S. Topic Must know Should know May know no

Anatomical Anatomical positions& Extremities 1. Terminology planes, Terms in compartments,terms relation to limbs, describing cavity, embryology & muscles,aponeurosis, joint movements raphe Skin Type, structure, Tensor lines, flexor Langer’s 2. Dermatomes ,Axial lines, papillary ridges lines,Body surface lines Appendages area-Rule of 9

Subcutaneous Superficial & Deep Panniculus carnosus, Scalp,skin of 3. tissue Structural&functional Sole&palm Modifications of deep correlation fascia- aponeurosis, of superficial & deep retinaculum etc fascia Types,features,attach Power of muscles, Body lever 4. Muscles ment,nomenclature,Bl Range of systems,hypertrop ood&nerve supply, contraction,Active hy,atrophy,hyperp Neuromuscular &passive lasia,Kinesiology junction insufficiency,shunt&sp Action - Prime urt muscles movers, Fixators, Antagonists, Synergists&Tendon Types, Structure& Nutrition, Injuries &grafts 5. Cartilage Distribution- synthesis,growth, hyaline,elastic&fibroc regeneration artilage, blood & nerve supply Classifications- Bone growth Fracture,deformiti 6. Bone morphological,structu &remodelling, es,effect of ral,developmental&mi Medicolegalsignificanc injuries,stress, croscopic,Bones-parts, e of bones,Nutrition strain,radiation&h functions &structure assessment,nutrient ormone on bone ,types of foramen growth epiphysis,Blood& nerve supply ,Bone ossifications-Laws concepts Structure& Hilton’s law,Range of Dislocation 7. Joints classification, movements,Kinesiolog Subluxation, y,types of reduction,


Synovial, movements,Joint arthritis, bursitis cartilaginous& fibrous, position- Loose &close- etc Bursa, synovial packed membrane,Compound &Complex joint, Subtypes of joints- Blood & nerve supply. Arteries,veins- lymphocytes-functions Arteriosclerosis, 8. Blood Vessels structure Infarction,Ischemia,em lymphoid organs, & Lymphatic &distribution bolism,collateral lymph nodes system ,capillary,Sinusoids, circulations, lymphatic enlargement caval, azygos, obstruction &clinical relevance paravertebral, emissary veins, anastomosis,End arteries, vasa vasorum, Lymphatic system lymphoid organs Classifications, Functional correlation, Radiculopathy 9. Nerves structure & functions Dermatome, referred ,Neuronal injuries- of nervous system, pain,superficial& deep type®eneratio neuron&neuroglia,Syn reflexes. n. apses,Cranial& Spinal nerves,Autonomic nervous system &ganglia Upper Limb

Sno Topic Must know Should know May know 1 Pectoral Sternal angle, Dermatome, Congenital region, structure of Supraclavicular anomalies of Mammary Mammary gland nerves,Lymph nodes in breast, milk line, gland muscles of pectoral carcinoma / breast, krukenberg region, lymph nodes, Peau d orange tumour. clavipectoral fascia, ,retraction of nipple.

2 Axilla Boundaries, Axillary sheath, Axillary Intercostal brachial Contents of axilla, artery & its branches, nerve, Cervical rib lymph nodes, Brachial Anastomosis ,thoraco- syndrome. plexus & injuries- dorsal nerve. winging of scapula,Erbs&klumpke ’s paralysis. 3 Back Muscles of Back, Accessory nerve, Dorsal rami of Muscles underlying Dorsal scapular nerve, spinal trapezius- Triangle of nerves,Branches of rhomboideus auscultation, thyrocervical trunk &levator scapulae. supplying back,


anastomosis around scapula.

4 Scapular Musculo-tendinous Quadrangular , Cutaneous supply region cuff, Deltoid, Axillary triangular spaces, their of shoulder region, nerve, Shoulder contents, Branches of Intramuscular dislocation third part of axillary injection. artery. 5 Shoulder joint Classification & Rotator cuff, Glenoid Impingement structure, labrum, Relations of syndrome, Bursitis Intracapsular tendon joint, Bursae around around shoulder of long head of biceps, shoulder joint, frozen joint,Bankart’slesio ligament support, shoulder. n. Axillary nerve damage,Shoulder dislocation. 6 Front of Muscles of flexor Anastomosis around Median & ulnar arm&Cubital compartment elbow joint, Median nerve,entrapment , region ,boundaries of cubital cubital vein, superficial tourniquet region,Brachial veins in cubital region, application. artery,Musculocutane Intravenous injections ousNerve,Median,radi al& Ulnar nerve. 7 Back of arm Triceps ,radial nerve in Profunda brachii Posterior spiral groove, vessels. cutaneous nerve of Saturday night palsy, forearm, branches crutch palsy, wrist of profundabrachii drop. artery. 8 Front of Muscles of forearm, Evolution of thumb & Vincula forearm & lumbricals&interossei, mechanism of grip longa,brevia,cutan Hand radial & ulnar artery, flexor, retinaculum, eous veins & Median radial & ulnar palmarspaces,superfici nerves of forearm, nerve in forearm, al& deep palmar Surgical incisions of palmar Aponeurosis, arch,Synovial sheaths hand, Dupuytren’s thenar&hypothenar of flexor tendons, contracture. muscles. Carpal tunnel syndrome, claw hand, ape thumb deformity 9 Back of Muscles of Superficial branch of Extensor forearm & forearm,Dorsal digital radial nerve. retinaculum, dorsum of expansion, posterior posterior hand interosseus nerve, interosseus artery. anatomical snuff box- boundaries & contents, wrist drop.


