. _.Wehe:wa,~ D~lhber 11,1910 ._ ·"AiftJaa)'8Jltl i6,.J~.o2 (S".)


(Fout1h Session)


: (Vol. Xl contai". Nos. ~l~)-


No. 22, Wednesday, December 17. 19~/A~ahayana 26, 1902 (Saka)

COLUMNS \ Obituary Reference • I Oral Answers to Questions :

·StaITed Ques~ons Nos. 439, 440, 441, 443 to 446 and 448 1--26 . Written Answers to Questions : • Starred Questi~ns Nos. 442, 4471 450, 451, 451A, 452 and 454 to 459 . • • • • .• . 26-34 Unstarred Questions Nos. 4132 to 4144, 4 146 to 4199, 4201 to 4309 and 43 1 I to 4331 • 34-228

Statement Correcting. reply to U.S.Q. No. 6088 dt. 3O-7- I gSo 228-35

Papers laid on the Table • Committee on Absence of Members from Sittings of the House Minutes • • Statements of Public Accounts Committee

Statements of Estima~es Committee • Committee on Private Members' Bil.I$ and Resolutions Thirteenth Report

Public Accounts Committee-

Twenty-fourth and Fifth Reports • 'it . 245 Estimates Committee-

Fifth -Report

Leave of Absence from the Sitting~ of ~he H9use

Mattel'$ under rule 37t- (i) Setting up of Naval Academy at ;Ezhuwala i~ : Shri K. Kunhambu .• 247

(ii) Measures to augment poultry farminl in Audhra. ;p'radesh • • • ... • WI ., oW , ~~ Shri G. Narsimha Reddy. • . · 24fJ..-49

,_~~The sip+marked above the ~e ~r a ~b~ indicates ~ q-~est:ioD. wU '8ttuaJlY ~ed on the floor or the House by that Member. (H) :

(m) Food-Cor.. Work Programme in Rajasthan. 1

Sltti Virdhi Ohander Jain • • • • (iv) School or Correspondence Courses and Continuing EdutaUon, UJiivenity of :

Shri Era Mohan • • (v) Supply of rotten rice· from F.e.I. godowns in : Shri Harikesh Bahadur (vi) Alleged beating up of a lady Principal by Delhi Police : • Shri Malli Ram Bagri • • • • 25 1-53. (vii) Alleged beatingup of a lady Scheduled Caste M.L.A. of U.P. in Kanpur : .

Shri Ranlnath Sonkar Shastri • 2S3-5Af. , (vii}' 'Demands of Teachers o£Delhi University: Shri RlDlavatar Shastri • ...... Statutory Resolution re Disapproval ofMaruti Limited (Acquisition and ,.; Transfer of Undertakings) Ordinance, IgSo . a·nd M~ti Limited (Acquisition a~d Tr~nsrer of Undertakings) Bill

Motion to consider-

Shri 8atish Agarwal . 259-87- Shri·Charanjit Chanana . 287-88:

8hri George Fernandes . 28g-so4'· Shri' • 304-13., Shri V. N. Gadgil • 313-17' Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu • 317-2 5; Slu;i ,Jl.K.L. Bhagat • • 32S-~' . . , Shri IC.. P. Unnikrishnan • 329-34· ..;, ,~34~J ~-~\'e ,~~~ ':·i·~~f:_, ,. .I.' . '~~~~,~ttee-' ~. LOK SABRA DEBATES

2 changes in the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act ;

(b) if so, the details of the proposals W ednIsday, DeClmber '17, I 98c/AgrahaJ'ana 26, under consideration; and 1902 (Saka) (c) at what stage do the proposals rest now? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN mE The Lok Sahha met at Eleven 0/ tn, Clock MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI ClL>\RANJIT CHANANA): (a) Yes, [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] Sir. It is however, premature to qualify the changes.

OBITUARY REFERENCE (b) & (c). Proposals are being concep- tualized and so neither details nor MR. SPEAKER: Hon. ~1embers, level of consideration can be indicated. I have to inform the House of the sad demise of one of our former colleagues SHRI CHITTA BASV: We have Dr. Ram Subhag Singh, who passed away gone through the reply. In the course at on 16 December, JgBo of his reply he says that there are proposals as the age of 63. for amending Industries Development and Regulation Act. The question asked Dr. Ram Subhag Singh was a Member was: "whether the Government have of the Provisional Parliament, first, second, under consideration certain proposals fel' third and fourth Lok Sabha during the drastic changes .. , ," He agrees and says: years 1950-70. He was Minister of State yes. Subsequently he answers that it has at the Centre during the years 1962-67 not yet reached that stage. and a Cabinet Minister during 1967-69 and held the portfolios of Food and Agri- MR. SPEAKER: That might have culture, raih... 'ays, social security an~ cottage been a leading question. industries, parliamentary affalr~ and comm::::ications. He was recogmsed as SHRI CHITTA BASU: Therefore it the first Leader of opposition in l.ok Sabha means that the government is suffering during 1969-70. from indecisiveness and they could not take any decision as to the nature of the A veteral parliamentarian, he took keen changes government considers necessary, interest in the proceedings of the House. in the Industries Development and Regu- lation Act. In this context, could he in- We deeply mourn the loss of this friend dicate as to what are the compelling and I am sure the House will join me in reasons-there may be some reasons- conveying our condolences to the bereaved for contemplating changes ? family. The House may stand in silence for a shortwhile to exp ress its sorrow. \\1hat are the compelling reasons for making changes in the I.D.R. Act? The Memhers then stood in silence for a snort while. SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA: The I.n.R. Act has in fact been amended ten times since its enactment. For imple- menting the Act, there are many difficul- ties which are being faced by the Govern- ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ment. This being an inter-ministerial exercise, we are working on the whole ~e. ia the Iadastries (Develop- thing. We are getting the data collected :Haem and ReiD1.tion) ACt regarding the various aspects of the pro- blems and we are examining the whole *439, 'sHRI CHITrA BASU : thing. Will the Minister ofINDlJSTRY be pleased to state: SHRI CHI'ITA BASU : He said there might be certain reasons and eei-tain whether Government have Wider difficulties for the Government. What are cOmicle.ratioli Certain pro i;KJsa.Is for drastic thoR difficulties ? 3060 LS-l s Oral AnsweTs DECEMBER 1'1, 1980 Oral Answe1'B 4 SHRI CHA~JIT CHANANA : over ? The workers also suiter I confirm baving said that there are diffi- because their dues are not paid. Also culties in implementing the I. D. R. Act. there is retrenchment. May I know The object of the Act being promotional whether you are considering all these things and regulatory, there are problems. I have and give a positive reaction to that ? said in the main answer that it would not be mature enough to indicate the exact SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA: things unless and until we get the whole There is a communication gap in the state- thing fully examined. To give an example, ment of the hon. l\.{em'ber. Whenever in the definition of industrial unit being we advise the State Governments after covered by the Act, th~ ~riterion for de- investigation into the functioning of sick ciding the size of the umt 11 the number of units, we always advise them to take it workers with power and without power. over. \ltje fill in all the gaps that the hon. We are finding some difficulties in that. Member has just now mentioned. And We are in fact conducting a census of our we give all the help which the hon. Member difficulties from the various administrative has suggested. and production ministries. Unless and untill we come to a conclusion, the hon. SHRI SOMNATII CHATrERJEE: member would again say that the Govern- The hon. Minister has just now said that ment is indecisive. We are not indecisive. in many cases the Central Government We want to come to a conclusion after exa- have advised the State Governments to mining the whole thing because the amend- take over the sick undertakings and they ment of this Act is a big exercise. promise help. Under what laws the State Governments can take over the sick units? SHRI CHITIA BASU : May I know Will the hon. Minister kindly tell that SO whether it is a f~ct that the West Bengal that the State Governments can take re- Government requested this Government to course to that law ? amend this Act in such a marUler that the State Governments will be delegated SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA: more powers to illstitute ('nquiries into The unit is taken over by the Central the sick uni ts and finn \1y take them over? Government under the IDR Act On the If so what is th.e reactioH of this Govern- understanding that. the management and ment? Why are they noi. prepared to the rwming of the unit will be done by consider this proposal ~Jso ? the State Government and the Central Government will give all the help to the SHRI CHARAr'\JIT CHANANA : State Government. We are taking the State Gover·nments also into account. The State Govern- PROF. ~1ADHU DANDAVATE : ments have given a suggestion like that. In part (b) and (c) a very strange reply This is One of the issues which is being has been given by the hon. Minister : considered. As far as the amendment of "Proposals are being conceptualized the Act is concerned with special reference and so neither details nor level to the entrepreneurs who render a par- of consideration can be indicated." ticular unit sick and what should be the treatment for them-this is also being 'When the concepts are there, probably considered and this is one of the factors of you cannot give any level of detailed con- sickness of industrial units. sideration at all. If you are going to change the entire concept of delve10pment MR. SPEAKER : Next Question. and regulation, do we take it for granted that the initial direction that was given- SHRI NIREN GHOSH : I am standing for example, that the public sector should to put a question. have a commanding height of economy, then regional imbalance should he removed SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: there should be district centres. All these You have to look at him twice. concepts were already there and these are very necessary to remove the regional MR. SPEAKER: I will get a magni- imbalance in development-are you going fying glass. to change that ? SHRI NlREN GHOSH: May I SHRl OHARANJIT CHANANA : know whether it is a fact that the Central No, Sir. Government nowadays is disinclined to take over industries which have been Setdag ap of Track Manafact...... closed by the owners after swiJIdling, Vait at Darppar cheating and all that kind of thing ? May I know whether those perpetraters offraud, *440. SImI SATY,AGOPAL MISRA: swindling and cheating are not taken to Will the Minister oflNDUSTRY be pleased task and they ask the State Government to state: to take over the factories? In that case why don't }'Ou give them liberal financial' (a) whether Government have rooeived hclp? Otherwise, how can thcy take them any proposal from the West Bengal s Oral ARsWe7'B AGRAHAYANA 26. 1902 (SAKA) OTal AnstoeTs 6· Government for setting up a truck manu- and whenever the State sector units can facturing unit at Durgapur; participate in that, we will do that. (b) whether it is a fact that 50 crores of SHRI SATYAGOPAL ~lISRA: rupees were eannarked for setting up the Durgapur is a very good place for estab- said firm in collaboration with Bertied, lishment of a truck manufacruring unit. a F:ench company during the Sixth Plan Raw material is available there. Indus- period; and trial conditions are good and the State Government is always interested in the (c) what are the Central Government's scheme. Moreover, there is also a good reactions and decisions on the project? market for the sale of truck!!. Under the circumstances, may I know from the han. THE MIl'..'1STER OF STATE IN THE ~.finister whether the Central Government MINISTRY OF Il'II"DUSTRY (SHRt will come forward to consider the feasibility CHAR.Al~JIT CHA...~A.1\lA) : (a) No of setting up a truck manufacturing unit application for an industrial licence has at Durgapur ! been received from the Government of West Bengal for the establishment of a SHRI CHARAN]IT CHANANA: truck manufacturing unit at Durgapur. I do not question as to the goodness of Durgapur at all. "For all purposes, Durga- (b) & (c). Do not arise. pur is not considered a location for this particular unit. Whenever the West SHRI SATYAGOPAL MISRA : My Bengal Government or any entrepreneur question has not been answered. In the comes in for setting up a truck manufac- first half of the year 1979, the State Govern- turing unit in any place including Durga- ment of West Bengal wrote a letter to the pur, the Industry ~M:inistry will definitely Central Government requesting the Centre consider that. for setting up a truck manufactruring unit at Durgapur. The State Government SHRI KRISHNA CHi"\'"NDRA wanted to include the scheme in the Sixth HALDER: I am from Durgapul'. If the Plan. Now, the Central Government is 'Vest Bengal GO\"Crlllnent apply for a trying to avoid it. I wanted to know fresh industrial lic('!l.cC for setting up a from the hon. l\.1inister about the proposal. truck manufacturing unit. at Durgapur, But he has given reply about the indus- will the hon. Minister approve and sanc- trial licence. tion the licence? Is it a fact that a technical report on the SHRI CHARANJIT CH·\NANA: I feasibility of setting up a truck unit at confirm having said that the Ministry Durgapur was submitted by an expert of Industry would definitely cOl)sider any committee. If so, what ic; the reaction of application but it will have to go through the Central Government on that? the process of consideration. SHRI CHARA.."lI\]IT CHANANA: First of all, Sir, you would appreciate ~ ~)-m=t'R=r "n:o q~ that a proposal to the Ministry of Inustry for translating into a licence is always in ~ ~~ ,*", it ~ ~ CflT the shape of an application for licence. The hon. Member has referred to the West ~~~fcom:r~~ Bengal Government's letter of 1979. I ~T IT\if'mT it ~ (l\i1f~ if would only like to inform the hon. Member • ..:> that there was a correspondence between 50, 50 ~ ~ cfi ~ it ~ the Chief Minister of West Bengal and the then Minister of Industry on setting up a ~ ~ ~ ~art CMT~ ~ Gtl unit. In fact, it was a proposal of the consortium of the public sector units i.e. m~,~~ifIlf~if ~~ Jessop & Co., Burn Standard and Braith- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ waite & Co. along with a West Bengal tit-it Cfil Government unit Le. Westinghouse, which ~ ~ I CflIT ~ Gil ~ cfi GIlt was taken over by the State Government. In fact, if you go through the text of the it ~~ ? whole letter, this particular thing was only a probability. That probability also dropped ~1:I'a ~)~ down because the lines of production of these three public sector units of the ~~mit ~ Government of are different and their order books are so full that they can- Cii{f+44d ~ ~ not deviate. But I can assure the House that whenever there is un-utilised capacity i l or un

~. Will the GoVernmeat c:o*tder mam·t9cturing commercial vehidea in ~ Itt ~ f 1m: ~.~ ~ ali that unit? ~~tfil;~it~q\' MR. SPEAKER. It docs not arise. ~~~'~WPff1ltr q ~ t ~ ~tAzU ~~ ~ "'" fwi't(l fGlWf ( -.1,;,'.. =1 ) Gffifr t, m ~ 1 ~ t "i~~+i" ifa'"".;~ 'Ii"lit I ~ ~ tRft ;jft- ~ ~ ~ i ftF ifltT ~ ~ ~ cA' ~. • 441. '" \1_iCl~" 'tPf ~ : ~~it~~. i!Itf. ;m :arltr Jiit q iRrA cCr !itO' ~ ;tt ~ cft~ q#r t~ ~ ftfi' : mm pr m=rr t I (;f;) Cfln (l'lIfql"l ~ ~~, ~~Rlr:~~t ~ ~ fiR~ it ~ ~ ~ iR'l ttft' '1rof ~ ifft" '11 firm ~ !"-1f~: ~ IIiit ~ t; it~~;rfT~~~ (-) Cftrt q: " t Al~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \if~ 4Ilt=iI\"Iij ~ it fcrt\lw ~ ~ ~ l{1Qf1' it m~ ~ ~ ~ctiT~~ qN~~ff'1r~~~ ~ ? q"( q-f!"1i F(ij ~i1tT ; SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA: I wish A.ndolan could create fz.ctories. U~­ (tr) ~~, ~ ~ ctlif fortunate1y, the factories are set up on m the basis of feasibility study. I have ijift ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ,;tt told the hone Member the feasibility stu- dies are being conducted by the Rajasthan State Mineral Development Corporation, {Pf ~ ~ ~ (fi) llft m because they have the people cOllr.ected if))'(~~~~~ with this. ~ ~ ~ t 0) .nil)(iICfi Co ij- • m ~ ~, \ij~ ~ ~ sr:q~ ~,. f1fm mI !~fw: ~ 1fRfT it ~ t, ~ m:r ~ it,,~ ~~~ Cfi)f ~ '1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ifiRUT ~ 1ffilT ~ ~ ~ ~ lAlQlf(d ~ , qr~~~tl~ ~ 1!f ~ ~ \1til4i . 1HE MINISTER OF STATE IN. THE if ft ?' MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (~ CliAllANJIT CHANANA): (a) to (d). At present, the . SHlU CHARAN.JIT CHANANA: For haVe no scheme for setting up any big the cement industry ,feasibility .study IS blduatr:ies in jalor and Sirohi back:W'ard already done. The applications for tb,~e districts in Rajasthan. State districts are .under consideration. After The GO- p~per 'Vd"iurieilt and Hindustan Copper Limited consideration and analysis they woUtd come to a result. on the setting up '~, b:owever, making detailed inve$tiga~ hOns In order to examine ~ feasibilitY of cement factories in this area. of commercial exploitation of the ore reserves of Sirohi and Jalor Districts. .'~~ltmf :~ ~ .~ f!«T ~ ~'(Q'1 : ~ ~ ~ if ~ ",dli4a if ~, t srN ~ iTu ~ ;ft V ~ t I ,"I~ij ~ tti *U ~ q ~ ~ ~ fifa ~ it i~ .,. ~ "'~~ttiI * ifft tt, iritT ~,.•• qr~t:1 ~ _ t "" t{liJIifit",_ ~ t f.rr ~. -R ~itit i;fr _ if "" :it q-~ ~ i , 1l • mr 9' Oml A.... AGRAHAY~A" 1101 (SAKA) Oral AftSWeT, 10

lIT iI(l ? .. "" lIT ., Q (~) Jtf( I) ~ ~ atrI~ t". . . '? 11'. 0' ~ fiNn:. · I; ~

SHJlI C~ ~~:_~l (~) ~ ~ ~ haVe • 't OW iJltbnried tlae' hOn • lvu:ui- q:" t ben tl:t fhe' state Wneral nevel~lD.eJlt ~ ~ ~ "it"~' ~) t I ~~rpprati~ i~ ~!1U~~g ~' re8Si~~ltty sUrVey into the utllIisatlOJl of the mineral 'tl1t::illf

~) ~ ~rlf qi~r;y : ~~ t5fi" ~~ f~~~l' G'(~~ : ""~lfel' ~lfJ lfa1' ~ if,' GfCmf ~ ~ ~ ~, II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !I(~ ff~~~fctl~1ru~ \ill lr=t ~ ..el ii·~ij ~ ~ ;:ftc: Cfil:: €fifi~~~~ 9Cf~~ ~ I in: f\if'a"tT 1ft 9;(Tq" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Gf ~ it 9 it 'l'f- ~iit~ ~ m1icF~~1 ~ie ~ CfiT ~ qlfl' ~ I ~ \ill ~ fCli"lfT ~T ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~r ~ ~ PltV ~)iif: ~l ~ iiJqlGf tnt m fun" ~Wrrtl ~ I itt ~ CfiT \lTtT ( Cfi) ~-

IliflIT fffift ~ ~ Cfilhnfw ifiT 1 ifC1~, 1973 ~ 31 ~, MR. SPEAKER: Not allowed. 1 978 ~ cit ~fiI ef. ft;ro: ~ ~) '041: fllln~ G1Uln~ : * * ~ ~ ~ lfCfiA" ~ ~ CfiT 9;f'ffr

MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will gO on 'ijc' tffi1'f fcf;r.rr, iflIT & lIT ~, I" -recOrd. ~ ~ ron- fifi ~ ~'f f~~) Jt~~ ~ tf.1i~Tf~l ~) ~;r treT ~T ~ ~ Ri ~ ic ~ f~ , f~Ttrt ~ ~T 1!tfal;r ~ * .. 4 3. ,,1 ~m f~Hl t;(~~: iru ri cRlfo/f qr fcfi-- 'CflJT ,~ 100 ~ GKJ'lff ". ftff iJilit fcri: "CflIT ~ ~ ~ fcfi ~')lr \ift:q ~ ~ "I~:q", I . ilI'U ~ 'Plf:qr- ~ ~ ron ttft ~ ~ tllT ~ Cfi1: fc;trr ~ ~ I"

~rmtA~~~T ~ ~t I m~~~1ir~~ ~ if ~ ~~,

**NOl recorded. 11 Oral Answers DECEMBER 17, 1980 Oral Answers I~

~ t:Ann;n : ~ ifiT (InIm'uJ1tiDns). I will explain to the House ..,1 Eft;ff that we have to consult the Finance ~~~,~~~1%q Ministry in this matter. First, the Finance Ministry ga\'e effect to it from a certain ~ ~ 'ffif fq:~u (''ElTrr ~ fer. ~ date and then, again they said 'No, it should be from thls date.' Sot now it is ffi'W~~iR~~ij- ~~ I under correspondence with. the Finance Ministry and till the date is not decided, at;ff ifiT ~ \ifCmf & I how can I say that it is given? It is given, hut from a certain date. DR. SUllRAMANIA?v1 SWAMY: Thill is no answer. He has to say ~y(~' or DR. SUBR.Al\1ANIAM SWM1Y: 'no' ac,ordiIlg to (a), (b) ;~nd (c). How What date? can he give the aW,Wf:rs lOR(othu? (inter- ruptionor). The point j~;: Is the amwcr to MR. SPEAKER: Something he has (a) 'yes' or 'l~O'? Is the a.J)~wer to (b) said. It has been said that it has not 'yes' or '110'? Is the aft~W(;T to (c) 'Yes' been finalised up to what date and haw or 'no'. This ill what we want to k}J()\o-V. much. DR. SUBRAMA1'ITIAl\f SWAl\1Y: The difficulty is, the date must be knovm. 55fT '01t f~l~ qymrt't : iru MR. SPEAKER: That is what he said. ~ G[q"Iq ~ ~ aGr 0) ~ After finalisation of the date he will inform mt you.

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: ;rot His reply is neither 'yes' nor 'no·.

~1 '('fq' fcm'l~ "1m-qT;;: iIltf ~1 q"~"trq ~ ~ ~ SI'"Qif " ~, ~ t(CIl ~ ij- tIT ~ ~ ~, ~ ZIT t=rT it ~ i t ~ ~ ~ ~, ~o tro ~o ~- MR. SPEAKER: After finalisation ~ ~ ~ I ..•. (i~) ••• of the date, he will inform.

aAf" ~Ttif : ~ ~ Gfi{ it ~T ~ ~T~ qT~;:r : ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~, lfu ~ ~ ~ fctl ~ ~ CfiT ~ \i11'1Cfi,"J ~ fcf; ~ ~1 Ql1l;sr ~,";n : ~ ~ fifl mmr ctn" Cf)1ft ~ m<: ~ ~ ~ifi~ifm~~ZIT'lTit mmr Cfft Cfilft ~ ~ ~ ~ \if'CITGf ~ ~ ij) ~ ~ ~ fctl III ~ ~o.~ ~ Cfi4:q,u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fcfi moi(to ~~~~,~~~~ ~o ~ iIlioito cIl1 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fcfi"lfT &, ~ ~~~~~, ~~ fcrqrmftc:r ~, ~ Cf){t"',ih,"t it ~ I m1:f C!flfT OlfCrro ~ GTT ~ ~ ? (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: He will inform you. ~T Iiti(;sr 'fifjCfTin : ~ 35 DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY: ~CfiT~~~~~ Could you please explain to me if the ~~~~,~mi:i'~ answer to (c) is 'yes' or 'no'? if ~ it Cfi~ ;p;rr ~ Ai ~ ..... ~ ~ --:::.. .. ~ ...... ~~m: ~~~ ~ ~ ~ lot, 'I:$~~' CfiQ Stt ... ~7 t fill iIilt tr fct;ln ,fi ~ 11l ~ ? ~ tt 0lI" ~ ctit ~ ~, ~- SHRl YOGENDRA MAKWANA: How can I say 'yes' or 'no' ? I will ex- ~T~~qT~:iru plain it nOW. Please hear me. (lnltlrrup- tiDns). I am not going to say 'yes' or 'no'. ~ '$(1tf ~. OrAl ARstDers AGRAHAYANA 28. 1902 (SAKA) Oral Answers 14

~~:~~t? ~ if ,,(;:qt{Of"t ~ t ftwrtt \4"mil sqr -aqf.. WI9 "'~~ :. aT ~~t~~~~m .... ~fd~'fi~ifi'" ~ ~ fit; ~ em ~ fcoo" I iru ~ ~ t fat; em ~ ~~ : ~cfT t m cp;ff ~ ~ ifil lffi[if t fifi ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~~~ftq1i~~I~ ~1 ~'+t i_a ,,( ~,(~f : Cflff ;:r'(f :it if ~ \4i~«t{1'1 ~ it " ~ ~ ~ ~~~ fcp ~ ~ ~~t~~lf'iif~ t fu;rqr ~ ~m~~~~~ ~m ct\' fttrli ~, ~ \iT) ~ iI1l1: ~ w ~ CfiT ;mr ~ R"~ ~ ~ q'"{~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m CflITCfiTt "1~1{1"t ~ t ~ ~ \lfT~ t ffi ~~? ~~~R~~~~~T ~ ~ ~ ~ mffi' Plilfii{Of::' ~T ~)ipr ~cn;:n : ~ ctn" CfiT~~~? ftq-ft CfiT ~ ~ ~ W ~ I

SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: Sir, the police officers of both Delhi and Andaman and Nioobar Islands have a COmmon cadre in the Dani Police Ser- SHRI M. M. LAWRENCE: Will vice. So, I would like to ask the Minister, t~e Government consi(~er givir,g a f,Fe- wh~t action he h~s t~ken in respect of clal allowance for the Delhi Police to polIce officers workmg In the remote terri- act quickly? I am asking this question tories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands because on the day of the Na.tional Inte- where for months together they could not gration Council meeting, tr.e Chief Minis- get the rations and other facilities and are ter of Kerala was gharaoed, rot gharaoed working in adverse conditions. I would actually, but he was physically attacked by also like to know whether the Minister RSS people. has received any proposal from the Anda- man and Nicobar Administration to this MR. SPEAKER: Does it arise out of effect and if so, what action he has taken this question? SO far and if not, what action he is likely to take. SHRI M. M. LAWRENCE: The police was informed jmmediately, but only after 45 minutes the police efme on the smu YOGENDRA MAKWANA: spot. To avoid such a situation, will the Sir, the question is limited. 1he question Government consider to give a special is regarding the house rent allowance allowance to the Delhi Police so that and compensation given in lieu of the ac- they can act quickly, impartially anI. with- commodation which is not given to the out fear? particular officers. MR. SP,EAKER: No, it does not arise.

So far as Andaman and Nicobar Is- lands are concerned, free barrack acco- Setting up of PubUc Sector Industries mmodation for unmarried and free un- ill furnished accommodation for married or *444. SHRI R. L. BHATIA : Will house rent allowance at the rate of 7-1/2 the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased per cent of pay per month for Group to state: 'ot personnel, for those personnel who are keeping families with them, is given. (a) whether it is a fact that the Punjab State has not been allocated any medium or large industry so far ; oq:iqiq€U( UlitT : CflIT ~ '-'lr (b) whether Punjab has been neglected "tfif;~~ifi'~~ by the Union Government in the setting up of public sector industries in the State ~ 'iffiT ttl ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~ over the years ; ·~17,~ 16 aL1:!'Ftorit :e ~~ ~ ~UDi~ ~~~'1~~t

(4) if 'P, the I'qfODt th~ ; (e) number and pa.rtkulan of such appUcations still pending With his ministry; ~ lor Space PNpa_~• .and ·445' SHllJ ~ANARDHANA (f) the effective measures which Govern- POOARY. ment propose to take to remove thi, grie- SfIRl q .. IqIDDY : vance of Punjab? Will the PRIME MINIST~R be THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE pleased to state: . MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARAN.JIT CHANANA) (a) & (b) : (a) whether Government have de- No, Sir. Central PPhlic Sector Projects, cided to send some cosmonauts to Soviet nam~ly Nanga! Fertilizers Ltd., Nangal, Spa~ town for t~g for the ~pace Semi Conductor Complex, ·Mohali and programme ; 'and . National Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd., Bhatinda have been set up 'in Punjab (b) if so, the number of these persons State. Besides, Punjab State In4ustrial and w~en are they likly to be sent? Development Corporation has received Letters of Intent/Industrial Licences for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 55 projects. THE DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE ANn TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRO- (c) to (f) . Every effort is made to dis- NICS (SH:R.I C.P.N. SINGH) : (a) and pose of pending applications as expedi- (b). Govermnent of India's WIllingness tiously as possible without prejudice to to accept the' Soviet offer has been indi- any St~te. Out of the 72 Industrial cated, no details have so far been worked Licence applications received dunng the out. year J 980 (upto October, J 980), OJlly 13 applications are pending of which II SHRI JANARDHANA rOOJARY : apP'licatioJlll are within prescribed limits Indo-Soviet joint s.pace flight is a signifi- 4DQ only two arc beyond the prescribed cant indication of growing scope for time limit. Details of any application joint space research. All these flights pending before Government for considera- are meant to advance the cause of science tion are not pu bHshed until after' povern- and also add to the kDowledg~ of ~uter m~nt hall taken a view thereon. space. IIi this context may I know from the hon: Minister whether a person with science and engineering knowledge or Proposals from the State Governmentl background will be chosen as a cosmo- Potentia! entrepreneur for 10ca401l of in- naut and whether it is true that Iridian dustries in PUJljab would continue to part;cip3tion IS confined and limited to receive favourable consideration within cosmonauts o.nly and not for the promo- the fraJ1)e~'ork of Nation'ai FJan. tio~ of scientific co-operatio~?

SHRI ~.L. BHATIA: In reply to parts (a) and (b) ofthe questiQn, the hon. Minister SHR! C. P. N. SINGH: The ~ro­ has said that there are three public sector gramme with Soviet Russia is for ~ien­ projects set up in the Punjab. But, Nangal tific development. It ils. not IT ~r.eJy for sending a cosmona:;t into space. prQject was set up in th~ ~unjab I think some 30 years back. 'When a question is put, the r,,1inister must reply as to what He asked whether a scientific person would be sent up. These detai]b are yet they have been able to do recent~y. to be worked out, and when the details What is the total investment in the are worked out, we would knoW. public sector in the Puniab and its ratio to the all-India investmeni in t4e public saRI JANARP~~ POQJARY: ..sf'Ctor ?' " When' t~' invitation was' exteitde'd, j t w~s r~jected w'hen OUf former ~e :M:n'j.ster w_en~' to llussia, a cr there Was SHRI CHA~ANJIl' CHANANA tllinking in· the lndian space - research It' is' "Rs. 344.5 crutes, ~d the ratio is organisation at that time that the :2.2 per Cent .. Indian research programme was only application-~~ted, Jqld tha~ zdven- s~ Jt.L. BHATlA : 1 ~oulcl lil~e tc tures like puttiJig a m-w or an anim'al P!>lv .if th,ere ':is any prOpqsal ~o set up irtlo" sp.ite iia"Bot ira.W:' an.y re'le~. public .',ector tDdustries in the' Punjab Tlw-y .did D.Q~ lit~ch much im~"'''' ce .. in the I\xth Plan. . ., t~T"'thii: So;'sniy f '~ew ~.TifUs 11 18

.,.. fOPlld tbat &he Cubans, had been 'sent into space by the Russians the Cze- choslovakians have been sent, the Bul. prians have been sent, die Jama Go~m­ JDftl* felt after' reviewing fIae aciemiJic evidence 'after consulting the sciClltiats that no useful scientific information will be available by just SCIJ~ au. lndian THS PRIME Jrm«STBlt (SHRI- into ~e space. I would like to mow' trom MAtt INDIRA GMmHI): A5 hone the Government concrete reasons w~y M~beis m()w, to go iJato space requires this change has taken place. The same veey'strenUous trainm&. It is not some· scientists told the Janta Government that thing that can be done immediately. no useful addition to the stock of knowledge So we h1.Ye to be very careful in choos- will take place. Reviewing the fact ~hat ing, a person who can stand the physical Cubans, Bulgarians and 'HungariaJls have and the Dl'mtal strain and also one who already gone, thi..:; kind of acceptance will ben.efit from. the experience. All 'on the part of the Government would Science is a search for experit"nce, for mean that we are also slowly following the truth, for knowledge. This is why we path of the Cubans, Bulgarians and the welcome this opportunity to enable our Hungarians and there is no other gain scientists and others' to increase their from this. kno.vledge which can be useful in mmy other fields. SHRI1vf..A TI : SHRI G. S. REDDY: Wh:le welcom- This is an extra orciinary statement. If somebody does a worth-while thing, ing the stand of the _Government, r ~ant to bring to the notIce of the hon. Pnme are we not going to do it? If othex penons Minister the news item 'Joint flight into -Cuban, Bulgarian or somebody else .••• spl.ce not far off' in the Patriot. Spea~ing (Intermplions). Americans have also seDt at a civic reception Shri Brezhnev sald- men in space.

"Now our countries are preparing DR. SUBRAMA~IAM SWAMY : for Gagarin's clream to come true. Why not with the aid of U.S.A. ? The day will come when cos- Inonaut~ from India and Soviet SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI : Union will m'3.ke joint flight and Soviet Union has made uc; the offer. The the pe )pl.es C?f both countri.es U.S.A. has not made au offer. will enthusiastically welcome It. Gagariln dream was tIl? t he wo~d be gJad to fly into outer DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY: The space along with Indian cos- same scientists told us.' ..... rn.')naut. H

M~yI knowfrorn thehon. Prin e Minis- SHRIMATI I~DIR:\ GANDHI: You ter wh'3.t is the rec:cuon of the Government have made several statements. I cluinot of India? answer them all at once. I have to take them up one by one. You spoke 'last about the Cubans, Bulgarians and Hun- SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI: This garians. vVe are glad that t~ese peoe1e is because we reacted, th'l.i. this questio 1 have gone up. But as I sa1d, scientific h1.S: arrisen: We a.-ccepted the offer m ... de experience and experiment remains' a by the Soviet 9'over_nm~nt .. ' ~is is wh'lt m~nboned scientific eXEeriment regarpless of' the Shri Brezhn.ev m hts speech. nationality of those who do' it. I have They h:id m'lde this offer earlier but for som'! reason· it 'Was not accepted. \Ve not spoken to the Bulgarians, or Cub.ns or Hungarians. do'not know if looked at the proposal ag.Jn and we I our scientists, whom the hone Member m~n­ thought and the scientists & others whom tioned, have ~poken to these people. I we consulted' that it would be us~fuJ felt doubt it very much. But we do' think for us. apart from the sCientific fallout 3;Jld that it is a' useful experience and nuiiiy expmencc, I J think fhis is something people ~e have spoken to also fecI' file th"!.t wm inspire and enthuse our YOWlg e][perieri~e uset~l. people. tpat. Every- in life' is Mr. Swamy h~ no personal eXperj,ehce of this' and therefore canilo~ speak of jts DR. SUB~~ SW~MY: I utility. I t is of use in the realm or scien'ce would like to mow from the Government which is moving so fast in the world of tb3t in ,~ qf t.ru: s~t~eW: of the to:-:day. I do ~~t ~Jlk.~pdta cap at.rord ~er ~ po!JPnS • ~r ethP' Vf'Ob~~ to b~ l~t b!!~n,d ~n ~~~ ~~!t,e~. }f.c: ~o out, they have no clear idea 0 e 0 Jec- not know w'hat op'portllIilp,:es t~ otl~ to", llad::I;]'jut' we"s1iaU!Iccr:~:":~:"'1' t;ye..-

PJaa for ...uiaa up of laM: Breeder for integrated power systems. But as the Reaetora hon. Member is aware, it is a ve:r costly a~d difficult pr~. We have managed 446. SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO : Will WIth our experLlse and . our scientists to- the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to day at this experimental fast breeder reac- state: tor.; ~ave comtructed about 85% of the electncal goods and civil works. Mter (a) whether Government have drawn the: technological experience has been up any plan for setting up fast breeder gaIned we are confident that by the latter reactors in the country; half of the 19905 we should be able to p~t ~p commerci.ally viable units of larger (b) if so, the details thereof; orJgtn than thIS experimental reactor.

(c) whether the programme wi1l call SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO : Only 3% for assistance by other countries both of the country's energy requirements ar~ in technical know how and in material; met from nuclear energy and it is a chea... and per form of energy than the hydel and ther- mal. Since the Government is trying (d) if so, the names of the countries to achieve self-reliance in the energy sector who have assured their help in our pro- I would like to know whether there has gramme? been a set back in achieving nuclear ener- gy self-reliance in the last three years due 'TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE to faulty policy of the last Government: DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE AND is it a fact that 59 scientists have left the TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS country? What steps is Government (SHRI C. P. N. SINGH): (a) and trying to take to get them back? (b). Yes, Sir and as a first step a fast hreeder test reactor with French collaboration is SHRI C.P.N. SINGH : The hon. l\fem- under construction at Kalpakkam at an ber has pointed out certain deficiencies estimated cost of Rs. 58.72 crores to pro- that occurred in the last few years. For- vide experience in the design. Construc- tunately the present Government has tion and operation of plutonium fuelled, rectified those problems and we hope to .!lodium cooled fast reactors. The cons- have the best advantages of atomic truction of commercial fast breeder reac- energy, hydel energy and thermal because tors could be considered as the next step there has been a definite impact and the after sufficient experience is gained in the energy position has improved. operation of this fast breeder test reactor. SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO: I asked, (c) and (d). On the basis of the experience whether it is a fact that 59 scientists left that would be gained in the construction the country out of frustration and what and operation of the test reactor it is ex- steps the Government is taking in that pected that it would be possible to set up regard. further fast breeder reactors without foreign help.. SHRI C.P.N. SINGH: I am not aware of the exact number. I require notice. Some scientists have left. SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO : Our energy requirements arc increasing. At the same time the fossil fuels and the non- renewable sources of energy are dwindl- Meeting of State Puh!ic Service Com- ing very fast. I would like to know in IDissioDS held in New Delhi view of the fact that there are inherent economic benefits from these fast breeder 488. SHRI KRISHNA PRATAP reactors in converting liquid thorium into SINGH: fissionable thorium and adding to the SHRI B. V. DESAI: renewable source of energy as well as re- ducing the dependence on nuclear fuel Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS and recycling of this thorium deposit> be pleased to lay a statement showing: What steps is Government going to take or have planned to t·ake for setting up (a) whether a meeting of the Chairmen of twelve such reactors which the Chair- of the State Public Service Commissions man of the Atomic Energy Commission was held in New Delhi in November, 1980 Dr. Sethna has said during his lecture on to review the existing l'ecruitment proce- the energy specially of the dghties held dure.: under the auspices of rhe Development Research Group ? (b) the names of the persons who at- tended the said meeting;

SHRI C.P.N. SINGH : The hon. (c) the main recommendations and ob- Member has pointed out the fact about servations made in the meeting; and dwindling or our conventional energy .and naturally the Government is aware (d) how these recommendations are to- of takiDc the step towards atomic energy be implemented? 21 <>Tal Aft81DeTS AGRAHAY ANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Oral A713tDe1"s

THE MIl\i'"ISTBR OF STATE IN (c) and (d). Government have not re- THE MI~"1STRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ceived the summary of the concJusions (SHRI P. VE~'KATASt:BBAlAH): (a) Yes~ Sir. reached in the meeting of the Chairmen (b) The names (If the persons who parti- of State Public Service CommissiollS held cipated in the meeting are laid Oll the in November, 1980 in N('w Delhi as yet. Table of (he house.

~ames of Chairm.:on and M'mb,'rs of Union and State Public Service Commisaions who attended the Con"'erenc~' held on 27th and 29t h November, 1980

SJ. PcbJic Service Conuni~joll Chahnlan MeJllbers No.

Union . Dr. M. L. Shahare Shri N. S. Saksena Prof. S. Sampath Dr. Haji N.A. Noor Muhammad Prof. B. Behera Smt. R. O. Dhan ShriJaswant Rai Bansal Shri S. R. Mehta

2 Andlu'a Pradesh Shri Y. Sivasankara Reddy

3 Bihar Dr. Kumar Bimal Sinha 4- Gujarat Shri K. N. Zutshi 5 Haryana Shri Balbir Singh Lather 6 Himachal Pradesh Maj. Gen. I. C. Katoch 7 Jammu & Kashmir eh. Bharat Bhushan 8 Kerala Shri T. M. Savankutty

9 Madhya Pradesh . Shri N. Sundaram

10 Maharashtra Dr. K. G. Deshmukh

II Manipur Shri L. Sobomon (Acting Chairman)

1.2 MeghaJaya Dr. o. Lyngdoh

13 Nagaland Shri H. S. Butalia

14- Orissa Shri N. K. Ray

15 PlUljab Smt. Santosh Chowdhary

16 Rajasthan Shri H. D. Gupta

17 Tamil Nadu Maj. Gen. S. P. Mahadevall

18 Tripura Shri S. C. Dev, 8hri U. R. Dev Burman

19 Uttar Pradesh • 8hri Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya

20 West Bengal Shri A. K. Desgupta " .,..~~.,.. ..,. the -' 1:..,' , ~'IW*P~ ...... ! ". -~,~cft~tf4r...... ~ to tW.. ' Ltii'a'fj)r' Jnt' abo 'the "'""' 'for a .~ lfq • If ~ P. ~ ",.'t,.() management system that slibuld be &- veIoped in the Pat interest of the ~lic ~ .. t, 1lVI .. - it IRJT senicel." .~ f~ ~ q"( ~ ft, wmt Thi. bas been the inaugural speech of ~ ~ 8fIJT f~'1jir(" ~ the Prime Minister in which she has laid ;t, stress on theI4' ppints. CfiT ~ ~ W ~ \ijifliJ(\ ~ With regard to the fWlctioning of the t) ~ 1ft n rn ~ ~ State Publi~ Service Commissions, I ~ay ~ ~ ~ ~ I infonn the hone Member that they will ci rn 'WiN it not come under the purview of the Central smr -.ft ~ 'fT15I11ff 11ft 'U'Rr Government. The State Public Service DQmmissi~ns ~e under t he purview ~f hr 'A1l1l1ff it STS5Jlr ~ ~ t ~ the State Governments. On several oc- casions a suggestion has been made and " 'lR ~ jTcrr ~ it;' iITU also in the 47th Report of the Estimates f~~ffftt4 ~ ~ ~ Committee that there should te periocFcal Gft i , it ifil meetings between the UFSC a:r.d d:..e State f~ t fip it ~ it ~ ~ Public Service Commissio! s so <.s to (·x- change views and, if possib:e, 10 evolve ~~~t,~~~ifi a stratt'gy of concluctir.g examinations ~nd recruitil'g people. ~ ~ \Vf 'fiT @' ~ ~ t, ~qtfit;'~~~~tT The views expres~('d J:,y the hone Member with regard to cor:dt:ctir g ('xaw nrm ~ ~ Cfft ~ f~r ~ minations in the regional ]u,gut gu b:\'e been noted and they w!1J 1 e C~L\'('yf(,!' to ~ ~• CfiT f~4fcfd4i'0 ~ \it, the State Public Sovke COIT!mi~sjoTS. As far as the UPSC is conn-ra'd. the l:pn. 'ro~t6ro~~~ I Member is aware that the {:xc.minat:()r.s '1'T\3f :;it qf~~ ~ ~ m ~ are conducted in all lh(' 1::; f:W2g("~ that are listed in the Eighth Schedule of ~pe ~cttf~rf~~~ Coru:titu tion. "iJil ~ ~ CflrT ~ ~ ifrn tR ~1 !i1SVf Sf~ffi r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ stv.f rcr.m: l{a1" \;ft ~ ~ ~ ~ WR .~~ it;' ~ t, lIT ~ fCfi " ~ ~ ;?r ~ ~1i~ iiiT 'dc;.€iJe91 ~~~~*:;;ft1!~~ ~ ~ ~ CflrT fer:qn:: Ol('~ ~ \3if it Cfllf ~ fcmfr \jfp{ ? ~ ~ fcfi;r Cfil ~~ 'IT I ~ ~ ~ ~f~fitlqfa:q ~ W W ~ ~ ~ \jfl"'i:fil'{~j "STTt

,it'i3'R~*~~~, '0 .• SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH: The summary of the discussions that were 1fTlit1r it ctilf ~ ~it \jff W held in the Conference in November, 1980, are yet to be received. The Prime ~? !QlR:~\iIT~~m~~ _Minister inaugurated the ConferenCe. ~ ~ ~ In the inaugural address, she laid stress t? with regard to the function and attitude -of the Union Public Service Commission as wen as the State Public Service Co~­ sraA ",ft ("l~1 ~~ 'TNt): missions. She emphatically stated' in her inaugural address: ~~~~it~q~ ~ m ttt.r~ ~ • ~ ftt; "There is a need for commitment to principles conducive to natiQnlp.1 ~ iJ!'it;s{W1(('"Ei t ~ ~ ~ integration and the principles condu- .~ I ~ 1R ~. \itT( ftcrr -q cive to achieve great cohesion of thf w ethnic, religious and linguistic mosa'tt f9 ;nW w4\' ~ ri ~ U' of Our alao n:fc:red. to thia...... country.,,","'_'" She If( • fimr m ~ f.f.' ~ ~ ~;It ifitt ",;." tI ~ p ~ 1ft ~ r",!M\rtql ~ iit ,,~~~t~~ ~~.~it~~ ~ ~~ .~ " ~ ~r ~-_fcI; ~ $ITIf r.. ,r.mql iti' ;i;iin ~~~iitf~t~ ~1fr'4~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~1f(? !t1n~~cmr~ ~ ~ ctrrorr ir \M ~ OCP ~t?t~~~~ ~q'f~~m~~ ~ ~ifiti~~m'~~ ~ atft ~ ~ ~f;m ~ ri ~ ~ • ten ~ ~,. ;f1ifif(7.rt .,. ifr{' ri~ ~ ~ it ~ S11t(f ~ \SIT ~t I

SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH: If there are any such instances brought SHRI B. V. DESAI: A summary to the notice of Govenunen t, certainly of the report has not been received by action will be taken. .'the Government, according to the answer. I would like to know whether the Go- vernment knows that under Art. 320 of -ntMT ~'" --rill' :'~ the Constitution, in different clauses, it has been enumerated as to how to act so \i(l, m:r ~ t flf) +it. d~ it ft- far as Public Service Commissions are .~«tlG;Q CflT ~ ~ concerned. But several Governments are qccUti ..ait ..a by-passing the Article and they are twist- ~~~~~, ing it so that appointments are made by 1ft the State Governments themselves and the ~~t(tt1:(","~~~ Public Service Commissions are being by-passed. In view of this, is the Govern- ~ ~ ilIl1lf ~ 1980 ~ .mr 1ft ment going to take any step to see that ~ I ~ ~ such executive actions are not taken, by- alC44it.-e it fifi1fT irrU passing the responsibility of the Public Service Commissions and the recruitment ~~~~-~~~ procedure? f4Qleil .. c: ctt ~ ~~ ~ t m~~~it;~ SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH: There is always a constant review of this ~ ~ v:=ql'(.. e~"c;.ij ~ ~ ~­ matter. ''\There the UPS C and the state ~~ ~ ~ ~ pSCs have not followed the recruitment it it *"' Cfi1i rules and the state Governments have ~~vft? resorted to executive orders in the matter of appointments, they are being br01.lght out in the Annual Reports and these SHRI P. VENUTASUBBAIAH: Reports are placed on the Table of the A State Public Service Commission does Ho~. The State Governments are being not caine under the purview ot the <..entral remInded, when there has been a devia- Government, as I have, already stated. tion; that they should rectify the mistakes. I do not know what instance the Ron. Member is referring to. So far' as the UPSC and the Central Government are ,,' mf~ ~t umIt : concerned, there is no such Instance. ~, ~ l#eft' Gil ~ ~ ~.. f.=aalhfi~·it n ~ ~T ~ it; ;rft ~ I if ifFI' m arm: WlUTTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ~ 1ff1SfT ~ ifm' '"" ~ fcri' ~ i\iedieill ileHarda c..ti-e of blunil- ii4\icw tR ~ fcr;m: ~ I it DOIOIt ~uU~~~'~ 111442~,SHlU M. RAM COPAL REDDY: ~ ~ Will the Minister of SCIENCE M1)) i fcti • Wcr trcn TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state: ~~~it.~~ 1- (~),_1t~.it_ i. a fact .~t a_ BUm of ~ -~ ~ ~ IllJtlion sanctlo~ed ro~ es- .... - , !l• t - crift 'i."" "' .. " .,,0 was ~ishititfit, at Medical Itese8rch Ceutre-- f1R4\" t t15' n • ~ ~ f or Immunology, and Written Answers DECEMBER 17; 1980 Written Answers

(b) if so, what are the rea50DI for not startsng the work 10 far? ~~,,~~~ ~; ~ TIlE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- MATI INDIRA GAl\'DHl): (a) An out- lay of RI. 328.66 lakhs has been cannarked (:q) ~ ~ m ~ ~ fcta ~ if for a period of five years from I g80 to 1985 for setting up a National Centre/ ~ ctit '1~lj fi:t 4i ~ ~ ? Institute of Immunology as an autono- mous body under the Department of Science and Technology. 'arm ~Gmtq if ~ ~a) ('11 ~lif ~): ~ ~ (b) There is an existing WHO-ICMR. (Cf) Research and Training Centre in Immu- nology at the All India Institute of Medi- (~) ~ ~e ~ cal Sciences which has been in operation it since 1973 under Prof. G. P. Talwar. ~~iR"I'~~~ Work in this area is progressing at this Centre. The present proposal from Prof. ~ ~ it m tf1: ~ tr -{tifi' Talwar is to make use of this Centre as the nucleus for the proposed National ~ it; CfiR'UT d I {WI I ;it) g( t I Centre/Institute of Immunology for expansion and acceleration of studies in (~) ~ this area. In order to accomplish this d'lfT (ff).

TIlE MI~lSTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, whether as per press reports :MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS this type of T.V. will be very beneficial to (SHRI P. VENKATASUBBIAH): India in view of the power shortage; (a) No such proposal is presently under consideration. (c) if so, whether Governnlent have t studied the same; and (bi to (f). The normal age of retire- ment for Central Go\·ernment officers (ex- (d) if so, the details thereof? ceptin& those holding Group 'D' posts and pre-19g8 entrants) is 58 years. FxtensionJ re-employment could be al1~ to the THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- ofHccrs beyond the age of their super- MATI INDIRA GA.""fDHI): (a) and (b). annuation in exceptional circumstances Yes, Sir. on administrative considerations and in public interest. 7 oftlcers are presently (c) and (d). Details of the development sen'ing as Secretaries/ex-officio Secreta-. are not availabele at present. ries on extension/re-employment basis in public interest but three of them are now on leave. ; ) I, , J . ,. ~~T tr'OiI q~ ~ wt ~'lci Road. Between kiary, LODlll and Leh- Partapur * 452. 55(T c:rrf~ !It;rct~ : *4-51. SHRI P. NAMGYAL Will the 55(T ~Cf mf qT~T Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state: ~~ ~ ~ Iiq"f (a) whether it is a fact that road bet- ro tk:rr cf.t ween Kiary-Loma and Leh-Par tapur Sec- ~ fiiJi : tors have been completed many years back; (Cfi) ~ ~ Cfh qcrr ~ fitl (b) whether it is also a fact that soling and black topping of these roads have ~ mo $T if ~ ~ fcn'lW • not been done so far; ~T ~ ~ W"UiI' tfR cfi ilfi'roJT ~ (c) whether in view of strategic impor- ~ ott fCffi41 cf.t ~ g~ ~ ; tance of these roads Government have any proposal to up-grade these roads; and (lSi·) ro ~ " t fCfi ~- (d) if replies to parts (a), (b) and (c) ~ mTif Gf'fT~ qnwff CflT ~ above are in the affirmati\-e, when the up-grading of these roads will be under- iti m?:f m-tTio ~ ; taken and if not, the reasons thereof? TIlE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- (~) CflrT ~-~ W"UiI' ~ MATI INDIRA GM1])RI): (a) The first road was constructed during 1973. fijlflvr Cfll UcA cfi ~ ~ ifiT The construction of the second is in progress. fcr:im: ~ 1lT'Uif cfi CfiroJT ~ crn;ft ;rml cfi ~ w ~ eFt ~ (b) to Cd). Some service soling has been done over bad patches on the first Cfi) at1 <<< 11I1 ~ CfiT t j 'l~h: road. Further improvement of the roads will depend on periodical appraisals of all relevant factors including defence needs (~) ~ ~,~) ~ 'flIT ad cost-effectiveness. Cf)T(UT ~ ~ ~-~ mrif cfi" ~ Cfll ~ cfi ~ ~"(Cfi1'~ am Solar T.V. Set CfllT~~~~ ~? *4-51-A. SHRI M. V. CHANDRASHE- KARA MURTHY : ,~ licm;rq- if ~ QT ("l( q"'rif;a SRRI P. M. SAYEED: q!ficilGII) (Cfi) ij- (if). ~~ Will the PRIME MINISTER be plea- sed to state: ~~rtT~~t~~ ~~q'(~~~~ (a) whether a. new Solar T.V. set has been developed 1Jl a foreign country; tmr q'( '(W ~ ~ Written Answe1's DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written Ans·wers

p~,.. m lU.InnJr ••JJng outside (b) if so, the steps taken or.proposed to Capitalists to vaeate be ta1cen by Government to l1l1prove the statUs of the Researchers and what status .454. SHRI M. V. CHA."'lDRASHE- the Researchers will have in the rural KARA MURTIIY : television network ? SHRI P. M. SAYEED : TIlE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- MATI INDIRA GAl"-OHI> : (a) There Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS is no ambiguity in the status of research be pleased to state : pcnonnel of ISRO. (a> whether it js a fact that a large (b) Does not arise. number of posters were painted on the walls in Jammu and Kashmir State with slogans urging the outside capitalists to vacate Kashmjr ; Joint Veatare with Haapry (b) if so, whether any foreign hand has .456. SHRI CHINTAMANI PANI· been there in these cases ; GRAHl: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : (c) ifso, whether it has also been found that anti-social elements are very active (a) whether India and Hungary have in the State ; launChed a joint venture and floated common tenders for setting up pump (d) if so, what steps are being taken stations in Iraq; and by the Union Government to check these c!ements seriously ; and (b) if so, the total cost of the project and terms and conditions settled between (e) whether any report has been asked the two countries ? from the State Government in this re- ngd? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA): (a> & (b). THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS It is learnt that Arvind Construction Co. (SHRI ZAIL SINGH): (a) According (P) Ltd., a private sector Indian Co. has to information available, in the last few submitted a tender on 3 I -,-80 under a weeks, some posters and wall-writings consortium agreement with MIs. Ganz containing slogans to this effect were noticed Mavag of Hungary as the leader for the in some areas of Srinagar city and Sopore construction of pumping stations in Iraq town in Baramulla district. under the Kirkuk Adhaim Irrigation Pro- ject. It is reported that the estimated cost (b) No evidence of a foreign hand of the project is about Rs. 88· 00 crores. behind this activity has so far come to A decision on the tender is pending with light. the Iraqi authorities. (c) to (e). The Government have no information to suggest that anti-social elements have become unduly active in Defective Prototypes In B.EL. the State. Following the recent stringent .457. SHRI BHIKHU RAM JAIN :- action taken by the State Government Will the Minister of DEFENCE be plea- against pro-Pak and anti-national elements sed to state : including the enactment of the J. & K. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, IgBo (a) whether his attention has been prejudicial activities of these elements have drawn to a news item which appeared in considerably declined. the Times oflnclia dated the 24 November, I gSo under the heading "Defective pro- The Central Government and the State totype cost BEL heavily" to the effect that Government are vigilant in the matter. it could have avoided a loss of Rs. 17· Gg. lakhs if it had properly tested the proto- types before manufacturing sophisticated Status of Researchers In ISRO communications equipment on a commer- cial scale; .455. SHRI LAKSHMAN MALLICK: (b) if so, whether responsibility for the Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased loss has been fixed ; and to state: (c) the actiOJl taken against the persons (a) whether Government are aware found responsible for the lapse ? that the Researchers working in the re- search cells of Indian Space Research THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- Organisation have ambiguous and less MATI INDIRA GANDHI) : Yes,. defined status ; and Sir. Written AnswETs AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SJlI{A) Written AnstDers

(b) & (c). In the absence of any proof (b) by what time a unit is likely to be of rlegligence on the part of the persons started j and cormected with the project, the question of rating action does not arise. (c) ifnot, the reasons therefor ';

Instructions have been issued to all Def'ence Production undertakings to lay THE MIl'."1STER OF STATE IN THE added emphasis on quality control MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI 0" their products. CHARArXJIT CHANANA) : (a> to (c). A request was received for setting up of HMT watch unit at Chikmanglur (Kar- Visit of RiCh Level Briti.. lacIa.trial nataka) which was examined in consulta- Mi•• ioD tion with HMT. At present HMT have on hand the establishment of their two- ....5 8. SHaI S.M. KRISHNA million watch project at Tumkur and Will the Minister of INDUS TRY be expansion of Srinagar watch factory and pleased to state : the establishment of 14 an~illary wat~ assembly Wlits all over IndIa. The dis-

(c) if so, the outcome of the talks held BODII8 to Employees of Goverameat aDd the prospects of en~ering into some Medical Store Depot, Madras bilateral arrangements ? 4132. SHRI K.B.S. MANI : Wi'} the Minister of LABOUR be pleast'd THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE to state: MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA): (a) Yes, (a) whether Government Medical Store Sir. A Mission of Senior British. Depot Workers' Union, Madras has industrialists, led by the Right Honourable recently informed the Regional Labo1.!r the Earl of Limerick, Chairman of the Bri- Commissioner, Madras, that they have tish Overseas Trade Board, visited Delhi failed to persuade their Department for during the period from ~4th to 28th Novem- ber, rgSa. the payment of bonus to the Depot wor- kers ,• (b) Yes, Sir. (b) if so, what action has been taken by the Regional Labour Commissior.er and (c) Discussions centred around --ex- the details thereof; and pansion of Indo-British trade, economic and industrial cooperation in the fields of (c) whether the employees of Govern- coal, power, steel etc. and Indo-British collaboration for joint ventures in third ment Medical Store Depot, Madras are countries. The discussions were of a eligible at least for the productivity-linked bonus like other Central Governmen t general and exploratory nature. It ~ employees? recognised that scope existed for expanding Indo-British economic participation and collaboration with a view to subserve the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE interests of both the countries utilising MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMA TJ their respective capabilities and capaci- RAM DULARI SINHA): (a) Yes, Sir. ties. (b) Payment of Bonus, Act, 1965 is Setting up of H.M.T. Uait ia not applicable to the employees of Govern- ChikmaDclllr ment Medical Store Depot, Madras by virtue of Section 32 (iv) thereof. TIlt" -459· SHRI D.M. PUTTE GOWDA: Union approached the Regional Lab our Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be Commissioner (Central) for intervent ion pleased to state : demanding payment of 15 days wage s as production bonus for 19']8, 1978-79 and (a) whetherr there is a great demand 1979-80. During the proceedings hel d jn from the constituents of Chikmanglur to the presence of Assistant Labour Com mil!- start an H.M.T. watch unit in the area sioner (Central), Madras, the manage- which is economically a viable place ; ment stated that they could not take a 3aGe LS-2 3S Written Answers DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written AnBtoers 36 decision at locallevrl and that the Direc- ~ ~ ~ 225 torate General Health Services, New Delhi \iunC;Cq,.j had called for particulan connected with ~~~~~I1t.rr~ production-linked bonus. lift ~, m ~ ~ \3Ut~ltc" whether the Governmeot have re- ceived any representation dated 31St May, (v) lIR ~, ffi' ~ ~ if 1980 from residents of Kirkee Cantonment, iQ~f~d ~ W. ~ 32 \3Ut~ltc,,(f Pune (Maharashtra) requesting Govern- ment to modify the Cantonment Land ifi)~~lif'Rl~~ ~ Policy ; ~;r ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiRUTt; (b) if so, what are their demands in details; and (tJ') ~ ~-~ (~ m-< r-' (c) what decision Government have ~~) " ~, 1980 proposed to take ? it smmvr ~ fmt ~ tJ~ 32 0lI fiffllfl THE MINIS1 ER OF STATE IN THE ~ ~ ctt~~~ft;rQ:~ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI smv- RI\)' v. PATIL) :

the statement made by the Chin Minister il;~'«f~~it~ ~ of Tamil Nadu. The reaction of the ~ ~ ~ Government to the ttported stat( n:~nt mea- SJlflVT '«f 6 will be laid on the Table of the House on vfiAi ~ W) IItt ~ I ~ receipt of a reply from the Statf GO\'un- m ment. lif 32 I3Ut')i(cu the names of the ethnic groups and sub-nationalit:es in India at present: ~ ('q) SIlif if(f (b) Whether they are regional or linguis. tic; Declaradon of parts of States as Disturbed Areas by Ceutre (c) the names of the ethnic groups and sub-nationalities and their languages 4135. PROF. MADHUDM"DAVATE: recognised as the medium of instruction in Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS the education; and be pleased to state : (d) whether there is any proposal or (a> whether the attention of Govern- schemes to develop tribal languages in this ment has been drawn to the views ex- regard and if so, the facts in details? pressed by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu that the Centre should not assume powers to declare parts of States as distur- MINISTER OF STATE IN THE bed areas since that would mean encroach- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ment on the jurisdiction of the States; YOGENDRA MAKWANA)

Language State School

1 • Angami Nagaland Middle '2. Ao . . Nagaland Middle 3· Bodhi J&K Primary 4· Bode Assam Primary 5· Chakhasang (Chikri & Kheza) Nagaland Middle 6. Chang Naga Nagaland Middle 7· Hmar ~anipur Primary 8. Gara Meghalaya Primary 9· Ho Bihar Primary 10. Khasi Meghalaya Middle Written Answer' DECEMISEIt 17, 1930

La-:gu&Je State School

II. Konayak . Naplaad Middle HI. Kheimnunger Nagaland Middle I 13· Kuki ,. . Manipur, Nagaland Middle If· Lotha · Na,aland Middle 15· Luabai/Mizo Mizotam Middle 16. Nicobarese · Andaman at Nicbar Islands Middle I,. Mundari Bihar Primary 18. Oraon/KlU'\Jkh Bihar, M.P. Primary , : 19· Pawi 'Mizoram Priawy ( ..,.. I I ~. Phom: NagalaRd Middle I SUo Rengma Na,aland Middle

22. S:1dri/Sadm i Bihar Primary 23· Sangtam Naplu.d Middle Sl4-. Santali Bihar, W. Bengal Primary 25· Serna · Nagaland Middle 26. Yeimchunger Na,aland Middle Sl1· fleliang . Nagaland Middle Sl8. Loi Unclassified Primary Sl9· Lakher Unclassified Primary

The Central Institute of Indian Langua- of State language. The Institute rollowing ges hu worked on rorty tribal and other this mood has .prepared school primen : in Minor languages and has developed Alp- the following languages. habet for the unwritten languages and has Ltmguag' State Class standardized the alphabet and sepelling" in the case of newly written languages.· Kokbaruk TriplJra I & II In these languages the Institute prepares Bodo Assam I a phonetic reader. a grammar and a dictio- nary and m.truction materials for primary Mising Assam 1& n schools and adult education programmes. 16langua~ • Nagaland I In some cases, folk literature has been collected, transcibed in the script suggested 14 languages • Mampur I and translated. Mizo Mizoram I

(d) The Central Institute of Indian slanguages • J&K I Languages, Mysore, has developed a biling- Kivi Orissa I&Il ual education programme for the apeaken of tribal languages in which the initi;i' Oriya • Orissa I education is imparted in the tribal language Saora • Orissa I and then the learners are graduaDy and II)'Itemn tically tranlf'erred to the medium Abujhmf"dia • M.P. I 41 Written Answer, AGRAHAYANA 2', 1102 (SAKA) WTitten AnRtOer.

