Change. Save. Sustain. In Partnership with Patients. GOTHENBURG 12-15 April 2016 | EVENT GUIDE

Organisers Gold Sponsors

Breakfast and Lunchtime Sessions Sponsors @QualityForum #quality2016 INTEGRATED HEALTH SOLUTIONSSM Table of Contents

03 Welcome MOVING 04 Welcome to the Practical Information International Forum 05 TOWARD Hallå International Forum App On behalf of the Strategic Advisory Board, the Institute for 06 Healthcare Improvement and BMJ, I wish you a very warm Gothenburg 2016 Highlights welcome to the International Forum Gothenburg 2016. VALUE-BASED 08 We have a rich and inspiring programme in store for you, Keynote Speakers representing the very best of new thinking from the global 10 HEALTHCARE quality improvement movement. Tuesday 12 April Programme 12 Tuesday 12 April List of Speakers TOGETHER Over the next few days we will showcase the best in healthcare improvement from across the world and reflect on the solutions for the challenges we face in the future. 14 Wednesday 13 April Programme Change. Save. Sustain. In Partnership with Patients. This is the theme of our time together in Gothenburg. This conference is a festival of 16 ideas, innovations and improvements. It is a celebration of transformative initiatives in Wednesday 13 April List of Speakers healthcare. 18 Thursday 14 April Programme The time has come when we, as change agents, develop new systems of care focussed around the patient’s perspective, using concepts such as resilience, reliability and 20 wholeness. It is in partnership with relatives and patients that we define the platform Thursday 14 April List of Speakers for change. Our collaboration with relatives and patients empowers those individuals that need our services to work with us to transform our care and enable us to achieve a 22 completely new level of performance. Friday 15 April Programme

Take a chance, let yourself go and find new ways of looking at things. Through curiosity 24 and networking we can together acquire new wisdom and find new competencies. Friday 15 April List of Speakers We’re committed to helping the healthcare Take the opportunity in Gothenburg to further these new competencies and make new friends with whom you can share tomorrow’s challenges and solutions. 26 community better align patient care with Featured Sessions patient outcomes. But we can’t do it alone. 27 Wellbeing and Yoga Programme That’s why we’re collaborating with physicians, I hope you enjoy this International Forum and your stay in Gothenburg, 28 administrators, payers, and patients and that you leave ready to transform, innovate and inspire. Networking Opportunities across the care continuum to create more I also look forward to welcoming you later this year to International Forum 30 Poster Sessions and Video Posters sustainable models of care. Our goal? Singapore 2016 (26-28 September 2016) and to the International Forum in Better patient outcomes for everyone. London next year (26-28 April 2017). 32 Students and Junior Healthcare Professionals Programme

34 Sponsored Special Interest Sessions

38 VISIT OUR BOOTH # 25 Göran Henriks Floor Plan Chairman of the Forum’s Strategic Advisory Board & Chief Executive of Learning & Innovation, Jönköping County Council; Sweden 40 SPONSORED SESSION: Exhibitors Optimised Value In Healthcare – 44 Thursday April 14th, from 15h30-16h30 Strategic Advisory Board 45 Abstract Reviewers

46 In Partnership with Patients UC201606950EE © 2016 Medtronic. All Rights Reserved. Printed in Europe.

3 @QualityForum #quality2016 Practical Information International Forum App

Welcome Reception App features Hosted by City of Gothenburg and Region Västra Götaland

Please join us at the International Attendees Maps Documents Forum welcome reception on Discover who else is attending and View venue maps and floor plans to find Download session handouts and email Wednesday 13 April from 17:30 in the Exhibition Hall. connect with them via in-app messaging. your way around. them to yourself for use after the conference.

Schedule Activity feed My notes View the full programme by day. Know Pull down to refresh and stay up to date. Add session notes and email them to Assistance If you have any questions or require any information, please where to be and when to be there. Use Swipe up to browse through important yourself for future reference. ask a member of the International Forum Team (they will be wearing green ‘My Schedule’ to view the sessions you announcements. shirts) who will be able to assist you. Handouts/Presentations have pre-selected.

Registration will take place in Entrance 5, Ground Floor. Registration will Speakers Exhibitors Surveys Handouts and presentations made available be open during the following times: Read biographies of our expert speakers Browse exhibitors and save a list of Tell us what you think about individual by speakers can be found on • Tuesday 12 April 08:00-09:00 Half day courses attendees only and view which sessions they will be companies you want to connect with. sessions and the conference as a whole. involved in. • Tuesday 12 April 13:45-18:00 Attendees of Student & Junior and also in the International Forum App. Healthcare Professionals Orientation • Tuesday 12 April 16:00-18:00 All International Forum attendees • Wednesday 13 April 07:30-19:00 All International Forum attendees • Thursday 14 April 08:00-17:30 All International Forum attendees Accommodation • Friday 15 April 07:30-16:15 All International Forum attendees Agency contact details

If you have booked your accommodation How to get the app Badges will be scanned each day when you enter the conference. Please be aware that you must wear your badge at all times during the through Sweden MEETX and need any assistance they can be contacted directly on International Forum as it shows the days you are eligible to attend and Wifi Access Wifi is available in all areas. guarantees you entry to the venue on those days. +46 (0)31 708 86 90. Please select netwaork International Forum and enter password forum2016. Wifi Access Wifi is available in all areas. Please select network International Forum and enter password forum2016.

International Forum App is available to all attendees. For further information please see page 5. 1 2 3

Poster Viewings have been grouped into themes and can be viewed in the Poster Hall of the venue during registration, refreshments and lunch on The International Forum live the three main event days, Wednesday 13 - Friday 15 April. stream and YouTube channel In addition there are daily Poster Sessions on the three main event days (see full details on the daily programme pages). These sessions provide a great opportunity to view posters and interact with the authors who took With such a comprehensive programme part in the research and design of the work on display. and so many speakers, it has always been a challenge to get to all the sessions you want Certificates of Attendance All attendees will receive a general certificate to go to. of attendance. This will be emailed to you two weeks after the event. This year, all the presentations on the main stage will be streamed live via Livestream. RCP and EACCME Accreditation The 2016 International Forum has been approved for a total of 24 CPD credits by the Royal College of Physicians Access the live stream on (RCP) in England (Event code: 101619). Attendees wishing to claim RCP CPD credits should sign the green register The stream is publicly available and there is Download app Find event each day. no need to sign in. Log in Search for IFQSH in the App With the app open, click on The 2016 International Forum was also granted 24 European CME credits Once the Gothenburg event These streamed sessions will remain store or GooglePlay. Once event ID, enter IFQSHGoth (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical is open, enter log in details as available after the International Forum and downloaded, open the app. and press Download. Education (EACCME). follows: will also be published on the International Attendees wishing to claim ECMEC credits should sign the blue register Forum YouTube channel ( each day. Username: QualitySafetyForum), where you can also your email address Both registers can be found in the Exhibition Hall. view hundreds of sessions from previous Password: years of the International Forum. forum2016

4 5 Gothenburg 2016 Highlights

Patients involved Patients have been at the heart of designing and reviewing Streams the programme, ensuring a greater focus on the patient and This year our programme is structured with the personal story. ‘Person and Family-Centred Care’ is our five streams. These streams capture the biggest stream this year, with patient speakers and patient essence and key priorities of today’s quality representatives continuing to challenge our thinking to keep improvement movement. patients at the core of our mission.

Gothenburg Experience Days Building Capability and Leadership Our Experience Days take place at healthcare sites across and outside Gothenburg as part of our Tuesday programme. They Quality, Cost, Value give a detailed and inside view of the best quality and safety initiatives in the Swedish healthcare system. Person and Family-Centred Care See page 11

Population and Public Health 6th annual International Improvement Science and Research Symposium Safety Our sixth annual International Improvement Science and Research Symposium aims to connect researchers and healthcare professionals who are at the frontline of implementing evidence-based improvement interventions. See page 10

Learning and Networking Visit our dedicated space for networking and shared learning to meet colleagues and to participate in some of our informal sessions held in the Learning and Networking Room. See page 28-29

Special Interest sessions A number of sponsored special interest sessions will run on Thursday and Friday. Get a practical view of how to tackle challenges and progress in local settings. See page 34-35

Poster sessions and videos Join our interactive, facilitated discussion groups to explore some of the wide range of quality improvement work on display, including initiatives that are still in progress. Send us your video posters to reach a wider audience too. See page 30-31

The Forum Q-FACTOR LIVE! Using the opportunities created by globalisation, how would you improve healthcare at a local, regional or national level? Four aspiring leaders will present their ideas in front of our star judges and main audience. When: Friday, 14:00-15:00, Congress Room, Level 1

The Big Debate Following the popularity of our first Big Debate in London last year, a cast of global leaders will this time argue for and against the motion that “efficiency is the enemy of innovation and improvement”. You, the audience, will decide the ultimate winner by voting. When: Thursday, 15:30-16:30, Congress Room, Level 1

