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1993 Development of the liver in the chicken embryo. II. Erythropoietic and granulopoietic cells

Cavey, Michael J.; G. K., Wong,

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Wong, G. K., Cavey, M. J. "Development of the liver in the chicken embryo. II. Erythropoietic and granulopoietic cells" Anatomical Record 1993 235: 131–143 journal article

Downloaded from PRISM: THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 235:131-143 (1993)

Development of the Liver in the Chicken Embryo II. ERYTHROPOIETIC AND GRANULOPOIETIC CELLS

GENE K. WONG AND MICHAEL J. CAVEY Department of Biological Sciences, Division of Zoology, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada ABSTRACT Hepatic hemopoiesis is apparent in the chicken embryo on day 7 of incubation (Hamburger and Hamilton Stage 301, and a peak in hemopoietic activity occurs on day 14 (Stage 40). During this period, the differentiation of hemopoietic cells was examined by light microscopy and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Glycol methacrylate sections were used in lieu of smears to study hemopoietic cells, thus mini- mizing the problems of cell shrinkage and rupture. The sections were su- perior to smears for close examination of nuclear and cytoplasmic mor- phologies and for precise localization of hemopoietic cells to intravascular and extravascular sites. The avian liver is involved directly with erythro- poiesis and only. Erythropoietic cells, occurring in intravas- cular and extravascular locations, appear throughout the time frame ex- amined. islands with granulopoietic cells were not observed until days 8-9 (Stage 35). Granulopoiesis in the liver produces only eosinophilic leukocytes. Individual granulopoietic cells appear first in the connective tissue sheaths of hepatic vessels, and these cells subsequently congregate into blood islands. Endothelial cells of the sinusoidal linings, through asym- metric divisions, frequently release daughter cells into the circulation, and Kupffer cells are actively engaged in of erythrocytes. From a comparative standpoint, the elements deemed critical to hemopoiesis in the mammalian liver-prehepatocyte population, hepatic vasculature, and compartments for stem cell differentiation-may not hold the same impor- tance in the bird, owing to an inordinate reliance on intravascular he- mopoiesis in this vertebrate class. o 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Key words: Capillaries, Chick embryo, Vascular endothelium, He- matopoiesis, Kupffer cells, Liver, Microscopy, Morphogenesis

Erythropoietic cells are well characterized in the Cytoplasmic staining characteristics and nuclear mammal on the basis of cytoplasmic staining and nu- morphology are also used to describe granulopoietic clear morphology. A stem cell (hemocytoblast) passes cells. Staining of specific granules in the cytoplasm dif- through five stages (, basophilic eryth- ferentiates the neutrophilic, eosinophilic, and baso- roblast, polychromatophilic erythroblast, orthochro- philic leukocytes in mammals. A stem cell for the matic erythroblast or normoblast, and ) mammalian leukocyte line () proceeds before a mature erythrocyte enters the circulation through 5 stages (, , metamye- (Rifiind et al., 1969). The earliest description of locyte, , and segmented leukocyte) before ap- erythropoietic cells in the bird identified two stem pearing as a mature granular leukocyte (Huser, 1970). cells: the megaloblast of a primitive erythrocyte line Granulopoietic cells of the bird resemble those of the and the hemocytoblast of a definitive erythrocyte line mammal. The promyelocyte I, promyelocyte 11, myelo- (Romanoff, 1960). The megaloblast and hemocytoblast cyte, and were originally proposed as progress through 3 stages (proerythroblast, erythro- intermediate stages between the myeloblast and ma- blast, and proerythrocyte) before becoming mature erythrocytes. Later studies on the chicken embryo, which treated the primitive and definitive erythrocyte lines together, expanded the number of stages to be more consistent with those of the mammal. Intermedi- Received August 20, 1991; accepted May 5, 1992. ate stages between the stem cell and mature erythro- Mr. G.K. Wong is now at Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, cyte thus became the proerythroblast, basophilic University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine, Edmonton, Alberta, Can- ada T6G 2H7. erythroblast, polychromatophilic erythroblast, and Address reprint requests to Dr. M.J. Cavey, Division of Zoology, acidophilic erythroblast or reticulocyte (Ceresa-Castel- Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Calgary, 2500 lani and Leone, 1969; Small and Davies, 1972). University Drive N. W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4.


