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Batman vs. Predator , Andy Kubert (Illustrator) , (Illustrator)

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Batman vs. Predator

Dave Gibbons , Andy Kubert (Illustrator) , Adam Kubert (Illustrator)

Batman vs. Predator Dave Gibbons , Andy Kubert (Illustrator) , Adam Kubert (Illustrator) Andy Kubert and Adam Kubert, illustrators The world's Greatest Detective stalks the fiercest killers Gotham City has ever known in these collections that bring together two major forces in comics action and adve

Batman vs. Predator Details

Date : Published April 14th 1993 by DC Comics (first published 1992) ISBN : 9781563890925 Author : Dave Gibbons , Andy Kubert (Illustrator) , Adam Kubert (Illustrator) Format : Paperback 128 pages Sequential Art, Comics, Graphic Novels, Dc Comics, Batman, Superheroes, Comic Book, Graphic Genre : Novels Comics

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Download and Read Free Online Batman vs. Predator Dave Gibbons , Andy Kubert (Illustrator) , Adam Kubert (Illustrator)

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From Reader Review Batman vs. Predator for online ebook

Sam Quixote says

I mention a couple spoilers in the review but here’s the only spoiler you need to know: this comic is pants!

This is gonna be an unpopular opinion (what’s new?) but the first Predator movie sucked. I’ve seen it twice now, ten years apart just in case it was an age thing, and hated it both times. It’s boring. Actors who can’t act go into a jungle and are repetitively hunted by an alien until Ahnuld kills the alien. Snore. But a lot of people liked it and a lot of people like Vs comics, especially in the early 90s, so we got Batman Vs Predator which swaps out Ahnuld and the jungle for Batman and Gotham City. And somehow it’s even more boring!

The plot? It’s the title. There’s some nonsense about prizefighters and the mob but it’d be a waste of time attempting to describe it because it doesn’t matter. It’s just there to fill up space in between the fight scenes of Batman vs Predator that bookend the story. Ditto the “investigation” Gordon conducts with the GCPD which is really them showing up at one murder scene after another and asking himself where Batman is. Yeah, great “story”, Dave Gibbons - I think I know why you’re more known for your art than your writing!

Predator is probably the best-liked non-character in pop culture. He’s weird looking with dreadlocks and that face, a cool shoulder-mounted cannon, and he can cloak, but he’s not really a character - he’s just an unstoppable killing machine. Batman’s a great character though he’s out of most of the book in a full-body cast after his first encounter with Predator (Batman spent a lot of time severely laid up in the early ‘90s didn’t he?).

The film may have been crap but the ending isn’t all bad and Ahnuld beat the Predator using his wits (and by “his” I mean his character - Ahnuld himself would’ve been dead a long time before the end!). Batman? Despite being written as clever and resourceful (in other Batman books) and he’s in Gotham City, the one place in the world he knows better than anywhere, with all of his gadgets at his disposal, Bruce’s “plan” involves hitting Predator with a baseball bat (Bat-Man, geddit, HARHAR....!). He doesn’t even fully defeat him - Predator’s people show up and kill him at the end! Rubbish!

Alright, I laughed at the baseball bat. You do get to see Batman and Predator throw hands in an epic final battle and I wasn’t expecting that but still. It seemed very stupid. Unless this was all an elaborate joke for Dave Gibbons to build up to a pun? If so, bravo sir. And you are crazy.

Like a lot of Batman comics from this era, Gibbons deploys the “news reader as Greek chorus” to get across large chunks of pointless information. It’s so tiresome to read this crap writing in this way - I hope to never see a newsreader telling us what we already know in a story ever again. Also Gibbons gives Predator dialogue in this book but when its so redundant - “kick butt”, “gonna get you”, “son of a…” - you might as well have him silent like in the movie. I mean, what does that non-dialogue tell us about the character? Oh right, nothing!

I suppose Andy Kubert’s art is alright though he completely flubs the Predator’s cloak. Rather than blending into his surroundings, Predator is a bright white opaque silhouette, a look that couldn’t be less suited to dark, dark Gotham City - he’s like a walking Christmas tree! Also Adam Kubert won an Eisner for his inking in this book but I’m not seeing anything special on the pages here. Then again I’m no expert so maybe it’s brilliant in a way I’m missing.