6 7 7 @QualityForum #quality2016 Keynote Speakers

Keynote 1 - Exploring Our of MDM Sweden and also medically Keynote 3 - Sweden: The Keynote 4 - A Personal Story Of She co-founded one of the first digital Keynote 6 - Discovery Roots: Remembering the Scientific responsible for the clinic run by the Birthplace Of Quality Improvement Care, Communication, And Compassion marketing agencies, positioned high-tech companies for IPOs, and led Fortune 500 Friday, 15 April Foundations of Improvement organisation for undocumented migrants Thursday, 14 April in Sweden. He is Professor of Infectious Thursday, 14 April companies into the strategic potential of 15:15-16:15 Wednesday, 13 April Diseases and Senior Doctor at the 09:15-10:30 16:45-17:30 digital marketing and social media. 09:30-10:30 Karolinska Institutet (Medical University During this journey, Lois has become a student of change, learning what it takes Maureen in Stockholm). His main interest is Global Olivia Wigzell Brian Boyle Donald M. Infections and his main research interest to get people to embrace new ideas, Bisognano Director-General, Healthcare advocate, adapt to change and shift perceptions. has been Malaria, especially its treatment President Emerita Berwick National Board of public speaker and Her obsession is creating clarity from and control with over 200 scientific and Senior Fellow, Health and Welfare, National Volunteer complexity. She is known for her joyful MD, MPP publications. Institute for Healthcare Sweden Spokesman of the approach to bringing people together President Emeritus Improvement (IHI) Olivia Wigzell is American Red Cross in workshops to ignite new thinking and and Senior Fellow, Dr Alexander Institute for Director-General at the On his way home from ways to achieve aspirations. Maureen Bisognano previously served Healthcare Improvement; Former van Tulleken National Board of Health and Welfare. swim practice in 2004, eighteen-year old In addition to Rebels at Work, Lois is the as IHI’s President and CEO from 2010 to Administrator, Centers for Medicare Academic Director From this autumn she is also a member of Brian Boyle’s future changed in an instant author of Naked-Hearted: How Bullshit, 2015, and as Executive Vice President and Medicaid Services and Helen Hamlyn the WHO executive board. Before taking when a dump truck plowed into his vehicle Parkinson’s and John Lennon Changed and COO from 1995 to 2010. She is a on her current position she was Director- My Life and the award winning Beyond Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP, Senior Fellow, causing catastrophic injuries: he lost prominent authority on improving health General at the Swedish Agency for health Buzz: The Next Generation Word of President Emeritus and Senior Fellow, The Institute of sixty percent of his blood, his heart had care systems, advises leaders around technology assessment and assessment of Mouth Marketing. Institute for Healthcare Improvement, is International Humanitarian Affairs, moved across his chest, and his organs the world, and is a frequent speaker Social services. also former Administrator of the Centers Fordham University and pelvis were pulverized. He was placed at major health care conferences. Ms. Previously Olivia has had a number for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A in a medically-induced coma, and when Bisognano is an elected member of Alexander (Xand) graduated from of Director/ executive positions and Jaideep Prabhu pediatrician by background, Dr. Berwick Brian finally emerged from the coma two the National Academy of Medicine, an Oxford University in 2002 and has since assignments within government agencies has served on the faculty of the Harvard months later, he had no memory of the Professor of Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical combined NHS work with global health such as the Ministry of Health and Social Medical School and Harvard School accident, but he could see and hear even Marketing, Jawaharlal School, and a Research Associate in and television work. After completing a Affairs and head of the Public Health and of Public Health, and on the staffs of though he could not move or talk. After Nehru Professor of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Diploma in Tropical Medicine in 2005 he Health Care Division, National Board of Boston’s Children’s Hospital Medical three years in recovery, he was fully healed. Indian Business and Division of Social Medicine and Health worked for Médecins du Monde in Darfur. Health and Welfare etc. She also chaired Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brian is currently an international Enterprise; Director, Inequalities. She currently serves on the He later worked with relief agency Merlin a committee on gender equality within and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. healthcare advocate, public speaker, Centre for India & boards of The Commonwealth Fund, and has maintained a keen interest in the healthcare sector. Wigzell has also He has also served as Vice Chair of the US author, graduate school student at Johns Global Business at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical humanitarian issues. Xand is Academic worked as political advisor in the Ministry Preventive Services Task Force, the first Hopkins and a volunteer patient advocate Judge Business School, University of Center, ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Director and Helen Hamlyn Senior of Foreign Affairs and at the Foundation “Independent Member” of the American for the Armstrong Institute. He recently Cambridge Value, and on the Advisory Board of Fellow at The Institute of International of Alva and Gunnar Myrdal. Hospital Association Board of Trustees, completed his second book, The Patient Jaideep Prabhu is Professor of Marketing, County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Humanitarian Affairs, Fordham University. For the past few years, Olivia has and Chair of the National Advisory Experience: The Importance of Care, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Prior to joining IHI, she was CEO of the coordinated an EU process on the topic of Council of the Agency for Healthcare Communication, and Compassion in the Business and Enterprise, and Director of Massachusetts Respiratory Hospital Health System Performance Assessment. Research and Quality. He served two Hospital Room, which is based on the the Centre for India & Global Business and Senior Vice President of The Juran Dr Hanna M. She is a member of a high level reflection terms on the Institute of Medicine’s experiences that both he and his parents at Judge Business School, University of Institute. Ingelman- group for OECD, working with assessing (IOM’s) Governing Council, was a member went through during their time in the Cambridge. healthcare systems. She was also vice of the IOM’s Global Health Board, and Sundberg hospital. His research interests are in marketing, Mayor in Stockholm and County Council served on President Clinton’s Advisory Medical volunteer innovation, strategy and international Commissioner in the Greater Stockholm Commission on Consumer Protection and board business. He has published in and Area for a ten year period. She was a - Innovation and Change and Quality in the Healthcare Industry. He member, MdM Keynote 5 is on the editorial board of leading member of the steering committee for is recognized as a leading authority on in the Workplace international journals such as the Journal Sweden the European Observatory and of the health care quality and improvement. of Marketing and the International Dr Hanna M. Ingelman-Sundberg is a Harkness Selection Committee. Olivia Friday, 15 April Journal of Research in Marketing. He has junior doctor at Danderyds Hospital, holds a degree in political science and 09:15-10:15 appeared on BBC News24, BBC Radio 4 Stockholm. She volunteers with MdM communication. Keynote 2 - Providing Best Sweden and is a board member. She has Lois Kelly and Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and his Healthcare During the European a PhD in immunology. work has been profiled in BusinessWeek, Refugee Crisis - Mobilising Health BBC World Service, The Economist, The Author, Change Agent Financial Times, Le Monde, The New York And Care Support Services Dr David and Creative Strategist Times and The Times. He has consulted Wednesday, 13 April Montes Bentura Lois Kelly, co-author of with, taught executives from or given talks the best selling book at ABN Amro, Bertelsmann AG, Barclays, 16:45-17:30 Paediatrician Rebels at Work: A BP, BRAC, BT, GE, IBM, ING Bank, Marks volunteer, MdM Handbook for Leading and Spencer, the NHS, Pearson, Roche, Dr Anders Spain Change from Within, Shell, Siemens, Unilever and Vodafone, Björkman Dr David Montes has been a creative rebel throughout among others. Bentura is a President, Médecins her career, helping some of the most He is the co-author of Jugaad Innovation: Paediatrician and active MdM volunteer du Monde Sweden and respected companies in the world Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate both in Spain and internationally. He has Breakthrough Growth, described by The Professor of Infectious create new ways to launch products, a Masters degree in Human medicine Economist as “the most comprehensive Diseases and Senior communicate complicated issues, and International Cooperation and book yet” on the subject of frugal Doctor, Karolinska influence public opinion, deal with crises, volunteered at Chios Refugees Camp in innovation. His most recent book is Frugal Institutet; Sweden go public, adopt innovative business Greece in 2015. practices, and occasionally try to move Innovation: How to do More with Less. Dr Anders Björkman is the President mountains.

8 9 Population and Building Capability Person and Family - Quality, Cost, Value Safety Tuesday | pril Other events Streams for Public Health and Leadership Centred Care 14:00-17:00 Stdent and niors Lone, Level Stdent nior Healthcare Professionals Orientation nteractive Learnin xperience ll stdents, nior healthcare professionals and teachers are welcome to oin or Stdent Orientation Oranised by H Open School

M1: th nnal nternational M2: Lets et Social M3: Leadin mprovement M4: Plannin, Oranisin, M5: ocin The oat t M10: xperience ay M11: xperience ay M12: xperience ay M13: xperience ay M14: xperience ay mprovement Science nd mprovin CareThroh The fforts or lobal Health mplementin nd Sstainin Stayin n t How To e Hman ihtsased Health National nnovation Throh nterated PersonCentred oad To xcellence rom Welcome to eion npin esearch Symposim Power Of Social edia Leaders Patient Safety reat Chane ent ality n lticltral Patient nvolvement Care Throh Practice nd anaement Systems To Conty learn with a system Commnity esearch xcellent Care passionate abot healthier lives Harness the power of social This session incldes Patient safety is evolvin This inspirin and hihly Prodly spported by media for improvin health facilitated rop discssions This session will draw active half day session offers Prodly spported by Prodly spported by Prodly spported by Prodly spported by Prodly spported by The Health ondation eion Vstra taland eion Vstra taland Sahlrensa niversity Hospital eion Vstra taland eion npin Conty care Well focs on arond case stdies,which lessons from the past practical methods for and niversity of othenbr developin a broad stratey address critical areas of years, and describe new srvivin and thrivin as an to connect with the pblic, startin improvement framewors, strateies and aent of chane oll et interact and enae with efforts, settin priorities, tools to plan, oranise, tools to help mae chane healthcare professionals and transitionin from one implement and sstain happen when other people The mprovement Science and oranisations priority to the next, while oranisationwide patient are resistant and to bild and esearch Symposim drawin on personal safety yor own resilience, so yo provides a nie platform See full list of speakers on experiences from lobal remain stron, effective and for researchers and ey page 12. health experts See full list of speakers on adaptable in yor scientific staeholders to page 12. improvement practice nite in the advancement of See full list of speakers on nered Hospital Nsvrden Sahlrensa Sdra lvsbors eion npin improvement science in page 12. See full list of speakers on Hospital rop niversity Hospital Hospital SS Conty nered Hospital is located healthcare page 12. in a mlticltral area in The Nsvrden Hospital Sahlrensa niversity Sdra lvsbors Hospital The proramme incldes northeast othenbr, et an insiht into how rop is one of for within Hospital is one of ropes SS is a conty hospital in presentations of leadin coverin the two city system thinin and eion Vstra taland, larest, with a direct lin to eion Vstra taland research and sessions to districts of nered and improvement have raised servin , people with Sahlrensa cademy, part which provides specialised hihliht ey isses to ast othenbr, and the bar of performance specialised hospital care of the niversity of health care for abot improve ality and patient serves , people This Hear how we are worin to There are two separate othenbr esearch and , people SS has a safety Topics discssed will visit is abot promotin transform and interate locations the NL Hospital medical practice are closely wide span of operations inclde the challenes in eal health in a personcenteredness, focses on emerency care interlined, symbolied by lon with providin identifyin improvement mlticltral commnity vales, reslts and and has one of Swedens the walin bride which hihality health care interventions, the context in innovation into daily wor Once at nered Hospital, larest emerency clinics, provides a direct lin within all specialties, the which they are applied, and oom oom oom oom rop visits will cover and the ddevalla Hospital between both sites Here hospital also has a research eion npin Conty the methods sed to Level Level Level Level focses on specialised care, yo will explore examples of department and provides serves a poplation of nderstand how they impact ealiin the riht to #qfm2 #qfm3 #qfm4 #qfm5 sch as planned srery and world leadin interdisciplin trainin for nrses and , and is one of the on healthcare health throh ary research and innovation rihtsbased healthcare orthopaedics doctors We have leadin healthcare developed a manaement oranisations in the world t Comic Health an During this day you will: Keynote speaers s transportation will be system involvin the entire provides a model for total intercltral provided from the Hear a eneral oranisation, which focses ality manaement and Boel Andersson-Gäre, commnication aid for conference vene to NL introdction from the on shared and fewer oals transformation, inspirin irector, trm, eion redcin barriers to Hospital fter a eneral top manaement of many systems and npins ln Professor, healthcare introdction to how the Sahlrensa niversity The visit to SS Hospital will international leaders in the npin cademy for The Health ide hospital wors, yo can Hospital and be divided into for ality improvement The mprovement of Health and Proect participate in one of three Sahlrensa cademy sections the manaement system has three , Welfare, Sweden visits breast clinic, dialysis describin their close system operational care centers and over Swedens first COP centre, or care for the collaboration based on development patient dental practices The Johan Thor, Vinnvrd mobile care proram ellow of mprovement M6: mprovin ental Health M7: Leadership Strateies M8: Plannin, Oranisin, M9: ocin The oat t elderly interdisciplinary research safety and hihstandard of reion, in close Science, The npin Throh Patient nd To mprove lobal Health mplementin nd Sstainin Stayin n t How To e Collaboration platform and medical practice ality in medical care collaboration with cademy for mprovement Professional Partnerships Patient Safety reat Chane ent for research and Learning Objectives continosly feedin mnicipalities, overns and Learning Objectives of Health and Welfare development mprovin everyday life into each other resltin spports also other areas Well present the This session incldes Patient safety is evolvin This inspirin and hihly for dialysis patients with in a mltitde of nderstand advanced sch as 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10 11 @QualityForum #quality2016

List of Speakers Tuesday, 12 April

M1 Adhnan Omar, Cardiff University; Wales M6 Amar Shah, East London NHS Foundation Trust; M12 Barbro Fridén, Sahlgrenska University Hospital; M14 Agneta Jansmyr, Region Jönköping County, England Sweden Sweden Bill Lucas, The Health Foundation and Vinnvård , VOX (Voices of Experience); , Sahlgrenska University Hospital; , Region Jönköping County; Sweden , Chalmers University of Technology; Gordon Johnston Björn Andersson Agneta Ståhl Bo Bergman Scotland Sweden Sweden Anna Österström, Region Jönköping County; , Healthcare Improvement , GPCC; Sweden Sweden , Futurum, Jönköping Johnathan MacLennan Håkan Hedman Boel Andersson-Gäre Scotland; Scotland Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare; Inger Ekman, GPCC; Sweden Charlotta Larsdotter, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Sweden Jan Fridén, Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Sweden Erik Hollnagel, University of Southern and Göran Henriks, Region Jönköping County, Sweden Jan Hedner, Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Sweden Centre for Quality, Region of Southern Denmark; , USAID Applying Science to M7 Amanda Ottosson Joacim Stalfors, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Denmark Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, Karl Swedberg, Sahlgrenska Academy and Imperial URC; USA College London , Region Jönköping County; Johan Thor, The Jönköping Academy for Joakim Edvinsson Sweden Improvement of Health and Welfare; Sweden M. Rashad Massoud, USAID Applying Science to Olle Larkö, University of Gothenburg; Sweden Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, Johan Carlsson, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Julie Reed, NIHR CLAHRC Northwest London, Pia Rydell, Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Sweden URC; USA Imperial College; England Micael Edblom, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Victor Boguslavsky, USAID Applying Science to Marie-Helene Raymond, Université de Montréal; Pernilla Söderberg, Qulturum; Sweden Canada Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, URC; USA M13 Lars Rex, Södra Älvsborgs Hospital; Sweden Raymond Lenrick, Qulturum; Sweden Nick Barber, Improvement Consultant; UK Thomas Wallin, Södra Älvsborgs Hospital; Sweden Susane Lundblad, Qulturum; Sweden Sharon Williams, Swansea University; Wales

M8 Anthony Staines, Hospital Federation of Vaud; University of Lyon 3, France M2 Christina Krause, BC Patient Safety & Quality Council; Canada Carol Haraden, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); USA Kevin Smith, BC Patient Safety & Quality Council; Canada Frank Federico, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); USA