10 Elbow joint & Classification,structur Ligaments of joints, Cubitus valgus, radioulnar e,Relations&moveme blood & nerve supply, fracture & joint nts, interosseus carrying angle. dislocation-pulled membrane,lateral& elbow,Golfer’selbo medial epicondylitis. w,Student’s elbow, fractures- Monteggia,Galeazz 11 Wrist& joints Classification,structur Scaphoid fracture and Fracture of hand e&movements,firstcar complications, disclocation wrist po-metacarpal joint dislocation of carpals- joint & carpals- lunate- complications colle’s,Barton’s fracture. Lower Limb

S.No Topic Must Know Should Know May Know 1 Femoral Continuity of layers of Repair of femoral Femoral artery Sheath anterior abdominal hernia, Differential &vein wall diagnosis of Hernias, catherization, with front of thigh, Saphenous Varices Abnormal deep fascia &Inguinal Psoas abscess. obturator artery. ligament,formation&C ontents, femoral sheath, femoral canal,femoral hernia &Saphenous opening. 2 Femoral Boundaries& Profundafemoris artery Branches of Triangle & Contents, Superficial& Stab injuries at- Profunda famoris, Adductor Deep Inguinal Lymph Adductor Canal Meralgia Canal Nodes. femoral Artery Femoral shaft parasthetica. , Fractures. Vein, Great Saphenous Vein,Lat. Cutaneous N of thigh, Cruciate & Trochanteric anastamosis. 3. Femoral Course &branches, Palpation of Retrograde Artery femoral artery, I.V. catheterisation / injection in femoral coronary vein. angiography. 4. Femoral & Branches course & Articular branches Spastic paraplegia, Obturator motor distribution of Hilton's Law, Refered Obturator hernia. Nerves Saphenous Nerve, pain,Accessory,Obturat Obturator Nerve & or Nerve, Articular femoral nerve. branches. 5. Gluteal Structures under Pudendal block Intermuscular Region Gluteus Trendlenberg Sign. injections, site , Max imusin relation to procedure Piriformis, Structure &complications.


passing throughgreater & lesser sciaticforamina. Sciatic Nerve branches , distribution IM injections, Sciatica.

7. Popliteal Boundaries Palpation ofCommon Popliteal Cysts Fossia &contents & PeronealNerve/ and aneurysm, Popliteal artery, PoplitealPulse, foot Bursae around Course, drop. knee joint,house & maid knee, clergy branches.Anastomosis men’s knee etc. around kneejoint. 8. Hip Joint Relations Capsule Anatomical basis of Arthroscopy, &ligaments,Synovialm Trendlenberg sign. Prosthesis, embrane,Movements of surgical approaches. Congenital & group of Muscles, dislocation of hip, Nerve supply normal and (SK),femoral neck abnormal gait at fractures , hip joint, Dislocations. Trendelenburg ‘s Test. 9. Knee Joint Relations Capsules Fracture dislocations Patellar &ligaments,Movemen Factors for stability of dislocations/ t&muscles,Producing joint replacement. fractures then Locking & Unlocking Mensical tear& Crucial ligtear. Housemaid knee Baker's cyst. 10. Ankle& Movements, Axis, Functional Fracture Subtallar Muscles responsible relevance of dislocations, Joints for movements movements. Midtarsal&subtalar Joints. 11. Arches of Skeletal frame work of Flat foot,Morton's Gout,Metatarsalgia Foot foot, Components, Metatarsalgia, CTEV, ,March factors Pes cavus,Pes planus. fractures/dancer’s formaintenance of foot. arches & movement at joints 12 Sole Plantar aponeurosis Calcaneal spur Plantar Fascitis. Arrangement of Radiological muscles in layers identification -skeleton Plantar arterial arch of foot. Cutaneous innervation. 13. Venous Great Saphenous & Trendelenberg test Treatment of Drainage of Small saphenous vein , Perthe's test. varicose vein,Great Lower Limb course & tributaries


Perforating vein, Saphenous Veinous Positions, graft. & communications Varicose veinVenesection, Coronary bypass. THORAX

S.N Topics Must Know Should Know May Know o 1. Intercostal Muscles, Intercostal Atypical Intercostal Innermost Spaces Nerve& vessels, nerves & Vessels, intercostals Lymphatic’s, Herpes Zoster. Branches of Intercostal Nerve intercostals Nerve Block, Pleural Tap. & vessels Notching of ribs. 2. Pleura Parietal &Visceral Pulmonary ligament Intercostal chest pleura, Lines of Lymphatic drainage. tube drainage, pleural reflection, Pneumothorax . Pleural recessesBlood & Nerve Supply ,Pleural effusion, pleuralpleurisy& pleural tap. 3. Lungs Trachea Anatomical position Azygos lobe Mendelson’s & Bronchi Fissures & lobes, Palpation of trachea syndrome Relations of bronchopulmonary Pan coast tumor mediastinal segments in Right & Segmental surface,Trachea,Interi Left lungs, Foreign pulmonary or , carina,Root of body in resection lung, Arrangement of trachea/bronchoscopy, structures within sites of auscultations, hilum lung abscess, Postural ,bronchopulmonary drainage . segments& Importance. 4. Mediastinum Divisions, Mediastinal Boundaries& contents syndrome of each division. Mediastinitis. 5. Pericardium & Pericardium division Pericarditis , Pericardial Heart postion of heart, paracentesis recesses. Dextrocardia, Pericardial tamponade. Chambers of heart orientation, Echocadiography, blood & Nerve supply, Refereed pain.


