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PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, BY Having made large additions to our former variety of JOHN PORTER,::::::::::::::::Proprietor PLAIN AND 5 J O B T Y P E , Office, No. Custom-House Block, We are now prepared to execute with neatness and des patch, every description of Job Work, such as TERMS, Circulars, Bill-heads, Cards, Blanks, If paid strictly in advance—per annum, 81,50 Catalogues, Programmes, If payment is delayed 6 mos. “ 1,75 If not paid till the close of the year,^ 2,00 Shop Bills, Labels, Auction and Hand XT No paper he discontinued until all arreara­ Bills, &c., &e. ges are paid, unless at the option of tne puplisher. Particular attention paid to XT Single copies, three cents —for sale at the office. XT All letters and communications to be addressed VOL. 12. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1857. NO. 38. P HINTING IN COLORS to the Publisher. BRONZING. &.C.

HOME WITHOUT A MOTHER. ‘ Did you love my mamma?’ she asked, his brown locks ; but his beaming eyes, and Tho following are from the ‘ Editor’s Pastor Evenius. boys! The soldiers will not be likely to enter a them, if we would only try to find it out; and wistfully, for her young, fair, gentlo mother his warm, genial smile— oh nothing could Drawer,’ which, among other good things, plundered housa.’ tho mother added something about the dreadful What is home without a mother? An Incidont of the Pillage of Mngdcbnrg And tho good pastor pressed his children to was the sweetest, holiest memory that Mar­ change these! we notice has taken some from the Post, iu 1 6 3 1 . and brutalizing effect of war, which the par­ W hat^re all the joys we meet his heart, and looking up to heaven with son, who was somewhat bedazzled by the splen­ When her living smile no longer jory's heart held. Marjory’s present proved to be a beauti­ with complimentary mention :— [Translated from the German for the Boston Journal.] streaming eyos, prayed silently to Him in whose did uniforms of the soldiers on parade was Greets the eoming of our feet ? ‘ I guess I did love her, my child. You ful gold locket, enclosing a most excellent Dr. Paton, a very eccentric clergyman, name he and his townsfolk wero presocuted.— about to question, when pastor Schmidt, ad­ The days seein long, the nights are drear, see we lived only a quarter of a mile apart, likeness of her uncle, to which was attach­ was travelling in England. He met a Fel­ One stormy winter evening, good pastor But the next instant a band of Croats rushed in journed the meeting to the next evening, to let And time rolls slowly on ; and were almost inseparable companions, ed the daintiest gold chain. Marjory was low of one of tho colleges, who was anxious Schmidt of Madgeburg sat in his quiet parlor by armed with deadly knives and swords. They them think it over, and be ready with their And O how few are childhood’s pleasures, the great fire, that went roaring up the chimney were worse than the first company, and roughly When her gentle care Is gone. when we went to the district school. Then quite beside herself with delight at this to make an inquiry of the Doctor, provided answers. Perhaps the reader can decide it after our family moved to Ryegate, we used gift. he would give no offence. The Doctor told with an immense show of bravery, as if it would seizing tho pastor by the throat, and pointing without any further help. Things we prize, are first to vanish ; One day the little girl’s uncle took her to defy tho storm that raged without; but, as is their blood weapons at his breast, they demand­ to make each other long visits two or three him to ‘ out with ii,’ as he guessed it would ed money. Hearts we love, to pass away ; very often the case with burly, red-faced blust­ Tho Sailor’s Life. times' every year. I remember seeing you ride to the river, about four miles from her not hurt much. erers, wont out in mere smoko. It was Satur­ ‘ I havo nothing left,’ replied tho pastor, And how soon even in childhood, once, too ; it was a long, long time ago, and house, and as they went slowly down the We behold her turning gray. Fellow. ‘ The inquiry is this: Do you day night, and he was thinking, perhaps of his calmly ; ‘ you seo that your comrades have been We extract from tho Twenty-ninth Annual Her eyes grow diin, her step is slow, you lay in a wicker cradle, in a new, white road cut through the forest, with the still, think your present form of government will to-morrow's sermon. Leaning back in his easy here before, and this rubblish is all that re­ Report of the Boston Seamen’s Friend Society Her joys of earth are past, dress, and a pair of the daintiest red moroc­ fragrant oaks and maples throwing cool stand, or that your people will not soon re­ chair, with both fee perched on the lender, in mains.’ tho following:— And before we learn to know her, co shoes. Ah, me ! how proud your mother shadows all about them, Marjory, looking up quire a king ?’ such a manner us to catch the most comfortable ‘ You lie. old fellow !’ exclaimed cne of the A seaman s life, in its nature, is encompassed She has breathed on earth her last. was of you, und how you lifted up your lit­ suddeuly in her uncle’s face, asked him :— Dr. P. ‘ Well, sir. that is indeed a ques­ amount of beat, his chin sunken on his breast, soldiers, fetching a swordstroko at the pastor’s with peril and hardship. It necessarily involves and his half-shut eyes fixed on tho springing head. Fortunately, it only grazed his cheer, a deprivation of those social enjoyments, do­ tle white arms and crowed at me ! Oh, poor ‘ Did you ever know Miss Jessie Manji, tion that does not fall in with my predilec­ Other hearts may have their sorrows— flames, he seemed lost in deep meditation. An but when tho boys saw that blood followed, they mestic ties and religions privileges, which man’s Annie ! poor Annie !’ Here Miss Mann fair­ uncle?’ Griefs that quickly die away j tions, for I am a thorough republican. Still open Bibleluy on a stand beside him, with the shrieked out, and clung to him in mortal fear. moral and intellectual nature craves. This is But a mother lost in childhood ly broke do '.n into a sob, and Grandpa Ellis ‘ Oh, yes !’ smiling down upon her, ‘ She I have no objections to answer your question heavy, -bowed spectacles to keep the place, The father bent down to comfort them, when equally applicable both to the officer and sea­ Grieves the heart from day to day ; pulled out his large, silk handkerchief, and used to visit at our house a great deal, and frankly. I t is my opinion, to which I have though the great volume from constant and they were snatched from his arms and murder­ man. Lot us not make that lot harder, by with­ We miss her kind and willing hand. wiped his nose very hard and fast. Marjory Annie and she were just like sisters, and for come after much reflection, that we shall long use had lost its spring, and tho leaves lay ed before his very eyes. His heart broke at the holding from them our sympathy and our Her fond and earnest care ; was, as I said, an impulsive child—her loves many years I loved Jessie as well as if she eventually have a king.’ open any where, without tho assistance of a sight, and mustering all his strength, he flung prayers. And O, how drear is life around us, were as strong as her dislikes. She slipped had been mine.’ weight. Tho pastor’s wife sat at a side table the soldiers from him and rushed into tho street Permit us, for tho sake of illustration, to Fellow. ‘ I am sure of it— I am sure of where he fell down like one who is suddenly What’s home without a mother there ? her hand into Miss Mann’s and this was with sewing, with her daughter Magdalena, a girl of place you in the position of a foremast seaman ‘ Did you, uncle, and did you never say it 1 but I never yet have seen an American seven or eight years, at her feet. Lenny also struck dead. on the New England coast, in winter weather. her as a sign and token. After this there or do anything to make her unhappy ?’ who was willing to admit it, Will you fa­ MEN AND WOMEN. was sewing, though she rather played than A fearful night had set in. The sun, as if it You cross the gulf with a roaring “ southerly.” was nothing the little girl enjoyed so well as ‘Make Jessie Mann unhappy! Why, vor me with the reasons on which you found could not bear to look upon the horror of that Men hate, because iu act or strife worked with her needle. Two fine looking lads It don’t rain, it pours ; your clothes are all wet, walking with Miss Mann through the orch­ what do you mean, child ?’ your opinion, for I have no doubt they are both older than their sister, though the eldest dreadful hour, had gone down in thick clouds. till you have nothing for a shift. You have They cross each other’s path ; A strong wind blew from the north, and spread Short is the space for jealousy, ard, or by the rye fields, or down by the And then Marjory drew up very close to good ones?’ had not passed his fourteenth year, completed been broiling for months under a tropical sun; spring where the mint grew, cool and fra­ her uncle, and told him what she had seen Dr.*P. ‘ I think they are good ones, and the family group. It was a pleasant picture to tne flames far and wide that now arose from the manilla rigging soaked with water is just And fierce the hour of wrath : Magdeburg. 1 cannot tell you, because you And woman’s hate runs deeper far, grant on the moist ground. and heard that night that she stole up so look in upon. There was something marked like a sponge; every time you haul on a rope the I will frankly stato them to you. They are and individual in each member of the little house could not hear to hear it, what was done in the water runs down your arms to your shoulders. Though shallower at the spring ; And this lady always had such long, de­ softly to Miss Mann’s chamber. these : I read in the Bible that when Israel streets that night. Hordes of brutal men rush­ Right seldom is it they forget hold company. Though hut just passing be­ All at once the wind shifts with a squall, and lightful stories to tell her of her mother; of Mr. Platt listen very attentively to all his wgs a virtuous people, God governed them yond middle life, pastor Schmidt had lost, ifhe ed through them with horrid yells, killing every an icy “ norther ” comes down upon you from The shaft that galled their wing. the days when they used to go berrying and niece said, but he did not answer a word ; generally with judges of their own choosing; ever possessed, the quick, eager look of youth. one they met, and sometimes fighting among tho white hills. Your hands, that have been A fairer face, a higher place, and nutting in the woods, and the rides they and after she had finished talking, ho only but when they became a corrupt and degrad­ Gray hairs wore mingled with the brown ; there themselves. For whon tho battle-fury is on, a soaked in fresh water till they are parboiled like Men worship, more applause, used to have on the top of the hay in vaca­ were deep and interesting wrinkles in his noble soldier cares not for friend or brother. But this a washerwoman’s at tho tub, now become hard, Will make a woman loathe her friend tapped his boot meditatively With his riding ed people, God in wrath gave them a Icing ! tions. whip. As we are rapidly importing European man­ forehead, and a certain expression of care about is too horrible to think of. glassy, and full of frost. Every time you hang Without a deadlier cause. his mouth, which, however, did not interfere Day at length dawned. The sun camo up your weight on a rope, they crack open, the ‘ Deborah,’ said Marj, confidentally, ‘ Misa But a suspicion was dawning in the gen­ ners and corrupt customs into the United still veiled in clouds, as if dreading the sight of Mann isn’t a bit like an old maid. I ’d be* tlem an’s mind. He had gone hack to the with the sweetness of it. There was no sever­ sharp spires of the hemp stick into them, and Deal Gently with tlic Little Ones. States, I greatly fear that we shall degener­ ity in his countenance, though it was grave.— the desolated town. Tho smoko and heat had the blood runs ; ’tis real misery. The mate or­ A child when asked why a certain tree grew’ willing to be one myself, if I could he just days of his early manhood, and he saw the ate until God will treat us as he has the de­ One could see that a smile might steal over it driven most of the inhabitants out into the fields ders the watch below, and says. Be ready for a crooked, replied, “ somebody trod upon it, I like her.’ sweet face and heard the ringing laugh of graded nations of Europe, and give us a at any moment. The experience of years of and only here and there might bo seen a solitary' call, boys. You go into the forecastle ; don’t Jessie Mann, just as he used to. form, making its way among the smouldering know whether you’ve got any feet or not; don’t suppose, when it was little.” It was surprising, too, how soft and gen­ king!’ happy labor was written there. The good man tle the little girl’s manners had become, in Then he remembered that night in the The Fellow grew suddenly red in tho face, was called to share in every joy or sorrow that ruins. Between the dead bodies and wrecks of know whether you’ve got any hands or noi[; lie who checks a child with terror, less than a week after Miss Mann’s arrival; late spring, when she and his sister stood to­ befell the members of his flock ; his life was one homo in the vicinity of the wreck of the Church can't feel them they are numb. You turn iu, Stop its play and stills its song, and would have made fight, but the laugh of of our Lady, the figure of a man slowly rose up. for if the truth must be told, these had been gether with him, under the white blossoms of love and sympathy, and he wore the fruits of as the sailors say, ‘ all standing,’ which means Not alone commits an error, his neighbors was so hearty that he had to it in his face. 1 do not know how it is, hut The wind blew out his long and matted hair, to take off your pea-jacket and stand it up. It But a grievous moral wrong. somewhat hoydenish before. of the apple tree, and he told them first of join in it, and soon he managed to say, though the same seed sown in different soils will and showed a face of pale and heart-broken sor­ is full of ice, and will btand alone. You get One day Miss Mann and Marjory sat sew­ his betrothal to her whose fair head was now ‘Well, you have taught me one lesson to-day produce the same grain, differing only in quality row. It was the pastor Evenius, waking to life into your birth, all wet; lie there and shiver Give it play, and never fear it, ing together, in the little parlor, when Grand­ lying under the June roses; and he remem­ yet the same experience sown in two human and agony. Ho turned to look for his home ; for a while. By and by you begin to feel warm, Active life is no defect; that I shall never forget,’ father Ellis came in suddenly, holding some­ bered, too, when he turned to his compan­ hearts, springs up in very different harvests.— its smoked before his eyes. The fate of his and a steam rises from your body,—just ubout Never, never break its spirit, Dr. P. 1 And, pray, what may that be ? thing very tight in one hand. ‘ Guess what ions,. saying very lightly, because his feel­ for it is very rare an Englishman will admit The cares that pastor Schmidt had known, the children burst upon him, and again the strong to fall asleep, when all hands are called to Curb it only to direct. man sank down ; but his lips quivered with a shorten sail, and you hurry aloft in a snow­ I have here for you, Marje?’ he said. ings were very deep :— ‘ Now, girls, don’t that he learus anything from an American.’ daily calls to settle trifling matters between his parishioners, the demands upon him at the bed whispered prayer. storm, again to Ireeze and perhaps to perish.— Would you stop the flowing river, ‘ I can’t grandpa. Oh, please give it to you congratulate me?’ Jessie had suddenly Fellow. ‘ I have learned to let the Yan­ Thinking it would c&ase to flow ? of tho sick and the dying, that have hardened At this moment two officers, wrapt in their That is a sailor’s life before the mast. As an me!’ cried the impatient girl. fallen down on the grass. kees alone, and not to meddle with their pe­ many a man and made him fretful and morose, cloaks approached the spot where the pastor lay. officer, it is not much better. The master of a Onward must i: flow forever: ‘I t’s a a letter, pussy,’ opening his hand and Annie and he were much alarmed as they They were engaged iu low hut earnest conversa­ Better teach it where to go ! culiar matters.; had only deepened his charity. He grew more ship pillows his head upon responsibility, and it revealing it. raised her, but she said it was only a slight Dr. P. ‘ Thank you, sir. But allow me gentle as he advanced in life. Having become tion, and kept looking from right to left, as if is a thorny pillow, lie is often expected to tojbe certain that they were alone. When near [From the Home Magazine for September.] ‘A letter! a letter !’ clapping her hands, faintness—it would soon pass—she was ac­ to say that you are rather slow scholars, for a man, he was still endeavoring to be childlike. make brieks without straw, profitable voyages and pioueting-round the room. ‘ I never had customed to it, and so their fears were allay­ Every body loved and trusted him. Old and pastor Evenius, they stopped and after a little with low freights, short passages with head we certainly taught you that lesson a Bunk­ scrutiny, sat down on a pile of ruins and con- ©2:2) E&OSo one in all my life. Who can have sent it to ed. W hat if—what if— young came to him for counsel or for comfort, winds, while constant anxiety exposes him to er Hill.’ 'inued their talk. He held his breath and lis­ the attack of contagious, disorders. He is often me?’ ‘ Marjory,’ at last the gentleman’s voice und no one ever went away without a glowing BY VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND. Fellow. ‘I see that you are incorrigible. heart. lie could draw something from his own tened. perplexed with incompetent officers and worth­ Grandfathnr Ellis put on his large silver broke the long silence, ‘ didn’t you tell me Dr. I ’. ‘ And that’s the way of our peo­ rich stores of experience to suit every case. ‘ 1 tell you what, Antonio,’ said one of them less crows. ‘ Marje ! Marje !’ glasses, and looked at the address. ‘ It’s yon were to visit Miss Mann this sum­ ple.’ I shall not stop to describe pastor Schmidt’s in eager though subdued tones, • the plot is so A young man of my acquaintance, whom I ‘ I don’t care, Deb—I will, and so, see if from California, my child,’ he said. ‘ It mer?’ wife, further than to say that she was evidently welj laid that it meat succeed. I can’t under­ had dearly loved, trained up for a seaman, in­ must be from your Uncle Charles.’ ‘ Yes—grandpa says I may go the next a sweet-tempered, motherly woman, careful of stand your unwillingness, for you are always in structed, prayed over from the time ho was I don’t !’ said the little girl, elevating first A B oy for tiie Times.—We hear a good At that moment the work slipped from month.’ ter children's training, devoteu to her husband fur keen sport, and yet where there's chance for twelve years of age, till, at the age of twenty- one, and then the other of her snowy should­ story of a little boy residing about a mile a fortune you hang back like a coward. I can't Miss Mann’s fingers to the floor. She bent and her household ;—which is indeed saying one years and six months, he was mate of a ers, while Deborah, her old nurse, secured ‘ And would you like me to accompany and a quarter north of this city whose name see your motive. Just think how shabbily large ship, with lorce of character sufficient to hastily, and raised it up; but if Marjory you?’ She stood up in the carriage, this everything that need he said in her praise — the loops of her white dress. If we’ve got we regret not being able to state. He is That she loved her husband, no one could doubt Tilly has deceived us all. Didn’t he promise us make such crews as are generally found in large had not been too much engaged to observe to have a cross, hateful, scrcwfaced old maid impulsive little Marjory, and clapped her some 8 or 9 years of age and unusually who saw her raiso her eyes every little while, as tho wealth of a dozen kingdoms in the city !