Volume 46 April 9, Issue 10 2007 small ALK The Student Voice of Methodist university www.smalltalkmc.com I Was BornT COUNTRY!

Photos by Ashley Genova and Cassandra Wells

The Student Activities Committee hosted Country West- ern Night with guest Sean Patrick McGraw of the Nashville Star TV show. Other events in- cluded bull riding, a pie eating contest, po- tato sack races, line dancing, and a yee- haw contest. 2 smallTALK April 9, 2007 Volume 46, Issue 10 Bradshaw Fights Back Mr. Morgan Weingarten Wows Watchers

Protest Over Residence Halls Makes a Move Ashley Young

Ashley Young Nerws Editor that wrote me off like a Ashley Young News Editor painless News Editor “Students are paying for new surgery for cataracts. luxury which is not being used Ron Morgan spoke at an I never because the dorms are not being ethics discussion on Mar. 26 en- With 10 collections of had a minute until my re-vamped,” said Bradshaw. titled, “Ethics and Our Environ- poetry and the editing of six brother’s cat “Over the past four years the liv- ment.” Based on calculations by elegies (mournful poems for the that ate the canary grin ing conditions have not im- Morgan, he says that between dead) Roger Weingarten has drove all day proved and the students have not the years 2001 and 2008 the made a career of himself. created an outcry about the cur- population as a whole will have Robin Greene, through a storm with a rent conditions so the adminis- used about half of all the oil re- Professor of English and the loaf of bread tration has neglected to change maining in the world. Director for the Writing Center, and the image of the two them. It’s becoming clearly un- According to Morgan said, “I think he’s been of us acceptable and it’s time for the using oil creates excess emis- seriously writing poetry since on our backs and staring students to support one another sions of carbon dioxide which in he was in college,” in regards to at the heartbeat and stand up and create a posi- turn is polluting the atmosphere. Weingarten’s career. of fire punishing the tive change. If changes are not made soon it Norma Bradshaw will lead Weingarten poems in ceiling until daybreak the protest. Bradshaw feels the protest will be the children and grand- and shared with the audience Photo By Ashley Young will be successful if any students children of today’s population the reason behind the poems. In erased everything we show up to support her cause. that will suffer. his poems Weingarten spoke of knew our father Also, she is requesting that any “What drives me is an- everything from infidelities on never let us close to. We What’s the fuss? Norma clubs and organizations provide ger,” said Morgan. behalf of married couples to his didn’t Bradshaw, Chief Justice of the refreshments and protesting sup- Morgan is currently father’s heart attack. The do that. He had business Student Court, is angry because plies. working with Fort Bragg on a following is one of further north and I had of the living conditions in the project to set up an electric bus Weingarten’s poems entitled, already residence halls. system for transportation in the “Premature Elegy by Firelight.” What’s her plan to city of Fayetteville that would invented a new father help solve this issue? Brad- cut back on the use of motor ve- I never had the time to better than my own shaw will hold a protest on hicles and in turn cut back on write who was just as lonely as the front lawn of the presi- carbon dioxide emissions. about the loneliness of the son dent’s house on Fri, April “This project is in its waking he invented to keep him 20 around 3 pm. preliminary stages,” said Mor- at 4 a.m. to the certainty company How long will they gan describing the progress of of my own for the last minutes of be out there? Bradshaw this enterprise. early demise in my moonlight before morning. said, “We’ll go as long as The progress of the father’s eye we need to.” project depends on the military Bradshaw is holding the This is the President’s house and whether or not they will ap- protest to improve living condi- and the protest will take place prove it. Illegal Downloads Continue tions on campus through the outside in the front driveway. Jennifer Burk nothing has been decided. power of the student body. Photo By Ashley Young McClathcy Newspapers But even legal (MCT) downloading draws complaints from students. Despite thousands of Sometimes, music fi smallTALK is the