Ilchester Crescent Open Space Legend

Bedminster Common Open Space Informal Green Space Formal Green Space Active Sports - Fixed Active Sports - Seasonal Bridgwater Road Amenity Area Natural Green Space Cheddar Grove Childrens Play Space Manor Woods Valley Young Persons Space No Right of Public Access Neighbourhood Partnerships Kings Head Lane Park Crox Bottom Green Space Kings Head Lane Police Station Headley Lane Park

Lakemead Grove Amenity Area

Lakemead Grove Sportsground

Highridge Green & Common Surrounds Whitland Road Open Space

Highridge Park

Highridge Common Gatehouse Avenue O/S Willmott Park

Maynard Road Withywood Park Leacroft Park Huntingham Road

Hawkfiled Meadow Four Acres Open Space

The Ridings Open Space

Belland Drive Open Space The Coppice Molesworth Drive Open Space Millennium Green St Augustines Park

Rookery Way Witch Hazel Road Valley Walk Court Farm Road Open Space Billand Close Claypiece Road Open Space

Brook A/A (Crosscombe Drive) Hersey Gardens Open Space Stoneberry Road Pigeon House Stream Open Space Redford Crescent Open Space

Billard Close Open Space Crosscombe Drive Open Space This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material. Permission granted by Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright.

Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. City Council. 100023406.2008

0 250 500 750 1,000 ± Meters Parks, Estates and Sport Phone: 0117 922 3719 Neighbourhood Partnership 13 Colston 33 Fax: 0117 922 3744 Colston Avenue [email protected] , Hartcliffe and Bristol BS1 4UA Typology Mapping - June 2008 Bristol Parks, Culture and Leisure