— ships, boh to love and fear him, furnishes a her at that moment, she would have seen she hands. And see, what havo we got as tho reward of in the house, I’ll torment her all I can. I’ll bright, as the sequel will show. Hearing if expecting to catch his. But the good pastor mournful illustration of this statement. Ha had had grown pale—oh, so very pale! all our hard fighting ? One or two miserable the faco and form of a Grecian statue ; a com­ stick pins in the back of the chair— I ’ll tip So, the next month, the little girl and that Bev. Mr. Street of Philadelphia was to was in a brown study that evening, and remain­ Well, Marjory opened the letter, with a ed insensible to their magnetism. bits of silver, that a gipsy would he above steal­ plexion to which exposure only imparted a man­ over her plate at dinner— I ’ll put things in her uncle went to Miss Mann’s home. She address the Sabbath Schools in Hudson a pleased fluttering at her heart, and read it lived with her aged parents in a pleasant I said that Lenny was rather playing than ing ! So keep up your spirit and we’ll get re­ ly boauty ; a k:en grey eye, with the grit and the path, to make her stumble when she week ago last Sunday, he expressed a strong venge and reward at tho sarno time ! The rascal good will in i t ; and his laugh did you good like i slowly, very slowly, for she was not accus­ little white cottage, just in the suburbs of working with her needle. The hoys, too seemed walks in the garden—I’ll be just as bad as I desire to attend. The distance, however, deserves death, and the Swedish Court will pay a medicine. II: went a roundabout voyage to tomed to the old, scrawling hand of Uncle the city; and there was a deep yard in to he growing uneasy over their hooks, and now know how.’ This threatening speech was de­ added to the fact that he had no shoes to and then cast shy looks at their father, as if ex­ us well for it.’ Trieste, Marseilles, and to Havana, in the Charles. front, dark with spruce, and cedar, and livered with various emphatic pantomimes, wear, seemed to be an insuperable objection, pecting something from him. Madame Schmidt ‘ But. Wolf, what if wo don’t succeed, or eholera time ; into that accursed basin where so It was a very kind, loving letter, which should bo taken aftorwards ? There’s always which made it doubly effective. larches. Miss Mann seemed at first quite and the boy well-nigh despaired of carrying soon became awaie of this, and at length, letting many of our red cheeked New England boys Marjory’s uncle had written to his ‘ dear lit­ wood enough to build a gallows with. have laid their bones. In twenty-four hours Marjory Ellis was fatherless and motherless. overcome at the sight of Marjory or her un­ out lii.i oherished wish to hoax- M r S tr o o t’s her work rest in her lap as she raised her eyes to tle orphan niece,’ as he called her, and it cle ; the little girl could not tell which, for her husband’s face, she said playfully, ‘ the ‘ So, you are really afraid said Wolf In a alter tho sails were lurled, the steward of tho She lived with her doting old grandfather, address to the Sabbath Schools. The day children begin to fear that father has forgotten scornful voiee. ‘ I thought better of your spirit. ship was dead and in his shroud ; seven men lay in the brown-gray cottage, that stands the brought the tears into her eyes, when he she grew very pale, and grasped the door finally came around and the boy’s desire Butjqpt Bee, Tilly will ride to the convent to­ sick in the forecastle, aud this young mate dead spoke of her mother—his blue-eyed sister handle, as though she would have fallen; the Saturday evening story. very last on the road from Stanton to Green­ grew so intense that he resolved to come at ‘ Oh no,’ said Pastor Schmidt, turning to­ day, and we can conceal ourselves in the ruins in the cabin. He was tenderly attached to an Anne, who had reached first the green shores dale. She was, in the broadest sense of the but a moment afterward she was her own all hazards. He therefore quietly pocketed wards her with a pleasant smile ; ‘ I have been somewhere along the road, and send him a quick estimable lady with whom I expected to unite term, a spoiled child. I doubt much wheth­ of the beautiful land, whether he hoped they sweet, thoroughly possessed self, and wel­ a pair of his mother’s gaiters and walked thinking of one for tho last half hour. These death as he goes by. Escape will be easy enough him in marriage when he returned. His chest er she had ever been refused anything dur­ were all following her. comed them very warmly. great, roaring flames, that rnako us so comfort­ among these ruins. Leavo that to me. I have camo home, an I tho young lady wa3 sent for, the entire distance to this city bare-foot, until as much as you to risk.’ and she, with bis father and mother attempted ing all the six years she had lived with her The gentleman also told his niece that he The week Marjory passed here was a very he reached the side walks, when he sat down able, somehow have reminded mo of good Pas­ hoped to see her before another June had happy one ; and uncle Charlie seemed to en­ tor Evenius, who was once driven from his ‘ Here’s my hand to i t !’ exclaimed Antonio. to open it, but they could not. They sont for grandfather, and Marjory was now twelve.— and put on the gaiters, with which he walk­ home near this very spot, when Tilly’s brutal The assassin? shook hands and departed going me. The key was fastened to the handle of the There were no other children at the cottage, ripened the strawberries on the hills of Stan­ joy it vastly, too ; they all went riding and ed to the church and took his seat among the towards the convent. chest with a twisted wire. When 1 arrived the ton ; and he intended to bring her something sailing and walking, and he and Miss Mann soldiers pillaged Magdeburg. Como, children, so the little girl carried it with a high hand. crowded audience of that occasion. This and you shall hear the story, though it is a sad ‘ Justice is swift and terrible,’ thought tho old father was striving in vain to untwist its nice made out of ‘ real California gold.’ She was a bright, inquisitive, impetuous child, talked constantly of times before Marjory boy will make his way in the world and will one to tell at uight. Listen attentively, and pastor, raising himself cautiously, after a little clasp, lor tho tears blinded him that he could with a great many good impulses and warm ‘ Oh, what a good uncle I have got, said could remember, but she was never tired of leave some when I have Unishod let me seo what you have while. ‘ Tho wretch who has destroyed our not see, and there was no strength in his fingers. feelings, hut her heart was like a garden that Marjory, after she had twice read the letter listening. learned from it. city, and made us the proy of his wolves, is 1 opened the chest. There wero in it the ma­ “ Footprints on the sands of tim e” about to be torn by their fangs ! Truly, God terials for her wedding dress, which he had required much weeding. to her interested auditors. ‘ I wonder if he The night before they were to leave, the The boys had already thrown their books will know me. You know it is so long since little girl went into the parlor, and being when he goes out of it. A pleasant finale to aside and taken their places near the fire. Len­ is ju st! I shall be revenged for tho death of bought in anticipation of their marriage ; a ring It was with anything but feelings of satis­ my little ones.’ which he had fondly hoped to place upon her I saw him last.’ very tired, with a long walk she had taken this little incident is the fact that one or ny put her work away in the basket, and again faction that Marjory’ had heard her grand­ took her seat by her mother’s side. Madame With theso words, pastor Evenius, like a man finger us his wife ; a beautiful shawl for his father’s announcement, two days before, that ‘ Yes, lie’s been in California nearly five that day, threw herself down on the sofa and two of our female Sunday School teachers, Schmidt resumed her sewing ; hut the children endowed with new life, strode away from tho mother; uu outside garment for his father ; a he had received a letter from Jessie Mann, years,’ said Grandfather Ellis ; he’s got into went to sleep. hearing of the circumstance, sought out the knew that she would listen with them, and as­ place, exulting in the thought of the fate that beautiful and costly cano to support the feeble an old friend and schoolmate of her mother’s some government office, and they do say he’s At last she was aroused by voices enter­ persevering little fellow and supplied him sist in finding out the lesson of the story. So, was speedily to overtake the ruthless murderer. steps of the old man whoso grey hairs were go­ But suddenly his pace slacked, and the hot ing down with sorrow to the grave ! Alas ! ha stating that she was travelling through the made quite a fortin there. Charlie always ing the room, and half as in a dream, she with shoes for the next year or two.— Hud­ when all was ready, Pastor Schmidt began. was a clever fellow. Let’s see, you used to heard Uncle Charlie say :— ‘ And to think, son Star. In his quiet dwelling not far from the Church blood monnted to his fore bead. Is seemed as had lost the last prop ol his declining years, tho upper part of the State, and would, if con­ if ho was contending with some new thought, know him well, Miss Mann?’ Jessie, I should never have known, never of our Lady, Bat the good pastor Evenius with shoulder of that noble-hearted boy. There was venient and agreeable, make them a short his two sons at their simple evening meal. The which he was unwilling to yield to. ‘ No no ! also a rare and costly book, which he had pur­ visit. Her grandfather had at once written * Yes—I knew him very well when lie was have dreamed of this life-long devotion to Position, in Boading. it cannot bo wrong for justice to havo her way. chased as a gift to the minister of Christ whom a young man,’ was the lady’s rather laconic me, if Marjory had not told what she heard hoys seemed to have hearty appetites, hut the the lady an urgent invitation to come to the It is best for the light to fall on the pago from father left his food untouched, and regarded Why should I interfere, merely becauso I he loved. This is a sailor’s life behind tha cottage, and he should expect her the latter rejoinder, and she bent very steadily over and saw that night. I owe my little niece behind, a little to one side, and the persons sit­ them with looks of anxious love. For there was chanced to overhear tho plot! But what if mast. part of the week. her sewing. all the brightness of the future to which I ting in an erect position. tumult and wild passion raging in the city, and God meant that I should be awake at that time ‘ His wife was a little beauty, but she was am looking forward. All persons under parental control should be he could not tell how soon it might reach his for this very purpose V He walked on still Now Marjory had conceived an intense slower, in deep and troubled thought. ‘ Ah, The Turn oj Life.—Between the years of aversion to all old maids; as the two or a delicate sort of a creetur, that looked as And then, softly through the silence, beat peremptorily forbidden to read by artificial light, own littlo household group. Ho had been out forty and sixty, a man who has properly regu­ if a smart wind would blow her away. 1 except occasionally for half an hour at a tirno. among the people all day, encouraging them to now I know, now I know !’ he exclaimed at three with whom she had been brought in the low, tremulous tones of Jessie Maun— last ; ‘ now I see why God sent those murderers lated himself may be considered in tho prime of always thought it was her death that sent ‘And I— oh, Charlie, what do I not owe to This injunction would require no repetition if steadfast resistance, even to the last drop of life. His matured strength of constitution ren­ personal contact stood, in her view, as the parents could know as physicians do, in how blood ; but ho knew too well that they were to plot in my hearing. I hasten to warn the him off; fot you know he set great store by her! God has sent me at last the dream of commander of his danger ; and who knows but ders him almost impervious to the attacks of type of that most shamefully maligned class many cases the slight is prematurely impaired, worn out with fighting and could offer but fee­ disease, and experience has given soundness to of individuals; so the anticipation of Miss her,’ continued the loquacious old farmer. my youth.’ or actual disoases of the eye is engendered, ble resistance to the next assault. The soldiers that it may soften his heart towards me and my ‘ Yes,’ responded the soft voice of Miss ‘ And God helping me, my Jessie, it shall poor townsfolk.’ his judgment. His mind is resolute, firm, and Mann’s visit seemed to arouse all the beli- which, after heavy expense, and weeks and of Rome were already within the walls, forcing equal ; all his functions are in the highest order; Mann, ‘ Charles was very fond of her, and be as fair and pleasant as the dream was months of starvation and dreary confinement to one barricade after another, and soon would be So said, so done. The pastor hastened to­ gerent propensities of her nature, and she wards the camp, which was already in motion as he assumes mastery over business ; builds up a determined to circumvent every effort of that she deserved all his affection.’ then—why ! what in the world !—what’s darkened rooms, is found to be intractable. masters of the city. His heart failed him as be competence oh the foundation ho has formed in It ought to bo known that reading by gas thought of all the horrors that would follow ; if sorno new demonstration was to bo made. A lady’s to command or tyrannize over her.— ‘ You knew her, then ?’ here ?’ blast of trumpets echoed through the desolated early manhood, and passes through a period of • Oh, yes. I met her at Annie’s before ‘ It’s only I,’ said Marjory, sitting up and light is very much more injurious to tho eyes for tho very devils ore not worse than soldierd life attendod by many gratifications. • Having Marjory had already settled in her own mind than candle-light, from the flicker caused by the drunken with the battle-fury, and with a whole streets, and soon, riding at the head of a body of and after she was married.’ rubbing her eyes. cavalry, he met the cruel-hearted Tilly. A gone a year or two past sixty, ha arrives at a what sort of a person she must be—tall, thin unsteady jet of the gas from its fountain, and city lying helpless at their feet. They are men stand still. But athwart this is a viaduct, called and angular, with a loud, sharp voice, square, Just then somebody called to see the far­ The newly betrothed pair felt very ten­ also from tho particular tinge of .gas-light. A no more. But the lads were hungry, and too soldier endeavored to make him stand out of mer, and this discontinued the conversation; the way, but finding him resolved to speak with the “ Turn of Life,” which if crossed in safety, pale lips, and a general expression of coun­ derly toward the little girl. Uncle Charles candle flickers some, but this is remedied by young to think of danger that was not close at leads to the valley of “ old age,” round which hut Marjory’s tongue ran faster than ever, as placed her between himself and Miss Mann having two candles burning at the same time; hand. the marshal, did not refuse to make his desire tenance which reminded one of a northeast known. Supposing it to be some new attempt the river winds, and then beyond without a boat wind in March. she confidentially told Miss Mann all she on the sofa, and then he said to her :— ‘Mar­ they should be rather behind the person, the Suddenly the tumult grew louder. Musket or causeway to effect its passago. The bridge eyes should never be allowed to face artificial shots, mingled with terrible shrieks and yells, upon his pity, Tilly refused to see him, hut re­ It was Saturday afternoon when Miss Mann should write about, in her reply to Uncle jory, how would you like to have me bring lented when the pastor declared that it concern­ is, however, constructed of fragile materials, Charlie. ‘ And I shall tell him all about you another aunt?’ It was so dark they light in reading. were heard iu the street. Tho lads sprung to and it depends upon how it is trodden, whether arrived. Marjory heard the stage stop, and their father’s side, who put his arms about them ed his very life. your visit here, and how much I like you, could not sec each other’s faces; but Mar­ Tho habit of reading by artificial light in bed, ‘ Be short,’ said the General, roughly. ‘What it bend or break Gout, apoplexy, are also in immediately hurried out by the hack door is so reprehensible, if for no other reason than and spoke words of cheer and confidence, which tha vicinity to waylay the traveler, and thrust into the orchard, her little, red mouth set in and how I wish you would stay always,’ jory was by no means a dull child. She by periling the lives of others by burning the his own heart was far to much disquieted and do you want of me !’ said the little girl. • 1 want nothing of you.’ said pastor Evenius, him from the pass; but let him gird up his loins an expression of most indomitable obstinacy. leaned forward to Miss Mann. ‘ I know house up, as has been the case in multitudes of anxious to feel. ‘ We must trust iu our Heav­ aud provide himself with a titter staff, and ho And Miss Mann drew her to her, and what he means;* she whispered. ‘ Oh, I am instances, that it is not worth while to address enly Father,’ said he, ‘ for wo cannot help our­ ‘ I have come to warn you that your life is in She did not return until supper time danger from two of your officers. I overheard may trudge in safety, with perfect composure. Deborah met her at the door. ‘ Come right kissed her forehead silently; but Marjory so glad, so very glad !’ any argument to those who practice it,—whose selves.’ To quit metaphor, “ The Turn of Life,”, is a ‘ Wont they let us alone if we beg them to?’ the plot.’ into the parlor, Marje,’ she said. ‘ The lady’s did not see that the lady’s eyes were full of absorbing, predominant characteristics are reck­ Tilly sent a searching glance into the pastor’s turn either into a prolonged walk, or into the tears. 1 So she won’t be an old maid any more,’ lessness and selfishness. asked tho youngest boy, with such a pathetic grave. Tho Bystem and powers having reached been inquiring for you half a dozen times tremble in his voice that the pastor could hard­ face. ‘ Where are those men1’ he demanded. That night Marjory took some strawber­ was the conclusion of Marjory’s story to Many read in the daytime, while reclining on ‘ They havo gone to conceal themselves near their utmost expansion, now begin to either how could you run off so ?’ a sofa, or in bed, this occasions an unnatural ly refrain from tours. ‘ What have wo ever close like flowers at sunset or break down at ‘ Because I wanted to,’ was the satisfac­ ries and cream to one of the neighbor’s lit­ Deborah, who listened with much interest to done to them !’ ‘ My dear boy,’ replied the the convent.’ strain of the sight, which may very well induce Giving the necessary orders, Tilly seemed lost once. One injudicious stimulant, a single fatal tory reply, and the saucy, wilful child brush­ tle boys who was sick, and on returning she the announcement of Miss Mann’s engage­ organic disease by apersistance in tho abnormal lather, ‘ If they were like you aud your little excitement, may force it beyond its strength, searched all over the garden for Miss Mann, ment ; ‘ however, you do know, Deb, I don’t friends, they would never want to kill or harm in thought, while a squad of tnen went in search ed past Betty, and, in no very conciliatory tension. Our countryman, Crawford, is be­ of tho assassius. It was not long before they whilst a careful supply of props, and the with­ mood, entered the parlor. hut in vain. dislike old maids as much as I did before I lieved by persons most familiar with his habits, their fellow men. But a furious soldier spares drawal of all that tends to force a plant, will neither child nor woman !’ returned with them. The lady who was standing at the table, A t last she went up stairs, and softly to knew her.’ to have brought on the malady whiclqaffects his ‘ Keep them in strict confinement,’ said the sustain it in beauty and vigor until night haa the lady’s room. The door was ajar, and eyos at this time, by the constant habit of read­ ‘ I wish I had a sword or gun!’ exclaimed the entirely set in.—The Science of Life, by a Phy­ examining some neat engravings thereon, ‘ When you can get hold of a good one, eldest, his eyes kindling, and the brave color General; fastening a savage look on the wretches she sat by the window, for it was growing ing in the position referred to. In seeking re­ sician. turned rouud hastily’, and there was a trem­ they’re fust rate, I must say,’ was Deborah’s lief he has made repeated journeys between flushing Lis noble face. ‘ I’d teach them not, who were immediately conveyed to the camp ulous eagerness in her voice as she asked :__ into night, and the stars were throbbing oracular remark ; for she participated some­ to cruss our threshold !’ to meet their deserved fate. Then turning Paris and Rome, then to London, at which to pastor Evenius, with a friendly manner ‘ Are you really Annie’s little girl ? Come to slowly in the summer sky. Marjory saw what in Marjory’s former dislike of the place, the eye beginning to protrude frightfully ‘ Thou art a courageous lad,’ said tho father, P unch thus expresses his distress at the dis­ she held a letter iu her hand—yes, it was class. on the check, by a supposed cancerous forma­ which ho seldom assumed, bo begged that he appearance of woman from tho faco of tha me, my child.’ saying his hand tenderly on the cldest’s head, would namo his own reward. She was pale and on the whole plain, this certainly her uncle’s letter, and suddenly the ‘ And to think, I ’m going to the wedding,’ tion from behind, lias been entirely removed.— , and hast the true spirit. But we are too woak • Do you want riches?’ he asked, * or honor, earth. lady leaned down, and kissed it very fondly, and the little girl’s bright head fluttered Only think of it,—to have an eyo cut clean out to resist, and should only make the soldiors more “ There are no women now & days. Instead ogress of Marjory’s fancy, with soft dark of the head, in the hope of saving life. Even or rank ! Whatever ic may bo, speak out, and of women we havo towering edifices ot silk, murmuring, ‘Oh, Charles! Charles’ and about the kitchen. ‘ I shall have a new furious. God alone, who has allowed our brave it shall bo youis.’ hair folded heavily about her cheeks, with this seems in vain, as he is on the point of re­ defenders to be o verpowered, can now keep us laee and flowers. You see a milliner’s large large, serene, gray eyes, and a mouth, that then the little girl heard distinctly two or white dress, and a most beautiful pair of turning hoa.e, to place himself under the care ‘ Alas !’ replied tho broken hearted old man, advertising van that slides along with a rustling three sobs. gaiters ; and afterward I’m going to make from harm.’ ‘ I havo nothing to ask for myself. My children most significant feature in a woman’s face, of some persons here, who is reputed to ho suc­ At this momont a furious assault was made sound, and you are told that this is a woman ; She stole noiselessly away. ‘ I wonder,’ them a long, long visit.’ have been murdered in my arms, and the ruins but as you cannot approach within several yards not small, hut full, tender, and one that drop­ cessful in cancerous cases.—Hall's Journal of upon the stroet door. Lock and holt were in of my homo cover their bodies. What can I ped naturally into smiles. And Marjory, mused Marjory, ‘ if Uncle Charlie ever did ‘ My goodness!’ exclaimed Deborah, as Health- vain against the kicks and blows; it wa9 soon of the monster obstruction, you cannot tell wish for again ! But my poor townsfolk, who what it is, beyond something that looks like an with her wondering blue eyes fastened on the anything to make dear Miss Mann unhappy. she sprinkled some sugar over a large howl burst open, and half a dozen wild looking men, have been hunted from house to house, driven Well, he’ll be here next summer, and I ’ll entire shop front put into motion, with all the lady, went up to her. of black-heart cherries, she was preparing Our wife, a few days sinefe, observed that with faces black with powder und streaked with into the fields, or killed in the streets, can you tell him all about it then.’ blood rushed in with horrible yells and oaths.— goods in it exposed for sale. I really believo, ‘ How much, how very much she is like for supper. Bridget—the lately arrived young lady who not. will you not spare those that are still loft! if any showman would open an exhibition, her mother! This was said half to herself, Majory said nothing to any one else on boards with us and assists in house work—was Money ! Wine ! screamed the’ruflians, brandish­ Oh, if you are indeed grateful for my warning, 1 Yes;’ and here Marjory’s voiee dropped ing their swords about the pastor’s head.— where one could seo a woman such as women this subject; and a few days afterward Miss cleaning the mouth piece of the speaking tube, do not refuse to listen to my prayer.’ wero in my young days when they used to be half to Marjory’s grandfather, who just then into a low, confidential tone, and she drew Nothing could bedono hut to point to tho closet, Tho sight of that poor old man, pleading for came into the parlor; and Miss Mann push­ Mann left. The house seemed very lonely and being pleased to seo her attentive to such a fair, slim, slender, graceful, well propoitioned, close to Deborah’s side, ‘ and when I groty matter without being told, praised her for so where a few bottles of light wine wero usually his townsmen and forgetting himself, touched ed away’ the short, curly hair, from Marjory’s without her, even to grandpa and Deborah, stored, and to give up the key ol his secretary. and every thing that was beautiful instead of the up I intend to live with Undo Charles and doing. To these kind observations Bridget re­ even Tilly with remorse, and the man whose amimated wardrobes and unrecognizable bundles brow, and gazed on her with a long, eager but Marjory felt her departure far more Tho little house, so neat and trim a few mo­ heart had been steeled by a hundred battles felt keenly than any one else. But she was par­ Aunt Jessie all my life, and bo myself an plied, ‘ Oh, yes, ma'am und now you can spake of tino clothes as they now are.—I really be­ tenderness, that went at once to the little Old Maid !’ a clanc word, ma’am !’ ments before, was soon plundered and ransacked his eyes fill for once with tears. As the pastor tially consoled by a promise which Miss from top to bottom, the furnituro hacked and lieve that' an enterprising showman like that girl’s heart, and she quite forgot that Miss turned away, a ray of joy onco more entered his would rapidly make a largo fortune.” Mann was an old maid. Maun obtained before she left, that Marjo­ broken, and scarcely a window left whole. The forlorn heart; for ho heard the loud trumpet- A Wife's "Retort.—A clergyman of our ac­ pastor, his two sons clinging to his side, sat ‘ Yes,’ said Grandfather Ellis, • our Marje ry should visit her next summer. blast proclaiming peaco to the survivors of Tue Advantage of being a Physiognomist. quaintance, being recently in company where quietly through it all, and when the house was Magdeburg. Castine Harbor.—A writer in The Journal is all Platt, every inch of her—she will be The next June, when the strawberries be- The members of the City Council, it seems, are gau to blush on the hills of Stanton, Uncle several ladips were present, his wife among the thoroughly stripped of everything of value, tho ‘ And is that all, papa?’ inquired Magdalena, of Commerce mentions that the harbor of Cas- as much like Annie and Charles, when she admitted gratis to the circus, and two of them number, and tho recent crimes ol Mrs. Cun­ marrauders in their haste lor more plunder, hur­ Charles made his advent. perceiving that ho stopped. ‘ Pray tell me if tino is one of the few harbors on this coast, of grows up, as one human being can be like who, after tho adjournment of tho Board, pre­ ningham becoming the subject of conversation, ried oil’, without so much as firing at tho quiet depth and capacity enough to receive tho mons­ sented themselves last evening at tho exhibition remarked, with a sort of rogucish leer, that wo must always do good to wicked peoplo, as two others.’ He was a very fine-looking man, in the group, the pastor Evenius did ?’ ter steamship Great Eastern.— Whig. prime of his years, with a heavy moustache. lor an entice, were refusod by the doorkeeper when a woman fell she was fur worse in her Miss Mann did not answer ; she bent down, ‘ We can breathe once more,’ said tho father, The father smiled, and merely said, ‘ Think and kissed Marjory, and with that kiss all’ Much travel had inado his ooiuplexion sev­ (evidently a physiognomist) who not knowing conduct than one of tho other sex. “ My dear sadly looking round tho desolato room. ‘ Let us “ I ’m living on hopes,” said a young clerk. them, exclaimed “ Stand back— here— you! husband,” replied his wife, “ you will recollect it over, Lenny and tell mo to morrow.’ the little girl’s antipathy to her mother’s eral shades darker than when he left, and thank Gud that our lives are spared, though The youngest boy here looked up, and askod “ Capital idea, while provisions are high,” this is no place for vagrants—the watch house that the height from which she falls is infinitely everything else has been taken. Don’t cry, my answorod a young lady. friend vanished at once, and forever. a good many gray hairs were straying among is just round the corner!”—Cincinnati Gazette, greater.”— Cambridge Chronicle. if the yery worst oien hadn't something good in <#

LATERFROM EUROPE. ©fje ftn clto b ffiajefh, Union Sabbath School Pic-Nic. KNOTT CROCKETT. opportunities which offered for the successful ligent community begin to think, there can be a STILL Ou Tuesday of last week several of our Sab­ By the death of the late Knott Crockett, investments of his idle funds, while he was al­ reform in medicine and that the great end of LATERFROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamer Baltic. bath schools united in a delightful pic-nic at tbe ways willing to employ them for the assistance man is not to take physic. Rockland has lost one who occupied the fore­ N ew York, Sept. 15. N ew York, Sept. 14. Thursday Evening, Sept. 17,1857. Lindsey Grove, at which wo wero not able to most place in the ranks of her citizens. By a of his friends; and in the collection of debts “ Be not the last to lay the old aside The Royal Mail steamship Persia, from Steamship Baltic has anchored below in bo present, but of which wo learn that it was long life of prosperity and usefulness ; by the duo him he was lenient to a fault. Not but a “ Nor yet tbe first the new to try.” Liverpool 5th inst,, arrived at this port at 8 the fog. She brings 135 passengers. THE ELECTION. an occasion of much enjoyment and satisfaction faithful occupancy during a largo portion of few months before his death lie expressed the IL B. Eaton, M. D. o’clock this morning. The Baltic left Liverpool at 10 o’clock, to all who were present. Wo understand that this life of various positions of important trust, opinion that an over eagerness to acquire prop­ The London Underwriters on the Atlantic Wednesday, 2d inst. M orrill Elected by a Large Majority. when a union festival of tbe Sunday schools was -bringing him into intimate connexion with erty was by far the causo of greater evil and T he Lady's Home Maoazink.—Tho October Cable offer to pay 36 1-2 per cent, and give There is nothing definite in regard to the up all claims of salvage. The election of Monday passed off very quiet­ proposed Committees from six Sabbath schools all the leading business interests of this vicini­ unhappiness in the world than that other fault number of this excellent monthly is on our Eleven more regiments are under orders Atlantic Telegraph Cable. ty; by a reputation for the most thorough integ­ more commonly reprobated of too great disre­ tuhlo, and wo very cordially welcome it to our I t is reported that Ternon Smith retires | ly in this city, and the contest throughout the met to consider tbe proposed plan, all of whom for India. rity, prudence and judgment, unsullied from tho gard of its value. In his charities, Mr. Crock­ exchango list. Tho number before us is em­ from the Presidency of the Board of Con­ State has been romarkably free from excitement. would have been pleased to unito on tho occa­ The Spanish papers deny the existence of ett though never profuse, nor inclined to large bellished with a fine engraving entitled *' The trol. The aggregate vote of last year wai 121,000, sion, but on account of previous arrangements beginning ; by a manner kind, uniform, simple, a secret treaty between the United States The details of the Indian teem but this year the total vote will be much smaller, on the part of one school, and other circum­ and full ol quiet dignity, and by numerous acts public donations, was thoughtful and constant. Father’s Grave,” a beautiful colored fashion- and Mexico. • with father atrocities. and will probably reaoh about 95000, showing stances which prevented the participation of of kindness and charity toward others, Mr. We believe there aro few deserving poor in his plate, and other engravings of patterns, &e.— The Russian troops aro concentrating on The French papers publish a dispatch a decrease of 20000. La6t year, Mr. Ilamlin’s two others, but three scb'ools wero enabled to Crockett had grown into the enjoyment of a part of the city who have not frequently ex­ This magazine is edited by T. S. Arthur und the Austrain frontier, to prevent interference affirming that mutiny had showed itself in majority was about 17000, and assuming 95000 join in tbe pic-nic. degree of respect and esteem such as few men perienced his benefactions. Though remaining Virginia F. Townsend,both of whom, as writers with the affairs of the Principalities. Bombay, but had been suppressed. as the total vote of this year, Morrill’s majori- The Congregationalist, 1st Baptist and Uni- in the ordinary walks of life attain,—and the im­ through life a bachelor, ho was, more than most of (ruly-drawn and healthful newspaper tales F ra n ce * The U. S. frigates San Jacinto, Ports. and sketches, are, to our mind, superior to Two ships of war had been dispatched to t ' m kalL “ ‘N't Skm,bii> t,,],/ty should be something over 13000, if the vote versalist schools were those which united on pression occasioned by his doath is one of gen­ men of his age, genial and companionable in month and Levant, were at bhanghae J uly ' . T„,i ■ „ protect the French Consul at Shanghai, stands relatively the same as last year. Judging this occasion. At the ringing of tho bell, at eral end profound regret. his manner, kind and even in his disposition, nearly all of the writors now employed as story- writers on our weekly press. We find in Ar­ whose person has been threatened. It is rumored that a secret treaty between frum the returns already received, the Republi- nine o’clock A. M., tho children connected with In addition to the interest connected with and inclined to attach himself strongly to those with whom ho was intimately connected in his thur's tales no morbid sentimentalism, and do the United States and Mexico provides that cans stand about as well, relatively, as last year, these schools, with their touchers and such this event arising from the character and posi­ From Mexico aud Havana——Tlie Calafor- characters which live only in improbable ro­ the former shall furnish 15,000 to 20,000 i and Morrill’s majority will not fall short of friends as chose to unite with them, assembled tion of the man,and liis immediate business and business relations. Rockland was fortunate in ilia M ail* mance,and tho felicity of expression, pure senti­ armed volunteers to take Cuba under the 110,000. Ths vote in Lincoln County was very in front of the Congregationalist meeting-house, social relations, it has a mournful significancy the possession of such a man, and his loss will New Orleans, Sept. 12.—We have advices ment, and touching pathos of Miss Townsend’s Mexican flag, in case of a war with Spain, close, and, with our present returns, it is diffi- at which place a procession was formed, under in the fact that though his life had not reached long bo felt, and his memory cherished as an from Mexico stating that the troubles between pen have a charm which can but win tho inter­ The steamers Khersonese and Queen of cu,t ,0 with wh5cb 6ide the raa:ority win the direction of Superintendent Ueinan Burpee, the scriptural limit of our days,yet Mr,Crockett example showing many things worthy of imita­ the Civil and Ecclesiastical Powers continued, est of her readers. The Home Magazine is and that several disturbances had occurred in the South had left England with troops for Iq th(j vQte for GoYflrnor wag of the 1st Baptist school, as Marshal, and Su­ was ono of the few still surviving, whose mem­ tion. * published by T, S. Arthur & Co. at 103 Walnut consequence, with fatal results. V he steamer La Plata had arrived from last year,-Hamlin, 863, Wells 444, Patten 51, perintendents J. G, Torrey of the Congregation­ ory reached back to a period long before the The American Consul at Mazatlan was exam­ St. Philadelphia, at $2,00 per year. alist and C. A. Libby of the Universalist schools, earliest beginnings of our city, when the ground [ At the urgent solicitation of Dr. Eaton, whose ining into a caso of insult which had been of­ the West Indies with nearly two and a quar- making a total of 1358, but this year only 1003 fered to tho officers and crew of the American votes were polled showing a falling of 355 votes. as aids, and escorted by tho Rockland Band.— now covered by our streets and stores and business card has occupied space in the Gazetto ter millions specie. Godey’s Lady’s Book for October is received. schooner Oda. The procession was not formed by schools, but buildings, was occupied only by woodlands and for a year or two. wo publish, in this connection a The government had got into a new difficulty The treaty between England and Hondu­ There has evidently been some apathy in the It has a splendid steel plato engraving, “ The ras has been ratified in London. I t con­ Republican ranks in our city, in consequence of all the ladies and misses wont first, and next fields of grass and grain. We could not help communication over his own signature in vin­ with the British Chargedes Affaires, the British Sisters,” a beautiful four-figured colored fashion flag having been insulted in some way during tains a special article giving effect to the which the vote which we give below shows a came the boys with their teachers, and after­ reflecting as we looked upon the gray-haired dication of himself and his practico as imperiled plate, and over sixty additional engravings.— his temporary absence. obligations incurred by Honduras in behalf wards such friends as chose to join in tho pro­ men who attended his remains to the grave, and by the action of tho Maine Medical Association. loss on their part from last year. We have in this number the usual excellent The Yucatan revolutionists were gaining of the Honduras Inter-Oceanic Railway Tlio Legislature will to strongly Republican. cession. All walked two by two, and the pro­ whose lives from boyhood had been intimatoly Wo do so only that he may have the privilege ground. Company. literary matter, tho whole comprising ono hun­ In consequence of some dissaffection in the cession, thus formed, numbered nearly three associated with his, how full their hearts wete of openly exhonerating himself from the im­ The steamship Philadelphia, from Havana, China.