TABLE 1. Stages of embryonic development with corresponding embryonic ages (after Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951) and hemopoietic landmarks Incubational age Stage (days) Hemopoietic landmarks 29 6.0 in the process of phagocytosing primitive erythrocytes (present study) 30 6.5 31 7.0 Onset of hepatic (Romanoff, 1960; Medda et al.. 1977) 32 7.5 33 7.5 to 8.0 34 8.0 35 8.0 to 9.0 Onset of hepatic granulopoiesis (present study) 36 10.0 Macrophages begin to phagocytose definitive erythrocytes (present study) 37 11.0 Intense granulopoietic activity commences (Romanoff, 1960) 38 12.0 39 13.0 40 14.0 Peak of hepatic hemopoiesis (Medda et al., 1977) 41 15.0 42 16.0 ture granular leukocyte (Romanoff, 1960). Granular etic, granulopoietic, lymphopoietic, and thrombopoietic leukocytes of the bird were subclassified as eosino- cell lines (Medlock and Haar, 1983). Hepatocytes philic, pseudoeosinophilic, or basophilic on the basis of within each microenvironment conceivably provide a the staining characteristics of their specific granules. A cytoreticulum which supports the hemopoietic cells more recent scheme recognizes the eosinophilic and ba- during maturation (Asano et al., 1987). sophilic leukocytes but substitutes a heterophilic leu- The aim of the present study was to better charac- kocyte for the pseudoeosinophilic cell. Intermediate terize the elements of the hemopoietic environment in stages of cell differentiation now include the progran- the liver of the chicken embryo and consider their im- ulocyte, myelocyte (mesomyelocyte), metamyelocyte, pact on blood cell differentiation. Examination of the and band cell (Campbell, 1988). prehepatocyte population and preliminary coverage on Extensive studies of the mammalian liver, a major the hepatic vasculature appear in a companion paper site of intraembryonic hemopoiesis, have identified the (Wong and Cavey, 1992). Erythropoietic cells of the prehepatocyte population, hepatic vasculature, and definitive line and granulopoietic cells were identified compartments for stem cell differentiation as elements by light- and electron-microscopic techniques for com- critical to hemopoiesis. The “hemopoietic environ- parison to their mammalian counterparts. The involve- ment,” a collective term for all three elements, can be ment of sinusoidal cells in hemopoiesis is documented. subdivided into microenvironments for the erythropoi- MATERIALS AND METHODS The embryonic material, specimen numbers, and preparative procedures used in this study are pre- Fig. 1. Erythropoietic cells. A Proerythroblast (arrowhead) from sented in a companion paper (Wong and Cavey, 1992). the general circulation. The nucleus contains two prominent nucleoli. To better examine the hemopoietic cells in glycol meth- B: Basophilic erythroblast (arrowhead) with a pale nucleus and prom- acrylate-embedded livers, a set of spaced serial sections inent nucleolus. C: Polychromatophilic erythroblast (arrowhead) with was stained with a solution of 1 part Giemsa stain and a “checkerboard” nucleus and moderately acidophilic cytoplasm. D: Acidophilic erythroblasts (arrowheads) with shapes comparable to 13 parts demineralized water at pH 4.8 (Du Pont Com- those of circulating erythrocytes (ery). x 1,125. Bar, 20 Km. pany, 1981). Nuclear and cytoplasmic features were used to iden- Fig. 2. Granulopoietic cells. A: Promyelocyte (arrowhead) beginning tify the erythropoietic and granulopoietic cells (Ceresa- to accumulate specific (eosinophilic) granules. hc, hepatic cord. B: Eosinophilic myelocyte (arrowhead) in the connective tissue of a blood Castellani and Leone, 1969; Campbell, 1988) in the vessel. C: Metamyelocyte (arrowhead), together with other eosino- histological and ultrastructural sections. philic cells at various stages of maturation, in vascular connective tissue. hc, hepatic cord. D Band cell (arrowhead) in the connective RESULTS tissue (ct) of a blood vessel. E: Mature eosinophilic leukocyte (leu) in circulation with erythrocytes (cry). F: Differentiating leukocytes in Hepatic Hemopoiesis blood islands within the vascular connective tissue (ct). hc, hepatic At Hamburger and Hamilton (1951) Stage 30 (Table cord. x 1,125. Bar, 20 Km. 11, erythrocytes and at various stages of Fig. 3. Endothelial cells of the sinusoidal linings. A Flattened en- maturation occur intravascularly and extravascularly dothelial cells (en) are