student-run complaints already filed by the les smallTALK staff newspaper of Methodist College. It is music industry this year downloaded legally are of published every other week throughout against college students lower quality, and some of them Editor-in-Chief Web Editor only play using specific Ashley Genova the school year. The newspaper is who illegally download music, Cassandra Wells editorially independent of Methodist programs, Cornett said. Plus, many of them continue to it’s a hassle to input News College, and any ideas and opinions do it. Staff Writers expressed herein do not necessarily reflect “I don’t have time to run credit card information Layout/ Copy Editor Byron Lowe online, he said. Ashley Young the views and opinions of the faculty, staff out to the store, and it’s Remille Shipman and administration of Methodist College. Still, that doesn’t mean cheaper,” Mercer University students automatically will Opinions smallTALK welcomes Letters to sophomore Adam Cornett the Editor. All letters should be delivered write off a service the Layout Editor/Copy Editor said. university provides. David Santiago to the Student Media office on the first Attitudes like Cornett’s, floor of Bern’s Student Center or sent via plus mounting pressure from “If the price is right and e-mail to [email protected]. Story the selection is good, I think it’s the music industry, are something Entertainment suggestions should be sent to the same leading colleges to look address. students would use,” Layout Editor/Copy Editor for their own ways to legally Cornett said. Marianne Mosch Students are free to join provide music to their smallTALK at any point in the school students. Besides increased year. Meetings are every Tuesday at 4 “We’ve definitely looked pressure from the music p.m. in the Heritage Dining Room. industry, colleges are looking at into that possibility, and we’re controlling student looking at a number of downloading to save their own options,” said Rick networks. Goddard, vice president and Downloading music and chief technology officer at Mercer in Macon, Ga. using file-sharing programs can The university is looking strain a college’s at different alternatives, bandwidth, hampering its including contracting with use for research or other both pay and free educational purposes, said services, he said, although Donald Steward, chief information officer at Georgia Volume 46, Issue 10 Monday, April 9, 2007  smallTALK 3 Continued From Page 2 uses a program that checks works. At Macon State College, provide that service.” computers on the campus The network at Macon’s officials have considered The college posts a video College & State network Wesleyan College detects and offering a music downloading on its Web site that describes University for certain downloading blocks illegal traffic, said service but ultimately the risks of file in Milledgeville, Ga. programs and limits students’ Kevin Ulshafer, decided against it, said Lynn sharing and illegally Right now, Georgia use of them, he said. Wesleyan’s director of McCraney, dean of students downloading music and College is focusing on The university is computer and information at the college. movies. education about and considering using another resources and “We do have the prevention of program that would create chief information officer. traditional-age student who illegal file sharing, he stricter Although the college does likes to participate in music said. penalties for using peer- not now offer its students a downloading, and they do The university had to-peer programs, commonly downloading service, he it frequently and, hopefully, talked about starting a contract used to illegally download said it may come up for legally,” she said. But with Rhapsody, a music material, he said. discussion. “the numbers of them are subscription service, but Penalties may include shutting “It may be coming down not frequent enough to charge then the company opened its off the network port for a the road,” he said. every student a fee to doors to individual users, certain amount of time, he said. he said. “If you continue “We got basically taken breaking the law, you’re going out of the equation,” Steward to have your network shut BRING SEXY said. down,” Steward said of how Georgia College now that particular program BACK TO Few and Far Between Ashley Young THE NEWS! News Editor smallTALK needs you to “A religion major is a fun, not