Portsmouth’s Leading Department Store Clearance

; .wXWw.’.v.v \\vjy ?. v? • -



SIZES t to 15,10 to 20, 121-2 to 2 4 1-2, 38 t o 50 LOW PRICES Especially For K&fciS This CLEARANCE George B. French

3 7 ' 4 1 Market Str eet The BEACHCOMBER 7 XXII NO WEDNESDAY a u g u s t 1948 FREE DISTRIBUTION Republicans Hold Conclave At Beach Today

Missing N urse Bay State Youth The entire Con­ gressional delegation will be a- Coast Guard ‘Duck’ B elieved T o H ave Wins First Prize mong the honored guests of the bi­ ennial field day of the Rockingham Rescues Nine At “The Heart of The Seacoast Region” Visited Beach On Talent Parade County Republican club at the Ho­ tel Ashworth today. Beach Sunday AGood Town to Live In The search tor 22-year-old Ruth For the first time this season a More than 300 members of the Eiaenberg, missing for three weeks pianist won first place In the week­ High westerly winds along the A Good Town To Trade In county GOP including public office seacoast Sunday made it difficult to on a trip from Bridgeport, Conn., ly Talent Parade. holders and those seeking office In Fourteen-year-old Arthur Q. fj.m. handle small boats with the Hamp­ to Portsmouth, shifted to Hampton the September primaries, are ex­ ton Beach Coast Guard responding Beach early this week where a girl irande of South Hadley Falls, Mass., pected to be on hand to greet Sen­ AMPLE FREE PARKING walked off with the $10 award with twice to the Mile bridge. resembling the Newark, N. J., nurse ator H. of Concord, MODERN STORES Shubert’s “Impromptu,” Opu* 91, Sunday morning it picked up six reportedly was seen. Senator Charles W. Tobey, of Tem­ No. 4. ple, Representative Chester E. persons, four men and two women, Hampton Publishing Co. MIsb Elsenberg is believed to Emery The Florist The second prize of $5 went to Merrow of Ossipee and Representa­ when their fishing boat capsized Sturgis Clothing Lamie’s Tavern have been driven to Hampton Bert Mullaney, 18, Belmont, Mass., tive Norris Cotton of Lebanon. near the bridge. The persons were Flowers for All Occasions JOB PRINTING Beach by a Brooklyn, N. Y., couple who sang “Because,” Alan Cald- Among the other honored guests able to cling to the piling of the Store Nationally Famous on July 20—the day she disappear- beck, 1 6 /of Worcester, Mass., won wooden structure. At 4 o'clock in Telegraphed Anywhere — Service - Quality - Economy will be Governor Charles M. Dale, Nationally Known Brands ed. third place for Binging “La Roo.” and both candidates for the Re­ the afternoon another call was sent FOR FINE FOODS Anytime Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Aided with a number of photo­ The Talent Parade takes place publican nomination for governor, to the station, when a Bmall boat Tel. 555 every Monday night at 7 o'clock of Lincoln and containing two men and a women TEL. 616 TEL. 826 graphs of the attractive girl, Police Open 9-6 daily • 9*9 Frl., and Sat Chief John J. Malek and other from the bandstand with Bill Billot John R. Mclntire of Portsmouth. from Lawrence, Mass., became % Hampton policemen made an in­ as master of eremonles. Entries County Chairman John W. Per­ caught in the tide under the T rofatter tensive search of boarding houses may be placed at the Chamber of kins of Hampton will preside at the bridge. The trio were identified as [Tobey’s Drug Store conclave when candidate for the Hampton Center Fearer’s and hotels in the belief that the Commerce. Arthur Demers, 26, Rene Demers, Electrical Appliances Republican nomination to county 14, and Lorraine Nolet 19. When Garage PRESCRIPTIONS girl still may be somewhere on the and state offices wHl be introduced Shoe Store beach. the Coast Guard amphibious duck Carefully Compounded CONTRACTOR Nuclei Terrace to the gathering. arrived In charge of enginman 1/c 4,30 Years Your Ford Dealer” Chief Malek stated, “We are The speakers of the day will In­ Real St. Marie the three were The Rexall Store |Depot Square Hampton Lafayette