the predominant cells (cf. Fig. 11A). B: Endo- in the liver. On occasion, lymphocytes and thelial cells (en) often bulge into the lumina (cf. Fig. 11B). C: Both are also found extravascularly, but these cells tend to daughter cells of an endothelial cell (en) division may remain in the sinusoidal lining (cf. Fig. 11C). D: An endothelial cell (en) division remain in the bloodstream. Thrombocytes appear ex- may release one daugher cell to the bloodstream and retain the other clusively in the circulation. Lymphopoiesis, monopoie- in the sinusoidal lining (cf. Fig. 11D). x 1,125. Bar, 20 Km. sis, and thrombopoiesis were never observed in the em- Fig. 4. . A The nucleus (nu) of a proerythroblast Fig. 5. Basophilic erythroblasts. A Clumps of condensed chromatin (go, Golgi apparatus; mt, mitochondrion) from the general circulation are observed in the nucleus (nu) of a basophilic erythroblast (mt, displays a massive nucleolus. The cytoplasm is packed with ribo- mitochondrion; tu, microtubules). x 16,500. Bar, 1 km. B: This baso- somes. x 11,600. Bar, 1 pm. B: A perisinusoidal cell situates between philic erythroblast (go, Golgi apparatus; mt, mitochondrion, nu, nu- a proerythroblast (mt,mitochondrion; nu, nucleus) and an endothelial cleus) from the bloodstream shows evidence of plasmalemmal vesic- cell (en). hc, hepatic cord. X 12,400. Bar, 1 km. ulation (arrowhead). x 14,000. Bar, 1 pm. HEPATIC HEMOPOIESIS IN THE CHICKEN EMBRYO 135 bryonic stages studied, although Romanoff (1960) granules are observed in the cytoplasm shortly before claims that lymphopoiesis does take place in the liver. the onset of hemoglobin production (Fig. 6A,B). Some Improper blood-smearing techniques can create small aggregations of granules can be found but, con- thick preparations and induce cell shrinkage and/or trary to the findings of Ceresa-Castellani and Leone rupture (Campbell, 1988). Such problems can be over- (19691, they are not enveloped by membranes to form come by embedding tissue in glycol methacrylate. Sec- siderosomes. Ferritin granules accumulate into larger tioned material is superior to smears for detailed ob- and larger aggregations as a cell matures. With further servations of nuclear and cytoplasmic features and for chromatin condensation, the nucleoli disappear and accurate localization of hemopoietic cells to intravas- the nucleoplasm assumes a "checkerboard" appear- cular and extravascular sites. Common stains applied ance. Organelles appear in various stages of degener- to blood smears can be adapted for use on embedded ation. In later phases of its differentiation, the poly- and sectioned cells. chromatophilic erythroblast assumes a quasi-biconvex shape, similar to that of a mature erythrocyte. The Erythropoiesis density of microtubules beneath the plasmalemma is Erythropoietic cells of the avian embryo, identified higher than elsewhere in the cytoplasm. by light microscopy, share many cytoplasmic and nu- Acidophilic erythroblasts have a biconvex shape like clear characteristics with their mammalian counter- mature erythrocytes. Cytoplasmic ferritin declines as parts (Fig. 1). The notable difference in erythropoiesis more and more granules are mobilized for hemoglobin between the two groups is the absence of an anucleate production (Fig. 7A,B). In a mature cell, the cytoplas- cell in the bird. Avian erythrocytes retain, rather than mic matrix can be very electron-opaque owing to its extrude, their pycnotic nuclei. The proerythroblast, ba- hemoglobin content. Hemoglobin accounts for the in- sophilic erythroblast, and polychromatophilic erythro- creasing acidophilia of the cytoplasm. Mitochondria blast are spherical cells with spherical nuclei. The ac- and other organelles continue to degenerate and are idophilic erythroblast and mature erythrocyte are eventually eliminated from the cell. The nucleus must biconvex cells with spherical or ovoid nuclei. condense further to acquire its final form. The proerythroblast nucleus shows dispersed chro- Mature erythrocytes of the primitive and definitive matin and possesses one or two substantial nucleoli lines can be distinguished in photomicrographs. Both (Fig. 1A). The cytoplasm of a proerythroblast contains have condensed nuclei and acidophilic cytoplasms (Fig. a Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and numerous ribo- lD), but they are disparate in size (Romanoff, 1960). A somes (Fig. 