very career promising be super journalists! good springboard major, not and that pretty much left me just for the ministry, but for with religion,” said Santiago. many other pursuits as well,” Senior Steven Magnusen Looking for: said Dr. Steven Brey, Depart- is getting a major both in reli- ment Chair and Assistant Pro- gion and in history. He too has Sports Editor fessor of Religion. taken a variety of Religion Opinions Editor With Methodist Univer- classes ranging from “Jesus and sity being a Christian college the Gospels” to “Hebrew Proph- Photographers one might think that there ets.” Magnusen is also getting a would be a lot of students ma- Bachelor of Arts but want to joring in Religion. Think pursue a doctorate. 2006- 07 Schedule again! The Religion Depart- Dianne Farris is another September ment employees only five pro- religion major going for a Bach- Hot-air Ballooning fessors, a small amount com- elor of Arts as her degree. “I Hang out in pared to other departments. think that overall it’s sad that Sailing School- Annapolis, MD there’s not more religion majors. October One of the religion ma- Quality for religion majors is in- jors is Dave Santiago, a senior. credible due to small size class the outdoors! White Water Rafting, Rock Climb Santiago has taken classes and professors wish university & Rappelling ranging from “Survey of the would start to recruit more reli- Old and New Testaments” to gion majors.” West Virginia, New York City, NY “Early and Medieval Christian Ben Gray, a sophomore, is November Thought Philosophy.” Santia- an English Major and is getting Swimming with Manatees- Florida go is going to get a Bachelor a Minor in Religion. He has of Arts and hopes to someday preached 15 times in local Deep Sea Fishing- Carolina Beach get a doctorate degree in reli- churches and is currently unde- December gion. But he says for now he is cided in what he wants to do just taking it one step at a time. when he graduates. Cross-country Skiing, Snow Shoeing, “Ben Franklin once Another Sophomore, Pat- & Dog Sledding said, ‘Three things never talk- rick Murphy, is getting a Major ed about in public: politics, in Psychology and will receive a January religion, and sex. These are Minor in Religion. Murphy pos- Downhill Skiing, Snowboarding, & the only three things I ever sibly wants to go to divinity talk about.’ (I am) too honest school. Tubing to be a politician, sex, while February Horseback Riding School Washington D.C. March Join the Fishing, Snorkeling, & Scuba Diving Key West, Florida (Spring Break) April Outdoor Adventure Sea Kayaking, Claming, Surf Fishing Outer Banks, NC Club May Backpacking, HikingGrand Canyon Hensdale Chapel Photo by Ashley Young 4 smallTALK April 9, 2007 Volume 46, Issue 10 Opinions this is but one part, my heart that Jesus is alive just one layer, of all somehow, is it perhaps my A Voice that is real. knowing that he lives in me that Back Off Elizabeth’s Cancer So what this really counts? The orthodox be- From The forces us to do is lief for centuries has been in a Ashley Young look at what I have physical resurrection, but this News Editor Wilderness labeled the “What If has been challenged at times. Factor.” The recent So what if maybe we were to re- David Santiago According to the Wash- tured” by the media nor have excitement over alize that something other than her husband “tortured” by finding the tomb of what we assumed took place? Is ington Post-Elizabeth Edwards oncologist said that her Breast the media, so why is it that Jesus has been prov- it not possible Jesus appeared they cannot just let her live “There are more en, even by secular experts, to from out of time, having tran- Cancer had returned and pro- things in heaven and earth, gressed to a Stage IV being now the remainder of her life in be unwarranted, but what it scended fully to which he really peace? (Horatio), than are dreamt of forced me to do is really exer- is, and in that demonstrated the in her bones and potentially in our philosophy!” This state- lungs and organs. Since the an- cise my faith by asking “what resurrection? If the belief has to Being a writer for a ment from Shakespeare’s if?” be re-defined, or go for a time nouncement of Edwards’ can- cer returning there has been a newspaper I understand that “Hamlet” has served as a mo- As a Christian I have been somewhat un-defined, can one the public wants to know tif for my life in the last few taught