A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 2013

This thesis entitled:

Climatic and habitat drivers of American pika (Ochotona princeps) occupancy and population density dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountain Region

written by Liesl Peterson Erb

has been approved for the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Dr. Robert Guralnick

Dr. Chris Ray

Dr. Christy McCain

Dr. Daniel Doak


The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the above mentioned discipline.


Erb, Liesl Peterson (Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Climatic and habitat drivers of American pika (Ochotona princeps) occupancy and population density dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountain Region

Thesis directed by Associate Professor Robert P. Guralnick and Research Associate Chris Ray

ABSTRACT Climate change is affecting ecosystems worldwide. Among those ecological communities most affected are those inhabiting alpine habitats. These communities have evolved key adaptations to thrive in cold, wet environments. As temperatures warm and precipitation patterns become more variable due to global climate change, many alpine are expected to be impacted. This dissertation research focuses on the American pika, a small lagomorph inhabiting broken rock slopes in the mountains and high plateaus of western North America. Population declines in the Great Basin region at the end of the 20th Century caused concern for populations elsewhere in the species range. The goal of this dissertation work was to document pika occupancy and density throughout the Southern Rocky Mountain region. Occupancy and density trends were modeled using potential climate- and habitat-based predictors known to impact pikas elsewhere in the species’ range. Survey sites were selected from among hundreds of locations known to be occupied by pikas prior to 1980. In 2008, modeling of the resurvey results from 69 of these sites indicated that mean annual precipitation plays an important role in maintaining pika populations in this region. Further surveys of 19 of these sites in 2009-2011 showed a shift toward mean summer temperature and forage quality as the top predictors of occupancy, though sites lacking pikas also remained drier than those with pikas throughout this survey period. Pika occupancy in this region was relatively high, with Southern Rockies occupancy rates ranging from 74% to 94%. Among the extant populations, variability in population densities were best explained by patch area and vegetation quality: the highest density populations were reported in regions with small patches of talus, high forb diversity, and low graminoid to forb ratios. These results suggest that intraspecific competition for food resources strongly influences pika density. iv

As climate change continues, vegetation quality is expected to decline in pika habitats. Given this species’ reliance on cool, wet climates with high forb content, continued changes toward drier, hotter, and more graminoid-dominant habitats are likely to lead to declines in both pika densities and occupancy throughout the Southern Rockies and the western United States.



This dissertation is dedicated to my grandmother, Jean “Tommy” Peterson.




This dissertation would not have been possible without the wise and patient guidance of

my co-advisors, Robert Guralnick and Chris Ray. I am also grateful for the guidance and advice

of my dissertation committee, Christy McCain, Andrew Martin, and Dan Doak. I would like to thank Erik Beever, Andrew Smith, and other anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on the manuscripts that compose this document.

The research presented here would not have been possible without the hard work and

positive attitudes of my amazing teams of undergraduate field assistants, including Justine Smith,

Lizzy Studer, Gavin Dean, Nate Kleist, Aaron Stecker, and Kira Powell, whose tireless efforts

and attention to detail were invaluable. Many thanks also to my collaborators at Colorado Parks and Wildlife, including Amy Seglund and the many dedicated research biologists in offices throughout the state. Thank you also to the staff of the parks, reserves, and wild places in which I conducted research, including Jennie Reithel, Bob Parmenter, Craig Allen, Judy Visty, Jeff

Connor, Ralph Swain, Melanie Woolever, Wyoma Hansen, Missy Dressen, and many other hard working employees at public agencies across the Southern Rockies. I would also like to the financial supporters of this work: the CU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department and

Museum of Natural History, Audubon Society of Greater Denver, Colorado Mountain Club,

Mountain Studies Institute, National Geographic Society, and National Science Foundation.

Outside of the research realm, many members of the CU-Boulder community made

positive contributions to my educational experience in graduate school. These include: David

Armstrong, Carol Wessman, Laura Border, Michael Breed, Bob Hermanson, John Basey,

Alexander Cruz, Jeffry Mitton, Barbara Demmig-Adams, William Adams, Mindy Sclaro, Jill

Skarstad, Julie Graf, Tammy Maldonado, and Kristin Swihart. In addition, my graduate student vii

peers and their families were instrumental in my happiness and success in this venture. Some of the many key members of this support group are: Leigh Cooper, Sara Hellmuth Paull, Kelly

Ramirez, Kallin Tea, Sarah Wagner, Brian, Audrey, and Cole Buma, Eve Gasarch, Loren

Sackett, SeJin Song, Monica Madronich, Joanna Hubbard, Clint Francis, Marcus Cohen, Mari

Elise Ewing, Preston Cumming, Natalie Robinson, Sarah Orlofske, Robert Jadin, Stower Beals,

Abbey Paulson, Samantha Weintraub, Ashwin Ravikumar, Mike and Heather Robeson, and

Sierra Love Stowell.

Perhaps even more admirable was the support of friends and family outside of academia, where it can at times be hard to understand what is happening inside the ivory tower. I would like to thank Amy Belcastro, Jeremy Sueltenfuss, Autumn Rivera, Kayly and Matt Newland, and

Jaemey and Bill Bush for their friendship, love, and support. My heartfelt thanks also go to my biggest cheerleaders: my family. A big thanks to the Ambrose Aunties for their love and hugs and the Peterson clan for the support and encouragement. Thank you also to my “extra” families, who I love so dearly: Pam Peterson and the Allenger and Allen crews for letting me join in your fun and loving family; and Bob and Marilyn Erb, leaders of the amazing Erb clan, for teaching me so much about life. While I’ve already named a long cheerleading squad, my head cheerleaders have always been Phil and Polly Peterson, who taught me to love nature, hold myself to high standards, and always fight for what is right.

The most credit for my success in this venture goes to my rock, my best friend, and my

husband: Peter Erb. His love and encouragement have carried me through my darkest days and

lifted me to be the best version of myself. And last but not least, I would be remiss in not

thanking the “person” who got me out of bed each morning and kept my priorities straight:

Bridger Erb. viii



1 On the generality of a climate-mediated shift in the distribution of the American pika

(Ochotona princeps)






2 Interactive effects of climate and vegetation on multi-year occupancy of the American

pika (Ochotona princeps)






3 Determinants of pika population density versus occupancy in the Southern Rocky






Discussion………………………………………………………………………………..50 ix

4 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….53



I Histograms of precipitation and summer temperature at pika study sites……………….65

II Boxplot of mean pika occupancy predictor coefficients…………………………………66

III Comparison of climatic predictors at 18 pika latrine density study sites………………..67

IV Pika latrine density at 18 sites in the Southern Rocky Mountains……………………….68

V Models predicting pika density with ΔAIC<2, along with the null model………………69



Chapter 1:

1. 2008 historical resurvey alternative hypotheses and candidate model covariates……7

2. Results of 2008 historical resurvey logistic regression modeling…………………...11

Chapter 2:

1. Relative support for candidate predictors of mean pika occupancy, 2008-2011…….26

2. Top models of mean pika occupancy compared with the null model……………….29

Chapter 3:

1. Predictor descriptions, expected relationships to pika population density, weighted

average coefficients, and Akaike weights……………………………………………45



Chapter 1:

1. Map of 69 sites historically occupied by the American pika (Ochotona princeps) in the

Southern Rocky Mountains………………………………………………………………..4

2. 2008 pika persistence as observed and predicted by logistic regression modeling……...10

3. Mean annual precipitation and change in mean annual precipitation vs. occupancy in


Chapter 2:

1. Map of 19 sites historically occupied by the American pika (Ochotona princeps),

differentiated by occupancy status during 2008-2011…………………………………...22

2. Pika occupancy during 2008-2011 as observed and as predicted by model averaging

based on the five top occupancy models…………………………………………………30

3. Mean summer surface temperature, annual precipitation, and gram:forb at occupied,

transient, and unoccupied pika survey sites during 2008-2011…………………………35

Chapter 3:

1. Map of 18 study sites at which Ochotona princeps population density was evaluated….39

2. Pika latrine density versus the top three density predictor variables, determined by

Akaike weights…………………………………………………………………………...49

Chapter 1




Alpine species are among those most threatened by climatic shifts due to their physiological and geographic constraints. The American pika (Ochotona princeps), a small mammal found in mountainous, rocky habitats throughout much of western North America, has experienced recent population extirpations in the Great Basin linked to climatic drivers. It remains unclear whether these patterns of climate-related loss extend to other portions of the species’ range. We investigated the distribution of the American pika and the climatic processes shaping this distribution within the Southern Rocky Mountain region. Results from a survey of 69 sites historically occupied by pikas indicate that only four populations have been extirpated within this region over the past few decades. Despite relatively few extirpations, low annual precipitation is implicated as a limiting factor for pika persistence in the Southern Rockies.

Extirpations occurred only at sites that were consistently dry over the last century. While there was no climate change signal in our results, these data provide valuable insight into the potential future effects of climate change on O. princeps throughout its range.


Climate change is affecting alpine communities worldwide (Krajick 2004; Hughes 2003).

Empirical evidence from alpine plants in Europe (Lenoir et al. 2008) and alpine mammals in western North America (Moritz et al. 2008) clearly shows range retraction in many species as a


response to climate change, generally due to an upslope shift in their lower elevational limits.

However, few studies have demonstrated local extinctions at lower elevations, and fewer still

have investigated specific climatic drivers that may lead to local extinction.

