Thursday 16 January 2020 at 7.00pm Milnrow Cricket Club, Harbour Lane, Milnrow OL16 4HF


1. Introductions, Apologies and Code of Conduct

2. PACT - Greater Police  Updates  Priorities

3. Metrolink

4. Milnrow and Newhey Resident Watch

5. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising

6. Open Forum

7. External Funding Update

8. Any Other Business

9. Future meeting dates

5 March 2020 Agenda Item 1

Pennines Township Area Forums Code of Conduct

It is established by and for the Pennines Township Area Forums that the following code of conduct will govern the behaviour of their members. The code of conduct will be enforced by the Chair of this meeting.

Conduct at meetings Members will at all times observe accepted practice while taking part in discussions to:  Be courteous to each other and support and assist other members in finding the best possible solution to problems being discussed.  Allow each other the opportunity to speak and comment.  Attempt as far as possible to stick to the agenda and assist each other to reach effective conclusions.  Operate within the agreed Terms of Reference.  Aggression, violence, threats, harassment, intimidation and other disruptive behaviour in the forum will not be tolerated.  The consumption of alcohol is not permitted during the meeting, and anyone who is disruptive and appears to be under the influence of alcohol may be asked to leave.  The term ‘members’ applies to all those present at the meeting.

Confidentiality  Members will refrain from mentioning specific individual cases which may cause embarrassment or identification of an individual.  Any information or item shared that is of a confidential nature will not be disclosed to anyone else apart from members of the Forum in order to allow the business of the meeting to proceed.

Dignity at meetings  All those who attend Forum meetings have the right to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, gender, marital status, age, sexuality, religion or any other matter which causes people to be discriminated against.  The meeting will do all that is in its power to oppose all forms of harassment and bullying.

Individual Members  Should disclose any personal interest that they consider may affect or influence their approach to the matter being discussed.  Must show respect in all their dealings by observing reasonable standards and courtesy, and by not seeking to take unfair advantage by virtue of their position.

Political Affiliation  Even though individual members may be affiliated to/or be members of a political party, they may not represent a political party in their role as individual members of this Forum.

Breach of Code of Conduct  If anyone attending the Forum meeting does not abide by the code of conduct, the Chair will have the discretion to decide on an appropriate course of action. The Chair may either issue a warning, ask the person to withdraw from a particular agenda item or exclude that person from the meeting.  Where a person is asked to leave a meeting, the Chair will have the discretion to decide whether or not that person is welcome to attend future meetings.  The Chair at his/her discretion, may close the meeting if he/she deems it necessary.

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Thursday 26 September 2019 Milnrow Cricket Club, Harbour Lane, Milnrow OL16 4HF


Present: Stephen Lowe (Chair), Karen Williams (Community Connectors), Dave Kendall and Gill Lennon (Milnrow and Newhey Resident Watch) and 20 members of the public

Councillors: Bamford

Officers: Tracey Knight ( Council, Townships), Jasmin Akhtar (Rochdale Council, Youth Service), PC Stephen Hutchinson and PCSO Katie Hughes (GMP)

Apologies: Councillors Davidson and Kelly and 2 members of the public

1. INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES AND CODE OF CONDUCT The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. Attendees were asked to abide by the code of conduct for the duration of the meeting.

2. PACT - POLICE PC Hutchinson introduced himself and PCSO Hughes and he gave the following updates.

Statistics The introduction of a new crime recording system has brought about some teething troubles in retrieving statistical data. Accurate figures will be made available when possible.

ASB Tram Stops Residents reported issues with ASB and vandalism at the tram stops; this is an ongoing long standing issue. Police and PCSOs include this location regularly on their patrols and Street Watch volunteers also monitor this area. A resident raised concerns that Station Road, that leads to Milnrow tram stop, is very dimly lit and raises safety concerns as drug related activity has been witnessed. Action 1: Invite a representative of TfGM to the next meeting (Tracey Knight) Action 2: Request lighting levels are checked on Station Road (Tracey Knight)

Street Watch The Police thanked Street Watch volunteers for their assistance in increasing community engagement and neighbourliness; the Police are grateful for their time and efforts. The feedback about Street Watch has been really positive.

Crossing patrols A resident raised concerns about the lack of crossing patrols on Kiln Lane/Wildhouse Lane junction. A discussion took place regarding the responsibility for the patrols and the recent Council proposals

Page 3 to reduce/withdraw funding. Action 3: Request update from Highways on Council funded crossing patrols in Milnrow (Tracey Knight)

Thanks Recently there have been four burglaries over a couple of days. A resident thanked the Police for their quick response relating to one of the incidents.