6. Right Atrium External &Internal SA Node Triangle of Koch features interatrial AV Node Torus aorticus. septumASD . 7. Blood Supply Rt. Coronary artery& Anastomosis & Triple vessels of Heart Lt. Coronary artery, collateral circulation, disease of Heart. Origin, Peculiarities of CourseTermination, coronary arteries Branches Veins of heart &Dominance. Coronary angiography Coronary Percutaneous atherosclerosis transluminal coronary Ischaemic Heart balloon angioplasty Disease (IHD),Angina (PTCA). pectoris Referred painHeart block. 8. Arch Of Aorta Course, Relations, Radiological Aortic window. Branches, Coarction of appearance Aorta,PDA, Aneurysm. Aortic knucke, Anomalies of Aortic arch, Variation of branches, Aortic isthmus, Aortic spindle. 9. Ventricles Orifices Cyanotic heart diseases &Conducting &valvesArterialsupply, System Conducting,system, VSD, Fallot’stetrology. 10. Azygos Azygos Vein Hemi-azygos & SVC/IVC System of Formation, Course Accessory azygos Vein. Obstruction. Veins Relations, Tributaries. 11. Mechanism of Joints of thorax: Emphysema Asthma Respiration Costovertebral & Kyphosis & Scoliosis costotransverse joints, Ligaments , Movements & axes,Pump handle Movement, Bucket handle & piston handle movement, Accessory muscles of respiration. 12. Thoracic Duct Formation, Course Chylothorax. Termination, Areas of drainage. 13. Oesophagus Course & relations Oesophagoscopy . Achalasia cardia Normal curvatures &Sphincters. and constrictions, Blood supply.



S. Topic Must Know Should Know May Know No 1. Anterior Regions/Quadrants Holden’s line Langer’s lines Abdominal Landmarks, Attachment of the Suspensory Wall Joints,Superficial fascia muscles, Striae ligament of . &Muscles,Dermatomes, gravidarum & Blood Vessels, Porto- albicantes caval obstruction, Extravasation of urine Lymphatic Drainage, Abdominal incisions. Superficial & deep inguinal rings, Renal angle, Murphy’s point. 2. Rectus Formation ,Arcuate line, Functional aspects of Umbilical hernia Sheath Contents ,Linea alba & rectus Incisional hernia Linea semilunaris. sheath,Divarication of Faecal fistula recti, Meckel’s Urinary fistula. diverticulum. 3. Inguinal Descent of testis Mechanism of inguinal Canal of Nuck. Canal &processes vaginalis canal, Anatomical Topographyboundaries, consideration of hernia extent & contents of repair. Indirect & direct inguinal hernia. 4. Testis & Coverings of spermatic Varicocele Torsion of testis / testis, contents in Undescended testis Appendix of testis Cord males & females ectopic testis. Appendix of Spermatic cord vis-à-vis . hernia sac in direct and indirect inguinal hernias Tunics of testis Blood &Nerve supply, lymphatic drainage, , Vasectomy,Cremasterre flex,-nerve supply. 5. Peritoneum Vertical & horizontal Peritoneal recesses Peritoneal recesses disposition of &bands,Functions of and bands. peritoneum, Lesser peritoneum, &greater AscitisPeitoneal fossae- sacHepatorenal lesser sac, duodenal pouch&Pouch of fossae, intersigmoidal Douglas .Nerve supply recess. of peritoneum and referred pain.


6. Stomach Relations & Stomach Peptic ulcers , Ca stomach bedBlood supply, Prepyloric vein of Trosier’s sign Lymphaticdrainage,Nerv Mayo, gastric Traube’s space esupply ,Gastric ulcer & canal,Endoscopy Congenital vagotomy. ,Barium meal. anomalies. 7. Duodenum Relations/Openings of Ligament of treitz Prepyloric vein of bile&pancreatic duct, Endoscopy Mayo, Blood supply,Duodenal &Endoscopic Supraduodenal ulcer &duodenal retrograde artery of Willkie, capparaduodenalfossadi cholangiopancreaticogr Retrodoudenal fference between small aphy artery. & large intestine. (ERCP). 8. Caecum, Relations.Blood supply, Shapes of caecum Recesses around Appendix Interior Difference from Clinical relevance of caecum, Lump in &Colon large intestine, Gross positons of appendix right iliac fossa, features including Burney’s point Appendicitis vs relations Blood supply, Appendicitis. salpingitis/ Positions. oophoritis Anatomical basis of surgical incisions. 9 Liver Relations, Blood supply Surgical lobes. Liver resection & Lobes of liver/vascular Hepatitis, Ca liver. transplantation. segments. Lymphatic drainage. 10. Extrahepatic Gross features,Blood Sphincter of Oddi Hartmann’s pouch Biliary supply of Gall Bladder , Cholecystography Phrygian cap. Apparatus CBD-Parts & Endoscopic retrograde relations,gallstones,Call cholangiopancreatcogr ot’s triangle. aphy(ERCP) 11. Pancreas Relations, Blood Splenectomy vis-à-vis Pancreatic cysts supply,lymphaticdrainag tail pancreas. &CA head e,Duct system, Pancreatitis. pancreas. Sphincter of Oddi, Duodenal papillae. 12. Portal Vein Formation&tributaries, Porto-caval-shunt. Laminar blood flow. Porto-caval anastomosis, sites,haemorrhoids &esophageal varices caput medusae. 13. Kidneys Relations,Coverings Morrison’ Floating kidney Blood parallelogram, Aberrant renal supply,Vascularsegment Horseshoe Kidney,Lt. artery s,Coronal section with Renal vein, Renal Renal transplant internal feature. angle,Exposure of Lithotripsy. kidney from back, Pyelography.


14. Ureters Relations, extent, Congenital anomalies , Anomalies of the course constrictions, relations in ureter. Blood supply&lymphatic male/female. drainageUrolithiasis &ureteric colic. 15. Diaphragm Attachment,openings Diaphragmatic hernia Foramen of Nerve supply&Function. Trauma . Bochdalek Phrenic crush. 16. Abdominal Extent, course , Porto-caval, Spread of Aorta & tributaries&termination anastomosis carcinoma through 17. Inferior of IVC Relations, Thoraco-epigastric Vein systemic veins to Vena branches & distribution block of IVC. vertebral venous Cava of abdominal aorta. plexus.

18. Perineum Subdivisions Rupture of & Episiotomy. Colle’s fascia & perineal extravasation of urine membrane urogenital Perineal tear. diaphragm Perineal pouches, Nerve supply. 19. Ischi-oanal Location, boundaries & Inferior rectal vessels& Hiatus of Schwalbe. Fossa contents .Pudendal pudendal nerve, Fistula canal. in ano &Goodsall’s rule. 20. Urinary relations in male/ suprapubic cystostomy Ectopiavesicae Bladder female, Nerve &blood neurogenic bladder. patent urachus supply,Lymphatic cystoscopy. drainage. 21. , Relation internal Capsule vis-a- via TURP- transurethral Male structure, blood prostatectomy benign resection of Urethra supply& Age changes prostatic hyperplasia, prostate Seminal perrectal examination Ca- Vesicle urethralcatheterization prostate&spread.

22. Ovary,Uteru Relation, flexures& Rectouterine Uterine anomalies s& Adnexa Position, tubectomy pouch&vesicouterine recurrent abortions Blood supply,Lymph pouch in retroverted drainage, Supports of prolapse of uterus uterus. uterus,Nerve supply and hysterectomy referred pain of ovary. Rectouterine fistula. 23. Sigmoid Relations/Internal Hirschsprung`s disease, Ca-rectum Colon & feature, Blood supply & prolapse of Proctoscopy. Rectum venous/Lymphatic rectum,Imperforated drainage,Per rectal anus. examinationFascia of Denonviller`sHemorrhoi ds. 24. Anal Canal Relations;anorectaljunct Internal&externalhemo Goodsall`s rule ionInternal feature - rrhoids Embryological white line&Pectinate porto-caval &surgical anal canal line /anal columns. anastomosis Imperforate anus.


Internal & external fissure –in –ano sphincters , nerve/Blood fistula-in-ano supply including perianal abscesses vis- venous, drainage a vis ischio anal Puborectalis-anorectal abscess. ring.

25. Pelvic Components/relationsA Tear of levatorani in Role of levatorani Diaphragm ctions,Nerve supply, childbirth in child birth sacral plexus and /episiotomy.Branches Urinary stress in lumbosacral trunk of external and internal continence. Internal iliac artery. iliac arteries Head & Neck

S. Topic Must Know Should Know May Know No 1. Scalp Layers,lymphatic Cephalohaematoma Surgical scalp. drainage, Caput succedanum. sebaceouscysts, Closed&Open wounds Emissary veins-black eye safety valve haematoma. 2. Cervical investing layer axillary sheath facial Cold abscess other Fascia ,Pretracheal&Preverteb spacesligament of abscess. eral layer, prevertabral berry. & carotid sheath. 3. Posterior Boundaries, air embolism Phrenic crush Triangle Subdivision-occipital , accessory phrenic supraclavicular, content nerve. ,compression of subclavian artery to stop bleeding in upper limb wry neck. 4. Orbit extrinsic muscles Squint Eye muscles testing movement of eyeball 5. Lacrimal Lacrimal gland& Parts of lacrimal gland Artificial tears. Apparatus Nasolacrimal duct. and relation to levatorpalpabraesuperi oris, flow of lacrimalfluid.,nerve supply, spheno- palatine ganglia 6. Thyroid Border relation pyramidal lobe Synthesis of Gland capsules,blood Supply, levatorglandulaethyroi throxine and its andvenous dligament of berry, regulation. drainageGoiter&Thriode Venous plexus ,thyroid ctomy. artery twigs from


oesophageal and tracheal branches ,vein of kocher congenital malformation. 7. Parotid Relation /Structure paraotid space- Parotidectomy, embedded in parotid structure in depth of frey’s syndrome gland parotid space Capsule parotid duct development size lumen ,opening parotidtumor. blood supply, nerve supply, applied anatomy-swelling parotidectomy, parotid abcess. 8. Temporal BoundariesContents,sup Branches of maxillary Spine of sphenoid. And erfeicial-petrygoid artery, Chorda tympani Infratempor venous otic ganglion- al Region plexues,sphenomndibul mandibular injury arligament,maxillary laryngeal N block. artery deep mandibular nerve Chorda tympami , otic ganglion, Origin, insertion and actions of muscles,Mandibular nerve- course, relations and branches. 9. Jugular FormationCourse,Tribut Queckenstedt;s test Anterior and Veins aries. Jugular venous oblique Jugular pressure. veins. 10. Temperoma Capsules and ligaments Sequence of Stability of TM ndibular Articular disc movements for joint. Joint Blood supply,Nerve opening of supplyMovements,Dislo mouthTreatment of cation o TMJ. dislocation. 11. Tongue Muscles a Falling back of Carcinoma tongue extrinsic,intrinsic,Blood tongue,causes& operation supply-arterial consequences Alternate taste /venous,Nerve supply pathway. lymphatic drainage, Applied anatomy,Tongue pulled anteriorly to prevent choking pulled anteriorly to prevent bleeding paralysis of XII nerve. 12. Submandib Submandibular Sialolithiasis Surgical approach. ular Region &sublingual glands, Tumors. RelationsWharton’s duct


