Study plan Primary teacher education grades 5-10 - 5 year master education (session-based teaching)

Programme description

The programme is organized in a flexible model in which teaching and learning occurs in many learning arenas. Participation is mandatory; there will be 6-8 weeks per year of intensive seminars held on campus. Between meetings, learning arenas such as web meetings, study groups, seminar groups, praxis or discussion forums will take place. It is assumed that students will participate actively both in and between meetings, and take responsibility not only for their own learning, but also within the group context. The programme aims to create a challenging and constructive learning environment, where students meet exciting challenges, with the aim of becoming good teachers with high aspirations for their students. We require that all students attain a basic police clearance.

Praxis is conducted in select praxis schools that work in partnership with University of Nordland, preferably in Nordland County.

For Elementary School Teacher Education ¿ 5-year master (grades 5-10), obligatory subjects include didactics and teacher education (60 ECTS credit points). The rest of the degree subjects add up to 240 ECTS credit points, chosen according to the following criteria :

Alternatives 1 and 2 (60 ECTS credit points): University of Nordland offers either Norwegian or mathematics in the first two study years.

In addition, students can choose English, Natural Sciences, or Music as subjects for 60 ECTS credit points.

Praxis is mandatory and must be supervised, reviewed and varied throughout the programme. Praxis is described in detail in the course plan for praxis.

A mandatory bachelor thesis is submitted during the third year. Some of the work attached to this task, as well as an introduction to scientific method and theory, comprises 15 ECTS credit points of the 60-credit obligatory course in didactics and teacher education. The bachelor thesis represents independent and research-based written work that is related to school activities, and is described separately and in detail in the course plan and relevant literature for the bachelor thesis for Elementary Teacher Education.

In the fourth year, the available modules include Adapted Learning in addition to elective advanced studies in Norwegian didactics, mathematics didactics, general didactics or opportunity and growth (special pedagogy). One must also choose between Religion and Ethics or Arts and Crafts.

The fifth study year consists of research methodology and theory in addition to the master¿s thesis. These are carefully described in the course plan for each subject.

ECTS Credits 300 Study level Master's degree (5 years) Teaching language Norwegian Faculty The Faculty of Education and Arts Course location Nesna

Study model

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Page 1 of 66 1st study year

Autumn 2016

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PED129L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 1 (1/2) Ends spring 2017

PR121L Teaching practice grades 5-10; 1st year (1/2) Ends spring 2017

Elective courses 1 (click to choose) Elective courses 2 (click to choose)

Spring 2017

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PED129L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 1 (2/2) 15 SP

PR121L Teaching practice grades 5-10; 1st year (2/2) 0 SP

Elective courses 1 (click to choose) Elective courses 2 (click to choose)

2nd study year

Autumn 2017

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PED125L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 2 (1/2) Ends spring 2018

PR122L Teaching practice grades 5-10; 2nd year (1/2) Ends spring 2018

Elective courses 1 (click to choose) Elective courses 2 (click to choose)

Spring 2018

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PED125L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 2 (2/2) 15 SP

PR122L Teaching practice grades 5-10; 2nd year (2/2) 0 SP

Elective courses 1 (click to choose) Elective courses 2 (click to choose)

Page 2 of 66 3rd study year

Autumn 2018

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PED126L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 3 (1/2) Ends spring 2019

PED127L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 4 - Bachelor´s thesis (1/2) Ends spring 2019

Elective courses 2 (click to choose)

Spring 2019

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PED126L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 3 (2/2) 15 SP

PED127L Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 4 - Bachelor´s thesis (2/2) 15 SP

PR123L Teaching practice grades 5-10; 3rd year 0 SP

Elective courses 2 (click to choose)

4th study year

Autumn 2019

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

Specialization - minimum 60 ECTS credits (click to choose) Elective courses 4 (click to choose)

Spring 2020

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

PR124L Teaching practice grades 5-10; 4th year 0 SP

Specialization - minimum 60 ECTS credits (click to choose) Elective courses 4 (click to choose)

5th study year

Autumn 2020

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

ST308L Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology (1/2) Ends spring 2021