One species for which population extirpations have been documented is the American pika, Ochotona princeps. The American pika is a small, herbivorous lagomorph that resides primarily in talus (rocky debris) found in mountain ranges and high plateaus of western North

America. Pikas worldwide benefit from metabolic and behavioral adaptations allowing them to survive cold winters without hibernating (Li et al. 2001, Sheafor 2003). However, because their resting body temperature is only a few degrees below lethal body temperature (Li et al. 2001), pikas are sensitive to temperature extremes. This sensitivity, coupled with high habitat specificity and low vagility in contemporary climates (Smith and Weston 1990), suggests that climate change could contribute to extirpation of pika populations.

American pikas have become a bellwether species for alpine taxa in peril (Krajick 2004), partly because they are conspicuous, charismatic denizens of alpine communities, and partly because population declines have been attributed to climatic changes (Beever et al. 2003 &

2010; Grayson 2005). Distributional shifts and population extirpations in the Great Basin and

Sierra Nevada have been linked to recent climatic trends (Beever et al. 2003 & 2010; Moritz et al. 2008) as well as climate change over the last glacial-interglacial period (Grayson 2005).

As evidenced by the recent decision not to protect this species under the Endangered

Species Act, it remains unclear exactly how climate change is affecting the American pika across its full geographic range (Crist 2010). Although pika populations have been lost from fragmented, lower elevation habitats in the Great Basin (Beever et al. 2003 & 2010), it is unknown whether local extinctions are occurring in more contiguous habitats where populations


are more likely to be rescued through dispersal. The Southern Rocky Mountains support some of the southern-most populations of the American pika, and represent the largest, most continuous region of habitat occupied by the species, including great heterogeneity in elevation and vegetation. This region is also climatically heterogeneous, and the intensity of climate change – experienced thus far and projected in future – varies greatly across the region (Mote et al. 2005;

Knowles et al. 2006).

Here we analyze change in the distribution of the American pika throughout the Southern

Rocky Mountains to assess the generality of a climate-mediated range shift in this species. This study also improves the spatial extent and resolution of data on the current range of this species and its climatic drivers. Though naturalists recorded pika populations in the Rocky Mountains as early as 1872, the current regional distribution of the species is unknown. Here we examined whether the distribution of pikas in the Southern Rockies has changed in the last century by documenting where pikas were found prior to 1980 and surveying a subset of these locations in

2008. We sought to explain the persistence pattern seen in this region by surveying potential covariates of extirpation, including landscape characteristics (e.g., elevation), microhabitat features (e.g., talus properties), and climatic trends. We used these covariates to construct and evaluate alternative models of pika persistence within an information theoretic framework.


Study area and design

Our research was conducted at 69 sites historically occupied by pikas in the Southern Rocky

Mountains of southern Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico (41º 30’ to 35º 20’ N and -104º

54’ to -108º 17’ W; Figure 1). Historically occupied sites were defined as those with documented


Figure 1. Map of 69 sites historically occupied by the American pika (Ochotona princeps), differentiated by recent occupancy status in 2008 (occupied = circles, unoccupied = triangles).


pika presence prior to 1980, after which anthropogenic climate change became prominent in

many datasets (IPCC 2007). Nearly 800 historical records of pikas were found in the region,

gleaned from georeferenced museum specimens (from GBIF data portal;,

individual museum records (Denver Museum of Natural History and University of Colorado

Museum of Natural History), and literature sources. Our 69 sites were selected based on

geographic accuracy; selected sites had a mean georeferenced radius location error estimate of

1.3 km and maximum error of 3 km. Sites varied in elevation from 2703 to 4340 m and dates of

historical records range from 1872 to 1979. The most common vegetation communities consisted

of alpine forbs and grasses, but communities dominated by willow (Salix spp.), conifers, or aspen

(Populus tremuloides) were also relatively common.

Climate data

Local climate data for each site were compiled for the years 1908-2007. The climatic data necessary for site-specific climate calculations were obtained from PRISM (2007), which provides these grid-based estimates at a 4 km2 resolution over the time scales in question. As

with any interpolated data, particularly in a mountainous region, PRISM estimates may not be

accurate for the exact coordinates of our historical records. However, because the precision of

our historical records averaged over 1 km in radius and individual pikas commonly disperse over

2 km (Tapper 1973) we feel PRISM data were at an appropriate scale for this analysis. In a post-

hoc analysis to account for fine-scale effects of solar gain within PRISM grid cells, we estimated

insolation at each site as sin(mean slope)*cos(mean aspect), similar to Martinuzzi et al. (2009).


Crews visited 69 sites in the summer of 2008 to determine current pika occupancy. Resurveys

were comprised of searches for fresh pika sign – detection of individuals by sight and sound and


fresh pika food stores (“haypiles”). Any one of these signs was considered evidence of current

occupancy. Due to the difficulty of determining scat age, scat was not used as evidence for

current pika occupancy. If visited early in the season (July), sites lacking fresh sign were

revisited in fall (October or November) to verify site status. Where no fresh sign was found,

exhaustive searches were conducted in all talus within the precision estimate for each

georeferenced location, to a maximum distance of 3 km in all directions from the estimated

historical coordinates. A minimum of 0.5 person-hours per hectare and was spent searching talus for pika sign at each of these extirpation sites. In addition to pika occupancy data, we collected data on suspected drivers of pika persistence at a site, including microhabitat variables.


Using maximum likelihood estimates and an information-theoretic approach for model assessment, we compared models of pika persistence incorporating elevation, maximum summer temperature, annual precipitation, and site characteristics with potential climate-buffering effects such as rock type, talus depth, porosity of individual rocks, and evidence of persistent soil moisture beneath the talus. Talus depth was estimated visually at the deepest crevice found at a site, and rocks were defined as porous or not based on the presence of natural holes and pits in their surfaces. Visible or audible running water or pools under the talus and riparian vegetation at the base of the talus slope were all considered evidence of persistent sub-talus moisture.

The models explored in this study (Table 1) represent hypotheses derived from previous literature in other portions of the species' range, suggesting temperature and precipitation

(Beever et al. 2003 & 2010; Millar and Westfall 2010; Wilkening et al. 2011) as strong predictors of pika occupancy and persistence. Our hypotheses were also influenced by the results of Millar and Westfall (2010), Hafner (1994), and Smith (1974b), suggesting talus properties


Table 1. Alternative hypotheses and candidate model covariates. Each candidate model contained 1-3 covariates.

Hypothesis Covariates used in constructing candidate models

Pika persistence is related to:

• Change in mean annual precipitation (1908-1979 vs. The severity of changes in 1980-2007) temperature and precipitation • Change in maximum annual summer (June-August) since initial pika detection temperature averaged over 1908-1979 vs. 1980-2007

• Mean annual precipitation (1908-2007) Prevailing climatic • Maximum annual summer (June-August) temperature conditions averaged over 1908-2007

• Coefficient of variation in annual precipitation (1908-

Variation in climatic trends 2007) over the last century • Coefficient of variation in maximum annual summer

(June-August) temperature (1908-2007)

Elevation • Average elevation of talus habitat found at a site

• Each climatic variable above

Habitat quality (as a climatic • Talus depth buffer) • Porosity of rock substrate

• Presence of water under talus


provide climate-buffering effects for pikas. Elevation was included as a covariate because it

often varies with a suite of environmental variables. We did not explore effects of latitude, as we

felt this variable was redundant with climatic data used to test more specific hypotheses. Models

represented the following hypotheses: Pika persistence is related to (H1) the severity of changes

in temperature and precipitation since initial pika detection (pikas persist in locations where the

least change in climate has occurred); (H2) prevailing climatic conditions (pikas persist where

the dominant climate over the last century was relatively wet and cool); (H3) variation in

climatic trends over the last century (pikas persist where they have been exposed to the least

climatic variability); (H4) habitat quality (pikas persist in locations with the deepest talus, most

porous/insulating rock, and/or where water or ice persist under the talus); (H5) elevation (pikas

persist at higher elevation locations).

Thirty models with < 3 uncorrelated (|r| < 0.5) predictor variables were evaluated using

the program PRESENCE (Mackenzie et al. 2002), allowing us to incorporate detection probability into our models. This study and others have found the probability of detecting this species to be quite high (>0.90; Beever et al. 2010; Rodhouse et al. 2010). Given this high

detectability, we report the results of traditional logistic models, but model ranks were identical

2 2 in PRESENCE. Model fit was evaluated using Nagelkerke's max-rescaled R (RN ), which

provides a measure of the proportion of variance explained through logistic regression

(Nagelkerke 1992).


The results of our pika surveys indicate that local population extirpations have been relatively

few in the Southern Rockies: only four of 69 sites lacked recent sign of O. princeps in 2008


(Figure 1). Despite the low number of extirpations recorded, analyses of these data indicate that

2 the pattern of extirpation was not random. The model that best explained persistence (RN =

0.72) included mean precipitation (average annual precipitation from 1908 to 2007) and decline

in precipitation (the difference, in mm, in average annual precipitation for the period 1908-1979

versus 1980-2007). A similar model with additional effects of persistent moisture under the talus

2 (positively associated with pika occupancy) obtained similar support (ΔAICc = 0.94; RN = 0.68).

These two top models have been averaged for depiction in Figure 2. A full list of models with

ΔAICc <4 can be found in Table 2.

In the Southern Rockies, climatic factors, rather than landscape or most microhabitat

variables, appear to be the most influential in driving pika population extirpations. While our

four extirpation sites were all roughly South to Southwest-facing (170° to 258°), a post-hoc analysis of insolation indicated that this factor was not influential in pika extirpation. This result, combined with the fact that nearly half of our sites (n = 31 of 69) were roughly South-facing, suggests that aspect is not predictive of American pika distribution in this region. Models incorporating elevation, talus depth, and rock porosity were not supported by the persistence pattern found. Our four extirpation sites ranged from 2700 to 3400 m ( =3116 m) in elevation and from 0.5 to >1.5 m in maximum talus depth. The talus at all four extirpation sites, along with

57 additional sites, was not comprised of porous rock. Vegetation type varied among sites, but reflected the dry nature of these locations: all extirpations occurred at locations dominated by montane grasses, shrubs, evergreens, or aspens, rather than alpine or riparian vegetation.