— A correspondent of the Loudon dred full pages. Subscriho for Godoy or buy it arrived here this evening. She reports that the Democratic ranks, the Republican candidate for hundred, presenting quite un imposing extent. of memories of a distant youth mournfully re­ putation which he fears might be inferred if he Times gives the following as the course re­ at Spear’s and you will be sure to “ get your steamship Central America, with the California solved upon by Lord Elgin : He will pro­ Representative has been elected from St. George, Marching up Limo Rook street, to tho stirring called, and how many and great were tho suffered tlie public announcement of his expul­ mail for New York, left Havana on the morning money’s worth.” of the 8th inst. ceed with a fleet of six vessels to the mouth which is classed with South Thomaston.— music of the Band, they proceeded to the beau­ changes which tho dead and they had shared sion from that body to pass unnoticed.] of the Pei-Ho, near Pekin, when he will Wc give below the full vote of the city for Gov­ tiful Lindsey Grovo, arrived at which place all together. Peterson’s Ladies’ Magazine for October is Tim Overland Mail Route. transmit to the Emperor a letter requiring ernor and Representative, the vote for Governor wero gathered to listen to exercises appropriate Mr, Crockett was born in the year 1792 and Mr. Editor :—Shortly after tho regular An­ on our table, and is full of good things,as usual. Washington, Sept. 14 The modifications him, within a specified time, either to re­ in Lincoln county, as far as heard from up to to the occasion. Prayer was then offered by was consequently Bixty-flve jears of age at the nual Meeting of the Maine Medical Association, made to the overland mail route to the Pacific, Engravings, fashion-plates, literary matter, and cognize or repudiate the acts of his officers Thursday morning, and also in the most impor­ Rev. Mr. Butler, after which all joined in sing­ timo of his death. His father died in 1807 of which I was a member, I 6aw by several at tho instance of John S. Phelps, but which at Canton. If he repudiates and makes everything between its covers is as good as requires the assent of the contractors, are as ing the beautiful national hymn, commencing leaving live children of whom Knott, then fif­ nowspaperB—that I had boen expelled from that compensation for the past, and gives secur­ tant cities and towns in tho State. usual, which is good enough for anybody.— follows : The routo starting from St. Louis to teen years of age, was the eldest, excepting body. pass not further west than Springfield, Mo.; ity for the future, well; if otherwise, Elgin “ My country, ’tis of thee,” Published by C. J. Peterson, Philadelphia, at City Vote for Gov. & Representative. one sister ; and the whole eire of maintaining As no reasons were assigned for such action thence by Fayetteville, Van Buren and Fort will declare war, occupy Canton, and take and tho noble strains of “ America ” swelled $2,00 per year, and sold also at Spear’s. Smith, Arkansas, to Preston, Texas, intersect­ further measures to bring the emperor to Morrill. Smith. Tillson. Starrett. through the fine green aisles and beautiful arches and providing for the family immediately de­ on the part of the meeting, I wrote the corres­ ing at that point the route from Memphis, via reason. Ward 1. 85 43 88 43 of God’s noblest tomple with fine effect. Ap­ volved upon him. Tho farm occupied by his ponding Secretary tor information upon the sub­ New Work by Mrs. IIentz.—Messrs. I . B. Little Rock, Preston and Fort Fillmore to San .t Q 70 70 73 70 Francisco. The Hong Kong correspondent of the propriate speeches wero then made by Mr. Fes­ Father, consisting of somo sevonty-five acres, ject, and received in answor a copy of my Pro­ Peterson & Co., Publishers, of 306 Chestnut London Times, writing on the 8th of July, “ 3. 91 103 93 100 64 91 62 senden and by .Rev. Mr. Wallace,and music was was so heavily encumbered by mortgages, that fessional Card and referring me to the soventh street Philadelphia, have in press, to bo ready * Mr. Benton Improving, thus describes Boggs, the American pirate: “ 4. 90 “ 5. 70 59 74 58 “ eloquently discoursed” by tho Band. The when some years afterwards, and when the section of the Constitution which read as fol­ for sale on Saturday, Sept. 26th, a new work by Washington, Sept. 14. Col, Benton’s phy­ “ An American, named Eli Boggs, was “ 6. 49 88 49 89 company then separated till 12 o’clock, when character and persevering industry of the boy lows :— sicians pronounce him better to-day, and enter­ tried at Hong Kong on Wednesday last for Mrs. Caroline LeeHentz, (author of “ Linda,” tain hopes of his recovery. “ 7. 54 67 55 64 II. B. EATON, M. D. and murder. His name would do — — — — thoy again assembled to partake of refreshments, had secured him somo means, and, what was “ Rena, or the Snow-Bird,” “ Loyo after Mar­ That Gold SuuiT Box Returned to Tennes- 509 494 523 486 and no one was obliged to leave the “ wants of more valuable, many warm and sincere friends, H O M E O P A TH IC P H Y S1C IA H ^-c., riage” &e.) ontitled “TubLost Daughter.” for a villain of the class, but in •e e , tho inner man ” unsatisfied. An abundance of tho timo camo when it was necessary to decido form and feature he was the hero of a sen­ ROCKPORT, MAINE. Mr^: Hentz is a writer of much popularity, Xew York, Sept. 14. Mr Jackson, the cus­ timental novel; as he stood in the dock, LINCOLN COUNTY. whether to redeem the land or to allow it to pure iced-water supplied the Best beverage which Dr. E. is a member of tho Maine Medical As- and this new work will be greeted with pleasure todian of tbe Jackson Gold Snuff Eox, has de­ bravely battling for his life, it seemed im­ Morrill. could be provided, and everybody enjoyed the pass into the possession of others, it was thought by her many admirers. The work will ho pub­ clined to deliver it, and returns with it to Ten. possible that that handsome boy could be the 84 26 sociati Hi uud also a member of tlio Homeopa­ nesseo to-morrow. Bremen, social repast. After this feature of the festival doubtful if it was worth tho cost of retaining lished in one largo duodecimo volume at $1,25, pirate whose name had been for three years Bristol, 260 151 thic College of Health. had received its duo attention, the Band again it. But by the advice and assistance of his or in two volumes, paper cover, for $1,00.— connected with the boldest and bloodiest Damariscotta, 176 85 Sect. 7 [or Constitution.] “ Any.member S u ic id e . 63 life-long friend Joseph Ingraham, Jr., and of acts of piracy. I t was a face of feminine Dresden. 100 “ issued ” some of its favorite “ notes,” which of this Association, who shall abandon the le­ Messrs. Peterson & Co., have also in press to be Providence, Sept. 14. Arnold Cook, or Bel­ Edgecomb, 93 68 were gladly received at “ par,” notwithstanding some others who wero interested in his behalf, gitimate domain of medicine for the practice of ready on Saturday, Oct. 3d, Mrs Hale's “ Re­ lingham, Mass., committed suicide on Sunday beauty. Not a down upon the upper lip, Muscle Ridge, - 29 24 morning, hy strangulation with a scarf, the critical aspect of financial affairs. We un­ the farm was redeemed, and its subsequent in­ Homeopathy, Hydropathy or any kindred de­ ceipts for the Million,’ containing ‘four thous­ large lustrous eyes, a mouth, the smile of Newcastle, 238 74 lusion, or urder any consideration shall adopt derstand, too, that “ Father Burpee ” read a crease in value, attendant upon the growth of j and five hundred and forty-five reoeipts, lacts, which might woo coy maiden, affluent black Nubleborough, 15G 111 principles of practice repugnant to true medical .New Orleans, Sept. 11. The paper of a com hair not carelessly parted, hands so small Rockland, 509 489 little poem appropriate to tho occasion, which our city, did much to assist and establish his i■ science, shall he regarded as destitute of pro- directions, knowledge, etc., in the useful, orna­ mission houso in this city, chiefly engaged in and 60 delicately white that they would South Thomaston, 131 88 was well received. fortune. Tho only brother of Mr. Crockett,!i fessional honesty, totally unworthy of public mental and domestic arts, und in the conduct the cotton and sugar tiade, went to protest yes­ create a sensation in Belgravia—such was Sr. George, 60 233 confidence; and no longer entitled to member­ terday and to-day. The house has been estab­ 256 One of the most pleasing features of tho oc­ Edward, who was last at sea in early manhood, of life.” This truly valuable work is issued in the Hong Kong pirate, Eli Boggs. The de­ Thomaston, 284 ship in this association.” lished here for years, and has connections in Union, 149 161 casion was that afforded by the fine children of was a more child at tho time of his father’s one large volume of nearly 800 pages for $1,25. fense was, of course, false. It had been Now, every intelligent and unbiased person other parts of the South, and in Europe. Waldoboro’ 198 552 Mr. C. A, Lirby, who, accompanied by their death, and was incapable of rendering any as­ Either of theso works will he sent te any part proved that he had boarded a junk, and de­ 243 will readily perceive by this rhetorical flourish Two drovers of Lincoln, Me., gathered a herd Warren, 205 father, sang the popular songs called 11 Nellie sistance in the care of the family. of the country^ post-paid, on the receipt by the stroyed by cannon, pistol and sword, fifteen Wiscasset, 1G1 215 of an zVilopatliist’s pen, that the sagacious sa- of one hundred and ninetoen cattle, and startad Grey ” and “ Belle Brandon,” much to the de­ Under such conditions Mr. Crockett passed men; and that having forced all the rest Representatives elected, Rockland, Davis Till­ I vans constituting a majority of that meeting, publisher of the price, in a letter. Messrs. P. with them for Brighten. They drove them as light of their listeners. Tho sweet voices of at one step from boyhood into the gravest far as Bangor, and placed them in a pasture to overboard, he had fired at one of the vic­ son, llep. Thomaston, Robert Walsh, Rep. St. i fancied that they were tlio chosen guardians of & Co., also publish a beautiful duodecimo illus­ George and So. Thomaston, Saiu’l Trussell, ; flic little singers, respectively 9 and 6 years cares and responsibilities of life. And it was trated edition of the works of Charles Dickens, remain over night. Tho next morning they tims who had clutched a rope and held on ! tho health, morals and minds of the people of missed sixty of their cattle, and supposing they astern. No witness, however, could say that Rop. Warren, Benj. Buxton, Detn. Edgcomb, of age, and the remarkable proficiency displayed by his faithful and unfaltering discharge of i this State, and the only power on earth capable complete in 25 volumes, with over 500 steel and had returned home followed them, and "found he saw a man die from a blow or a s h o t------.Dem. H aldoboro , John Balch, Dem., these obligations, that, at an ago when most WjjcassfZ, T. Cunningham, Deni. Appleton, in their execution of these songs,bore testimony ) of prescribing boundaries to tho legitimate do- wood illustrations. They also publish twelve that a part of the sixty had passed two toll struck or fired by , The jury, bridges and arrived at Mattawumkeag—a dis­ IVm. B Conant, Rep. Damariscotta, E. B. aliko to their natural endowment and to the men have yet a reputation to establish, Mr. ! main of modicine. different editions of Dickens’ works in octavo moved by bis youth and courage, and strain­ French, Rep. Washington. J. Mitchell, Dem. care with which Mr, Libby has cultivated this Crockett lityl already gijen a sure indication of form, the cheap edition being complete in thir­ tance of 70 miles—the next night alter leaving ing hard their consciences, acquitted him of ' At this I am not surprised ; nor do I wish to Bangor. The remainder of the sixty were found ; sweet gift in his children. the worth and estimation into which he grew teen volumes, paper covers at 50 cts. each. the murder, but found him guilty of piracy. 1 complain at the course they have seen fit to pur- in tho woods about two miles from tho pasture from which they escaped. He was sentenced to be transported for life. Augusta, 691 392 After listening to these songs, the company in after life. By working upon the farm ; by j sue in my case, for it is in perfect keeping with j again separated, and enjoyed themselves in va- teaching; by- burning lime in the little old Tragedy nt W rcmlinut I—A W ife Shot by The London Times states that 15,000 Bangor, 1093 666 the tyrannical rule of tho Allopathic Medical her HiaMbnnd. men of the militia are to be called out, and Bath, 623 295 i rious recreations until the time of return. Some fashioned kilns capable of holding only about a NEWS ITEMS, 342 Profession ; but I do complain at the arrogant On Saturday evening last, about six o’clock, a fifteen second battalions of the line formed, Belfast, 425 , half-dozen fine swings had been put in the grove, sixth as much as those now in use, and the Biddeford, 625 623 assumption of the Maine Medical Association, man by tho name of George R. Lewis shot his Thirty five persons in Cherrvfield and vicinity instead of the regiments sent to India, also Camden,* 319 202 : for such as desired to amuso themselves with rock and ivood for which he was accustomed to that “ tho practice of Homeopathy, is repug- wife Caroline through the neck with a fowling will emigrate to Minnesota this fall. More than that an additional force of artillery is to be Calais, 446 200 ' them, while tho members of the Band had fine provide and haul himself with the aid of a sin­ piece, and then struck her upon the temple with twice that number from Beddington, Deblois i nant to true medical science.” tho breech of the piece, fracturing tho skull, and Cherryfield have already, within a few sent to India. Frankfort, 357 199 5 sport at playing goal-ball, and tho foot-hnll nf- gle horse ; in short by tbootriotoct industry and 44? 242 This, like luuiijr other ussuinptluns Tailing and shivering the gun stock. An inquest called years past, gone to that territory. A prospectus of the Red Sea Telegraph Gardiner, ; forded exercise and amusement for others. At prudence he not only provided for those who Company for constructing the first section of Portland, 1818 1437 ! from the lips of this medical profession, is des- by Edward C. Craig of Sheldonville, a coroner .564 277 : four o’clock the company re-assembled, formed wero dependent upon him hut gradually acquir­ for the county, disclosed the following facts : Some idea of tho extent of our herring fish­ the line to India, from Alexandria to Aden, Saeo, 1 titute of truth and unaccompanied by authority, ery may he obtained from the fact that at Treat’s I in procession and marched to the place from ed a little capital. With this in the year 1817 Lewis is a young American man, about twenty- has been issued. The Company propose a *S. L. Milliken, Republican, re-elected to the and is flatly contradicted by the observation two years of age, who has been employed for Island there were caught, salted and strun- up purchase of the Atlantic Telegraph cable. Legislature by about 140 majority. j which they had started, where the children he commenced trade in a store standing upon and experience of millions of the thinking and six months by John Craig, a farmer of \Yront- for smoking in five days week before last, what will make or pack five thousand boxes. It is stated in the Loudon News that four - were dismissed, well satisfied with their day’s the corner of Main and Limerock Sts., on tbe intelligent portion of mankind both in this ham. He has borne an excellent character up Thursday Morning. cavalry regiments lately embarked from i festival. ground now occupied by tho block of II. G. i country and in Europe. to the time of the commission of tlio deed.— A Schoharie (N. Y.) paper says that, in con­ London for the East Indies, are provided We learn this morning that the Republican About two years ago he marriejl a Miss Green, sequence of the scarcity of hands araon» tho From every one whom wo have heard speak Berry. j Before the Medical Association of Maino stig­ with Sharpe aud American breech loading Senatorial ticket in this district is elected by a very pretty girl, his cousin. She had not borne farmers in certain sections of that county, wo­ of the occasion, we learn that it was one of At that timo Oliver Fales, Iddo Kimball, an unexceptionable character according to re­ carbines. very handsome majority. Seth Gerry, Repub­ matize tho Homeopathic practico of medicine as men aro receiving $1 per day for assisting in tho great satisfaction, not only to the children, but William Spear, Charles Spofford, and David port, before her marriage, hut after marriage, harvest. The Monileur announces that diplomatic lican candidate for County Commissioner, is a “ delusion,” it appears to me, that they would to their teachers and all those persons from the Gay, were the only other parties in tho mercan­ for a year or more, sho conducted herself with relations between the representatives of clectedj and Watts Gibbs, Republican candi- appear much better before an inquiring people propriety. Within a few months sho has been lhe Christian Ambassador (Universalist), several congregations whose schools wero rep­ tile business in this vicinity, and of the whole says “ that a large proportion of tho Universa­ France, Russia, Prussia, and Sardina on the date for County Treasurer, is probably olected. to give somo valid reason for the use of such absent for several days at a time oil many oc­ one part, and the Porte on the other, were resented who were present. We like to see Mr. Fales is now tlio last survivor. From this casions, and her irregularities were a constant list denomination, including both clergymen and The Portland Advertiser of yesterday lias re­ j epithets as are contained in the above extract of laymen, believe in future limited puishment.” resumed at Constantinople on the 29tli ult. beginning Mr. Crockett gradually increased in source of anxiety to her husband. Saturday turns from one hundred and seventy-five towns, such gatherings, and if those who aro interest­ the soventh section of the Constitution, It is rumored that the East India Com­ the extent and [profit of his business. In the afternoon, about half-past five o’clock, ho went Rev. James B. Finley, a pioneer xMethodist ed are satisfied, that this is an excellent way in j I perceive, sir that I was unanimously expell­ to tho houso of his njother-in-law, and, as ha pany have appealed to the government for which give Morrill (Republican) 33,006’votes year 1S38 he took into partnership William preacher at tho est, familiarly known as “ the which to enjoy a Sunday school festival, we ed, and I have no doubt they U6od the same says, detected his wife in criminality with Old Chief,” died at Eaton, Ohio, on Monday, at 6 more regiments to be sent out immediately. for Governor ; Smith (Democrat) 24,946, a Re­ hope these “ Union Pie-Nics ” may he continu­ Thomas, afterward one of our most prominent word when they expelled Professor Waterhouso another man. A scene of violence followed, the age of 77 years. IIg was born in North This will raise the European force in India, publican majority of 8060. Tho same towns ed at future seasons, and that all our Sabbath and influential citizens, and who died, much re­ and he left the house. Carolina. after allowing for contingences, to eighty last yoar gavo Hamlin 43,254, Wells 25,639, whose name shall be remembered with gratitude On his way back to Mr. Craig’s house, his schools may unite in them. gretted, in 1849. In tho year 1841 Mr. Crockett The English government has decided that thousand men. In the course of a fortnight Patten 4381, a Republican majority of 13,234; as long as the human heart shall vibrate to tbo wife overtook him, and he tried to persuade her finally diseonneeted himself from the mercan­ to go home and told her he would forgive her. neither women nor children shall accompany from the present date, those who were first wb;ciiSi10ws a nett Republican loss this year of Gas from Peat.