ST312L Research and Contemporary Debates (1/2) Ends spring 2021

ST314L Master's Thesis (1/2) Ends spring 2021

Spring 2021

Course id Course name ECTS Credits

ST308L Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology (2/2) 20 SP

ST312L Research and Contemporary Debates (2/2) 10 SP

ST314L Master's Thesis (2/2) 30 SP

Page 3 of 66 Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes for the five-year elementary teacher education are formulated on the basis of the national qualifications framework and the European Qualifications Framework. Upon completion of the study programme, the learning outcomes gained are defined as knowledge, skills and general knowledge. The different areas of expertise are reflected in the subject plans for the subjects of education, and the learning outcomes should be considered together with the subjects' content and methods aimed at 5th - 10th grades. The program will provide solid scientific and didactic knowledge in the subjects included in the education, as well as knowledge of the subjects as both school subjects and research subjects.


The candidate

has solid academic and didactic knowledge of the subjects involved in education and the subjects' knowledge-based foundation has advanced knowledge in the disciplines and specialised knowledge in a defined area. has a thorough knowledge of the subjects of scientific or artistic theory and methods can apply knowledge in new areas within the disciplines can analyse scientific problems based on the subjects of history, traditions, originality and their place in society has thorough knowledge of child and adolescent learning, development and education in different social, multicultural and multilingual contexts has knowledge of methodological approaches has knowledge of national and international research and developments relevant to the teaching profession


The candidate

can independently and in collaboration with others plan, implement and reflect on teaching in and across disciplines, based on research- and experience-based knowledge can analyse existing theories, methods and interpretations in the fields and work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving can use appropriate research methods academic and / or artistic research in an independent manner can evaluate and use relevant research results and even undertake systematic development can analyse and think critically about information sources and apply these in order to structure and formulate scientific reasoning can conduct independent, limited research or development projects under supervision and in accordance with applicable ethical standards can evaluate and develop their own practice, and through this contribute to growth and development, both academically, didactically and organizationally can reflect critically on their own specialisation at the master¿s level can apply their knowledge by reflecting and actualising one's own research topic


The Candidate

can identify his or her own learning and skills in relation to the teaching profession, and possess the expertise needed to adapt to the needs of schools as they change in the future can analyse relevant academic, vocational and ethical issues can apply knowledge and skills in new areas to carry out advanced tasks and projects can undertake extensive independent study and within this express ideas about the subject of study in a skilful and expressive manner can communicate about issues, analyses and conclusions in the field, both to specialists and to the general public can contribute to innovation and growth processes

Admission requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification

Language requirement

View general admission information

View specific application deadlines In addition, a minimum grade of 3 in Norwegian and mathematics.

Career possibilities

You qualify for work as a teacher at a high level in primary school 1.-7. class.

Page 4 of 66 Further education

After completing master's degree anda gained at least two years of relevant work experience, you can applys for admission to the PhD in studeis of professional practice.

Study abroad

The sixth semester of the degree is an international semester, in which students are encouraged to take a semester at one of our partner institutions overseas. More information will be provided during the study.


Some costs are linked to individual subjects. Please see the individual course descriptions for the various disciplines.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning

It is not possible to apply for admission on the basis of real-life experience.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

The Norwegian system for grading and assessment using the letter grades A - F, in which A denotes the best/highest grade and F denotes "not passed". Work can also be assessed as "passed", "not passed", "approved" and "not approved".Refer to applicable legislation, rules and regulations

Assessment methods

Various forms of evaluation are used in the programme (please see the course plans). This is to ensure quality in professional education, and with respect to the "Regulations for Studies and Examinations at UiN" § 5-1, that students have passed all subjects in their first two study years before beginning the fall semester of their third year. Students will not receive their choice of subject in the fourth study year unless the requirements for their subjects from the other years are completed. Primary teacher education is an integrated study with unity and coherence between theoretical and practical studies and between subjects and didactics, which means that obligatory practical training at various stages is closely associated with the subjects offered at the corresponding stage. Obligatory work and participation is included in the individual course descriptions. Submission deadlines are according to each course plan or in the overall semester plan. Al work must be delivered within the specific deadlines.

