HAMPSTEAD. Rmiddlesex.J

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HAMPSTEAD. Rmiddlesex.J DIRECTORY.] 699 HAMPSTEAD. -rMIDDLESEX.J Pollock Alfred Atkinson, Heathfield, Rogers Alfred, 5 Haverstock terrace, Shaw Richd. Hambley, 23 Belsizepark Squire's mount Helsize Park garden8 Shearer James, 44 South Hill park Pons J. 49 Downshire hill RogersEdward,4 Golder's Hill terrace, Shepherd Thomas, 2 Holly place Poole Paull''aulkener, Upla:&ds, Green North End Sl•erratt .Tames, 15 Albion road, Finch- Hill road Rogers Miss, 10 Bel~ize Park gardens lev New road Pope Richard, 3 Wildwood grove, Rogers William, 13 Belsize park Sherriff John William,S Maitland Park North End Rooth G. 4 Park road, Haverstock hill villaR, H averstock hill Pope Thomas, 58 South Hill park Roper Frank, Green Pond street Sherriff William, 42 Belsize park Porter Edmund Robert, 43 Belsize sq Rose H. Cooper, M.D. 6 Rosslyn ter Shinn Chas. Rose cottage, Lower heath Porter Henry Edward, 5 Golden Hill Rose Wilmot, 18 M aitland Park road Shipman Miss, 29 South Hill park terrace, North Encl Rose Miss, 11 College ter. Belsize road Shirreff Hy. Robt. 57 Belsize Pk. grdns Porter Jonathan, 16 Fairfa.x road, RossMrs.14 Albion rd.FiuchleyNewrd Shout Robert Howard, 21 Upper Park Finchley New road Rosser John, 11 Lismore road, Haver- road, Haverstock hill Potter George, 3 Willow road stock hill Shuter Wm. 66 Belsize Park gardens Powell Dvd• .J.P. Heath ldge. Upper hth Rotter Charles, 58 Park road, Haver­ Shuttleworth Frederick, Wilton cottage, Powell Geo. Cedar Lawn, Upper heath stock hill Lancaster road, Belsize park Powell Wadham Henry, 5Albion road, Rowhand Mrs. Heathland lodge, Vale Shyn John, 8 High street Finchley New road of Health Simmonds Benjamin, 6 Lancaster road, Power Edward, 45 Belsize park Rowe John, Frognal hou!!e Belsize park Powis Charles, 101 Finchley road Rowe John, 7 Lawn rd.Haverstock hill Simmonds Mrs. 44 Gayton road Powles William Evelyn, Fairfax road, Ruddock Wm. A. 20 Maitland Park rd Simmons G. 20 Well walk Finchley New road Rudler George, 6 Pond street Simmons G. R. 37 Belsize square Prance Henry, M.n., M.R.c.s. Rookes- Ruf Leopold, 26 Belsize square Simmons Mrs. 13 Well walk lea, Green Hill road Russelll\Irs. John street Simpson John, M.R,C.P. 120 Belsize Prance Miles, 4 John street Rutherford James Buckley, 14 Belsize Park gardens Prance Reginald Heber, Frognal crescent, Belsize park Simpson W. 19 Vicar'srcl.Haverstk.hill PreedyJ .42U pperPk.rd.Haverstockhill Ryan Edward, 1 Church road, Park Sinclair Frederick, 10 Maitland Park Preston T. S. 28 Thurlow road road, Haverstock hill villas, Haverstock hill Price Charles, 10 Mansfield villas, Sacre Edward, 66 Finchley road Sinico Guiseppe, 77 Finchley road Rosslyn hill Sadler Rev.Thomas,PH.D.[ Unitarian], Sinton Miss, 41 Maitland Park road Pritchett B. 38 Park rd.Haverstock hill Pilgrim's lane, Rosslyn I• ill Skeel W. 45 Down shire hill Puddifoot J. 11 Church row Saillard Madame, 6 Fairfax road, Skuce W. 5 Mansfield rd.Haverstock hl Pugb Richard Thomas, 14 Bel~ize park Finchley New road Slocombe Alfred, 2 Green, West end Pulvermacher Isaac Lewis, Windmill St. Clare Madame, Park house, 1\'fait­ Small William, 3 The Mall, Park road Hill house, Windmill hill Jar:d Park road Smart F. 13 Buckland viis. Belsize prk Punnett Thomas Fisher, 14 Buckland St. Quentin Perry, 12 College terrace, Smith Rev. Richard Henry [Congre- crescent, Belsize park Belsize road gational], 28 South Hill park Purcell Rev. A. D. 5 Holly place Sandt>rson J. 9 Eldon road Smith BasilWoodd, .J.P.Branch Hillldg Purnell William, 38 Belsizepark Sandilands Alfred, 56 Belsize park Smith Frederick, 11 South Hill Park Quaritch Bernnrd, 3 Haverstock ter- Sandilands Harry, 27 Fairtax road, gardens race, Belsize Park gardens Finchley New road Smith G. E. 21 Downshire hill Raban Mrs. 36 Maitland Park road Sangar 'l'homas, Heath house, New Smith Geo. 40 Hampstead Hill gardens Radermacher John, 7 Lancaster road, End square Smith George, Oak Hill park Belsize park Sang·ster J. 41 Parkrd.Haverstock hill Smith George Fredk. 76 Finchley road ~ Raikes Robert, 63 Belsize park Sansom G. 12 Downshire bill Smith Geo. Fredk. 