—Wo learn from tho Adver­ note of sympathy and benevolence. That asso­ the Regiments about departing lor India. The out will begin to arrive at Calcutta. The tile business, and afterward confined himself to She replied that she should do what she pleased tiser, that on Monday night Portland was light­ ciation has been peculiarly unfortunate; it und when, and where, and with whom she most experienced officers express their approval East India Company arc very anxious re-1 ' ------tho care of his ample property and the duties having lost about ono twelfth of its most distin­ of the measure. ed with gas, obtained from peat, procured from of his official positions. pleased. He then shot her. This latter ac­ garding the probable complexion of the next F ire . Capo Elizabeth. The Advertiser says that the guished mombers during tho last few years, they count is his own. Ho instantly went to Mr. The New Haven Journal states that ice formed In the year 1836, upon the organization of the news. At about one o’clock on Saturday morning, a experiment was entirely successful, and the light havingjrenounced the old practice of physic and Craig, told him what had done and why, and to the thickness of window glass, at Guodspeed's Last dates from Bombay are to J uly 30. Limo Rock Bank, Mr. Crockett was made its where he would find the body. He was in a Landing a few nights sinco. fire broke out at the corner of Warren and ran clear and brilliant, and few of the citizens j are now Homeopaths. wero aware that the gas was not obtained from first President,and continued in that position till terrible state of excitement, and when asked it Brewster streets, by which a two story wooden i And I presumo tho unanimous expulsion of ho planned it, said no, lie thought of it at the lho interest on tho State debt of \irginia cnal, as usual. This experiment was projected his death, His known wealth, his extensivo A Sad Scene.—Two Indians and a half-breed Llock of houses containing four tenements, and and carried into effect, through tho enterprise Dr. Waterhouse from the Massachusetts Medi­ instant and had done it before ho knew it. The amounts to £1,790,000 annually. The “ mother were recently arrested in Minnesota, charged „ . . . . ■ ,. , , , -_.,,, ! acquaintance, and tho unbounded confideneo deed was committed in an open pasture, near of Presidents ” ia badly off. with the murder of a pedlar on Gull Lake, and 11 Ema11 store adJ0,DlnS’ whole be.ng the of Edwin S. Hovey, Esq., of Portland and for­ cal Association for vaccinating the family of merly of this city, who is ono of the proprie­ j which was universally reposed in the soundness two public roads and in full view of Mr. Craig's The Great Eastern.—At tho present time, all three of them were lynched. They were in property of Mr. Rufus Carll, were totally de- Rev. Mr. Matthers, cheeked tho blessing of that house, and this, together with his previous ex­ tors of the hog from which tho peat is taken, of his judgment, his prudence, and his uuim- twelve hundred men are employed upon the the custody of the sheriff at the time they were , stroyed. The fire, as we understand, originated comprizing about 300 acres, and will furnish wonderful discovery of Jenney, about as much cellent character and conduct, and the character Great Eastern, and it is expected that she will ! peachable integrity, was of great value in as­ described t‘^ m°b’ andtbe terribl® 6CCne '3 tbuS I >“ the attic, and Iiad brokc" through the roof peat sufficient to light the city for a century to as tbo expulsion, of uiyself from that association of tlio other parties, gives probability to his be launched in October. come. It is near the city and can easily be sisting the credit and success of tho institution. story. Ho has tho sympathy of all who have The sheriff proceeded with the prisoners to a whcn it was discovered, and, as the fire burned by the unanimous voice of fifty physicians out Pennsylvania Election—Tho Philadelphia transported by water to tho gas works. "This Soon after its establishment, occurred the great known him at Wrentham. Ilo says ho took his little below Platte River, when ho was overtak- rapidly, it had consequently made considerable is the first experiment made on this continent of one hundred and fifty which constitute that gun to kill a wood chuck, and it appeared that Sun predicts the election of Wilmot for Gover­ panic of 1837, injwhich nearly all the Banks of en by several teams loaded with men, who, headway before the engines could arrive and to light a city from gas made from peat. body, will check that science of medicine, which lio often had done so. He did not load the gun nor by 30,000 majority. It says the old lino wrested the prisoner, from him, holding the j t uh t| unru| elenient. _ tho Middle and New England States woro forced himself, and had no ammunition beside that in Whigs are everywhere united in his support. sheriff until the former were put into other! J gySueli of our readers as desire to purchase ranks among its number the Surgeon General of tho gun. wagons, when all turned back toSwan River. “ Defiance and “ Dirigo Engines weroprompt- ta suspend specio payments, but so great was Run upon a Sayings Bank at Lowell. The plums of tho choicest kinds, aro directed to the the French Navy and Member of tho Academy The Coronor's Jury returned a verdict that foolish run upon the City Saving Bank is con­ After all bad taken supper, they went about ly upon the spot, however, and rendered most tho confidence felt in Mr. Crockett that tho of Science; every Court in Euiope having her deceased camo to her death from a gun shot advertisement of Mr. Charles Barrett, in to • tinued by the foreign depositors. The bank was half way to Little falls, put a pole over the efficient service, in subduing and preventing the people rather brought specie to the Bank thaD Homeopathic Physieiansjogether with tbe most wound, aod a blow from a gun, in the hands of never in better condition than at present. Tho branches of two trees, which they found sufii- , „ day's paper. Those who are accustomed to took it away, and tlio Bank steadily maintained her husband. ciently close together for the purpose, drove a sPread of tbe flamCS’ „ . „ . distinguished scholars, Physicians aud Surgeons surplus earnings of the institution for the last visit this orchard to partake of its delicious fruit tho credit of its issue. Nor, since that period, tivo years will be divided next January, and wagon which contained the prisoner under the Much credit is due to Chief Engineer Kim- of our timo, and which is now blessing millions can now make up their parties. has it ceased to enjoy the fullest confidence of Items. —Samuel Clark, an old gentleman of every ono who now withdraws his money must pole, put a board across the bind end of the : ball, wlio was assisted by ex-Engineer Blrpee, of the human race. loso about ten per cent, on it, while those who wagon on which the Indians were placed stand- for tbe iet and t cfficieucy with wbich tho public. nearly 70, belonging to Lincoln, Me., was rob­ Sapient Counsellors !! Will wisdom die bed of his carpet bag, containing $182 in gold, do not withdraw till after January, will receive ing, adjusted a rope arouna the neck cf each, „ , C _ ‘ .. , Slavb Catching in Maryland. A letter In 1846, upon the establishment of the Lime a much larger extra dividend.—Lowell Courier. after which tho horses were started suddenly, the efforts of the firemen were conducted, dated Washington, Sept. 6. says : with thee 1 . on hoard the steamer ForeBt City, after her ar­ the culprits fell, and after a few struggles life During the conflagration, tho engines were “ A few days since, about seventeen slaves, Rock Insurance Company Of this city, Mr. rival at Portland from Boston, Thursday morn­ Copper and Pearls in Minnesota.—A uilding consumed was occupied in only tality, in all the large cities both in this coun­ he was led to resign his seat on tlio Supreme ed the plan to he pursued in deepening Lake Permanent Ceres in all affections of the an election as ono of tbe Republican Electors Bench in consequence of the inadequacy ot the Peter, W. A. McAlpine, late chief Engineer of ampton, a piece of the flexible sand-stone from , f , throat and lungs are constantly being made by try and in Europe, show in a mauner which Delhi, the seat of the great Indian revolt. It is ; tho lowcr portion of ono tenement, (tbe third for this state. Such, in brief, is a sketch of tho salary—having found from experience that his the State of Now York, and now resident in Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. Great as is cannot bo refuted the superiority of tho Homeo­ official income was insufficient to educato liis Chicago, aud John Kirkwood, of New York. a small slab, about a loot long, four inches wide • from Brewster street ) and the fire originated, its reputation, its works are greater. Many life and public relations sustained by tho de­ and three quarters of an inch thick, and can be i We understand, in the North side of tho unoe- pathic practico, by about 37 per cent. For in­ children and to support an establishment at the physicians speak of it in the highest terms. ceased, and at the same time we have necessa­ seat of government in keeping with the dignity Many persons spend so much timo in criticis* literally bent. If it were three times as long stance take the statistics of scarletena (canker iog and disputing ubout the Gospel, that they and bold out by one end, it would bend so as to cupied tenemont next above, toward Brewster rily reforred to those prominent distinguishing of his high judicial possition.” street. From this circumstance, the opinion is rash) that recent scourgo of our community! have none left for practising it. As if two sick have the appearance of a bow. While bending In Belfast, on Friday evening last, Martin qualities which rendered him so long afid 5° man should quarrel about tho phraseology of a Elight rattle is heard as if tbe slab was frac­ entertained that the fire may bavo been the Crowley, between 40 and 50 years of age. fell ufiu ;bev show that only two in a hundred die widely an object of attachment and respect._ Molasses from the Chinese Cane.—The New thoir physician’s prescription, and forget to take tured or jointed, but although so thin, not the from tho hay-loft of a stable, 60me fifteen feet, under Homeopathic trofilHient while those un­ the medicine, work of an incendiary. Tbe store was occupied His strong reliable judgment; his unwavering Orleans Picayune announces the arrival hy the slightest sign of a fracture is observable on its to the floor, striking on the front part of his der Allopathic treatment is nine in a hundred. ataamer Lecomte, Captain Johnson, of 65 bar­ surface. The 6and-stone is hard, of a very as a boot and shoe making Bbop and shoe store, head, and killing him almost instantly. Ho left self-reliance ; his rare and noble integrity ; all A merchant of Cincinnati, who traveled It matters not, however, if any man dare, what­ rels new molasses, mail ftoni **vs Sorgho Sucre, slight color, and when examined by a powerful by Mr. Chapman, who also occupied the tene­ a wife and family. theso qualities were well known and apprecia­ through several counties in Indiana last week- microscope its crystalization appears exceeding­ ever may ha his conviction, to step from the or Chinese sugar cane, on the plantation of Mr. reports to the Gazette that the hog cholera is mont which wc first alluded to. We under­ ted through all this vicinity. But there wore Delery, parish Gf St. Bernard. This is somo- ly beautiful.’’ Mr. William Plukes, recently from California self-styled regular practica, he must bo placed prevailing to an alarming extent. The trade in stand that Mr. Chapman’s household goods, as many others, scarcely less cstimnhlo, better what in anticipation of usual receipts of Dew stock hogs had been checked in consequence, and on his way homo to Vermont, was robbed of on the bed and cut to tho mark of past agos. well as the contents of the shop, were saved.— known to those with whom his relations were molasses. feeders not being disposed to run the risk, which $50 by the patent safe game at New York on Well, gentlemen, keep your Guillotine in or­ Extraordinary Suicide. Mrs.. Olivo Clyde The buildings consumed were insured for $2300, Friday. One of tho swindlers was arrested and close and intimate. For a man whose success is now very great. In somo sectipns the opin­ der. Your 7th section of Japanese non inter­ ion pr0v3;!nd that the use of pork would be sus­ of Bristol, Yt. lately committed suicide by starv-' fur £2000 in the Ilolyoko Co., of Salem and the the money recovered, in life bad been based upon patient industry and Mrs. Cunningham.—In the court of Oyer and ing herself to death ! Her husband had deser-: . . , course may make you the wonder of tho ago ! pended in a great measure, owing to the fears ted her and, unable to support herself, she re- remaining $300 in the /Etna coffice at Hartford, a careful economy, Mr. Crockett had very much Terminer at New York, yesterday, Mrs. Cun­ created by the spread of tho disease, Professor Morse writes to his family in rela­ but you will have considerable work to do.- only ningham was arraigned on tho bogus baby ceived aid from the town. Her situation so Conn. tion to the Atlantic Telegraph, that the electric less of the mere love of gain than might natur­ charge, and pleaded not guilty. Her trial was weighed on her mind that she settled into ai when you publish your expulsions be gentlemen he omet connection was perfect until the moment of the ally bo expected. In fact no word or act of his sot down for neit Monday weok. deep me'ancholy, and refusing all food, after T---- C------. —Prentice, - - . of the—------Louisville enough to assign your reasons; don’t bo asham­ , ...... " wore. ■■ xou nau thirty-three days of fasting, died in terrible; Journal says lho comet .s a gay deceiver! parting of the cable, yet the farther it was paid ever suggested to us the least eagerness on his out, the feebler were the currents, indicating a ed of them,—Homeopathy will defend itself.— keep quiot.” was the reply, “ or I will g agony. Everything was done to cause her to he promised to jostle the earth, but he has only part for the increase of his wealth. On the Obituary.—The Atlantic Telegraph Company the ‘ sack.’ ” I shsuld bo moat happy, i break her determination, that prudence could Jilted her. The rogue has told a tale, instead of difficulty requiring attentive investigation though Many of your members are secretly using Hom- he does not consider it serious. contrary he seemed to forego willingly many (for the present) has thrown off the “ mortal gallant response, “ if you would give i dictate, but in vain, 1 showing one. eopathio medicines, and the informed and intel- coil.” a« it is, with yourself inside of it.” LIME, WOOD & CASK MARKET THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, Rockland Bank. WILLIAM BEATTIE, 3 S T E 'W Reported for the Gazette, by SIR JAMES CLARKE’S ’THE Stockholders of the Rockland Bank are NO. 2 SPOFFORD BLOCK, •L hereby notified that their annual meeting will be held Counsellor and A ttorney at Law, Fire Insurance. ALDEN ULMER, Inspector. at their Banking Room on Saturday the 10th day of Oet. 37tf ROCKLAND MAINE. Rockland, September 17. Celebrated Female Pills. next at 2 o’clock P. M., for the choice of Directors for the ROCKLAND, ME. DRY GOODS STORE I.ime per cask, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, ensuing year, and the transaction of any other business Houchins’ Starch Polish Wafers. that may legally.come before them. —AND— E. H. COCHRAN’S Kiln-wood, per cord, $2,50 (S) 3,00 M . D., Physician Extraordinary to the Per Order, TUST received at WM. H.TITCOMB, Cashier. 37tf CITY DRUG STORE. Queen. Rockland, Sept. 15, 1857. (38 3w) IRSURANCE AGENCY, SPECIAL NOTICES This invaluable Medicine is unfailing in the cure of all Ilouchins’ €01*11 Solvent. those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female North Bank. SPOFFORD BLOCK, MAIN ST., constitution is subject. It moderates all exeess, and re­ A N Infallible Remedy, for sale by the agont, NEW STOCK. 37“ DR. BANKS has moved to his residence moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied 'THE Stockholders of the North Bank, Rock- LA F. G. COOK, on Middle Street, which may be distinguished at night by a ou. •L land, are hereby notified that their annual meeting City Drug Store, ROCKLAND. will be held at their Banking Room, Crockett Building red light in front, plainly to be seen from Main Street. TO MARRIED LADllES HE centrally located and popular DRY Next door to A. H. Kimball’s. on Saturday the 3d day of October at two o’clock P. M., G u m D rop s. it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a shot time, bring on for the choice of a Board of Directors for the ensuing GOODS STORE, formerly kept by Messrs. WIL­ TSON & CASE has been taken by ore 1 IIOME TESTIMO XV. the monthly period with regularity. year. Also to act upon any other business that may legally Ofv Boxes Lemon and Raspberry Gum Drops, 3T ^ come before said meeting. " G for sale nt CITY DRUG STORE. Boston, April 18, 1852. ? Each bottle, Price One Dollar, bears the Government Per Order, No. 48 Union Street. > JOHN M. GOUJLD, E. H. COCHRAN, Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. S. N. HATCH, Cashier. Spruce Gum, Spruce Gum. Mr. Seth W . Fowlk—Dear Sir A sense of gratitude Rockland, Sept. 16, 1857. 38 3w (formerly with B. W . LOTHROP,) WILL TAKE RISKS ON f prompts me to make the following statement, which is CAUTION. HAVE just received a nice lot of Spruce nt your disposal. Your invaluable medicine, lean truly These Pills should not be taken by females during the F o u n d , Gum. F. G. COOK, where may be iound a NEW and complete assortment of DWELLING HOUSES, say, nttucked by a sudden cold, which resulted in a very I City Drug Store*. severe cough, with violent pains in the side and chest.— Fir»t Three Months of Pregnancy, as they are sure P0CKET B00K, containing valuable pa- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, From that time, 1 began to waste away, notwithstanding to bring on miscarriage ; but at any other time they are A pers, which the owner can obtain by calling at this LOST. D R Y G- O O 23 1 STORES, wus under the treatment of skillful physicians. I became safe. office, proving his property and paying lor this notice. ho much reduced, that my friends frankly told me that Rockland, Sept. 17, 1857. 38 3w DETWEEN Bogg’s Store' in Warren, and AND FANCY ARTICLES, STOCKS OF GOODS, must die. A t this crisis, I heard of WISTAR’S BALSAM In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in «teu.y»-ac JJ Orff’s Corner, No. Waldoboro’, 7th inst., a valuable FINISHING RISKS ON BUILDINGS OF WILD CHERRY, and immediately sent for a bottle.— the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, palpita­ Parasol. The finder will receive $2,00 reward ou leaving consisting of almost every srlicle usually called for in this The effect produced was indeed wonderful. My physician, Guardian’s Sale. line of trade. These goods have all been bought within in process of construction, and all other In­ one of the most respectable in Boston, who had previously tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will it at the Gazette Office, Rockland. THAT’S WHERE EVERYBODY UY virtue of a license from the Judge of Pro- Rockland, Sept. 9, 1857. 