Cottage-Ford Hospital Merger Imminent

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Cottage-Ford Hospital Merger Imminent -------.l1li ---.,..4--------------, ..---.4--;..-.. l1li4444144141 .... _;$111$__ .. --- ......-.--.4..-- ....-.- "Grosse Pointe News Grosse POinte, MlchJgan, Thursday, June 27, 1985 30 cents 42 Pages -:/_~~%~r:jL'" ~..J~t~=ererr~"i.;"!.&~~~ \ for your information f > / A By Tom Greenwood disappearing Caught in the act Boy, they're dOing some good act work catching slobs and sleaze- Their eyes might have balls over there In the Woods been bigger than their Last week I wrote about the coppers c~tch!ng ~ ~lo~ dr:\'c~ stomachs, but not for long who thought Jt was pretty funny That's John and Christine swerving his car to run over a Kurap, 5 and 8 respectively, younster's expensive radIO con heartily digging into a rapidly trolled model car that was bemg disappearing foot.long hot run 111 the street Well 10 and /' dog last Friday during the behold, they dId It again - With annual On.the.Hill sidewalk the help of an eagle-e}ed re~l- sale. Thousands of persons dent jammed Kercheval Friday Accordmg to the Woods police reports, a North HIgh School of- and Saturday seeking the ficial was commg home about best bargains In town. For mldmght last week when he John and Christine, that nollced three teen boys slttmg m bargain was quickly con. a blue Camara sumed. The offiCial figured somethll1g , might be up, so he waIted In his car after he pulled 1I1tohis dnve- ! way Sure enough, the Camaro fired up, Jumped the curb WIth hghts off and dId a Tiger Paw tap PhOIO by Tom G,eenwood dance across the lawn A sharp-eyed neighbor caught the license plate and the Woods police were soon knockmg on a North HIgh student's door The Cottage-Ford hospital merger imminent car wasn't there, but the dnver was Sure, he had been out With Ford's rate bemg somewhat Before news of the Ford merger would approach $60 milhon by the Dmgeman saId that the mer- ear her , he said, but only to run to By Nancy Parmenter higher than Cottage's Figures broke, Don Lamb of the Compre- time you pay It off" chants as well as the city have a a local plZZel'1a No one else had DISCUSSionsof a pOSSible merger quoted m Cram's DetrOit Busmess henSive Health Planning Council of Without the Cottage garage, HIli responSibility to prOVide parking dnven the car, honest officers' between Cottage and Henry Ford show Ford WIth an average 91 per- Southeastern MIchIgan speculated plans are at a standstill for the mo- "We already prOVide a lot of park- After a little more conversa- hospitals. made pubhc thiS week, cent occupancy rate and Cottage that Cottage IS hkely to file an ment Developer Peter Bologna's mg," he saId, nammg the Hill lion, the lawn Job assaSSll1admit- have been gOll1gon Il1formally for With an average of 75 percent. appeal proposed retail and office bUlldmg mumclpal lot, the street parkll1g ted he'd been beh1l1d the wheel nearly three years, accordll1g to "We hope It would bnng more "They'll probably try to nego- rehed on the parkmg garage to ful- and the RIchard lot "We have a Dirt and sod caked on the under- Cottage spokeswoman Kathleen patients to both faclhtles," tiate somethmg behmd closed fill ItS parkmg needs responsibihty to provide some SIde of hiS car ended any further Maslanka Maslanka saId doors," he said, "but that Will take "We're waiting to see If parkmg, but the merchants also arguments Told he would be con- Fmally, the dISCUSSIon IS The merger's effect on patients up the rest of the year" (Bologna) can come up WIth have some responslblhty " fronted by the Woods detective reachlllg the deCISIOn pomt A would be practically nonexistent, Without major modificatIOns, another concept," said Farms Dmgeman said the city had not bureau, the teen was suddenly meetll1g of the Cottage board of she added It would Illvolve the en- there would be some questIOn as Mayor James Dmgeman "We yet received offiCIal notIfication very ll1terested 111 making a sm- tru~tees at the end of July could tirety of both health care corpora to whether an appeal would be ap- might grant a modest vanance - a from Cottage of the demal of the cere effort at reslltutlOn reach an agreement on the propos- tlOns, none of Cottage's present proved As the plan stands now, very, very modest one we would apphcatlon "A lot depends on I wonder what made him see ed merger, Maslanka ~ald faCIlitIes would close She said "the need IS not demonstrated," take a serious look at But I don't what Cottage deCides to do," he the hght? "At thiS pomt, no deCISIOn has there would probably be no effect Lamb said "It mvolves excessive thmk we could give one that would saId "We WIll respond as qUickly Now for