Road Tel. 2077 almost certain we have yet to Group Hold Social clude Senators Bridges and Tobey, TEL. 941 clinging to the bridge piling. None TEL. 864 discover someone who actually saw A delicious chicken supper was Representatives Merrow and Cot­ could swim, according to the Coast ^ ______ton, Governor Dale and guberna­ her.” the first of a series of socials to be torial candidates Adams and Mc­ Guard. Jew ell’s He identified the Brooklyn couple sponsored by the recently organ­ At Rye Beach a boat owned by John A. Janvrin Howe Motor Sales Hampton as Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barnash and ized Nudd Terrace Associates. The lntire. L&Ighton Remick went out after T el 2215 Cooperative Bank Williams Oll-O-Matlc Burners said they drove the girl believed affair was held at the Constance HAVE YOU HEARD? reports had come into the police LUMBER to have been Miss Eisenberg as last Tuesday evening with about station of a boat being seen with a KAIZER - FRAZER [Systematic Saving Secures Complete Burner 8ervlce About the stunning brunette who PAINT HARDWARE far as Hampton Center. 100 members present goes to the dance every night Inst person waving a distress signal. The Friendly Amoco Sta. Success (All Makes and Types) Meanwhile, a search also was in After the supper a delightful en- to watch one of Ted Herbert s RE8CUE TEL. 312 NUR8E SOCIAL ' (Continued on Page Twelve) Phil Howe, Prop. CALL HAMPTON 470 boys? TEL. 2038 (Continued on Page Eleven) (Continued on Page Wine) S. A. Dow & Son Elmer King Tobey & Merrill M arelli’s Largest Agency On The New Hampshire Coast Groceries-Grain-Fertilizer COAL - COKE - WOOD INSURANCE SERVICE Groceries Hardware - Pain! Lafayette Road Fresh Fruits - Vegetables TEL. 621 TEL 681 TEL. 2038 TEL. 2156 JOHNNIE ROW] Ray F. Lufkin Real Estate and Insurance Agency Sporting Goods Hampton Center A1 B isson Expert Watch and Jewelry selection Tackle Office at Repairing Barber Shop Electrical Contractor 1Miry’s Real Estate Agency offers you a wide Smith and Gilmore 40 Year* Experience Fishing Pier TEL. 976 [COLE'S COR. HAMPTON eter Road H am p to lampton Beach. RENT Power Oil Burners FOR SALE Businesses Shop In Hampton Dry Rooming , The E. G. Cole Co. Cabins — Cottages :h Office f in e FOODS . HOUSEWARES HAMPTON Cleaners Shop In Near “The Seacoast Shopping Center” ICome in or Tel. Hamp. 529 Main Office SALE BRIDGE And Save Visit Our New HAMPTON |Lafayette Rd. Beyond ‘MeweHV North Shore Hoose with ram**- 5-10-25c STORE F urnished Oceanjan Boulevard HIGH ST> ~ Ha m pto n c e n . 4 Room Surfsideorfside Sectl™ A nd Save and $2,750.00 TEL. 2279 Wlnnacunnet Road t e r m s e a sy hampton" " ™* TEL. 588 Fifteen ------B U S IN E SS m e n ,s association ft properties Specializing Hampton The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER ------' qhirley of Jamaica ------I Katherine s “ " e Mrfl. John John the That Pat and Tommy wera frol­ | BARBER icking but not at the Frolics? A •• r # a j HAVE YOU HEA* °? h Beach Notes bJS*«ffS?35£ USE That the C street Grill ha “22 Years at Hampton Beach" Have You Heard? HAVE YOU SEEN IT 7 7 7 quite a .male following • m ..a Jr., ot Somi”!'. ‘ • Th,,,! Saturday M|ss JoaepblneB ® ” r and Mr.. NEW C ST. LOCATION 0 fVfMichael’s Pi t GARLAND’S About the picture of Ernie Rainey About Gerry Griffin's confession ' The Wesley in his glory surrounded by N. H. Luncheonette Kent.' moftW. Mr.. W“U* 0Etiea), Mr. „ „ Mr.. P. J- at the D. D.? j £» gij» TEL- 527 CUBES coedB? • A STREET Brl.n, '“ r.S T .r WO »«“ “ too, Ma...l » • B ring the Children Pleasant Rooms Why . Joy, who hates to play ball, Specializing In returning Friday tor w™ NortMll Brooklyn. N. Y., »'■ ™ To See the About the Boar’s.Head Swimming Hot Showers the beach. thft Mary- Mrs Michael Coffey and daugli » plays it almost every day? SKYLARKS — tha % » . « " J l S e S . K T « d Mary and Mia. Fan- Storybook Toy Shop Society, Inc? • JUST OFF THE Blvd. * Betoh e New Frankfurt unit. on Ot.au t|»“1

