~r;.~ ~+ ' • _ ... I I ' ,...... +.++++ +" , ..': ,!.+, + : *~-• - +~ ,+++~ +*~" ,. m+..,+ :~..+. . ;".+ r :+" ' ,; I +'& •,+?~ 4 m" :.+~+'". ~ ~ .+ 'k ...... +...:."+ +..+,::::++:I "." ~ '+ ,+.,:..+.'~:, ~+ m ,.+' +, #• . : •we,+~ + +re ' ...... going.+++Jo ;~ ...... fin( +.perUci~l~. +... - . +,-~.+:~ 7 ~.,i~;~,~ui+~i,+'.:• F, . ;..l~al~r. " . • ~ulv~rsl~,l~,~.,., ,: .~.WII~N/pmG+ (cP)-- Canada+~otdddo{ib|+.'iis.+def+~re :,.-IrLYIN0~ AIJ)Nm.+ "•'~,:.?G+'.,/~,;,,~:~'::+ •" Tn Fel~ruary a vractice +viii be held In New ~+s~ter > ur,an ure~g, :. • Nlck Walton .. :I;,KS+'. wme.+rcfnai,g fmther,+mtlng:+,f+:tSe:~m.i~+ : '+++ms+;.++,+,;+ experi++n~.+]io~ i • " ,+. ,++ • .*, /. ' "*'*: +: :.~_.,,'~~-~i]~ :~.~ ~ I ml~L]einlldscountry; J01nrnallst.P~er;+!:,~.~:,Nex~mun, consultant who owns ,~tmdB~.... msmmofW +u~ ~,-w~ .~. Rp, m,3heband ~ the p y Staff Writer, Phelographer: +,., ' .+ .~r~.+: •.,.~ +,,.,+:!' ~,,~+~'mdv.+rSity audience Thmr~lay. L+ + ~?" " 11.~ +]' '' ++J:' ' ;" "' ~'' last hea~ of bn a solo ~L~.'t f~m + ' Ralnh R,,~h~.~ / ' "._HOlly:O!' HoI!y~O!~++] +le~+• :.,~+ ~ ~t't~a. y sound parad(ixlcul/~'ul,y+.mmd.~e**+~Ib sald.~e*+~th0r ofi me •'~ winnipeg;.:' .• +ii-.; +i.?••" ••+ ! :'• •/:~:~: .: i!y::~i• +~?, '~trom WasS~ton. (Haven't ~eiany + " r,+, ...... +,::,+:•+.-+ .... ~.. + ." -i.'/." :+"" ";", ...... +'"'+"'~+J+ :,:.~;,i+.-+, ++'~+~i+i~ +~Nerth,"•" ' Not' Sir0ng,.,ond;Pree.,' "++"tmdFree~',whlm+++.... +".... +whlr.b+~dj " +" ""-~ "++I. .+ " Offl.el~ i~believe he"ms++ hnVe~++flo~haVe :ini~.,a~:mm:~)f.+.+-B.C~?) ,. ++ +!+'i~. :+ '.+] +' :+ ++:', i " :i:

Reception.Cla|sifled: "" , ;' ClrcUlatlon: ,+..-+:,+.::-+:'+++ de~meS in the Canadlam I:/ i~m.~d ~d Fo~+;.;,~:F+o~+;+ , ~: ' +.qr~+,+.~,~+,%...... +,..~+++,.:+.,.;+,+ +...... , '*f fro~in+"r'~.rt~--,.i; " .... ~ +,++d~"and_ • ,. "encemitel'eder~ i~i~+~ble~S.':+.i).+../:,~+,?, *-+.++:'.~ ~+.+:'Whitney. has ako.iH+d-out :Ior . . ~.++Ii ~ mat's based on + vei7 Bl1~o~ig't~'+mJ;+we" ": + + But' a~8~uP, of, abo/a 2O ~olmteem";:'moslly+~ff0m+W~.~:+•/Orelmira+but has +n0++pet:hare'd: me Clalre Wadley f r . Sue N~01son " -~ .+/~ CLn0t+havemyllddg-to do with nu~J~+w+n0na +.;;, / , nlpeg, P.Jman-'d 0ther:+iiU~ern M~tob~/c6i.m~lJ~*~, .+ toncher at Caledonla ]Senin~r Seconds t~ ,.t~.~)a~, former editor of Macluns~and the-Toronto ~have pledged t0..contlnm+ We grol~d .isea~. in: dense :+ I+bope tha+t our sc+.h~.~],+Ix~d.. .WIll S The Herald r+etaids fulh coml~leti~iOIi¢91wrigM. ,; ++S+.I~. ~/kdd+.,tmlents at the Univer~ty ef ManltoSa that ~e ' terrain. ~+ '+L~ "+' ' :,!++:'++~+~'~!. ,.. ':; :.:~'.:"' . ~ 'i ' "'~'+: ".'~ + anllvil~. It has never bee...clear to m, in any advertisement i+r~lucecl and.or any edito'lltl ~i~i.14~. ~ +~tatesismislpadinaCanadawhen!t.am,yathe'crube tceismisleadin~Canada'whentt s~a the'crUse "'.'. Ari~dt,:a welder:wh~ih~ !~;yo+ung boys+ lives • j~mt• money IsIs,used used. forfer --perha~.this pernalm-mm vwould • quaiLfy'+'+i~i+~...- ,, ,~, ~;+'.:.// a or photographic contegt, published,'ln~th~ Herald,;. :'. t....'~l/~ he"lJIsed•as a NATO.wea+.~[ NATO .)U ,f+the + :icentrlbution.~ " ~.i : . .. ;. , Reproduction Is not permlffld.wlt~ut.!~ wr!tl~/,,,: • ...... ,, . .+.' , .,. ,/~+ .'/,.~ : . ,+~. • , , • . + + .,.~ ,..+. .~...... ,, ,.~. -,..,.. . . .~ ...... , ?: .- ,,.~ , ...... ",+. • , _... . ,,:j ~. +-+%.-,,~., ',,' ~ ~'+ " + + ' p. "ml ..... + ...... , ..... ~I 'I " '+...... I ++ k'...... '. + .... +, I+ + "+J ' '+k" " ~ ...... ' .... permlsslun 0f.the .l~bll;~Ir. ,....?~. +c, ,.~;-.:,~!//.~-'?.+~,++.,,.; ~+:~..~' tm " " 4 • 4 + + ~ * ', '+~" b " k~ " W ~ "P "+--+ +" ~ . r . + " " ++ : "4 " ' +' * + p "+ J% +,.' S" ,~. '+4 + " " "+ + +'' ". ' ~+, ' 4 *+ ,+ ', ..... ' ...... ~;++.'~I++~+]"' :.He,?:" ,, ...... said Newman; ' .who+,poi~ed6~k':mat+th+...... :+ '."~' +; '~++ + ~+/Elmatiei+onthe~t/mfl~/] 'J~l~]s:bollc~;edi~hdV+~n/~+h~w+++~-~+ '++ +', ..-:!~elwst~..uno.x.pWl~m+pe.ap/,T~efli;sttmelsawJ ~+heaPlmi~lm+l~: pesm +]~+t~/.~!+ ' +" S" " '' '' k + ~ d ..... '~ " " * ' I ' r~ , :'" - + "- . ~+ , + ' :, ~'.... ~ .... , ' o+ ' u reran8 across me •The Terrace-Klllmot l)klly Herald,' N~ !I•];i":!"""i ~de~t,cl~t'~ .,He,, 0verSa'dover ncnorthern+Newman'Alber~ ~n Albertawh~'Wh°,lmi~ed where ~e low-flyin,-~mtyi,~:+tt "c :.~d-Anidi "~ s~home Is thrum tin ba~ for the search~eam5 teamte~m4! ' +of ~8rey 'n01+ rom.s, .eros.'~ the floor In a:'~ce °~i~e politically Independent and a memlmr'otthe Bri~J~il .,i,+..+- ~+~ +he~n+gmlngtestedis'notatull+likeEutested ~ ; at ~ llke E~'s ~'• indus,/:~:i.~]'~neybelievelu+~ I ~ ++ Enst+W:~t*d ~:~!omewh~.e, p.+.ma+,,.~ Elma,,in ,~ +,:. living room,t. --.,.. , '/ " ',/.- !'. ~+~!..'] Colu mbla Press Council. • '.. :i... : ~. ~ '~~..!.~:i~i ''~.-~;~ ~,i~.~;', • " ]' ~ ~"~.~'a~n • "He was the first'of thb kindle out of the earboard~in , + . ,

:. I I. ~ .+.', .,"+,, ~ ,.. '.. +'~,~....- ,- 8/~r++~.,~7.++~,II~.:'.+'~.~"~I . suffered much anguish from owning a'!lon8 + Masons+,rejectea should be increased...... to 3.6 per cent-.... ,.ol+:the~- organizers follo'wup leads andde~ide ~ts. 01d mother 'eat, for lns~nea, had:to .% ~oduct from 1.8 per cent to brin~ it un toromP covered...... :: LONDON (Reuter i: on an old rvvallra~ :: --y~::.-~-,,,~,.-.,,-.,...,,,, v,,,,.,--.,+,., ,".,,+,-~a;':,/:!.": +'~,'+:'-~Ir~0erilmred wiYh about $8 billion in 191+3. ++~'~;-'+..... 'sown m. me. area, mcmoLrlg inPoxen uronehes.or other . . ' " . ~ ". ' ~,~. :.. AumorStepnen rm~ght says me heir to the throne may . Jqewmon J~ advocated a stronger pi'esence in ~the "snspicions-looking" eJues, ':: . " +" i + Ruffns.moved toPort tt~rdv with ,,n ~!~, K'~ ~,~!~,,~ : oecome me tint monarch in centuries who has not been ' N",.*h .... + + ' ' " ~ "It's ~oin. to be awfully hard to find that ,,lane '" Amdt - :--. --' ..-- :--..-- "'.--" ";7. :'"--"'..'- "'~',..."~.. :.. ' ..... + • . ' . ,,~, ~" ...... ¢+~.. . ,+. ,+ . . Wown, qmcmyaa~nsungtomeramyclimate. Soodhe~d ~ tit~ar head of the powerful secret~soelety, !~ +~tn~•~:f;. ?AAithe~;moment, for exampl~, north'i~of:~-Allm;ia.' .UM. -Itsa~'yblgarea.and, we :ve had at lent l0 inches +"'slaked out a large terrltoPv whleh Inrli~'d,~'l::"th,,~i~i~'~h~

~. u n..mm._,_ +,,,__ ~_; ...... • ._' .. ,..; ... •!:.. ~ •~l~.gouroUroservesthere'spreciselY75menandtwo .of.anowsin.cehewentdo.wn.~'.. ' .: + L. : • .:'! '.:+ ~" place!' at Port Hardy ~.j ' ~ i ' + 4"4: ~:~ ~ ...... m~ v~, the -rumernv~, mvesuga~es. . . me...... ~;.. lllln,wJ~ OI :~++Oge~, one of which can ' t fly ...." . ' ~..,,:~+. i . Mnntsammossottneyolun. .+ tee ren.. a've ,come from outside " He was huge, fereciotmand beautiful with It i+uff'~i~d +ia_.the ' art.~-,+ mine...... socle~j _-_on me JUmclal system,, ..the pomme ....~!~i.'.~dd'~Cox,:toree pel/tipal, science profemmr..at.i/~s , . th • ~'E Im++.a~...area.iinfact~ hb]sald~.i'few:!.l~++pis+.?n~,~e'tiny hls~kllmtmadehiml0oklikea~.ly~ , He ated0-~]~0r/, ,+i '~ .,,e ~,w, .~.rv~cc: /.... , ~ +: .. ~ '-'~ : ~UMt+ersityi;..~..Kingston, countered that i,t':'would./bo commumty.:nave anownmueh~inm~est~in~.nelpmgou t. ? . breakfast. , ' : / .: + . :+i~/ :++) ~++.!". ~i tt ainu...... says me ~owet umon penetrated.., .....Britbh sceun.: .,.~!~ ' :'a~!f:~ll~, expensive to defend a~eo0nl~.the,siv.e~of . ~me .membe~o f -the"~FJma:imnqwm65'lle /elu+b.~,have ' We'hadi~m neutered so that hewouldn ,t r~'a~;~i"~+~at' • ~'serwces . .... ac me mgneet,,..... leve~ :...... Dy lnlutratm g,118 .. SP..lea mrs ,..me. !; ,~ ,~jp~,÷'the second.largest nation:in ~bi~0Hd;• ~']:i'i]! vos ontoemd +~mr maehin~, for .~!he sea~]and,:~i!di+for oned hlm down a little but n0t much.. He.e~l !~an iis~m!y ~o ns.mg a ~o~mr me nremre+ n-'ne~worx;,. i / ' ~,~0fh~+w mueh moneyyou'eon th~k]Otwil~'aiI~il~e "somefoed.AlecSls+to.rekceperaisohdsdonated~me~mb..unohallonged reputation as a mighty hunter. ,. ~] "~+~i/ ~i £

~.: omer; me queen MOrner, 'ana. nm lamer.Prr~ee"l-'nmp,/-.,,.. , , ., .+ : ~..... lreim/Sl~., aS :health care or:.___~n~si~s.':"/ .'':'++...~:. wesk~nd/,'....'r:~4 d r "~ " =""i ~ ~.~ , 'r< .+' ' +," " ;~ "~"• ".,_''" : L ' me Same. ume cemg actively engaaed .~ d~~ng -.~. o,gh he ~ a mem..~r., .Phmp has not :~:,~e_Z+i~,~in~ :;., C~I~Uo ,si.miaUzes in Canadian defen~e~ policy:and Simpldns; ~/wh0 hassetup;aiieiumns.band radi0 net;.i', n~d .mi,ce ~ the entire neighborhood '. + ., ~,. +/.~ : "..masonry m ~u years, x+~mgnt says/and m~' .qw~mn Mo~tr~: ~: ~Can.C~nadian relations, said 'Canacla;icloesn't. get work in Arndt'sgarnge, said the s~.m.eh ~iil be eofidui:i~! in ~ favorite ~oooa were moose meat and riiw flsh.•+He

.,. a committed B~ble-helievlng~ Christian,. does.... not approve- ...... mouth out. ....of the money it s~nde on d e fen_ce. . • ~...... , an area about 23 ,idlomeires' wide•", , With' search ,,+,too~ ..would, ,. nev~. share that., , . , ,.~ .,.,,', -. ~of the Masons.. ' " " ~ ': • , "I ~ th, e~enUnl difficulty Ca-ada fa.~o~';o-,o ~+~.;o headin~ west from Elma ~ . '..... '...... -: When he moved.to Terrace he was 10-years.old 'ond~e ~: ' : +:~ ':. i "i" '~ ~, .... +~ nO(k++inppedd~ingany.of the things that Wdve done for the "O~er the past coupleof Weeks;,We've been abl~: to tal.k . we~not sw? .t~.t I~..woul.d adds_t, He ~d, howev~;f6ve. ' ' "~: i"~ ":.' ' : .:./..+:~:i.~,~~_++,,. ]+~ci~.~,l+~+.~, ]~'s~ v he explain~d.~:~,.+i:+.,:.;.~.'~ :~i:+~:]..'J+ ..,~,~ with~ve~alof~hel0~dresid~ts,'~iSl/fl~]//ald."~'~n/~ ~..t~,~+a~+~!~u~,J_.°~,~,°n~Gr,a~,~e~t.u.ew~+'~M "ii~ +'~ ~ " "'/+i'~ +* ~:'f ~' " " " "' ~"+ • - ' '~ I' /" C~k'glltd lhat aftm;.'lhm .¢~+Pnnd:Mlm, ld Wn~';~n~.man~ dTh," -:bf thl+~lllt+h'd,,,BLPd'+~Phatr+th'i~) f.mlt ./nm ~,.~I~;'~+|~;!~;~ o,, -~vm. m u anume.wpalnel.Wa~i.~Hpp,~islmllax+,lU+~ : • " |~'. . " " " :+' .... ~+/ t~" ;J~`:+.~``T~'C'+'n~r~+`~.'`T`~,:'T~'`T~`-'?,:'~'+-'~--+'~++'~``~w~`~'~``j~'~VV~m++~ "' " --~L,''~' ----T----~.~----.V ------.r..--...~____.~.mum~l.~i .... +'t. + -+•-~,-.y,+P-"~--. • ,+ . , • ,~ •, ~-~)V~ff '''+ RLJRI~I~n~I ~omes/+dTcro committed to muse.air SUl)port,~n EUrope;and :,+,SSnlddl~+id'+'h+ mm mt+ Ot+lli++mml~,IL, re l~.dy wea.m.er. Except f.or mow.,,,(ml~.,md+QH~m :, .:++ v J v ....v ---- "m"r~m'V• . .1"?' ~". .m ...... ,lm.v~,~ , ~a~..def~ce " • in.North+ ' + America, a• rble that it still abides/by,• , . believe East..... has managed to." survive:,- "~ + - • ~': l.oe OC~nslOnsl. 8+ y +purl 0CI . ) + . k " P~'+" + r(++~+ " : " " " "" ~" - • ".Howev~,thenostofmaintsiningthnseroleahngoneup "' , " .: ..... + - . .. ' . '.. . The.flight from Port Hardy to Terrace was qu|~an WASHINGTON (ITS)~.A boycott of Nestle prod~ls/n, .,o~.ia~:.'. o.a ~,o~,oa~ .~.., ..^..~ ,.~,.;~-+' ,~ + • " + ,.the• ...... lTnih~t RIoI**o u;na m, mrmnd~q q'kn..~Aa...ft~,'""" ...... tk-- o..a~.' " . -~e~,..~,,..;'-- ' ' "...u .,.,,~.a,.m' " b,a,, " su o.m .....u nil u,~' oa~U, " ", " • • ..... - L'.... " alx~penence forr ....the aging fellne. Hehadboonadmlnis' + ~d++ ;'based food -rodue'- .-=..._ ,__~__~ ~_" =-_~T_~.~= +'~+, ....~+~.'~:n~+ + nes.amo been committed to ont/-submarine ...... ,. . ~ + + w~_._u~ze on departure from P0rt'Hardy andwhe~,be :United Nations~ infant- formula..-,,,-~,-~ mnrk,~,,no -~ m.~.~mp~y ~;h~, ~,k,.;;.,o mm,a ~.++.::+' '~~ ...... ' 1.945" and ' " the' cost of that has alto).... gonebeyond' ' ~: ' "' ...... - ' + ceme down the bau~e chute inVaneon~r weaV!N['~d . - .... "-~.~r+,~, .'~ ...'. + ' . +. ' = . .-, ,.. : ~ .+. " ~" " .. , ' ~ .. learlag happily Inkis Page;became quite a cudosl~.i[~i' ' ; : ...... "" 'tssalepraeticesinThlrdW°rldeounl3"iea+:•':•':'•~'~:~•~:~'e~"'~"'•~• • , ...... + ~:.,./,;+ ~.!~.~t~.~ y.".:.;; , ~',mT:~uhthd +we can be effective In both:eft~o~e: . " ~: ~ PEOPLE " i' ' I~lldT'elrL" . " I lI~Y ~11st thou~t "of i~]J~ ns ha d~ppeA ' !~! ! ~ ' Representa.tlves of Nestle and.the Interns,trim, "~ ' (r .~'~ '" ~' ~ ", . " .. +'. ~,. + ' +.'., " . __ + ' "" "+ b'O* t B v Co ittmm+simia,d an naP~,m,,,t ~U,,~,,,a,,,; ~' ~l~li'ye~+u~J'e s not reauy much mspemuon re+change ,-. R + the emveyor helt to buard the pisne to Terraoe was that he' Sale. enjoying "trip". New York that i~ the committee• • to..... recomnumd '~ .... an ...+.end to ...... ,q~m++ ~oe : ..... wn his ..... the boycottin 10'~Wllrlea. + " , +. •//. + " +" ,.~-~.;:~+++.ARMS.CON.TRO.L " ' '~q" d~p .M " ~ '~ "~ ~"q~ ~ '"r ~ ' " ' " M " " -- : Rulhmdisa.ppea .l.~d..fromhisbomeollQune~wa'y,~Orfly The InfantF0rmula A'ti0n ...... ,,._',;;,':~,:;':,=,+..; '. ,' ~up~ee!.'~mxer,- npaa oz political "science at Mount. ~;,--,-., ~,o ,,~,o,..+ " ,,~. . + . .~ oerore unrmunas. ,e seemed m good health'+ex+ept'~for a oromator.... tmmedia**l,, a,,a,~.d~,k.*.,...M.,--s; ,+u-,,auu, ~e.V.~,boycmt¢© ,,._,v_,,= =:~" ki,~-)t;,t,,o,;,,,,,,"----'-'"--'--'7 M,,., ,.,~.,o.~,,, =..,ow,.a,u.,,.;;...+.,; ";.,.~..M,~',~..;A.~.,~o~se~, ,~-~ o "~" ._-.J2=.:_.'•"',+ a,um':: ...... _____. + ~,~,+,,n,. SO,,: .TO~' .test . ,, . bridge,, fewlumpe and tlmodd tremor, Of ceuroe he was atl~stB0 ' : '+VTu~J~Sauu~'a~.~.Ju~k~'l~llll~UUlt~ "+ ~=o-=J ~+,--=-. -. '.--- . i'~ ~: ~:: , ;- xwqmremem: heavy. ~ . States and joined the: company In maldmiti~l~ an. ~P-.~..e~++~~°e~+-mon(nescrappea.m~avuraaelwr-,,~t°~, .... To:~el~al~ the ~tsrio hl~enten-,ol .--,ao.,o ^¢ ... yeanofageineattlmIng..: "i;:!~, " notmcement Thuredav .... ,: ,.~. mi!~tary secw.ity ~at would emhrace-a ~goromiai~m d .... SOUth...t._,~.~,..,_,_.__..,=__L....=_,; ...... ItisfitUnglhatonrmagulfle~mtnoblefrlonddldtidt~e ..... ' • .'" . • ' . ' • + ':;+~"'~' .. " ;+ + "control.,~'-~'am "i: . +. : ...... ,-...: ,. ~...... ,,,,o..o .,w,, ,,, ~,~u.p~.mmu.wam m mrs an a lingering demise?Perhaps ltls Just as Well thatwe do:dot uut me uoypatt of. Nestle products in Canada-won't ,of- ~ . .,-_ad~'~oul ~ o.. " ...'". .. : .... i.' " elephant to cross a bridge over the Trent River ' ' ' know what becameof him, We have heardthat up-fe~the ficlally end until an internatinn~l conferee bn.inf*,q .... ~m+ ~. a n c ao away. w~m-me-se~mers.or:me : ~.h,.tn,.,+ho.,~ ,.;,..,, ti ...... h~.'; ..'k.,+" "... formula 18• held "Feb 2 ' '- . ,' "=':-.... . -- .+ .~ w eapens, only the ....Idea of defence, he added... " +...... '-~ ...... • ...... • . ,...... ,~s~ .-...... :., ~,- limee~,hlsdisappeara~ice.hewasseenln thenalghborh0~d'.' . . -5 in Mexico City.;Do~m JoMmon,.~ ~- ."n is ~..~,K,~,,,o.o o.a .~,o..o.,+ +,--,oh;.o,~A ;.. ,,..~ elephant, was used to test its strength. Thebridge was ' r ~g ~ ~k" and S~g d~s., .... r ", ~ "~ k 4:+~ • coalition coordinator, said .boycott commlllees In/~= :.~"_~_+~'_=_-~__~;'~ "." ~'+',,~"."~.-~...~.'"."'~.." "/"~ considered safeafter lhe beast had madeit across, says, . . -~...... , .+ ~..~+~,~ other countr/es would ~ wait until thatconferen,Je.+.,~_.e,w~,,.,. -.~....~..~ ...anummU.dofence,,, w,,v, Tucker~"auasaid.accormng+ to ~ramuonm concepm ot .,~|d,,-t...... i.... M,;,~.., ' . : :'+'. ' • What nicer, gift to receive than books? Espoci~"y~at deciding how to preceed, + " ': ..... ~: "C2earl "+ we ...... ^-- ,~ ?" ..... :"~ -' .^ -~ But When the town of: 3,~0 will ,get "its"han~.0n the Chdslmn time wlten one can lake,the time to curl.up'.for , z ~ z, .,.. mrr.., w Th e international committee will recommend an, ~ud I~:~i ~_._~_,~. in~gate toomy our s - ,eal" mmmry"'""" : um ipachydern~ is still a big question mark/ : '~ : : porlmim Jl whole day and indulge in reading without feeling th ~~y, urwvm, ana mat Is superpower - e boycott in Canada and the other counlrl~,.i~-:West Y'I'~..,~...... ,, + .. . . . ' . .:~' Michel h~ad.written the owner ofa traveiling"circ~ in gullty, : . : i .+>., ' . .:. : + ~,::~i+:.i,'i.. t*ermany, France, England,Sweden,.Fiuland,.Aunti;alja~Z'~.~.."_+,m='~_.~.w~; ...... ~. , . ..,-, /+.. + ~. . ~. hopesof.'hirin~0ne of the l)eaSts.~ " "..i:. ~ :.'i...+ .... Wereealvedsemeexcelientbo0ks tl~ Christmas:~Gh0~t P+ew zealand and Norway.. " ...." ' " b ~." qr~~?~a/:u:a, a:ways na a erXl~erq.se'm ~ ~, +~ . _ ' ' • i . : Wnlkor, whlchour~u~htortooktoVanc.ver, isawlkllffe The bo eott be . + ~ .+ ...... ++o~... ~w perpo era: at arms controls ,., Sin eFsen writer G .... ' ' ' ' book written by :a man who s rentl Uved "+ ~- y gun July 4, 1977, beta .~e of criticism of. hdka~dsh0ul d ,,ram it. ,~.m+~. ,. ¢^**,., ~,o,~,,,+,~ ~.,.w~. ~.... . g g erdonLIghffoot,45~hnanewnlbum, _._ . : _ . . .. PPe y . In.,the Nestle , s sales practices. In less developedeotmirins.,• • .: ,., NAS'O.----.r~.- .ni~d,Wareaw .... Pne* ~ ~,mt~l+,...... • "+" ""'uvl~'+, "~..... '.'+'"'m+aL~: . :iS planning a canoe trip north• . .~1s summer.... and .has qmt:• . ..,WllUornesa .,811(! _ oDserYeu... tile conger firs t' hand' ' (I , m,lt~liing• ~ + . .,, .... ,..-~.-~-,+-~.+-,,~- ...... ~ ~,, ,, : .... ~ ~ mgetmynaononn.~ : : ~a / : , ,-.-i~',::!-~': i'::~:!:! :'~+ ..... ~ . ! .'" Y ] ~:~ + ...... ,,. N ~ , ~ .theChll~:T~yareflet+6nal m/m' f ro ,+ ~s~me~ •~,vi,m•t,,~•i~ ¢,~ •~, ~+- ~y~er/than he has in years..~ ~,. i:+ i•)++: ...... • ++.storlesbnsedselidiyon fact tqwhlch myhus~nda!~Ll'ean FI I, JI.JlU~I O O~1~ ~A~I I I JLI JI+IO Al/houghheisreluetanttotMkabouthinpe~nalUfe, he 'attest,... ~. ~.-. ' .. " ...... • ...... -+ .... + ,; ' :...... " said.he quit drinldng l'/a years ago "b~,ause people who . Wb'llvedin'thatareatcountryfrom1964to1~?.T~d ' iTanO~O~sea? e(x?m)•'~O.nM;ro~rm " a~nva~m~,,cOpl)er+..+/~., f~.on .~!e? wi+.ichsinee 1979 has mot+ .titan tripled:its we~cl0se tome began to ~tlon my, r.l~U"~llty, '. :• ~ 11311+,I,~],Watel~s, TMiI~S¢|de flap ~ the+cover.tp.llsus.:~ ~, P P . Y .~.',.mmCUOllll+•m ~I~. '/.U:~l!+~.J~e!']~es maJl~}Ut ~00,000 tonnce In I~3;..•/ ::, ~. :h~i°"~e.r to prove myself ~ ~,/ord~/to~ dlsp~ve that], l~P..l.e .lhere are ....sh'a~e, Wend, .Pe0P!e, ~;$~e~es immt~-Istoppeddrinking.,,hejsald. ,.,Sonewwhen~imake~, !~nsn, m mnsarpnsmg, Tl~eylivelon thehan~yran~esat grounds that their experts, at sisb~.leVels in ree,ent .~':,::~.Jm,perl.a'of refined and blistei" c0pperi +werea~u~ ~' a mlst~ke they can't blame. WOn my drinkidg~ :-. '... /- _me on~rmost edge of North Am,erice's~pattle e0mit~, - .years, are not upsetting Americanconawnptio n petterns;~-~.+M0~000, Ionnes:lant y~ar and "the pe.Ution+~m~,.ur~ed that " '~o.,~,d~ -.,,.~.~..;~-,.~;;.~.-- ~'.--V--~ boC.,,o~ Tl~ey aw~ nothing of the world and that ls exaetl what~il~e ' ma.umtry ~urees say. • i . , : ,' ~ ~..impombomslHctedtobotwesn200,oooanda~oioooto~es" : .... ---~.--,:,.:v-~ ..... vv~--.,~-,,~,, .... ~ ~ ~ Y ..... Y ~move oy 11U.S. copper woducers seeking,reetrietions / ~.~ ,YalChimpertrl~L,'/etions probablywo~dh~biltUe effect. •II°stalg,t°fwei~t'Whe;heritimpr°vedmy0utlmk0~'h°t~ ~et; After you have met them you will notforget theme+" against copper imports, primarily from~Qlfle, has left -: mX~l~, major copper exporters, ~u~'ad.~mbla~ Zalre' --.my n+ontaL+or emotlon~l outlook -- i don't.i+eally know. ! ' Wewill not forget them.~: ~ r " ~ "~ ' i ~, :,'~:~ It's'too i~ood' to tell ..... ' ,. ' + ' • PaulSt.Pierrehas, inmyopiulon, papturedtbeflaV~0f Canadlan.preducer~ wondering andwalling/ + .. -~.. 'il~'ada, Richard Osborne, presldent o~t~o Inc. of - + " "+ ] - . : thisChllcotlneonntryandit'speopleasn0otherwH~s.: Citing low prices and tough competition from imports, the'./N+WyorL sald in Washingten. " .. ~" ./:"~ +~i+. Heis theauthor of"Breaklng smith,s Quarter H0rSe+,~. !~;:: U.S.produeer.sanked'Fh...ur.m!ayfortheimlXp. ttimii+of+i+m+port..!, rCaa.a dlan producers, sh~llerly hurt by~.f'+aUing, prtces,~ quotas on rm.mon an a ,lister copper mr five yqars.:+ ,:, :/,~ .: lul+tv~+i.+.1~. +,c0~plained about government~c~ ~. I was delighted to, find the History Of Terrl~ee by, N~l~ _ "mew .petitson: filed with, the U.S: lnternati®alTr~de+:~-~! .:pr~flon Jrom- the Third World., Col~er ~+~es++ihave Asante.onderrthe tree Christmas morning, lt ls a ~al: uommissmn, m,ows an attempt.by Bethlehem'Steul ~Corp. +: dr0pj~d to aboul 65 cenis U.S. a podndfrom 8~ eentsilast lhadboen meaningtolmrchnsefora lo~time. '+~" of Bethlehem. Pa., to ga.in aerons-the.heard quotas on steel ii sprb~ and many North American mines a~i~ithe~ eldsed • It~ ci~ock full of information about the roots of this imports under Section 201 of the 1~4 U.$. Trade Act .... +' or~,MX~I .using at low rates. , .., ,~/::.i -~ ,-~-.~ . +~mm~Ini{ytand., .....its people.., that would.+.take+..,y~." for., Keith Hendriek, presldont of Norando Sales Carp. LM.~, '~'. ,. ~do.exported I~,00o tonne~ Of coi~/+m+ to the Unlted naweemem +to the area-to piece +h~ether, • ; .'. i, ~,. the m.arket~g un.it, o.f Toron~ ..1~! .N.or..an+ckl.. Mines Ltd.,...: ~. ]es¢ year, a level consistent with its avernge+skip- + .- ~~ .... sara me peuuon is cemg earetuuy smmon oy me compeny;]: ~mimts betWeen 197~ and 19819 , .... ~, + • A ChrtstlanNaulfesto:b¥~Francls Schaeffor in a~00gl~t In 1978 the commission recommended a flve-year limit on mNTRY UNLIKELY • L~. vo~g. bo0k that a~ss+, t~/q"e+tlon ",W~t Is,~n " copperimportsto300.000tonnesaysarafterU.S.predocore . Hendriek anld it b unlikely Chile.would enter the ;auequate ba~ f0PISW? Wh~t is ad+q6ate So that the'hwah filed a similar petition. But me Carter adminlatraflon did Cuadl~nmarkct If its U.S. |mperts Werelcurtafled~ Canada mPlrali0n+.f0~ freedom ~an exist without"anarchy, a~ml'yet not act on the recommendation. ., .. : .... :ii~, b ~~ nlmtanfl,I exporter itseff so thatL~CMIe WOuld find +Wo~des a/ol/m,~]that will n~t become arbltrary'tvrannv?" C~:ndifoa~r pr .edu~m will have to wa+!tfora ~0n on ~ -•:•l~tt~r..0Ppert_w~.ties in Western ram.ups, and •Japan, where. pe ,or at sent six to eight monroe. ~ma mine time It i;;;,dema~d Is,,flnn+~g. • . ' '~ +.. " • : The Humanist Manlfesto~~ (1933 and+t~3) pla~m.n at ~11t take. the .c~nmLss_ten to aet'm a pet!t~ i~ a~! ~;,./~._i~au~ world inventories are !~0~, .copper prices the center d all. thins and make him the measure el all thL~s. Consequently laws i+nd:therefom~the ktruetur~of a come madro me U;S: Govmmmont for a +~. ,decllinn.,.~:?:+.~m;.i4~cl4~t more by;he ex~ldg seritjus rath~than the. go~.~e~ e~'el'~.~"+'d a~;~-.dlng to hUdian L~Iu~ of, MORE PROTECTION ' + • • ' i: '.'~ '~ :",~ i ~'+'.,~]'!]~,t~at iS available on the mark~,,. / i. ~+": • • the day and have no solid Unoha~ging l~se ...... :::+•~++.. • Th.is would mean the Rengan addi~ds '~a~. wo~,d ~e! .~:. ~*ae J~ned In thepeflgon b~,] 10 o~er* produem. + The Judeo-Christlan Consensus on Whleb.:+the to seal with the petition in .0¢/tober,/abuUt a.ihon~ ~ ~'~ :+ ~, ~i! :.' + . ' ' . ii~' "'" ' + ' ~ventmenis of North America were orig~aliy bal~d rgav~e. the U.S. eleeUon. 'l~ee0pper action Is seen ,re.the lal~tln.a ~. ~ peUtion staid U.S. copper producers +lentutmOst 8rester freedoms than the world has ever known,~: At.the series Of protecti0nlst moves Intended to appeal to voters in" ? million U.8. In 1~ and 1288 million In the'flint nIne months same time those freedoms were contained so that they, dtd states where foreign Imports have played akey role in lhe: of .l~,q,+.-equal to 16 cents on each dollar of Sales, not pound society to pieces,' . _ . luss of Jobs. 8into 1929, U,S, copper.mlne production, has fallen by 28 The is eroded,We have ha'Sot*, we U.S. copper preducers have also complained tbat leans by i~,~nt, refinery production has dropped 20 per.~nt and have a high view of ~e and why we Imve ~ ~lanee,! We the International Monetary Fund, the World B41ak and U.8:/. .te+00o ,j~4i have• been lost: hav e forgotten that It is n0l natural to the world, but that it" commercial hanks allow natlonalh~! Third-World mines to Intbe:same period, imports increased 14O,~r cent to is unique, bused on the eternal h'u;h Of the gospel.... : : +,+u..~ operate at full Papaelty; They note the U.& govwnment is +Paptm'e It quarter of the U+8, market.~{~/!e0 of Chile, the we must use the freedoms Sehaeffer,m'aes us to ~; the the largest contributor to both theIMF ond World Bank; wo~'s Imllest copper producer ine'r.e~l preduetl0n by 15 freedoms that w~ s~ en~o~Jo iLgl~+~ce ~wmakiM ~ ~ The petitien:laldAhs bulk of the red~tiO~£m~lQ ,a recmrd level, " - Jim Ryan and Whitney-BHnrierf ': ~! ~r what ~V~*carelesdy take f~ granted.win he !~t, ~ : ,~,;:: -, ...... :." : : ..., ,, . ,'" ,.,.~. ,,,;.. /:,,,.,~:,..~ ,-.; . -,. :--:. ,.,..:..,;, -,..~ :....: :. . ,,:,,, . , , ,,, . . . .