For information about the formal policies regarding examinations, please refer to the higher education law, published regulations on the national curriculum and the national guidelines for primary teacher training and the regulations governing studies and examinations at the University of Nordland.

The University of Nordland is responsible for assessing whether student teachers are fit for the teaching profession. Evaluation takes place continuously throughout the year, and advising and guidance on areas needing improvement, or perhaps the advice to leave the study, should be given as early as possible. There are separate regulations for suitability assessment in teacher education, and a committee is established to ensure that these are met. "Regulations for Suitability Assessment in Higher Education" 0859.html).

Graduation requirements

The final exam for the study programme is the Master thesis.

Programme evaluation

The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme director. The evaluations form a part of the University's quality assurance system.

Page 5 of 66 Qualifications requirements and regulations

Refer to applicable legislation, regulations and related guidelines

Subject descriptions (31)

Page 6 of 66 Subject descriptions (31)

Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 1 PED129L There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Bente Forsbakk Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Compulsory Faculty The Faculty of Førstelektor +47 75 51 77 07 Start semester Autumn 2016 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

The main focus in this subject is introduction to the teacher's role and the development of competence in being able to plan, carry out, and evaluate the work of teaching. This must build up from knowledge of the pupils' learning processes, individually and as a group, and on the meaning of social and cultural expectations. The teacher's actions in leading, stimulating, motivating the pupils so that they engage in the learning processes which create meaning, are central. It is equally important to develop the ability to reflect over choices and their reasons, and to be open to critical reflection in connection with the choices which are being made and have been made. Content, points of view in discussions, written work, practice and seminar are directed specially towards the stages 5 - 10.


There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have a basic knowledge of the teachers role have knowledge of the teacher's work, and its mandate from society have knowledge of the school's administrative statement and the challenges which are implied in realising the intentions have a basic knowledge of learning and learning processes, communication and group processes as a basis for the planning of teaching , and of basic abilities' meaning for all learning have insight into professional principles, and the dilemmas a teacher must tackle have a basic knowledge on class leadership, various forms of work and evaluation, and how teachers can build up a good and inclusive learning atmosphere, based on observation and knowledge of the pupils.


be able to plan, give reasons for, lead and evaluate teaching exercises at basic level, and adjust for differentiation and progress in training in connection with children's different expectations (adapted teaching) be able to explain and understand the connection between the didactic categories' content, aim, method of work, evaluation, pupils' expectations and limiting factors be able to give simple learning-corrected reports, according to differing forms of evaluation be able to take part in simple teaching-plan analysis be able to assess the value of teaching materials for basic abilities and the competence goals of LO6, both generally and in regard to the subject curriculum.

General competence:

have insight into how one forms relations with pupils, guides them and assesses for further study have an insight into how one can stimulate the pupils' zest for learning, perseverance in study, and the feeling of responsibility for their own work in this field be able to reflect critically over his/her own, and others' teaching, and use relevant research for a basis on which to develop or change pedagogical practice

Page 7 of 66 Course type



Lectures are open, but initiation in and use of other ways of working such as role-play, different kinds of tasks and project-work, attendance at groups and seminars, tutorials, and teaching practice, are reserved to students who are engaged in primary school and lower secondary school education.

Mode of delivery

Teacher-training is a professional workplace in which active participation and collaborative learning are central. All the semester-plans and timetabled activity in the PELprogramme are therefore compulsory. In addition, the student has the responsibility of being ready for the set-time sessions of instruction. For students who, because of unusual weakness due to illness, or for other serious grounds of welfare, have not been able to fulfil this demand for obligatory participation, different arrangements can be made, after application and individual approval. Alternative schemes of work must combine to ensure that the study-goal in the subject shall be achieved. This possible alternative task, or studies, must done and approved before the concluding examination or exercise in the subject.

Recommended prior knowledge

Not applicable.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

PED124Lv1 Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 1 - 15 study points.