M3 Amanda Ottosson, USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, M9 Helen Bevan, NHS Horizons; UK MSc in Surgical Science and Practice URC; USA Lynne Maher, Ko Awatea; The University of Developing leadership in the next generation of surgeons M. Rashad Massoud, USAID Applying Science to Auckland; New Zealand Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, URC; USA

Victor Boguslavsky, USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, M10 Ann-Ekberg Jansson, Angered Hospital; Sweden URC; USA The Björn Skog, Angered Hospital; Sweden Practice of Part-time, two to three years Hans Svensson, Angered Hospital; Sweden Evidence-Based Health Care , Angered Hospital / University of M4 Anthony Staines, Hospital Federation of Vaud; Henry Ascher Human University of Lyon 3; France Gothenburg; Sweden Becoming a Factors, Medical Educator Teamwork & , Institute for Healthcare Improvement Ida Wernered, Angered Hospital; Sweden Carol Haraden Communication (IHI); USA MSc in Frank Federico, Institute for Healthcare Surgical Flexible, modular Improvement (IHI); USA M11 Niklas Claesson, NU-sjukvården Hospital; Sweden Science and framework Practice Lars Wiklund, NU Hospital Group; Sweden Skills & Surgical Surgical knowledge M5 Helen Bevan, NHS Horizons; UK Technology & Management & essential for Robotics Leadership modern practice Lynne Maher, Ko Awatea; The University of Auckland; New Zealand Quality Improvement For senior Science & Systems surgical trainees Analysis Designed to fit MSc modules World-class with work available as tuition commitments short courses

12 [email protected] @oxfordssp13 Population and Building Capability Person and Family - Quality, Cost, Value Safety Wednesday 1 ril tr t tram or 2016 Public Health and Leadership Centred Care 00 17:30 iitio all rou Floor tratioal Forum lom tio 0 ot y ity o otur a io tra tala o to you all tr


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ai uitorium rou Floor #qfk1 100

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1100 A1: liial A2: mori A3: oroutio A4: atit ort A5: trti A6: oil A7: ollaorat A8: ii A9: ii A10: oi A11: raormi A12: otr io A13: otr io N1: ari a mromt liial ta o it atit utom o ari oloy o rat it atit ult it atiial ata For ollaorat o tori io aml o ri mromt Famili oi lrat a liial iromt i it t out atiatio outal ar oul Fatur utaial lrat utom Folla ol ll i From ari For loal roa ataulti aty Framor rou iit o aty loal alt aoratory 110 trla a o ari it o uili a ar ili aaility mroi aty rati or tily 1200 ari a ai uitorium oom 6 oom 10 oom oom oom 1 oom oom oom or oom oom otr all otr all tori oom rou Floor l 1 l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor #qfa1 #qfa2 #qfa3 #qfa4 #qfa5 #qfa6 #qfa7 #qfa8 #qfa9 #qfa10 #qfa11 #qfposter #qfposter #qffolkslab 120 N2: ari tori io Failitat ro tori tut uior alt ar roioal u io

W1: Forum lli roramm utim iul 100 u ra iitrat ari a tori ti oit i iitio all tut a uior ou oom rou Floor rou Floor l 1 #quality2016 #quality2016 #IHIOpenSchool 10 B1: lii B2: atioal B3: oati B4: utom o B5: tti B6: loi B7: uili B8: ur y B9: ai B10: orl alt B11: o o B12: otr io ari triiliary trati o uil rou oi aur ti raiatioal atioal Quality aurmt trator atit ir raiatio i alt tori uatio aaility For oroutio mromt i Quality trati it ytm at or atit Family alt oro io o a Quality mromt Quality mromt mromt loal ormt ar o atit a i your altar W2: Forum 100 rou yl roramm Family aty maurmt lli ari ryti ou amt a moitori i roramm o o rati ar our 0 iut i 10 ari a oa a oom 1 oom oom ai uitorium oom 6 oom oom oom or oom oom oom 10 otr all tori oom lli oom rou Floor l 1 rou Floor rou FloorD2 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 rou Floor 100 #qfb1 #qfb2 #qfb3 #qfb4 #qfb5 #qfb6 #qfb7 #qfb8 #qfb9 #qfb10 #qfb11 #qfposter #qfsafehealthcare

troo ra 10 C1: r ri C2: mromt C3: mroi C4: ollaorati C5: ur ari C6: o From C7: ai C8: i itr C9: aiul C10: ur Fori C11: or Quality C12: otr io N4: ari W3: Forum lli roal tory roramm r atit Flo artri o ai ia roa mloy alliati ar oratio out ultur otrol rii tori roramm tray ri mro utom al For aral ll t a rour rotr ar ytmi io t laatio o t ra iiy For atit ra taar it ol ar 1600 mromt atittr ou imulatio latorm i ari a oa a lli oom oom ai uitorium or oom oom oom oom 1 oom oom oom 10 oom 6 otr all tori oom oom rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 160 #qfc1 #qfc2 #qfc3 #qfc4 #qfc5 #qfc6 #qfc7 #qfc8 #qfc9 #qfc10 #qfc11 #qfposter #qfwardround

K2: roii t altar uri t uroa u rii oilii alt ar uort ri Dr Alexander van Tulleken ami Dr Anders Björkman rit i Dr David Montes Bentura Dr Hanna M. Ingelman-Sundberg 100 irtor a l amly ior Fllo u o a roor o aiatriia olutr ai ial olutr a oar mmr titut o tratioal umaitaria tiou ia a ior otor air Foram irity arolia titutt

ai uitorium rou Floor #qfk2 10

14 15 @QualityForum #quality2016

List of Speakers Wednesday, 13 April

K1 Donald M. Berwick, Institute for Healthcare A10 Abha Mehndiratta Director (India), Institute for B6 Bruce Agins, HEALTHQUAL International; NYSDOH C4 Abdelrahman Elashaal, Windsor Regional Hospital; Improvement (IHI); USA Healthcare Improvement, India AIDS Institute; USA Canada Anne-Grete Skjellanger, Norwegian Patient Safety Nneka Mobisson-Etuk, Institute for Healthcare Helen Johnson, Erie St. Clair Local Health A1 Jan Maarten van den Berg, Dutch Healthcare Programme - In Safe Hands 24/7; Improvement (IHI); USA Integration Network; Canada Inspectorate; The Netherlands Ethel Maris Schroder Torelly, Hospital de Clínicas Enrique Ruelas, Institute for Healthcare Jean Paul van Basten, Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital; Improvement (IHI); USA Michel Wouters, The Netherlands Cancer Institute; de Porto Alegre; Brazil The Netherlands The Netherlands , Santeon; The Netherlands Hildur Helgadóttir, Landspitali University Hospital; Leonique Niessen B7 Gary Sutton, Scottish Government Early Years Nils Wahlgren, Karolinska Institute; Swedish National Iceland Collaborative; Scotland Council; Sweden C5 Brian James, University of Stirling; Scotland Lars Rex, Södra Älvsborgs Hospital, Region Västra Robert C. Lloyd, Institute for Healthcare Götaland; Sweden Improvement (IHI); USA Michelle Beattie, University of Stirling; Scotland A2 Felix Mukuro, NHS Improving Quality; England Louise Rabøl, Danish Society for Patient Safety; Rob Bethune, South West Academic Health Science Denmark B8 Grete Christensen, Nordic Nurses Federation; C6 Nigel Livesley, University Research Co., LLC (URC); Network; Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation ,; The Netherlands Denmark India Trust; England Matthijs Buikema , International Council of Nurses , Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Judith Shamian Praveen K. Sharma, University Research Co., LLC Sandi Carman (ICN); Canada Foundation Trust; England (URC); India A3 Anna Ringheim, Regional Cancer Center West, Lisbeth Löpare Johansson, Vårdförbundet; Sweden Region Västra Götaland; Sweden , Landspitali University Vigdís Hallgrimsdottir C7 Robert E. Graham, North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital; Iceland Sineva Ribeiro, Vårdförbundet; Sweden Annmargreth Kvarnefors, Region Jönköping; Health System; Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School Sweden Medicine; Farewellness; USA David Codyre, East Tamaki Healthcare; New Zealand , Intermountain Healthcare; USA B9 , Stockholm County Council; A11 Lucy A. Savitz Birger Forsberg Diana Dowdle, Ko Awatea; New Zealand Karolinska Institute; Sweden C8 Greger Fransson, National Registry of Palliative Helen Crisp, The Health Foundation; UK Care; Sweden Cristin Lind, QRC Stockholm; Sweden Margaret Hannah, NHS Fife; Scotland , Aston University / Birmingham Joachim Werr, Health Navigator; Sweden B1 David Terry Childrens Hospital; England C9 Wilco Peul, Leiden University Hospital and Medical B10 Helen Haskell, Mothers Against Medical Error Centre; Choosing Wisely; The Netherlands Matt Aiello, Health Education England – West (MAME); IHI; USA A4 Leanne Wells, Consumers Health Forum of Australia; Midlands; England Australia , Bräcke diakoni; Sweden Thomas Schneider C10 Britt-Mari Banck, Ryhov County Hospital; Sweden Prof Veronica Wilkie, University of Worcester; , Famna; Sweden Paresh Dawda, Australian National University ; England Truls Neubeck Grete Christensen, Nordic Nurses Federation; Australia Margaret Murphy, WHO Patients for Patient Safety; Denmark Ireland Sam Vaillancourt, St. Michael’s Hospital; Canada Judith Shamian, International Council of Nurses B2 Anne-Grete Skjellanger, Norwegian Patient Safety Nittita Prasopa-Plaizier, WHO Patients for Patient (ICN); Canada Programme - In Safe Hands 24/7; Norway Safety; Switzerland A5 Anna-Marie Edwards, Nottingham University Maureen Bisognano, Institute for Healthcare Hospitals; England Karen Orsborn, New Zealand Health Quality and Improvement (IHI); USA Safety Commission; New Zealand , Louis Bolk Institute; Netherlands Kerry Taylor, Nottingham University Hospitals; B11 Machteld Huber Sineva Ribeiro, Vårdförbundet; Sweden England Elizabeth Goodyear, Newham Clinical B3 , Advancing Quality Alliance C11 Jens Winther Jensen, Institute for Healthcare Commissioning Group; England N3 Andrea McGuinness A6 Nneka Mobisson-Etuk, Institute for Healthcare (AQuA); England Improvement (IHI); Denmark Improvement (IHI); USA Patricia A. Rutherford, Institute for Healthcare Charles Vincent, University of Oxford; UK Nirav R Shah, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Improvement (IHI); USA region; USA Brian Robson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland; , Institute for Healthcare Improvement A7 Charles Vincent, University of Oxford; UK Scotland Pierre Barker B4 Kjersti Mevik, Nordland Hospital Trust; The Arctic (IHI); USA Brian Robson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland; University of Norway; Norway Victoria Brown, Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Scotland Academy; England Paul van der Nat, Meetbaar Beter; Netherlands Jo Thomson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland; N4 Gordon Caldwell, Western Sussex Hospitals; , Isala Hospital; The Netherlands Scotland England A8 Catarina Wallengren, University of Gothenburg J.H.E. Dambrink Centre for Person-Centered Care (GPCC); Sweden Martin Rejler, The Jönköping Academy; Sweden C1 David G. Moores, University of Alberta; Canada Inger Ekman, University of Gothenburg Centre for B5 Amar Shah, East London NHS Foundation Trust; Person-Centered Care (GPCC); Sweden England , NHS Horizons; UK K2 David Montes Bentura, MdM Spain Jennifer Perry, BMJ Quality; England C2 Helen Bevan A9 Christina Krause, BC Patient Safety & Quality Hanna M. Ingelman-Sundberg, MdM Sweden Rob Bethune, South West Academic Health Science Council; Canada , The Institute of Network; Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Alexander van Tulleken C3 Dr John Boulton, Institute for Healthcare International Humanitarian Affairs, Fordham Helen Bevan, NHS Horizons; UK Trust; England Improvement; Hamad Medical Corporation; QATAR University Professor Tom Downes, Institute for Healthcare Anders Björkman, Médecins du Monde Sweden; Improvement (IHI); Sheffield Teaching Hospitals; UK Karolinska Institutet; Sweden