_ .: ;,::~W:~,~--,.!l~:~,,!::'~i,::': :,~:~Ir.~m~, :,~/,,Im.~.:*':.,~.,..~:.,~,m~..l::),- ..... /. :'.:.!:_:,'~:~un, "V .... ~:'m>>.1~-~ ~,. I .{!i! :'v'!,C!'ORIA~(CP)~,The:2:the!l~.sl6n~.W0n't end'a,s:lt{,~+S~..reds,had 49.6 Pel/ emit of : mllngiTheform_,¢.rPr~leri}:; .before. Our coupe Is,set. :movement:seems:~.~have .approve'of what they:re to~.y!|~co~vjn, e~l.~ n !~ial'C~.dlt go~,et.nmentis',: s~t~: :- "[.:"" ::i"'': " " ''/" ..... 4 the"popular:vote compared.' who wil] i,eUnq'uish'lheNDP' "(}ar obligation to lost steam. - . "' dolng,while the NDP held a peheles are aev~mti,ng the I " ' qU(~ about i~ plans for the • ':Deity. ~red- house/, to 45.3 per cent for thelgDP ~l~dership ?in, May,-/.was". 'morality is decided" , " The "Solidarity Coalition' news conference r Th[u'~d|~ly province, .. , ,

| :!~aUve session mat .leader: ."Br.ee Stra~an .: .. ' r " . .... ' ' dragged.,:.. , from ...:. me . , . ,..-:. ; .... andOperatmnSalidar.lty,!is . . ~ ...... - -

| , ':.~es Monday,"hut the ,expeets'a:'~'ather quiet and : -,Theangeralso e~me from leglsiature.and Won't return :.' A government pn.or!ty.m labor component,. It~s,~ In R.~ P D~c~si0ni, | NDPiOppo~Ittofi.says.that i~friendly ':, session":, :wfih !"sharp dlfferencos bet~vsen' .'ihis .. seSStoii -. unless:' rbe .passage o~. an • interim spearheaded pUbfie up- : ' "I ~. , .' : 'idet t - - .-,,^.~.a~',^ n,.; ,,,=oker supply bill so it can pay its ition to the restraint ' "~ " ']0[~gh ' be the. ' i~U - "mln|,h'~ .... " "•Sl .ndlng: .: :- the S0¢lal Credit mere-. ',,v,,,oglzes .-- '-,-' .... " Time AS :i:: ...... ~gre,"angther • stern~.',in! 'estimaLes themajorpioce of c hers' and.,, the' ~"" NDP " .RIGHT;IMPOB..... T~¢ ~{.~-." : . musafter. Jan :- 31.,.' Approval -.. p ro ~ am that. ' eulmlnated" r... " " aill: :: : "... :i.~tl~h/"col=biA~/po]lllca,~: :huslness.i./::::.,..: ,~ 5..: ..:-.-: 'i~ieml~rs 0vet the ~g0v~,.n:.~::i "I,ve:c~riai~y'.n0.t"d0~e :• to speno a pp.re=mate~y, .with. 'the •!i1~day : :.B,C~:. '::If YOU Don,t: Own .INDUSY~iAI= ::i': :,. /:~::~'~(Th.e~h~:~vas:a¢~urned.`:>/`::::.:.`:::~`;.:/!:"::~;?~7:~:::~:ment,ix~`*~ni~ed~res~ralnt`:~:anythidg:!~i:~:tb~/:~.:L~i.w~u~d ~rcen¢..oz .uze:~.4-bmion .Government-Employee~ ~ontoberforwhat Pre~/der : '*BUt! Str~ch~m!didn't,ru]e :!pmgrami:::: :, i ~. • • : ; "apolggizefo.r,:!.hesaid.:~All •:" cue.go.c..mat n,a~.!a reeoru Union strike in October ~d i'.': GROWTH FUND, you still don t~wn..i. :.. , :.• :,ca i a. ou,::~, p0 hUlt :/ r :!th-e " . • ': : ' :. :r~'r" : ':'. ;i'dld~'~S " ~ehal]e~ge.': ~e . ~.Twt~oO:O~tW~t given. ..the. Supporting: three-day .:~ ":file best RRSP equity fiJrld-In.~!. ",' ' : .:!.'~..-gff:perlod.biit:'the: government ":.bd~r~g~:.::!in ::Thatprogramproposedt0 .:chafi."an4if the'oppos!tton • . p ..;: nm strikehy teachers,. " • "- C~tnadal , .... "'..:."i ::i:..~.-~. "]..; :':!i~D]P';::Sa~:'nothing has.:~:ame~nded~-.!:~l~s]~tl~.'/"for::.:. 'd0 ~way. wlth the hunlan..loees'that:rlght,~id6n~tkn0W supply bills posses.earl!or.. Solldarity threatened '~ged.s:Inee then-- If the: hiafiai!;..: dgh~,:~:: ~l:*:,,~e:. (:~ghts. ~0mminslan ~d' the.: wha't that means," ': .. q~, " ~no --,,a: ,~o anothergenerai strike if . ' ~: " - 1,Year.up 32;9 ":7 ¢~'::. ".,! .:.:~: i~emment :,,persists' ..ini,..ren~alSmai~'0r]kR:.Lod.U.~YmT,g.a ., .r'entahsm.~n;. Cut ,/soclai : ...... '. ...:-.i '. ~ .:~ . -eve: "':" -'~w~. "'""any teaehers were.]aldoff ~. " ; /., ~years-eplSS,1 *, ':~'::~.: " b~Ing :in ' all."0f the n~aahorebde,:.w~Ich has"'programS,;redUeethe' dvil ~ withOUt an' '~ apology, ~, ~' vernme,nt '..was..... beeaus~ of cots. Teachers . ". ' : .... : J0 Years-up4~l.0: ..i:,i:::i' :."7:.

:,r~tr~t progr~r"ou~Jned 'L '~'~n: !0n{ ~o!d:'~ce':, ~fO~" ':'";'ervlce::!by :,= pei "cent,. ' Ban'ett.won't be'•i~iioFed to" :~:;~n~nb'eth:e toestimUe't~: have been. laid'off and • :r'yCo~h'Jbutio~,for 1983 should be msdenowand. TM ,' in ila:July budget, the.ftgafii ::. l~st:spring S:el~tl0n, ~l'h~ .4 restrict the powerof unions watch the proceedings from ' .. . • Solidarity saya it will wait . h'ansfersfron~bther RRSPs shou!dbe made:at " " will atart again. .' .::': ~eds have been Imown to :and . give ". public-sector the vinlinrs'.gallery.In tact, und| now. " .' 'beforeanother strike, . ~ANY'rlME.For" further information".' " : .on" Cancb's' ..... :'N0.}.,! .'~,'~"::' ' .: =~.'e :hlatua followed '.75.~ ¢~, iUi) ,. the ND~) bY. employers" ~erigh.t,te-flke if therides:were :follOwed ' Howard said that with " During the cooling off /. RRSPIquityfund, please coml~teand ~ :. -- • da.Y.i,idfrancorous debpte,/: changi]Ig the "order. of employees withopt regard strletly, he . woiddn't ~ ,be Finance Minister" Hu~h. period, British Columblans .... fl~e.¢mqmnbelow. . ., .- ~";:,b-~, I ,~-,lflUnp and-the busIness, . ~,, .... tosenlorlt~ ...... ;,.:, ...... ailowedmsidethebuilding, Curtis saVinR' 'his " t .got-,a. taste of llfe under , --Atflwretl~.rou~Octomr3,st,,m. Olvl¢l~lt ~~*.;. I .~sl0h of- Opl~.. Ition CONTROL8 DOCTOI~ .~ '..r.. ;' . I L4' :I '4 ' " : d'I ' I " i', ~ 'I"rq " "~'' '" "I ' ....budget will'be ready by mid- restraint. '.They have .l~.n . m~deuypr=p.c~,son,y...• ; '. .... • ~.... .';:~:,,.""~.,..;,' Ii I.~ader Dave Barrett'drnm . .The onlyother major bill...TheNDPwasangered by Howat'dsald'-hew(~ald be' . February,' he's irvln~ to t01d :unlverslty fees wall ...... -- --.~ ------'-; ---- " --'~"*---- .-----I l~eaile~la~fu e for ..i~e Swo~nlv~:rde.redma~,; : th:::~ the goVertiment got surprised Ifthe government pressure'the. Oppoaltlon to' ~:mre~:l~ p to ~o~: :ent'i:' ' " Please ==end:up-to-date Information en I/~l~dirlal . I " seso n. g g po of its proKram introduces afiy legislation ,.quickly pass the estimates y g Growth Fundto " "" ' ' 7" ....i:!," '~:': 'I • ~,-qGovernment House the power to detehmine through by using closure for ~ustead of just dsa]ingwith so a new budget can be Nelson will close, hospital I~der Garde Gardom where dos'tots praCti.~. " the first time In B.C.'s 112- "housekeepiug measles" introduced, waiting lists are growing, Name " " " .: '.'. I "ham't told.. Opposition The animosity in the first year history and then. using like debating" estimates: • user fees increasing, ]egal Address ...... " i 'Q,-, " ~,.-I';.~ " I' .H~ .: Leader Frank .part of the session is W" It 19 more times before the • -.. .,. The politicians seem to aid is cut. and social H0.ward what* to expect and tially a holdover from the adjournment. But,,. h~3: said, .-')ff.i the : have ~.reta~ed ~their ardor, programs are - being .E~enn'ett.has refused t0.give provineial :election, where Barrett claims the gnvernmen't" does-•"bring" for the fight "'while they " ch6pped, closed or offered ~y details; Spokesmen for" o~Y, a five percentage governme.nt took away the back the:..liunlan :' rights .cooled their .heels outside. !0 ~e pr ivate sector to run. • C.MlclumlO'Bthtn. " ! " ~;::.::.l " .', ,~ ,:~.'',~ovment ~L and.~.,,p0~ts,:in:;~e:~;lX)p~.ar .vote , ' Op~slti0n's-.-i•. HghL .~. to;. ~legistadon 'for.exaliip'lei~we ,,~.the. legisiaiure, ,.but i~the i'~ :,.Tb.'ia.week, Social *Credit I -. , ..PITFI ELD .~CKAY ROSS'LIMITeD ~:~,~i: i:~:,.~ | will take tl Le:same~o~.aS:i,: ~.broadly.-.l~sed.-;:iSoli .~. ty i.::~lea.sed: a-: ~ I].. thaL,sai, .I.=:"' :-::-.~:,~,~,~'-'. =:: ....." •...... : ~;n,m.4a~. __2___,,='_"..'(co,~)... : ~,: ~.:~.4,?.~L..,. L_~_: ' ~, :., .: :: .... ~..,...... ,., .: .... .'.L' - fi)0"qt British "UolumDlsn ' - -" ". ., .' . ,., ...;•,r _' I ' oliCe:: sdW/:wOman unition ALL STOCK NEW W~STMINSTRR,. January !983 and not all blnoculars to 05sere the Bldensaid:he',iistened as various activities in and k 'B.C. (CP).-- An undercover charged in the 10 counts, house and a mau tape BalmaS-, sai. ~.. .to the store;. .. around the :vehicle, .in- :. R~P. office, saw one of. ,conspired. t#. rob. 'a Bril~*~. "r r~o~er. : r tot ~' ~, ~t¢. clerk: 'I want $160 worm ot : ,.s,,,i;,,,t.~ ~a...l.~.. ,.a.. P :.,'fi~'~ipeople :'el~irg~:! wtt~ 'truckat li depart~e'n[ store ' movement. 'L L ".. " ~.,.: • "~1,...... ammumtlon,:.-,,~,.,, . ;~ " opened ' frem,time"...... to time"' ..~iracy .'t0t'0b a Brln)m in:.a shopping Centre in He:said.that during the Hesaidtheelerkasked~if.•...... - . :...... :, ' quesuonecl-.... turner,:'""" tsloen" 40 % • me ammunmon was sor a q ti~ck buying, ammunition, nearby Burnaby;. :. next feWdays; he follows I ~L : : "said he Was watching the for a handgen' at a Van- " pickup truck in, which some handgun andBelmas said it New Westminster rqsidenee OFF • The'trial entered its 57th of the i suspects, drove to was.. • e°u.versP0rtingg°°dsstore' " day Thwsdoy, i~:although . ".... - on the moraing of Dec. ~., varloua:, addresses -in Biden said the clerk ex- when he sewTaylor leave "r" 'a .B'C' Supreme,Court Jury: most of the proeeecHugs se " • " • was t01d l"nursday, • far have been conducted in Vancouver,,. pie,ned to .Belmas :.he the house, and deposit a InclUding our White Stag ' :Cpl. William Ridan - Asked about Dec. 14. couldn't supply'ammunitton garbage...... id~ntm,d J,,llet Belmas nsX: ...... the absence- of the.' jury Biden sald...... he.first sighted ,in such a quantity, hut sald perimeter of,thebag propertyon the I • D-.:'||. r msi~l"...... ~,m41Am ,l|mae IMalw~ , m~mldiui~'., i,~;:~": :.~'~.: II "' " ha bo ~" t fl~e wnue.Mr, ausuce Marts , t r have five russ unto wwuszs~s ,,s.v~e wwu • ~ .mass ~w°~f?4~.nalib~gns~ell, Toyconsiclered'legal Sub- thesuspectav~icleperked be(c°uldle:he ' ' After fo.ow g the I ...... MW/i I In. downtown ,Vancouvm;~ boxesoftheammunttonat'a suspects' truck to; the a ', .: _, . ___ '_ . " _ _ : '.=..... :'~M.TT . / ~,.i "., - ~ :-- missions./. /. ' and bawHimsen'get into the . cest ofSi40:~. '~ .:::~:.'i' Second Narrews i'Bridge, I room:for the 1984 Spnq •Stock I " "'..:~81= w,,a•u==m:.,s ':. g--;=.a.~. ..a. a WAI~llED. . ~ SUSPECTS. . . driver's "side. '. •.. ] The c0rP0~ai ..~dd"h[e" Biden said :he,-.turned•to I :. , _ _ _...... '" " I ,~.;oZ ,.~ which n*1,~as 21 MUCh st Blaen's evidence. , ~:~"l~sen,.,'~:",~y Thursdaymv,'ered:details°fl ...... -Bidensaidhefoltowedthe-heardBelmastell theclerk.S An ca' the N-w.We-,m'-=**~...... ca i , .. . , ~,. - ,:.... ~ , ~--._~}~lM]~//"f;:. , -pickup truck to a, sporting ' her, :name .w a : ~., dress and, seized the. gar-. i' ~~ ~IIII. :Ex0~R0|sI~ ~ 4q~"~V~-.. I " u:..ah ~. nmgalas what he obsorved lm leader goods ~to~,'. where Belmas Br.mmer, ancb, gav.e.ian,:!aq- bagehag ...... • ~ I *~ / : w=~as am=" aT an== " ~ " -"~s;IIA~MS./-Y~_ I L' ~~ '~'and"~B'~nt era surveillaneetanmthat left.thevelde!e.i.He ,rodd he ' drensin New.West~i~ter. ' ' lte,lcontents, he told the | ~.. jL -i '/ "'="" mn.~ , • !~y~__ / ~ ,f~f~r ~qHF'~.=' I

•' i~nin~,o~e~¢Sarge0o...:,~.~¢~,~L°~-~r •~~'~!~ ~ .The,;,corpural,, told.•th~, ~0ther~oays,~aiden~•~,ne " ~area,.w~h. incladed ~tarr "i ":" ~"'°'~...... ~::' '*' ..... "~* .... ~.~'" ~"~ ~'~~~_..~" :7•:"-| including theft and wsapons . Blden told :the jury ne court be'was dreuedin a saw the pickup truck,:wi~ wells, a basement and a | ~mm~m|~ ~|mmm~ -. | .6~. ~ISY~/ ~.~0 pr :~'-i offenceK ' .: - " began.his survemanceDec. " hunter's type jacket, .je~ms four0ccupants;parkednear : cashier's Office ' l ~1 illel| ~ -~ ~ial~H| L|ni .iv,///~ ~.=J~"ar .t :Prosecutors Jim Jardine '.7, i982, outside ar~sldence and cowboy boots -- " the ' the. depart' me n.t s"reonto The trial, - which• is ex- I ,R~ w ~ ~ is mmm. ! "and Kevtn Gfllett have said In this City east:0fVail- .same sort ~ code they Dec. 18//.L. ':i :. "" ~':~:': pected to last four months, I mS LaiN. Ave. • , 630-8719 7~-x t~ ~ i that~tlie five -,accused, couver.Hesaidhesiouched were using".- when'he He said he .observes continues " '' ' " ~ted: near"Squamish, down in his .unmarked followed~Balmas int0,the '.' / ~. : norib ot Vancouver, is police vehicle,,: "..sing .store..".,' ., ,:~:~'- '~ :'

'."' ,

WASHINGTON (AP)-- Forme~.: presld~nt Richard ,During his tern~:.in the • On U.S. '~ps::in.:. ': Nixon s~id today.,• the White House from i969 until . Lebanon,.Nlx0if saidf ".By :. ;. [] American ' and Soviet he r~signcd In 1974 In the put~g theln there :'we'~r¢ . 7: '. . ' "i;'' " governments'con nevm" be wake of' the L Watergate • changed the ait/iatinn. ~ we " -. ".' friends .because "we.want polRleai espionage~andal, getout'now~thegoVe~ent . peace, they want, the Nlxop . promoted in- of Lebanon Would collapse; / :'; C'' world."/' tornational detente; .a the Syriam;'wotdd be era- ,.L NISon, appoaringlon the' system almdi' aL easing boldened, the Israelis would '.: ~' /~ . .- ,: j;!-(, a~l, relations relations with the be alarmed and our friends '" .":..~:,..~:~ :,~:. ~ ,: Morning " Amerleal "i :alse" Soviets and opening for the would be terribly : defended . " President -first• time formal dealings discouraged in the area." Reagan's refusal tOi:~.the U;S. Marines out of ~non ',The.my 6 get out, and President l~agan must be tempted politically, Free De//very but I:am glad that he is standing up,. even though it's unpopular, to aay ,'No, Open7 Days A Wok ~ry~ W~ ~.h ~l~kk ~,~' " " W~'re not, going .to ~y a ~(er pri@fer doingwhat is' politleall~ ~ble at the e]O~P,AL EXPB~'8.~ moment,'" said Nlxon, a Republican as IS' Baagan.. .~..' : ~ " :(.,i,!:~ On U.S.-SOVIet relattolm, Nixon saidi ':We m~t.' .recognize what '!we : can. accomplish. Russians and Amerie~/ns can be friends, but.the governments of the Soviet Union and the United ,. ~.-! States can never be friend- s." low from all Nixon, authar of tho newly • gents. publiched book Real Peace, said: "Wewant peace, they. want the World. So what we suet'seek Is a relationship ICBC'sall-round kit for B.C. drivers. % . ..; which recoWdzen that we Will always have dif- •INSURANCE COVERAGE All the answers B.C. TRIP PLANNING MAP How to get ferences. Our eniy common • Terrace & Thomhilr to questions you might have on Autoplan Where yo~"g~ii~ .ili~ f~test, easiest, most interest is to avoid a wary scenic Nixan aald he welcomed ,, : sAW protection,with a proVince.wide listof claim wdy,::.'=",,i..', :i, ' • the cooling of rhetoric In " proceduies, Claim cenlxes and Dial-A-Claim • Week Oays $:00PM. 1:00AM MILEAGE/METRIC CONVERSION. ?. .~en's 8rate of the Un!o~ ,~ • weekends 5:ooPM - 3:ooAM num~ts, TABLES Inst.,, t conversions, right at your .message to : the IU.S, Congress on ' Wednesday FERRY INFORMATION For B.C. Ferries f'mgertips. night and urged the Reagan pony cost' s mt and other fen~ Systems from the Sunshine CoaSt administration, to avoid 10" * ,12".: " 14" • j tothe Kootenays~ a r r INSURANCE reSpendk~ in Idnd to harsh l [ ~ IBORDER ~ ! ~0vlet statements. Med.:tlO. CROSSINGS Times and points of CORPO IION The rule in international ~onI, Muahrcom£ "Ca~dtan Back Bac~, entry for visitors to the U,S.A. relations, he sa~d, is "to Shrimp, Olives, Green Pepper, Ham, Salami, L. oFmunsH have the gloves on Pineapple. whenever yoO are talldng SEE OUR VARIED MENU. I~blielyand the ~loveS off When you are talking .c ls¢lvately. That's tSe way to mm • .- / "~-,':: ;.'...... --. - ..:, PIIIt 4, ,nil 141HIM, Frldey, Jenuary 27,-1984 ':: : ~;~;;~: ~ ' 1'::" '~' ~ :: ~ ..... "" " I I .... , ' ' +.' ~ + I " " " " ] '~" : J: ~ ' '' " : ' I ';j;j' " " - ' " " ' - ~ I " " P I ' ' ~ j : ~ ......