to believe that Jesus rose still have faith, knowing that the lot of controversy with John Edwards continuing his cam- why John is continuing his years. On one hand, many of from the dead, and I absolutely spirituality they experienced campaign and that the media my urges to simplify the an- affirm my belief in that to this through Christ was real enough? paign to run for president. Being a cancer survi- has to report on it, but my swers to the world and the day. But what I had to ask my- As for me I say yes. Jesus is real stars, there comes a certain universe based purely on my self is “what if they were to enough to me and in my heart vor myself, I know to some ex- tent of what Elizabeth is going point with certain issues, faith has been torn down, but dump the bones of Jesus in front that it is sufficient for me to say like this one, where the me- at the end of the day, I know of me?” (I do not know what he is alive, that death was shown through and my reaction to it is- the media needs to back off!! I dia needs to back off and let there is more to all of this than DNA records they have that to be defeated and not a total the Edwards family be. can ever be dreamt of even would enable them to affirm that end, and that he is real enough realize that John is in a position when I have had to face the absolutely, but for the sake of today. If, I’m just saying IF, that is scrutinized by realities of science and em- argument we’ll assume they they did find his bones, it would the media with a Bubble Burstings pirical evidence. could) How would this affect certainly be shocker, and cause fine-toothed comb Yes I am one of those my faith if my beliefs were chal- to re-examine BELEIES, but it’s and every time he “theistic evolutionists.” There lenged? Note that I distinguish FAITH that truly counts, and my breathes wrong it is are those that would have you between faith and beliefs. Be- faith will be with me to the grave going to be criti- believe that to deny the Gar- lief is an affirmation in ones ac- and beyond. It may go through cized-but my good- den of Eden account is to deny knowledgment that something is rough times when the presump- ness!!! His wife has Christ and God altogether. real, faith is more of an emo- tions have to be re-examined, cancer that is incur- For me, I cannot sim- tional response to something but it’s these things that will able and can only be ply deny the empirical evi- that guides your actions and truly test and strengthen our slowed down dence put down in front of me thoughts. faith. through treatments by time tested methods of sci- So the question one has to So in the final consensus, I meaning that all she ence, which, while it may ask is, if my beliefs were for one cannot responsibly dismiss sci- wants to do is get have bits a pieces yet to be reason or another to be forced to ence, I just have a problem with through the treat- figured out, does point to a change or re-defined, does that willful ignorance. But no more ments and spend gradual process of evolution necessarily tear down my faith? can I deny what Hamlet made so time with her fam- as well as the earth and uni- If I believe Jesus was truly di- clear to his friend, “There are ily. I know good verse being billions of years vine, and that God exist without more things in heaven and earth, and well from per- old. But that doesn’t shake sonal experience John and Elizabeth Edwards: Courtesy of the boundaries of time, can, if (Horatio), than are dreamt of in Google.com my faith. Oddly, it reaffirmed this were proven, I still know in our philosophy!” that she does not it for me. want to be “tor- The mathematical chances of all the right things ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ happening are so consistent ✰ ✰ yet off the wall that I have to believe something, or should I ✰ SHINE BRIGHT! BE A STAR! ✰ say someone, was proactive in ✰ ✰ the whole process. Therefore The Office of Career Services wants to celebrate your ac- it is no big leap for me to still ✰ ✰ say there is a God and an ac- ✰ complishments! If you receive a job, an internship or a ✰ tive present one at that, not a simple designer who set into ✰ summer position, let us know! You’ll receive a “one of a ✰ motion and abandoned all ac- ✰ ✰ tivity completely. kind” Career Services medal and be recognized on the So basically I live ✰ ✰ between the boundaries of ✰ “Wall of Fame” in the Bern ’s Student Center ! Keep