Loughton & Great Holm Parish Council

Planning Committee

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd March 2014 8:00pm at the Great Holm Community Centre, 87, Kensington Drive, Great Holm,

Present: Cllrs Andy Sargent (Chair), Barry Barrington (Vice-Chair)

In attendance: Brian Barton (Parish Clerk)

Also in attendance: Two (2) Great Holm residents

PL 49/14 Apologies: Received from Cllrs Peter Ballantyne and Hilary Dyer NOTED

The meeting was inquorate as per the committee’s terms of reference.

PL 50/14 Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest. NOTED

PL 51/14 Minutes of the previous meeting:


To delete “13/02527/FUL Manor Farm The Green Loughton Milton Keynes MK5 8AW Erection of detached dwelling and double garage”

And replace with “13/02540/FUL Rectory Cottage School Lane Loughton Milton Keynes MK5 8AT Outbuilding conversion to annexe and link extension to house – To add that Cllrs Hilary Dyer and Andy Sargent met with the applicant and had a site visit to obtain further information on this planning application”.

With the above amendment the minutes were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record. AGREED

PL 52/14 Matters arising from the previous minutes not on the agenda: There were no matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda. NOTED

PL 53/14 Questions from the public: The Chair proposed to defer this agenda item to allow the two (2) Great Holm residents to speak when agenda item PL 58/14 (c) is discussed. NOTED

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PL 54/14 Consider the reply from The Parks Trust regarding the disposal of land for development: The Chair informed the meeting that Cllr Zoe Nolan who had raised the matter relating, to potential Milton Keynes Parks Trust Land being identified for redevelopment, was satisfied with the response received.

The letter acknowledged the difficulties of accessing links on the Milton Keynes Parks Trust website, due to the amount of information, and updates regarding the potential sites identified for possible redevelopment.

It was confirmed that the only Milton Keynes Parks Trust land in and around Loughton and Great Holm Parish area where there is a proposal for development, is the site at Loughton Lodge next to the National Badminton Centre. The Milton Keynes Parks Trust further confirmed that they have no current plans to investigate or pursue development of any other sites in the parish area, or the site in Parish Council just north of the H4 at Wymbush. Accordingly, the Milton Keynes Parks Trust do not have any information of future timescale for the possible release of sites of the type referred to in the letter sent by the Parish Council.

Cllr Barry Barrington at the next Parishes Forum meeting will speak with the representatives of Abbey Hill Parish Council and Parish Council, to discuss some joint working on this matter, as there are sites in their respective Parish areas that have been identified. RESOLVED That Cllr Barry Barrington at the next Parishes Forum meeting will speak with the representatives of Abbey Hill Parish Council and Shenley Church End Parish Council, to discuss some joint working on potential sites for redevelopment identified by the Milton Keynes Parks Trust, in their respective Parish areas that have been identified.

PL 55/14 Update on Houses In Multiple Occupation (HIMO) properties in Loughton and a summary of what is considered by Milton Keynes Council for planning applications: It was AGREED to defer this agenda item to the next meeting of the Planning Committee.

PL 56/14 Summary of questions for the planning training with Milton Keynes Council: There will be a planning training session on Thursday 19th March 2014 7:30pm at the Civic Offices for Councillors; Jeremy Lee Lead Planning Officer will be conducting the training.

Councillors had made a list of possible questions to ask and were sent to Mr Lee by the Parish Clerk, there were no additional questions proposed. NOTED

PL 57/14 To consider the response of the decision to take planning application 13/02527/FUL Erection of detached dwelling and double garage at Manor Farm The Green Loughton Milton Keynes MK5 8AW to the Development Control Committee:

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The Chairman informed the meeting that the design of the porch and issue of the small wall to the side of the building, that the Planning Committee in its submission to the Planning Directorate at Milton Keynes Council said should be coterminous and level with the roof eves, has not been revised in the planning application to be presented, to the next Development Control Committee meeting to be held on Thursday 6th March 2014.

The Planning Case Officer’s report indicates that there are no concerns regarding the design of the porch or the wall, however English Heritage agrees with the concerns of the Parish Council.

The Chairman Cllr Andy Sargent will attend the Development Control Committee meeting, and would like to speak raising the points in the Parish Council submission, the Parish Clerk will arrange with the Milton Keynes Council Committee Manager to register Cllr Sargent to be able to speak on this matter. RESOLVED That the Parish Clerk to arrange with the Milton Keynes Council Committee Manager to register Cllr Sargent to be able to speak at the next Development Control Committee meeting, to be held on Thursday 6th March 2014 on planning application 13/02527/FUL Erection of detached dwelling and double garage at Manor Farm The Green Loughton Milton Keynes MK5 8AW.

PL 58/14 PLANNING APPLICATIONS: a) 14/00324/FUL 5 Wilmin Grove Loughton Milton Keynes MK5 8EU Removal of existing roof and some windows to side conservatory and replace with raised tiled roof; erection of new brick walls above existing where windows removed RESOLVED That is no objection to this planning application b) 14/00210/FUL The Barn 1A School Lane Loughton Milton Keynes MK5 8AT Erection of garden shed RESOLVED That there is no objection to this planning application c) 14/00174/FUL 12 Hampton Great Holm Milton Keynes MK8 9BU Demolition of detached single garage, and erection of single storey dwelling

The Chairman asked the two (2) residents of Great Holm for their views on this planning application, they were not happy about the potential loss of landscaping, with the replacement of a driveway, there could be additional car parking pressures, the design of the single storey dwelling is not in keeping with the present properties in the street, the loss of open space due to the high density of the proposed dwelling, and the lack of privacy to the adjoining property.

Cllr Barry Barrington made the point that looking at the site plans there appeared to be a loss of natural light to the proposed single dwelling due to a lack of windows.

Cllr Andy Sargent felt that there would be a lack of access to undertake any future maintenance to the proposed single dwelling.

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RESOLVED 1. To object to this planning application. 2. To object on the following grounds, the loss of the present landscaping, additional car parking pressures the design of the single storey dwelling is not in keeping with the present properties in the street, the loss of open space due to the high density of the proposed dwelling, the lack of privacy to the adjoining property, the loss of natural light to the proposed single dwelling due to a lack of windows proposed, and lack of access to undertake any future maintenance to the proposed single dwelling. 3. That the Chairman Cllr Andy Sargent to draft a letter to the Planning Case Officer to Milton Keynes Council and circulate to members of the Planning Committee for approval.

Date of next meeting: Monday 7th April 2014 7:30pm at the Loughton Memorial Hall, Bradwell Road, Loughton, Milton Keynes


Signed ______Chair Date ______

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