Vol. 488: 247–254, 2013 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published August 15 doi: 10.3354/meps10431 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

A sand goby realizes its niche both at high population densities and in the presence of the half bridled goby

Craig A. Chargulaf*, Dana D. Burfeind, Ian R. Tibbetts

School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia

ABSTRACT: To test theories of resource segregation and coexistence, we studied 2 goby : the eastern sand goby Favonigobius lentiginosus (which typically occupies soft sediment tide- pools) and the half-bridled goby Arenigobius frenatus (typically found in nearby subtidal seagrass beds). We used mesocosm experiments to test the hypotheses that (1) occupation of tidepools by F. lentiginosus is a function of exclusion (i.e. realized niche) from subtidal habitats by A. frenatus rather than habitat preference (i.e. fundamental niche) and (2) intraspecific competition among F. lentigi nosus may also play a role in their occupation of intertidal pools. In single-species exper- iments, single specimens of both A. frenatus and F. lentiginosus spent significantly more time in the seagrass habitat. When together in the same mesocosm, F. lentiginosus significantly altered its habitat use to sand, while A. frenatus used more detritus habitat. At higher densities in single- species experiments with F. lentiginosus, a significantly greater number of individuals used the apparently less desirable sand habitat. Habitat preferences displayed by gobies in the laboratory setting did not directly reflect their distribution in their natural habitat, suggesting that the use of soft sediment tidepools by F. lentiginosus may be a consequence of competition with A. frenatus for space in seagrass beds, causing the former to occupy their realized niche of sandy habitat.

KEY WORDS: Soft sediment · Tidepools · Competition · Seagrass ·

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INTRODUCTION of biodiversity and biogeography treats organisms as identical entities, predicting that biodiversity will The competitive exclusion principle suggests that reach an equilibrium between speciation and extinc- for the stable coexistence of 2 or more species in a tion that allows for a persistent distribution of relative homogenous environment to occur, some form of species abundance (Hubbell 2001). This equilibrium niche differentiation between species is required may come at a cost to one of the species involved, (Volterra 1926, Lotka 1932), and species competing which can be identified through comparing the fun- for the same resource cannot coexist (Hardin 1960). damental and realized niche of interacting species. Coexistence of species can occur when the species The fundamental niche is influenced by the avail- use different resources, or partition the same re - ability of resources, reproduction and environmental source either spatially or temporally (Nagelkerken et conditions, as well as the ecophysiological character- al. 2006). Density-mediated intraspecific interactions istics of a species (Arakaki & Tokeshi 2011). By con- may promote coexistence by limiting the densities of trast, the realized niche is that which is occupied by a the more aggressive competitor, keeping populations species that does not occupy its fundamental niche, to low levels and allowing the less aggressive com- usually due to avoidance of predation and competi- petitor to coexist (Stoll & Prati 2001, Grether et al. tion (Hutchinson 1957, Sillero 2011). Some species 2009). On the other hand, the unified neutral theory may not occupy their fundamental niche due either

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2013 · www.int-res.com 248 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 488: 247–254, 2013