W hite Shirts M c GREGOR RED . c**rm .tured SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH All Wool Trunks Reg. Price $3.00 $4 & $5 values COTTAGE $2.45 2 $7 - Only $1.50 Famous Restaurant DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED RANDALL’S H al Caulkins d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e U ESTABLISHED 1931 and his Electric Organ cl091NG . BOULEVARD - Between “A” and -B - Streets EVERY FR1. A SAT T,uL c l0 8 ING S U N D A Y S 1 T O 3 . 736 H am pton Beach, N. BUY U. S. SECURITY BONDS IMCOKF OAATBB Reservations Call Ne* l,!'P? Street H. M. ALLEN, Mgr0 . H,bur?-. Mass . “Near the IOKA Theatre JtJ. S» Route 1 T nfrr*4**


t Z- JACKIE’S and see me sometime ?” The Beachcomber TRAVEL AGENCY TEL. 2393 Incorporating Th. Hampton Boach Adror.lc mS i E. D M U . R u th Jacquelyn Cate, Mgr. A Vacation Digest of all the news S erson »»

Sponsored By Thursday NEWBURYPORT k iw a n is c l u b

F r iday U nder privileged

jfampton ‘Beac K 5falc 'Park. ROUTE I-A. near HAMPTON R|VEI Saturday " w T T E S S bathhouse SALISBURY OUI£T ATMOSPHERE beach safety patrol OCCASIONAL MUSIC refreshments available A fternoon K inde«arten to College School Fashions Admission Spacious bathhouse with observation h at,on- pic"ic tabl« JSTSS& 50c Tax Inc. ixciuim sun __ Sturgis Apparel TEL. 2030 HAMPTON The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER HAVE VOU HEARD7 a Mrs Louis Vana, Yonkers, dieBter; Mrs. Margaret Mum* " ,he girl who always orders h a v e you h e a r d ? Pomfret, Conn., and Sadie pmu' HSV*BUByTHgn *XmntU on her er, Baltimore; ^ ^ ^ c o n t u n c e Mi's- J. c. Bjrr. Ab0 a,i at the Bowery? N. * •» w y . Ann Sandla, Bridgeport, Conn. " ' RoGtoHuMilk foneuiliai liBt?” tr3 * "-H "17M na Desmond. W >ur ■ D De- Schenectady. *•- MrB pow. Beach Notes Rlchardelll Melro . ollyt Dor- Cranston. R- I- “ * . M Registered at the Ocean Boule­ ferais, Read,ns' 'T frB j r . Henry, m S, t Mrs“ Bsier. Onion City. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr talking fvAl L | I . . ^ L vard Hotel and Mr. and Mrs. B. A feature or the evening was Clement, Lancaster. N. Ho R- “ • . j Lucille Morin. Brunswick, P at and Bob Morgan on the ael McElligou Teenan and STRAND the coBtume parade. The winners Wagner and F. J. Seno. Philadel­ MoJUn Sullivan. W<»x“ tor. beach . . . Larry HugheB pulling a ton; Mr. and M • • M AMESBURY were Helen Crane, Kitty Byrnes. NEWBURYPORT phia; Edward Chisholm. Charles­ Ms-: sopkl. “ d M rtO rK Packard up the street . . . Bob MrB. Thomas Keefe, Mrs. Fred town ; Ray Kline. Rutland; W. B. son, South Boston: Mr. ana i Phon rbarles Carroll, Clearwater, •• I I S ?-,T.ndHW Donahue, Cushing on a Sunday date . . . Dave Richards, MrB. Mary Sheehy and Sears, Chicopee; Marie R. Shultz. Thurs., - Sat. Aug. 13.^4 Colt In swimming at North Beach Ann Devlin. - * ■ Washington, D. C.; Virginia Fowl- £ ^ M r, ‘ er, Harrisburg, Pa.; Ben Shoemak- Greenfield, Mass. Peggy Cummlna-Charlet Coburn . . . two cute blondeB discussing Music for dancing was provided Now Playing Ends Saturday Among the guests at the Hamp­ the best way to approach life by a three-piece orchestra with Mr. Riciiard Rudinskl, Wore ton Villa on I street are Albert guard Sam Hoyt . . . Harry, Phil Leroy Dunfey of Lowell, well- The Outstanding Success *n 8clntNltat1ng Tsehnteolor ene and Teresa Beaudoin, Andover, Demers and Edward Cost* Need­ WYOMING" and Frank beaming broadly win™ known beach merchant, as drum­ e>U neuduH tf Robert Ballard. Lucy ToBca and Jfs H5» ham. Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. JChn Mc­ in technicolor they got their boat started . . . mer. Judy Garland - Fred A eta I re i ce/ Say Boucher. Hartford; Francis Carthy and daughter, Helen, Wate^ The next meeting or the “asso­ Mlmno, Lawrence; George Kumlet, Boy meets Girl: She Ignored him “EASTER PARADE” town, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. un., Mon. Aug. in e all the way from H street to the ciates’’ will be held at the May B Cambridge; James Suil van. Me cottage, the home of Mrs. Mae Ma­ a R d i m , ! i T K £ . % T SUMMER Hale, Norwood, Mass.; Georgie Gal- Casino so he ran ahead, stuck out ford; Joseph Sharkey, Michael Lay- Ingrid Bergman-Charles Boyar lone. ____t h e a t r e ev and Joseph Demty. Central Falls, anos, Hartford, Conn.; Gloria Kel-( a foot and tripped her . . . P. S., it R t 113 - Between Haverhill R I.- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faurtlni lv, Watertown, Mass.; Marjorie “ARCH OF TRIUMPH” worked . . . Bill Cronin reminiscing Wholley and Betty Glass, Brad- j HAVE YOU HEARD? j Sun.. Tuea. Aug. 15-17 and Newburyport_____ and family. North Adams; Mr. and also . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Caron In town ‘Antonio OUvestro, Woonsock- ford, Mass.; Bessie Blllis, Grove- j AUG. 13-14 That’ Neil Collins 1b Btill send­ FRI., SAT., for the movies . . . Dan Dunn, ing a letter a day to Sw&mpscott? I From the Celebrated Novel 3 MORE TIMES et Mr and Mrs. Mattson. Miller land. Mass.; Ida Adams and Ber- “MR. RECKLESS” “Spoonhandle* Thursday, Friday, Saturday Falls- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brink, tha Wheatley. Burlington. Vt., and who has no idea of going anywhere, with Barbara Britton nnts The Riotous Laugh Thriller Hartford; Mr. and Mrs. C. J- O'- Andrew Ferland. Pawtucket, R. I. | tunes asking many questions at Jackie’s , Dana Andrewe "ARSENIC AND OLD LACE” Travel agency ! . . Pauline Hoffman Something New to Hampton! LCCULean’ J and family. Worcester:------' Mr. Worcester guests at the CombB 1 Tue6., Wed Aug. 17-18 FUU. OR PbgHT AND OPENING MONDAY making a record and putting every­ “DEEP WATERS” and Mrs. Herb Beelen. Holland. Lodge on Highland avenue are Mel­ "JOY TO THE WORLD" ANN’S For One Full Week Mich.: Mr and Mrs. Stanley Holm. vin Norton, Mrs. Nora Finnegan thing she has Into 'it . . . Dick Summer Theatre Premiere Worcester; and Mr. and Mra. Rich­ and daughter, Dorothy, MIsb Grace FOUR FACES WEST” Bergeron losing his temper with a Home Made "JOY TO THTE WORLD* ard Towle. Concord. N. H. Carberry and Mary, Barbara Nor­ pinball machine in the Penny Imiarloui Comedy Just off B’wayl plus Starts Wed. Aug. 18 Among the guests staying at the ton, Doris Provost, Clifton Newell, Arcade. Ice Cream Matinee Wed., at 2:40 P. M. 1 Hotel Rowell are: Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Lockhart and mother, Mrs. Dale Evans In Nick Reynolds and Winnie at "Come and 8ee It Made" [Eve. at 8:40 — Good Seats $1.00] -SUN., MON., TUES. AUG. 16-17 Betty Grable Gates, Manchester, Conn.; Mr. and Oliver Lockhart, Jane Mauke, Pat­ Phone West Newbury 160 “SLIPPY McGEE” ~’(0n» Show Only—Starting 7 P. M.) the Frolics . . . Frank Murphy and Special Orders Filled Mrs. P. Maloney. Elizabeth, N. J.; sy Cannon, Mary Mitchell, Kath­ “THAT LADY meMKHTT SnCTkCtE WITH * 1,000 TKHHICOIOR THRILLS P at from Dudley’s at the Olympia leen Courtney, Barbara Champagne Thurs., - Sat. Aug. 1M1 and Michael’s luncheonette . . . All Flavors IN ERMINE” and Janet Duclos. Other guests are •• • fMMpf ■ ^ gerv* v o itOTM •rA Dan Dglley Jean Buckley en route to the Ber- In Luscious Tschnlooler Lorraine Dunn, Milbury, Maas.; shire Musical Festival . . . Jack .Georgie - Annfa Heat It GIVES MY REGARD C Street and Marsh Ave. Mrs. Julia Durfee and Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins helping his girl friend L. H. Clem and son, Webster, TO BROADWAY” Ventilate It OjUl with the shopping. Mass.; Mrs. Frank B. Blanchard In technicolor Or Cover It and daughter, Jacqueline, Man- Hampton Metal Shop ; evenings CONTINUOUS FROM 7 P. M. MATINEES: SAT. — CLOSED TUESDAY SOCIAL— at youp bf ach theatres (Continued from Page Three) . qh/nla'c ; MnJ"c.. *30- Eves.7-15 £ 9-00 When At Hampton Beach tertainment was presented and gen­ eral dancing followed. Congenial Ed Donaghue acted as m“ ter °f monies and introduced the follow newburyport ing people who Perrfo™ !T^® ^ Phone Nybpt. 670 fesstonala Thure. EXETER Manning, Mary Barr®, ’ . ft Thun,, * Sat. Crane; Mrs. Fred WchariB;. M ■ V TELEPHONE EXETER 270 • Sat. Aug. 12-14 Mary Sheehy, Mrs. Thomas Keefe. V V Clark Gable • Lana Joe Donaghue, Edgar LesBard, Bin ►;< Randolph 8oott Zachary 8cott V , — ^ *4 w* Malone.and Hattie Molloy v Marguerite Chapman “RUTHLESS” i5 “HOMECOMING plus I USE nnoNOR CREEK

