The New Frontiers of Vote Fraud Trying to strike down voter ID laws was just the beginning

By Barbara Joanna Lucas

Summary: The Left seeks power, and at least for the time being, that requires winning elec- tions. So the Left pursues every scheme it can concoct to boost votes for its favored causes and candidates. This report details how the Left not only opposes every law, like voter ID, that aims to ensure honest elections, it is also passing laws and regulations that aim to swamp the polls with Left-friendly voters. And so non-citizens, and illegal immigrants, and underage voters are being welcomed to voting booths, while voter registration and even voting itself are on the road to being made compulsory for every person with a heartbeat.

here does this notion that anyone with a pulse must vote come Wfrom? Why is it that even the most modest measures to ensure an election has integrity provoke hysteria from the Left Forcing people to vote isn’t a noble, high-minded endeavor. Academic Lisa and shameless comparisons to Jim Crow Hill (above) believes the electoral system should be used as a vehicle for the measures that unconstitutionally denied large redistribution of wealth. Coerced voting reduces “wealth inequality,” she numbers of Americans the right to vote? boasts. President Obama agrees. “If everybody voted, then it would com- pletely change the political map in this country,” he said earlier this year. The Left has long used shrill rhetoric to stifl e many electoral integrity laws across and a built-in mathematical disadvantage the country. More recently, it has become for Republicans in the Electoral College that increasingly emboldened as it parades illegal December 2015 decides presidential elections. And it is true voters to the polls. that the Electoral College poses a long-term CONTENTS challenge for the GOP, because many large There is a simple explanation: Voter fraud states like New York and California are The New Frontiers of Vote Fraud and illegal immigrant votes have historically already in the bag for Democrats before the favored Democrats, as we shall see. Page 1 fi rst vote is even cast. But the presidency is where the Democrats’ advantage ends. The mainstream media and Democrats love Briefl y Noted dwelling on all the problems facing the Re- The 2010 and 2014 elections solidifi ed not Page 8 publican Party, the infi ghting in Congress, only large Republican majorities in Con- Organization Trends gress, but also and more importantly brought Virginia. Democrats actually gained a few bypass voters. But eventually, democracy Republicans to power in 70 percent of state seats over the course of Obama’s presidency kicks in. legislatures across the country, including in New Jersey (one) and Illinois (three), and many swing states, as well as 60 percent of the number of Democratic seats stayed the Another way to deal with the Left’s democ- governorships (Vox, Oct. 19, 2015). same in California.” racy problem is to change the demographics. Democrats have long sought amnesty laws Cokie Roberts startled some politics watch- State elections last month generated even that would create a pathway for undocu- ers at the beginning of this year when she more losses for Democrats. mented Democrats to vote eventually. And said on ABC’s “This Week” that President for the less scrupulous on the left, there is Obama has “lost almost 70 Democrats [in Voters in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, yet one more avenue to achieve their agenda: Congress] since he’s been president and which had elected only one Republican Find a way to make sure non-citizens and more than 900 state legislators.” PolitiFact, a governor in the last four decades, elected illegal immigrant voters turn out on Election high-profi le fact-checking website not known Tea Party movement-backed Republican Day, even if you haven’t yet changed the law for being kind to Republicans, put Roberts’ Matt Bevin. The state’s attorney general to permit them to vote. claim