4A). Ribosomes account for the moderate primitive erythrocyte is distinctly larger than a defin- basophilia of the cytoplasm. Neither granular nor itive cell (Fig. 8A,B). A primitive erythrocyte may con- agranular endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is prevalent, tain the remnants of organelles, dispersed among per- and small cytoplasmic vesicles likely derive from plas- sistent ribosomes. Definitive erythrocytes, being the malemmal invaginations. The random microtubules, cell line produced intraembryonically, contain little observed throughout the cytoplasm of the proerythro- else but hemoglobin in the cytoplasm. Plasmalemmal blast by Small and Davies (1972), were never encoun- blebbing is a consistent feature of mature erythrocytes tered in the present study. in both lines (Ceresa-Castellani and Leone, 1969). Flat- Proerythroblasts in the liver exist both intravascu- tened cells display more surface activity than rounded larly and extravascularly. Extravascular cells either (less mature) erythrocytes (Fig. 9). occur in the connective tissue sheaths of blood vessels or mingle with the connective tissue fibers in the Sinusoidal Cells perisinusoidal spaces (Fig. 4B). Both intravascular and Macrophages control the erythrocyte population in extravascular proerythroblasts are capable of division. the embryo by phagocytosis. They are allied mainly Extravascular blood islands, akin to those in the mam- with the sinusoidal linings, where they probably rep- malian liver (Ackerman et al., 1961), were not ob- resent immature Kupffer cells. Free macrophages can served. also be found in the bloodstream. They occasionally The nucleus of a basophilic erythroblast retains one leave the circulation, taking up residence in the perisi- or two nucleoli in early phases of differentiation (Fig. nusoidal spaces or in the extracellular spaces between 1B). Chromatin condensation begins beneath the nu- hepatocytes of the cords. clear envelope and proceeds toward the central nucle- Ultrastructurally, phagocytotic vacuoles and resid- oplasm (Fig. 5A,B). Intense basophilia of the cytoplasm ual bodies occupy the bulk of the cytoplasm of a mac- can be attributed to a growing concentration of free rophage (Fig. 10). The nucleus is displaced to the pe- ribosomes. A Golgi apparatus is no longer evident in ripheral cytoplasm, along with most other organelles the cytoplasm, and mitochondria are few in number. and inclusions. A close association with the sinusoidal Microtubules accumulate in the peripheral cytoplasm, lining is often evident, and in some cases, the plasma- immediately beneath the plasmalemma, as the cell lemmata of the and endothelial cell come prepares to change shape. Coated pits and vesicles are into contact. As the sinusoids become progressively also found in a basophilic erythroblast. Plasmalemmal more discontinuous, the immature Kupffer cells either vesiculation is higher in basophilic erythroblasts than fill the nascent gaps or displace the existing endothe- in proerythroblasts. lial cells. Hemoglobin formation in a polychromatophilic Fukuda (1976) noted the appearance of hepatic mac- erythroblast makes the cytoplasm more acidophilic rophages at Stage 34, coinciding with a decline in the (Fig. 1C). Acidophilic and basophilic patches impart a phagocytotic activity of endothelial cells. In our study, grayish coloration to the cytoplasm in light-micro- however, macrophages were observed as early as Stage scopic sections treated with Giemsa stain. Free ferritin 29, a time when primitive erythrocytes are being re- Figs. 6-7 HEPATIC HEMOPOIESIS IN THE CHICKEN EMBRYO 137 placed by definitive cells. Macrophages participate in cular sites at Stage 40. The number of leukocytes sub- the destruction of primitive erythrocytes and, as this sequently increased, and extravascular clusters were population wanes, begin to phagocytose aging cells of observed at Stages 43 and 44. Granulopoietic cells are the definitive line. Phagocytosis of definitive erythro- easily identified in histological sections (Fig. 2). The cytes commences around Stage 36. promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band cell, Endothelial cells of the hepatic sinusoids are either and leukocyte are spherical cells. flattened (Fig. 3A) or rounded (Fig. 3B) in configura- A promyelocyte has an eccentric nucleus containing tion, and both forms are capable of mitotic