Vins RIJCKAERT - 18, Grande Rue, 39600 VILLETTE-LES-ARBOIS () Tel : +33 (0)385 35 15 09 * Mobile : +33 (0)621 01 27 41 * [email protected]


Terroirs du

The vineyard of JURA The Jura vineyards - which covers 1,900 ha - belongs to the northern vineyards of France with Champagne, Alsace and Burgundy. It stretches along a north-south axis, from Salins-les-Bains to Saint-Amour. This strip of land called "Good Country" to the north and "Revermont" south is bounded to the east by the first limestone plateau of the Jura Mountains and to the west by the plain of Bresse. Opposite, along the same axis, the Burgundian vineyard. Arbois & , villages where our vineyards are located, are then on the same parallel as Puligny Montrachet & Chassagne. The vineyard is located on rolling hills of limestone with an average altitude between 200 to 400 meters. It enjoys a semi-continental climate (temperatures variations can be unexpected) and enjoy an atmosphere of semi-continental (climatic variations can be brutal). These conditions are perfect to build the elegant structure and the fine aromas of great white wines...

APPELLATION ARBOIS Cuvée En Paradis ("In Paradise ") is an old vine located face to the bell tower of the typical Franche-Comté church of Arbois. Kind of soil Deep bleue iridescent marl of Lias period. A typical soil of the North of the Jura vinyard, wich gives a lot of deepness to the wines. Exposure Facing to the West, on a slopy hill. This vineyard has a very fresh climate! However, picked up at full maturity, this magnificent terroir expresses an aromatic finesse and an remarkable mineral elegance. Average age of the vine 45-50 y.o. Grape variety 100 % Pruning "En arcure" (= arch), a local pruning. Yield Quite low becasue of the heat we suffered during the Summer 2015. About 32 hL/ha Vineyard management Ploughing once or twice per year. Sustainable management of the vineyard, with rational control against fungal diseases (mildew and oidium only). No pestcides, no anti-rot traitement. Harvest Exclusively hand harvested, to keep the grappes fresh and undamaged, thus to make a more precise press. Fermentation Alcoholic fermentation and malolactic fermentation (100% completed) are spontaneous, made by the natural floras of the grapes and of the cellar. No selected yeast or bacteria, no enzyme and no activator. The whole vinification takes place into neutral French oak barrels, most of them are 4 to 8 wines old. 20% of more recent barrels. No new oak. Ageing On the lees of fermentations. No racking, no stirring, with the aim to highlight the "crystilline" structure of this wine. ) Regular topping-up of the barrels. Duration of aging : 18 months. Bottling No fining. Bottled at the domaine, by ourselves.

ABOUT THE MILLESIME 2015 : The vintage 2015 is a year of maturity! We had a really warm and dry summer so the concentration is huge. The challenge was to preserve the "tension", with quite low levels of acidity. But thanks to the aging on the lees, the wines has gained a lot of freshness and finally, the wines are both rich and expressive but pure and balanced.