The IDltitute baa prepared adult litera- under the Provident Fund Regulations &ad that evolved the Finance Miniltry cy primers in larlt a~d States as by ares under the Income-tax reculations j and liveD below I (d) if 10, what steps, if any, Govern- Mampuri Manipur Rlmt proposed to take to protect the in- · terest of members flsum exempted Provi- Sar.a · Napiand dent Fund trusts ? KOllyak Napland THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE Ao Naplaad MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMATl RAM DULARI SINHA> I (a> and (b). Angami Napland The Relional Providmt Fund Commisaio- Ber, Punjab has reported receipt 0( iofor- Lotha N~d Mation about one case of withdrawal of recorni tion by the Commissioner of In- Mising Assam come Tax, Rohtalt. This relates to the Provident Fund of M/_ Atlas Cycle Bodo Aaam I Ddustries, Sooepat. This establishment · is covered by the Employees' Provident Karvi Assam Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act · but some employees have been exempted Apatani .Arunachal unet.r para 21 of the Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952. Node · ArUIULcllal MilhlBi Arunachal (c) There is sHlht difference between the pattern of investment prescribed by Bhutia • Sikkim the Government of India, Ministry or Labour, interms of parasraph 5::1 of the Mizo Mizoram Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952, and that specified by the Wa~di • Rajasthan Government of India under para 67 · of the Income Tax R.ules, 196::1. Balbi M.P. · (d) The lIlaUer is under exa~ination. Mundari Bihar

Kuvi Orissa · Appli_d_ .f ...... trial La.. For the development of literature, ia CSIlt Govenunent lives auistance throu,h the Scheme of AssistaDce to voluntary Or.. 413R. SHRI E. BALANANDAN : Will ganisation.' workinl' OD Indian lan~. the Mi.ister of LABOUR be pleased to The CeIltral Institute of Indian Langua- state : ges publisbe. folk literature collected in various tribal langu.... whether Government have accep- ted the Supreme Court judgement in "Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Threat to Derecopitie. of ezem.pted Board Y"sus a Rajapa & others" deli- P. F. Traat. vered in February, 1979 laying down the definition of "Industry" for the purpose 4 137. SHRI N. E. HORO: Will the of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 ; and Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state : (b> if so, the steps taken by Govern- ment to implement the :provisions of Labour Ca) whether the Central Provident and Industrial Laws· In the Council or Fund Commissioner, New Delhi has recei- Scientific and Industrial Research Na- ved any complaints through the Regional tional Laboratories set up under it and in Provident Fund Commi! sioner, Chandi- other such Research Organisations ? ,arh about the threatened derecognition of certain exempted Provident Fund trusts ef certain Industries in the Sonepat THE DEPU1Y MINISTER IN TIlE Region of Haryana at the hands of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI P. Income-tax Commissioner, Rohtak; VEl\KATA REDDY): (a) and (b). The law operates accordinl to the case lawes- (b) ifso, the details thereof; tablished by court jud~ents. It is for the parties concerned who are benefited (c) whether there exists certain diffe- by the case law, to avail of the provi- rences in the investment patterns evolvrd sions of the Industrial Disputes Act, '947, separately both by the Labour Ministry for the seulemt'.Ilt gf disputes. 43 Written Answer. DECEMBER I? 1980 Written Answers

Pl'OIIIotioa of IPS Cadre OfIicen fa (d) what action has been taken 01 is T.mn Nada to LG. aDd AdcUdoaal proposed to be taken Cor its full utilisation LG. of PoUce of each year and under each head ? ~139. SHRI N. DENNIS: Will the Mmister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE to state : MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDER MAKWA..~A): compared to RI. 5i,14,104 in 1975-']6 R.I. The Government of Tamil Nadu have 62,91,559 in 1976-77, Rs. 22,26,609 in reported that there are 8 officen bome 1977-78 and Rs. 30,08,74-0 in 1978-79. on the Indian Police Service Cadre serv- ing in Tamil Nadu who are holding the (d) Every endeavour is made to ensure posts in the rank of Inspector General or that the amounts provided in the budget under the various heads are fully utilised. Police. In additif'n to these, I officer is holding an ex.-cadre post of Director Gene- ral of Police, a post recently created by the State Government above the rank of Inspector General of Police. It has also aM,", hT if 't~ j~ "') ~ been mentioned by the State Govt. that there are 6 IPS officers who arc holding ~;n poIts in the rank of addl. Inspector ~ neral of Police in the State. 4141.~' ~ f~ "'iR: (b) The Government of Tamil Nadu cm' 'Q1T ~ ~ ~ have sought the concurrence of the Govt. 1kit iRrR cA of India with reference to temporary f4;: addition of the posts of Director General of Police and two more Inspector General or Pollee to the Indian Police Service (Cfl) iflIT ~ ihr'1' m ~ Cadre of the State. The matter is under ~ ~ cA ~~ ~r \J;r~ consideration of the Government of Indi.. It is not D~ for the State ~ ~ it • ~~ a"CN)q Government to consult the Government of India in matters relating to promo- ;p{ ~ ~; tions and appointments of IPS officers in the State Cadre. (v) iflIT a"~ ~ 4d'ffli"1l 51fT tm;r ~ ~ ~ \J~ ~;ff NOD-atlU.. dOD of Buclpt AUoc:atioD. ;J aft";f ~ ~ t "'( lift ~, auule to Dadra aDd NapI' HaveD tit ~ ;qlu iRT t; ~

4 140. SHRI UTrAMBHAI H. PATEL: (~) lIN \l1lT (CIi) ~ (.) Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state • ifiT ~ fiftCWI

concessions given by the Government to ~fiAff ~ ~ flfl(ffhd ~ ~ t I the ex-servicemen. There is no proposal ~ ~ U r C:: under the consideration of the Govern- ,,9itf.,Cfi if 1ft Cfii11 i ment at present to modyfy the existing ita 10 sffi1lRr tRT ~ ~ ~­ definition of ex-servicemen so as to exclude ex-servicemen who have put in less than ~~;fa~~ ~ ~ I 15 yean of service in the Armed Forces. ~ ~~, ~ ~{~ m;r ~ n- ci' ~ it V'1' '~' AJIotmeDt of Ferdie LaDd of Pakpai Villace to Pukpai Brigade ~n''f'it..:I ~.~:~ ili'1'.... ':. 4143. DR. R. ROTHUAMA : Will ~: 141 ~ ~ 241 srf~ the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be f1fAl ~ ~ fct;ln fI'lrT t I pleued to state : fcrt1nr ~~ ~ ~ 1ft qif it (a) whether he is aware of the fact that vast tract of fertile land belonging to 'L~ ~ ci" ~ fW ~ Pukpui village have been allotted to fcf;1rr&t~~ .. ~ Pukpui Brigade (Army) for their head- ~ ~ quarters by the Mizoram State Govern- ~ 'il(~ q-{ ~ ~ ment, causing deprivation of the local ti tRT people and the surrounding villagers ~;i~it~ ~~ facilities to collect their daily domestic requirements, drinking water etc; ~~~~f~~ (b) if so, the remedial action taken or it~1ft'~~tl proposed to be taken by Central Govern- ment to compensate for this acquisition of their lands j and 2. ~ ~ 1f ~T" (c) if not, whether any steps are pro- ~~~fqw~~1 ~ posed to restore the lands to the villagers? ~ it m- ~;fa ~ ~­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~ ~ ~ ~ 125 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ffiT it (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : (a> to (c). Government of Mizoram have in- ~ lim aifi ~ 'iR:C\ '"' to MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI (c). Boundvy disputes between the fol- SHIVRAJ V. PATIL) : Ca) to (c) Armed lowing States involving territorial cJaim.s1 Forces personnel who seek release at their counter-claims are pending : own. r~uest before completing 5 years (i) Maharashtra and Kama taka ICrV1ce m the Armed Forces of the Union are not eligible for the various benefits and (ii) Karnataka and Kerala ; 47 Written Answers DECE1fBER 17, 1980 Written AnstcE:TS 4

(iii) Assam and Nagaland; and mod~l has been undertaken by GEL with ~ the assistance abo of the IndIan Institute (iv) PWljab, H:vyana and lH~m:\- of Technology, Delhi and the Bhahha chal Prads. • Atomic Research Centre, Bombay. The saleahle model is neanne completion. rrh:se disputes can b: resolved OAly with th~ wllling cooperation of the State Govermn 'It ts concerned and toward~ This is a continuing project which is this end th: C:ntral Govemm"!Jlt will be meant to !encourage advancrd rnearch glad to extend all auistance to the State and):levelopmmt work in the frontier area Govemm~ts. of elcctron optics. Efforts are now in pro- grell to d'!Yelop more advancr.d teclmolo- Pes and accessories of SEM for different applications. 8pouorlal of SCIIIIIIiq Electroa MlcrollCope Project with CSlO, ClaaacUprla Filu.. of Group ,C' aad 'D' P05t. 4146. SHRI SUSHIL BHATIA- ill AIulam_ aacl Nicobar Adml- CHARYA: Will the ?dinister of ai.tratio. SCIENCE AND TECHSOLOGY be pleased to state : 4147. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAK- TA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS Ca) whether thl" Department of Sciroce be pleased to state : and Technology (DS1:) has sponsored a Scanninlf Electron Microecope (SEM) (a) whether the Home Ministry have proj~ct jointly with tIle Central Scientific issued directives to Andaman and Nico- Instrwn~ts Organisation, Chan~igarh bar Administration that group 'C' and 'D' and some other Re!learch Instit;ltes; posts in various departments in the Islands and should be filled in by local candidates and recruitment of non-locals should be restored (b) if so, when this projl"ct was spon- to only when qualified local candidates sored and when it is to be compkteu and are not available; what is its latest position? (b) if so, the r.2mes of the officesJ departments which have not yet imple- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE mented the above directives ; DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS (SHRI C.P.N. SINGH) : (a) Yes, Sir. (c) the number of non-locals appointed in the Education and Fisheries Depart- {b) A joint project to desip and de- ments in the recent past ignoring the claim velop the prototype of a Scannmg Electron of qualified local candirlates who fulfilled MicrOlCope (SEM) and to carry out rt'- all the req uisite qualifications ; ar_d search in associated advanced te('.hnol~ was drawn up by the Cr-nt"al Seicotific (d) what steps Goverr.ment propose to Instruments Organisation (CSIO). take to ensure that qualified local car.di- C!1andiph, the National Physical La- dates are given appointment? boratorry (NPL), New Delhi, the Cen- tral Electronics Engineering Research Institute (GEERI), Pilani and the Banaras THE Ml~"1S1F.R OF STAlE INTPlE Hindu University (BHU), and was ap- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI proved on 11-a--']6. The Central YOGENDRA MAKWANA) (a) to (d). Electronics Limitr-d (GEL), Sahibabad, According to existing instructions of the a production agency, was as.~ociatcd with Ministry of Home Affairs, non locals the project fight from the start . cannot be appointed on a regular basis against group C and D posts by the Anda- The in!ltitutions m~ntioned above have man and Nicobar Administration, without successfuJly developed the different sub- obtaining the specific approval ofthe Minis- ~y .. terns allotted to them and which were try. Non-locals can, however, be appoin- in their areas of expertise. ThC5e sub- ted on a purely ad hot; basis, against such. !ystem! were finally inteRrated at CSIO posts, when qualified local candidates to make up th~ first prototype of the SEM. are not available. These instructions are 1 he ~t pictures on this completely in- followed by all offices and departments tegrated system were demonstrated to of the Andaman "and Nicobar Administra- the m~mbers of the Coordination Com- tion who have reported that there have mittee at Chandigarh on 5th April. 1978. been nO violations of the existing instruc- tions with regard to appointments made Based on this accomplishmrn t, the in the Education and Fisheries Depart- e~ineering development _of a saleable ments. 49 Written AnsweTs AGRAHAYANA 21, 1902 (SAKA). Written AnstDer.; SI)

Repr.... adoa froID AU JadJa Caatoa- Salt .ates meat Board Employees t 4.49. SHRI CHHITTUBHAL GA- 4148. SHRI B.*J»US.~HEB P ARU- MIT: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY I.E KA R : Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state : be pleased to state : Ca) what are the details regarding the (a> whether it is a fact that Director prevailing rates of salt ia each State per Gener al Defence Lands and Cantonments quintal; Minis try of Defence, New Delhi has re- ceived a representation in the month (b) the details reprding the quantity of July IgSo, Crom All India CantOJUDeJlt of salt exported to various countries from Board Employees Federation Ambala various States durin, the last three years; Cantt. with regard to extension of pen- sionary bendits to ex-Cantonment Board (c) whether Government have received employees ; any complaints for Don-supply of sufficient Railway wqons for stock (b) what is the exact demand in the movemellt of salt; aad represe ntation ; and (d) if so, the reaction of Government (c) what action has been taken thereto?J on the said demand by GO'Yernment with reasons there for "I THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) (a> The THE MINISl ER OF STATE IN THE Central Government exercise no direct MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SmU control over retail prices of salt. Accordin- SHIVRAj V. PATIL) (a) Yes, Sir. gly, a statement ,ivin, retail prices ofsalt per Kilogram on the basis of reports recei- (b) The pension benefits which have been ved from State GoverJI.eats is at Annexure made applicable to employees of Canton- I. ment Boards from 1-5-1976 should be given retrospective ell"eet so as to be appli- (b) A Statement is attached at Annex- cable to employees who had retired after ure II. 1-4-1972 and were willing to surrender Contributory Provident Fund and bonus (e) & Cd) Wagon' are made available in favour of pension and gratuity. accordinC to need to ensure movement of over-all requirements of salt, When- (c) The decision to extend this r.ew ever complaints about shortage of salt in facility was taken in the year 1976. On any State are received, such complaints administrative and financial considera- are looked into aad wagons allotted OD tions it is not possible to give it retro- a priority basis for movement of salt to pective effect. that area.

Statemeat Retail prices of salt in uarious States per leil.".", durin, October, 1980 (er lCest ;rice aoail.III,)

SI. State and City (in Paise per Kg.) No

1 Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)

!;t Andaman Nicobar . Minimum 40 Maximum 50 (during Sept. IgSo) g Assam (Cuhati) 58 (duriBg Sept. 1980)

4 Bihar (Patna) Minimum 40 Maximum 10

e .J Delhi 40 (during Sept. 1980)

~ Goa, Daman & Diu 35 (during Sept. IgSo) 7 Gujarat (Ahmedabad) 30 t, Written AnI1DeTS DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written Answers

SI. No. State and City (in Paice per Kg.. )

8 Haryana (Ambala) • Minimum 45 (durinc Sept. 1980) Maximum SO 9 Himachal Pradesh (Kan,ra) • Minimum 311 (during JUIIC, 1980) Maximum 37 10 Karnataka (Kolar) • • Minimum Maximum

II Madhya Pradesh (Bhopal) • Minimum 30 Maximum 35

II Maharashtra (Duldana) Minimum 35 (durinp Sept. 1980) Maximum 40 15 Manipur (Imphal) 100

14 Mqhalaya (Shillong) • Minimum 80 Maximum go 15 Mizoram (Aizwal) • Minimum 75 Maximum 1115 16 Napland (Dimapur) 80 (during Aug., 1980) 17 Or.. (Cuttack) Minimum Maximum 18 Punjab (Amritsar) 19 Rajasthan (Jaipur) Minimum Maximum

$10 Sikkim (Gangtok)

IU Tamil Nadu (Madras) 35 III Tripura (Alartala) Minimwn 44 Maximum 95 113 Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow) Minimum Maximum

114 Wes1 Be .• gal (Calcutta) Minimum Maximum

55 Written AnS1De,.s DECEMBER 1'1. 1980 Written Answe1"s

D.c•• ce Serylce Ualver.lty THE MIl\1:S1ER OFSTA1EIN THE MI1\'1STRY OF HOME AFFAIRS 4150. SHRI R.R. BHOLE : Will the (SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH) (a> Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to Yes, Sir. stale: (b) & (c). Different pay scales for postsl Ca> w'lv:ther it is a fact that the question grades in the All India Services, r t.mely of lettin, up leparate Defence Services the Indian Administrative So"ice, the Univeniry wa!l under examination of the Indian Police Sttvice ar.d the Indian Ministry of Defence in c()nsuitation with Forest Service have been prescribed M:Distry of Educalion in 1972 ; keeping in "iew of the nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the (b) if 50, whether any decision has been posts/grades in the respecti"e Services. taken io the matter;

(c) whether a C')mmittee ofRis Ministry K ....- ..ow lor Maa.... chlriac Coloar also examined this proposal j T.V.

Cd) ifn, tll"~ c nclu,iom of this C')mmi- 'P52. SHRI MARl KRISHNA ttee ; and SHASTRI: \\'ill the PRIME MINISl ER be pleased to statl'! : (e) wh~lh~r the 'll~"tion is likely to be re-examinerl for a final decision in the light (a) whether Government holds th(" vicw of the present situation? that know-how for manufacturir:g colour T.V. sets exists adequately in India;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, , ...·hat arraneement Gov«>rn- MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI ment propose to mahe the know-how SHIVRt\J V. PATIL) (a) : to (d). A avai JabJt' t () small scale T.V. manufact urn!.; proposal for settin, up a Defence Uni\,er- and sity was under consideration of this l\linis- try between December, 1967 and 1\.farch, (c) if not, what action GO\'«>mnwnt 1968 when it was decided to drop this propose to take to make such kn ow-how propo,al anrl instead seek affiliation of available in India? certain Defence Training Institutions with the JawaharIal Nehru University. THE MIXISTER OF STATE IX THE Accordin,ly, the National Defence Aca- DEP.~RTME:\,TS OF SCIENCE AKD demy and the Army Cadet CoHe,e were TECH?\OLOGY AND ELECTRO- aflliiated to the Jawaharlal Nehru Univer- NICS (5iHRI C. P. N. SIKGH) : sity for award of B.A./B.Sc. degrt'e with (a) The know-how developed l:y Cent- effect from Septen:a ber. 1973 and Octobt''r, ral Electronics Enginetti:r. g R("~t.rch 197+, respectiveh'. Institute (('F~ERI), Pilani for mH ufr.f:uJ'(~ of colour TV st"t is yet to be ("valuated by (c) Army Headquarters have constituted the Government. a Study Group to re-examine the need fol' establishment of a Defence University (b) Does not arise. or any other similar Institution. The C )'n n;ttee is eXl.:n:ning this is!lue. (c) ~uitable steps would l:e initiated in this dirt"ction if and wht'n tl.e Govern- ment decides to introduce colour 1 V broadcasting in the COl ntry. Dl.parity ill Pay Scale. of hadiaa For•• t Service Penonnel EseDlptioD to LiceD8ed dealers aad Liceacee. from Sec. 7 of Ann. Act 4151. PROF. ~TIT KUM:4..RMEHT"; I \Vill the Mini~ter 01 HO~lE .~FFAIRS be p!t':l"ed to !tate' 4153. SHRI KESHAVRAO PARDHI: ''''ill the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS (a) whether the Inrlian Forest Service be pleased to state : comes under the category of All India (a) wheather the Central GO\,eTrment Services like lAS and IPS: have recently exempted the lic("merl dea- lers and other licer.cees possessir.g ar..y (b) if P, ~:·~'!ther any disparity exists multiple projectile ammunition hayjr.g in the time and pay scales of personnd dimension of 5 m.m. Or more fre·m the of the Indian Forest Service and that of operation of Section 7 of the AI ms Act, personnel of abo\'e-mentioned Services; 1959 ; and (b) whether the concn-ned licnaes wer (c) if so, the reasons thereof and the required to dt"Clare the stock of the prohi- steps Government proposed to take to bited ammunition and convert them into remove the anomaly? nl' m her cartridges; 57 Written Answer, AGRAHAYANA 2G, 1902 (SAKA) Writ.en ARSWeTS (c) the circumstances which waranted functioninc under the Directorate of Pr0- such an action by Govermnent i duction Centres, Ettumanur and are producing printed tin containers atld (d) the quantity and cost of L.G. car- stainlf'SS steel utensils rt'"S}>(,ctivdy. tridges lying on the ports; and (b) . Since E. C. .~ttingal is already (e) the manner in which and agencies working as Prooucti{lll Crntre its con\"rr- i . e. ordnance factories or otherwise, through sion into a Production Centre does not which such convenion into number cartrId- arise. ges is to be eft'ected as per notification of the Government '1' Rotatloa of Grade III Office" or lacU.. Stad.dcal Senrice THE MINISTER OF STATE ll\' THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI '!lS5. DR. A. U. AeMI : Will the YOGESDR..~ MAKWANA) (a). Yes Minister of HOM~ .~FFAIRS be plta!1rd Sir, for a period of one year from the 23rcl to state : June, 1980. (b) Yes, Sir. (a) . whether Oflicers of the Indian Statistical Service Grack III ar(' liablr. to be rotaterl after stay for a certain numbl'f (c) The exemption was granted to or years in one Ministry/Department; give the dealers time to get their stocks converted into number cartridges. (b) if so, what is the normal tt'J1urf'. ifany, laid down for H(hst~ )'jJ~ ou' Minis- (d) Custom'! authorities would be aware try and at one seat; of only those cases of imports of L.G. cartridges in respect of which the Customs clearance documents have been filed with (c) the number of such offifers who them. Reports received from the Collec- have been continuously working in the tors of Customs indicate that there are no Ministry of Health and Family Welfare consignments of L.G. cartridges lying at for the last about 10 ytars or ward til(" any other ports excepts at Bombay. 1686 reasons for their continurd stay therr; packages ohuch L.G. cartridges ofthe total . value of Rs. 6,26,742/- confiscated by (d) whether Governmt"nt propose to· C-l<;to.n~ for unauthorised importation are consider that interests of publjc f.Clvic(: lying at Bombay Port as on 1 st December, will not only be better scrwd jf thne effi- 1980. cers on promotion to Grade II are trans- ferred to some' other Ministries (e) Th~ q u~stion of conversion of pro- instead of being allowed to continue in hibited amm Inition into number car- their present offices but it wilJ }Ie)p theil- tridges by the Ordnance Factories is proper career development ; and und~ consid~ration. (e) ifnot, the reasons thcref('r '1'

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Esteauoa Centres iD Keraia ~nNISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI P. VEXKATASUBBAIAH) (a) 4154. SHRI A.A. RAHIM: Will & (b) . No fixed tenure has been prescri- the Minister of INDUSTRY be plea~ed bed for rotation of Grade III~ofllcers of the tostate: Indian Statistical Service. Howe"er, it is the policy of the Government to rotate (a) how many extension centres arc pro- the officers who have stayed in an office for duction centres in Kerala ; and mOre than five years, as far as possible, from one Ministry/Department to another, so as to diversify their knowledge and to (b) whether there is any proposal give them experience in various fields. under consideration to develop Allirigal (Kerala) extension centre into production centre '1' (c) to (e). In the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare three Grade 111 155 officers have remained for more than 10 TIm ilMINISTER OF STATE IN THE years. All the three officers have been MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI approved for promotion to Grade II of the CHARANjIT· CHANANA): (a) Out Service. One of them is under orders of of total of 5 extension centres at Shoranpur, transfer on promotion to another Depart- AlJeppey, Calicut, Muvattupuzha and ment. Efforts are being made to post the Attingal in Kerala, the two extension centres remaining two officers in available vacan- at Muvattupuzha and Attingal are cies elsc:where. S9 Written Answer. DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written Answer, 60

MIaorItI- CommI...... '. Recom.- (b) ifso, whether any deci.ioa has been mMd-dOD 101" c.mpea.adoa to taken in this regard , VlctJma of Commaaal JUou THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1.156. SHRI G. M. BA.'lATWALLA: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI WIll the Minister of HOME AFFIRS SHIVAjI V. PATIL): {GO: Will the 'Minister of PLMTNING be Cc) Government's decision thereon? pleased to state : (a) whether his Ministry have rfceived I~ TIlE MINSTER OF STATE THE proposals for the Badanala Medium MINSTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Irrigation Project in Orissa from the Minis- YOGENDRA MAKWANA): (a) Yes, Sir. try of Irrigation ; (b) The Minorities Commissilln have (b) if so, whether that project has .been recommended that adequate monetary consirlered by the Advisory Committee of assistance should be given to the victims the Planning Commission ; and of communal riots to enable them to re- build their houses/shops burnt or looted (c) ifnot yet, does his Ministry propcse to during the riots, and to the victims who are expedite the matter, sO that the long delayed killed as a result of the injuries during the Barianala Pr~jcct of Orissa which co mes riots. The families of those whose earning tmder Tribal sub-plan area of that State members arc killed should also be given is clearer\ for inclusion in State plan ? adequate monetary assistance to enahl them to maintain themselves and in addi- THE MINISTER OF PLANNING & tion employment should be provided to LABOUR (SHRI NARAYAN DATT one member of each of the affected fam ilies. TI\\'ARI): (a) Yes, Sir. (c) With a view to providing immedi- (b) Yes, Sir. ate relief to the victims of communal riots (c) Does not arise. a scheme is under consideration of th~ Government to speed up the process of rehabilitation of the victims. The Scheme proposes, inter alia, sanction of granh of rr.asonable amounts and arrangements for f~T ~ ~T grant of loan from the nationalised banks elcq(l,a(f "si'tZttl,q" to enable them to start their vocation ~fq'1 afresh. This Scheme which also includes adoption of certain communal roubJe- prone areas by some nationaHsed banks, 4159. qr ~ ~~: CfllT is under consideration of the Government. ~~ lj-Jr ~ ~ ctT iitfT ~ fiti I (.) CflIT ~ ~ ~ zm-- Recraltment rules for JOB Photo ~ CfiT stlG)eltiQ ~ t ft;ru: ~ Lllho Press ~ mt« PT t ; m<: 4 157. SHRI RAM PYARE PANIKA: Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased (~,) ~~, ~ ~ m it to refer to the reply given to part (a) of Unstarred Question No. 9834 on the 10th ~tcm~~? May, 1978, regarding the Recruitment Rules ror theJCB Photo-Litho Press which have been taken and framed on the pattern ~~ Qr~ if mq Q\' (~T q)if;:r -of Government ofIndia Press and state: "."Oil): (Cfi) ;iT ~ I ~~­ (a) wh,~ther the Electricians appointed ~~it ~ qcr-n~ under these Rules have requested to the authorities to upgrade their pay scale at tr;r ~ tl par with the pay lcale. of Electricians of Government ofIndia Press; and (v) ~ ttll ~ , Written Ans1DerS AGRAHAYANA 28, 1902 (SAKA). Written AnStDer...... aid to depeadeat8 of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Es-Servlcemea readiac III Watsoa MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI II.E. Sc:IaooI, Maclhabaal CHARAl'UIT CH.-\..'lANA) : (a) EfForts are being made to improve the working .p60. SHRI BHOGEl~DRA JHA: "'"ill of the Udyog Bhavan Co operative the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased. to Canteen. As such. the question of taking state : over does not arist'.

(a) whether it is a fact that educational (b) and (c) • One person who was over aid for the year 1980 to the dependents of 65 years 'WllS appoint("d as Deputy Manager ex-servicemen reading in \\7atson H.E. on pureJy temporary basis taking into con- School, Madhubani and elsewhere in sideration his vast experience in the can- Bihar has not been paid ; teen management. Department of Per· sonnel have, however. been approach by (b) if so, reasons therefor : the Management to relax the upper age limit as a special case. (c) whether previously existing prac· tice of job reservation tor ex-servicemen (d) and (e) . The' Canteen Management has been done away within Bihar and some have rt"ported th~. no regular appoint. other States for the la,t few years ; ment was made during the months of and August and September 1980. However. 3 persons were taken on purely temporary (d) if so, reasons therefor and whether and ad hoc basis to fill up vacancies of it is proposed to restart the same ? 5w<"epcr, wash boy and salesman occurred due to resignation, l'tc. These appointments THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE were however regularised in November MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI 1980 when their names were sponsored SHIVRAJ V. PATIL): (a) and (b). No by Directorate of Employment. educational aid to the dependents of ex- servicemen reading in \Vatson H.E School, Madhubani, Bihar State, is being Complaint of Rape of a Lady of given by the Central Government. Alipur in Delhi (c) and (d). The Government of Bihar 4162. SHRI RAMJIBHAI B. has abolished the reservation of jobs MAVANI: Will tht' Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: in Class III and IV posts for ex-service- men, since 19i8. Some other States have not made any reservations of posts so far (a) whether any F.l.R. has been filed for ex-servicemen. The Government have at YilIage Alipur of Delhi or else where taken up the matter with the concerned in Delhi/New Delhi regarding alleged State Governments. rape of a Jady of Alipur (Delhi) by one young fellow on the night of 8th September, 1980 ;

Taking over of Udyog BhawllD (b) if so, the details of the said F.I.R. ; Co-operative Canteen (c) the action taken on the same and 4161. SHRIMATI lJSHA VERMA: the outcome thcrf'of; and SHRI MOHD. YUSUF : (d) lhc details of cases filed on the Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be basis of the said Report and arrests of pleased to state : the culprits thereon ?

(a) the reasons for not taking over the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Udyog Bhavan Co-operative Canteen by MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS the Industrial Development Department (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : (a) when it is running under a heavy loss ; Yes, Sir. A case vide FIR No. 270 dated 9-9-1980 u/s 376/506/452 IPC has been (b) whether it is a fact the some persons registered at P.S. Alipur, Delhi on the have been employed in the above canteen complaint of Smt. Kaushalya Devi wlo after attaining the age of 65 years; Late Shri Ghasi Ram rIo Village Alipur, Delhi. (c) if so, the reasons therefor;

(d) whether it is a fact that during (b) Smt. Kaushalya nevi reported that the months of August·September some on the night between 8th/9th September, persons were recruited when they were 1980 while she was sleeping in her room, not sponsored by the Directorate of Em- a .young man aged about 25/30 years ployment but they were sporuoned in son of Khajan Singh entered her room November, IgBo ; and with a knife in his hand and threatened her to keep quit, otherwise he would kill (e) jf 50, the reasons therefor ? her. She was raped by him. When the Written AnsweT' DECEMBER 17, 1980 WTitten AnsweTS

accused was lcaviDl abe raised an alarm, (b) the number of persons injured on on which her IOn, Mool Chand, came account of agitation and on account of to her room and Ihe narrated the incident accidents from 12th January to 11th to him. November, 1g80 j and

(c) The invellisation is in progress. (c) the value of loss of property on ac- Shri Mool Chand hal allqed that he had count of agitation and on account of ac- teen Inder Kumar I/O Khajan Singh cidents 'I leaving the room of his mother jUlt after the incident. The victim has been got mE MIl'c'1S"IER OF STAn IN THE medically examined and the Doctor has MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS opined that me had rot POlt coital injuries. The clothes containins blood ltains and (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA)a Ca) vaginal swab have been examined by the to (c). Information is being collected and Central Forensic Science Laboratory, who will be laid on the Table of the House. detected human semen on the clothes. AccUlcd Inder Kumar is still at large. Hia warrants of UTelt h.&ve been obtained Provi.ion of alOft .eaior POilioOlUl and efforts are being made to arrest him. ia Armed Force.

(d) The case will be filed, on comple- 4165. SHRI K. MALLANNA·: Will tion of the investigation and the arrest of the Minister of DEFENCE be 'pleased the accused. to state : (a) whether it is a fact that the Union D ...... at B_t Cl.b by BariJ_. Government have approved the review of DeW _d U.P. of defence cadre to provide more senior positions in tbe Navy and Air Force; and 4163. SHRI MOTI LAL SINGH: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (b) if so, the details thereof? pleased to state : THE MIl'\'ISTER OF STATE IN 'IlIE

(d) Principal object of this organisa- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tion is propagation oflslam a.r..d disemina- MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMATI tion of Islamic ideas. RAM DULARI SINHA): (a) and (b). The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948, which provides for compulsory iDlurance, is already appli cable to bidi ea.. barred by limitadon In workers (other than home workers), who Employees' ProvideDt Faad are employed in factories and other esta- OrpaIaadon blishments covered under the Act. For Home Workers, the ESI Corporation pro- .p67. SHRI R.P. YADAV : Will the poses to make a sample study in a few Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state: selected areas, with a view to fonnulate a suitable scheme. (a) whether Government are aware that filing of cases beyond one year in the Employees' Provident Fund Organisa- tion has been declared by Circuit Bench SetdDg up of lDdastn... fa Jhabua, of High Court, Ranchi as barred by M.P. limitation j 416g. SHRI DILEEP SINGH BHURIA: Will the Minister or 0b) whether there are contradictory INDUSTRY be pleased to state: j~ents of various High Courts in this regard and several of them have (a) the industries proposed to be set up declared it as a continuing ofFence ; In the backward districts of Madhya Pradesh indicating the places where these are to fe) whether Government propose to be set up; prder an appeal in the Supreme Court against tbe orden of the High Court, (b) whether Government have under Ranchi in the larger interest of the workers; CODIideration any proposal to set up any and indus~ in the Jhabua district also; and so&> LS-!J Written Answer. DECEMBER 1'1, 1980 68

(c) If' 10, the action beiDg taken there- the rates of cinema tickets. At their on? lugestion the Punjab Cinemas (R.cguIa- tion) Act, 1953 as in force in the State THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of Haryana has been extended to Delhi MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI en 211t November, 1980 by a Notifica- CHARANJIT CHANANA): will have the power to amend or alter the rates of 'cinema tickets in. De~hi. I i f 1.... 1 1 1979 IgBo ~.t J J , , (upto 15-11-80) ".-m "r~q f.na ~f1, ~~ ~ Letten ofIntent 15 23 19 fntq; f~q lDduatrial Licences 2 4 9 4171. '1'( '(11nlI'ft'f'{ m~(: iflIT Units registered ~ licft lit ~ ctn" !i'1T ~ fcI; : with D.G.T.D. 53 62 I' (Cfi) iflIT ~ ~ ~ f%" il{1f+f41 Details regarding Industrial Licences ~~~iTU~etm and Letten of Intent issued and industries ~ CflI4Y{14, ~ ~ registered with the D. G. T. D. etc. are fi:rR.I t published in the "Weekly Bulletin of f=lICfl14d ~ ~ vff; q'''~ Import Lincences, Export Licences and Industrial Licences" and in the Monthly News Letter published (v) 4ft ~, m- ~ ilITu by the India Investment Centre, copies of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ which arc available in the Parliament t ctn" m- Library. ~ rm ~1 (b) and (c). MIs. M. P. Agro Morarji Fertilizers Ltd.,Jhabua have been granted ~q li-,~q q~ft '1'~t one letter of Intent for the manufacture of if mlf ( Sulphuric Acid (1,40,000 tonnes), Phos- '(lq ¥,R:t f~): (Cfi) ~ (V). ~ phoric Acid (50,000 tonne!!) and Mono Amonium Phosphate (93,600 tonnes) ~ ~"$f{lS1~, $1{1f441 per annum. ~, ~ if tfRr ~ " CfitlI ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $1{1f+f41 ~ Rate. of Cinema Tickets in Delhi ~~~t:it ~~ 4170. SHRI SUBHASH CHAI\"DRA ~~mq~~~I~ BOSE ALLURI : Will the l\{inister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased ~ ~ ~, 1980 if ~ to state : ~ f.:rm CflI4Y{14, ~, qro (a> w~ther it is a fact that rates of fcrt;Q ~ ~ ~ f=lICfl14d Cinema tickets in Delhi have been increa- iti" if aed several times without the permission ~I of the Delhi Administration since May, 1979 ; 2. ~ i1iT lt~ f=lICfl14d Cb) whether it is also a fact that Govern ~~ \"$~13t ~, ~­ ment to introduce a Bill for regulating 4ri' the rates of cinema tickets in Delhi; and PNr~iti"~cn~ ~ (c) if so, when the Bill is likely to be Cfit iI'CfI11IT -urn ~ ~lI' Aftr it introduced? ifitl'illf(lIl t t4lfl(tIi11 cfi ~ ifiT THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~ ~ t I~ ~ t d'¥lf ~­ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : Ca) ftwrflid' t I to (c). Since May, 1979, there has heeD a steep increase in the rates of cinema 3. ~ ~ ~ arlI' iI'ifN tickets in Dc'hi. The Delhi Adminis- tration did not have any power to regulate ~~~'SIm ~itl ~ Written AnstDeTS AGRAHAYANA 28.1902 (SAKA). Written AftSWeTB

it ~ 30-9-1977 ita ~ .m: 15-6-1975 ~ 31-3-1980 '4141(014 t .~ ita ~ 1976 ~~~ita~~~um ;tt ~ ~ ~ 1065, ~ itft' tJVIiIT ~ 5"iT 9': ~ ~ it ~~ \"g~"l\JI ~ ~ ~ ~ mw ifiT ~ ~ 'iIT ~~1 if 15-6-1975 U ~T~- ~, 1980 ~ ~ rt I ~ ~. 45 ~ ~ ~ m ;ftI it; ~ ~ ~~ it ~ ,r.r "" ~ ~, iI1Ii fc¥ Q'Q1FiI4i 'lfil'- ~ Ftfi:T ~ f~ ~ ~T ~ CfiT ~, qe;rr ~ ~ ij if 141\J1i1 fct;ln vft ~ '{if ~ ~ CfiT ~: ~ f~ qm 4t ~ ~ it; ~clInlCfl "f6Cfl(UI it; ~ am ~ ~ ~ ~ I 15-6-1976 ~ it fm;rr ron- tnrr VIT, ~ ~ 30-9-1977 ~ ~ ~ if; 15-6-1975 ~ 31-3-1980 ~ ~ Cfl44i 1'l1 CfiT ~ i('ifiTlfT -urn CflT 1fiT ~ if; ft;rQ; ~ itl1' ifCfim ~~tp:fT~~~ "(l'fu if; an=t it ~ Cf.4:q If(tt' 20 ~ ~ it ~ lflIT I sr~ if;~CflT~~it~ ~ CifiT 'iftm'A' 1 5-1 0-1 9 7 7 ~, ~) ~lfCtil Cfi) 9;f~ , 1 98 0 tr '1:1 Cf.T mr iiI'AT ~ I C1 «1'9 I ( i('ifiTlfT mw f~~'{, 1 980 ~ ;ft:q ~lI'r ~lI'f CfiT ~ fcflrr tJ7.fr trog \l~ 'IT ~R ~ srCfiR ~ ~ tfCt ~91«1~1· ~ ~ ~ 4/ Itl c= I~ CfiT Cflr;tff ~. qqflffir Afir it iti I· C\ WC11icr tf( Cfl1i ~ciT ~ ctlT i1i ~ ~­ 'ffcr1llf Afu ~ ifli it ~idf(d ~ ~ tf:qyC cf.t ~ q"( '9 +i Ili'l-jj i1 ~ tp:fT '-1T I mr \JI'm t I 6. il{1f+ilU ;:r;n: ~ ~~ 4. 7;i'tiHi ICfl ~ m~, '1Ci1T ~ ~ m\T~~ fct;lrr t fef) ~ iJiT ~ 1 4-3-1 9 7 9 CfiT ~ tf:qra" Gf6flTlIT urn ~ ~ ~S' ~ ~~qtq~~·m~ fmt Cfl4:qlf(41· cr. ~l if; ~ mm Cfi) ~ if; CfiT(Uf ~ 4i14iF"ctd ctT .. ~.~~·~~ ~ fcfim'~~~~it~ fcriN ~Tu t ~ SlGt"adet ~ ~ CfiT ~ if; ft;ro: ~ ~ ~, 1977 ~ ~ ~T ~ ~vi" l!if11 ~ Cfi) ~ tflrT I ~ ~ ;f4 afiT GI"4iTlIl"Ufu ~ Cfiii:qif(41" if ~ ~ ~ III/~ ~-10087 if; 4/1t1«1'11 if; ~ ctT .. ~ ctT I l 79/T:!%o ~ ~o 549, m-fus 23-3- ~ ~ 4t c::m ~ ~ fcp~­ 1980 SlCII"aeiet ~ it P.;Jm lff.:r-co. ~ CfiT ~ ~ \iI'Tli ~ ~ ~, q;ff CfiT ~ ~ ~ mit 15-6- 1980 ~ W: ~ f~T it tt ~ 1976 ~ ~ ~ tn:t 'Ehlfl~d ~ afiT iPfim -urn U ~~ ~di1ifl~1 it ~ CfiT ~-«"U (Cfi4:q I f(41 CfiT ~) Cfi) crrtm Cfi~ I ifal fwl"aYf

~ftflt ~. itfr t~ (c) whether it is a fact that some'" mem- Qm t bers on the delegation were non-Hindi ~ "'" it SifdQ;l;f it; ~ speaking memben; and ~ tf1R'IAit 1h1 eltnfaa m-1fr.ff if (d) if so, the justification for including ~Afu~~~iti them in the delegation ? SI'ftt ~ ~ ~ fiml ~. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE • cit 'Ulr ~ ~ tIft'. ~ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS R"EH;a ~ ~ (SHRI YOGE!\"ORA MAKW.I\.1\iA). ;r eft ;r ... SSJfiAi' Ca> Yes, Sir. The Parliamentary Coni- ~ (il«ftfl41 'lIR ~ ~ mittee on Official Language constituted under the. sec. 4 of the Official Language 1IiT ~) ;l W ~ ~ ~­ Act, 1963 visited various Countries. iR'T 1ri1n I ~, mwrf'f7.IT if1R: (b) As stated in reply to (a> above, ~~;lw~ifa1~ the entire committee went on tour and no apecial delegation was composed for it. ~ frrfit ~, ~ ifit~t For convenience, the Committee is divided ~ ~ ~ff, •• into three sub-Committees and each sub- m Rfi1 Committee visited different countries. ~ ~ Ifit ~ ~ ~ tl Names of the members of the Committee, who went on tour abroad are given in the VI.lt 01 Del.-don 01 CommIttee on statement. OfIidai Language Abroad (c) & (d.). The Com;ruttee has been 4 I 7fl. SHRI PIUS TIRKEY : SHRI BHEEKHABHAI : constituted under Section 4 of the Official Language Act, 1963, according to Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS which there are 30 members in it, 20 from be pleased to state : Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha. Under the said Section the memben of the whether a delegation of Committee Committee are selected by the memben on Official Language visited a number of of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha in foreiJD countries to study how the Indian accordance with the system of proportional miaIIons abroad have been able to imple- representation by means of single trans- ment the Government's policy on the use ferable vote. Thus, the Committee con- of Hindi ; sists of members of all Parties and all regions (b) if so, the composition of the dele- which includes members of non-Hindi ..Uon i Speaking areas•


Name of the Members Country visited

Group 1 I. Shri Chirenji La! Sharma 2. Shri M. Ramgopal Swamy U.S.S.R., West Germany, France, 9. Shri Ranjit Singh Britain, Switzerland, Austria, Egypt 40 Shri A. N. Nadar and Kuwait. 5.' Shri Amar Rai Pradhan 6 Prof. Roop Chand Pal '.' Shri Jai Ram Vanna 8 Prof. K. K. Tiwari 9. Shri Shiv Chandra Jba Grorlp 11 I. Shri Yogcndra Sharma 2. Shri Ganpat Hiratal Bhagat Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, 3. Shri Nathu Ram Mirdha Hongkong, Australia, Indonesia and 4. Shri Ramavatar Shastri Phillippins. f 5.. Shri Nar Singh Makwana 6 Shri K. C. Pandey ::- ,. Dr. Lokesh Chandra 8. Smt. Aziza Imam ______!--_. ------t - ,. 73 Written AM1Det'. AGRAHAYANA .,1902 (SAKA). Written. Answers 74

NameolMemben Country visited


I. Shri Om Mehta 2. Bbagwan Dev 3\ Shri Giridhar Gomango Italy. U.S.A.. Canada, Greece, Kenya. .... Shri Gurudco Gupta Seychelles and Mawitius. 5. ShriJagannath RaoJoshi 6. Shri R. K. Mahalgi ,. Shri G. S. Mishra 8. Shri S. Murugen 9. Shri RamVilas Paswan 10. Shri V. Venka

DriDkiDg Water fadlides in Rajasthan Memorandum from FOMENTO Em- ViDages ployees Union, Margao-Goa

4173. SHRI SATISH AGGAR WAL : 41 74. SHRI KRISHNA ~CHANDRA Will the Minister of PLA..1\;NIN'G be HALDER: Will the IViinistcr of LABOUR pleased to state: be pleased to state :

(a) whether it is a fact that o~:t (a) whether Government have received of 24,000 'illages of Rajasthan drinking a memorandum dated 27 th October, water facilities are available only in 5322 1980 from FOMENTO Employees' Union villages; Margao-Goa j (b) if so, what are their demands and (b) whether it is also a fact that the suggestion.c; ; and Chief Minister of Rajasthan had a detailed discussion with the Deputy Chairman of (c) whether Government have taken the Planning Commission in New Delhi necessary action thereon ? on 17th August, I g80 and emphasised the Commission the urgent need for subs- tantially augmenting financial assistance THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E to the State to provide drinking water to MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMATI these villages; and RAM DULARI SINHA):

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (1f) ~ ~, 61 ~-'Uftr MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI ~ ~r fcfi;f-fCfiOi ~ ~ SHIVRAj V. PATIL): (a) No, Sir. qy m Defence stores are purchased directly from ~~ ? foreign suppliers.

(b) ~nd {c). The foreign supplier has discretion to employ an Indian '!~ Qr~ q ~ Qr (~T agent. The question of the Government 1:{Tif;lr Cfi ) ~T of India taking a decision regarding their q1ticrrcrn) : ( mq-- employmen t or otherwise does not arise. ~ (~;;) m~, 1976 cA' gro s( 1) it tfeiR ~[m ~ ~ 5000 ~T ~ ~ UU Naxalites Killed M'C6' f~,) m~ *t 'Ufu if;" ~a­ m~ ~R ~m if ri cWfCfi 4177. SHRI CHITTA l\{AHATA: fu-"li ~T, f:;r;:rit a-;r CliT Will the lvfinister of HOME AFFAIRS .rom- be pleased to state : ~)1r m-r 6'm ~, SIlt(f ~ ~ I 1978 ~ 1979 ~l ct)' (a) the number of naxalites kll1ed, arrested, jailed or injured by the fqq(fUI4i ~ ~ q-Uan m1t State Governments in the country since January, 1980 to-date, State-wi!e ; and !JiR' 1 980 ctl' ~ W1fr(t cit fqq(f\i14i ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ (b) the step" taken by Government for their family members welfare? ~ fc1llfT \ill ~ ~ ~ qf~ ~'tT ~ it ~ ~ t=riTm I THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA l\fAKWANA) (~) W ~~ it ~ ~ (a) and (b). The information furnished by the Governments of Andhra Pradesh ~~T~ &sam, Bihar, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh' Maharash tra, Tamil N adu, Tripur~ and Uttar Pradesh is given in the attached statement.

Information from the Governments ot' West Bengal, Sikkim and Goa Daman Commission to Agents of Foreign Diu is awaited and will 'be laid SappUers for Purchase of Arma· on the Table of the House. meats and Equipments

4176. SHRI RAjESH KUl\1AR The remaining State Governments and SINGH : Will the Minister of DEFENCE Union Tarritory Administrations have Iae pleased to state : furnished 'NIL' information. 77 Writtet& AMtDet"s AGRAHAYANA 28, 1902 (SAKA) Written Answers 71 Ita___

InfurmQuon relmdinl number of }/(JJ(mitu kiIktI/amsttd/jaiUd/injurtd during tIrI period sinu JfllUlary, IgBO

Name of State Number of naxalites in encounters Steps taken for family welfare Killed Injured Arrested Jailed

Andhra Pradesh • 8 494 66 Cases of helpless families of naxaliles extremists killed/injured are considered on merit for ex.tendins reliet

Assam 4 Bihar 57 47 Kerala 10 !Z.55 Madhya Pradesh 3

Maharashtra 2

Tamil Nadu 10 8 240 !Z40 (including (of whom 3 killed 156 have in bomb since blast) been re- leased on bail) .

. Tripura 7 86 Ex-gratia payment @ Rs. 1000/- to each of the families of the 7 naxalites killed was sanctioned. Agri- cultural, homestead lands and Govl. services are being offered to the family members of the killedl injured naxalites. Uttar Pradeah 8

Implementation of P.F. Act Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 in this regard. Section I (3) (b) of the Emp- loyees 'Provident Funds and Miscellaneous 41 78. SHRI P. RA]GOPAL NAlDU: Provi&iolls Act, 1952, provides, inter alia, Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased that the Act applies to any establishment to state : employing 20 or more persons or class of such establishments which the Central (a) whether in implementing Provident Government may specify by notification. Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act The Supreme Court has held that the num- Government are taking into consideration ber of persons to be consider~d to have the firms in which on any day twenty been employed by an establishment for workers were present in a year ; and the purpose ofthis Act has to be determined by taking into account the generd require- (b) if not, the reasons therefor ? ments of the establishment for its regular work which should also have a commer- THE MINISTER OF STATEINTHE cialnexus with its general financia Icapacity MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMATI andstabiIity. Thisjudgmentofthc Supreme ~ DULARI srr'''i""H.A) (a) and (b). Court has been interpreted difierently No Sir. There are no clear provisions 1Il by the various high Courts. The period the Employees'L Provident Fund, and for which an. establishment should have 79 Written Answer. 80

~mployed 20 or more persollJi for at attract- THE MINISTER OF STATE L~ THE in.'! tJt~ prnvi4ions of the Act is therefo~ MINISTRY OF Il\TJ)USTRY (SHRI not d~finite. A proposal is under cons1· CHARANJIT OHA.~A:.~A) (a) : Yel, deration of Government to amend the Sir. Act luitablY to clarify the position. (b)and(c) . In accordance with the nor- mal practice, in the first instance, the former part-time Chairman of Hindustan Seton, ap of Public. UndertaJdap in Madhya Pradesh Photo Films !\lanufacturing Co. ha.. been requested to give hUt conunents on specific allegatiom. Further courst" of action to be taken will be decided aftrr taking into 417C,. DR. V.\'iA:-lT KU~rAR PAN- account these C01nmt'nt.'\. As rf'f!ards the DIT: Will t'V' MiniW'r ofl~DUSTRY complaints against the Managing 'Director, h,_. pk~,,(:d to state : the all''~ations have been enquired into and not found to be Substantiated. :- (al W\ldll(~r G ,v("rnJ;'l"nt (,f ~hdhya Prad"sh wac; TI'qllf"!ltt-d to idpntify places viahl(" for Techno-Economic Sun'cv~ and locating (}'ntral l>lIhlic Sector Vndt>r- Introduction of BUls; Ordinance OIl taking'l: ; Detention of Citizens without Tria! in States (h) if ~;II, t\(' f"!-Oonc;(" of the State of 4181. SHRI JYOTIRI\IOY ROSU : 'M~'l\Y·l Pr:\(1 .. ~11 t:l t~l(' :Lbo\'(' pl'opo!lal; 'Will ttu' Minister l·f HO~vlE AFFAIRS be pkasc:d to state : (1;) \\."l·( 1('1' it i·: L f:'ct tlnt ,ll(' ::\b.dhva p ... ~rl··5'\ (~'IV('rl"'\('Jlt Il:l~ ;lln~a(lv f('eOl~- (a) th(' n:t11les of States and L"nion 111" 'I' 1",1 al'l':!.'; f .f 1)llhl ic -;.:ct'lr ll11flt"'rbkings TerritoriI's who ha\"(' hern all(\\\'('(; to pro- 11:1<:('(1011 r.l\V ant"ri:d availahk : antI mlth~at(' ol'<.iin:mc(' (11' (,]~tlct levislation or i;ltroduc(' Rills prO\'iding for df"t('ntion (Ii) if c;o, t l \{' Ii:'cj~i()n t1.kf'n by the GovC"rnmf"l1t on the prnposah made by of citizens wi thout trial ; l\1::ullty<\ Pr~\(h;h Govf'rnmf'nt ? (b) t11C S1.1ient f;:~atures of each of the ordinance, Rills and Acts: and THE MI,\;TSTic.R OF STATE IX THE MI~[STRY OF J~DUSTRY (SHRI rc) tlie reasons why thr conC~fned State CHARA \~JIT CH\~:\Y\) : (a) to (d).A G:;vernlTI('nt'; Of admini!>tration of Union fe.l'lih'lity renorl on "na~tar Forest Tf'rritories took this step ? Devebpmpnt Fr"ket R('sourc(' Utilisation (~ altcl'nativ(" which tIll' St:ltc l\'crnmf'nt THE Mt:\'ISTER OF STATE I!,\THE of l\hdhy.l Pradc'Ih It;\\"f' got prepared :MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS with t!\C :l'lSiS('1dC(' of 'Vorld Bank. has (SHRI P. VE~KATASUBBAIAH) (a) id"ntifi("d a nll,nhcr of otlt("rn:ttiy(' inrlll!l- Ar:cording to the information obtained trial elf'''!,) lpmcnt in the afe:1 \·iz. Saw from State Governments, the Statt' ofJamm1. ~{ill. Mill. Plvwo:lCl P..!.o("r !\Hlletc. The ~ ~ladhya and Ka.,\hm.ir ; tadh ya Prade"h and Maha- rcport ic;'undrr ('xanination ofth(, rashtra have paslled Bills/promulgated PI'arle~h G'wt'rnlll"nt p.1.rticuhrly with Ordinances. R~plies from l'\'!cgbdaya refercnee tt) tt'ibal "lnrl ('colqgicnl aspects and Uttar Pfade~h are awaited. The b~'fofe t:'l.ki'lg no cnnsidf'ration of ('co nomic question of Union Territories enacting viJ.hiiity of indllstri.tl projects. such legidation does not aris('. How- ever, the A~sam. Preventive INtention Act, Request by Former Chairman of 1980 (No. 5 of 1980) was enacted on Hlndustan Photo Film for PubUc 19-7-80 during President'S Rule. The enquiry !\{anipur Preventive Detention Ordinance (No.1 of Ig80) promulgated on 28-4-80 has ceased to operate with effect from 180 R.\JA~ 4 . SHRI K .. A. : \rill the 14-1 1-1980. Minister of INDUSTRY be plea&ed to state (b) and (c). Information reg8.Iding Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh (a) w~lether the former Chairman of and Maharashtra is given in the state- Hindustan Photo Film~, had requ~sted ment. the Union Governmf"nt to order a public enquiry ag.1.in!lt him1elf a.. also the present Statemeat Managing Director; (i) Madhya PraMS" : (b) if so, w'letb.er suc'h an enquiry was M.adb.,a 'Pradesh Rajya Surabba ·ordered ; and Tatha Lok Vyawutha Vidheyak 1980 (N9. 22 of JQ80) was p~ on Ie) W.o, the details there of? sao-g-J~, ft1icI r~r three yean &om Written AftI1Def'a AGRABAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) WJi"ea A"""ers 8st the date or its coming into force. case of detention has to referred to the Ad- The Act was passed for want of adequate visory Board within four weeks of the de- enabling provision in the existing law for tention and the detenue has a right to taking affective preventive action to submit the representation The Advisory counteract activities of anti-social unlemmts Board which is appointed in consultatiOD in the State and State GoYernmcnt felt with the Chief Justice of the High Court it necessary to ann themselves with cons:sts of a Chairman who is or has been adequate power including inter-alia power a judge of the High Court and two other to detain persOns acting or likely to act members who ar(> or have been qualified in prqudicial manner to endallgCI' pt~ace, to be appointed No. VII prejudicial to the secm"it)' of the State (If IgUo for till' pn'\"('}ltioJl of conullluwl or maintenancc of public order. it is nc- anti-soc.ial ~,'d other dangerous acti- cessary to do so ma.ke the order directing yit ies ill !\hh:ll"~lshtra was promulgated that such persons be d~tail,ed" ~o on 2jllt .\lIr,lISI" 1:',Bn . The' Ordi1l3nc(' order made by authorised officers shall wa~ prl)lllldgatnl as the !wrnlal provision rem 'lin in force for more th~ll I:.! days (If law was !lot fOUl,d sufficient to mct't w1lcss approyed by the State Goyern- the scril)u~ :-illl.:tin!l arisi!!g Out of I"i(.(s m~J1 t. The grounu'5 for deta1l1 io!: have to i!~("l\.:c1":Jlg ("onudwml riots. ~:('tivitit"s of be communicated to the dete:lll:~ withb aJlti-~oc,i;:l d('lW']ltS aI!d it was considered period of five clay:> from the date of C it is a border Stat~ and it Board co:nisting of the Chairman and had to df!al with people who ;ndulge in two other memhers who arc or have been activities prejudicial to the maintenance Judges of High Court or who arc qualified of public order and also agents, provoca- under constitution to be appointed as tors from the line of actual control. judges of the H;gh Court. The maximum The Act provides for detention of a per- period for which any person may be son with a view to preven.ting him from ac- dp.tained ~h~ll be six months from the date ting in any manner prejudicial to security of detention. of the State Or the maintenance of public order inCluding preventing Or combating any activity prejudicial to the maintenance of coInmWlal or sectarian Or regional harmony, maintenance of supplies and services essential to the comnllmity and for regulating the cont:nued presence 4182. ''IT q'f ~ ~: cp;n in the State Or with a view to making arrange.lllents for his expulsion from the ~l1T lt~ ~ ~ ~ iiiT tm ~ State ;n respect of foreigners or persons residing in the area of the State under fcIl the occupation of Pakistan. (ill) ,,1it1f1ICifi ~ If i The grounds of detention have to ~ ~ ~ ~~ m-mr t 'ill be communicated to the detenue -within 5 days from the date of detention ,,"tCllfi,i\i ~ iIl1 m qi\" i ~ess. the deta~ authority considers It apuut public itltereat to do so. £verA ~t 83 DECEMBER 17, 1980

TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (.) am ~ fl;r ~. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHlU ~ Ci(4141iC14 iflT ~ SHIVR,AJ V. PATIL): (a) Departmmt trRrt Uu of Defence Supplies had placed a de- 'fT ~ \4~I"tlf1letl fcrctlm it; iTft if velopmental supply orda No.F. 2(35) 73/DS/CPO(V~ 676, dated 23-3-76 on fW ~~ tt fif;m:-fcnn1f ~ MIs. R.K. Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd. Ludhiana, for the supply of 25000 nos. 'IT ; titt of Cast Track Shoes for T 54/T55 Tanks at the rate of RI. 320/- (and not RI. 350) ~ ~, ~~dT each The price in this contract was sub- (tr) m- $lfm ject to variations in the prices of input IflIT ~)"{ \3 ""Iijq f(1lfi am CflfT raw materials, electricity ar..d wages ~ w.e.f. 1-12-74. $fl4ftl4j ~ ~ (f?IT ~ IR ~ fn'{T CftfT CliT~r ctft ~ (b) According to the contract, the firm was to be paid an advance of Rs. 4 lakbs ~ t ? towards pattern, jigs, fixtures and other toolings. Another advance of Rs. 6 lakhs was to be paid to them towal els the import of Induction Furnace which 'MltT .,~ it awl" 'mlf Qr was required for the manufacture of the ( ~',.~m;n;{f{l) : (en) ~ subject stores. Thus, a total advance of Rs. 10 lakhs was given against the ~ ~T ~R 'n: ~~ order . .:> ~a") ifTmtt ~ I Apart from this advance, 'On Account' payment against purchase of raw mate- rials suhject to ceilillg (If Rs. 10 lakhs was (v) ~R (iT).~)1r ~ if also payable to the firm. These 'On ~ ~T if ~ ~'t§ f~) Accoun1' payments were to bc recovered if On pro-rata basis from the fi['ml' bills for iif"ft ~'" 'A ~+i GI qTG it ~mf~ T bulk supplies. An actual sum of Rs. 618892 'On Account' paymcnt has since it m'f iIl1f fCfWq- fq.q~fqf~ ~r been paid. Tlus worked out to a total dis- ~ ~t, ~)lr ~1 i~ ~I bursemellt of Rs. 16,18,892 ar!d not Rs. & I cr.) f'8 ,off 25,00,000 -all against Bank Guarantee. if ~ if'~~T ~ ~-e+nr q-( e-cp.mf CIlrt:cnf ~T ~ I ..:I em- (c) and (d). The position in this regard is;explained below :-

Supply of Track-Links for Taus This was one of the five developmental order placed on five different parties during May 1974 to May 1976. This was 4183. SHRI JITENDRA PRASAD: an i ndigenisation effort of a critical Will the Minister ofDEFENCE be pleased defence component of an imported battle to state : tank which needed sophisticated techno- logy and skill and where chances of (a) whether it is a' fact that under failure were rated high. Of these five Ministry of Defence Order No. F. 2(35)/ parties, only one has so far successfully 73/DS/CPO(VG)-676 dated 23rd March, delivered the store. Two of them includ- J 976, MIs. R. K. :Machinc Tools Industric. s, ing an Ordnance Factory failed to deve- Luohiana, was to supply 25000 Nos. lop the store and orders on them had to Tlack Links for T -54 Tanks to the lVlinis- be cancelled. The fourth party accepted try of Defence @ Rs. 3so/-each; only a small quantity for development but their price for bulk quantity was subo· (b) if so, whether it is also a fact that stantially higher. It was, therefore, in an advan('e of Rs. 25 lakhs has been paid "public interest" not to cancel the order to the firm against the above order ; On MIs. R. K. Machine Tools, who had, in the past, satisfactorily supplied :l num- ber of armament stores. The firm'S samp- ic) whether it is a'so a fact that to- les submi tted in October, 1980 have pas- date since I9i6 when the order w~.s placed, sed in the initial stage Clr..d have new no stores have been SUI-plied by the film been sent up for detailed trials. In C8se Jl~r the advance has been recovered so they pass the inspection cl'iter.:a, Govern- far ; and ment would stand to gain by keeping this cOntract alive as the firm has even (d) if so, who is responsible for this, agreed to forego the effect of price e8Ca- a.nd what action is contemplated? lation all"eady provided for in the contract. 8S Written AnaWer8 AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA)_ Written AnStDef'8 86

It may incidentally be added that aga- inst the tenders recently opened for this (if) ~ ~ ~ if Ifif ~­ very store, the two offers received are Rs. ~ 440/- and Rs. 540/- each against a rate {( qF

4184. PROF. P.J. KURIE~: \Vill (v) 196 4-65 ~ 1980-81 the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be aCfi' ~, ~ ~ qfum: pleased to state : iiN ifft ~ 2M ~ ? (a) whether an enquiry was held into the Srinagar riots involvir:g the army and civilian personnel earlier; this year; ~~ ~ and q1f if ., (b) ifso, the result thereof? (t.i\~T m:r ~~T f~~): (Cfi) ~l1JT ~ \ifR 1974-75 .q THE ~lI:\ISTER OF STATE IX THE l\UNISTRY OF HO!\lE ..U'FAIRS 207 mv iifisr ~~ qf~) CfiT (SHRI YOGE::\DRA l\L\KWA~A) : (a) & (b) : The Jammu and Kashmir ~ ~qm~ ~ I 1977-78 ~ Gm-emmC'nt had appointf'd a Joint ~ 229 ~ ~) ~ Committee of Inquiry headed by Mr. mr ctr Justice ~1ian Jalal-ud-Din, a retired Chi('f ~mq;rr ~ I WT \ifR it ~~1l'T;r Justice of Jammu and Kashmir, with the State Home Secretary and a representa- ~ ~ Ai ~), 1l'f~~ -o~~ tive ohhe ArlllY as its ~{cmbers, ttl inquire ~) ~ qf~ into the incidents which took place in t diter 1{ ;-.;rflfCfi Srinagar on the 26th and 2jth July, 1980. ctt srfuq ~~ f~) ~T ~W The said Committee h .. s not vet submitted its Report to the State Gon-'r{tment. _.~lfW: 246, 179 ~R 234 ~ I ( {S. ) mtff1Jr S!.T1l' \iftq) 1 9 6 4- 6 5 if"\-( 1 9 7 4-7 5 Qro qrrlflf;m- -0 4185. ~T ~T~ f~: CflIl ~ tfftc:tttr ~ ~ur ffiT 11TID f.:rMrr- ~ "'5l'T ~ csraT;f ~ ~ ~ fCfi : ;,~ ~ :-

fq~R ~ m~ sr~ qf~qr~ ::;i'T sr~Cfi ~!1~~ qft.qR Cfft .:ur CfiT ~ ~1Jf (Qq-~) q-T~Cf -ufrrr (~)

1964-65 74-75 64-65 7-4-75 64-65 74-75

60. 6 ~fumCf 66,4 srft:rna 148 387 244 584

Joint Ventures with West Germany (b) if so, reaction of GOVUDIDCD t there- on ? 4186. SHRI CHIRANJI LAL SHAR- MA : Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI (a) whether any offer has been received CHARANJIT CHANANA) : (a) & (b). from any private industry of West Ger- A delegation ofindustriaIists fnDl tl.t: IRG many to set up joint ventures in India j visited India in November, 1980. The and discussions with the delegaticr. were of a Written Anstvers Written Answers DECEMBER 17, 1980 88

building various types of ships rt'quired general nature. India'. policie, in regud by the Indian of shipe to private foreign investment as 81", tr~:!Ds· Navy. The types fer of techuoiogy was spelt out in tbe that have ~eD built and are being built meeting. There W8I a general exchange in the country include modem Frig2tca, of vinws on the pouibilities of furtiM'r Survey Vessels with advanced electronic, cooperation between India and F('d( ral gadgetary, Seaw,rd J)d'ence Boats, Republic of Germany in jndustrial and Ocean Going Tugs Minu-wcf']:'trs, Sun"eY related fields, namely, drugs and phar- craft and other harbour and auxiliary maceuticals, coal, pow<'r, metal goods vessels like dredgers, trg!!, hrgn:, etc. indUitriea, steel, ('xport orientf'd indus- Indigenous content in tht' production of tries, joint ventures in third countries ~e Nayal ~hips has alsc been constantly and technology transfer. No specific Increasing In tenm of both percenuge projects were dilcUJScd. an~ advanced equipmt'Dts ~r.d s-ystCJDI to be Installed.