! Messier, stiff for blow " he'd • see them in two ice With a mInute left in the (CP) -- EDMONTON while lookin~ direeUy at months." game and apparenUy had ~Mark Messier says he .had him. "All players are on notice "I thought Just nlght (in minor concu-10n. '+~" He "no axe to grind when he played the next game in i¢lubbed Vancouver Canuck that they will be held Vancouver) Would be the • Winnipeg, • ~forward Thomas Gradin'on responsible for their in- last game I miased," said • ,;~-, * ." "the helmet last week, hut discriminate swinging of Messier. "Never ,in the "We bada medlb~lreport ~the F_xhnonton Offer winger sticks at opponents." world didI think I'd get six right away that sald ~there gaines. was nothing wrmig with.hlm iwill pay.a stiff penalty for "He asked me at All times (Gradin)~" said" Glen i hts ill4lmed blow anyway. TWO SUSPENDED during the hearing to say Sather, "Oiler head coach : Messier was handed q six- .Two other players -- and general munager, who igame suspension Claude Leise]le and Bob what I felt, to express my Thursday feeling. He wanted to know brought the report! and after Brian O'Neill, llsffmeyer- received six- Messter's penalty/rec0rd ;.National Hocke~, League game suspensions for much what' I thought the severity (only one slashingminor ~executive vice-president, the same thing earlier this of the blow was. this year) as defenco •for•his • saw tapes of the Jan, 18 season, Loiselle hit Bobby "The film 'didn't do player. .. incident at Northlands Clarke and Hoffmeyer anything for me "(it showed .But O'Neill locked at ~e icaliseum and then heard belted Brian Bellows. Messier hitting Gradin with act itself and made a ruling i Mssster's side of the story Messier took his sentence a one-handed smack on the based on .intent. let a hearing Wednesday in hard, although he jokingly helmet) but I .know how ""After watching the film, Vancouver. told teammates Wednesday hard I hit him. I told him it I thought he'd get' six d~ Since Messier has been after his hearing with was a glancing blow." out for three games O'Neill that "he was going maybe lo games," said Gradin was helped off the Sother. awaiting O'Neill's ruling, he back to Palm Springs. and will miss beth weekend ".games In Edmonton -- against New Jersey tonight and against LOs Angeles Eagleson continues battle; isoturdsy as well as next TORONTO (CP) -- Alan under questionable amateur attempt to block Canadian i Friday's home date against Eagieeon has - launched status, said Eagleson, plans rouse three, play~s~ - ~c~gery. another salvo in his con- Canada's. chief in; who ,have 'signed.pro con- He will be allowed to play tinuing battle over Player . - ternational . hockey tracts; at Inthe Winter:: ~:in next Tuesday's nil-star eligibility with the United negotiator. Olympics next 'month,+in .Barry Heit scores a breakaway here • league game Thursday night• 5Keena won tRIS • game at Meadowlands States Olympic Committee.. "More bits and pieces are Sarajevo,'Yugos]avia..:~i • " for Skeena Hotel. in the Commercial hockey game over Lakelse Hotel 12-6...... ' ~because it's an exhibition He has named two players , coming out about the 1980 American .olympic +of.. • i"~ contest rather than a league he contends were under pro ~un," he said. "The last fieials are 'objecting: to the :game and will rejoin the contracts when they were thing we want to do is have presence' on the Canadian :club Feb. 5 for a game part of the gold medal- players give back medals roster ,of goaltender Marie .against Washington winning American team at which they richly deserved Gosselin and forwards Back+to the barn for Grimsley *capitals at Landover, Md. the 1980 Winter Games in to win." Mark Mo.rrison and/Dan Will 'GHmsley is retiring head Of a pin, We can' try. Americans were dazed Olymplanl ~e "]Qt~. Je~Be "In reaching my decision, Lake Placid, N.Y. However, • the •Toronto' Wood. Of the ' trio,' only • after a " hall-century of Who+ could .forget the when the Soviet rowers Owens,..who.'+had=.'beea :;it's noticed that Mark I)efenc~man Ken lawyer and player agent did Morrisen has'.sten NHL covering the biggest stories great Babe Ruth holding up invited them to to'l~ch• It s'purned~ by Hi~er i~r .~Messier hasn't had a Morrow, now with New not rule out the possibility .action;. having played:,',in in sports, the'test 41 years mt exhibition game to an- unfroze the 'cold War. .'winnlugfourgoldlmedals, In ~previous record of such York Islanders of the that Canada would press the nine games with New York with The Assodated Press. swer stupid, questions by a Oct• 8,1935,Don Larsen of . the 1936 Olymplce, c~led ~ncidonis," said O'Neill,. , matter of the eligiblity of Bangers two seasons ago. Thls Is the final edition of fuzz.faced-rookie reporter the Yankees h,urls the first the puss!o~..,: ' ~ " :i y"but it's my judgment that andteam Mike the two players if the The Canadian Olympic his column. ' ' in 19357 . .+ +. . .: • perfect, game 'in World The Munich hori'orof 1972 -he swung at his opponent Eruzione both competed Americans cenUnue to Association agreed last o. ?'Who's your favorite Series history. It looked so -- a 24-ho~r,vlgil. while year to allow Team Canada By Will Grimsley actress?". '+ ..."What's your eusy, it tended to berednm~ woHd leaders: ~~Ught/,to to use playerswhohave NEW YORK (AP) -- They" favorite cereal?" "Hob- Some people +got.up and left c~mpromtse with ~terrorists CONCORD Commercial & Resldent.lal played I0 Or +less g~e~ in say that sdmetimes, just by?" 'The answers were the stadium before it ended. who invaded 1he..01~pic Carpet & Uphntslery • the NHL. The International before a man dies, his..whole •Janet Gaynor, Post Toastles The tragedy of Bobby Village. Holm expiated ~'a CARPET 24 HOUR SERVICE Ice HockeyiFe.d. eration, also llfe flashes before_h,ls eyes. and fishing and hunting; Jones. He had conquered burst of Hfle. flrei~d;?ex- approved the move. : . This oldhorse ain t ready Or crusty .old Joe the golf world by the time he ploding grenada.that left'.ll il --. , CARE I q ~ I Eagleson said in- to chuck, it in yet,. but it's" McCarthy, . the Yahkee was 28..He originated and Israelis and Uie:' ~ve • formation surrounding hack to .the barn, with an manager, aLthn~ame time hosted the Masters before a terrorists dead ..... +, Morrow's case is contained occasionalromp on the open telllng~the r~pe~ter: "You lingering illness took its toll• Citation's " 32-18n~ 'in the recently zeleaned EMERGEIICY SERVCE ~~m~ ~road. ,.. " ' don't ~.lmow much about }Ie set a gentlemanly triL.lm.p,h~.in-~l.e,]~P.J~10nt;Jnr:~ book. " '~;.entitled' : "- 'k~+' Goal,~f t~*.+ 'J'"'~L';One, . CLEAN-UP ,+ ; •//711 wrztten by MorrowPs agent, :~one.:eol!~nn, 50 years;':,of : _~ a seat. Get'0Ut your.pencil..+' Dwi~ht+,!'~Ow~:, *~" ' raci ,~. ;~ii'~Ip~+ Ci'o,~w,.+P, • CERTIFIED ON LOCATION (~ARPET DYER /~" I / l i Arthur Kammsky of New ~memori~ '--- 32 World:" I'll ask and answer the . general who helped save "Reggle! + Regg[ef. •' GRADUATE OF ADVANCED• RESTORATION SCHOOL // ~ I York ..... Series, 15 Super Bawls, 13. questions." democracy .and later was 'Reggiet" A yell foT.,~+8+ch Eagleson s'aid..~ the YO]yrnpics, ~25' Kentucky. Later, watching the great president, playing~ a •gdf' home run by ~R~le OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT Canadan Amateur HOckey ~.Dehbies,"as" many Wim- Babe Djdrtkson Zaharlas, exhibition in Meriun~ Pa., Jackson in the final gameof' Association has: informed bledons and Masters and the world's greatest woman for the Blood Fund. the 1977 World Serieb, W0n • =,..+. I 63s.eszs i Terrlce&area .+ the USOC that It questions almost as many Indy 500s, athlete~ wan and; drawn "Where can I get some by the Yankees over, i'ithe Morr0w's status, but had plusring and +golf wars? from Cancer, winning her practice balls?" Ike asked. Dodgers, 1%Ver a mere not informed the assoclati0n Well, if they can engrave third . U.S. Open •golf Nobody heard. Everybed;y electrifying moment. of what it has learnedabbut the Lord's 'Prayer on thd 'championship in 1954. The was over at another area If there wus one, it was • Eruzione's eligibility, ~ . Babe died shortly af- wateh~g Arnold Palmer. the Thrilla In Manila+ ~e terward'.";~ . The black power salute by Imockdown,.. ~agouC+W~ Then; there's the end of. medalists John Carlos ahd between muli~mmad Ai arid the greatest wluniug streak. Tommie Smith in the 1968 Smokln' Joe ~er, in golf hi'tory -- in Mem- Olympics in Mexico +City, maybe the .,~ greatest phis, fallof 1945, Lord Byron followed by. a threatened heavyweight fight of :+etl Nelson, beaten out by walkout of black athletes. time, "It' felt Hke death,"

amateur Fred Haas after 19~. ' America's greatest •said All, the winner, + i " UNIQUE DESIGN BEAUTIFUL WANT ALL THE .HOME OF YOUR :tour'victories, H in a row, r . LIGHT :INDUSTRIAL 2 bedroom home CONTEMPORARY EXTRAS? DREAMS with the lowest scoring 1.10 acres with ]20' situated In Horseshoe HOME. 'This 3 bedroom 4 year Beautiful, large and average ever. -~. frontage on Kelth area, Rebuilt and Vaulted ~lllng In living old full basement home. roomy home situated on Jackie/Robinson, stag- Rookie leads Bruins Avenue, Dwelling on,, r~le¢orated to like now room, large • and Is Ifl picture .book -' a fully landscaped lot on ahe=i ~-~ in me sec0n¢, property with rental conditions. Large spacious family room, condition. Heatalator SbuclelStreat, over 2600 (ling in the catacombs of .NEW 'WESTMINSTER, Income of $250 per kitchen with [0ts of kitchen with beautiful fireplace, wondstove, sq. ft. finished Including Cincinnati's Riverfront B.C. (CP)'-- Rookie centre Winnipeg lost ..defen- month. Vendor" has Cupboard space, cabinets. Natural gas and natural gas heating 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, Stadium during the 1972 Cliff Running had a five- ceman Davld Kom!,'•;~e reduced his price to separate dining room and thermal windows Is an economical family room, spacious World Series, being asked point outing to lead New only playqr on .their tryster t53,000 and will look at. and family room add to mean energy efficient. combination, Extra living room and dining for an autograph by a wide- Westminster Brulns to a 6-2 drafted by a' ,;Naflqnal offers. Cell Dick Evans. the specious living eras.. Double garage, paved large fenced lot and areas, cook's dream of s eyed tyke, I .. + + .. winover Winnipeg Warriors Hockey,League clubr in ~ffie .Wood and electric heat driveway and glass carport. Asking $67,500. kitchen, sundecka, "Son, IcAn't even see the in Hockey first period because 0f~ a.. HOME ON SUB. for convenience and walled conservatory. Call Joy h) see this very paved driveway, double a Western DIVIDABLE LOT economy. Listed at For an appointment .to garage and many more bull~" the hull-blind former .' :League game Thursday stral,ed Im~e. The ~a~ors Bungalow with three " $51,500. For an ,view • call" Danny fine .features. Tol view Brooklyn+. ..Dodger rapped, ! inight before 780 fans. struggled to get the pucker, PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE of their own end forl;i~e bedrooms, study, appointment to view Sheridan. Price $1i8,00(} STREET contact Rusty or Bert but scrawled his name -Ranging scored three hardwood• floors, oell Joy Dover/ Excellent quality home. Llungh. anyway. It ..was ~the last goalsand added two assists remainder of the game. : laundry room and oll NICE HOME public appearance of the .- to push his totsl to 39 goals ~ .we Just baveiSt g0t' i~at~ heat with lot 137x200 ft., "BUSINESS 1248 sq. ft. five Very private setting 1 much. ability offensively, cleared and seeded with OPPORTUNITIES" bedrooms, three FAMILY HOME ON maq +. who. broke sport's ....and,44 ~sslsts:in 48 games. 1200 sq.. ft,. home .end bathrocms,,+ very Well radal barrier• A coupleof' The,'teams were• tied 2:2 said Wlnnipcg coach Bi'me grass. To view call Both excellent returns developed bsmt: All II1 MUNTHE RuztyorBertLiungh, on Investment dollars. zoned plan for the large Potential in.law suite In weeks Ikter he died. after the opening period but nice condition on Just • active famlly,.c!ose to ~ One large trailer park OVor 2 acresat Klasnse. +,.flils+thrmi bedroom full ~The Soviet Union's first New WeStminster went outshot 14-6 and 16-4 in the and another a little "schools.. , Hl[qlle Is ~ ,basement, house with .Olympics at Helslnki, 1952. lust two lmriods• NOW lITHE TIME smaller, for more Creek.' Call B'ob or. flnlsh~ ~J~e down. Danny Sherlda11. for' .i180 sq~ ,ft, of living To choose that building informatlon...please Justt_~=J~"~. On the space, carpeting, lot while the "choice Is . contact Rusty or Bert ... dote IIs•. marke~. Priced to sell at attached carport, and large andthe prlcus are evenings phone ~15.5754. $89,500. Vendor will nicely : landscaped lot. low. Various locations NEW HOMES consider buylng down 3 bedrooms, full 'Call Ru~ty or Bert to Including Caledonia GOOD FAMILY HOME Mtg, "rate 2 per Cent Vlew. :. • subdivlsten. Mr. Vista, On large lot. Many fruit basement, tireplsce, ~ below on 1 year form or TIk~nhelghts end Kelth trees, greenhouse, great N.G. heating, carports, 1 per cent below on 2 +. Estetet." Call Joy for garden soil. Four quality construction, year term. MLS. Call. more lnformetlon, bedrooms~ 1104 sq. ft., excellent location. COMMERCIAL OR ACozy f, replace Can be dangerous, Danny Sheridan for an ', UGHT INDUSTRIAL sauna, garage. All for $79,500. Call Bob Sheridan. .. bulld!ng 9500 sq. ft. was JUSTLISTED $81,S00. MLS. Call LOOKING FOR glass &. mIllwork shop. 1 " " Protectyour family 4100 Block Scoff Ave. 3 Danny Sheridan for COSY THREE OFFERS OVER Has front office, from carbon InL~hoxide ~isoningl * bedroom home with full 1 details. BEDROOM • 1100,000 excellent large.. 3 basement plus 2 IN TOWN ACREAGE Attracllve home With Excellent area, well bedroom ' rosldenflal ba~m~nf bedrooms. Attractive 1700 sq• aft•. carpeting, oll bast, rear bullt, twa fireplaces, suite. Numerous uses Carbon monoxide poisoning is a, normally have their own air supply, - Nicely treed lot. Split level home covered sundeck, lacuz~l, ensulte, w(md for+this'building, lots of very real+hazard in many,h~, ,~"' ~15 Of,ell I10t'Sufficient to provide Walking dl~ence to ell recently renovated and attached garage located stove, sundeck, room for warehousing & mroughout British Columbla~ Thls ~.~ '*+..;+~+ the additional air demands of Ichools. Priced st on 8,4 acres with • on a laroe lot, bedoroms and • storage. Asking +.. odoudeas, Invisible kllle~ is .... '/ fir~ple~tsahd exhaust fans, A $67,500. Make' an garage and bern. landscaped and fenced landscaped with a view. S145,000.Owner anxious :produced when combustion takes +.:fireplace Should have its own air • appointment now with woukshop. Owper would In Thornhlll. For Call Rusty or Bert fo lell. Call Bob Place without a proper supply of supply du~,'0r a window should be Dick Evens fo view this consider " trdde. For viewing Phone Rusty or " LJungh.' Vendor Sherlddn; for further air. With the recent ddvelo. .., 0pened]~ ihe room where a .propoHy. details, cell Dick Evans. Bert Llungh. details. / • onXIOUl.. ' .... ,, - . , conserve heat and energy, many ,+fireplacets I~elng used. Don't take • | homes have been made much chances-~ !~ahl about the LTD.'~~----"~ 1635.61'42 :' more air-tight, and with the hazards of carbon monoxlde. Have " .: PRUDEN __RR!E combln~on of a burning flmplece, a qualifle~h~aUng ekpmt check :. a gas-bumlng fumaCe exl the your home for!re airsupply need• ' ...... normal complement of appliances and exhaust fans in Operation, a If fudher information 18 required, *~ +:. ~.. potentially lethal situation can occur. Although gas furnaces thspec!or. +:.+ ,,:..,,

,. , . - ' +f ' +L ' " " ,:,' SAFETY ENGINEERINGSERVICES.'..-; DIVISION ' __- _ ~. GAS SAFETY BRANCH ;: ~':;/" JOHN CURRIE 501 West 12th Avbnue • ~ BOB SHERIDAN BERT LJUNGH RUSTY LJUNGH DICK EVANS DANNY SHERIDAN JO~;DOVER Ministry of Labour VancouVer Tel.: 870-7531 +l,tl~ _I~I 63S-57S4 61547.$4 ~oTOFO .... ,'•..... :* r: ¢~

...... ,...+~.;, . : ~' ,. ; ,::f:, :.,-, .,...... , ,.. ,:---~--*-~-,: ~, , . , , --: ...... ~.~ , .. ::, :.- .:: :~: .:. , . , ...... ~- : . . .. , I~

W0RCESTER,~ * Mass. , ~" "Hopefully " he'll co- beeause-"~of', a detached "The;rCentrum also made: between $I0 and j~i00. :" (,~)) -- Saying he .~as operate." retina sUffered during Leonard's lawyer, Mike Leondrd said that" he:s "bnppy to be back id~thb'~ • training for a defence Trainer, a deal he ap- lobking forward to meeting sport I love," S,~,~• -~:..~^.; ~,,;r - The 10-round bout will be .against Roger Stafford. parently could,not refuse. -Haglerin the ring for. the " Leonard made it officiai ''the first for the former In chnosingtheWorcester The bout, which: will be -iiiiddleweight..cbaml)ion. Thursday that he will:fight:, world welterwight' cham- . Centrum for his comeback, televised on HBO; should shiP "two 'or three .years Kevin Howard here on Feb. p!0n since he announced his Leonard returns to his I~Y Leonurd :sllghtlym0re down the read.' ,'I am not."." 25, ~.q:' retirement two years ago,, beginings as a professional. thanS3 million. Tickets cost going to rush myself." • ,,. ,. ~;~..~.,::~;.. "I feel" I'm not just-ha.. fighter, I~m an oentertainer~ j: and I Hke;to' l)Ut' On a good '; ';' Local/weekend sports action "7 show," Leonard .told 1,000' .. cheering fans. "And I think ,.. All local basketball teams The Caledonia girls are arena and the ice rink. James (Ice rink) ~ Feb. 25 against, Keyes are ont of town this weekend a]s0 in Kitimat for games Teams entered are from, :hM p,m.: McKensle vl Prince Howard Will definitely be a " or have the weekend off and ~:'against Rupert, Hazelton, George (Ico rink) Kitimat, Terrace, Prince 4:04) p.m.: Kltlmat vl ll"orrace (lee 2 great show. " the hockey rep teams have ,and Kitin~at Oreas. Girls rink) George, McKenzle, Ft. St. " trl-city acUon, including a games ptart at 4:00 p~n. 4:04 p.m,: Ft,.. St. James vl'. James, and Prince Rupert. /WKenzla (~ca rink) • - - pe~ wee tournament in Friday and 10:30 a.m. S:0~p.m.: Rupert vl prince Gesr~le .. • - conjunction with Kltimals 'Saturday. . (ice rink) SCHEDULE for the KI)lmat Pet Was 10:00 p.m.; KItJmet VI Ft. St.~ 84 winter carnival. The Skeena grade 8 girls hockey tovrnemants if Temitik James,( Ice rink) ;j orenl end the ice rink. 'SUNDAY TMBA Ca]edonin seater boys and and boys. are travelling FRIDAY 7zNa.m.; Rupert vsNKKWlzte (lee'-* girls are in KiUmat this north for games in IoN p.m.s Kltlmat vs McKmzle rink) weekend for zone play. Ketchikan and Metlakathi (Tamltlk) 8:45 a.m.:. TerrKo, vl Prince ;~ 9:N p.m.: Terrace vs Rupert (Ice George'(Ice rink) , - There ,will be only seven ,i•thls weekand. rink) 10z20o.m.; Rupert va Ft: St. James *'. teams in tlie Kitinmtseidor . The junior girls 'and boys 10:Cl4p.m.: Prince Oesr~ vl Ft. St. • (ice rink) James (TImltlk) IS:IS aM:: McKenzlo Wl l"aH'rsce , . boys zone tonrnament. from:'Skesna have the SATURDAY ., (ice rink) -. • Smithers boys cencelled out weekend off. Next action " 10:04 a.m.: Kltimat vs RuPert (Ice !:00 p.m,: Klflmit vl Prince:' rink) " George (Tamltlk) ;.: of the tournament leaving for the girls wi]] be the I~:~ ~om Terrace vi Ft. St. Trophy prelentitions to follow. Skeana Hotel and Ev's . Kitimat Chieftans, Kilimat northern B,C. winter /: Clippers both gOt J.V., Kitimat ~. Village, games," while the boys will commanding wins in Rupert, Houston, Burns: be in' Hazelton next ~q,:~:;~:.,~f/:~,~s~,.,,.,,.,~:~,...,,./... ~ aeUonTerrace Thursdaymen's basketball'. Lake, and Terrace. . we~.kend. " " "'/:"i-:::"':i~:.':, /.~,: night. In hockey action, the C oft8 orts ;~ ~eeondswnedAUSeasen's. Games start at 5:30. ~timat atom reps and the Lo ol Sp Sh ;:',:. 81-49 whUe Ev's du~nped" ,Friday 1~ : ~e VWage.b-Uo~ bantam raps m'e:[n ... " '//* ': ' ' , ' " -~ :if:':, : o.:BU /: ke games h.e -- "' " ." :-. :.,me~e are games:~a|.~i00!:Rupei.t' . ~ midgets are in "SkeenaJr • boys played a midweek'game against Nlshga"'; ,~ S~enna got-33 points from' p.m.Saturday's and 8:30 games p,m. st~t at Terrace.The Terrace B.C. Timber Jr, boys Thursday night, in high school zone basketball. Phll Letham in their win; ..... ~keenadowned the Nishga boys 53-16. Dion Orbe]l had21 : i~ :.Doug McKay had 21foi- All ..13:0o noon Wlth Terracg: peewees are participating polnts for Skeena and Charles Morven had six points for ~' '~*~'~*~"~-~::~'~'~'~%:.... , ~.~;..~. ,~,~'~-~::~;.~:~,.C~:.~.,~ ~ "~,~:~, ~~ii~ ~ ~:,~ ~.~ Season's...... playing the winner of the in a six team pee wee Nishga, " ,7.- ~';,-~.~.i~!~:~'~'.~,,:~,'~',~.',:',~'~,~.,,,,.. . ,. • . :!'!~!~...... ~':~%~" ..... In th~ second game 5: ~ game. "tournament at TamiUk " ,The i~ob',Houston;" rink of.: Vernoll show, here in_ iacti0n in the Interior Pd~ard Klein had 38 po~l~ Ju~qlor':m~.'s curling playoff. Houston defeated Gelgerof Prlnce George for r.V's and Dave Craw]ey - In aii e .xfra end game to take:flrstp!ace irilh'elnlerlors: Both teams'curl added 22. For Kluss it wus: : in~eprovlnclalplay0ffstarflngtodayatfheTerracecurlingrlnk; • Jim Place droppin~ in 22 RRACEREALTY L.o. and Willie Chemko :adding 14. • :. thename/.e,ds..,/--mend "

1 ' 463, F!0' d: ieads San Diego open Lazelle .Ave, 638-037, N6R Nationw/de Relocation Service • ; . •, , ,!'-!: "' ,, ,

(AP) -- Ray first two. rounds of this .:~-.,That'safter playing the Standln 8 OnBrlngusanoffer fhls 1056 sq..~, full Hobby.farm I .....: Home'on:aCl;eege' r * Redecorate inyour.o'kn Wehave a beautifully I ,,/1~ sq ft. 3.bed one style ~,l;loy~-.ha~ ,c~rved oat an", evez)t. All the pa~.fiveS'aro, n0~thin 68 and 68" I~.you're ., " - basement home located devel .GRad hc~by fprm I " m~lern home on 2.2 This 3 bedroom, 974 ~SCl... ~vla~e ~ecord in n. reaebable," IL's more ' pla)dng well, you feel llke.- on large 77x194 ft. lot, ~ 16 acres for., sale. I acres' fenced . for ft.: horns'is waiting for ~OR~ h1 Golfers' sheltered.from the Pacific par igabout68 _ wood stove make~; the Country stylehouseand I livestock. This :,. thatspoctaltouch.Hesa ~aUon career that ~nds. * . : : , "If you e:x~L to do we]] BASTERN "(:oNFIRaNCE ' " family room warm and ...... -...... • , • -- ...... , ...... several farm bulldlngs. I .. attradive pi'operfy hss w~xl: " heater, "bay. ~.m~:~an., .two : But .it , alsP ;¶~n' ,be :in the~tom;nament, y0U'f~l • Atla,t)C, ~vl~le~ct.Olll. . cozy. Master bedroom .... ~ .,...:,...~ .cmnesL m-.~. tro,ub]e~me.. ~ ..";:.. you 0ught::to have a really ps~on . . ~4:.)~4..~:.~..: : has walk-ln closet.- Most Of the acreage Is |- many extra..features wlndow in the kitchen Asklne~7r500" . . cleared, fenced and I • ahd IS located on bench and a.:full basement./ ~umg q,,~par oz ;~'~A: Over theyes,~, it S been : g0~! roandri)n ,the n0rth." Nay York 24 le'm) ,~ , Gaffing backto nalure • fullSeeded'detalls.lnquireprlcedab°UtatI orea. Prlced'at$124,900. Priced at 259,500.. ~plonshlps, a Makters 'my nemesis," FloYd said " He'did He had no bo-evS ,New Jarley 22 2Z ,s0o zs~-'.... !700 sq. ft., Iqrge 10t ...... - - . • .... ':I.i cket.and'm t ..... " ...... ,',, ...... ' ...... ,,~ " .... • ...... -, "'Wa,h • " 19 ,S 432 S *,'" $1~0~ I ~m,i ~-::~t~r~.:i,. ~l!.llon-ln ~ll~S. "; .: two Uses !fl ~lay'.d,ffs~ . aingleone-putt par.~ s ~:.-~ ~ ~.~lw.~,.u~.". ., ,~ !~ ~d~._-.*.~ ~";~'kicl~''~f" 6~Jr~:"' ~..,:,,~'" ~ ;. , f " in fhe.:~9.rc~hh..0e,,area, , .Veryru~.b!y~prlq~d Strangely...... :;"~*,,.8nou~h, "' '~ .:: ; ~*~ -~./'~..... :"':- -*~; "' " .... ' Atlanta- ...... • 24- ...... =o .s~s " ~ ' :" Q'u e b e c m a ~)1 • Geedinvestment | close 'to sc eels, thls i225 s~. ft. 3':bedreem however, he's never won i~ cmceoo 16 ~4 .4oo 7 hardwood floors with Very attractive looking well.kept home has 3 home on Westvlew the we~t. " ~1 I:,1 m ~1 r'~ n hits " c,,v..nmene ,,),,3o ,, .,e,,,,, ~ " Jade Inlay. ,Wood and well kept side-by; bedrooms on the m~ln Drive, Has full "l!~:i:/going to, fix " ~lat" " - q,A,~wll'l I[~11.1 I I J • ~ ., WESTERN CONFIRINC! furnace and cook stove side duplex on Thomas floor plus full basement basement, 2 fireplaces, " ...... ' r " " ' " ..... ' M clwest O V sign with electric backup. O~ Street In town. 2 with extra bedroom, built-in, dishwasher and ait1~Jpq-.,.- 'this 1 . .heseld. • . . I-' ' *...,. '. ' . • * • . Utah L 27 16 '628. " '43"acres mlnutes from bedrooms each with I bath and rec, room. nlcely" landscaped lot. • ~ " Dales 25 19 .568 2W ,'Floyd ,- ," took• '' a major' step- , in" ' tAI~IPD'tliil n• m • 'l~ll~*/%f'va'NI_'qki Ipliml ,I Sin Ant "20 24 ..455 7½ to;Nn. Its a pleasure to extra in fullbasement. Fully fenced yard with Call for more that,, tionwithan eight- W I,~III~III I~1~ . ~../l~/~b ~'~,#~ • o,nvnr ~925, 43:1 s~ ','see and show. Asking Asking $83,500. Call us fruit trees, all for the Information. Reducedto "' ...... - .. • " ' "- ' ' ".... ' HOUlton , 1S '26 409 9~ under~)ar• 64 that gave him WINNiPeG (CP)' ' m inuest 10.67seco nds. Ca m Knn~n ¢ 172S :40S' 9~ $170,000.00 for more--~r-r Information." asking price of $74,900.• , $73,000., MLS

t.hefirst.round lead Thur- ~. ~ , ,."- Reid 'o[ Vancouver was ;Pacific Dlvllon 1' ' d I I ,,~,e* ;~ :~,h= "~umn'n~-'eo~ WadeFlemoos telt'llke ne . , . ', .' • , L.OI Ano. ' 26 16 619 -- ~~~"~:~""~ ...... :'/' ~':~ ,mj .u4 s ~i~ ~ivvv ~a ... .: , " • • ' . ' " ~:~;--:,~ q--" ' : ' 'I~'~A" ' L; ' " • ~na ~ntohtn=~:fh~ h,1~ision secona .•m 4.18.61, Pe[er I~rfllmd ~ .' ' 27 le ,600 -- ~;~ " "

~,ub~,;,~: ~- '"i - ",1i "He d~sap~ed:.!"i, ' 'a 1""• ' ' " he-ouSt'' of• " 116 "San . AntOnl`''|'l'. . . . • sedan. .. Store ~ ~ R ~il Xi At 6,66?yardS, :It's the flash - of light, ~ like/' the meson.deeMs, set..a short: • utsn m New Jam,y I~S ~bortor and easier of the two Enterprise reaching warp course..... world-best record of s,n. Di~o. 119 Phe.mx. ~0) Hoist Gedllnskl. . BMty HYde' George Vogel Chris)el Gedllnskl Susan Beeven Frank Skidmere ,| speed on Star Trek," 1:00,61• ,in me,. los-me[re.: " , -. 0tl Angelessun~.y )31 someHOUSTOn 102 635-5397 438-8317 635-6611 1:15-$317 .' 638-8038". 435-5691 ', breaststroke AIESter Game In Denver ...... I Flemous said of Baumann;s' " * ' 1 / h

! NHL Winter Natinnals short- course swimming .chore-": pionships. ~.. "-.,,..: . : / ~,nd 9 8° RaumalilO,' a student at i .. "*. " ~ ' ~ ' [' ~]~-- ':~--~ ~ ~ ' ' '~ ~ ~ d r ''7 I '" *'EVE" N" St In ~entian University in "PHONES, I " " .... " '*' :1 ~ : -' • *PHONES

' ind/viduni medley ,in fo~ • ! i ' ' ' d L'~ ' ' ~ • Rod Cousins • Laurie Forbis | .;" '~,',.~: 4'~' ' " r , d * -- j F M