under the microscope. The statement Democrat Jack Conway, lost by 53 to 44 earned the best possible rating, “TRUE,” on percent. Kentucky Auditor Adam Edelen (D) The fi rst option—putting the undocumented its “Truth-O-Meter.” PolitiFact concluded was defeated by Mark Harmon (R). Edelen on a legal path to citizenship—has been that “Democrats have lost 910 seats since spent almost $900,000 on his campaign, pushed by Democrats for decades in various Obama took offi ce” (Jan. 25, 2015). more than 20 times the roughly $40,000 forms. In 1965 President Lyndon Johnson Harmon spent. signed a major immigration bill championed The website explained that it “compared the by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), and number of Democratic seats in early 2009, In Virginia, Republicans hung on to their in 1986, Democrats succeeded in passing when Obama took offi ce, to the number of majority in the House of Delegates and another major immigration law, the Simpson- seats after the 2014 midterms. The bottom fended off a Democrat attempt to capture Mazzoli Act, with bipartisan support. More line: Republicans now control about 56 the state Senate that was underwritten with recently, Presidents George W. Bush and percent of the country’s 7,383 state legisla- millions of dollars of contributions from for- sought such laws, which tive seats, up 12 percentage points since mer New York Mayor . failed in Congress. 2009. Thirty-fi ve states posted double- Democrats, who wanted to aid Gov. Terry digit seat losses for the Democrats in state McAuliffe (D) in his never-ending quest for “Motor Voter” and the Cloward-Piven legislatures, including more than 50 seats harsher gun control, needed a net gain of only Strategy each in Arkansas, New Hampshire and West one seat, but they didn’t get it. Left-wing activists and academics have pushed the idea for some time that legal Editor: Matthew Vadum Though they receive far less press attention resident non-citizens and illegal aliens Publisher: Terrence Scanlon than federal contests, these state legislature alike should have the same voting rights races select who will draw the lines desig- as citizens. But now it has moved beyond Organization Trends nating federal and state legislative districts, theory into law. is published by Capital Research Center, a non-partisan education and which means the GOP is likely to have a research organization, classifi ed by long-term hold on the U.S. House of Repre- In the nation’s largest state, a new “motor- the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity. sentatives. This state dominance also creates voter” law is expected to allow illegal im- a larger bench for the party, which allows the migrants to vote on a grand scale in federal, Address: state, and local elections. The nation’s 1513 16th Street, N.W. GOP to compete reasonably well in future Washington, DC 20036-1480 presidential years, despite the disadvantage original motor-voter law was the National it faces in the Electoral College. Voter Registration Act that President Bill Phone: (202) 483-6900 Clinton signed into law a few months after Long-Distance: (800) 459-3950 Democratic operatives and politicians know his inauguration in 1993. E-mail Address: this. They don’t talk about it in public, but [email protected] Looking back, journalist John Fund recalls it scares them that America—for the most how Clinton “had just won an election in part—remains a center-right country. Web Site: which the country had seen the largest in- crease in voter turnout in a generation.” And The Left does have unelected judges making Organization Trends welcomes let- yet “President Clinton declared a ‘crisis’ in law on the bench and unelected bureaucrats ters to the editor. civic participation and proceeded to ram the Reprints are available for $2.50 pre- imposing regulations, which have long been proposed law through Congress.” paid to Capital Research Center. important avenues that allow the Left to 2 December 2015 Organization Trends