Bomb Threat to U.S. aad U.K. Emba- ••ie. ill New Delhi News Item captioned hKissa Kurld Ka" .m BEe, Rancld 4187. SHRI ARJUN SETHI: WiIl 418g. SHRI MUKU1\"DA MANDAL : the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Will the Minister ofl1'."J)USTRY be pleased pleased to state : to state: (a) whether Government'. attention (a) whether the attention of Govern- has been drawn to the news-itf'm in the ment has been drawn to the news itt'm 'Hinduatan Times' dated the 9th Novem- under the caption "Kissa Kursi Ka" in ber, 1980 that an anonymous telephonic Heavy Engineering ofR.anchi ; bomb threat to the United Statrs Embassy and the British High Conunission at (b) if so, facts thereof; and Chanakyapuri, New Delhi turned out to be a hoax ; (c) what is the reaction of Government in regard thereto ? (b) if so, the details thereof; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) the steps Goverrunent propose to MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI C~A.'l\fJIT GHANANA) : (a) Yes, take in this regaTd ? Sir. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (b) & (c). Shri A. C. Chatterjee was appoin ted Chairma'1-cum-Mana- (SHRI YOGEl\"DRA MAKWANA) I (a) and (b). On 8-11-1980 an anonymous gin~ Dir~ctor (CMD) ?f the Ht'avy caller telephonically informed the United Engmrenng Corporahon Limited State!! Embassy and British High Commi- Ran chi (HEC) in Au~st, 1977. In ssion at Shanti Path that bombs have terms of the letters of his appointment been planted in their premises. The he' was to continue in that post ~pto June: Embassy Officials informed the Special 1981. However, due to the conhnued poor Task Force office at Chankyapuri at about pe~onna!1ce of the Corporation, Govt· 1'10 P.M. Immediate action to locate the deCided m August, I gSo to 1 eplace him explosives and to defuse the same was and appoin t Shri S.R. Jain, then Managing taken. However, it turned out to be a Director of ~ai Ispat Limited, in his p~ce. .~e CIrcumstances leading to hoax. thiS deelSlon were persona] ly exp]air. ed to Shri Chatterjee. He was also aSsured (c) Immediate action is taken when- ever information about such a threat is tha t he would be gran tej all the benefits ·received. Efforts are also made to trace such as encashment of leavf', gratuity the anonymous caller. contributory provident fund, etc. that were admissible to him in terms of the letter of his appointment.

Subsequen tly, however, when Shri Jain 4188. SHRI KUSUMA KRISHNA reached Ranchi on 15th September., 1Q80 MURTHY : Will the Minister of DE- to take over charge as CMD HEe' Shri FENCE be pleased to state how far we are Chattnjee dt'clined to hand over dtarge ',elf reliant in ships meant for Defence ? tro him, although he \\oas asked to do so by Govf'rnmen t in a telex message dated the 13th September, IgSO. On the COD- j THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE trary, he filed a writ petition in the Ranchi :)INISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI Benc:h of th«: Patna H~gh Court, challenging ~ HlVRf\J V. PATIL): The country has the JDstructions of the Goverrr.mc.r.t asking .Squired capability for designing and him to hand over chU6e. . Written AnstOers AGRAHAYANA 26,1902 (SAKA) Written AftBtOerB

Shri Jain assumed charge as eMD, (a) whether it is "a fact that all the States REO on 15th September, IgSO and this have been _eel to spare nO efForts for fact was notified by the competent autho- mobilising additional 1TI0urCf'S botb rity namely Secretary, BEe on 16th by way of extra taxation and other September, IgBo to aU concerned. Ther measures, if the targeted 5 per Cf'r.t growth facts were brought berore the Hi,h Court rate is to be achit'ved in the Sixth J:olan ; and it was argued that Shri JaIn conti- and nued to be the C:MD, BEC. The Court admitte<:\. the writ petition and ordered that (b) if 10, the IUction of the Statt's in sllJtus tplD be maintaint"d as it existed On this rt'gard ? 17th September, IgSO. Thus the orders of the High Court d~ly enabled THE :MIl\'lSTER OF PIANNJNG AND Shri Jain to continue to hold the post of LABOUR (SHRI NARAYAN DATT c~m, HEC till the writ petition W8! finally TIWARI) : (a) Yes, Sir. decided. (b) The discussions between the Planning Subsequently, the case was amicably Commission and the Chief Ministers settled: Shri Chatterjee withdrew the of States on the determination of the size writ petition and it was decided to grant of the Sixth Five Y('8f Plan, 1980-85 him the benefits that were initially assured on the basis of estimates of financial re- to him. sources including additional rt'source mobilisation are in progress. The response of the Stat~ so far ha." been Recruitment of CRP Personnel quite encouraging. The final position from States in rt'gard to additonal resource mobilisa- tion of Utat~s will be presented in the 41~. SHRIM:ATI SUSHEELA GO- Sixth Plan Document which will PALA..'l : Will the Minister of HOME be placed bd"ore the National DcV('lopment AFFAIRS be pleased to state : Council at an early date. (a) whether there was a circular bearing No. G.O.R. IIS/80, Adna dated july II, IgSO regarding recruitment of CRP per- Supply of Cement to Rajasthan sonnel from States ; and (b) if so, the details thereof? 4192. PROF. NIRMALA KUMARI SHAKTAWAT : Will the Minister ofIN- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DUSl RY be pleased to state whether MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS the cement quota being given to Rajasthan, (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWA.~A): a famine affected and scarcity State, is not (a) and (b). A circular bearing No. R- inadequate ? 1I-3/Bo-Adm. II dated the II th july, 1_g80 (not G.O.R. 113/8o-Admn. dated THE :MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the I1thjuly, IgSO as stated in the question) MINISTRY OF IND'lJSTRY (SHRI was issued to all is G. P. of Cen tral Reserve CHARANJIT CHANANA): The allocation Police Force with a view to planning in ofcement to the States is made on the norms advance recruitment in the CRPF in ofpast consumption and overall availability the context of the Government'5 decision of cement. Since the overall availabi- to raise additional Battalions of the lity of cement is less than the dema!1d, Force. The said circular was subse- there is a general sh ortage of cement in quently superseded on the 24th September, the country including the State of Rajas- IgSa. Th.e ~evised instructions of 24th than. september, IgBO impressed On the Ins- pectors General of Police, Central Reserve .. Police to have the recruitment made in IUch a manner that (a) the quota for Budget Allocations for SO And ST SC/ST was not diverted to general candi- dates ; (b) the inter-caste, inter-regional .P93. SHRI KAMAL NATH: Will character of each Bn. is ensured so that the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased the composition of the Force is truly to state: representative of the country ; and (c) adequate representation is provided to (a) the apportioning of the amount minorities and weaker sections. earmarked in the Budget of 198~81 bet- ween Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Mobilisation of Additional Resources Tribes ; by States (b) the basis of such apportioning bet- 4191. SHRI AMAI( ROY PRADHAN: ween Schedlued Castes and Scheduled SHRI MOOL CHAND DAGA I Tribes respectively ; and Will the Minister of PLANNING Cc) the basis of allocation of such "ex- be pleased to state: penditure between varioL

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Special Central Assistance to the THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Special Component Plans for Scheduled (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA). Castes is allocated to the States, which {a> & (b). The outlays in the Budget of have substantial population of Scheduled the Ministry of Home Amain for I g80-:81 Castes and have prepared Special Com- for the Scheduled Castea and Scheduled ponent Plans, on the basil oftheir Scheduled Tribe! are given in the enclosed statement. Castes population, the relative backward- TheBe are made on the basis of the Plan ness of these States and the States' own and non-plan outlays approved for the on- dForts for the development of Scheduled going lChemes for Sched Jled Castes and Castes as reflected in their Special Com- Scheduled Tribes. ponent Plans.

(c) Special Central Assistance to the Tribal Sub-Plans is allocated amongst Tribal Sub-Plans State. on the basis of the Scheduled Tribes population in these In the case of Centrally Sponsored Sates, Scheduled Tribes population in Scheme, there is no State-wise allocation. the Tribal Sub-Plan areas of these States, Proposal! received from the State Govern- geographical area of the Tribal Sub-Plan ents/Volun tary Organisationsl insti- areas and the relative backwardness of tutions are duly scrutinised and sanctions these States. iss;led on that basis.


Outltgs earmarked in thI budgd for 1980-81 for Schlduled Castes/Scheduled Tribu (Rs. in crores) 1. Schemes Exclusively for Scheduled Castes : I. Girls Hostels (for Scheduled Castes) • 1'00

2. Central Assistance for Scheduled Castes Development Corporations in the States 12'00

g. Special Central Assistance to the Special Component Plans for Scheduled Castes 100' 00 II. Schemes for Schlduled Tribes :

I. Girls Hostels (for Scheduled Tribes) 0'45

2. Special Central Assistance for Tribal Sub-Plans 7°'00

III. Schemes Common for both Sch. Castes & Sch. Tribes z

I. Post-matric Scholarship for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 20'00

sz. Book Banks for Sch. Castes & Sch. Tribes

g. Coaching & Allied Schemes

4. Aid to voluntary Organisations I' 25

5. Research & Training • 0'45

IV. Schemes applicable to Scheduled Castes/Schldul,d Trib, and other communities Pre-matric Scholarships (Class VI-X) for those engaged in the so-called 'unclean' occupations of scavenging, tanning and flaying. • • • • • •. O'SIt

2. Machinery for the implementation of the Protection of Civil Rights Act 2'00· g. National Overseas Scholarships (Non-Plan)

tThe scheme benefits to all those engaged in the specified occupations irrespective of their Community • • Though it mainly applies to the Scheduled Castes, provisions of this Act also cover those who are suffering from any disability arising out of untouchability. ".Under this scheme, candidates from eligible categories among Sch. Castes/Sch. Tribes/Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes and other economically backward classes a selected from aU over India and not State-wise. 93 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA). Written AtaaweTS 94

North Traak Road from 'B 'iint I q f("'I(It~ ~ ~'ttA lim' CbaraIl to P ••lcbat •• N.doDal it; '1T'6" i m.hway ~~ ~ ~ ClICClt4Cf1dl ~ t 4194. SHRI RATTAN sSINGH R:\)DAI ~ CfllT ~ 1iT GlI~~I{l ~ If SHRI BAPUSAH5B ~ f~IifI\.,l ~ ~ ~ awn PARULEKAR : t SHRI PIUS TIRKEY : ~ if;nqe (q'i<6ilf ... r~) it; ~T Cfi) ~ ~ ffi;r ifft Vt«f ;Ii) ifi1f Will the Minister of DEFENCE be fiI;1nG1T~t pleased to state : (a) isita fact that Government ofIndia have decided to take over the North Trunk (,,) Cf4T ~ iR'R iff ~:q f Road from Baiha ta Charali to Pasighat in Arunachal as a National Highway ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t; .m:

(b) if 80, what is the total length of the proposed Highway and what is the ( 1T ) ltft ~, dl ~ eft {ftfd' probable cost that will be involved; and ~ Cfi1ft Cfi1:ol ri fq:cn~ f~~~T 1{ ~ (c) whether Government intend to ~ ~cm~~ttif ~ ? shorten the aligment by driving it over th e Old Trunk Road of the North Bank of Assam which passes through permanent- \flim q~ if mlf qCltT (~t ly settled and agricultural belt of the region 80 that the people get an all- .~~tff .~T cti ) d'v:fr (~ ) • season road for greater transportation ): ( ~ ~ iR'~ ~o ~o ~~o of their produces? iT, I iffo Cfil ft:~ CfiT tfdT ~ I TIm MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI SHIVJL'\J V. PATIL): (a) The road from ( tT) .~?jT ~ ~ CfiT ~d' ifiTlt Cfi~ Baiha ta Charali to Pasigha t and beyond Cfl( . (via T,;zl1 :l.n::l Sitapani) terminating near ri ft;r~ ilT ~ f ~ ~lfffl ~r t Cfi1f Saikhoaghat,has been declared as National an«n t Q_Cfl CfiR-r q)f4'i ~ 'R Highway No. 52 fror 1-9-1980. ~ ~T it crftiffVT ~ ~~ srrtd' (b) and (c). The total length of the Na- tional Highway is about 8go KMs; and ctft ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ the distance between B3iha ta Charali ~ ~ ~~ CfiT ~ll)1r and Pasighat is about 570 Km'!!. Proposals (&if t it and cost Estimates for developing the ~ ~a-;:r ffi;r CfiT ~td' fCfilfT fIl1T road to National Highway standards are under preparation. At present no specific ~ I iff '\1:a:q ~i ~ ~R;zrT change in the alignment is visualised. However such changes as are considered CfiT ~ fCfillT ~ ~ ~ necessary and feasible based on techno- ce onomie considerations will be examined while finalising the proposals. a'R:o q 0 q'to q10 itl ti~ ~) ~ t~~"O~ ~)9t~ ., ~if f ~t=r 1m f;rfqc:r \iRml ;w) 4196. 'l) C{mff ~ ~ afa~ 1{!5T.. ffi;t ~') "'q~Q~a1 cp;ff Snl1if ~T q ~ ctt ~ ~fcI; 4195. "'It ~ fifm~ u~ i!flIT ~)1r iieft' ltl if'a-R Cfft fiq'f (Cf)) ~ f~ ~ t VUGr ~fcI; (t ~ t iI'R

~~ ifi~t G:~Co 1l qftcf~ * ~ ...... f1 -r:;._,.. • r-- ('i" ) ~ ~ fct;lrr ~ 0lflT ~ ~~ 7;41{ AlCfi )tpnt;lO'f~:af ICfI~1 1II"!'t6lUT it; ~ ~ .q ~ ~ tnff t ? STfCmR iliT *'rr it ~"t t I ~~ ~~ if ~.,. (~",)Il;r 4iCfiq,Oil) ~ ~ 9jJR ~ wrfird" ~~ ~T ~ ~ Detail. of Proceecllai ap.bast ForeJp Trawler Seized by Indian ~ ifif \iff ~T ~ ~R ~ tm"r 'l~ Naval Forces on West Coast ~ ~T :T:Tt!'JT I

4197. SHRI X.A. SWAMI : Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state : Increase ba IDc;argeat Activides by MoN.F. . .(~) the full. details of the proceedings ID1tiated agamst the foreign trawler 4199. SHRI SUBHASH YADAV : leized by Indian Naval forces recently On the West Coast I SHRI B. V. DESAI :

(b) wheth er these foreign trawlers are Will the MInister of HOME AFFAIRS still in Indian custody ; and be pleased to state :

(c) if not, why were they released (a) whether it is a fact that insurgent instead of being confiscated ? activities by the armed Mizo National Front have spurt again; and 1HE MINISTER OF STAT'"' IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE SHRI (b) if so, the steps taken for round the SH~VRAJ V. PATIL): (a) to (c). Foreign clock vigil over sensitive areas along the fishing trawlers found peaching in our Tripura-Mizoram border ? waters are apprehended and escorted to the nearest port for interrogation/examina- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tion. The masters of the apprehended MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS trawlers are administered warning and (SHRJ YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : (a) the trawlers are ordered to keep out of Some activities of MNF have come to our waters. DOtice, but there ha.. been no violent incident in Mizoram since suspension The Government is considering of operations w.e.f. August I, IgBO. proposals for taking Item action includ- ing confiscation against such vessels in (b) Vigilance has been intensified in future. ~ the area. Written Answers AGRAHA YANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written Anstoers 8 97 ' .. 9 Reservatioa of items fer Small Scale ~~du.tries (~) ~ ~, aT ~ Cfil("'~ it; fcmrrr ~ fi=rtr fm' ~ ~ far;a;fT 420 I. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA : 'Ufu~cttt'1R~~~ Will the MInister of INDUSTRY be pleased to itate : ~~ctiT~~t~m1T(t (a) wpet~er t~ere is any proposal ~ m- Cfiir ~ 'lTT ~~T ~cl ~ under eoDSldeJ? tlOn of Government to expand the list of commodities re!!erved m~~~? for small scale and cottage industries ;

(b) how ll'l3.ny commodities were ~)q qcn-~ ~ m~ included in the reserved list dwing the qcft (,,' last two years; year-wise; pnd .~.l ~ ;:n;r.n): (Cfi ) if'~ (~ ). (c) what further measures are under ~ cm:t;~ ~ ~ ctt Government's consideration for protecting small industries ? ~ it;" f~ if\lr actl fqJlq ~ ~~~~~~~if{t THE MUnSTER OF STATE IN THE ~~ ~ I ~, _coli iti~~tcR MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI mCf CHARA1IUIT CHA..~ANA): (a) The flrn;r ~ ~ etIi ;r)lrif ~ consLderation of ltems for reservation for production in the small scale sector is qf<4I\ij." ~¥;fT !'(§ ~ qf(JO(l\it"!'41 a cor tinuous proce&& and the Standing CfiT (:lj if• ., ~ it; ~ iflT Committee for re~erved industries has 41 i fu"tt been set up by Govt. to identit fy and '{T I !:ij' ~?;JT it ~ suggest such items. ern fctiln cr.) ~ qf~ :qn;r ~ if (b) During 1979-80, no additional ~~ ~ ~ ~"'~TUlJ~ items were included in the reserved list. However, in May,lgSo 27 additional cr.r ~rn ~ Cfifo.:r t itetrs were brought into the list, increasing • tile tetal of reserved items to 834. Am.encbnent to Sales Promotion (c) In addition to giving price preferel1. Em.ployees' (Conditions of Service) ce to products of trmall scale industrieE, ~ci;'i97~ 382 items have also beeD reserved for ex- clusive purchase from the small scale 4203' SHRI SUNIL MAITRA: Will sector under the Centrd.l Government's the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to purchase programme, Government keep state : und("r constant review the policy of preference to small scale sector in Govern- (a) whether the Federation of Medi- n: ent purchase programrre as also the cal Representatves' Association of India policy of reservation of items for submitted a Charter of Demands in production in small scale sector. December, 1978; ,.

(b) if s~, wru..t steps Government have taken to resolv'e the dispute ; 9IT¥t:cf it ~i)ik "'T~A ~9 m'~ .0Cl) if)T (c) wh("ther it is also a fact that Govern- RT!f(t ment intend to amend the Sales Pro- motion Employees' (Condtions of Sen ice) Act, 1976 and the Federation of Medical Representatives of India has submitted 42 0 Z. ~" ~i( ilFlIT a memorandum to Government in this t;f, qqf : : regard; and -a-U) if liar lft iRfR cfft fitIT ifit~ fif) (d) ifso, whether Go"ernment propose to take irto conEideation the suggestions made by the above. federation while eflec- ting proposed an: endment to the Act? ( Cli) 'FIT frnq ~ it ~')lfq, ~ $.t~ it ftv«r ~ Cfil «J I~ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THB MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRt P. it; fim1tt itl ft;ro: ~ ~ ~T t; VENKATA REDDY) : (a) to (d), The Federation of Medioal Representitives ~ ~iation of Jndia ha4 I!ubmitted a 3050 RS-4 99 Writtm Answer. DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written A 7UtDer3 100

Charter of DemandJ on various occalioDl mE MIl\1:STER OF STATE ·IN in November, 1978 and 'more recently THE MIl\ISTR.Y OF ll\DUSTRY (SHltI in Oetoller. 1980· Goverument hal CHARANJIT CHANA.""lA):


Name of the Central Govt. organisation Name and location of the office in BiharJRt'luarb


Sm'ill Industries Development Organisation (.1 SmalllndUhtries Service Institute, Patna. (SmO) A Sub-Contractin~ exchanges already in operation and is attached to the SISI, Fa tna.

(ii) Sm~ll Industries Service Institute, Ran chi. (iii) Sm'ill Industries 'Service Institute, Muzaftarpur . (w) Branch Small Industries Service Instit ute, Dhanbad. (v) Product and processed Development Ce ntre (for Glass and Ceramics), Ranchi. Tnade Centres A Trade Centre has already been established at Patna by the State Industries Corporation with Central assistance. 101 Written Answers AGRAHAYAN.~ 28, 1902 (SAKA) WTitten Anstoers 10%

• It i. a Com'llittee appointed by Snl,,11 Scale Indu.tries Board. There is no office of Standing Conl"llittee on Marketing.

B~inrt l'to:u'ltion Council. • TIle Export PrO!11'ltion Council. have been established productwise and not State-wise.

State Trading Corporation and Minerals and Stat~ Trading Corporation has not yet opt=IJC'd M-:tais Trading C')rp~ration. their office in Bihar but they have plans to establish a Branch office in Palna soon.

The office of the Mica Tradin~ Corporatio n of India Ltd.,a subsidiary ofMMTC is locatl d at Patna.

Trade Develop~~nt Authority. . Trade Developm... nt Authority h .. s uot opened any office in Bihar.

Indian I!utitute of Foreign Trade (lIFT.) . This is a national level Institute which dC'CB flOt have any branches in the cOWltry. ------

420:. ,,) ~)"O \O{IW lIfRo q~ :

iflfT aim"1 ~ ~ ifflR itiT 1 [;~a:~aT'1' ~:ntwc~ emf . ~ ~ " ifi~ ~ ~ 9rlT fifi it vro 2. tfmr 'Ulf fwcr "{Tlr mr ~~ ilci~ fftiT, m'lcrm, cmrft, ~ it 3. ~ ~ \TtTCfT;:r crr~ ~ ~) ifiR~ ~ ~ \M)1r ~ ~~ ~ ~~~T=to a'fr ~ "fft41T iti ~T ifiT i7J 4. I ~~~cto ilm ;p;ry ~ ? 5. C\ 6. 'JilT;ft m~ qint I ~rq "'~4 if ~ Ihrr (,,' 7. '\ifIr ~~1ft ~ ~ :a'"('tfit)ft' :;n;r;n) : ~~ ;r, vru- 8. ~ ~o~o ~ m~ CfiKf ~m, q"6ru ~ ~ ~ ~::t 9. ~ ~ ~ iiti ~~ iflfiti" ifiT ~ ~ ~ uro.rr ... emf lO.~T~~ I 97 ~~ 1PH:I ~1• ifiT ifTlt i(~ cmorr u_cI) fcrcroJr ~~ t I 11. ~ ~ itlf~ ~~;r 12. ~~ ~ ~ri" ~o fM'tdI'1 ~~ ftwro, ~(T­ 13. ~ Vi:" ~ ~cr ~ CA~ ~ ~T ~~ ifiT ~ifi (: ifiCfi l iifiI'fct; ~rl( ~l ~ fiRl el~ iF 14.~~~1 ~ti(f ~ra- t I 15. ifto~ 0 qi~ ~ qiftf Written Answers DECEMBER 1'1, 1980 Written Anl1Derl

16. ~ ~ cmi I 48. trim ti1e I ~tl I 17. ~o;fto ~ ~ m I 49. ~ tilijl~€t I 18. Gfioif;o f'f~ ~ crW I 5 O. ~ tilij I~i\ 51. "(14"'$(1 mijl~t'I I 19. it; o it.' 0 m ~I! q.f,~ I ~ q~ 52. ~ ijlijl~t'I I 20. c- mF- I 2 J. m-ftq- ~ Cf~ I 5 3. (131l1q a ti~jij I '&t'I I 22. ~ ~T~ emf I 54. ~ tilijl~€t I 23. ~ ~ qCRf I 55. ~ tilijl~i) I

24. ~~cmi I 56. ¥f1fd'1IJt'fr til'QI~f!l I 25. qrcit ~ qCP.f I 5 7. tOm tilij I fii) I 26. tnm ~ ~ ~ itif~ 58. ssft 'Ulf ~ ~tT I ~W'f'1 59. 314"C41+i81 m~ I

27. ~~q~1 6 O. G1""C4"U~ ~r I 28. cfto~o or i~ ~ crri I 6 1. ~qm ti1ij I fii) I 29. ~o ~o ~emf I 62. ~m~~rl 30.· '1~QI"C4 .. ~ ~~ CfCRt 63. 'EH:4..,1(14.., mr~iT I 31.~~ml 64. ~T tilijlfii!') I 32. QTott o uUe ~ ~ I 65. mit lI' ~iT I " 33. ~~ijC~ I 6 6. a~tfUT(T mij I '4i) : 34. fCtlfoRlifi ~ I 67. mrommr I 35. qrfoiti'o ~ qcffi I 6 8. ~ ti1ij I '4[\ I 36. ~ ~ CfCRf I 69. wfGRr mij I 'iii) I 37. ~ ~m t:tJfo mR Cf~ I 70. ~~i¢1 m " .... ?~~ 38. witu'r ij'T~ q~ I 71. "I&I

~poft.p~- .. ~ .... 81. ~lql(Jjilf4'" ~ 1~C1I~ ~ ~.' TilE MINISTER. OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMESTS OF SCIENCE 82. ~ ~ I A~n TBCHNOLOGY AND EI.F.CTRO- ifCRf NICS (SHRI C. P. N. SINGH): (a' 83.~~~m Yes, Sir. (b) the designed capacity of the Hravy 84.~~~~cmt Water Project, Kota is 100 tonnes pf'r year. Alongwith the other Heav')" '\\'at(,r 85. ~., ;:ro ~ mR: emf Plants, th.is project is f'stimatf'd to mf'l t most of the total requirements of hf'E.VY 86. mo ~'O WJti ~ CfcRi water for the nuclear plants under CCl!:- struction. Additiona) Heavy Water Plant!! 87. ~o~o ~ ~ ifW I are proposed to hf' set up in the VI Plan to meet the full requirements of the new 88. ~o ift"o ~ ~ emf power unit. 89. ~o ~o ~R"IT ~ cmt I (c) and Cd) A supplemf'ntary contract was entered into with U.S.S.R.. in March, 90. ~o ~rr~o ~ ~ I I g80 for supply of !256 tonne! of hea'\"y crcRi' water. This will have to be imported 91. it;o ~o ~ ~ cr~ fully. (e) Does not arise. 9 2. f~ mR: crcm I 93. to to ~ ~ crcRi'

94. ~ ~ Cfl!F~ I MIs. Jessop and Company LUnited Calcutta 95. ~o "io ~ ~ ~ I

96. ~o ~o ~ ~ crcm I 4207. SHRI ANANDA PATHAK: Will the Ministl"r of I~l)USTR.Y be plea~ed to state:

(a) whether Government have receivt'd a petition dated 18th July, 1980 signf'd by 205 employees of MIs. Jessop and Company Limited, Calcutta complainir.g of discrimination metf'd out to them News Item "Heavy Water Project to in the matter of payment of comolidatf'd Start by :lgBl" allowance of 10 per cent of wage and 9 days extra holidays whjch have been 4206. SHRI SHIVKUMAR. SINGH: granted to the staff of the same company Will the PR.IME MINISTER. be pleased at Dum Dum; and to state: (b) if so, the steps taken to remove Ca) whether Govt.'s attention has been the discrimination? drawn towards a news item appearing in the Indian Express dated the 14th October, I gSo under the caption "Heavy Water THE MINISTER. OF STATE IN Project to start by IgBI"; THE MINISTRY ~OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT ~CHANANA) (b) if so, the annual production capa- (a) Yes, fiir. city of the project and the extent to w~ich it will be in a position to meet country's heavy water requirements; (b) The clerical and allied employee! of the Dum Dum Unit of Jessop & Com- {c} w':lether after production of this pany were granted these facilities in Octc- heavy water, India will have to continue ber, 1975 on valid grounds. The staff import of heavy water from Canada at the Head Office in Calcutta and at and USSR.; its Durgapur Unit (who reeeive other benefits) have now rau-ed this issue aftt'r a la~e of 41 years. This subject is aLec Cd) if so, quantity thereof; and included in the demands submittp.d b)· the Jessop Employt"es Union with WhOM (e) if not, the extent to which it will bipartite discussions are heId by the- lead to self dependence and how much Company from time to time. Th~ pro- foreign ~xchang~ will be saved? blem is connected with the question 0 j Written Answers DECEMBER 1'1, 1980 revision of pay«alea of thir catrgory of staff', which will be done in due coune aa per the prescribed prucedure. .f.209. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: SHRI B. V. DESAI: SHRI MOOL CHAND DAGA: SHRI NIREN GHOSH:

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS 4208. SHRI HARISATH MISRA: be pleased to state: Will the Ministrr of 1l\"J)USTRY be pleased to statr: (a) the total number of firings in the various parts of the country during the current year so far, State-wise; (a) w'lether a bagasse-based p~r project at an estimated cost of R.s. ISo (b) the total num~r of drath. and crore. is sough t to be executed by the lou of property due to these firings ... d TiUIlii Nadu Government; th(' main reasons therefor; and

(b) w~lether in financing this project (c) whether these irings were from tlte World Bank is going to provide a the State police, BSF, etc. and whether loan of R •. 80 crores; army also opened fire in man)' places; if so, the details thereof?

(c) w'lether Central Government is also going to provide any assistance; if 10, THE MINISTER. OF STATE IN the detail! thereof; THE MISISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA): (a) to (c) The informaticn is being col- (d) wllet'ler Central Government pro- lected from the State Govemrr.ents/U.T. 'Pose to chalk out and execute similar Administrations, Central Police Organi!a- bagasse-based paper projects for the tions, Arm)' H('adquarters, etc. and wiD m'lnufacture of (i) newsprint, (ii) other be placed on the Ta.ble of the HouSt' on 'It ind. of paper, in other areas of the coun- its receipt. try, particularly U.P. and Bibar; and

(e) if so, the details thereof, if not, the FiaaIlcial Credit to Sm..11 Scale I'rasolU therefor? Sector

4210. SHRI S. A. DORAI SEBAS- THE MINISTi.R OF STATE IN TIAN: "'ill the Minister of INDUSTRY THE MINISTRY OF Ll'iDUSTRY be pleased.. to state ~ (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA): Ca) The Government of Tami' Nadu (a) whether financial credit of R.... propose to ~tablish a bagasse based mill J500 crores per annum is made available for the manufactuft' of paper/newsprint, to small scale sector with a production at an estimated cost RII. 180 crores. turnover of R.. 15000 crores annually ;

(b) The World Bank is actively consi- (b) if so, whether it is also a fact that dering extending loan assistance of RI. the small scale sector is taking ft'coune 81 crores for the project. to private financiers at high interest;

Cc) T:le All India Financing Instituti- (c) whether this has led to closure of tions will consider extending financial many of small scale units for want of a •• ish.nce to this project after they com- finance; and plete their appraisal of the same. (d) steps being taken to rescue the small scale sector from the clutches of Cd) & (e) Government have annOlID- money-lender!' ? -ced a package of measures to promote b'lg.l.Sse based paper projects. A. the Hindustan p.Lper Corporation Ltd. are THE MINISTER OF STATE IN already having in hand four paper/neWJ- THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY print projects in Nagaland, Assam & (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) : Kefala, there is no prop

of December, 1977, 1978 and 1979 is given below: r~tc Dot exceeding IO.2~ ~"p.a. in speci- fied backward diitricII and 11.85 % p.a. elsewhere •

No. of •-\mount Period Units Outstan- (000" diDg New. Ite_ capdeaecl "FaU.re Writ omitted) (in III I.arP oa OSlO" Crores orR,.) 4211 • SHRI NOY BISWAS: Will the Minister of SCIENCE Al'iD TECH- NOLOGY be pleased to .tate: A, on L"\St Fridsy of (a) wbether the attention of Govern- December 1977 477 170 3 ment has been drawn to a news report appearrrl in I'the Indian Exprra December 1978 558 21 56 (Chandigarh Edition)" in its Usl!e datrd 16th September, 1979 under the caption Decem ber 1979 682 2625 of "Failure Writ large on CSIO" rrlarding the Central Scientific Instn:melltl Or,a- nisation, Chandigarh, one of the units of ------CSIR; and

(b) De.pite increase in the amount of (b) if so, the reaction of GoverlUllent outstanding to R.. 2625 crores. by the thereto? end of December, 1979 t?e reqU1rem~nts of the small scale industries sector ffilgh t not have been fully met. and the ~ap TH!: MINISTER OF STATE IN mi bthave been filled by prlvat~ finanCing. THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE -r! rate of interest charged IS however, A~n TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRO_ NICS (SHRI C. P. N. SINGH) : (a) not known. Yes, Sir. (c) L"\Ck of finance has bc:en reco~nised as aD 1m. portant cause. of Sickness In the (b) The various research pro~c. under_ • mall scale industnes sector. taken at CSIO are approved by its Re- search Advisory Council/Executive '(d) On the basis of various guidelines Comrni ttfOe and are reviewed from time to issued by RBI regardbg grant o~ ~d­ time. They are in consonance with the vances to borrowers. coming under P~IOfLty national goals and prioritie. and guide_ sector which includes small. fcale .mdus- lines indicated by the CSIR. CSIO has . b ks provide financial asmtance developed 'i«nificant capabilities and tnes,l'beral an terms to sma11 scal' e m dus- infrastru('ture in the fieJd of instrumenta_ o~ 1 F rther pursuant to the rec0I?'- tion and has several accomplishmenll trl~. to ill credit. mel1da~ionsu of the HJ8 . h P ower Co""''''''...... It - t e for examining Bank Credit prob- l~ms on SSI ( Committee), Banks have been advised in July, 1978 that they With regard to the various other issue. should adopt a fkxible approac~ I to- in the Press Report, similar allegations wards margin requi -ements part~cu .ry were also raised in an earlier Memoran_ in regard to smal~er of the SSI UOlts and dum submitted to the President. CSIR technically qualified and other.1ntre- by the Ct"ntral Scientific Im,truInents reneurs sponsored under specla em- Organisation Employres Union Ad-hoc p 10 ment scheme of Central/State GovUt. Action Committee, Chandigarh alle- ~J no viable scheme should !>e ~ur~~~ ging various irregularities and m~]prac­ down merely for want margm If tices on the part of the Director CSIO proposal is otherwise in order and.fur- Chandigarh and demandj~g ~ thermore Banks should be largely gu~ed thorough probe into the working and by the viability of the projects affairs of the CSIO, Chandigarh. These while entertaining credit proposals and were looked into but nothing substantial that no worthwhile proposa] should be was found except for a few technical ir- turned d(..wn merely for want of collateral regularities. Remedial measures have security/guarantee. Banks ~ave also been been taken in regard to these irregularities. asked to advance composite leaDS upto The reports on these matters were seen R5. 25,000/- to artisans village and <:ot- and approved by the then Vice-President tage industries with a. repaYI!'e~t .perlod and President, CSIR. upto 7 to 10 years wltho!lt lDSlStmg on anv margin. For composlte loans upto Similar representation has again been R,,' 2- 000/- and term loans of not less received recently from the CSIO Em- th~ ~' years to SSI Units, Banks have plo},ees' Union and the representatien been instructed to charge intt"rest at a ift under examination. III Written AnB1D€r. DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written .4.1l$wers

ID-Senice TralalDa for Womea in

,.. Payment of compensation has been praying interference agft.U:.st rem nc)-.mrnt; comple~d in respect of all the lZ79 "illag" and except for an extent or97 acres in Village Da!. The proposal for payment of com- (c) if so, his reaction thereto? pensation for this extent of 97 acres was received from the district revenue autho- nIB ~UNISTF..R OF STATE IN tities only in October 1979. In view of TIlE Mll\1:STRY OF LAEOUR this delay and the lapse of such a lcmg (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SIKHA): period, the mattei had to ~ exammcd in whether the matter of rendering Government assistance to the widow and children of the late Prince Mirza Moham- med Bedar Bakht, great grandson of SettiDg up of Industries in Foreign the last Mughal Empercr, Bahadur Shah CoUDtries OD TUrD-key basis II, has rAOW been decided; 4217. SHRI SMAR MUKHER- (b) if so, whether any pension is pro- JEE : \\Till the Minister of INDUSTRY posed to be granted to the family; and be pleased to state the total number of industrial units set up and expected to (c) whether the question of bringing be set up by the NSIC (National Small Bahadur Shah's remains back to India Industries Corporation) on tum-key from Rangoon was discussed with the basis in foreign countries, country-wise ? President N e Win of Burma during his recent visit to Delhi? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA): The Na- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN tional Small Industries Corporation TIIE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS have received enquiries for setting up (SHRI YOGEl\i"DRA MAKWANA): tum-key projects in Tanzania, Bangladesh, (a) Yes, Sir. Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya, PDRY- Yemen, Afganistan and Iran. Except in (b) It has been decided to grant poli- the case of Tanzania and Kenya, the pro- tical pension to Smt. Sultana Begum jects are in the initial negoti at ion stages. widow of late prince Mirza Mohammed So tar 48 plants for setting up sma11 inds- Bedar Bakh t, great grandson of the last tries for an approximate value of Rs. 2' 25 Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah II @ R~. crores have been supplied to Tanzania 400/- per month as a very special case. aDd one plant to Kenya. All the concerned including Smt. Sultana Begum have been informed accordingly.

(c) No, Sir. New Factory of H.A.L.

4218. SHRI A. NEELALOHITHA- Retrenchment ill R.S.C.L. DASAN; Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state : 4216. SHRI M. RAMANNA RAI: Will the Minister of LABOUR be plea- (a> whether there is any proposal pend- ing before Government of India regarding sed to state: the starting of a new factory of Hindustan

(d) if 10, what action has been taken (d) does it have any eft"cct on the number by the Government of India on it ? of vacancies at Captains and Majors level j and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI (e) if 10, details thereof ? SHlva", V. PATIL) (a) Yes, Sir. (b) The propoW is for settinl up a new THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE f~ry for manufacture of advanced MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI aVIoniC systems. SHIVR.o\.j V. PATIL): (a> Yes, Sir.

(c) Yes, Sir. (b> 1283 posts of Majors have been up-graded to the rank of Lt. Colonel, Cd} The State Government has been 583 posts of Lt. Colonels to Colonels, informed that their request would be con- 125 posts of Lt. Colonels/Colonels to lidered along with offers from several Brigadiers, 62 posts of Brigadiers to other States while taking a final view on Major C'~eral and II posts of Major the proposal. General to Lt. General.

(c) Government have ordered that C..fereace of Seafood Eaporter. these upgradations will be phased over a period of three years commencing Crom 4219. SHRI M. M. LAWRANCE: I g80-81. A total of 700 officers have so Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased far benefited from these upgradations. to state: (a) whether Government propose (d) and (e). Yes, Sir. However, since callins a conference of the small scale- promotion to the rank of Major is by time ICctor which are engaged in the s eaCood scale and "is not dependent on the number of export in the States, who mainly do export vacancies, no individual will be adversely of seafood, and those who have stopped affected. the bu.iness for various reasons ;

(b) if so, when ; and Pellets for CoDlDl_1 Riot. (c) ifnot, the reason'J therefor?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 4221. SHRI ASHOK GEHLOT: MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI Will the Minister oC HOME AFFAIRS CHARANJIT CHANANA) : (a) No, be pleased to state : Sir. The Ministry of Industry doea not propose to call any such confereRce in the (a) whether the Delhi Police have re- near future. cently developed a plastic pellet with a view to make a person injured with it, (it) Does not arise. in-capable of taking part in riots etc. again; (c) Th~ Marine Products Export (b) whether it is a fact that the person Development Authority is already injw'ed with it does not die and these pellets seized of the problem and is taking steps are used only at the time of riots ; to promote product and market diversi- fication. (c) whether these pellets have recently been used anywhert" ; (d) whether C,Jvernment are consider- Up-Gradation of Po.t of ArlDY OSiicen ing a proposal to make wide use of these pellets at the time of riots ; 4220. SHRI HARIKESH B.o\.HADUR: (e) if so, by what time a decisioniwiill ~ taken in this regard ; and SHRI K. M.~LLANN.~ : Will the Minister of DEFENCE be fC) if not, the reasons therefor ? pleased to state : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a> whether Government Iaave up- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS graded some posts in the Army Officers (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) s cadre; {a> The plastic pellets system has been developed by the Border Security Force (b) if so, details th.. eof ; in association with the Bureau of Police Research & Development. Some ma- (c) how many officers of various ranks terial has been issued to Delhi Police ha.e bene6ted ; . Cor riot control. Written AnsweTs AGRAHAY ANA 28, 1902 (SAKA) Written AnSWt!TS 118

(b) The recommended deployment (d) the details oC future programme range is about 50 metra at which a person Wlder this scheme 1 hit with pellet, will get only incapacitated with no likelihood of fatal injuries being caused. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMATI RAM DULA,RI SUNHA): (a) It (b). (c) The plastic packs have been used Available information regarding unemp- against a riotious mob in Hvderabad on 28th October, IgSo. . loyment allowance/benefit seMmes being ~ implemented by dift"erent State Goverr- ments is indicated in the statemmt. (d) to (C) A decision for wider use will be taken on receipt of the report from the Director General of Police, Hyderabad (c) & (d). Unemployment assistance about the efficacy of the pellets used in has been granted to 2.25 lakh persons that city. under the Kerala Unemployment Assis- tance Scheme till November, 1980. An expenditure ofRs. 6.S crores has been incurred till November 1 g80 and according Vi.it of Chainnaa of Briti_ Aero.pace to the State Government, a total all10unt aad C ..to_ .f Talk. ~itll him ofRs. 15 crores is required for the current financial year for the payment ofunemploy- . 4222. SHRI NAWAL KISHORE m~nt assistance . SHARMA : \Vill the Minister of DE- FE~CE be plea!ed to state : StateuaeBt (a) whether Sir Frederick Page, Chair- man, of the aircraft group of British Aero- Unnnploymmt Allowtl1l&t/Bmejits SeMmes space, with which agreement for India's Hing implemented by ii.lertnt State Gllvem- purchase of Jaguar aircraft had been merrts. signed, has recently visited India alongwith the British Overseas Trade team in Novem- The following Unemployment Benefit' ber, 1980 ; . Allowance Schemes are being implemented by the diherent State Governments: (b) ifso, whether the question of revising the 1979 contract for purchase of Jaguars has been discussed with him; and I. Punjab : An Unemployment Allow- ance of Rs. 50 per month to graduates Cc) the outcome of the talks held with and post-graduates and Ra. 40 per month him and the final decision taken in this to matriculates registered with the Em- respect? ployment Exchanges in the State and satisfying certain eligibility conditions, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE is paid. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI SHIVR.-\)" V. PATIL) (a) Yes, Sir. 2. Kera/a : Unemployed persons registered with the Employment Exchan- (b) No, Sir. ges and satisfying certain eligibility COn- ditions are paid "Unemployment Assis- (c) Does not arise. tance" of Rs. 50 per month.

3. West Ben:al: Unemployed per. Uaemp!oymeat Do!e SODS registered with tlJ.e Employment Exchanges and satisfying certain eligi- 4223. SHRI ATAL BEHARI VAjPA- bility conditions are paid an Unemploy- YEE: ment Allowance of Rs. 50 per month. SHRI MADHAV RAO SCIN- Beneficiaries under the Scheme are ell DIA: peeled to participate in any work/progr.. SHRI SATYANARAYAN lAI- mme/scheme sponsored by the State. TIYA: GoverJlDlent for which they would be paid Rs. 200 per annum as additional remu- Will the Minister of LABOUR be neration. pleased to state : (a) the names of States which are paying 4. Gujarat: The Government ofGujarat unemployment dole to jobless youths ; provide "Retention Allowance" ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 100 per month to SSCs, (b) if so, the details thereof; graduates and post-graduates and technical diploma holders registered with the Em- (c) the number of jobless youths in ployment Exchanges and satisfying certain Kerala wht) are being paid or to be paid eligibility cooditions. The beneficiaries such a dole there; and under this scheme are pcovided with part- time work/training. . Written Answer. DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written Answers 12p

5. MtJhArashtra : : 8. Tamil X.du : The Government of Tamil Nadu (a) The Government of Maharashtra pay an Unemployment Relief of are implementing a Scheme Rs. 50 per month to graduatet or "Financial Anistance" to and post-graduates, qualified R- the Educated unemployed condary grade teachf'rs, higher under which! grade teachers, physical educ- cation teachers, Tamil and (i) Unemployed graduates and other Language Pundits and post-graduates registered Craft Instructors and diploma with the Employment Ex- holders in engineerir.g registered changes and satisfying with the Employment Exchange:. certain eligi.bility condition.. in Tamil Nadu and satisfying are provided with ~t­ certa;n eligibility conditions. time work of such duration and nature as to enable (b) A special fl·ral employment pro- them to earn R.s. 100 gramme, started during 1979-eo per month ; and envisages provision of employ- ment to all able-bodied unskilled (ii) unemployed sse holders persons over 18 ~ars of age not registered with the Em- covered under programmes like ployment Exchanges and SmA, DPAP etc. in rural arf'as. satisfying certain eligibility if employment could not be conditions are paid Rs. given for any person within go looper annum to enable days from the date of his legistra- them to cover part of the tion, rice to the value of'Re. I expenses they may incur per day will Ix- given to him till while seeking employment. h~ gets his employment.

(b) The Government of Maharashtra have enacted the Mah"icashtra Constitution of a Committee on Recog- nition Fecleratio~s!Assodati0D5 Employment Guarantee Act of which guarantees unskilled un- 4224. SHRI DAYA RAM SHAKYA: employment to all adult persons Will thr Minister d HOME AFFAIRS residing in the rural areas. be Jlleased tc ,tate: Work is provided to any such person demanding unskilled (a) whether a Committee was consti- 15 employment, within days of tuted to go into the guidelines for pt.~] pOfe receiving such a demand. The of recognition of Federatjon/Associ~tioril Act provides for the payment of consisting of officials/stafl side member!! unemploymert allowance to of the National Council of the J.C.M. such of those persons as are not provided with employment within (b) on what date the Committee was the stipulated period of 15 days. constituted; 6. KamtJtlllca: The Government of (c) how many meetings/sittings have Kamataka have no proposal to pay an y taken place since its formaticn n:d wbi.t is allowance to the une!llployed~ ~oweyer, its progress so far ; and they are implementmg a C Stl~ndlary Employment Scheme" under whlc:h gra- (d) how much expenditure has been duates and postgraduates and ~lploma incurred on T AIDA of the members, holders from families which have an Income stationery and other amenit!es ? less than Rs. 3600 per an~um a!ld have no earning member are paid a stipend of TIm MINISTER OF STATE IN mE Rs. 150 per mont~. The services.o.f bene- MINISTRY OF HOME; AFFAlRS ficiaries of the stipend are uubsed by (SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH) : the Government in the implementati on of (a) and (b). Yes, Sir, a Committee of the development programmes. National Council of the J .C.M. was constituted on 17-8-1979. 7. Rajast/aan: T~ Government of (cr No formal meeting of the Committee Rajasthan provide stipend to unemplo¥f'd has taken place so far. The Staff Side of graduates and post-graduates belongmg the National Council represented in the to the Scheduled C'1stes and Tribes till Committee has been requested to give a they get employment or be~ome se~f-em­ draft formulation of the Recognition Rules. ployed. The graduates receive a stipend A meeting of the Committee will be held of Rs. 150 per month and.post-graduates after that is received. Rs. 250 per month.. With c:ffec~ fro!ll 21-5-l gSo those passmg exammahon In (d) No f'xpenditure has so far been Third Division are not eligible for the incurred on TAfDA etc. of the members stipend. of the Committee. I Written AnstD~s AGRAHAYANA 26, liG2 (SAKA) Written AftswCf'S 122

5. 12~, 1980 crft ~ nT ~ q'"( ~ '«f ~ dt(ifCfld SIl"'1" ~ 22 fcmm'.. ~ .. U;rr it mt it; ~ ~ ~ srfmlvr ~ WRfm ~ it ~ Sfliit iti mr... sn1T"1" QT ;r ~~~~tl~~ r.r.n ~ 'IIllfqlij"1 ~ q: ifitT iir fct;

6.~~~$~ (b) if so, whether according to tile re- view of the economy prepan:d by the ~ii IfIi ~ ~ fcmRr ~ ~ FI CCI certain trends in the first half of 1980-81 were "disturbing" and Govern- t ~ (13Ift4I., ~ ~ '" i ~ ment and industry must strive seriously "fa4l10 it ~ ~ 'AR mzr t to reverse them ? ~ m'f fin'lW ~ "N4IIRA) ifi TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~ 'fiT Uu AHfr ~ ~ ~ MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANjlT CHANANA) at (b) 'fiT~~~1 ~ The Prime Minister had a meeting with the labour leaden on 1st july 19 . ~ ~ ;rr{ ~~ 80 it f.ri The Prime Minister had also a mming ~ it 1976-80 t ;m ~l it with the ind!lStrialists. mlf ~ f.rlrivr mm ifft ~ ifiT Steps have already been taken by the ;tT !'~ ~ 8.32 Government to ease infrastructW71 bottle- emr it; ucn "Ofw necks and to provide a positive policy ~m~tl ~Narorr~ thrust for stepping up industrial produc- tion. There are indications of improve- ron 1Jl{1' t :-- ment in industrial production in recent months.

emr iliT "'1 if I Pi d Allotment of Imported CeJnea t mw toW.B.

4!227. SHRI NIREN GHOSH : Will the Minist~t of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : (1) ~1ti1n~ 6,91,350.00 (2) ii(~ (a) whether in the past the West Bengal State Government were allotted (3) ~ 1,05,818. 00 importtrl cement to cover some parts of d:e shortfall in arrivaJs of indigenoWl ce- ment that occurs in almost every quarter ; (4) ~ 34,912.00 (b) if so," whether the State Govern- ment has requested for ensuring that 8,32,080.00 larger quantity of imported cement is made available during the rest of the year; and