:.,.,,,• =.: - WL.o,.,.,. T P A P " , " ' O ' ' ' i Kalum St.. Islanders 31 111 3225 11;64 " ~ I" ~ g ~ ' .SMnParker aangere s,,, ,,,o,,,. Transactl no : [ wm . . ~) , ~, ~,~ 54 638-1945" " 10 33 S 140 214 2S ~ New 'Jersey 10 SS a 1:16 210"24 " Jephson eu,:lo'A~am' o,v,.)on " SASR.A~ Jim ' ~ " " 63~1652 "'' 32 13 S 201 160 69 AmerlcnnLeague . ' Duffy ' .WIGHTmRN, , & SMITH RERLTY LTD, : '" Boston 32'14 3 21S 141 67 wlNiItlmorl Orioles sign pitcher 63~-~188 , , quebe~ 27 18 S 336 179 $9 Mike Boddlcker and Infielder Lenn , ' ' :i ' BACHOPitlCIISIND|PMND/~TLTOWNBDANDO~BRATID. " Men, root 23 24 3109 180 49 Sakata. Hertford . 1S 27- 6 163 204 3& California Ang~ll sign pltCllars .... Campbell cenferNce o~ff ,,~ahn, Ooug Cortvlt end MIke Time for a change Waiting for you Reduced to iell " Brick & cedar home Norris Division Wilt Like new mobile Priced to sell Mine : , , ~1942292~5~ Imdo,JtnelgerJuanSlmlquaL Check this 2V= year old Is this 1060 sq.'ft, full Intown, only9ysarold3 ThlsS yoar old brick& st.' Louis " :11 ss s 10s :~! 4; Clevela~lnmen~sloncmherR~ executive home on basement home located. " : ' " ~, 1' N'G heat, I cedar home id TorontoChlcag°, : '1112/16:1745'17319543194231)311 .HklSeytoandpltchern0ck ethrel-ylar Semmneto contract e or~-yaar nicely • treed lot. on 75X1(t0 lot. Three This one owner mobile 'Is this 1300 sq. ft., full ~rpert, This property extremely well ,, oitro,t /, st .4 ~ts =~s',' contract. Features bey window, bedrooms .up. Spacious. home looks as though It basement older home is perfect for the person maintained as a quality' ,/Smythe Division Minnesota Tw)~. :Ion ~tchers cedar '-siding and rec room. Self. • has never been lived In. located centrally In the who can leepotential, home should be. Two galgerl~..edmonton , :' . 19.3! 198 104 $94179 191 41,SO catcherJohn autchw " anti MIke Welters, attractive oak kitchen contained one, bedorom 1979 Fleetweed 14x70 Horseshoe area.. Home no major work reclutred storey plus basement. wlm~lpe: ~9 =3 q ::s :4~:~ nave sna~e and o~el~ers TKk cabinets. ShOuld be In.law suite. ;Wood with unique floor plan. has 10~en completely. Just.a coat of paint and Main floor offers living VancouverLOSsAnS ": '~u } 17 ~79311 6 s0~197 216:4~ 4037 WllloflNew andYork MIKe 'Yankees Hoyt. n~a" ~t~ viewed to be stove., Wired shop. Just one of the redecorated. Firoplace. some landscaping will room . with, fireplace, ,. TkvroiaY* Ilelvits ~moold atrsngth and apprecla~d. Listed at Fenced backyard; attractive' features Is Three bedrooms, transform this home spaclbus dining room w.nn~ s :Hartford ~ $99,500. , Asking price• of $66,500. full ensulto plumbing Sundeck. Fenced yard. Into a real aflracflon, and ' large kitchen. ~omro.)S 4.N~; xy. ~ll~landsrl Rermrs 12 ~ JKklOfl, * with roman tub. Asking Q~let street. Priced at ' Owner must sell and Is Upstairs Is 4 /: :.Tonllkt'a Games NaIkH.Nt,~ue . . Residential acreage in 4 Get ready for spring . price. $2e,000. lust S69,500. open to offers to $39,500. comfo~able bedrooms Detr~t. St Buffalo ' ¢lncim~itiReds anno~nco contract tOWN - .- . " "' " Cozy . one bedroom ' ' • plus IV~ baths. Mlnmmhl at St. Ionia ~me~. with pltcherll Frank ~ 5 acre:lot'on North' J , LOt :Anpetsl at Calpry Pestoro, Bruce eo~enyl nnd c,~rl(e mHa~, located . at Mobile Basement has been NewlJereey ot Edmonton PuXm,flrstbmemsnTonyP~rHand" ., Sparks at $50,000 and Lakeloa Lake. Good 12x~8'ln good condition, developedwlthopaclous Toronto et Washington thlrQ b aNmen Nick Eslky. ;~WO* :on North ~:Eby at road access andhydro ' " five appllsncel all in rec room. Attached FhladelPhle et Vancouver',. NewyorkMetos~gnflrstbatefnan., : IItureoy Games estf)e~e~ Barmy,Hes~ to o~'*w $62,500.Great for, a mini available. Why walt. for Reduced for quick sale " order,.excellentsomefurnishing.'working drlvewey.garage'PaVedA real eye winnipeg at Boston contract. " farm with .pofontlal for .. Spring do it now. Priced .Only I 5 miles north of The 'property consist of Asking $16,00o. pleaser r priced at Detr01t it NY lalandacl N Plthl~rlh Pirates al0n pltcher~ " subdivision later, at $45,500. ' Terrace on Kalum Lk. 45 acres with the Hlrt~rd:it Quebec N " ,~*:, Jolln;TuG~r'end Ray KraWcwk and . , , Angeles at Edmonton N, . outfielderSony aonma. ' ' ' Dr; Is one of the last existing farm taking In First home ' ' .... S$9,000. , : Pittsburgh It Montreal N HOCKEY . " . Check this out " original farms in the 15acres Isevlng 30 acres Comforleble.2;bedroom " 1 ', Wlshlngton Ill Toronto' N' "~:' ~. NHL .... ' RGqf~IIUI ~ "" "' C.hlcego it Mlflntlo~e N Eilr~l~fl galore racal~l notice Under $50,000 and yet area which IS Income open for further mobile home let up and Sma!i acrsage • Svnday Games from le~gw that left winger Mark . right downtown, is this Eleven unit near new producing to $2,200 per development • ready to move in today. 1.12 acres With 3 M0fltroIIQut,n~cItatHertfordB°ston N '~terflest~eensUll:~ndedforSlXslmes, older lV~ storey home. apartment building in month. This Is ex~ondlng the farm Why pay, rent. Only badroomhomelocatodS I'ltt~urUh 'st ou~am N ~ittsborp Fenpin, acquire' Three bedrooms. 61X120 ~0~vn. Large assumable supported by a well. operation or S12,000. miles north of Terrace st., I.o~1| at NY Rangers N deton~ernenKevln McCarthy from', lot. 'A very affordable mortgage. Asking estabJlsbeclhorse ' sulxIIvldlng. The owner ' on Kalum Lk. Dr. Open Phllldelphle et Chicago N WncevverCHuclafore,flUrd~o.~nd home for a young~ouple S350,000. , ; boarding business with Is Isavlng the Terrace Remember ~ SIVa to ofterl N I~0,000. Nalloflli:N~V.j .efllq~, HbCkey It Volt, LeegueGUyot'. Icor- N . ~ritfplck.FOOTBALL , .' , * Priced at only .~9,S00. Mobile"~ ' dellght'r ' " ": -i,I Potential for -fuiure. ". area and will now See what you:Still, can ' -- " ' :- In9 li~dei"e ifter games Tflurs- UIFL- ' ': : .... " gr,oWthle: seleoffeed& consider all ofters to the I~ylntheflflles. Ayser Natures'retrset clly~nl~ -. 'e A P Ml~hNimPeMllmrlelgn~:m.:h,flm Deluxe 14x70 Manco ...... StsnleytoamUltl.yewcontracta~d ~ acre on McOeek , ta~ outdoor riding already substantially old 1150 sq. ft. full 27 'acres overlooking GrIHIky, edm" 60 t}:1 IS2 titmtendMIkeCoM~tsoterlesofone- .3 bedroom comfortable . 'Meadow set up in local arena (riding lessons, reduced price of basement home. Dining SkeenaRl~er. 1dO0ft. of • Ku~rl, edm St 41 IS ~sr contractstht'ol~' I~1., home with wood heat, ,trailer park, Features 2 cilltlcs etc.) 2 revenue $163,S00. , Appraisal room with built.in china highway frontage BOSSy, NYI l'rottl~r;~ NYI 31|1 S14"q:l:1111 Am.Pmldm~lllAquuler~tlgnN~HYTim.- .- double garage . with fireplacefullbaths, 2 andbedr°°mS'all hont~ as well al the available. Inquiries ceblmd. Family -room. partially developed and P. IltiitnIG qua :IS Sl 79 |occaM ' attached family room main 2 storey farm may be directed to Three bedrooms. Two cleared • Cozy and well Ooutet, QUt 311:17 7S NASL and much more. Asking oppIlances Included. homm which hbs been Laurie Forbes 635-6361 baths. Fenced yard. conltruc|ed A.~ frame Coffey, •Edm =s ~ 7z cnlam stuns e~n pe~md~rC~rl- • " Asking $25,000. ' =7 ,nm. K~nny. 563,~. extensively renovated, or 635.S362. ' PriCed at lUdf .3,000 cabin. Alklng '1411,500. Oloflhb, LA :17 41 411 Vnncevvar WMtacapl llgn I I I , , Pederkm, ! sol |0 47 17 gOIIkesqNr Chris Turr~r. , ; .:::,"$.:;;",''k'i";!.':;';~ .t'."-i ;-,'~ : ' ;, "' , - -. . • ...... , ,,.~' v,~* ... .. ' : ' - . "'" ',~. ::' .:'i. : , '

.'.'. ~, ~-:,~ ";~ .... ~" ' ...... "~ ...... !~ ~'!':"":~:"""~'~..... , t "" ~~ti'*~ '" ' :'* ~":" ..... ~"

;.~C.~ ~'!~"~.~, ~v~t,~vr~ . • '• tk~,,L~ ": ' --- ;,:-; ::...~t:,..:,,~I.:~ ~, '; :';:, - ~'~,'.... "'~ ..... ±:!' ~::;~:,:~-,,, '-• /':~',t':#',.t~:, :...,., '~," I!~~: " ~f~q;;:. :,2-~':"


You may nottake ~ to '; .If you have any tendency to (Jan. 20 to.Feb. 18) . "..,~.: i/!°.:t:~:! ; ,:X:~fl ~~ ',; '-I ~_~'.t/~ a,d~c~ you reeeWe.h~a~. ,:b~t:. n~_,;now's.theflme ~wa.teh A~reerpropo~Imay.have:_"! i!:."i!d!,i'!~":'~:':~I~'. ~ ~I|...l~I~'; itstoyourbe~,flL~C~-bl~)a - " : .tl~.quMRy. Petty initations some strings "attached, ~: /.,~'.:~:£Ov~-t~!i,'~,~. : ~.' ~ :,,'~l~,~.J~lidl;.,~i~..~t~ Uen~.. Avoid:preel~tous • .Could ca~eyo..to lose ~o~" es~v~vo|eedhyacom- ::/,: :.,: :'." I~~ll~llli'l.~.]lli~1~ moves. • -" '.. : L : . ' .:.caoL;. " . . parative ktranger, SUck ~th ': ~ .. ~.~:~'.'''. LI/'~~'':':"~Ui -- ~ ; I I TAURUS:.(Apr.~te~ay~).,~I ;.I ' :I "" " " .' ''LIBI~; "'':" ' ' ~ ' reUabletypes, d r * ~I:''. ' ' :' '~j:':lll ~r~~I ]: ,' +" ~' : " ' "" k'+ :" I" 41': " ~ N : .... :" : "''';~'''' :' : : : ' :J + I ~; .... : "

.A~~J~:: :;..i/.,~.~.Ya~:~some,carew____ (Feb.19toMar:20). ~ : :." ' " ~ ....-':. .~_-.':-~.,:.:_ ~,..: i_:-~::. ': best tn :~,~ nil,i " "~.~t~lay, Sflcktoessen-. Afdendlsyourbestadvlser • ; '. :.: :: " :.~~ ~.• i " I'~~.i" '" , • ~': .~ L.'~4:,,-~--" ~,,-- ' .,'. - . ""' ~ -" : -: manipu]aUv~,~. I~,.: ~I~I~:~,~:. :~a~M.~Duymg now, but you,re indined to ask .:.://: ,: fl..._~.~_._~_.~,L.N~_.... ~ 7.: l:l~:4:'::'l".I~.W:~.;t.i .~,W2_ " ~ , : .E4:,lx:N,r:.g': ~A/~~

(May3~toJmle39).:.lu~.:... '. (.O~,.. =toN.oy.~.l) "l~.#i~'.. • ' , : ': ":;11 ~,~.--~Wf "~ ~, ,~-/ ~ I1~~~-.~ .c~__v~-~.L ',~ , • Wh~you~ud~asore~t . Y, ma.v.avemgo,,.. YO,. BO~...T.O.O,~Y.-.'.... ' IIil ~ o- !'! /TSWN~' ~'/:: ~)1 I~~!,t n ATITHI~r, e. "r- : :: o~0onmsorlam'Lm~,'.Lmm~ , :Ta,it~wm'thit to go u~'ou~n so, urmeremmyours~n,[oryo, " ~ .: ""ll f~=_L I ,, ,] ~1 #11 i ,' '.~: r ' ~~ ~r 'I':" ' t ~~ ~ , ' ' " " ' ' rebelaPl0st,ld~lolhenl~r, r:.O~lC~-,trouble?, Be less have advaneeO ideas ena a ,..., ...... 'IL ~ t - ~ r~ I' ,.~e.~..,-...,:,...ff.~'.~N'~;.~ .,-t~. ~_/-~.', .",.,:.' . 3~ ; t pectc~yo~..'."~",':~ :"";; .... '~ve/ '- . progressive outlook. IX,-,,--~ ; I~ . I ~'~-~,_-~.,..,:)..~":;~IJ. :~ .'~'G'~.;-~'..'~ ' f ~ ' CANCER .:. '.....i [;:,. " ..... :: :~; i:~-',~ " . Somewhat. hi .g~.h'ung, you ' '. . :.: . : ~ : " :., " ::i: :, :'1 Z " ' " ) ~ ; ' !' - :, .! ,: ...~0..~.~°~:.~.. :.~:..~~;!, ..;:',.L)r~es~)ese]~'~..~; • .~o"r~°"°~,~m~"~.e.[.,~2_ . : ..I ~ )'-:'< ~t I0~,.~I _ .; ."!o'~ . :'! Ell,~~ ~. ~. ~ i c~..a-~.wewaem.~...~-CMII~-"' • 'Yoli,.C~Ibeoven'eactii~toa ..t~..ol you a, runes.. ~OUr~ :, :. : l..d,,,.-- , - m , , Jt~l~E/~i~':~7 . ' ". : '.. ' ,: ~ : : "~~""~ ' -. m~.mo~)~ns!,re¢;,q~t.~yt~jL.~..~,.:. ~Iiuat~. Befo~e you snap out .!)d~dycrcauveang.yo.m/wo A ; .. • . , • .: '.. • . • '.... ".:'. ; . ":' ; / ao,.,se~me!pmp~:: ,-:;.:L::.;, , ... al~moae, askyourse]fwl~,., isnmll~yahcadqilsume. _ ;.,,.,~,...... ' ; :: .... • . . '. ;: • -., . LEO :;"'~' .:.:')1~i:~4"~ (~MP!UCORN ,~.~ deslR for ,mazenm success ' on%#¢ . ' ' . ,. ' ~. :. ' .:. ' (3.u]y23.toA~g;m) @Jf~.~ ~ .(Dec,,mt0Jan.19) V~'I~ v ' can lntedere wi.th y~ pro- . ' ~. I . ' .... : " "' r ' "' : L ' " " " " ; ,~I ~ . • "i:~ugnT.°u'l]..IrY:'~....~l;'-, , i. Ana~uMntancemaybeac- • gress, ilitcaus~_. ~sell~,on . L : q ' , i ~ ~ .:q:~',~__..__; : I , " ; : .... ~: ,. " m ~' at:~@l~ ~:~ ' " r I~ oUl a-hanS-up. Don't get yore" .orymm.. x~-Romy a= - . I .... WI~A'~yI.I,~;~,~I~'| I1~ IF ' ~t~IW~,'.. ano]aresenbne~cmeaxe~r-...... ca ~ ' u P in olber people's peacewimyoursettwnen.yo~...... , ~1 l~0~l~J~il~ ) U"~T'~ . i~i~"

.' ...... ",,~,.:~,;t'ti;t,;.~x:~'~t~f~'2d~,,,~"~',~,:~~::~'.: ~' ,.~::,':..';',;,;./.:... ~.... ; ':!'.:- - / ~,~;~";; ..... ~.~'!...... c.~; :.:l~V~ ' ..... ; ~., "... ,'-~ ...... ~, -.... -: '..'~:;; :: ,,,,.',~:-' :"...... : '.:"

:. • • .. .Yatoo . AqUAmUS • I ...... ' (.MF.~'to.APlr-1,~) :~ '.'., (iAug,33hiSq~,33)' I~I~ (Jan. 20toFeb.18) =,=~ ;" .|II'~N~ ~."'~ ~~.,..~~ ~" ~ ~ .. :;rll' xouu~u~ ~w ,., Is to our " " y ' . - . . .~' 2' ,,~,-~.-~r~.~s~..-~" .LeiSure ac~vmes are • work or do a special favor for ;... : ::1~ ,/~ ~-,~ ' I ~ ~LI~,'I'-~ J ~; ~J~" ~ ,/- .~y, mou~a.men~c~mm.~ :especia~fu]fl]llng. Creative a'fdend Do moreresearch. : " :.I" ~I~ - ~/T I ~ I.. ~ "I~II 41~ I~ c~,-'- ]emoUSta~ina son~ws~ac. :l~es.are inspired. Watch before acting on a career mal- .:.I ~ '~i~[ . I '.~, .L-~I :~:"~ ,"i~' ~ ~-) TAURUS LIB]~ " •. " " " I ' : • . ," ,.= " ~, ,.4 ' b'aveL .]nl/~iti~ale edU,-. " favoced. Yourelho appleof .aflers~,butyon'reab]e .:.. :dROoM,HILDA' : .... " / " ,,. - , : ~.,: r ¸ '. /,' ' , ,. :. " • : u..,~ ~. ~,,..~ , m,~'~ eye. '.~ on ~ to-b~ comm~,e~,lu, , . - : ; ...... , - • ,' ' wtm a e~ome .ue ~I~..~ .. l .oM~ut for oppormmUes m tlons to a fL~end's .current .'r ' '~ . : :/ ' " overa~re~rmsmer. ,., ...... realestate ......

• A.i.ov~, 0~. :.,pm~.~. ' , You're the r~Ipiento~Imp- idealist who's drawn to , ~YBI.KFFS ~/il~N ~611~'~ZI~ I'~'~ ~'~m~ ~I~. ~.~LO~ WlZ;~°~~'~P4/~.~ I ~'I[ mu~ ~e..... or s~camS.---" :~m~- m;Oem...... Yo~:,.opUmlsm at- humanitarmn . pu r su its . ,.'" TL~i2 PA ~/O~.~x~" ~*"..... ~ " . T[ .,.I ...... AAA2N~tO~ ~b~Ut~i~ F --oA [ ~Lri~.}.~J~ av.o~_.~..~:..~ .... .,~,~.~,~.,~m -.~ou~....~syo, v~to,,~.,- • Imm~lt~ .r- ~ / ~1~~ .,li I,,..--~PX"~.~mV/.." i 2~..~_~~i,:"t ''~,. " ~_:""~" .::t:--::T",.i ;;~eW. io, ~ to ~ a ., : II ~ 't"~=~ .... t 1 ..~-..%~ ~,~,..-" I P ~_ " ~ '1 14! ,,-,~,%,~/,,.I£,4 ~to~__<. Iz,~'.. ~Juui~.," , ~ .. 'ba~be~een~pm~c~ r " _.~.,5-~.~i;,,--~ I I,"',{~IYl a~.~.~,,:l / ~ ~z~'..,J I I/-%~lu z/~l.

~je %o~;;;.,.%~.~,m~: ~, _~0~p,~ ~. me ~q to • .~0.~ w~, ~ ~.,~ .~ L_Y ~ ~:~~//~f~% I .I-':",,~J~l~ ~1.1211 ~'~E~E~E~E~E~~~ I I'~.'~'~ ~_~itK -- I

• " t~ ' ' " ' " 6~b, P~'~'~ " °" ' i~)rl~m~ ~.. ida! ~.~,..... : , . ' .*m,,..-,v. s~,,,*,-~--Y,---- mw~,l atto n Uon to date of:. Pad@. Chaye~sky,. . , . , . , ,

• ': i. 3 , (:: . ,!~ • ,,? t*~'-~'.- '...... #AN ~Y w/xrcHI:~I~@--

,': :'~,~. -t: .~..~'.:", , '.. . . ,' , " ;;1~ .,

You're~amll;~, ';. .AvMdoenlerstasefo~now. . ,,l~'l~cq)a.~.m.~ ~ ~'~~1~t~]~ IY/I~..,~,,,.JT\~lt~.I~I,1~'/'~'.-~'~W~i un°W' Present ldm'to ~.', ' " ~:md~dsleadstOmJ°rid0m; deal- . ~m.ve]e.,mr~arrangeme,m.pursmm ,'~joy ~T~N~,~'~Ne./'~~j~I~ .14 ~'~= [r.,,(5,,~[~!!~e~l~... ~-~'~1~1 i~llll~ ~,"-'lll~l~llllll~

follow throu~ .o0 :an" Idea, " " Meet wltb 5olh:~"Ud ..... ':J ~. ~.o~ o~r,~':..,..:i...:,. B.C. lit...... : .: ...... ;~: .. | ::,,e i " ,- .,, ;:~.~-.y.,," ..'. ,-.. '.::~ ',:.-: | - . (,~ | ." . , ...... o~ ,;~:. ' I:~ ~" ' ~"': ' ; ' ' " " ' '" ~u ~, ~ .: .:, - ; . W/4AT~ T~Ii~ ~ " ...... TI4ANK ~ .. ~.~U~e opom~.U~ ~ - I " "' 0 .... •" " "'

rcmanue mje~ ad.;..~mll~t' " " .' 'l ", . ~ ~jo~~ ..: 1 / i ~ ~,

Bywo~n®:. | t. :. -! I • 1 " ' I~1 project, you'll eeum.;up ~ . I ~ . t or Better or For Worse" ' ' " ' ."/: . .:.{ " ,. .: , i;. :::..i~..: / ,i : :~:. :: : ii. .:i:i/.~; :'. important new. ,,igMs., - ,., ~' (~ Psychosomatic .complaints J~[ I, -'~" "." ,.[ . I . • ,:: (A~I.SStoSq)LSS) .~:~ilk-. " ' r $.,AHP.APAILq~IPO~iNAPEAR~,..J'L ,/~. ' I;~--J~~T.T,"~"~.;~- lilCJ4nN.~_jc-~.-'... :!::;~:1 k -~---LL--'rr-~,~'~R "r I 'CUm~p ~sp~d::.W/~." :1:..~", .:""~.~ . ." ' : " ' . . ': " .:I~L,T2~,~,~k II!!I~IT'Hr=N~I~U~INr,- .i"- .A'2d I~We,;(~'" I i~,,..~~~,~ .:,,:~:.,-..~eliim- . ' :. ~ m~z: , ,,,~_- B~ou.or~.~,.~,~ I~CLU If',':~,'"''r""/:.'~ . ~. ~m:.. ,::~..-.~mnmma. . " •.... >".. :. :~'.... TI41Ng,.% ~JILL. o~yo~r~ue~m.l,emweome~ - '.~, ' " " .... ' ." . .:';-i; '"

repairs. Mdm :~:.5i-.. ". I . ~ ~ ~,,,~, ' " '1

oo~ t ,it., ~ ,~li~ ~: :- .. I:~ ~ ~~ ,~.',T" q"] ~ I waitinS for it. to ,It,., .at~ ...... :,.; ..... ~• .~.., .~,..~ ...... ~:. the.WiZARD of ID ' .: . ' ' '..: ::." .. . : *. ,' ...... ' ~.... ' ' - . ~.~' ~.;~:.@''*:'~*~' ,... ~~'"*.~'~; ' ~*"" - . II

(Nov. 22 to Dee. ~l) ~ . • / ~ ~ ...... •.. ,~ .,-.L. .., .

...... ,,, !..-<. _1-- ', ,.

(~.=~J,.i,) ,~u I - - " I

.~ ,._ ~~~ ..>;,,~ : .-o;' .Your b,rthday g,ft m rathe garage, m!d .m~Y~' ~ ":" ~.~'i':i ;L:.: /!;;, ;~-,....¢bM0,ng up .my car battery,. ",' ' ,. I"' ,/' ~;:.%" ~:,. /,,,~ -, ...... ~ m . .• . r- ~_'.

t , _' - I ) r) rl~" f.?i.'i~, . "

: ~,,~:77:7o ...... , .:. , '';4:' : :'-*:~:,~ ",'~:* .:.i ? ;,A', ... ,~',~.~',.. , , • o " , :. ,~ ~:: ~:.,:~.-,,~,::>,. "...... ~ • , .;/:..~,:,~::,., .'" ~:" " . .TISi NeraM, Frld~,'JanoiW'27,1tiM; Palll7

...... i; llr, illili:

;:i~tnd'an answer to a who bavea readingdls~- Since you are the. •alma llog sllnallon. I have hllli~..., mother of sin only ~e~/ ~':;bl~en"luarrled..for 11 " Is diere u appreprt- ean-I~lnt ol no oue.ue - . , y.elirlt,We liav~ two elll~ ate gift for psaents.o[ a , ter qualified to~ . ~ 'Afl~. our eecona -. teenaler:'with..serious me~... " - .... ,:ehlkL my wlle and I d~ emotional _pro_~enls, or " We m thelmre_ nts ol ddMwe dld not wan who is .!epily blind or a wonderful Utile. boy; .mor~ .. , hearing-impaired? What _My hushand and I have We~ whether does :oue ~ve a cousin de~led, heis enough- "'- "family" and we don;i •~ Mioukl hlve a tliihal who ~ give birth to~ .~Mi tO ,hal~ ally more ~.llptlon or I shouM have . ".. : Dowa's ~_me clm.. children. We are eneoun- a.ileetomy.~ne vasee- Or our~ no~l: _UY' seem~ less cam- bars,, whose beautiful ' -?: ~* ',~ :'-::: . .... : Roger BOllen pllcitnd, soinouone. " _lh!u~_ter will lie in a •sure.from~r~,,-~uevab~~ my twtaw~..

...... • " " ~ : " '~;" " £'" ' ;" : " .. " " . • :: .... " In the.~ we ~ve whebkhair for the rest asandweii-meanlngmylm~.utS,frleu~,as weu ' " "" * i " * " ~ i "'*" ~ '~' [ ~r ~ mariled, there has of ~ life? Or another They tell us. Joey neeli a brother or rr~'--~,'l It, . Tv-. .Y ...... _ " "' ' J -4~ " _= ' ; ' "' i'IL-'l..~ ~- • - ~, " ,i~,l , , , - ." ~, ". - . , ' ~.- wiu#lll~l~ .. &i~i,i~ull lure* ~ am io l¢l~I ~I::~YL,u~'."I ll-I~,'_~' I~Tr~IJI}~LAI~[~'{'::I ) ie'iEl,'~D(Dl~ I'-C~_~3, - "atilaeuvemen, nutrve , lwoeldbeeversograue- wl~i-shou]dl~te • ~~. ~tT~ |~.,~'~:,~.,~,~,-~_,-~_.i~,,l'l ~~e'~[~ ~ u "~'~-~" - ' ' 'ney.ergive~,..a~v. ~°.ug~. t l.ut .-- Feeling Low m eei~;se--pe-ofile olfmy FACT: f:w_,ys ago,: or,,youd,da'twrIte allow ~:!__ ~ .., / ~ ~L-~ ~ ~/--~; ~' ~~~." _:~A-. ~, " i ..epeueo.met'. purse, m - , In November. I could .m.oseoms xo ~ut~you on. '*" ,,~~' ~'C'~.~\ ' ,Ld/~'i~t~3"~' I, .'-x~--~.,& ~~r:,"~.~Y~,'-.: I . ..searenotacigarette. To " have solved many of .tne.amenslve. ,emain '~Y/~/~" ~ ; I :'v~_~l~t' =l:Gq~ :-= .:l ~_" ~o'/~'(~..~: ~~;r~':~ I 'my.surprise, lranaero~, your:Christmas gift :silent,whenthesubJ~.tis ,~.~-,:.~_q/(~"." .'~(~l[q" " .[~AV'RT,,,,e/ ./'.'~,:/q:~]e~/]' ~::~_ .~',~,:,.L._~.... i •..some literature anoui problems by-,retain- ~ ' .ra!..s~, xou.owe tn.em ~'~:|~"v:~l'Oi :" t~i.g.~.~ ~'J" ' t~ I~-~ "-~ O:O'~ ~A/': #~iOII"~ "" ' • .... , *,:- -,;. , ;-----~...... mend~no that v0u send nelmer an expianauon ~' ~-v ~ ". ' "~ " ~ , " v v+. "'I " 0 "'":~Z~ ""' ~:'~ ) * r' ' ' ; ~ I me mU. J unm~ma~y ---~- -,~,---.-<: ..... " "o- an a~nlo ~@ 1 ;can

., "~ --; _ ; / ' - ~~.. ,' .... ~"~ ." LIAcr'F . :' , "~V~AI ~wulm~.um=u,.~ " zlne'eall,,a The EX--~ ;w,- ...... - " "/----"~~',.• ' ...... -"~~.,o_' ., ....--~i_.~~ •: ' ...... ~ ~';.] ' "' " ..' < ' ....' 1::'~'9, ...,.., ° / . . • .-..... Imie r__tlo_,.-lnmm 'n " he r .... : '~ . ..'. '-©p" minx Ol no topic that. , .. ~. .------m,.. ~ n_l,ic~ . .l~msv~-----'-~- "~ # • . , .. _.__..~,...... ,,~_, .. uona| t'arenl, it is PU~" . •less the business of " ...... ' ....L,.. ' " 4 V " ' '.....~' ~ k " ' ...... '--" "~'' ~',.:"~" ~' ~. ' ...... ' ~:...... " ~=~= ~-- '-- ; : :i~r~"i would °u~eSw~ q on u~ IMkedthefinestbl'm°nthlyp u bHcatandl on oI~f .....others...... i ' '"' '" ~' ' r i ' " i "' "" ""' ;* <" I ~..... "= " ' : ~ '~'' "~ ::..:/'., : ';by.Jeff MacNelly ' ,-~:~.~,~'~net~ll il, una.. .. ,. .: ;,..This poem hit. me. •* :: ,: . > ....: : ~::- "- ;', ; " ¢ 'control my mensl~ Tlie:~eentlonal Psr- ¢ ~.t_he _~i~s__lhe.,_~. L__ ~.:r_i .... , h. L~L - ." ...... :,I...;/: ..... - ~-.-,...C probh~ms." She hadn't enthaSartl~[e~bv~llstl~. (u~.Inm~m~__~L~,=, ~:" i~ :~ : ;, "f...... mentioned ll; she,sol u ' gi~!_~' reaaesmw~ , ~,.... ; ~.: • . , , : ..... ,.... :'1,, .... > , ,... ,, .. ,e,,.ordl.s--.v--.g lahed author~tles as. .... ~e ill

~ ~I~~~ _~ ,: : ~~'IF~| : Please check with {physleaHy or emotional- ...... : uo i.otuz l~)_~len,ve_i~ v n Iibiess that "mann ior ~enulng il un~ ~.~lw"r ///, ~i.~ ] ' ~ ~i~ ; ;: g'y---~ :_/~ ,. ; i meffherex~lanatlonls changes the lives of ' : ~ :? ~, I; lot ] : ~" :~ll | , .....,.-~. - '1 ".L|/lli ' I_~.~.~_ /. [ ...... ;.10gteai--.W0ndeflng. " . . everyo!le!n.thefamlly..It .... .'i.:...-_,:-,' ...... ,i,-i.i .~"!* . ~" ~I~,[ :~~..: l~Idl,.\~'!XI C~.~,t~.~t I " : ::~:i&:/lc~)rdi~IfDr.Mau. , ::;:" feat~resV0Pbe.aiTkmlPp0r'.kh : !; ;?:~'i_i~-_~_l~-:~'{b~k":,!"i':::: i ~l~llJ ~J~.,:~li~-x~'~ " ll~\~ll~l~lll~lll "~'x.~,x,~ll \,' i .... " :'rleeClifford,prbfessor of - '~ ' 'five'krliclesoy parents" . : '.::.: olr:Mr.:apoMrsllpoulm ':," • ~ii~" .\~| .Ill.it ~ ' . ~ • .i~tl~i " I 0bstetries and gyneeol- ' wh0arelivlngwllprob- . .', iteindsl~ ..... • ' oR~andpresldent0fthe lema that wlll never, go Wouldwatch.~er~.ee, I¢,,//A/I~~. I~ Ir I .Ail~li"~ ~ I lllql lliOll ~ ;t,iill~l~f~l/'~7 l - ' . • .Medlcal College.of Penn- away. They woul.d r.,e~nt .... And never a iwom ,_ ' ~,~w~wI~------~/[ " ~tl~'~.~~l sylvania, your wifemy . it Ifyoucalledmem'n.e- ...... is etween them was • ~i~x~i{~t~.i . well, be telling the truth. ,' . r.olc,"but~eyseem s0to , ' spoi~ , ,., .: : ,: . ~~' '~ ~111 , i|llt~ ". ~'~li~l~. i-\q ~" ! • ..S0me. p.hy~c~n s reeom- ". me. '..' :. '.:: Until uie day 1; !:-. : ~Sllil~i~--~~ ~i[i1~i~:~~~ |~- i|~ll . ~~. ,' i . men~.Jlle.vnlj.orwomen...... < ~ Tilesetwesbrokei!. ". ~.,~'~! ~rll -F~, il ~ ~..~ . .-.v~--: ..~. - ~non~vei?egulormen~ , Anyo,e Interested ln a " " :", ,.:. Th.on, "How do you , • _ _. ~ " . r.;;_~7~-'~.:'~"'. :'_~_~'_~_ subs~rlntJonshoma write /,: anT'" ' .... '4:"7. • ' ...... b RusSell ~M~ r8 :r mct~,.ll ..u utcr..c . toDr.$tanleyKleln'edl: ' 'S~Id He to She.,, "-. " • . ' " ' - . ~ ...... • cramps. "Oh ye Of lltUe . tar of The. ~dlceptlonai .. "I don't belleve we°~Te ....• ,. ' . ,. • ... . : '. .., .:. • " ' • . " . " ' " . " 'fallJi," stay out of your< Parent, 60~ Common-.. ' t::..mei.. :..:,.. ,: .. ' - ,~i:~. ,~...... , " ~ '! ' ~ ~i : , : wlfe's poise tram now wealth Ave., Boston, ....': Soommlsmvnam~ M(]II:MI I I/M~ CAK~O 16 1 lll~L~liX] NO N~i~l~ ~]kI~T'.~A~T l'i~00 llli|rlli~_rli.i'li• " on; - Mass. 02215. I/can't . '. "..:~l~hat,ll.y~ui.s~,,. he "--'"' i °~i~0Ye~!J ";[°-:~l~..uP!~~- .... . ,- • ,11 : " : t " er uotearateslneeCana- . ' a~ed " " ' " ~O ~T :~A M~ ~ d~0~ ) r~A~ ~ O~ i MUN~.KrK. . Overwe~h t~na~ llan.,rlcesaredlfferent . ' ' ....- , • :"~:MY | ~ ' ' " e ~ • 0 •.. , :., Whyi -'<'mine s the L~ .... " i I ~,,_..,~r,~ C~li~O . / .Rl~i~l~ I A i~,.= • ,/.~-,~ . 'I alp a.leen~e..llrl, _ and ~dhqdusls also pay "'" :-<-me].... /:' " '