Blood supply-lingual artery,Nerve supply lingual,9th,12th nerve Submandibular ganglion. 13. Pharynx Relations,Musculature origin ,inseration and Anatomy of Stylopharyngeus part of Space of morgagni Palatophryngeus constrictorsstructure Killian Jamison Salpingopharyngeus passing through gaps. space Constrictors Blood Pharyngeal supply- Diverticulum. Nerve supply-motor, sensory, Interior (Oropharynx,Nasophary nxand Laryngopharynx piriform fossa). 14. Palate intoduction and Degluttiton Gag reflex . Passvant`s ridge. function Muscle of soft palate blood supply-nerve supply-motor &sensory anatomy:cleftplate. 15. Palatine Relations and surfaces Waldeyer’s ring Tonsil Blood supply, nerve Adenoids. supply, tonsillitis , tonsillectomy. 16. Larynx Cartilages Age related changes Mechanism of ligament&Muscle,Vocal and laryngeal sound production cords& carcinoma voice Vestibular changes,Origin, folds,Bloodsupply.lymp insration,direction of hatic drainage muscle fibers and nerve supply, functional action of intrinsic consideration, muscle Tracheostomy Damage to recurrent Laryngeal nerve 17 Middle Ear Boundaries & contents. Connection and otitis media opening . infection of middle ear in children meningitis. 18 Hypoglossal CourseIntraneural location & function of thrombosis of Nerve Extracranial&Branches- nucleus. anterior spinal nerve testing. artery care ofXII Nerve During Operation And Lingual Artery. 19 Glossophary CourseIntraneural position of nuclei. eagles`s syndrome. ngeal Nerve Intracranial, Extracranial&branches.


20 Facial Nerve functional component position of nuclei. Supranuclear lesion nuclei, course nuclear lesion ,intracraninal infranuclearlesion. extracranial&branches. 21 Oculomotor functional component positionand weber`s syndrome. Nerve NucleiCourse component of nucleus. Intracranial,Extracranin alandBrancheslightbrefl ex,accommodationrefle x,Argyll Robertson `s supil. 22. Abducent& functional Component position of nuclei. paralysis of muscle Trochelear Nuclei, course- supplies – intraneural squint/diplopia. ,intracranial&extracrani al, muscle supplied by the nerves. 23. Dural diffrence between veins Pulsating exophtalmos Queckenstedt`s Venous andsinusesclassification test. Sinuses flow of blood in sinuses cavernous sinuses- Situation,Formation Extent,SizeRelationTribu tariesdangerous area of face thrombosis of cavernous sinues. 24 Anterior Boundaries and sites of constrictions Adam’s apple& Triangle of subdivisions Carotid parathyroids. relations The Neck triangleboundaries and content carotid arteries Trachea extant and relationOesophagusexte nt and relation. 25 Hypophysis parts ,location ,relation hormones secreted Hypophysectomy Cerebri blood supply, tumoures of the approaches. microscopic structure pituitary. anddevelopment. 26. Joints of atlanto occipital,atlanto Joints between the Spondylosis. The Head & axial, ligament . vertebral bodies. Neck Neuroanatomy

S Topics Must know Should know May know no 1- Introduction Overview of brain,brain Nerve degeneration & Peripheral to stem & spinal regeneration, stretch neuropathy, neuroanatom cord,divisions of reflex, muscles entrapment y nervous system, cellular atrophy, hypertrophy, syndromes organization, neurons, tendon jerks,reflex arc. overview,


cranial & spinal nerves, radiculopathy, nerve plexus, abnormalities of autonomic & somatic muscle tones, ganglia, Dermatome. grading of muscle power. 2- spinal cord Spinal Spinal Spastic & flaccid meninges,structure, segments,spinalenlarge paralysis,lesion nerve cell groups of ments,Lumbarpunctur localization, gray column, ascending e,spinalreflex,brown- syringomyelia,tabe & descending sequard syndrome, sdorsalis. tracts,blood supply. conusmedullaris syndrome, caudaequina syndrome. 3 Brain stem Features of midbrain, Blood supply of brain Cerebello-pontine pons & medulla, stem, Wallenberg angle Internal structures- syndrome, medial syndrome,Mediallo nerve cell groups of medullary syndrome, ngitudinal gray matter, ascending Millard- fasciculus & descending tracts. gublersyndrome,media syndrome,weber’s, l longitudinal Benedikt’s fasciculus. syndrome, Argyll Robertson pupil. 4 Cranial nerve Functional components Nucleus ambiguous, Lesions of cranial nuclei & distributions, somatic motor,spinal,sensory& nuclei & nerves, & visceral afferent & mesencephalic nuclei associated paralysis efferent nuclei. of trigeminal nerve, & syndromes, nuclei of vagus Trigeminal nerve,EW neuralgia, upper & nucleus,nucleus of lower motor type tractussolitarius, Bell’s of palsy of Palsy. 7th,12thnerves etc. 5 Cerebellum& features,division&subdi Cerebellar peduncles, Cerebellar fourth visions,internal Fourth ventricle- syndrome- tremors, ventricle structures- grey matter- features , boundaries & intention nerve cell groups, white floor blood supply tremors,dysarthria, matter- connections of ,truncal ataxia, dysmetria,dysdiado cerebellum. Romberg’s sign. chokinesis,nystaga mus. 6 Diencephalon External features of Solitariothalmic tracts, Recent & third thalamus, thalamic connections of memory,exterocept ventricle nuclei in different parts, metathalmus(lateral & ivesenses,thalmic connections &functions, medial geniculate syndrome, hypothalamus- nuclei & bodies),Hypothalmo- epithalmus,Diabete connections & hypophyseal portal sInsipidus,hydrocep functions, third system, recess of halus, ventricle- ventricles, Choroid hypothalamic communications. plexus. syndrome. 7 Cerebrum External features- Structure of cerebral Hemiplegia & surfaces& borders, cortex, sulci &gyri- hemiparesis, motor