Pika populations have been extirpated from among the driest pika habitats in this region

(Figure 3a). Climate at our 69 sites varied dramatically, with maximum summer (June-August) temperatures for the period 1908-2007 averaging 13.4-22.9°C and mean annual precipitation


Figure 2. Pika persistence as observed (open circles) and as predicted (line) by a model based on local mean precipitation (MeanPrecip), change in precipitation (ΔPrecip), and presence of sub- talus water (Water). 1 Observed and modObserved 0.5 0

0 10 20 30

Linear predictor: MeanPrecip+Precip+Water


Table 2. Results of logistic regression modeling. Only models with ΔAICc < 4 and the null model are shown. Mean Precip = Average

annual precipitation 1908-2007. ΔPrecip = Difference between mean annual precipitation for 1908-1979 and 1980-2007. Sub-Talus

Water = Presence of water under talus. Mean Max Temp = Mean of maximum June through August temperatures for 1908-2007.

2 2 Porous = Porosity of individual rocks. RN is Nagelkerke's max-rescaled R .

2 Model AICc ΔAICc Number of Parameters -2LogLikelihood Akaike Weight RN

Mean Precip, ΔPrecip 17.70 0 3 11.33 0.49 0.68

Mean Precip, ΔPrecip, Sub-Talus Water 18.64 0.94 4 10.01 0.35 0.72 11

Mean Precip 21.04 3.34 2 16.86 0.08 0.50

Mean Max Temp, Porous 21.23 3.53 3 14.86 0.08 0.57

Constant (Null) 30.61 12.91 1 30.55 0.00 -

Figure 3. (a) Mean annual precipitation (1908-2007) and (b) change in mean annual precipitation (comparing 1908-1979 and 1980-2007) vs. occupancy in 2008 for 69 sites historically occupied by pikas.



Observed oc Observed 0.5


600 800 1000 1200 1400 Mean annual precipitatio 1908-2007 (mm)



Observed oc Observed 0.5


-50 0 50 100 150 200 Change in mean annual p 1908-1979 vs. 1980-200


ranging 461-1407 mm for the same period. The mean annual precipitation across all sites

between 1908 and 2007 was 884 mm (sd = 184 mm; range = 461-1406 mm), while the mean

across extirpation sites was 593 mm (sd = 137 mm; range = 461-717 mm), a significant

difference (Welch’s t-test for populations with unequal variance: t = 4.06; df = 3.66; p = 0.02).

Extirpation sites have also shown relatively little change in mean annual precipitation since 1980

(Figure 3b). In addition, extirpation sites are among the 47 sites apparently lacking a sub-talus

water source. These results support our hypotheses H2 (prevailing climatic conditions) and H4

(habitat quality). While change in climate (H1) was influential for pika persistence, the trend was

opposite our expectation: pikas were extirpated from sites that did not experience climatic

change. Hypotheses represented by models incorporating average maximum summer

temperatures, change in summer maximum temperatures, and variation in both summer

maximum and mean annual precipitation were not supported by the persistence pattern found.

Since 1980, maximum summer temperatures at our study locations have averaged 0.48°C

warmer than they were from 1908 to 1979. Changes in maximum temperature varied widely

among sites (-1.2°C to +2.5°C), as did changes in annual precipitation (-80mm to +202mm, -

8.2% to +24.1%). The overall trend in this region appears to be toward an increase in annual precipitation: across all sites, precipitation has increased an average of 46mm (+5.6%).


In this study, we investigated landscape, microhabitat, and climate characteristics as possible drivers of population extirpation for O. princeps. Determination of these factors is particularly important in light of the recent consideration of this species for protection under the Endangered

Species Act (ESA). The species was not listed under the ESA, in part because it remains unclear


whether the patterns of climate-related loss observed in the Great Basin extend to other portions

of the species’ range. This study serves to narrow this knowledge gap and improve our

understanding of pika distribution and the factors determining this pattern.

In the Great Basin, sub-talus high mean summer temperatures and low minimum winter

temperatures were implicated as drivers of population extirpation (Beever et al. 2010). Millar

and Westfall (2010) examined Sierra Nevada talus slopes and found that warmer, drier sites were

less likely to support current pika populations than cooler, wetter sites. Here, we consider

whether such patterns are consistent with results from the eastern portion of the species' range.

Extant pika populations in the Southern Rockies are experiencing substantial climatic

change. Maximum summer temperatures are highly heterogeneous, but indicate a notable

warming trend. Despite these changes in summer temperature, we did not find an effect of

temperature on pika persistence in our study area.

While a recent impact of temperature on O. princeps populations does not appear

universal throughout the species’ range, an apparent impact of precipitation is more consistent.

Our results indicate that water, in the form of precipitation and sub-surface moisture, is the

primary driver of pika persistence patterns in our study region. Not only were the four extirpation

sites among the driest of our sites, but they also lacked sub-talus water sources, a trend

corroborated in the Sierra Nevada, where Millar and Westfall (2010) found a strong relationship

between pika sign and high precipitation, as well as sub-talus ice and water reserves. If present,

these water sources could buffer pikas and the plant communities on which they depend from the

effects of low precipitation.

If low precipitation drives extirpation in the Southern Rockies, one might expect populations experiencing a decrease in annual precipitation due to modern climate change to be


more prone to extirpation. Thus far, however, this is not the case. Extirpation sites have

experienced relatively little change in precipitation between the periods 1908-1979 and 1980-

2007. The fact that sites experiencing decreasing precipitation continue to support pikas may seem contradictory with the finding that populations at dry sites are more prone to extirpation.

However, the sites that have decreased in precipitation since 1980 were among the wettest locations previously ( =968 mm vs. =849 mm at sites increasing in precipitation; p=0.04, t=2.25, d.f.=18.95). Consequently, these 13 drying sites did not differ from the 56 remaining sites in mean post-1980 precipitation (950mm/yr and 910mm/yr, respectively; p=0.46, t=0.76, df=20.15). It will be important to monitor these locations in the coming years and decades, as continued drying trends could place the pika populations at these sites at risk for future extirpation.

Although our documented extirpation sites represent the driest of the sites surveyed, pikas were detected in these locations in the past century. What, then, has changed? These extirpation locations may be marginal pika habitats. As such, these sites have likely always housed “sink” populations, requiring immigration from adjacent populations in order to maintain populations of their own (Pulliam 1988). We propose that these current extirpation sites likely support populations only when ideal conditions can facilitate recolonization by individuals dispersing from adjacent sites. Local climate histories show that each of the four extirpation sites experienced a year in which annual precipitation exceeded the site’s upper 99% CI for this variable just 1-4 years before the site’s historical record of pika presence. This evidence suggests that dispersal may be facilitated by anomalously high precipitation conditions.

Our data indicate that precipitation is a driver of pika distribution in the Southern

Rockies, but why are dry sites unable to sustain pika populations? The mechanism driving the


trends we have found could be explained by several possible scenarios, including: 1) low-

precipitation sites do not provide adequate vegetation moisture content to sustain pika

populations (Morrison and Hik 2007 and 2008); 2) low-precipitation sites do not provide adequate snowpack insulation to buffer pikas from sub-zero temperatures (Beever et al. 2010); 3) a combined effect of plant water content and winter insulation. While Beever et al. (2010) did not investigate precipitation directly, they hypothesized that if sufficient snow cover is present during extreme cold events, pika populations are buffered from these events by the insulating properties of snow cover. Our results may support this hypothesis, given that our extirpation sites, which exhibited persistently low precipitation, may also lack sufficient snow cover. Our extirpation sites also lacked sub-talus water, a likely correlate of both low snow cover and

reduced moisture in local vegetation. Thus, the potential mechanisms proposed are difficult to

tease apart with current data. More detailed analyses of plant water content, sub-talus

temperatures, and pika survival are needed to fully examine this question.


Pikas in the Southern Rocky Mountains have not experienced the severe declines in site

occupancy seen in the Great Basin. While these results suggest cause for optimism concerning

the current status of the pika, the future of the species remains uncertain. Our data, combined with evidence from other regions within the species’ range (Beever et al. 2010; Millar and

Westfall 2010), indicate that the American pika’s distribution is limited by climatic factors:

populations in areas with chronically low precipitation and lacking sub-talus water sources have

been extirpated, supporting previous observations that these dry habitats are marginal for this

species (Hafner 1993 and 1994). Though the Rocky Mountains provide habitats that are higher in

elevation and more contiguous than those in the Great Basin, as the severity of climate change


increases in the American West, population extirpations may become more frequent throughout the species’ range. Projected declines in snowpack throughout the western United States (Mote et al. 2005) suggest that apparently stable pika populations in regions such as the Southern Rockies may soon be facing drier conditions. Further monitoring of both pika populations and climatic trends should be conducted throughout the range of O. princeps to facilitate a range-wide analysis of trends and threats to this species. Such an exercise would not only provide a better understanding of threats to the species, but may also aid managers in identifying extant pika populations that are at greatest risk of future extirpation.