Scam telephone calls A discussion took place regarding the number of scam/fraudulent phone calls that residents are receiving. Residents were advised to report incidents via Action Fraud, the National Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre on 0300 123 2040 alternatively you can contact M&N resident watch Facebook page or email [email protected]

3. COMMUNITY CATALYSTS - WORKING TOGETHER TO HELP PEOPLE The project is a new two year initiative commissioned by Rochdale Council. The programme offers support to local people to set up and run their own very small enterprise offering help and support at home for older people and support for disabled people who want to live life their way. The initiative will reduce social isolation and increase residents offer and choice and will support the local economy. For further details contact [email protected]

4. MILNROW AND NEWHEY RESIDENT WATCH David Kendall and Gillian Lennon gave a brief update to the forum. The scheme is steadily progressing and monitoring sessions continue to take place as often as is possible. The group are planning a ward wide leaflet drop to raise awareness of the scheme to recruit new volunteers. The group has a growing number of followers on social media. The leaflet drop will help to target residents who don’t use such platforms. The group are in talks with TfGM regarding free travel for volunteers between tram stops. A resident at the meeting agreed to assist the group with delivering the leaflets.

5. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.

Action updates

Action 1: Outstanding potholes Response from Highways – All reported potholes have been inspected and those meeting the criteria have been marked for filling.

Action 2: Bentgate Street resurfacing plans Surface dressing sites in August:

Ward Street Name Extents Milnrow & Newhey Kiln Lane Bridge Street - Alpine Drive Milnrow & Newhey Crossgates Road Smith Hill to Kiln Lane Milnrow & Newhey Smith Hill Crossgates - Hurstead Road Milnrow & Newhey Pennine Drive Kiln Lane - Severn Drive Milnrow & Newhey Huddersfield Road Ogden Lane - Smithy Green Road Smallbridge & Firgrove Albert Royds Street Kingsway - Roch Street

Bentgate Street is included in the micro asphalt programme and will be surfaced from Bentgate Close – Whitebeam Street on 28 August (weather dependant).

Page 4 6. OPEN FORUM Ladyhouse Lane Road Closure A discussion took place regarding the recent closure of the top end of Ladyhouse Lane (this was a closure by a utility company). The road is now re-opened and the works complete. The experimental closure at the bottom of Ladyhouse Lane has been removed due to the number of complaints received. Highways are exploring future options.

Huddersfield Road pavement A resident reported that the pavement from the Metrolink Station to the Londis shop is uneven and unsafe. Action 4: Request Highways inspection of the footpath (Tracey Knight)

Public Right of Way The Public Right of Way at the top of Beechfield Road has recently been cutback to make an accessible path. Residents expressed their concern as this may encourage off road bikes and horses to use the path. There is also an area that was once signposted as soft sand. Action 5: Report to the Public Right of Way Officer (Tracey Knight)

Harbour Lane North A resident asked whether the double yellow lines on Harbour Lane North can be removed from one side of the road to increase parking provision. Action 6: Obtain Highways advice (Tracey Knight)

Dachser Distribution Centre on Kingsway Business Park Residents, living nearby, expressed their concern regarding this development and the newly installed fuel tanks. Councillor Bamford advised that discussion is ongoing with Dachser and they are being amenable and working with some residents to address their concerns. Councillor Bamford agreed to include residents present in future discussions.

Parking on Water Lane, Charles Lane and Hollingworth Academy Concerns were raised regarding the number of double parked vehicles on these streets and the obstructions this causes for other road users and pedestrians. Residents also raised concerns regarding the parking around Hollingworth Academy and the lack of care by some motorists. Action 7: Request these locations are included as parking enforcement hotspots (Tracey Knight)

Cornfield Street footpath It was reported that the Cornfield Street footpath is muddy and uneven. Action 8: Report to Highways and request inspection (Tracey Knight)

Bonfire at Milnrow Cricket Club Milnrow Cricket Club are hosting a bonfire and firework display on Saturday 2 November 2019 with gates opening at 6pm, bonfire lit at 7pm and fireworks at 9pm. Everybody is welcome. Tickets are on sale from the club priced at £5 adult, £3 children and family ticket £15 (two adults and two children). Food and refreshments will be available. The car park will be closed, so please make alternative arrangements.

7. EXTERNAL FUNDING UPDATE Updates unavailable.

8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS No other business was raised.

9. FUTURE MEETING DATES 12 December 2019 5 March 2020

Page 5 Police Contact Details:

Rochdale East Tel 0161 856 8549 Email [email protected] Facebook GMPRochdaleEast Twitter @gmprochdaleeast

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 GMP Live Chat Police non-emergency calls 101 Emergency calls 999

PC Stephen Hutchinson Email: [email protected]

Milnrow and Newhey Resident Watch: M&N Resident Watch - Home

Action Fraud – 0300 123 2040 National Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre

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