to their historical separation or their limited ability to & Munday 2004). It has even been suggested that disperse to the preferred habitat (Holt 2003). Suitable intraspecific encounters are more aggressive than habitats are a primary resource that must be shared interspecific encounters because competitors are or partitioned by co-occurring species, which is es - vying for the same resources (Mayr & Berger 1992). sential for species’ coexistence (Schoener 1974, Gobies are the most diverse family of fishes in the Rosenzweig 1981, Tokeshi 1999); however, this in - world, and are small benthic-dwelling teleosts that evitably comes at a cost to the species that relin- occur in marine, estuarine and freshwater habitats quishes its fundamental niche to occupy less favor- (Choi & Gushima 2002). They are also one of the more able habitats (Sillero 2011). common permanent resident fishes of intertidal pools Many fishes have shown preferences for a particular (Crowley & Tibbetts 1995, Chotkowski et al. 1999, habitat type (Faria et al. 1998, Arakaki & Tokeshi Meager et al. 2005, Chargulaf et al. 2011a) and sea- 2005, Fry et al. 2009). When planning reserves or grass beds (Jenkins et al. 1997, Franco et al. 2006, taking other measures to conserve biodiversity, it is York et al. 2006). The benefits accruing from the occu- important to determine whether or not natural popu- pation of intertidal pools may include extended access lations are actually either utilizing their preferred to intertidal food sources, reduced predation risk or habitat or if they are merely occupying their realized enhanced growth rates from increased temperatures niche. For instance, in aquaria, the code goby Gobio- (Krück et al. 2009). Adjacent seagrass beds have simi- soma robustum and the clown goby Microgobius gu- lar functions including the provision of nursery ha- losus prefer the same structured habitat when al- bitat (Minello 1999, Beck et al. 2001, Heck et al. 2003), lopatric; however, in sympatry, M. gulosus occupies protection from predators (Stunz & Minello 2001) and the less favorable sandy habitat, indicating that com- higher growth rates of associated nekton (Heck et al. petition probably drives habitat use in the field 2003). The occupation of soft sediment pools by (Schofield 2003). Interspecific competition has pre- gobies drives them into competitive and predatory in- sumably driven the segregation of habitat use by in- teraction with the commercially important sand whit- tertidal triplefins (Trypterigidae), causing vertical ing Sillago ciliata, which is thought to primarily use zonation along the intertidal shore (Hilton et al. 2008). sand pools as a nursery habitat (Krück et al. 2009). In reef systems, the timing of the arrival of one spe- The sheltered littoral habitats of Moreton Bay, Aus- cies at a microhabitat may affect the ability of tralia, support persistent and widespread populations another species to colonize and survive (Geange & of the eastern sand goby Favonigobius lentiginosus Stier 2009). In extreme cases, dominant competitors in soft sediment intertidal pools, while the half- may either force subordinates to use less optimal bridled goby Arenigobius frenatus is typically found habitats (Holbrook & Schmitt 2002) or displace them in nearby subtidal seagrass beds (Chargulaf 2010). completely (Munday et al. 2002). Nevertheless, it has The present study had 2 principal objectives: (1) to been suggested that interspecific competition may determine whether occupation of tidepools by F. act as a structuring source for fish communities lentiginosus is a function of habitat preference (i.e. (Bonin et al. 2009). Although interspecific competi- fundamental niche) or exclusion (i.e. realized niche) tion is common, coexistence can also occur, allowing from subtidal habitats by A. frenatus; and (2) to for species to successfully cohabit a given area. A determine if intraspecific competition amongst F. tank experiment with the round goby Neogobius lentiginosus may also play a role in their occupation melanostomus and the ruffe Gymnocephalus cer- of intertidal pools with high densities in their funda- nuus revealed that they prefer the same habitat mental niche, forcing individuals to occupy their either when alone or in sympatry and show no signs realized niche. We hypothesized that fish would uti- of interspecific competition (Bauer et al. 2007). lize more structural habitats (i.e. seagrass) when Intraspecific competition is another structuring alone and tend to move to less favorable habitats in force to which fish communities respond, particularly the presence of a potential competitor. in density-dependent habitat selection, which can regulate populations (Morris 2003). At increased densities of conspecifics both halibut Hippoglossus MATERIALS AND METHODS stenolepis and the rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra show increased use of marginal habitats (Laurel et al. Experimental mesocosms 2007). Spatial distribution of coral dwelling gobies is determined by the size of conspecifics, with larger To mimic the available intertidal habitat of the individuals typically inhabiting larger corals (Hobbs shore at Dunwich, Queensland (27° 40’ S, 153° 40’ E), Chargulaf et al.: Niche realization in sand gobies 249

