Chittlehamholt, Satterleigh and Warkleigh Parish Council

Chairman: Paul Blackwell [email protected] 01769 540180 Parish Clerk: Linda Stapleton [email protected]

CSW Parish Council meetings are normally recorded – videos of proceedings can be accessed at: meetings. Minutes are therefore limited mainly to action agreed, with the time of the agenda item on the video recording against each item.

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 27th January 2020 in Village Hall Meeting chaired by Councillor David Ball Meeting minuted by Parish Clerk Linda Stapleton Councillors present Councillor David Ball Councillor Andrew Coupe Councillor Steve Wilkinson Councillor Paul Wingrove

5 members of the public were in attendance. The meeting opened at 7.30 pm.

15/01/20 Introduction and apologies – (video time: 00:03:00) – noting apologies from both Cllr Blackwell (Chairman) and Cllr Kitchen (Vice Chairman), Cllr Wilkinson proposed; Cllr Coupe seconded and all agreed that Cllr Ball act as Chairman for the duration of the meeting. Apologies were also received from Cllr Edgell (DCC) and Cllr Jenkins (NDC).

16/01/20 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations – no declarations were received.

17/01/20 Reports – (video time: 00:03:55) a. Police – Cllr Wilkinson informed the Council that there had been 23 (reported) crimes in the wider area, none of which had taken place in the local parishes. He confirmed a major issue of concern to the Police continued to be the aspect of coercive control within domestic violence.

Monthly opportunities to meet representatives from the Police Service – Cllr Wilkinson went on to report that a series of meetings had been arranged for local Police Officers to meet residents of the South Molton district on a twice monthly basis. Meetings would take place at the South Molton Town Hall and open to anyone. Meetings organised to date, and which he hoped could be shared through the news outlets, were 1st February (11.00 a.m.) 20th


February (10.00 a.m.), 7th March (11.00 a.m.) and 19th March (10.00 a.m.). It was noted that further information about activities could be obtained from www.-

b. District Councillor – in the absence of Cllr Jenkins, there was no report. Cllr Wilkinson confirmed that the grant application to NDC of £250 towards the defibrillator had been approved.

c. County Councillor – in the absence of Cllr Edgell, there was no report.

18/01/20 Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th January 2020 - (video time: 00:06:45) The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on the 6th January 2020 were approved and signed by the Chairman following amendments, namely: • Amend typing error at 5/01/20b line 7. • Add “B” to 3227 at 10/01/20.

19/01/20 Parishioners’ Open Session - (video time – 00:07:40) issues raised by parishioners prior to the meeting included the following: a. Poor state of track to Warkleigh Church – was raised by a parishioner; it was agreed this issue would be addressed within the routine report about highway maintenance.

b. Review of the ‘wish list’ for Village Hall – Spence Seaman explained that the Village Hall Committee was updating the list of items which had been identified by way of improvements in the light of S106 becoming available. Items for improvement were likely to include the heating system and refurbishments of the toilets. There was some discussion about the recent news that Highbullen Hotel was for sale and what this may imply for the triggering of S106 monies. It was concluded that the triggering of these monies would be dependent on the new owners’ decision on future developments.

20/01/20 Maintenance of roads, footpaths etc. – (video time: 00:10:50) a. Highway maintenance/verge ploughing/bridleways & footpaths/progress with issues reported to Highways etc. Cllr Wilkinson confirmed that he and Cllr Wingrove had met with Richard Sables (Highways) to discuss various issues including the lack of progress with the enforcement placed upon a landowner in order that fallen and overhanging trees affecting certain roads were removed or cut back. He reminded the Council of its view that similar issues should not be followed up until the success of the enforcement notice was known. Other items to note from Cllr Wilkinson’s report included: i. Unused scalpings - confirmation had been received from Richard Sables that scalpings unused in works between Firebeacon/Swingate Cross could be used elsewhere in the parish and that Cllr Wingrove had used these outside Launds Playing Field. ii. Warning signs - the need for these at three points in the parish had been referred to DCC’s Safety Officer who would review the areas and advise on process if appropriate.