.. lllul., s~t:J} 7J-x"~] .:::| |]~i ~.i~ |[ ' .'?"-~T "~ , "~t~" | ~" " /..'i.ill | .iuai~.u¢.i.wlu.lumlai: that charged .libraries' :. ". :: ,:',,r,,....,..~,,r:.2.T'~ • j PUs-- and I can , , ..,, ,, - , . i. nnd ~en organlzatlons,...... , . -:,, ....could i~-- ? ,.. :1 ::ill _ V- ' Y - : I I ..... tell you, however, it Is " ":"l~Jt ti~setenmesud- I ~ ~ I I I~, i~lYl -'~-~"~."~------~'~~-"'-J-'~-I : ~a~,~ ,i~I~~ :~_j~/.~e,~ " .\I~/.I i take " amy ah low a olin.iOL I must readln~o for all •:, ", ::. .lieliiy~,--,-~ n t...... uuoui "~'~_~~ 1"3r~~ ~lr~' _ L'~.v~,~. - I ~ ~~,.I.I!/.I My sterna,dl m'u ..... 'thosewithahandleapped . ; "'And il~ev never did ~~i l~W~i~"i.~_~i~."T~.. I..~ ~]~i~]~-'~ ~ ~_~ "..~ ~ I ~ '~''.v'.~"J-|l~ " •.can i sleep a~ milm. i chlld, It could change L '''' ' F~7~ ~ ~- ~" ~i ~ ".~'-+,~.,i~(~,.~[/ I I~f',~'~~ ~ ~ f~ ~ I |~-----'~-~~'V~/I~I nave no energy; ~om~ . thelrllves. " . ' . flndobL: . . . il~tl ~--~ IUl I .li:l. IOJ/l~llllllllll! ~. m / ~ ~ I I~%itil,/ -~_~.~.:/.ill~l ; ,llime~ I gel so ~ i . . - "- . :': .. . . " • Iillllll..,,IT4~l ~..~l~#i~,~-'i~tf ~! P .t,.'7)~:~,,x ~ '*Jl~. L-~ %,¢'Vli~, i I mlllllli~~l , .te~,,.~asul.- - , . . llllllllli,l,lit~lli~l#~'~i b~'~ll~,,,,~li~-~-"_'~J ~ •o'~i 11)(ll[I;~7~llI~-I •~- ~ doctor ii~ "' '"7 ' : .... I/~ ' ~IP/\ ~ ~ "; #_myproblems are eanseo ...... ;,.~.... ,.' .... " ; ,',' • '~*',,~,~'~"'~'-"~J " I ~'-IE~" ~r ~,-'-~ o.===l L="'~*-'~: --~_--.u,'-.'l ?~liit,kimxi.ielllhg, me to<. .' '-, . , ...... ~..... ~..,...... i---- I • ~ .... ' " .... '''. ' '7')'~ t';' " liilO I~l~'1--'. . • ' "~ ''~ll'j~li~lli~lllllkllllillil • ' , .... ,,. ,ll 'ltew,,aph, , .KUIibI IUKUt , tll]l illqliin Lll " clan ShoUld treat an ...; ~ .... overweigl!_t dlalleUc?, I b 9 Eu9eneSheffet , ~ . ' . , average Irem 60 to ,70 • ' :.."i"C)/~'~: A@A#N ~.~P/~DY .~R/YlS, t.tOt.t~t.f.9~ P'FIR~'r OF Al.l., C~O~e THe~ ~::i~::i J~.ie ON~'e ~'rt~K/ vNO~VAIN'T ?HAT" calorlm a'day and still I • -

~- ~~P ~rTPXE IT EA~ ~¢d ~ ,. He.says'my only problem ACR088 ~0 Non-members 3 Scope II Ci~

f':~'~#"/i".'~Y~''~'/j~'~-~~~OOI~I~Y~~~~~~/~/I,,, i/~~~t, ~lJ--,Ai,I.NO--'l.tZ...( ~~~~.~1~/~!~., ~ .TI-iOId'. 'il" ~~I~~~ ~~l/i~ . ol--leasl!~----kidten;'lsnoinm~...y--n, downthat--°.ey notme'not I I~lmlu unto think in~wer; hog.my. won'teat heeause weightlieFmalt~" ablieOr e.- a, " 111,--.,114$1" ~ligli~oiHeaveri"Chhle~.-.--'.''--in --Woml"gear IilIlg~7~l ,~lile..era.r.neighb°r:Camero°nhlltlaill~vili.. Adailli, $ Prisoll'Cavest, --AdlmlMae°r----C~.hitg "l~,__~llll~bil'/III$ ~le~l~l~illllPJ~rFencing--Pig', no~illliiet~

t : "'" ~'~ ~ I qnestlen my 'doctor's lJfAnger.. -Ives 9lver/ !~~~~ competeueo,bare-I" ~= .__..i r ~/'~m_~ _~_ .~ ~1 ~~#~,~,~ , they,~noattention. -- $1Pie -- mede IOEatdlriner IOSallors L411,#J. me <~ ~_ -in ~,I/~~_~e_i.w~u,/~oov~ :.~oi~ . ~. " " m~mattdm eowm nGermanspamSweeUruit F:;/~ ~r~ I~H" 'e~ rol~w..- " " "': o f,0m:"~"~ous~'y°uare'ating00to "70 csl0rles a ilGreenia~ l~lrtoHa~ ~ ~.~htlli .... . - -. " " ., " ;' : day? Do you realize you ~ snlllrt ~ ' , ' 'alre lalklng'anout: 'one ll Actor I Popular ersister, II Pierre's - . ; ~ ,/ ..... : "ithick"'sllce of i~de"bread ' - O"roole sandwich forshol'~ friend . . " " itaii'i": : Orooem,tha/£a addnp,'To0ts,: doug~ut?Thl.S : . U L~vilIg[XK~ AvilligeaohitloGUme:limln. 41~llf I-I[~lililleCae~Jr'li {bY Johnny asaahlp • .. -. -: -, ..... " ~..: 7/Obviously ~you are,on- ~]A~IpipDIS~4IWL~IDI fataldate ...... ;- . . . . ' ' ' - -~ - " " '- • - gaged In a personai.~en-" II Back ol " III ' i~i' ~:" ':~"i;::i "" i ~' i ~I i I Io l "-- " ~' ' C 1 "'-"dettli~'W|th your'doctor, then~ . )ILIOIRiUINI~UlI~IL.I~I41~mdwleh • . .3 .;. "::;,i.: :.: ;.. .:" -',': " , :" . : : T't~. ~t~ 'I/OU.. 33Grope i/I~ITIEIRIBEIDI~ITI~INI, filler I C } .... i' ...... / . ' • : ".- and,y0u.o oco-- thlnk y0, he's or crdiltl,l. ~'KJISISISICIEIN~'I ISeedcolit ...... :,..,~:; : .... .: .:,..... Ae..~.~ ~,,; • • • ....: . ~. ,.....~;.j.,, :. ~ ,,/ ",, .)7.. ':-and;unsympathetic. MY ~lF.snllne .IOIWIEIIItIImLIIIAIR/ ...... i-,,- ,, .... ,----'o- "°- 'o"-'""'""": • , L:--..<-~ , I "_ : ,; . ,: ' : " ,7' ; ~r: doetO# at .once.'Nou org. tlAITISIP~TlSl I WIEI- otLabda 50 Wood sorrel ~; :'~*II ''~' I ~"~~ ; ~;~ ~:.: : "' ' ' 1 ~. i I ' ' ' "':.~" ~ :i~ "I I ' Is': ~, I=~ : ' * "I'A :.'" '~ '". ' . " ~' i ~i I "W '' never.get .your lffSplllsh ~IHII~IAITIIEIRIS'Gt/tOIWi ,l"Odeona i { t i "" I~~/~ U i,"~ 'i . II "J ' i c'-.~~ i{ :;'I~@; "':,''' " ~ .....:i'JI'" ~' . i~i;/:: ~'?r";:'i 'i welghtdowntlnue wlUi thls Ir one. you eon- 39 8eri~l~nlex .'~klDIRIEiSIP~JS~IIR~klRIEIDICSY~INI Grecian." ' ///ll ~.' ~;:~' :*;{: }*:!~'~:~dsmayseemU~ea o~endM k~O~IEIRIPIIP~I ~Vietnam ' / ~ r " .~,:'.~. : ;' ,::': ".' ...... ,"sill# egmplaint earn- llAIleviaie~ )IEt4IEIVII ILlllEIVlEIRI festival " ' ~/TI- /~¢- : ~ "/~ .... ~, ,lii~d to mint ~ou .r~. 43 Abound i NINIDb~IR~'ILIAd~NI 1 Tok~o, I I I " /J~_,~.'.'/ .,.tk~F" ." .:~!,' ~,': ";:~;.i~el_~ll~Iom .a~sll!si~, 7-13 " " III /'~'~fm ;'~t~.~ll " ' : ,'"': " .':~ ;.alld•,must uoloaG on 4~1~ ,~,, ,"~ . x'+: l~In.~le before ,I ex- lililndil Amwertoyesienlay'slwile. S4Umbrelhl •, L.._L '~ ~ • '~i. ~ ' '".me " " gultar ' 41' Fltident•n~dni.ln~., . /.~ • • . _. '. ' ,',, ' .. " "" ' L:.".." ".%- ,':,'-!..,~ '. "~.., ' '~ W WlthUlihelIIteouple, . - ' ~.. ' ' I" ' ; ' : ' '~ ' " ''f" " ' ' :r'' ~:" ;<~~ Of yeeri; SUl~m~ket

' E L " . " • ':'t '; './~elevitorop!ra- • . . .' . " ':~;:...... ". .', ~ .- Walteis, . llus ...... ' by Lynn Johnston .... ~:~:+ ...... drlvero, .reeepU "ou~.

" ' - " - '-:' , lot attendants ~ almo~l I !111tl ! i • ~w~le, ~ai~, DarU~i ,-,, I" I° !i "l ~! • .,-...... o,, II '

17 38 31 ':don't alpllelte thelr [imllladli?.Relder ' Yodlcoldd say, "My "1 II ': Ii!" / !!1 name Is Mrs.' ..... " whlch would create s ~~44 [ . 1'5 ~ 1146 -~l midden chlll and put on 1 51 53 53 Pli

f,anh, Idmalotolder ilr' I _i • than you and I. don't

home. ItwmM nol be an GPUMGvNTF LKM K'SUGTM MKF. , elillelrallou to say.

;~' :~I ~ )__~tj I~ ~ I ~: Xi" t: ~ ' i • ~" " ~~~ . ~ .I.~' ~ qlJAl~'¥esierdafs,OLD,odaysCr~toqulpelue:MequalsD.!~_i]~' -- ' II ' 1 "=' ' ' I i "A Is'

' . im me live ta a eumm leitll mid Minds for anothei, ll you tidnk tlt X eqmik O, !t" • Whose daughter• nellhbor haa wUl equal O lllolqlh~t the pulile, ~agle leltlls, lllll ~ "" .... "'" "" :-.,:: ~!~ ~,_ ;ll~"-' _ . ~i.,~s~,~m ~ ~xll i~ ~ .i~ m ~ ~,c~ t. t=tsi or my o~m two neobem vowel. 8olutlon is accomplished by trim and en~. ,~;!:::':+,~/ ...... :~:~;;,i ~ •:::/i

• .~ . • ", mroun:oi : ' aerl ce, ions : 6 : • -: i2 " CH01 eE ' ' '+ ...." ...... ' +: + ...... ':' ...... ,.area, : H ' "" :KING S::" i~;~ Tt~I + ,M!l~r!,: : ::,, ': Falt.~.~:i:~:' .!'~-. LO :': "!!'+/" '! ': Im~ 'i ~:-;~+ :~i : 'con~ .- ' con,t. ~ ',. KmGS :,.:" :Per.: amlm~'~7:,, iat~u+n~' ' s+Im ':." ;:,' co,~:.~::.~: ; OnTlmrsda.Y,J~n~3,:~t~l::,:Mx~le, Fe, t~Val,~m:Um old-: :por~ormere, ::with '.!':a". ':"~/O~:~:~"~.; :'":: con,, .; :. N~ - :New~ N+.r+-'•:.:::..+ .,. Btoo,y.. ;:',:' < Saree :..' • . Co~et'::.';:+.. .. . '+ at 3~.p.m.':at:me:Ha~p ~ .' i~T0~S; :'. St~f~ :has" l~'esent~Uon l~;:the :lm.~ ,,., ./ '. :,: !:.:/::-. +...... : u~g~enter; ~e~an ~th;,: continued .: hi~ ~ musics) FesUval .wimor~ :+y.~ am " -. ,~..~i~. far the Win ~ NErA NeC Nl~ltlY Ramlngton ' MacNell i'; excm~mal ' '~e Parade,; .. I C~'+.:::'.;: :,.: :! eoueatlonec~ordlnat~gave : Sl~d~ att~C:aJ)d~Pl,lh, selected to ~ represent : o:, ....,+.;. ,.. • Hour N~'ws ". , : Stllto L:ehrer . Chlld In. dos Chete' i : ." Con,t':. <'. , . K~O 4 NewI • TOp ':.' "CO~ Nlwlr;:.:;',' Re~iIer", . Tell, !" ~ !.~Im!t+':~::"..+:~;" i ..... : ' 4 + I ' ' F I" --'~ : ' ' ' ' ' ~' ~ ' UUnalUll aS~ : MOWd ' ..... :.an Infonn a.Uvep~. ~tuUon., :.~ollege of Musiei~ gn~land, + .Northwest- B,C, :at. the ....i,+sa,,~,~, h,,tit'. not.:+t~..:, .,V.. ~a, Nw .our story . .can't . ,.Ho~r ,...... • . cim~m Remo.I,.!' i:con't + "'+++:. . tO.... d'!]m'~e ~+~) of .s~iop,:+. :Pm~.in~ a+k~/:.~r+as~5 Provlneial. :.finals. in: ~;~'~+~,-:::~,~-~,,'., .-.:. ph'~.++' WKRP In ' Emerloln. Enter+alnm.nl Adubon ' Volcano...... Tetal.-:,. .. The :,~, '" '- ...... , ~ -,+.,~y.'c .. :'+Ke]~',n~' ":" ..... +...... ]al~ : loiJl IL)in:+ in', :; •Ph~lie em_z.em;,:::, ..: .. :. •piano tea~h:,er and. Solo • ] , .... t may, ' ' : 'r.Ri~rl~l~e at ~161: for:' ---+' C nc nnot Ton ght Tonlght . W d eta : , .Pa~ t Natlona| . : ' Man +. "* i,' .... , i , ~°t ,. Clrcus TI= Tac • Loe , Wlld : ' , Can't ~ Le Polnt :..<.' +f~m.' ~ :" ~' , ,,'" , 'L'lle:+..r o:+focus...... of. the+ ..'ps.r~ommer+:we .p]e~sed~''...... ' "are + " ; k ' t '" ' " .....'+k;: ...... ~ L' " ~ ' ...... "" I' I; " ~~B~r ~~'r1"'~'#...... " y ~t"' ' " ' " .. . ,.~ Can't DOUgh Cohnecllons,, . Anlmals.:. ~. . Can't r + ~ "m"+~ :: "~;':+ +: :'' dls~ n, was eenl+zed,on, ,,Io el ", ' ' .: "...... +,, ..... ' ' -: - " ...... • .... : :~ ..... ' : " i : . i " + .... . • ...... ~...+:+., .,: , .... , ...... , .+..~.::W come hlm h~k :to . TuesdBys • ...... "::ei~iLd~'+': ' "...... "+ .+ NHL Legman Oyn.ty ., 'Wmhmgt0n., word at ' .. Oelu: ;." ." .me'+ .+ ;:+ .,._!~? :+~U0.11 'LOI.~+.I~+~[~'!:::'I+.~" ale;:' ,:+ .:~ :.;.. + + :!, :~..+~+~+oho,mAn0~l~oai: ...... ~:::: '::i+:i ' :::;( ,: ::'+ : !:+:-. Hockey Can't ' ~'~n't ' .: "+W~I~ :.:.::: War . 20Arts " C~1#t'/<:''" : " ' " a[meu,:::~;:s~ns. ::One-'.~ :?:' : : +, :meeUi~g,,lal~ei+::pla~e/-at:: :D ~ In FilamBi"at.~ , :'O?':'.~ +4~ .: ..c~"W..r con, ~m't . co.'t - '....~ waII:S~ • can't . : :can't ••-:: con!t:.::,,~:~_ • :'s~api~i~K0f atladm;.!what .~ ':i.lo~'.:;~ ;&Irlein+il; Herltlge. • :,,• Snar~H~'Ch~hut ~8~0,' ~• ~lqPtsn'ow'in offer ~" ~' I : " ' I ' .... : ':: ': " " ' : ; "" .... " .... can't " Th. m,,es . ' vl--ry + + Con,e,,one "Ha, -,+ :-;: R,v.r/:+..:+ o~e++:~h~.:.:+:~&#~e:++:+:Fp~+ :: Sl~!.u+e.~trom +!.~/P,m.t¢.."No~ ~orobl~iat'Tmtlk- '+q':~ " Co~'tThundor : ¢on'tC°n't malarcon,t Con'tC°n't , .: world+Sell'":". Con'tC°n'r ~. I Serlli.La. , .: m't,:'!+The >+:" • friend :Was :hams eSesi + :mmie'+:0i :js~th:++~l~ . ::..IWI4By~'++~.!+/:+r:++:?++' :,: :::':: M~days. W~inesdaYS ,a°,d: :+ :.V :~+ con't, Can't . Can't Can't ". Warll , + Can't +. "C~ambro ' " OctagonS'- ' II~ ::~': :' " S "'":"" ; ': ' ..... ': ' , :-, far .... , "~:", -..~Yloa~ imm~'10p,m .io: , , . , ...... Im, ::... :.. :.,~.,,in~g; ..ehanting..and..TP.I~ ,Twos-,aslmc, ts]: .._._ , .... '--_.. ~ _,-. co.,+ T. ': Qu"+" " oro,d..:. Co.', : ' :.:-:.::: ::' ii:. :. ,"',: i :: Can't Unsolved Netlonal Theatre " :, , Can't • Papa ,. Can't. ,, . ass :Borne: I~eUl008 'I~ O'C~mi~'A,r~*iim~t .': n~ ~41i :~:li¢~,n i:M~i :"~,i-.:' *nl~"::"°:+~+ l~'m~, ':~+~ i~"~'w~l~v:!',: ':" L. Can't Con't Myolarl. The ' Co~'t . Olfforent Vlvro,n C~n't :- prevention, ie,'. exerciae,, tradiUoJml AfH~nn d~m,, ,n.~ n m" ~.,I u~i1f-'~m Cn, r ' Tuesday and Thu sdsy . . "' COn~ Con'I . , Con't Journll Con't . Undorltendlng Fol;mo + " Con't '., L: . .: ' • , . .... ~--.--.----~, ..... ~..~.. ~....~ .~.,.--; '. .~ . ' • ' 10 '+ "-- , ' .i • '-' diet, edt~allon and mguia~ ' *. " ...... : S:~0 ,p.m. to 6:~0. pro. • KOMO 4 CTV KING S Netlonol Con't • , .I " Clnems , Con't. ': :' .... "" -- ~ • ' xylophones,.' lyres : and six:.we~Im. :~,There .will be : Ple~se remembePtlmt thk ' . : IS . News Ni~vs News Nlght Flnel Con't" ' : Les . Con,, :~' ',+' wmm.:m men- imys!emn :. ihumb",piancs,' thin. group:;.: storI~,'finge~laya pmes ~..,, _;., ,, ,. ,~_ ~a~, n r i .,c NlWl The Thrl~'l Aultln + ':. ". •: • • ' Heros . • : 'Forcad•~!~;.:' i . we]'e s[re~ee. ::. : ':.w~'b~.:fhm:w~n~nn tnom.'~' nn~."~fd'~qhil;h.onm;,at,•~ .w~u. a~J], 'W ~ •~m~ ~' Flnel ' ' Best Company • " ClOy Llml~ ": ..... : . • ' n'Ont - , ~'enmm+~ + ,•: .:. Thosewho ]in~md to.t~e. ~Xeilin-c0ne] ,;*,~- ' "he:+ -,;~--;;;-';~ ' k;;': '-- ' Aembles oo~..as ]she , ' " I r ,i " ', ' I ". I " " ' . I I " " '" • ' I 1 " ~ • i I ' : L I ' ~" 4 ' ..... a~UUS~U~ " ~ U~' I ~"" I ' ...... " e H I • Tha of +. ~0ck~md,., t+Nn~f ...... , p..~i,+-.;, , Con't~"-.:~'::;.' tulkwemmes~nthusinstl¢- >The~0)n~wmh.,.~+, .a,m ~ pf+~o,~,~i.~,.. |,+: "lhemilsr°°min'th rda ,:: : Late Carson ". RollVldeo-, • Amorlcl .... " ..... -- '' ~" Cant+"; ',; ~'+WlmKrM~IP£iUusHOIMI ...... ~ "::,. " '.' + : "::;':~ ...... ::' : L" '+' " " : " '" ' ...... ' "' :' +"" "---""::'i; "I ~ + : : +:'J'~:p~- eTamiUk"~' ~; :+ ' ~ + ' . Fourmoat ...... ~"-" ' .... ' ...... '. ,::' '-',Vm'Y:';'Wlde:,.,' appeal . and advance,: Callt!~.lhrary nt ~ - ....+....., ..~ r p~, m. '"o ~ . pliow ,F~Id~Y. ~II~g A~mi~r]ca~t +:: :' ;" .` " ' I' B'" : " +:~': ~ " ' +' I'+r' "' "I ' I 'r "' + : "~I;--'+ "~+'+ +++11" ~+ ----''+ "'+' ' + + .... " " '+zm zor:,mo. ,momau n. :: + • Marls" 12i+:i: " Ng .... . ,. i , . Itls'' ;" I :~ -- I " '' ~ O' ~m' Win' ~ U" 'r' ~Z'~ ~ "" I r "'~ d:a '+'I ' ' ' ~ 4' a '" '~ ' a"" :: : a' ''' ~ ;'? ' : " 4'"'' ch .... I Vldees . , CBS L~b~ : " ' Cot ' ...... , ' " " ' ' " ; I.Inlly ' ' :'. i:, .... ' "":"' Po,ralt : co~? ...... : , ~vlo.;:.: ,: ; . ~our.+no , , Br.ce ':...... zor .'programs . L. i.' a ~ " ~z.om.;mestepi)e.n:rto ~e ,: Chbsese :C0~l.g ,.:an. au, strest ,,o of o ': . mn't ": : Carrie .. ". W :~um~a~i.ol~.t~oPr~v~:~ 3 app~,l~ontor~+ +.+at~m'iou~ 'Ca..l~,f~ the+~lOUn : oewAdvaoeed If cin,.with .. [ii::++.... Can't MIItre~ ' , . . ' Con!t • • ,. I " +-" . , • " Tears:, :.+; . ~.. o~,~,.,.~,.. ~ ,_ ., • : , ,:..., :,, . ,.+'" ~.... .: , ' I. ", " ...... i::! 'groupsol~)ple:"/.-::', ,:~.Om:~dt~.'F~..m:mem~mw;,meTmma::m+mmmmm:mr~Feb, s. :,' •SATURDAY -+: .....I ' ..! . • .... ' " M~an .~<'+l~e 'z~mUon ~-m'~-~-r :m°r+,m-au°n'ca". Ral~s brl!~ you tousle .....~ereare arm a few Slmm +: :....,~ •.. , :, 8am-5p,,: : .... + : ..... :-. .... ,. om-+he+the heaK,:OfmS< the vast ,:]efl~:lS~n Margaret Chart for eo~romamr zor:me ioe~J. :. :/:+. r+~': " .... " " stan ~n~:~ ...... - ., ' c c~sp~r.'..'addi:wo~dmu] :be ' ...... ; " .,~, :. : . Russtan:. . •...... ~ni~nt., ::: T~ ::~:.~ .~.',en~.~ :' .andand i" ...... P,mofw . . K,w,n,, mmum. ~, ':Wg+..N.:'.;:~-,;~:: Tm~•Nm.;:'ii+ .:.++..+:.'..+.::..,.~:. ml~+:'., ...... '~ Endan.++~.+:~i.:. ";++.'i~:':int~..I~...~+"+'[+'Y""+:~#~•"~+" ;,~:.. ~jO~-+a:.l~y+.;,,;:.G.++ .!.B+a~+.,~o~+;!0 ~Q' ~.'+ "~;;~.:.:..I~_;I! _Pp.~.. ~t,~SL.p'~.,~ '•:'~'+ ?.'.,'+!:'IO~+~UV~ :'S.~:.,~I~I.~.•,"+"+'r~' ~'~;: ~ :~•~""/:''~•' .... Ogo ... ~ on'.V/'~ iC0~:::',~";.:: ~ ~ :. -..+...... ~.+.<'~. .. • ;.+.... .+.,. • ' ...... '...... • +.,+. +,.. +Jfi:',~7~:/++:,.++' ,:+"~.~i*p/t~,.~++)+~]+:.<.'] ,-, ...... , .- :.,, .of f0~-',, haves]as ,re|enid: se~eral~:,-,,~Pat*:W~s'. ~w~". reached through the local 'Coffee concern: at the 'albums. Cooking clus stom Feb. 6. :30 "'- Manudo Can't Con'S Prolse Plastlcman ' Flowe.r . Reml • Con'S ' :1S. " con't Con't Con'S ttte, In'the News Story . Con'S, *' Con'S , ',r H~ ~m'"~tt~" r =t ~L "REM. Lee Theatre on Monday, Feb. 8 Thb new course feeturus The Can't • lord FIllh :,. Chorlla .. FOUfoulI' Candy " " Can't /, ~'1:" " ,-':':T .... "" ~-' 8unday.~dus~g the The DtstHctof ,Terrace ' 1:,mout~val~I~g~L~rom : .L ~,. ,i,.:t,,~ ~ ';i,i,,'.+: Mtllll Can't Con't...+" : ~-,' - Can't,. . : " . Brown ' can't,/. : Can't,. ..+ , .-' Con't ', ,,.+i. : ...... ,,: ,:~.: .,, . ' ' I ~" '1'1I 'NF: "4 " r I ~+:: :"':, fa,::';..and~,:;+Wi~L~,., L, ]~Jd has 8sked CN : Rail.: to-•the Caribean (you get ~I~+ :"", Mr. T ";: Tribal "l+eachlog ' Canadlen " Ulysse' . Con0t .... " : ...... !': a~l~its ~ be.::teelm~l in , present ',an aUt1i0-vi~aui ' lhem tel) " 15 +' Sc~0y Can't Con't Trells~ Writing politic, I 31 Can't " Menudo Can't The Amazing Skllna Magic of and • Le Vollee Can't <, : The Ten'ale ~nce, ' 'theseconcerts,pmsenUnga presentation . tlt]ed :P,+~Istorat~ver]Odl[efor i Con't Con't+" Splderman Joumol OII Pointing' Government Sacrete~, Con'r ' 10+'" , . , ,. I . . + ,.Society ie, pleased ,t+~,, .va~e~ of musI.l forlm+ ~m~ee~,di.ng t.o any" the above programs ' Can't The Incrldbe I00.,":..'. Promote . ::, World " : 'Hockey ' My :;"," :(~:' a'onounce" detalia: of .Its:,.:and/: Iollow.ln&'-,- each ,:., e~ ~. ,: !O o.e seeu,m" Or ca~ ~!!I. ,for,more; ~;li. 's~let ¢,on't •Hulk HuMI!y Prellnto '' 'r ~ War . ... Can't., , " " Dinner !., ~:'. :.:, : 11!-:' r~z~rlcsn Can't • Thunderr" Stre~ ; Woadwrlghtl ¢On,t.i, '..... : Con+t :" ':".:Wlth;:;'~:?:':,( , Bandetand Can't .... Canal 'Cont. , " Shop .: ::',:/ 'can't "" . ' Can't "+ ' Andre'.+" ~:~; '.! .V~r''A" ~n~:~., ~at 'P~ • .:}: wail, be o~I~ ]oi)I)7 SO you "ZllY,'m,ImKla. ' t ++~eO" Y ' a~ ''7:~ "'+ "~'"';'+[ '' "''17"" ' ~" ''" +" '+'4+'': ' :'%" : " --'- " " can meet the artists and P Thls room m abe to runs '1:q:lJ " can't Can't ~1-~ s~m A House. Growing Can't • Can't P,~M Lee "£'neaum. ' aecomm W~nter. Carnival Can't ' Can't .College wsekand • for all Selmolls Years . . Can't . " Can't . (.~ : .; •' .'~. , . frfends for e chat . odate.. • Friday, Saturday and I '+ 'SI .-y Can't Bllkllbetl ~'t r Tony ' Home " ' Can't ' . . ' Can't . ." • approximately 25' people Sunday, Jan, 37 to 29.-Them" - ! Basketboll Con'S Con't Con't "Brown Gardener Con't. ... con'S ': ' " 4. Trolka BallalalkBs. ~ftorwarde. Each ~ncort and it Is requested that " Saturday, Feb. 4 ,Evoking .w~l.~ nb0ut 0m"hI'long are:many,; many. em,enti- ' " * Up Can't .can't ' Can't American .' AC . .Can't ,. , ' The '- " images of Czarbt Russia, andthere.~lUbea~cherge addr~eee advise Ralph comeon'~ind:~dn in on the, Can't Con'S Con°t Playhouse Clrculto . Can't Prlzetlghter • 'E~loretlon Can't Can't Can't Can't . Voyage Bagatelle .. Can't ," this unique grouP, tohelp offset expensen - K~natthedlstrietofficeby ee]ebrat[oI. . . . Nerlhwe~t Can't Can't 1 . Can't Can't Can't Can't con'r ,. traditionally dressed and ' thiadete.' .~'~Events vary from Klds

" ' ' " r " .TuesdBy, Feb 2 " ' I~l[a Paces Snowmen "" ~ .... ~" P-AG Can't IlU|U.A~dy Con°t con't " \ Deslg~Ing " Con't " :. Con'S '.'..,:" playing a range • of ...... " • . , ' ..... ' " , .~..:.+ ...... ' ~nlom Con't WIIIlems r Can't " ,, can't . Home latlrlOl~ con°t • . can't .. . Chomplonlhlp. Can't San Dle~ . COlYt " Ins de the : Freehand . Autoi~r Can't, , . ' --...=- .:-.I ..;;.- e~-- .I.- mIC-riiIvai wu~ere;:. +L aGVILnOD zor me,-'l'orraee .to:Hoekey Tournamenti, 12+,:• . • , , Con't Con't OPen , . ' • Can't "White Ho~)se Sl~atchlng, de Monde Con,t/':' ". : ...,. •mu~,~ . +...... -pu-..u-s . ~.+m;; .m.- 'TheM,-leFes'.... rival "always~ ' . Public.' Llbrary' 's. '"- The ' Sn~...... Golfllnd ' Snowball" toa heart OX that vast eonu~e~t ,, ,,c Con'S 13-M' Stir Victory . Introdoclng Lae " ' InN~or' ~ • .'. 'produces some"" very' .~. iC.Carpet heldevery W~tiOrlve and a Trivlal • SportlBeSt can't ' College ' Trek • Garden BIOlogy ' Hares Gadget ' • Pro • Can't . B~Vadl~ll Con'S Jacques Gurdsep 51nell du .",, Con's " ' . ,r • talented students in various . Tuesday.. at 3:30 p.m.' until " Puriuit Contest and the .45 Bowlers Con't Con't ¢on,t Pol~In. ,Bolns , Sam,dl . Con'r :". 5. Steffan Weguer. Pluo.- categories '.-* ,. of the March:13. There are ev~.ezciting Cabin Fever ii,I';'" -':" ..... Adut 1.8:. :." ~ __ '' , : Saturday, Feb.':;18 .Santo p,erforming:..url+., .Thls. stori~,:pi~l~Is, filmstrips Dun~epl~muchmolm:18, !A::.~i I Tour Con't .;:.., Can't " Can't : Can't~on;t. " TBATe~ ~'="Contact .: LItarecy ,' 5emalnl- ~ L::t ' ,'~:;~ " ~ winning:::,~he :, Knights 0f ': ~P.il~ s ,~e~. will glVe ' ": . and :::' g~ :; ~e i~, an " ~- ~ ~ " ' : ' ,+ : . r}',, .....' ~ :: 4 "f':~r IIl+:m:;,II .I~:: '~'.'i ~" : Con'tCon,t Con°tC°n't" ' " ' I .can'tC°nq , TDA.TBA : , A~leNmmon",' . .GmhFor.t ".: ' "li'O,ow,earfom~"":..Ch,~. '::; . Coiumblw .:award twiee~at;:,- 3m u gn.oRgortiml~.t~'i~..,/:.chUdi~n f~m ag~6 to:8~ "!~~eleSrite :::the ;:Winter: ~ ' " Con t t "' --P ' ,..'. _...- ...... , ...... !" :,, the:,;.P.acI|!o~:NorthwiI :: ~. Imm+!the:but.~. flm~i..'!: i~aR~S~,..No'~a~e, ';' ~m[val~~tb m~t- :,"+:,", • +"?:" ~:"::~ .... " -.c:-",: ';'~:j:;.:(:!',~:~'-':~."; .',:; ': "i, :~:,+:.,~. .... ~ " • ' ,.., :• •," . .