division dispersed chromatin and one or two nucleoli (Fig. 2A). (Fig. 3C,D). Most endothelial cells in the sinusoidal Eosinophilic (specific) granules begin to accumulate in linings are flattened (Figs. 3A, 11A). The endothelial the periphery of the cell, at the side opposite to the is anucleolate. Diminutive mitochondria nucleus. The cytoplasm is moderately basophilic. Com- and short cisternae of the granular endoplasmic retic- pared to a promyelocyte, a myelocyte has more specific ulum are encountered near the nucleus. Many ribo- granules, and its cytoplasm has stronger basophilia somes and polysomes are distributed throughout the (Fig. 2B). Its ovoid nucleus is often indented, and there cell, and vacuoles become increasingly evident from are clumps of condensed chromatin beneath the nu- Stage 34 onward. clear envelope. The nucleoli, although still present, are Rounded endothelial cells bulge into the sinusoidal no longer prominent in photomicrographs. Metamyelo- lumina (Figs. 3B, 11B). These cells have an ovoid nu- cytes may differentiate alone or in masses which in- cleus which may display a single nucleolus. Organelles clude other granulopoietic cells (Fig. 20. The nucleus in a rounded cell are similar to those in a flattened cell, of a metamyelocyte is typically reniform and anucleo- and plasmalemmal invaginations are prevalent. The late, and condensed chromatin is apparent throughout rounded endothelial cells also maintain a close associ- the nucleoplasm. The essential difference between a ation with the perisinusoidal cells and hepatocytes. metamyelocyte and a band cell relates to nuclear mor- Flattened cells gradually supplant the bulging cells phology. The nucleus of a band cell is horseshoe during hepatic development, and the endothelium as- shaped, with thick bridges (“bands”)joining the lobes sumes its definitive simple squamous classification. (Fig. 2D). As the bridges narrow, the 3-4 nuclear lobes Division of endothelial cells may yield one of two of a mature eosinophilic leukocyte can be clearly de- results. If the mitotic apparatus is centrally positioned, limited (Fig. 2E). a cell appears to divide equally, and both daughter cells Basophilic and heterophilic leukocytes have not been probably remain in the sinusoidal lining (Figs. 3C, observed in the liver. Circulating eosinophilic leuko- 1lC). If the mitotic apparatus is displaced toward the cytes can be found in Stage 34, but evidence of granu- edge of a cell, one daughter cell may be released into lopoiesis is not detected until Stage 35, indicating that the bloodstream, and the other stays in the sinusoidal the earliest cells in the bloodstream originate outside lining (Figs. 3D, 11D). The rounding of endothelial the liver. Upon commencement of granulopoiesis in the cells and their subsequent projection into the lumen, liver, granulopoietic cells are found individually and in observed as early as Stages 18 and 19, were once groups within the connective tissue sheaths of blood viewed as preparatory changes for cell division vessels. From Stage 35 onward, granulopoietic blood (Fukuda, 1976). Electron micrographs of flattened cells islands become well established extravascularly (Fig. in the process of division (Fig. 11C) would indicate that 2F). These observations indicate a much earlier ap- such changes are not mandatory. pearance of granulocytes and granulopoietic blood is- lands than recorded previously (Kingsbury et al., Granulopoiesis 1956). Granulopoiesis has not been studied extensively in The specific granules of mature eosinophilic leuko- the avian liver. Kingsbury et al. (1956) noted a few cytes are rod shaped (Fig. 12). Endoplasmic reticulum, eosinophilic leukocytes at intravascular and extravas- mitochondria, and ribosomes are rather scarce in these cells. The nucleus contains a high proportion of con- densed chromatin. Extravascular granulocytes may come into close contact with one another, but there is no evidence suggesting that the cells were ever physi- Fig. 6. Polychromatophilic erythroblasts. A Ferritin granules (fe) cally linked. occur throughout this polychromatophilic erythroblast (er, endoplas- mic reticulum; nu, nucleus). Numerous cytoplasmic vesicles may be Other Cells in the Hepatic Circulation the remnants of membranous organelles such as mitochondria (mt). ery, erythrocyte. x 16,300. Bar, 1 pm. B: A lowly differentiated poly- Lymphocytes, monocytes, and