1971 AHMED Shah, Crown Prince of Afghanistan 1971 Dr. Gustav NEINEMANN, President of the Federal Republic of Germany

1971 Anastasio SOMOZA DEBAYLE, President of Nicaragua 1971 PHILIP, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Duke of Edinburgh

1971 CHARLES, Prince of Wales, Crown Prince of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1972 JUAN CARLOS, Crown Prince of Spain 1972 BERTIL, Prince of Sweden 1972 Luis ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ, President of Mexico 1973 Francisco FRANCO BAHAMONDE, Leader of Spain 1974 Ernesto GEISEL, President of Brazil 1975 Nicolae CEAUSESCU, President of Romania 1976 HASSAN bin Talal, Crown Prince of Jordan 1978 HARALD, Crown Prince of Norway 1978 Todor ~IVKOV, President of Bulgaria 1978 Walter SCHELL, President of the Federal Republic of Germany 1978 Jose LOPEZ PORTILLO, President of Mexico 1979 Leopold SEDAR SENGHOR, President of Senegal 1979 Jorge Rafael VIDELA, President of Argentina 1979 JEAN, Grand Duke of Luxembourg 1980 Aristides ROY0, President of Panama 1981 NENRIK, Prince Consort of Denmark Nota bene: At the same time 77 Japanes~ subjects received the same class of the Order, among them 40 persons having the title of Prince, ? Prime Ministers, 3 Lords Custodian of the Great Shrine, I President of the Privy Council, 2 Advisors of the Privy Council, several cabinet mem- bers, 8 Marshals, 6 Generals, 4 Admirals of the Fleet, 3 Admirals, etc.


Grand Collar of the National Order of the Southern Cross The following list contains names of recipients having received the Collar between 1947 and 1976. YEAR OF NAME OF THE RECIPIENT AND HIS FUNCTION AT THE AWARD TIM~ OF AWARD 1947 Gabriel GONZALES VIDELA, President of Argentina 1948 Luis BATTLE BERRES, President of Uruguay 1953 HIROHITO, Emperor of Japan 1953 JULIANA, Queen of the Netherlands

16 1954 Victor PAZ ~STBNSORO, President of Bolivia 1954 Camille CHAMOUN, President of Lebanon 1954 Marcos PEREZ JIMENEZ, President of Venezuela 1956 Alfredo STROESSNER, President of Paraguay 1956 Hernan SILES SUAZO, President of Bolivia 1958 Giovanni GRONCHI, President of Italy 1959 Arturo PRONDIZI, President of Argentina 1959 Jorge ALESSANDRI, President of Chile 1961 MAKARIOS III, Archbishop, President of Cyprus 1961 Fuad CHEHAB, Amir, President of Lebanon 1961 Nnamdi AZIKIWE, Governor General, President of Nigeria 1961 Americo Deus RODRIGU~S THOMAZ, Admiral, President of Portugal 1961 Leopold SEDAR SUNGHOR, President of Senegal 1961 Andres MARTINEZ TRUEBA, President of the National Council of Uruguay 1963 Daniel FERNANDEZ CRESPO, President of the National Council of Uruguay 1963 Victor Eduardo HAEDO, President of the National Council of Uruguay 1966 BAUDOUIN I, King of Belgians 1966 Rene BARRIENTOS ORTU~O, President of Bolivia 1965 Mohammad REZA Shah Pahlavi, Shahinshah of Iran 1965 Dr. Giuseppe SARAGAT, President of Italy 1965 JEAN, Grand Duke of Luxembourg 1966 Fra ANGELO de Mojana di Cologna, Sovereign Prince, Grand Master of the Knights of St. John (of Malta) 1967 OLAV V, King of Norway 1967 AKIHITO, Crown Prince of Japan 1968 ELIZABETH If, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Head of the Common- wealth 1969 Jorge PACHECO ARECO, President of Uruguay 1969 Eduardo FREI MONTALVA, President of Chile 1971 Anastasio SOMOZA DEBAYLE, President of Nicaragua 1971 Misael PASTRANA BORRERO, President of Colombia 1972 Alejandro Agustin LANUSSE, President of Argentina 1972 Hugo BANZER SUAREZ, President of Bolivia 1973 Rafael CALDERA RODRIGUEZ, President of Venezuela 1974 Luis ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ, President of Mexico 1975 Juan Maria BORDABERRY, President of Uruguay 1975 Nicolae CEAUSESCU, President of Romania 1975 Albert Bernard (later Omar) BONGO, President of Gabon 1976 Valery GISCARD D’ESTAING, President of Prance

17 1976 NAGAKO, Empress-Consort of Japan 1976 Francisco MORALES BERMUDEZ CERRUTI, President of Peru

TOGO Order of Mono

The following list contains the names of foreign Heads of State who were awarded the Grand Cross class of the Order of Mono in the period 1961 - 1979. YEAR OF NAME OF THE RECIPIENT AND HIS FUNCTION AT THE AWARD TIME OF AWARD 1962 Ahmed SEKOU TOURE, President of Guinea 1962 Andree S~KOU TOURE, wife of the President of Guinea 1963 William V. S. TUBMAN, President of Liberia 1963 Antoinette TUBMAN, wife of the President of Liberia 1963 Tolbert R. TOLBERT, later President of Liberia 1963 CHIANG Kai-Shek, Generalissimo, President of Nationalist China (Taiwan) 1964 Charles de GAULLE, General, President of France 1964 , President of the United Arab Republic 1964 Zalman SHAZAR, President of Israel 1964 Leopold SEDAR SENGHOR, President of Senegal 1966 Dr. Heinrich LUEBKE, President of the Federal Republic of Germany 1966 Wilhelmine LUEBKE, wife of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany 1971 Joseph Desire (later Sesse Seko) MOBUTU, General, President of Zaire 1971 Marie Antoinette MOBUTU, wife of the President of Zaire 1971 Georges POMPIDOU, President of France 1971 Hubert MAGA, President of Dahomey (later Benin) 1972 E1 Hadj Ah~adou AHIDJO, President of Cameroun 1972 Francois TOMBALBAYE, President of Tchad 1972 Sir Seewoosagur RAMGOOLAM, Governor General of 1972 , General, President of Nigeria 1974 KIM Ii Sung, President of North Korea 1975 Mokhtar Ould DADAH, President of Mauritania 1976 Josip BROZ Tito, Marshal, President of Yugoslavia 1977 Anwar E1 SADAT, Field Marshal, President of Egypt 1978 KHALED bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia