Poole Community Infrastructure Levy Representations Received in Line with Reg 17
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Poole Community Infrastructure Levy Representations received in line with Reg 17 July 2018 Schedule of Representations Received under Regulation 17 Reference Consultee Rep 01 Montagu Evans LLP representing Atlas Holding (Sydenham’s) Rep 02 Denton’s UKMEA LLP representing Lands Improvement Holdings Poole S.a.r.L and Gallagher Poole Limited Rep 03 Fortitudo Ltd Rep 04 Montagu Evans LLP representing Legal and General Investment Management Rep 05 Lichfield’s for Inland Homes Rep 06 Poole Quays Forum Rep 07 Purbeck District Council Rep 08 Mr. J Mills – Resident Rep 09 Mr. J Sprackling – Resident Rep 10 Savills representing Richborough Estates Rep 11 Tetlow King representing South West Harp Planning Consortium Rep 12 Chapman Lilly Planning Ltd representing W H White Ltd Rep 01 Borough of Poole REF Poole's CIL Draft Charging Schedule Representation Form Borough of Poole (for official use only) This form has two parts: Part A - Personal Details; and Part B - Your comment(s). PART A: Personal Details Your Details Agents Details (where relevant) Title Ms Name Polly Mason Job Title Associate ( where relevant) Organisation Atlas Patners (Sydenham) Ltd Montagu Evans LLP (where relevant) Address 5 Bolton Street, London Postcode WlJ 8BA E-mail [email protected] Tel. Number 020 7312 7403 Responses should be sent to: Email: [email protected] Post: Poole Local Plan I GIL, Planning & Regeneration, Boroughof Poole, Civic Centre, Poole BH15 2RU Return to Borough of Poole by 12pm, Friday 22 September 2017 Late or anonymous representations will not be accepted. All representations received will be published on the Council's website along with your name. If you choose to type a response it would be appreciated if you could email the Microsoft Word version, making it easier to copy the responses into an examination database. An example of a completed form is available on the Council's website. Alternatively, if you would like help completing this formplease contact the Planning Policy Team. For further information, visit www.poole.gov.uklcil , email or call 01202 633321 to speak to a member of the Planning Policy Team. Poole's CIL DraftCharging Schedule - Representation form. July-Sept 2017 1 Edinburgh Glasgow Manchester CHARTERED SURVEYORS 5 Bolton Street PD10976/PB/PM/LB London W1J 8BA email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7493 4002 Fax: 020 7312 7548 21 September 2017 www.montagu-evans.co.uk Borough of Poole Planning and Regeneration Services Growth and Infrastructure Civic Centre Poole BH15 2RU Dear Sir or Madam Borough of Poole Local Plan – Regulation 19 Consultation (Pre-Submission Draft) – July 2017 Borough of Poole Draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule – July 2017 Representations On Behalf Of Atlas Partners (Sydenham) Ltd These representations are submitted by Montagu Evans on behalf of Atlas Partners (Sydenham) Ltd in respect of the latest round of consultation by the Borough of Poole (“BoP”) on the Local Plan Review which runs between 31 July and 22 September 2017, and on the draft CIL charging schedule which runs between the same dates. The purpose of these representations insofar as they relate to the Pre-Submission Draft of the Local Plan is to help ensure that the policies in the emerging Local Plan are consistent with other local and national planning policies, and are sufficiently robust to promote delivery of the stated objectives and necessary development across the borough. It is recognised that at this stage, representations should relate to the soundness of the Proposed Submission Local Plan – we refer to this later within this letter. In terms of the draft CIL charging schedule, these representations seek to ensure transparency and consistency in the application of CIL charging within the borough. Background and Context to the Representations By way of background to these representations, on behalf of Atlas Partners (Sydenham) Ltd, Montagu Evans have previously submitted representations to earlier rounds of consultation on the emerging Local Plan, including in November 2016 to the Regulation 18 Consultation. In July 2017, Montagu Evans submitted an application for planning permission for the redevelopment of the site to the Borough of Poole on behalf of Atlas Partners (Sydenham) Ltd. This application seeks consent for: “Demolition of all existing buildings. Full application for residential-led mixed use development comprising raising existing ground levels and provision of 374 residential units, 1,543 sqm GEA of flexible floorspace (Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B2, D1 and D2) provided in eight blocks ranging from 4 to 14 storeys Montagu Evans LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC312072. Registered