Aug. 1987 Vol. XXXIV, No. 3

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Aug. 1987 Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 Making a Mason at Sight: A Pennsylvania Tradition The PENNSYLVANIA continued from page 1. the wrong character would be chosen a Mason came from the candidate him­ Lodge's Committee on Correspondence. for this honor, and there is no record self, who had to petition for a dispen­ Another case was that of well-known of this ever happening in Pennsylvania. sati on from a Grand Master. In later Philadelphia department store entre­ REEI\IASON The custom of making a Mason at practice, however, it became an unre­ preneur, John Wanamaker, made a sight in Pennsylvania was first officially quested honor conferred by a Grand Mason at sight by Grand Master Willian1 AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIG HT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA authorized by the 182 5 edition of the Master upon a candidate, who had pre­ ]. Kelly in 1898. Wanamaker later Ahiman Rezon, which listed as one of vio usly expressed interest in joining became a member of Lodge No. 400, VOLUME XXXIV AUGUST • 1987 NUMBER 3 the Grand Master's powers: " To cause the Fraternity. Jenkintown, and was active on the masons to be made in his presence, at Since 1855 sixty-two men have been Grand Lodge Committee on Library. any time and at any place, a lodge be­ honored by being made Masons at Other prominent Pennsylvanians to be September Communications to Celebrate the 200th Anniversary of ing opened by him for that purpose." sight in Pennsylvania, as many as in all made Masons at sight included fu ture Unofficially, however, making other American Masonic jurisdictions governor of Pennsylvania, Samuel W. the Constitutional Convention and the Making of a Mason-at-Sight Masons at sight had been done fo r a combined . All were men of high char­ Pennypacker, in 1897 and Andrew W. long time already. In the eighteenth acter who already had, or were about Mellon, secretary of the Treasury, in century for example, Grand Masters to make, outstan ding contributions to 1928. The R.W. Grand Master, Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr., has o riginal colonies have been invited by the Grand Master to routinely allowed candidates to take all society. The record of making Masons at called an Extra Communication of the Grand Lodge for Fri- participate in the celebration along with dignitaries from three degrees in one night, provided of One of the most prominent individ­ sight in Pennsylvania is held by Grand day, September 11, 1987, to be held in Philadel- ---~"1.!"-:;-iilli... ....._ Masonic organizations throughout the country. course that they had met the other re­ uals to become a Mason by this method Master Benjamin Page (in office 1932- phia for the purpose of making a Mason-at- The officers of the Shrine, Ancient Accepted quirements. Most often, the types of was Richard Vaux, later mayor of Phil­ 1933) who made nine. He is followed Sight. The meeting w ill take place in the Scottish Rite, Grand Commandery, Grand individ uals who were allowed to pro­ adelphia and United States congress­ by William A. Carpenter (1984-1985) Masonic Temple and will include vis- Chapte r and the youth organizatio ns ceed in this fashion were those who man, who was made a Mason by Grand with seven. William]. Kelley (1897- iting dignitaries and officers of the will also number in the invited held occupations that did not permit Master Joseph R. Chandler in 1842. 1898) and ]. Willison Smith (1928- military who will be in attendance guests along with the military dig- them to remain in one place for too Vaux then petitioned and was accepted 1929) each made five. There is no pat­ to honor a Lieutenant General of nitaries. It is fitting that this his- long, such as a merchant with overseas by Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, and he tern or rule regarding the frequency of the Air Force, who will be made torical city be the background connections, a seaman or sailor, o r a quickly rose up the ranks of Freema­ making Masons at sight; each Grand a Mason-at-Sight. He is an for the meeting since the his- soldier on leave. Probably several hun­ sonry to become Grand Master himself Master decides this matter for himself. alumni of the former Thomas tory of our country is so im- dred men became Masons in this way. in 1868. For many years Vaux was the Altogether, only twenty-four Grand R. Patton School fo r Boys at portant to us as Freemasons. In this period the initiative to become outspoken Chairman of the Grand Masters of Pennsylvania have exercised Elizabethtown. The making of The Grand Lodge will con- this prerogative. a Mason-at-Sight is the unique vene at 1 :30 p.m. in the Ma- Throughout American Masonic his­ prerogative of a Grand Master. sonic Temple . An interesting tory, Pennsylvania's firmly-established The following day, Saturday, part of the communication·w ill