As Matthew Vadum, the editor of this publica- Back in 1993, Clinton made clear the under- Obama said. “In the long term, I think it would tion, has written, radical academics Richard lying agenda of Motor-Voter when he had be fun to have a constitutional amendment Cloward and Frances Fox Piven “were strong Cloward and Piven as offi cial guests at the process about how our fi nancial system advocates for the law. ” bill’s signing ceremony. Soon additional works. But realistically, that would be a long- state and local government offi ces were con- term proposition.” White House spokesman “Enlisting millions of new and politicized scripted into the voter registration drive. Josh Earnest later said that Obama was not voters is the way to create an electoral envi- making a policy proposal about mandatory ronment hospitable to fundamental change Compulsory Voting voting, simply making an observation. in American society,” Cloward and Piven As Vadum observed, Peter Orszag, who headed the Offi ce of Management and argued in a 1983 article that makes clear Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Budget under Obama, brought up the the direct political goals that they and their Clinton, struggling in the polls, took the fellow travelers in the Democratic Party idea of mandatory voting during the 2012 same view at a June campaign event at sought: “Toward a Class-Based Realign- presidential election, “when it looked like ment of American Politics: A Movement Obama was on the ropes.” Orszag claimed Texas Southern University. “I’m calling Strategy.” that even if America “prides itself as the for universal automatic voter registration,” beacon of democracy ... it’s very likely no Clinton said. “Every citizen in every state Cloward and Piven added: U.S. president has ever been elected by a in the Union should be automatically regis- majority of American adults. It’s our own tered to vote when they turn 18, unless they fault — because voter participation rates are An enlarged and politicized electorate choose to opt out.” will sustain and encourage the move- running below 60 percent, a candidate would ments in American society that are have to win 85 percent or more of the vote already working for the rights of women to be elected by a majority.” Such a proposal clearly poses problems, one and minorities, for the protection of the leading election expert said. “Automatic reg- social programs, and for transformation He continued, “Beyond simply raising istration, I’m afraid, would result in increas- of foreign policy. Equally important, an participation, compulsory voting could ing the number of ineligible registrations as enlarged and politicized electorate will alter the role of money in elections. Turn- well as duplicate registrations,” said Hans von out-the-vote efforts, often bankrolled by foster and protect future mass move- Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal ments from the bottom that the ongoing big-money groups, would become largely Election Commission and now a senior legal economic crisis is likely to generate, thus irrelevant. Negative advertising could be fellow at the Heritage Foundation. “Many opening American politics to solutions less effective, because a central aim of such to the economic crisis that express the ads is to discourage participation in the op- people are on government databases in more interests of the lower strata of the popu- ponent’s camp.” than one state,” he said. “We already have lation.... The objective is to accelerate a problem in the current system with people Liberals claim they want a more participa- the dealigning forces already at work in being registered to vote in more than one tory democracy, but Obama said at a March American politics, and to promote party state” (TheBlaze, June 6, 2015). realignment along class lines. town hall meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, that he thinks it would be fun to force people to vote—an idea which ignores the fact that But pressing people to vote, much less requir- President Obama has continued this effort in not voting is also a choice. his aggressive outreach to low-information ing it under penalty of law, isn’t necessarily voters. Despite fawning coverage from the good for society. Some on the left, like Lisa mainstream news media, Obama would “In Australia and some other countries, Hill, a politics professor at the University of nevertheless avoid what few tough questions there is mandatory voting. It would be Adelaide in Australia, complain “America he might get by going on “Entertainment To- transformative if everybody voted,” Obama has a serious voter turnout problem,” and night,” MTV, E! and other silly entertainment said. “That would counteract money more venues answering the most friendly questions than anything. If everybody voted, then it therefore “American democracy is dying.” and looking cool while doing it. would completely change the political map in this country, because the people who tend not But it’s clear that democracy is not uppermost Obama also “used the Cloward and Piven to vote are young. They are lower income. in her mind. Hill is just another left-winger class warfare-based electoral strategy in 1992 They are skewed more heavily toward who believes the electoral system should when he worked for ACORN’s Project Vote immigrant groups and minority groups.” affi liate.” He said, “All our people must know be used as a vehicle for the redistribution that politics and voting affects their lives Obama added, “there is a reason some people of wealth. Legally mandated voting in the directly,” and “If we’re registering people try to keep them away from the polls.” U.S. would aid the redistributionist cause, in public housing, for an example, we talk she openly admits: about aid cuts and who’s responsible.” “We want to get them into the polls. That may be a better strategy in the short term,” December 2015 3 Organization Trends