(c) if so, steps taken in this matter ? 7. 'lrof ~ 'fiT q: ~ t Ai W~'fiT~~fiRrAi~~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ctt !Qi cU4iifldl ~ ~ ~ i:m sniPr MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHAR..1\JJIT CHANANA) (a) : Bulk fcri1rr iiJTdT t, ~T ~ ctft' ~m allocations are placed at the disposal of the State Governments in each quarter ~R~iIiT~~~ I which may comprise both indigenous and imported cement. State of West Bengal have been given imported cement as a part of their quarterly allocation. CoonUnadon between Tndu.try and Labour (b) & (c) : The State Government of West Bengal have requested for higher 4226. SHRI B.V. DESAI : Will the allocation of imported cement. Every Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to eft'ort is being made to improve availabi- state : lity of imported cement to the State of West Bengal having regard to the overall whether it has been urged to Go- availability of imported cement, capaCity vernment to start an utmost coordination of the ports of Haldia/Calcutta to accom- among Government Industry and labour modate the quantity and the allotments for meC'ting the economic challenge facin, to other coDSumen who ~ also to take the country j and imported cement from these ports. 1'5 WTitten AnsweTs AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Writt~n An$WCTS 12&

~~~IfiT~~ (~) ~, 1979 iti lInlR ~;fi -.:q'i 4228. '1') fCftif''tl ~ W~: ~ r"1aVf(d fit;1rr ql{f t I ~ Inr ~~ ~ If{ ~ itft PIT ~ fit; : !Irrci~ ifiT ~ ifiT mi ~ ~ fcRT iiI'Tffi' t I ~ ~\fliffi 1C4'>j it (..,) mt ~ iti ",,1 mr-t tATt ~ ~ ~ t§tOi ~ ft.mt ~ iti~cf,~iIi"~it;~it ~~~ ~ ifiT '1"f'lmf ~ iiI'Tffi' ~ ~ it; ~ mc. cmvr t; ~~~iti~ ~ (w) ~~~~ ~R f~~~I'" ~ ifii(cfI

(.-) ~ ~ ifIl' ~ ~ Aclclitioaal A ••i.taDc:e to Ori••• ~~ 2;ffdCflI({ GAR, ~ " q for ADaaal PIaD GAP row. ~~ if.T " I ct Ifll Cfld i!i41 cit 'rU 4230. SHRI RASABEHARI BEHERAt ~ it; ~ gqyf it; ~ Cfl11nf GfiT Will the Minister of PLANNING be pleased to state : f(lIllI~1 ~l ~ ~ ~ \itT ~ ~ I (a) whether Orissa Government ha.~ ~ :a4\f)iffil\f1 ctft '4lctlf4Cfldl'4T Cfi) asked the Centre for additional assistance to meet the entire resources gap in the iU ~ tf'fT ~ iffif CfiT 1f"1Q'ii4 ~ States annual plan outlay for the curren t t ~ fc1; lfi1T ~ ~ it; iff-q vm year ; q *'4ijWW'", t 4 F(UII¥ffCt€",j ~ ~ (b) whether the Centre has agreed to the request of the State Government ;. '4Oijct~i( ;fir if ~ qrit I ~ ;i and ~ ~ ft;rvrf d"fI' t§lTlf t t ';fir (c) if so, to what extent ? ~ctiTtl THE MINISTER OF PLANNING & LABOUR (SHRI NARAYA.l'IJ DAIT (tT) f1mr ~ CflT ~ fCfiq TIWARI): (a) No, Sir. ~ ~ ~ it; W'R ~ ifiT ifll(.I~ (b) & (c). Do not arise. 127 Written AMWer, DECEMBER 17, 1980

8pec:IaI Self-coataJaed Sq.",. lor 1 gIG R_cae Operatloa Ia ltimalaya. J. Shri FAwaran died in Himachal Himalayas by a fall in a creavase on 4th 4231. SHRI SUNDER SINGH : Will J~ly, 1980. the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state: 2. Shri Thomas Mark Ruga. American national died on 21 '"9-80 at Camp I when whether it is a fact that Union he was swept away by an avalanche while Government are letting up Special attempting peak. Bhrigupanth-Garhwal Self-Contained Squads for quick and Himalayas. effective rescue operations in the Himalayas ; 3· Shri R. Garry Thomas, British na- (b) if 10, the details thereof; and tional died on 2g-g-80 due to a fall while attempting peak Phabrang-Himachal (c) what are the details regarding the Pradesh. casualties taken places in the Himalayan ranges during the last three yean in the 4· Shri G. Murali, Journalist with DG, foreign and Indian expeditions ? NCC Expedition to Leo Pargil died of Pulmonary Odema, on 1-IO-lgBo. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 5· Shri Vijay Mahajan and Miss A.N. (SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL): (a> and Joshi died while attempting Kalindi (b). On a request received from the State peak in Garhwal Himalayas on 1-10-80. Government of Jammu and Kashmir for the establishment of self-contained 6. Shri Timothy Huges, Australian rescue SQuads" this matter is under pre- national died on g-IO-I g80 while liminary examination in the Army attempting Changabang peak in Garhwal Headquarter. No details have been Himalaya. finalised.

(c) The. followin~. Army Office!-'S died 7· Prof. Thomas A. Mutch, Americ.aD while servlDg as LIaISon Officer WIth the national, died on 9-1980 while attempting foreign Mountaineering expeditions during peak Nun in Kashmir Himalaya. the last three yean, 1978-80:

(i) IC 33051 Captain S.S. Dhillon, 2 JAK. He was Liaison Officer with Shortage of Cement Kerala the American Expedition to Nanda Devi. in He died on 6th June, 1978.

(ii) IC 30439 Captain H.K. Joshi, 4232. SHRr V.S. VIjAYA RAGHA- 14 Mahar. He was Liaison Officer with VAN: Will the Minister of the Japanese Expedition to Kun in Jammu INDUSTRY be pleased to state: & Kashmir. He died on 19th July, 1979. (a) whether Karala is facing an acute shortage of cement due to the slow pr ocess In addition, the following civilians died of unloading cement at Cochin port; during the foreign and Indian expedi- and tions:-

1978 (b) if so, what steps are being taken to relieve the shortage of cement in Kerala? 1&2. Shri Karl Sidney Kerton and Shri Guy Bradford Shavers, American nationab, died on 20-10-1978 while THE MINISTER OF STATE IN att~pting peak Dunagiri. THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI C~JIT CHANANA): (a) and (b). No, Sa. The progress of Wi- 1979 loading of 'imported cement at Cochin Port is reported to .~. be generally I. Shri Christopher Mark Lloyd satisfactory. There is, however, a ~enCl'al a British national, died on 22-g-1979 by shortage of cement in the co un try a fall while attempting Chering ~~ak. including the State of Kerala. Every eifort is lleing made to ~rove a vaila- 2. Shri Rohini Kumar ~au,'aIl died. biliti of cement in the cOuntry ~ better ,while attemptinJ, Kedar Nat!l Peak in lltilisation of ~ ·ties *qioqfn ~ew ·1979· CapaCities and ·':rjjorb. ~ . . I fl 129 Written Answers AGRABAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written Answers 130

for substantive appointment ar.d 96 officers for officiating appointment. Out of 19 4233. SHRI K. Kt.JNHAMBHU: officers selected for substantiw appoint- SHaI P. K. KODIYAN: ment, one belongs to Schedulrd Castes. Of the 96 oflicen selected for c:fficiating appointment, 5 belung to Sch~duled Will the Minist~r of INDUSTRY be Castt'~. All SC/ST offiens who were with- pleased to state: in the zone of eligibility found place in either of these two lists. However, no (a) whether Government ha"'e formula- regular appointment to DAl\1: Civil Ser- ted fresh policy and guidelines in regard vice could b~ mnde since the seniority of to the take over of sick industries; and officers belonging to Grade-I (Exrcutive) was challenged jn the High Cont toy £(.me (b) if so, the details tbereof~ officers of Delhi Adrninistrr.tk·n. Tht" Hirh Court directt"d that the seniority be re .. vised and a fresh review of 1973 selection TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN be made. Accordingly, the Jklhi Admi- THE MINISTRY OF Il\'1)USTRY nistration revised the seniority, and on the (SHRI CHAR..o\.~IT CHANANA): basis of the revised seniol ity, a I't'vit'w of (a) & (b). The policy regarding take- 1973 selection was made in 1978. Eut the over of management of sick industrial panel drawn up by the Rt"view Selection units under the Industries (Development Conur ittee in 1978 could not be imple- & Regulation, Act, 1951 hu been indi- mented since fresh writ petitions were cated in the Statement on Industrial Policy filed challenging the revised !leniority of made in Parliament in July 1980. New Grade-I (Executive) and Grade-I (Minis- guidelines for the purpose have not been terial) officers. The writ petiticns are adopted as yet. pending in the Court. Consequently, no regular appointment through promotion ProDlotioa to Dam. Service Officers in could be made in DANI Civil Service Delhi AdmiDistratioa ever since it was constituted in 1971. All officers who came in the panel in 1973 selection are officiating against duty 4234. SHRI CHANDRA PAL SHAI.. posts. LANI: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: 2. Since the panel had long since been (a) whether Departmental Promotion exhausted, the Delhi Administratif 11 'hd Committee meeting was held in August, to make ad-hoc appointments frem tinle 1980 for DANI service in Delhi Admini- to time under rule 25(3) of DANI Civil stration; Service Rule!', 1971 in the various duty posts. Such appointment are made by (b) if so, the number of officers pro- selection through D.P.C. by th~ Admini- moted to DANI service and the number stration. A meeting of the SelectioJ1 C(.n;.- of those belonging to Scheduled Caste mittee was held on 2yd August, I gSo in and Scheduled Tribes communities Delhi Administration. On the rec( mDlfn" amongst them; dation of the D.P.C., 5 dfictrs hf..ve h(n appointed on 2d-hoc basi~. N(J eligible (c) whether provisions of 40 point roster Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes were taken into consideration in the officers were avail2ble fc·r rrclI'.('t:'( n. above Departmental Promotion Com.. The Delhi Administration maintains 10 mitteej point roster and was follcwfd in this DPC also. Such a rester is also maintained (d) whether quota reserved for Sche.. in the Ministry for regular appointment duled Caste and Scheduled Tribes officers in service. All eligil Ie SC/ST cfEc('rf' eli- in DANI service has since been com- gible for promotion hfA ve 21rt 2 dy be('n pleted; and promoted. The quota fer EC an ~'r hu not been ccmplettly fiUt d t P f'rd t}-is can (e) if not, the reasons therefor and be filled up only when eligille dEctrs when the quota from amongst the eligible for promotion to sfrvicf· hCO:Jl.e a,"aiJ~ hIe. officers of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Communities will be completed? Licences and Letters of IDt.nt issued THE MINISTER OF STATE IN to Orissa THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHaI YOGEl'I""DRA MAKWANA): 4235. SHRI NITYANANDA MISRA: (a) to (e). DANI Civil Service was con- Will the Mitiliter of INDUSTRY be stituted from 25-1-1971. The first selection pleased to state: for promotion to the service from various feeder services was made in 1973. The (a) the number of letters of ~te!lt Selection Committee selected 19 efficers issued for establi!'hm~nt of InduU'Jf'"! In S06oLS-5 Orissa since January, I gSo; Written Answers DECEMBEB 1'1, '1980 ~ Written Aft8Wers

(b) the number to whom licences have -The number of vacancies for alloca- since been issued for production; and tion to each arm and service are worked out and the Advisory Board allocated tlle (c) the total investment involved? Gentlemen Cadets in accordal.ce with the folkwing principks:- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN nn~ MINISTR.Y OF 1l\"1)USTRY (i) Cadets from Science Stream (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA): (ph}"ics, Chemistry and Mathematics) (a) 7 litters of Intent were issued for only are conaidered for all(iCf> ti( n to indUltrie. in Orissa during January- Technical Arm/Service (Engmeers, October, J gSo. Signals and EME). \ii) The choice of CAdets froDl thc (b) 7 I udustrial Licences were issu~d lit 5 % are met, depending uFon the during January-October, Jg80. Details num'lXr of vacancies and the nvmbt-r of all the Ldkrs oflntent and Induatrial of cadets opting for the particular Ann/ ,Licences including the name of the Unit, Service. In case, the number of opted location, item of manufacture, capacity i!, more than the number of vacaacies, etc. are published in the "Weekly Bulletin cadets passing out higher in oreer of of Import Licences, Export Licences & merit, are given p~fererCf'. Industrial Licences" and Supplement to the 'Monthly News Letter, published by (iii) In order to ensure that each arm the Indian .Investment Centre. Copies of apt! service receives equal number of these publications are available in the good/not so good dliccrs, the rOl'.2ining Parliament Library. cadets are plt!ced in S groups grading- wise and the vacancies in eacli Arm/ (c) Data regarding total investment Service filled proportionately. Each involved in each case is not centrally Arm/: ervice is required to nave equal maintained in the Secretariat for Indus- share of cadets from high~r /lov."f'r trial Approvals, Department of Induslcial order of merit. Development. (iv) While the choice of the Cadet is given due weigh~gf' his ZJ:titUGf v,is-tl- Procedure in I.M.A. for Allocation or rlir age group and qualification are taken Gentleman Cadets to Technical Arma into consideration for allocation t(' the aDd Services different Arms/Services.

4!236• SHRI JAMBUWANT DHOTE: These principles have been followed Will the Minister of DEFENCE be recently in allocaticn (\f cadets to 67 pleased to State: Regular Course and 50 Tf'chnic~l Course. There is no infructuous expendituJ't' at the (a) the procedure adopted in Indian Military Engineering Collf'p-f' as only Military Academy for allocation of gentle- suitable and qualified c~dets are being ma.n cadet! to technical arms and services; commissioned to tt"Chnical nnlSJsen·icu. (b) whether it is a fact that in a recent allocation gentleman cadets with very high Prisoa.era in Jails marks in science subjects and engineering background who had given their choice 4237· SHRI CHA.1'IDRAJIT YADAV: for technical arms have seen ignored and SHR.I RAM SINGH YADAV: othen of lower merit earmarked for tech- nical arms; Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIR.S be pleased to state: (c) w'let3er it will amowlt to spending huge amounts in l\{ilitary engineering col- (a) what is the total number ofprisoners leges on officers of low merit when officers in the various Indian jails (State-wise) as of high merit are available; and against the capacity; (d) w\ether he proposes advising the (b) how many of them are undertriaJ Army headquarters to rectify the mistake prisoners aail-wise) showing the female if any and ear;:nark really de!erving gentle- prisoners, juvenile Pord lun2!tic undertrial man cadet" for technical anns? prisoners separately; (c) how many of these 1!ndrrtrial pri!!C'- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN nen are under detenticn for more than THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHlU six months and the number of those who SHIVRAJ V. PATIL): (a) to (d). Alloca- are under detention fer a period more tion of Gentlemen cade~ to the Technical than half the period of the maXinlUJll/ Arms and Services is decided by the Ad- minimum sentence that could ~ awardf'rl visory Board in "-ccordance with tlle laid under the sections they have been chnged; down policy. and written Answers AGRAHAYANA 28, 1902 (SAKA). Written Answers

(d) the steps takm by Govmmt~nt for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE getting early disposal of thdr cases? MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA) (a> to (c) : THE :MTh'lSTER OF STATE IN The Employees Provident fund autho- TIlE :MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS rities have intimated as follows:- (SHRI YOGENDRA MAK\\'ANA): (a) to (d). The information is tril'f' col- lected from Statr Govrrnmt'nt ard Union The ratio of UDCs to LDCs in E.P.F. Organisation is !.I: I: the ratio of Head territory Administratic D8 and will tr lajd on the Table of the Homre. Clerk to clerical staff is 1:7 in Accounts branch and 1:8 in the Enforcement and Administrative branches . • , .., ..~ ~ , t Military Cantoameata These ratio could not br maintained in the Sub-Regional Office, Meerut, 4238. SHRI MANOHAR LAL SAINI since its inception in 1977, due to non- Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state : availability of eligible persons in the respective cadres and the opposition of the staff in the Regional Office to their (a) whether it is a fact that the De- transfer to the Sub-Regional Office. fence departmC'llt sets up new Military Cantonment at least at a distantt of Steps are, hawever, being taken to pro- more than eight miles from the Municipal mote the eligible LDCs and UDCs to the limits of the town ; cadres of UDCs and Head Clerk as and when they become available. • (b) whether new canto-ments are being set up in Haryana in near future ; and

(c) ifso, which are the new places and ProDlotioas of Small Indo.tn. by what time they are going to be set up ? ProlDOtion Ofticers (E.I,)

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 4240. SHRI R.N. RAKESH : Will THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased (SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL) (a) Yes, to state : Sir. It has been the policy of Govern- ment to set up new cantonments, as far (a) how many small Industries Pro- as practicable. away from the existing motion Officers (EI) have been promoted towns/cities. The exact locations, how- as Assistant Director (Grade II) in the ever is dictated by a number of considera- Small Industries Development Organisa- tions, including operational requirements, tion during this year; as well as the iocation of land offered by the State authorities. Wherever canton- (b) how many posts are given to ments already exist and they require to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candi- be expanded, additional land t" required dates as per rostrr point applied in the conti guous to the existing cantonmmts. case of 100 per cent promotion to A.D. This is in order to ensure that the. canton- (Grade II) (E.J.); ments are not split up and also to save on development cost. (c) if not, reason thereof; (b) and (c). It would not be in public (d) whether there is a plea that these interest to disclose this information. are ad hoc promotions and not against reservation ;

Staff in E.P.F. 0rgaai.. tion (e) the definition of ad hoc when the posts are on long term basis for more than 4239. SHRI RASEED MASOOD: six months and filled by 100 per cent Will the l\finister of LABOUR be pleased promotions from grade of SIPO and to state: the reasons for not calling a meeting of Departmental Promotional Committee (a) whether the ratio .of .UD9s and &0 that the Scheduled Cast/Scheduled LDCs in the EPF Orgamsations IS 2:1 Tribe candidates may get their promotion and for Head Clerk and Clerical staff on reserve point according to roster; is 1:7; and (b) if so, wheth~ this ratio has. not (f) if nut, the reasons thereof ? been maintained m the Sub-regtonal Office, Meerut since its inception ; and . '·lm MINISTER OF STATE IN (c) if so what· action Government TIm MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY propose to 'take in the matter a~ ho~ (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA): . much time it will take to rectify thls During the year 1980 till date, orderl irregularity ? have been issued promotion 7 SIPO a Written Answer, DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written AftS1Der, 136

CEconomic Investigation/Statistics} to criteria by which backward areas should the poat of Aaistant Director CGrade m be identified. Any change in the list CEconomic Investigation/Statistics> on an of backward areas and pattern of subUdy lIIl-htJe basis out of which 3 have assumed will depand upon the decisions to be charge till 4th December, 1980. taken on the recommendations of this Committee. Cb) and Cc). There is no reservation for Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribes in tid-hoc promotions and, as such, the question of applying roster point does not Tour. aadertakeD by DevelopmeDt not arise in luch cases. However, one Commi•• loner (SSI) of the ad-hoc promotees is from a Schtrluled Caste. 4242. SHRI HARISH CHA.1"iDRA SINGH RAWAT: Will the Minister of (d) to (f) • The vacancies of Assistant INDUSTRY be pleased to state : Director (grade II) have arisen on an Qd-hoc basis and had to be fiUed up in (a> what has been the total travelling that manner'. allowance budg«"t allocation for Head QJ.larters alone of SIDO in the past three years (upto October, IgBO) ;

Backward Dl.trict. i.D GuJarat (b) howm:1nydays in a month the Deve- topment Commissioner (SSI) was out of Delhi on to-:.'1' d ring last two years, the 4241• SHRI SHANTUBHAI PATEL: p Jrpose of his tOllrs and outcome of Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be his visit l1is-a-vis Senior Officers of SIDO pJeased to state : available in all the States;

Ca' which backward district in Gujarat (c) howmucb has been spent on TA/OA have been included in the Central List of the Development Commissioner alone of backward districts ; out of the total TA budget of the smo- Headquarters in the past three y«"arss (up- Cb) if no, what are the reasons ror not to October, I g80) ; doing so ; (d) how many days out of his tours has (c) whether Government intend to DC (SSI) been to Hyderabad or near include Saharkantha and Banaskantha by areas and with what purpose : Districts in the Central List of bakward districts : and (e) how many times the Development Cd) if 50, when ? Commissioner, Small Scale Industries has been abroad and for what purpose and wha twas th e usefulness of his foreign THE MINISTER OF STATE IN tours to the Organisation and the small THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY scale sector ? (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) Ca> It (b) ~ The following 10 districts in Gujarat have been identified as industrial- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN nm ly backward eligible for concessional MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI finance and other facilities :- CHARANJIT CHANANA) : (a> The total Traveiling A11owa~~ Budget Amreli, Banaskantha, Bhavnagar, Allocation for Head Q)J.arters of SIDO Broach, Junagadh, Kutch, Mehssana, in the pa_;t 3 years is as follow _:- Panchamahals, Sabarkantha and Surendernagar. Year Budget allocation for Out of these 10 districts the following T.A. for HeJ.dquarters 3 districts have been further identified Offic::. for benefit under the Central Inve

(c) & (d) ! A National Committee on 19Po-81 · Rs. 2,50,000' 00 the Development of Backward Areas has been set up under the Chairman- ship of Shri V. Sivaraman, formar Member (b) The Development Commiuioner Planning Commission to inUr-alia re- was on tour for 201 days during the last view the existing scheme of incentives to two years, i.e. average of 8· 4 days per backward areas and to recommend the month. 137 Written ARS1Ders AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAK4) WTitten AftstDers Since the Development Commissioner Visit to Bangkok and back was is head ofan Organisation wl:.ich has about funded by ESCAP and to Jakarta hundred major Institutes, Branch Insti- funded by Government of India. tutes and Extension Centres scattered all over the country, he has to frequently (iv) Visit to Berlin in June, 79 to vittit them for assessing the work being done participate in a Seminar on by them, In additon he is abo associated Small Industry at the invitation with nearly eight Institutions of Govern- of the Genua n Government. ment of India, for which he is the Chair- man of the Government Council. (v) Visit to Bangkok in November, 1979 to participate in a Meeting The visits ofthe Development Commissi- of the Heads of Research Ins- oner, apart from purly inspections, also titutions in Small Industry consistofinteraction with the State Govern- Development funded by U.N. ments and other State agencies, such as associate agency ADIPA. the Small Industries Development Cor- porations, SmalJ Industries Associations, (vi) Visit to Istambul in November, and participation in a number of Work- 19i9 as a Member of the Indian shops and Seminars held throughout the Delegation to the preparatory -country on the subject of small Industry. meeting for the Conference of UNIDO-III at New Delhi in January,lg8o. (c) The total amount spent on TA/DA of the present Devt"1opment Commissioner (vii) Visit to Kathmandu, Nepal in since May 1978 (upto October, 1980) F('bruary 1980 to present a Re- is Rs. 91,730,65 out of total TA Budget port prepared by the SIET of the Headqullrters Office ofSIDO ofR4i, Institute for the World Bank 8· 5 lakhs. to the Government of Nepal- funded by the SIST Insti tute (d) Out of his tours for 201 days, the Hyder.. bad. Development Commissioner has been to Hyderab:ld or nearby areas for 36 days in (viii) Visit to. ~anila in June, 1980 the past two years. Besides the Small to partiCIpate in an E SCAP Industries Service institutes, the De- Meeting as national coordinator velopment CommiSSIoner is the Chairman for a Project for Development of the two Institutes of the Government of Non-metro-politan Areas- ot'India, viz., small Industry Extension funded by ES CAP. Trainings Institute, Hvderabad and Cen- tra' Institute of Toot Design, Hydera- bad. The meetings of the Governing (ix) Visit to Colombo in August, Councils of these Institutes are held once 1980 in order to participate in a in 3-4 months. In addition, the Deyelop- Seminar held in connection ment Commissioner is also associated with the Indian Automotive with two State Public Secior Under- Fair,funded byEEPC. takings in Hyderabad, whose Board Meetin~ also he has to attend periodi- cally. Formaladon of KeDdriya Rajbhasa Seva (e) The Development Commiuioner, ·Small Scale Industries has been 3 broad 4243· SHRI B.D. SINGH: Will the for the following purposes : Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : (i) Vjsit to Kathmandu, Nepal (a) whether the question offormulation in July, 1978 as a Member of of Kendriya Rajbhasha Seva for variotLIII the High Level Delegation of categories ofHindi employet's and offiCf'rs the Government of India. engaged on the Hindi posts before 1977 is under cor.. sideration for a long time ; (ii) Vis:t to China in 0 etober- November, 1978 RII a Member (b) if so, what are the reasons of delay of the ESCAP/UNIDO Dele- in the finalisation of the matter ; and gation on Small Industry,funded by ESCAP. (c) the time by which the service is likely to come into existance and what .(iii) Visit to Bangkok, Jakarta, in are the details of the service ? February-March, 1979 in his copacityas national coordinator THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE for ESC AP, ?ond in order to parti- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS cipatein INDEF-Fair at Jakarta (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) organised by the Engineering

(d) Necessary instructions in this re- ~J ~ ~ ilfil«iI'11 gard were issued in August, 1978. (v) lrl"cf ifiir ~:qr~ ~~; ~ IDlport of Macbiaery by MIs. As- bestos Cement Limited (11") ~~ifiT~ ~ 4245. SHRI MANTRAM BAGRI: ~m-<~f~~T ~~ Will the :Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased tu state: ~~~t"? I4J Writte", A1ISwer.'AGRABAYANA 281:·1102 (SAKA) W'ittft A~e1's 143

'ft"M., Ji,",,~,'. if ~J ~*". (,*:., Noa-clepoelt·of ·P.F. by VI.hila" Sapir MD18 Lbnlted, Gopalpn) ~.)a- ;n;r.n): ('Ii) iiIT, ~1 I 4-2t8. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MAN- ( .. ) ~ (~). ~~9f(f ~ I~ DAL : Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:

\ (a> whether it is a fact that the manage- ment of Vishnu Sugar Mills Ltd., Gopal- f~~· if f;n;n ~ ~~if if \tf.. ftt411 gunj (Bihar) is deducting provident fund contribution from the employees but is Ifi1 'RSet Dot depositing it with the Provident Fun d Authorities since March, IgBo in con- travention of the statutory provisions; and 42 47. 15fT ri m' vmfT.: CflIT • ~ ~ ~ ~ (b) if so, the action Government pro- Qt iRfR ctT fir;: pose to take in the matter fOl' violation of rules against the Mill Management? ('Ii) ~ ~ if mr ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 'ft':16411:1'1'T:1(Wf:::r:lll'"1 it ~ 'fRT ~ ~ ~ THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR ~ iiffl"-+t fijij ~ 'Et(Wfl ~Cfi , ( . (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA) 2 ctT rtf i Ca> The Employees' Provident Fund 'Et Ftf Falt i ctmt Cif)( qr f; authorities have reported that Mfs Vishnu Sugar Mills Ltd., Gopalgunj, Bihar had failed to deposit the Provident Fund, (-) ~ ~t, aT ~ '"'" iti· ~ Family Pension Fund and the Employees· Deposit-linked Insurance coutributions ;mr ~ ~ ~ 'Etfi1f6lti ~ f" m: for the period from June I gBo onwards. ~.~ ~ ;mr ij1ff 'Etliilf\iiCfi 'd" (b) Proceedings· under Section 7A of ~~-; ~ the Employees' Provident Fund"! and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 for the periodJune to August, 1 g80 were com- (~) ~ ~1 CfiT t)Oif fcti;r pleted by the .. Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Bihar on 1-12-1~80 ]a ~t~~'f1.1Tt? Proceedings, likewise, have also been mi- tialed by him for a4JSessment of the dues for the period September and October, ,~ ~~ if ~wq .1' (I5fT'1itiFir IgBo. ¥4¥CIII OI!) : (if) ~ (~). ~ if, ~ ~ 1~I(WfltT it lIT ~~ ~ Setting up of District Industries Centres ~~~q(I+1!ti«H:f1 ~a ~ t I in Rajasthan ~~CfiT~~if~ ~ ~ tl~ 4249. SHRr JAINARAYAN ROAT. ctr t ft;ro: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY ~~"ctT~ t~~ be pleased to state: 1fSltl(Wflt ~ ~, 1979 if ~ (a) the names of the districts where the ~~~I~~~SI~ district industries centres have been set up in Rajasthan State so far; and ~T CfiT, ~ q-m ~ ~ m-< ~ ~ Ti' Cf.T¥ ~ ~ CfiT ~ (b) by when the district industries cen- ~ ij~ Cf)(;r ~ ~ ~T, ~ tres ue likely to be set up in the remain- if ing districts of the State? ifi ~ it '11 +1 i fetid fctilIT \jffiff t I ~ ~t;mff~~m'f~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ifl1Tf~ fC44~qj ~ ~ ~ ~ ifT1if MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) : (a) & (b). ctft "f1'1if1l

IlIlpleaaeDtatioD of mbdmulIl Will_ RadJadOD Hazard To Workers at for Delhi Laboare... T ....par Atomic Power Plaat

KODIYA.~ 4250. SHRI P.K. : Will 2 the Ministerlof LABOUR ~ pleased to 425 • SHRI CHATURBHUJ : Will the PRIME ML'iISTBR be pleased to ltate : atate: ('J.) whether the minimum wagei (or Delhi labourera were railed in January (a) i.ita fact that in the Tarapur Ato- this., !ar; mic Power Station, there have been chro- nic problems associated with the BoiHng (b) if so, whether it is a f'Jct th'\t thiJ Water Reacton regarding hazards for decision hal not been properly implement- workers of Radia tion Exposure j ed al yet; and (b) details in this regard and number (c) irao, what measurr-I are proposed of incidents of exposure at the Power to be taken for its implementation? Station till now; and

THF DEPUTY MINISTBR L~ THE (r) steps de"i~ed and precautions being MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI P. taken for the safety of workers? VBNKATA REDDY) : (a) Yes, Sir.

(b) & (c). Delhi Administration is tak- THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- ing necessary actIon to implement the mi- MA~ INDIRA GANDHI) : (a) to (c). nimum rates of wages through impections No SIr. and filing of prosecutions on receipt of complaints regarding payment of le!8 wages. All workers who are required to work in radiation areas are inevitably exposed to radia- tion. All possible precautions are Escess Capacity UtilisatioD of Mjs. being taken to ensure that the exposures HladustaD. Lever are within the levels permitted by the in- ternational Commission on Radiological Protection. Some of the more important 4!l51. SHRI K.M. MADHUKAR precautions are: SHRI R.L. BHATIA: (i) Steps are always taken to f'nsurc Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be speedy removal of radio activity pleased to sta te : &om working systems.

(a) whether the Hindustan Lever has (ii) Continuous recordings of exposure indulged in production beyond UoLe per- of workers are monitored on a fort- mitted capacity p_1.rticillarly in re~pect of ni ghtl y basis in order to ensure their washing soaps; jf FO, the details that no one receives doses in excess thereof; of permissible limits. (b) whether lifebuoy has been wrongly classified as a carbolic soap; and (iii) Workers are subjected to whole b'ldy monitoring on a regular basis in order to ensure that, in the un- tc) if 10, whether such a classification likely event of ingestion of radjo- has enabled it to produce beyond permit- active mbstances, corrective steps ted cap:Jcity? could be taken immediately.

THE ML~ISTER OF STATE IN (iv) All radiat;on areas Ere 5.ubjected to THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY SHRI regular monitoring to as~ess radia- CHARANJIT CHANANA): (a) This tion effects. company holds Registration Certificates under Section 10 of the Industriess(Deve- (v) Radiation safety measures are lopment & Regul.. tion) Act,1951. & there is no indication of capac;ty in these controlled and supervised by the Certificates' the question of excess pro- Health Physics Unit which works independently of the Management duction does not arise. of the Station. (b) & (c). There are lSI specifications for toilet soap and laWldry soap j there is As a result of these measures, the average no separate specification for carbolic soap. annual exposure of the workers at the sence' the question of class fying Lifebuoy Station has been muchless tha. the leveJs lIP at' a carbolic ~p does root arise. permitted by ICRP. 14S Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written AfI8fDerS

3. Dr. G.S. Bhalla, Jawaharlal Nehru, University, New Delhi. - -PS3· SHRIMATI PRAMILA DANDAVATE: Will the Minister of 4. Dr. P.R. Brahzuananda, PLANNING be pleased to state : Department of Economic, UniVCl'lity of Bombay, Justice M.G. Ranade (a> whether Government had invited Bhavan, Vidyanagari Marg, Bombay- Economics to discuss the Sixth Plan frame- fOOO98. work in New Delhi recently; 5· Prof. Sukhmoy Chakravarty, (b) if so, names of those who were in- Univenity of Delhi, 7, University vited at this meeting; Road, Delhi.

(c) whether a number of economists 6. Dr. K.S. Gill, criticised the investment priorities and Vice-Chancellor, Guru Nanak Dev investment strctegy proposed in the Sixth Unh'ersity, Amritsar. Plan frame-work; and 7. Dr. P .C. Goswami, (d) if so, what are the details of their Pro~essor & Head of the Deptt. of criticism ? Agn cuI turaI ~conomics and Fanu Management, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. THE MINISTER OF PLANNING & LABOUR (SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI) (a) Yes, Sir. 8. Dr. P. D. Hajela, Prof. and Head of the Deptt. of (b) The Economists, whose names are Post-graduate Studies & Research indicated in the attached statement in Economics, University ofJabalp'.r attended the meeting. Jabalpur (M.P.). - ,

(c) The Plan frame work does not spell g. Dr. D.T. Lakdawala, out the investment priorities and the in- Bungalow No. 3, Principals' (hlarters vestment strategy in detail. The Econo- Opp. H.L. College of Commerce: mists offered therefore, general sugges- Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-38000g. tions in this connection. 10. Prof. M.V. Mathur. (d) The suggestions inclulded the Director, National Institute of following :- ~ducational Planning & Administra- tion, 17-B, Sri A:..robindo Marg (i) Priority to education particularly New Delhi. ' to adult education and educa- tion in rural areas· II. Dr. B.S. Minhas, (ii) Higher priority to health. Indian Statstical Institute, 7, S.J. S. Sansanwal Marg, Near QJ.&tab (iii) Greater importance to the de- Hotel, New Delhi--I 10029. velopment of human resources in general. 12. Dr. P. C. Joshi, Director, Institute of Economic (iv) Greater stress on the develop- Growth, Univenity Enclave, Delhi. ment of backward regions and 110007· sub-regions. 13· Prof. K.A. Naqvi, (v) Greater attention to proper main· tenance of asset already created. The Delhi School of Economics Centre for Advanced Studies in Economic History and Eco. Develop- ment, Univenity of Delhi. K-3/3 StatemeDt Model Town, Delhi.

1. Dr. Malcolm S. Adiseshiah, 14' Dr. B. Natarajan, Member, Rajya Sabha Sadhana, Chairman, Institute for Techno- 21, Centoph Road, Madras-6oooI8. Economic Studies 76 Harrington Road, Madras-60003 I. 2. Dr. Y. K. Alagh, Professor of Economics & Director, 15. Dr. T.S. Papola. Sardar Patel Institlte of Economic Director, Giri Institute of Develop- & Social Research Thaltej Road, ment Studies, B-4.2, Nirala Nagar, Ahmedabad-38OOS4' Lucknow (U.P.). 147.. Wri,~ .4nswef'. DECEMBER 1'1, 198Q[ WntteR AftS1Der.- 14$

16. Dr. Kamt a Prasad, ~ ,~, Prof. of Economics and Rural De- (11') at \R m iti 'f11r velopment, Indian Institute of ~ Public Adminjstration-' Indraprastha t? ]3Itate, New Delhi-lloocUt. ~-~ __ (-n~ .. 17. 1»Iof•• Raj KriIhDa, lJDivenity of Delhi, Dell»-7. ~ fa1m:1) : (Cli) m (V). ~ 18. Shri G. Rangarajan, ~ ~ it; ~ AamI'_ ita· ~ Indian Institute of Managemcot, '{f\f4' ~erl1f) ~ ~ ~ ~ Vastrapur, Ahmedabad. en , I ~,-~tfl em- ~ ~ ~Cli ~ 19. Prof. C.H. Hanumantha Rao, Institute of Economic Growth, Uni- ~ ~~ ;r;rrf lTf t I venity of Delhi, Delhi. (tr) ~R ('f). ~ ~!IIflf SIO. Dr. V.K. R.V. Rao, cDayanicihi', 26-A MAIN, IV 'T' ~/m it; ~ :aqijf¥tf(l4i ~ 'fiT' Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560011 • iJilf SImCr,~ t1' , 511. Shlli Tarlok .Singh,- 110, SlDl(ier Nagar, New Delhi. New. item. "Top Maaipar ,Oftidalla 251. Dr. J·N· Sinha, Army Caatody" Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi- ,. l- 4255. SHRI SURAJ BHAN : SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAlII: SHRI HARIKESH BAHADUR: as. Profr S.P. Sinha, • Head of the Deptt· of Economics, Bihar University, MuzafFarpur. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ,pleased to state : 514. Shri Prakash Tandon. Director General,_, National COuncil (a) whether Government's attention of Applied Economic Research has been drawn to the news item. "T~ Parili1a'-- Bhavan, 1 t, Indraprastha Manipur Official in Army Custody t ., Bstate, New Delhi. published in the Indian Express (Delhi Edition) of the 21St October, IgSO; and SiS. Prof. N.S. Vyas, Indian Inltitute of Management, (b) if so, the outcome of the interro- Vastrapur, Ahmedabad. gation of the two senior I.AS. Officers by the Army authorities ? TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : ctfCilflftfd m it; r"q "\;ft ~ ~ (a) Yes, Sir. ~ ttNfdQi (b) Acting on information, two I.A.S. officers of Manipur were questioned by 4 254. '" ~9f" CflIT 1()if;n the Army. One of them admitted. having .m: paid some money under duress while mftlll~ifiT~~~ ; the other denied. having made any such payment to the extremist organisations. ~ The officers concerned. were not arrested or (Cli) "fqCfif-ad m iti fcrcmT taken into custody by the Army. m~~~iti~~~ Sl"Tt(I' -:aq-~~ ~rfiRr ifl;- lTf f; SettiDg up of Cem.eat Factories Ia G.jand (v) ~~, \Ff ~ iti ifI1:r m 4256. SHRI R.P. GAEKWAD : Will CRT ~ ~ ~ ~..:eflifd4i ~ the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : IfiT 1ft f; (a) the number of cement factories in (tr) CflIT ~ \tfqctif~d it; Gujarat, their existing installed capacities m and their annual production ; ft;tit \iT \,N-ij f+i fd4 i ~ ifl,. ~; (b) the number of new cement fac- ~ tories proposed to be set up in Gujarat 0( which Letters of IntentfLicences are THE MINI$TER, OF STATE IN pen with· their installed capacitia and the THE '~l1ty 'OF! lNDUST~Yl year in which they will go into production; (SHRI ~rr CHANANA) : (a) - .:-~:. r There are ax' ~ cement plants in" Gujarat 'With. a' toW mstaDed capacity· at ~OD million tonnes per annum. I J (c) details of prosramDlCS, a'4B The 4 if any, sanctioned for' die existing cement pniduction of these units during 1979 factories in Gujarat ; ~.. - was . i· 95 minion tonne".' oIooC) . 3 \ pi . {: 'I .\ (b) and (c). A Statement is attached. (d) total annual demand of cement, both for agriculture. industrial and hous- (d) and (e). The demands of Gujarat ing purposes in Gujarat; and ,I. State for agncultural, industrial and hous- ing purposes are Dot available separately and, therefore, it is difficult to assess (e) what is the shortfall and how iiit the shortfall in supply of cement to these • proposcd to be met in the coming years sectors. These demands are, however, to in view of large quantity of cement requir- be met with by the State Government of ed for Narmada Irrigation and Power Gujarat out of the bulk quarterly alloca- Project ? tion placed at their disposal every quaner. r-"!"- Statement

S. No. Name Location Annual Remarb Capacity of Cement (In Jakh tonnes)

1. Narmada Cement Co. Ltd., Jaffioabad/Magdella 10'00 Expected to come (Ir:dus~rial Licence) Ne~ Unit. in to production ill IgBl-82.

2' Gujara t Ir..dustrial Investmen t Veraval 10'00 Corpn. (Letter of Intent) New 1 These are Letters of' Unit. 'Intent recently ; granted and it 3. Santaben D. Patel (Letter of Dotad is difficult at this Intent) New Unit. Dt. Sabarkantha 0'45 stage It- to precsely I india..te the ~ 4' Bhagwan Das Mehta (Letter of Khed Brahma I in- which they Intent) New Unit. I would commence I production. 5. R. M. Khatau (Letter of Intent) Dt. Banaskantha 0'f6 New Unit. 6. Dr. S. N. Gandhi (Letter of Dt· Banaskantha o· 66 Intent) New Unit.

7. Gobinddas C. Patel Dt. Bhavnagar 4' 00 (Letter of Intent) New Unit· 8· Shree Digvijay Cement Co. Sikka 4' 85 (Letter of Intent) (Substantial Expansion)

Labour Min!sters' Meeting (b) the details of the decisions imple- mented ? 4257. SHRI RAVINDRA VERMA: SHRI PHOOL CHAND THE MINISTER OF STATE IN VERMA: THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI- MATI RAM DULARI SINHA) : (a) Will the Minister of LABOUR be A statement was made in the Lok Sabha pleased to state: on the 23rd of July, IgBO in reply to a ...... ,.-.= r_· Calling Attention Notice regarding the (a) whether the Labour Ministers' at decisions taken at the Labour Ministers- their meetings held on the 19th and 20th Conference held on the 19th and 20th.• July, IgSo had taken any decisionstand July, IgBo • . '\. Written AnB1Ders DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written Answers

(b) The Standing Committee or Labour Ministcn constituted to follow up ~ ~ q'J1J1f-~ ~ ~ it; R-ro: ~ the decisions met on the 15th and 16th or September, 1980. Necessary action has ~ tnif it; ~ q"{ 1fSlf srtw ~ been initiated in reprd to the legislative amendments proposed to the IndUltrial 1m 8~, 1980 ctn" f~q)lf(lfl ctit Disputes Act, 1947; the IndUltrial Employ- ment (Standing Orden) Act, 1Q46 ; the 11i vft I ~ cf.t ~ ~ tJ1IT lIT "Trade Unions Act, 1926; and the-Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. Action has also 5'rr ~ crft dCl1~1( ~ ~ ~ ~ been initiated for a Central law for building and construction workers. A I ~ tR: ~: ~ f«Q: Committee has been appointed to review vft ferm: iti the existing wage structure in the hand- loom indUltry and to suggest measures to lJ.ifl "'i4I~Cl'1 srrcd' ~ 'fT, ~ \il't~ bring uniformity. ctiT iiIT ~ t I ~ if ~ ~~ etft :qlqif4Cf1dl~'fU~iti~~t ~ ~;"i~t if q~-9"{~T i. if q~ ~~ t ~ Riqy cf.r ~ Cf)T ~~ UQ 11'"1 ~;n 1fi~ ~iiIT~tl

4258. 551'1' ~" ;:rro'Q'Vf ~: Location and Production of Ce.ment iflIT am 1hfi ~ ~ eFt ~ ~ Industries f.fi: 4259. SHRI S. B. SIDNAL SHRI B. R. NAHATA : (iifi) iflIT ~ ~ it ~ smr it ~tA 'Qf'RA iti im;r, ~ Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : ~ U~li"u ~~ it c. iti fit"cfle fi it qili" ~ it; Cfli (@llil ~ ~ (a) the number and locations of Cement factories in various States, State- it; ft;tit ~ ~ CfiT ~ fcfi1IT wise; "'fT, lift ~, M iflIT ~ it l~ m it (b) their licenced capacity and actual CfIT( ~ ~ ti m< production during 1977 to 1980, year-wise and

(~) ~ ~ it ~ it; (c) the steps proposed to improve the situation? ~ it; mit ~ lfOO it ~T

CfiT ~ fcfi1IT ~ ~ ~ ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN iIIT ~ lffiIT '3(qlfctd ~ ~ ~'ftlq"l THE MINISTRY OF IINDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) : t ? (a) and (b). A statement is attached. ~'" ~ ~ if ""1' (551'1' (c) The Government are making every .~3Im~) : (if) ~ (~). effort to increase the availability of cement in the country by better utilization of ~r:tlci~l, ~ ~ ~ CfiT it existing capacities, sanctioning new capa- "~ .~ ~ ft;rQ; ll:iifi CflI(tM,.,T ~ cities and imports. 153 Written Answer, AGRABAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA). Written Answer' IS-i

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I M I 161 Writtea Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKAl Written An.wers 162

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til .J o .~ .~ .~ ~ ~ c.o _ - - .1 ~ Written Answers DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written _4flSwers 164

J_ Tribe I have resulted in identification or anumbel' of new uranium provinces in Madhya

Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh9 Uttar 4!ZOO. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN Pradesh, Kamataka and the North Will the Minister HOME AFFAIRS Eastern Region, in addition to the already of known Singhbhum Thrust Belt in Bihar, be pleased to state : where at Jaduguda a uranium mine (a) the total population of the 'J uang supported by a mill with a capacity to Tribe' in the country ; tRat 1000 tonnes ore per day is already in production since 1968. The Department (b) the total population of such people of Atomic Energy's requirement of tanta- in Keonjhar district of Orilsa ; lum is being successfully met by columbite- tatalite ore being produced departmentally. (c) whether the strength 0( this tribe Survey and assessment of the beach sand is decreasing day by day ; deposits have indicated self-sufficiency in thori m. The Atomic Minerals Division (d) whether Government have any has also stockpiled sufficient quanitities proposal to save these dying tribals from of beryl ore through departmental produc- Malaria and poverty ; and tion and procurement from private sources in the country. (e) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to strengthen their economy ?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Fund. for research on Solar Energy THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWARANA) : 4262. SHRI G. NARSIMHA REDDY: Will the Minister of SCIENCE AND whether Government have allo- census in Keonjhar District of Orissa. cated funds for doing research on solar energy; and

(c) The census figure do not indicate -=---.~.~:;-... :..::.. decreasing numbers. (b) if so, what is the amount and ' the result thereof ? (d) Medical facilities have been provided in J uangpirh area of Keonjhar District. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE (e) Keonjhar TDA functioned from AND TECHNOLOGY AND ELEC- 1974 to 1979. One of its fuctions was to TRONICS (SHRI C.P.N. SINGH): (a) roster socio-economic development of the Yes, Sir' Juang tribe. The Juang Development Agency, set up in March, 1978 for the (b) In the current financial vear purpose specifically, has been continuing Rs. 2' 25 crores have been allocated by its work among the Juang. Government for research on new and renewable energies. The Programme on New and Renewable Energy Sources under the Department of Science and Esploration for AtonUc Mineral. Technology is to be given a major impetus during the Sixth Five Year Plan period; 4261. SHRI ARVIl'I'D NETAM : an outlay of at least Rs. 50 crores has been Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased indicated for this purpose to cover Research to state the progress made so far in achiev- and Development prototype fabrication ing self-sufficiency in Uranium and other and demonstration programmes. Research atomic minerals by exploring the entire efforts so Car have led to the generation country by geological teams ? of considerably greater basic scientific and technological understanding and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN capabilities relating to renewable energies, THE DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE and in particular, solar thermal, solar ItTECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS photovoltaic and biogas technologies, for (SHRI C.P.N. SINGH) : The intensive a wide variety of applications, such as water surveys conducted by the Atomic Minerals heating, crop drying, water pumping, Division oC the Department oC Atomic cold storage, desalination, lighting and Energy in favourable terrains throughout cooking in the domestic sector and low the Country have resulted in proving of grade heat required in industry. In all adequate uranium. and other raw material these agreas, demonstration and field n:sources to meet the requirements of trial programmes have been initiated to the nuclear power programme currendy pave the way for large-scale commerciali- envisaged. The surveys and exploration zation and utilization. .... ~ ,6S Written AnstDeTS AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SrlKA) Written Anstcers 166"

Schan" sulmdtted by Uttar Pradeah Settl... up 01 Indu.tn" In Penyar Hilla Developm.eat Corporation of Dlstrlet In Taadl Nadu _lIilltaDce to S.c. aDd S. T. eDtrepreaeurs 4265. SHRI C. CHINNASWAMY: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be 4263. SHRI RAM LAL RAHH: Will pleased to state the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : (a) the steps teken by the Central Government for development of Periyar District in Tamil Nadu which' is indus- whether a detailed scheme had trially backward ; been submitted for Central approval by the Uttar Pradesh Hill Development Cor- poration regarding industrial vocational (b) the amount spent so far develop- aaistance to the Scheduled Castes and ment of this district j Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs; and (c) the amount proposed to be spent (b) if so, the outlines of the scheme during 1980-81; and and the difficulties of the Central Govem- ment in accepting the same ? (d) the nature of indU'Itries prolmoted THE MINISTER OF STATE IN and set up in the district with the annual turn-over and number of persons THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY employed ? (SHRI CHARANJIT CHA..~ANA) : No, Sir. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (b) Does not arise. THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) : (a) The District Industries Centres programme, which envisages provision of all assistance for the development of Meeting held on Assam Issue industries, was initiated in Periyar dis- triet on 19th March, 1979. Periyar is not declared an industrially backward district. 4264. SHRI SANTOSH MOHAN DEV : Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state the total (b) As per the information furnished number of meetings of the Prime Minister by the State Government, an expenditure and the Home Minister with the various of RI. 7· 65 lakhs comprising of Rs. 4· 65 organisations and political parties on lakhs as grant and RI. 3 lakhs as loan is foreign Nationals' Issue in Assam includ- estimated to have been incurred in the ing All Assam Students Union and All district under the DIC programme during Assam Gan Sangram Parishad and the time ]979-80. spent on each discussion ?

(c) Allocation of central assistance for the DIC programme is made to the State THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Governments and DIC-wise details are THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS worked out by the concerned State (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : Govemments. Four the First two quarters Apart from talks that the Prime Minister of ]980-81, Central assistance amounting and Home Minister have held with all to RI. 18· 40 lakhs comprising of Rs. 12· 67 Assam Students Union and All Assam Gan lakhs as grant and Rs. 5· 73 lakhs as loan Sangram Parishad at various times, they has been released to the Government of have held wide-ranging discussions on the Tamil Nadu. The State Government would foreigners'. issue in Assam with a wide be providing a matching allocation of funds spectrum. of people. Besides, the question for the DIC programme. Further releases has figured among other subjects, in dicus- would be made after receipt of req uirement sions of Prime Minister and Home ~finister from the State Government. with persons belonging to various organi- sations and political parties, both from within Assam and outside, from time to


1979-80 April-Sept, 1980

I. No. of new Units gon~ into production.

(i) Artisans (ii) SSI •

TOTAL 437 57

3. Financial assistance provided :

(tI) Credit by bank and FirDancial Institutious (Ra. lakllS) 206' 42 (6) Other sources. (Ra. lakhs)


c..eat 1IIcIa1ltri_ IaIu:tIeaiaa _cler (b) whether it is a fact that out of the UceancI Capacity these 85 per-cent of women workers are engaged in agriculture and only 2 per cent 4266. SHRI DEVINDER SINGH of women workers are engaged in manu- GARCHA : Will the Minister of IN- facturing iudustries ; and DUSTRY be pleased to state :

(b) what steps are being taken to ensure optimum utiliPation of their licenced THE MINISTER OF STATE IN capacity 1 THE :MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN MATI RAM DULARI SINHA) : (a) THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA) (a) According to the 1971 Census, there were (44) Units are working below their licenc- 31 million women worken in IndIa. ed capacity.

(b) Under utilisation of capacity (b) Of the 31 million women workers,. in cement industry is primarily due to in- about 80 pe cent were engaged in agri- adequate supply of essential inputs like culture and 7 per-cent in manufacturing coal and power and also on account of processing, servicing and repail'l in both transportation constraints. Every effort the housefuld aud other than household is being made to remove these constraints industries. md to ensure adequate availability of :hese inputs to the industry. (c) During the Sixth Five Year Plan ¥ olllea Em.plo)'lllent ia lad•• tri ... period special attention would be paid to increase the share of women in employ- 4267. SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAHI: ment by expending 8.!l~ divenifying. ~e Vill the Minister of LABOUR he pleased education and trammg OpportUnIties ~ll state : available to them. This policy, it is ex- pected would increase the percentage of (a) whether there are 40 million the w~men workers in sectors other then !¥Omen worken in India j agriculture. Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written .4nstOttrs

Production capacit)' 01 Paper M8l. Statistical Service (01' absorption of Feeder post holders at present working on an 4-2i8. SHRI K.T. KOSALRAM : WiB tUi-/r oe basis in Grade IV of the Indian the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to Statistical Service ; state:· # (.) the instal1ed productive capacity (b> if so, iht I'easOns for Dot imple- d paper industry aud Its present utilisation menting ~ detision so far; and rate; and (c) the time by wmCh it is likely to (b) the licensed capacity of paper be implemented ? iudustry and the steps being tkaen to reach dle targeted installed capacity of 23 lakh THE MINISTER OF STATE IN tonn~ per annum by 1984-85? THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI P. VENK,ATASUBBAIAH\: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Ca) to (c) • Third Pay Commission did THE MINISTRY' OF INDUSTRY not recommend the creation of Standard .(Sl{RI CHARANJIT CHANANA) : (a) Class II grade or level in the Inman The installed capacity of the units in the Statistical Service for absorption of feeder paper and paper board iDdustry as on post holders. The Commi.ions' recom- meudations malnly related to improving a..,..-80 was 15' 38 lakh tOMes and its present utilisation is approximately 70%. the Cadre structure of the Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service with a (b) In addition to the existing installed view to improve the prospects of pl'O.IJlotion capacity, Industrial Licences for a total or the direct recruits to Grade IV. The .capacity of about 5 lakhs tonnes are Commission had recommended to down uuder various stages of implementation. grade a substantial number of Grade IV (;ovemment have also been encouraging posts so that cdirect recruits would have the growth of further capacity in the paper reasonable prospects of moving into Grade industry, and steps taken in this direction III in about the sixth year of service. Government did not accept this negative .are: recommendation. It was decided to (i) the setting up of Paper Mills adopt a positive approach by encadring based on secondary raw materials more posts carrying economic and statis- which does '!lot involved foreign tical functions in the higher grades so as exchange expenditure has been to improve the Cadre structure. delicenced. Sales Tall on Liquor in Delhi (ii) The facility .of imports of second hand paper plants ha'J been allowed upto a capacity of 30 4270. SHRI BHIKHU RAMJAIN: tonnes per day. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : -(iii) The import of pulp has been liberalised. (a) whether it is a fact that the sales (iv) The import duty on waste paper tax is being charged at the first point on used for paper making has been sale ofliquor in Deilli and thereby causing waived. tremendous loss to the Delhi Administra- tion; ,(v) Excise rebates have been allowed to small paper mills for the use of unconventional raw material. (b) whether this loss 0 f revenue has been investigated ; (vi) SpeicaI incentives have been offered for the utilisation of bagasse for paper mumg. (c) if so, the details thereof; and

...... (d) the steps proposed to be taken to Creation of CIa.s n Posts ill Indian improve the situation ? Statistical Service THE MINlSTE'l OF STATE IN 426g. SHRI V. KISHORE : CHANDRA S. DEO : THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAK- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS WANA) : (a> According to the Delhi Administration, sales tax is being c~rged be pleased to stale : at the last point and not on the first point whether it is a fact that Government on sale of liquor in Del!ii. .accepted the Third P~y Commissio.n's recommendations regarding the creation (b) to (d) • Do not arise• .of Standard Class II posts in the Indian Written Answer. DECEMBER 17, 1900 Written Answera la.tlt.ti0a8. .eltiac Fiaaadal aiel (d) what action the GC\'crrment of from foreip ••rees India have turn agair.at thne organisa- tions/imtituions jn the light oftLe }oleirn Contri butiOns (Regulation) Act, 1973 ., 4271. SHaI PIUS TIRKBY : SHRI H.N. NANjB THE MINISTBROF STATEINTHE GOWDA: MINISTRY OF HOMB AFFAIRS Will the Minister of HOMB AF- (SHRI YOGB..~RA ).fAKWANA) po AIRS be pleased to state : Ca> Yes, Sir. (b) & Cc) • A lilt is attached. (a> whether Government of India are aware of the reports that some organisa- (d) Under Section 6(1) of the ForeifJl tions and/or institutions in India are getting Contribution (Regulation> Act, 1976 financial aid and assistance from foreign and no t 1973, institutions/organisations/ sources especially from cOWltries in West aIIOCiations having definite cultural,. Asia; economic, educational, religious or social programme are free to accept foreign contributions from abroad. But they are (b> are there any organisations or insti· required to submit half yearly returns tutions in Jammu and Kashmir coming in the prescribed form and aDJlUal audit mthllatc~; ! reports. Action will be taken against the organisations which are found to be (c) if 10, which are the organisationsl violatin g the provisions of the FOreign institutions, in the country involved ; and Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 •

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~ : 173 Written AnstOeTS AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA). Written Aft8tDers 114

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~ ...... Writtn Answers DECEMBER 1'7, 1980 Written Answers

LLO. Project. o. Employ.... e.t THE Ml::'ollSfER OF STATE IN TID MIXISfRY OF LABOUR (SHRlMATI RAM DULARI SINHA (a>" (b): 4272. SaRI S. M. KRISHNA: The factory has been provisionaIly c0- W~l1 tb~ ~d~~'li..stet of L\.tlOUa be pleased vered under the Employees, State Insu- to .tate : rance Act, 1948 from 28th January 1980. No employee mel with an accident in (a) ~h.etber the Internatit}Jlal Labour January IgSa. The only employment in- Otg.ui.a.ti061 bas let fl)rln the findinss of jury reported so far relates ~o 19th March "interv.:ntioAi at the grass roots level in I g80 and the concerned employee has bcCJl tbe form of 'projects' in India to mobilise paid Its. 1093.75' as TemporarY Dis- aia: p )3r and the jobless for 'recognising and ablement Dendit. seizing tit: op;nrluniliea aroWld them' '; and~ (c) No such calC bas come to tile notice oC the E.S.I. Corporation. (b) if sa, 'he JD'\ftner in which Go- (d) &: Ce) : The f;SI Corporation pays ..ernl1l':!lt h:lve fi_uid-:re:l or prooosed to compensation in aU cases oC empIo~t cl_uid:t th~Je b.'dings and. crelte mOre injury resulting in. disablC'ment or deadl, e-u ,1a ftl1~!l.t ill t'le alric.Uturd.l and in- subject to the employee being coveMd d lutrial sectors ., under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. In cue of complaints. dte 1':H. MtNISTBR OF STAT. IN 1',H. matter is enquired i~to and necessary actio.. MINISTRY 0 F LABOUR (SH1UMArrl takCII. RAM DU LARI SINHA) : Ca) & (b) : The Intern'\tioiial Labour Org-mi.~hn has eoa.lUller Priee lade. for DeW sponsored three projects to raise the income lad1l8tria! Workel'll. levels of the rural p03r. Two ofthsee projects are being imp lemented in Wes~ Bengal 4274. PROF. MADHU DANDA- and the tbird in Rajasthan. In February, V ATE : Will the Minister of LABOuR 1980, th~ I.L.O. and the U.N.D.P. Orga- be pleased to state : ni'Cd in c·,)llablration with the National L'lbur Inititute, an international seminar (a> whether the statistics compiled),y in D!lhi 03 '.::nployment creating Re- tlw Labour Bureau of the Central Ce· .earcb and Intervention.'. This seminar vernment have .hown a II point increase in the consumer price index for Delili focussed attention on the nature of rr.- wearcb and interva·ion. neceJ'l3.ry to Industrial WorkersftomJune toJuly, 1980 ; generate e:n'!'loyment for the rural poor. and . (b) if so, the ",asons for such a steep rl!IC ? . Co_pea.ado. to Employee. of J. B. - P I_stlcs, Delhi THE WNISTEROF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRlMATI RAM DULARJ SINHA) Ca) Yes, Sir. 4273. SHRI BHEEK-g:<\1JHt\I: W 111 the Minister of L:lbour be pleased (b) The increase was mainly due to rue to state : in the prices oC gram, vegetables and Cruits and Gur fatlin,; in the Food Group aad C!\) tlte nlun'ler of em.,loyees Who m~t Tailoring Charges in the Miscellaneeul with accident whUe 'wOrking in J.B. G·otiP. Planics, C-47, Lawt'ance ROAd. Delhi in January, 1980 ; Central Subsidy ReeolDlDeDded by TIOCO and SIPCOT to &rlDs (b) the amount of compensation given ·4~75 SHRI N. D'EN~ts : Will the to each em!)loyee ; Mi"nhter ofINDUs:rRY be plea~d to ltate : (c) whether there are cases where such (a) the details of the firmdn -(I) private em~loyees werr. not taken back in service aectQl' a-d (2) JO'nt Sector to whiC'h (I) due to their becoming disabled while TlDCO and (2) SIPCOT haVe recommen- wl:"ki.ng in this factory; ded Central subsidy eluring the last three finanCial yean : (d) whether any com~sation has· ~b) bef!n given by E'"l1.,loye.,s !I;~te Insurance the details of \he Central stJbs:dy Cl)rooration or it is entirely u'j"to the provided to these fir~; and owner to give comoensation ; and· (c) the financial. stability of these firms now? (e) tlt~ st~"ll ta"~.:1 0:- p:o':)Jed to be . THE MINISTER dP STATE IN TIlE tak~.'1 to l) .. :)~ect t'lo: intersts of suc~ wor- MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY SHRJ kers ? CHARANJIT· CHANANA ~ 77 Wrmeft Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKAl. Written AnsU7ef'S 178

& (b) : '}1ae information is below: --_._---_. 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80

No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount uoits {Rs.in units {Ils. iR units (RI. in lalms) Lakhs) lakhs) ,

t. Private Sector (.0) 224'59 (48) 25S' 68 (50) 3S1S ·:¥.} Ii. JOint Sector (I) 12'22 {I> 4'OS fil. Public Sec.tor (I) 15'00 (2) IS'71

IV. Co-operative Society (~) 23' 12 (r) 11it· 65 (I) I' 2&

(.I) Worki.c results lIB tisfactory.

~ to :&-ct • law on Des- (b) From 1-1-lgBo to gO-II-lgBo, 222 tnlcdoa or Property Industrial LiC'f'nce application!! \W,rf' received from such companies. ~. SHRI K. MALLANNA : WiU tile I\ti.-.ister of HOME AFFAIRS be (c) or tht above, 62 applications wer~ pleased to state : approved and Letters of Intent issued upto 3O-II- l gSo.

AppUcad0ll8 for lasue of Llceaces (iii) No scope for further Cf'eation of capacity fOI' the item proposed to ~ manufactured by the party. ~77. SHRI AMAR3INH RA- THAW A : WiD the Minister of I!\'DUS- be pleased to state : (iv) The proposal was not found.in TilY accordance with the existing industrial " (a) the number ot applications tOr policy with regard to MRTP com- ilNing lic::ences uilder MRTP' Act pending o pan~. ai on 31St December, 1979 ; (Il) the number. of applications receiv- dl during t~ currtnt year ; Compeaeatian f ... II.... 81tes taken over by BSF in Mizoram District . (c:) the nuD]-~ of Ii~cea and letters ell intent granted dunng the current 4278· DR. R. ROTHUAMA : Will :a. ybr ; and the Minuter of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state :. (d) the details of the applications I't'- ~ea during the c:urreilt year and on what . ahies rep~red u'Dder tire MRTP leading to communal tension in t he local Act, Ig&g' were pending comideration. area ; 179 Written AnsweTs DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written Answers 180

(b) if so, the steps taken or proposed II. LarK6 and ,,"dium lrulwtriu to be takm to make payment of compen- .ation to those I!Z families ; and (i) Tissue Paper Project ; (ii) Ginger Oil and Oleoresin fac- (c) if not, whether Government pro- pose to look into the matter and settle the tory ; disputes to mutual satisfaction? (iii) Plywood Factory.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE The above mentioned proposals were MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS d.iJclL...sed the Planning Commission with (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : by the Administration on all part of (a) to (c) : Information is being collected !Z4-11-80 the Sixth Plan, but final view is yet to be and will be laid on the Table of the HoUle. taken. (c) Does not arise. Propo'" by Mlzoram. State Govera- meat for AP'O"Foretit ba.ed Ind... (d) The States of the north-eastern tries region and also Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu aud Kashmir are treated as 4!Z79. DR. R. ROTHUAMA : Will the lpecial category States and the bulk of Minister of PLANNING be pleased to their plan outlay is financed through state: Central assistance. The pattern of Central assistance for these States is 90 per (a> various proposals submitted by cent grant and 10 per cent ·Ioan (except the Mizoram State Government for Assam where this pattern is applicable to setting up Agro-Forest based industries Hill Areas only) as against 70 per cent loan in the State ; and 30 per cent grant to other States. The Plans of Union Territories of Arunachal .(b) if so, names of the industries propos- Pradesh and Mizoram are fully funded by ed to be set up in the State ; the Central Government.