• ,,, . : ,

.i..~:.:;'.'/~.,:-,.... ~ •, " , '' , . &• • • • , : i! ! ': •'". : '

• I : +;::, : : : :. • FIRST "::':: :i':' , :. 2' iiii 3:"::/ FIRST !~: ~ J'L i' I: ~ ~. I' 1 '': I ' :: '':'CHOICE' • . , . , • , ...... , . , "CHOICE:. " .. ~ ~: ',,,. .',.., • + • " 1

Kiwanis KING 5 Hockay The NI~V other : D'HIiI" ~ ' ' " The , .The ' '.". ,F Olympl~l, ' ' KING S .( CBC, I:" " "I "I : ' The Real ~. Story : , :15 World •so+d . Immmo'r ' Auction ,News Nl0ht' Tach Tlmes Worl(l " ' b " . Last ' ! :i5 SupUlINPi- : No,4 . " Nm ,, " Book ' R~gefd Gadgol , i~ of Con'S NBC In' . Sneak Secret O*moln. Chela .i '-, , .;3O,' Men . ' The ',, Third '. "Ltt+lOONmvl." . :, ' ,•Wlld. Thlng .,,',:" " - Chlldren of • Con:~t " , Can't ., :'~(S,.-~,:.~' ~lo..r~ con'S NeWI Canadl• .. Provlewl , ' REtI~N~ .' Can't... Can't . 11 ~ Can't . " : Immorllll,+ ~ World . , t~ the RKll " Amirlc~ ,,: , FI~ M.tn~ /.. C~t'.. ", Con't i .... ~' I ~IF ...... d " k ~* ...... #:: ~ :", , : I I I ...... I ,~;~:, ~,.,:, c~.t Weskond Entlrtoin.' : '~; :'i ~1'~ I J' r: 1 Frontllne .i .ljnderltlindin~B Jml~ClS [: 'T: iS I ' L ' Can't News Thts.We~Enterlain, ' Can't:COn't'",, ...... :; Can't " . • Hum, Bah. +, Con'l. ; Beaetm.tor : .i r : ~O : ~ : ~ :i "~l~C~,t . . '' N~: " " : ~ ' II i 4 "~mt~t I ~I~ ~ ;r ; ' ' ~'t . : I, ; I ~d B~ L " ~' ) :~10.' ,',;.+ ' KOMO 4 .+ .Hour Re~i~~ , , Gmm/~ . Dmmlere, ' " Can't., :d5 N~I Con'S Thll W4H~ Con'tL ~:'" :.'" can't Introd,.to': ~: +Can't:- can't :' :4.$'-:,.;, ! ~l~o~rl . ' KING S . : .wolf • -,' End:t " " to CoOl.lOre Con °t " Computerl con0t "- can't .- ./ :i can't • ' ' Meg "SIne -, '., gleaN+: , Human , .. Introduction., "de prime "i can't " ' , ' i , Domestic R.E.V. """Can't '. • Nature Buslne~'of " Lo (~:~ ' ¢.~n't + ' "ii i~. ' R~hly'l "+. RIplIy'I' .: 't~_dlY '" I~ocr.o : Thi"AIINIw', BulinIllof Courl ". COWl ' Lifo .- ~.:~:!5 • . with R,E.V. Can't' • ;. " can't Management Mane,' '" Can't " :: ':15"' " Betleve Eelluve" Nlgllt '-~ An" .~.." ' ThllOd Hauls M|nogtm~. Circuit Can't Just R.E.V. Can't , .- - Con't' : . : Children of do:.~ '" : Con't I ~: Itor .' " It or , . . '.o| ~ Amerlcln ,'. NAnty • Invllting Ln i~7 Ma~ll Kidding jl Can't R.E.V. Con't ':~" :" Con't • FireMan. ___....DIIrlKv Can't • ' , , ,: ' Not. • Not .~ ..'.: ' Mavlll "" Profile ', Pylhon't' :" In the .'s. B.ux Can't

T,J. olfferlnt TIll ," "• wild ~ ,N'0ve ' ' • ; Clcema... Spilt " n Is I'~erdclltll" Knlgll' ~ Gary- r• • Wildlife DImanchll Kill '8 T.J; Hooka'r Strokll Tommy . ', ', Amerlce:- .: Con'! • • King ,, . • Image ~ ~.i :.: : und. ,; Rider' . collmln Rider.!Knight.' +,": NolurlNetUrl' " on One Con't Con't Con'S ' • McCormlck KnlIfit Can't Con°t .... Noluro The Le C~Ot sHvur Hunter Hltchhlks~s Can't , Kong Can't IW' 145, , Cont. Rlder' Can't Con't Spoons stlow Oulde Can't ': . Can't Can't Can't " Nature Questorl Thlalournol Can't Aced. " M0vlo ABe • Scerecmw : Can't " • . 6uoday, ', • L Mllterpleol ' Vl|ta Lu.. ; , ' Conff perf. • of • Night-.,- ',,.\. , ..,Nature". " ...+..War ~ame " Can'to,+++ ' Can't, Sundsy , & ~ r'L, ~ , Con't .' NI0ht" '" Thlltro ' Con't BeljJX , ...' Con't Tha ant "i:S+ ~ thl Movie ' . of .... , Body In Con'[;..: Con't n ~L Nlght r'. Mrl.. . can't * et the • , Malt~rplece Can't ' Olmlmchll . Can't Making • WHk MAVIS 91.:? Can't• '~ :' . ., Thlngs ~,.. Question Can't' ,. • ' Can't. King., .~ Can't Movlll "'" ThNtro : Can't • .,, Can't-., Can't " War d Can't • Meaty Can't ., Can't ,' First • . .. ~ all ' AmazonI ' : W.$ " Can't World" " ' Odylsey Visions ' SPort Old :15 Lslund War Cml't -: • Pytllon's Can't ' • . Can't ' Choice ' •. ,1 -II :IS. con,t can't -, Can't , War . Can't •. Can't Dlmancha ~Yfrlands ~ . ' Con°t • III C~l't * ' *. The Dick, World . ' • Le Tell, . Rocks ;.. 'I |1:30 Can't • ' Con't ,. " Can't III : " ' 'Con t . ' The ,e.+ cinema . can't " Con't .. I Con's - .Con'S '.", / : Emery Show Buolnen Nouvetlos./, " The -'+., , II IIF.:6S. Can't ' . C~l't ' ~ ', , rron't ' .' C0n't -+ ' " Conft Cola : '1~ • , , CoN;t" .

CTV -. + Nell • .' ,*- :Prou, Affilre O'Clock Nevn , . , , Clnen~'l .... "?' Band : * , "el 'Mr , KCtMO 4 Nlwo CTV NIvAI :... KING $' National ' Ouchlse ' War ' " ;com~ml t ..... ~f~;t ".-'. " .c_ Nm ., ,La.: i r ~ ~ ~ I~r= n ' ~? ] L~ : 15 ABC'Newl NeWl L ~ ' Nawl : - Nation's B~,,.. of : " , • Game ; / aux .' Can't • ,I.+ N~ Hour Saturday ' " , :Starduet:'+ The Paul -. " '~ Flame ~. • Back ~..;, &I :30 • ' Fourmolt " Hour " " : " , KING S ' Night Final " " O,ka ..... " P|Kll L can't ! i .,u,.,Can°t Final Night • '~l'hutro """ . Hogan Show "" ' FIIc:L.. " " . Can't. ~. ,- II :45 " Movie ' , Final " S Star Movie Sporlttlne , . Strut 'i ' " ' - ~ " L: FNU / " " C~' t "

• " ' Can't The Late Con't : can't . * ",.,~ .' " r~* : &&:i: " .vleFourmest Show' Can't + ; Mldnll~y- ~ . Colt ' '. '" ' Can't .- .:', . Can't ::~., II:3o ' ,. -. Show: , Cant " " -Osvd ' ' "' "" 'I Fdmlrcelfl ' Love • I ' Can't ~o~:lels . 'C0n't ' " ' : '.' ' C~n°t*: ' ",'.. :. Can't . ~,~ .!: I fizz, Tl.mo ' " l , ' ~ Can't , , " ,.+ ~uk nd " ' " Parle • can't .+:I ' *.. c~!t,

l The The :11 . Rolncernollon Band Can't Satul:dly' . Movie . . - ' n~ ~.~ "I :15.: ' i NeWs'" " of , Can't ~ " + ;. The • " : " - ,. ~:N of Pater Wagon Can't Night ' In the Heat . • Mouffn" : ". " MY Bloody . : l_ ;30 I Can't ', . the I ~ )t .' I I 1 .... uemo for '~ L' :4~/" ~roud Hiwall " Can't Movie, ' ...: of,.lhe Night.. " ' . Police " ~./..'; ~ollatlno + i: im :~ . . , 'can't, j . , Nsef ~"" " ' i C~n't: . . ;, , , ; . . Driver • '11 " " ' ' Vulh~rse '

i i , • ~ ~:11. ~.'," Reel to CroatlVOHlmdl.. " The • KlrMatll . ,: CBS+- . Vetorlnlry " W~ ' I L ".I Flr~a rd ., " O. ':15 ' " :Good, ' "" . Canlds. . Today, . FImF I :; /~rnlng ' ' •" ~'' i*' ; '/ " ~" Tne i' ' , -- ~III~Uly h : :Codeland :' , 'Nlwl Modlcln~i: . :lePlc }:~" '. ':i, .15 :' O":3O•':' .,Morn,l~3; :. AM: ', ~'; ' . ShoW,. Jlmmy.".i: Nlws .... , ...... :: :*, '::~ ;:""•~i::;i,:i<'!,: ::~ AmllllHJr.* + Con't. .~I~ :M.' Can't " MlrlcllI~ I ' Vancouver' ' " I ,.I' C0nq~ ~:' ,L :me "Can't. Con'tCon't'. ',::.. "" Parloul,•Pea' ,:':::,: . theJImmy, .145 ' .'+: AmerIP'°•*:C~ll~.,." / ' .: Cont.Co#t ' ' "" con'tN~I :,. ." -+- Swogserll00,..~ :,• NlslerRogers ' I"~ r ..~;.;" .... . ~ : ' ';'; 'L' " ~ '" Conot ' ~' " .L ' . ~- r r , i , . . , . :'~ :.." . 'i 'con't '.

[a.;,,. ~ ' K;~iwv.-;d. Rex ~.~l~ll, ' IIrl~iIQ " Cl~a'urlll " Magic . L * lie .Jill;" " I L Kid 'IS. ' ;'- ~0-MIn~o . w.at~ ~,,~' :',, Nu.ttay ~:: Fio,,,,r ': : ..... ~'t Can't • Humhord M|gl¢ 111141 :. ", ' 011111 Hats ' #USe gnlur Can't Wo~o~ . .con0t . . company ' stmat., i,i .,. story:' - ~ ,'? :, :, NarW Peter Gardening lord and Secret Can't ' g::30. The e~e Can't ..... con!t, . . C~'t deumt Math for ': ' En ~vamtnt can't BOyS Pl~Mf Gardening - ' est, Smell Rlllrosd I Cont" " " .:45 of Night . Can't ' ~ ( FrlmldW' r , ' StrUt ,' M4)dem Klving Sur Le ~ Can't . ' ' Cont. . Con'S Can't . ~ , .... , . . , , . . can't • i -- 1~13.14 Old " :' ' Gernian , O,E.O,', ". ProPO$'~',S 'r Atplne- , ~I'+I, ',, : Bona....". Con;t,,' , l~e;:i*.. :'. C,nldlln,. ,AII'~AlmuI.Y0U l=ll~ll01.e., .+ P';lll:. . , Mallow' Onnv Schuller Colllgt rlme ' ' Pro ". .Cgn't ". ConmK-fion kl10ols ," WrltaChi'nn+l ~K!I~II•". "', l+Irloutw: ash., ... LSS Chlldren'l ~orld ' Mare ' ' ~con.~"~ Ski I II;.u' m.,~, gseketMlll Got~ll . ' ' Socctr G,E.O, /, O~and.v:' '. School I,IUI:~'4 LoyinO ~, Oetlnltlon - Or~Wn ;: , Mr, .. ,'," l'(voPluIYou Im

I * . n . " ' n " ~ ' n . : : P' n" ~'' , n ..... d, ] ' ~, J , n " " : " "

, ~ , ~ . - ,, .,~ , ~.-~ ..... :~,, ~ . ~. : >,.~,:. ' : , ~:~,',!::,,~ ,. ,,, .~ ~,: -, ~,, ., : .... , . ~ ~'

. , - , ...... ,

* t

:•:Q U ebr • : ec:•.i. :/;:/';i::::: c on se rv:i••?, at ivell:,, c,/ a nd,dates•,• ••: •:•: :•••, ! •• •remain . L • ,: • unet

.. ~idreney,last falli.is about :agal~Isttho~,~workedto ' group S main pre~eupation ' ': chalnnan-of,: the.t~01)tieal .. It has a :.tradition el sold he would like to be a "totxplreandthere'Js's:..: ,.. ~. sty., no: .defeat...... '. [he*!i~d~1,..ihatnow -,; ...... ' these days;* aee0rding.. • t~0ne. !'~• Ixansit. ""'~"'":: commmsLon~,*':"::'; ": ~':, ....and ' naming,• • ' ".th~ :' pinnm.... .'-~:" Its eandldate"- ' -" here• " : slKn '..... r.~f . hlgh~'~fl]©...... we...... wm be the..- ]ast...... ones to uo, ....member, ... Is to. nell.... .oovm .. ~.... f 0' r,mer- ':rl ght-h ...... and-ms "':n t o h oposon{~uebe~!ieutenants..:..... g" .... SaysRoy.,,AsfarasIam," Quebeeeaswililngtoe~hin It (to,'Brian:.::Mu~oney)/ . nomlnatl0asfor frien~ a~nd. VMayor.'Je~ Dral)ea..it-He , - the.late finanel~ Marcel eoneerned~- hls options are on., ~e'~ i~'0gress!ve..~.Con: ...]~,,iudo~1:s~. d::::::.:: ! ,.:, .. , he_lpi~ :fLq~.,¢i0.g;,.',. ,: retln.n~:,eaLlK:to~,~)i.[era,.... Faribault in the. 1960s;ahd-. Ol)~n." .'. -

• .~?:~?.:",i.:•,.ne.~: °un¢l• ,. T~.~,.Yaltylq~,wordthat-! ::,~.em" .I~,/S .:i"';..ineLude:.: •bUt.~.fuses to diacU~:-hiS : MPClaude Wagner'l"!the" .:' ''. • • ' " II " J~ ~~ ~' r II • ,~:.~-,,,.m~.v,.yv-:~: .comiogrmost:.uaportan. t,jn'.. Jacmme,t,avigne ,tormer .future!p01itlcal jnt~fl0~s 19'/0s--who don'tm~xl~e ---~: "- . ' I/ ~" ",",:'" .... ----" II Wire a~ ,teaernl elecuon. ' my pollt!ea]~ '~i/0cabulmT., aide to' Qi~eb~'s only Tory . Refl~fln .0n as' ~' ~' .: results " ' : "': x'. • : " °

'per, P . . .. . ot~ueoecs_ ...... point . m ,a.i~uoushed .... "in-,:eanmoate.m.me- .. .. ::_ .,. -ri~ng.of ..... hays not " .worked ..... oul .. s~: Iopun6n.... :. ubh: ue.,.:~ 'of -.:C;le~,o.-. • . es~,,~Lv~,,~. , • 'Srldings,•Ulepart~ al~ terviewthis.wee]~whenhe Lothiniere seuthw,st of b~liUse •"the fdm~da'lo " Mo-tr,,I I.,~,~' ,h.~ ~T.T~tI~SS~I~, Fin r .... ' 4 " a " ~ ¢'' " . , ' " d k . " , ...... " , I ' .... ".d n ..... ~ ...... d. T " . " ' !i /I , ..l~IrS..~attt.actmg.f.owof :said: "]'he.re,:.=ren t two Quebec City, L' I : ' "p ' n : I n' W~ ~S~ 'a,d wedldnT Tories*oiddget35peroent.. ;.tAP)=.Here is a..hst ot II " The OallyHerald ' - II / me.weu-lmown me m ngu~n .,camps in..the Conservative'. ;:.:Denis has leLitbo Imown .: "manage. to.(e6nvince. the of the popular •v(Jtei:in • :{:c6nviets executed since the |, -- 3010 KIIwII1 St,' ~ ",, || -' .;.n.eed~'t°.-br-e~'~e~beta! ..~r~y.Th~.e~k~iiee~ainp:Its``...he.`wants.~.run.~in.1:the~.el~t6r~ite?~`~.;`This../tlihe~quebee,"anine/ease"iff~,~:.,U~s'supremec°urtall°wed II , ' . : " II .'Str~ox~,on,gue~..:/.,, ,.leader.i~ B~lan-~Mult0ney .:'wotklng: class,:. M.optreal ~.' around, he~yb~thep~y, ik~.. per cent' s~ee,the .dextral, states to restore "the death .... . :~ tar If~ appsar~. ::mat a,d its .most ,.important ridlngof St.JdcLmes:~khlie :•:on'the ionk0iii"f0'r "'nA;i;i~:" =1=,,;~, J~, ,~ L;,~. "O =~ .... ' ; tmnaltv in 1976" ' mal~.y.'rOtYo~l~ial~rs:{md s{npPorier i'~ Joe'Clark."• Beaudoin says.he'intei~ds'to.: with-:~:~reo~,-,'.-~:.::"i ..."~-":.- -B" .... .•,.,,,~.. a~,,,.,,,..,,,..y..• : '. ":I Ga -• Gilmore 36 " " b .....' ' ' ' I " d ' '...... ": " " ' ; " ' " I~ ..... P ' ; ' " O ' ' " ' ' '' 'I" ut the.eho!ee, of,,ean.... W , . aek-roqme~ urewilling tO SEEK NOMINATIONS ,.. - rum m the Eastern Town- -_While P,oy -haS made it didates will be a key factor executed Jan. I?, 1977 by a •VANCOUVER, B: C:,: CANADA .come ~to, e:the..o~:. "'"m_th " Dams-was"1 not rp!urmng" shilm.riding of mehmond, clear the 'patty will, .n0,.. EvenMulronev,from. whois. . .tiringsquad the. in .Utah for .quest't0~.nommauons...uut hls,calls to reporters this Ap/u't from, party. :.longer be run:as,a .pdwite Bale;Corneas on the"noi;th.... murder.of a motel elerk. thlsdoi~:fi6t'botherBe~;nard. : ~: , ' ' " ' '-" ' """ .~ , " : "~ - ""-' ..... ' ' . ';'.~:" .- ' 2..:John Spohkelink, S0 • Roy, .Mulropeys ..Quebec...... ,. ~...... - ..~ ...... :': ... ,. ...,: . ~.l~.trn~m~U.vo~ lq~* in

' ' ' " ' ...... ~n'' 'I' n ~ ' ' ' " n' P 1 " "'~" ''I 0 ' .... 0 e .... Rodda for.the murder of a 3 DAYS:2 NIGHTS .Jloy says •'~,e`isi•n0t,con- • ~ "' • " q " " '~: : ' L;'~ '~: " '.... ~ vei ""i~ ' n'on ' ' ~"'~":...... :' '?': "~ ''°" ""*~'~*" " ' :'"'" ' : ~: !;~i~,.:.:.:.::',..:".,::::. '.,"~'- " ...... " ' ...... G ...... *-- ...... : ape .... : /" '' P ...... ;I ...... :'' " ' '': I ' " [# ~ ...... ' ...... ,o ~ ...... 3--; ,J~.. ~B]shop,~ 46, k.o~ ean~at~ a!,ee ~e GOU)r~, ]3C (CP) = ~tho~h not antbenticated,,: :~M~y •0f li)e decmen~ somedamaged hv water ~d executed In Nevada's gas .coming else.tieR "'IS going.to .. colloeUon'of Nazidecan~'ts fodnd In the attic of 'aB.C .. :~me shewed up by mice; "seem to' be ~rsonal corresvon- chamber Oct. 22, 1979, for won yam Ixopm WhO farmlmuse may offer an unusual glimpse into the highest dance between high-ranking Nazis; said Cundliffe "The the murder of a newlywed. •have a...fo~owing~ in:,their i...... c • - - ...... own mllieu: """. ,::::~";::,:'.:".'. I ¢~l~'°f"~e'~"'1~'irdReieh'.':-":" "' : ' ' *~' "" e011ect!0n c°ntams:*mv!.tati°ns' letters of thanks,, pnd . 4: Stev..en. Judy, 24, "'This. Is not nee~Hly..: 'rnem°rem~3'°°°m"tifa"ctswerehiddenalm°qt4°'~/ears c0mmendations frnm the:leadership to part~ offieiJds~ ..'. electn)euted,Mareh g, 11181, hlgh.proflle.,ugo.b~Fred:~litess.er,A:Canadlanmilitaryintelligenee ' REARSIGNATURE" ." .".' ."' " .i in .Indlana for killing a done oporative'dm'!n'glthe ~-'e0iidWorld.War~ .".. :.. Amongthereproduetionsshown to reporters'were COl~ies woman and her three eandldates.. " "~: '::';. Sehiesser~-'wh0'.ret.um~/:to farmlng near this..R0eky 'o.f a.brief greeting..by Eva Braun, Hitler's IongUme eh~.dr~. k English Bay hear Stanley Park • '~mpHceting ..matters is Mo~n eo .n.::m....~ity,:kept~iS:fax~.d~/:i n the.dark.:a.~tl.hid . mistral, scrawled :0ii'!~e.baek'of a calling card.0,ther ". ' . an ... Coppola, .38, 1755 Davie Street Phone 682-|831, / 'the, :~,lli~gerblg:':' '53i~ess' exThz~en~esandh~t:heaequit~d:thed~eun1ents~s~ip~.-eards~ea.rth`e.signht.~`e`~fHelnrl¢hHimrn~er.;lea.der~f~e::``eIectr~.ted:`A~::~,t982 ' O~lli~ Nlal~ ~am4.41BoGIk ,.gm~ --,.all~ .im~,4me.alm~.41i~. mm,o ~ "from last " year'S:*:::Tory from EUrol~e before the efid:0f:the~wm;, ~. .... r ':; ..... ' sS', the Nazi nart~,:s'milifiirv arm ' ' .. : .... , . " in 'Virginia for*. killing the leadership battles in'Quebec - The family, led by daughter'Julia'Cundliffe, found the A card fro'm /-limmle~')sTwife, ' Marga, congratdlates wife of a car dealer. " DOUBLEOCCUPANCY '[ SIHGI:t OCCUFANCY (2 people'- 1 bed) . between :.L, M u!~ney,a: material .and began'sorting ~ugh At afte/'. Schiesser's~:/' Gorda'Bormann onthe b~th of her daughter. In another .: 6. Charlie Brooks Jr., 40, [. backers and Joe :: Clark's death,at age•80 last August.* ~L~ '':i/'. " , ": .: ' note,.~ B0rmann.,himseif~!thanks :a, party, official for ;A~lled by lethal injection • loyalists, headed bYlatTer, ~.. ~ han~ulof photographs and s~me Copies of docui~ents - congratulating him on hi/Gbirthday. • "...... ,:" Dec'. 7,1982, in Texas for the $63,50 MarcelDanis. • ,:'"".... were shown to' reporters Thursday ~ one...... type-wrltten'1937 *.... letter, Furst " yon.... Bismarck in- murder of a used:car $97,50 MAP. SYRATEGY ' " I ~ I , P ...... I ." I r I ' ' " ' ~ " " " V " S ..... ~ I ' • per person ) • More ":-- :" :.:L.._ Cundllffe said in an mtervmw, the coLlectiOn contains • vntes another party boss,to a deer.hunt at his estate, I alesman,/- I , •plus 6% room tax ~..~;.,: , ~.,i~'~u~ . ~'~."W.'..u~ aboutd)AS:papers, more : than. 2,000 pho'tos,. .several lbooks; . Severa]copies dealL~with'rnUtine Nazi, party matters, 7.. J0hq,~Evans It, 33 'plus 6% room tax :.';~t;.~a,,.=h;~,~' :'''~" ~'~ n,,;,=;,:~=,'/~,".v,' "' '~' "" m=" pamphlets.and...... photo albums' ~ ~" ~:' :' ,= =e'~ ' ' '=• ' "';. r* " : ' '' e '...... suchasprogressonsattmgupapartyoffmemPadua, "" ' • • Italy, electroeuL te d Ap ill'..22, 198,1," ~*,~[o"~'.~,"~.'~_~'.~.':,.'ff:.'..",.'."~ . Twool~.ealbumsbear,thesignaturesofRudolfHess,.the in ~9~,, .: '~/_ . . , .:... . L '':"..... in.Alabamafor themurder . . September 30th, 1983 thru April 301 h, 1984. •., m~. ~^y,:i=~m.:,a . deputy.l~derof, Gonnany untllhe!made d:n unauthorlzed ~ "Cundliffe. also show~. three reprodueti0ns of Hitler-;: of 'a'p~iwnbroker.. ' ~ulml v v& ~.~xJl~ JLU,p al&~141.14.1, - • .... ~ ' • , , • ,. , '' " ~; - " . -.. -" . " ~ ' ' - based on availability (by resewatio.n 0sly) L' ' '-- . • r;' ~" Z~ ...... 'peaee flight .to Britain in .1940, and'Martin-Rormann, a .:bestowing.medalson party funchonaries . .... 8. &mmy Lee Gray, 34, ...... , . # " * • .... . 'k " . # I" r I I ' executed •r~..t,'.~t..,-^..map strategy torme:next ,' .,~'::~-=-':: powerftd behind-the-scenes figure still believed to be alive: ',' The photes Cundliffedisplayed, most stamped byBerlin' Sept ' 2 ,. ,1983, in L . ' .