thrombocytes are chromatophilic erythroblast (er, endoplasmic reticulum; mt, mito- found in the hepatic circulation. The circulating lym- chondrion; nu, nucleus) reveals a subplasmalemmal band of microtu- bules (tu) and small accumulations of ferritin granules (fe). x 17,200. phocyte has a spherical nucleus and a thin rim of ba- Bar, 1 pm. sophilic cytoplasm. Chromatin condensation is appar- ent in the central nucleoplasm and subjacent to the Fig. 7. Acidophilic erythroblasts. A An early acidophilic erythro- inner membrane of the nuclear envelope. The perinu- blast (er, endoplasmic reticulum; nu, nucleus) is assuming the bicon- vex shape of an erythrocyte. The cytoplasm contains large aggrega- clear cytoplasm is rich in free ribosomes and polysomes tions of ferritin granules (fe), and the mitochondria (mt) are (Fig. 13). Membranous organelles, such as mitochon- undergoing degenerative changes. x 17,700. Bar, 1 pm. B Hemoglo- dria and endoplasmic reticulum, are scarce. Lympho- bin in a late acidophilic erythoblast (er, endoplasmic reticulum; mt, cytes can be distinguished from proerythroblasts and mitochondrion; nu, nucleus) accounts for the cytoplasmic density. A few degenerating organelles can still be identified. Cell shape and basophilic erythroblasts by lower concentrations of ri- nuclear morphology are approaching their final forms. x 20,400. Bar, bosomes and mitochondria and by a greater fraction of 1 pm. cell volume occupied by the nucleus. Lymphocytes may Figs. 8-1 0 HEPATIC HEMOPOIESIS IN THE CHICKEN EMBRYO 139 also reside in extravascular locations, but these cells a single cell. Sandstrom and Westman (1971) reported lack the rounded contours of circulating cells. Kings- the phagocytosis of erythrocytes by endothelial cells, bury et al. (1956) encountered a large number of lym- but it is quite possible that they were observing imma- phocytes in the hepatic blood vessels at Stage 43. ture Kupffer cells, rather than endothelial cells, in the Monocytes, like lymphocytes, have a basophilic cyto- sinusoidal lining. plasm. The nucleus of a , however, is in- Karrer (1961), in an early electron-microscopic study dented. Clumps of condensed chromatin appear in the of erythropoiesis in the chicken embryo, observed the central nucleoplasm and beneath the nuclear envelope rounding of endothelial cells and their projection into (Fig. 14). The cytoplasm contains a few mitochondria, the sinusoidal lumina. Organelles of the rounded cells polysomes, and a small number of spherical non-spe- were displaced basally, leaving the apical cytoplasm cific granules. with a homogeneous ground substance devoid of or- Thrombocytes display dense nuclei, similar to those ganelles. When these “bulging cells” divided, the basal of erythrocytes. The cytoplasm has a slight acidophilia. cell supposedly remained in contact with the paren- Thrombocytes from the circulation are commonly chyma as an endothelial cell and the apical cell entered found in clumps, but individual cells do sometimes oc- the circulation. Finding no extravascular erythropoie- cur. tic cells, Karrer (1961) speculated that cells released to the circulation were proerythroblasts and, thus, the DISCUSSION sole source of erythrocytes. While cell release from the Developing extravascularly and in close association hepatic sinusoids has been confirmed by several stud- with the hepatocytes, erythropoietic cells must gain ies, including our own, the identity of the liberated entry to the sinusoids secondarily (Ackerman et al., cells has never been determined conclusively. 1961; Bankston and Pino, 1980; Asano et al., 1987). Mammalian erythropoietic cells have been identified Movement into the lumina involves a transmural mi- extravascularly as individual cells and as members of gration of erythropoietic cells across the sinusoidal lin- blood islands (Ackerman et al., 1961). In the bird, only ings in mammalian embryos (Bankston and Pino, individual proerythroblasts and basophilic erythro- 1980). Endothelial cells form temporary “migration blasts have ever been observed extravascularly. Pro- pores,” either de novo or by the widening of fenestrae, erythroblasts in mammalian embryos are capable of which close after erythropoietic cells have moved into mitosis (Jones, 19701, as are those in the avian embryo the lumina. A comparable route of cell migration in the (Karrer, 1961; present study). Since