Chapter 2




Documenting species distributional change is challenging for species known to exhibit source- sink dynamics. For such species, a single year’s absence may reflect short term response to environmental stochasticity or the beginnings of long term decline. To distinguish between normal population fluctuations and a serious conservation crisis, species must be monitored for multiple years. Here we examine multi-year occupancy in the American pika (Ochotona princeps), a species known for its source-sink dynamics, and link that occupancy to potential climatic and habitat drivers. Surface climate and microclimatic conditions, vegetation community composition, and talus features were investigated as potential drivers of average pika occupancy from 2008 to 2011. While the majority of our survey sites (74%) maintained pika populations throughout our study period, two of 19 sites lacked pikas from 2008 to 2011 and an additional four sites lacked pikas in at least one of our four survey years. Logistic regression modeling results indicate that high summer average temperatures and low vegetation quality, in the form of high graminoid to forb ratios, have led to pika population extirpations at several locations in the Southern Rocky Mountains. Temperatures are predicted to continue their upward trend in the Southern Rocky Mountains. As temperatures increase, pika populations and the vegetation communities on which they depend are likely to show continued declines in this and other regions of western North America.



Multiple meta-analyses show that many species will be committed to extinction during this

century due to global environmental changes (e.g. Thomas 2004). A single-year study of habitat

occupancy can reveal environmental correlates of species distribution, which can then be used

for predicting trends under, for example, climate change scenarios. However, source-sink

dynamics (Pulliam 1988) and environmental stochasticity can obscure these species-habitat

relationships. Species exhibiting source-sink dynamics require monitoring over multiple years to separate typical stochastic dynamics from longer term declines (Jonzen et al. 2005, Rhodes and

Johnson 2011).

The American pika (Ochotona princeps) is one such species well known for source-sink dynamics (Smith 1974a; Smith and Gilpin 1997). Pikas are a mountain- and plateau-dwelling lagomorph residing in rocky debris in most western US states and Canadian provinces (Smith and Weston 1990). As is typical of lagomorphs, pikas do not hibernate, instead depending on metabolic and behavioral adaptations which allow them to survive cold winters (Li et al. 2001,

Sheafor 2003). Among the adaptations that allow pikas to survive cold winters are a high metabolic rate and a subsequent resting body temperature only a few degrees below lethal body temperature (Li et al. 2001). As a consequence, pikas have been shown to be sensitive to temperature extremes (Smith 1974b).

Due to this climatic sensitivity, O. princeps has also become a bellwether for the ecological consequences of climate change in recent years (Krajick 2004; Guralnick et al. 2011).

Distributional shifts as well as population extirpations in the Great Basin have been linked to recent climatic trends (Beever et al. 2003 & 2010; Wilkening et al. 2011). Climatic factors have


also been documented as important predictors of pika occupancy and/or persistence patterns in

the Southern Rockies, Sierra Nevada, and in several US national parks (Millar and Westfall

2010; Erb et al. 2011; Jeffress et al. 2013).

Studies in the Great Basin have been able to assess long-term drivers of pika occupancy,

showing that population extinction is not being counterbalanced by new colonization in that

region (Beever et al. 2011). Due to the geography of the Great Basin, characterized by a basin-

and-range topography, movement between patches and mountain ranges is limited for many of

the region’s mammal species (Waltari and Guralnick 2009). While the initial studies of

population persistence and distribution in such regions have been integral to our understanding

of climate’s role in structuring the American pika’s past and current distribution, still needed are

multi-year studies of the species’ distribution in areas where pika habitat and pika populations

are much more extensive, such as the Southern Rocky Mountains.

In contrast to the Great Basin, regions featuring more contiguous high elevation habitats,

such as the Southern Rocky Mountains, are likely to facilitate higher rates of recolonization

following population extirpations. This potential for recolonization makes highly connected

habitats such as the Southern Rockies important testing grounds for ecological change due to

climatic shifts. These highly connected regions, featuring an abundance of high elevation habitat,

are likely to continue to serve as refugia in the face of climatic change.

The goal of the current study was to determine the spatially and temporally general

relationship between pika occupancy and habitat variables in the Southern Rocky Mountain

region. We endeavored to answer two questions: (1) What are the drivers of multi-year occupancy patterns in this region? and (2) Are these drivers consistent with the factors predicting


occupancy in other regions? If these long-term drivers are consistent throughout the species’

range, managers may be able to better predict the habitats of highest conservation concern in the

face of continued climatic changes.


Study area.

Our research was conducted at 19 sites in the Southern Rocky Mountains of New Mexico,

Colorado, and southern Wyoming (35º 20’ N to 41º 30’ and -104º 54’ to -108º 17’ W; Figure 1).

These sites were selected from among 69 historically pika-occupied sites (Erb et al. 2011) via random sampling stratified by latitude, longitude, and elevation. All 2008 absences were also selected for monitoring purposes. This subset of sites represented a similar distribution of summer temperature and mean annual precipitation as our original 69 sites (Appendix I). Sites varied in elevation from 2703 to 3708 m (µ= 3240, σ=298), and consequently vegetation varied from upper montane forest to alpine meadow. Most sites were dominated by alpine forbs and grasses, but some sites were dominated by willows (Salix spp.), conifers, or aspen (Populus tremuloides).

Occupancy Surveys.

Crews of 2 to 4 individuals visited the 19 study sites each summer during 2008-2011 to determine current pika occupancy. Crews recorded fresh pika food stores (“haypiles”) and pikas were detected by sight or sound. Any one of these signs was considered evidence of current occupancy. Due to the difficulty of determining scat age, scat was not used as evidence for current pika occupancy. In most cases, pika sign was found within a matter of minutes of arrival.

Where no fresh sign was found, exhaustive searches were conducted in all rocky debris


Figure 1. Map of 19 sites historically occupied by the American pika (Ochotona princeps), differentiated by occupancy status during 2008-2011 (occupied = blue, transient occupancy = yellow, unoccupied = red).


(hereafter, “talus”) patches meeting the historical description of the site (see Chapter 1), to a

maximum distance of 3 km in all directions from the estimated historical coordinates (Erb et al.

2011). A minimum of 0.45 person-hours per hectare was spent searching talus for pika sign at

each potential extirpation site.

Climate data.

Sub-surface temperatures were used to characterize the microclimate in the talus at each site.

Four HOBO temperature data loggers (Onset U10-003) were buried in the talus at each site, one under each of four randomly selected haypiles. Each logger was placed at the maximum depth possible, averaging 75 cm below the average surface level. Where fewer than four fresh haypiles were available (n=4 sites), remaining loggers were buried under old haypiles or latrines. Where no pika sign occurred (n=2 sites), loggers were buried in locations with large rocks and deep talus to mimic pika haypile site selection. Loggers were installed between July 2008 and July

2009 and recorded temperature every 30 minutes until removal in September 2011. From these temperature data we determined 1) the proportion of values below -10°C as a measure of winter cold stress, and 2), the proportion of temperatures above 25°C and (alternatively) the average temperature between June and August as measures of summer heat stress. The data from multiple loggers were averaged to obtain a single value for each locality.

Local above-surface climatic data for each site were compiled from the PRISM interpolated climate data set for the years 2008-2011 (4 km grid cell; Average values for annual precipitation and summer high

temperature were calculated for each site. As with any interpolated data, particularly in a

mountainous region, PRISM estimates may not be accurate for the exact coordinates of our


historical records. To account for fine-scale effects of solar gain within PRISM grid cells, we estimated an insolation predictor for each site as sin(mean slope)*cos(mean aspect), similar to

Martinuzzi et al. (2009). Using this method, steep, south-facing slopes generate large negative values representing the most solar input, while steep north-facing slopes produce the largest positive values, indicating the lowest insolation. The insolation predictor was then used in models that included PRISM-based temperature estimates (see “Statistical Analysis”).

Habitat Data.

Talus and vegetation features are known or suspected to affect pika occurrence (Millar and

Westfall 2010; Rodhouse et al. 2010; Wilkening et al. 2011; Jeffress et al. 2013). Maximum talus depth was estimated visually at the deepest crevice observed within each site. Sub-surface water was categorized as present where it was seen or heard or where riparian vegetation was observed at the base of the site (Erb et al. 2011).

Vegetation communities were characterized using methods modified from Wilkening et al. (2011). Three of the four data logger locations at each site were randomly selected for vegetation sampling. At each logger, vegetation was sampled along three parallel transects, each

50 m long: a central transect, centered on the logger and running perpendicular to the dominant aspect of the site, a parallel transect 15 m upslope, and a parallel transect 15 m downslope of the logger. Vegetation was quantified at one-meter intervals using the line-point-intercept method as in Wilkening et al. (2010), resulting in 150 points per logger location and 450 points per site. All trees, shrubs, and forbs were identified to species level, while grasses, sedges, and rushes were classed as graminoids. We considered several vegetation metrics representative of forage quality:

Percent forb cover, forb species richness, and the ratio of graminoids to forbs (gram:forb).


Statistical Analysis.

Extinction-recolonization dynamics may be common in this species, at least at small spatial

scales (Moilanen et al. 1998). We focused on mean occupancy over a four year survey period

(2008-2011) to minimize the effects of inter-annual environmental stochasticity and source-sink

dynamics. Number of years of presence and absence of pikas at each site was tallied for use in a

binomial model (see below). Total number of years surveyed was four for all sites.