iii. Unsatisfactory clearing of gullies - along with a number of other parishes, Cllr Wilkinson had reported this issue to Highways, who would discuss this with the contractor and report back. iv. Running water at Head Post – this problem and a similar one at the bottom of Newlands Hill were being explored. v. Verge Ploughing – Ian Woolacott was the preferred contractor for this work and had organised his deputy to meet with Cllr Wilkinson to discuss work required. vi. Repair work required – in response to Cllr Ball’s comment, Cllr Wilkinson noted that the repair to an area on the B3226 needed repair again and advised there was a similar problem near to Four White Gates. vii. Poor standard of track from Warkleigh Barton to the Lychgate – in response to the issue raised in the Parishioners’ Open Session, Cllr Wingrove asked for further details, recalling that repairs had been undertaken some years ago. Cllr Wilkinson advised he would check the situation and report back. viii. Pot hole/30mph sign – in response to Cllr Coupe’s comment, Cllr Wilkinson confirmed these items had been reported for action. ix. Liaison with neighbouring Parish Councils in respect of gritting – Cllr Wingrove reported having been requested to grit a certain area which was the responsibility of Parish Council. Following discussion, responsibilities and rules related to grit spreading along the recognised snow route, Cllr Wilkinson agreed to contact the Parish Council in order to discuss a way forward for such activities. Cllr Wilkinson b. Chapter 8 Training – following discussion it was agreed that the Council would not proceed with Chapter 8 Training. As a result of discussions related to insurance, the Clerk was asked to clarify the definition of a ‘competent person’. Clerk 21/01/20 Strategy Task & Finish Group – (video time: 00:36:10) - it was agreed a date would be arranged for the next meeting via e-mail. Cllr Ball agreed to circulate a number of dates. Cllr Ball 22/01/20 Control documents – following comments on the implications of the new website regulations on parish councils, from Cllr Coupe and the Chairman, it was agreed to wait for an update from the website host. In the meantime, the Clerk was asked to contact DALC to check if guidance was available for smaller authorities. Clerk 23/01/20 Projects – (video time: 00:41:05) a. Chittlehamholt telephone box – ‘3 Parishes Museum’ – there was no further report on this item.

b. Chittlehamholt War Memorial – it was agreed to wait for information from Highways about process before pursuing the issue of reflective signs at the memorial.

c. Warkleigh & Satterleigh defibrillator – Cllr Wilkinson confirmed that two applications for funding had been submitted and confirmed again that NDC had agreed to grant £250 towards costs. He had yet to hear from the application to DCC handed to Cllr Edgell at the last meeting.


d. Launds Playing field – new sign for gate – Cllr Wilkinson confirmed (at a later point in the meeting) that the sign had now been received.

24/01/20 Planning - (video time: 00:43:50) a. Regulations related to hardcore drives – Cllr Wilkinson confirmed that he had only received a response about the planning regulations related to hardcore drives by answer-phone. He had therefore advised the parishioner of the Council’s recommendation that the parishioner seek written confirmation of this advice from NDC for future reference.

b. Unauthorised building – there was no further update on this issue.

25/01/20 Finances – (video time: 00:44:50) a. Current balance – it was noted that, at 15th January 2020, the balance was £9,523.96 which included £1,100 towards the next phase of highway maintenance and £500 towards the second defibrillator.

b. Payment – the following was approved for payments: i. Campaign to Protect Rural (CPRE) - £36.00 (ref Minutes 9/01/20c) - this payment was proposed by Cllr Coupe; seconded by Cllr Wilkinson and agreed by all. ii. CSW Village Hall - £126.00 (ref Budget 2019/20 Line 21) – this payment was proposed by Cllr Wilkinson; seconded by Cllr Coupe and agreed by all.