SATURDAY 1:00 P. M. dune Prelsser BILLY LEE In ^MPUS SLEU TH ”

THE BISCUIT EATER ICE CUBES Tuaa. ______Plus Our Regular Program 1 mon- Aug. 15-16 Burt Lanoaete FRI S VT Ed. Q- Robinaon „ AUG. 13-U L*° Gopcy - Huntz Hall JOHNNY WEISSMULLER BRENDA JOYCE The A Marlene S i L L Y “JINX MONEY” A TARZAN AND TI ►5 KENT TAYLOR _ LOUISE CURRIE Corner Store ►;< ,nd stewart Granger | “A F< AFFAIR SECOND c r CAPTAIN BOYCOTT” Appearing *** l u n c h b a r &V Continuous Show Saturday V (OPEN a u iro * * ® ; J50 SODA FOUNTAIN V NEWS*AH P ro q r ERROL FLTON, ANN SHERIDAN g r o c e r ie s Telephone NewbulYP v 111PRY SILVER RIVER 0|ux© Showing 0 c e a n B o ^ v ^ d‘ ATCTU. uV - " ' HENRY V” $88®®* The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER CELEBRATE WEDDING I pa™,,, w„ eatooU 7 h Mrs Wilfred Chamberlain, ANNIVERSARY AT BEACH Bridgeport. Conn, to ! Mr. and Mrs. w Mazur. ^YMOND StLr Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shaw celebrate L ? ! r faJh4er’ Bp^ralm W- r ^ n n Hanemann and Leonard Biron HAVE YOU HEARDT Beach N o te s Hartford Henry a H artford. Retail Jeweler ed their 44th wedding anniversary u ,a, 8tant Prlnclpa Why Ruthle Is checking off the T1r l M PaS*i. West Hart- thft P o r Iu h m a** &lr*a 8CllOOl. ReBiSteMdarrtCtCea3sWernoston; days on the calendar? Boar’s Head Ruth' E Roberts. Phyllis B. DIAMONDS - WATCHES ■u c t. Hampton, week are Mars Verdun, Que.; HAVE YOU HEARD7 Service Station Kingsley. Eleanor Birdelman and JEWELRY S f i ! Roberts. Hartford: Edward That plans for a ''kidnapping" t h e jo l l y d a y Grace Whyte, S Wnrren Eclcer GAS — OIL i crofton and Mr. and Mrs. W J. S a r d Tripp. Mrs. J. a guidance home for children Scott Jr., Hartford: Kay Slielley, Watch Repairing when you want the day or even­ GREASING S 's h e U e y . Virginia Kallay and ALL WORK GUARANTEED Hamburgs ing otf'NOON LUNCHES TIRES — ACCESSORIES Adele Smith, Bridgeport; Mi. and THE MARGUERITE KT5LJS5: *** *. Mrs. Charles Berry and Joan No. Traymore Hotel Agee 4-12 Helen Marguerite Hupper Evening Care on Premise* Tutika. East Hartford. Vera HoM- Attleboro. Mass.; Mr. and ^ s; Batteries Quick Charged Hartford: Olga Pot*. Bristol .Betty [20 G ST. Hampton Beachl Hour* 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. C STREET Crass, Manchester: Gertrude M- E H. Tompson, Winchester, Mass., Evening and Dally Irregular Alice M. Nixon, Brookline, Mass.: Sandwiches OPEN 7 AM to 12 PM Houra by Appointment Sheeles, Bristol; TUlle Baumgastel. Hartford: Priscilla Franklin. Weth­ Bettv McCarthy, Boston, Mass.; Rolls MISS BETTY CASSELL ersfield; Blanche Moore. Hartfor , Mr. and Mrs. W. Sheperdon P itts­ Cakes 10th and Ocean Blvd., "Natalie" Laura