we created unvegetated substrate (sand), seagrass To determine habitat preference for each species, (Zostera muelleri), detritus (consisting of mangrove one randomly selected goby was initially placed in leaves, dead seagrass and small woody debris) the centre of each of the 15 experimental mesocosms. and bare areas in plastic experimental mesocosms Fish were allowed to acclimate for 2 h. The location (length × width × depth: 25 × 40 × 25 cm). Sand, sea- of each fish was observed every 3 h for 24 h to deter- grass and detritus are commonly found on the inter- mine the percentage of habitat use. Percent occur- tidal shores where the experimental species were rence of fish in each habitat type was measured dur- sourced, and bare habitat was chosen as a control as ing the day and night to measure habitat use and the it would be expected to be the least occupied space, percentage was averaged over the 24 h period. After except in unfavorable conditions. Habitat types were the trial, fish were returned to their holding aquaria located in each quarter of each mesocosm (i.e. 6.25 × and a random set of 15 selected individuals (poten- 10 × 6.25 cm per habitat) and the mesocosm was tially including former individuals used in previous filled with 15 l of seawater at 35 ppt and maintained trials) were placed into experimental mesocosms for between 23 and 26°C, aerated by bubblers. Meso- a total of 45 replicates of each species. During noctur- cosms were established 48 h prior to commencing the nal observations, overhead lights re mained off and first trial. Fifteen units were set up and habitat place- fish were located with a red LED light to minimize ment was random. All habitats were derived from disturbance. materials obtained from the sandflats near Dunwich. To determine whether competition had any effect Because the objective of the experiment was to on habitat preference, 2 fish (one of each species) examine habitat preference and interference compe- were placed into the experimental mesocosms. Trials tition, all habitat types were cleared of food sources. were performed as described above for a total of 45 Sand and detritus were washed thoroughly with replicates. fresh water and dried. Seagrass was first cleaned by washing off sediment and removing epiphytes from the blades (as per Burfeind et al. 2009), and then Density-dependent competition trials replanted in densities similar to those found in tide- pools at Dunwich. The same mesocosm configuration was used to test density effects on habitat use. Density was only tested on Favonigobius lentiginosus, due to the small Interference competition trials numbers of Arenigobius frenatus caught. Densities of 4, 6 and 12 individuals per tank were used, and trials Gobies were collected from sandflats and seagrass were run as with the individual gobies. Individuals in beds adjacent to Dunwich, Queensland. Favonigob- each tank were from the same size class to eliminate ius lentiginosus were collected from tidepools using the influence of size in determining habitat prefer- dip nets, and Arenigobius frenatus were collected ence. The positions of all fish were recorded every using an 8 × 1.5 m seine net (2 mm mesh) in the 3 h over a 24 h period to determine the number of adjacent seagrass beds. Tidepools were typically individuals of each species in each habitat. Following ephemeral depressions on a sandy beach formed by each trial, all gobies were returned to their holding stingrays foraging in the sediment. A total of 60 aquarium and new individuals (potentially including F. lentiginosus and 30 A. frenatus were caught for former individuals used in previous trials) were ran- the experiment. Fish were immediately taken to the domly selected by size class for subsequent trials. Moreton Bay Re search Station and held in aerated aquaria. Before being placed into the aquaria, fish were measured to standard length (±1.0 mm) with Statistical analysis dial calipers and separated into adult size classes 15−19, 20−24, 25−29 and 30−35 mm to reduce the For trials with 1 individual of each species per tank influence of size differences as a factor in the trials. (i.e. to assess the interference competition be tween For the density trials and competition trials, only fish the 2 species), chi-square tests were used to compare of the same size class were used in each aquarium. individual species habitat occupation when alone Experimental mesocosms were held in the laboratory and when with the potential competitor. Habitat for the duration of the experiment. Fish were fed preferences as a function of changing fish density daily with a mixture of live shrimp and frozen brine of Favonigobius lentiginosus were analyzed with a shrimp in between trials. 2-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni tests 250 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 488: 247–254, 2013

0.6 Favonigobius lentiginosus Arenigobius frenatus a 0.6 c 0.5 Alone 0.5 0.4 Together 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0 0.6 b 0.7 d Day 0.5 0.6 Night 0.5