(c) if not, in view of the cxtreme back- 2. Gm'ernment of India also provides wardness of the State as c mpared to the lpecial Central Assistance for the develop- neighbouring States any plan or Scheme ment of Hill Areas in Uttar Pradesh and intended or at hand, to set up industries Assam as part of the hill areas sub-Plans. based on its rich natural resources like In additon, the States of Assam, Manipur riven and forests ; and aud Tripura get special Central assistance for the areas under the Tribal sub-plan. (d) concrete Central Schem~ to deve- s. For integrated development of the lop the whole North Eastern States and north-eastem region, the Central Govern- Himalayan belts with a view to end the ment set up the North Eastern Council popular unrest arising from their extreme under the Act of Parliament in 1971. economic backwardness? The NEC takes up such schemgs as are of common interest to more than one State, or to a Union Territory and one of the THE MINISTER OF PLANNING States or to Union Govrnment and a It LABOUR (SHRI NARAYAN DATI State/Union Territory in the region under TIWARI) (a> & (b) : The Mizoram Ad- ita development plans. The Council has m!Jristration has proposed to take up a played important role in devaloping inter- number of schemes/projects based on agri- regional programme of power and roads, culture and forest resources. These include in undertaking important studies and the following :- projects relating to industry and minerals in supporting important experimental and I. Yillagl tmd Smtllllndustrlu demonstration projects in agriculture ~ animal h'sbandry, fishery and other social (i) Mini sugar plant ; services. It has supported a masive train- ing programme for manpower develop- (ll) Straw-board/Card-board plant; ment. These programmes will be expand cd during the Sixth Plan 1980-85, for whicla (iii) Food Preservation Unit an outlay of RI. 315 crores has been approved aginst the approved outlay of (iv) Pilot projedct for ginger dehy- 212 crores during 1978-83. deration; Rs. (v) Corrugated roofing sheet plant ; 4. The following important schemes are under operation! implementation in (vi) Saw-mill cum-seasoning plant; the Central Sector in the North-Eastern and Region: (I) Bokajan Cement Plant (600 TPD),'

(vii) Demonstration of Oil Ghani, etc. Assam-under production.,_. _ 1 181 Written Answer, AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) W7itten AnsUlt»Ts

2. ICAR Research Complex, ShiUong £spellditare iDcarred for MaJatellUUlce (Functioning) • ofoftidal Veldcle., CSIO, Cta.dicarb II· (3) ONGC explorations (continuous progrannmne). . 4280• SHRI SUSHIL BHATIACHAR~ YA : ,"'ill tt.e Mjnister (If sen NeE AND TECHNOLOGY be plt'8srd to (4) Bongaigon Refinery Petroleum state : Ltd. Assam. (8) the amount which is s~nt annu- I. Iafovry Units ally in the Central Scif'ntific Instrl ments Organisation (CSIO) , Chandigarh for maintenanCe ot official vehicles and for (i) Crude di,tillation Unit-Und; th~ purchase of petrol and diesel j and Production : (b) whether there is any contravention (ii) Kerosene Treatment Unit- of GOvernment instruction on Economy Construction completed by measures especially in the l se of staff the end of 1979 : cars/vehicles ? (iii) Delayed coka; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (iv) coke calcination units ; and THE DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE AND TFCHNOLOGY & EI~TRO- (v) capti\1e Power p'ant-Under con- - NICS (SRRI C.P.N. SINGH) : (a) the Itructio"l amount spent by the Central Scl~ntific Instruments Organi ation (CSIO) , Chandi- garb for the maintenance ofofiical vehicle .. II. Petro-chemictUs COl1lftUx and for the purchase of petrol and diesel during 1979-80 is gvien below·: (I) Xylenes Unit-Under imple- mentation. (i) Maintenance of 14 Ro:. o· 918lakh official vehic1('S at (approx.) (2) DMT (Polyester fibre interme- CSIO. diate)-under implementation. (ii) Cost of petrol and ; Rs. I· 1271akhs (3) Polyester fibre unit-Undn- diesel (approx.) implementation. (b) In th~ year 1979-80, there was (4) Offsit~ Phase II-Under im- only an ina-ease of' about 1 % in the plementation. consumption of fuel, beyond the ceiling prescribrd. The Instiute has been ins- (5) Six new railway lines at an tructed to follow strictly the economy estimated COlt of Rs. 50 crores- iastructions in the consumption of petrol. Under constn ction. (6) Second Bridgr over Rowr Braham- putra at Silghat at an estimated Implemelltadoa of order. reo Gnat cost of Rs. 40 crores-Under of Spedal Pay to U·D·C•• construction. 4281. SHRI MANORAJ'<{JAN LHA- (7) Tu'j Paper Project (ICO TPD), KTA: Will the Minister of HOME Nagaland -Under constr1;ction· AFFAIRS be plf'Ut·d to ,tate:

(8) Nowgong Paper ProjC'Ct (300 TPD) (a) whether representationa were made .Assam -Undel" Constn ction. to the Andaman Administration to imple- t. ment the general orders issued by the Mi- (9) Cachar Pr.per ~ject (300 TPD), Ilistry. of Finance (Departilient or Expen- Assam-Under COllltruction. diture) .on the 5th May, i979 regardiag grant of special pay of Ra. 35/- to Upper Division Clerks in the non-Secretariat (IO)RDtJds offices who are handling cases of complex Dature involving deep study and compe- ei) Under sensitjve areas road tence to deal with such cases ; programme 3 roads of a length of 225 laDs. at an estimated (b) is so, with what result ; and (original) COlt of as. 9 .87 crores-Under construction. (c) what steps Government pro~se to take to ensure that orden issued by the (ii) Raising ofsix routes to Nainital Central Government in such matters are Highwaya standard COlt Rs. 70 fully implemented by the Andaman Ad- ~c:I Under implementation. ministration ? lVritt~n Am1Ders DECEMBER 17, 1980 Writte'u Answer.; 184

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN during the years 1978-79 and 1979-80 to THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS upgrade the tribal fub-centrea into JIl;nl (SHRI Y

THf MINISTER OF STATE IN nmNl'INlSTRYOF HOM'E AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA): la> to (e). Speical Central A.istance is made 4282. SH~ MANORA 'UAN BHAK- available to the Tribal !lu~Plan StateS TA: Will the Miniater of HOMJ3 to supplemel\& the States" Plan efforts AFFAtRS be pleased to state : .. in various slton of development in the tnoa.1 areas nd is not tied up to any . Ca) whether the Central Goveraqent particular s eme. ISSUed general orders to the effect that casual elUployees should be emplttyed for w~rk of casual nature and for short SettiaC up 01 Wood Ba.ed lada.try in duration only; KOl'aput Dietrlct of Ori... (b) whether it is a fact that Andam'ln 4284' SHRI K. PRADHANI : Will and Nicobar Adl1lin;stratioJl has been the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased employing casual employees for work of perm~nent nature and such employees are to state: continuing in various departments for (a) whether there is any proposal to m'lny reasons ; set up a wood. based industry in the Koraput district of Orissa in the year (c) ir 10, the departments which have employed such casual ma.zdoon for more IgS0-81 ; than 240 days and the numher of such (b) whether it is a fact that Industrial employees, Department-wise and their Promotion and Investment Cotporation length ofscrvice; and ' of Orissa Ltd. hal initiated action and catalyse investment for the Konark Wood (d) what.steps the Ceatral Government Pane-Is at Koraput during the above propo~ to take to rcgularise their appoint- financial year; ment. In the departments concerned after creatmg necessary posts in the regular (c) if so, how in'l1l:Y people will be establilhment ? given employment 'opJJC?i1unities in this THE MINISTER OF STATE IN wood based unitt and THE MINISTR.Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (d) the total amount estim'!.ted for this (SHRI YOQENDRA MAKWANA): (a> to (d). The information is being' colk-~ project ? and will be laid on the Table of the House. THE MlNISTElt OF STATE TN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI CHA'RAN]lT CH.o\NANA) : (a' There at'e proposals to set -up Wood Carbonisa- Special CeDtral assi8taoce to Orl... tion Plant, a Rayon Gtade Pulp Plant and Ua-ter Tribal Su1»-Plan a Paper MHlin Koraput DiStrict of Orissa. ~83. SHRI K. PRADHANI : Will (b) The proposed site of Konark Wood the Minister af HOME AFFAIRS be Panels hu been sh1fted to Nala Road in pleased to state : Kal&haDGi l)iaUiCl. The ptoject is still . . . under Ute .financial appraill81 of the Indus- (a) whether it is a fact .that sptcial trial Promotion and Investment Corporation Central assistance bad been given to Ori_ under Tribal Sub-Plan schemes of Oriua Ltd. 185 WTitten Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written AftstDft's 186

(c) The project contelllplates employ- and initiated cfuc!pl.:z..ry ~--ction .pinat ment 0( about 1000 persons. them. The employees who were Scheduled CastcsfScheduled Tribes but later converted (d) The estinuted cost of the project iDto Christianity are being mated as is Rs. 15· go CI'OI'es. general caadidates.

(e) Don not arise. ProductiOll or Fake Coauaaaity Certl- fleate by Noa-8.C. Em ployees (f) Revrnue Authorities have clarified that Putri Vannan community can belong 428s· SHRI K.B. S. MANI : Will the to Schecded Caste but have also indicated Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased that there iI no Putri Vannan CODlDllmity to refer to the reply given to Unstarrcd in~the Ni girls. In view of this, the COl11J>2.ny q'lcstion No. 1762 OD the 26th March, has initialed disc·plinary action against IgSa regarding production of fake aI' thOle who haV'f' failed to produce a community urtificat;e by 44 non-~.C. fresh community certificatr u asked for employecs; and state: by the Company.

(a) whether the repl y from the officials who were responsible for lapses would (g) Does not arise. be expedited;

(b) if so, the proposed date by whjch the information would be completed; (c) the action taken by the Hindustan Photo Films, Ootyon the blue ofproduc- tion of rake community certificates by 4286. SHRI BAPUSAHEB PARULE- KAR: Wi-} the Minister of LABOUk be non-scheduled caste employees; pleased to state: (d) whether it is in accordance with the mstruct!OBS of the Ministry of Home (a) Whether the Director General oj Aftail'l ; Employment and Training, Delhi has received a repreaentation dated 18th (e.) if not, the reasons for such leniency February, 1980 from C.S.A.D., Bombay shown by the Management to the cul- unit ; and·-· prits; (b) ifso, the details thereof and the (f), whether the statement made by the action taken in tha t regard ? Hindustan Photo Film Management that they were verifying with the Revenue THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Authorities if Putri Vannan community DiE MINISTRY OF LABOUR can be classified as a scheduled caste or (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SJNliA) not has been done ; and

(g) whether Management are trying to (a) Yes, Sir. Ialeguard the take oertificate hOlders bv not verifying wi th the Revenue Anthori ties? (b) In their letter

'8' G.-ade Olea;-In In Navy divert substantial portion of the alloca- tions for Research and Development to the applied research in the field of solar 428 7. SHRI BAPUSAHEB P ARULE- KAR: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be technology; and plC'AICd to state: (b) whether, in v\cw of the difficulties (a) whether Governmen~ have taken of oil-fuel, solar technology will be uti- a decision of the representation marle by lised on a wider scale (or suitable purposes" the entwhile 'B' Grade Clerks of Navy reqllesting th1.t t~ey should also ~ classi- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN fied as Upp::r Div1'lon Clerks With effect THE DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE from 1 -I -47 and the arrears of pay and AND TECHNOLOGY AND ELEC- allowances be given to them in the l!ght of TRONICS (SHRI C. P. N ..SI1'1GH) : the Judgement by Bombay High Court in a (a) In the current financial year RI. recent identical case ; 2· 25 cror~ have been allocated by Go- .vernment for research on new and re- (b) Ii yea, when and the details thereor new~ ble ,.nergies. The Programme on and implementation thereof; and • New and Renewable Energy Sources under the Department of Science and (c) if nOl, the reasons of delay of long Technology is to be given a major impetus time and when the dec;sion shall be taken during the Sixth Five Year Plan period; in that regard by Government ? an outlay of at least Rs. 50 crores has been indicated for this purpose to cover Re- THE MINISTER OF STATE Th THE search and Development, protoype fabri- ML"lISTRY OP DEFENCE (SHRI cation and demonstration programmes. SHIVRAJ' V. PATIL): (a) to (c). No, Sir. The mat ..er is still (b) Research efforts so far in the field under consideration of the Government of solar technologies, including thoae and a decision is likely to be taken soon. relating to biogas and biomass have led to the generation of considerably greater basic scientific and technological UD- derstanding and capabilities for a wide variety of applications, such as water School Port heating, crop drying, water pumping. Naval at RBIlpar cold storage, desalination, lighting and cooking and low grade process heat. In 4288. ROF. MADHU DA..l'iDAVATE : all these areas, demonstration and field Will the Minister of DEFENCE be }Jleased trial programmes have been initiated to pave the way for large-scale commercia- tostate : lization and wider utilization. t. . (a) whether any memorandum dated !Z5th August, 1980 has b~n received by Cash subsidy for setting up of ladustn. Government dem~nding the starting of a in Backwa~ Areas Naval S::hool at R"mpar Port in the district R~tllagiri of the backward Konkan region 4290. SHRI CHHITIUBHAI GAMIT: of M"lharashtra; and Will the Minister of INDUSTRY. be (b) if so, what is the reaction of Govern- pleased to state: ment to the demand in the memorandum ? (a) what are the details regarding the percentage of cash subsidies which THE ML""iISTER OF STATE IN : the new Industries being set up in econo- THB MINISTRY OF DEFENCE mically backward districts are being given SHRI SHIYRAJ V. PATIL): (a) by Government; and The nid m~m')randum does not appear to howe been receh"Cd in the MOllistry of (b) whether recently there has been Defence. any change in this pattern ?

(b) Does not ari~e. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI AlIocadoD for R&D to apitHed CHARANJIT CHANANA) (a): Under Sch~e, Research In Solar Tec1a1l~logy the Central Investment Subsidy presently in force in 101 industrially backward districts, new as well as existing 4289. PROF. MADHU D.\'SD \- industrial units undertaking expansion V ATE: Will the Minister of SCIENCE of the order of 10% and above on the AND TECHNOLOGY be pleased to fixed capital investments are entitled to state: 15% subsidy subject to a maximum of RI. 15 lakhs. (a) whether in view of the growing oil import Dill the Government propose to (b) No, Sir. 189 WTitten AnaweTs AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written Afts1DE'TS

Grant of Boa.. to CSIR Employee. THE MINISTER OF STATB IN THE DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND ELEC- TRONICS (SHRI C. P. N. SINGH) 4291. SHRI E. BALANANDAN: Will the Minister of SCIENCE AND Ca) to (d). Government has appriJed TECHNOLOGY be pleastd to state: CSIR of its readiness to re-transfer to CSIR the following four National Laboratories: (a) whether the Federation of CSIR Emplo".ees' and Workers' Union and I. The Central Building Research Associations have been demanding bonus Institute, Roorkee. for aU the CSIR employees; 2. The Central Fuel Research Institute, (b) whether Government are consi- Dhanbad. dering to grant bonus to CSIR employees on the lines of bonus already given to the 3. The Central Road Research Insti- Railway, P&T and Defence employees; tute, New Delhi and and 4. The Indian Institute of P~troleum, (c) if not, why the CSIR workers have Dehradun. not been paid statutory bonus of 8· 33 per cent ? The Governing Body of CSIR aas recommended to the Society of CSIR THE MINISTER OF STATE acceptance of the re-transfer of these 4 IN mE DEPARTMENTS OF Laboratories. The matter has since been SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND placed before the Society at its meeting ELECTRONICS (SHRI C. P. N. SINGH) held on 15-12-1 gSo and the proceedings (a) Yes, Sir. of the Society are awaited. (b) &

Dissolution of National CouDen of 4293. SHRI R. L. lll-{:,\TIA: Will the Scientific Museums Minister of INDUSTRY be pl~ased to lay 0.1. the Ta.ble of the HOilSe a statement showiug: 4292. SHRI E. BALANA~DAN : Will the Minister of SCIENCE A.."'ID TECH- -

TIlE MINISTER 01-' STATE IN THE Letten of Inlt'Jlt and Ind~trial Lic(:J!(:f's MINISTR Y OF l~nUSTRY (SHR.l granted during 1st July to 315t October, CHARA.l'UIT CHANANA) :(a) Adoptj,.g 1980 undf"r the IndustritS (Ikvelopmcnt thr. rAnking of the DeparlmC"nt ofCom- Be Regulation) Act, 1951 to \Uldf'rtakings pany Aff... irs in regard to the hldustrial belonging to first five industrial houses hOt.L~" (a~ Oil 31-12-78) dll' T11llnbt-r of given bdow:- ._------_------._ ------~ame of the HO\L~e Xo. of Lettt"l'S of No, of Industru.1s In ten t issued Licen ees iasued

I. liirJa 5 3 2. Tata 3

3. Mafatlal 3 4· J. K. Singhauia 5. Thapar 2 . ------Th(' dr-tails of all the Lt'ttr-TS of Inlt'nt (b) The matter is wlder considl"ration and Industrial Licn.cc·s iJ:cluding lhr for optimal solutions. name of the Ul1it. Location, itrm of manufacturr-. c;lpac'ty C"tc. 2rt' published in the "Weekly Bullrtin of Import Lict'nc('s, Traaafer of IPS Cadre Of6cers of Export Licel1c('s & Industrial Lice.... c('s·· Tasull Nad. to other Stat_ and S\lpplem(~nt to tht" 'Monthly News Letter' publishc.-d hy tht· Indi~ll In' utmt'nt 4295. SHRI N. DENNIS: Will the Centre'. Copks of thrst" publicatio1ls aTe Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased availabk in thr. Parliament Library. to lltate:

(b) 41 applications from th(> abovt' whether a number of police officers houses are pending for consideration of bome on the IPS cadre serving in Tamil the Govt-rnmf'nt .• Nadu are on the compulsory wait list;

(c) The progress of implt'mt-ntationl (b) if 60, the details thereof and the execution of all Letfrts of Intent and reasons thereof; and Indu.o;trial Licencrs are watchf'd by thr. conc.emt"d admi!listrativ(, Ministrirs. (c) the steps taken by the Central Go- State Governmellts and abo by the various vernment to post them to other States? tt'chnical authorities likt, DGTD/ Textik Commissioner/Coal ControUt"r/Iro.Jl & THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE St('cl Controller/Jute ControUC"r etc. MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) (d) of these, 2 Foreign Collaborations (a) to (c) : Information is being collected of h~chnical nature were approved. and will be laid on the Table of the Houe.

NOIHItiIi&atioa of Ia.dastrial Licences E.tabUshmeDt of Remote Seasiag Centre 4296. SHRI S. M. KRlS~A : Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased 4294, SHRI JANARDHANA PDD- to state : JAR),: Will the PRIME MINISTER pleas~d to state: (a) whether his Ministry has laid down new nor~ for extension of validity of (a) whether the Scientists have pleaded industrial licences and letters of intent; the establishments of remote sensing centre in each State; and (b) if so, the broad details therof;

(b) if so. Government's reaction to (c) the names of the Industrial Houses it ? which were grantt"d indwtrial licer.ct'!' and issued letters of intent "hich could THE MINISTER OF STATE INTHE not be utili!:ed during the current year DEP ARTM El\"TS OF SCIENCE AND (uptil 31St October. Ig8o) ar.d have been TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS or are being extended ; and (SHRI C, P. N. SINGH} : (a' There are some pr Ilposals regarding I he setting up l (1) the circunutanca un.d.et 'Which. of state kvel remote sensing cells. ~uch extensions are being granted? 193 Written AnstDe7'B AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written Answers

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN had show&1 interest in selling thrir know- THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY how. Sale of a .econd hand plant for (SHRl CHARANjIT CHANA."l:\) : electrolytic capacitors w.\s also proposed (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. Ad iniatrative by a company in UK, which includes Ministrit'S can give two extensions of not auistance for installation. more than six months on each occasion in the case of letters of intent and two ext<:n'ions of not more than one yt"ar at AU these proposals are prelimhary a tune on each occasion in the case of exchanges of id".a, a:td not in the nature industrial licences. And t"Xtension other of CO.:lCl'f!te proposab before the Govern- tha!l the above would require approval ment. of the appropriate Approval Committ~.

(c) L~tt"'T:) of l11t~at a.ld Indu ..tri.ll Licences are normally curren t for one year Replarieadoa of £Seen capacities a:1d two yean respectively. There does not arise any question, tht"refort", of exten- 42Q8. SHRI S.M. KRISHNA: Will sions of letters of intent or industrial the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased licences issued during the currt"n t year. to !!tate : (d) Docs not ari3e. (a) which of the multi-nationals and large industrial houses in some of the sector!! hl.ve creatm excc s capa- Collaboradoa with ED ropean cities and there under utilisation of thf' ElectroD.icII Ltd. licence capacity in other sectors; and

4297. SHRI S. M. KRISH~A : (b) whether Government have regula- Will the PRIME MINISTER be ple~('d rivd all. thesf" exce.; capacities, if so, to !:tate, : the-

_'(I" 'WfJAr qq lIlA "'" rWo 'Uf1rtiT it; ~ if 51,096. 75 m \if1{l rro "filar fin. ~ ~r ~ IfPn ~~, ~ ~ tRftr iti ~ it If",," -.r1 "m '.1 """ .'al41 wrPI1 ,&Z4iWftt iti ~ m ~ ~ t I

4 299. 'ITT f~" f~ : ifllT "" (~) ~ (If) ~ smm: ~ ~ 1ft ~ ctT tm ~. fit: : Cfi4:q i f<4t ~ ~ ~ cti1i~ ~ ;frIrr (Cfi) ~ ~ i~ ~ 1ff~, 1948 ~ ~~ 'ilfq:'l( ~ fl:p:r ft;ro, ~r-17 ~ ~ir Rfu ~i"{ SI~ ~ ~, Cffif ;f, ~1wr~T 1lfcfar f.:rfa- O1rr 1952 cit tT'hfu' t ~ ~ m ~,{T 'U\ilf aftlrr zmrrrr cft ~ ~~~~~~'~'iMT -urn ~ ctiU( (t1IT fir; m:T 1.'l lfiT maf~ it ~ ~ ~~=qnJ it ~ ~ <":Tfu Cf.T ~tTffR fCfi'lfT m~1 ~t; News Jtem Captioned "Tripara to Resist Wrong Directories. (.) lflIT 1lfcfar f.mr ~ ~ ~ f~ ifm zmrrrr ctT iRt'R it 43')0. SHRI R.L. BHATIA : Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS he Cfi¥l'Eiif<41 'fi1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; pleased to state : ~ (a) \\,Thether Govcrnment's attrnti{.n has been drawn to the nC'ws-item captim.nl ( If ) 1:lft ~ I ~ft ~ q"{ CJlIT Cfi 14 c:.fj ~ 'Tripura to resist wrong directives appear- ing in the 'Patriot•. New Delhi datld the cf.t tTf t ? 17th Novtmber 1980 ; and (b) if so, the reaction of Governmf'nt thereto ? 'l'f "il'm4' if '{T~ "otT (~i)~r

"(tq' I\'f~t f~ ) ( if\ ) ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN srRrcorrr ifi1i:;niT 'il~ f.:tf~ ilR THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGEl'.'DRA MAK\VANA) : (a) ~ ~ ~, 1962 it Yes, Sir. nTif 1:tiI ~ ~ Si~'R ~ I Cfi4 'i1l '(I (b) N) directivt"S were given to the ~Aftr~it~~&fcri State Governmf'n t only the recommenda- tions of the Dinesh Singh Committee on ~ ~T'f it tra' ~ ~l it ~ Tripura as had been accepted by the Cen- trial Government were communicatfd ~~f.mrit~~ m to th(" State Government for necessary ifiT 1,69,88,663. 96 ~ ataiiif(d action. ~t~cmtmw~~~1 ifiqcq, (\ ~ ift1n ~ it ~ f.I;1:n Allotment of Shops to Es-Service- ~ fiti Slf6tsOlit ;r ~, 1979 ~ 27 ..... ftm'RI1:, 1 980 tAi ~ '+I t «i ,~ it 430 I. SHRI RAM SINGH SHAKYA: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased ~8' it ifi4 ... i:(t ~ ift1n ~ it; tostate : '" it 48,60,918 .. 80 ~ m (a) Whether in 1966 Delhi Adminis- fiIiq t CfR Cfil(.'~ ita ~ it "'1Q'(lfij tration had invited appliaation in' Town Hall for allotment of shops to ex-seryice- ~ t I ~ '1... i(Ofq ~ UQ it, men. flfaCOi'f ~, 1979 ~ ~, it (b) if so, the naInes and -addresses of 1 880 :tAt ~M}:;1i {l ~ _l1n ,.rt l1r the applicants ; 197 Writtm AnstDeTs AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (S.4KA)_ Written ..4.n~wer8 198 (c) the numb~r ofapplica~ts out of them THE MINISTER OF STATE IN allotted ~hops as also the number of those THE Ml~'STRY OF HOME whose nam~ are still in the waiting list : AFFAIRS: (SHRI YOGENDRA and MAK\VA..''I;'A) : Ca) & (b). Two commu- nal incidt'nts of a viol("nt nahln' took place (d) 'Vheth~r Governmcn t ha"c formula- 0&1 15th august 1980 in Ballimaran and ted a sch~me fo'!' allotting shops to th('St' ChawriBazar areas a

Water IIDd Flash L.triaes in Houses of ex-Servicemen on Pa)'lnent InstigatioD of Bari)aos aDd 4'l02. SHRI RAM SIXGH SHAKY.-\ : Adivasis by Christian Missiona- Will the Minister of DEFENCE hI' plf'a~~-'tl to state : ries io Bihar (a) Whether Gow:rnmt'nt had formula- ted a sch~m ~ u 1d'!r which t'x-scrvicemt"n 4304 SHRI TARIQ A~W:\R: "Till \" ~re p:-ovid"'d WJ.ter a:ld flush latrine'S the Minister of HOME AFF.-\I RS be facilities in th-::ir houses 0;1. their d .. poo;;i- pleased to state : ting an am"unt of R~. 100 ; (b) the numb'?r of pf"rsous benl fited (a) whether Government art! aware so fl r u_l(l~r this schem-~ ; a.,d that Christian missionaries are taking undue advantage of the poverty of Hari_ians Cc) whether Government haw' again and Adivasis and trying to instigate fonnulated any similar schem,:,: for pro- them in different parts of the c )untry. viding water a:ld flush latrint's in the hou~e particularly in backward areas of Bihar ; 'Of eJIC-servicemen by abolishing dpvdop- men t charges ? (b) whether in this connection his attention has been drawn to the statement THE MINISTER OF STATE I~ of Bihar Chief Minister p- blished in the THE MINISTRY OF DEFE~CE "Nav Bharat Times" dated 7th OOlobcr {SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PA TIL): (1I) Xo 1980 ; and Sir.

(b) Does not arise. (c) jf so, the concrete steps proposed to be taken by Government in this regard? _(c) No, Sir.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Rioting and Arson in Delhi THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS: (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : (a) 4303. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: and (b). Government have seen the state- ~HRI A. K. BALAN : ment of the Bihar Chief Minister published in the "Nov Bharat Times" dated the 7th ACHARYA BHAGWAN DEV : October, IgBO. Allegations of a general nature have been made from time to time Will the Minister of HOME AFF.-\'IRS that christian missionaries sometimes -b~ pleased to state took undue advantage of the poverty of Harijans and Adivasis to motivate them (a) whether Army was called out into conversion to christianity. No on the 15th August 1980 after a large specific complaint has, however, been scale rioting and arson in some areas of received recently against any individual old Delhi on that day ; christian missionary. 'rb) if so, reasons thereof ; and (c) Activities o~ foreign christian Cc) whether a fulBedgt'd judicial inquiry missionaries are kept under watch and has b~ made into these acts of violence appropriate action is taken in case any_ and &rIOD. ? thing adverse comes to notice. 199 Written AnB1Der, DECEMBER 17. 1980

CapacIty to Haaalactue Compo- the deceased was not known, wireless BeDt. by r.ua. IIIodua7 for Atomic messages were Rashed and the news was given to the press. Later on the deceased ..... was identified by Shri S.K. Chh ibbar as his step-son. On enquiry no fo 1 play 4305. SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO : bas come to notice and it is also not Will the PRIME MINISTER be plea~d correct that the Hotel Authorities had to state : tried to suppress the case and identity of the deceased . The question of taking : of equipment that can be fabricated Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased within the country for setting up of atomic to state : Plants with indigenous components ? and (b) No, Sir, The Agreement bet- 4306. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA : Will ween India and Yugoslavia for coopera- the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be tion in the peaceful utilisation of atomic' pleased to state energy was concluded on March 16, 1979. The Agreement provides for fellowships (a) whether it is a fact that a man for training of scientists, exchange of jumpt'd to death by a faU from the Tai unclassified information, exchange of Hotel, Delhi; . scientific visits, lease or sale of material and equipment and carriying out of (b) whether Hotel authorities tried to collaborative programmes as may be suppress the identity of the deceased and mutually agreed upon from time to time. the case ; and

((') if so. the facts about the case and the action proposed against the Hotd ImplemeatatiOJl 01 Paymeat of management? MUdmam Waco to Farm Laboar.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 4308. SHRI G.S. REDDY : Will the THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Minister of LABOUR be pleased to (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA): state Yes, Sir. (a) whether mlDUnun wages in agri_. (b) & (c). On 21St September, 1980 culture fixed by various State Govern. at about 3 P.M. the Security Officer Taj ments have been implemented at the' Hotel DeUli telephonically informed farm level ; Police Station Tuglak Road, that a man had jumped from the 13th storey of the Hotel and had died on the spot. This (b) whether any . authoritative study report \'ras recorded in the Daily Diary in this respect has been conducted by of the Police Station and inquest procee- Government or sponsored by it ; and ~ u/s 174 Cr. P.C. were held by the S.H.O. 'Tuglak Road. As the identity of (c) if $O~ the findin~ thereof? ~J Writtm AftSWet'B AGRABAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKAl WTittt»n Answers 202

THE DEPLlTY !t.fINISTER I X THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI P. .. ~Q' it ~ QT ('It ..-1' 0 ~1f.l' VENKATA REDDY): ~ CfiW ~ ~ ~t ~r ~ it ~ ~ CfiT trf~ ~ ~­ (a) the main recommendations Illade by the Ddhi Police Commission, 19GfJ. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;rr efifo.:r and (b) what action has been taken by ~ tTlIT & ; 9;fR Government to implement these suggt"S- tions ? (~) lIft~, ffi ~ CfiT ¥i~i(T THE MI:'IJISTER OF STATE IN 1ifJR ~ ron It ~ ;r CflIT Cf,j4atli) THE MIj\;ISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWA~A). (a) ..". ~ ? & (b) • :\ state.ment i., allachecl:



2 3

J CluJpter 3 (No. of recommendations: 5) Pay and Dearness allowance : Pay thscales as subsequently recommended by Re IIIrd Pay Commission, accepted. sates of dearness allowance are the arne as admissible to other Central Govt. employees. Good Conduct Allowance @ Rs. 5/- p.m. is admissible to Constables. with 20 years service. Writun Answen DECEMBER 17, 1980 Written AR.I1DeT'a

12 CIuIp'.4 (No. ofrecommcndationl : 10) The Commiaaion recommended special pays Accepted and implemented. Cycles allow- to certain categories of staff. ance admissible to A.S.I., Head Con- stables and Constables has since been raised from Rs. 6/- to Rs. 10/- p.m. The conveyance allowance of Inspectors/Sub Inspectors/ASIs has been raised to Rs. 70/- per month. The Washing Allowance has been raised from Rs. 4/- to Rs. 10/- p.m.

3 Clulp", 5 (No. of recommendations: 14)

Steps be taken to provide 100% family acco- Decided to provide 100% family acco- mmodation to all members of subordinate mmodation to Upper subordinates and rank. Jn case of rented house full reimburse- 50 % fami~y accommodation to lower ment of rent. Plinth area and facilities to be subordinates with 50% barrack acco- provided specified. mmodation. Reimbursement of rent upto 25% of pay, if accommodation not pro- vided. A crash programme has been drawn LOp and- is being implemented keeping in vie.v the recommendations. P lice H.:lus;ng is now treated as P an Scheme. l'he provisjon for 1981-82 for Delhi Police Housing is Rs. 1.8 crore. 4 Chapur 6 : (No. of recommendations: 8) The Crntral Govt. Health Scheme be extended Accepted. The CGH Scheme has been to all police employees. A ~oo bedded Hos- extended to employees of Delhi Police pital be constructed. w.e.£ 1-4-71. As all the benefits under the scheme including hospitalisation are available to them, the proposal of sepa- rate hospital has been dropped. The non- gazetted police personnel have also been exempted from payment of CGHS con- tribution w.e.f. 1-3-79.

5 Chapter 7 (No. of recommendations : 6) Their children may be given additional bene- Delhi police get the concessions as admis- fits of uniform grant, scholarships etc. sible to all Central Govt. employees in general. 6 Clulpltr 8 (No. of recommendations: 22) Govt. of India may make a grant of Rs. 5 lakhs The purpose is already served by grants for constitution of benevolent fund. from IGIP's discretionery grant and the privately operated mutual bene- fit fund. 7 Chapter 9 (No. of recommendations: I) The Commissioner of Police system should be Accepted and implemented. The system introduced in Delhi. has been introduced in 1978.

8 Chapter 10 (No. of recommendations: 6) The recommendations were regarding General Accepted and more powers delegated. Administrative Control and regarding dele- gation of powers.

9 Clulpttr II (No. of recommendations: 16) The recommendations were regarding District Accepted and implemented. Presently there Police Admn. and Division of Delhi into 4 are six districts. Districts and creation of additional posts. Writte. Aftlwers AGRAHAYANA 28, 1902 (SAKA) Writtri A"'tDe7's 206 -


10 Clulpter 12 (No. of recommendations: 14) The recommendations were regarding removal The l"e'Commendations were general and of legal impediments like confession made not confined to Delhi Police alone. before police to be accepted as evidence. Hence no separate action was needed . .\ II Clulpter 13 (No. of recommendations: 16) The recommendations were regarding creation Accepted with modifications and impl~- of posts in Districts. men ted.

12 ClrIlptn 14 (No. of recommendations: 10) The recommendations were regarding creation Acapted with modifications and imple- of posts in Police Stations. mented. Opening of 8 police Stations and 12 Police Posts was approved in 1978. Setting up of 6 Police Stations and r 2 Police Posts has been approved in 1980. 13 Clulpter 15 (No. of recommendations: 14) The recommendations were regarding prose- Accepted. Prosecuting staff has since been cuting staff. It was recommended that they separated from the Police cadre. should have separate cadre and revised scale of pay.

14 Chapter 16 (No. of recommendations: 20) Traffic Police-Creation of additional posts. Accepted and implemented. 334 more posts have since been created in 1979 and 1980 for Traffic Police. The Mobile Courts ha\'e become more active. 15 Chapter 17 (No. of recommendations: II) Anned Police-Need not be separat<"-d Unit. Separation was necessary to have a proper disciplined and trained armed police force. 16 Chapter 18 (No. of recommendations: 7) Security Police-Creation of posts. Accepted with modifications. Implemented. Selection of Staff for Security Branch is made keeping in view the guidelines laid down by the Commission.

17 Chapter 19 (No. of recommendations: 13) Reorganisation of communication system. The system as recognised meets the re- quirements. 18 Chapter 20 (No. of recommendations: 18) CID Branch-Creation of additional posts- Accepted. 14 more posts created in January, Modernisation of Crime Records. 1980 for the Crime Records Office.

19 Chapter 21 (No. of recommendations: 15) Special Branch-Creation of posts. Accepted and implemented. Reorganisa- tion of Special Branch sanctioned in 1980• 20 Chapter 22 (No. of recommendations: 7) F.R.R.O.-Creation of posts etc. Accepted. Staff recommended by the Com- mission sanctioned. 21 CluzpteT 23 (No. of recommendations: 36) Old Delhi Police Line -Re-organisation and Accepted and implemented. The Railway creation of posts. Police has however, been place under the D.C.P. (Crime & Railways). 22 Chapter 24 (No. of recommendations: 17) Headquarters staff-Creation of posts. Accepted and implemented. SIU is presently studying the Ministerial staff require- ment of Delhi Police. 23 Clulpter 25 (No. of recommendations: 26) Working of Police Stations-S.H.O. in each Accepted and implemented. However, the Police Station should be Inspector-Revision post of Inspector remains non-gazetted. of fonns and registers. 24 C""fI,er 26 (No. of recommendations: 15) Patrols, Beats and out-posts. This is a general directive which is being followed. Written A7U1Dns DECEMBER 1"1, 1980 208

25 CMpl6r 27 (No. of recommendations: 20) Jnv~tion of ~Registration of cases- Accepted and implemented. Directive is- Writing of cue diaries. sued that the charge sheet and the final report should be sent to the Magistrate as soon as the investigation is completed. 26 C".~, .28 (No. of recommendations: 10) ProIrcution of cues. Separalinl of judiciary, strengthening of pr~ Accepted and implemented. The judiciary secution staff to separate _prosecution agency. and the Executive have since been A separate .~jail near Courts, Decentralisa- separated. tion of powers. 27 CIuI/lIer 29 (No. of recommendations: 7) SupervisiOn. Supervision of work of Police Personnel in Accepted and implemented. Suitable in- every rank. structions issued to the Delhi Police Person- nel.

28 Cha/l'" 30 (No. of recommendations: 14) Rr.cruitment. Method of recruitment, standard of education, Accepted and implemented. Staff Selection physical, fitness and age of recruitment- Commission is now associated with Association ofU.P.S.C. with recruitment. recruitment of Sub Inspectors.

29 CIuI/I~' 31 (No. of recommendations: 14) Promotion. Constable to Head Constable-After comple- Accepted. For both cate,ories of SIs., the tion of 3 years service, by merit, on appli- length of service should be 6 years. cation. Head Constable to A.S.I.-After completion of 3 yean senrice. A.S.I. to S.I.-50% by promotion and 50% by direct recruitment. S.I. to Inspector-Direct- or recruited after completion of 8 years ser- vice and promottees after 5 years service.

30 ChQ/l1Ir 32 (No. of recommendations: 22) Police Training School. Police Training School to be established Accepted and implemented. School tem- Syllabus for education, Teaching staff build- porarily set up at Mehrauli. Site for • ing, provision of firing range for the school, school has been selected at village: trainmg to women Police. Jharoda Kalan and the building is near- ing completioR.

31 Chapin 33 (No. of recommendations: 27) Institutional and Practical Training. Changes in Training Course in Phillaur sugges- Accepted and implemented. ted which be referred to IGP Puniab. To persuade Delhi University to start diploma course in Criminology. Training in Foren- sic Science Laboratory, Training to prose- cuting officers in Moradabad Police Trainin& College.

32 Clulp/n ~ (No. of recommendations: 2) In Sel"Vlce Education. In Service Education should be pJanned and Accepted and implemented. Post of Educa- organised. tiona! Advisor and Education Assistants created for rendering help to Policemen. 209 -' WTittea Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) WTi~ AftBtDeTS 210"


33 CluIJMr 35 (No. of recommendations: 4) Moral Training. Moral and religious training. Acttpted and implemented.

34 o..PIIr 36 (No. of recommendations: 20) Public Relations.

Setting lp of' Adv:s.#)' C )mmittees at the level Accepted w:tb th~ m ,d·fic&tion tb.t ad- of Commissioner of PoIiceiPolice Stations- \·isory C.)m-nittee; sh,atd b:: org anised To educate Children in schools and colleges. at AO\{~ level. Im;llemented. To create vigilance and Grievance Depart- ment. To seek assistance of the Press by holding regular Press Conferences. To Broadcast talks over Radio.

35 Chapter 37 (No. of recommendations: 7) Corruption. Living wage and aU necessary amenities should Accepted and implemented. Pay and be provided to Police to keep them honest. allowances payable to Police personnel Strict Vigilance by hjgher officers to be kept. remain under review. Property return should be closely examined.

36 Chapter 38 (No. of recommendations: 9) Misc. Items. Revision of type of uniform-ltem'J of Uni- Accepted and im;Jlem~nte:1. Tile normal forms-Tenure of posting ofS.H.O. SIs, ASI tenure of S.H.O. will, however, be 3 at Police Stations-Tenure of posting of Crime years. and Traffic Police be prescribed. J.P. Rules to be taken a'J Model.

IDdo Soviet CoUaboratioD ReinforcemeDt Piau for DefeDc e on J&K Borden

4312. SHRI SUBHASH CHANDRA 4313. SHRI G,Y. KRISHNAN: Will BOSE ALLURI : Will the Minister of the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state : PLA.""'"NING be pleased to state:

(b) if so, what are the prQjects that are (b) if so, the details regarding the suggestions made in the meeting and likely to be covered under this scheme? the reaction of Government thereon ?

THE MINISTER OF PLANNING THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE & (b). The Soviet Union conference held at Srinagar on 23rd and 24th October, IgBo wa, one of the have agreed to assist during the Sixth periodical Conferences meant for discussing Five Year PIan for various projects mainly matters of common interests. between die Army and the Civil authoritio. It in power, steel, coal and oil exploration will not be desirable to disclose the RCtors. details. ~J I Writteft Answers DECEMBER 17, 1980 WTitten AnstDer3

!'w ~ .) .1q, m .f fttmmf it; ~ ~ ~ ~/!l1IN rn q't .f 'If me' t mq if ~ ~ 51 fd ftod 1T~ mm iIiT ron ~ t ~ Ai ~ ~ ~/iR 431 4. ~) f""" f~ : iflrT ~ ~t~~t~~ ~:;IIff, ~ ~ ~ f(414b1 ~ tn: SIl1=O It gT '4R ~ ~;t!i if ~~ ~ ctt 'If ~ if; m if 2 5~, 1980 if; lIT ~ ~ it; ~'ifi ~ '4NCflI:6 mr ~~ sm~ 1950 if; ~if; f.i...,f(1f(ld sttilOjqe4 mrr tJlIT ~: (1) ~ if ~ ;mR ifft fi1IT '"~ fir. : crmrcr it ~ ~ ~ I (2) ~ 1Jttr _ ~t'4R (3) ~~~ ~ iIiT fcf;m (ifi) ro w ~t I ~~~~1ft~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiT IJ11Pr ;tt ifft ~ tTlfT ~ ~ ~ ;f,f ~/~ ~ ~ r.,...,f~f,*d ~, ~ ~m ~ifft~t I ~sr~t~ 'I"~ ~m q,;:~, ~ ~ nu m srv;r it; \lT1T ( cti ) if a f~ f_ d 'l'roftlr ~~'I1ivf~~~q,;: m ~n,~~f~~~m ~~~~~ID1~~ qaT ifi1 ~/~ ~ tpff 'IT I ~ ~ ~ m:;t;R it ~ at't dl ~ ~T ~, ~~~~~it;~~ ~'-f~ if; ~ mer ~ ~ '4NCfli'n ~ ~ ~ "«~ ~ if ~ SI'lfTVT ~ (1) m1f rn ~ (lImiT) am: m ~ ~~ ~ ~ m1f ~)1r ~crr ~,\Joq-o, Aiit I mP.oTlf it q If€'! FqCifi ~ q"e4' tn: mI1R' (2)~ rn ~ff, ~;r ~ ~ ~ ~treft ~ maR 4 'i\i1'Ni<'1 1<, q-( 1ft mtil'i ft;n:rr I

~ 'f'Allq ~'1 ~ g1fT 'IT fct; ~ ~T if ~ srrfS1tiT{ tnit t maR q,;:~wn (~iPmi) ~~ (4) ~ c.fflf CfiT ~ ~, tttcr rn-fcm', ~, ~~'IT 11Wt~~~~ ~ g1fT ~ ~ 111+1 \Mtlr ro~, ~ ( 5) 'l'roftlr ro n, cf,liIlql~ ~ \l~ ~ ~ ", cfilillql~, \JoSl'o ; ~R ilillql~ ~ ~ mm if ~r q-eff (v) ~~it~~m it;~q,;:~~~1 aA~~~~~ ~ 1fT1fm \iI'f;{-~ it; ~ if; ~~, (f~f(!(f m~ ~ ~~~ifi1mRllT~~ t ~~tfi~~ Cfl14Y(141 iifR !,"IT \ifTU t I em q'ef ~ tN "', ~ ~ 51 ~Cf4T~~? Proposal to layiaa our Modern Sani- tary System in C8lltcmment Board, Kanpar 43 15. SHRI A. U. AZMI: Will the 'Qn q m:t~ if ~fW qarf (~) ftr~­ Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to u;r .," "'h): (ifi) ~ (~). state: ~ ~~ it; '4fijf(1Rt ~ ~ (a) whether the K~mpur Cantonment Board, Kanpur, had earlier submi~d ~/~t1fT't ~ ctit PtaYf(d ~ its proposal for laying out mccem B~ni- 5213 WritteR AR81Der, AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Written Aftsu.'ers 214

tary system and to provide ita services to THE ~lI:SISTER OF STATE IN THE the residents of Cantonment theleby MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI to improve the lots of Harijans and/or to CHARA.~JIT CHANANA) Ca> A disc,ud their services for cleaning private statement is attached. privies of the residents! ; (b) No, Sir. (b) if 10, whether sanction was not accorded Bor has anything been dene at present; (c) No Central Public Sector Under- taking has been set up in Bihar during the (c) the reasons therefor ; and last two years under the jurisdicticn of the Miniftry of Icdustry. Th(1e U. co Cd) action being taken up to provide proposal under consid( rt. tkn of this 5UC~ mi:::J.imum am:nitie! s to the rellidents . Ministry for settirg up tr.y frojcct in ful:- of Shantinagar and Faithfulganj areas lic sector in Bihar. from whom rates and taxes are reali!ed by the Canpore Cantonment Board ? Statement THE MI~ISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI The names of the Public Sector Under- SHIVR.t\J V. PATIL) (a) to (c). No, takings und~r the Ministry of Industry Sir. are available in the AJ"nual Report of the Ministry 2T.d the information with Cd) A major portion of Shanti Nagar regard to their locatior.s, Board of Dinc- and Faithful Ganj areas is covered by tors and Profits/Losses is avalable in th~ sewer lina; which have been laid before Annual Reports of the respective public independence. Due to increased popula- sector undertakings which are laid on the tion, these sewers cannot take additional Table of the House and are ab:o available load ifextended to remaining parts of Sha- in the Parliament Library. nti Nagar, Faithful Ganj and lVlirpur. Further due to acute shortage of water, So far as Public Sector Ur.dtrtakirgs it is technically not feasible to extend located in Bihar under the adm;nistrative sewerage to the remaining parb; of the control of the Ministry of Industry 2.~ Cantonment. The Board has under con- concernc'd, the information is as follows:- sideration a scheme for improving water ~upply by tapping underground sorurces. On the implementation of water supply There are only two Public Srctor UT-du- scheme, the extention of underground takings located in Bihar viz. MIs. Bharat sewerage to the remaining areas of Shan ti Wagon & Engg. Co. Ltd., MUZ&ft"arpur Nagar and Faithful Ganj and other parts and Mokameh and Heavy Engineering of the Cantonment will be exami_ ed by Corporation Ranchi. BWEL are havia'1g the Cantonment Board. two factories, one in Muzafiarpur and one in ~{okameh.

Locations of Public undertaldn,s and industries in Bihar The composition of existirg Board of.. Director.; in BWEL and HEC are given below:-·~ 4316. SHRI K. M. MADHUKAR: Will the Minister of IXDUSTRY be pleased to state : Bharat Wagon tmd Enginening Co. Ltd.

(a> the name, and bcdions of various I. Shri A. K. johri, Chairman-cum" industrial undeI" takings under hi! ad- l\{anaging Director. ministrative Jurisdiction, compositions of Board of Directors, amount of profits or loss earned during the last three years 2. Shri P. V. Rao, Director, Departmenl- of their activities ; of Heavy Industry•. (b) whether it iii a fact that number 3. Shri S.N. Agrawal, Director, Depart- of Public Sector industries under his ment of Heavy Industry. Ministry are facing crisis due to increased number of mterference in the matter of employment etc.; and HIflfJ.Y Engineering CrwfJDratirm

(c) t~e total number of industries set I. Shri S. R. Gain, Chairman & Manf f,- up dUling the last two ye~ in the State ing Director. -' of Bihar, their location, employment. of worken envisaged and the number of proposal being considered for setting up 2. Shri S. N. Bajpai, Director, Foundery· further projects in public sector in Bihar ? Forge Plant. Written An.tDe,., DECEMBER 17, 1980 W,.itten Answer, 216

3. S~ri N. Rajan, Financial AdvilOr and 4. Shri Hari Bhushan, AdvilOl' (Techuical) Ad-litional Secrf'tary, Ministry of and Joint Secretary, Ikpartmcnt of Industry. Hea.vy Industry.

(Rs. in lalma)

s. No. Unit 1977-78 1978-;9 1979-80 (Actual) (Actual) (Estimated)

I. BWEL • (-)64 (-)39 (-) 103

(-) 30 26 (-) 2775 (-) 3777

Paper .eizecI froID MOIIIhyr Office (b) whether the A & N Administra- of Silk. Qaartzite Mine. tion deci t'le operation, of the mines arc under free acconunodation. These orden arc invelltigation in consultation with the C("n- not applicable to the employee!' of Anda- ·tral Vigilance Commission. man and Nicobar Administration, who are allowed the concession of rent free accommodation under special orders w.u- ed by the Ministry of Home Affairs from 1mplementatioD of Orden Re. ~l'Ult time to time. Under these orders com- ·of Compen_tiOD in Lieu of Rent pensation in lieu of rent free acconunoda- Free AccolDJDodation tion is already admis!'ible throughout tI-.e territory except in Port Blair, municip!.l 4318. SHRI MANORAl\UAN BHAK- area, where the housing situation is not TA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFA- as acute as in other areas. IRS be pleased to state :

(a) whether certain Service .~uocia­ Quota of Tata Mercedes Vehicles to ·tions had represented to the A & N Ad- Himachal Pradesh ministration to implement thr order 1:ontained in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of 4319. SHRI KRISHNA DATT Expenditure) O.M. No. F. 3(2) E. 11(8)/73 SULTANPURI : Will the Mini!ter of dated 3rd August, 1978 in the matter of INDUSTRY be pleased to state: grant of compensation in lieu cf rent free accommodation which was issued only (a) the quota of Tata Mercedes (TEL- after accepting the recommendations of CO) Vehicles given to Himaclal Pradcrh -the Third Pay Commission; last year ; 217 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (S ..4.KA). Written Answet"$ ~Ig.

(b) whether it is a fact that Stat~ Govern- sophuticattd and advanced ~'Cr.FCDS like ment has no power to intervene therein tanks. missiles and planes; and if '0" the detailed reaaons th~ttforj (b) what etrorts have been nlade to (c) the authority which makes the discard obsolete armoury and update the allotment of agencies and th~ number of anncUl"}· of the thtte servicn to make its such agencies in Himachal Pradesh punch power more ~ffC'cti\'C th'D at pre- which perform the sal~ of the trucb of the .ent ; aforesaid company ; Cc) whether it is a fact diat nearly.· II:, (d) whether vehicles are given to the million pieces of lish t, medii m ud he; ,. people from different Stat~s from these armaments are nl w rUiting in the '"a' ic agenci~s producing afiuiavits by passing parts of the country; and the ~rmanent residents of the State and magiPtrat~ no is asked to asttrtain whr- {d) if 10, what is proposed to be done ther the person obtaining the vehicle with regard to this ? belongs to Himachal Pradesh or oth~r State; an~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 'nIE (e) if so, whether Central Government MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI will take appropriate action in this regard SHIVRAJ V. PATIL> : (a> it is not in and empower the State Government public interest to divulge detailP. to keep complete information of the dis- tribution of quota so that there is no Cb) Phasing out of old equiFment and infringement of the rights of the per- its replacement by the modem one is a con- manent residents of the Stat~ ? tmuous proccy in the thtte Services. The Defence Plan 1979-'84 la')'l do\\'1l more THE ~MINISTER OF STATE IN THE stress on mobility, fire pcwn arad mcdnn MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI conununicatioDl rather tilton on augmenta- CHARA_~JIT CHANANA) : Ca> & (b). tion of numbers. The manufacturer.: have reported that during 197~, 397 Tata Vehicles were (c) No Sir. It may however be stated supplied to Himachal Pradesh. There that certain light, medium and heavy is no statutory control of Government armament items are decl2.red obsolete or on sale and distribution of comm~rcial obsolescent from time to time follc.wing vehicles. Comequently, no State-wise well established procedure and detailed quota eXISts. These vehicles are sold by scrutiny at appr('priate lev~IP. They are the manufacturers in accordance with the inspected at laid down intervals to ensure comme-rcial procedures establU:hed by that they are stored in condition. as pre- them. Government however, advise the scribed in various regulati(,n!. manufacturers to cater to the emergent requirements that may arise in resrect of any State. (d> Action is taken to dispose of the obsolete itelllJ through normal depart- (c) A?pointment of dealers is made by mental channels and ·also thrOl-gh £GS the manufacturers. TELCO have repor- &D. ted that there are two dealers in Himachal Pradesh for Tata Vehicles. 'Delia'. Position to Sapply Arm. ° Cd) TELCO have reported that in De.lp. to Foreip eoaDtftetl, accordance with their procedure, dealers are required to book order! from customers *321. SHRI G. Y. KRISHNAN:- wit.'It residential/business address in Hima- Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased chal Pradesh and for registration in Hima- to state: chal Pradesh, Persons bookir.g erden are not required to furnish anyafBda,·it. (a) whether it is a fact that India is in a position to supply certain designs of (eJ A~ there is no statutory control on anns to foreign countries for defence . the sale and distribution of vehicles the purposes ; and question of delegation of powers to State Governments does not arlEe. (b) if so, the Dames of such countries which aloe getting arms and other training in our l)efence Acamdemy at present ? Obsolete Defelice Armoury 4920. SHRI N. K. SHEJWALKAR : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Will the Minister of DEFENCE be MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI pleased to !ltate : SHIVRAJ V. PATIL) : (a> and (h). It would lIot be in the interest of the State to (a> whether it is a fact that 85 com- disclose details in regard to supply of de- pared to Indi,~ Pakistan is having more signs auU export of arms to other countries. Written Answers DECEMBER 17. 1980 Written Answers 220

In 10 far 81 training is concerned, lOme for~ caddl/officen are under-going (~) ~~~~'IiT flrcm training in India. Details are being cr;mf ~ A if; Gflfr ~ (f1I1' ~ collected and will be laid on the Table t 01 the J louse. GflIT ~~ t I

~ "~1l q '(TfIf *'-, (.. ~ 1f)q;w q1f;1fl Wf i) : (~) ~ (~). ~R nw, 4322. _..r (liUCllnl( 11'".1 : CflIT ittll


1!0~ it ~ if.\' ~ ~ lIT( tN ifiRf~'17ii ctT ~~

m~ 'q'~~ (~~T if; ~)-a;r )

1 2 3 4

216 18 ij- ~ ~ ~a- «nNd" t \ifiT ~ 1 968 if ijCfij(1ti..n "i~l('1jij ~ pr I ~ ciT .i)(lltli1l~ ciT ~ ~ ~ ij cRHI

1 2 3 4 ---.. --- 11 ~ i-I-SO ~ 20-11-80 ~ If,t ~ ~ "f9~ t I ij- roni' ~ ~ vft fcfi if ifij ("lei 4Pft ~~ ~ if mil ~ ~ f ~ ~ it; ~;fi ~ t m if ~~;p{-q-t I ~~~~ ct)' qf m 2-11-8 0 Cfi) ififij ("I qf'llff it; m'f ~ ~, If, ~ if Ifij ("I 4TfPil ;r~~~~~~1 ~ ~~it~WT~~~~­ q-ift, ~) iiler; ~ ~tt "fT, ;rru tJ1fT , if+a("lqTcrlIT iTU q-)i '?1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3Aie rn fer; ifCfij(Ofqvft ~m- ~ srfwfmr it ~ ~N41

7 2 ~ ~-~r, 1980 ~ ~f:1 ~ ~;ffe«r t I ~ ifCfij€1

7 8 '{if ~vft ~ Gf)T \VI" fcrf~ wrual if; ~f:1 if \if~ 'fT :it • f~ it I ijJCf ~~ ~ fll (\ffi I ( ~ 1Tf m ~ iilf mf~ iI~ I . iifi ;p{ ~ fif;l:rr ~em~Hif~~q-~T I

Estimated Strength of Chinese Forces Border Violations ia Bara Hod 4324. SHRI KRISHAN DA TT 4323. SHRI R. L. P. VERMA: Will SULTANPURI: WiD the Minister the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to of DEFENCE be pleased. to state : "State ::

(a) whether the Chinese forces at Bara (a) the number of border violations Hoti in the Up-China border have appea- that took place during the last two years ..ed ftlCeIltly ; and on India-China border ; (b) if so, what has been the estimated (b) the action taken thereon by Govern- 'strength of Chinese fOrces ? .ment of India ; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) whether there were any incidents MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI of intrusion by China and Pakistan into SHIVRAJ V. PATIL): and (b). Yes, Indian territory on the borden ofJammu Sir. A Chinese patrol party consisting and Kashmir and if so, the number thereof .~ 15 people visite4 the area on 20th and whether their details will be laid on the August, I g80~ Table of the House ? Written AUWeTI DECEMBER 17, 1980 WTitten AnIU'eTS

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Indian pcnons approaching foreign com- MINISTRY OF DEFENCE CSHRI panies manufacturing Defence products SHIVRAj V. PATIL) : Ca) In the last for agencies in India ; two years there have been three minor land intrusions into Indian territory from Cb> if 10, names of the countries who have informed the Government orally &crOll the border from TIbet. The intruden, however, returned to their or in writing of this ; and side of tbe border after a few minutes. (c) the names of Indian Companies or (b) Fun vigilance is maintained round- pcnoDS or firms who have approached the-clock along Sino-Indian border. foreign Defence Product manufacturen ? (c) In the last two years there hall THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE not ~f"n any military intn.on by China MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI into the Inchan territory on the borden SHIVRAJ V. PATIL): (a> to (c). The of Jammu and Kashmir. There were Goverament have no information about .8 very minor Pak military intrusions into the names of the persons approaching Indian t('rritory on the border of Jammu foreign companies manufacturing Defence and Kashmir. When warned by our stores for agencies in India. No foreign troopl the intruden who were mostly single country/countries have informed the Go- or pairs of Pakistani soldiers retreated to vernment orally or in writing about this. tbe Pakistan side of the border. However, in a communication of a foreign firm received through their Indian agents, one foreign supplier has slated that many Alert by P. M. to Army Otliclal. panies have approached them for agency. Api•• Pak Po...... The "many parties" referred to in the fo- reign finn's communication do not indi- 432 5. SHRI R. P. GAEKWAD: Will cate whether they were Indian or foreign. the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state : (a) whether Government have seen S.bstaaclard WooDeD Yara SappUed press r('ports about Prime Minister alerting by a Firm of Kbarar the Army officials and the people against reccn t postures of Pakistan which indicated 4327. SHRI JITENDRA PRASAD : that Islamabad was not interested in foster- Will the Minister of DEFENCE be ing friendly ties with India j pleased to state : (b) if so. the basis for the same; to ~d). In her address to the Jawans, the Prime (d) whether the money paid to the suppli- Minister referred to the negative atti- er has been realised back ; and tude adopted by various leaders of Pakistan n-garding friendship with India. She (c) what is the disposal of such Goods also referred to regional and international lying at the Clothing Factory, Shahjahan- tensions and conflicts and in the context pur, has it deteriorated due to long sto- of these developments called for vigilance rage and who is responsible for such deteri- and preparedness on the part of our armed oration? forces. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI Peno•• ApproachiDI Foreip Com- SHIVRAJ V. PATIL). (a) Sub- ....." Maaafac:tariq Def'eace Pro- standard yarD was supplied by a firm of dact. for AleDae&. Kharar in 1974-75. The value of the stores supplied was Rs. 10· S8 lakhs only 4326. SHRl PIUS TIRKEY: WiD the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to and not Rs. 50 lakhs. state : (b) and (c). Enquiries made revealed that an Asstt. Foreman of the Directorate (a> whether Government have received Ckneral of lDS~on was responsible flDr i~t:~tion with regard to certain Writt~ft AMweT, AGRAHAY ANA 26, 1902 (SAKA), Written Answers tur a( C):lJtiIlC the ~ubstandard ulateria1. Oatl.)' OD minimum nee-d. P .... A pal a'ty of rt-duction of pay to a IO\\Tr ~mme stage in the tlCale for a period of two yean. Wti -imposed. The firm was also barred ,,~.; !Ct. SHIH K. l'R.O\DHAN1: Will tOe bu,ino.... for five )"t'"aJ'S. th~ ~liuhtcr of PL:\X~ING be pleased to slate: (d} In accordance with tbe arbitration clause in the contract the dispute wa" (a) the toLaI "utl.. y for Illiuimum Ileem rtferred to a Sole Arbitrator. An award programme during tbe 5th Plan; for a sum of Rs. 15.04,089· 60 has bern lIlade 10 tilt: ("!I()Vel"llDlent. Efforts arc: (b) the :&.luounl alluc"'b~d to Ori... -.a hring made for rf'Covery ofthe amount. under this Central IlIJOU'JOI"Cd programme during the above plan period; , (e) The goods are lying at Ordnance Cl~thing Factory, at the risk and COlit of . (c~ tbe number of villages of Koraput the firm. The question of disposal of the dIstrict brought uuder this programme ltood~ will ariM" only after tht" dispute i!- durin~ abo,'e period ; and finally settled by the.' Court. Thl" stOIb ha,·e been kept under proper storage (d) the detail~ of thc.· work.. under taken conditions available with the factor,·. and complt"tt"d d urin~ the time in KoralJUt The possibility of their deterioration due District? to lon~ storage cannot. howf'vrr, br rulrd out. THE MI!\JISTER OF PLA!\JNING & LABOtTR (SHRI ~ARAYAN DATI Judicial Enquiry Report. on Com. TIWARI} : Ca> The total approved out.· munal Riots lay under Minimum ~~s Programmr for the Fifth Plan of the States and the lTnion Tt!rritorics was Rs. 2607.05 crores. 432". SHRI DAYA RAM SHAKYA: SHRI ATAL BEHARI VAJ- (b) The programme is not a Central PAYEE: sponsored one. However, an outlay of SHRi-SATYANARA YAN .fA- Rs. 149· 38 crores was provided for the TIYA: State Plan of Orislila during the Fifth Plan. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state whether Government (c) & (d). The outlays approvt.-d by propose to lay on the Table of the House the Planning Commission are for the States all the reports of the Judicial enquirit"!- as a whole and not for individual districts. into communal incid~nts especiall)· from Thr district-wise distribution is done by 1976 to 1978 to enablt" th~ country know tht" concerned States. correctly as to who WM"e involved in the communal riots and who t"ngin~roo them? q {f~it' aRT ttlf{r.aT tt'l~ ;flit' "" THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS "~ff' ~ III" ".Sf Rllf(T ·(SHRI YOGF... ~DRA MAKWANA): Sui>-section (4) of Section 3 of tht" C.ommissions afInquiry Act, '952, already 4330. ~r f~~ fqt~ tli~: ~ pl"O\idn that the appropriate Government shal' cause to be laid before the House ~et( ~r ~ ~') ~ ~ of the people or, as the case may be. cn=Wr fifi" : thf" I.A"gislativt" Assembly of the State, the "-POrt, if any, of the Commission of Inquiry appointed under that .~ct, (Cfi") qyf~artl uu ~T~ together with a memorandum of the actIon taken thereon, within a period of six month.. 'An:q');:r If."T ~ffT '" ~r ~ ~ of the submission of the report by the Commission to the appropriate Govern- "*im al( I f(q'f Cfi"T ~;lIm m ment. The reports of the Commission" • of Inquirv appointed by the various State ~; ~ Governments thus have to he laid on the Table of the Legislative Assembly of the . State concerned. ( .. ) \Trot Cfft ~r eft ~ it The Central Government has not appoin- ~ ~~ :'3lI" ~ ~ ct)- sa fC'l f.it;q r ted any Comm~i~n of Inqu~ry to f"nql!ire ~nto communalmcldents dunng the penod eftrT ~ ? tom 1976 to 1978• ·3(.60 L.S. 8. Written AnltDe7's DECEMBER 17, 1980

_r lllmiq if 'tmr II.' (,,' fir.- ita cr(fi1' ~ 1J«l Cf fiJ f.14 if, 1 9 5 2 m

mr ., 0 "'fnI) (31)) ~ fir; ~~ ~ GATtl: ~~tmT ~ '"l ~ ~ ~ fctl q,fC4i\k1'" ., ~~ri't ~~ ~ vrf;pr it if~~'4'liji ~ iti f~ riahis;:=t ~ ita Ql' (sraTif ~ !Aif~ifI' IM'n;fA it ~ ~ ri' ~ ~) ~ ~ ~ srfu ~ ~ ~ ~ qj~ tl W f~'R~~ 2250 ifiT m t t;rr ~ n;ft ~ it ~ it ~ t 1 ifeilifiil1 ~ t 1ffipff ~~tl ~ 500/-'~ m vfi:rf'f 'ffifT 'lftmn ~t I (w) ~~ nr~~ ~ fICf, ~ ctl' Qi=lf ,f49,Q1 m mftt;J ".oifll ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ CIiT ~-~ 'f{ ~tCR ~ pr ri ~ t~ ~ ~ ~q~ qfuJf~ * GlI1f ifil oTCfi m 0lIlu ~~~\1Cr~tl ~f1~ .m ~ Wof-m1r qr'f if ~ ~ 1fi) '1ft P.mf it '{1m ~ 1 ~ ~lifiif iti IM'nm: IR, ~, ~ ~

f'1Cif1 i(;nit ~ ~ '{m' el1«.fT ,us.: CfiT Statement Corr.cti.. th. reply to ~ if; iA Ifl1lt4Cfi ~ it w wm: unstarred QuestioD No. 6088 elated ~ ~~I 30-,-1980 re-Per80n& arrested In As.am

TIlE MINISTF.R OF STATE IN TIlE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKW ANA) : In answt"r to parts (b) and (c) ofunstarn-d 4331. '" ~(; ....qf : CflfT ~ Question No. 6088 answercl on 30th July Ihfi q i(~ ctT Iitff ~ A1 srmrr Jg80, the (ollowing was, inter-alia, stated : 1f~', 1i~ ~ t 1jfi:rln (l111 ~ ~ iti t~, 1ffiff WR iA'Plr tjf4$ I,fi So far 100 cases have been re~iewed by th~ Advisory Board constitutt"d for ~~ ~ ~plt~ ~ thf' purpose. it~~ ~ ~ ~~, 1980 II' The> fi~T(" 100 occuring in the above 81fi ~6'i1' ~R 1ffiff t ~ it ~ ~r answr-r be substituted by the figure clog' -um~gft? ReaSODS for DeJay

The> error was detected Jater on receipr '1~ ~awt'''' if 'OR "., ("'Il",'" of written communication from the ~~ ) : 1ffiIl1l it; ;ia;r, State Government. tffiJ ~ ~ mJfnfuCfi I ( 1ffiIl1l I Sl29 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 26,1902 (SAKA) Wfitten An.1wers ~30 lZ hi'll. SHRI A. NEELALOHJTHADASAN (Trivandrwn) : Sir, regarding the': murder ,,) ~111 m,m q'nRA (~): of . ~unjan laSei'. Jawan. a Harijlln ~~, ~ ~ it iRf Chnltlan •••• ftpf~ ~ f1rt;r ~ t, ~ ifiT ~ MR. SPI-J\KFR : It is nndt'r police investigation. Police inveltigation il ~l t I lIli' ~ few; ~ 0 tfhr 0 going on. ~ 'Ii) 1ft ~ f1«;r ~ t I ~)qft;r Now I will listen tu Mr. ShaKtri. ~ 'R: qm ~ t few; ~ ~ (Intnruptio,u) * t ~ ~I ~ q~~ifi) Ill' ~"fiinfll' 'UR' (tWIT): ~ ~ ~ r"ifi Itld itft t "R •.• ~al ~, ~ ~ f.:A~ ~ -qT i (I1t"QA) Ai ww ri1r it fiffl itft ~ e: I "f;~. ~ : ~ Cfil:T ~ _It. ","II' mq ~ ~ ~ wrr ' ~ ~ fcIitIT, 377if ~ I ~~~ pl I Ill' ~,qiCllri'~ "n:w) : ro:n t I

Ill) af~~ "'" q~: (m~) : agQ'fft ~~.q: d1 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~*~ ~~ ~~~ I ~ \i() sn;r ~ '1T ~~ ~ '11 (,q,Cllril~ "'~) ~- it;~ I~ iI'R ~ ~~~ riJA Rtni I mr ~ft;« * m ~-;r-~ lIT ~H:r ~~m tf~ ~ ~ m ..:: f I i1lT~ chr ~~ ~ fcn:M srifiG ~ ~ , 'GR' ~ ~ ...• SHRI SUNIL MAITRA (Calcutta North East) : I gave notice of a Calling ~~. ~m ~ 3rT, iSfT1f Atten tion regarding ..•. m tt~ lief) ~ ~, (Interruptions). MR. SPEAKER : That is 110t to be It is a State 51lbjf"Ct. dilcussed here. SHRI SUNIL MAIl'RA : You have said that you will check up with the '1( .....1R II'mf ("I·3tii.'~): Minister. Twice I Ra,'e a notice regard- ~~t,~qm~M~ ing giving away ('·f ten acres of land to the Modi Family, which was meant f(lr a ~I hospital .... aatet q~1I' : '1ltf ~

·Ntt recorded· \ Written Answer, DECEMBER 17. 1980 Written AnstDer3

M It. SPEAKER: We- arc not to discll~~ Myfriend, Mr. KilneD, }all!! tak~ ~ --:e- it now. thing out of tbe whole conh~xt ••.••