The most decisive means for arresting California’s ‘State-Sanctioned’ Fraud Oregon’s arrangements look good, compared turnout decline and closing the socioeco- Shortly after Oregon Secretary of State to California’s. In October, California Gov. nomic voting gap is mandatory voting: Kate Brown (D) was sworn in as that state’s Jerry Brown (D) signed AB 1461 into law, in fact, it is the only mechanism that can governor this year, taking over from her the Golden State’s new motor-voter law that push turnout anywhere near 95 percent. scandal-plagued predecessor, John Kitzhaber also automatically registers Californians to Places with mandatory voting also have (D), she signed a fi rst-in-the-nation law that vote when they obtain a driver license. less wealth inequality, lower levels of automatically registered anyone in the state political corruption and higher levels of who receives a driver license. For those The big difference is that California issues satisfaction with the way democracy is concerned about voter integrity, this law driver licenses to illegal immigrants and has working than voluntary systems. certainly raises red fl ags. (For the fall of done so since January. Moreover, the legisla- Gov. Kitzhaber, forced to resign in the wake tion seems to go out of its way to ensure that of fi nancial improprieties, see Green Watch, As Matthew Vadum summarized at Front- the state does not have an effective way to PageMag (March 18, 2015): November and December 2015.) weed out those not eligible to vote. Boiled down to its essence, Professor “This bill is about making government work Senate amendments to the legislation elimi- Hill’s phony, self-serving, good-gov- better, treating citizens as customers and nated a provision which resembled part of the ernment claptrap, promotes the growth giving them access to the service they ex- Oregon law, because it would have required of government and involuntary transfers pect,” she said when signing the bill. “When the California DMV to provide the state’s of wealth. Besides, close to 100 percent someone moves to Oregon, why should they Secretary of State’s offi ce with “the document voter turnout isn’t necessarily a sign have to fi ll out multiple forms for multiple code or equivalent identifi er associated with that democratic culture is thriving in a agencies? They should be able to complete the document the person provided to prove country, contrary to Hill’s implication. one form, one time.” Note that the only time that his or her presence in the United States History suggests the opposite. Sky-high liberals want less governmental red tape is is authorized under federal law and that the voter participation is associated with when it comes to piling on more potential applicant is a citizen of the United States” despotic regimes that punish citizens Democratic voters. (San Diego Union-Tribune , Oct. 5, 2015). for not voting. The Oregon statute will likely make it easier Not only does the California legislation Meanwhile, various cities, including New for some people who shouldn’t be able to not distinguish between citizens and non- York and San Francisco, have pushed to give legally vote to register to vote. Commenting citizens, it goes a step further to ensure no voting rights to non-citizens for local elec- on the problems with this kind of law, Kansas penalty is levied against an illegal voter. tions, while localities in Maryland already Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) told the Section 2269 of the statute says: allow voting by non-citizens and minors, Wichita Eagle such a law could produce “a and allows non-citizens to vote in perfect storm of errors.” “If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes school board elections. “I just think it’s a virtual certainty that they registered to vote pursuant to this chapter will see hundreds or thousands of people and votes or attempts to vote in an election Like nearly everything progressive politi- mailed two or more ballots, and that can be held after the effective date of the person’s cians push for the sake of gaining power, this a very tempting situation where some people registration, that person shall be presumed crusade is couched in appeals to so-called may succumb to the temptation to fi ll out both to have acted with offi cial authorization and social justice. But the threat to electoral ballots and vote twice,” Kobach said. shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting integrity cannot be ignored. As we will see or attempting to vote pursuant to Section below, studies by supporters and opponents 18560, unless that person willfully votes or of non-citizen voting have shown that non- At least Oregon has some mechanism attempts to vote knowing that he or she is citizen votes can tilt state elections, even that, if you believe the Oregon Secretary not entitled to vote.” the Electoral College votes in one state. of State’s offi ce, will ensure that persons The institution of citizenship is undermined seeking a driver’s license will have to show The rationale given for the legislation was when those who either aren’t in this country they are citizens or legal residents, and the that it would make voter registration easier legally or those who haven’t gone through Department of Motor Vehicles will make a for the 6.6 million eligible Californians who the same naturalization process that other distinction between the two groups. Theo- are not registered. But were there truly that legal immigrants went through to earn their retically, that distinction will matter when many obstacles to registering to vote in the voting rights are allowed to vote. Most drivers’ information is sent to the Secretary Golden State before? importantly, these non-citizen votes cancel of State’s offi ce to automatically add new out the votes of American citizens, includ- drivers to the voter rolls ( Los Angeles Times , California driver licenses issued to non- ing legal immigrants who went through the March 17, 2015). citizens without legal immigration status citizenship process the