Revolutionizing scholarly writing with Manubot a foreshadow of publishing's future

#FORCE2018 October 12, 2018 1:30 PM New Residence Hall Room C14 McGill University, Montreal Abstract Manubot is a system for writing scholarly documents on GitHub. It aims to transform publishing to be transparent & reproducible, immediate & permissionless, versioned & automated, collaborative & open, linked & provenanced, decentralized & hackable, interactive & annotated, and free of charge. Manubot accomplishes these goals by applying the workflow from open source to academic writing. This talk will introduce Manubot and its features. Compared to other methods for writing scholarly documents, Manubot is designed for more technical users as well as infrastructure providers. However, we hope many of Manubot's innovations — such as citation-by-identifier and end-to-end reproducibility — will be adopted more broadly. Hence, this talk should engage all conference participants by foreshadowing a future of publishing towards which we strive! what is Manubot? what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub

powering the next generation of scholarly manuscript what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub

powering the next generation of scholarly manuscript

transparent & reproducible what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub

powering the next generation of scholarly manuscript

transparent & reproducible immediate & permissionless what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub

powering the next generation of scholarly manuscript

transparent & reproducible immediate & permissionless versioned & automated what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub

powering the next generation of scholarly manuscript

transparent & reproducible immediate & permissionless versioned & automated collaborative what is Manubot? system for writing papers via GitHub

powering the next generation of scholarly manuscript

transparent & reproducible immediate & permissionless versioned & automated collaborative open & free of charge

Open collaborative writing with Manubot Daniel S. Himmelstein, David R. Slochower, Venkat S. Malladi, Casey S. Greene, Anthony Gitter Manubot Preprint (2018)

Manubot mechanics 1. modify the manuscript source 2. continuous integration rebuilds the manuscript 3. continuous deployment back to GitHub 3. continuous deployment back to GitHub

Timestamped on the Bitcoin blockchain via OpenTimestamps 3. continuous deployment back to GitHub

Timestamped on the Bitcoin blockchain via OpenTimestamps Beyond the PDF First Day Notes by De Jongens van de Tekeningen. CC BY 3.0 manuscript/v/17dd2015ec9396e59cdbc3c2b0abb7d33481bcbf/

Beyond the PDF First Day Notes by De Jongens van de Tekeningen. CC BY 3.0 input output manubot process

input output manubot process

input output manubot process

input output manubot process

input output manubot process

input output manubot process

input output open source software workflow

citation by persistent identifier citation by persistent identifier

This is a sentence with 5 citations [ @doi:10.1038/nbt.3780; @pmid:29424689; @pmcid:PMC5938574; @:1407.3561; @url: ]. citation by persistent identifier

This is a sentence with 5 citations [ @doi:10.1038/nbt.3780; @pmid:29424689; @pmcid:PMC5938574; @arxiv:1407.3561; @url: ]. This is a sentence with 5 citations [1,2,3,4,5].

References This is a sentence with 5 citations [1,2,3,4,5].


1. Reproducibility of computational workflows is automated using continuous analysis Brett K Beaulieu-Jones, Casey S Greene Nature Biotechnology (2017-03-13) DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3780 · PMID: 28288103 · PMCID: PMC6103790

This is a sentence with 5 citations [1,2,3,4,5].


1. Reproducibility of computational workflows is automated using continuous analysis Brett K Beaulieu-Jones, Casey S Greene Nature Biotechnology (2017-03-13) DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3780 · PMID: 28288103 · PMCID: PMC6103790

2. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. Daniel S Himmelstein, Ariel Rodriguez Romero, Jacob G Levernier, Thomas Anthony Munro, Stephen Reid McLaughlin, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Casey S Greene eLife (2018-03-01) DOI: 10.7554/elife.32822 · PMID: 29424689 · PMCID: PMC5832410

This is a sentence with 5 citations [1,2,3,4,5].


1. Reproducibility of computational workflows is automated using continuous analysis Brett K Beaulieu-Jones, Casey S Greene Nature Biotechnology (2017-03-13) DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3780 · PMID: 28288103 · PMCID: PMC6103790

2. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. Daniel S Himmelstein, Ariel Rodriguez Romero, Jacob G Levernier, Thomas Anthony Munro, Stephen Reid McLaughlin, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Casey S Greene eLife (2018-03-01) DOI: 10.7554/elife.32822 · PMID: 29424689 · PMCID: PMC5832410

3. Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine Travers Ching, Daniel S. Himmelstein, Brett K. Beaulieu-Jones, Alexandr A. Kalinin, Brian T. Do, Gregory P. Way, Enrico Ferrero, Paul-Michael Agapow, Michael Zietz, Michael M. Hoffman, … Casey S. Greene Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2018-04) DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0387 · PMID: 29618526 · PMCID: PMC5938574

This is a sentence with 5 citations [1,2,3,4,5].