Fitzsimmons, Wethersfield; field, Mass.; Mrs. Evelyn 0 Connor, Tel. 2447 Hampton Beach Mary and Ann Lombardo, Hartfor Miss Helen Barkan and Mises Vir­ Ham el ty Products Only ginia N. Wambalt, Taunton, Mass.; (Continued from Page Three) Catherine V. Lynch. Holyoke. Dry Cleaning NUTTALL, Prop. Mass.; Marguerite - O’Connor, Mt. cres & Ocean Blvd Invited to Ranier. Md.; Cathtfine Conlan, progress in Rhode Island and west­ Cottage City, Md.; Rosemary and 2 Day Service ern Massachusetts after a Paw­ Peggy Stack, Blodensbarg, Md., OPEN tucket bus driver reported lie en­ E. C. Ledoux, Montreal; H. Fitz­ countered a girl who resembled the WILLIAM JAMES patrick, Mechanicville, N. Y.; D. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. young nurse. L. Crandell. G. H. Forbes, Albany, Miss ElBenberg, a child’s nurae at N. Y.: Miss Blanche Prue and Mrs. 3 V2 C STREET Newton, Conn., last was reported DINING ROOM E. Adams. Leominster, Mass.: Mr. seen at Boston’s North railroad sta­ and Mrs. D. Murray, Manchester; tion on the night of July 20. She ap- Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Montreal: TELEVISION Elizabeth T. Condon, Dorothy Ocean Boulevard At The Beginning Of The Boardwalk Lupka and Margaret Cleary, Sche­ nectady, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tel. 670 F. Walsh. Pittsfield, Mass.; Mrs. Sea F oods H. LanctotL Que.; Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Beach Warren Crowley. Pittsfield, MasB.; MACE’S Miss Viola Gauthier and Mary A. H. W. Young DiSante, Springfield, Mass.; Irene L. Iacovo, Betty Hill, Janice Wilbur, North Shore KELLY’S Phyllis Yesonls, Rita Hallien, OCEAN Brockton, Mass.; Mary Vaughan, Fish Market Peggy Vaughan and Kay Crohan. Springfield, Mass.; and Patricia Open 6 a, m. to 1 a. m. Sullivan, Holyoke, Mass. L o b s te rs A Specialty TTQf? MACE & SON MAN, THE BEST FOODS SERVED T el. 2377 PASTRY » GARLAND'$ North Beach Hampton, N. n- WHAT CUBES OCEAN CRUISES •na! You’ll discover why Foley » Captain Ken Langley Your Pattern Light, delicious and tempting, OFFICE: TIDES HOTEL If you yourself, planned the daily menu at Fole/a Hampton Beach chances are it would match pretty closely the one we for fine foods when you try our Tel. 2384 use - • • It’s made up for you. RESTAURANT B. STREET DAILY COASTAL AND lias that 15 year reputation ISLES OF SHOALS EXCURSIONS Take a picture of the ovens FREE TRANSPORTATION LEAVES TIDES H o ™ pastry fresh from our own PROMPTLY AT M O AM and RETURNS AT 2 ^ P, KIDDIES as they Ride the Restaurant Free Luncheon Served Aboard Foley’s ADULTS $5.00 Miniature Train CHILDREN $ B STREET 3.50 HAMPTON BEACH CHARTER TRIPS - TUNA FISHING Marsh Ave. Between B & C S tre e ts OPEN 10 A. M. TO 10 P . M-