extravascular pro- bird is doubtful. Endothelial cells in the avian liver erythroblasts do not occur in groups, they could be qui- lack fenestrae, and blood cells have ready access to and escent interphase cells or, if mitotically competent, one egress from the general circulation through gaps in the daughter cell of each division might immediately enter sinusoidal walls. the circulation. Polychromatophilic erythroblasts were Endothelial cells are able to phagocytose small par- never observed extravascularly in our study, intimat- ticles (Bankston, 1974; Le Douarin, 1975; Fukuda, ing that proerythroblasts and basophilic erythroblasts 1976; Bankston and Pino, 1980). Le Douarin (1975) are the cells which actually enter the circulation. discovered that hepatic mesenchymal cells can take up Kingsbury et al. (19561, also finding intravascular ink particles injected into the circulation of Stage-40 and extravascular erythroblasts at early stages of he- embryos, and Fukuda (1976) noted phagocytic activity patic development, discovered a subsequent increase in among the endothelial cells in the vitelline veins and the number of intravascular erythroblasts and a de- ductus venosus. The ink-ingesting mesenchymal cells cline in the number of extravascular cells. As hepatic developed characteristics like those of Kupffer cells, hemopoiesis draws to a close, the proerythroblasts leading Le Douarin (1975) to consider that endothelial must either enter the circulation or differentiate into cells and Kupffer cells might be functional variants of basophilic erythoblasts which then cross the sinusoidal walls. As the earliest site of hemopoiesis in amniote em- bryos, the yolk sac is the source of the first circulating blood cells. It may also be the source of stem cells which Fig. 8. Primitive and definitive erythrocytes. A: A primitive eryth- colonize the intraembryonic organs of hemopoiesis rocyte displays a dense nucleus (nu). Ribosomes and a few degener- (Bruns and Ingram, 1973; Dardick and Setterfield, ating mitochondria (mt) are identifiable in the cytoplasm. en, endo- thelial cell. ~11,400.Bar, 1 km. B: A definitive erythrocyte also 1978; Houssaint, 1981). Other studies, however, indi- exhibits a dense nucleus (nu), but the cell is distinctly smaller than a cate that stem cells which colonize intraembryonic or- primitive erythrocyte. The dense cytoplasm is devoid of most or- gans have an intraembryonic, rather than extraembry- ganelles and inclusions, and plasmalemmal blebbing is apparent (ar- onic, origin (Rifkind et al., 1969; Dieterlen-Lievre et rowheads). en, endothelial cell; pc, perisinusoidal cell; ps, perisinu- soidal space. x 11,400. Bar, 1 pm. al., 1976; Martin et al., 1980). Dieterlen-Lievre et al. (1976) concluded that the primitive erythrocyte line Fig. 9. Circulating blood cells. This scanning electron micrograph was the only series derived from the yolk sac and that illustrates the surface deformations (arrowheads) of developing eryth- stem cells for the definitive line originated intraembry- rocytes (ery) from the general circulation. Flattened cells, which are more mature than rounded cells, show more plasmalemmal activity. onically. The site of origin of the extravascular stem x 6,750. Bar, 5 pm. cells for the erythrocyte line remains controversial. Like endothelial cells, the extravascular stem cells Fig. 10. Macrophage with a recently phagocytosed blood cell. The may originate from mesodermal cells of the septum nucleus (nu) of the macrophage is displaced by an engulfed erythro- cyte (ery). A forming residual body (rb) also assumes an eccentric transversum (Rifiind et al., 1969). position. Note the contact between the macrophage and endothelial The close association of hepatocytes and hemopoietic cell (lower left corner of the field). x 11,600. Bar, 1 pm. cells in mammals has led some investigators to con- Fig. 11, Endothelial cells. A: Flattened endothelial cell (en) in close cell (en) division will likely remain in the sinusoidal lining. ch, chro- association with hepatocytes (hc). Part of a perisinusoidal cell (pc) and mosome; hc, hepatocyte; ps, perisinusoidal space. x 4,700. Bar, 5 pm. microvilli (mv) of the hepatocytes occupy the perisinusoidal space (ps). D Should the mitotic apparatus situate eccentrically, endothelial cell nu, nucleus. x 9,100. Bar, 1 pm. B: Rounded endothelial cell (en) (en) division can release one