:,Clark loyalist " ; i~l~t "r • ft" !n .Sou~.hJnerica...... ! :- ...... • ... ,. photographer Hemrmh Hoffmann, mcluded some of'senlor , pp.. g s ,chamber • Above I~el~des:" L r .'_.._.'.:__'•'~_----'.,.,:...... ~'. ~: ?' Many0f the album.photos are of'the men's families, said ~NaZi leaders such asHiininler, air fores ehief Hermann ' for the murder.of a three. memoers OX me group wpnt " ,~, *. b ' ' : . " ' : " " : " J ' r : ' = ' ' ..... " " '' " g " ' P '" " r 'Jq~ ' year-old irl G;,,,...~;M,..;..;;~=.;..:,:-,t;L Cundllff¢:/r - .;,. :, ' .' ' .... .;. Goeriilg and pr0pagandammtster,Jeseph Goebbels. :. g • • - .: • "~mmm©un='Y~uaz~'m!~lmt~,.... ~.~.. ,, ...... "/:...... ' " '," '~ " '" "' "" ~'" ...... ':'" " " ; '" ' "9, ...... Iqnh~rt r.tiltlli~nn...., ~ ... dr goautiful Guest Room . : ,,, :-, QUe~.ridinga,,,whereo,the~...... :~"~ ~ I:~ ...... • P"n ": ":"n " : ...... n " L " ...... : ...... : ...... ' ...... " "~ " ...... "~;" 'I " " n " ...... e]~.tree.fl~rl .Nnv ~n- llJ~;_q. Odds are best "I b " ' I " I ' " " ...... m : " I I ~ I + I '" ' : ' ' I ~ :..... " r ~ ' .... m .... ' ' " k " " ' : .... : : ..... : t( r .... m Florida4ortheshotgun A, Steakor Seafood Dinner -Cons[fuet~)n executive Jobs clanms comou wnn .., o,...oo,o '. : : " ," i_ . Rene.. 1- Delarue, :.former :...... ~ ~ ...... ' " assistant manager. . ,.:., . ... , .•*:.- . .. . dr' Choice ofBrunchat Bibbm's ~ finance "director :f0F the 10. Robert Wayne Williams, TORONTO. '(CP) --: In.the battle for dominance in the structions that make Macdo its tricks elicits adjectives like • on Sunday :.Clark . .o,rg.~')Izat!on, in personal computer market; Steven Job$is convinced he has "elegant"and "beautiful." 31,' electrocuted Dec. 14, v(;~,ebee,say s the group does . awinner. !lm ' "m 'L ..... a "" " "REAL NEAT' . .. 1983, in~..Loulsiana for the " " "-, or not eonslitute a" parallel The ~-year4)ld ch~iirmun of Apple. Computer Inc. of "- Jobs says ,,,i consider it a real neat thing to be able to get killing "of a supermarket ,organization to. 4he main- • Breakfast 2 Mornings at Checkers Cupertino, Calif,, says most of his life for the last 18 months ' 'up'eve.ry,m0rning and get to work and hang out with all the guard during a holdup. str~ one, now.in the firm • hak been devoted to the development of a machine named crazy ~t.ists that ~id this.'~ ...... , II, John. Eldon Smith, 5S, Imn~of Mulroney loyalists. I Macintosh.' ' ' " ' . ~ Ft : " I '" Appies last major product offering( the Lisa introduced L;electrocuted Doe. 15, 1983, "we: : _e~...... e.a group L ' ' ' p " Twin Beds $5.00 extra - .... of • Now.that the new comp*uter has been~reieased, he cannbL : in JanUm'y 1983, hus~'t sold as well as expected. J()bssays :iii GeB~gia for ~e murder of friends :'~have,: l)een stop singing Its praises. ":We'are so exc'lted about this; and..the Maciniosh, Which is aimed at the 0ffice and University two newlyweds. meeting regulai~ly over the everyone that gets theii" hands on it LlS:falliq.g in'love with markets,'retails at,$3,595, about a third of the price of the • 12. Anthony Antone, 66, • . , past ...:10 . years., around TOLL FREE IN U.S. 1-800-528-1234 ' . DanlS;!'..says; Delarue;:who It." '". . -.-.:~.,.: . top,Blitheline Lisa, ' " "m " 'L ' : : " J ' " m m " " : ~ '' ---- :•f0rexecutedari'anging the inkillingFlOridaofa Jobs;onaNoi;t5 American tour toi'ntx:~uceMaclntosh to .'~:. i ," :" ' : i is not hLmself.interested in • ~ ' . CANADA112-800-268-8993 ' ' : running..,'. .... Apple's dealers,, said in' an" in'terview ::the i machine will ~ ~ddcfl0n of Maci~tosh is under way in Fremont, Calif. Private investigator... . become "the third milestone product in the ii)dustry, '~ after The. Clark people Were t~e Apple II in 19?7::end',the:iBM PC in4981:: " .. "0ur::~hallenge is to 'build one of these things every: 27 . ' . ' II I involved in some '.tough "Thewaythis thing is put together is radically differeni seconds," says Jobs..' . ' " • : :.. . battles, with the Malroney from any other lmi'sonalcoinputer," Jobs says,: rattling off : L ' Macintosh contains fewer, parts than,, most personal camp to • nominate technical terms and exPlaining marketing:strategy in the computers,'utdmng advanced chipSL that pack electronic ~ . ..:.:,:- / the. Church / ~ ~ - - ::;L..~ " J O " delegates, whi(:h gave "rise samd breath• " :"..- ..' . ':cir(:uitr~ more tightly; The machine's simplified assembly to accusations and eoimter- EArlY TO LEARN. maizes the high volume production PoSsible. accusations about, the .... We can teach people how to use this in half an hour and ,,,, o:"Yo,.rut Cho pacing .of candidate selection'.' meetings with they. ~.an:.do incredible things.. ;You',.e~in.draw pietui'esl, diagrams,- eharis,~ 'and-i,eut. and'ipa".s'~' :them into .your :. TERRACE • ~,, THE , KNOX Juveniles, and derelicts, and " PENTECOSTAL ." doei, nents '(on'the: sei;een). It's abs~i~diei~, incredible)' SALVATION UNITED a Variety of dirty, tricks. ' ASSEMBLY ARMY CHURCH • Clark loyalist Denis • Rqually Ini~rediblehas been the g,row~"of Apple since its • Pastor John Ca#In fo~cling by Jobs and Steve. Wozntak about ~elghtyears ago 637 Welsh Ave. 4907 Lazelle Ave. Beaudoin,:now an aide to 3511 Eby St., 635.6014 garage -- • 635.2626 Or the; forme~,: ,party .leader, -:'when the firstApple.~mputer ~aSibiifiL'ln~a Terrace, B. c. ¢~S-S.6 Rev. David Martyn, into 635-2434 admits "there arestlil some aCOml~mj Whiel~ ]lastyear h~id s~i6 6~ $983 millio~. SUNDAY SERVICES B.A:, M. D!v: SUNDAY SERVICES bruises in s0m~ places.. Ji)bs~s ~r~0nui,wo/-,.ihas l~enrel~'rtM to exceed S~00 ' 9:30 a.m. " Sunday Service- 11:00 a.m. million. 9:45 Sunday School '"]'here are somepe0ple School for all ages,• Nursery to Grade 6-- 11, :Modestambitlons dldn'i get him where he is."We Want to 11:50 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. -- F.amlly a.m, • who don't' Speak.to me, or 7:00 Evening Sarvlce Put comp~erS0aevery desk in eyer~ office and in every Worship Grade 7 to Adults -- 10 whom I don't speak to .... I • school." ,. " " '" " ' " ' ' 1 " 7:30 p.m.' -- a.m. Memories 'of ro~h~ times HOUSE At on,'moment J()bs soi~ds llke an}; tH)ieal businessman .Evangelistic Salvation during the. .Wlnnlpeg OF• Nk~tlng.. concerned .with shlpplng "prod,et",~b~tt at the next his . • PRAISE ZION meeting and.the ]eadershlp WEDNESDAY BAPTIST excitement" is'apparent as he speaks/of technology that • Pastor Arnold Peters •7:30 p.m, -- Ladles' campaign; It's nonnal,!~ he. promises to aiter, the'way millions oti~e0ple work. . 34O6 Eby St. CHURCH -- said of his former political . Home League Pastor Paul Mohnlnger As he Sit~ hunted over the eomputel.VS sereen,'demow 635-3015 635-3657 Fellowship. " Opponents, without namlng Sunday SerVices Home635-5309 • art.sting,a, particularly: neat featdre;~ the design of in.:. Corner of Sparks & them, • • " ",'., " ' 3~:"" ".' 10~30a.m. .., TERRACE Kelth CHRISTIAN 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday SACREO • School , i: ~ ",: i ~ ;../ . REFORMED " , ' HEART~, CHURCH 11:00 a.m.- Morning PARISH •' ,f' ReverendS. VanDanlen, Worship . 635-2313:. • Sparks61rest & Streume Straume Avenue I ST. MATTHEW'S VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL ' : •% .- Sunday School -- 10 ANGLICAN MassTimes: CHURCH Sat. evening:: 7:3O;p:m. a.m. 11 ' 4726 Laselle Avenue Sun. morning; ~8:30am , Wor-~hlp SerVices -- - 635.9019 :a.m. and 5 p.m. ' SUNDAYSERVICES " ." 10:00am 'Listen *to the Back to ' ' n 1' ' 1i:30am Boat",&Spov'tsmen's'i • God Hour every Sunday 9:00 a.m, -- Holy at 0:30 a.m. on CFTK. Communion 10:00 a.m.-- Sunday CHRIST LUTNERN i *'n " i School " HEW IN TOWN? CHURCH ', UPLANDS . 11:00 a,m. -- Family US PUT Service -- • Holy 3229 Sparks St. BAPTIST OUT THE HAT ,CHURCH Communion except (Corner of third Sunday. Spar~s & Park) Corner of Halllwoll FOR YOU! _. "1 Feb.4-12B.C, PLACE STADIUM and N. Thbmas Wednesdays - 7:30pm 9:45 a.m. Healing prayer every It's a Sea Fantasy - See Your Dream Boat? This year's show will 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday Bible Teaching ' 4th Wed. In month. ~' delightyour whole far.";,'! All the lastestin boats,marine accessorle; %~ Church School • and outdoor,gear; plus e.;ertainingshows and demonstrationsincluding Sunday School /TH DAY the PurinaPet Extravaganza,and expertnycastlng tips at the CastingPooll 11:00 a.m. -- Regular lh50 a.m. ADVENTIST worship service. SHOW HOURS: Weekdays & .Saturdays Morning Worship 3306 Grlffiths ' ¢- " , Sa~,e Th~--~Ad...Save.On Accommodation ~ 12 noon. 10 p.m. --Holy Communion the Service ' , .-:,; Out of town visitors Will reL-eive two free adult Pmto~ Henry Bartsch Suhdaye, 12 noon 8 p.m. first Sunday ' of each 6:30 p,m.' 63S-3232 admission tickets to this yefir's show end 'preferred ADMISSION~ Adults -- $4,50 month. L Bible Study ". rates' at participating hotels of tim B.C. Hotel •Children (S-15) -- $2.50 Choir, Confirmdtion, Wednesday 0:00 Services- Sat. 9:30 Association, When this ndverllsemsnt, i s presented~ Seniors -- $2.50 Youth, Adult Ctseses, Home Bible Studies NancyOourlli : ". upon registration. . .-.. • a.m. -- Sabbath School g. . . Men's and Ladles' Bible "You Are Welcome, i ' (Suhday School). FIIMIS 63s.Te77 :.,: Studies..' Produced' in ~id of:.C:o~,' r~,tion by Cemadli~ at Uplands" • ,11:00 q.m. -- Worship [ IIIIIIr i i " ".i:'" : ' '."U~ ! :~ ~:., . • ..:~" ,.;:;-/. . -. ,~ :~:: ~:,', ,. ~ . ': ::':.,<.:¢~.. ~ : • ' !. • .

!!i"" COPY D|Ri)LIHE FOR CLR$SIFirDs: 1130O. R.m.-' OH E DRY PRIOIZ TO PUBUCRTJON',. ' ' I m'l +:'' rl" t''~l " ~*':~: ~/" ' "i:"

. ~-,. SEXUAL ASSAULT HELP THE TERRACE Foster KSAN HOUSE Is available TERRACEWOMEN'S EVENT= OIL PASTELS by i~ADIES, GENTS, Meet the ,WANTTO STILLHAVE LOTS of LINE We offer support and Parents Association meets to women and children Who RESOURCE CENTRE prize.winning KJflmat artist ~ Sy Wb y" I Send today for -- Makeextra money comics for sale. Excellent understanding to victims of the fourth Tuesdsy of each have been physically or Drop.In centre;;~Support - AIberflna Stelnbock now Infbrmatlonand eppl cation -- Meet nice people condition. All klndsl 5 for sexual assault, and month at Northwest ' mentally ,abused. If you..service for . women'; showing until January 28. form. 10 years experience, --.Work flexible hours El.00 Phone after 'Spin 635. harassment. Sexual abusers Community College. Weare need a safe temporary Information; .refer_r_al; Tuesday thru Friday 12.3; PEOPLE, 31-15401 Kal, Get free professlonsl 3823, " • "' don't stop voluntarily, they a .support gr.oup for foster refugq call the help line 63S. lending Ilbrary;li;00oksfore, Sat. 12-3, 7.9... Terrace Art Vernon V1B 1Z3. sales training. (Ps-271an) need Intervention from parents. Ifyou would like to 4042. counsel fi',g; .'" suppor.t Galler y (Llbrar.y . ,(p3.20,27,3feb) ": : Avon II for,yoU others. Call any.time. 635. talk to us please call Bey (ppd-aprl130.04) groups. :.i ...... '~ basement). rall Karen Matfhels at 635. T i~OR SALE ~ Pa~sghlc I 4042. 6~.3248, Jacqule 63S-6727...... " k'" 4S42 pork. .Avenue; . (nc4.271an) .7810. Areas. from' L~ekelse (PPd-aprli30-84) Trean 635.2865. Lake, ' Terrace to Speaker ..: Phone~.'Plugs' I (ppd2-23mar84) 1TERRACE NOMEMAKER " open12.41638.0228:.p,m,weekdays,,~ Into lack outlet.!Walnut I E.T.. KENNEY Parents KItwancool, - SERV~ICES---~. Provides (ppd-7mo~30Mar'84) Group general meeting to (P20.1teb.) ,*broWn. ,Retall,:~ p~Ice I assistance with household ..... be held January 30~94 at 7:30 S149. AsklngS100,:.rall I :. TERRACE& 638.1235 after sp.i~., | :'- DISTRICT GAY CONNECTION management and dally AL),NoN:::I~MEETINGS Eva Denlels, Supervlsor of ADVERTI'SING SALES ~ COMMUNITY Sundays, .7-10pro 638.1362. living activities to aged, : Monday a~ Milts Memorial Prlmary Education wlll PERSON required to work . .. :'.., ,,(nciff.tln) I (ppd:Nov84) hendlcopped, TOLSEC :'" SERVICES ~" • H.o~oltal,~ at 8pro. Phone. glve a presentatlon on the In Prince Rupert, Terrace & convalescents, chronically Isobe1635-93590~'~Glorla 635~ Home&'Commercl~l ..'" 635-3178 resdlng program• • • ALARM SYSTEMS Smlthers. Experienced In Ill, etc. 4619 Lakelse" 5546...... (~:5.301an) ' print! medla~ magazines, 4603D Park Ave.,. Avenue, Phone&1.~S135. .- 638-0241 ..-.:2 Terrace, 8.C• VaG 1VS WE WANT YOU to come (1)pd-30nov.83) ' ~ (ppd.23mar04) (ppd.31aug) newspapers etc, phone 992- and Ioln us, a family ,.. • -~ PROGRESSIVE 3376. -; ALTE RNATE orientated group, with ARE YOUPREGNANT COHSERVATIVE Riding I' ' i d " (p4.1feb) : EDUCATION fatally'and eduIt actlvitles. FOOD. FOR THOUGHT ~ Worried, think'lag, of an Assoc. of Skeene invites Its FILTER QUEEN I We are a local support So.upKi'tcben -- We pl'oVIde abortion? We at Birthright. friends to a Wine" and " Sales& Service 22' ATLAS alunllnb~i:boat. • COMMUNITY group; offe.rlng trlendshlp, free soup to those ip need; would like'to offer you our Cheese Reception for~..Bill . Phone "I~EGUIItED HEAD i WORKS companionship and helf If this eervlce is provldedby support,and friendship; McKnight, r' MP C f~om- . 63~7.096. BARTENDER i',: I[:OR 3,50 cu. • In. :JacUzzi !let. wecan to famllles who are. volklnteers•. who '" are Fre:e . Confldential::: ,Klnserjy, , L;].oy.dm|nster;: ,. ,,.: ..: ': :~: '~:~ . JEZEBEL'S CABARET Complete . :cog~" ,,:;~:fop. • CONSU.ER:, ":. only one parent, Comeand ".talemploy~,..Donatlons,:of...,pregnancy• ...... •' ' ' : ...... tests-.avetlable,~...... :~": " ' " : SOSk..Mr...... McKnl0ht. :~ " the.~' ~:; :' .... :*". .~.....,/.. '*'" "- :.~' 'r Must be fully qualified. Random t raiiir,:~::~:i$1il;000 COMPLAINTSOFFICER loln us the O~e Pe'ront . food and monoy are needed Tllllcum, Bulldlng 4721~:S]~Ife Conservative Crltlc for the: ." P,LTOOVEY Complete resume, firm,. Phone 639;I~0[" -& DEBT Families Association .of to maintain this service. 201 Lazelle Ave; Office Minister. of ':state FURNACE REPAIR I~luding . employment i l b) COUNSELLOR Canada. For information 4727 Park Avenue hours: Man to Frl from 9am (International Trade) Also~ " Phone635.7524 history necessary. 635.1256 phone Boa 635-3230 or Judy 10a.m.-4p.m. to 11am saturdey gern to' attend!ng,, are the fwo (stf) Please phone, 635.7750 638.1935 Or write Box.372, 635-3909 .. 1pro•' . Phone ' ~63~-3907 declared candidates,: .... i ' for eppOIntmerit Ask for MEALS-ON-WHEELs TerraCe, B.C. VaG 2B5.. "' : . • • . anytime. ' seeking the nomination 'as a Manuel~::'" " 635.6461 (ppd2.6mar) (ppd1.15dec83) .:. (ppd.dec30.83) Conservative Candidate, In ~'~; _ ::~---~ • ,.. :*., (acc10.Tfeb) the next Federal'Election. "-~~ -:: ~- EVERY THURSDAY at. The reception Is at 7:30 ~~:--'~-~ • .. . ,_. p.m;. Friday, February 3fd, -- ...... ~II~ ...... •7:00 p.m. In..the I'fospltal ? i I'. Pysch Unit thereJs a movie Terrace Hotel. ~ FOUND- One weddlng FOR SALE--1977 on Alcohol ,and " Drugs, For intormatlon contact bend. Owner- may clslm by TIMBERJACK" 2500 ,o ' :.. . Everyone welcome. r Derrick Curtis at'635-6754 iclenflflcaflon. Phone 638. LOADER '966' size. (ppd.feb,6) after 6 p.m. (ncl0.3feb)' T4~9. Good condition'.: LOW o IHDEX (ncS.2feb) • . .... hours. Ready to ~k~k I Community,Services ~ Services UNEMPLOYMENT ' with Weldce.Forks, 4yd. 2 Coming Events 24 Situations Wanted " 49 TERRACE . .cONCERT' "A" TICKETED bucket, chains. MO,000. 3 Notices 28 TV & Stereo" • S0 " " Homes for Sale ACTION CENTRE -- We SOCIETY presenls "Trolka 4 Informatlon Wanted .29 Musl¢al Instruments 51 Homes Wanted - are a non.government JOURNEYMAN Phons Korne~on . 8~2. S eirths 3O Furniture & Appliances 52 PrOperty" for Sale ' Belalalkas".on sat• Feb 4at. ELECTRICIA, 6 Engagements 31 Pets • , agency that provides advice 574~; New Hazel|on." o 53 Property Wanted the REM Lee.Theatre at No lobs to small, all lobs 7 Marriages 32 Livestock 64 eullnees properly and .counselling to the • 8pm. Tickets from Sight and (l~-311an) 8 Obituarles - 33 For Sale MiScellanEous 55 BUSInessOpportunlty unemployed. Our services considered. Very 9 Card of Thanks 35 Swap & Trade Sound or at door. 56. Motorcycles are free.. If you need help reasonable rates. Phone ..• 10 In Memorlum MIscellanecua Wanted ': A~JtomobIles (nc~.3feb) • JbB POSTING .... I " ~1'i i • 1I Auctions 39' Morlne 638-1762 or. 635-5939, ." SO Trucks & .Vans With Unemployment 1A raceptlonlSt Is required . " WANTED--: - 12 Garage Sale 4O Equipment • Mobile Homes Insurance problems or (P20-7feb:)• Berlin No.91 for PillS, 13 Personal 41 Machinery 40 Recreational Vehicles ON' WEDNESDAY Feb.: by the Northwest Alcohol 14 * BUSIness Personal 43 Human Resources give usa . • . . :~, ! For Rent MIscellone¢~s - 63 Aircraft lSth the.., Terrace and Drug• Counselling : o~ " Sidelteed- end tS Found 44 Property for Rent 64 "Ffoen¢lof call. .Grindors. , , 'r, 16 Lost 4S Association for the Mentally. Service In Terrace, .'WILL DO laundry '. o Room &- Board M Legal " 4721 Lazelle,. o 19 Help Wanted 41 Suites for Rent 69 . Tenders The appllcent must. be ,servlce. Reasonable ra1.es. . Phone Collect:. : %, ?~ For.Hire. 41 .Homes for Req~l Rm. 200 . : Retarded wll/l~, el e~l.ng• ,a able to work., -wlthoUt / To Inquire call 638-1396. 4...,.,.. o .(Back o! Tllllcum Theatre) new, 'onaro . ~.... or '•olrectors . ~ ...; It supervision and .be willing. " : " -. (sft) -o.)Y~0~,Lqrl~J.l.n/.eresltaq,~n:.oeing1' - toaccept responsibility, ~ ...... ):: *~'r**,, t_~oO;~(~;'Jd ; .~:~:~ (~i~d 1.1Sdnce3) ' ,~?•nomlnt!~ld ~or:a L.~Os.itlon-on ::;,~-;JAInlm~atitleatlons: '-';:: '" ...... ' ...... •% CLAISiFIEDI~ATES" ": ..... : "'* ' '**I;AtSIFI'-DANNOUNCa';aNTS.-o- m -.'- this' board or ~wlah h) ;iii~e'ferab|~:~'mf~p)eil~'n ' of' ~~::- I TIMBERll , LOCAL ONLY" NOffees 6.00* become a member please -Second,;.ry,~: scho0~ .. or the ~~,~ | Trade Sawmill, Edgel;, 2 20 words or less $2.00 per Insortl0n. Over 20 Births 6.00 A.A: MEETINGS I1~ saw Tri m Saw, i71 words $.cents per word• 3 or more consecutive Engagements 6.00 contact Elizabeth Snyder at 'equlyale!n. t ~lth commercial ~~ . insertions S|~O per Insertion. Marriages 6.00 Monday-- 8:30 p,m. 635.6511 between 8.3. or business school training. ~~~ I Power unit at Dease Obltuories 6.00 (Closed} I Lake, B.C, .• " / REFUNDS Card Of Thanks " (ncS.lfeb) Five: years clerical 6.00 United CSurch I : Tra~ for ,properly, First Insertion charged for whether run or not, In Memorlum' 6.00 experience preferably IM PROVING~. Absolutely no refunds afttred heo been set, pver 60 words,S cents eachoddlt'fonal Wo'fd." • 4907 Lazelle Involving contact with the I heavy; equipmeat: or PHONE 63S-63S7 ~- Classified Adver~tlslng" THE ANNUAL General REMODELLING TIME' I wbethiVeyo,1~ :.:: o. CORRECTIONS Department. - public.L Accurate typing YET? Mutt be made before second InSertion, Tuesday--ai30p.m• . meeting for the Terrace. skills, Good knowledge of I Offers, Terms;Tee'ms. Write: Allowance can be made for only one incorrect Painting, Drywall, T-Ear, • - SUBSCRIPTION RATES -: (Open S~aker) Association for th~ Mentally - offlcepracedures. Ablllty to Panelllng . Complete lobs. I . D,.Monulk~D~.Monulk,. ~ .o ad. E:fectiva Oofopar I, I~10 sacred Heai't Church.. Retarded will be 4laid Wed. Slag fo Copy 25c deal pleaea'ntly and R • s I d e n t i a I a n d • |~ , BoxBOX 96 : ~"~'' .o .. ,m3o Straume %• BOX NUMBERS By Carrier ruth. S3.SO Feb, )S 7:00 at the Skeena tactfully with cllents and commercial• References I NermlnNorman Wetli.Wells. IN.W.T;N.W.T. $1.00 pickup .. By Carrier year 31.00 Health Unit audlforlu~n. II ~ XOE 0V0 \ , S2.00 mailed By Mail 3 mthI. ~•00 Wednesday,e:30 p•m• the pQbllc~: Must be avallable;• Call Jack 638. BY Mall : 6 mths, 35•00. The purpose of this masting dependable wlth.a mature " 8066, I P~.o~o3-507.2529Phone 403-587.2529 ' (Women's Closed) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 6y Mail I yr. M.00 approach In deellng with (p4.271an) • ' (p~)~lfeb) Rates available upon request• S~nldr Citizen 1 yr. 30,00" Hoepltel Psych Unlt lefo elect a hew board of o, dlrect0rs'for the uP coming others and re~spect to NATIQNAL' cLAssIFIED RATE o Brltlsh Commonwealth and United States ot confldentlallty of I 32 cents per agate line. Minimum charge SS.00 America I yr. 65.00 "l:hureday I 8:30p.m. ~ year. New members and per insertion. Information;" ~' ... TEl-PAR "--" '. (Closed) . ~,. Interested parties welcome Startlng~:Salary: i1341.00' COMPUTER CLASSES o. • The Herald reserves the rlghrlo ¢lecslfy ads Specialists in crocked :o- LEeAL • POLITICAL and TRANSIENT AD. under appropriate headings and to set rotes Hospltal PeychUnlt - .. (ncS.lfeb) SIGN UPNOWI .. ' per month, plus benef!.ts..... ::, cylinder heads and VERTiSING therefore and to detormlne page lecofloo. Send Resumes toi. '~ Beginning Feb. 13th. 37 cents per line. Frldey--8:30p,m, " ,ANTI.NUCLEAR GROUP Kids classes $25.00. casting repairs. ,. • The Herald ~'eserves the right to revise, edit. Lorna: Copeland; Program" --exchange 4.53 or 4.7.1 BUSINESS PERSONALS ¢laSSlly.or relect any advertisement and to I " ,(Open) • to meet In Terrace Administrator. ..::" Adult classes I~0.00 , " SS.00 per line per month• On a minimum four retain any answers directed to,the Herald Box *'Kermede Friendship Centre ; '. The. Terrace Group for For mm'e Information cylinder beads, 13110;27 monlh basis. ReplyService and to repaythe customerthe sum • •Terrace & . District --Exchange • 335400 • 3313 Kalum * " Nucleer, Disarmament Is • 'Communit); Services phone 63,5.3630. paid for the advertisementand box rental, Cummins heads c.w 'COMING IVlNTS 1 h01dlng a pot"luck supper Society,' AUS COMPUTER .o For Non-Profit Orgonlzsti0ns; Maximum $ clays Box replieson "Hold" Instructlonl'notpicked up Saturday--0=30 p.m. and meeting on Monday, valves, SISO.00. Cat insertion prfor to event for no charge. Must be 2S within 10days Of expiryof on edvortiwmentwill -4.~Ib Lakelse Ave. SERVICES heads also available. 1 " January 30, at 6:30 p.m,,'at Words or lees, typed, end submitted to our'of flco,, be destroyed unless"malllnR Instruc;tlons ere (Open) Terrace, B.C: • (p20.10feb). received. Those answerlnR..BoxNumbers ere Hospital Psych Unit ".the Carpenters,Halh 3312 563.7dll requestednot to sendorlRInals of documentsto Sparks St., Terrace.. TRI.PAR DIADLiNe avoidloss. All ctalmsOf errors In advertisements .- Cloolng Date: January 3], Prince George DISPLAY must Isereceived by the [~ubllsherwithin 30 day| • ~ Sunday,-0:30 p m. This event Is for all old 1984. • FOR SNOW shovelling of NOOn two days 0rior to publication day. after the first publl¢otion. • .- (Men's Closed) and new members of the (accS.31ian) walks and driveways phone (acc-frl) CLASS/FlED It is agreedby the advertiserrequesting sPeco AngllcenChurch group, and partlcularly;.for .. I! :® a,m, on day previous to day Of Publication that the liability of the Herald In the eventOf Basement people * who, have been MATURE WOMAN to work 635~S348.'.. (stf-ffn) ~ipI Monday to Friday. fallure to publleh an edvortlsemantor in the 4726 Lazelle Interested In :'. getting nights and weekends as eventot an error apPeerinRIn the =dvcrlil~menf Involved Jn the Nuclear i•m ~% pUbliShed shall ba limitodto lha amountPald clark. Will h;ain:for meat, ALL ¢LASIIFIRD CASH WITH GReeN other by file adverllserfor only one IncorrontInsert fan 24 hrs.--638-0195 i Disarmament movement, ' wrapper. Rate SS hour.' Ihon EUSINESSlS WiTH AN ESTABLISHED for the Portionof the advertisingsPace @ccupled ' but haven't Y.e!. taken the Phone 638-1312; ACCOUNT. by the Incorrector omittedItem only, ~nd ~lhet there shall Pl no liability fo ony extent ~,'eoter • Alanon Meeting first' stop, - (pB-27ian) then the amount paid for such edvarllalng. Motlday 8:00 p.m. After supper; there will be ~m FOR RENT Service charge of SS.H.on III N.S.F. cheques. Hospital Psych Unit ; a video presentation, 'Think TERRACE ~¢SO~IATION~ ...... Advartlsqm'ents must comply wlth the British Oddfellows Hall Columbla Human RIRhts Act which prohlblte any d-311an04) Twice About Nuclear War, ~,..~,,, ~4,,a,l,,, D~*,,,~,~ WiDDINO DESCRIPTIONS advlrtlalng that discriminates agllnlt any ..... and this will e followed by . ' . . . _ 3222 Munro Street; For NO charga provided news ~bmltt~l wlthln one 1=arson because Of hll r~:e, reil0fon, SeX, Color, Information re rentals month. TERRACE PRO-LIFE' an open discussion•on' the ~.~)~1~ s'a :tory!ca.' ~o- FOR'ISALE - QUEEN nationality, enceetry or place of orlgln, or Education Ass'n i .~ sublect, What Can I Do -.... = :.-:.... SIZE WATERBED phone 635.2794 or 635-3995. beceuIe hie are ie botW~on MImd 65 Yelre, . i • = ~ A,.- , N" -'--r War?' '-" "- This IS.a permanent lUll. including heater, lOS ~1~, TtrrloI, I,C. Homl Delivery unless tho condltlon Ii iuItlfled by o l~no fide (acc.tuas&frl.thl) vie 4B4 Fhone 6|~40N • r_~NIrement for the WOrk Invo ved. .concern.e.a lwlth._upho.ld!ng ' ~u~ou~,~:,to u ,=uu~ time p0sltlon.., Duties wooden frame and me right [to life Ol' 1no-,w,=, r ,,.,...,~.in ...... Inel.dn ...... malnt~lnlnn headboard. Less than a Innocent• tr'~mH c u.U=l~,V.m..... =,-- ,- • ~osema~._ ,~..,._.: le ~o~ow ,_,~..~._,,:_" ...... fl n~nclal... recoros,.. 'year old..Asking $500 natural dedth. Activeand • rur IVrllNr~ inlrJrm1311011,.- *,.,,,, iilA, Aa .ames supportlnlg members please call George Stsnle~, :,~',;%~,0"."_", :,,,."",'" ALSO HIDE-kEEP . welcome '~hone Roberts (635:7043); or .Rosemarle ":""...... ! v,~,o,,, Brown and Gold Weave •" -~ " Goodwln '63818~; planning ano monitoring fabric. Double size bed. 635.7749or Mark at 635.5841• ".... ~ " 'nc3-"'. ' ...... ;,~,;,a=,,,, v .. =*e-,,lces • .... The Asking $100, Phone 635. (ppd 30lone 04 ) ~ Oulanf i 1 " " ' . Successful: candidate will 3070. have e minimum grade 12 (acc17.ianffn) KEYSTONE education and : •some " APARTMENTS bookkeeping axp;arlonce. , . UNDER NEW B .. He.She must be wil lag to QUEEN SIZE : ,BED, MANAGEMENT, obtsln ,a class ~l. drivers- Chiropractic mattress" & • I, 2, *and 3 bedroom license and a :first.aid ". b0~..ii~lng;' ]frame,; dust suites available. certificate,".? Ability ~ to.':'"i~df it~ '.'::~ &' ' "*~matchlna SpaCious" & clean. Extras Inclqdo: Heat, EVENT:/YOUNG ART OF SUPER GARAGE communicate• well and',*~fortd~:S~ats,~.'~,~ltl,,~,.~ ~,-.~,-:;] , r"~ ':,.'% I, ...... B.C. sponsored by Emily SALE SUNDAY JAN 39 several years experlence~.n, ~v~.~ t: ;,~,~,a.~ ~' ~' ~.~.. hot water, laundry h a/d Carr College of Art. 13:00pro to 5:00pm Working. ',With . meqtaliy ~w;arra~ "~T"~",~*=;'i~ °" .facilities, storage locker January 31 to February 11. Misc. hardware25 centS ha;tdlcepped* persons a~'e ' e,--,as;:.;'n'.'~:'~-':'-' ~."~'" & par~klng. Refe•Mes Classified Mail.in Form Tuesdeythru Friday 12.3; 7. and 50 .cents. Pkg of emmntlal ~ : ... ,' ,i..~.4,~,1.w rrl~W ~TY~J, I"nono requiredas of Feb. 144. 9• Saturday 12-3• Terrace ' tools and equipment at Please' phone 63~52~4. Your Ad ...... , ...... ~...... Art Gallery. " (LIJ0rary cost plus 10 per cent.' re'per month.according. ' .'. . (P3.-261an) (acc251en.ffn) ' . to I~xperlonce. 'interested ' "- "~:~ "'* "-I Basement) Hundreds of Items must -i | el. •l• e,, e e.. e aoe•e..a e .ee~,t eelpoee Gee .e o.ee,~le ~ell,4e,.,o,,I ,,• ~,. e (ncs.3feb; 5-10feb) go to make our change persons may submitresume '~ " " •.i .i of business. 4106 Hwy; 16 KEYSTONE •'1 Name ...... Address ...... TERRACE BADMINTON East• %1 Jo,. Kemp : APARTMENTS .i Town ...... Phone No. of Days ...... , Club will be hc~tlng a (pl-271en) Personnel C0mmlttee . No'w takln0 %1 fou'rnament Jan, 26 and 29• -i Classlficat ion ...... Send ~1 along with Terrace AssoclaH0n" for .applications..- Spacious, • i Events will be= single•, the Mentlaly Retarded • clean aparts., 1, 2, and 3 •n cheque or money order to: doubles & mixed doubles. -~'-~ •~07 Evergreen S~eet • n 20 words or less: S2 per clay bedroom sulhlS, EXtras °•i To reglater'be at Thornhlll " -n DAILY HERALD Terrece~ B,C, SAVE . ON FROZEN .Include heat, hof;w~, - n $4.50 for three consecutive days Jr. SOc.; Sat, Jan. 25, 9:00 • "301.0 Kalum St• VeG 4S~ - VEGETABLES .Cheapest • laundry .facllltlej, ":1 $6 for four consecutive days a.m. Iharp,There will be e Call 638.1937 for more c:~se lot prices In Terrace, storage locker, Terrace, B.C. potluck banquet to follow S7..$0 for five consecutive days Information. CloSing date Twin City Meats Ltd, 4545 playground. : PleaSe VBG 2M7 - Sat. even'lag. All club for applications Is January LakelN Ave, Terrace, 638. phone 635.~224. members welcome. 30th, 1984. 1312. (acca.ltfn) ,(.ncS-301an.) (pB-3feb) • , - ) "

• . . . ' .' , - '. " ''. " =': ".L , .' :" " ' :' :' ' " , . :

"-' ~':" ~"' " ' " ~ '" d ' n '- ~"'' " L " ':;'::: ' - : .... "",",~-~." .... ' - ~ '~ ~- ~ ' .: .... '...... " .' ' ' .' ' TbeHarald, Frday, January27,1984, Page11 • ". 1 fir IllII , . _ . , .. ::...... ,...... ,, ,,r., • . , --. . , . . ' ~ .:~~:~.:- -_ ...... ~!.