Using maximum likelihood estimates and an information-theoretic approach for model

assessment, we compared models of pika persistence incorporating the climatic and habitat

variables described in the previous section. Our goal was to evaluate the relative support for each

of 10 predictor variables (Table 1). We considered all possible models incorporating three or

fewer predictors. By considering each predictor in a variety of contexts, we developed an

unbiased ranking to facilitate the comparison of predictors of population density (Chapter 3) with

predictors of species occupancy. The 121 models explored in this study represent hypotheses

regarding factors that affect habitat suitability for pika occupancy. These hypotheses fall into

four major categories derived from previous literature on American pika occupancy drivers: 1)

Above-surface climatic suitability, tested using models incorporating PRISM-generated data for mean summer maximum temperature and mean annual precipitation (Beever et al. 2003 & 2010;

Millar and Westfall 2010; Wilkening et al. 2011; Erb et al. 2011); 2) Microhabitat suitability,

tested using sub-surface summer and winter temperature metrics (Beever et al. 2011), as well as

talus depth, presence of water under the talus, and insolation (Hafner 1994, Millar and Westfall

2010, Erb et al. 2011); 3) Vegetation quality, assessed using gram:forb, forb species richness,

and percent forb cover (Rodhouse et al. 2010, Wilkening et al. 2011, Jeffress et al. 2013); and 4)

Interactive effects of above-surface climate, microhabitat, and vegetation.


Table 1. Relative support for candidate predictors of pika occupancy. A boxplot of all coefficient values is provided in Appendix II.

Predictor Summed Akaike Weight Weighted Average Coefficient

Mean Summer Maxima 0.863 -1.584

Gram:Forb 0.803 -1.632

Sub-Talus Water 0.235 0.249

Mean Annual Precipitation 0.225 0.387

26 Forb Cover 0.187 0.263

Sub-Surface Temperature Values < -10°C 0.167 -0.176

Forb Richness 0.146 0.170

Talus Depth 0.054 0.013

Mean Sub-Surface Summer Temperature 0.016 -0.013

Sub-Surface Temperature Values > 25°C 0.007 -0.004

Microclimate was assessed in several different ways in this study, allowing evaluation of

alternative models. For example, models incorporated either subsurface temperatures or microhabitat features such as talus depth. The insolation predictor was used as a correction for the coarse scale of PRISM, and therefore was included only in models that also included above- surface summer maximum temperature. The three above- and sub-surface summer temperature metrics each represented alternative heat stress hypotheses, and therefore these metrics were not run in models together.

Binomial logistic regression models representing the above hypotheses for species occupancy were developed and compared using AICc (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Models

were fitted in R 2.13.0 using function glm (R Development Core Team 2011). The probability of

detecting this species is quite high (>0.90; Beever et al. 2010; Rodhouse et al. 2010; Erb et al.

2011), allowing for the use of traditional logistic models without the addition of detection

probability. Several variables were log-transformed to reduce skew. Each continuous predictor variable Xi was standardized as , allowing for intuitive interpretation of model coefficients: each βi measures the effect of Xi in units of standard deviation in Xi. Model

rank was determined using AICc and predictor influence was assessed via calculation of Akaike

2 2 weights. Model fit was evaluated using Nagelkerke’s max-rescaled R (R N), which measures

model performance relative to the null model (Nagelkerke 1992).


Overall, pika occupancy is high in the Southern Rocky Mountains, and 79% (15 of 19) of our surveyed sites were occupied in 2008, 89% (17 of 19) in 2009, 84% (16 of 19) in 2010, and 74%


(14 of 19) in 2011 (Figure 1). Two of 19 sites were continuously unoccupied in our survey period, while four sites lacked pikas for between one and three of our four years of study. As these variable occupancy records indicate, we documented both recolonization events and population extirpations between 2008 and 2011. Two sites experienced recolonizations in 2009 following pika absences in 2008. While one of these recolonized sites lost its pika(s) again prior to the 2010 field season and remained unoccupied in 2011, the other site, Bighorn Peak in Rocky

Mountain National Park, has retained its pikas and has demonstrated a growing population since

2009 (Erb et al. in press).

Mean PRISM summer maximum temperatures ranged 15.9-22.3°C (µ=18.8, SE=0.38), while average sub-surface summer maximum temperatures ranged 8.57-20.9°C (µ=13.7,

SE=0.77). Average sub-surface summer temperatures ranged 6.4-16.8°C (µ=10.6, SE=0.64), and precipitation ranged 432.9-1476.5 mm (µ=888.4, SE=58.0). Seven sites experienced no sub- surface temperatures above 25°C, and the proportion of sub-surface temperatures above 25°C at the remaining 12 sites ranged 0.003-0.6% (µ=0.15%, SE=0.06%). Only one site experienced no sub-surface temperatures below -10°C, and the proportion of sub-surface temperatures below -

10°C at the remaining 18 sites ranged 0.01% - 8% (µ=1.7%, SE=0.5%). Vegetation composition was highly variable, with forb cover ranging 9-59% (µ=32%, SE=3.9%), gram:forb ranging 0.3-

5.1 (µ=1.3, SE=0.27), and forb species richness ranging 2-23 (µ=12.5, SE=1.2).

The five top models (ΔAIC<2; Table 2) all included above-surface summer maximum temperature and graminoid to forb ratio (gram:forb), and all top models reported high pseudo-R2

2 values (RN ranged 0.91-0.93). These top models were averaged for depiction in Figure 2.


Table 2. Top models of mean pika occupancy compared with the null model.

2 Model AICc DeltaAICc R N y~ Mean Summer Maxima + Gram:Forb 29.98 0 0.91 y~ Mean Summer Maxima + SubTalusWater + Gram:Forb 30.04 0.06 0.93 y~ Mean Summer Maxima + Gram:Forb + Values < -10°C 30.13 0.15 0.93 y~ Mean Precip + Mean Summer Maxima + Gram:Forb 31.22 1.25 0.92 y~ Mean Summer Maxima + Forb Richness + Gram:Forb 31.54 1.56 0.92

… y~1 63.76 33.78 -


Figure 2. Pika occupancy during 2008-2011 as observed (open circles) and as predicted (line) by model averaging based on the five top models in Table 2.


Above-surface summer maxima and gram:forb were the top predictors of pika occupancy in our

survey period, with Akaike weights of 0.86 and 0.80, respectively (Table 1). Both of these

predictors demonstrated negative relationships with occupancy in our study area (Appendix II).


Pikas continue to persist in the majority of historically occupied locations surveyed in the

Southern Rocky Mountains. Occupancy rates in this region, ranging at least 74-89% within the

time period examined, remain higher than those in the Great Basin, where only 60% of historical

sites remain occupied (Beever et al. 2010). Despite overall high occupancy rates in the Southern

Rockies, not all populations surveyed between 2008 and 2011 exhibited consistent occupancy.

Fifteen sites demonstrated consistent pika presence or absence throughout our study period,

while the occupancy status of the remaining four sites was transient, changing between 2008 and


By modeling mean occupancy over a four year period, we were able to determine that the

interactive effects of above-surface climate and vegetation quality are likely driving occupancy

dynamics in the Southern Rockies. Our results suggest that high summer maximum temperatures

and low quality forage resources have caused some locations to become unsuitable for pikas in

recent years. Although our historical data indicate that pikas were present at these sites prior to

1980, we cannot say with certainty that these sites were consistently occupied historically.

However, given the known presence of pikas at these sites at some point prior to 1980, and the well-documented recent increases in temperature in this region (Ray et al. 2008, Rangwala and


Miller 2010, Clow 2010), it is possible that climate change is contributing to the current pika occupancy pattern seen in the Southern Rockies.

The importance of summer temperature and forage quality for pika occupancy in this region is consistent with findings from elsewhere in the species’ range. Individual pikas near

Bodie, California have demonstrated high sensitivity to prolonged elevated temperatures (Smith

1974b). Mean summer temperature and days above 28°C have been implicated in pika population extirpations in the Great Basin (Beever et al. 2010). High graminoid cover has negatively predicted occupancy in some regions (Rodhouse et al. 2010, Jeffress et al. 2013), and higher forb cover positively predicted pika occupancy in others (Wilkening et al. 2011, Jeffress et al. 2013).

Higher temperature sites with healthy populations may be buffered from the effects of climate by high quality forage resources and selective caching behavior, as documented further in Smith and Erb (2013) and Erb et al. (in press). Of the six sites lacking pikas at some point during our survey period, all exhibited relatively high summer average temperatures (>18.7°C), and four of the six also had poor quality forage resources (gram:forb > 1). It remains unknown, however, the extent to which selective caching behavior can buffer pikas against a changing climate. The two remaining absence sites featuring high quality forage resources (gram:forb

~0.5) both experienced transient occupancy, supporting populations in all but the 2011 season.

Since 2011 was our final field season, we are currently unable to determine if these extirpations are a sign of the weakening buffering capacity of forage quality, or if other environmental or population stochasticity drove these population declines. Four additional sites with high

(>18.7°C) summer temperatures and high quality forage resources maintained their populations throughout our study period. The future trajectory of these sites, along with existing transient


sites, are likely to be most informative regarding the role of vegetation buffering as warming


While summer high temperatures were the dominant climatic predictor in our analysis, it

is notable that precipitation was not a top predictor of long-term pika occupancy. Precipitation

was an important driver of pika persistence when comparing pre-1980 Southern Rockies

occupancy with that in 2008 (Erb et al. 2011). The shift away from precipitation as a top

predictor is likely due to the strong trend toward increasing temperatures (Pederson et al. 2013,

Ray et al. 2010) and the high variability in the direction and magnitude of changes in

precipitation in this region (Mote et al 2005). Despite the absence of mean annual precipitation in

our top predictor list, it is likely that precipitation continues to influence pika occupancy, if

indirectly. Unoccupied sites and those sites supporting transient populations are not only hotter

than occupied sites, but drier as well (Figure 3). Furthermore, the importance of both local

temperature and precipitation in structuring plant communities should not be overlooked (Box

1996), particularly given the crucial role of vegetation composition in determining pika

occupancy in this region.