3w37 the last thirty days for C a sh and under the most favor­ surable property, in the following companies, told me that a cure was hopeless, came in, and I informed effect a cure when all other means have failed, and al -LJ bate, I shall sell at Public Auction, on the premises able circumstances, and will be offered for saie at lower him what 1 had taken. He examined the Balsam, and ad­ prices than the same quality of articles have ever been vised me to continue the use of it, since which time 1 have though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, on Saturday, the 17th day of October next, at 1 o’clock, COAL, C O A L , COAL. BUY THEIR known to be safe and prompt in the adjust­ P. M., for the benefit of PATRICK JAMESON, the fol­ sold for in this or any other market. There never has continued to improve daily ; and the same physician antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. been a time (or at least for several years) when ment of their losses. had given me up, told me,"a few days since, that I might lowing described real estate, viz:— ^ y iU T E ASH, suitable for burning in Full directions accompany each package. A lot of land situate in Camden, and bounded as fol­ Insurance effected in Stock Companies or yet live many years. Respectfully, FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS MARY ROWE. Sole Agents for the United Slates and Canada, lows : beginning at stake and stores on the town line at the Southerly corner of land of the heirs of Isaac Jame­ FURNACES AND GRATES, Mutualj as applicants prefer. We can cheerfully testify to the truth of the above state­ JOB MOSES, ment, Mrs. Rowe having been an inmate of our family for son, thence North 59 degrees East 87 rods by said heirs will bo Bold cheap for,Cash by (Late I. C. Baldwin & Co.) land, to land of John Jones, thence South 31 deg. East by HATS & CAFS Home months past. G. W. DERR' MAINE INSURANCE COMPANY, WILLIAM DENNETT, Rochester, N. Y. said Jones, 70 rods to land of Wm. Jameson, thence South Rockland, Sept. 7,1857. MARTHA DENNETT, 59 degrees West by said Jameson’s land 87 rods to town AND HE HAS Fashionable Seasonable D ry Goods at ACGUSTA, ME. None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. N.JB. $1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au line, thence North 31 deg. West by said line to the place of beginning containing about 38 acres. GREAT BARGAINS C apital $300,000. SETH W. FOWLE CO., 138 Washington Street Bos thorized Agent, will insure a bottle of the Pills by return Terms made known at time and place of sale. ton, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. mail. are particularly invited to call and see J. H. W illiams, Sec’y. J. L. Cutler, Prea’t. Agents for Wistar’s Balsam and Oxgenated Bitters,—C. CHARLES CROCKETT, Guardian. AMBROTYPES, MELAIN0TYPES, P. FESSENDEN, and N. WIGGIN, Rockland; A. For sale by C. P. FESSENDEN, and N. WIGGIN Rockland, Sept. 16, 1857. 3w38 JUST RECEIVED THESE THINGS, SWEETLAND, Rockport; J. II. ESTABROOK, Camden; Rockland ; and one Druggist in every town in the United WM. COOK, and G. I. ROBINSON Thomaston. 2w38 C a u tio n . AND and learn how cheap we sell them. States. THE The Stock will be freely shown and no one urged to buy unless they feel it to be for their own interest to do so. T r y I t . BURR, FOSTER & CO* No. 1 Cornhill, Boston TH E undersigned hereby notifies and warns all J-[persona against purchasing a note of hand given by J. M. GOULD Charter Oak Fire and Marine Co. Rheumatism, Colic, Croup, Cuts, Pain in Limbs, Back Wholesale Agents for New England. me to IDDO K, KIMBALL for $1358.50 dated August 27th Patent Leather Pictures. Rockland, Aug. 4, 1857. 32tf HARTFORD,CONN. and Chest, are immediately cured by using Dr. T ohias’ February 19, 1857. 6m8rs26 1857 payable to aaid Kimball or order on demand. Said CAPITAL, *300,000 note was given without consideration, and procured by V enetian Liniment. Nothing has even been discovrred THOSE on Patent Leather may be sent to any FALLSTYLES Gentlemen in their Dressing-Rooms, false representations by said Kimball. The said Kimball J oseph II. Spraoue, Sec’y. Ralph Gillett, Pres’t. that stops pain like it. Warranted. None genuine unless acknowledged I had paid the draft or check (for which said -L part of the world without injury under the common stamp. They can be obtained at E. R. SPEAR signed S. I. Tobias. Ladies at their Toilet, note was given) to the Lime Rock Bank. I shall never FOR Price 25 50 cts. Depot, 56 Cortlandt 8t., New-Y’ork. pay said note. Wholesale and retail Dealer in Mothers ia the Nursery, JOHN SPEAR. B L O D G E T T ’S S A L O O N , Sold byC . P. FESSENDEN, N. H. HALL and F. G. Rockland, Sept, 16, 1 8 5 7 .______Sw38 Conway Fire Insurance Company. COOK. Rockland ; WM. COOK and G. I. ROBINSCN, The Old to Restore the Hair, near the WILLOW TREE, NORTH END. BOOKS, YT.1TIO.YERY, Thomaston; WM. CROCKETT and G. DODGE, Rock- ALSO,—Gold Lockets can be bought of him lower CONWAY, MASS. . I II PCTAlinnOk' am, K P PI.P.TP.IIRR Cum. AND THE YOUNG TO PRESERVE IT, T o L et. than at any other place in the State. JEWELRY, CAPITAL AND ASSETS, S2OO,OOO. Rocklund, Sep. 8, 1857. 37tf ---•U SE .... YO Rooms over my Store suitable for a small D C. R ogers, Sec’y. J. S. W hitney, Pres’t. family or shop. 1 8 5 7 , LYON’S r First Quality No. 1 Fire Bricks. PAPER HANGINGS, O IL F-A.INTIN’Gr Rockland, Sept. 18, 1857. WHICH FOR ELEGANCE OF STYLE, NEATNESS FANCY GOODS, Sec, &c., K. A T H A I R. O NT. CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving a full 21tf Ao. 1 Spollord Block. MISS OLEVIA B. W AKEFIELD, THE MOST CELEBRATED . Commissioners’ Vet ice. vJ supply of Fire Bricks of superior quality, comprising, OF FINISH AND DURABILITY CA’NT beside the ordinary shape, Cupola, Wedge, Key, Bull­ ENNEDY’S Discovery, the pure article can PREPARATION FOR TIIE HAIR YX7HEREAS, on the petition of Jacob Golden IX be found nt S P E A R ’S. HAMPDEN INSURANCE CO. Y XIILL give lessons in this art, in Kim- head, Arch. Soap, Split Arch. &c. Also, No. 2 and No. 3 The World has ever Known ! VV of Lewiston, the Hon. Beder Fales, Judge of Pro­ Fire Bricks, fur domestic use or for shipping. 23 c 23 e a t j SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 5 » V ball Block, commencing on bate within and for the County of Lincoln, has allowed a For sale by the cargo or in any quantity at low prices. lyTERPJLL'S Cream of Lilies for s*le at The immense sale of this unequalled preparation—nearly further time of three months from the 7th day of July to And they were bought wholly for CASH, conse­ •L’-L Sllf______-SPEAR’S Capital and A ssets^ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 Monday, 10th August, instant. —ALSO— x- quently they CAN and will be SOLD at a very 1.000,000 Bottles per Year • receive and examine the claims that maybe presented Enquire at M. C. ANDREWS’ Book Store. during said term against the estate of James O. L. Foster FIRE CLAY, AND KAOLIN. low Figure. QLI) Hann the Pawnbroker, and many other J. C. Pynchox, Sec’y. W m. B. Calhoun, Prea’t. Rockland, August 5,1857. 32tf proves its excellence and universal popularity. Rockland, Sept. 1, 1857. late of Rocklnnd, deceased, which estate was represented No charge for carting or wharfage on any merchandise G new publicaiiona may be found ai No. 1 Spofford C. W . ATWELL, Portland, State Agent. insolvent: Notice is herebyjgiven that life undersigned bought of us and taken from our wharf by vessel. Block. 21if O ’ Every person should read the advertisements of C. P. FESSENDEN and N. WIGGIN, Agents for Commissioners will be in session for that purpose at the Freedom Notice. Grindle's Magic Compound, and Ancient J apanese office of William A. Farnsworth, Esq., in Rockland, from W . E. COFFIN A CO., TXTOOD’S Hair Restorative for sale by Rockland, and sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine 10w37tf 1 0 5 State Steeet, Boston. L ife Pills, which appear alternately m another column. generally. 31 tf nine o’clock, A. M., on Wednesday the seventh day of T O all whom it may concern, I hereby give ’ ’ aitf SPEAR. Bridgeport Fire and M arine Co T ry them and be cured. 291y Ootober, 1857. J- notice that for and in consideration of the sum of one JOSEPH FARWELL, ? Commissioners ’H O M C E P A T H Y . hundred dollars paid tome, I give my minor son ED WARD ELANCY Goods of all kinds for sale very BRIDGEPORT, CONN. TIMOTHY WILLIAMS. 5 o f Insolvency. AUGUSTUS MANSFIELD, JR., his time from and after I cheap at SPEAR’S, CAPITAL, 300,000. WIGGIN’S Rockland, Sept. 14th, 1857. 38tf J. B. TUBBS, M. D. this date., I shnll pay no debts of his contracting, nor 31tf — No. 1 Spofford Block. NEUROPATHIC FLUID, claim any of his earnings, J. II. W ashbubn, Sec’y. II. W. Chatfield, Pres’t. Foreclosure o f Mortgage. IIOMECEPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, „ E. A. MANSFIELD. I UBIN’S Perfumery for sale at SPEAR’S. FOR THE CURE OF Rockland, August 15,1857. 3w36 Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramp, Toothache, Ague in the In Warren, Sept, ffth, by flev. Joliu W. Lewis, Mr, Alba- NTOTICE ia hereby given that HORACE O ffice— In Lime Rock Bank Building, corner of Main Face, Cholic, Cholera, all Internal Pains of the nius L. Pierce, of Thomaston, to Miss Hannah Peters, of I ’ MERRIAM conveyed to the undersigned by Mortgage and Lime Rock Streets. Warren. F reed o m TVotice. A First rate assortment of Pocket Cutlery can Stomach and Bowels, Pain in the Back, Deed dated February 13, 1855, and recorded in Book 24, Dr. Tunns, takes this opportunity to inform the public be found at E. R. SPEAR’S. 21tf Holyoke mutual Fire Insurance Co. Side and Limbs,Cuts,Burns,Chil­ In East Boston, 11th iust., by Silas B. Hahn, Esq., Mr. Page 108 of the Registry of Deeds, Eastern District, Lin­ Joshua L. Chapman of Boston to Miss Sarah E. Geuthner, that he has permanently located himself in the City of T ’lIE Subscriber hereby gives public notice SALEM , MASS. blains, Cold Feet, Sprains, coln County, two lots of land with flats appurtenant, one Rockland, as indicated by his card. J- that he has given to hia son, GARDINER COOMBS gUELL of Waldoboro’. lot situate in Rocklund and being same that Charles and Buffalo Back Combs at SPEAR’S. CAPITAL AND ASSETTS, 8350,000. Spinal Affections, A large assortment of IIOMECEPATHIC MEDICINES, a minor the remaining portion of his time in which he wns 21tf &c., Ac. Holmes conveyed to said Merriam as appears by said both high and low attenuation. to serve, to act for himself and is hereby made competent J. T. Burnham, Sec’y. Augustus Story, Prea’t, Registry of Deeds, Book 21, Page 299, and the other lot to make his own contracts and celled his own pay as i' The subscriber having discovered and thoroughly tested a situate in South Thomaston and being same that II. G. References. Blank Books and Stationery. purely vegetable and almost specific remedy for a large of full nge. I shall claim none of bis earnings, nor be res­ Berry and H. S. Bradley conveyed to said Merriam Dec. J. W . Tobic, M. D., Boston : S. M. Smith, M. D., Bos­ ponsible for any of his contracts after this date. L 1 R. SPEAR has a very largo and well se- class of painful maladies, hereby invites the afflicted to test 15, 1854, and that the conditions of said Mortgage Deed for themselves the merits of his invaluble preparation. ton ; Geo. Hauscom, Esq., Bath ; 8. W. Gray, Esq. Bath. STEPHEN COOMBS, Jr. lected stock of Blank Books and Stationery which For all the complaints in which this compound is recom­ have been broken by reason whereof the undersigned Rockland, Sep. 8, 1857. a 7tf Attest—J oseph L. Cilley. he sells at very low prices. TRADERS’ AND MECHANICS’ CO. In this city, Sept. 2d, Hildreth B. son of John and Betsey claim a foreclosure thereof. West Camden, August 29, 1957. 3w*36 Blank Books made to order. mended, it is confidently believed the public will find no su­ SAMUEL TYLER, perior. W. Tuttle, aged 1 year and 5 months. A RFT1KED FHYSICIAiV 21tf No. 1 Spofford Block. LOW ELL, MASS. In this city, Sept. 9 Louii B. wife of Capt. Richard II, AUGUSTUS E. STEVENS, The Neuropathic Fluid produces its almost Magical ef­ GRENVILLE M. STEVENS. 75 YEARS OF AGE Capital, 50,000. fects by its combined Stimulant, Laxative-Tonic and Anti- Wilson, aged 39 years. Whose snr.d« of life have nearly run out, discovered t r Private School. School Books. Spasmodic powers, chiefly directed to the Nervous system, In this city Sept. 9th, Martha J. daughter of Mark and Sept. 17, 1857. 3w 38 A L. TYLER will eominence a Private School E. F. Sherman, Sec’y. J. Converse, Fres’t. bile in the East Indies, a certain cure for Consump­ L 1 mid is warranted free from all narcotic, acrid, or other dele Maria Gregory, aged 2 years 7 months. tion. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General LA« at the R. SPEAR keeps constantly on hand a terious properties. In Penobscot, Me., 31st iust., Cnpt.’James Grindal, aged Camden Plum Orchard. Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his FIXE GROVE SCHOOL ROOM, -LL large assortment of all kinds of School Books which As the proprietor wishes to bestow no false eucomiuins 82, formerly well known as a shipmaster from that place. only child, a daughter, was given up to die. He had heard will be sold at wholesale or retail. 20tf upon his discovery, he will refund the money paid for the In New York, Sept. 8th, N. G Jewett, formerly of Port­ On M O N D AY, the 14/Zi day o f September, land, and late a merchant in N. Y., in his 65th year. much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualitie medicine in any case of failure where it has received a fair IE proprietor of this well known Orchard, of preparations made from the East India Hemp, and th T u i t i o n - - - For the term of eight weeks, § 2 ,5 0 tGREENFIELD INSURANCE CO. trial. On board ship Halcyon, on the passage from Manila to gives notice that its fruit, consisting 'of P lu m s of AIAINE STA.TE T thought occurred to him that he might make a remedy for Rockland, August 29, 1857. 3w*36 GREENFIELD, MASS. Prepared only by N. WIGGIN, and for sale by C. P. Calcutta, Feb. 16th, of consumption, Mr. Charles Baker of the choicest varieties, is now rips, and will be ready forhis child. He studied hard and succeeded iu realizing his FESSENDEN, No.5, Kimball b lo ck . Brunswick, 1st officer, at Sands Heads, April 20th, of'chol­ sale on aud after wishes. His child was cured, and is now alive and well. W. T. Davis, Sec’y. Ira aberchomdie, Pres’t. J. II. ESTABROOK, Jr., Agent for Camden. era, J. M. Rogers of Williamstown, N. Y., seaman. Monday, the 21st inst. He has since administered the wonderful remedy to thou­ Rockland, Bay 21, 1856. 21 tf In Richmond, 21st Sarah E. daughter of Kingsbury Thur- New Arrangement low, aged 8 years, and 5 nios. Those coming in parties to the orchard lor Plums, will sands of sufferers in all parts of the world, and he has AGRICULTURAL SUGIETY. never failed in making them completely healthy and hap­ Lost overboard from whaleship Emily, (now at New Bed­ be charged $2,00 per couple. py. Wishing to do as much good as possible, he will send 'THE Trustees of the Maine State Agricultural Mother?, Mothers, Mothers. ford from Pacific ocean,) Albion Rich, of Oxford, nged 21. CHARLES BARRETT. -L Society hereby give notice that the Thomaston m utual Insurance Co. In Mineapolis, Minnesota, Ellen, wife of Spencer Harding, Camden, Sept. 17, 1857. Iw38 to such of hie afflicted fellow-beings us request it, this re­ A N OLD NURSE FOR CHILDREN.—Don’t cipe, with full aud explicit directions forar making it up, THOMASTON, ME. and daughter of Rev, Moses Springer of Gardiner, Me., and successfully using it. He requires each applicant THIRD ANNUAL SHOW AND FAIR fail to procure Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for aged 26 years and 10 months. each applicant I m eith obinson HUDSON’S to inclose him one shilling—three cents to beI returned I W . R. K , Sec’y- E. R , Prea’t. Children Teething, It has no equal on Earth. No mother Palermo, 6th, inst, Stephen Bowler, nged 75. of the Society will take place at who has ever tried Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for In Lowell, Mass., Sept. 6th, Oliver March, Esq., aged as postage on the recipe, and the remainderder to be appli- f Children will ever consent to let her child pass through the ed to the payment of this advertisement. A.hlress Dr. II. JAMES, No. 19 Grandid street, / CITY MARKET, B - Y j NT CU O I I , distressing ami critical period of teething without the aid of Camden, 5th inst., Mrs, Elizabeth wife of Albion AMERICAN SALVE this invaluable preparation. If life and health can be es­ Achorn, aged 23 years. lm37 Jersey City, N. J. / Great Falls mutual Company. timated by dollars and cents, it is worth its weight in gold. In Rockport, 5th, inst., Frederick W. sou of Joseph and AND ------« ------Coiuiucuciug $cpt« 29th, aud Continuiug Millions of Bottles of Mas. W inslow’s Soothing Eilzabeth U. Bowers, aged 9 months. 23ZFLY.A_ISrT’S through the three following Days. SOMERSWORTH, N. H. Svrvp are sold every year in the United States. It is an II. Y. H ayes, Sec’y. I. G. J ordan. President. old and well tried remedy. BURN OINTM ENT. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS None genuine uuless the fac simile of CURTIS PER­ GODING & ROBINSON, KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by dealers in Medi­ MARINE JOURNAL 'THIS compound has stood tho test and gained are offered in Premiums ior the encouragement oi the cine generally. A the favor of thousands, in the New England States several Departments of Agricultural, Horticultural, Me­ C. P. FESSENDEN, Agent for Rockland. 8m28 and British Provinces, for the cure of—Burns, Scalds and T.TAVING entered into a Co-partnerahip for chanical and Artistical Industry. The Trustees have A tlantic M utual Company, Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips and Eye Lids, Chapped hands -L«J- the purpose of carrying on the made ample provisions for Grounds aud Hall to accom PORT OF ROCKLAND- and arms. Sore Nipples, Diseases of ihe Skin, Intlamation, niodate Exhibitors in these pursuits. EXETER, N. H. ~ C . P . F E S S E N D EnT Piles, Salt'Rheum. Chilblains, Biles of Mosquitoes, Spi­ INDEPENDENT EXPRESS NOROMBEGA HALL, the largest and most ample ir. ders, Fleas, Bedbugs, and Insects of all kinds, Sores on M arket and Grocery Business, the State, will be fitted up for the exhibition of the beat Mm. P. Moulton, See’y. M. Sanborn, President. Arrived. BANGOR, ROCKLAND AND BOSTON. Sept 10th, schr John Bell, Ham, Boston. 11th, schs Gen­ Children, Wounds from Iron, Pain in the Side and Back, specimens of Machinery, Woolen and Cotton Goods, Car­ tile, Andrews, Boston; Gannet, Fouutain, do; Pilot, Post, Chafes, Burns, Boils, «fcc., and is good in all cases where petings of Wool and Oil Cloth, Household Manufactures. Druggist and Apothecary, an outward application is required. EAVES ltockland for Boston, every Monday Needle Work, Clothing, Millinery, Hats, Caps, Furs, Pa­ do; Lagrange, Fales, -----. 12th, Joseph Baker, Wilson, -J and Thursday at 5 o’clock, P. M., per Steamer Bangor; Amanda Powers, Robinson,-----; Superior, Rob­ For further particulars see bills accompanying each box. I Gr O O ID S , per, Printing, Blank Books, and Binding, Leather and FARMERS’ & MECHANICS’ MUTUAL CO. NO. 5 KIMBALL BLOCK. S a n fo r d . Leather Fabrics, Edge Tools, Agricultural Implements, inson, Calais for NYork; ship- Statesman, Watts, Bangor PRICE, 25 CENTS. Steam Enginds, Furniture and Uphoistery Goods ; Stoves GORHAM, MAINE. for Havana. 14th, schs Sarah Louise, Yeaton, NYork; Money, Package*, Orders &c.i in our line, among which may be found Dover Packet, Arey, Saco; Utica, Thorndike, Portland. JOSEPH HUDSON, Sole Propietor, Mattanoisett, Ranges and Furnitures ; Silver Ware, Oil Paintings, and ■I. Pierce, Sec’y Daniel B. Clement,;Pces’t. ROCKLAND, ME. Mass., and for sale by Deulers iu Drugs aud Medicines taken and delivered and B ill* and N o te s collected with specintens cf the Photographic A rt; iu short, every prod­ 15th, schs Oregon, Hatch, l’ortiand; E Herbert, Johnson, promptness and dispatch FRESH AXD SALT MEATS, DOMESTIC Salem. generally. uct of industrial skill and enterprise. Look at that coat collar, with hair on it, one might sup­ Sold in Rockland by C. P. FESSENDEN and N. WIG­ Office»--Spoffbrd Block, up Stairs, Rockland. No. 11 PORK, CHOICE BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, A Steam Kugiuc will be in action for the purpose pose the coat was rcallyfproducing hair, but no, the man’s GIN, Agents for this city and vicinity. State Street, Boston. of propelling any Iffachinery exhibited. - hair is falling front his head. If he should make some in­ J. P. HALL, only travelling ngent. E. II, COCIIRAN, Agent. CHEESE, HAMS, POULTRY The necessary Blanks cun be had by applying to the ROCKINGHAM MUTUAL CO. Sailed. Rockland, May 11, 1856. 