The Pennsylvania Freemason custom of making a Mason at sight has September 12, 1987, a Special be the number o f visiting Ma- Distribution Office been the source of much controversy. Communicatio n will be held in sons d ressed in the regalia of Second Class In various periods some other Masonic Masonic Temple POSTAGE place of the regular September their office coming together to One North Broad Street PAID jurisdictions have questioned the prac­ Quarterly Communication commem- hon·o r ·th0se men who centuries Philadelphia, Pa. 19 107-2598 Philadelphia tice while others have accepted it. Pennsylvania orating the convening of the Consti- ago set down the principles of a new Critics argued that it violated the un­ tutional Convention w hich was held in the Constitution of the changeable Landmarks of the Fraternity; the city of Philadelphia 200 years ago. ......_.~:::!!}~!$ defenders said it was an unquestioned Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of the 13 Continued to page 10. prerogati ve of an absolute Grand Master. Twenty-six American jurisdic­ tions have never had this right exer­ cised by their Grand Masters and five of them have expressly forbidden it. Making a Mason at Sight: A Pennsylvania .Tradition Lff:'Ji\Y******** A CLAY* *******~ . l )- / 5 1 6Zt. On the o ther hand, twenty-three juris­ dictio ns have had Masons made at by Dr. Wayne A. Huss sight, but only eighteen of them within At a special Grand Lodge Commun­ Grand Master o n the autho rity of his not have to wait a month between Ma­ 26£, LdTH\JLJP ~0 the last century. ication to be held on September 11 , position as Pennsylvania's chief sonic degrees as is normall y required, SR~~SE PJIN T f~~ MI 4~436 Perhaps the most notable case of 1987, to commemorate the bicenten­ Masonic official may elect to make a but receives all three degrees in one making a Mason at sight in another nial of the United States Constitution, man a Mason w ithout having him go day. Keeping in mind the high require­ jurisdiction was the Grand Lodge of R.W. Grand Master Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. through the usual process o f petition­ ments of Masonic membership and O hio's conferring this honor upon will make a Mason at sight. In doing so, ing a lodge, submitting to an investiga­ considering a Grand Master's long ex­ President-elect William Howard Taft in he carries forward a tradition of lo ng tio n into his background, o r await the perience as a member of the Craft, POSTMASTER: Send address changes to above. February 1909, several weeks before standing in Pennsylvania Freemasonry. o utcome of a vote of lodge members. there is little likelihood that a man of Please include complete imprint of address on your postal return clipping. his inauguration. According to this procedure, the In addition, the chosen individual does Continued to page 12. 12 Grand Lodge of Connecticut Honors Grand Master Stenberg The Grand Lodge of Connecticut Master for being instrumental in pre­ Jr. , Right Worshipful Grand Master of has presented its highest award for dis­ senting, at the Grand Master's Con­ the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted tinguished Masonic service to the R. W. ference, held in Arlington, Vi rginia, Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Grand Master, Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. February 16, 1986, a resolution ap­ Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, The The presentation was made by the proving the establishment of a National Pierpont Edwards Medal in Bronze for Bro. William G. Rusch, Grand Master of Washington Lodge No. Most Worshipful Bro. Dennis L. Elkins, Masonic Foundation for the Prevention distinguished Masonic service." Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of 164, the Pennsylvania Scottish Rite Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among The Pierpont Edwards Medal was Pennsylvania, died April 22, 1987. Consistory, Pittsburgh; York Rite during the 209th Annual Communica­ Children. conceived in 1939 as a Medal of Honor After service in the U.S. Army bodies; Perseverance Royal Arch tion of the Grand Lodge of Connecti­ The Grand Lodge of Connecticut for Masonic Service and was first con­ Air Corps in World War II he re­ Chapter No. 21; Harrisburg Coun­ cut on March 31 and April 1. continued by attributing Grand Master ferred upon ten outstanding Masons at cil No. 7; Pilgrim Commandery ceived degrees from Washington A four-page resolution detailing Stenberg as being "a prime supporter the 1 50th Anniversary observance of No. 11 of Knights Templar; Gorgas and Jefferson College, Western Grand Master Stenberg's accomplish­ in starting this vital Program, realizing the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Lodge of Perfection; Pennsylvania Theological Seminary and the ments was made part of the presenta­ the Challenge to Freemasonry, and to A.F.&A.M.
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