Course literature

Bergkastet, I og Andersen, S. (2013). Klasseledelse. Varme og tydelighet. Oslo: PEDLEX Norsk Skoleinformasjon, Hele boka 69s Bjørndal, C.,R.,P. (2012). Det vurderende øyet. 2.utg. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Hele boka 144s Imsen, G.(2015). Lærerens verden. Innføring i generell didaktikk. 5.utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Store deler av boka benyttes. Kap. kunngjøres ved studieoppstart når boka er utgitt. Imsen, G. (2014). Elevens verden. Innføring i pedagogisk psykologi. 5.utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Kap 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 198s Lyngsnes, K. og Rismark, M. (2014). Didaktisk arbeid. 3.utg. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Hele boka 198s Nordahl, T. (2013). Hva kjennetegner god klasseledelse? Lokalisert på konferansen/Filmopptak-fra-konferansen/Hva-kjennetenger-god-kVideo 37 ½ min Postholm, M.B.,Haug,P.,Munthe,E. og Krumsvik, R.J. (2011). Lærerarbeid for elevenes læring, 5-10. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget. Hele boka 251s Slemmen, T. (2014). Vurdering for læring i klasserommet. 2.utg. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Hele boka 179s Utdanningsdirektoratet (2012). Klasseledelse. Lokalisert på: Opplæringsloven, forskrifter og LK06 (Kunnskapsløftet) Inntil 3 bokkapittel/artikler som legges digitalt på fronter

Page 8 of 66 Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 2 PED125L There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Bente Forsbakk Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Compulsory Faculty The Faculty of Førstelektor +47 75 51 77 07 Start semester Autumn 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

The learning pupil is central. The principal focus is on the organising of teaching processes that the school¿s fellowship takes care of both the majority of pupils and of each individual child, with their unique and individual expectations for learning, content, approaches in discussion, written work. Practice and seminars are directed specially towards grades 5-7.


There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have a basic insight into how motivation can stimulate learning have knowledge of the complexities in a child's growth; development and learning in different social, cultural/ multicultural and religious contexts have knowledge of the child in exposed situations such as maltreatment, tyranny, lack of care, bullying, or different crisis situations: what the individual teacher's and school's responsibilities are in such situations know what can be an indication of lack of care, oppression or bullying, and how one can deal with such problems from the school's side have knowledge about speech and the development of understanding as a basis to develop underlying abilities have knowledge of the basic abilities which form the ground for the pupils' development of learning strategies and metacognitive understanding have knowledge of the challenges and possibilities connected with planning for the individual needs of children in difficult life-situations have insight into how likenesses and differences in boys' and girls' conditions of growing up, and the consequences for the work of teaching in middle stages and in the 12 - 16 yr. Schooling have knowledge of the media's influence, and of young people's active involvement in various media have knowledge of central national and international laws and rights which have a meaning for the growth of the child


be able to organise special teaching in an inclusive learning community from a starting point of knowledge of the child's development and learning be able to organise teaching by building a good learning atmosphere and learning-promoting group processes based on knowledge of pupil relationships, communication and exchange be able to organise progress-charts, learning-related reports, and evaluation of and for teaching face to face with pupils and parents be able to evaluate and analyse learning benefits, in view of his/her knowledge of the pupils' differences, learning strategies, social and cultural background, and identity be able to take part in the analysis of popular culture's media expression, as it affects the identity development of young people

General competence:

have a conscious awareness of his/her own ability to build relationships, and the ability to dialogue in meetings with pupils have a sense of personal and professional worth, as a basis for the development of a pedagogical outlook , in his/her development as a teacher have a professional broad competence concerning the pupil's learning and development, such as he/she , from a reflective and professional standpoint, can be in dialogue with pupils and their parents concerning the pupils' subject knowledge, and their personal and social learning and development have an insight into and understanding of the school's structure and limitations with regard to the benefits gained from teaching, by the pupil

Page 9 of 66 Course type



Lectures are open but initiation in and use of other ways of working such as role-play, different kinds of tasks, project work, attendance at groups and seminars, tutorials, and participation in practice teaching, are reserved to teachers who are engaged in junior school education. Student-teachers who are engaged in following special studies may follow the course in selected subjects.