right way. in the U.S. bear the words, “federal limits 4 December 2015 Organization Trends apply,” and “not valid for offi cial federal “It is not lost on me that many states are the actions would make it easier for illegals purposes.” So that would stop voter fraud— restricting voting rights with the clear goal to vote. The executive amnesty allows if California had a voter ID law. But that’s of preventing citizens from voting. I am some illegal immigrants to obtain a Social never going to happen. proud that California is again demonstrating Security number and a driver license. This leadership and providing a shining example makes it more likely they could fraudulently More importantly, California’s DMV data- of how our nation can and should expand register to vote. base doesn’t store records that differentiate access to the polls.” based on citizenship status and doesn’t plan In January, the chief election offi cial of the to start, according to True the Vote, an elec- Linda Paine, head of the Election Integrity most fi ercely contested battleground state toral integrity organization. This means all Project of California, shot down Padilla’s of all, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, these names could be sent to the Secretary of demagoguery, saying the law amounts to wrote a letter to President Obama, express- State’s offi ce. California is already violating “state sanctioned” voter fraud. “It is not ing his concerns. federal law by failing to have a functioning the citizen voters who are empowered by database of registered voters, thus the state’s this law; it is the non-citizen ‘voters,’ who “In spite of our diligence maintaining ac- record-keeping is a mess from the start. also receive a ‘get out of jail free’ clause curate voter registration rolls, however, the [sic ] along with an unobstructed, automatic recent executive actions could jeopardize It seems unlikely that Gov. Jerry Brown and registration to vote,” she said. their integrity by making it much easier for the Democrats in the state legislature didn’t people who are not U.S. citizens to illegally see the likely illegal voting, benefi tting “The fundamental right to vote is bestowed register and cast ballots. As the chief elec- Democrats, that could arise when the state upon citizens, NOT ‘all who apply for a tions offi cial for the state of Ohio, I simply decided to issue driver licenses to illegal driver’s license.’ Californians who meet cannot allow this expanding loophole to go aliens and then followed up by tying voter the qualifi cations specifi ed in our Constitu- unaddressed,” Husted wrote. registration to driver licensing. The Public tion and laws (must be 18 years of age and Policy Institute found that among unregis- a CITIZEN of CA and the USA) have the “The source of the problem is that the recent tered adults in California, 49 percent lean RIGHT to REGISTER and then VOTE. The executive actions enable millions of non- Democrat compared to just 22 percent who State has no right to force registration on its U.S. citizens to obtain valid Social Security would support Republicans (Breitbart News, citizens, as this law does, and certainly has numbers and driver’s licenses,” the letter Oct. 12, 2015). no right to facilitate registration and voting continued. by non-citizens.” Expect this to be a trend that will boost the “Under federal law, any person with a valid Democratic turnout, because 11 states, as Former New Jersey Superior Court judge Social Security number or driver’s license well as the District of Columbia, already Andrew Napolitano told Fox News on Oct. can register to vote, so long as they attest to provide driver licenses to illegal immigrants 13, “If you are an illegal alien in California, their eligibility to do. As a result, the recent (Washington Times , Oct. 11, 2015). get a driver’s license, register to vote, you executive actions dramatically expand the can vote in local, state, and federal elections opportunities for illegal voter registrations in California Secretary of State Alex Padilla (D) in California and those votes count.” The Ohio and other states by non-citizen voters was absolutely giddy about the law and also paid Fox contributor added, “All 50 states who have valid forms of identifi cation and smeared other states’ for their willingness to limit voting to citizens except when the who willingly or negligently affi rm their ensure clean elections. “Citizens should not state allows you to sort of sneak in without eligibility to vote … In short, by enabling be required to opt-in to their fundamental proving your citizenship by getting a driver’s millions of non-citizens to access valid forms right to vote,” Padilla said after Brown signed license instead.” the bill. “We do not have to opt-in to other of the types of identifi cation required to rights, such as free speech or due process. Executive Amnesty and the Vote register to vote, the recent executive actions The right to vote should be no different.” After Republicans took control of the U.S. have increased the risk that non-citizens Senate in November 2014, President Ba- may illegally register to vote and vote in “The New Motor Voter Act will make voter rack Obama wasted little time in pushing our elections.” registration a seamless process and result in executive actions to shield about 5 million the largest sustained voter registration drive illegal aliens from deportation. He did this He went on to acknowledge Ohio’s central in our nation’s history. As we celebrate primarily by expanding on his deferred ac- role in electing presidents. “Voter confi dence the 50th anniversary of the federal Voting tion program. is paramount in all states, but magnifi ed in Rights Act, Governor Brown has affi rmed swing states where our democratic system California’s commitment to strengthening The executive actions are now being chal- is put under the national and world micro- voting rights,” Padilla continued. lenged in the courts, but some state election scope,” the letter continued. offi cials were immediately concerned that

