The Parish of Upper

St John, Midcable. St Michael, Cold Kirby. All Saints, . All Saints, Old Byland. St Mary, Scawton

Parish News December 2020

The Revd Helen Rawlings writes Dear Friends I do hope you are all well and remaining safe as we come out of lockdown and go into Tier 2. This means we will be allowed to open some of our churches for private prayer again. Lord Jesus, Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas. We who have so much to do and seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day, We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us Of course, this Advent is like no other any of us have experienced, as we prepare for Christmas and celebrating the birth our Lord. In some ways I think this pandemic has focused our minds on what is really important and enables us to think about what Christmas is truly about. Things are going to be relaxed a little over Christmas so that we can see our immediate families. It also means we can mean in church for a socially distanced service. We are still not allowed to sing but we can listen to music. On Christmas eve at 10.00pm we have our ‘midnight’ mass service at All Saints Old Byland and on Christmas morning we will have a service at St Mary’s Scawton at 10.00 am Both of these services will be Holy communion (by extension) In the meantime, we are continuing to meet every week on Zoom. Please email me if you have yet to receive your invitation: [email protected] Dates for your Diary On Saturday 12th December we will be lighting a tree on the green at Old Byland. This could be a ‘drive-in’ for some of you. As last year everyone is welcome to come along but of course unlike last year I cannot offer refreshments from the Rectory, so please bring your own. Carol singing is restricted to 6 people outside but hopefully we’ll have big enough speakers for everyone to hear. Unfortunately, our Crib service this year cannot take place in church because we couldn’t maintain social distancing so instead, we are going to hold a virtual Christingle on Zoom. Christingle kits will arrive on door steps in plenty of time for the children to make them for on Christmas Eve when everyone will be invited to light them and hear something about their meaning. Everyone is welcome to take part and it is very easy to join using the zoom link which I will send you… All I need is an email address to forward the link to. Almighty God, healer of the sick and strength of the weak, look with mercy on all those who suffer at this time. Bring healing to those who are sick, bring peace to those who are anxious, bring strength to those who care for them, and bring wisdom to our leaders that our whole society may journey together through this difficult time with determination and generosity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Deacon Helen Parish News The future of churches in Upper Ryedale At the last PCC meeting consideration was given to the future of our ancient churches. As a result of these discussions, Vicar Tim has arranged a Special PCC meeting with the Archdeacon of Cleveland, the Venerable Amanda Bloor, on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 2.00pm in Cold Kirby Church. At this meeting we will explore further the future of the Parish, what options are available to us and how we might proceed. In the meantime, churchwardens are asked to gauge reaction amongst the residents of the Parish to the closure of some of our churches. It would also be helpful to establish how many people are prepared to commit to: (1) Attending church services, (2) Undertaking a lay role in the Parish. (3) Giving regular financial support.

Collection for the Food Bank We are asking again for your support for the Food Bank in Advent. As usual non- perishable goods are required, Let Elizabeth Settle know that you have a bag for collection. Otherwise, Scouts can accept collections at. the Scout Hut in Helmsley every Thursday, 5.00-5.30pm, until 17 December Many thanks.

Scouts Christmas Card Delivery The 1st Helmsley Scout Group are again delivering Christmas Cards in the area from 12th December for 20p each to Old Byland, Cold Kirkby, Scawton and Hawnby as well as Helmsley, Sproxton, and as they did last year. However, they are unable to deliver to outlying farms and properties. Envelopes should be addressed with Surname, House Name/ Number, Street Name and Post Code. Stamps (20p) are available now until 17th December from Elijah Todd, Helmsley; the Scout Hut; Hearts of Ampleforth; The Evans’; The Conarchers’ Wigham House, Oswaldkirk and Smith,64 Bondgate, Helmsley. Last Post: 3.00pm18th December. All proceeds are for New Scout Hut.

Rievaulx Methodist Carol Singers. It is with great sadness that we have had to take the decision not to go house to house Carol singing this Christmas because of Covid-19 and the government guidance for social distancing makes it impossible for us to come as a group to your homes. On the other hand, some of you might have found it difficult to welcome us because of your own fears of meeting people during this time. We will miss it and meeting you all so much, but through the Parish News we send you our love and may you know that "Jesus, is the reason for the Season" in your hearts and homes at Christmas and always. Jesus didn't just come as a baby in a manger at Christmas but He wants to live in your heart as your Saviour and be a part of your life every day of the year. Instead, if you have access to the internet, we invite you to look at the Christmas page which will be launched soon on our Church website. Website, or find us on Facebook. On the website you will find some favourite carols being sung and also there will be the link for you to join us on Zoom for our Carol Service on the evening of Sunday 20th December at 6.30 p.m. which will include some favourite carols and a Christmas message from the well known evangelist and author, Canon J John. We also invite you to look out for carols and services to listen to on the radio and TV during this season. We have already received enquiries as to whether we will be receiving money for a charity this year, and, if you would like to do so, you can send donations for the Air Ambulance by cheque payable to "Rievaulx Methodist Church", or if you contact me personally for the Church bank details (email: [email protected]) we are happy to receive internet payments also. You will no doubt have your own special favourite carol, but we end this message with the last verse of what is probably our most asked for carol "In the bleak mid- winter": What can I give Him, Poor as I am, If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb. If I were a wise man I would do my part, Yet, what can I give Him Give Him my heart. Sheila Foster Helmsley Arts Centre The Helmsley Arts Centre has re-opened with a limited programme of events. Please go to website for details.

Sincere Thanks from Jeffrie and Ann Strang Ann and I would like to say thank you to so many people in the local community who wrote or phoned offering help and comfort during a dark period when I was very ill in Hospital. The response from so many people demonstrates what a close knit and caring community we live in. I am pleased to report that I am progressing well since coming home on 7 September. Thanks to all of you.

Newsletter Contributions for the next Parish News for next year to be sent to.

Chris Barnard, Garden Cottage, Old Byland. Tel 01439 798426 or Email [email protected]