1. Reproducibility of computational workflows is automated using continuous analysis Brett K Beaulieu-Jones, Casey S Greene Nature Biotechnology (2017-03-13) DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3780 · PMID: 28288103 · PMCID: PMC6103790

2. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. Daniel S Himmelstein, Ariel Rodriguez Romero, Jacob G Levernier, Thomas Anthony Munro, Stephen Reid McLaughlin, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Casey S Greene eLife (2018-03-01) DOI: 10.7554/elife.32822 · PMID: 29424689 · PMCID: PMC5832410

3. Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine Travers Ching, Daniel S. Himmelstein, Brett K. Beaulieu-Jones, Alexandr A. Kalinin, Brian T. Do, Gregory P. Way, Enrico Ferrero, Paul-Michael Agapow, Michael Zietz, Michael M. Hoffman, … Casey S. Greene Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2018-04) DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0387 · PMID: 29618526 · PMCID: PMC5938574

4. IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System Juan Benet arXiv (2014-07-14)

This is a sentence with 5 citations [1,2,3,4,5].


1. Reproducibility of computational workflows is automated using continuous analysis Brett K Beaulieu-Jones, Casey S Greene Nature Biotechnology (2017-03-13) DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3780 · PMID: 28288103 · PMCID: PMC6103790

2. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. Daniel S Himmelstein, Ariel Rodriguez Romero, Jacob G Levernier, Thomas Anthony Munro, Stephen Reid McLaughlin, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Casey S Greene eLife (2018-03-01) DOI: 10.7554/elife.32822 · PMID: 29424689 · PMCID: PMC5832410

3. Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine Travers Ching, Daniel S. Himmelstein, Brett K. Beaulieu-Jones, Alexandr A. Kalinin, Brian T. Do, Gregory P. Way, Enrico Ferrero, Paul-Michael Agapow, Michael Zietz, Michael M. Hoffman, … Casey S. Greene Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2018-04) DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0387 · PMID: 29618526 · PMCID: PMC5938574

4. IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System Juan Benet arXiv (2014-07-14)

5. Open collaborative writing with Manubot Daniel S. Himmelstein, David R. Slochower, Venkat S. Malladi, Casey S. Greene, Anthony Gitter (2018-08-03) References

versus References

1. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. Daniel S Himmelstein, Ariel Rodriguez Romero, Jacob G Levernier, Thomas Anthony Munro, Stephen Reid McLaughlin, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Casey S Greene eLife (2018-03-01) DOI: 10.7554/elife.32822 · PMID: 29424689 · PMCID: PMC5832410 versus References

1. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. Daniel S Himmelstein, Ariel Rodriguez Romero, Jacob G Levernier, Thomas Anthony Munro, Stephen Reid McLaughlin, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Casey S Greene eLife (2018-03-01) DOI: 10.7554/elife.32822 · PMID: 29424689 · PMCID: PMC5832410 versus

1. B. Durmaz, M. Dalgalar, R. Durmaz, Anaerobe 11 (2005) 318-321. 2. J.I. Keenan, A. Aitchison, R.V. Purcell, R. Greenlees, J.F. Pearson, F.A. Frizelle, Anaerobe 40 (2016) 50-53. 3. J. Silva, D. Leite, M. Fernandes, C. Mena, P.A. Gibbs, P. Teixeira, Front. Microbiol. 2 (2011) 200.