16 17 Population and Building Capability Person and Family - Quality, Cost, Value Safety Thursday 1 ril tr t tram or 2016 Public Health and Leadership Centred Care 00 S1: o o uil mromt S2: uorti Q rot S3: Fri o a loal itiati W4: Forum lli roramm latorm a our rii Q roramm at oa o our i tart 18:00 ar otro 18:00-20:00 t t irum ra 0 00 20 ari oatio ay tor ri oor raat io orio oor raat io oor raat io ial t or tut a uior 0 altar roioal ial t or oria lat oom oom oom oa a lli oom l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 tut a uior altar roioal oial uti rt a oor y t oria atit #qfhorizons #qfbmj #qfihi rai y ool aty roramm a a 2 00

K3: irtla Quality mromt 0 Olivia Wigzell irtorral atioal oar o alt a lar

1000 ai uitorium rou Floor #qfk3 100

ori ra

1100 D1: oi D2: liiia D3: mori D4: uorti D5: ollaorati D6: timii D7: oilii D8: ru D9: riti For D10: at a D11: aai D12: uul D13: otr io D14: otr N5: ari W5: Forum ati ari ur ari ol it ro ot mromt alu ot uliatio o our art i oatio at otrol io tori lli tio mtia raiatioal utom ari t ii o rit alt ar tiioti ollaorat o io t u roramm qul Quality rotr ilo o mro altar From al ro i rormi trat ar raiatio lrat or iul ru ot roa atit ar ory o al ytm alt ytm o o o utom altar 110 i it it our or trtio From oity oor y troi 1200 orat y arar ui i ari a oa a or oom ai uitorium oom 1 oom oom oom 2 oom oom 10 oom oom oom 6 oom otr all otr all tori oom lli oom l 1 rou FloorD2 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor l 1 #qfd1 #qfd2 #qfd3 #qfd4 #qfd5 #qfmedtronic #qfd7 #qfd8 #qfd9 #qfd10 #qfd11 #qfd12 #qfposter #qfposter #qfunconference 120 N6: ari tori io Failitat ro tut uior altar roioal u io tori oratio it aur ioao W6: Forum lli roramm utim iul 100 u ra iitrat ari a tori oom ti oit i iitio all tut a uior ou rou Floor rou Floor l 1 #quality2016 #quality2016 #IHIOpenSchool 10 E1: ti iit E2: ui iatio E3: ai at E4: ii E5: ai liiia E6: oquri E7: imat E8: 100 illio E9: iti o E10: rati E11: E12: otr io N7: ari ilo ari For rror attr o ou trat ar For raormatioal yl o rat ari altir i ari alu For o ai ay tori Quality mromt a a o From utai a t ii loal atit tori o trat ar io Folla iriia ao ial For utai ollaoratio For rotr ol W7: Forum tr mromt oulatio alt ar roi y aoratory lli ai orl Fouatio roramm oiatio a ar our atit i raiatio ori outri 10 ari a oa a oom or oom oom 6 oom 1 ai uitorium oom oom oom 2 oom oom oom 10 otr all tori oom lli oom rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor D2 D2 l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 100 #qfe1 #qfe2 #qfe3 #qfe4 #qfe5 #qfe6 #qfe7 #qfe8 #qfe9 #qfe10 #qfe11 #qfposter #qffolkslab

100 troo ra 10

F1: raormatio F2: llo Family F3: ati F4: lli altar F5: trati F6: i at F7: a For F8: out ur F9: ai ta F10: timi F11: lii F12: otr io N8: ari a W8: Forum it oi atit i y o roioal alt oial iiy i t my ario u i ri r Value In Healthcare aamt tori io lli Family artri uul ultiati ar o From oatio a ia o artr Quality oor y troi otor o raorm Folla ol roramm ool it aral t ratio otla mromt mromt ar liry aoratory laatio o 1600 mromt ol ari a oa a oom 1 oom oom 10 oom oom or oom oom oom 6 oom oom ai uitorium otr all tori oom lli oom rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor l 1 rou Floor l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor l 1 #qff1 #qff2 #qff3 #qff4 #qff5 #qff6 #qff7 #qff8 #qff9 #qfmedtronic #qff11 #qfposter #ffolkslab 160

K4: roal tory ar ommuiatio omaio 100 Brian Boyle altar a atit oat atioal olutr oma o t mria ro ai uitorium rou Floor #qfk4 10

18 19 @QualityForum #quality2016

List of Speakers Thursday, 14 April

S1 Carol Read, NHS Horizons; UK , The Health Foundation; England D7 Penny Pereira E5 Gary S. Kaplan, Virginia Mason Medical Center; USA F3 Salomey Dery Akparibo, Ubora Institute; Ghana , NHS Horizons; UK , RAND Europe; England Helen Bevan Tom Ling Jack Silversin, Amicus, Inc; USA Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey, Institute for Healthcare Jodi Brown, NHS Horizons; UK Improvement (IHI), Accra; Ghana

, Intermountain Healthcare; S2 Jennifer Perry, BMJ; UK D8 Brenda Reiss-Brennan E6 Julie Reed, NIHR CLAHRC Northwest London, USA Imperial College; England F4 Agatha Nortley-Meshe, DAPS Global; England Scott Hogan, BMJ; UK , The Kings Fund; UK Chris Naylor Imran Qureshi, DAPS Global, England , Institute for Healthcare S3 Pierre M. Barker , Institute for Healthcare Improvement Improvement (IHI); USA E7 Derek Feeley D9 Fiona Moss, Royal Society of Medicine; England (IHI); USA F5 Cllr David Alston, NHS Highland; Scotland Yaël Gill, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); Jennifer Perry, BMJ; England Jason Leitch, The Scottish Government; Scotland USA Elaine Mead, NHS Highland; Scotland Stephen Swensen, Mayo Clinic; Mayo Medical; USA K3 Olivia Wigzell, National Board of Health and D10 Göran Henriks, Jönköping County Council; Sweden Welfare; Sweden F6 Host: Helen Bevan, NHS Horizons; England Jo-Inge Myhre, Akershus University Hospital; Norway E8 Somava Stout, Health Improvement and 100 Million Team Captain: Don Goldmann, The Institute for D1 Anupam Sibal, Apollo Hospitals Group; Indraprastha Mats Bojestig, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Healthier Lives; Institute for Healthcare Improvement; Healthcare Improvement (IHI); USA Apollo Hospitals; India USA Team Captain: Jason Leitch, The Scottish Debbie Leach, Box Hill Hospital, Eastern Health; Government; Scotland D11 Lindsay A. Martin, Institute for Healthcare Australia Improvement (IHI); USA E9 Helen Morant, BMJ; England , NHS Elect; England Deborah Thompson Marian Bihrle Johnson, Institute for Healthcare , Dance for Parkinson´s Disease; , Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust; Improvement (IHI); USA F7 Ida-Klara Johansson Iain Smith Public Health Department, Region Jönköpings län; England E10 Beatrix Algurén, Jönköping Academy for Sweden , Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Johan Stålberg , Region Västra Götaland; Sweden Improvement of Health and Welfare; Sweden , Dance for Parkinson´s Disease; Sweden D12 Christina Åhrén Katarzyna Filipowicz , Bräcke diakoni; Sweden Public Health Department, Region Jönköpings län; Lars Blad, Vasternorrland County Council; Sweden Christina Ragnö Peteris Darzins, Monash University; Australia Sweden Katharina Verheijen, Bräcke diakoni; Sweden Valérie Buthion, Lyon 2 University; France Kira Exell-Paakki, Folkhälsan Syd Ab; N5 Ajay Puri, Changemakers Vancouver; Canada , Diakonhjemmet University F8 Brent James, Intermountain Healthcare; USA , Alberta Health Services; Canada Line Lindenskov D2 Gayle Smith, Eastern Health; Australia Marlies van Dijk College; Norway Mats Bojestig, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Stephen Swensen, Mayo Clinic; Mayo Medical; USA Marie Wikström, Bräcke diakoni; Sweden E1 Jessamy Bagenal, BMJ; England Thomas Schneider, Bräcke diakoni; Sweden , East London NHS Foundation Trust; , HSC Lund University; Dept. , BMJ; England , Famna; Sweden F9 Amar Shah D3 Ami Hommel Kieran Walsh Truls Neubeck England Orthopaedics, SUS; Swedish Society of Nursing; Klara Brunnhuber, BMJ; England Sweden Paul Binfield, East London NHS Foundation Trust; England Jonathan Warren, East London NHS Foundation E11 Agneta Jansmyr, Region Jönköping; Sweden Trust; England , UK Prescribing Safety Assessment; E2 Simon Maxwell Ann Söderström, Region Västra Götaland; Sweden University of Edinburgh; UK Hans Karlsson, SALAR; Sweden F10 Michael JHM Jacobs, Heart+Vascular Center , Rutgers; Princeton HealthCare D4 Michelle Miller, Scottish Government; Scotland Timothy Reilly Maastricht; Germany System; USA Rebecca Lambert, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust; England F1 His Excellency Dr Bandar Al Knawy, Health Affairs; Saudi Arabia F11 Gary S. Kaplan, Virginia Mason Medical Center; USA E3 Peter Lachman, RCPCH; England , PFCC Innovation Center of UPMC; Jack Silversin, Amicus, Inc, USA D5 Jane Evans, Organisational Redesign and Sarah Clayton Performance Excellence, Eastern Health; Australia USA F2 Beth Lilja, Chief Medical Officer Executive Board of Libby Keck, The Health Foundation; England Directors, University Hospital Sjaelland; Denmark K4 Brian Boyle, American Red Cross; USA Will Warburton, The Health Foundation; England E4 Saskia M. Peerdeman, VU University Medical Ove Gaardboe, Danish Society for Patient Safety; Center; The Netherlands Denmark D6 Christina Rångemark Åkerman, ICHOM Steve Boam, KM&T; England Randi Nordahl, Psychotherapist; Denmark Joshua Macht, Harvard Business Review Olle Ljungqvist, ERAS Society Rob Ten Hoedt, Medtronic EMEA

20 21 Population and Building Capability Person and Family - Quality, Cost, Value Safety Friday 1 ril tram or 2016 Public Health and Leadership Centred Care 00 W9: Forum lli roramm oa o our i tart ay

0 oa a lli oom l 1


K5: oatio a a i t orla Lois Kelly 0 utor a t a rati tratit Jaideep Prabhu aaarlal ru roor o ia ui a trri a irtor u ui ool irity o amri la ai uitorium 1000 rou Floor #qfk5

100 ori ra

G1: rou G2: i G3: rati G4: oilii G5: rt ar G6: mroi G7: oli G8: imultaouly G9: ali G10: artiiatory G11: oliy G12: otr G13: otr N9: ari a W10: Forum orl tal atioal Quality Fiaial ii ar iat atral atit oot mroi Quality liial uia alt al orl io io tori io lli 1100 alt Q itri ir iiy From o mro mromt or rral au alyi ot ro For alt am Futur o liry art 1 ollaorat o am o i am roramm otriutio o ot mromt ar rou i ro alt ytm o ario ar atioal rioriti lrat o aimi otiatio iul t oil ar outri ytm aa tioia il om For alt utom For mromt altar For atit lii iria outri oial ar oliy trtio ari a ai uitorium oom oom oom 10 oom oom oom oom 6 oom oom 2 oom 1 otr all otr all tori oom oa a 110 rou Floor l 1 l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor lli oom l 1 #qfg1 #qfg2 #qfg3 #qfg4 #qfg5 #qfg6 #qfg7 #qfg8 #qfg9 #qfg10 #qfg11 #qfposter #qfposter #qfgameon

