JHS Popular Culture

What on earth do JHS students like anyway?

By Morgan Thompson


¤ What media are JHS students interested in?

¤ Where to JHS students get media?

¤ How can ALTs use popular culture to more effectively teach English? Where can we find information on popular culture?

¤ Charts

¤ Amazon Top Selling Products

¤ iTunes Japan

¤ Stores (Yes, actual stores)

¤ Wikipedia

But, these sources don’t necessarily tell us about what JHS students consume Top Films In Japan (All Time)

(According to Wikipedia)

1. Spirited Away 7. Your Name

2. Titanic 8. Bayside Shakedown 2

3. Frozen 9. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

4. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

5. Howl’s Moving Castle 10. Avatar

6. Princess Mononoke Top Music Artists in Japan (All Time)

More than 50 million in sales Most singles Sold - B’z - AKB48 (40.4 million)

- Mr. Children - B’z (35.8 million)

- - Mr. Children (28.45 million)

- Southern All Stars (25.179 million)

- Ayumi Hamasaki (best selling solo artist)

AKB48 Top Games in Japan (2015)

1. Monster Hunter (3DS)

2. Yokai Watch Busters (3DS)

3. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (3DS)

4. Splatoon (Wii U)

5. Dragon Quest VIII (3DS)

From: http://kotaku.com/the-biggest-selling-games-in-japan-of-2015-1751536748 Survey: First Year and Third Year JHS

¤ Kita Kobe JHS

¤ 13 Questions about media habits

¤ Anonymous

¤ Conducted in Japanese

¤ 574 Students total participated Are JHS Students Media Consumers?

No, does not First Year JHS 280 Students Surveyed buy/rent media 19%

Yes, buys/ rents media 81% Where do JHS students get media?

Hulu and Netflix Yes 4% Media Sources 574 Students Surveyed

Other 19% Tsutaya 23% Geo 14% No Amazon 96% Edion Aeon 13% 15% 16% Where do JHS students learn about media?

Information Sources 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

First year students were more likely to find media through friends, compared to third year students. Both groups primarily used the internet. Do JHS students use Youtube?

No, Does Youtube Users Not Use Youtube 26%

Yes, Uses Youtube 74% Popular Youtubers

Popular Youtube Creators (According to JHS Students) Popular Youtube Hikaru Creators (According to JHS Fisher's Students) Seikin Hikakin Hajimesyacho

0 50 100 150 200 What cultural figures do JHS students know? Q: What are three celebrities all your friends would know? Famous Figures


Hillary Clinton

Sonma Akashiya

Ryucheru Famous Figures


Pikotaro Top 6 of All Votes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Top Cultural Figures by Category

All Around: Pikotaro (PPAP) Musician: Kana Nishino

Actor: Yamazaki Kento Actress Satomi Ishihara

Politician: Donald Trump (or Hillary Clinton if you want a real politician)

Athlete: Ichiro Comedian: Sanma Akashiya

Model: Ryucheru Band:

Youtuber: hajimesyacho What do JHS students want ALTs to know about?


Top Media* Movie: Kimi No Nawa Game: Monster Hunter TV Show: One Piece Book: Harry Potter

What do JHS students want ALTs to know about? Most frequently Recommended Media recommended specific media.

120 100 80 60 40 20 0

At least 150 unique titles were Recommended Media *Some assumptions were made since students did not always recommended. specify if they meant the movie, book, or TV show. Conclusions

¤ JHS students are (seemingly) trendy

¤ The primary sources of media are physical stores, which suggests that the best way to get to know what students are seeing is to visit a store

¤ However, students are increasingly learning about media through the internet, so physical stores may eventually become secondary to online sources

¤ Students will likely know actors from the top films Conclusions (Continued)

¤ What is popular on Youtube isn’t necessarily what all JHS students are watching

¤ It isn’t likely that students will be familiar with shows on Netflix or Hulu since very few of them use these services. (some students didn’t know what these services were.

¤ JHS Students are an audience of international media. ¤ If you haven’t already, you should probably see Your Name and PPAP. But wait! What do you think?

¤ What, if anything, does this information tell us about JHS students interests?

¤ How can popular media be used in the classroom? (If it can be used at all?)

¤ What are some other ways we can find out about popular media (and keep up with new trends?)

¤ What media is popular with students at your school?