62 Maitland Prk.rd Rait McLoch Logan, 30 Down~hire hill 8argant Henry, 56 Belsize Park grdns Smith H. 30 Maitland Park road ltamsay Alexander, 2 Well walk Sarf?ent Rev. Henry John, 1\I.A. fcurate Smith Henry, The Mount, Heath street ltamsay Miss, 16 Christchurch road of St. Peter's1, 32 Bel size Pari{ gt·dns Smith J ames, l\'fanor cottage, Frognal Rankin .Alexander, 5 Willow road Satchell T. 55 1\'Iansfield road, Haver- Smith John, 62 Belsize park Rankin John, 7 The Mall, Park road stock hill Smith John, Canterbury ho. West end Ransson Leon, 70 South Hill park Satow Theodore, 7 Eldon road ~mitb J olm, 7 Gordon villas, Mansfieltl Rathbone Mis!l, 72 South Hill park Satterthwaite W. 8 Pond street road, Haverstock hill Rayment E. 29 Park rd.Haverstock hill Sayer Miss, 19 Maitlantl Park road Smith J oseph, 15 Mansfield villas, Redman Capt. G. J . .J .P. 6 Belsize park Scar!ett E. 12 College crescent, Bel- Rosslyn hill Redpath Thomas Alex. 9 Belsize park size road Smith .Miss, 8 Church row Regnard Albert, M.n.::J Maitland Park Schiller Ferilinand, 7 Belsize park Smith Mrs • .Belsize house, Belsize lane villas, Haverstock hill ~chleifer Maurice, 32 Belsize SI]Uare Smith Mrs. 1 Cannon pi. Squire's mnt Reid Mrs. 27 Heath street Schmeades Otto, 80 Belsize Park grdns Smith Mrs. 15 Gayton crescent Reid Mrs. 4 Heath villas Schofield W. Row cottage, West end Smith Mrs. Highbury ho.20 1'hurlow rd Reid Thomas, Plas Gwyn, Frognal Schwann Frederick S. 2 Prince Arthur Smith Mrs. 20 1\laitland Park villas, Renaud .John, 53 Finchley Newrond road, Green Hill road Haverstock hill Renton Chas. J. F. L.s.A. 2 Rosslyn ter Scott Georg-e Gilbert, 26 Cburrh row Smith Mrs. 2 Mansfield vils.Rosslyn hl Reynolds John Russell, M.n., F.R.s. Scott Mrs. ~3 Avenue, Belsize park Smith Mrs. Oak Hill park Mount field, Child's hill, North End ~cott W. B. 16 Church row Smith Mrs. 9 Up. Pk. rtl.Haverstock hi Reynolds John Stuckey, 4 Cannon Scott William, 12 Lancaster place, Smith Mrs. 26 Well walk place, Squire's mount Helsize park Smith Mrs. Franklin, Highburybouse, Reynolds Mjs8, 9 A venue, Bel size park Scratchley Arthur, 4 College terrace, Windsor terrace, Rosslyn park Rich Elihu, 33 Maitlatld Park roatl Bel size ro&d Smith Mrs. Nelson, 9 Bel size square Richards F'rancis, 63 Mansfield road, Seager J ames, 85 Finchley road· Smith Phillip, 26 South Hill park Haverstock hill Seaton John talbert, 28 Belsize park Smith T. E. 67 Belsize Park gardens Richards James, 3 Green, West End Sennett Miss, 9 Gordon villas, .Mans- Smith William, 40 Gayton road Richardson Wm. 64 Belsize Pk. grdns field road, Haverstock hill Smithers Alfred, 44 Upper Park road, Ridley John, 19 llelsize park Sewell William, 39 Park road, Haver­ Haverstock hill Ridley S. E. 3 Hampstead Hill gardens stock hill Smyth .A.rchibald Jackson, 18 Maitland Ridpath Geo. 67 Fiuchley New road Seymour Miss,5South Hill Park gar­ Park villas, Haverstock hill Ripley Thomas E. West end dens, South Hill park Smyth Luke Dowel) M.D. Snowdon Rishworth Arthur, Gothic cottage, Sbackell Thomas, 3 Heath villas, Vale house, John street West End of Health Hmythies John K. 57 Belsize park Risk Bouverie, The Mount, Heath st Sharman Francis, Elm lodge, Elm row SoHy Rev. Hy. Grove ho. Rosslyn hill RivingtonMrs.Pilgrim's Ia.Rosslyn hill Sharp Charles, 69 South Hill park Solomon Solomon, 44 Belsize Pk. grdus Roberts Henry, 17 Belsize square Sharpe Rev. Henry [incumbent of Homers John B. 59 Belsize park Roberts John H. 82 Finchley road Trinity], 11 College cres. Belsize road 8outhey Mrs. 3 Avenue, Belsize park Robertson John Camp bell, 9 Lancaster Sharpe Henry, 30 Well walk Southey William, 13 Downshire hill road, Belsize square Sharpe Mrs. Grove house Sowerby Mrs. 38 Fairfax road, Finch- Robertson Mrs. 35 Park road, Haver- Sharpe Sutton, South ldg. !!quire's mnt ley New road stock l1ill Sharpey William, P.R.s. John street Spalding Henry, 17 Lvndhurst road Roche John, 72 Belsi:ze Park gardens Shaw Mrs. 16 Albion road, FinchlQy Sparkes William, 4 Cliurch row Rocbe Miss, Grove lodge, Grove New road Spaul Daniel, 1 Park terrace, Pa:-k Roff Josiaht 8 Golder's Hill terrace, Shaw Norman, 10 A.lblon road, Finrll­ road, Haverstock hill North Ena ley New road Spence David, 3 Burgess bill 45* .

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