1200 H1: Quality H2: roor o H3: rai H4: Fator H5: ultur H6: atit H7: illial H8: rarri ari H9: ali rail H10: tor oil H11: oliy al H12: otr io N10: ari a mromt lumr ai liial atay lui rritio uator altar t outri ut tio rolm oml ar For orl liry tori io oliy traty ll o a Quality o mro Quality aral ailitatio uti oury From o romi yt lrly atit art 2 rati Folla ol mromt ar mlmtatio rou ultur uli o arrir i atioal oitio For aoratory 120 our tiliatio oml oulatio alt Q al mlmti a t trtio atioal ioal l ari a oom oom 10 ai uitorium oom oom 1 oom 6 oom oom 2 oom or oom oom otr all tori oom l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor l 1 l 1 rou Floor rou Floor l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor #qfh1 #qfh2 #qfh3 #qfh4 #qfh5 #qfh6 #qfh7 #qfh8 #qfh9 #qfh10 #qfh11 #qfposter #qffolkslab 100 S4: ar Flloi tut uior alt N11: ari tori oor lutim io ar roioal u io io o a uort ommoalt Fu ilr t i r ou arr t ay W11: Forum lli rorammutim 10 u ra iul iitrat

oom 6 tut a uior ou ari a tori oom ti oit i l 1 l 1 rou Floor iitio all #qfcwf #quality2016, #IHIOpenSchool #qfchildren rou Floor 100 I1: F I2: mroi I3: mroi I4: ti I5: alua I6: Fr urial I7: ari From I8: atrla mro I9: atit al o o I10: a o Futur N12: ari a QF Quality ar For ri rou tri ui atit o mro u our Quality uil y uort ytm loi Quality tori io ttr ii urial ular aoi oulatio ratial ultirioal l ramiio o ommuiatio aty mromt roram traty li i For lr ol it atit t i From ar From otr o Quality oml alt oitio 10 o ari From ay ril im ari a or oom oom oom oom 1 ai uitorium oom oom 6 oom oom 10 oom tori oom l 1 rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor rou Floor l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 rou Floor 100 #qfi1 #qfi2 #qfi3 #qfi4 #qfi5 #qfi6 #qfi7 #qfi8 #qfi9 #qfi10 #qfbetterlives

iory 10 K6: Maureen Bisognano rit mrita a ior Fllo titut or altar mromt

ai uitorium 1600 rou Floor #qfk6




22 23 @QualityForum #quality2016

List of Speakers Friday, 15 April

K5 Jaideep Prabhu, University of Cambridge; UK G8 James Mountford, UCL Partners; England H6 Clare Price-Dowd, NHS Leadership Academy; I2 Carol Peden, Royal United Hospital Bath; Bath England University; Centre for Healthcare Innovation and , Change Agent and Creative Strategist; , King’s Health Partners, Academic Lois Kelly John Moxham Improvement; England USA Health Sciences Centre; England Mark Doughty, Centre for Patient Leadership; England Geeta Aggarwal, Royal Surrey County Hospital; England , East London NHS Foundation Trust; G1 Amar Shah , House of Lords; England England G9 Nigel Crisp H7 Antony Sheehan, Church Health Center of Memphis, Nial Quiney, Royal Surrey County Hospital; England , Workforce Race Equality Standard Inc; USA , Institute for Mental Health; Yvonne Coghill Chua Hong Choon (WRES) Implementation Team; England Singapore Jenny Bartlett-Prescott, Church Health Center; USA I3 Joanne Minford, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust; England Gordon Johnston, VOX (Voices of Experience); , Alder Hey Children’s NHS Scotland H8 Arne Poulstrup, Center for Quality; Denmark William John Calvert G10 Lara Fairall, UCT Lung Institute, University of Cape Foundation Trust; England Helen Smith, Devon Partnership NHS Trust; England Town; South Africa Diane Miller, Virginia Mason Medical Organization; Virginia Mason Institute; USA Johnathan MacLennan, Healthcare Improvement Tracy Eastman, University of Cape Town Lung I4 John Whittington, Institute for Healthcare Scotland; Scotland Institute in support of the BMJ-UCT partnership; UK Improvement (IHI); USA

Pedro Delgado, Institute for Healthcare H9 Pedro Delgado, Institute for Healthcare Niñon Lewis, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Improvement (IHI); USA Improvement (IHI); USA (IHI); USA G11 Bastiaan R. Bloem, Radboudumc, Nijmegen; The , Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein; Brazil Vibeke Rischel, Danish Society for Patient Safety; Netherlands Rita Sanchez Denmark I5 Jonas Wohlin, IVBAR; Karolinska Institute; Sweden H10 Svante Lifvergren, Skaraborg Hospital Group, G2 Johan Thor, The Jönköping Academy for G12 Anthony Costello, World Health Organization; UK Region Västra Götaland; Sweden Improvement of Health and Welfare; Sweden I6 Amy F. Stern, University Research Co.,USAID ASSIST Jason Leitch, The Scottish Government; Scotland Ulla Andin, Skaraborg Hospital, Region Västra Project; USA Kristina Lidén Mascher, Office of National Quality Götaland; Sweden , Institute for Healthcare Improvement Registries; Sweden Pierre Barker Patty D Webster, Institute for Healthcare (IHI); USA Improvement (IHI); USA , Karolinska Institutet; Sweden Staffan Lindblad , Institute for Healthcare H11 Enrique Ruelas , University Research Co., Improvement (IHI); USA Stella Kasindi Mwita USAID ASSIST Project; Tanzania N9 Christina Krause, BC Patient Safety & Quality G3 Jim Easton, Care UK; England , Vardanalys (Swedish Agency for Council; Canada Jesper Olsson , University Research Co., Health and Care Services Analysis); Sweden Tamara Nsubuga-Nyombi USAID ASSIST Project; Uganda Shari McKeown, Clinical Improvement, BC Patient , USAID Applying Science to Safety & Quality Council; Canada M. Rashad Massoud G4 Andrew Carson-Stevens, Cardiff University; Wales Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project, I7 Helen Haskell, Mothers Against Medical Error Carly Strang, IHI Open School, Institute for URC; USA (MAME); Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); Healthcare Improvement (IHI); USA , Institute for Healthcare Improvement USA H1 Britt Wendelboe, Danish Society for Patient Safety; Pierre Barker Jessica Perlo, IHI Open School, Institute for Denmark (IHI); USA Healthcare Improvement (IHI); USA , Erasmus University Rotterdam; Richard Taunt, The Health Foundation; UK I8 Robbert Huijsman Jens Winther Jensen, The North Denmark Region; The Netherlands Institute for Healthcare Improvement; Denmark Sheila Leatherman, University of North Carolina at , Gupta Strategists; The Netherlands G5 Andrea Gushken, Unimed Guarulhos (UG); Brazil Chapel Hill; Institute for Healthcare Improvement; Samuel Smits USA; London School of Economics; UK Fernando Faraco, Unimed Guarulhos (UG); Brazil H2 Joy Whitlock, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board; Wales I9 Anette Nilsson, Region Jönköping County; Sweden , Region Jönköping County; Sweden G6 Abare Galadima, Maternal and Neonatal Health N11 Anette Nilsson , Norra Stockholms Psykiatri; Sweden Ruth Walker, Cardiff and Vale University Health Åsa Steinsaphir Care Project in Northeastern Nigeria; Nigeria , Qulturum, Jönköping Region; Sweden Board; Wales Eva Werner Emma Spak, Swedish Junior Doctors Assocation; Magdalene Okolo, MNHC project North East Linda Frank, Swedish Family Care Competence Sweden Nigeria, Society for Family Health, Abuja; Nigeria Centre; Sweden H3 Sandhya Mujumdar, National University Hospital Sara Riggare, Karolinska Institutet; Sweden Nebreed Fesseha, JSI-Last L10K, Addis Ababa; (NUH); Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLL SOM); Ethiopia Singapore , Harkness Fellowships; USA S4 Robin Osborn I10 Richard Taunt, The Health Foundation; England , Institute for Healthcare Patty D Webster Sophia Ang Bee Leng, Ministry of Health; Singapore Improvement (IHI); USA Tim Gardner, The Health Foundation; England I1 Judges: Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Accra; Ghana H4 Elisabeth Björk Brämberg, Karolinska Institute; , Institute for Healthcare Donald M. Berwick N12 Anette Nilsson, Region Jönköping County; Sweden Sweden Improvement (IHI); USA Maj Rom, Swedish Association of Local Authorities Fiona Godlee, BMJ; UK G7 Carla Veldkamp, Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, and Regions (SALAR); Sweden Santeon; The Netherlands H5 Birgitta Ekeberg, Region Jönköping County; Fiona Moss, Royal Society of Medicine; England Sweden Sandra Mulder, Dutch Health Care Inspectorate; Gordon Johnston, VOX (Voices of Experience); K6 Maureen Bisognano, Institute for Healthcare The Netherlands Inger Jansson, Jönköping University; Sweden Scotland Improvement (IHI); USA

24 25 Featured Sessions Wellbeing and Yoga Programme

We have an exciting schedule of speakers, sessions and activities planned Be sure to drop into our Yoga and Wellbeing Space in the Yoga for the next few days, and the below is a selection of some of our most and Wellbeing Room on Level 1 to unwind and get re-energised. popular sessions. All sessions in the Main Auditorium will be streamed live via Livestream ( and recorded for the Find the schedules for International Forum YouTube channel ( all wellbeing and yoga sessions (session codes W1-W11) Carol Stuart, About the sessions in our daily programme Engaging Clinicians for Transformational Change: A1 Clinical Improvement: Examples of Excellence in The E5 Yoga Teacher The Hatha style of yoga is suitable for all pages Lessons from Virginia Mason Medical Center Netherlands and Sweden Carol practices fitness levels and ages. Sessions will present a (page 14-23). When: Wednesday, 13 April, 11:00-12:30 When: Thursday, 14 April, 13:30-15:00 Hatha Yoga, variety of easy physical exercises including gentle Main Auditorium, Ground Floor Main Auditorium, Ground Floor meditation and limbering and stretching, breathing techniques and Ayurveda in Sydney, Australia, where relaxation and meditation techniques. she presents classes, workshops and A10 Movie Matinee, Special Double Feature Show: F6 The Big Debate: Efficiency is the Enemy of Classes will involve techniques that can be done by most conference retreats. She is qualified in yoga practice Safety And Resilience Innovation and Improvement delegates throughout the day. No special change in clothes is required and and philosophy, and Ayurvedic therapy Wednesday, 13 April, 11:00-12:30 yoga mats will be provided. Some people may feel more comfortable in When: When: Thursday, 14 April, 15:30-16:30 and massage. Carol is a member of the Congress Room, Level 1 loose fitting clothes and may wish to bring a small towel. Congress Room, Level 1 International Yoga Teacher’s Association and Australian Yoga Master’s Therapist As with any exercise, people with any physical or medical conditions Outcomes To Measure Effective Improvement Association and also a qualified nurse. (including pregnancy or post natal) should have their health professional’s B4 F11 Aligning Management And Doctors To Transform Carol believes that through yoga, health, When: Wednesday, 13 April, 13:30-15:00 Care Delivery: A New Model approval before participation and must advise the instructor of these Main Auditorium, Ground Floor happiness, and inner peace can be conditions and any limitations and medications before doing the class. When: Thursday, 14 April, 15:30-16:30 improved. Main Auditorium, Ground Floor B9 Engaging Patients In Their Own Health When: Wednesday, 13 April, 13:30-15:00 G1 Around the world in mental health QI Congress Room, Level 1 When: Friday, 15 April, 10:45-11:45 Main Auditorium, Ground Floor B10 World Health Organization (WHO) Workshop on Patient and Family Engagement G11 Policy in the real world of delivery – Part 1: National When: Wednesday, 13 April, 13:30-15:00 priorities for health and social care policy Room 9, Level 1 When: Friday, 15 April, 10:45-11:45 Room 2, Ground Floor B11 How do we redefine health? When: Wednesday, 13 April, 13:30-15:00 Room 9, Level 1 H3 Leveraging Clinical Pathways To Improve Quality Of Carve And Resource Utilisation Friday, 15 April, 12:00-13:00 C3 Improving Patient Flow, Experience And Efficiency When: Main Auditorium, Ground Floor When: Wednesday, 13 April, 15:30-16:30 Main Auditorium, Ground Floor H10 Networked Mobile And Complex Care For Elderly Patients C4 Collaborative Partnerships To Improve Outcomes For Patients When: Friday, 15 April, 12:00-13:00 Congress Room, Level 1 When: Wednesday, 13 April, 15:30-16:30 Congress Room, Level 1 I5 Value-Based Steering On A Multiregional Level In D1 Movie Matinee – The Action Sequel: Quality Versus Sweden Costs When: Friday, 15 April, 14:00-15:00 When: Thursday, 14 April, 11:00-12:00 Main Auditorium, Ground Floor Congress Room, Level 1

I9 Patient Panel: How Do I Build My Support System? Clinician Leadership D2 When: Friday, 15 April, 14:00-15:00 Thursday, 14 April, 11:00-12:00 When: Room 10, Level 1 Main Auditorium, Ground Floor

E2 Reducing Medication Errors I11 THE FORUM Q-FACTOR LIVE! When: Thursday, 14 April, 13:30-15:00 When: Friday, 15 April, 14:00-15:00 Congress Room, Level 1 Congress Room, Level 1