Mean proportion of habitat use 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 Detritus Sand Seagrass Bare Detritus Sand Seagrass Bare Substrate Fig. 1. Favonigobius lentiginosus, Arenigobius frenatus. Mean (±SE, n = 45 replicates) proportion of habitat use by 2 goby spe- cies in a mesocosm experiment with detritus, sand, seagrass and bare substrates. Habitat use by individual (a,b) sand gobies or (c,d) seagrass gobies when (a,c) alone or in the presence of a potential competitor, i.e an individual of the other goby species; or (b,d) during day- vs. night-time (1 goby per tank) comparing habitat use with the density of fish. Prior icant (chi-square, p < 0.05 for all tests). There was no to all analyses, the proportion of fish choosing a habi- significant difference in proportion of habitat use tat in each trial was normalized via log transforma- between day and night for any habitat (chi-square, tion, which was required as the data was not consid- p > 0.05 for all tests) (Fig. 1d). ered to be independent (Aitchison 1982). These Chi-square tests revealed several significant differ- analyses were conducted using Statistica version 7.1. ences for the interference competition trials, most notably the use of habitats by Favonigobius lentigi- nosus in the presence of Arenigobius frenatus RESULTS (Table 1). When in the same tank as A. frenatus, use of seagrass habitat by F. lentiginosus significantly Favonigobius lentiginosus, when alone, preferred the seagrass habitat to detritus and bare habitats Table 1. Favonigobius lentiginosus and Arenigobius frena- (chi-square, p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively) tus. Chi-square results comparing habitat occupation by the (Fig. 1a). The proportion of seagrass and sand habitat sand goby F. lentiginosus and seagrass goby A. frenatus in a use was not significantly different (chi-square, p = mesocosm experiment when alone and when paired with a potential competitor, i.e. an individual of the other species 0.07), nor was the proportion of sand and detritus habitat use (chi-square, p = 0.138). There was a sig- Species Habitat χ2 p nificant difference in the proportion of habitat use between day and night, with more sand habitat and F. lentiginosus Detritus 10.11 0.120 less seagrass habitat being used at night (Fig. 1b). Sand 12.92 0.115 Seagrass 37.38 <0.001 Arenigobius frenatus, when alone, also preferred the Bare 19.20 0.004 seagrass habitat to all other habitats (chi-square, p < A. frenatus Detritus 16.37 0.037 0.05 for all tests) (Fig. 1c). The use of sand and bare Sand 4.78 0.444 Seagrass 20.00 0.010 substrate was not significantly different (chi-square, Bare 4.11 0.250 p = 0.17); however, all other com parisons were signif- Chargulaf et al.: Niche realization in sand gobies 251