I.:~Y.~...~ ~..... ~-Y": " ..l r BEDROOM' at':'red~/ced: -- . - ~ - ~' ...... ~-;- ...... r,~ ~' _::-- -___ , . I: - roles,Avallab|e...... now,., Is~. 2 13.,. .Q, LthdaB]alrlsoneofthe~ " " " "asys:.they ...... took.at Ike o ~]y..... uskquestI0nsaRertheshow. ' , ~,, ,^_,_.~' ,,.,_ [. ' . aria. 271.~.'.'rmnl.. =)'re~'r. m s4ddest"1 ".young actresses' in when they try. Both, Most proved predictable..tlll .~¢" %.~'Y='°"~. '= ='.=' .=~ ~: I bowev.er, bovewbat'scal]ed .a towheaded tyke walked ~s^~.~Z~[~..mel-Y,~a~i .' I~,-" ~T,,~;;,-L;:;~: ,1' a~/anuasKmrJooorleave .guy wh0's getting' her "disappearing,~.hins." Or at brlsldy over to Margaret ,,,,,?u.~,:uj~,u~u,y u~.~- ~_~l!!J;~l~H~l~ : i~.;'~,.(.::l~,'yourr...nam~ and •phone romaatic: attention the~e . lealK~Bur~ett lind, one"until Whiting, who's starring In .menmmMu~.a[~an., m a~.,y ~ - ~=---- -_ ~ -- ~1~" .'.'.:~,4 number.:' ~ ::;~ ,~: ~da>~?;-C.W,~•:,':: .: ~rec~.tcosme,esurge.~. ~p~uctlon, and~uired, ~3s?j~[%"~L,~°_": ~: ~-- -~- -:~: ~ " - : "" "• ' : ;• ' l~2feb • • "" I ~1 ~ " ' ' 'sh tOO "an all old " ,, " =~u~ uu~ =~.'uzu p=-3ma, " . I '~~'":V .... ": --, ...,.~,,...... • .• •.., iP ...... ) ..,; .:...... Lawrence tolls me p people smell? late~l t artyL~g, etc,.that BAY FORES T PRODUC T $ ...... A Linda has had a b was all.set to have the same Understandably taken L " : ' J ' " " ' .... : ~ " +I ' ..... " :' I ' +I ~' ..... I I ' " :'' ' ' ...... ~ I r ,. wl~ ~ese entertainera 730 TAYLOR ST,, VANCOUVER, B,C, • 2.~.BEDROOM: basement 1, BEDROOM. unlt~in 10ve.,]i!e bet.w_een:fllm, klnd.pf :S.r.gery, but aba.c.k,:Ma,,~aretsmfled .aid . ~,,~,,l~ ~th=,,,.~0o, .... • • • ', • • ,; '"" Id,;; .~,;,a,*n' Th 'nhllt~:Stove &frl e .assignments. her latest someuung,gotmmewa.y-- .repilea,` ~o~ necossaruy, :.'=:-.~==',,:.~;-"~,'~,...... ~-u,,,',e,.',-,~a laA&Ja ...S.H.e,. Fr,.::.:...:. ,~.-V.e.... ~n .:, :~,_~;..~rldg .l~u..l~..a, ctor GleunLMOr. the birth of herdauam~" aear, cer~ain]vnom0re-than .~==©,,,~.-o,u. .nu~%or.:o,-,v,.,v,, " • " .: inciueee..Wall 10' Wall" ll1¢IUOe¢l,,PNaile~lO.~l~1~,~u .... "~ , ~ ..Y ,~- " . .' ,, '-. . • ...... :r~me.y,.~:Lindae.eo-star in a . 21~eoperatJon was put .oft, young people, 'The. lad ., .o._:. .._, .... _, ..... PREVlEW:WEOFEBIstga.m.-Sp.m. .'. ,;=;~;,h,, ~,...... ,~ .,,,~,, v,,,~oo,~',,4 shecthTenUu resnnnded "Well,' the reason " ' ~. ou,,cw.a~, c~o, =uu=r • . ' . . - .... ~- ,,,,,~ -,-s~ "'--"~" --'; " "" ' ' Pat Palmer, a leading oanRxe-- Nlchollon 60' Mech-- OANO L.Inck 30x2SRd. LO. " "' •,..-----, p.mdpction daged Women has no plaas te have it done I ask is,,, my gr.emdn.pther M=,h=ffo, i,=;=1 CARRIAOePoWelI60"4ek DRIVE250h •ACOC HIADRIO -. - -- ...... estate - p • - ,]~IndBars, - in the near future. Sowhfle smells. Then, he. ~gan ...... o---s~ ...... wc.ws, .... •• .. , , • ,. • , , , " ,,._,..h,.~~,~us o ~,uss ~"s,,~ ve-'s.v " much clrclin-6 around Mar-are*e % ~.~..~rake el.a_ . loeamo...~ eL. a t._sroammg u .. 4X2~ • 2 5aw C,W Sehvkl --. RaSAW ~'BTel. _1' C-W LIn~oar -- TaR O ~ ~Vlth' "l~lnn~qhurv" aDoeared, Vlckl's is still do- breathed deeply, and =..~.~o Ju~ i~tu.zu...:, x]t:r C,U e~.I~ CRANe- 2~ ton 45' Spin-- CHIPPERS 2-Sumner 55" 16 Knife. ' nn~"-~n ;'-~aA---~'- -~---v, ' Ino-''odlannn~n~nonPf ' " I!" n hl~'v~'P;dlo'f. "Vma U~ly J0el, nel~Dore m ~ne Meier 26" Drum ChlpPer -- HDG 48x30 CAE Knife. .-=,,-~.:.---.,.....=, ~.l ~e~-~,-~----o.-:' :, , :re~e t~hJ;. ~=~=.. u%; fasey bui]dinR comulained COMPR'SSORShR. 1000CFM Reel,-- eROOMWADe.I~00 CFM ::curious, nave ma,y omer . ;:.. ------~- . • ' .%.~..,,.,....~.~ .=t.~,..~,o. =,hn,,t #ha ~i~ nakl'no fh -~ ReCp--¢HIPSCReUNS3½'Xt0'D,O. Rotn4'xg'D~mSswduM e0mle ____sstrin.... ev~-r h~n ': ...... ~~ : walling AS an, ax[er ...... '~", "-T°-'~ .-.'- scrn- co. |AWS.I.MT' Chain--S4' Swlno--2-41"'rr~ck•-• • ,~ ....- :•.;-- ; =-. ---=- : .,~,.~ \ ;~ thou,,ht he,~,lltel,,,inedun ma~agemem m nave me FORKLIFTST|&7420,0001bClorksP-WOetrolto--2.~rl1000Clarkl aaspmato• _ mestage7 :-- ~:' X' , ;i~".. ~- " • ,,u .....~", ~--^,=.^..,--.,,=-.. ~v ~-- =-, decibels lowered -~ pronto '- 'P.W Detro tS-- CARRIERS 6 HY=Ier= ?4 to dO 41xS=BO =ter P.W : , *~', . , . ,:., • ,4 &VlJ ~/:~l|1,LIl&'Jgll~l UU~;OL~ ~* • " " • ## I • P L ' • f.. • .... • ' " H W Perk ns-- BOATS 74 Madlll Dozer13 6 r- 6 AIHulI-- lu$Saw , .:-~.'~A"'D~n~,,h,rv" --____~___,, _i~nh]v" _._j • I~'::~'m• ~:.' 'v. eanell nearly as good as you, / .Io ever, alter• !earning the Filing Equip.-- Stalher Oeck--C~ p '~H og L do v.c fy-- Log the latest•'exemtnle ,,f o &~'---- butIloveheranywayi", mentlty of the~.c~.ebra.t~d .Turners--NumerousRefUse&BoltConv.--NumorousTransferDks __.':;.. ,:___,_~£ _.',_~ Ii~E~l~lqF . . " newcomer, mos[ o[ me ~rlp- & Rollcasn -- Eleclrical Tranl, 6axes, Wiring- MOTORS -- ~.~:..'~"~."'L~, ~c~ "~L~.~~' . , ing subslded. Some apart-" ReOUCeRS- HULA SAWS--MAINT. SHOP-- CHIP&,SAWOUST e~,--=. ~,,= u~ .t.© "~1~~~ • .men t dw=]]=~.= =V=~., k~,~n~ PIPING--SPRINKERSYSTEM--BUlLDING--our'~'~.~=o.=:-,-. trailblazers 'was "LI'I wl~l~l~f ,h,,~'~.,,;~,;~,'.-~,;~:'--~'~'~. FREEPICTORIAI..BROCHUR|ONRIQUUST 'Abner,:"whleh spawned a - . '.'q~IB,~ " ~lllv Joel records to be. - ' a -a . "' ~ : • " - 1060'n' ~ hroadwav~.',, show , ...... ' • ' -.. playedl later a hitmovie. You re a Q. A buddy who worked in . .. . • Go0d Man, Charlie Brown,"i~ • the movie indumtry told me -produced in the late '60s,- that, the" late Howard • ' went on to'bocome one of the Hughes,. when hewas:a~pro- most successful .otf. ducer, was aflasher. Has' Broadway musicals ever.' this aspect of his secret life ~ "/mole" (based, of course, . ever been revealed? ~ A.S. Q. With Academy Award Ill IL • on the popular comic strip, ' t/me nearing, I'm In~i~ed L:" ,'Lltt/e Orphan Annin") won A. That Just/an't'tJ~ue. It is with the prospect of S~ley ~aeven Tony/Awa,rds, .t~e that over the years he MacLaine and Debra •~prnered a: five~year run, l~ame rather eccentric and. •Winger, who are both so fine ~~~~ ~ TERRACE'S and/alan gave birth to a big took .to turning 'up .at hls in "Terms.o[ Endearment," mov/e version. Just': last- studtowearing only. a coat; running neck and neck for NEWEST&BES.T TOO yda~, "Snoopy," the,sequel, at tlmes, forgetting to wear the 0sear. sheuld this hap- t0'. Cberlle Brock'n, had a underpants. Th/s wasn't in- pen, who do you'think would moderately suceessful lentional, but .merely a •have the.edge?-- U.L. Now at affordable Rates Broadway run. Plus, various reflection of Hughes' preoc~ drawing- boards are, busy cupation with other matters. A. In .my opinion, it's with. development of stage. And,. even when he appeared Shirley hands down.-She's musicals based on such an he, set In thls outfit, already been nominated bur One bedroom at.$395°= an, s0urcesas"Hagar theHorri- Howard ,ever, but never, tlmes (for "Some Come ONE BEDRDOM apt. in " .... bin,",Oeemis the Menace," flashed. '• '- Running,"" "The Apart- Two bedroom at $360" m0, O~de~':duplex; 'Rent $275 per ~* :'M U S T S E L L ~Jiggs and, Magaie,"~ and " -:------ment," "Irma I;a Douce" ~'o~th. !one: block from CondominiUm. Asking price 'Do~r,"ced. and !'.The. Turning .Point") • swlmml.ng pool~ Phone 538. ~!4,500OBO. Dr veby7-M171 and frankly;~I think she::" .t~la. ." Welsh or phone 630-1690 for i,41~,. ~ ; "",m~t " and Hollywood --are sen- .~: .(p3-301an) appointment to view. I~~ ~~~ tlmentallyripefortliehcmox'. .! • ' " ' '.(p20.20feb) i'~'~ '~ ~ Debra, who's sUII a relative r ' '1 ; * " L -- ' .. ' " , . .... "' ." . . i~U /~. ~ newcomer, would probably --Attractive, Spacious, extra storage room ,Beautiful appliances, tiled showers 'stove, trloga'ana launory ,,... * ___ : . _ --:•,~_._~~ _-~- i-~ ~-~ And there has ~ ' ,Lovely cupboards, double s.s. sinks :faclllflea..N0 ~childron..No ~[~e~a~4~90a~t 00' O;O ...~~_~:~ ,q!l_l_l_l_l_~. ~' to:t.h. 'talk Of Uds. Ho°~w':ve~,ml~ : ...... --Large balconies with screened patio doors pe~.f~lS0perm~nlh. Phone ", ; ,,~,^,..;. ~1~ r ~/.•:~- Q. happenedto~e r~eemsmdlkelyinvlewofthe --Lots of parking, recreation.court 63S.7841 . " : , ' w='*vua-~.... ,~ .....,: romance netween ~ll(la s~ze: and Imvortanee of her " ...... / !...'Secur.ity, enter, phones and deadbolts i • ~. ' . ' (nS.271an) " ' .. ' ...... ~. |sntVlcKnt,awreneeof' Ranner and. actor Gene lul~vnart n[asshe,oo~,,--,~ • ., :' :',.~i.~ ~--Di'apery co-ordinated to w--w carpets d ' " "...... "" .. 'FOR SALE OR RENT, ; .-TY~ Mama ~o.muchlike. Wilder.--LL. . ed star D~in= abow the-: • : :' • : " ' - .: .' BEDROOM:.CONDO .:1,040- .. Carol Bumett.thatshe',too " " . ' . film's title, m~lking.herve~:v " ~,.i...~!::~:: ~Walkingdistancet0downtown - = '-: =~nmnnM . duniex ' sq.'fl, plus full baearrlent, has to haye her chin fixed? ' A. Surprisingly. enough,, much ~a "co:sear But w~ " ' ~ : ' "Familyorlented.closefoschools :~',~.,..:.-.~,,:~.==,L., freckle Frldge and stoVe li~cluded ;--.,A.P. • : " ...... ".given the, no .rntally .short 'knows? .In Hollywood; .... Hospital, convenience store, parks, • stove, was~r end dryer. - No pe,~!.Ph~e_ .&:~3~__:.. ~ : ~ :'I've'oite'n~L)een struck ~ourmaad-°n°z~°Ww~a':s''~ar ' anything sposslble.. • - ,car~vash, all in area., v.- , DOWntown area Phone 635-' tp~13,1/,20,24,2~,311an ~...;:..., : ..... r, =,c~s; u ene uno uxma. ;----;--. • .i": $200.00 move.in allowance for Jan. 1.1&' ' " • .... tues&frP " " ": ' 'I' ' W vmm s: _.~semm~nce:'.m are sml yew much'together • : ' m r " .... . P~.7 :affe~stPm. eva ''a°'e " :. , '...... '~. -. • C~:ol, her.~v'menter,>Vleld'/md,.in more ways themOne: ". :,~~k ,

;u .F-~ ;.' ~' I' 1 : :'~ ' ', by trained staff who respect ...... • • " , ' ~": ' '~ .~tsch~ garage, .cios~ to': ~*:i:i: eo-~_s--~l~e':wor'--'~T~]~ '. ~~~ and car;e f0'r our tenants .' :'-,e ,=='-mv~u su"m schools and hoopltai Treed' - ~BIMB]lal~lll~k~,.~ - nrefesSlonellv "wlth Wild r ,,~, .--,. cnn,= *o "w-' lot. Assumaole~mortgage.~, : ~~~~.~...... enthuslhg tha't':,sbe's ~',t,:~~" " ' " . Telephone:635-5968 ~.., ,.1-,- ,~,. " $49,900. Phone 635.7850 after • . ',,.~ : : :. work. So, apparently, the in.' [ - .~/ll~lll~ Property Stewards Western Ltd. 6155 days, 538" 1&13 to 635 " 4pro. • 1973 PLYMOU~'H Fury I1" SP iration continues offsereen " ~ '. g(~)o evenings. (plO.)feb) P.S., P.B., auto;~Sa00. Phone as well.. .:. . _ (acc-sept2.ffn) 635-2516, ,.,.., - " HOME FOR 'SALE-- 5 q. Seem Co~ew.seems • (aft.fin) Uke su~'a romantic actor WDOO(;REEN bedroom house on fully . -. offscroen as well as In the APARTMENTS-- 1; 2 and 3 landscaped fenced lot. Close REPOSSESION .,- movies. Is that impression .bedroom... :apartments, to town and schools. Fruit . For sale I~T Renault R~I ¢orregt? --K;B. business director9 . Downlown ~i:.!0callty, trees, garden, greenhouse; • Complete wlth dlshwasher, Aski,o s~0;000, ~-,m2, ~:. 5,; View at S;K.B, Auto ,: A. It Jan't: During a recent. : Satvage.3~g0Duhan'Rd. . oonv6rsatlon, Com~ery sur- . :flraplace,:frldge, stove and " " ". (sit) ' /Please forwaYd:!:~;ealed .. prised '1 me 'by saying drapes, Undercover •,bids tO Ofter.:,100;c.o. romance is something he park!~;. Secur!tY emlrence, C.C.A. Bo)~ 1065, 1moWs .lltUe about: Sean's Local Stock ABLE ELECTRIC Phone 635-9317. Terrace, B.C~. VaG 4V1. been.married twice -- to ac- , . '(accsepti~fn) Signed, Mstt Lalng, hess Diane CUento and, Bailiff. alice 19"/5, his current wife A complete .line of Janitorial Supplies for Motel, EteC11.c & REFRIGERATION .(accl0-Tfeb) M!cheiine Roqueb~une-- but Hotel, Hospital and Industry. that d0esn't.seem to make a .'~FREE DELIVERY" COMTRACrOR •- dlfferenc'e. "l'have no New Management Weakly Delivery to Kitlmat .... . : ~' ' LOT i:OR SALE--. In curinslty about the psyche of Reduced Rates Thornheights.-' 3569 'women,. saysSe~. "I don't ' CALL 635-5876 know what women want." ..... :~'i • attlll' Cottonwood Cres. 5i4,900 *' 635-5501 My ~uese.is that h/s hordes. = e/~lOR VILLA OBO. Reply "to 731 'N.I: EMERGENCY NO. 635-9653 of female fans would be will- - 4530 KEITH AVENUE TERRACE APARTMENTS Doliar,on; Nor:th ing to p~ov/de Cannery wltk r "~'% IL " Sliding it Vancouver, B.C. WG 1NS. a few ideas. . :.:~ ': S2~.00 (p10iunefrl) 1981 6 CYL. 4x4 CHEV Va. • Them ' apartments on~ TON Pickup. Like new with ~ Kenney & Agar offer: HOHE ALARMS:& sEcuRnvI canopy .and other extras. Q. Who's the lucky man In -r-w~w carpeting Phone 638-8311 evenings. Jam[e. Le e Curtis' life?.-- --2 appliances (p4-26,271an2,3feb) B,P. MOBILE HOMES --drapes' ;;-.laundry :facilities on " " A. For quite some Ume on display tn Pine Park every floor. FOR SALE-- 1979 ~ ton' she'd.been seeing designer set up, skirted, ready for occupancy •.r-plenty of perking -Oodoe. Pickup..New ~motor -Michael Rive, the grandson --securitysystem and" paint Job. t3600 OBO. of Marlene Dietrich. In fact, Energy Efficient & Affordable :' FORMORE ..FOR RENT--.1700 sq. ft. • her dose friends expected ~8-1.3~, • the couple tO: many.. But ,iNFORMATION warehouse ~in Motz Plaza, • -. " * Jamle.Lee'hssaway. with* (stl) 3889 Muller Ave. 635-9418 PLEASE PHONE unit 13010 Kalum St. $700 per • " ' . " " . romantic surprises and told month. Phone 635-2312. m.0241 _ - ~ - everYone a.whfle back that ~' ,(tll nov,29.83) (accl01an.tfn) ~--" :: 1r. I~ she and Rlva .had. gone ill ~': --~- ~: ::o:-° '.~ separate woys. So, at,least INTRODUCING "~~:-:~ for the moment, Curtis Is, oNE BEDROOM apt. fully" ~~:~ shall, we say, romantically FOR LEASE unattached. furnished, bye blocks from UMPLEBY HEATING Commercial or Warehouse Space can.,re ~of: town.-Call after spa; e~_ ~72,. RENT OR RENT. TO OWN NATURAL GAs SERVICE At the corner of Kelth, Kenney & Pohle • 10x47 2 bedroom trailer with KANDID KID: "Taking ..... (p4-271an) My Turn/' the off-Broadway --three units, 1737 sq. ft. each with store fronts, lacy shack. Boulderwo0d Installation & RolNlir Of al! N|turgl I ~ls hit musical dealing~Wtth --one unit, 1900 sq. ft. with store front. GOOD INVESTMENT' Trailer Court 3616 Larch.• Fired Equipment & AppIlancal senior citizens, held a --one unit, 951 sq. ft., with 14x14 overhead door. 'B:E 0ROOM FOR OPPORTUNITY Small' Damage deposit and seminar'on aging, to which RENT..- ' For gentleman trailer court - 10 pads &6 references Phone 638.0783. elementary school Children LOW RATES--24 HOUR SERVICE I Call DAVE McKE0WH with kitchen .facilltleso rental trailers . Included. • " " t~)9-271an),: were invited '.baeksl/lg e . to Phone 635.~9& .. Full occupancy, .Rgom: ~ : ...... : :,". 635-7614 n 635-7459 ' ~-" :... "~ (p20-gfeb) expansion. C0rLve010nl. j ,, , , " ' •:

- ...... "'ln¢6me '$28,932; ":~;;n0 ~1~; • .r~' I ' , ndshield & Auto Glass ICBC Claims A,ts.. Good:' rates. Call P~l.c9 S?.l~,0o0.t..P~..~.o~,.: ,:n,:~::,-:: :,: achm=n_ lecialists __ • Handled "-- ' '

appolntmentto vlew,~Ph6no :'.' ,P'.~', •I '"" ,~ ' = e mptly

(acc21d, flU)c' ,, ~__ "" ;/ - .... "T "O"C' • ariaeats ..... ,.o...... In' Norlhwesfern ...... B,C, .., ~va ,e~:,R TWO BEDROOM duplex for -I~iI~I in:nhopplng mall,• . _ rent: in town.. Frldg~e & Terms~ne0~lable. Reply to ~).,~r, =p-fire,n' Jw,~/ln : stove. No pets• Phone 635. :Box i~7tl ~o Dally H~ald. 4711AKEITH ENTERPRISE3 I' .o--.y 'L. 6' r. • TE R RACE KITIMAT ~ Terr~:e,B.C. VlIO4Pi &141.17~ • $463.... (pS.lfeb) • -,r.".f~ J,.r,. :-,J,,, -, e-k-e. (PS-gfeb) ..... , " n 639,1 I~ ~2-4741 i I II J I 2 ':/;~;IBEDROOM duplex, FOR SALE--.3 cabins 12x2S WN'her, dryer, frldge and 1400 each. For information on running your ad in the business Move.-: Gel, 5eat 'at 4734 .2 h.OUoeS, approx.900 sq. ft. WelSh Ave. Must 'have S1000eich. P~"" "'"e" "?e" refarencel/:.No pets. For All must be move.d. Please directory call informatiOn cdll 635-9.~18, phone anytime 638.5ZP0. 638'126#. 635-6357 (p~2feb) ~;j~,~: ~,, (pT.27Jan) I i i ,i i 'i, . : ,....: . ..,.. :~ .,.., ..... : ..... 7..~_ _: ...... :~~+~] "" ?+.'~ "~:'+"': ...... T;:":~'.7 ":" ~!~* :?~,'":"~"~" .... :"~-: -. 7': ::~':*~:-7r ...... ,<:L~-:,:":': ...... :-'~,.;~" ,~--.- .:::,W.~.".,~-:--.~?-:;-~-;=7, .-- . . ;-.--F-.-'-'+?:-. '.'~ "~<. :~...¢~":~""~:'..::~;

r'~ '. ''i 'iI :'i i u,, ,+0:o,,,0 SAV, N !

I ~~=~t".oothermaterlal I~ natm! I' :~~,i!~i!l ~~1 IToP'grade;-:interi°r sheathing for re,p~airs too d ' can °.marltl~ ~e beauty °.o.ft~r .~ terlal . . , _ ~:~(/; ~il,.CJl il ir~ ~ ~.!~i~ii~;I i~Vii'~ ,~walls .orbuilding new' ones;:4' x u!. sheets; ,.,: N

...... " : " ',- : " !' :'~' ,.,,,,:.': " : ...... + :~...... , " ......

+ .; : : I :FOLDING:-' • • ' "~:,~,~ ~<',t~" , ' • " . . L BB~I|I~lg DOORS:: .... " I + a: ~l~,ll~mm Front your closets with a .J L " ~il ~iEgE~:II~iHIHI handsome set of half- ' I • ~:~, ~i+ ~'~S I~L~I'LIF~m I ouvred, mahogany ' . I ' " 9: "++ ~]I I B~H~B~ doors.Space-saving, . .. :~,*:~'+.~~:~ii:: ~:l l/r~,l|r~lEl~li foIding,door~ areready ': Ceiling"Ti H|ii~ ~1 I~ll i~lll;!!~ml forfinishing~ "...... ~ . :,~ . . , . ; , .

• OFF + ..... '" ~ . .. 0 = ~., ..:, OFF

., .,. , . . .. ,ii .% .

~ +.... ~~+,~+a~ ~, ~0{" +~; ~ ::~: ":::!~'~i}'' ,

r[ ,.., ,. '~:,. ;:.".1 ~a'-='~'~,,+.,+-+,--,,,,, ...... ',t ...... "=-" '-+' =='--"--=~ ' i+++++++: ,;:'~ ilL~,.~+,-:-~'~:! • :~1 . I ~6'~Z6~;;÷ ~ |,,,,.,JL| .I~'~J~~,~L~!~][~~I ~t~ " IL.~~I .... I~.~.:=_~.,o~ ~ .,. I ~~~.>. ~ ~. ~; ~\~,s,.,,+~ l~,..~_,,.~ i "+ ~ai~.~- ~ H~.~J--"',. ~ I "~"'~v~ .: SHINGLES| l~%.~j,,_%m~..m,.'+[i+-r,m-r~f"i . ,,.. . ,i. ~..~".~: ' . , moof repnirscan't waltlSelf-seallng shingles I I ;,~,=;~,:'""- II I [] II II I I --. : '. --,-.' :.... I, =.~Mlgnt,/~.#m=A'11"Ulm#'~e'~m",,A.,nqPVyptP41llTt~" ",- _~:!,~,~,.,:.:ooo,..ho,..o,,.,u,.:/ I ~ I I ¢;erami© [aleS.L.: "o'"..,.',..,n,,.,,om.,,,.,o,on,...., ' In ...... unumcoversapprox.~u=,~ .... / I ' - ~ ."~"~"-'- I I • . ' .... :' ' ' '-F" board.base. ',.;. , , • 11- ::. II 33~% oF+l: I 25%

SH AND:CAR Y ONLY++:-', . .": VII" ....and . a ,,.t ercardAccePted::...... ,. :.~ • ...... " .~.:. +' :", i JANUARY 30thi:::,:-/g/lllml I~'~~~IYA THRU FEB. 4th ~ ,i!~

.....We reserve the right to".limit quantities. i ¸ , . ,OPE~!NG HOURS: . .. ' i":' . .

MONDAY TO iSATURDAY 7:30 A.M: TOS:3OP;M. : i.. " , .., .... I' illll ~KELSE AVENUE ' I 0MINICA I A?rl I I~ Atbl~&li I1~ • .,., .,'..~ !.~.r~,..:,,:,,:, BUILDING SUPPLIES 3220 EBY STREET;:TERRAGE,.... B C::::' :, ....:.::+' : :+' '

.m , ...... ,li m ...... ~ ..... • . rl II! III II ...... :~ ...... I I H III a pa