As the higher elevations of Southern Rocky Mountains become hotter and drier, as is

projected by many models (e.g. Rangwala et al. 2012), we expect vegetation to shift as well. We

are likely in the early stages of such a shift, resulting in transient pika populations, where sites

with higher forb cover may be able to shield pikas from extreme climatic events. As these

climatic shifts take their toll on vegetation as well, however, these sites are unlikely to continue

to provide their residents with a buffer against stressful, hot summers. Unfortunately, such

summers are predicted to increase in frequency in the coming century (Rangwala et al. 2012), and species’ ability to adapt to the current rapid rate of change is unlikely (Davis et al. 2005).


Given these predicted trends and the consistency across studies in the determinants of pika occupancy throughout the western US, we anticipate higher rates of extirpation in the Southern

Rockies in the coming decades.


Figure 3. Mean summer maximum surface temperature (left panel), annual precipitation (center panel), and gram:forb (right panel) at

occupied, transient, and unoccupied pika survey sites during 2008-2011. 35

Chapter 3




Species distributions are responding rapidly to global change. While correlative studies of local extinction have been vital to understanding the ecological impacts of global change, more mechanistic lines of inquiry are needed for enhanced forecasting. The current study assesses whether the predictors of local extinction also explain population density for a species apparently impacted by climate change. We tested a suite of climatic and habitat metrics as predictors of relative population density of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) in the Southern Rocky

Mountains. Population density was indexed as the density of pika latrine sites. Negative binomial regression and AICc showed that the best predictors of pika latrine density were patch area

followed by two measures of vegetation quality: the diversity and relative cover of forbs. In

contrast with previous studies of habitat occupancy in the Southern Rockies, climatic factors

were not among the top predictors of latrine density. Populations may be buffered from decline

and ultimately from extirpation at sites with high quality vegetation. Conversely, populations at

highest risk for declining density and extirpation are likely those in sites with poor quality



Climate change is a key driver of species distributional shifts worldwide (e.g. Lenoir et al. 2008;

Chen et al. 2011). Occupancy studies documenting local extinctions and range shifts have been


vital to our understanding of the ecological effects of climate change (Chen et al. 2011).

However, it is not enough to understand which habitat metrics best predict occupancy; some occupied sites may be “sinks” that receive immigrants from suitable habitat (Pulliam 1988).

Studies of population density may be required to presage populations at risk (Pimm et al. 1988).

In order to better manage species threatened by global change, scientists must move toward a more mechanistic line of inquiry (Guralnick et al. 2011). Explaining patterns in population density represents one step toward inferring the mechanics of range shift, given that dwindling populations are often a precursor to local extinction (Pimm et al. 1988, Gaston et al.

2000). More generally, studies of population density are needed to better illustrate the occupancy-abundance relationship, which has been characterized as mainly positive but sometimes variable across taxa (Gaston et al. 2000, Holt et al. 2002). Here we ask whether the determinants of occupancy align with those of population density using data from a species widely noted for recent declines in occupancy.

The American pika (Ochotona princeps), a small lagomorph, is closely associated with rocky debris such as talus slopes and lava beds and is further limited to relatively cool summer and wet winter climates in western North America (Smith and Weston 1990, Hafner 1994).

Though pikas can escape extreme weather by using the sub-surface microclimates created by large-diameter rocky debris (MacArthur and Wang 1974, Millar and Westfall 2010), they are sensitive to variation in summer temperature and winter snowpack (Smith 1974, Beever et al.

2011). Pika distribution is often predicted by both climatic and vegetation-based factors (Millar and Westfall 2010, Jeffress et al. 2013) and there is accumulating evidence linking decline in pika occupancy to climatic and microclimatic factors (Beever et al. 2010, Erb et al. 2011).

However, frequency of extirpation varies by region. In the Southern Rocky Mountains, relatively


few extirpations have been documented (Erb et al. 2011), providing an opportunity to investigate

the drivers of density among intact populations.

Occupancy patterns in the Southern Rockies indicate that climatic and habitat factors

structure pika distribution. In an assessment of the predictive power of multiple habitat and

climatic variables, recent (2008-2011) occupancy patterns were best explained by precipitation,

vegetation quality, and summer temperature metrics (Erb et al. 2011 and in prep). Here we

employ the same suite of potential predictors to model pika latrine density, as a metric of relative

population density, using generalized linear models ranked via AICc (Akaike’s information

criterion corrected for small sample sizes). If similar factors predict both occupancy and relative

density, these predictors could be used to determine which populations are at highest risk of

extirpation in the near future.


Study Area. Pika latrine density was assessed at 18 sites in the Southern Rocky Mountains of

New Mexico, Colorado, and southern Wyoming (35°20’ to 41°30’ N and 104°54’ to 108°17’

W). These sites were selected from among 69 historically occupied sites (see Erb et al. 2011) via random sampling stratified by latitude, longitude, and elevation. All 2008 absences were also selected for monitoring purposes. These 18 sites represented a similar distribution of climatic

predictors as the original 69 (Appendix III). Vegetation varied among sites from upper montane

forest to alpine meadow. Selected sites ranged 2703-3708 m in elevation (µ= 3250, σ=302; Fig

1) and each was sampled for pika latrine density in both 2009 and 2010. At sites with multiple

talus patches, the largest talus patch was selected for pika sampling as well as habitat

characterization (Erb et al. 2011).


Figure 1. Map of 18 study sites at which Ochotona princeps population density was evaluated.

All study sites were occupied by pikas at some point prior to 1980.


Quantifying Pika Latrine Density. The density of fresh scat piles (latrines) was assessed using a transect-based design, with transects positioned relative to a “control point” located at the lowest instance of rocky debris at the site. A base transect was established 10 m upslope of the control point running perpendicular to the dominant site aspect (e.g., toward 120º/300º if the dominant site aspect was 30°). Subsequent transects were established upslope and parallel to the base transect at 60 m intervals (distances are actual, not elevational). Number of transects per site varied between one and six, depending on the extent of rocky debris (hereafter, “talus”). Sixty meter spacing between transects ensured that each pika sign was counted only once in our surveys, given an average pika territory diameter of 25 m (Smith and Weston 1990). Each transect was just as long as the talus was wide. Most transects were <150 m long (µ=62.3 m,

σ=46.1 m), however, where transects were longer than 150 m (n=3), only the middle 100 m and

25 m at each end were sampled.

In our pilot year of 2009, crews recorded all fresh haypiles (pika food stores), fresh latrines, and individual pikas observed within 30 m of transects. Fresh hay and latrines were determined by the presence of green pigment in constituent plant material. Pikas are coprophagous and produce both caecal feces, which are reingested, and fecal pellets, which are not. In our study of latrines, only fecal pellets were examined for evidence of deposition within the current year. The green color within fecal pellets has been documented to disappear within months of deposition (Nichols 2010). Paired observers walked each transect, with one observer focused downslope and the other focused upslope, while both observed sign directly on the transect. Paired observers conferred frequently and recorded each sign only once. Independent observations were obtained by having two independent pairs walk each transect on different days. Averaging across sites in 2009, 82% of fresh latrines were recorded by the observer


looking upslope. Because pika scat is generally deposited under sheltering rocks, making latrines

easier to see when looking upslope, we discontinued downslope observations in 2010 and

omitted downslope data from all analyses.

Fresh latrine counts were the most consistently available sign of current pika activity,

likely due to variation in pika behavior at different population densities (C. Ray and L. Erb, pers.

obs.) and in different weather conditions (Hayes and Huntly 2005) as well as climatic and

seasonal effects on pika haying behavior (Smith and Weston 1990, Dearing 1996).

Consequently, we used the density of fresh pika latrines as our metric of relative population


It is notable that scat was deemed an inconsistent metric of pika occupancy in the multi-

crew data collection descriptions of Chapters 1 and 2, but was considered the best metric of

density determination for Chapter 3. This inconsistency was due to the large number of different

field crews used in occupancy estimations in 2008. Inter-observer variability among crews in determining scat freshness made this an inconsistent metric for occupancy analyses. In 2009 and

2010, however, a single, closely-monitored crew was assessing scat freshness. This greatly reduced inter-observer variability and greatly increased our confidence in scat as an index for pika population density.

To limit the influence of observer error, density analyses were based on observations

within 2 m of transects, where most latrines (mean±SE = 84.4%+15.8%) were observed in this

study. Given a standard transect length of 150 m, latrine density (number per standard transect)

was calculated as y = N/L*150, where N was the total number of fresh latrines observed at the

site and L was the total length of transects surveyed at the site. All density estimates (two from


2009 and two from 2010) were averaged to generate our response variable, minimizing effects of

environmental stochasticity and observer bias.

Characterization of Climate. For each site, we calculated five climate metrics representing

potential stressors (Table 1). Mean annual precipitation and mean summer temperature maxima

were obtained via the PRISM interpolated climate data set for the years 2008-2011 (4 km grid cell; Pika occupancy has been predicted in part by mean annual precipitation in the Southern Rocky Mountains (Erb et al. 2011 and in prep) and high summer temperatures in the Great Basin (Beever et al. 2011, Wilkening et al. 2011).

Sub-surface temperatures were used to characterize the microclimate in the talus at each site. Four HOBO temperature data loggers (Onset U10-003) were buried in the talus at each site,

one under each of four randomly selected haypiles. Each logger was placed at the maximum

depth possible, averaging 75 cm below the average surface level. Where fewer than four fresh

haypiles were available (n=4 sites), remaining loggers were buried under old haypiles or latrines.

Where no pika sign occurred (n=2 sites), loggers were buried in locations with large rocks and

deep talus to mimic pika haypile site selection (C. Ray and L. Erb, pers. obs.). Loggers were

installed between July 2008 and July 2009 and recorded temperature every 30 minutes until

removal in September 2011.