Mode of delivery

Teacher-training is a professional workplace in which active participation and collaborative learning are central. All the semester-plans and scheduled activities in the PELprogramme are compulsory. In addition, the student has the responsibility of being ready for the set-time sessions of instruction.

For students with special needs, absence due to illness or other welfare reasons have not been able to fulfil the compulsory participation; special arrangements can be made, after application and individual approval. Alternative schemes of work must combine to ensure that the learning outcomes in the course is completed. This possible alternative task, or studies, must done and approved before the final examination or exercise in the course.

Teaching activities and methods

Study is organised on a flexible model, where teaching and learning occur in many arenas. Participation is compulsory. 6 - 8 times a year there is session-based teaching on campus. Between these sessions, use is made of such learning management systems and on-line meetings, colloquium groups, seminars, practice or discussion forums. Guidance comes as a central part of the teaching and learning process. The content of instruction is connected in a great degree to practice.

By making use of various ways of work in practice, on campus and online, where the students themselves must be active, setting and solving problems. The students will develop creativity and entrepreneurial abilities, competences and strengths, which are important for the ability to engage in the various aspects of the up-to-date role of the teacher, and to take part in the school's changing and developing work. Teaching/learning is a social process. The development of a professional- subject discernment presupposes participation in varied forms of work connected with professional matters. Emphasis will on the students' participation in discussions, and ability to recognise and interpret what they learn. Collaborative learning is a goal in itself, and taking part is a necessary preliminary to the development of one's own competence. Reflection over theory and practice is vital for the development of professional competence in the work. The exchange of teaching requires that the students take an active part in the teaching/learning process, and set to and work with educational material for themselves.

Recommended prior knowledge

Students must be competent in spoken and written Norwegian.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually through questionnaires (mid-way evaluation and end-of-course evaluation). The evaluations underdertaken as part of the University's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Portfolio, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Oral examination.

Compulsory attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Must be passed prior to submission of the Oral examination.

Assignment, comprises 40/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F. Must be passed prior to submission of the Oral examination.

Oral examination, comprises 60/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Page 10 of 66 Overlapping courses

PED130Lv1 Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 2 - 15 study points.

Course literature

Damsgaard, H.L. og Eftedal, C.I. (2014). ..- men hvordan gjør vi det? Tilpasset opplæring i grunnskolen. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. Hele boka 229 s Imsen, G.(2015). Lærerens verden. Innføring i generell didaktikk. 5.utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Utvalgte kapittel. Kunngjøres i ved studieoppstart når boka er kommet ut. Imsen, G. (2014). Elevens verden. Innføring i pedagogisk psykologi. 5.utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Kap 5,7,9,10,11, 12,13,14,15 310s Rygvold, A.L. og Ogden, T. (2008). Innføring i spesialpedagogikk. 4.utg. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Kap 2, 3, 4, 6 145s Pettersen, R. C. (2009). Læringens hvordan. Strategier, motivasjon og tilnærminger til læring. I H. P. Wille og R. Svanberg (Red.), La stå!: læring - på veien mot den profesjonelle lærer (s. 91-132). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap 4 42s Postholm,M.B.,Haug,P.,Munthe,E. og Krumsvik, R.J. (2011). Elevmangfold i skolen, 5-10. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget Hele boka 254s Inntil 3 artikler/kapittel som legges digitalt på fronter.

Page 11 of 66 Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 3 PED126L There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 3rd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Compulsory Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2018 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Course description

The development of the teacher's professional role and identity are central. Content, aspects brought out in discussion, written exercises, practice and seminars is specially targeted towards grades 5 to 10.