26/01/20 Matters Raised by Councillors – (video time 00:46:12) a. Electrical supply from the Village Hall – it was noted that a meeting to consider issues related to the village hall had been held prior to the Council meeting and a way forward proposed with regard to certain administrative issues.

b. Charging station in the village car park – Cllr Ball explained that some funding was available, until the end of the financial year, towards the installation of charging stations and asked whether the Village Hall Committee would be open to such a scheme. Initial views from representatives of that Committee who were present were positive to the idea. Following discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of such a scheme, it was agreed the matter should be explored further through the Strategy Task and Finish Group. Strategy Task & Finish Group c. Post for Launds – the need for an additional post for Launds was raised by Cllr Wingrove.

d. Posts for electrics to Air Ambulance Service Night Landing Site – Cllr Wingrove explained the need for a further post, or change in the distribution of the existing posts. Cllr Ball agreed to speak with Henry Godfrey about the issue. Cllr Ball e. Ivy on trees in Launds – in response to the issue raised by Cllr Wingrove related to dealing with trees where preservation orders were in place, he offered to remove the ivy and trim trees at the bottom of the field. It was agreed this would be allowable under the orders.


f. Play equipment – in response to Cllr Wilkinson’s suggestion, it was agreed to include the long-term replacement of play equipment on the agenda of the Strategy Task & Finish Group meeting. Strategy Task & Finish Group g. 100th birthday – the Council welcomed Cllr Wingrove’s suggestion of sending a card to the parishioner who would reach their 100th birthday on 10th March 2020. Clerk 27/01/20 Training opportunities for Councillors/Clerk – routine DALC newsletters circulated previously were noted.

28/01/20 Correspondence – circulated separately (video time: 00:57:40) a. Climate Emergency – the following was noted: i. District Council – e-mail regarding ‘Climate Action Week’ in March ii. Parish Council – request for information from all parish councils.

b. North Devon District Council – an e-mail seeking feedback on the recent meeting of the Parish Forum was noted.

c. (Traffic Management) Permit Scheme Order 2020 – following discussion, Cllr Wilkinson agreed to contact Richard Sables (in writing) to check whether parish councils would be liable to the fees mentioned in the consultation document. Cllr Wilkinson d. DALC – the proposed new Memorandum and Articles of Association for DALC sent for information and/or comment were noted.

29/01/20 Items for immediate release to local news outlets – (video time: 00:59:30) - items to share with the local news outlets were suggested.

30/01/20 Date of next and future meetings – next meeting 24th February 2020. Following discussion on the schedule of options (circulated previously) for dates of future meetings, Cllr Coupe proposed: Cllr Wilkinson seconded and all agreed that no meeting would be held in August, or December and that the January meetings would be brought forward to the second week; in 2021 this would be 13th January.

Summary of Items of Expenditure

Description Amount S 137 Net Amount VAT – Clerk’s salary + administrative charge – for the period October to December. 364.99 £1.29 SWFAST – ‘donation’ as contribution towards costs for the provision of ‘first responder’ training (2 sessions). £200.00 British Heart Foundation – in part payment of new (2nd) defibrillator. £600.00


Summary of Actions

Councillor/Clerk/ Agenda Details Next agenda Item Cllr Wilkinson 20/01/20 a ix Liaise with Chittlehampton Parish Council. Clerk 20/01/20 b Seek clarification of ‘competent person’. Cllr Ball 21/01/20 Arrange a meeting of the Strategy Task & Finish Group. Clerk 22/01/20 Contact DALC to obtain guidance on new website regulations. Strategy Task & 26/01/20 b Progress possibility of establishing a charging station in village Finish Group car park. Cllr Ball 26/01/20 d Contact HG re posts for electrics to Night Landing site. Strategy Task & 26/01/20 f Consider long term replacement of play equipment Finish Group Clerk 26/01/20 g Arrange a 100th birthday card for parishioner. Cllr Wilkinson 28/01/20 c Contact RS about liability for fees.

Signed Date