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“If the recent executive actions remain in fi gure in securing the right to vote for non- “The U.S. citizenship voting qualifi cation force, it is imperative that state elections citizens in local elections for Takoma Park, ropes off the franchise in every American offi cials be given real-time access to ac- Maryland. “It makes them feel like they’re state from participation by non-U.S. citi- curate, searchable, electronic databases of part of the community,” Raskin told the zens,” Raskin wrote. “As a marker at the non-citizens who have valid Social Security Center for American Progress’s blog Think numbers in order to distinguish between citi- Progress. He said local citizens support perimeter of the American body politic, the zens and lawfully-present non-citizens.” foreign voting because “there’s a neighborly citizenship qualifi cation carries the aura of dimension to this.” inevitability that once attached to property, Husted and Kobach of Kansas, both Re- race, and gender qualifi cations.” publicans, testifi ed before the U.S. House Raskin pushed for New York City to adopt Oversight and Government Reform Com- the same policy at a time when the New York mittee in February to say they won’t have City Council was considering it in 2013. The So, at least some on the left view restricting the resources to stop illegal immigrants from initiative in the Big Apple failed, but will voting to U.S. citizens as akin to preventing registering to vote. likely return for another vote. women or African-Americans from voting.

Beginnings of a Movement Raskin was quoted in a Think Progress Two other academics made the case for Before the 1920s, non-citizens could vote in article titled, “Why You Have Nothing To 22 states and federal territories. However, Fear From Non-Citizen Voting,” saying he non-citizen voting in 1993. Louis DeSipio, through duly enacted laws, that was tamped doubts that New York’s experience would of the University of California, Irvine, and down with laws in virtually every state that be much different from Takoma Park’s, Rodolfo de la Garza, at the University of prohibited non-citizen voting, according to for a few reasons. Among those is the fact Texas, called for allowing non-citizens to Think Progress. that the non-citizen population is transient vote for a fi ve-year period, during which and disproportionately poor, a contributing In 2006, Ron Hayduk, a political science pro- factor in their low turnout rates in other time they wouldn’t be eligible for naturaliza- fessor at Queens College, wrote, “Democracy municipalities. tion. After the fi ve years, they would lose For All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights the right to vote, but would still be able to in the United States,” which argued for af- Other localities in Maryland also allow non- naturalize. Upon gaining citizenship, they fi rming voting rights for everyone physically citizens to vote in local elections: Burnsville, would gain the right to vote along with all inside the country, including non-citizens. Martin’s Additions, Somerset, Garrett Park, and parts of Chevy Chase. Chicago allows the other rights of citizens. Hayduk wrote, non-citizens to vote in school board elec- tions, while City Heights, Calif., allows They actually disagreed on a key point. De la Creation of a truly universal suffrage non-citizen voting in the city’s Planning Garza believed voting for non-citizens should would create conditions conducive Committee elections. San Francisco offi - be limited to local elections, while DeSipio to forming progressive coalitions … cials have long considered allowing illegal explained that this distinction would cause Imagine the progressive political pos- aliens to vote in local elections, but even this a huge problem for election administrators, sibilities in jurisdictions of high numbers liberal bastion hasn’t approved the law just who would have to deal with two list of vot- of immigrants such as New York City; yet. New York City allowed non-citizens ers and print two separate ballots. Los Angeles; Washington, D.C. and to vote in school board elections from 1968 Chicago—as well as in such states—if to 2002 (“A Report from the Public Service Still they tried to allay concerns by saying non-citizens were re-enfranchised. Management Program at the Colin Powell not that many non-citizens would bother School of Civil and Global Leadership, Non showing up on Election Day: “We think Hayduk added, “Noncitizen adults already Citizen Voting in New York City,” The City that regardless of one’s philosophical at- comprise over 10 percent of the voting-age College of New York, June 2014; https:// titudes toward noncitizen voting in the population in seven states and the District of les/psm/ contemporary political environment it has Columbia, and 19 percent of all California upload/NonCitizenFinal.pdf). one serious fl aw: Few non-citizens would voters. If these non-citizens were enfran- use the right” (Stanley A. Renson; “Debate Over Non-Citizen Voting: A Primer;” Center chised, they could yield decisive power in Raskin wrote an article for the University state races.” for Immigration Studies; April 2008; citing of Pennsylvania Law Review in 1993 titled, DeSipio and de la Garza’s Making Ameri- “Legal Aliens, Local Citizens: The Historical Jamie Raskin, a law professor at American cans, Remaking America . p. 100; http://cis. University, Maryland state senator, and cur- Constitutional and Theoretical Meanings of org/noncitizen_voting_primer.html#25). rently a Democratic candidate in Maryland’s Alien Suffrage.” Even if limited to the local level, non-citizens 8th congressional district, was a leading could be decisive in local elections. The 6 December 2015 Organization Trends