us ✰ logic/science and having a mystical and transcendent ✰ informed so we can keep the celebration going in the ✰ view of the universe with a ✰ ✰ God. We live shrouded in a Office of Career Services! realm that seemingly is dic- ✰ ✰ tated purely by physics and ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ ✰ mathematical laws, but I say Volume 46, Issue 10 Monday, April 9, 2007  smallTALK 5 spaces and parking spots for Remille’s the residential coordinator Rhetoric and resident assistants that work there. Now I can under- Remille Shipman stand why the RAs have park- Sports Editor ing spots; it is a privilege as a Resident Assistant to receive a specific parking place. But do we really need as many visitors’ parking spaces? I Remille’s Rhetoric: Just think the problem is getting Asking worse. Since I couldn’t figure -I am so impressed out exactly what I wanted to with the look of the new Ni- focus on in my column, I’ve mocks Fitness Center (which decided to simply talk about a recently opened last Monday). lot of things that have been go- It’s such an improvement over ing around me lately. what we used to have...The -I’ve recently learned weight room that we used to that it is maybe less risky and have now pales in comparison. less expensive to use a van to -I wonder if we will travel to and from New York again bring in the largest class City. of incoming students in the -I honestly do not re- school’s history next year. I’ve member seeing more pollen seen the college’s two largest than I am seeing right now. Our classes come in during my three- sidewalks are practically yel- year tenure here. The name low now. I feel bad for whoever change would be a great lure to is allergic to pollen right attract more non-golf majors now… and non-athletes…something -The parking situation that I think this school needs. at Creekside has changed tre- I’d read the last column mendously since August. Since if I were you. I’ll be making a the beginning of the year, we couple of very important state- Coutesy of MCTCampus.com have lost about nine or ten ments. parking spaces to visitor’s Bubble Burstings The Dallas Morning News ing to grasp the fundamental dif- (MCT) ferences among cultures and in- Donate plasma stead assuming the rest of the On his radio program Le world is like us. Show, satirist Harry Shearer airs In this context, it’s easy a feature called “News Outside to see why Americans might be the Bubble,” in which he com- puzzled, even offended, by Sau- Your fill up could help ments on important stories un- di Arabia’s King Abdullah last derplayed in the U.S. news me- week calling the U.S. occupa- dia. The idea is that Americans tion of Iraq “illegitimate.” Aren’t someone have a live in a hermetically sealed the Saudis our allies? And why zone that keeps relevant infor- in the past two weeks did Paki- mation from crossing our minds stan, which gets billions in U.S. and informing our judgment. aid each year, strengthen Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s dictatorial regular life. Last week’s editions of Time demonstrated why it’s the powers? newsweekly of choice for the These allied governments Bubble Nation. In its three inter- might be behaving badly. But $ national versions, Time’s cover it’s also possible that they’re GET A BONUSBONUS centerpieced a report on the Tal- acting in America’s best inter- 0010 iban roaring back in Afghani- est. Maintaining stability in oil- stan. rich Saudi Arabia and nuclear- First Time Donors On its American cover? armed Pakistan _ and keeping Present this coupon on your first visit. “Why We Should Teach the Bi- anti-Western Islamic forces out ble in Public School.”Are the of power there _ is extremely news media dumbing Americans important to U.S. interests. Donate plasma. down or merely giving people Americans, idealistic by ReceiveReceive up up to to $00.00 $200 It’s easy & simple. what they want? Either way, the nature, must appreciate that public remains ill informed and there’s considerably more gray a month and give life insufficiently curious about the in the world than black and world beyond our borders. white. A more realistic Middle to patients in need. America’s painful experience in East policy would seek to under- Iraq should teach us how little stand the differences not only we truly understood about the between Islamic and Western civilizations, but also among the complexities of that nation and 