26 @QualityForum #quality2016 Networking Opportunities

At the International Forum we have How safe is your healthcare? Safety How can we support children as next of a designated space for networking measurement and monitoring in practice kin or young carers in the best way? Building on session ‘A7: Collaborate to create and test a The Swedish healthcare system has a legal duty to and shared learning - you can find robust safety framework’ on Wednesday, 11:00-12:30, this adequately support children with parents that have a our Learning and Networking session will outline what the measurement and monitoring serious illness or injury, are abusive or who unexpectedly of safety framework means in practice. Delegates will die. Room on the Ground Floor. Visit hear examples of how the framework has been tested New research shows that, combined with information, in different settings across the UK and at different levels this space during breaks and advice and support for young people in these difficult of the system (micro, meso, macro). This interactive and circumstances have a significant impact on the health of a lunchtime to meet new friends and informal session will allow delegates to consider the use child, as well as later in life. of the framework in their area and to ask questions of the to contribute to global thinking to teams involved in the Health Foundation funded testing. This issue has grown into an area for both national and improve healthcare. international improvement. Organisation, collaboration When: Wednesday, 13 April, 13:30-15:00 across organisational borders, working procedures and documentation are all important aspects in order to achieve a system-wide goal to help children stay healthy. Facilitated activities in the Learning and Get Involved In A Ward Round Simulation Learning seminars have proven to be an excellent form Networking Room Across the world, ward rounds are central components of of sharing new knowledge and experience when trying to There are scheduled interactive and dynamic sessions inpatient hospital care influencing clinical decision making, translate research results into practice. patient safety, inter-professional interaction and the throughout the programme taking place at the Learning In this ‘lunch and learn’ session, we will share our relationship between patients and clinicians. and Networking Room. These sessions are given session experiences and learn from your experience in this area. codes from N1 to N12 in the programme - see pages In this highly interactive session, we will provide up-to- 14-23 for the full schedule during each day. date evidence for best practice and facilitate participants When: Friday, 15 April, 13:00-14:00 Drop in these fun and informal sessions to start to develop strategies to improve ward rounds in their own conversations with fellow colleagues and get involved in setting. Better Lives For Older People With a range of discussions. When: Wednesday, 13 April, 15:30-16:30 Complex Health Conditions This was the aim of a nationwide effort of large-scale Stay connected with the International change to healthcare for the elderly. After introducing Folkslab - A People’s Laboratory Let’s Run An Un-Conference! Forum and your fellow International Participants at the Folkslab are encouraged to work evidence-based care through quality registers, as well Tired of agendas and conferences that are unengaging together to produce new solutions and innovative ideas as finding new ways of working systemically, we have Forum attendees! and pre-planned? Looking for new ways to organise your for healthcare challenges. In this design workshop, seen changes. 20,000 older people are no longer treated gatherings? The un-conference movement uses the power Every session has a designated Twitter hashtag, participants will pair up to interview each other, identify with inappropriate drugs, the risk of malnutrition is of participants to create the content of meetings. This listed in the daily programme pages (pages 10-23). real needs, and develop solutions to existing problems. detected and corrected, anxiety and aggression are being format fosters inclusion and ownership of issues, and is Use these to join a conversation in real-time with It is a creative opportunity to share knowledge and effectively reduced and preventative care methods are effective in gatherings that focus on big-picture thinking your fellow participants. You can share opinions learn from others, but also to learn the basic principles becoming common practice. and bold outcomes. Are you ready to shift control to and your questions will be captured and wherever of design thinking which can be adapted at the the participants? Join us to learn more in this fun and This is the story of improving integrated care for sick possible presented to the session speaker to discuss participants’ own organisations and systems. interactive session! elderly people in Sweden. It is the story of how to support during the session. municipalities and counties in developing a common, When: Wednesday, 13 April, 11:00-12:30; When: Thursday, 14 April, 11:00-12:30 long-term and systematic change management process. A Thursday, 14 April, 13:30-15:00 and 15:30-16:30; story of major improvement over a short time. Use the hashtag #quality2016 when Friday, 15 April, 12:00-13:00 tweeting about the International Game on! Using Games To Maximise When: Friday, 15 April, 14:00-15:00 Motivation For Improvement Forum in general. This workshop provides an understanding of how Facilitated lunchtime networking motivational theory and game design can engage Our Welcome Reception patients, families and those working within the health When: Wednesday, 13 April, 12:30-13:30; Please join us at the International care system to improve care. Gamification is the use of Thursday, 14 April, 12:30-13:30 Forum Welcome Reception on game elements and design in non-gaming contexts, and Wednesday, 13 April, from 17:30 in is rapidly spreading internationally as an exciting way the Exhibition Hall. to change behaviour patterns. This workshop explores how gamification can be used in your own improvement Connect with colleagues via Continue your conversations initiatives. our new International Forum in the venue bar When: Friday, 15 April, 10:45-11:45 Don’t forget to also leave your messages app. Just download the app Bar Incontro in the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre will for all to read on our ‘Big Wall of and complete your profile - be open to all International Forum Inspiration’ located on the Ground Floor. see page 5. attendees from 11:30am until late every day. Enjoy this convenient and relaxed place for drinks, meetings and connecting with colleagues.

28 29 @QualityForum #quality2016 Poster sessions

The poster displays are integral part of the These sessions will involve a rapid-fire International Forum, providing an opportunity presentation by selected poster presenters in Take your poster from Gothenburg to Singapore for teams to share and discuss their the themed Poster Hall, with an opportunity for If you have a poster in Gothenburg, your work can also be displayed improvement strategies and achievements. participants to engage with the presenters, ask at the second International Forum in Singapore this September! Find out more at: We have organised a number of interactive, their questions and share their experiences. facilitated discussion poster sessions, which explore some of the wide range of quality improvement work on display.

Wednesday, 13 April Thursday, 14 April Friday, 15 April Video posters A12: Poster Session D13: Poster Session G12: Poster Session Themes covered in this session are: Themes covered in this session are: Themes covered in this session are: In addition to displaying a poster, you are invited to produce a short Cancer Care Access Audit video explaining your ideas and work in improving quality of healthcare. Coronary Care Discharge Culture Diabetes HIV and Aids Emergency Care We call these video posters. End of life care Infection Patient Engagement and Partnerships Handover and Ward Rounds Intensive Care Friday,10:45-11:45 Indicators When: Why do we think these are a good idea? Quality Improvement Reports Poster Hall Long Term Impact of Previously Paediatrics Your video posters will feature on the International Presented Projects Primary and Community Cate Forum YouTube channel and will be pushed out Some tips: Maternity Care Record Keeping G13: Poster Session - Collaborate to through our social media channels. This will allow you Mental health Surgery accelerate outcomes to present your project to a wider global audience in a Medication Errors personal, engaging way. Workforce Engagement This session will focus on posters by Sustainability • Aim for a maximum of • Feel free to mention people or teams currently working on We think that video posters will enhance the two minutes video how you could be When: Thursday,11:00-12:30 When: Wednesday,11:00-12:30 improvement projects who have not understanding and appreciation of your poster contacted (if you’re Poster Hall • Set the video format to Poster Hall fully completed the project, and so through your concise presentation of the main results happy to be contacted) final results may not be available yet. and reported conclusions. This could prove really the highest available Themes covered in this session are: helpful in increasing the reach of your project. quality • It is better to film A13: Poster Session - Collaborate D14: Poster Session - Collaborate horizontally not Improvement Works in Progress • Present yourself/your to accelerate outcomes to accelerate outcomes vertically organisation briefly This session will focus on posters by This session will focus on posters by When: Friday,10:45-11:45 How do I do it? • Film in airplane mode people or teams currently working on people or teams currently working on Poster Hall A perfectly good video can be made with a • Talk about your poster to avoid interruptions improvement projects who have not improvement projects who have not smartphone or tablet! fully completed the project, and so • Be concise and clear and notifications fully completed the project, and so Film yourself or ask a colleague to help you - stand final results may not be available yet. H12: Poster Session final results may not be available yet. Themes covered in this session are: in front of your poster or any other place around the • Use language • Try not to use the Themes covered in this session are: conference that inspires you. Try to film during quiet accessible to others camera zoom as it Themes covered in this session are: Clinical Improvement outside the immediate reduces image quality Improvement Works in Progress Improvement Works in Progress times so you get the best sound possible. field of the project/ When: Friday,12:00-13:00 • Well-lit, quiet spaces Wednesday,11:00-12:30 When: Thursday,11:00-12:30 Present directly to the camera or mix it up by research When: Poster Hall are always better for Poster Hall Poster Hall showing relevant parts of your poster. You can also ask a colleague to interview you so you can record a filming discussion about your work. Be creative! B12: Poster Session E12: Poster Session The main aim is to summarise the main experience/ Themes covered in this session are: Themes covered in this session are: lessons/achievements that would be of interest to Email Dan Fox on [email protected] to book a Patient Safety Process and System Improvement others, plus the impact of your project on clients/ slot with our multimedia team who can film patients and on the healthcare system as a whole. When: Wednesday,13:30-15:00 When: Thursday,13:30-15:00 your video poster and submit it to us. Poster Hall Poster Hall Remember, this is a new way for you to If you are filming yourself, please send us communicate the lessons of your work to a wider your video via C12: Poster Session F12: Poster Session audience, so the focus of the video should be on Themes covered in this session are: Themes covered in this session are: the work you have displayed. Training and Education Improvement Science and Research By sending your video you are agreeing to it being used by the International Forum for promotional purposes including the International When: Wednesday,15:30-16:30 When: Thursday,15:30-16:30 Forum YouTube channel, website and social media. Poster Hall Poster Hall

30 31 Students and Junior Healthcare The International Professionals Programme Leadership Development Improvement Program for Physicians Throughout the International Forum, the IHI Open School and BMJ Advisor are hosting a number of dynamic and unique sessions for students, IHI in collaboration with the Harvard Professional junior healthcare professionals, trainee doctors, and educators in School of Public Health Development the Student and Juniors Lounge on Level 1. Program 27 June 16–27 May 2016, Boston, MA 2016 We look forward to seeing you there! Europe Develop the management knowledge and leadership skills you need to drive your Tuesday 12 April health care organisation forward. 1400-1700 Student & Junior Healthcare Professionals Orientation Don’t forget to visit & Interactive Learning Experience the IHI stand, Stand Join faculty from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore and IHI Open School European Regional Leaders for an experiential session #10, to meet the IHI to connect with colleagues from around the world. Here, you’ll find guidance on how Open School team to get the most out of your International Forum experience and have an opportunity to and learn more about learn and practice quality and safety skills with friends and colleagues. the Open School Chapter Network and Wednesday 13 April the Open School’s growing catalogue of 1230-1330 Organisations that achieve multiple and Student & Junior Health Care Professionals Lunch Session asynchronous online sustained improvements usually have the Grab your lunch and join the IHI Open School, faculty from Göteborg University, courses that teach invaluable leadership of an Improvement Sahlgrenska Academy, Jönköping University, and others to hear about “Using Quality the foundations of Advisor (IA). IAs are trained to identify, Improvement Registries in Medicine and Caring Programmes for the Benefit of improvement, safety, Improvement”. plan, and execute improvement projects, system design, and deliver successful results, and spread leadership. changes across the entire system. Thursday 14 April 1230-1330 Open School Student & Junior Healthcare Professionals Lunch Session: A Conversation with #IHIOpenSchool Spreading safety and improvement Maureen Bisognano #quality2016 Grab your lunch and join the IHI Open School and Maureen Bisognano, President through online courses! Emerita and Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement for leadership lessons for all: learning how to build your ‘Curiosity Quotient’ and other vital skills to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Build a common language among 1800 Customised Services Student and Junior Healthcare Professional Social staff and earn more than 30 Outing at Bar Incontro continuing education credits. For ten years, IHI has worked intensively Use the tracking feature to stay with organisations and government entities Friday 15 April updated on staff progress along to drive transformational change throughout 1300-1400 with provided tools to facilitate a system or country. Learn how IHI can help team discussions. Student & Junior Health Care Professionals Lunch Session you achieve bold aims in quality and safety Grab your lunch and spend some time reflecting on your learning, sharing your and build long-term sustainability. experiences, networking with colleagues, and developing an action plan to take home with you.