Sulci&Gyri-central Cingulate & sensory ,lateral sulcus,paracentrallobul aphasia,agnosia,ast calcarine&parieto- e,cuneus, gustatory ereognosis,hemian occipital,collateralsulcus area, vestibular area, opia, cerebral ,lobes,functional areas- association dominance, frontal speech,sensory, areas,Brodmann eye field. motor,visual& auditory classification areas 8 Basal Nuclei Corpus striatum- Amygdala,subthalmic Claustrum,chorea- caudate nucleus nuclei, sydenham’s chorea &lentiform nucleus, functions,Ballismus,He & Huntington’s internal capsule, miballismus,chorea&at chorea. connections &functions, hetosis,blood supply . functions of basal nucei, parkinsonism disease. 9 White matter Association,commissura Corticofugal&corticope Habenularcommiss &lateral l& projection fibres, tal fibres, ure,cerebralhaemo ventricle Corpus callosum- lateral ventricle- rrhage,hemiplegia, features,parts&function parts,boundaries, ventricular system , s, Internal capsule- horns of lateral ventriculography, parts,constituentfibres, ventricle- choroid CT & MRI imaging blood supply of internal plexus & fissure. of ventricular capsule, system. Lateral ventricle. 10 Blood supply Circle of Willis Arterial supply of Blood –CSF of brain formation & its cerebrum& occlusions barrier,Cerebralane functional significance, of cerebral arteries, urism,subarachnoid vertebral & carotid venous drainage of haemorrhage, system- branches cerebrum, Blood brain cerebral barrier. angiography, subdural haemorrhage. 12 Meninges & Meninges-dura mater, Blood & nerve supply Exophthalmos, CSF piamater& arachnoid of duramater, arachnoid mater, folds of cavernous sinus granulations,Vircho duramater, Dural thrombosis, cisterna w-Robin’s venous sinuses, extra magna &cisternal space,Froin’s dural&subarachnoid puncture, functions of syndrome, clinical space- extensions& CSF, hydrocephalus. features of haemorrhage hydrocephalus,Que CSF production ckenstedt’s test. ,circulation& absorption. 13 Pathways Visual ,olfactory, Lesions of motor & Argyll Robertson auditory & gustatory sensory tracts at pupil,hemianopia,d Pathways,Pyramidal& various levels, eafness, Babinski’s extrapyramidal spinocerebellar sign,Examination of tracts,spinothalamictrac pathways. motor&sensory ts,dorsal column medial system. lemniscus pathway.



S. Topics Must Know Should Know May Know No 1. Introduction Relevance of histology Properties of light and Wave theory of &Microscopy to MedicineLight electrons, Principles of light microscope microscopy, Factors Various kinds of Magnification/resolutio influencing, microscopes n magnification & Differences Setting up of a resolution, Special between light & microscope stains for connective electron Steps in paraffin block tissue, muscle and microscopes making,H& E staining. nerve tissue. Neuroanatomical stains Golgi staining methods. 2. Microtomy Parts of a rotary Freezing microtome. Cryotome and microtome,Steps in cryostat paraffin section cutting. methods,Samplepr eparations for biological specimens for transmission and electron microscopy 3. Animal Cell Cell organelle & Cell Euchromatin and Lysosomal storage Division. hererochromatin diseases,Lipid Chemical nature of peroxidation and DNA &RNADistribution free radicals in of the primary tissues biological tissues. in the body systems. 4. Epithelial Different types of Cell junction Ultrastructure Tissue I epithelial tissues and Junctional complexes Metaplasia and their locations. Nutrition of epithelial hyperplasia. and connective tissues Surface modification of cell membranes (Cilia and microvilli) Cell types: FgGobet cells, APUD cells Renewal,Nerve supply. 5. Epithelial Glandular epithelium: Ultra structure. Tissue-Ii mucous, serous and mixed glands.


