David K Bryan | 9781451496444 | | | | | Ascension of

In his conclusion, Keene returns to the present state of the question in order to determine the usefulness of the debate and to suggest future trajectories. Luke's Literary Creativity. A major study that uses intertextuality in the way that Hays presented it is by Kenneth D. The second model mentioned above pays much attention to the quotations from Scripture, which are said to have above all an apologetic purpose in defending and supporting a messianic exege- sis. Carl N. Indeed, the influence of the LXX is a marker of Lukan style. That is of course not how Pervo would like us to see things. He classed them into four categories: evangelistic, deliberative, apologetic, and hortatory. One of the most ancient understandings of the relationship between these books is the Augustinian Hypothesis, which derives its name from the famous fifth century Bishop of Hippo. Though the view of Acts as history is still the dominant perspective, there is a growing movement that is challenging this label. No such consensus, however, has been gained for Acts. Talbert, What is a ? While select studies have focused on particular aspects of these accounts, however, the importance of the ascension to Luke-Acts calls for renewed attention to the narratological and theological significance of these accounts. Not im- possible. In there is a strong variant reading with the participle aorist so until Nestle-Aland25which would undo the hiatus. But instead, it is met with sharp angelic rebuff and the affliction of total muteness — A few Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition have even tried to argue that Luke 16 So, repeatedly and with emphasis, E. Minneapolis: Fortress, For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and out they come! In ActsPeter quotes from Ps and Ps In what fol- lows I propose to explore briefly three topics that have received some attention in the past years. No ratings or reviews yet No ratings or reviews yet. The International Standard Encyclopedia. Bloomington, Ind. Therefore, based on what he saw as anti-Judaistic tendencies in the writings, he accepted ten of the Pauline Epistles and the into his self-made canon of Scripture. Luke has re-read these Scriptures in light of the Christ-event and he interprets them as predictions about the minis- try, suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, the out- 9 For examples of the kinds of issues and questions raised in consid- ering the use of Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition in Luke-Acts, see Richard B. This Tendenz is especially visible in the parallelism between Peter and Paul, where Luke shaped the narrative in such a way so as to make the two apostles look identical. The Visual Bible: Acts film. The traditional ascriptions of the to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were assigned several decades after the writings were composed. Dunn, Jesus Remembered vol. One major theory, stemming from Adolph von Harnack, is that Luke primarily used two sources for most of Acts 1— a Jerusa- lem source and an Antiochene source. In extensive and detailed planning? Howard Marshall, Luke: Historian and Theologian 3d ed. Jackson, K. The majority view stands over against three minority posi- tions. Before the conversion of Constantine in AD, early honored the ascension of Christ in a cave on the Mount, and by the ascension was venerated on the present site, uphill from the cave. Finally, one should explain why there are significant differ- ences between the Gospel and Acts for certain aspects and not for others. Balch has attempted to map paral- lels between Acts and Hellenistic history writers, concluding that 38 T. Figures familiar to Jews would have included Enoch from the Ascent into Heaven in Luke- Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition of Genesis and a popular non-Biblical work called 1 Enoch ; the 5th-century sage Ezra ; Baruch the companion of the prophet from a work called 2 Baruchin which Baruch is promised he will ascend to heaven after 40 days ; Levi the ancestor of priests; the Teacher of Righteousness from the Qumran community; the prophet Elijah from 2 Kings ; Moseswho was deified on entering heaven; and the children of Jobwho according to the Testament of Job ascended heaven following their resurrection from the dead. William S. In Gerhards, Albert; Leonhard, Clemens eds. Ascension Of Jesus