Learn more at or visit booth #10. 32 @QualityForum #quality2016 Sponsored Special Interest Sessions

Special Interest Breakfast Sessions Other Sponsored Special Interest Sessions

Session sponsor Session sponsor Session sponsor Session sponsor

How to build an improvement Supporting QI projects, under-pinning Friends of IHI and Global Initiatives - platform in less than an hour QI programmes & sharing innovation What’s New? Session moderated by Thursday, 14 April, 08:00-09:00 Thursday, 14 April, 08:00-09:00 Thursday, 14 April, 08:00-09:00 Room 9, Level 1 Room 8, Level 1 Room 7, Level 1 #qfhorizons #qfbmj #qfihi

Across the globe, as the velocity of At BMJ Quality we’re passionate about This session offers you the opportunity change accelerates, organisations are supporting healthcare improvement and to join IHI’s partners on a walking tour of leadership and capability-building Optimising Costs And Outcomes In Healthcare: From Theory To Real Life, replacing change programmes with sharing your experiences with the world. initiatives from around the world. With Insights From ICHOM And ERAS Society change platforms for speedier, more In this session we introduce our award- Presenters will share stories of who they disruptive change. winning online programme which gives are, what they will be focussing on in the Thursday, 14 April, 11:00-12:30 you valuable tools, learning resources and next year and how they plan to get there. Room 2, Ground Floor Join us for a fast paced workshop where a high-credibility output for your work, all we will harness our collective power #qfmedtronic in one place: to build a platform to help solve the Facilitators: Acutely aware of the need to balance access – with insights from ICHOM and the ERAS improvement challenges of a local • See how our innovative online Pierre M. Barker, MD, Senior Vice, and cost of treatment with high quality care, Society. healthcare leader. workbooks guide you step-by-step President, Institute for Healthcare Medtronic is committed to develop new through an improvement project The session is chaired by Joshua Macht from Learn how shared purpose can be the Impovement (IHI) solutions. • Understand how you can collaborate Harvard Business Review. greatest motivation for the community. online with your team through the Yaël Gill, Director, European Operations Our goal is to support the shift toward value With the clock ticking, we will involve Quality platform and access our and Strategic Partners, Institute for based healthcare in collaboration with the Dr Christina Akerman, President, ICHOM you in crowdsourcing, decision making expert mentors to support your work Healthcare Impovement (IHI) global health community. and collating big data. Professor Olle Ljungqvist, Chairman and • Hear about BMJ Quality Improvement Join us to learn about the current status and founding member, ERAS Society The session is chaired by , Reports - a PubMed indexed journal Helen Bevan initiatives to optimize costs and outcomes NHS Horizons; UK of front-line quality improvement Rob Ten Hoedt, President, Medtronic EMEA evidence - which allows you to submit , Transformation Fellow, Carol Read your work with a single click NHS Horizons; UK • Find out how BMJ Quality can Session sponsor Jodi Brown, Senior Improvement support organisations running QI Manager, NHS Horizons; UK programmes. Jennifer Perry, Clinical Lead, BMJ Quality; England

Scott Hogan, Product Manager, BMJ Quality Improvement & BMJ Outcomes, BMJ; England Optimised Value In Healthcare Thursday, 14 April, 15:30-16:30 Room 9, Level 1 Special Interest Lunchtime Sessions #qfmedtronic We will present a case study on the impact of This session is designed for senior clinicians, Session sponsor The Harkness Fellowships in Health Care fellowship provides up to U.S. $130,000 sustainable improvements at Maastricht Heart Medical Directors, CEO’s, CFO’s and board Policy and Practice provide a unique plus family supplement of approximately + Vascular Centre (NL). level personnel. opportunity for promising mid-career $60,000. professionals – from Australia, Canada, Highlights/ Main topics: Prof. Michael JHM Jacobs, MD, PhD, Dept. Please join Robin Osborn, Vice President France, Germany, the Netherlands, of Surgery University Hospital Maastricht; and Director of the Harkness Fellowships, • Lean Six Sigma methodology, tools and New Zealand, Norway, and the U.K. – to Professor and Chief of Surgery, Chairman of and Harkness alumni to learn more about Knowledge transfer spend 12 months in the United States the department; Director of Cardiovascular The Harkness Fellowship the Harkness Fellowship experience, • Clinical pathways optimisation working with leading U.S. experts to Center, Maastricht University Medical Center, who should apply, and the impact of the Friday, 15 April, 13:15-13:45 study innovative healthcare delivery • Operational processes improvement NL.; Professor and Chief of Fellowship on Fellows’ career paths. Room 6, Level 1 system reforms and critical issues on • Efficiency gains University Hospital Aachen; Germany #qfcwf the health policy agenda in both the Robin Osborn, Vice President and • Cost reduction U.S. and their home countries. Each Director, Harkness Fellowships • Enhanced patient and staff experience

34 35 Get your improvements heard

We support individuals and organisations to Visit us at stand 1 to get our Already undertake Quality Improvement projects and 10 top tips for running a quality completed get published in our PubMed indexed journal improvement programme a project? Fastrack for quick publication MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH Postgraduate Diploma 2016 Intake

The Master of Public Health (MPH) programme is inviting Application Deadline: applications for September 2016 intake. 30 Apr 2016 Our workbooks guide Collaborate with other Exclusive access to Get published in the BMJ The MPH is a broadly based graduate training programme you through a project users and expert BMJ Learning Quality Improvement designed to prepare physicians, dentists, nurses, other health Learn more: mentors resources and tools Reports journal professionals, medical and health researchers and policy analysts to identify and analyze contemporary health and healthcare issues in Hong Kong, China and the Asia Paci c. Get involved! For a demo or to set up a free trial for your organisation contact [email protected]

BMJ Integrated Healthcare Public Health Practice Applications invited for Editor – BMJ Integrated Healthcare Epidemiology and Biostatistics BMJ Integrated Healthcare is a new journal launching soon which will unite patients and healthcare Infectious Diseases professionals to foster a unified approach to healthcare design and delivery. Health Economics, Policy and Management It will cover issues around integrated, multidisciplinary and patient-centred approaches to healthcare through topics such as prevention, management, education, cost-effectiveness and safety. The journal will be truly multidisciplinary and appeal to allied healthcare professionals, nurses, pharmacists MPH and PDipPH Internationally recognised and doctors. There will be a strong focus on co-design and delivery of healthcare with patients; the editorial CME/CPD Points awarded quali cation team will have a significant patient representation. The new editor will be expected to shape the content of the journal to maximise the influence and impact Enquiry of integrated approaches to healthcare worldwide. (+852) 3917 9140 5/F William MW Mong Block, Faculty of Medicine Building, (+852) 2855 9528 [email protected] 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Further details of the post can be discussed with Mark Stuart, Hong Kong BMJ Clinical Lead for Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Health [email protected]

37 @QualityForum #quality2016

Floor Plan | Cloakroom | Charging Station | Catering | Toilets | Escalator | Prayer Room

Ground floor Exhibition Hall

Ground floor

To Poster Hall

Big Wall of Inspiration Session Room 5 26 Poster Hall 7 25 Session Room 4 23 Learning 6 and Networking Session Room Room 3 Exhibition Hall 5 21 22 Main Auditorium Incontro 20 Bar Session Session 4 Room 1 Room 2


17 1 10 2 Entrance 5 16 15 11

Level 1 1 12

Student and Session Session Juniors Lounge Yoga and Room 10 Room Congress Wellbeing Session Room Room Room Main Entrance Exhibitors (by stand number) 1. BMJ 12. The Health Foundation Session 2. RCNi 15. DataFlow Group Room 7 3. NHS Improvement 16. GPCC - CENTRE FOR PERSON-CENTRED CARE 4. Joint Commission International (JCI) 17. Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Session 5. Outcome Engenuity 18. Patientrack Room 6 6. Virginia Mason Institute 20. DNV GL 7. Hotboard by Ward-Hendry 21. NHS Wales 8. The Swedish Way 22. International Forum 9. NHSScotland 23. Mayo Clinic/ Mayo Medical Laboratories 10. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) 25. Medtronic 11. Exhibition Enquiries 26. Bräcke diakoni

38 39 @QualityForum #quality2016 Exhibitors


BMJ Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Bräcke diakoni DataFlow Group DNV GL Stand #1 Stand #10 Stand #26 Stand #15 Stand #20 BMJ advances healthcare worldwide by sharing knowledge Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is a leading Bräcke diakoni is one of Sweden’s largest The DataFlow Group is a leading DNV GL is a world­-leading accreditation and expertise to improve experiences, outcomes and value. innovator in health and health care improvement worldwide. not-for-profit providers of health care global provider of specialised Primary and certification body that helps Along with our world renowned flagship title, The BMJ, we An independent not­-for­-profit organization, IHI partners with and social services. In our primary care Source Verification (PSV) solutions, and businesses assure the performance of also offer nearly fifty specialty journals and a world­-leading visionaries, leaders, and front-­line practitioners around the clinics, caring homes for disabled and background screening and immigration their organizations, products, people, collection of digital professional development resources. Our globe to spark bold, inventive ways to improve the health elderly, rehabilitation centres, social work compliance services. The DataFlow facilities, and supply chains. In the unique digital tools help healthcare professionals support of individuals and populations. Recognized as an innovator, units and support teams and housing for Group partners with clients across the healthcare sector, we support over 2400 their decisions, interpret clinical data and improve the quality convener, trustworthy partner, and driver of results, IHI is the refugees, we serve thousands of people public and private sectors to assist healthcare providers worldwide to apply of healthcare delivery. first place to turn for expertise, help, and encouragement for on their way to better health and well­ them in mitigating potential risk by systems thinking to address their risks anyone, anywhere who wants to change health and health being. exposing fraudulent Education Degrees, and ensure that the care they provide is : W care profoundly for the better. Employment Certificates, Practice quality focused and person centred. We W: E: [email protected] Licenses, Work Permits and Passports. do this through healthcare accreditation, W: E: [email protected] managing infection risk certification T: +44 (0)20 7387 4410 W: E: [email protected] as well as other management system @BMJ_company, @BMJQuality, @BMJ_Qual_Saf E: [email protected] certifications and training. T: 001 (617) 301-4800 @dataflowgroup : @TheIHI W E: [email protected] @DNVGL

Gold Sponsor

GPCC Hotboard by Ward-Hendry International Forum on Quality and CENTRE FOR PERSON-CENTRED CARE Safety in Healthcare Medtronic The Health Foundation Stand #16 Stand #7 Stand #22 Stand #25 Stand #12 GPCC is a multidisciplinary research Improving patient safety and the delivery Now in its 21st year the International As a global leader in medical technology, services and The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed centre, performing interventional and of reliable care is deservedly high on Forum on Quality and Safety in solutions, Medtronic improves the lives and health of millions to bringing about better health and health care for people in explorative studies on personcentred­ care the agenda for patients, nurses and Healthcare is one of the world’s largest of people each year. the UK. Our aim is a healthier population, supported by high in a wide variety of health care settings. decision makers. Hotboard by Ward­ gatherings of healthcare professionals in quality health care. We use our deep clinical, therapeutic and economic Effects show significantly improved Hendry has a long standing reputation quality improvement and patient safety. expertise to address the complex challenges faced by W: quality health care with increased in the healthcare sector. Our Hotboards The International Forum supports and healthcare systems today. patient satisfaction and reduced costs. In innovative and practical design allows energises the movement for healthcare : [email protected] E addition we take our findings and apply staff members to update any information improvement and connects healthcare Let’s take healthcare Further, Together. Learn more at @HealthFdn them to implementation, innovation quickly and easily. leaders and practitioners worldwide and educational courses & workshops in to improve outcomes for patients and W: W: healthcare settings. communities. The International Forum E: [email protected] takes place twice a year, in April and in @Medtronic W: September in various locations. T: +44 (0)12 9581 4444 E: [email protected] : @thehotboardHC W : +46-31-7866929 T E: [email protected] @TDJeanette @QualityForum