20tf quiries about the Alpine Hair Balm, he would be satisfied Sept 11th, sells Isaac Achorn, Brewster, NYork; Eagle, September 16, 1857. 6m38 of all kinds in its season. Secretary of the Society, at Winthrop, until September E X E T E R , N . II . that upon a short trial of this Balm, his hair would cease to 15th ; after which please address him at Bangor. Gregory, do; Chance, Haskell, do. 12th, John Adams* ALSO,—A general assortment of 'V m. P. Moulton, Sec’y. M. Sanborn, Pres’ fall. See advertisement. Grerory, NYork; Juno, Walsh, Portsmouth; Alnomaki SCHOOL, The Fair will be opened on Tate, Newburyport; Equal, Arey, Boston, Trader, Halb y i s s LUCY II; HATCH will open a Select r p f u i a i i l y G r o c e r i e s Tuewdny, September 29, at 2 o’clock P. M. BUY DIE AND I ’LL DO YOU GOOD ! do; Granville,-----, do. 14th, sch Louisa Dyer, Jameson> 8 1 , 0 0 0 •L’-L Schoo], on An office will be opened at Norombega Hall, September City Point, Va. 15th, ship Statesman, W atts, Havana; VEGETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. 15th, for making entries, and attending to any business Now is the time to use the schs Gleanor Packet, Robinson, Sulivan; Freeport, Sher­ Monday, the 1th o f September, G. &■ R . would say to their friends and customers, connected with the Fair or Exhibition, and the Superin­ FIFE FJrSFIt.IjYCE , Great Spring and Summer Medicine. man, Portland; Ceylon, Jackson, Newport; Hiawatha, Si­ tendent will be in attendauce. effected in Reliable Companies* monton, NYork; Myers, Rhoades, do; Lagrange, Fales, do; PATENT PORTABLE LIME ROCK BANK BUILDING. that they shall slaughter their own meat and shall be ab le Superior, Robinson, do; Amanda Powers, Robinson, do; to sell goods as low as at any place in the city. In addition to the regular list of Premiums, liberal Corner Main and Lime Rock Streets. Rocklnnd, Aug. 20, 1857. 35tf minded gentlemen have generously contributed in premi­ P. S.—E. H. COCHRAN is devoting hi Dr. Langley’s Roots and Herb Bitters. Gannet, Fountain, Boston; Mt Hope, Post, do; Concordia, ums lor best skill manifested by Ladies in riding on Horse­ whole time to the Insurance business, anc Nash, do; ROOM OPPOSITE ATHEN/EUM LIBRARY. back. Also for Grand Trotting Contest, a purse Composed of Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, CHALLENGE HEATER. T U IT IO N -.— In English branches §3,00 per term of of $200 to the best trotting entire Horse, Gelding or Mare pledges himself to give the most careful at ten weeks. Languages, $4,00. 36tf raised and always owned in Maine ; best two in three, in Wild Cherry, Thoroughwort, Prickly (Reported by N. T. T albot.] Just Received tentiou to all business in the above line. harness. Alto $200 or best trotting entire Horse, Gelding Rocklnnd, December 3, 18S6. 49tf Ash, Rhubarb, Mandrake, Dan­ ROCKPORT. or Mare, wherever raised or owned ; best three iu five in Arrived 16th, sells Louisa Dyer. Jameson, Rockland; MANCHESTER h»ness. delion and Wintergreen. Gilmore, Hall, Sulivan; E J Talbot, Sweetland, Buth; brig The Society have offered over $1000, in premiums, to O C Clary, l’liilbrook, Camden: 14th, sell Laura Ann, t he several classes and grades of Horses, and also $1000 N E W G O O D S , They are pleasant to take, useful at all times, Leighton, Penobscot. SCALE A NEW STOCK for other classes ot Farm Stock. and sure to do good. Sailed 11 tit, schs Java, Wilson, Addison; Louisa Dyer, The fare on all the Railroads and Steamboats in the State, connected with the routes to Bangor, will be put Jameson, City Boint; 15th, brig O C Clary, Philbrook, Sa­ — OF— J . W A T T S , They cleanse the bowels, purify the blood, vannah. down to half price, commencing on Saturday morning heal, strengthen, build up, and keep in order the whole previous to the Show, and ending Saturday evening next O R R S . after. - - • CORNER MAIN AND PLEASANT STREET, system, DOMESTIC PORTS. Per order of the Trustees. CCALES of every variety constantly on band 5w35 E . H O L M E S , S e c r e ta r y . AS just returned from Boston, and offers at EVERY BODY SIIOULE USE THEM! NEW ORLEANS—Below 4th, coming up, sch Chipcla, G and warranted equal to any in the market and at prices CUSTOM MADE H a small profit for c a s h , a general assortment of Neorly 600,000 bottles were used last year, proving it Lockwood, from Minatitian. to correspond with the times, such as G- i-o co rio s. the most popular medicine ever known. Cld 4th, steam ship Empire City, McGowan, NYork via C^olcaLI G rO ld’’ Havana; ships R B Sumner, Smith, Cadiz; Lorena, Ur- UNION OR FAMILY SCALES. Also Gents’ and Ladies Price only 25 and 37 1-2 cents per bottle.— quhart, Bordeaux. GROCERS « nPHE greatest offer in gold pens, gold pencils, Adv, barque Hannah Secor, for New York, with des­ COUNTER A gold chains, and gold watches, ever made. Read the BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, Depot, 99 Union Street, Boston, Sold by all dealers in patch. EVEN BALANCE « Boots and Shoes following : medicine, everywhere. Ar 10th, ships Wellington, Prindle, and Rajah, Bowen, N WHEELBARROW « A SPLENDID GOLD PREMIUM worth. fqRjff. five to COAL AND IIAY “ one hundred»dollars, positively given to any/peiSjon who C. W. ATWELL, Deering Block, Portland, General York; Util, Isaac Newton, Folton, Boston. .4 Domestic Dry Goods, MOBILE—Ar 6th, ship George Green, Fairbanks, NOr- For sale by J. C. LIBBY & SON, of all descriptions, which vill be sold at a siuall ad­ can spare.one day in a week, or one hour iu a day, getting EARTHEN, STONE, and WOODEN WARES. Wholesale Agem fur Maine, to whom all orders must be leans; barque Pilgrim, Hallock, NYork. „ , , Custom House Block. vance from Cost. up clubs of subscribers in his own and adjoining neighbor­ Rockland, May 14, 1857. 20tf addressed. In port, ship Gen Washington, for Havana; brig Lanzar­ Rockland, Aug. 18, 1857. 34tf T. A. WENTWORTH, hoods, for the best and most populax Family Newspaper one, for Cardenas. now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital requir­ C. P. FESSENDEN, and N. WIGGIN, Agents forRock- No. 2 Spofford Blocs. Ar 10th, barque Linden, NYork. Rockland, August 6, 1857. 32tf ed of agents. An entire new plan is proposed, by which land, and sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine gener­ PENSACOLA—Ar 31st, brig Azores, Stevens, New Or any person can succeed in making it a paying business, Dockland City Book Store. ally, 31tf leans. Stage and Railroad Notice who wiil undertake the agency. A private circular, for M. C. ANDREW S, Cld 28th. sch Matron. Taylor, Havana. Law Notice. the inspection of agents only, with full lists of premiums, SAVANNAH—Ar 7th, burque Jane Doten, Hoffman, will be sent to any one who desires it, on receipt of a (formerly Wakefield’s,) T tw ell?s h e a l t F restorer stamp to pay return postage. Some agents have earned Boston: sch Cordelia, Brewster, NYork. H AVING opened a Law Office in tho city of NO. 3 KIMBALL BLOCK. GIVES AN APPETITE. Also ar, 8th, brig Joseph, Cables, Rockland. Rockland, under the firm name of a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. Cld 7th, barque Charles Williams, Dashington, Provi­ Every family should read at least-one News paperjfrom H IS Store is now being filled up with a Atwell’s Health Restorer dence. TAGES will leave ROCKLAND for BATH every SAMUEL C. & W M. FESSENDEN. New YorkjCity, without interfering with their Local Pa­ large and choice assortment of x Cld 8th, sch E S Janes, Townsend, Philadelphia. morn ing—Sundays excepted—at 2 o’clock and 6 1-2 pers, which of course cannot, and should not, be dispensed T Will prevent your food from hurting you. CHARLESTON—Ar 9th, brig Eastern Star, Ackley, S We are ready to attend to such professional business t with. But New York being the great commercial aud o’clock, A. M. arriving at Bath in season to connect withmay be entrusted to our care. ATWELL’S HEALTH RESTORER Boston. le 1 o’clock A. M„and 4 o’clock P M. Trains foi PORT­ business centre of this Continent, no farmer, mfijjbanic, W ILMINGTCN. NC—Below 8th, schr J II Chadbourn, SAMUEL C. FESSENDEN, professional man, or merchant, is properly-'prep’Kped for GOODS: Will strengthen the enfeebled system. LAND same evening. Marshall,from NYork. RETURNING—will leave BATH for Wiscasset, Dam­ WILLIAM FESSENDEN the emergencies ol his calling, unless he is in communica­ ATWELL’S HEALTH RESTORER Ar 9th, bch Iugomar, Case, NYork. ariscotta, Waldoboro’, Warren,Thomastonand Rockland, Rockland. July 30,1857. 321y tion with New York City, by means of one of its first Cld 9ih, brig Mary SlcRae, Crocker, West Indies; schr lass Newspaper mediums. Such a medium is our BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Will keep the Stomach and Bowels regular. the arrival of each train of cars at Bath. NEW AND splendid Presto, Hawkms. NYork. A Stage also leaves MAINE HOTEL, Damariscotta LEDGER,” neutral in politics, but giving all the facts, ATWELL'S HEALTH RESTORER Cld loth, sch M E Trout, Dean, Curacao. Piano Forte For Sale. items.of news and thrilling incidents worth knowing for Gardiner, immediately on the arrival of the Stage from throughout the country. Will cure Weakness and General Debility. NORFOLK—Ar 9th, ship Flora McDonald, Skinner, Car­ Rockland, every day except Sundays, passing by Damaris­ VO of Lemuel Gilbert’s celobrated Piano Paper Hangings and Borders. diff; Br barque Julia Heyne, Audrossan; sch W II Sanford, Fortes with jEolian accompaniment. Rose Wood A large and beautiful Stock of Cameo Pins and Ear Drops ATWELL'S HEALTH RESTORER cotta Mills and through Aina, Whitefield, East Pittston T A VALUABLE GIFT. to match Chase, Boston. and Pittston arriving at Gardiner in time for the Boston cases, both finely finished instruments, will be sold at a Is a cure for Sour Stomachs. In Hampton Roads 9th, barque Pear], Ilutbhinson, from bargain by Each new subscriber will receive with the first No. of Gold Necklaces aud Gold Chains, train of cars. his oilier paper one of the new and beautiful glass point­ with an extensive assortment of other ATWELL'S HEALTH RESTORER Baltimore for Deniara; brig Muscovado, Thurston, from RETURNING—Will leave Gardiner for the above nam­ GEO. L. SMITH, do for do. nt the Dry'Goods’ Store of J. M. GOULD. Call and ex- ed indelible Pencils,’ just imported from Europe, and for Is a cure for Headache and Sick Headache. ed places on the arrival of the Boston train of cars, arriv. which we have obtained the exclusive agency for this a o e o a o o b s . RICHMOND—Ar 9th, barque Olivia, Moore, Rio Janei­ ing at Damariscotta in season to connect with the Stage nine. A great variety of ATWELL'S HEALTH RESTORER ro via Philadelphia; brigs Pilot Fish, Heard, Hulifux; Hur­ Rockland, Aug. 5,1857. 32tf Country. This is the moat ingenious and useful little im­ ricane Bird, Dubell, Baltimore. from Bath ior Rockland. Fare §1,25. provement of the present age, and is the only pencil ever Cured vour neighbor, and will cure you. J. T. W. BERRY th, 1857, constantly on hand, varying uniformity of size, and for the excellent quality of After which others had tried it, and purchasers at retail, to their G. W. KIMBALL, the iron from which they are made, to which rr.ay be at­ Everybody Liked la I LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF 2P 2LJ 2Z5 21. S A V E F t 21 Agent for Rockland. and continue one week. Tu.E>o P a in ts tributed their rare strength- They are everywhere con­ INSTRUCTORS, sidered far superior to the hand-made spike of common A Carpenter in Camden, Me., afflicted with D R Y G O O D S , of all Colors. English iron, and inferior to nothing of the kind yet in­ For Fall and Winter Sales, in all our Departments. IN TIIE KNOWN WORLD. F o r S a le . troduced to the public. CANKER IN THE MOUTH, PROF. CHARLES G. BURNHAM, A 1 1-2 Story House, situated on Grove Street, OILS AND VARNISHES, For particulars and samples, apply to tried various remedies—had recourse to Physicians, but Shawls, Dress, Goods, Silk Goods, Cloaks This Heater when set in CELLARS for said Hon®* ’a new, finished throughout, porch and O f H a v e r il l M a ss. BLODGET, BROWN & CO., obtained no relief. 80 aud 82 Pearl St., Boston, Maas. and Talmas. heating Rooms over it, has an Oven bain attached, and will be sold at a bargain. PROF. P. A. CHADBOURNE. Dec. 18, 1856. ’ 5n* His mouth was one complete CANKER SORE. The Housekeeping Articles, M ourning Goods, Fot terms «fcc., enquire of attached which Bakes admirably. JOHN FLINT. Of W illiam ’s College, Mass. by the yard for Oil Paintings. All kinds of gums swollen and AFTECTED TO THE POINT OF Embroideries aud Daces, Dress Plaids, Rockland, Aug. 10,1857. 33tf 81 ITERATION, and CLEAVING OFF FROM TIIE Shawl Velvets and Cloak Cloths, and all A Public Lecture or addresses will be given each even­ It is compact and simple in its arrangements, consumes Ankle Tics. ing of the session, to which the Pub>‘£ are respectfully in­ BRUSHES FOR OIL, ORIENTAL, Doors, Sash, aud Blinds. TEETH ! STAPLE goods. less fuel for the same spnee heated than any other furnace now in use. These Ilenters or Furnaces, are for sale, and vited. GRECIAN AND MEZZOT1NTO PAINTINGS, A perfect cure was effected by one bottle of lt/TISSESand Children’s Patent Leather and Evening Lectures will be given by Profs. Burnham and will be put up by the subscribers, and warranted to do all -f’-L Kid Ankle Ties. BARROW’S & EWELL, O il’. P c t i t t ’g C a n k e r B a la a m . We ehall ofter the newest and best styles, and in g r ea t they are recommended or no Hale. BERRY & RICHARDSON. Chadbourne, and other distinguished gentlemen from FRENCH CRAYONS, IN BOXES, variety. The above cut represents the 15 inch Heater set so as abroad. VXTOULD inform the citizens of Rockland and C. W . AT WELL. Portland, State Agent. Rockland. June 3, 1857. By the generous interest of the citizens of Thomaston, vicinity that they are engaged in the manufacture Our Prices will be made Very Low, to conform to warm the room it sets iu and the room or looms above C. I*. FESSENDEN and N. WIGGIN Agents for Reek- it. board will be furnished to the teachers attending the Con­ of the above named articles, in R o c k v ille at the head UST Received, Molasses, Crushed, Powdered vention, free of all charge. Let not the teachers of Lin­ and all other colors generally used. of Lake Chikawaukie, three miles from R o c k la n d , land, and sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine gen TO THE PRESENT VALUE OF MONEY. J. C. LIBBY & SON. and Havana B. Sugars, Hyson, Oolong, Njngyoung Rockland, September 16,1857. 33tf J coln County fail to show a corresponding interest iu the where they are prepared to execute orders for any of the cral]y-______S ltf and Sousliung Teas. For sale by enuse of Common School Education. Teachers will find above work at very short notice. ^02 WASHINGTON J. watts, bonrding places by calling ou the Supervisor of Schools iu Drawing BooKs, In addition to which, are prepared to do a variety of M I L L E R ’ S — Cor. Main and Pleasant Sts. ------AND------Thomaston,—the Rev. Mr- FERNALD. AND PAPER, CRAYON AND J O B W O R K , 5 5 Si. 57 Hawley Streeu, METCALF & DUNCAN, Teachers will come furnished with a copy of the Bible, C oal T ar, a Lead Pencil, a Blank Note Book, aud the Reading Book MONOCHROMATIC BOARDS. such ns CONDITION TOWDERS. BOSTON. 0ONSTANTLY an hand and for Bale at tho generally used in the schools. Pinning, Jointing & Squaring Clapboards, Sopt. 17, 1857. (,wj 3 SHIPPING & COMMISSION MARK II. DUNNELL, —ALSO,— THE BEST MEDICINE FOB Superintendent of Common Schools. TURNING AND BORING SHIPS’ gas works. Norway, Aug. 15, 1857. 5w35 SlnncliiotiM, Circular, and Scroll Saw ing, Sec.- 8 3 SO U TH S T^R E E T , BRISTOL BOARD H. O. BREWER & CO., RURNING 0J1( fQp ga]0 Jjy P. S. We have engaged MESSRS. STANLEY Sc. H orses ancL C olts. YORK. Soap, Soap. of all qualities. All kinds of AYER to act as our agents iu Rockland, at which place F orealt Wholesale and Retail by will he found a good luaortmeut of common ahe Shipping and Commission Merchants, 20tf GRANE’S, Colgate’s, assorted Toilet, Curtis WATER COLORS IN BOXES. C. P. FESSENDEN, June 3, (23) VJ Davis’, Superior Transparent, Chemical Olive, Coop­ ALSO,—On hand and will order any of DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. 2Stf Only Agent for Rockland. MOBILE, ALA. UST Received and for sale, Hoes, ShovelB er’s, Winchester, Dickerson dp Co.’s, Improved Transpa­ All oiden left with them will be promptly attended to. V I N T O N Si. NEWTON’S New Publication. All work delivered in Rockland free of charge. taper, all sizes and qualities E you wish to buy good Jewalry at vory low J Spade, and Manure Forke, by rent, Castile and J. B. Williams’, TousorialShaving Soap, Sept. 17, 1857. 5m33 price, call at SPEAR S Dookilare. 21t( 1. WATTS, Cor, Maia and Pleasant Sts., by in the art of Painting and Drawing. B. BAKKOWS. a . SWELL. JR. I JOtf Cor. Main and Tleaaont Su. W WATTS, Bockloud, July 33,1857. Mlf Rockville, April 9,1857. 6ml5 Dr. WESLEY GRINDLES FARE REDUCED. AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. H. B. EATON, M. D. A medicine that Never Debilitates- Alpine Hair Balm, CELEBRATED — ------fflS W I f f B JV S I n E E 1 JTE . U. II. E D D Y , H0MCE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN &c FOR RESTORING GREY HAIR DR. SANFORD’S TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, JUST RECEIVED MEMBER OF THE MAINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. E7- Warranleil lo Cure Baldness, Scurf, Dandruff, ilch- BANGOR, PORTLAND, BOSTON, LAW ­ (Late Agent of U. S, Patent Office, W ashington, ing and all diseases of the Bkin. This Balm gives the Great Remedy for Palmonary Consumption, RENCE AND LOWELL. under the Act of 1836 ) Member of the Homoepathic College of Health dpc. INVIGORATOR scalp a new und hnaithy acrion ; restores (he coloring — A T — 76 STATE ST., opposite Kilby st., Boston, matter to the roots of the Hair, which passe, through the FTER an extensive practice of upwards ol twenty OR LIVER REMEDY ! Hair and gives it a natural color without the use of Ilair Thia Wonderful Remedy has dona THE SPLENDID AND FAST SAILING STEAMER DOCTOR EATON keeps constantly on hand the vari­ Also an effectual cure for Scrof­ A years, continues to secure Patents in the United ous Ilomcepathic Medicines. AS ALL THE GOOD QUALITIES OF A PURGA­ C. Gr. M O FFITT’S States; also in Great Britain, France, and other foreign H TIVE medicine, answering the purposes of any Ca­ Hundreds of preparations have been introduced pre­ ula, Dyspepsia, Ol/stinate Cuta­ countries. Caveats, Specifications, Assignments, and all BOOKS, MEDICINE CHESTS, ETC. thartic without the debilitating effects exj erienced fromtended to preserve the Hair and keep it from falling off neous Eruptions, Chronic Rheu­ Papers or Drawings for Patent, executed on liberal terms, most purgatives. It acts slowly and gently, but surely, composed of Oils, Alcohol, and other deleterious materi­ A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP and with despatch. Researches made into American or Calls left at the Telegraph Oflice in Rockland, or at his moving the bowels to carry off all the secreted matter, nl als, and all to no use. Hair dyes have been introduced matism, Billious Disorders, Gen­ Foreign works, to determine the validity or utility of Pa­ residence in Rockport will be promptly uttehded to. the snme time, stimulating the Liver to a proper per­ that do not give the hair a natural color, besides heiag eral Debility, and all diseases tents or Inventions,—and legal or other advice rendered in Rockport, Oct 1856. Iy24 formance of its functions. troublesome to use. Thia Balm is not a dye. Knowing depending upon an impure state DANIEL WEBSTER, all matters touching the same. Copies of the claims of that a preparation was needed to do what was required SUMMER GOODS, any Patent furnished by remitting One Dollar. Assign­ G. D. SMITH The Invigorator cures Sick Headnche. Take one or two for the Hair, the proprietor was induced to experiment of the blood. CAPT. SAMUEL BLANCHARD, ments recorded at Washington. teaspoonsful at each attack mid it will soon disappear.