910-764-9300000-0000 AvailableAvailable toto firstfirst timetime donorsdonors only.only. its culture before our invasion. nations within the Islamosphere Expires 00/00/00.Expires 07-30-06. DIS Paycode: Paycode: 00000 40022 T-code: NPADFNC UWOSHKOSH Harvard political sci- _ and to work with those differ- Address4441 Bragg Line Blvd. 1 entist Samuel P. Huntington has ences to strengthen America’s Fayetteville,Adress Line NC 2 28303 Call for an appointment today. controversially warned his coun- hand.But first, we have to burst trymen that we risk exacerbating our bubble. www.biolifeplasma.com a “clash of civilizations” by fail- 6 smallTALK April 9, 2007 Volume 46, Issue 10 Entertainment Continues Working Through His ESPN Phase Sanjaya Malakar. Photo Jeff Strickler D y n a m i t e ” ) tory by becoming the sport’s first courtesy by www.adrants. Star Tribune costars. He plays male-male twosome. com Jimmy MacElroy, First-time directors Will (Minneapolis) a super-smooth Speck and Josh Gordon don’t seem (MCT) skater and the worried about including surprises. arch-rival of The main plot line is predictable: The Chazz Michael Can Chazz and Jimmy get past their Will Ferrell con- Michaels (Fer- distrust for one another and mesh hated tinues to work through his rell), who uses in- their disparate styles to work as a ESPN phase. Having lam- your-face show- team? And the subplot is just as by- ‘Idol’ pooned soccer (“Kicking & manship to con- the-numbers: Jimmy falls in love Screaming”) and stock car ceal his lack of with the sister of the duo’s main Rooster racing (“Talladega Nights”) technical finesse. competitors, a brother-and-sister and in the process of film- f t e r pair (Will Arnett, “RV,” and real- Julie Hinds ing a basketball comedy tying for first life wife , “Saturday (“Semi-Pro”), he takes a place in a pre- Night Live”). When the sister (Jen- Detroit Free Press shot at Olympic figure skat- Olympic compe- na Fischer of TV’s “The Office”) is (MCT) ing in “Blades of Glory.” tition, Chazz and asked to undermine Jimmy and It feels like a day for This spoof has some- Jimmy get in a Chazz, she has to sort out her loyal- thankless tasks, so I’ll go thing going for it that his fight during the ties. ahead and make the case in other sports movies have awards ceremony. Heder out-acts Ferrell. Both defense of Sanjaya Malakar. lacked: It’s funny simply on Both of them are of them are playing stereotypes, Somebody has to. the basis of its premise. banned for life, or but Jimmy at least has a modicum The 17-year-old Take the none-too-svelte so skating offi- of substance, while Chazz is un- “” contestant Ferrell _ and never has one cials think. But abashed schtick. Sadly for Heder, is the country’s new laugh- of his movies made so much there’s a loophole Ferrell attacks his role with so ingstock. Late-night comics of his none-too-svelteness _ that says they’ve much bluster that he overshadows ridicule him. Critics have ex- stuff him into a garish, skin- been barred from everything else in the frame. hausted the synonyms for tight costume and plop him men’s singles Craig T. Nelson plays Jimmy awful in their quest to de- in the middle of a world competition. It and Chazz’s coach. In a subtle nod scribe him. A young woman ruled by grace and sophisti- doesn’t say any- to his hit TV show, “Coach,” he from New York is so upset by cation. You can’t help but thing about pairs lives in a cabin in the middle of the his presence on the show she laugh at the very thought. Will Ferrel in “Blades of Glory.” competition. woods. Also noteworthy are the claims to be on a hunger Granted, the script fun at himself. Stripped of its Alas, their reputation as cameos by a busload of figure skat- strike until he’s voted off _ could use more jokes _ or, at self-centered hotheads precedes ers, including , and she’s chronicling her least, fewer crotch jokes. But accoutrements, this is a one-joke movie: A chubby klutz doing a them, and no women are willing , Brian Boitano, protest, of course, on the Web being crass is Ferrell’s stan- to team up. Deciding that their and current champ (www.myspace.com/starva- dard operating procedure. lutz. But Ferrell does klutzy so well that it’s just as funny during love for skating is stronger than . tionforsanjaya). He’s also willing to check his their hatred for each other, they The skaters’ presence shows Hating Sanjaya is the pride at the door and poke the last reel as in the