40 41 @QualityForum #quality2016

Joint Commission International (JCI) Mayo Clinic/Mayo Medical Laboratories NHS Improvement Patientrack RCNi The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Stand #4 Stand #23 Stand #3 Stand #18 Stand #2 Stand #17 Joint Commission International (JCI) Mayo Medical Laboratories is a global NHS Improvement is responsible for Patientrack - An award winning system RCNi provides support to health The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) works to continuously improve the reference laboratory operating within overseeing foundation trusts, NHS trusts professionals throughout their career with plays a leading role in the delivery of • Vital signs capture, charts, safety and quality of patient care by Mayo Clinic’s Department of Laboratory and independent providers. We offer a range of products including high-quality patient care by setting early warning scores, alerting & providing accreditation and certification, Medicine and . support to give patients consistently safe, and our range of journals, standards of medical practice and escalation consultation, education and publications. high quality, compassionate care within including Nursing Standard, the UK’s promoting clinical excellence. It Mayo Medical Laboratories has JCI has worked with health care local health systems that are financially • Assessments including Sepsis, VTE, leading nursing weekly. provides physicians in over 30 medical supported community-based laboratory sustainable. By holding providers Dementia, Diabetes and many more specialities with education, training and organizations and local governments in At the exhibition we will be launching medicine for more than 40 years, to account and, where necessary, support throughout their careers. As over 100 countries. • Handover RCNi Learning, our new, interactive, providing both complex testing and intervening, we help the NHS to meet an independent charity representing • Task management online learning resource. Visit our stand W: pathology consultation to more than its short-term challenges and secure its more than 29,000 fellows and members 4,000 hospital, clinics and laboratories in • Team communication to find out more. E: [email protected] future. worldwide, it advises and works with the United States and around the world. • AKI : government, patients, allied healthcare NHS Improvement is the operational W T: +1 630-268-7400 professionals and the public to improve W: name for an organisation that brings • Ward to board information : [email protected] E health and healthcare. @JCI_GoldSeal together Monitor, NHS TDA, Patient E: [email protected] Patientrack - Meeting the safety @rcni Safety team, the National Reporting and and quality ambitions of the digital W: @mayocliniclabs Learning System, the Advancing Change healthcare agenda : [email protected] team and the Intensive Support Teams. E : W T: +44 (0) 203 075 1649 W: E: [email protected] @RCPLondon E: [email protected] @Patientrack @NHSImprovement

NHSScotland NHS Wales Outcome Engenuity Virginia Mason Institute Stand #9 Stand #21 Stand #5 Swedish National Quality Registries The Swedish Way NHSScotland has set out its aim to 1000 Lives Improvement is the national Outcome Engenuity helps high­ Stand #8 Stand #8 Stand #6 be a recognised world leader in the improvement service for NHS Wales consequence industries improve safety A system of about 100 National Quality The Swedish Way – improving care Virginia Mason Institute provides quality of healthcare services it delivers delivered by Public Health Wales. Our and produce better outcomes. We equip Registries provide the Swedish health nationwide in a decentralized system. coaching and education to organizations to the people of Scotland. Launched Improving Quality Together methodology our clients to increase HRO performance, care system with a unique opportunity Sweden’s internationally renowned in order to transform health care by the Scottish Government in May and programme areas including co­ build strategic operating systems, to follow the results and quality within all health care system reflects a long worldwide. Using the philosophy that 2010, the Healthcare Quality Strategy production are supporting NHS Wales create a workplace culture of justice healthcare. It contains individualized data history of public funding together with is fundamental to Virginia Mason’s for Scotland sets the overall approach to improve healthcare outcomes for and and employee accountability. We offer concerning patient problems, medical a strong tradition of self-government successes, the institute’s approach is not for achieving this aim and is centred with patients, and to deliver the highest successful tools, training and support interventions, and outcomes after at a local level. National initiative must to solve one-off problems, but to guide around realising three Quality Ambitions quality and safest healthcare for the to help you fulfill your goals in safety, treatment. The aim is to make all parts of therefore build on consensus and close health care leaders in culture change for Person­Centred, Safe and Effective people of Wales. Every health board and outcomes, and performance. Quality Registries open and transparent, cooperation between SALAR, Swedish using lean methods that empower healthcare. Find out how NHSScotland, trust in Wales, together with Universities, to spurs a learning process between care Association of Local Authorities and organizations. W: with Healthcare Improvement Scotland voluntary organisations, charities and units. Regions, and local county councils. Visit : and NHS Education for Scotland, are public sector organisations are involved E: [email protected] us on our stand and talk about how W Meet a Swedish Quality Registry in taking forward priority areas for action to in our work. we tackle especially challenging areas : [email protected] @JustCultureOrg our stand and talk about how care E achieve Scotland’s quality aim by visiting including care of elderly patients, cancer W: professionals, researchers and patients : 00-1-206-341-1600 Stand 9 in the exhibition area. care, , patient safety, national T together can improve healthcare. E: [email protected] eHealth and care of the chronically ill. @VM_Institute W: Meet us at stand ‘The Swedish Way’, T: +44 (0) 29 2082 7653 Meet us at stand ‘The Swedish Way’, stand #8. @1000LivesPlus stand #8. W: @scotgovhealth W: @online_his @kvalitetsregist @NHS_Education E: [email protected]

42 43 @QualityForum #quality2016 Strategic Advisory Board Abstract Reviewers

We would like to thank our Strategic Advisory Board for We would like to thank our colleagues for their time spent their knowledge, commitment and dedication in bringing reviewing poster and improvement science and research this International Forum to you. abstract submissions.

Ad De Gooijer Diana Hamilton-Fairley Joke Vermeeren Øyvind Andresen Bjertnaes Ada Van den Bos-Boon Dominic Madell Jonny Taitz Patricia van den Bernt Ian Leistikow Mark Stuart Ademir Peteate Dominque Allwood Joris Arends Paul Sullivan MD PhD, Senior Inspector, Dutch Adrian Clarke Donna Buxton Jos Latour Perla Marang Forum Director, BMJ, UK Healthcare Inspectorate, The Netherlands Aidan Fowler Duncan Neuhauser Josephine Agyeman-Duah Peter Dodek Aled Jones Ehsan Saima Karen Cosby Peter Hibbert Alex Twigg Elizabeth Manis Kate Shaw Göran Henriks Peter Thomson Jason Leitch Alison Howitt Elizabeth Pryor Katherine Jones Piera Poletti Chairman of the Forum’s Amir Ghaferi Elizabeth Smith Khurram Khan Strategic Advisory Board & National Clinical Director, Polly Pascoe Amy Grove Elizabeth Van Rensen Kieran McIntyre Chief Executive of Learning & Healthcare Quality and Strategy, Rahul Kashyap Innovation, Jönköping County Scottish Government, UK Andrew Carson-Stevens Emma Donaldson Kieran Walsh Council, Sweden Ralph K.L. So Andrew Longmate Emma Vaux Kim Wiseman Raymond Lenrick Angela Williams Erica De Loos Kristina Wolff Jo-Inge Myhre Rebecca Dyar Ankush Bansal Ernest Asiedu Laura Botwinick Ashley McKimm Rebecca Rosenberg Head of Department, Department of Head of Innovation and Improvement, Anne Kilgallen Etsuko Nakagami-Yamaguchi Laura Jackson Patient Safety and Quality, Akershus Sarah Puntoni BMJ, UK University Hospital, Norway Annemie Vlayen Gail Nielsen Linda Olson Saskia Gischler Anupam Khungar Pathni Gareth Parry Louise Davies Savithiri Ratnapalan Asiya Yunus Geneviève Digby Lucy Goulding Shaun Leamon Audrey Lyndon Geoffrey Lamb Lucy Pereira-Argenziano Anette Nilsson Sheila Douthwright Joanne Healy Ayako Okuyama Hannah O’malley Lynne Armstrong Development Strategist Region Sheila Feit Jönköping County, Sweden Senior Vice President, Institute for Ayrton Goddard Hannah Zhu Lynne Maher Healthcare Improvement, USA Sherril Gelmon Berkin Hack Helen Baxter Malcolm Daniel Sherry Espin Beth Shaw Helen Crisp Manuel Velez Diaz-Pallares Simon Morgan Beverley McClelland Helen Haskell Mareeni Raymond Sofi Fristedt Beth Lilja Margaret Murphy Bilal Wahid Helen Smits Marianne Lisby Branislava Jovanovic Hester Lingsma Mark Stuart Stephen Lawless Chief Medical Officer Executive Board External Lead Advisor, WHO Patients Susan Fairlie of Directors, University Hospital for Patient Safety Programme, Brant Oliver Huw Williams Michael Buist Sjaelland, Denmark Ireland Bridie Kent Iain Moppett Michael Moneypenny Susan Went Christin Henein Iain Yardley Michelle Barclay Sylvia Sax Claire Lemer Irene Chiwele Mike Davidge Tina Sar yeddine Fiona Moss Mats Bojestig Corona Freitag Jaap van Barneveld Monique Davies Trevor Jamieson Dean, Royal Society of Medicine, UK CMO, Health Care Department, Cule Cucic James Naessens Nada Shibl Tricia Woodhead Jönköping County Council, Sweden Cynthia van der Starre Jane Runnacles Nana Twum-Danso Ugochi Nwulu Daisy Goodman Jenni Falconer Nancy Spector Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz Daljit Hothi Jens Winther Jensen Nicholas Leydon William Andrews Helen Bevan Pedro Delgado Darshan Patel Johan Thor Nicholas Moore William Calvert Deborah Ward John Dean Nicola Power Yogini Jani Chief Transformation Officer, NHS Executive Director, Institute for Horizons team, NHS Improving Healthcare Improvement, USA Diana Dowdle John Krueger Olavo Fernandes Quality, UK

44 45 Working In Partnership with Patients

The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare has a number of initiatives in place to ensure that the patient voice is heard before, during and after the conference. tratioal Forum o We want to ensure that we uphold our theme of ‘In Partnership With Patients’. Quality a aty Outline of Initiatives • Our Strategic Advisory Board has been integral in putting • Swedish speakers on the programme have been invited to i altar the Gothenburg programme together. In 2015, Margaret bring a patient speaker to their session, free of charge, to Murphy joined this group as our patient representative. contribute their perspective on the issues that are being Margaret has years of experience as a patient advocate discussed. 26-28 September 2016 Singapore and a steering committee member for the World Health • Every speaker that submits a proposal is asked for a Organization (WHO) World Alliance for Patient Safety. declaration stating how patients were included in the Suntec Singapore Convention and • The ‘Person and Family-Centred Care’ stream is the largest work that will be discussed. These declarations were it has ever been, comprising of over 25 sessions (around all considered as part of the session selection by our Exhibition Centre 25% of the overall content). Strategic Advisory Board. • The Gothenburg 2016 programme includes a number of • We have asked all of our local partner experience day a ar la to aou tratioal patient speakers, including Thursday afternoon keynote organisers to co-design their events with patients and Forum iaor 2016 our o t i t speaker Brian Boyle. Some of these speakers are: where possible to include patients on their excursions and visits. rio t lat yar uul lau i o Sara Riggare, Patient and Doctoral Student at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, joins a patient panel session entitled ‘How • Groups that attend the conference and bring over 20 o 120 ollau rom or 0 outri do I build my support system?’ on Friday, 15 April. delegates are encouraged to bring a patient with them, lar a lor y iu i quality a free of charge, to contribute to the group discussions and imroi altar , Co-founder of Centre for Patient Leadership in Mark Doughty reflections. England, co-presents ‘Patients as educators of executives’. The session takes place on Friday, 15 April. i t i lo i lo artri it y rioal artr it a ull roramm i Gordon Johnston, Director of VOX (Voices of Experience), co-presents ‘Quality and Safety Improvement in Mental ilu yot ar iaor ri Health - Patient and Professional Partnerships’ on Tuesday, 12 ay Full ay our ial tori t April, and ‘Around the world in mental health QI’ on Friday, 15 a otr ilay April. Gordon will also be on the judging panel at ‘The Forum Q-Factor Live’ taking place on Friday too. you a rt a otr r i otur your otr i automatially aro or rtatio i iaor

For mor iormatio iit In Memoriam itratioalorumaiamomoturotr Remember to visit Stand 22 for the chance to Johan Calltorp, MD, PhD, devoted his career to win a free delegate place in Singapore on us! studying and improving the Swedish health care system. Over the years, he worked as a researcher and a teacher at a variety of Swedish institutions. Johan vigorously promoted the idea that knowledge improves the potential to make better decisions within care delivery.

Johan Calltorp did not consider research an end in itself. For him, it was a contribution to society and a means to improve people’s health. uorte b artner raniation Many young colleagues and researchers testify of Johan being a constant source of inspiration and curiosity. His legacy lives on through 4 currently-funded Johan Calltorp Fellows, doing comparative analyses to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation in Swedish care delivery services.

46 oi u t ril i oo or ay o ia ioatio a iiratio

26-28 April 2017 ExCel London