PRC~.'. P.J. KURU:S (M'wdikar",) : J PRt )F. 1'. J. K'Jrien : ~o, l'l~r. haft wrlttt"n to you ab:Jut the d~rr.m \tor\'~_ m .rk' m I.d,. by Shrj :\. P. S,arml ab:)lit ••• SHRI A. P. SH\R.o\M.\: PI...-a,. Jisten. If you still require lom... thin~ more Mit. SPE·\f(.ER: Ihavt!~ot the It'U,.r. I am prC'p3red to S3Y. I'ROF. P. J. KIJRIEX: You m ,y ce ••• it would be seen that I have the v;:r'Pit m~ to have my lay. I am a hiqheJt re~4rd. • •• " dIscIplined Mr:m})er and Dt'V.-r crt' ate trouble·' • Tois is the context in which I have used: K'!rala i. a beautiful place. MIt. "PE·\KER : I hll,·e ~otit. "",1 haw the higlie!t l'cg4rd for l'itOF. J'.'). KURIE~: ~o, uo, in thi~ that m .ISt beautiful p lrt of our countrr eXT,1 \O'\tion,he say" that if any millundl"'r- and thf' 'Cafted pf"Ople of Kr:rala"'" litanrlin~ ill there, .hr rettrets it, B'.1t that ill not thr quC"lttion. H~ actually· •• My friend. Mr. K'.lrieD, is also 0[1(" of ttu'm. MR. SPE \KER: Wny are you tryin~ to m ,ke 4Om~ aeOS(.· out of it which i. nOt " .•. In reply I have also said that tbt' thC"rt!? (/fI".rruptinn.f). You a1"e a lramf'd fOl'eigllcrs come to K'!rala for different m '.n. (1'" ",uPlio"s{. Prof. Kurien, yo uarr' .parp~ and this has bf"t"n correctly It vl"ry If'!arnf'!d p~rson~ plC"aB«"! interv:eted .•. " PROf'. P. J. KURIEX : this expla- If you read the whole thing, you will nl\tion do(~ not c'lntain anything. H .. find that Dr. Kuan Singh, who followed had IItated that in this H"u"e and so, he mr.: and asked a q.le'stion, correctly int("r- should COrl"C"ct it in this Htlust" and tt"nder J)reted it. an apolo~y. " .. this has b~en correctly int~rprelrd by (Intm,.p,;",,~) the Mf"mbt-r who followed soon thereafter l() slate that thert" Wt'Tt' m my attractions .... " a; t Sf q'~)(~: U:ffr :!Jilt ~~ Thill was the id"a. ;r~ ~ I ;:rr~ cti'r qrtq~ ;r :sr.;r~ a= I " .. lik e the P",riyar G~m! S.lllCluary, L'~I lhr-' M nisler :explain now. p.lrlia- the K')valam B·.!ach, which is one of In ontarians rhing lik,. this! tht' finest h~ach restorts in the world. P.tc." TdE M(NISriR OF l\JU RISM A~D CiVIL AVIAriO~ (Sq~r .. \. P. Mr. Vajpayee can interpret m!'! b~tttT. SH'\~\f .\) : M". S.}.~ak~rJ S:r, on receipt What I am saying .. ~ .• ofthC" It'!ttf''r from your office, I have alread~ !I~nt a reply to that. If you p~rm't m", Sir" I can rf':\d it out. MR. SPEAKER: H~ hall been given thf' powf'r of attorn~y.

PROF. P .. J. KURIEX : It d:>es uot PROF. M'\DHU DA~D.-\VATE contain anythinR. (R'ljappr) : Perhaps, onl}' bachelors can app:eciate I MR. Sl'E:\T<.ER : WJJY do you W.int to SHIH A.P. SH-\RMA : " I am realJy m'.kf" som.,.thin~ which is not there, un- wry sorry for any m~!lund~lItandit1g ~ necessarily? You should not lengthen a which mly have been inadvertently thing. Tnere are c~rtain thing!' which arc.' caused and I have corrected the copy norm 'lly accepted. of the proceedin~i."

SHltI .\. P. SH~RAMA : I have v::r- I l.aavt: u')ue this, a1though I did not think :tOll'illy m at you and ~xplaillt"d, Sir. that there was anything wrong in that ~ ~aust' I n~ver m~ant anything wrong to "A4I expl..uued p;:rs.lIlally by m'~f if the people of. Kf'rala ; I cannot, I C:ln tt"ll m: l'c;,licH to qup.sti til Nr.. 377 on 'Intt'r- you with all th~ forre.at my command. u{tiot181 Flight from Trivandrum to Therefore, I have given this cxplanalioll \v.~st E Jropean Cillltrif'S' on I :lth D~ct'm­ a.nd, I think, th i~ should sati ,fy my frit'ntl. h!r, 1980, are re:\d as a wbole .••• Mr. Kurien. 233 W'itte-n A~1.SWe1S AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (S.4K.4) Written .t1'"l:;w(!rs

MR. :iP£AKEk : 'What more do you SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU (Diamuud waut 1 Harbour) : I ani on a point of order. You must ha,\'e Dotictd ill th~ P"tIlI tbat PRUf'. P. J. KURlEN : I win read •.•• 'Jlld~r iimilar cir(:um~lanCt'S au omcia. W,,4i made to pay a tine of Rs: :;000. TIUll MR. SPK-\K'ER : Why should you read sholl Iff he h~ also. DOW ? Why art" YOIi prolr.nging it ?

PROF. P. KURIE~ : This was the SHRI B.\PUS.\HED PARUl£K.\H. J. (~atnaftiri) : On M(,nd:l)' I g-a\'C notiCe statttuen t. oj :a .prhilr.g(" motion agai~t the UellUtv 6Kcrala is a beautiful v1ate. 1',,(" M-Im~t,.r Mr. Barot, [he Editor ami Chief pMpl(': of hf"rala art' also ~utiful at Erlitor of 'l'ojona', I gave all the docu- nJ~!' fa you. night •••• '. That is the portion tn wbich 1 take: MR. Sl'.EAKER : r .lUl lici~\:d vi'lhe prohlem. I ha,'e 'Jot to get tbe tactll. objcr.tion. I have 10 go through all 'be J)roCQ)W'c:s. MR. SPhAKER: I'hal will be takcli out. '1' Ir.It ~ ~) : :(~ ) : PRU}·. P. J. KURIEN : Ht~ .;h'lluld ~fAm ~, ~ 'iT1T~ nlake- a rderence to that, specially thr m iii a;i wonf. 'at night', r.tr.. ~ if.)~AJf ~~~ ~iifht MR.. SPS AKER : That hAl! been ex· it~,) orm~ ~~i~ iti pungC'd. Now he has said, -, wa!l sorry for the misunderstanding.' ~it~Ttl~~~~t ifi ~ ~ mr fir.ir t ~ ao=r ",'l ~-:~ ~ql":t qtrc"~ (q,)~hfffi) : cr.t ~ f~ ~t ~, ('1;l'''J~) ..• ~ ~if. Cf.Tf~ ~ ~ t: I ~

sit 0 !Qf;(ft !ql~ ll~al (~ ~. ~ qy Ai ~ ~ifi ~ ;mr ~ .): itit fcr9i~~ ~~ ttil SfTof ~m~ ~ ~tr.T~~T~!R'R \;'OTtn ~ I ifTtT 'fiT ~ ~ iJRf ~ J ~ iffr MR. SPEAKER: We have as.led fOl" tbe tacts. Yesterday I told you. 1fT ~ ~

~i 1:1i~ !jql1:: f~ (N.itm- &1'1 af~ ~'l~ q~~' : (!1I1I<,!<) : iJ~ ): AA fufqc:;r ~wrf flff~e:< Q,lll ~ it ~ ~ 1ft I ~ ~i cf.l ~ ifi f~ fcrirtnf&m if,T ;:r)fC1:l ~ ~~ 'AR ~ q~ if too t 'fR ~ 'iff ~ ifi m. ~ ~fq- W I - ~flU DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY MR. SP~AKER: J am getting the (Bombay North East) : This country has. got a special consideration for Khan facts. I am seized of it. Abdul Gaft'ar Khan. There was a new SHRI A. N~LALOHITHADASA."'l:·. item to-day that Khan Saheb was detainrd I in Kab~·l. I wonld ask the government ~ . MR. SP.A£KER : Not allowed • to protest agajnst it.

••Not recorded. DECEMBER 17, 1980 Papers Laid 235 236 MR, ,'iPEAKER ; No, please. Paper (Control) Am_elmeat Order IgBo, NotillcadolJ uder lllllutri'; (DeveJopmeat aad KeplaaOD) Act. !If) '{,.oll 5(~'" (II'~) Statemeat aad Aaaaal Report ".... of HladastaD M.cblae Tool. Ltd.; ... ,.,,,,'1.( it.m it_ q~ ~ .....lore oa Review oa aacl Aaaaal Report of Natioaal New.priat aad ~ f~ qt t:(if; A'n ~.,. qU Paper MDI. Ltd., Nepa...... , State- meat aad Annual Report of Triyeni .tl"llctural. Ltci., Naial, AU ....bad, ~ ~ t aR ~ fcdr( Cfft Reyiew aDd AD.aal Report of HUaciIlS- taD Paper CorpDralioa Ltd., New Delhi ~ it t m fctfqw 'lf4ff it '4T a .... NDtllicatioa aDcler ladutrie. (Developmeat aad RegaladOD) Act. ~~~ ~ qrtl

THEM(N(Sr~ROFsrATEIN THE MR. SPEAKER: It is a State' subject. MINISTRY OF INDU STay (SHRI CH.\RAl'{JIT OHANANA): I beg to Illy on the Table :- ,,) '{f1(;r sun, qr-..~: ~ql ~ .. (I) A t::opy of the Pape-r (C')ntr.>l) Amendment Order 1980 (Hindi ~tft~mt"it 1 •••• (.l.1.~JT,,) ... , and English versions) published in " Notification No. S.O. 9~8(E) in Gazette MR. SP JAKEll: P"'pt"rs to be laid. of India dated the 29th November, 1980, under sub-section(6) of section 3 of the Etsential C'>mm.odities Act, 1955. [Placed ill Library .~"'e No. LT- 16:)1/80.]

(2) A c0i)Y of N'ltific.\tion No. S.O. 556(E) (Hindi and E!lglish versions) published in G:lzette ofIndia dated the ".16 Hr•. 21St July, 1980 extending the Order regarding take over of m'Ulagement of Messrs Guluconate Limited, Cal- PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE cutta, under sectj on 18A of the Ind us tries (Dev~lopment and Regulation) Act, 1951. [Placed in Librtlry Set No. LT- RevIew on' aad Annual RepDrt of 160 l/Sol FerdU.en aad Chemicals Travaacore Ltd; Ud),ogmandal, Kerala for (3) A copy of the following pape-rs 1979-80 (Hindt and English versions) under sub- sectio:l(I) of section 6I9A of the Com- THE MINISTER OF STATE INTHE p:lnies Act, 1965 :- MINISrRY OF PETROLEUM, CHE- MIC.\LS AND FERTILISERS (SHRI (a) (i) A statement rega.rding Review DALBIR SINGH) : On behalf of Shri by G')vernment on the working of P.O. S!thi. I beg to lay on the Table Hindustan M;Lchine Tools Limited, a copy each of the following papers (Hindi B:inglore, for the year 1979'"80. aDd E~g1ish versions) under sub-section (I) of section 619A of the Oompanies (ii) Annual Report of the Hindustan Act, 1956 :- Machine Tools Limited, Bangalore, for the year 1979-80 along with the (I) Review by the Government on Audited Accounts and the comments the Winking of Fertilisers and Chemicals of the Comptrollrr and Auditor General Travancore Limited, Udyogamand;Ll, thereon. [PltlClf,/ in Librtlfl' • Se~ No. LT- Kerala, for the year 1979-80. 1603/So.]

(2) A'lnu1.l Repltt of the Fertilisers (b) (i) Review by the Government and O~o:mica!s Travancore Limited, on the working of the National News- Udyogmllnclal, K~ala, for the year print and Paper Mills Limited, Nepa- 1979-80 along with the Audited nagar (Madhya Pradesh) for the year Accounts and the comments of the 1979-80. Com')trolJer and Aud'tor General._. thereOn. (PltlCld ill LibrarJ S" No. Lt~ (ii) Annual Report of the NatI-w 1600/80. Newsprint and Paper Mills Limited, paper" Laid AGRAliAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) PapeTS Lai.d ~37 Np\)lnlgar (M ldh.ya Pradesh) for the working Qf thr. Goal India limited Y~'At \\}'tl·~~ a\()n~ with the Audited {Coa\ Miues Authority Limited) Accoallts and the comments of the Calcutta, for the year 1975-']6. c:):n~)troller and Auditor Genn-al thereon. (ii) Annual Report of the Liulit«"d (Coal Mines Authority (Placed in Library. !He No. LT-I604/HoJ Limited) Calcutta, for the year 1975-76 along with the Audited Accounts and (c) (i) Statement regarding Review the comments of the Comptroller and by dle Gt)vcrnment on the working Auditor Gmeral thereon. of the Triveni Structurals Limited N:tini-Allahabad, for the year 1979-80. [Placed in Library. &,I.T-I608/80j (ii) Annual Report of the Triveni (b) (i) Review (Hindi and English Structurab Limited, Naini-Allahabad, versions) by the Gowrnment on the work.- for the year 1979-80 along with the Au- ing of the National Hydro-electric Power dited AccoLUlts and the comments of Corporation Limited New Delhi, the C l.:n'ltroller and Auditor General for tht- year 1979-80. thereon." (ii) Annual Report of the National [Placed in Library. See No. LT-I605/8oj Hydro-electric Power Corporation Limited, New Delhi, for the year 1979- (d) (i) Review by the Government 80 along with the Audited Accounts on the working of the Hindustan Pa~r and the comments of the Comptroller Cl)rporation Limited, New Delhi, for and Audited General thereon. the year 1979-80. (2) A statement (Hindi and English (ii) Annual Report of the Hindustan versions) showing reasons for delay P"'per CQrporation Limited, New Delhi, in laying the papers mentioned at (I) for the year 1979-80 along wi th the (8) above. A"d~ted Accounts and th~ comment!i oftn'! C )_:n'ltroller and Auditor General [Placed in Library•• ~ No. LT-IGog/80] thereon. " (3) (i) A copy of the Annual R.eport (Placed in Library. See No. LT-I606/80j (Hindi and English versions) oftht- Cent- ral Power Research Institute, Banga- (4) A copy of the S::heduled· Indus- lore, for the year 1979-80 along with tries (S;J.bmission of Production Re- Audited Accounts. turns) Amendment Rules,1980 (Hindi and E'lglish versions) published in (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi N )tific:t.tio.:l No. S.O. 7oo(E) in Ga- and English versions) by the Govern· zette of Ind~a d1.led the 3rd September ment on the working of the Central 193:> und~r sub-section(4) of section Power Research Institute, Bangalore, 3:1 of the Industries (Development and for the year 1979-80. R~gulcation) Act, 1951. [Place~ in Library. See No. LT-161O/8oJ Placed in Library. See No. LT-1607/80J C!)rrigendum to S.D. No. 286 (E) laid on 18-6-1980. RevieW' 0,. aad AlI1l1lai Report of Coal India Ltd. (Coal Miaes THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Aathority Ltd.), 1975-76, Review THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS on aad ADDaat Report of National (SHRI YOGENDRA MAKWANA) : Hydro-electric Power Corp Dration I beg to lay on the Table a Corrigendum Ltd., New Delhi aacl Review on (Hindi and English versions) correcting A1lllllat R':pDrt of Central Power the number of S.O. 286(E) laid on the Research lutitate, Baagalore Table on the 18th June, 1930 to read 1979-80· as 8.0. 386(E). THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE [Placed in Library. see No. LT-161I/80) MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI VIK- R!\M M!\H,<\jAN) : I beg to lay on Review on and Annual Report of Insti- the Table :- tute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi for 1978-79. Notifications under (I) A copy each of the following Coast Guard Act, statement re-review on p3::>~rs u!lder sub-section (I) of section and Annual Reports of Bharat Earth 619A of the Companies Act, 1956 :- Movers Ltd., Bangalore, Bharat Dynamics Ltd.,'Hyderabad, Mishra Dhatu Nigam, (1.}.,.(i) Review (Hindi and English Hyderbad, Garden Reach Ship B.. ilders vcrsio.;u) by the Government on the and Engineers Ltd., Calcutta fQr 1979-80. ;S9 PapeTB Laid DECEMBER 1'1, 1980 PtlPef'a Laid 240 THE lfll'lJST~k OF STAT~ IX (b) (i) ~talemmt rr.qartiin'.t. R~iew hy THE MINISTRY OF DEFESGE (~HRI Government on the working of the' SHIVkAJ v. PATIL): I beg to lay Shara. DynamiCi Limitr.d. Hyd~raba.ti OIl thr 'table :- for the year 1979-80.

(I) (i) A copy of the .\uJJual Rl."»urt Iii) .\nnual Rep>rt ,ll tbe 8har.u (Hindi and English !~i~n5) or thr nYnamiC'll.imit~ Hyderbad .for the year Inlfitulr for Dr.fenCf' :-;tu(b~ and Ana- 1 97~ along with the Audit Account, Iysrs. Nt'\\" J)t'lhi for thr y,..r 1t')7R-7~ and' the commmtll of the Comptron~r alonR with AuditM AecountA. and Auditor General thereon. [Plac(!'CI in I.ibrary. ,~ ~o. LT-16IS/8o j (ji) A lIitatcnlC.:"t (llill.di and ):;Jlgl~i vt'rsionll) n'lardmg ReView by the ~ vernment on the working of the IU!lti- (c) (i) Statcmcnt r~al-dillg R'!view by tulr for lkf,.nct' StudiC"S. and Analyst"'" ('~emment on the workcing of the • New Delhi, for tbe ),<'ar 1978-79. .:\fishra Dhatu :'oligoalll Limitrd Hyderbad for the year 1979-80. IPI8(;cd iti J..ibl'ary. 8", ~o. 1.'1'-1612/001 (ii) Annual R~rt of tbe Mish~a lJhatu NiJ(am LImited Hyderbad; . tor the ycar 1979"80 along with the Audited \21 A copy ,..acb of the lolluwi!lH Accounu alld tbe comments of the Notifications (Hindi and EnglL'itl Comptroller and Auditor General version!l) undrr sub-section (4) of sectiou tbereon. IlZI uf the Cua.4It Guard :\ct, 197H:- [Placed in Library. Set ~o. LT-1616/801 (i) S.R.O. 14(E) published in Gazelle of India dated the 20th November, (d) (i) Statement regarding, Review by 1 rmpowering the Coast Guard gRo Government on the workmg of th~ Personnel to exercise the powers and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and En- dischal-ge the duties under the Codf' gint"e1'S Limited, Calcutta, for the of Criminal Procedure, 1973 to arrest year 1979-80. any om~nd~r who has escaped arrf"st within local limits of Maritime Zont" (ii) Annual Report of the Garden of the hill toric waten; etc. Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited Calcutta, for the year 1979-80 (ii) S.R.O. IS(E) publillhed in Gaz- along with Audited Accounts and cUt" of India dated the 20th Novcm- the . comment~ of the Comptroller hrr, 1980 empow,.ring the Coalilt and Auditor General thereon. Guard Personnel to exercist" the powers and discharge' the dutie!l Imder th(" [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1617/Bol Codf" of Criminal ProC'ooure, 1973 to arrest anv offender who has escaped Statement rt: Review on and Annual arreRt withi'n Joca) limits of Maritimc' Report Mazagon Dock,L,imited, B:o~bay Zone of the historic waters etc. tor 1979-80.and Goa Shipyard Llm!teci Vasco-da-Gama, Goa for 1979-80. IP)acc~ in Library, Set No. LT-161 3/8c,l SHRI SHIVRAJ V. P:\TIl~ : I also Jay Oll the Tablt>:-

(3) A copy each of the following

l,,) (i) A copy of the Annual Report for t:he } Cal' 197~80 alf)n~ 'with the (Hindi and English versi()n~) of the Audilro A('counl!l and tht- C"ommmt.1II Physical Rt"Search Laboratory, cf d.r' Comptrolln ad Auditor .-\hmf'dabad, for thfO year 1979-80 Central thnf'On. alon~ with Auditrd ...\rrou n til.

{ii} A statement (Hindi alld Kuglish \'ersions) regarding Rt"Vit'w by thfO (}o.. Statf'mrnt re. RC\'irw on Annual RqKlrt vemment on the working of the Physical of Raman R eseareh Jnstitute Ballgalor e, Research La bora tory, Ahmf'dahncl Birbal Sahni Ino;titute of Pa'ar.c(,botan,'. Jor tht' year 1979-80. LudmClw C.om pute· ~laintf'nann" Cor~ plration Limited" Hyrlrrabad and (Plllt:ld;" LUnar,.,. Sit No. J,T-16~3/IJo.1 Physical Resrarch Lahnrartory, Al:mrdahad for 1979-80.

THE MINISTER UF STATE I~ Sodrication under Customs Act, 'JHE DEP:\RT~.fF... '''TS OF SCIENCE and Noti n cation. under Central ExciH AND TECHXOLOGY Ar\D Rules 1c:l,ECTROXICS (SHRI C. P. X. SINGH) : I ~ to lay on the Tablt-:- THE ~n~ISTER OF STATE IN THE ~lINISTR Y OF FISANCE (SHR (I) (i) A copy of the Annual Report S:\\VAISINGH SISODIA): I bt~~ to (Hindi and Fnglish versiOnli) of the lay on thr Table :- Ramali R~eardJ Institute, Bangalon" for thr 'Yf'ar 1979-Ro along with Auditoo (I) A copy of Notification No. (iSR Accounts. 68g(E) (Hindi and English versions) publi4lhed in Gazette of India dated the (ii) A statt:lDcnt (Hindi and Fnglish 9th December, 1980 together with an ex- versions) regarding Rr-view by the planatory memorandum making Government on t he working of the certain amendment to Notjfieatioll Raman Research In stitute, Bangalorr, No. 132~CU!;toms dated the 2nd July, for the year 1979-80. 1980 addmg two more products of Nepa- lese origin found to qualify for preferen- I Pia red in Library. Ste No. LT-1620/So.] tial entry into India under the Indo- Nepal Treaty of Trade, 1978, under section 159 of the Customs Act, 1962. (2) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1624/80.] Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, for the year 1979-80 along with Auditrd Accounts. (2) A copy each of the folJowinq- Notificatjon!! (Hindi and EngJish (ii) A statement (Hindi and :English versions) issued under the Central vClsiom) regardmg Rr-view by the- Excise Rules, 1944:- Government on the working of the Birbal Sahni Imtitute of Palaeobo- (i) GSR 686(E) published in Gazt:tte tany, Lucknow, for the year 1979-80. of India dated the 8th December 19B~ together with an explanatory ';'emo- [Placed in Library. See No. LT-162Ij80.] randum exempting printing and writing paper contaj!ling not less than 7.'> ~r' (g·l A copy each of the fol1owing cenl by weIght of pulp made from pApers (Hindi and English versions) bagasse from excise duty. undel' ~u b-section (I) of section 619.-\ vi the Companies Act, 1956:- (ii) GSR 687(E) publsihed in Gazette of India dated the 8th December 1980 (i) Statement regarding Review by together with an explanatory me~oran­ Govememtn on the working of the dum making certain amendment to Noti- umputer Maintenance Corporatio'} fication No. 47/76-Central Excise dated Limited, Hyderabad, for the year the ,9th March, 1976 sustituting 'vuJ- 1979-80. camsed rubber products, non-curing, for tyres and tubes' for 'rubber products commonly known as rubber based (ii) Annual Report of the Computer adhesives for tyres and tubes non- Maintenance Co rporation Limited, curing.' ' Hyderabad, for the year 1979-80 along with . the Audited Accounts and the (iii) GSR 688(E) published in Gazette comments of the Comptroller and of India dated the 8th December 1980 Auditor General thereon. together with an explanatory meO:oran- d, m extending excise duty exemptiun [Placed in Library. &e No. LT-1622/80.1 to Diesel Engines used for replacement PapeTB Laid DECEMBER 17, 1980 Comm.. on Absence 244 01 M e77J,b2T' fro.,., .. P.A.C. Statements of Petrol engines in s-wht'eled vehicles (ii) The All India Services (Dis-- uJrd a.. taxi,. cipline and Appeal) Amendment Rules, IgBo, published in Notification IPlatlilin Library .•fHt No. LT-162S/80.] No. GSR 1220 in Gazette of India datrd the 29th November, 1980• (iii) The Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Seventeenth Amendment RCJulatiom. IgBo, published in Notification No. ADDual A.M•• lDeDt Report re- GSR 674 (E) in Gazette of India dated .pread aacI develop_eDt 01 HiDdi, the 1St December, rgBo. NotlflcatlOD. _der Deihl PoUce Act, _d Notillcatloo. UDder AU-IDdi. (iv) The Indian Administrative Ser- Servl~ Act vice (Pay) Fourteenth A!11endm~n t Rules, IgSO, publubed in Notification No. GSR 675(E_) inGazette of India dated THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the 1St November, Ig80. MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS .AND DEPARTMENT OF PARLIA- (v) The All India Services (Provi. MENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P. dent Fund) Fifth Amendment Rules, VENKATASUBBAIAH) : I beg to lay IgBO, published in Notification No. on the Table :- GSR 1235 in Gazette of India dated the 6th December, Ig80.

[Plaetd in Library. S,t No. L T.1628/Bo.] (I) A copy of the Annual Assess· ment Report (Hindi and English versions) on the programme and its implementation for accelerating the spread and development of Hindi and its progressive use for various official pur- COMMITTEE ON ABSENCE OF .poses of the Union, for the year Ig77·78. MEMBERS FROM SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE [Plac,din Library .•'i,e No. LT.1626/80.] SHRI P. V.G. RAJU (Blbbili) : I lay on the Table Minutes of the sittings or (2) A copy each of the following the Committee on Abgence of Member.s Notifications (Hindi and English from the sittings of the House held on the venions) under sub.section (2) of sec- 12th December, 1 gOo. tion 148 of the Delhi Police Act, Ig 78;-

(i) The Delhi Control of Processions, assemblies and playing of music, in Pub- 12' 21 hr•• lic Places Regulations" IgSo, published in Notification No. 3218/Special Cell STATEMENTS OF PUBLIC in Delhi Gazette dated the 7th October J ACCOUNrS COMMIT fEE 19SO. SHRI CHANDRAJIT YADAV (ii) The Constitution of the Delhi (Azamgarh) ; I lay O!l the Table (English Defence Societies Rules, Ig80, published and Hindi versions) of the following in Notification No. F. 5/102/80·H{P)/ statement ;- Estt. in Delhi Gazette dated fthe Srd December, Ig80. (I) Statement showing Action Taken by Government on the recommen- IPlaCldin Library. See No. LT-1627/80.] dations contained in Chapter I and final replies in respect of Chapter V of Eighty.third Report (Sixth Lok Sabha) on Export of Engineering (s) A copy each of the following No- goods. tifications (Hindi and English ver- sions) under sub-section (2) of section (2) Statement showing Ac1ion S ofthe All India Services Act, 1951 :- Taken by Government on the recom· mendations contained in Chapter I of (i) The All India Services (Provident Ninety-second Report (Sixth Lok .Fund) Fourth Amendment Rules, Ig80~ Sabha) on Resettlement of Exservicc- published in Notification No. GSR 1209 men near Seijeesa. in Gazette of India dated the 22nd November1 1980. P.A.C. Report. AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Leave 01 Absence 246 from 8tg' of House

••. _, Ian. R.eports (English and Hindi versio os) of the Public Accounts Committce:- STATEMENTS OF ESTIMATES COMMIITEE (I) Twenty-fourth Rt'port on EXCf'!lses over Voted Grants and Charged SHRI S. B. P. PATIABHl RAMA Appropriations disclosed in the RAO : (Rajhamundry) : I lay on the Appropriation Accounts (Civil), Table (English and Hindi) vemons of the (Railways) and (Defr-ntt Servicu) following statements:- for the year 1978-79.

(I) Statement showing final reply (2) Fifth Report on Action Taken by by Government in respect of Chapter Governmen t on recommenda- V of the Third Report of EstimatOi tN- Committee (Sixth Lok Sabha) on tions contained in the Hundred Union Territory of Andaman and and Twenty-ninth Rr-port (Sixth Nicobar Islands. Lok Sabha) on Purchase of Bitu- men and Cash Assistance for export of Transmission Line (2) Statement showing final replies Towers. ofGovemment in respect ofChapter V and further information in res- pect of other chapters of the Twenty-sixth Action Taken Re- Ia... ; port of E'ltimates Committee I.·.' (Sixth Lok Sabha) on Prevention ESTIMATES COMMITTEE and Control of Blindness FIPTH REPOR.T iHRI S.B.P. PATTABHI RAMRAO: (Rajabundry) : I beg to present the Fifth Report (Hindi and English versions) of the E.timates Committee on Action COMMITIEE ON PRIVATE Taken by Government on the recommenda- MEMBERS' BILLS AND tions contained in the Thirty fifth Report RESOLUTIONS of the Estimates Committee (Sixth Lok Sabha) on the Ministry of Agriculture THIR.1'EEN'I'H REPOR.TS and Irrigation (Departmr-nt of Agricultural Research and Eduction) Indian Council SHRI G. LAKSHMANAN (Madras of Agricultural Research-Working Con- North) : I beg to present the Thirteenth ditions of Agricultural Scientists. Report of the Committee on Private Me.ubers' Bills and Re-solutions. 1.'.7 hra. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM THE. 1: •••5 hrs. SITIINGS OF THE HOUSE .' PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE MR.. SPE.~ER.: The Committee on Absence of Members from the sittings of the House TWENTY-POUR.TH AND FIFTH REPOR.TS in their Second Report have recommended that leave of absence be granted to the SHRI CH<\NDRAJIT YADAV following Members for the periods mention- (Azamgarh) : I beg to present the following ed against each:-

I. Shri R. N. Rakesh • 1St to 18th July, 1990, (Third Session.) 2. Shri K. Ol:u.l Reddy. • • 28th July to 12th Augl1st, 19$]0 (Third Session). 3. Shri P. K. K'Jdiyan • • 30th June to 12th August, 1980 (Third Session).

4-. Prof. Narain Chand Parashu 17th November to 19th December, 1980 (Fourth · Session). S Shri N. GoUQgin 17th November to 5th December, 1980 (Fourth • • • Session). 6. Shri Ebrahim Sulaiman Sait 27th November to 19th l)ec(r ber, 1980 (Fourtl- . Session). Is it the pleasUJ'C of the ;House' that leave as-recolrmended by the Conurittee maybe granted ? . - - - . Matters uffder DECEMBER 17, 1980 Rule 377

(H) Mi.AlC .It.... TO Al;(;IIF..N"l' POULTIlY )AIlYING IN ANJ)HRA PIlADE5H MR. SPEAKER: "'h~ Ir.av .. ic Jrrant .. d. TIl(' Mt'mt)t'r!i wil1 bf- illfllrm,.d accortijngl)". SHRI G. ~.-\RSIMa-\ REDDY (AdiJabad) : Sir, pouluy farming in tht' Stal .. of Andh.'a Pradl'Sh which occupied tile J1rou~ fint pJace iJ, the cowatry p'U- ~uco; daily 50 lakh eggs. DurJng last Sive. y ...ars poultry fat BlinK dc."\-·~lupcll I'apldly and now JIOultry populatioli has ,!Once incrr.ased uplo 1.:15 crura, haVIng 4-,5UO poultry farmlS aud provided r:mpJoyment to more than om: lakh pen;OJlS dlrer.tly or indiJ'("ctly. (i) SF.TTlNO UP 0' NAVAl. AC~AD.;"Y A'r l'.7.ntJ"'AI..A IN K~RAI..A Our cOllntry has a poultry populaliob of Ii crOl~ birds only. India is vo-y poor SHRI K. KUNHAMUU (Gawlauulc): jn respect of per capito egg consumption Ther(' wa" a proposal under the conti- when l"ompared to other colmtries. Thr deration of the Ministry of Dt:fmce tu world aVfTagc js 150 and that of Asia is IIhifl the Naval Academy from (locbiu gB. Our nCJghbuul'ing country China'fI to some place out!lidt" Kcrala. The IItamJ pe, t;apito c01l5mnpliol1 is 1°5 and USA takt"n by th(' :Ministry waf; that th,. taci- anel the Europe(ln countries COllsum(' hties available at Cor.hin alf jmt(~t'(}uatt" 4~iU and 389 eggs respt'cth'ely pn capita for the Academy. Cochin hall ilet!n a per year. But in India pt, capita can· centre of Naval training for well over sum}Jtion is only 18 eggs pn year. All 30 years and all such its claim cannot h(' India Food and Nutrition Council ha~ ignored. The recommended a pe, eapita consumptiou in its representation had made it very per year to be at least 50 eggs in India clf'ar that if it ill a question of inacJe- by the end of 1980. Poultry farmiDg is quacy of facilitJes in Cochin it would b(' th~ biggest job creatinp; acti"ity. Fo)' D)t't by selecting a suitable site ncarabOllt one lakh birds we can create about 3()(} within the IItate itself. jobs. ,At present about 2.50 lakh personl' are engaged in poultry farms, hetch'ries etc, in India. This activity ha~ proved la' .. hra. very succC>'1sful espt'ciaUy in Andhra Pra- (\f':sh in providing additional inCOUlf' to Agriculturjsts and in providing job!' to [MR. »r:;PUrY-SPEAXER ilJ t'" ClulIT, many olht"rs. Tht"reaftrr a commiuCf' was appointed by the Ministry of Defence to go into the A" pcr tht" reconum..'Il They are (i) lack of education facilities, cheaper' than vegetables and chicken j~ (ii) lack of port facilities. But the Go- cheaper than mutton. As we an know vernment of Kerala has promised to pro- sheep and goat population is slowly rt"- vide necessary educatioJl facilities ill ducing and it ;s likely to reduce further Ezhumala. As regards the second point. as more and mOre pasture lands are be iJl~ the GO\'ernment has said that the nearbv brought under plough. Mutton wiJJ port of Azhickal could be deve10perl become lare commodity alld will to meet the requirements of port. gradually become out of the reach of tht- common faan. The onlv answer to thit- problem is chicken meat which can bt Ezhumlllai is the ideal place for setting made available at all times at cheapeJ up the Naval Academy as the port of rate. In our country poultry has to be Azhickal is situated nearby which can encouraged in the best interest of thf' na- be developed suitably and the other faci- tion. lities can be provided without any dim. culty. Poultry' far~ing which is pickjJl~ up very well and especially in Andhr~ Pradesh on produ("tion side but on mar- In view of these favourable factors, I keting side is in bad shape. At prest"n t would earnestly request the Government a few egg merchants of .Bombay have to set up the proposed Naval Academy monopolIsed the trade which has caused in Ezhimala itself. serious problem to the farmers and 1 I MatteTs under AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Ruie 311

.;,,;~'Sum'T';. The Cfln5Wller is payin~ (iv) ScHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCi. COtTRSHI high r.Ue w!til~ poult!"}· farmers art' ('("- ANI> CoNTINlrlNG ED{TCATION, UNlV~a.­ c~h·in~ low p.;Cf" which j!, even If'!'." than SITY 011' O.:LHI. the co.t of pa·l).hction. The bigger shart" -.)f proSt is br.mg knocked away b)" the ,... lUi~tjteJO"ln thus m lking poultry farlning SHRI ERA ~{OHO\N (Cuilllbalore) : . 1J.w.coaominical. A few egg m'''I'chants of UJlder Rule 377 1 bring the following l:h:n 'ny are exploiting and becominrr lD'1tter of public impot tance to the notice rh,. m 'in C'IUif' of chr.cking growth of of the Housr.: p')l.lltr)· f.lrrnlng in Andltra Pradf"!'h.

The prices of p.,ultry food have abo The wurking of the School of Corres- gone up due to w!tich p:)u1try rarmi.n~ is pondence and Cf.)ntinuing Ed cation, Uni- bt.."Comiu uneco!lomir.al. versity of Delhi has bet"n very erratiC' .;inCf' !'omt' tim,. pa!llt. For th,. p~nt Ih the interest of dt."v~loping POlullT academic year, cnrolmenu we~ startf'd (arming ill our country, the Go\,ernmcmt in the month uf .July and .\ugust and 'If India "I~f.)utd tllkf'! the followin~ imm"- they continued up to the end of Sep- diate stf'pS : - tember 1980. After the student!' haVf" been enrolled it take:- an inordinately long time for the School to issue roll (r) To iSitU'! Jll!CCSlI3.ry iJlstructionl' to numbers to thf' students. Still worst' is all S~ate G Jvcrmn'!nts to treat the fact that so far l('ssons have not be<'O ., pl:dtry fa .. mingat p.1r with agri- ci(~sp:\tched to the students in most of the cldtul't, a~d p.-.wid,. all thf" faei- cases. In thclie circumstanCt~s the litit"s. fatt" of students joiJlin~ such COUfS(~li can -. easily be im'lgined. ~ow in the (2) To form E~g B03.rd and r~u\atf' the mflnth of December, tlu~ studmt!ll the egg mlrket by fi'ICing price of will h we to fill up forms for taking final e~g re:o'merativf' to tht' pOldtry University examination wh(:n they haYf' farm~r. not yet started studi~. MOlt of the stud"nts also do not know wherf' the (iii) FOOD FOR WORK PROGRAMME IN wef'kly classes are h~lc\ to impart them RAJASTHAN ~ducation. Thererore, there is thr urgent need to revamp the School of Cllrrt'$pondence Courses and Continuing ,,) ~f~«~ iflf ~~ ) : E-iucation so that it realJy cater!! to the eriucational needs of student!ll who other- ~:nr'l" ~ ~~ iA"""~ (~s q)f~ qt ) ~r wise cannot attend regular coJleges in the ~rq 'U\iI'rorr !:I'Rf if f"~"" ~ ~ I University. I hope that the University autho:ities will be asked to take inunc- ~n.:r ~T~~ If)~~ *q-?f~~ -m=!T dlate proper steps to see th'\t the litudf'nts are supplied with le!JSon.~ anci their Il(~' ,n~ iJ~mm'f f~tJftt are met. ;r iA"tl1'\jf I ~ U'iZT if WrJf r:t~ :rro ~ fqctmf ~ m ~ it (v) Sl.JPPLY OF ROTTEN RICE FROM F .C.l. ~ ~¥T iit ~ If~ ~'"Ulf­ nODOWNS IN UTTAR PRAIIESIt. ~r;r SfTra- ~ 33305 qiql if ~ 19000 ~1:~ iI~~ (;ft~):\lR-"" ... ITm if,~ ~ ff'-ffff ~ iA"R q~ "l' ~Ttr l§'RI' f;rtT'f ;ru ~ ~ ~,. 'ft~~ ~;rr ~ ... =if;;r~ it :qr~ ~) ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~mmiT ef.t ~'fflfT ~~ ~q ~ lffifq * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ij ,~~, ~~r f;;r~ it Iftf\' ¥:ll, ff~ m~ ~~ f~ iti m~ q .. ~)~ ;:r flri?f~ ~ ~ "N~ft-:> ~ ~~;r ~ f~ ~r lflJT I ~;:;r tt ~ m~~ ~ fel~ 1ft , tT~ ~ ~~lf ~~ 'f~q ma-dw it ~;rr ~ frfi \1Cffl' ~"l ~ ~ ~ ~~~« iA"n:: :qr~ ~~;; fgcft:;r;r it arP.: mrr ,';: ~. frfiJ.fT ~~ frr«~ t fCfi ~ ~ I f~ ~ar ~ ~ mJf1f:iAi cmt_· "JfTSf l::)~'TR: tft~ ~ ~m ~ mm C1lf tfffr =if{;r aT ~~ \J~:fiI" mW~~~~~1 f~ fCfillT ~ ~ f2f) ~ ~r ~ .~ Matters under DECEMBER 17, 1980 Rule 377 252 ~W~~~~~ "T ~ 'tlJtql'9lif it ~ ~ fFr. iI(f m ~ ~I art': ~ ~~ Ofi)f 1fT1AT m ri ~ m-r.~ ~ m't anfipr ~ ~ I ~ Cfil ~ rr~ ~ ifif~~ ~ ~~~fifi~~ ctn' tri W I ~ t o:ntrf~ IfZIt ~ mn trtTT, cp.ij -;q ~lI' ~ mn- f'flff q~ ~~ itA~ fimfuJ ;oft f~ 1flTT, Cflii ~ ~ ern ';fi)~~~~~ I ~ ;f: ;;fpfj * aJf;.r fcprft;:r m ;A~~~~~ fum f... a911~lf af.t ~ f~af"ICflI ctMCfII f(41' iti Rq ~ Cfir~~ atT ~Jimit~~ctf .: " ~ ~ etln: ;r ~ ~ Cfll ttetl 'i§refT em ~ if \4 if!tll:q if@ifd I ~ (vi) AI_LEGElJ BEATING VP OJ" A LADY " .:: PRINC:IPAL BY ])EUII POUCt.:. ~q~ *F-ro: ~~~:g!C~~ ~~ ~~ ctft~ ~ "II "'" ~,q .,,,,,) (~): 1 6 f.:w, ~ '!IT I ~ ~ wen ~, Dfliif'T~ ~ ~ * en f:iffi it fSICflIl4r:t ~ ~ fit;n ~ ~ ~ firfWR ctn' f~ ~ ~ fqg Cfl) ctt I rro firofif ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ..rr ozrcrro GfiT ~ NJ11'1lrT ~ ;"f'CfiiiT ~ I ~ ~~fcfiri m~ ~ it ~m Rl~ liaft~ ~ ~ ~ *~~-~ ctft ~~ ~ ~ Cll"{ 'i{U ~'tcnf ~ ~ =iT ~ ~ 'l~~ I "3"m ~lfll' .~ ~ ~I 'EJcrrT ~~ ~: f<=~~T it man ~ ~ ~ 71"lr lfn: ~ ~ ~)tft \4f~ ~ it fum ~ Wlr mer- m~~ ~?:tl S1f ~if Ifilftlft q fuararfj rtf aq ffi1fd it ~­ fm~ *~ ~m~T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~vqff{ ~~'lffircr. ~ f9ICflIl4d ifiT I rCCtA 1'14 ef,f fiTfwvvr tf"{ m-~ ~ ~ ~ Gfii~iiI~ ~R ~-~~ fwen ~WCfi ;r ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Cfi"{ ri ~ qm. ~ ~~ ~'fiT~ I ~« ctq.fiMd fcti1:rr~ ~it ~ ~ ;:m 'iii=[ ~ ctft ~ca;_lt ~ ~ ~ mr a-qf~ ~ I ct\ ~ "Cf"{ \ifR ~ m~f ~-~ ~ ~ ~~ it tflIT \4R fSrf~ ~, rn:T etr tJf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fiT ~ I fimr'n1 ;r ~ ~T ~r m ctf ettft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~lfT m mr- it CfiTCtt :!if~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ U~ ~'I ~ m 1flfT I ~~ "~dH" tf~~ ~ it ~~t~ ~ f~ ~ ..n ~ ffCfi ~ 1"fcfCft ~ ~ @ ~ q~ iIli ~ I mf ri ri ful ;r ri' ~ firf~ q-{ em: Cfi"{ fm I m ;r\.if"fi7~ if« ~ ~ Wr t:'~ ~ ~ em fiR:dT ~ Cfi"{ tmr ~ ~ U1~ ~ ri gt ~ crr«ro sm mtr 1R ~ qt:lI' "'tAl NCfi 1:A1 253 Matters undeT AG.RAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Rule 377 254

ttR ~ if ~ em;r;mrr m '"" ~3O-11-80Cfl)~~ ~);rt ~ :a;r ct?t ft;rln , it ~ ~ 'Ni~ij JI.,Cifi tre"lT t1e ~ I~ cf.T~~~ ~ 1Tli9fTCli ~ it ~ ~ ~'t1::RiT ~ ~f(41"I~1 ~ mf~- firlf .. ~ ~ ~ ~it~ I ~ q'~~~ iI!'i!t' "'t:!."1 ~ ~ men ~aCfllf(41 it ~ etft m~ ~ t~~i\ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Cfl) \l.... f ~ fiJillT', ~ ~ Cf))~, I ~tT 5~if. ~ ~ GIft cft?:T ~ ~ ~­ ~ ~ ~ i;ft ~~ Pf41 t ~ ~ '+I¢ ~T tR~r I ~ ~ g~ ~tft ~ f'1efiR' ~ ~ f;;Ql1 f~f~1R"~~ ~~ ~1 ~., ~I.:fi CfiT lfttT Ai Ri ~ t:t'f 0 ~ 0 ~ 0, tJ.1f 0 to' 0 Cfil ~ ~ Cf.4=ctlf(ul it f~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I fWrftAiT CfilllR ~1 Cfi'~ I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Q;Cfi \lltCfi( ~;;r "1C ~ ~fucfiT ~ffi' ~ rnm ;r, ~I ~~ ~ CJi) fwm f~WCf) et'T ~ ~1 ~ it ~ ~~ ~;r iti f~ f~~ ~ ~ 'ffCofT ctT htita' ~~ '4fQdl'?l ~ ~ ~ 6")~ ~ it ~ ctmt, I ~o tft'o ~o CfiijT ~T Ri !WfCf cp.:;r ~ ~~ a-+'11 fill If., 354, 506, 504 q 352 ~ fult ~T ~1 g I If{,~ ~~ ~~ it.mt ~cnW ~ I ~ ;f.l ~ 45qttnr if~ ~ m m rrt.T it ~ ~ ~ I ~T, ftr~ ertit cf.1 7311 ~f~ ~1 ~ ~ Tf: ~ ~"{t it l[1:J ~ m&cfi ~ , 'itepri: ~ iti ~1it '1'~ ~ '3fRtm f~ iR"tt ~ ~~ if; ~ \jfrf- m 73lft ~ ~ ~ ~ CTroJfl srfuf~f& ~cr ~ Tf;:rc:r ~ i?ffl ~ I ~T fefi lfTlrnl ~ fcr.trr ~ ~ wfrt ~ffi~wii et't ~ 41 if@ I ¥m ~ f'iUQr ~$!ll W-Tffir~~) ~ ~l ~ CliT CflrT 'Q1TrT ? (vi I) ALLEGED BEATING Up OF A LADY ~'(;Hl1Dl1LHD CA"TE M. L.A. 01' U. P.~ IN K.A~PUR. if ~ ~Wr~ ~q~t Sf' ~TiI'~lrq ~),,~"{ ttlfa':- (~iI~): irn ~ ~~ lPit ~ :JAmT ~ ~ ~t"4"el ~,!Al'\if ~ if Cfi'TT' ~ fer; ~ ~"{ ~ 'qGomft ~ f~ cR ~ c€t f~ f~ GlAT~ ~fld"l ~ w ~ it fjf .. +1~I( ~ tR \iff ~T ~ I ~~ ~ @ ifaliii ;sf., ~ m-~T cRl 1ft ~ I W~ "fT'iT 'n: ~, ~, ~ ;, "~ ~ID'fr~eiT ~,1JH ~:li' ~ ~ 1fRf ~, ~ ~~~~it~~·~ Irmf fer;~ 377et't~~it~ ..• 6R ~ ~,~ cmm~ ~ ~ m-;ft~ ~ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Nothing other than the approved &tatement w 11 ~~tl go on record. ~ss M atteT" unde,. DECEMBER 17, 1980 Rule 37'1

(viii) DEMAND!! O' T~ACHERI ot' UEI.Hi 12.40 bra. USiVEIlIITY. . STATUTORY kESOLt.iTION RE: UISAPPROV AL OF MARUTI LIMI- TED (ACQUISITION A..'I\"D TRANS- SHIU RAY-\VA'fAR SH·\STkl (Palna): FER OF U!\"DERTAKINGS) ORDI- The te \ching community halli been facinp ~_\SCE, IgP.O '-\:\l~ARUTI LIMITED In Iltifariou'l problemll for the last !KJ man~' (ACQUISITION .-\1\1) TRANSFER YCiUli. The l)~lhi Univef:§ity Teachen- OF U:\:_ILRTAKINGS} BILL t\U'J:::ia.Ll0Zl h.i~ uften rcfr.rred thoc pruL- lem' to thp. University authoritit.."S, the .MR. r EPPTY-SPEAKER : The U .liv~rllity G-antl C');nmission and the House wilJ nov.' take up (i) Statutory•••• M!ni~try of Eiucation, on more than Olle' oc!:,,,io:l. But, unfortunately, no con- THE ~lINISTER OF STATE IN THE crete stept h1Vc been uken to in'tiate :.aSlSTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS tht- pro:e'lo; of fi.l\rtin~ a lastinfE lIoluti(,1\ :\:\"1) DEPARTME!\"T OF PARLIA- to tJl~i r pre""inR prohlems. :ME~'TARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P. VENKATASVBBAIAH): I ha,'e to make a submission on the this •••• The U~lhi Univcnity Teacher!> Ao;socia- tion hlll submitted a 38-point character ~IR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Not now. of l)cmlnd.. com!>risinp category 'A'. category 'B' and cat~ory 'c.'" The SHRI .}YOTIRMOY BOSU (Diamond d~:n \nf' l\lini~t(·;s. Finar.c(', l,pw sh'luld gi\"C a !ltl.lt~m("nt to thf" Hnullt' in and the Ind11~tr}" MinIsters, have b("('Jl in thi!! regard. ~iving us .. * ('\-a~i,,(' replif'S. \\'e hav(' ~ tryjn~' to f:lic;t inFonnation 8!1 Member.. of Parliament. Particularly, thf" Indu!\try Mini!\tf"r haf; hff.n tellif1.ft us·: altogeth~r • ______0 ____

•• E~pungt'd as ord,...d by the Chair. 257 Disapproval of AGRAHAYAiiA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Maruti Ltd. 2.5~! :(AcquiBition etc.) 0Td. Ie: MaT1&ti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : On MR. DEPUTY-SPEO\KER : The a point ofordcr. Mr. Venkatasubbiah w"rds used which are unp:uliammtary ia an old Member of this House, not in w:l1 not go on record. age but he has lived in this HousC' for a long time. How does he justify this matter' S!iRl JYOTIRMOY BOSU : I, say The ICAR debate was fixed by the it is unmi!ed untruth. (1It1,rruptitIfU). Business Advisory Committtt and appro- ved by the House also but it has been MR. DEPUTY-SPEo\KER : This is shifted to another day. How does it not the way. I am teUing yoa. I said happen? Circumstances? We art" victims that on beh'df of all Mr. Jyotirmoy B08U of circumstances? 'Ve have seen that for wants eight hours. Now I am asking the '}\foradabad riots the time allotted was G')vernment (/"terru,btitlnJ) H~ has asked 4-5 hours and it took 7 or 8 hours. For for eight hours. t said four and half National Security Bill sewn hours wtte hours. (r"tenujlt;ollS). allotted. How much time did it take? MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER From ., ~~i"( ""., seven, it went to seventeen. ~~ f~~ qTO ({ft' SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : You are a knowledgeable person. Let the ~I learned Minister not show his ignorance. SHRI P. VESKATASUBBIAH SHRI P. VENKATASUBBIAH : Sir, Mr. Jyotirmoy B1SU can raise any Ignorance is not the monopoly of Mr. question and get away with it. I am con- Bosu alone. For the infonnation of the fining myself to the reoommendations House, Govenuncnt has got nothing to m~~ by the Business Advisory Commit- do with ICAR debate bMng shifted. tee and which was adopted by this House. Mr. B:l8u must ha\'e spokf"n to the Hon. Acc:l:d ing to the Business Advisory Com- Speaker and it should have been rearrang- mittee's recommendation which was later ed Government does not come in the way. ad')~ted by the House, four and half I would like to share his ignorance. hours ha\·e been allotted to this statutory resolution as well as the Bill. So, I would PRdF. MADHU DA.."'IDAVATE request, Sir, the Hon. Member to submit (Rajapur) : Sir, you will agree that themselves to the recommendations made the National Security Ordinance, tbe by the Business Advisory Committee as Ordinance on Maruti Limited-these • well as adopted by this House. (lntnrup- are highly controversial issues. From tiMS). the way reports are going on, not only in the House but also outside, it is very SHRI JroTIRMOY BOSU : Let it dear and you can judge. How much go to the S~lect Committee and we have time did the National Security Ordinaace no grievance. take? This ilSJe is equally controversial. (/,,"""ption.f ) Therefore, even if you technically fix 'Up' 4 and 1/2 hours I can assure you that this SHat SOMNATH CHATTERJEE debate will never be over in .... and JIg (Jadavpur) : The private Member's re- hours. solution was scuttled although Sir, the de- cision of the House was there. Sir, you were in the Cltair at that time. (Interrup- l\1R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : You tions). should put the question to your reprel8Jl- tative in the Bu"iness Advisory Committee. What did he do ? Why not oppose it MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKKR: It is not there ? ..cuttled. (/""rruptions) PROF. MADHU DAl'i"DAVATE : MR. DEPurV-SPEAKER : It was As far as those committee proceedings ar e not scuttled .•.. (Intlt'ruptions) concerned, they are not supposed to be revealed. Since you are SItting in .t~e SHRI P. VENKATASUBBIAH : My CluLir and asked the question, Jet me freinds had referred to this matter; tlUlt tell you what I said: you may put it 'on was private members resolution. G0- paper this time 'but every time on contro- vernment has got nothing to do with it. versial issues the time is bound to escalate. As Presiding Officers, you had taken I told the Speaker. Many of the Members the pleasure of the House and the House had .told him: Therefore, do not try to a~ree:l to extend it by another two hours. throw it at us that the time has How do~s the government come in? ~ fixed up. 1 w.)utd like to ask. Every time, this is tho: o:rly 'in.tance he 'is quoting. It 'is privlte Mem'Jer's bu.iness and Govern- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER I t has m$t h.l1S nothing to do with it. been ~ted by the House. 3060 LS-9 ;------

Mamti Ud. 260 259 Disapproval Of DECEMBER 17, 1980 (Acquisition etc.) Ord. & Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill

SHRI CHAR;\N SINGH (Baghpat) Advisory Committee looking at it It is a very controversial question in which again at 3 P. M. There will be the honour of the Government is involved, speakers during tht:>e 2 houn and 10 there can be no doubt about it. Per- minutes. sonalities in the Treasury Benches are involved in it. It is in their own interest. There· thM the question is fully thrashed out MR. DEPUTY SPE.\KER is lunch interval. ~r and the public is s~_tisfiec: that there was a full debate and everything came to light and put OXl record . \Vhy should they SHRI GEORGE FERNA::'-JDES : F I oppose it? It is in t:1cir own interest. the de!:Ja le starts at 2 o'clock, there will l:ie speakcn whn will be called up:m to spe:>k before the_ BC~,iness ,~dvisc:ry SHRI P. VE:'-JKAT,\SuBBIAH : We Conuntttee met'ts aga1n. 1\ n1crnuer \vllo are not opposing a c!iscussior>. is called upon to speak would like to know how much time he is entitled to. If it is going to be 8 hours then he will be en- SHRI S,\TISH AGARWAL (Jaipurl: titled to twice as much time as he will A referenc<' has been made to the dis- get on the basis of 4-1/\? hours. So, cussion in the Bu,incss Advisorv Commit- you must take a decision on this that we tee. I was one of those who strongly are extending the time to 8 hours, but pleaded with the Speaker that it will not beyond 8 hours you can consider it at be possible to conclude this debate within the meeting of the Business Advisory four and half hours. He siad: let us ten- Committe" at 3 o'clock. tatively decide about it, we shall see in the House. !\1any time, we allocate time, and we cooperated. It is only tentti- SHRI K. MAYATHEVAR (Dindig !): vely we decided this. Gen~rally in such Are the decisions taken by the Busineis 1natt~rs the tim<' is cxtenckd, from govern- Advisory Committee Bible Koran or , ment side also there is no opposition Thirukural that it cannot be amended? I and sometimes the Chair is also very We can amend it. permissive. It is not that we made a conunitment for four and half hours. That SHRI JANARDHA::'-JA POOJARY is not the position . ·we made it quit (Mangalore) : I am drawing your atten- J dear that it will not be possible to con- tion to Rule 288 which says : Ji; clude the debate on Maruti Ltc!. within four and half hours, this allotment wa~ "It shall be the function of the com- a tentative decision. mitteeto recommend the time that should be aliocated for the di~cussion of the stage or stages of such Govern- SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA ment Bills .... " (Basirhat) : Since the Business Advisory Committee is meeting again at 3 o'clock -two hours from now-let the debate There are respomible Members of continue and at that meeting this after- of Parliament in the BusineEs Advi3ory noon, we propose to suggest that the time Committee. They knew the importance should be extended, because we are not of this Bill and they also knew when tll('y bound by any hard and fast rule. allotted the time that the honour of the Government is also involved in it. After considering all the aspects, they fixed the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : The time. If it is the conclusion of this House Business Advisorv Committee has fixed that here after there sl-jould not be anv 4-1/2 hours. Ther.e is a proposal from the value for tbe recommendation of the opposition that it should be extended to Business Ad,·isory Committee, let it be 8 hours. Let us start. The Business laid down like that. The question invol- Advisory Committee is meeting again ved here is whether hereafter we have in the afternoon. to give importance to the recommenda- tions of the Business Advisory Committee SHRI GEORGE .FERNANDES which have been adopted by the house. (Muzaffarpur) : I heard the hon. member who made the suggestion I am observing MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : The time that you are trying to accept that sugges- allotted is 4-1/2 hom·s. The demand ti

SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : I SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : As far have some reservation about the Business as we are concerned, Yes. 261 Disapproval of AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Maruti Ltd. 262 (Acquisition etc.) 07'd. & Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bin SHRI GEORGE FERS.-\..1IoJDES : echoin~ those observations even now. We do not waa.... t to bind the Chair. If For the last one decade, if there is one the Chair finds it necessary to give more company connected with one penon in time, the Chair can do so. the country, which has been debated so hotly, if there is anyone who deserves MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER : Now, we award for this it is the Maruti Limited. take up the Statutory RC'SOlution. Shri N.K. Shejwalkar. So far as the Ordinance which has been is:,ued in thio; particular case is concerned SHRI N.K. SHEJWALKAR (Gwalior) I may be permitted to say that since inde: I have already author~ Shri Satish pendence. the Government of ludia ha.'1 Agarwal to move this Resolution. nationalised and taken over managements of hundreds of companies. But this is SHRI GEORGE FERSASDES : I for the first time that this nationalisation do not want to bind you with 8 hours. of the Maruti Limited has been done in an unusual and extraordinary manner. ~1R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: This No company, no factory or no mill was is some sort of a gentleman's agreement. ever taken over by this Government durine; tl-te last 3:i "'"ears in the manner SHRI KRISH~A CHASDRA in whic~l this plrticular nationalisation HALDER (Durgapur) : The House has been done. should sit upto 6 0' clock. I am going to dwell so far as other points are cencerned on how thit has SHRI SATISH AGARWAL : Mr. been done, how the people of this country Deputy-Speaker, Sir, I am thankful are being cheated and how the Parliament to my friend Mr. N. K. Shejwalkar. for L'i being deceived. This is a fact I put giving me this opportunity to move this on record. Statutory Resolution. I am al'lO thank- ful to you that you have permitted him MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You for this authorisation. I move : continue your speeeh after lunch. The House is adjourned to meet _at "This House disapproves of the 20' clock. Maruti Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings} Ordinance, Ig80 (Ordinance 13 hr•• No. 13 of 1g80) promulgated by the President on the 13th The £Ok Sabha adjourned for Lunch till October, 1980." FOU11een of the clor.k. Sir, before making my observation with regard to the Ordinance and the points, in favour of my Resolution, I wish to put on record my stronger protest against The Lok S:JbI&a r.-assembled after Lunch at three minutes past Fourtee;, 0/ thl this Government for not making available Clock. to the Members of the opposition parties the releyant documents with regard to the Maruti Limited. Despite our persis- [MR. DEPUTY SPEA.K.I:;& IN THE CHA.IRJ tent efforts to approach the Government through the Speaker and our keen desire STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE to have an on-tbe-spot study of the Maruti DISAPPROVAL OF MARUTI LIMI- Limited~ I am sorry to say that the hon. TED (ACQUISITION AND TRANS- Minister for Industry could not arrange FER OF UNDERTAKINGS) ORDI- for a visit of the Members of .the opposi- NANCE, 19Sa tion part'CI to the site. This would have AND been very much helpful in a very purpose- MARUTI LIMITED (ACQUISITION ful debate so far as this House is concerned. AND TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS I am sorry to say that I do not know why BILL-Collld. the GoVernment is behaving in this shabby manner.

The .Maruti Limited has been discussed and debated in this House on a number of occasions. I am sure, once again we have an opportunity to discuss in de- MR. DEPUrV SPE \KER : This will tail certain aspects of the Maruti Limited not go on record. which found place in the press, in the House and the walls and the building is SHRI : Why?

'- .*Expunged as ord=r~.:l bf th~ Chair. DECEMBER 17, 1180 Mcz",ti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Ord. • .Mcz"'ti Ltd. (Acquiaition etc.) Bill

1\{R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER.: I Will MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Mr. not permit thia discussion about Ute other Paswan and Mr• .Jyotirmoy BJIU, if I am Hou~. not misunderstood. we are wasting the time of the Hoo~. (brtnru/lhllllr). SHRI GEORGE FERNAi"'IDES : It You waste the time like i. not about the other Hou.te. He i; thia aDd then we &0 fOr 17 or 18 boors raising a constitutional point. debate •••• (l"""iIP!ioru). I w(JUld tell you straight that you behave in a m'Jl"e bKRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : W~ reipomible manner as representatives have a COII1yentinn in this HoUlt' that we of the people of this eormtry. Now Mr. do nol mention tM Rajya Sabha by name. Satish Agarwal, you CODtinUt' your speach. But we have t!Very right to say "the other Ho~·. (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER : He should have at least informed the Speaker that SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: Mr. he is going to raise it. I cannot be taken Deputy-Speaker, Sir. before the House by !;urprise. rose for IUIlch I had moved my Statutory Resolution set"king disapproval SHRI jYOTIRMOY BOSU : Try of the Maruti Limi'lftl (Acquisition and to understand it. The practice is to give Transkr of Undertakinp) OrdilHlllce. notice. But there are unusual circums- tances when DOtice has not been givea. (Inter,,,ptwns ) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : I am sorry, I am not permitting.· SHRI .JYOTIRMOY BOSU : Sir, I an on a point 0( order. This is official (lntnruptiorts) •• gallery. Ther:! is a strid rule tbat you can not aUow any body except th-e Minister MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Before to con;uJt the offi:ial, in the gallery. you raise this, you should have sent me this information. (lrttm-u/JtiDlas).· I (Interruptions) am not permitting you. There are JDany rules you can quote. Unless I permit MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : "That. you to get up from your seat, you cannot is what I said. These are not big ilisues speak anything. All these things shall (/ntemIjJIUms) Let us diseuse things a not go on record also. good friend'i. (/",,"uptiotu)· • SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: Mr. De- Deputy-Speaker, Sir, this BoUie .is well PROF. .-\fIT -KUMAR- MEHTA aware that since lndependeoce, Hundreds (Samaltipur) : Sir, I am an a point of of companies had been nationalised &ad order. their management taken over by the Government in public interest. But there is a certain procedure for taking MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Under action under the I~du-;trial D~~lopment what rule? Act. -. PROF. AJIT KUMAR MEHTA That procedure has to be undergone Al'lide '9 of the Constitution. It says: and only then the Goernments takes over "There shall be a Parliament for the the m<;tnagementofthe company concerned Union which shall consist 0( the President or nationalises it. I would like the han. and two Houses to be known respectively Ministers to tens this House wh y JlO actio. as the Council of States and the House was taken under the Industries (Develop- of the People". ent and.Regulation) Act for t~"ing over the m,nagement of Maruti Ltd., when MR. DEPUTY-SPF~AKER : Point it cam~ to the notice of the Govern- of order should bt' based on the rules ment tbat 1.tl aft"urs were 'being mism"1~ of the Hou.~. n~; or·that its funds were bot ·e.nough . to meet the obligations of the company, . SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU : You are or that Government interference was ne- bound to abide by the Consititution. cessary at that suge. GoVeI1llllellt ·-did He is qqotmg an article from the Cons- . not choose ,tQ investigate,. to cOllduet ally titution. Themore, he is within hi. right not choose t~ investigate, ·to coaduct any to draw the attention of the House to oer~ enquiry iqto the afhirs of. Manari Ltd., tain problems arising out of.••• under tbe' IndtlStries (Devalopaent and Regulation Act) at any pom or time, (/~ns) .. ' as they did. in :the ,case of·HiDd C)dcs ·"Noi"~~ed. AGRARAYAHA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Maruii Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) OTd. It Maruti I' .' . Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill Ltd., S ~n Raleigh Ltd., Bird & Co., Ltd., Not only that. I am really shocked at or &.he .Jute Mjlls that we nationalUed re- one thing. I hold Dr. Clu.. ranjit Chpnana cently, which I also .-apported. The in high esteem. but I would like to kno,,· management is taken over, Government from h:m whzt material was .,,-ailable dircctora 2.l'C'appoin ted , and tbenifGovem- with the Go""Cmment on 13th Octnber, naeul'Coru.es to the.conc!u5ion that natioDa- 1980. wheo thf1' took a decision with I"f'- liS3tiO. g necessary and that is the.onlv gard to the natronalisati('ln of this paTti- way out, then they go in for m tionali"- cular project. What was the position sation. of assets and liabilities on that date l' o.c,- , vernment i sootin a position to tell the HOUle But in this particular case I am surpri- what the position was on that date. sed to see that the Cabinet tooka decision, In answer to a question by Shri At&1 BilriLri without: an ?ffi~ial item Oll the agenda, Vajpayee on lOth December, they haW' for natlon~ll5ahon of Maruti Ltd., Things given cenain tacts with regard to the a ..t3 are, done in a casual way. Without dis- and liabilities which e:x:isted on 2~nd' c .l!8ing the pros and cons of the measure, July, 1977. they d~cided on nationalisation. Not only that. A:."i HON. MEMBER: The asst'ts ha"e gone up. A.""l HO!'l. MEMBER: Are you a Cabinet Minister? How do you know ? SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: That is a different point•. I would come to that later on, whether it has ix'cn inflated Or SHRI RAVINDRA VAR.MA (Bom- deflated. bay North): Let theIllo contradict it. SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: Much The.- Government has not furnithcd· so far more than that, what are the realOns the let test available figures of assets and given {or iaauing the ordinance ? The liabilities on 13th October, 1980. Are hone Minister or the Governnaent haa YO.l going to nationalise the ccmpan y on placed on the Table of the House the rea- the basis of aV'oUlable figures of alllets aad sons necessi tating the ialuance of this liabilities of 22nd July, J977 ? ·What;s ordinance.. I would, for refreshing the the reply given by the hon. Minilter in memory ofhon. Members, with your per- this HoQIC? In reply to Question Not. mission, seek to refer to only this much : 3270 and $171 the hone Minister stated : "Since an order for the winding up of the company has been passed "The de-tai1s of aSl("U and lia bili tie. of by the hone High ("ourt of Pun- the Company as furnished in the jab and Haryana, there was a Statement of Affairs as on 22-7- posability of the undertaking J 977 filed under Sections 454 of being broken up into smaller the Companies Act wi th the I·nits and sold to third parties, official liquidator attached to the it was considered that it would Punjab High Court are furniShed be against the public interest to in the enclosed statement." allow such a pOluibility to materia- lile. A.s parliament was not then This 5tl temen t con lains that the alS('ts in session, it w:::.s considered ne- are Ra· 684 lakhs and the liabilities z.re cessary to t~ke immedia te action RI. 628 lakh~. Bygiving this information for the acquisition of the assets yo are giving an impression throughout and liabilities of Maruti Ltd., and the country that the assetlS are more by to promulgate an ordi.nance to RI. 56 lakhs and the liabilities are leu. nationalise Maro.1ti Ltd., before Is this not an impression that is given to the Official Liquidator took any everybody? What is the latest position irreversible step." on 13th October, Jg80 when you are going to nationalise the Company?" The House is entitled to know and the country is There Wd.S a possibility of some kind entitled to know. You have not given after the order of the Punjab and 1faryana these figures. High Court was passed; and on the basis of certain pos~ibi1ities, Government has There is one more flow. These are the cholCn to nationalise this paTticular· pro- details of assets and liabilities of the ject. H~s the Government ever done so Company as furnished in the statement of in the past, that only on the oo.sis of possi- aflairs as on 2~nd July, 1977 filed ur.der bilities or probabilities they choose to 454 of the Official liquidator 8 ? By whom? nationalise a particulur project ? I am Who has filed it with the officialliquida.- not u:~f.o.llng the fact that it relates or tor? On whom are yourelying? How it belOngs to.Mr. S:mjay Gandhi., lao talk- have you verified? Thia. is not the- ing of principles, and aaking whether, in statement of the ofticiaJ liquidator. view of the fact that proceeding! It is not an inventory prepared by the are pending in the Higli Court, Otlicial LiqJlidator. By whom lias it· Government has nationalised any econo- heen given ? 'J.'hd Govet'Jlment is very my. . well aware that the proceedings are going, D.isapproval of DECEMBER 17, 1980 Maruti Ltd. . (AcquiBition etc.) Ord. " Manc.ti ., .. !. • . I •• Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill Therefore,. if' he do-.- not yield. no intenup-. rShri Satilh Agarwal] tion plea~. This should I>'! followed by allsidel of the HOUle. Oft in the Punjab and Haryana High Court. I would like to infonu the bon. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Minilter that in those proceedings, an DEPARTMENT OF SCIE.~CE AND application was lubmitted in 1977 lome TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS where in the m lnth of May/June and the (SHRI G.P.N.SINGH) Sir, I want a orden were pa.lled by the hon. High clari6cation. Will th~ Chair ~rmit a'tY Court. In this application I may also member to mak~ accusations and you will state here that there is a Comp:my -Peti- not allow hterruption if accu!'lItions are tion No. 126 of 1977 in the qlattcr of Com- mad~? He h~ b~ reading out lome- panit".. Act I 956-Delhi Automobile thing which ha, not been proved. Private Limited VIS Maruti Limited, Palam. This is the title of the case. The MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: If you application was filed in this case. Para addrt.a the Chair and say that lome alle- 9 of this reads : gations are being mad~, I will definitely allow. "That on 18th May, 1977 Shri Sanjay G:1ndhi tried to remove certain :ecords and articles from the SHaI C.P.N. SINGH: He is making factory premises .•.... unneceaary accusations. (Interrupt_u) .MR. DEPUl'Y-SPEAKER: No in- tt"rruptions pk.~. We want to complete SHRI JAGDISH TYrLER (Delhi it within the time allotted. Sahar) : Even th~ Shah Commission pro- ved that all th('le are lies and are ID,nipu- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE-: lated. It is all manipulation. It is not Plea.e remeD1b~r, the time e~"'Pandl with something which,s new. the heat in the House. That is taw of nature. SHRI SATISH AGA.RWAL: I am MR DEPU IT-SPEAKER: You have not referring to Gupta Commission'l to pour some cold water also. Silri Satish Report. I you go throulh the Gupta Agarwal to continue. Com ission Report ...• SHRI SATISH .~G.It.R\\·AL: Sir, SHRI : Shri the hon. Minister is there to contradict me Jethmalani knows what he did with the On this 1C0re. I am not referring to "any witnesses and what you all did with the fact which is not -borne out by record. C.B.I ..... (In"rruptions) e may contradict it. Is is within his competence. I have given the title of the SHRI SATISH AGARWAL : That ca.e, the name of the court and the appli- is not relevant. cation filed therein herein, in paragraph 6, it was alleged-I quote : SHRI jAGDISH TYTLER: I was a witness (Intlrruptions), These are lies "That on 18th May, 1977 Shri Sanjay and lies can be challenged in the House, Gandhi tried to remove certain The House will not accept lies. (Ift- record" and articles from the ""UP lions) , Shri jethmalani knows that Factory -premises of the respon- I am a witness to that when he took over den t-company .... things to himself and when he tried to put all these ~things. (Inllrruptionl)

MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKIved a"l applica tion in the mav b~ able to make an investi- Hi,h C'urt, its C3!ltents ca~not b: refe~d gation into the matter for th~ pur- to in his Ipet>ch. Till that cannot be ~ of a I"f'ply :,. read ~~ by him. (1nllmlptiorlS)

SHRI I.JAGDISH TYTLER: The How, he ha, raised a poin t of order .••• Supreme Oourt hall giv~n a d~cisio'1 that it is aU lies a'1d fa'>'!'i~tio!l. (In",ru/JtUms) SHRI S. P. UNNIKRISHNAN : (Badaga .. a) : Plca.e read the Whole thing. SHRi SATISH AGARWAL: I t is on.1y 0':1 the b:\'Iis of thesl! a?plicatio:ls that MR. DEPUrY-SPEAKER: Yes. an 01b:a\ li':Juid"ltor was a?pointf'd by tbe Pl1D.jab a"ld H~l'ya"la High Court. "Pro\'id~ that the Speakf'r may at So. naturally. When in the statement of any time prohibit any member O';)j:cts a'1d Rea,ons. wh'!n in the rea'lons from making any such all~gation given for iuuing the Ordinance, the hone if he is of opinion that such aUega- Minider h:\'1 himself referred to the pro- tion i, derogatory to the dignity c~ingJ in the Punjab and Haryana of the House or that no public High Oourt. I a'll entitled to state in the interest is served by making such House a'l to how a'1 offtcial liquidator allegation .•• cam'! to b~ a?pointed by the High Court.

A"l appli~tion wa, moved in the Punjab and Harya"la High Court Wherdn, in Be-cau!e of the big noise and all that, paragraph 6, it was allegf'd : I have not heard his speech fully and, therefore, I will go through the procef'dings and if any speech ha'l b~n made against the rules it shall be removed from the re.. (Ir. unupt ions) cords of Parliament.

MR. DEPUIT-SPEAKER: Plea'IC Please sit down. take your seats. AU of you, plea'le take yo jr seats. (Interruptionr). Plea'Je go to your SHRI jYOTIR.MOY BOSU : I am seats rst. This way, it is not p03Sible. on a point of order. (J nterrup lions) SHRI K. P. U~~IKRISHNAN : If SHRI RAM SINGH YADAV : What they continue like this they will make it . is your poin t of order ? impoDible for the Hou.'Ie to function.

MR. DEPUrY-SPEAKER: That is SHRI RAM SINGH YADAV The your opinion. I cannot help it. proviso says : SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: "Provided that the Speaker may at P}('ase pull him up. any time prohibit any member from making any such allegation if he is of opinion that such allega- SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : That rule applies to auy abrupt defamatory tion is d~rog"tory to the dignity of the Hou!e or that no public 'remal'k, made on the Floor of the House. interest i .. served by making But the documen t is a published document such allegation." which is in possession of the Government. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE This allegation he i, making· is not the MINISTRY OF RAtLWAYS AND PAR- cb3f'rvation of the High Court. (Inte"up- LIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI MAL- lions). LIKARJUN) : Mr. Deputy Speaker Sir ~ you have already given your ruling. There MR. DEPU IT-SPEAKER: Please is no need for the expression of Mr. jyo- :1Iit down. The rule is very clear: tirmuy Bosu's opinion. "'No allegation ·of a defamatory or incriminatory nature shall be MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Let us .. made by a member against any hear Mr. jyotirmoy Bosu . . person unless the member haS given previous intimation to the ~ SHRI MALLIKARJUN: You have Speaker and also to the Minister given your ruling, Sir. (IntmuPtio_ns)