first one. Jon Heder (“Napoleon set out to make ice-skating his- they don’t take offense at the hu- new fad of disposable cul- mor being poked at their sport. ture. Nobody cares much Then again, whatever jibes Ferrell about the diaper-wearing as- directs in their direction are offset tronaut anymore. The will to fivefold by the ones he heaps upon wallow in the Anna Nicole himself. Smith saga is waning. Yet ___ nearly every night last week, BLADES OF GLORY you could flip the channels 3 stars and count the references to Starring: Will Ferrell, Jon Sanjaya’s ineptness made by Heder ABC’s , MS- Directed by: Will Speck and NBC’s Joe Scarborough, Josh Gordon Comedy Central’s Stephen Rated PG-13 for crude hu- Colbert and on and on. mor, sexual references, alcohol Sanjaya-bashing is now abuse and comic violence. No. 1 with a bullet, and I’m still trying to figure out why. Is it because he’s the weakest singer among the Continued on page 7 Volume 46, Issue 10 Monday, April 9, 2007  smallTALK 7 Continued from page 6 producers practically painted a he’s needed as a teenybopper added fuel to the humiliation just can’t carry a performance. Top 10? Fair enough, but I don’t bull’s-eye on his back last week draw for the coast-to-coast sum- fire. Then, last week, perhaps in The anti-Sanjaya band- remember anyone resorting to by cutting a zillion times to mer tour. The vote tallies remain response to criticism, he took a wagon reminds me of the How- starvation when John Stevens close-ups of Ashley, the sobbing a mystery to viewers (there were gamble by tackling a Kinks clas- ard Dean scream frenzy, when was doing Frank Sinatra impres- young fan whose Sanjaya wor- 30 million votes last week, but sic and trying to work the crowd the sheer pleasure of replaying sions on the show a few years ship was parodied over the who received what?), so con- like a Vegas star. The blowback the clip of him acting like a cra- back. weekend by “Saturday Night spiracy theories blossom freely. was immediate and painful. Wa- zy man overtook the fact that the Sanjaya is merely one of a Live.” Whatever the reason, it’s ter-cooler tirades about his hor- guy was trying to whip up en- long line of “Idol” guys who’ve Sanjaya is undoubtedly worth remembering Sanjaya is ridness were louder than any thusiasm in a noisy room. survived past their logical expi- loathed by those who are serious just a boy, not a human punch words spoken on behalf of LaK- Perception becomes reali- ration date. If you thought his about popular music. Although line. When he auditioned, his isha Jones, , ty. Sanjaya may be out of his performance of “You Really Got he’d need handlers and heavy voice seemed rather sweet and or other contes- depth, but it’s more fun to label Me” last week was a train wreck, tinkering in the studio to hide promising, sort of like Stevie tants considered to belong in the him the worst singer in the picture Kevin (Chicken Little) his flaws, he’s already gotten Wonder lite. Once he made it to finals. world. I just wish he weren’t 17. Covais from last season attempt- more exposure in a few weeks the Top 24, he tended to stand Dare I say it? Sanjaya That’s too young to be a national ing it. Or burly Scott Soval from than many aspiring artists of there and sound listless. wasn’t that bad. His voice is joke or a nationally spotlighted Season 4. Or Jim Verraros from true vision will get in a lifetime. As bad reviews from the thin, but his tone and pitch are anything. the debut year. Somewhere, a garage band that’s judges piled up, so did Sanjaya’s OK. As a reader e-mailed re- Those images aren’t pret- waiting to be discovered is cry- various hairstyles, which only cently, he can carry a tune; he ty, but Sanjaya is, with his warm ing harder than Ashley because smile, bronze skin and wavy of this. hair, and that’s part of the prob- Sanjaya may still be on lem. He has a non-threatening, the show because of Voteforth- slightly feminine vibe that ap- eWorst.com and , peals to preteen girls, like a who are rooting for his survival many a bubble-gum Tiger Beat as a way to mess with the show’s poster boy before him. This premise. Some muse he must makes him an easy target. “Idol” have reached the Top 10 because

