Ohio Senate District 1 Fact Sheet Senator Rob Mccolley
Ohio Senate District 1 Fact Sheet Senator Rob McColley Demographics District 1 District 1 Population 334,101 Under age 18 78,068 23.4% Ages 18-64 198,086 59.3% Ages 65+ 57,947 17.3% Race Parts of Williams, White 314,244 94.1% Defiance, Paulding, Van Wert, Henry, Putnam, Black/African-American 3,620 1.1% Hancock, Hardin, Fulton, Asian-American/Pacific Islander 2,547 0.8% Auglaize, and Logan Counties American Indian/Alaska Native 730 0.2% Other race reported 6,015 1.8% Two or more races 6,945 2.1% Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino (of any race) 17,447 5.2% Income, Employment & Poverty District 1 Ohio Median Household Income $58,134 $56,602 Employment (Age 25-64) % % Labor Force Participation Rate 80.5% 77.9% Poverty Count % % Persons living below poverty 33,506 10.3% 14.0% Children (Age 0-17) below poverty 10,890 14.3% 19.9% Families with children living below poverty 2,929 7.2% 16.8% Older Adults (Age 60+) below poverty 4,913 6.3% 8.8% Persons in deep poverty (under 50% of poverty) 14,633 4.5% 6.3% Children (Age 0-17) in deep poverty (under 50% of poverty) 5,337 7.0% 9.3% Food Bank Benefits Eligibility 27.8% of District 1 residents, or 90,251 people, live at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, which means they are eligible to receive food bank benefits in Ohio. 2021 www.CommunitySolutions.com 1 Ohio Senate District 1 Fact Sheet Senator Rob McColley Education (Age 25+) District 1 Ohio Less than a high school diploma 18,791 8.3% 9.6% High school diploma or equivalent (GED) 95,456 42.3% 33.0% Some college or associate degree 68,065 30.1% 29.1% Bachelor’s degree or higher 43,500 19.3% 28.3% Health District 1 Ohio No health insurance coverage 16,456 5.0% 6.1% Medicaid coverage 38,611 11.7% 15.9% Disability Status (with a disability) 42,871 13.0% 14.0% Birth Outcomes Count Rate Rate Low birthweight (under 5.5 pounds) 788 7.1% 8.6% Preterm birth (less than 37 weeks) 1,039 9.4% 10.3% Teen births (births per 1,000 females ages 15-19) 679 20.4 19.8 Internet Access 24,036 households, about 1 in 6, in District 1 don’t have an internet subscription.
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