I really wanted to say Batman Vs Predator was a fun, silly crossover but it’s not. I can’t think of a single redeeming quality to it. Even the Batman Vs Spawn crossover, as bad as it was, had a hilarious final page!

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This one? Well, I can see why it’s out of print. Like everything the Predator’s in, Batman Vs Predator is commercial garbage.

Gianfranco Mancini says

Almost best Batman crossover ever. Loved the storyline, the Kubert bros amazing artworks and the Predator 2 movie flick vibe, sadly the Hunter killing dogs, cats and an old unarmed boxer seemed acting too much out of character for me. Five stars missed by an inch, what a shame.

Rodrigo Tello says

A pesar de lo bizarro de todo el crossover, la visión que aporta Gibbons está muy bien hecha, bebe directamente de las dos primeras películas y esta historia de Batman se podría considerar una tercera parte de la continuidad de lo visto en el Cine. Muy buen trabajo de Gibbons y los hermanos Kubert a pesar de todo

Kurt Zisa says

Nice crossover for the Dark Knight taking on one of the deadliest foes of the 1990's.

Larry Kenney says

How can it be that one of the best Predator stories contains Batman? It seems odd, but it works. Batman must deal the Hunter's as they arrive in Gotham City. Highly recommended...

Ashly Lynn says


The infamous Predator has descended on Gotham City, and it’s after Gotham’s favorite hero. What will this new foe push the hero Gotham needs to. Will Batman be able to stop this reign of terror?

Batman Versus Predator: The Collected Edition by Dave Gibbons

★★★★ Genre: Comic Book/Superhero Release Date: April 1993

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Source: Library – Borrowed On My Shelf: I Kind of Want It to Be

I’m kind of obsessed with Batman comics, and I’m kind of not sorry at all for it. I snatched this one at the Library, and although I wouldn’t label myself as a Predator fan, I knew I had to read this. It was a pretty mixed experience.

What I mean by this is that I wasn’t very impressed with the plot, but the writing wasn’t altogether bad, and I was super impressed by the art. See? A total mixed bag!

I’ll start with what I didn’t like: the plot. I found this storyline to be pretty bland, static, and boring. But, that’s how I find the Predator movies (the one’s I’ve actually persevered through to watch, that is), so I’m not someone well-informed about this villain nor a person who’s going to like this lineup for main villain/antagonist. There’s just not a lot of substance in the Predator villain and that showed in this comic. Like I said though, I’m not one to stand up for Predator.

That being said, I can’t really complain about the writing/storytelling. It was not bad nor boring. For me, the boring aspect of this plot came from the content/story base itself and not from the way Gibbons told it. However, I do not think Gibbons is a particularly good storyteller either. It wasn’t bad, but it definitely shows that he is an artist and not a writer.

Heck though, he is a mighty fine artist. Overall, I would have given the story and execution of it 2 stars, but because of the art, this rating went through the roof I originally thought this story would hit. This artwork is absolutely intoxicatingly beautiful. I mean, it’s honestly some incredible work. I was eager to take in every panel and found myself much more invested in the artwork than the story, which without a doubt increased my enjoyment of this comic.

Overall, I recommend this to readers like me who like to appreciate the art of comic books and not just the story, but if you’re solely a story person, this one probably isn’t for you–unless you’re a Predator fan.

Review originally published on my Wordpress blog Dreaming Through Literature.

Chad says

Predator acts way out of character in this, randomly killing pets. And then repeatedly going after boxers seemed strange. Batman is also in only maybe a third of the story. Most of the story is clunky exposition coming from the 6 O'Clock News and random Predator kills. The story was much lamer than I remembered. The art by the Kuberts is good.

Oliver Hassani says haha what wasn't there to love? Of course, spoiler alert, the predator always loses. It's sad, one day i'd like to read a story where the predator actually kills the hero... ah well.

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Logan says

Probably one of the best crossovers you will ever read in comics!