Example from my uBiome SmartGut report

manubot cite python command line utility manubot cite python command line utility

manubot on PyPI pip install manubot

Technical details of citation metadata retrieval

Prefix Resource Backend API Call doi DOI Content curl --location --silent \ Negotation --header "Accept: application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json" \ pmcid NCBI Citation Exporter report=citeproc&ids=PMC4304851 pmid NCBI E-Utilities db=pubmed&id=pmid&id=29424689&rettype=full arxiv arXiv API url Greycite uri=url:

Additional sources under consideration: ISBNs, Wikidata, Zotero manubot cite ­­allow­invalid­csl­data \ doi:10.7554/eLife.32822

CSL Data Validation manubot cite ­­allow­invalid­csl­data \ doi:10.7554/eLife.32822 [ { "indexed": { "date-parts": [ [ 2018, 10, 11 ] ], "date-time": "2018-10-11T04:22:36Z", "timestamp": 1539231756463 }, "reference-count": 126, "publisher": "eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd", "": [ { "URL": "", "start": { "date-parts": [ [ 2018, 3, 1 ] ], "date-time": "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z", "timestamp": 1519862400000 }, "delay-in-days": 0, "content-version": "vor" }, { "URL": "", "start": { manubot cite ­­allow­invalid­csl­data \ doi:10.7554/eLife.32822 [ { "indexed": { "date-parts": [ [ 2018, 10, 11 ] ], "date-time": "2018-10-11T04:22:36Z", "timestamp": 1539231756463 }, "reference-count": 126, "publisher": "eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd", "license": [ { CSL Schema Pruning "URL": "", "start": { "date-parts": [ [ 2018, 3, 1 ] ], "date-time": "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z", "timestamp": 1519862400000 }, "delay-in-days": 0, "content-version": "vor" }, { "URL": "", "start": { manubot cite ­­allow­invalid­csl­data \ manubot cite doi:10.7554/eLife.32822 doi:10.7554/eLife.32822 [ [ { { "indexed": { "publisher": "eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd", "date-parts": [ "abstract": "The website Sci-Hub enables users to d [ "DOI": "10.7554/elife.32822", 2018, "type": "article-journal", 10, "source": "Crossref", 11 "title": "Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly l ] "volume": "7", ], "author": [ "date-time": "2018-10-11T04:22:36Z", { "timestamp": 1539231756463 "given": "Daniel S", }, "family": "Himmelstein" "reference-count": 126, }, "publisher": "eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd", { "license": [ "given": "Ariel Rodriguez", { CSL Schema Pruning "family": "Romero" "URL": "", }, "start": { { "date-parts": [ "given": "Jacob G", [ "family": "Levernier" 2018, }, 3, { 1 "given": "Thomas Anthony", ] "family": "Munro" ], }, "date-time": "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z", { "timestamp": 1519862400000 "given": "Stephen Reid", }, "family": "McLaughlin" "delay-in-days": 0, }, "content-version": "vor" { }, "given": "Bastian", { "family": "Greshake Tzovaras" "URL": "", }, "start": { { accoutrements end-to-end reproducibility end-to-end reproducibility The provenance of every statement, measure, and figure can be traced to its origin. end-to-end reproducibility The provenance of every statement, measure, and figure can be traced to its origin. Embed images using versioned links to source

![**Downloads per day on Sci­Hub for months with access logs.**] ( cihub/e35cc7b0d3b6dd65bf8ce18945007d2b44a6be1e /download/scihub­logs­2017/scihub­log­ downloads.svg?sanitize=true) end-to-end reproducibility The provenance of every statement, measure, and figure can be traced to its origin. Embed images using versioned links to source

![**Downloads per day on Sci­Hub for months with access logs.**] ( cihub/e35cc7b0d3b6dd65bf8ce18945007d2b44a6be1e /download/scihub­logs­2017/scihub­log­ downloads.svg?sanitize=true)

Directly insert output using template variables

the Deep Review repository accumulated {{total_commits}} git commits, {{merged_pull_requests}} merged pull requests, {{open_issues + closed_issues}} issues, and {{github_stars}} GitHub stars. end-to-end reproducibility The provenance of every statement, measure, and figure can be traced to its origin. Embed images using versioned links to source JSON provides analysis output ![**Downloads per day on Sci­Hub for months with access logs.**] { ( "creation_time_utc": "2018-06-15T14 cihub/e35cc7b0d3b6dd65bf8ce18945007d2b44a6be1e "commit": "63d2468883ea69ad7ad638c3 /download/scihub­logs­2017/scihub­log­ "total_commits": 755, downloads.svg?sanitize=true) "manuscript_commits": 349, "deep_review_authors": 36, "deep_review_post_submission_author Directly insert output using template variables "github_stars": 616, "github_forks": 165, "merged_pull_requests": 315, the Deep Review repository accumulated "declined_pull_requests": 22, {{total_commits}} git commits, "open_pull_requests": 0, {{merged_pull_requests}} merged pull requests, "open_issues": 322, {{open_issues + closed_issues}} issues, and "closed_issues": 215 {{github_stars}} GitHub stars. } the future: living but versioned the future: living but versioned

“Finally, we estimate that over a six-month period in 2015–2016, Sci-Hub provided access for 99.3% of valid incoming requests.”

— DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.3100v1 the future: living but versioned

“Finally, we estimate that over a six-month period in 2015–2016, Sci-Hub provided access for 99.3% of valid incoming requests.”

— DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.3100v1 the future: living but versioned

“Finally, we estimate that over a six-month period in 2015–2016, Sci-Hub provided access for 99.3% of valid incoming requests.”

— DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.3100v1

“In the first version of this study, we mistakenly treated the log events as requests rather than downloads. Fortunately, Sci-Hub reviewed the preprint in a series of tweets, and pointed out the error…”

— DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.3100v2 tracking prose in git: newlines tracking prose in git: newlines no newlines Manubot is an ideal authoring tracking prose in git: newlines no newlines word wrap at 25 chars Manubot is an ideal authoring Manubot is an ideal authoring protocol for real-time , especially for projects that are already using an open source software workflow to manage their . While Manubot does require technical expertise, the benefits are manyfold. Specifically, Manubot demonstrates a system for publishing that is transparent, d ibl i di t tracking prose in git: newlines no newlines word wrap at 25 chars one sentence per line Manubot is an ideal authoring Manubot is an ideal Manubot is an ideal authoring authoring protocol for While Manubot does require te real-time open science, Specifically, Manubot demonst especially for projects These attributes empower inte that are already using an open source software workflow to manage their research. While Manubot does require technical expertise, the benefits are manyfold. Specifically, Manubot demonstrates a system for publishing that is transparent, d ibl i di t tracking prose in git: newlines no newlines word wrap at 25 chars one sentence per line Manubot is an ideal authoring Manubot is an ideal Manubot is an ideal authoring authoring protocol for While Manubot does require te real-time open science, Specifically, Manubot demonst especially for projects These attributes empower inte that are already using an open source software workflow to manage their research. While Manubot does require technical expertise, the benefits are manyfold. Specifically, Manubot demonstrates a system for publishing that is transparent, d ibl i di t "semantic newlines" create the best diffs & minimize conflict

See blog post at current usage

As of October 2018, there are about 40 public Manubot manuscripts. The Deep Review The Deep Review review article on deep learning in precision medicine Michael Hoffman (+808) The Deep Review Simina M. Boca (+44) Ruibang Luo (+13) Austin Huang (+129) review article on deep Laura K Wiley (+151) Johnny Israeli (+715) learning in precision Marwin Segler (+337) Aaron Sheldon (+73) medicine Av Shrikumar (+2,442) 27 authors from 20 David J. Harris (+485) Yifan Peng (+384) different institutions David DeCaprio (+312) Enrico Ferrero (+968) Paul Agapow (+2,139) Alexandr Kalinin (+3,039) Ben Lengerich (+1,263) Jack Lanchantin (+1,323) Brian Do (+3,362) Jinbo Xu (+1,235) Daniel Himmelstein (+791) S. Joshua Swamidass (+950) Anne Carpenter (+577) Gail Rosen (+1,321) Wei Xie (+796) Stephen Woloszynek (+350) Brett Beaulieu­Jones (+1,096) Evan Cofer (+641) Travers Ching (+1,207) Gregory Way (+854)

Anthony Gitter (+8,917)

Casey Greene (+9,152)

Jan 2017 Apr 2017 Jul 2017 Oct 2017 Michael Hoffman (+808) The Deep Review Simina M. Boca (+44) Ruibang Luo (+13) Austin Huang (+129) review article on deep Laura K Wiley (+151) Johnny Israeli (+715) learning in precision Marwin Segler (+337) Aaron Sheldon (+73) medicine Av Shrikumar (+2,442) 27 authors from 20 David J. Harris (+485) Yifan Peng (+384) different institutions David DeCaprio (+312) Enrico Ferrero (+968) readers appreciate the Paul Agapow (+2,139) Alexandr Kalinin (+3,039) breadth of perspectives Ben Lengerich (+1,263) Jack Lanchantin (+1,323) Brian Do (+3,362) Jinbo Xu (+1,235) Daniel Himmelstein (+791) S. Joshua Swamidass (+950) Anne Carpenter (+577) Gail Rosen (+1,321) most viewed bioRxiv preprint of 2017 Wei Xie (+796) Stephen Woloszynek (+350) Brett Beaulieu­Jones (+1,096) Evan Cofer (+641) Travers Ching (+1,207) Gregory Way (+854)