Pervo is not dismayed by the fact that no 69 Pervo remarks that the cultural elite of the day would not have seen Acts or Luke for that matter as sophisticated history. The Making of Luke-Acts. Leuven: Peeters, David C Cook. I have therefore decided to focus on one set of arguments only, those mentioned in the last chapter. Save on Nonfiction Trending Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition is based on prices over last 90 days. A second matter requiring clarification is how one is to deter- mine Ascent into Heaven in Luke- Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition presence of a source. It is not clear by what criteria one was reckoned to belong to the second or the third generation. This item doesn't belong on this page. Taking a well-known story and completely changing the set- ting, the characters, the events, the causes, the outcomes, and the context, with so little evidence of the former narrative that only the highest-powered microscope can find the connections, is not mime- sis. Nevertheless, it appears that he did glean much of his ma- terial from Mark and Q. Baur stands as a formidable exponent of the problems of the historicity of Acts. Second, though there are superficial similarities between Acts and historical romances, there are also differences. This is not to say, however, that the other papyri are not of interest or lack im- portance. Groh and R. Acts24; ; Dicken concludes that, despite the widespread agreement of the early , we still do not know who wrote Luke and Acts. Thus, a shift in style does not necessarily reveal a shift in sources. David G. His research interests include Synoptic studies, extra-canonical literature, and the reception history of the in the early church. Temporini and W. Christine M. Although some scholars have delved deeply into the primary literature to create a set of criteria with which to compare Acts, all too often there has only been a cursory comparison with just a handful of literary features before making an assertion of genre categorization. fringe theories Stolen body Swoon Lost body Twin. The significance of the event at the end of the Gospel and the beginning of Acts have long been recognized. First, it is very difficult to gain insight into the textual character of such a small fragment. Until more evidence becomes available, a tentative conclusion such as this is the best we can expect. This is easier to determine for the Gospel than for Acts, and so most likely will introduce a complicating factor. It certainly needs to be looked into in much more detail than can be offered within the framework of this essay. Not only have there been several important monographs published in recent years which have received broad interest,1 but there are also a number of commentaries on Luke and Acts slated for publication in the near future. Luke is first and foremost true to the traditions he received and is flexible enough to switch genres when needed. AB The implied reader is the Chris- tian or an interested sympathizer, as for example, the most excel- lent Theophilus Luke 1. Sanders and Craig A. The traditional ascriptions of the Gospels to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were assigned several decades after the writings were composed. Regarding the former, Hurtado suggests that the variety of Christological claims and beliefs in Acts points to the author seeking to represent a cer- tain spectrum of early Christian Christological expressions and af- firmations and to reflect specifics of the Christological discourse of various circles of believers and in various settings. New England Hardcover Books. KiyosakiPaperback 4. Originally proposed by C. BZNW Luke certainly had, as everyone does, a number of influences in his life and education that would have been factors in the way he com- posed his accounts. But such thoughts are only preliminary and rather general ones; so I propose to have a look at two of the arguments Pervo develops in his eighth and last chapter. Adams further evaluates Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition formal fea- tures of Acts and how they relate to ancient genres, particularly biographies. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts: New Explorations of Luke's Narrative Hinge

Skip to main content. Arguments based on the assump- tions and the praxis of the ancient Church have only a relative val- ue as do all arguments. Additionally, some claim that the choice of Luke as the author seems more likely be- cause he is such an unlikely candidate, particularly in the early church when canonicity was often tied to apostolicity. We found something similar. Whatever the amount of influence, it is certain that Baur viewed Luke as a highly tendentious historian who could not be trusted to provide an accurate record of what actually happened during the apostolic period. Both Luke and Acts were written in the latter-half of the first 1 For a good overview, see T. Lake, and H. Talbert, the perspective of Luke-Acts as biography successfully challenges the dominant perspective of Acts as history. Luke may have known of individual occasions when Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition spoke there. Ascension stories were fairly common around the time of Jesus and the gospel-authors, [21] signifying the deification of a noteworthy person usually a Roman Emperorand in Judaism as an indication of divine approval. Other scholars have argued that this unity is to be found above all in the way Luke has theologically supported his major intention for writing his work, regardless of whether this is defined as an apology for Christendom or as a plea for interpreting Jesus in light of the messianic claims and prophecies that had been made in Jewish tradition and Scripture. Whether Paul died after the Roman imprisonment of Acts 28 or a later imprison- ment is immaterial. Luke — A similar conclusion was reached by the respected American scholar Henry J. Osvaldo Padilla Ph. Griesbach in the eighteenth century. The first two, that of the author and that of the manuscript tradition and the canon, pose no problem. Log In Sign Up. Here, leading scholars discuss the ancient, literary and theological contexts of the ascent-into-heaven accounts for the next generation of interpreters Item Description: Includes bibliographical references pages and index ISBN: But that is our fate in most scholarly discussions. Actually, the situation is slightly more complex. Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition, Craig A. Gospel of Luke. Institutional Login. Smalley; The Hague: Mouton,— Rather, he is focused upon how Luke used stories, especially the Elijah-Elisha narrative, as the basis for creating out of whole cloth a story of a man named Jesus and his early followers. For what I consider to be still one of the better responses to White, see A. Also, we should note a few assumptions that undergird the above argument. It is a priori not impossible that Luke had a rather clear idea of the overall structure and that he had some good ideas about how to write particular sto- ries, and that this may have influenced the way he composed the Gospel. None of this seems historically plausible for Baur. In particular, she does not ad- dress the first half of the Acts narrative in her comparison of Paul and Socrates. Jewish and Christian Liturgy and Worship. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles 3d ed. LNTS To this end, Padilla examines the speeches in rela- tion to what he believes are the three most researched aspects of speech scholarship, namely, historicity, theology, and genre. Likewise the twelve disciples minus Judas remain rid- dled with fears and doubts when Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts New Explorations of Lukes Narrative Hinge 1st edition first appears alive among them — The author is very well aware of the latter and at the end of her monograph expresses the wish to go on with this kind of research. Though this is a significant characteristic, it is by no means the only one. Even if the author is named in the Prison Epistles, all that this provides is a potential pool of candidates, not a definitive indication. Dick- en evaluates these positions through a detailed analysis of second- century sources. All these essays, together with some other ones, were collected in one volume in ; see Andrew F. A major study that uses intertextuality in the way that Hays presented it is by Kenneth D. Most are what we may call evangelistic or missionary sermons. His research interests include Luke-Acts, Matthew, 1 Peter, suffering and mission, and ancient and modern historiog- raphy. Both missions are interconnected in a more positive way. An Introduction to the New Testament.