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PLUS TAX 6DeliveryPLUS charge mayTAX apply. 5 Limited Time Offer 8 smallTALK April 9, 2007 Volume 46, Issue 10 Sports Florida Gators Win Byron Lowe loosing by 7. Next Butler and Staff Writer Oregon would both loose by 8 (65 – 57, 85 – 77). In the semi When thinking of Flor- finals UCLA was expected to be ida, several things come to mind; a challenge, but they also fell to sunny beaches, retirement home, Florida’s dominant offense 76 – Disney World, oranges, and col- 66. The only team left to prevent lege basketball? Or should I say the repeat was Ohio State, who dynasty college basketball? The had also been very impressive Gators have become only the so far in the tournament. seventh team in NCAA history However, against Flor- to repeat as champions in divi- ida in the first half, Ohio did not sion one basketball, and the very seem impressive at all. Ohio first to do so with the same start- gave Florida to many open shots ing line up. which led to six three pointers, Florida seemed to and an 11 point lead at half time, breeze through the tournament 40 – 29. Ohio did play much with no team seriously chal- stronger in the second half, but lenging them. Florida led the unfortunately for them they did tournament in Field-Goal per- not have enough time and lost centage with 52.7 %, starting 84 -75. The closest Ohio would with a victory over Jackson get in the second half was with Florida’s Al Horford, lower left, hoists the championship trophy amid a sea of fans as the Florida State 112 – 69, then Perdue 74 in seven points, and so Florida is Gators basketball team returns to Gainesville Regional Airport, Tuesday, April 3, 2007. (Stephen – 67. Perdue came the closest the NCAA Division I Champs, M. Dowell/Orlando Sentinel/MCT) again MU Cheerleaders Step Up to Division II Bringing Baseball Back despite the fact that they only Remille Shipman in order to advance to the sec- ond round. The top three teams have a $500 scholarship to offer Staff Writer student-athletes. In comparison, Byron Lowe umpire. then advanced to the final round Staff Writer This time of the season to compete for the 2007 champi- many of Methodist’s Division II When one thinks of competitors-including four-time everyone is a potential cham- women’s sports at Methodist, onship. There are many reasons pion, fans are eager and already Methodist has had a defending Division II champion they don’t usually think about Hawaii-Pacific-have the advan- to love the first week of April. bragging of new signed players; cheerleading. fine history of success in the The weather is getting warmer, like a 152 million dollar “rook- NCA championships in the past. tage of giving scholarship mon- Most onlookers tend ey to their student-athletes. the grass is greener, summer va- ie” pitcher, or stealing a rival’s to look at the excel- The team has never finished cation is near, and it is time for ace pitcher from across the bay. lower than e i g h t h This year’s competi- lence of Method- tion was the final National ap- Opening Day Baseball. Opening What ever the situation is, fans ist’s women’s and in nineteen years of week marks a time to make up will find something to look for- competi- pearance for seniors Kathi Ma- men’s golf programs son, Chris Vlahos, and former some new signs, find your fa- ward to, something to argue and baseball and soft- tion, and vorite seat, and put into practice about, and always a game to en- the team All-Conference football star ball teams when they Lorenzo Sweeney. your new jeers and swears at the joy with family and friends. search for programs that finished sixth perennially compete for overall in 2006. national championships. The Monarchs But Methodist’s co-ed have managed to Merle Norman Salon cheerleading squad con- maintain a consistent tinues to do what many of national presence in the university’s athletic pro- the 19 years that they grams don’t often do-com- have competed pete against NCAA Division II in the national competition and perform well. competition; in The Monarchs compet- fact, they have ed in the large co-ed Division II c o n s i s t e n t l y arm of the National Cheerlead- been one of the ing Association Championship few schools in at Daytona Beach, Florida on America to com- April 4-8. The Monarchs were pete nationally in the only Division III school all 19 years. “People competing as the team faced off don’t realize that the against some of the best squads program is so nation- from the NCAA Division II ally known,” head coach level. The team had to finish in Melissa Hay stated. the top half of the overall field Methodist does this