Center for Immigration Studies points out and other Obama administration priorities in FAIR president Dan Stein told the House that non-citizens make up about one-third of the 111th Congress,” the researchers add. Committee on Administration in 2006 (http:// the population in Los Angeles, 22.9 percent in New York City, 16.4 percent in Chicago, “Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) won election in voting-in-u-s-elections-and-identifi cation- 16.7 percent in San Francisco, 22.9 percent 2008 with a victory margin of 312 votes,” requirements). in Houston, and 22.2 percent in Dallas. the Old Dominion researchers continue. Votes cast by just 0.65 percent of Minnesota In 2004 in Wisconsin, FAIR had two people Already Shifting Elections non-citizens could account for this margin” pose as illegal immigrants who wanted to De la Garza and DeSipio, despite their claims (Washington Post , Oct. 24, 2014). register to vote. They were able to register that non-citizens would have low turnout, in two separate counties. The advocacy continued in their 1993 argument to assert Illegal voting could also help Democrats group Voces de la Frontera signed them up that non-citizens could be a decisive voting counter the built-in advantage Republicans even though the individuals said they were bloc in a presidential election. have in redistricting, mentioned earlier. The not citizens, according to Stein’s congres- Census Bureau counts illegal immigrants, sional testimony. “It must be noted that the only national race— legal residents, and citizens in determining the campaign for the presidency—is in fact population, which ultimately determines A 2005 investigation by Utah Legislative just fi fty state races in which the winner takes House apportionment and Electoral Col- Auditor General John Schaff found that all of the states’ electoral votes. Thus in a very lege votes. more than 58,000 illegal immigrants had close race that is determined by the votes of Utah driver licenses, and of that, about 400 the larger states (most of which are immigrant It would be different if only citizens were of them used their license to register to vote, receiving states), an empowered noncitizen counted, according to American University FAIR’s Stein told the congressional com- electorate could swing the election.” communication professor Leonard Stein- mittee in 2006. horn, whose research found that California Signifi cant evidence now exists that non- would lose fi ve House seats and therefore For the Left, the ends always justify the citizens have swayed various elections. fi ve Electoral College votes, too. New York means, particularly when it comes to steal- Obama might have lost the state of North and Washington would lose one seat each, ing elections. For a long time, this meant Carolina in 2008 had it not been for the non- and thus two Electoral College votes total. allowing dead voters. The Left won’t have citizen vote, according to the non-partisan All of these states are safely Democrat in to be so creative, when they can just crank Cooperative Congressional Election Study. presidential years. For Republican states it out ineligible living, breathing voters to Its 2014 study found that of the sampling of would mean two fewer House seats/Electoral cast votes. 2008 and 2010 non-citizen voters, 80 percent College votes from Texas. All told, 10 states favored Democrats. Non-citizen voters would gain Electoral College votes, seven of Barbara Joanna Lucas is a writer in Vir- might have also tilted the 2008 Minnesota which are safe or likely Republican. These ginia who writes regularly for the Capital Senate race to Democrat Al Franken. The states are Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, Michi- Research Center. She blogs at TheSharpBite. researchers determined that 6.4 percent of gan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent Ohio, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania ( , of non-citizens voted in 2010. Oct. 3, 2015). OT