• *ExpuT')gf'rI :l' oTd"1't"rl by the Chair. 27 1 DECEMB_ 1" 1980 Ifaruti Ltd. (Acquilition etc.) Ord. Ie Ma"'ti . Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill MR. DEPU1Y-SPEAKElt: Mr. SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: I ha~ Ramalingam, pJe3!e sit down. I will allow made it amply clear that I on my own you also. behalf, am not alleging anything against anybody. I am &imply quoting trom the SHRI MALI.IKARJUN: The House High Court.. . ,.. should accept the rutIntr given by the (/ftlt,rruptions ) Olair. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: YOIl SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Rule 353 avoid allegations.•. (/'IIlnTu/JIioru) Accord-· applies to the aUegations. made which ing to this rule you cannot read aUega- are not mentioned in governmental do- tions also. It may even come from h~aven. cummts which are already in possession Plra.'f: don't do that. of the Ministry of Industry or. fOl' that matter, any department of the Govern- SHRI MALLIKARJUN: The Chair- ment. If he says something abruptly, man hal ~ven ruling that you canDO&. that so and 10 had stolen something read it••• from lOCh and such a place, which is not borne out by a judgment 01' a petition (Inwr7lptiOfts) befo~ a court of law or finding of an Inquiry Commisaion, then rule 353 does apply there: it applies only when some- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE ",•• body makf'S a ddamatory allegation with- out any basis •.• (/ntmllptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He·. on a point of order. Please sit down. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: \\11ere is that provision in the rules? SHRI KRISHNA CHAl\1)RA PANDAY (Kbalilabad): There cannot SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I am be any point of order on your ruling. telUng you .. (Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please I would request you to please note that read that rule. If a rule is there, I will whatever observations and interpretation accept. of the rule that YDU may make from the (Interruptions) . Chair wiD becom:! a president ·for the future. Therefore, I would also like to MR. DEPUTY-SPFAkER: I have quote a precedent. When the 24th Con- given my ruling. All of you may please stitution Amendment was discussed • sit down. I have given my ruling. in this House to which I extended my support, in the fifth Lok Sabha. at that SHRI SOMNATH CHAITERJEE time there were a number of events (Jadavpur) : If a competent coun of that had taken place. A number of wit.. law gives a finding, then it is Dot a matter ness had appeared in the court of law, which comes under this rule. Only dero- certain remarks were made by the Judges gatory remarks, unsubstantiated or un- -all that were quoted by mysd{, Mr. o proved allegations, can be brought. If a Mohan Kumaramangalam and a c:mnpdent court of law gives a finding, number of other members and the: Prime then that is not a derogatory remark.•• Minister of the country at that time was (/nlmuplilnu ) Mrs. Indira Gandhi.. . (Interruptions). The landlords whose socio-economic interests were affected by their right to property MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The rule being curtailed had rajsed certain issues is very clear; it says: and certain allegations were made against "No aUegation..... them. Those allegations had become part and parcel of the proceedings of the From where this allegation is made. from court. They were referred to and there.. which report this allegation is made, is fore, in a similar manner. if my colleagues, not mentioned here. It only sa)'!' 'allega- Mr. Agarwal refers to them, unless you tion': the rule reads: feel that it violates the procedure. no member can say that it cannot be quoted. "No allegation of a defamatory••• " (/ntnruptUms ) SHRI K. LAKKAPPA (Tumkur): AN HON. MEMBER: It is a finding; No defamatory matter was quoted in the it ill not an allegation. House. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I have SHRI N. KUDANTHAI RAMALIN- drawn Mr. Agarwal'. attention to rule 353. GAM (Mayuram\: The hOD. Member Now~ Mr. SaUsh Agarwal will continue 'POke about prccullents. A decision given IUs spocch. It is all OW'l'. by the Speaker is a procedent-I agree. (~.f) S.ir, at the time of the J.anata rul~, we, the membcra of Parliament. were beaten DiIappToval 01 AGRARAYANA 28, 1902 (SAKA) Ma1'Uti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Of'd. " M.n&ti Ltd. (Acquisitjon etc.) Bin

• by the Police at the Janpatll but M' were :MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Nothing • not allowed to move a privilege motion. will go on recGfti. Donl' WOITV. Mr. nen our Party came to power. Then.the Aprwal, you go on. . Janata Part)· memben were arrested and these peopJe wanted to move a prhilege SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: May I motion.• . (I1Iternq,litms) go on?·· MIt. DEPUno-SpE.AKER.: I have MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Nothing permitkd him. Nobody can question me. has gone on record. Don't worry.

SHRI N. KUDA.~I RAM A- SMaI SATISH AGARWAL: *. LINGAM: The decision given by tlle ex- Speaker, Mr. Hedge was cha.oged and we ...... (1"l6mIptioru') have aDowed it. That is the precedent. Under Rule 35..1" MR. DEPLf9JY-SPEAKER: Apin .INo allegation of a defamatory or you are'making allegations Mr. Agarwal. inc:rimi,natory nature shall be made (Intmuptioru ) by a member agaimt any person un- less the member has given or previous PROF., 1\lADHU DANDAVATE: intimation to the Speaker... n Why are you objecting to it? You have deey given your ruling. (Inlm"uplitnu) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Rama kindly check up the records. No name has come to the help of Laxmana. has been mentioned by him. (I""""ptUnu) •• •(hterrupliom). You please adhere to this rule. That is my a final ruling. No allegation of a defamatory nature- shall MR. DEPU1Y-SPEAKER: Let him be made. If anything is like that, it will continue. be expungm from the proceedings. The rule. are very clear. I cannot deviate SHRI SOMNATH CHATrERJEE: from the rules ...(Interruptions) 1\·11'. U nni- Can you not go into what is goinl on krishnan, I am not permitting Y('lu to here? The company has gone into bqui- speak. Please !!liE down. dation. (Intmuptions) .. SOME HON. MEMBERS ",se. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I shall go through the proceeding'i. (InkrruptUms)·· MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER· Excepting SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: Sir, can Mr. Agarwal, nobody also will go on I not refer to the management of the recOJd. company? I am not referring to the name of any individual. (Intnruptions) (Intm"ptiDns)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I have PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: given my niling that only his speech will Tomorrow you may lay that you do not go on record. Nothingelse will go on refer to the government also. (Interruptions) record. Nobody should get up without my penll~liioJl. I t will not go on record. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN Mr. Agarwal. (Kanpur): Sir, I rise on a point of order. SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: I quote. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He is on his legs. Please sit down. (Inl6ruptions) "From the various reports appear- I am not anowing anybody. All of you ing in tlle reliable newspapers, a~ a please sit down. Mr. Arif Mohammad ftSuIt of the enquiries aDd investiga- Khan, what is your point of order? tions made by their cc.rrespondents, huge amounts of the respondent-com- SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: pany were diverted by the manage- My point of; order is: whether he. can ment thereof to its sister concerns-- quote from the judgment of a high court Maruti Technical. Services Private Ltd. which has been rendered invalid by the and Maurti Heavy Vehicle Private Ltd. in the form of commission etc. decision of the Supreme Court. He is quoting from t.ha~ document which has and thus a huge lOIS has been caused been rendered as invalid by tlle decison to the creditors of the respondent- of tlle Supreme Court. II the decision of company." the high court had not been rendered (Intemtptions ) invalid by tlle Supreme Court, than his •• ** •••• quotiDg firom that document would have

"·Expunged as ordered Jby tlle Chair• • • Not recorded. ?-7S . J?iaaJ)pr017Gl 01 DECEMBER 17, 1980 . Maruti Ltd.. (Acquisition etc.) 07d. " MaTUti '.. , Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bin [Shri Arif Mohammad Khan] '&Ii ~I\=f r~: (~) been valid. But it has been rendered : invalid by the decision of the Supreme fq;t • fcw ~ ~ Cf)l ;mr Coon. (Iralm1lp,iollS) 1tT;yf~~1 Mil. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Now all of you sit down. Shri Agarwal, you MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The rule may coiatinue. is very clear. I am reading again for the information of the hon'hle Member, SHill SATISH AGARWAL: I may Shri Satish Agarwal and all the Members darify the objections raised by Shri of the House. The rule says: Arif Mohammad Khan. Sir, I am quoting from the copies of the application on the "No allegation of a defamatory or record" of the Punjab and Haryana High incriminatory nature shall be made Courll-not decision on them is there of by a member against any person unless the Supreme Court. the member has given previous intima- tion to the Speakt'r and also to the (11"llrru,'u,," j Minister concerned so that the Minister may be able to make an investigation ~m,~ q,,~ (~- into the matter for the purpose of a lit) reply: .•l: aTCf ~ •• ~T ~q; Provided that the Speaker may at RR ~ ~ t ~~~ ~ ifil any time prohibit any member from making any such allegation if he is ~R" ~ 1fi( ri; t I ~ of opinion that such allegation is ~mw~iti)~~ derogatory to the dignity of the House or that no public interest is served mf;ri ~ it ~ GR it; ~ by making such allegation." ~ .;ri), ~ ~ I. .. f.RT ri; You have given no previous intimation ( ___ .A) ... ~ p-m •• ~ cil' either to the Minister or the Speaker. You have not done this. So, you are .not ~ ~ ~ ~ "ci),,"III'1 ttit ~ allowed. I wanted you to avoid. The rule is very clear. All are to be guided by ~ ifiT f%tR ;r{f ~ ~ 1!A'ftf the rule. tmr~~~1 (InIlrruptions ) SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: It is a long list. I will not read this. It is a long list of allegations which has been filed in '11' \ft1Tqn=f r~~: ~ ~ 1I'R the High Court. It contains allegations ~ ~ ~;r ~ whn-e tonnes of steel was sold. 1ft far; R;ro Cf)T '111f 1ft if ftwTlfT ~ «/nttrTuptioru) •••. (~C1m ... ) .... '1') '("r.~. (ij~i('1~<) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please ut W~~~~~~I • down. Shri Agarwal will continue. ~ ~ ifil 1ft ~ ~GR~? (InterTllptions ) ·mm""'~~t? ... MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please ( ••QTif) sit down. : (,,,,;,~t- ) .,,.._.,. ~~) u"~] (InltrruptillftS ) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Dont' -ut- ~ L)"'; ,-""t. ~ C"» LJI" record anything.' ,.s L)""; ~i) ""tI,s ,..inlA ~ (Inttmlptio"s)*· - ,. ,",S ~.'~li t- 4:),1 - ~ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I have given my ruling. It cannot be questioned ( ~),1i1 ) by you. •

'UExpuaced as ordired ),y tJac Chair~ "Not recorded. 277 DisaPPToval 01 AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA~ Ma"'Uti Ltd. 278 (Acquisition etc.) O,.d. &: Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) BiU SURI JAGDISH TYTLER: Halder has done it.

[MR. SPEAK.ER in tIrI CIt_] MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Halder, you have done it? (Inlm'u/Jtias ) Ill( ~ qr~ (~): MR. SPEAKER: All of you may please m,,, take your seats. ~~Clit~~~tAa SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: Kindly ~~t~q;~~WcqT listen to me. He has questioned the ruling given by Deputy Speaker. The Dy. Spea- ~, lIT ~« 'ret ~ cqT ~, ~ ker has stated so. He must apologise. He is questioning the Chair. He must ~~T~lm~~ apologise. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ... MR. SPEAKER: Nothing is to go on record. (RfCfUTWI )

MR. SPEAKER: We lIhould nol allow MR. SPEAKER: First you must ask aspersion to the Chair. I will look into my permission. Please take your seats. it. That will be expunged. Yau listen to me. I will listen to you. First take my permission. Please listen. SHRI K. MAYATHEVA R (Dindi- Look here; please sit down. (IntmuptWn.r) gul): Mr. Unnikrishnan, hon. Member Please order. Let us take it in an orderly of this House has been a long-standing way. I will listen to any question from Member of this HOllse; he has been cast- anybody. Please take it easy. PI('ase be ing aspersion on the Deputy Speaker calm. I will see whether it is in order or and saying, he ha~ been acting a'l a police- noL •• man. Plea.,e expunge it. H(' said, he is acting as a policeman. I am listening. What is your point of order, Mr. Tytler? PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Sir, I would like to draw your attention SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: Point to Rule 353.. . (InttTTllption.r). I am not of order is this. l\tlr. Halder has insulted challenging anybody's ruling. As far as the Deputy Speaker. He has caned him a Rule 353 is conc('rned, reference to defa- stooge, previously. You should look in to matory remarks..• (InltTTllptifJ'U) •• it. MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will go on MR. SPEAKER: If there is anything record without my p~rmis~ion. I will look into it. I have listened to you. Now listen to me. If there is any PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: aspersion on the Chair it should not Sir, let me make it clear. I am not refer- be tolerated. ring to any ruling independently. I am raising this issue and the issue is regarding A.~ HON. MEMBER: This is not interpretation of rule, becau'Je it will be the first time. very relevant to this debate. This debate is on nationalisation of Maruti Ltd. and, PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: therefore, Members who participate in It is a (Juestion of interpretation of Rule this debate, will have to say a lot about 353· the management, the way in which the company was conducted and if some re- MR. SPEAKER: I have listened. ference is made.. . (Interruptions). Please sit. down. We want to dispose of this thing first: Did he cast aspersion MR. SPEAKER: I will see whether on the Chair? . a reference is made or not. I will get that portion expunged. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: That is over. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: And, th('refore, if we stre-tch this rule to . such an e'lttent that nothing can be made MR. SPEAKER: If any aspersion has even against the company or the mana- been cast on the Chair it should be • gement, then it becomf"S a far-fetched withdrawn. (JflUmJptitJns) Please order. interpretation. In this House, while eIis- Who has done it? cussing a number of. •• •(IlIttrrujJtions)··

• -Not recorded. 279 DECEMBER 17, 1980 Maruti Ltd. (AcquiBition etc.) OTd. &: Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will go on I did not open my mouth at that time: record without mv permilsion. he is making a misreprCSC'ntation.

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: StlRl SUNIL MAl fR.\· I a~n ~O:'i; I will give two pr,.cedents when such a it wa1 Mr. Sathe. debate has takf'!'ll place. ~hen the nfl- Uonalisation of jute factorIes was dIS- SHRI K. MAYATHEVAR: \Vhat cUued here, mismanagement was refer- happened was, the hon. Member of this t~uote ral to. I will again the precedent HoUlep a leamrd lawyer one of the lc£.ding of :;th I.ok Sabha in which 24th Consti- lawyer. of the Supreme Court, R&:n:e~ to tution Amendment was discUlled in the appellate proc~dings and the OfJgi&uJ which reft'.rences to certain Zamindars court a procedingl. The bOil. M,clIltu who were coming in the way of socio- was quoting the contents of the ciocl:Dtents economic reforms we~ made. Defanl&tOry drawn from the lower court, that is the remarks agaimt the management, against High Court.... (An Han. Member : the company, the Government and re- No.) Against the order of the High Court marks against the individual, were !o be tht' aggrieved party has made an appe~l bifurcated. Therrlore, I would not bke to to the Supreme Court and the Supreme stretch the rule 353 to such an extent. Court St't asidt' the original Court's ordt"r. (lnllmlfJIioru ) Therefore, we cannot depend upcn the documents of the lower Court. Th f.t is what we ~e also opposing. SHRI C. P. N. SINGH: The hon. Deputy-Speakel' thrice clc:ar~y r,!lt'd that defamatory remarks and lllSIDuallollS SHRI K.P. U~NIKRISHNAN : What would not be 'allowed in the House. In we are discussing now, I presumr,··:ill spite of that, nlany han. Members kept ~{aruti Ltd., that is, acquisition and on and on ink'rrupting. Now, when the transfer of the undertakings Bill. Th~t Deputy-Speaker had given this ruling, not is why we have allotted this time and'. we once. but. thrice... are discussing it. In the statt'ment· ~ objects and reasons you will find the.rt'as~n MR. SPEAKER: Ht' said it... ? why Maruti was closed down, that IS theIr contention and it specifically saYI: . SHRI C. P. N. SINGH: He had said that defamatory remarks or any word "There was a run on the company of' an insinuating natur~ would not be by the creditors, and liquidation ,Pr, ~ce: permittnl. Once that ruling had been dings· were initiatt'd in the PunJc.b ar.d made now it is being questionc:-d, that Haryana High Court wht"re an order is what the IR-puty-SpeakeT Mid. When for winding up-of the Company w~ y~u permitted Mr. Dandavate, I thin~, it p~jed." ii questionmg the Ot'puty-Speaker's rulIng' Before that what happmt'd? Mr. Satish Agarwal had been consistently quoting That is the sun"i and substance of this allegations. they were not findings of the legislation. If we are not permitted to ar.gue Court... (IntmufllioPls) If he had quoted out a cast", whether it was good or bad, findings of the Court it was a di1Terent then it is a meaningless, futile debatt' .... matter. He saw to it that he only quoted (Inte,.,uptions) I would inVite. you~ kin~ what were allegations. If the Deputy attention to several proceedings In this Speaker said that he was consistently House when Bird and Company manage- quoting merely allegations and that he men t Wall taken over, Alcock and did not quote a single finding, I think the .~.hdown was taken over when Deputy-Speaker was totally correct. We Swadeshi Mills were taken over a ft"w should not go into that because it is years back. Every time such referencfB qucslioning his ruling. were permitted documents were quoted ..• -5 bra. (lnterrup,u,ns) It is a different thing if I am making allegation against somet:ocl.y SHRI SUNIL :MAITRA (Calcutta •••• (Interruptions) North-Ea.'!t): Yesterday, when the Na- tional Security Bill was being debated. you were in the Chair. Mr. Stephen voi- ced certain allegations against the wife ~fP_. SPEAKEP. : I have to say.... of Mr. and Charan Singh replied. You were in the Chair and you permitted it. Ha\ing permitted that, there SHRI K..P. U~NIKP..ISHNA.""l : Let c;annot be tWG standards now. me- ccmplete, you cannot shut me up like this. Under 353 above all, it is public interest which is the determining THE MINISTER OF COMMU- facto.r. Now we are not only ~sPeCifi.-. NICATIONS (SHRI C. M. STEPHEN): cally dealing l\ith t~ Mat:uti complex Since my namr" has been quoted, I want take-over, we are also dealing with a to say he j, making a misrepresentation. Inlllter of momentous public importance. Disapproval 01 AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) MCl7'1lti Lid. (Acquisition etc.) Ord. It Mcmdi . Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill SHRI C.P.N. SISGH : The Deputy- SHiH SO~~AT"d CHATTERJEE: Speaker hu given this ruling thrice. ~f: Cluit ~pre;htr' t'lat it is a delic:,te ISllIe. O.Jl' appeal to you is, if a rubng ~m.. j~ giv~ w'li~h SPEAKER : Mr. Jyotirmoy will bind the Housr for pos- Basu came to me and gaw prior intima.. terity, t'lat will not be conducive to a pro- tion. Other persona havf' alto done thf' per discWlBion. In thi, mattn' the name lame thing. I CRllnot rul~ out anything it.elf involve:; &C'lui\ition of a company which bas been passed as a lort of judg- w~icta has b~en di~cted to be wound up Jm'nt in ,he court. But I will not allow beC10se mi.mana~ement, of run on tbe anything personal, anything df'famatory c"m,any, etc. The statement of objects and relSon~ specifically rr.entions it. anything incriminatory. • C'D t'"aere be any meaningful discussion SHRI MALLIKARJUN : Now ·You without g:>ing into the managem"'t of have ruled that anything penonal, dt"fama· nam~s, tlae c')mpany ? Tile mere:tce to ~ they do not want to be m'lde. If 4-he me- tory or derogatory will not allowed. r~ce to managMnent is objected to u But earlier the Dtputy-Speaker has very being d"!rogatory, then to say that Maruti clearly rukd ..•• Ltd. W.lS g;Jilty of mi,management is MR. SPEAKER : I have not o~r· als~ d~rogJ.t>ry. For a meaningful diacus- sion, ihis is necer.sary. Why did they ruled any ruling. nationalise this company? (lraJtrru;tions). SHRI MALLIKARJUN : When Mr. THE MISISTER OF STATE IS THE Satish ..~g!lrwal ~as noading from a docu- MINISTIlY OF SHIPPIMG AND ment, hiS mtentlon was totally motivated, TRANSPORT (SHRI BUTA SINGH) : malafide, m"llicious and political. Sir, in tlti~ Hou."c:, a debate was going on and au hone rnembeT from the other . MR. S?EAKER : Anything which side made certain charges which were not 11 the findang of tlte court I will not over- c:lnnected with the proc.!edings of the H "luse and which were not part of the rule that.. prO!louncement of any court. Mr. Tytler from this side raised a poin t SHRI MALLIKARJUN : It is not of order objecting to it. Ti.le point of the finding of the court • order wa~ dulv hr.a1'd bv the hone Dej)uty-Speaker· and he gave a ruling. MR. SPEAKER: That I will have to O:1ce tbe Cltair has given a final ruling, lee. rul«"5 376(3) says : SHRI MALLIKARJUN -: He mould "Subject to fle conditions referR'd not rf'ad the document with a malicious to in sub-rules (I) and (2). a member intention, malafide intf'ntion. m"ly formulate a point of order and t'~ Speaker sll&ll Elecide whether the MR. SPEAKER: Ifit is not the finding point raised is a pomt of olldt"r and if of the c~urt I shall not alJrow. It il M'll, sa give hi" d~ci!lion thereon, which the finding of the court which can go shall be final." on r("cord. So, the w.:n-ds are "which shall be final". SHRI GUPTA : In the WBat is going on at this moment ? Tile INDRAJIT interpretati0!l which is ~ing given jUAt C'lair is bdng prelSurised by the opposi- now regarding thf' ambIt of the rulf' tion to get tlae dec'sion modified. I am you have referred to the fact that som(": a~raid t~e proceedings of tlte House body can quote judgment. Can also will be vitiated if this is alloWf'd to he q'!ota the findings of the Enquiry Commi- happen. sslon ? MR. SPEAKER,: Tde eltair is never pressurised. .We have got some set rules MR. SPE~KER : ~atever find~g here. Tdere is a definite clear-cut of. the Enqwry CommlS11ons have been policy and we have to abide by this. laId on the table of the House, they can Witatever is not admiuible, I w:ll not be quoted. .' . admit. Whatever is admissible and is relevent to tbe debate, I shall admit. Mr. Satish Agarwal, you can make Tde rules lays! ~. your points within the rules. I would ~,!est . hon. Members if whatever, .op.. . "~o. allegl.tion of a defamatory or _}eCtlQn IS to be taken only one M ern her lDcfI:mnatory nature shall be made ~ ~o that and I will see myself wneiher by ~ member'against any person unless It IS m order or out of ordd'. _ .. 't~c l!Iember has .giveR previous in- ·.tHBabon.:.. • ••. • ... SHR! SATISH AGARWAL: . This House IS very well aware and it u Tilat has always been the practice. admitted by this Government, abo meA"a. 283 Disapproval Of DECEMBER 17, 1980 Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Ord. &: Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill [Shri Sat!ah Agarwal] The figures do not tally. You have inflated the figures of assets and you have tioned in the Objects and Rea'lODS of the deAated the figures of liabilities. I say Bill and it is also a justification for issuing that the actual liabilities are much more this ordinance that an official liquidator and actual assets much less. So, in this has been appointed by the Punjab parti~ular case, the High Court also passed and Haryana High Court. So cert.am. orden. These are ~he judgm~ts I was simply informing the of JUStice Harbans Lal In the intenm HOUSle as to what were the circum8tances application, another by Shri Bupender which led to the appointment of the Official Sangh and there are orden which show Liquidator and I had read out only cer- how the company was being mismanaged tain paragraphs of the application. I how the assets were being frittered away, had not levelled any charge against any- how the good, were being removed, body from my side .... (/"terruptiOtlf) I how tonnes of cemen~ was sold. madt my pOsition quite clear. When This is all on the basis of evidence .•.•.• these facts were brought to the notice (Int"'uptitms) • of the Punjab and Har}'ana High Court, that High Court passed an order, appoin- tin~ a Provisional Liquidator in the month SHRI BUTA SINGH : Is it the written of May, 1977, wherby one Mr. Krishna order of the court which the hone Member Kumar was appointed as Provisional is reading in this House ? No; it is an Liquidator and Local Commissioner. insinuation. _ Later on, Sardar Harcharan Singh was appointed as Permanent Official Liquida- MR. SPEAKER He is not quoting tor. They were ask~ to go to the from the report. spot, prepare an inventory and then sub- mit it to the court. They did the job. SHRI C.P.N. SINGH: What he has They prepared a detailed inventory for mentioned is an insinuation. plant, machinery buildings, stores etc. and submitted it to the High MR. SPEAKER : I will look into it. Court. It was on that particular b~!s that thf' High Court was proceeding in that case. SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: I.have here with me the complete Jist, th~ De- livery Note No. date, materials, qUll'ltity Now this Government has based its etc....•.• (Inte"uptiolls) It is a complete claim on the assets and liabilities as were list, which was furnished to the High furnished by the Official Liquidator on Court. lhf' 22nd July, 1977. They have given the statement of BS:iets and liabilities on that basis. A sum of Rs. 3 crores, which PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE : was subscribed by the share-holders, Sir, Since he had referred to the decu- which the Government cannot deny, ment, I would request that the!le papers that has not been included in the list of may be laid on the Table of the House. liabilitie~. MR. SPEAKER : Have you something more to say ? SHRI C.M. STEPHEN : The capital isl not a liability of the comapny. SHRI SATISH AGARWAL : Sir, as you desired, to save the time, I did SHRI SATISH AGARWAL : So far not deliberately refer to the affi.:favit as the company is concerned, it is a liabi- filed by a workman of the Maruti Limited lity. I am Just showing how the affairs are in the High Court of Pu~jab cind being managed and what has been the Haryana. I will not refer to it, I. will basis for arriving at this figure. The avoid it. From 6th of May, 1977, Government had absolutely no valuation materials of Maruti Lunited were- removed done of the assets and liabilities of this by •.•• (dot, dot, dot). Company before 13th October, 1980. They are basing their claim only on the (I""""I'tio7ls). basis of certain particulars furnished to the Official Liquidator somewhere in MR. SPEAKER: It is pending, you 1977. I have here with me a list of should not read it. complete inventory that was furnished to the High Court by the Official liquida- tor and Local Commissioner, despite the SHRI SATISH AGARWAL : I should nOD-CO-operation of the management not read it ? But this is an affidavit and in the preparation of the inventory, which here RI. 4D or Rs. 50 lakhrs were is mentioned here, and this is in contrast involved. with what hone Minister and the Govern- -~ ment have made available to this House. Disapproval of AGRAHAYANA 26. 1902 (SAKA) A-laruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) OTd. & M"TUti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill PROF. MADHU DMnAVATE ac~ per year to one Shri K. L. Goel? These are the supporters of Maruti. Thirtysix acres of land 'Y,"as again given out of this 125 acres to Shrike &. Co. (/nlem,pho'lJ) • Was it not a violation of the agre~ment? No amount was deposited. Go~rnment SHRI C.P.N. SINGH : Sir, the hon. has not taken into consideratil.·n th~ fi.ct ~ember just now said certain things and that part of the land was leased out ille- then said 'dot, dot, dot'. gally. That finds a plac~ in the proceedings bef~"'rt' tht' High Court, that VC'getabl~s He is again insinuating about a certain were grown on this land, it was put to Membc-r who is not here to defend him- other USt', but you an- not taking that do into c .. msidt:ration. This particulu lend was being used in violation of 'the 9gre~­ MR. SPEAKER : He has said nothing. ment entf'red into by this company with the Haryana Government, and the SHRI C.P.N. SINGH: He said, 'dot, Haryana Government had served a notice dot, dot'. two or three vears back that the land should revert back to them. I t docs not MR.SPEAKER : 'What is this 'dot, now It'gaUy vest in Maruti Ltd., be- dot, dot ? cause the terms and conditiON ha\"(' bef'n viol:;.ted. I would like to know from the SHRI C.P.N.. SINGH Sir, that Goverrunent whether there are income- should be explmged. tax dues ~gaiIl1't this company. Steel was sold, Cf'ment was sold by them in the (Interruplions ) black Market. Hert' is the Commission s Report which has been placed on the MR. SPEAKER : Nothimg has to be Table of the House. recorded which is against the law. THE DEPU1'Y l\U~ISTER IN THE (Interruptions) MINISl"l~.Y OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MALI.IKAP.JUN): He is useing the wonis' "black market". PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: What ill the ruling? 'Dot;; is unparlia- mentary? MR. SPEAKER: \\llatever is there in the records will be plaCt"d on the SIm.I SATISH AGARWAL: Now, Table of the House, not others. I would like to know this from the Go- vernment. It has advised the two sister SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: This concerns whidl are located in the Maruti R('port on Maruti Ltd., was laid on the Limited premise~, i.e., the Maruti Heavy Table of the House. I have got it from Vehicles Limited and Maruti Technical the Library. This is not my personal Services Limited. These two subsidiary document. I am entitled to quote frem it. concerns are allied to the Maruti Limited If you go through this and the precise and are located in their premises. They Sl!II'.mary given in it, you will fiL~ thf.t have not been nationalised because there tht"re is no law of this country which has is an agreement between Maruti not been violated in the c~se cf Muuti Limited ar.d Maruti Heavy Ltd. The Industrial b"w was violf.t( d, Vehicles Limited and Maruti Tech- the Micinll:m \4/2ges Act w&s violate d, nical Services that they will get perma- the' Income-tax law was violaltd, the nently 2 per cent commission and lome- Essential Commoc.itiu Act W21 violu( d, thing on the sales also. So, they have Foreign Exchange F.cgulatic-r.s were not been nationalised. The 20-year agree- viola,ted, There was &0 b.w which was ment is there. 'Why they have not been not violated as fu as Maruti Ltd. is con- included in this? You want the proprie- cemt"d. This it the 'Report. Criminal tors, the owners or the Directors of these proceedings should be initiat( c~ f gi.if.st two concerns to derive the benefit for the those who are cor.cernc.d, but in ore( r to whole of their life. defend and protect from criminal Flc'!e- cution... (Inte"uptions) •• MR. SPEAKER: You wind up now. MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will go on SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: I have record without my permission. hardly spoken for 10 minutes. (InterruptUlns). Now, the Government says that the land SHRI SATISH AGARWAL: In is nearly 297 acre[. I would like to know conclusion, I would submit that' righ t thiJ from the Government. Is it not a from the very inception, this cer was to • fact that 125 acres of land out of 297 be an indigenous ocr. A rlrcJaratir-". WfS acres were leased out at RI. 450 per given that all components WG~ be

••Not recorded. '·1 .: .'''''',. . ."', Dilapproval of DECEMBQl17,1980 Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) OTd. It Maruti Ltd. (AcquiBitjon etc.) Bill [Shr' Satilh~Agal'wal] Government for manufacture of automo- miles and connected items would be in indigenous. A certificate wa. granted. public and national interest. The pro- T~Jerearter, huge amoun.. were rWed. posed unit wouJd give the boneSt of mass L1.ftd w l.' obt \bed ignoring security COD- production techniques and the induc- .id'!rationl. Ml)neyt were arranged with- tion of latest technology inc1udirJI higher out proper procedures. Whosoever did fuel efficiency. Since the infra-structure not subscribe wal put under atre.t under of Maruti Limited have been lying UD- O\)P.BPOSA, wa, detiLined under MISA. utilised for some time, the Government Tne term of anyone refusing to oblige this decided to acquire the undertakings of com,any wall not extended: Tid. is a ~~e tbe laid Company which could form the of blatant mi,usc of pubhc money, It 15 nucleus of the new industrial activitity. not in t'le public interestll. Public moneY' Tile proposed industrial unit would appor- are being usc-d to further the interests .of tion very encouraging growm of ancillaries, a private individual. It i4 a ca!le of ml\- provide substantial employment oppor- ute of public fund •.. It. is Ihamef~l f?r tunities both directly and indirectly and Parliament to pau thl' Bill. I opp(MIlk It. would lead to greater economic pros- perity. MR. SPEAK~R: Relolution moved: Tile House wa. pleased to grant leave "Tili. HGuse disapproves of the for introduction of the Bill to replace M.1"uli Limited (Aequhition and T,ans- tbe said Ordinance last week. In view fer of Undf'!1"taking!) Ordinance, IgSo of what I havt" submitted now, I beg to (Ordinance No. 13 of 1980) promul!a- move that the Bill be taken up for consi- ted by the Presid~nt on the 13th deration by the House. October, 1980." SHRI A. K. ROY (Dhanbad): I beg THE MINISTER OF STATE IN to move: THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI ClL"-RA1'IJJIT CHANA~)\): "That the Bill be circulatr-d for the 1 beg to move: purpost' of eliciting opinion thereon by the 26th January, IgBl. (8) "T~lat tlle Bill to provide fOl' the acqui.ition and transfer of the under- SHRI R,\MAVATAR takings of Maruti Limited with a view SHASTRI (Patna): I b~g to move: to .~curing the uliJisj,.tion of the a\'ail- able infra.tructure, to modernise "Tilat the Bill be circulated for, the the automobile industry, to effect a more economical utilitation ofscarc('fuel purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by the:15th ~{arch, IgBl. (g) and to eMute higber production of motor vehicles which are essential to t'he need~ of the economy of the coun- SHRI SO!\{NATH CHATTERJEE tl'\' a'ld for ma.tters connected there- (Jadavpur): I beg to move: with or incidential thereto, be mken into con.ideration." "Taat tlte DiU be circulated for the purpost" of eliciting opi~ion thereon A" the hone Members are aware, there by the 30th June, J981. (30) have been problems in the matter of ade- quate supply of automobiles, both com- SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU '(Dia- m'"!rcial vehicles and passenger cars. Step8 mond H:t.rbour): I beg to move: taken so far in this direction by the manufacturers have not proved adr-quate and the supplies have been lagging be- "Tnat the Bill to provide for the hind 6e dem.and, The hone Members acquisition and transfer of the under- are also aware' tnat unlike many other takings of :Mm'uti Limited with a view . sectors of industry there has been little to securing the utilisation of the av~­ im.,rovelnent in the car indlUtry In the able infrastructure, to modernise the coUntry in 'the last few decades. Pre- automobile industry, to effect a more sently t~e consumer demand is being met economical utili.ation of scarce fu~l and virtually by two unit~, one of whom faced to ensure higher production of motor severe strike. Tiley have reached the level vehicles which are essential to the needs of production of last year. The question of the "economy of the country" and regarding manufacture of car in the public lor matters connected tlterewith oi"'~ci­ ~sector had eng.l.ged the attention of the dental thereto., be referred to a Setect G:wernIlle,tt earlier al~o. Looking .to the Committee consisting of I 3 me~IiersJ ·'state of automobile industry in the coun- namely: ., try including the passenger car. (I) Shri Satiih Agarwal, (2) Shri G. ~{. BanatwaUa, Government have felt that setting up ." ,-' -of public sector units under the Central (3) Shri Chitta Basu, .. Disapproval of AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SA.KA) Maruu Ltd (Acquimion etc.) Ord. & Maruti. Ltd. (Acquilitjon etc.) Bill (4) Shri Satyasadhan Chakraborty, what is considt>ttd as essential th 1 (5) Shri C. T. Dhandapani, would like to know since when' th t"n duction of can baa ~come a prio . e pro- {6) S~ri George Fernandes, for this Government. ruy 1tt-m ('1) Shri Ram Jethmalani, (8) Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, !~t- ~din:l':'lc-r• M.entiou.;.-the hon l\bntl't~r J.t:st no\\ .' t -d ou~-and the Bili {g) Shri R.amavatat Shastri, also ~ntio.ns thrt>e or four primary rea {to) S'h.ri K. P. Unnikrishnan, sons as. to why they have chosen to tak; (11) Shri Ra,-\ndra Varma, !'ver thu Coml?any. Firltly, it sayt that h u concerned Wtth the utilisation of infra- (12) Shri Charanjit Cbanana; and structure. I hope, the bon. .Mmister ( 13) Sbri Jyotirmoy Bosu, knows the m~ of the word "infra- struc~. All tha~ we know about inh- with instructiom to report by the !lgtft !truc~ •• the baalc infrwtructure which 11 DeceMber, 1 g8o"• (53) requued to run the economy of the country, the railwa)'l, coal, e1ectricitr and SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES ~ on and 10 forth. I did no1 know that (Muzaffarpur): I rise to aupport the Reso- Jll the new ~finition of the new Minister lution moVed by my fi'iend Shri Satish ~-~d'f:trybeor of this Goverrunent to Agarwal and to oppote the Motion for lC e longs, a huge warehou.e coasideration of this Bill moved by the a godc.wn, a building that hu been erected M"mister of Induatriet. on ~oae. !19~ B('ret of land which wu ac~uued In CD"CUlnStaoccs which you know. The Mtndter hu read his speech juat which the House knows and which the now whi'ch is, of course, a paraphrase of CO,!Jftlry knows, i!t the infra-t~tructun-, that the Ordinance, the preaxnble of thu Bill ~~~ hu become in&a-atructure, that two and ·also the Statement of Objectl of this b~g ~~~ are the infra~tructure which BiU. There is nothing original. the Muwter would now like to WJt' 81 an argument, as a justification for the take.. 1 am wuming that the bon. Minister 0\·er. is aware that this take-over and aubse• ~uent nationalisation is under the Indus- • The secon~ reason which he has given trial (Development and Regulation) Act. iS to mod~ the automobilt" induatry Over the yean, since this Act has been By. take-over of thia defunct, nt ·n-star~ on the statutr.-book, a number of units umt, what are you going to nu,dt'l'llile? have been taken over under the IDR Where is the modemi!ation P Act, whether it is management or natio- nalilation. AN HON. MEMBER: That will follow. Yustly, a unit i.t taken over nor- mally to prevent it from cloaing down and ~HRI GEORGE FERNANDES: in the proccu, causing a lot of unemploy- W1th what? l am atswning that the ment. Secondly, to see that a unit which nationalisation of this unit is concerned it producing commodities that are very with modernisation because this il what estential for the community, does not yo'! ~e trying to sa}· in the ordinance. close down and create problellll for the Thas IS wh2.t you say: •••• with a view to community. And, thirdly. a~o ~o bring eecuring utilisation of the available infras- in the public sector such mstitutions that tructure to modernise the automobile are considered very vital for the economy industry.' of the country. We nationalised the banks; we nationalised insurance. The third point made is •to effect a Now, in this particular caae, I do not more effective utilisation of scarce fuel'. see any of these three reasons being ap- With what? With a car that doC'S not plicable. Some one mentioned about exist, how are you going to bring about nationalisation. If the idea i.t that a lot a: saving of fuel which is very scarce, of employment is involved, excepting a according to you? watchman oubide the gate of the Fac.. tory, there were no workers. I 2.1n asswn· )finally. the point I am making is ing that you do not nationalise a unit about the statement 'to ensure higher to provide job to a watchman. If it is to production of ,motor-vehicles which are maintain production of commodities that essential to the needs of·the economyt. are essential for sockty, there was just I ~o not know if the Minist~r is aware as nothing being produced, neither cement to h:ow many cars wtre produced in the nor coal nor anything was being produ- country in the last 12 month3. Is he aware ced in Maruti. If the idea is to bring such how many units there are and how many a unit in the public sector to produce they produced last year? · 3o60 L.S. -1 o 291 Disapproval of DECEMBER 17, 1980 -Marutti Ltd. 292 !\ ~ ' (Acquisition etc.) Ord. & Ma,·uti !1: i/ I · · Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) _Bill AN HON. MEMBER: You know The car p(oject would be wholly export- better. oriented and fuel efjiciency and cost aspects would be taken mto consideration 0 SHRI ~ GEORGE FER~A~D ES: before a final decision is taken on collabo- Well, the Mini~ter of Industries should ration. I am assuming that the Minister reply. I am not the Mini~ter of Indus- IS all set now to produce a hundred thou- tries . I would expect the Minister of sand cars ~nd, on the basis.of his interview, they are meant for export. In.:lu1tries to' tell us how many cars were ..-:;:...... produced. (Intetruptions). I . J I . .. ~ AN ~HON. MEMBER': Are _you MR·. DEPUTY-SPEAKER:] O rdet·, discussing the Minister or ?viaruti ? ! ordet·. ·' ) . . SHRI GEORGE F:6Rl\lANDES : I am SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES discussing the proposal for nationali sation Well, I suppose that if the Minister is not and, on. the basis of the Minister's state- in a position to answer in the. course of the ment-which, I I:t9 pe he ha~ no objel::tion debate •.. to. my quoting-they are meant -for ex- pert. sHRI I CHARANJI'f CHANANA : I would like the Hon. Member to have the .· 'At a~other level, - ~ poi~t sought tp be _patience to listt>n to the reply also, unlike made is that we need Iboooo cars because tast time wheri he ran away and pr!;tended some Committee or some ' R eport· of the to be iii.. I can reply to him if he has the Gover:'J.ment ha's said tha ~ the coi.mtry guts to si_t ·down. needs I ooooo cars in the year ·, 984~85. This report was produced in I 97 I , on which SHR! GEORGE FERNANDES: Mr. the Government is 'nqw relying to justify Deputy Speaker, with great respect t0 y!Ju t he-take-over ofMaruti and then to suggest and to the Minister, I hope the Minister that we are now moving in the public will reply and not 'read' the reply. , sector. But only last year there was a Committee-rather· in th<" course "of this If you have the capacity to reply I will year and not last year, there was a Commi- have the patience to listen to you. ttee in the setting up· of which perh~ps the Minister himself 'had also a hand, SHRI CHARANJIT CHANANA : an,d headed by a Joint Secretary ofhis o\~n Sir, I must get your permission . I shall Ministry. This Committee gave its repOrt read the reply in terms of quotations of a few clays before the Ordinance for take- the Hon. Member when he was, un- over of Mar uti was issued. fortunately, the Ministe( of Industries . .•• Will the Minister tell us what the recom- :SHRI' GEORGE FERl'l'ANDES : Most mendations of that Committee are ? -certainly. When the Minister's turn - Is it a fact that that: Committee has come to comes, I am sure he will be able to make the conclusion that you do not need any . his speech, even though it is a written additional ·capacity just now, that wh;lt -speech ·! you have in the C01.ll;l try is adequate, that, given the constraints of fuel, and so on and Now Sir, :;t point.has been made by tl!e so forth, any idea of expa;1sion of capacity Minister himself in the. course of. ... . ·in the automobile industry 1s completely (Interruptions). ruled out ? And yet, y:ou are now ~n order to justify this take-over, fishing out I am not yielding. (Interruptions). I a report that was produced in I97I am not yielding. I am on my legs at the- which talked about I oo,ooG cars and you moment. ar-e trying to throw it on the face of this House and the country to justify this ! Sir, this man is a Minister and he should ·know at least that when a Member does not yield, it is not proper for a Minister. The Minister also, on his return fro1~ Paris, spoke about possible collaboration for the manufacture of a whole range of Mr. Stephen, why clon't you teach your automobiles, heavy duty, medium and jl,Ulior colleague ? You are an experienced light commercial vehicles, pick-ups and man : you should tell him. passenger cars, and very glibly he has been talking about the new nationalised cor- Now, the Minister, I think, went to poration getting into the production of Paris in the days after this Ordinance was trucks. How many companies are pro- promulgated and o.n his way back from ducing trucks tvday ? What is their Paris-on 24th October, perhaps-said installed capacity ? How many new that in the present phase, the proposed applications have already been sanction!'d? -car project in the public sector must be What is the total capacity in respect of ~•b le to ma.nufacture a minimt~m of one trucks that has been sanctioned in the last Jakh cars per annum to ensure cost benefit. twelve months-the capacity which tile 293 Disapproval of AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Ma'~"utt Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Qrd. & Maruti Ltd. (Acquisitio1\ etc.) Bill existing companies have and given the going to be produecd.' I would not expansiOn which these companies have expect .... (Interruptions) been permitted ? Is there room for another public sector corporation to produce Secondly, when she was asked a specific automobiles, to produce trucks ? I would question .... like the Mi11ister to give us the ffgures, (Interruptions) not from his imagination but the figures, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Plt>ase that have been produced on the basis of sit down. reports ... . (Interrupt-ions) you may even PROF. P.J. KURION £Mavelikara) : quote Tata's figures. c icT of! lfr ~T How do you tolerate this****behav1our ? .. .. (Interruptions) ~~ 6\ for9~r ot..,r '+li m ~Cfi€f t{r 1 MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Order please ... . (Irterrupticns) My friend is concerned about Birla. Order, Please. Birla is o.n record very recently saying : For the information of the hon. Mem- "I have stood by l'vlrs. Gandhi; I stood ' hers. Now · Mr/ George Fern<~ndes is by her even during the Janata speaking. Next- to him. Shri Arif Mohd regime; as far as Party is Khan of UP is .g'i)ing to speak. What I concerned I have been the sup· would suggest i$ : . all these things which ' port~r of Mrs. Gandhi an~, will Mr. George Fernandes speaks-. --that is co.n tmue to support her. the parliamenta·ry procedure--you please note down and if you do not agree with him, you prepare the reply aJJd reply to him. This is what Mr. K.K. Birla has S?-id. That is the correct procedure .... If you So, let us not discuss Birlas here. want to contradict, you CO.Ptradict. That (Interruptions) is the correct procedure . .. . (Interruptions) SHRI G.M. BANATWALA. : Who-is THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE next to Mr. ArifKhan, Sir ? MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI BUTA SINGH) : MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : That . Under wh'lt circumstances did ·you allow, , will come after you speak. when you were a Minister, a price inarease SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : The to the extent of double for Birla's auto- Prime Minister made another point in mobiles ? the course of her Press Conference. To 'justify the take over of this company, SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : The Prime Minister, whose interest in this 'she said that its assets are mot·e than the unit, is very well known has also made two }~abilities. Mr. Agarwal has already -refuted this point .. But what I woUld very interesting statements. 1She was asked a question at a Press Conference which she like to know-I will not go into tht" assets had addressed after a long time. She was as I do not have the figure nor will '[ ·go asked, "What have you to say about the into the _ liab ilitie~ .... (Interruptions) take-over of this particular company ?", MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER :. You and she replied-! .am sure the Ministet have got many speakers. You oppose at will confirm this statement of the Prime · that time. Allow the proceedings to go Minister-'lt is going to produce some kind .on. ef an automobile'. She presides over a SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : Cabinet meeting where the take-over of What! would like to know, Sir, is: whether Unit is finalised ! the government has come with a new theory for nationalising industries. In other She was asked a question at the Press words, where the assets are more than the Conference and the Head of the Govern· liabilities, are the industries to be taken ment, the chief executive of the govern· over and nationaliSed ? Then, why not me;1.t says, 'So:ne kind of an automobile start with Gwalior Rayon of the Birlas is going to be produced'..... whose assets are more than the liabilities ? . . . AN HON. MEMBER: Whatis wrong. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : You have already t aken zo minutes .... SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : No- thing is wrong except that when you want SHRI GEORGE FF.RNANDES I ;~t.to sink five hundred crores of rupees into have spoken hardly for ro minutes. an enterprise, one assumes that there is MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER I am a little more seriousness then what the Prime noting the time. He started at 3.35 p.m. Minister of India has shown when she I am telling you for your information-- saic\, 'Some kind of an automobile is that you have spoken for 20 minutt's . .. ' ------~ '' "~ '*E·cpu'l.ged as ordered by the Chait-. Diaapprov41 of DECEMBER 17. 19ao . M:zruti Ltd. .296 (Acqu.isition etc.) OTd. Ie MaTUti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill.

[Mr. DC'pUly-'irJeakerJ bc-:tween 1~-C:5 i' bout Rs. 100 crom will (Interruptions) I have only uid that he be required. Is an industry to be rl.l.:l in "a" eX<'Ceded lZO rninuln. I havf' nOl Slop- such a casual m~t"r ? Can the automobile p"d him. Why 10 much noise ? ..•. ind'l4itry in this country be plannrd:n (/·,t~"uptionr) Mr. SOllUlath Chatterjee this r.as,·aI m?nr.er? Thf'l'f'iore, the ques- I· " not only on one side. I t happen,; on t:on' is: why this natioru;.liK.ti(1l rr.d why both Bides. ""'len it happt'n, here. 1 wa'l it donein!l.uchasurrept:tious m"tnner? will tell you. I do not know i!'the Minister will take SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: tbt' Hou'Se into co:uidenCf' ~bou t tht" way This takes us to the next -point. Why ill it in which thi~ ma.tter C".lmf'" II p before the that this company has ~rJ nationalili('d "I Cab:net ...... I think the hon. MinisttT will be honest SHRI SOMNATH CHA1·TERjEE: with us and honest to this House and tell Ifhc dOL'S that, he will lose the job. 11.'-becaw;e a lot of money is going to be sunk in this. You cannot produCt" an auto- SHRI GEORGE FERNA.~DES: Mr mobile with whatever junk there is, Agarwal mentioned how e\'CIl Ministers with the two sheds that are there. In ~ not ~.ware, how it was not in the fact !omoo.ne told me when this qu~tion agenda. Hul let me tell you some thing_ of take-over of Maruti came up in OUr talk. Let me tell the House som~ thing more He ,aid that this reminds him of a man abollt the way in which the entire opera- who fowld a button on the road and he tion was done ...... (InterrupliUflS) went to--the shop'to buy cloth to stitch I do not want to name the member from. a C03t. He said, 'I ha'Ve found a the Cabinet \\no convt"~'ed this to me •... button on the road and nOw I want to (]nUrTU/ltion..V) On the 8th of October, a st teh a coat because I have a button to Joint Secrt-tary who in fact was the au- use.' thor ofthat report which said that we do not need. this kind of a car today, that In this particular case, I am sure your Joint Secretary produced a paper on tile Ministry must haw- reports from \"3rious Bth of October. It is dated 8th October~ companies--whether it is Peuget or r9Oo. On the same day, the Minister and whether it is Fiat or any other company his Secretaries leave fUl Bn...ngalore. There that has provided you-along with a statf- is a meeting o~ the Consu1ta.th'f' Committee ment of the total amount of money that on Industry. The Minister and the two would be required to have a compaoy Secretaries return thf' foIJo"'ing night. to produce cars. By a modest estimate, The plane is bte. Ncrmallv it arrives if the :Minister's pl!U\!I for this company at 10 O'clock but tht" pl31ie arrived at or the government's plans f( r this company II O'clOck. Between I I and 12"-because ... are to manufacture 100,000 cars-it wiII roth October commen~ at 12 m!dnight- mean an investment of Rs. 500 C'rorcs. the Minister, the Secretaries ~nd every- Has that money been provided for "I body have seen that document, signed it Have you got plans" In fact, your own and endorsed it. On the loth it goes to- financial memorandum-it is a very the Finance Ministry. No FinanCf' Minis- internting statement-attached to this try official knows about this document Bill _ys : and the FinaIfcc Minister signs it. "It ip difficult to make any accurate On th~ 13th, the Cabi·net meets and forecast ofthe fund, to be given by there a statement if. m:\de that the PJannin~ the Government to the new com- Commission has seen this when in fact it pat.ny as the order of the invest- has not. 'Why did you have F. Plann!ng ments required will depend llpon Commission ?Whydoyc)U have a Planmng the types of the vehicles to be Minister at the Plf".rming Ccmmission ~ manufactured, the nature and extent of the foreign collaboration The Planniug Commission has not obtaint"d and phased manufacturing approvt"d .ofthis document (1"t'"UPtio"~~ programme, etc. On a rough esti- MR.DEPU1"'Y-SPEAKER: Tbe Mini- mate the total investment by Gove- ster will reply. rnment during the Plan period I g8o-85 is expected to be around SHRI GEORGE FERXANDES: ~ir, Rs. 100 crores." they are taking the cour..try for a fIde. PROF MADHU DA1\;DAVATE:.. This The only thir.F tht.thas happene~ i, that is:: dt"f~.matcry rem~k! the Minister of State for Ind~tnes had a cas-u:J t:.Jk ,~ith :-; Mtmber ofthe Plan:ring MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Accorrling Comm~s..<;ion in which he ~~ys th~t w~ to you? Then I willexpunge it ! inter,d doing this, N(\body knO\\'S what SHR!'GEORGEFERKAXDES: Youare the m':'m~r h~s :;..... id . There is no Mem~r natiC1n;.lisillg ~ ccmp... :.uy. You are saying of the Pb.n;.:.i:r~g Commission. wh,o .is other that vou are taking over the infrastruc- ",ise cO~lSultcd. Even the MmlSter. of ture. You arecomiug with41Ithese high- Planning, Shri Xarain Datt Tiwa~l I fault in words I:ke 8a,ping of tile I , moder- preslUUc/now-wc.s not tzken ~nto nisation of the industry, promotion of confidence. On the 13th, at the cabmet exports so on and SO forth but your Memo- . mec-ting, the top secret paper was tb~re. .randum produces a damp squib and says The hone MinisteTs of the Cabinet, disCO- Disapproval of AGRAHAYANA 36, 1902 (SAKA) Maruti Ltd. 29 8 . 297 '. (Acquisition etc.) Ord. Be Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bin vered that this wa~ tIle 11!i.1 ;"'l,~Jisatioll of SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: \\'hatever he MIs. M"lruti Ltd. (I,.twruplioru) ~ they says about hush-hush thing about would not allow m ~ to sp~ak. ~ the Cabient not ~ing consulted or the Cabinet not being taken into 'eonfidence and the pressure being brought out, AN HON. MEMBER:Ht)w hecam~ to I want to clarify,.· know of it? Nothing else. (1I111mlptioru) SHRI GEORGE FER~AXDES: That is for you to find out how I C'lm~ to know MR. DEPUTY-SPEAK.ER: He has -of this. You should find out. not let out the cabinet secret. SHRI CH-\R:\"SJIT CH-\~A'SA: Tili;- SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: He is making is a fiction ...... a statement that this is a violation of oath of secrecy. Without repudiation, he MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: P)e::lse con- cannot get away with it. I am repdiating dude now. You m'\y t~ke five minutes. that it is absolutely a falsehood .•• Clearly, I am saying this and I challenge him. SHRI GEORGE FER~AXDES: ~ say this.is a ,~y surreptitious way of doing SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES I a thmg. FoJnt ofall , there is .no need for I challenge the Minister. Let them have a an ordinance. &condly, at least, you Parliamentary Committee to enqu~re should haVe taken your Cabinet into con- into it, (Intm'uptions) I say, I challenge fidence about a proposal of this nature the Minister. I agah challenge the which has gone through in such a hush- Minister. Let us have a Parliamentary hush m~nner. Why this hU'lh-htL,h after Committee to enquire into it·. all, you formed your Government in the fint half of JanuarYlgSo. Maruti was SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: Sir, he wants already closed and this is where I want a parliamentary committee. You must the Minister to tell us what this Ordinance! know the importance of a parliamentary is fOT ? Did the bank put pressure on you? committee. Parliamentary committee Did the bank say that they were going to is not such a small matter, Sir, to be easily prosecute the directors'individually ? ([ntw- available for such irresponsible people-· ruptions) Ifso, please say so. Other-wise face statements before the Hou.. e. the consequence. Mr. Stephen, you do not (lnllmlptions) know. You had not been kept informed, Mr. Stephen. You saw it OIr the 13th MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Order

• *Ex:punged as ordered by the Chair. DECEIIB_ 1'1, 1910 )fa"," Ud. . (Acquiaition dc.) Orcl. " Ifaruti . Uc:L (AcquiaitioR etc.) Bill ~. DBPUTY-SPEAK Ell Tha t a1l it is not a private property, is Dot at iI over Order, order. all correct. Clauae 26 has mi de it abSOlutely clear. It lap- SHill GEORGE FERNANDES: Why did they nationalise ? AJ I said, one is "26. Every contract entered illto by bank. The othe is this-the provision the Company in relation to its under- of RI. 4.34 crores. It is not a small sum. takings, which baa vested in the Central Gol'ernment under section 3, for any ~~ (~) service, sale or supply and in force '" rq :m- immediately before the appointed day, ~ ~, iru ~ ~Ai shall on and from the expIry of One hWldred and eighty days from the srm ~ I ~ q"( ~ •• ~ ~ ~ I appointed day, cease to have eflect ~~~TjfcF~~~i\' unless such contract is, before the- expiry of that, or pel'ioo ratified in wri- ~ ZTllf t ? ting by the Central Government or the ron Government Company, in which such MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Please undertakings hal'e been 'VeSted under' conclude. He is concludiDg. this Act, and in ratifying such COn- tract, the Central Government SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: Rs. or such Government company may 4.34 crores is going out of the public make such alteration or modification exchequer. What wtte the compulsions ? therein as it may think fit.'" Who are the shareholders ? The list of the shareholders is not given. Our atte- This is ab..~lutely clear.. (Intmu/JIi"ru) mpts to find out the bst have been scuttled. MR.DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Let him They say quite often, the Prime Minister's complete i I will come to you afterwards. family IS not involved. I am surprised at this-the way they make such kinds of SHRI C.M. STEPHEN : To read out statel,ncnta. We have Maruti Technical the names of the share-holders of another services and Maruti Heavy Vehicles. company is not because that is relevant Who are the people who own to the debate, but it is only to blame the company? Do you know, who certain persons and to mention them on are the share-holders' When you the floor of the House is absolutely irrele- think of the next !ZO years, when you are vant. That is what I wanted to say. going to produce a hlUldrt"d thousand vehicles, per year and export all the vehi- SHRI GEORGE FER,NANDES : I clea,-If you make al1 that money in your am sorry that the Minister who is othtt- public sector,-may I know, who are the wise such an able parliamentarian should PC!lple who are going to get 2 per cent make a .stateme~t which is utterly and out of that? totally irresponsIble. So, the question is what is the puq,ose behind it? Who I will read out the names : ar~ the people who are going to get this amount ofRs. 4.34 crores? Now, the point "Shrimati Sonia Gandhi is that the share-hOlders, the dealers and Miss Prianka Gandhi, others are' also related to the Prime Minister's family.•.• (lnterruptitms ) Master Rahul Gandhi, THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE ~inor und~r guardianship of Mr. AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI RaJlv GandhI, and late Mr. Sanjay P. SHIV SHANKAR). The share- Gandhi .•.••... n (Jntmuptions) holders are not getting this ..•. SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: The SHRI C. M. STEPHEN : Sir I rise hone :Minister is not awarf' of this· he i s On a point of order. Su, Rule 356 'referred speaking without any knowledge 'of the to the relevant speeches made here the Bill. Who says that the share- That i~ the most governing part. 'r~ holders, are not getting? Read the Bill· are discussing the nationalisation of are the share-holders not gOing to get t~ company. He is quoting another com- money? ... (Intnruptions). panr whit;h he ~ys has got some con- nection With thls company. It is \'cry . SHRI P. SHIV SHAi~AR: My clear orice the nationaHsation t.akes place, frIend .seems to be a master of distortion. a new company, a new entity comes Let hIm re"d clause 2g{I), read with into existence and whatever contract Schedule. For his information, I shall hal' been evolved in some other company read out the Schedule. does not survive at all. (Intm"uptitlJL.f) (lnttm.l/Jtions) Tht"refore, just to quote a company and SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: Read to spell out the names of the persons who the Schedule. Don't quibble. You are connected with that company, after are a very good lawyer. (lntmuptitmS).

--~------"Expunged aa ordered by the Chair. AGRABAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Jlanati Ud. SOl (Acquisitioft etc.) Orcl. Ie MClfUti Ltd. (Acquisiticp& etc.) Bill SHlU P. :JIIV SHANKAR : I just SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR : i am wanted to read ..the ~ Schedule. It only lOrry that I pity his ignorance. He does not know the difFerence between ...,.s a shareholder and the depositor. (/""""'_ "Order of Priorities for the Discharge lions). of Liabilities of the Company. SHRI RAM JETHMALANl (Bombay Category 1- N orth-West) : "".

Category IV- (lntmuptUms )

(a) Deposits received from the public MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Order or from the members of the please. • the Company : (b) Deposits towards dealership ; SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR : Category IV refers to deposits received from the (c) Any credit availed offor purposes public. The public is entitled to keep of trade or manufacturing opera- some money in depoait with any company. tions ; That is allowed under the law. Likewise various members of the company are en- (d) Share application monies where titled to keep the deposit. That is far from share were not allotted." saying that it is a share amount which he perhaps must better undentand. Category V- SHRIGEORGEFERNANDES:H~ Any other dues" Minister pities my ignorance, I pity his knowledge or his undentanding of the Not a single share-holder has been law. The question is very simple. provided 'With the money. (/nkrruptians). Sir, you don't allow me to speak. Members don't allow me to speak. The Minister does not allow me SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : He to speak. "I will finish in 5 minutes. is quibbling. Category IV says : cDeposi1S Please allow me uninterrupted 5 minutes received from the public or from. the You are not protecting me. members of the Company." Who are the members of the Company? Are share- holders member! of the Company? What MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I have do you mean ? protected you umpteen times. We will continue to protect you. (Interruptions) SHRI P. SHIV SHA.'NKAR : I pity Let Mr. Fernandes complete. (Interrup- your Jmow~. tions). .

SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES: What SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: Who it • member of the Company ? Who is are the beneficiaries? There is a lot or member of a Company-'-Mr Law Minis- dealers' money we are told. But the dealers have already been compensated. ter? Diaapproval Of DECEMBER 17, 19&1 M'If'Uti Ltd. go+ (Acquilition etc.) Ord• • MaTUti LtcL (Acquisition etc.) Bill [Shri Ge ·tr~ Frenandf"t>1 which affects the memory D( your leader. ap~al Midis~ Hav~ not they br.en co~ted ? Thme My to the illliat you mUit who have depoii ~ ted got coal which IJaey respect tbe memory of the man who fOUDll. then sold in black market. They were cd thie company the hone Minist" .hould givrn paper' which they thrn sold in liJtrn to me. I am asking the Government: black market. They were not arrated .t.k ing the Minister not to .how disrCSJM'ct to under COF F.POSA or ~ nSA or they were t"e memory of th~ man who foundrd this relc~ed jf they had paid up thMr mOney •• company. Mr. Gandhi said : \Vh~n I pay (/"urru/llions). What is th~ problem. 97 percent taxes, it go,'s to financing the You want names Mr. Azad. inefficiency of the Go'\"fTnmt'ftt. \\'by should I pay ?,J rrHE MI\,ISTER OF c.;·rATE I~ THF MINISTRY OF SUPPLY A~D REHA- Then the question was asked: BILrrA-rrON SHRI : I say do not talk nons('n~. "llasic :lily it means you are ·i:gainst public SHRI GEORGE F1::Lt~:\:'\DES : I sector and the way it is functioning. am prepare:i to give all th.~ names to you, all the namel of pc-nons who beca.J'lU" dealrn Mr. Gandhi : I think the public st'ctor, of this company who benefited from the should function only in competiti('T.- dealership, who luffcITd t!lC consrquence with the private sector and whr.re hfofore they paid their money, when they it cannot function in competition ·refused to put in their money. with the private I~tor it should ~ allowed to die a natural death." 'rherefnre, my question b : why did you nationalisr it ? In ordt'r to prrvt"nt th,. t'lke A private compay h., died it! natural d('ath. over of this company by a forrerr frirnd Do not resurrect it as a public company oCthe family who is now out ofgrar.(' of the and show disrespect to the man who founded family ? •• (A" Ho" ,Mtmber: who it, who said that there shall bt' no public is it?)... (I" t"ruptio"s) I \10 nryt sector in the country. want to mention the name because it is not fair t:l ment:on namr. of Mt'mbt'u of T .1erefore, to the hon, lady Member who this Hou1e... (lnltr",ptions) 'Mr. Tyt]er wanted to know whether I am oppost'd ·to will agree with m~ t'\at it is not fair to name nationalisation, I say at least to r"F~ct thr Mem'lers of t~i'l FlOUIr-, fOl once he will Jnemory ofyour departed leader you sf..ould. agree with me. 1~ it in order to pre-('mpt oppose this Bill. I 0PP«< the Bill fC'r rr.orr one and profitsomeonr \vho has the dealrr- than one reason. but you, if not for any 'Ship ofM.A.N.N. engines, who is ~he agrnt other reason. oppose it to r('speet his of!\I.A.N.N. in this country .. rlnltmlfltions) memory • I t~ld yuu. Mr. Deputy-Sp<..'aker to ~ive m" five' mb ll~ wit~out hterruptions and '"tf~ ~~ (~) 1 w.)uld c.lln?lett'. ~ow, W:10 is the &g('l1t of '11' .t : M.A.N.N. engine's, with wbich this company ~ \1tIT~1$f ~T, ~ ~ fmlr- tried tl) have colhb.'>r

"We are Mvxists. We believe in palnned economy-public sector, priority and non priority seeton. 'We want a clean adminis- it ~ iITff (liT ~ ~ Ai tration, free from nepoti!m and corruption. ~ ~ ~'1I\J1qlc:ft ~ About this project, we would have opposrd ri'm it if Birla was given this project, we would iIIT ~ Cf.T ~ smmr ~ it have opposed this project if Tata was given this project and we are opposed to fitilfT 'if ~ GIR m- ~ ~ the project having been given to the persons ~ ~ ~R ~ -to whom it has been given, beacuse it LOC iti fcm:tn: \itt a growth of private sector and capitalWn ". mrr tT~, cm~r ~ ~ ,Rii~r ~, i1i'~ ~ ~ -amI)' ~ ~, ~fu'qi~ift~~A;~ ~ tttt RlH ~ ~ I ~ ifiRVf qTW ~~ ~ cf.T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CRfR:r ~<1 it; iI1~ m nr ~ m- ctft i1lf~tG ~, ~R if ~);m iffirT cf.t, . ~ ~ DECEMBER 17, 1960 Mandi Ltd. 308."' (AcquUition etc.) Ord.• )fClfUti Ltd. (AcqUifttion etc.) BiU [JJfr ..,m; ql~Ai~ .'1 m ~ af1rcf ij,-r~ttd ~ t I 1JTmr ~ ~ GfiI('I''11 ~I: lit ~ cmt 11ft, ~ ~ ~ ~ q-t,: ~ t,m~it mit 1ftl~ t ~ ~ ~ 1ft "'1<.'''' W, ~ q: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :q' '3W~~~f11<:r ~ I ~ 'fIfii'n t GfiI't4Iift ~ ~ CfiT00, Pa.til ha.. raist'd a chah of 66 co--operative the sum of fu. 10,000 per a.nnum was paid sugar factories. In l\1aharashl.ra we have a' compensation for taking ovt'r the established a chain of sugar factories, management. Th~ is onC. yarn factories, weavbg co--operative fac- tories, w"! hl.ve also develop.~ll h.'l1 mort- gage 1n l!U.. la.ltl d'!Velopment banks, Mis. Gresham. al.d . Craves, a priva!e diitrict c.) ~perati\'e ba:1ks, a chain of company prodUCIng raIlway good'!, agatn .315 Disapproval Of DECEMBER 17, 1980 MUf'uti Ltd. 316 (Acquisition etc.) Ord. &; Ma7'Uii Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bill [Sbri V. N. Gadgil] We are told about the various intricacies. I will not go into what the Accountants under loss, was tak~ over and the com- tell. We are told that a.uets were valued pensation paid was Rs. 175 lakhs. and valuation "was proper. We know what the Chartered Accountants are. One Thr. third wa. Hindustan Tractors. Eng!iah Judge Justice Harlan said the job These are during Janata regime. of accountants or Chartered Accountants is to be watch dogs and not blood hoonrts. If you go on investigating, this is not the SHRI JYOTIRMOY nosu: There proper approach. They are modern witch is no such Company GrtSham & Graves. doctors. They can juggle and produce I can auur<- you. (Int.mlptions) any figure . Are we to go by Accountants? Are we to go by their approach ? We ·have to decide what would be our problem and SHRI V.N. GADGIL : Hindustan we have to study ourselves. Tractors were paid R,. 151) lakhll. The next wa. Britannia Engineering Co. which was taken over. Arther Buttler was I am saying, let them be not under any p."\id compenllation to th<- tune of Rs. jJlusion. This kind of thing does not appeaI 20,090,000 or R,. 3.000 croft'S. to the common lnan. This is not going to They were running lander loss ~d compen- have any effect becau.'Ie the common sation was paid. Bolani Ores. a pdvate man has basic commonsense and horse- Ii mited Co. wa.\ paid R.,. 270 lakhs &'\ com- sense. He judges a thing, whether cars pensation. It wa" also running under will be produced in the public sector loss. Not only ordinance were· issued and, by that test, he will judge this but compensation was paid to private Bill. Iimit~d companies. Everybody knows that in privatt" limited companit'S the I am reminded of an incident, an ex- shareholders are less than 50 memb~rs. perience of a friend of mine who is also Crorell wert' paid to Ie!~ then 50 p<-TSons. a professor in Commerce: he is M. Com.; In this Co:npany Maruti Limited th~e he is a Chartered Accountant, he is L.L.B. arc hundreds and thousand!! of sha"e- . and so on. One day, he came to Poona, hold"Ts. my home town. Near Poona, his car broke down. He did not know what to do. It Shri Ram Jethmalani mentioned that was an out-of-the-way place. A bullGCk- as provided under the Industrial cart came along and an illiterate person (Development Regulation) Act, why was no was driving the cart. The professor said, investigation car:ried on ? I can "I want to reach Poona. Can I come undentand Shri Ram Jethmalani into the cart ?" The kisan said, "Come raising objection. He is a good friend of along." The professor asked. him how long mine. Sometimes doubts are expressed it will take to reach Poona. The kissn about this hostility to Congress. He then said, it will take an hour. The professot", reacts. We are told in the epic Ramayana said, "I cannot waste that much time. when doubts were expressed about the I am an intellectual; I do inteUectual loyalty 01 Hanuman, he tore his· heart and . work. So, some ~tellectual work mUlt words came out 'Ram, Ram'. Now with go on." The kisan asked, "What shall regard to this Ram when doub~ are e.'Cpresse we do ?". The professor said, "We will he tears out his heart and the words came playa game, I wiU ask a question. If out 'Maruti, l\faruti'. That is the position you cannot reply, you lose and you will about Shri Ram Jethmalan\. pay me Rs. 10 and, if I lose, I will ploy you RI!l. 10." The kisan said, "You are a man from Bombay; you are a rich man. Objection was raised by Shri Satish I cannot afford Rs. 10." Thereupon, the Agarwal. I will not go into the legal aspect. professor said, "AU right, If I lose, I will This is not the forum. lVe know under pay you Rs. 10 and, if you loose, you pay section 18, 18A and various other sections me Re. The kisan agreed. The pro- investigation has to be undertaken. Rules I." fessor said, "You ask a question fir~t. I of Natural Justice have to be followed am a learned man. It is your turn first." 8/Shri Ram Jethmalani and Satish AgarwaJ know how litigation goes on. I remember and Shri Ram Jethmalani will bear me The ki"8n said, "My question is very out, an instance was quotm probably by simple. The question is: Which is that him in a Seminar how Litigation goe:, on in animal which can walk on the land, which India. He said that a plaintiff filed. a suit can swim in the water, which can £limb against the Defendant that his cow encroa- the tree and which can also fiy in the air ?". ched upon his land. The case went on to the The professor scratched his head, tried to MunsiIT Co llrt, then District Coutr and remember all the books he had read and, then High Court and ultimately to the after 10 minutes, he said, "I have no Privy Council. At that staJre j[ was discovered answer. I have lost. Here are Rs. 10." that the plaintiff had no land and deten- The kisan said, "It is your tum DOW. clcnl had no COW! This is how Htigation You ask a question." The professor said. p.s OD in this country. "I 8Dl going to ask the same question Disapprooal 01 AGRAHAY ANA 261 1902 (SAKA) • • ~aTllti L~d. (AcqMirition. etc.) OTti. " Mandl Ltd. (ACQUISItion etc. BtU

Which is that animal which can walk on In the Industries (Development and the land which can swim in the water. Regulation) Act, 1951, Sec. .8 (a' which ~ 'climb the tree and whirh can and sec. 15' (s) clearly point allo fly in the air ;t" TIle kisan said, "I out the procedure that is obligatory also do not know the ~r. But, as.-eed. on the part of the Government of India I give you Re. I." So, an illiterate kisan to ad·:>pt when they touch a private limited made a profit of Rs. 9 from a learned company and take over the mana~cment. prof'essc.r, an economist and what Dot, It has not b~n done for rea~n'f which I from Bombay I do not want to elaborate on ~he Flo:)r of this HoU!C : this is all knowD to ue 1111.',"'14 I have greater faith in that common liollS) man than all the experts put together. I will tell you. They are, afraid ~ to n~erore, I am sure, that the common supply public documents to Parliameh.t. IWlD will endorse this BiD and accept this After 'the matter wa! raisd on the Floor policy of manufacturing cars in the public of the Home the entire OJ1poqition voiced sector. My only wish is, Jet tbis'develop; a demand and it came out in the ~ress. I want to see lakhs of ears being produced in leading articles of natioal dailies, ana in Maruti, giving employment lo thou- then and than only they were compelled sands of people. Let it become a new tn provide certain document~' r~1 • place of pilarimage, a memorial to everything. , : I Sanjay Gandhi ! ., I w"uld like to ask tais of the Law ~{iniiter Mr. Shiv Shankar. Ware it not obli~atorv MR.. CHAIR"fAN: I am told~ we are upto The House will for the Company Director:l to pro'"ide tlac sitting 7 P.M. Annual Report and the statement of acco- adjourn at 7 P.M. Shri Jyotinnoy Bosu, please limit your time also. unts for the period ending 1977?I would like to be educated by the Law Mininer whether it constitutes a penal offence or .. , hr•• not and whether any action has been taken against the same. 1 would like to ask whetht" SHRI JYOTIRMOY ROSU (Diamond or not it is obligatory for them to produce' Harbour): I stand by what I have 'IBid. the liquidator'S inventory based on the ()Jl behalf of my Party when 1 had .brought actual presence of equipment, storC!l and this Maruti Scandal before the HoWIe. machineries. The official liquidator wa. • We believe in prioriti~; we be¥eve in not allowed and forcibly prevented rom public ownership and we believe ill. 'Datio- making a comprehensi\·e and true inventory. italisation if it is a bona fide case. ,But here Was it not your duty to lay it on the Table 'is a case which is quite different from what of the House, unless it concerns the family we mean by nationaljsatio~, and my of the Prime Minister? Would you not like speech just now will tell you and give to protect your Prime Minister and her you details. I wiD strictly confine myself family ? We wanted to make a to the relevance of the Bill.' \isit to Maruti Limited; we wanted to see things for overselves. What did they do ? Let it be placed on record that never In a clever manner they dodged us : 'the before in India a Commission presided . country knows about it. They even declined ~ver by a sitting Supreme Court Judge, to give repli~ to question') seeking details appointed to ascertain correct facts, had about hypothecation of the m~chineria given such scathing remarks which justify and maC'hinerie'i that have been .old thoUflll aimiDal action against persom who are they were hypothecated to a nationalDed involved in Maruti Limited. SimilarJy, bank-mainly the Punjab National BaDlc- never before had direct nationalisation, and it does not exeed the amount of Rs. when liquidation proceedings a~ before 70 Lakhs. Does it not coositit ute a crimia) a court of law, taken place. I will quote: offence that a hypothecated commodity has been sold ? "The Ministry of Industrjes was cfmDtttm on phone." Al"'f HON. MEMBER: He is again going to the Official G

I will read out -this answer given in .Question : "''hat is the installed capa- reply to Question No. 283 which says city and actual production during the about 'he' shareholding of Shrimati last three yea~ of the automobile in- Indira Gandhi and her family; in that, dustry ? Mrs. Gandhi's shares in Tata Iron & Steel, BaJaj Electricals, Tata •.•. An!'vt'r: Presumbly reference is to the (r"""'uptioru) pasSengrr cars. The installed capacit)· 321 Dilapproval of AGRAIL\Y ANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) MCI~ti Ltd. 3D (AcquUiticm etc.) 0nI. Ie MCl1"Uti Ltd. (AcquilUion etc.) Bill f:I 1976-77, the Department of Heavy and productioo of passenger cars during lad. Itry pl'OPOllld aD outlay of Rao 1 the last 3 yean are giveD below : CI'OI'e for the "heavy vehicle public sector project. The project repon was .till to be prepared. but to meet the cxpeDditure Year Installed Produc- OIl preliminary studies. Planning Com.. c:;ccity tiOD mission agreed to make • token provi- ( OL) (NOI.) sion of RI. 10 lacs and the entire amoUDl was provided as budaetary support." 1977-78. 4B.400 3 J..S,- DECEMBER 17, 1980 Maruti Ltd. 324 (Acquisition etc.) Ord. • Manai Ltd. (AcquilitiOft etc.) Bill rcm'3ve the hypotheticated materials except MR. SPEAKER : You finish off: by a proportional payment. This is a c:riminaI offence, Sir. Thele are the things. SHRI jYOTIRMOY BOSU : I will There are 10 many thiap. take five minuca. MR.. SPEAKER : Only two minutes. MR. SPEAKER : I want to stop it. Thia is an infectioD coming to you. SHRI jYOTIRMOY IOSU: About SHR.ljYOTIRMOY BOSU : About die the 1,ee1. ICC pagc 109. build in.. it it without a land. The CGlt .... IOD.. ru.h. The land hu DOt beea rqiltered iD (avour of the Maroti Ltd. •• MR. SPEAKER: Youlaave highlighted So, it baa been valued at Ils. S,.f.6.27.59S/- the point. Plcuc co.chlde. aDd the realiJable value it a fraction only. (1."".,,,,;.,,,) Kindly .top the.. " If you do not 'lOp them. we .hall have to SHRI JYOTIRYOY BOSU : It is teach them. . nothing but blackmarketia, of scarce raw materials. Land Wal !rabbed displaciQg about 'J 1,6 parties. Tacy 4ilplaced 5600 MR.. SPEAKER: For God·. sake allow poor families. At what rate? At tlte him to continue. You are a very old rate or lls. I J,776 ..•. (lflllml/ltioJlJ) maD.

SHR.I jYOTIRMOY BOSU He MR. SPE.~K8R : ~n·t interrupt: loob old but he i. immature. when you speak you call lay anything from you!" side. MR.. SPEAKER: You carryon.

SHllI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : The reali- sable value it much leu than the value of MR. SPEAKER : Nothing will go demolbhed material. The COlt of the on record. civil works is hiahly inflated. Much of the cement. Iteel and coal went to the black market according to the Maruti SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : Land Commillion Report. See page 112. Do was purchased by the Maryana Govern- you bow the laic price of stccl and cement? ment at a cost of RI. 11,776' 42 paise. The It was at a price-abOut two-third of Gupta Commission had laid in very clear the price that was prevalent in the market. language that at that time the prevailing price of land in that area was Rs. 7+.000 SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAS per acre. And the poor people were I am just asking for a clarification. deprived to the tune or RI. I. 75 crores. I suggest you pay the money now because you have driven thel1'l from their ancestral MR. SPEAKER: You unneceuarily homes. All the Maruti affairs is stinking. try to interrupt him. Look here. I have You read the Annual Report of 1975-76. giYal a rulin.. It has not been laid on You go through the list of 'hypothecated the Table of the House. • machinery" with the Punjab National Bank. You will see this. (/""""flliOlU) I will conclude by sayinr, this. I have SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN : already submitted that this Bill should I am ukinl whether the memorandum be sent to a Select Committee. would of action ot Maruti CommissioD is laid on I the Table of the House or not. conclude by laying two thiDp. One, Shri aanerjee, the Income-tax Officer, in page 63 of his deposition, has uid this : MR.. SPEAKER : I have pvea .y rulina. Please do not interrupt him. Kindly make these people understand. "The object of iDtroduction of Please Ii. dOWD. monies in the name. 0{ bogus persons was dearly to introcluce unaccounted SHaI jYOTJRMOY BOSU : The i.come in the boob of accounts or the company to give tile coIeur account- interesting part iI in pase Ilg. The or cement and steel aold by the Maroti Ltd. ability to the unaCCOURted. income of wu purchued by the company out of various people in the Rames of peop1e advances taken from the Punjab Natiow who do .. not exist." Bank. The hypothecation of these materials aDd the condition of the loans are such' I win conclude by saying this. that this did not permit the compaay to Sbri SaBjay Gandhi exercised oaly derivative

••Not recorded. Disapprot·al 01 AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Manda Ltd. S26 (Acquisition e&c.) ani. .. Nandi Ltd. (Acqtdlilion etc.) BiU power, the lOurce and authority was of he came back aDd thenl weIlt to Banplore: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. ]I oppole this was signed this time, that time. etc.". the Bill lock, stock and buTel. He said that can cannot be manuf'wctun:d by investing a few crora of rup:c:s. SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT (East Who said 10 ? GovemmeIlt bu Dot Delhi) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I will refer laid 10. Now, the wholeprojttt is UDder to a h pointl later but right to the be- exerdIe. A policy decision is takm ginnioa I wish to say, let us ICC what this in F.ciple. Then the exercise ia Bill promises to the COUDtry. With all can1ed on and fiDally. the projcctl are this IOUDd and fury, it is I think, Mr. siped and executed. This is the way in Jyotirmoy Bosu'. milf'ortUDe today that which alwaya thiop are done. This is he spoke after Mr. GeofF Fernandes. how we have seen a deciaion tueD, a Despite his best efforts he could DOt very important decision taken. A. a aeate that IOUDd, fury and noise which matter of filet, this dicision should be Mr. George Fernandes created. I will wdc:omed. This should be welcomed by come to some 0( the points later. Let us the peoplf', lea,ing aside all other thiDp lee the object behind this BiU. Thia which have been mentioned here. 8e Bill promises to the COUDtry that cars said about the Cabinet decision, this and commercial vehicles would be manu- paper went there and that paper WeIlt factured in the public sector. That is there, all meaningless drama. These the core of this Bill. For a long time, statements are all to deceive people. for many years, people in this House and My friend, Mr. Jyotirmoy Bosu was people outside, have been asking for saying today •.•••••.•• has he laid manufacture of can in the public sector anything ncw? • • • • •• (I"Im'uPtUms) and the manufacture 0( commercial vehicles in the public acetor. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : Sir, I have a point 0( order under Rule 115. MR. SPEAKER : Order please. The hone Memben sitting behind Mr. Bhapt mould not talk. Please allow him to SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT : I withdraw tpeak. bis name. I have heard him in this House a number of times and the .tory is the same thing, the language is the SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT : Both the same, everything is the same and he is hon. Memben belong to what is known, very consistent. Sir, it is a matter of and claim to be with the Lefist parUei. douLt whether he collects truth or whether I wu !Surprised today to hear from be collcctl untruth, whether he collecta him the same aquments, the same thingt precise material or whether he collects Mr. George Fernandes said ''Well before rubbish. I think the word' 'rubbish' is deciding this, did you think of whether Dot unparHamentary. there is any scope (or manufacturing more vehicles apart from the one which is being Now, I want to say another point manufactured and which can be manu- which I was trying to make wu about factured in the private 1ICCtor, arrange- the auests and liabilities. They uid : m.ents for which already exist ? Mr. "Who knows whether they are corret or Jyotirmoy Bosu also gave the same argu- not 1" They were in power for 3 yean:: ment. He said "well, a lot of UDUtilised aud with ven~ce· they were after capacity remains there." Now, they Maruti ; and if' during these 3 yean are dearly meaning that they want they could not know what are the asacts these commercial vehicles and can to be and liabilities of MaNti, I only pity them. manufactured by Birlas and Tat as and Mr. Fernandes was the Minister of IndUitry the private people. It is a clear confes- and he docs not know what are the sion today recorded on the floor of allCts and liabilities. They had virtually this House by the representatives of the taken over the company. Mr. Satish so-called Leftist parties. They want that Agarwal said that the statement was. this should be manufactured by the pri- filed by some party. You had a liqui- vate sector. ' dator then. The liquidator was appointed by your own Government. (Inlnnlptitms) Now, I want to remind Mr. George By court, you were a party to those pro- Fernandes when he quoted Mr. Sanjay ceedings. GaDdhi •••••• (Interruptions) He s aid that Mr. Sanjay Gandhi had mentioned that SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : ~o. ,the public sector should compete with , f : the private sector. I do not, want to SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: For' ~ S _o say this, taking the quotation as i it, is. yean you' did not know what were the p,I would say that by ,his statement regard- assets and liabilities. I can only pity ling the manufacture of vehicles, the pri- YOU.' (Intmuplitms) ! They have' tried rto ~- vate sector will have to compete with, \he quote ,from Maruti Commission's· report. '; public sector. f ,This is for what this .Bill . .:' How much I wish that after the: traiic . is being brought befo~ this House. ,. NOw • t death- of Saftljay Gandhi, we should have the' bon. Member, Mr. George Fem&ndcs tried to confine the discussion to matters said " Look, the MinUter WeIlt to Calcutta, which were very ClleDtial to bring in. Disapproval of DECEMBER 17, 1980 Maruti Ltd: 328 (Acquisition etC.) Ord. & Maruti Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) Bin [Shri H. K. L. Bhagat] will manufacture some kind of a vehicle.". But, unfortunately, all the 3 hon. Members Now, what else could the Prime Minister 1 or 2 more ; one a little less-tried to say at this stage ? The Minister has stated bring in matters which, I think, could it in the statement of objects ;u1d reasons. have been and should have been avoided. The vehicle is yet to take shape; it is a Sanjay Gandhi was a very gallant man. fact that the project is yet to get teeth and He faced their persecution. He faced sinews; it is yet to get collaboration; it is a their persecution lUld prosecution very fact that all these things have to be done. galllUltly. The fact of the matter is that this govern- ment has taken a decision to manufacture 17.37 hrs. cars and commercial vehicles in the public sector. You may be happy and satisfied [MR. DEPUTY SPEAKEil in the Chair] with the cars already manufactured. But they may have their own difficulties for My hon, friend was mentioning that a some of their unutilised capacities also. sitting judge of the Sureme Court was The prices at which these vehicles are appointed as the Commission, that he available, the way they are available today gave his findings, that he made several even, all these cars have their own black indictments, that this happened and that market prices. It is a sham<'"; you cannot happened. I want to tell you that get them for years, even on black market this also is perhaps a case prices. That shows what (the situation is; rare in history that the same young you have neither quality nor quantity. whom you per>ecuted and prosecuted, When we are trying to have it in the against whom you appointed the Com- public sector, youlwant to stop it. You ~ission, despite you, in spite of you, are the:champions of the public sector. m sp.te and despite Mr. Jethmalani's eloquence, that young man, in spite of Now, I want to remind my bon. friend these Commissions, became an hon. Shri Satish Agarwal that his party-leave Member of this House Commission. aside Maruti as not even for bank national- After all, what have you done ? (Intmup- isation; his party, the BharatiyaJan Sangh lions) People defeated you. You were was against nationalisation. defeated at their hands. It is very interesting to hear ...... He quoted rule 371 and brought in the Prime Minister SHRISATISH AGGARWAL: In.this and said that because of her pecuniary House I supported nationalisation; what interest, she is a party. Where is her do you say? pecuniary interest ? The rule says : it should be personal lUld direct. I don't want to use strong language, because I SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: I am talking am not used to it. It is rediculous non- about bank nationalisation. Some of the sense to bring in Prime Minister's name leaders of his party went to the Supreme in this manner. But well, luckily the Court as a result of £which the Supreme more Mr. Jyotirmoy Bosu speaks against Court gave a judgement and the result was her ...... the Government had to pay much more money in compensation than the govern- SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : I quoted ment had originally intended. The party from the Commission's report. to which he belongs which I still believe is the Bharatiya Jan Sangh was always SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT : You opossed to nationalisation. quoted rule 371 and said that she had a pecuniary interest in Maruti. That I am cocnluding. We are very happy is what you meant. Luckily, this country that the public sector company will now does not go with Mr. Jyotirmoy Bosu. take up this work of manufacturing vehicl- That is our good luck. All of us ace es. We are happy that it is located near safe because of this. Delhi, in Haryana. In Delhi-Haryana generally big industries are not there. We SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE : are happy that an industry is being located It will. here; it will provide employment. Delhi is not Delhi alone; Delhi is mini-India; SHRI. K.H. L. BHAGAT: It will people from all the states live here. It never. Mr. Chatterjee, I am sure you will provide employment to people and it also will not go with him. Such remarks is a good thing which the Government • • . • . . . . Sir, the Speaker and eas done. I would only appeal to my you yourself, in your wisdom, had, made friends, if it has any meaning in their eyes, certain obs<'"rvations; and such remarks that Sanjay Gandhi-cruel hands of des- which are totally baseless, in my opi- tiny snatched him from us-was not a poli- nion, should go off the record. I tical person in the senc~e in which general- want to say one or two more things. ly politicians are considered,persons with Hon. Member Shri George Fernandes some kind of dual talk, hypocrisy. My aid that in a Press Conference the Prime own assessment is that if he had not been Minister, when asked : "What will the persecuted and prosecuted by the oppo- aationalised company do ?" said that "It sition parties and O]>position leaders J)is4pp1"oval ot AGRAHAYANA 28, 1902 (SAKA) Ma"uti Ltd. 330 (Acqtdsition etc.) Onl " 1f14",ti Ltd. (AcquisitiOR etc.) Bill and poops for Y'*:I qether, D\iYbe that meet its financial obligations ••• as a result young man would nOt have taken to politics of certain unanticipated adverse rac- aad maybe, in his life time he would have ton." aeated the car he had dreamt 01. 'Vitt. these words, I am thankful to you for givlftg me time to speak on this Bill. This I want to emphasise the words "'1tIWW Bill de8erves to be supporml. forgettiag 1_ of JIrotlwtiotl" and "UlltIIIMfJlIIIt/ fIIl- all the arguments which haw been ._ ffldtws". The Government baving Kiven by Mr. Bosu, political argumftlb suddenly woken up to the need for revival calculated to t.Ilmw dlDt in me eyes or of the automobile industry (or which the the people, motivatm III'JUmenb, a'I'gU- people are Cf)-ing and because or the ments which have already been ~jected valuable in&astructures available in the downright by the people, rejected thorou- Maruti complex and also because liquida- Ply by the people. arguments which are tion ~ngs were soing on in Punjab not going to take them anywhere. and Haryana Hig-h Court, they have decided to brillR forward this Ordinance SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN (Rada- and Bill. Theft' are IIlany other laudable gara ) : This Bill as well as the Ordinaaee objectives, according to the statement of which preceded this is a'dear cue-I would objects and I't'UOIlS, like Ca) upelatins car like to repeat it in this case as well -~, how manufacturing technology in India, (b) the Ordinance making powen of \he gover.- for generating lubstantial additional em- ment have been dearly misUJed. 0nIi- ployment and (c) for encouraging the ~cen~y pres~~ ~ey growth or ancillarie.. Laudable objecti~ situations and it is an emergeney indeed! He would have us believe that power. The expression 'immediate acdclb' th~ were the causes for immediate aecion must have a pUl'pOle'ful IDeUI1ftt for fCIIOrUng to an ordinance and talciag and relation to the exern.: or over this company. Obviously Goftm· ordaining power. Neither the .tate_"'is ment could DOt wait because they had a men t explaining de objects 'lind commitment to the people to modetllile ~s of this . Bill nor the .tatemern t aDd update automobile teehnoJo&,),,' Do made earlier in the House by my dil- it has a high priority as far .. this, rulilag tinguished friend. th~ Miniltc;r lor In- party is ccmc:erned. "tries, 1m! bten 'able to clarify the 1H*ition'9and the neeellity for'iritr04uc:i9g ot6'IftIIftee "M~ 'Maruti Ltd" and .!,I 'J wpu)d like to put this q1leltion: 'What .nINodate· con~rnp !lave bad a Chequq'id is this MaNti 00. or Complex? WithGut and 'U1-1ated ex1nf'nCC 'surroundec' by entering into any controversies ·drat·have mon~'me!\tal . eontrCJft'Di~. -I do not aarrounded this question whether it ta or want to'·go into those COritroversin ·nOw. the )lett~r of. in1alt, 'lict!llcel, laud or All !hat'I would like to say with dc;cp various other things like the .questioliable ~ 'ta, if Tau "go throUgh the Gupta means of financing the project, has it ever CommiMion'l report or' yanoUl answer. uced automobil~ which it was IQP- !bat' h*ve . been 'gWen' in .this very HoUie to prod~ce? That iI the very ·.ot'. onIr by this' Government or' by tile question. You would have to do ftl'lier Oovernmf'llt but ewo. dunal E~blence . to facts even to lugest tbat it ·the . Fifth Lok Sabha you will' fUid that has ever produced automobil~ or ever thf"ft' is no Jaw that· has not been violated entertd into commercial production as .by . this ~group of companies. Uid'or- the world and you and I understand iL tunately, this Ir.came our OWI1 version 'Here 'Is the Secretary or Maruti writing of Watetpte and it Cft'at~ two kind. to the deaJen, to which I want to draw or citizens in our 8OVere·gn democratic your attention. ulUr dtUed &/114m""', 72: republic I I do not want to go into "'l'he ear will be delivered to the dealers this 'background f!Xcq>t to say that: it was for showroom in the beginning of '73" • a Iftklat adventurt' -and at lea", in this Again another letter daUd October s. 711: _peel,"1 'am happy t~t somethi~g has IIIAccording to our forecast, the prototype been done, even though I shall go into the should be approved •••" Even before the details of it later as to the how and prototype is approved, he writes the why of·it, to end one phase of the eXis- -earlier letter. Let"r daUdJIIIIMflTY 211, 1979: tence -of the Maruti saga! But this '7he exact date for booking is yet DOt Minister who has come forward With this 6ecided." . On March 23., 1974, that ii, ~iU had to wait for one Secretary ,to retire '. two"years after the first letter, the Secre- '-.nd' another had to 'be pa&ed off 'and tary writes: "We are proud and glad to quite'''a ft!w othm' forCed 'to 1eave" berore inform you that your Maurti has passed '1le 'eou1d "bring fonvard this 'Bill ~fore all tats••• " .Again on -ffpriJ'S, 1975 be .ys: . tb. "Bouie. "bur other esteemed' deaJers will Dotilave to ~t' for a \'a'y Joag time."··Blt ""at -the .aicment of objeCts: add ~h:ams . ~e L.the facts ?" AU "these promiSCI~ ays: , Ietiirrs hu~-been' found t out" to be COIlCOC- '• .i*I ~ tbeIc .. promiiCs . proftd to. ·be - "!"!he 'am.~ ·COiiId .aot ~e UDtnIe. Not oQly theIC ·Idtten, ~t·..., ~\lie:apecied ~"'of, produCtioo -ad 1UCaIIiv~1Wl'" report ad baiaDt:d~ ...... : ., 33 1 DECEMBER 17, 1980 MClMJti Lttl. (Acquisition etc.) Ord.• )(4"," Ltd. (AcquflitiOR etc.) Bill [Shri K. P. Unnikrilhnan] earlier? Did they « did they not provide for depreciation in two, three succeamr gift \II an incorrect picture. The annU'l yean? I would maintain that thete are report for 1974-75 says: very important and relevant question! in relation to order of paVl1lenti and pay- "During the year concerned it was ment ihell. There was aM a question or JM*ible to start the manufacture of falIification of accounts. Ir the Minister Maruti can on """all 6asis." of Company I.aw can enlighten us on these qustions, it would be good. Underline the word ·moderate'. Now I want to talk about a very funda- Tb(' annual report of 1975-76 ..,.: mental and general quetion, not only about Maruti, and th.t j. the question of UDue to receaion in the automobile priority of the automobile industry. In indUitry, /IrOdueliD" was mainIaUaM/ at a the .tatements of Objects and Reasons IJ"Y low ral•• .. the hon. Minister talks about up-da,ing man~g technotO!Y in a public !eCtor Schedule 10 of the same report says that untt. I have always been (or pub'ic the annual production ~ached the magni- sector units and for nationalisation: but ficent number of !II can as agairqt the thiI iI not nationalitation, because there is to capacity of 50,000 can. Now, the real nothing here nationalise', You can- truth wu that the recession came earlier not nationalise IOmethinlf which just does DOt ezUt. What has been done ha. no· i~ 1973-'4 when there the lint petrol was ~ce to the means or forces of pro'; hike. But 81 hu ~n admitted by the CO;DIuJtanti and everybody, it was the total ductlOD, as we understand nationaUsation, failure to develop a .uitable commercial as a political or economic instrument model (or production and rejection of the which hal relevance to the forces of pro- company'. financial schemes by public duction. f nancial institutions which resulted in it. failure to take off. AU theae are on record. The basic question I want to raise I ~ Dot quoting (rom the Gupta Com- is the priority that thi. Government has m_on Report. ThUl, the truth ii, barring clven. to the automobile indUltry. Aa a few uaembled modell, it never pro- answer to th!s quest!on is necessary, be- duced can which even at this late days cause there IS a crymg need for invest- the Minister for Industry would have US ment even in the transport sector. A believe they produced bee.we he talb vital port like Bombay is crying for a of levels of production. The difFerenee ICCOnd port, NHAVA-SHEVA which in this iI !II: 50,000. requirel Rs: 100 or !ZOO crores, and they say there IS DO money. They have no money, as Shri ~E!athj Tripathi Now the question is, Parliament having knows, for Dew railway lines. There i. been pre:lCnted with a filii tII:eOmpli two DO money !O be invcst~ in vi tal system. buic question. arise--one· on the details transport act~aI of public Itself. No rapid of take over and the other, the use traDSpOrt systems can be developed, apart to which the IO-called \"aluable industrial from calcutta Metro, because we have DO infrastructure which has come as a legacy money. Now the Minister of Industries of Maruti to the Government will be ~vernment would have us invest a few hundreda crores made usc or. Firstly, the of rupees in this rccJdess adventure. spokesmen have been talking and going I do not want to attack, the mindless ~und talking about the assets and Jiabi- government today for not giving priority liues of this company in a very loose to such a vital sector as the power scctor, ~er. ~ am sorry to say that even the or the drought-prone areas programme ~nlSter Incharge has been doing this in or the drinking water supply for the rurai this House. The question is: what are the masses, but shall concentrate on the gross JIJt.d tlS#ts? What are the ".t fl#d automobile industry. Why? Your spokes- tIS_? What is the net worth of Maruli men during the North-South dialogue sltares as on the date of ordinance? What several rounds of which were going o~ are the inventories held by the compauy iD Geneva or elsewhere have attacked on the date of ordinance? Please let us the industri.Wscd countri~ for indulging know. in colossal waste. Now I ask what is . I. : .~ your moral authority and right today to I do Dot like to enter into various go and tell them that they are indulging other things like the order of payments in waste, when you are indulging in this monstro~ luxury. ID 1965, according to· J ~bout which the other ~ay; Mr. Indrajit Gupta spoke, or disappearance of assets the World' Bank, the developed countries to which Mr. Jyotirmoy Bosli referred spent !I. I billion dollars for the manu- . and various other things. But wnat was facture of. a~tomC?bile produc~ to maDU- . the ~~on· about assets and inventories facture products ·worth the international 'acC:oidiDg to the special cell that was market value of 800 million dollais· and set up in the Income Tax Department DOW it would be much more. 333 Disapproval 01 AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Maf'uti Ltd. (Acquiaiticm etc.) 0Td.• Mandi Ltd. (Acquisition etc.) BiU The autMlobile industry, as we all the time that he has chOilen to entt-r into know. requires ~ndous inYeltmc;nt. this ricklep ad,,~nture at the c,ost of na- machine tools. ~iaI installatioa materials tional exchequer and pe-ople • money. and exacting quality conb'Ol standard" He knOWt about the protfftive tariff walk. nat is why evm Maroti could not take- Could he dar.. say in dais ~ouse that off ~use it could not pass any test. he means busineSS and he waD produce Sir. when we are faced with a colossal and export automobiles in the f~ trade deficit of Rs. ••soo crol"el. wh~ able future? I would challenge him on this deficit iI .tann.- on our face. is th. thi• and let it !CO on record. ~at I mea.n the time when we .hould indulse in this tt) lay is. there is no .SOClal,. economic luxury. with nor astroJlt)mical bill. ror or political purpose behind thu measure petJ''lleum prnducts, are on the and this iI yt't another monument to a increue have t(One up even today by monumental roily. RI. ~ c:roI'ft? Is this the situation in ·whieh you want to enter into the auto- MR.. DF.PUT\'-SP.~KER: I haW" to mobile industry? inform the Houlf' that it has ~n decided in the meetinlt of thf' Busintsa AdYilory You know the basic lack 0( purchuinr Committe.. that the House will sit up to .power 0( our people. So. whom do you ,.on p.m. today. cater to? Do wu want to cater to the a~ man and his needs or do you Now, Mr. Shiv Shankar mly .peak. want te cater to a particular cIus by in'ftltment in this industry? As my mend THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE is a very good economist. he knows the AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI Brazilian model. Do you want to Jet up a P. SHIV SHANKAR) : Mr. Deputy- Brailian model as I remarked earlier on Speaker, Sir. various hon. Members on your own statement of Industrial Policy? the other side haW' opposed the Bill using Even for our 1C&rCe resources, like Iteel. various types of invectives and adjectives which are being utilized. have they no in the hope that they would be able to alternative priority use in our economy make out a caJe (or the non-acquisition and the country? of the undertakin~s of Maruti Limited. What has surprised me is that they wanted The worst thing that he should not to rely more on the events that proceded have done was to talk about ~neratin~ the liquidation proceedings and also cer- employment. That was a bit too thick, I tain events which were very hand" (or must say. Toyoto, with a production of them because of the appointment o( the I.ll million cars in 1976, employs only Commission lome time in 1977. ,0,000 people and it employs more than any other automobile unit in Japan. Yet. The relevant question that arises in a this i. the highest Jevel of employment matter of acquiSition of an undertaking ever reached by any Japanese unit. The would be whether what has been urged HindU5tan Moton last year employed by the Government, be it on the basis of 1...,000 worken. And, Mr. Minister, now, the Statement of Objects and Reasons, pray tell me, how much does it COlt to be it the various arguments that are create jobs in the automobile industry? advanced, has any rel~ancC' to the ac- These are very relevant matten (or quisition or, a. has been sought to be co_deration. made out, that it is clearJy a cue of 18 .... wastage of money-an amount o( RI. 4-34 lakhs is sought to be wasted -il the I would also like a refer, before I con- case that is advanced by the other side of c1ucIe, to the iDspired stories which are the House. Before I go into the details circalated about the possibility of ex- of the Commission and its proceedings portiDg cars •••• (Itllm'ufJliIPu) Stories on which the hon. Memberll have very ha9c appeared in the press about the much relied, I would like fir.t to give possibility of exports. This is a&o a bit certain facti so that the record could be too thick. I have not heard a more bigger put straight and at a later .tage I should absurdity than this. With the present be able to give the answers to the points intcmal prices or sted and in the present and the questions that have been raised situadOD where factory after factory, unit by different friends on the other aide. after unit are closed down in the inter- nadonal automobile industry, ,( you A lot has been said about assets and wen to say this and aeII the .tory to the liabilities. One aspect which is most im- people that 'we are going to produce portant is that, luckily for us, the state- autemobiles without steel or WIth im- ment 0( asseta and liabilities has been ported Iteel' and then sell it abroad it is filed in the High Court during the time bit too thick! When there is a recession they were in power. The Jiq uidau on particularly in the international auto- proccecfina's were started during the time mobile industry, as the Minister would the Janata Party was in power. Based bear me out, in Germany, in Japan and on the liquidation proceedings, a Liq ui- is tile United States they are closing down dator was appointed by the High Court, the units one after another and this is and filling of a statement of aJlets and 335 DECEMBER 17, 1980 Maruti Ltd. 336 .. (AcquiliUcm etc.) Ord. " Mtmai Ltd. (Acquilition etc.) Bill (Sbri P. Shiv 8...... 1 MR.. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : [Please wait. Be patient. liatNlitia under the Jaw was carried.out. A .taaement wu filed. AI oa that date. SHRI jYOTIRMOY BOSU : I am OD UICIKd aaetI, giviDg detaila, were • • ~t of order. One of the Council of &. 7,,1,51,14:1' 38. ThiI it the value of MiDitten Shri Bhagwat jba Azad is the UICU which wu giVeD within ~ laying, what is the proof ? I said, if mcaoing of ICCboD 4:;4 or the Compane" you read Gupta Commission '. Report, Act w~ the 0Ae hal got to go into aDd steel U COIling ••• baa 10' to file a .tatement 0{ ~ and liabiJitia before the court. When It C&IIIe (11llmllf*oru) to the question of liabiIiti~ '''CPRV'"t of aU the liabilities of the company OD that SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD : Steel date waa at IU. 5,67,37,53'· 3.5- This, is aDd Cemmt is SOing to the black market. the .catement w1iich baa beCD .fiIal. NOD sense you are talking all the time. All the time you arc ta.lkina all irrdCVNlt Argumentl have been adVaDccQ. here. things. (lfllm1Jptitms) }low do you laying. that the comp~y it worthlCII, thea:e know that the steel and cement went to the . is nothing to be acquired. If that were 10, black market? Are you dealing in black I leave it to the KOO

(r""rruptiorrs ) SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR : May I bring to the notice of this House that apart MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Mr. Bosu, from these debts which is a record in the 'be is replying. High Court, there are no other debts whatsoever ? If he is speaking about SHRl C. M. STEPHEN: Let us not other public debts, maybe he has got add on to the noise. He wanh to deRect. something in imaginaion; I cannot Let us not add on to his voice. Let him help it. He can indulge in that. But have a single voice. Let him get iso- the position is, 10 far as other debts are lated. For· heaven's sake let us keep concerned, they are not there. I thought -quiet. Let the Law Minister go on. that should give these details so as to make out a case because, time and again, SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR: Questions it has been argued-I will give further were asked from the other side about the details at a later stage-that it is a junk ; details of the assets. I am only trying to there Is nothing. It has been asked • oblige them. Why are you taking it over? Is it noi your intention that by takin~ it over MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He is a this money is sought to be diverted to party to the decision taken in the Business a particular individual ? It is in . that Advisory Committee that nobody should context I put the record straight. interrupt when another Member is speak- ing. I am reminding you, Mr. Bosu. The attention of the House was advert- (InterruptiDns ) ed by my hon. friend from Jaipur who moved the resolution and he tried to SHRI .JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I am m'\ke out a case, "Look, the Delhi Auto- only retaliating. (/nterruptio"s). mobiles Ltd. filed an application for the winding up of proceedi ogs." Before I MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Please go further, 1 thought, I should bring on do not interrupt. That is the decision reCord also that this very Delhi Auto- taken in the Business Advisory Committee. mobile Ltd., the same petitioner, who It is applicable to all the Members of the sought the liquidation of this concern parties. filed an application within the meaning or Section 391 and Section 394 of the SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR: As I Companies Act to take over this Company. was submitting, the furniture and fittings And his final application for decision were valued by the official liquidator by the court, he was pressing : "you decide at Rs. 3' 18 lakhs. The vehicles were my application": and this appl:cation was estimated at Rs. 3' 53 lakhs. Air condi- posted On 17th October, 1980, just before tioners valued at Rs. 2' 43 lakhs. the Ordinance was brought in ; because Tubewells-Rs. o' 95 lakhs. The total this Ordinance is dated tlie 13th October, comes to RI. 580. 591akhs. 1980; four days later, this ap~lication was to be disposed of. Now, what does he NOW, I go to the liabilities so that it file" That is also revealing. The gentle- may be clear as to what were the liabi- man who filed the application for I'quida- lities. The liabilities are: dues of the tion files the application along with a scheme and very many details, as alos .emploYees-Rs. I' 73 lakhs; Government 339 DECEMBER 17, 1980 Ma"'ti Ltd. 340 (Acquilition etc.) Ord. Ie Maruti Ltd. (Acquilition etc.) Bill [Shri P. Shiv Shanker] If he were there, I would have asked collaboration with a forrip company. him to just tax his brain and ~ca1I. Did And darn what he says in that is IIOIIIething he not propoee to nationalise this Maruti revealing. How he puts it up is like this: Ltd. himself when he was a Minister 'I 'I am prqlal"ed to pay the UDlCCW'cd credi- He had gone that far to make an efFort tors'. There were UIlICCured creditors, to II&tionalile the other automobjle indus- according to him; he gave the detail. and triea. I would have just asked him to said that the UDICCUI'ed crediton were to tax his brain a little and ~collect. be paid to the tunc of RI. 410 lakhs. He said, "We mUit enter into nC'gotia- Now, what he said was : "I will pay the tiOns with the OfIlcial Liquidator in whose entire amount of RI. 410 laldu to those management and possession the entire lIDJeCUred creditors within twelve months Maruti Ltd. is, 10 that we COuld purchase from the date that the court pagel the and take over the whole concern and use order" • And further he said, "Within it for the automobile industry". I do not twelve week!l from the date of approval know whether one has to change his of the scheme by the court, I will give a sides. So often, I am aware that he has bank guarantee to the tune of RI. 410 mastered this art. If I remember c0- lakhs, 110 that, if I do not pay the money rrect-I would be borne out by my c0- within one year, the unsecured creditors lleague who is sitting by my sidc-immC'- could collect R.I. 410 lakhs from the bank diatcly on the very day when he opposed itself." Now, Sir, if the aueu were to the no-confidance motion in this House be nothing, is this penon a fool, who 10 strongly in Sixth Lok Sabha he de8ert- him..elf moved for the liquidation, to come cd his party. . • • (Inltmlptioru). If forth with an application saying "To the this is the state of atrairs and his standard, unsecured crMitors, I am prepared to it is very difRcult for me to say any- pay Rs. 410 laltha"? Further, what he thing .... has said ia thi.: as regards the share- holders, this Delhi Automobiles Ltd. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : What has said that he i. prepared to purchase all about your fri('nd on your left 'I the shares at their face value and pay, within such time, tbe amount, as direct('d MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : No in- by the court. terruption, please. Thirdly, another bt'autiful thing is SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR·: You about the K'cured creditors. He said that, have nothing more except to say that. 10 far as the securC'd creditors were con- My hone colleague, the Home Minister cerned. he would DC'gotiate with the bank has giwn you a very good credit •.•• and takC' over the entire liability in the (/"tmuptions) • mannt'r in whjch the bank would like the entire amount to be paid, that is, Rs. 119 lakh.'i and odd. He said, "I am prC'pared If this is the st'nse of your l'nderstand- to pay that". Now, the point ing of what I am saying, then I am only is this. If you add Rs: 410 lakhs with sorry for it. tbeSt' lb. 119 lakhs-forget about the in- terest and every other thing-would it In the year 1979, answers were given not be more than RI. SOO lakhs" Are the in this House when questions were raist'd Gow-rnment, in paying the sum of Rs. 434 about Maruti-that the matter of taking lakh, losers or gainers 'I TAat is the ques- it over was under consideration. Be- tion that I put back to the other side. cause my friend ~ to be vt'ry impa- ThC'y should answer this. tient, I thought I should also bring to his notice as the leader of his party, a I have only referred to one p('rson who very revered ~ntleman who is also now fi)t'd thC' application. I relied on him the leader of hIS Party here, has himself, because \'t'ry much was relied by the other as early as on 1st August, 1977, address- side on his application for liquidation, ed to the Industries Minister, "Look, you becauSt' it became very handy to him, take over this Maruti Ltd. and nationa- with the change of Government, having lise it'" If it is a junk to-day, it should bet'n instigated by some of my friends have become a junk by 1977 because on the other side or outside, to filt' a liqui- between 1977 and 1979 you were in dation application and later on to come power. So I leave it to their good sense forth to grab this whole property and say, to understand. Had those assets which "Look, I am pl'f'pared to pay more than I have tried to bring out now disappeared R.~. 500 lakhs of liabilities and then de- who is responsible" I have already ,"Clop this industry". If it is merely a put a question to them for their under- junk or nothing, I do not think anybody standing and answer. What I am trying would have come forward like this. to say is : shall I presume or shall I not presume that in August 1977 when the Another 'thing which, I thought, leader of this big party writes to the 1 shOll d bring to their{notice is this. Per- then Industries Afinister to nationalise haps tny hone friend who op('ned the it, then that property was necessarily debate on this Bill forgot-he is not present such which could be made the basis. an here, Wlfortunately. infrastructure-which we are now trying 341 Disapproval Of AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Maruti Ltd. 342. (AcquUititm etc.) 07'd. " Ma",U . Ltd.. (Acquisition etc.) ,Bin make-for the purpose of the automobile worked and jott~d down th~ figures so that industry , tJte.yam at I~ast unck'ratand the language of a school boy. It is in that cont~xt I mould ghoe thf'm the df'wls. Unch-r clause ...... !l!, the priorities have IxTn liwn in the [Ma. SPE.\Ull ift IItt tWr] Schedul~. nr firat priority has been gi\oen 81 dues to the emplo)""eS which will co me If it is not . .bould at all this le-ttf'r to Rs. 1.73 takhs which is thr full am ount. have been addnsaed? Then, Sir, I presume The ~cond category is lh~ ~\~n\lf', taxes the hon. Mmaben s&orn the Communist and such other rates which are du e to Party of India would alao oppoee it be- Central Gowrnmmt and thf' State Gow-m- cause they have joined the band-wagon D'nt which come t~U8hly &.23040 lakhs. of tile C.P.M. thae days. (JflllmlJlIioru).1n That means this is due to the Haryana April 1977, the Ilar}waa Communist Governme-nt towards the land coat. I(COI11f'I Party of India look a dec:ilion which was to Rs. !6.,6 lakha. About the If'cured published in the paper on the 28th April loans, in 10 far as the- Banks are conCt'me-d, 1977, in the rlmls of /ntlill illelf wherein my hon. friend from Diamond Harbour it is said that the Haryana C.P.I. had said .... demanded illUll<"diate nationalisation of the Maruti Ent~aes. (/nlftTuJltioras) SHRI jYOTIRMOY BOSU: I have laid the financial institutions other than '" u"f_m ~: ~ "~,, the Banb. ~ il SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR : I am giving you everything. 1 have done the job of a bania paisa by paisa. I 0 fSR "~: ci~ :q-:;'(fT f~ "" 'I' have done it. I assume that role and (f,ft ~ 1ft '':;(IT q~ ~ ~ I am giving you the figure for that purpose. ~ l~ci"~T~T~·, ~)~ AN HON. MEMBER: Have Ipatience. ~il Cfiim ? .q' "cR~ Cfi~'IT q-rq- 1ft ~ iIi( ;n~lf I SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR: That amount comes to Rs. 178 lakhs. In the . categories of one to three, this makes VSlfW ~ : 'Ulif~m ~ ij a total of RI. 239' 49 lakhs. I am sorry I did not mean any disrespect to anybody qrq'iI)) if1=~ i ~ I becuase I am assuming that I am a part of all that society. SHRr P. SHIV SHANKAR I So, Sir, Then, Sir, under category IV it comes I have given certain instances which are to 63' 66 lakhs which is the gross amount not of the period when we wett in powt'r and there from, viz., category IV we but these were instances of the period are only paying 50 per cent. That ~o when thr .Tanata Party was in pCwer per cent is 31' 83 Iakhs towards deposits and then all of them were more or less received from the public or members of united. the company. Then deposit towards dealership has again been given only at Now, it is in such circumstances I SO per cent which comes to 119' 78 luhs. have tried to show that their own people Then any credit availed of for the purpose were very particular that this concern of trade or manufacturing operation out should have been nationalised, notwith- of ,58' 94 lakhs, we are paying ~9' 47 .tanding the statement of assets which I lakhs and share application moneys have given. According to me, the state- where shares were not allotted, Rs. ment of assets which has been furnished 13' 30 lakhs. These are the four cate- in the court in 1977 is highly undervalued. gories. I have given one example of the land itself whi~ has ~ valued at RI. 39 lakhs which, according to their state- Now, Sir I have done a little bit of calculation. Category V does not come ments, mU$t be in crOI"eS. To-day the posi- tion is that it must rlDl to double or into the picture, namely, any other dues. trebl~ ~atever They get washed off. If category I to or it may be. It must category IV are added up the total comes run mto. qwte a ~~ crores of rupees_ at least In two dig'lts. In such circum- to Rs. 433' 8, lakhs and the amount that stances, this company is being taken Over has been provided in the hands of the and Rs. 434 lakhs are to be paid. To administrator is RI. 434 lakhs which is whom? I shall give the detailS so that only going to meet this amount upto the position may be clear because they categories I to IV. This is the detail have asked for it. hon. Member asked which I have givm and it is this which An would reveal that the entire amount a questi( n lIf"me t~rue back as to whom will be appropriated only for ~e ~UJeS are you paying this? Like a very good that are mentioned here. Not a smglc and very obedient school boy, I have paisa is going out. One of the hon'ble 343 DECEMBER 1'1, 1980 MClruti Ltd. 344 (AcquUition etc.) Ord. & Men'uti Ltd. (Aequilition etc.) BiU r [Shrj P. SbiYe Sbmker) trr.!nc to I&y about nationaJ.isation. I will OaIy read this portion. 11. ..,. : Member asked me as to how are we tEoilll to ulilile this money. From the fi~a '7be Janata Gow:mment which I have liven, p-rhapl he win be III a was eager to nat:ionaJile the Maruti poIitioa to undentand proprrly. company wb.ic:h ultimately led to the propc»al to nationalise the Sir, objection hal been railed as to entire automobile industry had why this Ordinance. Well, I will leave abo propoeed to set foreign tech- all other punds to be brought to tbe DOIoIY to manufacture engines at notice 0( the bon 'ble Member by my the .Gurgaon factory." (riend. the Industries Minister but one IfI'OUnd which I have already said Now, Sir, what I was telling you is the musl ..Wly tbe entire 0:rPosition, if' &tmtmti& TlIMs does not IUpport us nor- they are with open mind an i( they are mally but what was under active consider- with doled mind I cannot convince them, ation in the Janata Government was that is. the application 0( Delhi the nationlilation 0( MaNti. I leave Automobiles wu polled on 17th ac. it at that, because, they have talked about ber, .g80 in the Higb Court 0( Punjab 'malicious' 'motivated' approach and and Itaryana. We bad necessarily to 10 on. Now this paper says, because they take the decision early in order to stall wanted to nationalise Maruti, ultimately, the procetdinp in the High Court because they hit upon a plan of nationa1ising this man wan ted to grab the entire aU the automobUe industry. It is a propeny (or nothing. It is because of matter for them to decide, whether thil that it becamr absolutely neceaary. their .tand was motivated or malicious; I leave it to them to judge for themselves Therefore. a decision had to be taken. on this count. A decision had to br. taken well within time, before 17th October, I gSo. And if we have taken the decision on 30th Now, IOmething has been said about October to illue au ordinance we the Report of the MaNti Commi!sion. have only dpne what anybody· ought to I have a great respect for the learned have done if he meant to be right and judge who is still a sitting judge of correct in the eircumstances. This is the Supreme Court. But I would· like • the poIition which they should under- to recall to my friends on the other side stand. what are the attitudes that they had developed in establishing commissions. For example, the Member spoke of Shah There is one more aspect to which I Commission itself. Even disinterested must refer. What was said was rather I. lurprising that in the annals of the· papers are on record to say that this judicial history in this country at any Commission was persecuting and not prosecuting. point of time no concern was acquired when it was under liquidation. (/nlnrujJ- lions) . DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY (BombarNorth-EPlt) . Which Sir, the idea behind the argument wu, paper • look. the company is under liquidation, SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR: I will if the company is under liquidation you are trying now to acquire it. It sit down with you and show so many papers. You can very well appreciate had never happened like that. I thought the American jurisprudence also. He J could mention only two Instances for their benefit. The Sick Textile Under- was in that party at that time. takings (Nationalisation) Act 1974 was brought when many textile undertakings DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY were under liquidation. This enact- I am still in that party • • • ment was then brought on the envil of the statute. Likewise, Alcock-Ashdown Com- SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR That pany Limited (Acquisition of Under- truncated party, yes· ••• taking) Act 1979 was passed by this Parliament when the company was AN HON. MEMBER : Trifurcated under liquidation. So, I do not think pany. any argument could be advanced to say : Look, because it is under liquidation, SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR: Sir, you cannot acquire it. After all, this is shall I tell you one incident where I. had the sovereign power; the State exer- to appear. I ask to the good conSCIence cises the power on the principle of 'emi_ of the hon. hfembers who are sitting there nent domain' and the State can always on the Opposite: would they vo~chsafe .1 do it. This is the position which I thou- My Prime Minister was chatged m M8I11- ght I should bring it to your notice. pur where I myself bad to appear t? plead for a case that ODe person COIDIIII- Even as• lat s sometime.. lD 0 etob erJ tted a theft of two chicken and six eggs IgSo, I fi'lci, &Momie T""" wu also and my Prime Minister was issued a 345 AGRAHAYANA 26, 1902 (SAKA) Ala""" Ltd. 346 (AcquUition cCC.) Ont•• Jfan&ti L't4. (Aeqldlitioa etc.) Bill pon.bpj'abJr warrant by the Goftmmeat at . StlRI jYOTIRMOY BOSU : Thry that time. This is tbtir llalldatd and eould I did DOt. • • • • • • • • • (I..,..,....,) ... question 1 could they appoiDt the perIOD the of' Commiaion as CJairman the ~owJ who bappmd to be the Actvocate General SHIU P. SHIV SIiA.l\XAR : of a Sta.te who could also head the Co- what happmd 1 I am Pft"pami to qUOte fron.. this book of law ftladn. to mm.iIIion, wbo Q)U)d prOIrCUte, per'If'- cute and judge each and nu-yone , C~illion. of Enquiry w~ it was said that wbrn tbe Home Minister was (I'*""ttti-) ....ed who will help, the ftply was that tbe CBI was inwstiptilll and IN DR. SUBRA.\{A."'1A~( SWAMY : Enquiry Officials will hrlp. AI d ulti- I my say that the Advoc:ate-General mately what ha"pcned , One--sided was employed by you duril18 the Emu- evidence was produced brfore thl" Co- lency. Thi. B"ltlcman wmt abroad ~iOD. The perIOnI conccm~d did and you IeDt him abroad. not apprar btcaUJe of the attitude that the Shah Commi!lion had adoptC"Cl. SHRI P. SHIV SHA.~KAR: I know I had an opportunity to ap~ar bci'ore it is on record. You employed him as the Shah Corrunissinn on behalf of lhr. AdYocate-Geueral. You empioyt:d him then flome Minil't'r. The mcmt'nt as the Chairman or the Commission and you stood up, he sluted putting questions it i. this man who framed the charge that as if be was c:ross-t"XAmlning. w.. he two chick~ns tnd 6 eas were stolrn in proeecuting or was he a judF' Thi. Manipur. And for that a non-bailable attitude was adopted by the Shah Co- warrant W81 issued •••• (/""""I'titIfU) Is mmiaaion. Wide pubUcity was aivm this the independence of judiciary they in the T.V. As a result of all thil, we have .0 much become vocal Now, what had to think whethn we were: lOinl Jutpprned is this. Without going further to get any jUltice from these commi.iona. into •••••••• (/IItnruJllif1fU) . After all this publici ty in which you PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: have indulged, these commissions that (Raj pur) : We don't mind stealing were established, the report. that you ega and chickens but our freedom was obtained were publiciRd widdy in the stolen. elections in the year 1980, the people's court, the greatest court has giVt'n the SHRI P. SHIV SHANKAR : With verdict. That means that all these all respect to you, what. surpriled me things have bct'n set at naught by this is this that somebody has been lugged in pat soverrign who undentood every Manipur like this. I have not MeIl able thing, who realised the apprClach that to understand as to how the former you were taking and it is a much biggn Prime Minister waa responsible and and much greater court .. compared to that man was asked : "Have you seen any of these commiuions. The leu we the Prime Minister"' Ik said : talk of these ec.mmiuion., the bt"tter. c·Yea". ··Where" 1 "On the road". I There is somcthinl, there i. a bigger have also seen her. This is how he was auth