decreased, and use of bare habitat significantly lentiginosus and Arenigobius frenatus both pre- increased, while its uses of sand and detritus were ferred the seagrass habitat, but in the presence of not significantly different (Fig. 1a, Table 1). There one another, both species reduced their use of sea- was a significant difference in habitat use by A. grass habitat and increased the use of other, pre- frenatus in the presence of F. lentiginosus with a sumably less desirable habitats. This suggests that decrease in seagrass and an increase in detritus habi- the use by F. lentiginosus of sandflat tidepools may tat use, while there was no significant difference be - be a result of interference competition for space in tween sand and bare habitat usage (Fig. 1c, Table 1). the adjacent seagrass beds and that the use of Density of Favonigobius lentiginosus significantly sandy soft-sediment tidepools in situ may be F. influenced habitat use (ANOVA, F9,176 = 7.67, p < lentiginosus’ realized niche. This is similar to the 0.0001) with a greater number of individuals occupy- relationship between the gobies Pomatoschistus ing the bare and detritus habitats at higher densities microps and niger, where G. niger appears (Fig. 2). Habitat use was significantly different for to drive P. microps from its preferred vegetated bare habitat between densities of 1 and 12 individu- habitat, most likely because G. niger is larger als (Bonferroni, p < 0.0001), and for detritus habitat (Wieder holm 1987). The gobies used in our trials between densities of 1 and 6 (Bonferroni, p < 0.032) were all of a similar size, yet the same pattern of with a higher proportion of use at higher densities. displacement appeared to be occurring, presumably Habitat use was not significantly different between due to more aggressive behavior displayed by A. densities of 4 and 6 individuals for any habitat (Bon- frenatus, as this species was observed chasing indi- ferroni, p ≥ 0.05 for all tests). The use of the sand viduals of F. lentiginosus in some of the mesocosms. habitat did not differ significantly among density However, A. frenatus also displayed some minor levels (Bonferroni, p > 0.05), while seagrass use displacement, suggesting that limiting contact is significantly decreased as fish densities increased preferred over potentially aggressive encounters. In (Bonferroni, p < 0.05 for all tests). the Baltic Sea, the round goby Neogobius melanos- tomus may have a negative effect on the flounder Platichthys flesus, by restricting the flounder’s uti- DISCUSSION lization of preferred habitat, but the round goby may have also had an impact on the flounder due to Markedly different habitat selection patterns diet overlap (Karlson et al. 2007). The round goby occur in laboratory mesocosms when gobies are sole has also been shown to displace native logperch occupants than when they share habitat with a Percina caprodes and mottled sculpin Cottus bairdi potential competitor. Individuals of Favonigobius in the Great Lakes due to competition for habitable space (Janssen & Jude 2001, Bal- 0.5 shine et al. 2005). In the case of A. Seagrass d Sand frenatus and F. lentiginosus, both m Detritus species alter habitat use patterns 0.4 Bare when in close proximity, indicating that avoidance of negative interac- d tions may take priority over pre- 0.3 m m d ferred habitat use. d d m Some gobiids can coexist with 0.2 m other cohabitants. For example, the giant goby Gobius cobitis pre fers sandy substrata when in both mono- 0.1 and hetero specific groups (Faria et

Mean proportion of habitat use al. 1998). Coexistence between the Eurasian ruffe Gym no cephalus cer- 0 nuus and round gobies was detected 1 4 6 12 Number of fish per tank by Bauer et al. (2007) who found that substrate preference is not affected Fig. 2. Favonigobius lentiginosus. Average percent usage (± SE) of different substrates by the sand goby at increasing densities (1, 4, 6 and 12 gobies per by the presence of a potential com- tank): (M) detritus, (d) sand, (J) seagrass, (R) bare substrate. n = 45 replicates petitor. However, our study suggests per density group that 2 gobies in Moreton Bay are 252 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 488: 247–254, 2013