% HAVE YOU HEARD? * n found her lucky coin? Beach Notes I BIT- team In his college days. 1 * ^ 1 L M‘88 Bf ty Cassell of North Shore Bowling Record for one of hlB years. ' —------qr ***• I of Lawrence^ Mags... ; boulevard and a group of friends To fitly celebrate a vacation I enjoyed a weinie Toast Wednesday Set By Veteran the beach; Mr. Parker asked man* ' evening, August 4. Guests were ger P. Liston of the Caatan Margaret JameB present from , Reading At Beaclx Alleys competition In a bowlto. alleys for Mass., Hampton PallB, Hampton match. Mr.. Liston selected-oneof M. and Hampton Beach, What Is believed a record in non­ his star pln-topplere, Paul Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Damour of stop competitive veteran marathon to start and James Sabatls, th* junkins Boar’s Head entertained Mrs. Da- b “«U»7w«» up .t the Casino strike and spare expert, was enbsti- tuted for the rest of the gruellinj mour s sister and brother. Prank r s • v ' w s ? and Nellie Norton of Hennlker, ov­ the Seacoast Region contest. The Best In preor reader of tbe Coucord Mon- er the weekend. The family accom­ A considerable- gallery watched panied by another brother and fam­ Itor-Patriot. the marathon contest and admired ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I.'Not* Since 1836 BesideB being a veteran proof the oldsters’ stamina. Sabatla had Quality Candies reader, Mr. Parker Is » JBteran ton of Fifth Btreet, Bpent Sunday the better of the argument on ac­ at Old Orchard Beach, Me. bowler with a record of 162 single count of his ability to get spares string and 375 three strings. He has Mrs: C. L. Bryant of Swamp- when needed. In this his familiarity scott, Mass., was a weekend guest bowled In the church and Wono- with the alleys was a help, as the laucet leagues of Concord and of Mr. and Mrs. John Churchill of lack of It handicapped Parker North Beach road. a great deal more time and Throughout the last eight or ten Rhapsody in Brew money than anyone hlB years in Mrs. Fred Gagne, Mrs. Wilfred strings the veteran was too tired to Boudreau and Mrs. Dupnls, resi­ bowling. His favorite opponent In do himself justice and his ptafall of dents of Hampton Beach spent sev­ All Kinds of Insurance non-league competition is Ernest 5016 for the 54 Btrings, or an-aver­ Foley’s Fam ed eral days In Canada this past week. Boutwell. manager of the W arren age of 93 was a disappointment. Street alleys. As captain of a Wono The “Fresh Air” child of New Mr. Parker is no novice at mara­ laucet team his average is 95. York city who has been a guest of thon bowling. On his .65th birthday Mr. Parker is 73 years 4 months Cup Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bragg of April 13, 1940 he bowled 66 strings old but, having been a long distance Marsh avenue returned to her home In 3 and one quarter hours, or a runner on the Brown University last Tuesday morning. string every three minutes for an of Coffee Among those registered- at the average of 101.9. Dudley hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Leo USE B, St. Hampton Beach Gilbert, Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. C. Reynolds of Capitol Hill, Harris­ 3 Market Square RESCUE— burg, Pa.; Miss Viola Bosqnett and GARLAND’S family, Woonsocket, R. L; Mr. and (Continued from Poo* Three) Portsmouth, N. H. Mrs. George ET. Butler, Southhrldge, ICE CUBES TRY THE Holmes, Bristol, Conn. The boat located a dory approxi­ Mrs. William D7 Chase of Exeter mately six miles off shore with HARBOR avenue, Mrs. Harl Bayers and three Boston youths in it Although daughter, Doriann, of Wlnnacunnet in no immediate danger, the youth:: GRILL road, and Mrs. Louise Frothtagham would have had much* difficulty in attempting to row to shore, so Breakfasts, Dinners USE strong wag the wind. Steaks and Chops Cooked by Expert Chefs High Tides Near the Mile Long Bridge HAMPTON BEACH ICE CUBES MUNSEY’S Correct Figures at U. S. Coast Guard Station, Htmp AUGU6T 12 Throuflh AUGUST 18 THURSDAY 6:00 am Mildred E. Chase SEA GRILL 5:30 pm Typewriters - Adding Machines FRIDAY 6:00 am 6:30 pm SOLD — RENTED — REPAIRED SATURDAY 7:1$ am Newburyport 7:30 pm instate Street Tel. 500 CHICKEN SUNDAY 8:16 am 8:30 pm MONDAY - 9:16 am STEAK 9:15 pm THE SIGH TUESDAY 10:00 am 10:00 pm Ha m pt o n e m b l e m SEA FOOD WEDNESDAY 10:45 am b e a c h OF 10:45 pm THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY chamber o f COOPERA­ „If swims, we hsve it” SHERW lN com m erce TION WILLIAMS T E L E VISION RED GUU PAINTS Kern-Ton* hotels, rooming houses, restaurants ^ °f business which display the ** w ing to Boulevard at A Street GREGORY’S ay for your entertainment by con de­ t e l . 591 cker of Commerce. Most certainly age afayette Rd. ®ftB1 >’our patronage. So the next time y j the iN BEACH EXETER C H " S DBy, t e l . CONN. m Ina,k.e,a Purchas^iookf*1- ‘N ation. Cliff Lindsay, Repr***'1*1 The BEACHCOMRffip Beach Swimmer TPL k e n t v i l l e !®«m Hot ond Cold

