Ashton-under-Hill The Beckford Overbury Parish Alstone & Magazine Teddington May 2019 50p MAY Tis like the birthday of the world, When earth was born in bloom; The light is made of many dyes, The air is all perfume: There's crimson buds, and white and blue, The very rainbow showers Have turned to blossoms where they fell, And sown the earth with flowers. Thomas Hood Schedule of Services for The Parish of Overbury with Teddington, Alstone and Little Washbourne, with Beckford and Ashton under Hill. MAY Ashton Beckford Overbury Alstone Teddington 10:30am 10:30am 9:00am 5th May Village 9:00am Family CW HC 3rd Sunday of Worship BCP HC Service Katy Morgan Easter Church L Burn Lay Team Team 12th May 6:00pm 10:30am 4th Sunday of Evensong CW HC Easter Lay Led R Tett 19th May 9:00am 6:00pm 5th Sunday of CW HC Evening Easter L Burn Prayer R Tett 26th May 10:30am 6th Sunday of United Parish CW HC at Ashton Easter R Tett 30th May 7:30pm Ascension Day Deanery Ascension Day Service at Drakes Broughton JUNE 9:00am 2nd June 9:00am BCP HC Sunday after CW HC L Burn Ascension Day D Lewis Morning Prayers will be said at 8.30am on Fridays at Ashton. Holy Communion is celebrated at 10.00am on Wednesdays in St Faith’s Church, Overbury. Please note that this service is now being held back in Overbury as from 1st May. Clergy: Revd David Lewis Revd Rick Tett (Curate) Readers: Roger Palmer Parish Office: You can contact Amanda Bath, the Parish Secretary on the following days and times: Tuesday mornings: The Rectory, Bredon, 9am to 12noon: 01684 772237 Thursday mornings: Beckford Village Hall, 9am to 12 noon:01386 881349 or
[email protected] Page 2 Lightning Strikes In the year 1769 a church in Brescia, Italy, was struck by lightning.