poor cohabitants when held in proximity, which bly not driven by resource availability, as the abun- might explain their segregation in the wild. dances of benthic prey are typically robust and per- High densities of Favonigobius lentiginosus also sistent (Coull 1999), as is the case for soft sediment affect distribution amongst the different habitat tidepools in Moreton Bay (authors’ unpubl. data). Both types. As hypothesized, gobies started using subopti- of our study species forage on benthic invertebrates, mal habitats (i.e. bare plastic) as the density of gobies with Favonigobius lentiginosus preferring benthic increased. Increased use of suboptimal habitats at copepods and decapod shrimp (Chargulaf et al. 2011b); greater densities suggests that the benefit that might however, diet preferences of Arenigobius frenatus accrue from access to the preferred habitat is being are not known. compromised (Laurel et al. 2007). Male round gobies Most fundamental ecological theories of population are known to prefer rocky habitats, but when densi- dynamics and species coexistence are based on the ties get too high they will start using other habitats principle that individuals are negatively affected by (Bergstrom et al. 2008). Density-dependent habitat the density of either conspecifics or heterospecifics, competition in the European bullhead Cottus gobio, which has been shown in mammals (Eccard & Ylönen a member of the sculpin family, only occurs between 2007), (Bográn et al. 2002) and birds (Mez- juveniles and adults, with juveniles being displaced quida et al. 2005), as well as fish (Bergstrom et al. to the marginal habitats (Davey et al. 2005); however, 2008). Our experiments also highlight the potential competition between different size classes and age negative effects of competition for a shared preferred groups was not tested in our experiments. Individual habitat, with Favonigobius lentiginosus apparently species habitat selection is seemingly closely related being displaced from their fundamental niche; how- to population regulation and the persistence of pop - ever, the results here may also be due to differences ulations over time where population growth rates in optimal diets, physical capabilities of each species reach an equilibrium based on the quality of habitat to deal with subtidal habitats or historical niche dif- occupied (Morris 2003). Thus, F. lentiginosus is likely ferentiation. In some cases, coexistence and high to have a threshold density above which migration densities can provide benefits. For example, the pop- to other potential habitats occurs in order to limit ulation densities at roosting habitats of 2 species of intraspecific interference competition. arboreal migratory birds were positively correlated, Our experiments suggest that competition between which may have occured because the greater abun- gobies drives habitat segregation, rather than habitat dances of one species were indicative of good quality preference acting alone. Preferences for microhabi- habitat to the other species (Forsman et al. 2009). tats have been used to explain the distribution of Pusenius et al. (2000) suggest that habitat prefer- gobiid fishes in Japanese tidepools, where 3 species ences of voles are driven by familiarity with an area, minimize competition by selecting particular sub- in order increase foraging effectiveness and reduce strates within a pool (Arakaki & Tokeshi 2005). How- predation risk. Such familiarity could explain why F. ever, the preference for seagrass by both gobiids in lentiginosus occupies the intertidal sandflats and soft the present study suggests that they may be directly sediment tidepools. Higher densities of surgeonfish competing for the same fundamental resource or that on coral reefs were suggested to in crease foraging the species rarely overlap in the field due to historical efficiency by diluting aggressive attacks from com- niche differentiation. Gobiidae are usually the most petitors (Lawson et al. 1999). It is possible that F. common and the most abundant fish found occupy- lentiginosus has adapted to the less optimal sandy ing intertidal shores (Meager et al. 2005). While typi- habitat, and the higher densities are reducing com- cally more than one species is found in a particular petition from Arenigobius frenatus in the intertidal habitat, one of the goby species tends to dominate zone. the assemblage (Ford et al. 2004), which may indi- More importantly, the competitive interactions that cate interference competition for habitable space is result in habitat exclusions may be important drivers having an influence on fish assemblages in soft sedi- of evolutionary processes at small scales. When occu- ment tidepools. pying separate niches in a geographic area, diver- An understanding of habitat selection is important gent speciation may occur and habitat isolation may for both behavioral ecology and conservation bio - evolve as a result (Rundle & Nosil 2005). While the logy, and resource availability has been considered Gobiidae is the largest family of fishes, its members one of the most important components in the selec- differ little morphologically, typically being benthic tion of particular habitats by (Wolf et al. and only a few species being pelagic. The inter - 2009). Intertidal habitat selection by gobies is proba- ference competition for habitable space observed in Chargulaf et al.: Niche realization in sand gobies 253

this experiment may explain the divergence of fishes? A tale of two gobies Favonigobius lentiginosus Favonigobius lentiginosus from seagrass to soft sedi- and Favonigobius exquisitus. J Fish Biol 79: 1968−1983 Choi SH, Gushima K (2002) Spot-fixed fin digging behavior ment intertidal pools and point to this process as a in foraging of the benthophagous maiden goby, Ptero - significant contributor to the diversification in this gobius virgo (Perciformes: Gobiidae). Ichthyol Res 49: fish family. 286−290 Chotkowski MA, Buth DG, Prochazka K (1999) Systematics of intertidal fishes. In: Horn MH, Martin KLM, Chot - Acknowledgements. This experiment was partially funded kowski MA (eds) Intertidal fishes: life in two worlds. Aca- by the Moreton Bay Community Research Scholarship. We demic Press, San Diego, CA, p 297−331 thank the staff of the Moreton Bay Research Station for pro- Coull BC (1999) Role of meiofauna in estuarine soft-bottom viding space and accommodation. 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Editorial responsibility: Charles Birkeland, Submitted: September 21, 2012; Accepted: May 31, 2013 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Proofs received from author(s): August 7, 2013