IN THIS ISSUE May 2019; 61:4 Improving access to first-line Pages 149–192 contraception for youth Brucellosis and other diseases imported with dogs Harm reduction throughout the opioid crisis The impacts of climate change The BC Emergency on mental health Why I don’t read medical literature Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings 3rd Annual Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Symposium June 5, 2019 0800-1600 Chan Centre for Family Health Education 950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver RSVP:
[email protected] Free Admission Topics include: Physician Incorporation, New tax rules, Deducting medical expenses New Guidelines for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Male Factors in Infertility and Recurrent Pregnan- cy Loss Donor Eggs! Donor Sperm! IVF! Surrogacy! Fertil- ity options for every patient Personal Genomics—What commercial genetic testing means to my patient and my practice Evaluating sperm, eggs and embryos Acupuncture and TCM in Fertility First Trimester Genetics Medical care of transgendered youth Optimizing natural fertility Contraception Conundrums British Columbia 500 - 4601 Canada Way Burnaby V5G 4X7 T 604.422.7276 | F 604.434.5522 | TF 1.866.481.7276 Alberta 300 - 9888 Jasper Avenue | Edmonton T5J 5C6 T 780.990.4442 | F 780.990.4443 | TF 1.866.481.7276 150 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL VOL. 61 NO. 4, MAY 2019 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL VOL. 61 NO. 4, MAY 2019 151 May 2019 Volume 61 • Number 4 contents Pages 149–192 154 Editorials Mistaken, David R. Richardson, MD (154) Priorities in health politics and policy making, Brian Day, MB (156) 158 News Improving access to team-based primary care in Burnaby (158) The Victoria Combined Peripheral Nerve and Spasticity Clinic (158) Spring 2019: Billing webinars for GPs (182) Vancouver CBT Skills Group Program increases capacity for referrals (182) New medical retina referral clinic at St.