May 15, 2020

Senator Senator John Kennedy 520 Hart Senate Office Building 416 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510

Representative Representative Cedric Richmond 2049 Rayburn House Office Building 506 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

Representative Representative Mike Johnson 424 Cannon House Office Building 418 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

Representative Ralph Abraham Representative 417 Cannon House Office Building 2402 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Congressional Delegation,

I write to urge you to reject any legislation designed to bailout state lawmakers for the misguided spending and irresponsible decisions they made prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

The federal government is already providing $150 billion to states. Additional funds would be a blatant example of federal lawmakers using a crisis to provide a fiscal benefit to bailout special interests for their past mistakes.

Many states had chronic fiscal problems prior to the current crisis. States that have spent lavishly, borrowed excessively, and ignored looming pension debt should not use the current crisis to shift the cost of those irresponsible policy decisions onto taxpayers in other states. Giving states federal bailout money allows them to escape accountability for their poor decisions and encourages them to continue their irresponsible spending behavior in the future.

Because of irresponsible decisions made over the past few decades, our state was completely unprepared for the current fiscal crisis. However, it is not the responsibility of the federal government to attempt to fix our disaster with a one-time infusion of funding, particularly when our state legislature has been unable or unwilling to make any reductions in spending. In fact, a bailout of this nature would only further entrench failing policies, delay needed reforms, and ensure our state is just as unprepared for the next crisis.

Louisiana Illinois Total Population 2,913,314 12,671,821 Total State Budget Spending $ 31,253,000,000.00 $72,783,000,000.00 Per Capita Spending $6,722.82 $5,743.69 Bonded Obligations $ 16,819,706,649.55 $62,323,891,040.00 Per Capita Bonded Obligations $3,618.08 $4,918.31

Our system of government reserves certain authority and accountability to each of the states. Bailouts are a clear example of the federal government overstepping its authority, and state lawmakers abdicating their responsibilities. It is incumbent on states to govern wisely and independently, both reaping the rewards of smart policy, and addressing the consequences of bad.

AFP-LA wants to work with our state legislators to find and implement policy solutions that will set up our state’s entrepreneurs, businesses, and residents for success when we can finally get back to work. However, a one-size-fits-all approach from Washington, D.C. is precisely the wrong approach for our state’s recovery after this crisis.

Thank you.


James Lee Interim State Director Americans for Prosperity-Louisiana