Cold stress was quantified as the proportion of sub-surface temperatures below -10°C recorded at each site, a metric that predicted pika occupancy patterns in the Great Basin (Beever et al. 2010). Sub-surface heat stress was quantified as the proportion of temperatures above 25°C

and (alternatively) as the mean summer (June-August) temperature recorded at each site. Mean

summer temperature has explained pika occupancy patterns in the Great Basin (Beever et al.


2010) and the Southern Rockies (Erb et al. in prep), and pikas held above the talus have died at

surface temperatures as low as 25.5ºC (Smith 1974b).

Characterization of Habitat. Maximum talus depth was estimated visually at the deepest crevice observed within each site. Sub-surface water was categorized as present where it was seen or heard or where riparian vegetation was observed at the base of the site (Erb et al. 2011). Deeper

taluses and those with sub-surface water sources should provide a more stable microclimate (Ray

et al. 2012).

Vegetation communities were characterized using methods modified from Wilkening et

al. (2011). Three data logger locations at each site were randomly selected for vegetation

sampling. At each of these three logger locations, vegetation was sampled along three parallel

transects, each 50 m long: a central transect, centered on the logger and running perpendicular to

the dominant aspect of the site, along with transects 15 m upslope and downslope of the logger.

Vegetation was quantified at one-meter intervals using the line-point-intercept method (as in

Wilkening et al. 2011), resulting in 150 points per logger location and 450 points per site. All

trees, shrubs, and forbs were identified to species level, while grasses, sedges, and rushes were

classed as graminoids. We considered several vegetation metrics consistent with recent studies of

pika occupancy (Rodhouse et al. 2010, Wilkening et al. 2011, Jeffress et al. 2013). Total percent

vegetation cover was our measure of available forage for this generalist species. Forage highly

accessible to pikas was represented by the combined percent cover of forbs, graminoids, and

shrubs, omitting only tree cover. Percent forb cover, forb species richness, and the ratio of

graminoids to forbs (gram:forb) were all considered metrics of forage quality.

Cover at ground level was also classed at each transect point as soil, rock, or litter.


Although highly associated with talus, pikas occur mainly at the edges of rocky habitats where

forage is easily accessed (Smith and Weston 1990). Thus, we anticipated a negative relationship

between rock cover and latrine density, with lower rock cover sites providing greater foraging

opportunities. Similarly, talus patch size effects were expected to follow Kawamichi (1982) who

showed a trend in O. princeps toward smaller home ranges resulting in higher densities in small

patches. Patch size was measured as the area of large-diameter (>20 cm) rocky debris contained

within each talus patch surveyed for latrine density.

Statistical Analysis. Negative binomial models of latrine density were developed and compared

using AICc (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Our goal was to evaluate the relative support for

each of 15 predictor variables (Table 1). We considered all possible models incorporating three

or fewer predictors. By considering each predictor in a variety of contexts, we developed an

unbiased ranking to facilitate the comparison of predictors of latrine density with predictors of

habitat occupancy. Models were fitted in R (R Development Core Team 2012) using function

glm.nb (Venables and Ripley 2002). We considered a mixed-distribution model to address pika

occupancy and density as separate processes, but a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test indicated no

excess zeros (absences) in our response variable. Several variables were log-transformed to

reduce skew, and each continuous predictor variable Xi was standardized as

allowing for intuitive interpretation of model coefficients (βi): each βi measures the effect of Xi in units of standard deviation in Xi. Model rank was determined using AICc and predictor influence

was assessed via Akaike weights. Model fit was evaluated using Nagelkerke’s max-rescaled R2

2 (R N), which measures model performance relative to the null model (Nagelkerke 1992).


Table 1: Predictor descriptions, expected relationships to pika population density, weighted average coefficients, and Akaike weights.

Top predictors are highlighted in gray.

Expected Weighted CV of Akaike Predictor Description Relationship Average Coefficient Weight with Density Coefficient Estimate


45 Mean Annual Precipitation, PRISM 2008-2011 (mm) + 0.539 0.217 0.209

Sub-Surface Summer Mean Temperature; Mean June, July, August - -0.340 -0.710 0.113 temperatures from data loggers 2009-2011 (°C)

Sub-Surface Summer Maximum Temperature; Proportion of recorded - -0.096 -4.212 0.055 temperatures above 25°C

Surface Summer Maximum Temperature; Mean June, July, August - -0.292 -0.87 0.092 monthly PRISM maxima 2008-2011 (°C)

Sub-Surface Winter Minimum Temperature; Proportion of recorded - -0.442 -0.383 0.204 sub-surface temperatures below -10° C

Habitat Quality: Talus

Talus depth (m) + 0.198 0.783 0.067

Sub-talus water source + -0.078 -0.713 0.057

Habitat Quality: Vegetation

46 Percent vegetation cover (%) + -0.188 2.64 0.078

Gram:Forb (cover ratio) - -0.642 -0.367 0.251

Forb species richness (Number of species) + 0.594 0.335 0.260

Percent cover of forbs, grasses, and shrubs (%) + 0.415 0.410 0.137

Percent of vegetation consisting of forbs (%) + 0.427 2.39 0.173

Habitat Quantity

Rock Cover (%) - -0.504 -0.520 0.131

Talus Area (m2) - -0.698 -0.15 0.661

Overall Habitat Quality

Rock Cover*Vegetation Cover + -0.434 -0.415 0.123



Across our 18 study sites, pika latrine densities ranged 0-57 per 200 m2 (µ=10, σ=14.3;

Appendix IV). Two of our sites lacked any fresh pika sign throughout our survey period (Figure

1). Mean PRISM summer maximum temperatures ranged 15.9-22.3°C (µ=18.9, σ=1.6), while

mean sub-surface summer maximum temperatures ranged 8.57-20.6°C (µ=13.3, σ=3.1). Mean

sub-surface summer temperatures ranged 6.4-16.8°C (µ=10.6, σ=2.9) and precipitation ranged

432.9-1476.5 mm (µ=890.9, σ=259.8). One site experienced no sub-surface temperatures below -

10°C. At the remaining 17 sites, the proportion of sub-surface temperatures below -10°C ranged

0.01% - 8% (µ=1.7%, σ=2.2%).

Talus patch area ranged 495-144,000 m2 (µ=17,180, σ=33,831) and rock cover ranged

24-83% (µ=54%, σ=17%) among sites. Vegetation cover ranged 18%-55% (µ=35%, σ=11%)

and accessible forage cover (omitting trees) ranged 7-54% (µ=28%, σ=11%). Vegetation composition was highly variable, with cover values ranging 9-59% (µ=32%, σ=18%) for forbs,

0.5-5.1% (µ=1.4%, σ=1.2%) for gram:forb, and 2-23% (µ=12.3%, σ=5.4%) for forb species


Results of modeling showed that the best predictor of pika latrine density in the Southern

Rockies was patch area. After area, vegetation quality metrics were the best predictors among

other climate and habitat variables. Twelve of our 15 predictors demonstrated expected

relationships with density (Table 1). Sites with smaller patch area, higher forb species richness,

and lower gram:forb ratios demonstrated the highest pika densities (Table 1; Figure 2). The top

2 model included patch area and sub-surface minimum temperature, with R N=0.47; however,

2 there were 13 additional models that were equally explanatory, with ΔAIC<2 and R N>0.30


Figure 2. Pika latrine density versus the top three density predictor variables, determined by Akaike weights. Predictor variable units

appear in Table 1.


(Appendix V). Predictor weights supported the importance of patch area and forage quality in determining pika latrine densities (Table 1).


Our results indicate that patch area and vegetation metrics determine pika latrine density in the

Southern Rocky Mountains. The importance of patch area, the ratio of graminoids to forbs, and forb diversity indicates that forage accessibility and quality drive relative pika density patterns in this region. This finding is consistent with studies of occupancy in the western US, which indicate that O. princeps occupancy and/or persistence are predicted by graminoid cover

(negative effect; Rodhouse et al. 2010, Jeffress et al. 2013, Erb et al in prep), forb cover (positive effect; Wilkening et al. 2011, Jeffress et al. 2013, Erb et al. in prep) and forb richness (positive effect; Erb in prep). Our results support the likelihood of a positive occupancy-abundance relationship for pikas, as has been found for many other taxa (Gaston et al 2000; Holt et al.


It is notable that vegetation structure, especially gram:forb, may reflect local climate

(Box 1996) and may be affected by the pika’s selective foraging behavior (Huntly et al. 1986,

Dearing 1997). If gram:forb is a more comprehensive metric of local climate than PRISM or our own local data, pikas may be responding directly to climate rather than vegetation quality. While we cannot rule out this possibility, we can rule out effects of pika density on gram:forb. Pikas are known to prefer forbs over graminoids (Huntly et al. 1986, Dearing 1997). As suggested by

Rodhouse et al. (2010), the selective removal of forbs should generate a positive relationship between gram:forb and pika occurrence, and our study is the first to confirm that relative pika density scales negatively with gram:forb. This result, combined with observations discussed below, suggest that there are direct effects of forage quality mediating the pika’s response to


climate and climatic changes.

The negative relationship between patch area and latrine density is likely the result of

edge effects at the rock-meadow interface. Kawamichi (1982) found a similar area-density result

for this species, suggesting that reduced territory size is sustainable where a larger perimeter-to- area ratio increases access to forage. Other herbivores have been documented showing preference for smaller patches of habitat (e.g. Hester et al. 1999) and landscape ecology studies have found a similar affinity for edges among small mammals (e.g. Salek et al. 2010).