the sleaze ball The} been mdde m any way, shape or on the J01l1t Cottage-Bon Secours new constructIOn and I thmk that's reqUIre 100 percent" as we can" may call It the fnendly Free form," I\Iaslanka saId ownership and operation of the the key It \~ould mcrease the cost Press, but It's defimtely not free, What form the gettmg-together recently purchased CAT scanner of health care dehvery " as one 81. ClaIr Shores man found could ta!'e IS one of the pomts shll Of Immediate mterest to the HItl - The project was expected to cost out under diSCUSSIOnThe two hospitals IS the merger's effect on the park- $303 m1l1l0n and would have re- North- High wins Accordll1g to the Woods pohce, already have a relationship in the II1g plan Maslanka Said further quired the refmancmg of the the Free Press has been suffering fields of sports medlcme and consideratIOn of resubmittmg the hospital's eXlslll1g long-term debt, a rash of papers stolen from a box hemodialySIS proposal for the parkmg structure accordmg to a fact sheet dls- located on the southwest corner "Cottage IS a commumty hospIt- has been on hold dunng the mtensl- tnbuted by the state public health national honors of Mack and Brys So last Sun- aI, Ford IS a tertIary care hospItal flcatlOn of the merger talks department m March Of the $30 3 day, two Free Press cIrculatIOn (treatmg the most complex condi- "As of now, (the merger) has no mIllIOn, more than $24 m1lhon By Mike Andrzejczyk "I think It shows the caliber of supervisors who had receIved m- tIOns)," Maslanka said "We ex- bearmg on the project," she said would have been borrowed, accord- North High School was selected education we offer students when formation that thiS particular box pect that patlents from our area Cottage's apphcatlon to bUIld to mg to Lamb last week for national honors m a we have a practlcally new offICe was gomg to be hit agam. station- who have tradItIonally used Ford parkmg structure was denied two "We're seemg a lot more elabor- program to recogmze outstandmg staff at the school and st1l1 quahfy for the natIOnal honors," Bnerly ed themselves a short distance Will be dttracted (through the pro- weeks ago by the state The hosplt- ate projects than m the past," he secondary schools North was one said There were a number of away to walt and see posed aSSOCiatIOn)to Cottage" aIlS entitled to make modlflcatlons said of CHPCSEM's review role of three sta te high schools to wm changes III central offIce personnel They first checked the box at 5 Occupancy rates vary from day 111 the proposal and resubmit It, "but "At today's mterest rates, It causes honors at the end of last school year, she a m and noted It contamed 1') to day, accordmg to Maslanka, has not yet deCIded to do so problem~ Twenty four mIllIOn The hIgh school was among 108 Sunday papers and no money m natIOnWIde clled by Secretary of added "They really did a super Job and the com box At 6 10 a m a man EducatIOn Wilham J Bennett m I thmk the commumty can be Justly drove up, put coms m the box, and the U S Department of Educa- No cost to put study in place proud of the high school," Bnerly took SIX edItions The Freep tIOn's "Excellence III EducatIOn" said "It shows that we are trymg supers checked the box Immedi- program to get the best education poSSIble ately afterward and found I1Ine Dr John Kastran, m hiS second year as prmclpal at North, WIll WIth our tax dollars" papers remammg, dnd 75cents 111 Board approves pay plan North was the last school built by the till travel to Washlllgton, D C m the They followed the man and By Mike Andrzejcz}k Grosse P01l1te competed With, yet saId fall for the ceremony that puts the system The school board pur- found hIm seIling the extra The Grosse POInte Pubhc School remamed wlth1l1constramts of pro- The five factors selected 111 the North III the top 5 percent of the chased the 317-acre Vanderbush Farm III the Woods for the bUlldmg papers outSide a local church "vstem now has an adm1Ol~tratlve perty tax dollars that run the order of Importance were ac natIOn's secondary schools They asked him to return With compensatIOn plan school system, Truhol said countablhty, level and difficulty (')f "Of the 40,000 secondary schools at a cost of $927,000 From mceptlon to completion them to Mack and Bry~ to talk The Board of EducatIOn Monday "The committee could not pos responSibilities, workmg relatIOn- III the Ul11ted States, only 500 was four years of hlgher-than- thmgs over, but he said he \"as I1Ight unammously adopted the slbly have done It, ' Hanpeter said ships, mdependence of action and qualifIed for natIOnal recogmtlon," much too busy to go along VIhen pldn developed by To\" er~.
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