office 5 Bolton Street London W1J 8BA. A list of members’ names is available at the above address. above ground level in addition to undercroft car park and servicing area, 369 car parking spaces, a boat basin with capacity for circa 23 vessels, and associated soft and hard landscaped open space”. This application has been registered under application reference APP/17/00991/F but it has not yet been determined. Given the above, these representations focus on the delivery of residential-led mixed use development on the Sydenhams site, and housing delivery across the borough more broadly. The Sydenhams Site Emerging Policy PP5 of the Local Plan refers to the Twin Sails Regeneration Area and states that this area will be regenerated as a vibrant new community, with major development proposals required to provide a mix of uses appropriate to the size and location of the site and include new homes, office space and supporting commercial activities. It is also noted that development within the regeneration area should: a. create a new attractive, vibrant and continuous public quayside along the waterfront; b. facilitate pedestrian and cycle access to Upton Country Park; c. improve access to the port; d. provide flood defences to reduce the risk of flooding; e. deliver a high standard of design; and f. provide pedestrian and cycle links to connect with existing parts of the town. The policy also notes that development will be required to comply with other policy and guidance prepared for the area and adopted by the Council including the Town Centre SPD and development briefs. The Sydenhams site is identified as site ‘T10’, with the following objectives: - the delivery of approximately 300 homes, with supporting offices and commercial uses; and - the preservation and enhancement of the setting of adjacent listed buildings and the Town Centre Heritage Conservation Area. We fully support the allocation of the Sydenhams site for residential-led development with supporting commercial uses. This reflects the representations to the Local Plan submitted on behalf of Atlas Partners (Sydenham) Ltd in November 2016, and the recognised need within the Local Plan evidence base to increase the quantum and density of residential development on key sites, whilst reviewing the amount of employment floorspace that it appropriate and deliverable. We do however request that the wording of section T10 of emerging Policy PP5 is amended to replace reference to ‘adjacent’ listed buildings with ‘nearby’ listed buildings. This is necessary for accuracy, given that there are no listed buildings directly adjacent to the Sydenhams site, with the closest being those located at 5 – 11 and 19 Blandford Road. On the basis of the application for the redevelopment of the site lodged with the Council in July 2017, it is clear that the site represents a specific developable site, offering a realistic prospect for the delivery of housing within the next five years (in accordance with paragraph 47 of the National Planning Policy Framework and footnote 11), and a major opportunity for the Council to seek to address the housing delivery shortfall which has been identified. Given the above, we support the identification in the emerging Local Plan that the site has capacity for ‘approximately 300 homes’. We request however, that this figure – as well as other figures for housing delivery in the Local Plan – are presented as minima. This enables a more accurate basis to be arrived at in terms of the estimated delivery of housing across the borough and plan period, as well as setting clear objectives for the best use of sites. The above reflects the general principles for residential development as set out in the emerging Local Plan, contained within section 6 of the document, which is entitled ‘Meeting all housing need’. Therein, it is stated that: “the Poole Local Plan contains a suite of policies to maximise the reuse of brownfield land to encourage higher densities, redevelop public sector land, allocate brownfield sites and provide more locations where flats can come forward”. It is further noted that: “the Poole Local Plan allocates urban area sites, referred to as urban allocations that are available and deliverable or developable and can provide a minimum of 40 homes. These urban allocations, along with town centre allocations, make up almost a half of total housing supply required to meet the OAHN”. We support the above and note that this gives greater weight to urban allocations that are ‘available, deliverable or developable’ – which is the case for the Sydenhams site. We do however consider that the inclusion of approximate figures for housing delivery rather than defined minima threatens the soundness of the emerging plan. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)