Running W ater Receives Gash and Mrs. R- L. Godlng £ne Hampton 950 James Churchill of North Beach DON’T FAIL road, while swimming Sunday af­ ternoon, hit agalnBt a sharp rock and received a deep cut in Mb arm which required fifteen stitcherf to to SEE a HEAR eloBe. Dr. Wayne P. Bryer waa the >r attending physician. James is fifteen years old and lives in Exeter, but is spending the summer with Ms aunt and family, "Breakfast at Die Beach’ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Beane of North Shore road. R A D I O S H O W LADIES AID COMMUNITY CHURCH AT THE HOLLIS The Ladles Aid of the Commun­ Real Estate ity church met Tuesday evening, August 10, in the church vestry CASINO Specialists with a large attendance present At the business meeting, con­ in ducted by the president, Mrs. Ida Whitehouse, plans were completed} DINING ROOM RECREATIONAL AREA for the lawn party and sale to be held Thursday, August 19, at the PROPERTIES FOR church grounds with a baked bean MON. THROUGH FRI. Business or Pleasure supper at 6:00 p. m. in charge of Mrs. Eva Coleman. Following the business meeting, 9:30 TO 10 AM COTTAGES - CABINS - HOMES| all sat down to a delicious banquet provided by the hostesses, Mrs. Over Built To Your Specification Eva Coleman and Mrs. Minnie Goodwin. K>5 OCEAN BLVD. The next meeting, Mrs. Annie HAMPTON BEACHl Merrill, Mrs. Minnie Thompson and Mrs. Ida Whitehouse will entertain.


'/I 750 Oh Every Dial / f e a t u r i n g Elliot “The Singing Cop” the r o c k y b e n d MASTER OF c e r e m o n ie s

OUR EIGHTEENTH SEASON - Just a short walk from the center of the beacn. prizes PR™ 8 PMZES|

Serving from 8 A. M. to 1 A. M. A 50° Visit Our F o u n t a in Breakfast ANN MORRILL

• % % t 1 y. B°AR’S HEA^Ple Parkin* F8& N BEACH I


____ ^ « i |i|i||IW iiW II flTHWffl Portsmouth’s Leading Department Store Clearance

Incorporating The WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1948 i Hampton Beach Advocate FREE DISTRIBUTION





beach AT north These are all low priced COji FISH houses especially for this Big CLEARANCE SALE George B. French <

3 7 ‘ 41 Market Street P o rtsm o u th N | M wtm ~ r +, m m m m m