Supporting the importance of access to forage, our results also suggest that forage quality is an important predictor of relative pika density. Gram:forb likely represents the relative abundance of low (graminoid) to high (forb) quality forage for pikas (Dearing 1997, Smith and

Erb 2013). The dominant forbs in these habitats contain higher water and nitrogen content than the dominant graminoids (Smith and Erb 2013). Sites with higher forb diversity and lower gram:forb are more likely to provide a variety of highly nutritive forage, reducing the effects of intraspecific competition and allowing relatively higher densities of pikas at such sites.

Due to the high metabolic demands on pikas (Sheafor 2003), nutrient and water availability should limit pika survival and density, especially where high summer temperatures limit foraging time. Smith and Erb (2013) found a positive correlation between mean summer temperature and pika selectivity for plants with higher water content. Thus, selective foraging behavior may mask effects of a warming climate. However, it is an open question whether, and for how long, such behavior can counter effects of climate change. Higher summer temperatures have predicted pika extinctions in the Great Basin (Beever et al. 2010) and Southern Rockies

(Erb et al. in prep.).


Our results suggest that vegetation accessibility and quality are important for both occupancy and density patterns in the Southern Rockies. We did not find strong evidence that relative pika density is predicted directly by climate. These results have theoretical and management implications, especially because summer temperature and mean annual precipitation have been important predictors of pika occupancy throughout the western US (Beever et al. 2010, Erb et al.

2011). Combining results from pika occupancy and density studies in this region, our findings suggest that some previously suitable habitats are becoming climatically unsuitable (Erb et al.

2011), but the accessibility and quality of forage mediates population response to climate.

Though selective foraging can mask the effects of climate to some extent, the buffering ability of vegetation may be limited, especially as vegetation communities show stronger responses to continuing climate change. Given the buffering capacity of higher quality sites, pika populations in regions of low forb diversity and cover are likely to be at more immediate risk of extirpation as climate change accelerates.




In the context of evolutionary time, 30 years is a blink of an eye. Just a century ago, one would

have thought that thirty trips around the sun, when the Earth has made millions, surely couldn’t

produce changes that altered the course of life on Earth. But just a century ago, most humans

couldn’t foresee the consequences of our energy acquisition needs. The consequences of

accelerating human hunger for resources became readily apparent in the 1980s. Since that time,

each trip around the sun has been, on average, warmer than the previous. While Earth is used to

and thrives on change, the rate at which this change is happening is leading to unprecedented

ecological consequences.

Ochotona princeps has been the subject of a media blitz in recent years regarding its

potential role as a bellwether for the ecological effects of climate change. While many saw this

attention as overhyped and premature, several years of population monitoring across its range

indicates that pikas may indeed be aptly characterized as such. While declines have not been

severe in the Southern Rockies, the importance of summer high temperatures in the maintenance

of pika populations and their densities, paired with the projections of continued increases in

temperatures in this region, suggest challenging times lie ahead for many populations of this

species. Regions such as the Southern Rockies also provide some hope, however. The highly

connected, high elevation landscape present in this region provides pikas with potential refugia from warming temperatures and potential for recolonization of marginal habitats from these refugia. While the distribution of this species is rapidly changing throughout western North

America, refugia such as those found in the Southern Rockies may allow O. princeps to resist


extinction in the near future. How much optimism we have may be proportional to our own active efforts to curb CO2 emissions.

Following four years of field work and six years of processing that data, we have learned a great deal about the status of the American pika in the Southern Rocky Mountains.

Unsurprisingly, we are also left with many more questions about the species, its limitations, and its resilience in the face of global change. Occupancy patterns indicate that populations of the

American pika have maintained themselves in the Southern Rockies better than other regions such as the Great Basin. Occupancy rates in both our historical resurvey and our surveys from

2008 to 2011 are higher than those documented in the Great Basin.

The extirpation of several populations in the Southern Rockies during our study period allowed us to determine the drivers of these patterns. After modeling these data using multiple potential climatic and habitat predictors, it is clear that temperature and vegetation quality are important drivers of these patterns. We gained some insight into the mechanism behind these relationships when similar predictors were found to be important drivers of pika densities as well. The importance of high vegetation quality and low summer temperatures in maintaining pika populations should assist managers in determining critical habitat and populations that may be threatened by future changes in climate and the subsequent changes to vegetation composition.

Despite these higher occupancy rates and a lack of significant decline in occupancy during our survey period, it will be imperative that populations continue to be monitored over the coming years and decades. The disappearance of two new populations in 2011 is cause for concern. In both cases, pikas were found in moderate to high densities in previous surveys. Due


to the fact that 2011 was our final survey year, it remains unknown if those sites have been

recolonized since. Further, long term monitoring of populations will provide still-needed data on

rates of recolonizations and whether the source-sink system upon which pika population dynamics relies has been compromised in some way.

The important question of the factors limiting recolonization of potential pika habitat can also be addressed through landscape genetics methods. I am currently collaborating with Dr.

Loren Sackett in an NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant-funded effort to assess the role of climate and habitat features in limiting pika dispersal in this region. Genetic samples were acquired via scat samples from throughout the Southern Rockies region in 2009 and 2010. These samples were successfully sequenced at multiple microsatellite loci by the USDA Forest

Service’s Wildlife Genetics Lab in Missoula, MT. Current work includes developing GIS models of climate and vegetation for the region, which will be paired with the genetic analyses to determine the limitations to O. princeps gene flow in the Southern Rockies. While this analysis

is not included as part of this dissertation, we intend to submit work for publication on the

subject in early 2014.

Now that this dissertation research has shed some light on the drivers of pika extirpations in the region, the pursuit of answers regarding our pika recolonization questions will be vital to future management of this species. The Rocky Mountains have served as a refuge for many cold-

loving species in past warming periods. The region is ideal for such a role due not only to its

high-elevation habitat, providing a wet and cool climate and diverse forb communities, which

facilitate pika persistence, but also due to the connectivity between patches. While individual

American pikas have been documented to travel long distances during dispersal events, such

events are only possible in regions providing suitable matrix habitat for survival during the


dispersal period. The fast pace of current climate warming is not only raising sea levels, but also

ecotone boundaries, creating more discrete habitat islands and isolating populations of species

such as O. princeps.

The fate of O. princeps will depend on pikas and humans alike; pikas’ survival will depend on their own ability to sustain themselves on these islands and disperse between them, but it will also depend on human resource use. Our environmental decisions and indecisions in the coming years and decades will determine the rate at which alpine habitat islands shrink and recolonization between them become infeasible. As species such as pikas decline, our resource reserves also deplete, from fresh water to clean air. In our first 200,000 laps around the sun, humans have shown the power we have to change the course of Earth’s history. What we choose to do with our next 20 laps will determine the fate of many of Earth’s species, Homo sapiens




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Appendix I

Climate histograms. Panels A and B represent 1908-2007 mean annual precipitation values and mean summer (June-August)

maximum temperatures, respectively, for the 69 sites analyzed for 2008 pika occupancy in Chapter 1. A subset of 19 of these sites was

selected for further analysis of mean occupancy 2008-2011; panels C and D represent 1908-2007 mean annual precipitation and mean

summer maximum temperatures, respectively, for this subset of 19 sites.

A B 65


Appendix II

Predictor coefficients for potential predictors of mean pika occupancy in the Southern Rocky Mountains. Predictors (described in

Appendix V) were standardized as Zi = (X i − μ(X i ))/ σ(X i ) , allowing for intuitive interpretation of model coefficients: each

coefficient (βi) measures the effect of Xi in units of standard deviation in Xi. 66

Appendix III

Comparison of climatic predictors among 18 study sites and the 69 historically occupied sites from which they were selected via

random sampling stratified by latitude, longitude, and elevation. 67

Appendix IV

Pika latrine density (latrines/200 m2) at 18 sites in the Southern Rocky Mountains.

Latrine Density Site Name (latrines/200 m2)

Nambe Lake, NM 4

Valles Caldera, NM 9

Kennebec Pass, CO 3

Wolf Creek Pass, CO 8

Del Norte Peak, CO 5

Crystal Lake, CO 6

Cochetopa Dome, CO 0

Mount Gothic, CO 13

Grand Mesa, CO 3

Halfmoon Creek, CO 5

Papoose Basin, CO 16

Pagoda Peak, CO 57

Grand Lake, CO 0

Bighorn Peak, CO 9

Trap Lake, CO 3

Bridger Peak, WY 3

Silver Lake, WY 35

Highway 130, WY 1


Appendix V

Models predicting pika density with ΔAIC<2, along with the null model. Key to predictor codes provided below model table.

2 Model AIC ΔAIC R N

Neg10 + Area 119.99 0 0.47

ForbSpp + Area 120.24 0.25 0.46

GF + Neg10 + Area 120.27 0.28 0.56

ForbCover + Area 120.36 0.37 0.45

GF + Area 120.37 0.38 0.45

MeanPrecip + GF + Area 120.42 0.43 0.56

ForbCover + Neg10 + Area 120.46 0.47 0.56

ForbSpp + Area + Rock.Veg 120.47 0.48 0.56

MeanPrecip + ForbCover + Area 120.95 0.96 0.55

MaxMean + GF + Area 121.05 1.06 0.54

ForbSpp + GF + Area 121.35 1.36 0.54

GF + JJATemp + Area 121.41 1.42 0.54

Area 121.42 1.43 0.30

ForbSpp + Neg10 + Area 121.71 1.72 0.53

Null (y~1) 124.97 4.98


Predictor Code Predictor Description

Area Patch area

ForbCover Percent of vegetation consisting of forbs

ForbSpp Forb species richness

GF Gram:forb

JJATemp Sub-surface summer average temperature

MaxMean Surface summer maximum temperature

MeanPrecip Mean annual precipitation

Neg10 Proportion of recorded sub-surface temperatures below -10° C

Rock.Veg % rock cover multiplied by % vegetation cover