Anthony Gitter (+8,917)

Casey Greene (+9,152)

Jan 2017 Apr 2017 Jul 2017 Oct 2017 real-time open science Sci-Hub Coverage Study was most viewed PeerJ Preprint of 2017! undergraduate progress reports grant progress reports climate dataset publications dataviz OSS manuscripts personal literature reviews genomics research papers historical reproductions getting started manubot-rootstock


Open collaborative writing with Manubot Daniel S. Himmelstein, David R. Slochower, Venkat S. Malladi, Casey S. Greene, Anthony Gitter Manubot Preprint (2018) Acknowledgments

Open collaborative writing with Manubot Daniel S. Himmelstein, David R. Slochower, Venkat S. Malladi, Casey S. Greene, Anthony Gitter Manubot Preprint (2018)

Manubot contributors & users: Deep Review Authors: Paul-Michael Agapow, Amr M. Alexandari, Brett K. Beaulieu- Ogun Adebali, Evan M. Cofer, Robert Jones, Anne E. Carpenter, Travers Ching, Evan M. Cofer, Dave Gieseke, Alexander Dunkel, Ansel DeCaprio, Brian T. Do, Enrico Ferrero, David J. Harris, Michael M. Hoffman, Alexandr A. Kalinin, Anshul Kundaje, Jack Lanchantin, Halliburton, Achintya Rao, and other GitHub Christopher A. Lavender, Benjamin J. Lengerich, Zhiyong Lu, Yifan users. Peng, Yanjun Qi, Gail L. Rosen, Avanti Shrikumar, Srinivas C. Turaga, Gregory P. Way, Laura K. Wiley, Stephen Woloszynek, Wei Xie, Jinbo Xu, and Michael Zietz Acknowledgments

Open collaborative writing with Manubot Daniel S. Himmelstein, David R. Slochower, Venkat S. Malladi, Casey S. Greene, Anthony Gitter Manubot Preprint (2018)

Manubot contributors & users: Deep Review Authors: Paul-Michael Agapow, Amr M. Alexandari, Brett K. Beaulieu- Ogun Adebali, Evan M. Cofer, Robert Jones, Anne E. Carpenter, Travers Ching, Evan M. Cofer, Dave Gieseke, Alexander Dunkel, Ansel DeCaprio, Brian T. Do, Enrico Ferrero, David J. Harris, Michael M. Hoffman, Alexandr A. Kalinin, Anshul Kundaje, Jack Lanchantin, Halliburton, Achintya Rao, and other GitHub Christopher A. Lavender, Benjamin J. Lengerich, Zhiyong Lu, Yifan users. Peng, Yanjun Qi, Gail L. Rosen, Avanti Shrikumar, Srinivas C. Turaga, Gregory P. Way, Laura K. Wiley, Stephen Woloszynek, Wei Funding Xie, Jinbo Xu, and Michael Zietz

G-2018-11163 GBMF4552 Acknowledgments

Open collaborative writing with Manubot Daniel S. Himmelstein, David R. Slochower, Venkat S. Malladi, Casey S. Greene, Anthony Gitter Manubot Preprint (2018)

Manubot contributors & users: Deep Review Authors: Paul-Michael Agapow, Amr M. Alexandari, Brett K. Beaulieu- Ogun Adebali, Evan M. Cofer, Robert Jones, Anne E. Carpenter, Travers Ching, Evan M. Cofer, Dave Gieseke, Alexander Dunkel, Ansel DeCaprio, Brian T. Do, Enrico Ferrero, David J. Harris, Michael M. Hoffman, Alexandr A. Kalinin, Anshul Kundaje, Jack Lanchantin, Halliburton, Achintya Rao, and other GitHub Christopher A. Lavender, Benjamin J. Lengerich, Zhiyong Lu, Yifan users. Peng, Yanjun Qi, Gail L. Rosen, Avanti Shrikumar, Srinivas C. Turaga, Gregory P. Way, Laura K. Wiley, Stephen Woloszynek, Wei Funding Xie, Jinbo Xu, and Michael Zietz

devs needed! $ frontend $ G-2018-11163 GBMF4552 @dhimmel Questions?

Getting started Slides 0000-0002-3012-7446