6. Connective Components: Nutrition of connective Tissue-I matrix/ground tissue. substance, cells and fibres Loose areolar, elastic, collagenous, reticular (Cell types & varieties of fibres)Identification of connective tissue types. 7. Connective Cartilage : hyaline, Nutrition of cartilage. Chondromas Tissue-Ii Elastic and Fibro,Cell Chondrosarcomas types and distribution. Ultra structure. 8. Connective Bone :compact and Growth interstitial and Osteomalacia, Tissue-Iii cancellous, Cell types. appositional osteoporosis, Support and protection osteosarcoma. of bone, nutrition of Ultra structure developing bone, callus formation and fracture repair. 9. Connective Distribution:Lymphatic Open & closed Tissue Iv- nodule: solitary and circulation in the Lymphoid/ aggregate-Lymph node spleen. Immune Spleen. System 10. Connective T and B Lymphocytes Blood Thymus barrier Organ Tissue Thymus, Tonsil. Tonsillitis. transplantation (Lymphoid/ Graft rejection, Immune Autoimmune System) disease. 11. Connective Reticulin framework Bone marrow Tissue-V Bone Developing blood cells transplants. Marrow Blood sinusoids. 12. Muscle Tissue Types of their Red, white and Hyperplasia and microanatomy intermediate muscle hypertrophy T tubules and muscle fibres, Nutrition. Rigor mortis and triads,Motor end-plate myasthenia gravis Myoneural junction. Ultra structure. 13. Nerve Tissue Structure of neuraon Meissner’s pacinnian Ultrastructure and neuroglia, corpuscles, Age changes in Identification of Types &ultrastructure neurons. neurons and neuroglia, of synapse. Peripheral nerve,Structure of myelin and myelin sheath,Nodes of RanvierGanglia: Sensory (DRG): Motor(Systemic). 14. Blood Vessels Basic structure of blood Types of capillaries Atherosclerosis vessel: tunica intima, Diapedesis,Blood-Brain Aneurysms & media and adventia, Barrier, Infarcts


Arteries(Large, Medium Thermoregulation Disorders of and Small)and Clotting and Capillaries Bleeding Veins & Sinusoids. mechanisms. 15. Skin Skin types & structure Renewal of the Psoriasis Cutaneous receptors epidermis, Vitiligo Appendages of the keratinisation. Albinism skin(hair follicles, Malignant sebaceous and sweat melanomaAcne,Lic glands, nails). hen planus.


S. Topic Must Know Should Know May Know No 1. 1Introduction Prenatal-Zygote, pre- Ontogeny, Trimester; Ontogeny in . embryonic, Embryonic Viability, Abortion, relation to &Foetal,Terms of Miscarriage, MTP, Phylogeny. references-Cranial, Concepts, Abortion Rostral, Caudal Dorsal, Ventral, Medial, Lateral 2. 2Gametogene Menstrual cycle, Ovarian Abnormal Abnormalities . sis cycle, LMP & EDD, gametogenesis during mitosis Oogenesis & ovulation, Abnormal germ cells &meosis Ovum, , Morphology Fertility & sterility- , normal Conception, investigations Sperm parameters Contraception Sex selection Capacitiation, Germ cell Sex determination Surrogate transport and fertilization, motherhood. Acrosome reaction,Zona reaction 3. 3First Two Fertilization,Implantation, Mosaicism, Pregnancy loss . Week Decidua and decidual Spontaneous abortion, abnormal reaction, Cleavage, Abnormalimplantation, implantation Blastocyst Chorionic consequences. Bilaminar&trilaminardiscs gonadotrophins ,Amniotic membrane, Pregnancy test. Yolk sac, connecting stalk, chorion, Prochordal plate Extraembryonic mesoderm Primary chorionic villi and placentation,Oral&buccop haryngeal membranes.

4. 4Third Week Gastrulation; Primitive Nucleus pulposus Signs of pregnancy streaknotochord,Neuralat Sacrococcygealteratom during the first ion-Neural tube & its fate, as trimester


Neural crest,Neural tube Frame of body- defects-spina bifida, poles, Axes , meningomyelocoele, Symmetry Anencephaly, Dilatation & Development of curettage somitesIntraembryonicco procedure elome, CVS,Foetal Serum markers – membranes , Chorionic alpha villi, Amnion, Yolk sac, fetoprotein,hcG,est AllantoisIntraembryonic, rogen medsoderm& its subdivisions, Derivatives of the germ layer,Pharyngeal arches. 5. 5Foetal Formation, functions and Role of placental Abnormal multiple Membranes fate of foetal membranes hormones pregnancies, Placenta-types:types of Uterine growth Trophoblastic, cord attachments, Parturition tumours:Haemolyti physiological functions, Multiple pregnancies. c disease of the fetomaternal circulation, new born, Twinning: Monozygotic Erythroblastosisfoe and dizygotic. talisTeratogenicity. 6. 6The Foetal Foetal growth Estimation of foetal large and small Period Maternal- age, Concept of babies foetalcorrelation(Pregnan prematurity, Chorionic villus cy changes in mother). Body segments- biopsy proportion, &Amniocentesis Tissue differentiation methods of foetal and function. monitoring

7. 7Congenital Causative factors genetic basis of Malformatio Mechanisms malformations, ns Critical period of development Teratogens. 8. 6Body Cavities Subdivision of the Enumeration of Clinical . Mesenteries coelomic cavity congenital anomalies presentation, & The Related parts: cardiogenic Diaphragmatic hernias. Respiratory distress Diaphragm area, septum transversum syndrome Somatopleura,splanchnop Herniation. leuraMesenteries: formation, functions &fate,Diaphragm 9. 7Musculoskel Limb buds Congenital anomalies etal System Fate, Rotation of the limb Amelia, Phocomelia buds. etc. 10. 8Cardiovascul Angiogenesis Enumeration of veins, Clinical features . ar System Heart loop and formation abnormalities Recent of the chambers of the ,development: heart, septa & valves