— until he could obtain an article that would be the exact This Agency is not only the largest in New England, but TEACHER OF PIANO FORTE, Bor an overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sours, remedy, nnd after seven years trial has perfected this AVING, the past winter, received a new set ol Boilers SUCH AS SMALL through it inventors have advantages for securing patents, take the Invigorator afte/ eating, and it will not prove Balm. It is soothing and emollient, allays nil irriiation ot H and been thoroughly overhauled and put in the best or ascertaining the patentability of inventions, unsurpass­ Vocalization and Harmony, disagreeable or oppessive. For Heartburn, Palpitation, or the scalp, thereby stopping that troublesome itching If possible condition for the accommodation of the travell­ ed by, if not immeasurably superior to, any which can be Difficult Breathing taken teaspoonful once or twice daily. more io alleviate human suffering than ing community, has taken her place on the line between CHECK’D AND MIXED COTTONAIDS, VW0UL1) respectfully inform the public, that Cures Dandruff and Scurf, and when the hair has turned all other means put together. It has offered them elsewhere. The testimonials below given For Loss of Appetite, Languor or Listlessnesss, the medi­ gray it will bring it bock to its original color, be it Black, Bangor and Portland, connecting with the cars for prove that none is MORE SUCCESSFUL AT THE PA­ » V lie can be found at MORSE BROTHERS, Music cine is invaluable. It will restore the appetite mid make Brown or Auburn. It makes the llaii soft and glossy,— the greatest sale of any medicine in the wor’d for P ulmon­ Boston, Lowell and Lawrence, and will run as follows s— ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO TENT OFFICE than the subsciber ; nnd as SUCCESS IS Room, Snow’s Block, Main Street. the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on prevents it from falling off as will be seen upon using’ ary( Complaints ; from Maine to the must retired dwell­ Leaves BANGOR e' ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday THE BEST PROOF OF A VANTAGES AND ABILITY, Helius permission to refer to the following gentlemen. retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be faries this halm for a few days—life will be given to the roots ot ings of Oregon, or wherever consumption is known it finds morning at 6 o’clock, arriving at ROCKLAND at about he would add that he has abundant reason to believe, aud II. G. Berry, A. C. SpaliKng, After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and the Ilair, and growth will soon appear. Growth does not its way carrying health and joy,into thousands of families. 11 o’clock, A. M., and arriving at Portland in season for SUMMER WEAR can prove, that at no oilier office of the kind are the W. A. Farnsworth, .A . Farwell, it will relieve all oppression or fullness. The lnvigorat take place at the end or the Hair, as will he seen in per­ The most eminent physicians have been forced to ac­ the 4 1-2 o’clock train lor Boston. charges for professional services so moderate. The im­ F. Cobh, , Williams, is a Liver Remedy of unequaled virtue, acting directly < sons who have their hair dyed. If you examine gray hair knowledge that it does cure consumption, aud they now Returning,—Leaves PORTLAND for BANGOR and mense practice of the subscriber during twenty years past, W. H, Titcomb, T. Berry, that organ, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Billious Attacks, that has been colored for a week, you will find towards use it in their practice as a standard and sure remedy. intermediate landings on the River every’ Monday, Wednes­ AND WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR has enabled him to accumulate a vast collection of specifi­ 1. K. Kimball, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and all Female Obstruct! the roots, that the hair has come out gray, hence it is nec­ There is uo remedy equal to it in building up a system, day and Friday evenings, on the arrival ol the cars from cations and ollicial decisions telative to patents. These, Rockland, April 15, 1857. for which it has no equal. essary to have the fluid at the roots of the hair healthy, that, under the influence of various diseases, hardships, or Boston, arriving at ROCKLAND every Tuesday, Thursday besides his extensive library of legal and mechanical that the whole hair may be a natural color. Each hair exposures, has run down and lost its natural tone and vig­ and Saturday morning at about 3 1-2 o’clock. O S l l . works, and full accounts of patents granted in the United JACOB KOSEVELT & SON. We know there is nothing now before the American has a root in the skin, nnd is of itself a hollow, gray tube, or. Its great secret is in its power to reach the blood, FARE,-From Rockland to Boston and Lowell, $ 2 ,0 0 States and Eutope, render hint able, beyond question, to public, prepared with such skill by a scientific man, par­ through which there is a constant circulation of the pig­ Borres: the vitiated fluids, and arrest the deposit of tuber­ “ “ Portland, 1 ,5 0 Drab and Fancy Colored Doeskins, offer superior facilities fur obtaining patents. SHI? CHANDLERS, ticularly for diseases of the Liver, as Dr Sanford’s Invig­ ment front the root. When this pigment or coloring mat­ cle in the lungs ; and it is as safe as it is certain in its River Fares as usual. Freight taken at usual rates. All necessity of a journey to Washington, to procure a orator, or Liver Remedy. It bus attained a reputation ter dies out, it leaves the hair hollow and it becomes gray. M. W. FARWELL, Asent. Manufactured expressly for the season, in styles and DEALERS IN second to no other article in he tvotld, simply because it action. qualities not to be surpassed for durability and for C a sh patent, and the usual great delay there, are here saved in­ To invent a balm that would produce this pigment has be­ Some poor sufferer, full of anxiety and doubt in regard Agent’s Office at Ins residence, No. 5, Elm Street. ventors. -----' rests on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is come the study of the proprietor. The discovery of the to what we say, may ask, Can your medicine restore a Rockland, April 22, 1 8 5 6 . ______8inl7 they will be sold very low. Testimonials. CORDAGE, OIL, PAINT, TAR, PITCH all its proprietors claim it to be. if any ol our readers are Alpine Hair Balm will do it. I will bring the hair to its portron of lung that disease has entirely destroyed, leav­ BROWN, BLACK and BLUE suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Sau- “ During the time I occupied the office of Commissioner OAKUM A c. natura* color by making anew the coloring matter in the ing a cavity ? We answer, certainly not, neither is this Sum m er A rra n g e m e n t!! AMERICAN AND GERMAN of Patents, R. II. Eddy, Esq., of Boston, did business at tord’s advertisement, we know of no remedy that will so roots of the hair. necessary in order to effect a perfect a perfect a perfect the Patent Office. as Solicitor for procuring patents.— S U I T ’ STOH.ES , surely cure them as the Invigorator. It is a mistaken notion that oil or grease will restore cure- If the treatment be commenced in season, but lit- There were few, if any, persons acting in that capacity, the hair, as nothing can be more injurious. The Alpine tlt or no portion of the lung is lost. It is necessary only F7YRE REDUCED. B R O A D CD O T H who had so much business before the Patent Oflice , and There has lately been brought to our notice a medicine Hair Balm, will restore the skin and save the hair of to ariest the disease, and when this is done, the concrete PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, that seems to possess wonderful, curative and healing those who have been sick with fever or any disease. — A N D — there were none who conducted it with more skill, fidelity properties in diseases of the Liver. Stomach and Digestive substance deposited in the tissue of the lung, technically TWO TRIPS A WEEK. and success. I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the best in­ 2 SOUTH ST., & 33 COENTIES SLIP, Prepared by C. A. P. MASON, Providence. It. I. known as tubercle, becomes absorbed, leaving, perhaps, a formed and most skiliful Patent Solicitors in the United 'irgmis. It came to us with so many testimonials in its D. P. IVES & CO.. 83 Milk st., Boston, Mass., sole little calcaieous substance which is quite harmless, and CASSIMEKES, N E W Y O R K . favor that we have noted its effects in some of the worst agents for the United States and Canadas. States, nnd have no hesitation in assuring inventors that Manila Rope, Tar’ll Rope, Anchors and Chains, BuntlllE, cases of continual debility, caused by deranged liver, and the patient finds himself in possession of whole lungs aud THE NEW, LARGE AND COMMODIOUS STEAMER they cannot employ a person more competent and trust­ Fings, While Lead, Paint Oil, Lamp Oil, Patent Wind- For sale in Rockland by all Druggists. 6ml7 sound health. But suppose the disease is not arrested at oitment, CASH worthy, arid more capable of putting their applications in and in every instance the effect was to xelieve or give a tins early stage. The softened tubercle produces irrita­ nes. lasses, r approved credit. One trial will establish its valuable qualities for the /.V* E R .B .V C E C O. WHPMJVY arities of every building, it may be stateiPthul in general Rockland March 18, 1857. I2tf cure of the complaints for which it is designed. they rise on one or more points above the edifice,run along CHICKEKING-’S No family should be without a bottle of this medicine HARTFORD, CONN. the roofedge to the ends of the gutters, and descend the ROBBINS CORDAGE CO., § c r in the house at all times. Incorporated, 1810. four cornets ol the house deeply into the ground. As they PLYMOUTH, MASS. FARE JREBUCED ! ! Often a long sickness and much expense would be pre­ are ornamented in their forms no objection can be urged vented by a timely use of this medicine. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. against them on the score of appearance and taste. PI j Y J S T O f o r t e s , RUSSELL MILLS, and Mt. VERNON SHORTEST, CHEAPEST, Beware of imitation and purchase none but the genu­ T hos. A. Alexander, Sec’y Titos. K. Brace, Pres’t. 2. They are armed with handsome gilded points, pro­ ine. jecting outwards two or three inches ut intervening distan­ DUCK COMPANY’S, . m & S’SSF 2£©TOE A. B. HOUGH, Agent. are prepared to furnish Cordage mid Duck of the best It is put up in paneled bottles with the words, Paine’s Insurance may be effected in the above Company by ap­ HATS & CAPS. ces of every eight or ten feet. Vegetable Pain Curer blown in the glass, and a likeness 3. The glass insulators, by which they are held off from quality, nt the lowest manufacturers’ prices. of T. S. Paine on the label of each bottle. plying to N BOYNTON, I No. 131 C. D. SMALLEY, BERRY & RICHARDSON, the building, are greatly superior to any olherknown form E BOYNTON, JR t Commercial Block, Price, 12 1-2, 25 ami 50 cents, ami $1. at I). STABLER’S Clothing Store. of insulators. They are not in the interior of rings, in the A FIIE R V E Y > BOSTON. 16iy WEST! T. S. PAINE, Proprietor, No. 239 High street, where all Rockland, Jan. 15, 1857. Stf ordinary way, but they are solid bolts of glass of a proper applications for agencies must be addressed. NO. 7 KIMBALL BLOCK length, fastened to the house at one end .and to the rod at SEN DEN, Druggisl, Wholesale and Retail the other, in a very admirable manner. An inspection of THOMAS FRYE, G8 MILES SAVED Have received front BOSTON their the object is necessary to obtain the idea; a verbal de­ M. C. ANDREW S’ scription capnot give the notion clearly. The oflice per- Physician anti Surgeon, 1857. v ia . ’ 1857. lormed by these insulators, in case of a lightning-stroke, const & SWETT? JJAS just rccieved a larje lot of SUMMER HATS AND CAPS. has been illustrated by a vast nuinherof well-known lacts. FFICE No. 4 Kimball Block, over tliestore o f J. Wake GRAND TRUNK On the other band, the necessity of proper insulation has O field Dwelling House on Spring Street, opposite Dirigo been shown by a vastly greater number of facts, where Engine House. ALL ORDERS BY DAY OR NIGHT, ZES.2A.T31> ’W AA "V GILT AND ROSEWOOD ^ 'f their Store may be found everything the lightning has descended along the rods a part of the will be promptly attended to: 43 ly "ov. 10 1854. From Bangor to Detroit, Chicago, Dunleith, Miiwuukie, way down, und then entered the buildings along the staples M : C . A N D RE W S , and all points West, aud the Canadas. 3MC O TT X. ZD X KT <3- S by which they were attached. Lives have been l'»sl in Cars leave Bangor, daily at 7 A. M., connei ting at Dan­ a S T o - v i r T a s t y tills maimer: an instance of this happened last summer I j o a ; H o p s t o r e . NO 3 KIMBALL BLOCK, ville Junction with G. T. R. It. for Chicago, (via of all width’s and qualities and will manufacture in the IIAT and CAP line nt rcnHounble Prices. Hear Philadelphia. It may be objected that if insulators L. C. BURKETT, Great Western and Central Routes.) be used, the lightning cannot come from the building to Those having THROUGH TICKETS on this route can Portrait Looking Glass Miniature and P S. A large lot of old STYLE HATS &. CAPS the rods ; but in answer to this objection it may .be ob­ AS just received aud offers for sale JACOB U U 'O U L P announce to citizens of Rockland stop at any point mid resume their seats at pleasure. I C e x l. served, that with “ Otis’s Patent” the. lightning cannot get CHICKERING’S VV and vicinity that he lias opened a S T O R E in the Rockland, June 3, 1857. 2311 H F R E I G H T taken at Less Ilian Boston prices, PICTURE FRAMES, to the building, hence there need be no provision for its PIANO FORTES. J. P- F1SII building near the brook, where may be found otn Portland or Danville Junction. at the shortest notice. coming oil'. Upward strokes from the earth are too un­ all kinds of XZ For through Tickets, or other information, apply at Rockland, June 9 1857. 25tf frequent to be taken into account in such a connection.— 1 Seven Octaves, 4 Round Corners 1 Six Octaves, 2 Round Corners. SOLE z\NO UPPER LEATHER, «fc K. R- It. Depot, or to Provision must be made against them in u way I sijgsested W in. FLOWERS. ASent. Inst season, when nojcing the upward stroke in Mr. Arm- , 1 Siz and a half Octaves, 2 Round Corners. LININGS AND FINDINGS OF ALL KINDS, AX A P P E A L 1 Six Octaves. 4 Round Corners. TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS &c„ 25 Circular Block, Mercantile Square, IIANGOR, strong’s house nearthis city. E. L. LOVEJOY, Agent, Rockland. TO HOUSEKEEPERS! 4. Although the edifice is enveloped more completely Which will be sold at very low prices. Warranted to for sale wholesale or retail at the lowest CASH PRICE. March 26, 1857. 13tf TO THE AORTIT! by “ Otis’s Patent ” than in the ordinary way, still the give satisfaction or no sale. Thpse in want of any of the above articles will please quality ol iron is not very greatly increased. The con­ Rocklund, June 9, 1857. 25tf cali. Bond’s Boston Crackers. ductors are square, and thereby afford more surface than N. B. Cush and the highest prico paid for Hides aud AMERICAN HOUSE, - - HAVE the pleasure of announcing to the if round, with the same weight of metal ; and they are Calfskins. BILLS & TRUE, more slender than ordinary, which they can well aflord Rockland Book Bindery- [icklaml Feb. 16, 1857. 8tf CORNER OF FORE AND LIME STS., I citizens of Rockland and vicinity, that I have been ap­ to be on account of their great numher. pointed agent for the above celebrated bread, at manufac­ 5. As architectural taste is now a ptqmtpent feature in Piano fl'ortes lor ^ale. PORTLAND, MAINE. turer’s prices nearly all buildings, this new arrangement possesses a W ILLIAM A. BARKER, The importance of choosing between different manufac­ RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE special recommendation. It adds decidedly to the beauty NE new Piano of fine tone, and one second The undersigned, having become Proprietor, has re­ M artolo "W oi-ls.s, tures of Crackers, is realized by but few people ; the gen­ of the building, and thus serves the double purpose of 33 o o Is. S i n d c r Ohand Piano in good order will be told low for C a sh . opened this commodious and MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, ME- eral supposition being that one Cracker is as good ns an­ that they have opened at the protection and decoration. Apply to other, while the fact is. that many Bakers use poor flour, J. ENNIS. — AND — JOHN COLLINS, First Door North of F. Cobb & Co’s Store. rancid lard, raised with strong salcratus, producing an ar­ CENTRALLY SITUATED HOTEL. IS T o r tla . ZE33O.C3L, Newark, May 2, 1854. 3m26 BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Corner of Grove and Union Sts, ami is ready to accommodate the travelling and business ticle absolutely injurious to the health. I am confident public. that Bond’s Cracker is a combination of the best and pur­ Spolford Block, M ain S(. Rockland^ Piano Fortes Repaired and Tuned. MONUMENTS. GRAVE STONES est materials, and after an experience ol upwards of forty A t their old stand, corner Front nnd Rockland Streets, a N o tic e . Rockland, April 15, 1857. 16tf The American House has been entirely remodelled with and the usual varieties of Marble Work. years, and an extent of trade without a paralell in this (Over E. R. SPEAR’S Bookstore) an addition of about thirty NEW ROOMS. Every parti­ Specimens may be seen at our SHOP and in all the country, is pronounced by all judges o f good bread, to be S IS © IS £ © ss eS 2 ’T’HE firm of INGRAHAM & THURSTON ROBERT ANDERSON, cle of it has been newly furnished, and it is In every re­ CEMETERIES in this vicinity, -L having hav been dissolved, the nndersigned would re- PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BINDING spect a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. the purest, most nutricious, and finest eating crackers pectfully inform their friends that they are ready at the N.B. All work delivered aud set up without additional made. of every description executed with neatness and despatch. Its central position in reference to Railway Stations expense to the Purchaser. Where may be found the latest nnd best styles of bhops recently occupied by INGRAHAM «t THURSTON o p u t 3 T and Steamboat landings, and Post Office, Custom House, 1 am receiving directly from the Bakery, every week, Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Shoes and Gaiter Boots. Blank Bonks Ruled to Pattern and made to order. T > la . e i 13r COBB &. SW ETT. fresh supplies of all varieties of this Bread. to receive orders for all kinds of N. B. Particular attention paid to binding Musie, Mag- and the business portions of the city—offers inducements Rockland, April 24,1856. 17tf ALSO-A good assortment of Gents’ Fine Calf and to the business community beyond any Hotel in the city. B u t te r and W a t e r C r a c k e r s in packages for Thick Bootsj Boys’ and Youths’ Boots and Shoes of all C a s t i n g s , aues &c., &.c. Old Books Re-bound. ROCKLAND, MAINE. family use. Rocklund, June 17, 1857. 25tf GEO. II. BARRELL. descriptions, of their own manufacture, which .Taduary, 7, 1857. 2tf April 30, 1857. 18tf CO" A libera! Discount to the Trade. they will sell CHEAP for the ami oilier kindt of work in their line that may lie wanted Paper Hangings. in tilts vicinity nt rates that cannot fail to satisfy any one. W . E. TOLMAN, FUII.0 THURSTON A- CO. TUST Received, Clear and Mess Pork, Lard, F you would like to see a very fine and large READY CASH. Sargent’s Readers. tl Mackerel and Cucumber Pickles, for sale low by TUST Received by J. WATTS, Raisins, Figs, Corner of Main aud Lime Rock Streets. J oseph Inobxham, J r., J onathan Spear. I sMortincnt of Paper Hanging., at very low price* call Rockland, July 6, 1857. 28tf Rockland, June 10, 1857, 6m24 Philo T hvrstoN. R, SPEAR will Bell Sargeant’s Readers at J. WATTS, Citron, Currants, Oranges and Lemons for sale low. at E. H. SPEAR’S. Rockland, June 17, 1857. 35if E• Boston price, by wbolual*. 30tf Cor, Main and Pleasant «(s. 30tf Cor. Main A Pwasant Sts. Slif N*. 1 8r.ff.rd Bleak.