daughter cell to the general circulation projecting into the sinusoidal lumen. Microvilli (mv) of hepatocytes and retain the other in the sinusoidal lining. arrowhead, junctional (hc) and processes of perisinusoidal cells (pcj appear in the perisinu- zone; ch, chromosome; hc, hepatocyte; ps, perisinusoidal space; tu, soidal space (psj. nu, nucleus. x 6,850. Bar, 5 pm. C: If the mitotic spindle microtubule. x 9,050. Bar, 1 pm. apparatus is centrally located, both daughter cells of an endothelial Fig. 12. An eosinophilic leukocyte in the general circulation shows tochondria (mt). en, endothelial cell; ps, perisinusoidal space. several rod shaped specific granules (sg). Four lobes of the nucleus x 11,900.Bar, 1 km. (nu) can be discerned. Granular endoplasmic reticulum (er), ribo- somes, and mitochondria (mt) are scarce. x 18,600. Bar, 1 km. Fig. 14. A monocyte (mt, mitochondrion; ng, non-specific granule) in the sinusoidal lumen has an irregular shape. The indented nucleus Fig. 13. A lymphocyte from the general circulation has a spherical (nu) is displaced toward one side of the cell. Polysomes are evident in nucleus (nu) with an expansive nucleolus. The nucleus is surrounded the cytoplasm. x 15,400. Bar, 1 km. by a thin rim of cytoplasm containing ribosomes and occasional mi- 142 G.K. WONG AND M.J. CAVEY clude that hepatocytes regulate the differentiation of cells, originated from the yolk sac. However, recent hemopoietic cells (Asano et al., 1987). Such regulation studies indicate that stem cells of the liver probably occurs without the benefit of intercellular junctions migrate from other intraembryonic sites of origin (Medlock and Haar, 1983). Hepatocytes in the avian (Martin et al., 1980). The mesoderm of the septum embryo can situate quite close to extravascular pro- transversum is a possible source of stem cells. erythroblasts, but they likely exert little, if any, con- Hepatic hemopoiesis in the avian embryo is different trol over the hemopoietic cells. Erythropoiesis in the in several respects from that in the mammalian em- bird, it must be remembered, also occurs intravascu- bryo. Since blood cells of the bird can originate intra- larly, far removed from any influence of cells in the vascularly as well as extravascularly, neither the pre- hepatic cords. hepatocyte population nor the compartments for stem The involvement of microtubules in the shape cell differentiation hold the same relevance as in the changes of erythropoietic cells was suspected by previ- mammal. Furthermore, there seems to be no subdivi- ous investigators (Ceresa-Castellani and Leone, 1969; sion of the hepatic environment in the bird into mi- Small and Davies, 1972). These workers detected a croenvironments for the erythrocyte and marginal band of microtubules in the polychromato- lines. Hemopoiesis in the avian liver is essentially in- philic erythroblast. Microtubules may also perform cy- travascular (Metcalf and Moore, 1971), and since all toskeletal roles, maintaining the shape of erythro- major blood vessels of the embryo may form blood cells, blasts and conferring upon them elasticity and hemopoiesis could indeed be more a reflection of vas- resistance to external pressure (Grasso, 1966). The re- cular development generally than a feature of hepatic duction in the number of microtubules in mature avian organogenesis specifically. Indeed, hepatic hemopoiesis erythrocytes and their virtual absence from mature may be just a transient stage between the hemopoietic mammalian erythrocytes argue against any role in the decline in the yolk sac and the maturation of the bone maintenance of shape in fully differentiated cells marrow (Le Douarin, 1975). (Small and Davies, 1972). In human erythocytes, a fil- amentous network of proteins on the cytoplasmic sur- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS face of the plasmalemma is implicated in the mainte- This investigation was supported by Research Oper- nance of cell shape (Lange et al., 1982). ating Grant No. OGP0000484 from the Natural Sci- Pinocytotic uptake of ferritin granules, a process ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. called rhopheocytosis (Policard and Bessis, 19581, is seldom observed in birds (see also Ceresa-Castellani LITERATURE CITED and Leone, 1969; Small and Davies, 1972). Coated pits Ackerman, G.A., J.A. Grasso, and R.A. 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