Turncusarteriosus & fate Correlation with gross prosthetic valves, Intraembryonic vessels, anatomy &anomalies, grafting, Foetal circulation & Lymphatic system Surgical correction. changes at birth ASDs. normal & anomalies VSDs, PDA ,Fallots arterial system Major tetralogy . veins 11. 9Digestive Body cavities & serous Malformations- Clinical . (Alimentary) membrane,Foregut & its Congenital presentation in System derivatives: omental hypertrophic pyloric premature births bursa,Midgut- stenosis,Atresia,Omph and neonatal Derivatives,rotation of alocoele,Hernia, period. the gut, Meckel’s Malformations; diverticulum; Liver Fistulae, situsinversus, &extahepatic biliary Non-rotation, reversed system ,Pancreas, Spleen & mixed rotation. Portal vein,Hindgut, Cloaca and its derivatives 12. 1Respiratory Tracheobronchial Associated anomalies. Respiratory distress 0System diverticulum,Developmen syndrome. . t of larynx, trachea, bronchi &lungs,Tracheo- oesophageal fistula. 13. 1Urogenital Kidneys, ureter urinary congenital anomalies/ Clinical 1System bladder, Cloaca-urinary causes presentation & . bladder and urethra Ambiguous genitalia & visualization in the Suprarenal gland, hermaphroditism living Gonads-testis & Remnants and vestiges Hernia,hydrocele. ovary,Descent of the ducts & tubules. ofgonads,Mesonephric duct and paramesonephric systems, Uterine tube, uterus ,vagina&External genitalia. 14. 1Face & Pharyngeal arches. Common anomalies Congenital 2Pharyngeal Pouches/ cleft: and syndromes of malformations . Apparatus derivatives and fate pharyngeal arches. Development of face, oral cavity, palate& associated anomalies. First arch syndrome. 15. 1Nervous Neural tube and brain Congenital associated Sequence of 3System vesicles, Ventricular disorders- myelination . system, Neural crest and hirschsprung’s disease. Genetic its derivatives, &teratogenic Hypophysiscerebri, factors neural tube Peripheral nervous defects. system: somatic and automaticNeurobiotaxis,


Functional components spina bifida,Anencephaly, hydrocephalus. 16. 1Organs Of Eye: Embryologic source Common anomalies of Genetics and 4Special of each component and the eye: Retinal teratology . Senses the adnexa, Ear: Internal detachment; especially Rubella, ear-membranous/bony Congenital glaucoma, Toxoplasmosis – labyrinth, Middle & Colobomairidis, Torch infections External ear. Congenital cataract . 17. 1Integumenta Skin, pilo-sebaceous unit, Associated Congenital Genetics and 5ry System Tooth as modified dermal anomalies – teratology . papillae,Nail , sweat supernumerary breast, Clinical syndromes. glands, mammary glands . amastia,athelia etc.


S. Topic Must Know Should Know May Know No 1. Introduction Clinical geneticsMendelian laws of inheritanceCell division,Mitosis&Meiosis. 2 Chromosom Structure ,Classification, Grouping of Karyotyping e-I Sex chromatin,Lyon chromosomes hypothesis 3. Chromosom Chromosomal Disorders- Genetic code e-II Trisomy &monosomy,down’s syndrome, patau’s, Edward’s &,Klinefelter’s syndrome 4. Genetic Structure of DNA &RNA, Cri-du chat Robertsoniantransl diseases Single Gene Disorders, syndrome,Fragile X ocation, Genetic transmission- syndrome,Genomic Philadelphia Autosomal dominant/ Imprinting- chromosome recessive, Sex linked Angelman&Prader-willi dominant/recessive, Gene syndrome mutationMutagens,Mosai cism, leukemias Multifactorial Disorders 6. Clinical Pedigree chart/symbols Pedigree analysis Genetics 7. Diagnosis of Prenatal diagnosis:- Ultrasonography/imagi Genetics IndicationsAmniocentesis, ng studies & Diseases Chorionic villus biochemical biopsy,Maternal serum parameters screening. 8. Genetic Indications of Human cloning, stem cells Counseling &


Gene therapy,Human genome

Recommended Books for Undergraduate programme

S no Title Author Publisher Edition

1 Gray's Anatomy for Richard L.Drake , A Elsevier First South Asia students Wayne Vogi, Adam Edition W. Mitchel 2 Clinical Anatomy Richard S. Snell Wolters Kluwer 9th edition

3 Clinical Neuroanatomy Richard S. Snell Wolters Kluwer 7th edition

4 Cunningham's Manual Rachel Koshi oxford 16th Edition of practical Anatomy Volume1,2,3 6 Di Fiore’s Atlas of Victor P. Wolters Kluwer 13th Edition Histology Eroschenko 7 Langman’sMedical T.W. Sadler Wolters Kluwer 13th Edition Embryology

8 Surface and Radiological A. Halim CBS Publishers 3rd Edition Anatomy

9 Human Osteology -A Nafis Ahmad CBS Publishers 3rd Edition Clinical orientation Faruqi 10 Gray's Anatomy-The Susan Standring Elsevier 41th Edition Anatomical Basis of clinical practice

11- Synopsis of surgical Lee McGregor’s Varghese publisher (Indian Edition)12th anatomy

12 A manual of clinical S Das S.S Das 12th surgery


Examination /Marks Distribution

Total marks- 400

Internal Assessment 200

Professional Examination- 200

Internal Assessment: Three Assessment in theory and practical are held as -

Exam Theory Practical First semester 100 marks 100 marks Second semester 100 marks 100 marks End semester 200 marks 200 marks Round the year 200 marks 200 marks performance of Student Total-600 marks Total-600 marks Reduced to 100 Marks Reduced to 100 marks Internal assessment Theory -100 Marks Practical -100 Marks Total-200 Marks

Professional Examination

Theory -Paper I 100 marks Total-200 marks Theory - Paper II 100 marks Reduced to 100 marks Total-100 marks Practical 100 marks

Total 200 Marks