Another researcher has made similar fi nd- Seven states allow people registering to vote ings. “It is also possible that non-citizen votes to use individual taxpayer identifi cation were responsible for Obama’s 2008 victory numbers if they do not have a Social Secu- in North Carolina,” writes Jesse Richman, rity number, according to the Federation for director of the Old Dominion University American Immigration Reform. FAIR has Please remember Social Science Research Center, and David also pointed out cases where non-citizens and Earnest, a political science professor at Old illegal immigrants made a big difference in Dominion. “Obama won the state by 14,177 past elections during congressional testimony Capital Research Center votes, so a turnout by 5.1 percent of North in 2006, referencing several cases. Carolina’s adult non-citizens would have in your will and estate planning. provided this victory margin.” (Obama A House task force that investigated a 1996 would have won the 2008 election even if California U.S. House race where Loretta Thank you for your support. he had lost North Carolina.) “Non-citizen Sanchez (D) beat Bob Dornan (R) by 984 votes could have given Senate Democrats votes found evidence that 748 illegal votes the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome had been cast by non-citizens. This did not, Terrence Scanlon, President fi libusters in order to pass health-care reform however, reverse the Democrat’s victory,

December 2015 7 Organization Trends Briefl yNoted

The Hungarian-born radical hedge fund manager George Soros , the pre-eminent funder of border-busting campaigns here and abroad, admits his philanthropic efforts in Europe are aimed at destroying its borders. Viktor Orbán , Hungary’s prime minister, fi ercely criticized Soros for trying to destroy the European Union by mass immigration, and Soros responded by claiming that a six-point plan promoted by one of his charities helps “uphold European values,” while Orbán’s actions “undermine those values.” Soros said Orbán’s plan “treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle … [but my] plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.” Of course it was Ron- ald Reagan who said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Soros is proving Reagan right.

Student lynch mobs have been busy ousting college presidents and other senior offi cials lately for ill-defi ned acts of racial insensitivity. At the University of Missouri students made life diffi cult last month for president Tim Wolfe , who apologized for not doing enough about some dubious racial incidents on campus and then resigned. Wolfe took “full responsibility” for students’ “frustration” and said he hoped his resignation would help to “heal” whatever it was he did or didn’t do. Soon after the school’s chancellor, R. Bowen Loftin , under student attack for the same reasons, said he would resign at year’s end, even after he unveiled mandatory “diversity and inclusion” brainwashing for students, faculty, and staff.

Claremont McKenna College ’s Dean of Students Mary Spellman resigned after sending a sympathetic email to a Latino student offering to talk to her about “how we can better serve students, especially those who don’t fi t our CMC mold.” Paranoid left-wingers interpreted the fi tting-the-mold metaphor as a racist insult at the private liberal arts college in California. Campus radicals had ratcheted up tension levels around Halloween by complaining that some white students had worn Mexican costumes that refl ected ethnic stereotypes. At Yale University students waged war against Halloween, engaging in disruptive protests over school administrators’ allegedly permissive attitude toward culturally insensitive Halloween costumes. In a widely circulated Internet video, a student mob confronted and verbally abused Nicholas Christakis , master of Yale’s Silliman Col- lege , after his wife (who is also the college’s associate master) wrote an email encouraging students not to be obsessed with potentially causing offense and to have conversations with their peers if they were offended. A barely coherent young black woman hysterically shrieked and swore at Christakis, accusing him of creating an “unsafe space” at the university. She said he should resign because it was his “job to create a place of comfort and home for the students who live in Silliman” and not to create “an intellectual space!”

The Left claims it never happens, yet it keeps on happening: a non-citizen has been indicted for voting in the 2012 general election and a 2014 primary election, according to Fort Worth, Texas radio station KRLD. And it’s largely the Left’s fault that legal permanent resident Rosa Ortega , registered as a Republican, participated in the elections. Her lawyer says when Ortega applied for government benefi ts she was handed a voter registra- tion form and instructed to complete it. The process confused her and led her to believe she was supposed to register and vote. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (the “Motor-Voter” law), lobbied for by Marxist academics Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven as a means of fl ooding the voter rolls with ineligible vot- ers, makes it illegal to ask persons applying for benefi ts if they are U.S. citizens.

8 December 2015