Timothy Boyd says

Batman Versus Predator

Maria says

I read this graphic novel at the prompting of my husband, and I really enoyed the story. It started off with Batman as more of the detective until the time for his first one-on-one encounter with the predator. The story jumps around from different perspectives quickly, but that is part of what gives the book such a nice pace. Without a spoiler, I thought the ending was fitting. I'm definitely reading the next one (Batman versus Predator II). The artwork was well done and added to the overall story enjoyment. As far as the novel as a Batman story, it was good, but I still prefer the Joker stories.

Garrett says

Batman vs Predator is a great crossover from the early 90’s. Generally I don’t like the idea of crossovers, but this was an extremely entertaining and goofy story with amazing art from the Kubert brothers.

Beau Johnston says

A decent cross-over. It's not canon material, so just sit back and enjoy the story. Something I wasn't completely sold on was the boxer as the Predator's victim. I know the boxer was a champion, but surely a mobster's hitman (or some other high-profile killer) would have been a far more appropriate trophy.

Neil says

I remember reading this story back when it first came out and loving it quite a bit. The nostalgia factor is still there, of course, but I still found myself enjoying the narrative (despite the authors not quite following the 'canon' established in the Predator movies). I have usually enjoyed crossovers between major companies, and I remember how excited and nervous I was when I first learned of this crossover. So, yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time I read it. Now, I still enjoyed it, but it was not quite as "AWESOME!!!" as I remembered. The story does move at a pretty good clip, overall, and it took a few "surprising" turns (to be honest).

The artwork was okay; sometimes the colors worked and sometimes they did not. I realize it can be difficult to translate the Predator's "cloak" into a comic book format, so I can 'forgive' how he is presented in the

PDF File: Batman vs. Predator... 6 Read and Download Ebook Batman vs. Predator... pictures on the pages (as really standing out more than he should). There were a couple of money shots scattered throughout the story (especially the 'shot' of Batman in his suit of armor facing off against the Predator; that was still pretty awesome! The pic of the Predator atop the cathedral was pretty awesome, too.).

It is an interesting story; it starts out as a 'mystery' and turns into a "big-time brawl" by the end. Batman is shown using his skills as a detective to try and learn what he can about the alien; it is kind-of-amusing, as one would think the police's detectives should have been able to figure out the same hints and clues that the Batman was coming up with on his own. Some of the "discovers" that Bruce discusses with Alfred really did remind me of some of the old Sherlock Holmes mysteries I have read in the past; logically, the police detectives should have come up with the same information that Batman did based on the clues that were found. Perhaps Batman was supposed to have discovered clues and materials the detectives missed? I know Batman likes to have 'first access' to crime scenes before they are 'spoiled' by the police department's crime lab techs, but it still seems like, unless Batman was finding 'stuff' that the GCPD was unable to find for some bizarre reason, the police should not have been quite so far behind the eight ball when compared to Batman. Even then, it was still 'fun' to see Batman trying to piece together where the villain of the piece might be hiding.

(view spoiler)

The series was very different, as it seemed to move against the 'established canon' of the movies. (view spoiler) That was not the only thing that stood out to me. (view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

There was one 'overall thing' that I did like about the comic. (view spoiler)

Overall, it was a fun series to reread, as it has been quite a few years since I last read it. I could see myself reading it again at some point in the future.

Michael says

I wonder if Dave Gibbons had seen Predator 2 before he began writing this series, because the urban landscape and the way the Predator cut through various mob bosses reminded me of the doomed sequel in some ways. Fortunately, Gibbons' script was better.

It's hardly cutting edge stuff, but it's fun for what it is. The bosses are all fairly basic, none of whom will stick with you long after you put the book down, but Gibbons does use them well to build up the Predator's fearsome stature. The only part of the script that bothered me, really, was that prior to putting on his armor and fighting the Predator, Bruce was a mess, barely able to stand, but after the armor is damaged and discarded, he seems to be near his fighting peak.

Andy Kubert, in what was one of his first major penciling jobs as I recall, does a decent job. He draws scenes from interesting angles and keeps the pages exciting, but his storytelling skills are pretty poor at this point. He seems much more concerned with dramatic poses than with clear panels. There are a couple sequences which still make no sense to me.

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Overall, it's fun. Nothing essential, but if you dig this type of crossover, it's a good time.

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