Topics that are dealt with in PEL 3:

The inclusive and equal-value school Dealing with bullying and conflict The school's historical development / the school's mandate within society The school as an organisation The school in society; school/home, the local environment Collaboration with professional bodies outside school Transition from first school to junior school to the 16 -19 school Democracy, development and the development of identity; the school in an internalised world Teacher collaboration/ team teaching


There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Page 12 of 66 Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have knowledge of the school as an organisation, on its framework and organisational structure have an insight into the meaning of collaboration and its process, with various examples at different levels, and what these can mean for the pupils' learning and development have knowledge of what community means for the pupils' learning processes, and how bullying and conflict may build up have knowledge of the meaning that a variety of multicultural elements such as language, religion and socio-cultural background has for education in an inclusive school characterised by tolerance, dialogue and respect have knowledge of what democracy, culture, and the development of identity for the operations of a school in an internationalised world have knowledge of the school as an institution in society, and of the values and strategies behind a school's development in Norway, and how its mandate and function have changed over time have knowledge of the transition from kindergarten to junior school, and from the young peoples' school, at 16, to the senior school


be able to show a critical approach to the analysis of class- and group- processes, and employ techniques that stimulate learning know what can encourage the understanding of democracy among those engaging in democratic processes be able to plan, carry out, and evaluate expository discussions on various subjects, such as development, zest for learning, evaluation be able to organise active forms of teaching, and critically appraise didactic , professional and school teaching questions in the light of suitably adapted instruction, with special emphasis on the drawing out of basic abilities, and some basis for professional development and change be able to make use of varied, suitable practical , concrete teaching means as a basis for teaching, and for investigating ways of working and teaching be able to arrange aesthetic experiences as a basis for aesthetic appreciation know how one can arrange for a socially active school, and how to connect the pupils. learning experience with local work- and cultural- life

General competence:

have understanding of the developing of a professional teacher's role, and the challenges which accompany education and instruction in a multicultural society be able to conduct him/herself , and take part in discussions about professional values, and the problematical questions on professional ethics have insight into what can further dialogue and tolerance in a pluralist society

Course type



Lectures are open, but initiation in and use of other ways of working such as role-play, different kinds of tasks, project work, attendance at groups and seminars, tutorials, and participation in practice teaching, are reserved to students who are engaged in junior school education. Student-teachers who are engaged in following special studies can follow this course in selected subjects.

Mode of delivery

Teacher-training is a professional workplace in which active participation and collaborative learning are central. All the semester-plans and scheduled activities in the PELprogramme are compulsory. In addition, the student has the responsibility of being ready for the set-time sessions of instruction.

For students with special needs, absence due to illness or other welfare reasons have not been able to fulfil the compulsory participation; special arrangements can be made, after application and individual approval. Alternative schemes of work must combine to ensure that the learning outcomes in the course is completed. This possible alternative task, or studies, must done and approved before the final examination or exercise in the course.

Teaching activities and methods

Study is organised on a flexible model, where teaching and learning occur in many arenas. Participation is compulsory. 6 - 8 times a year there is session-based teaching on campus. Between these sessions, use is made of such learning management systems and on-line meetings, colloquium groups, seminars, practice or discussion forums. Guidance comes as a central part of the teaching and learning process. The content of instruction is connected in a great degree to practice.

By making use of various ways of work in practice, on campus and online, where the students themselves must be active, setting and solving problems. The students will develop creativity and entrepreneurial abilities, competences and strengths, which are important for the ability to engage in the various aspects of the up-to-date role of the teacher, and to take part in the school's changing and developing work. Teaching/learning is a social process. The development of a professional- subject discernment presupposes participation in varied forms of work connected with professional matters. Emphasis will on the students' participation in discussions, and ability to recognise and interpret what they learn. Collaborative learning is a goal in itself, and taking part is a necessary preliminary to the development of one's own competence. Reflection over theory and practice is vital for the development of professional competence in the work. The exchange of teaching requires that the students take an active part in the teaching/learning process, and set to and work with educational material for themselves.

Page 13 of 66 Recommended prior knowledge

Students must be competent in spoken and written Norwegian.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory coursework, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Oral examination.

Home examination, 1 weeks, comprises 40/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F. Must be passed prior to submission of the Oral examination.

Compulsory attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Must be passed prior to submission of the Oral examination.

Oral examination, 30 minutes, comprises 60/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto.

Page 14 of 66 Pedagogy and pupil knowledge 4 - Bachelor´s thesis PED127L No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 3rd study year Elisabeth Hansen Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Compulsory Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor 47 74 02 26 21 Start semester Autumn 2018 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

Bachelor Dissertation, Theory of knowledge and Research method. Change and development in the school.

The subject, Pedagogy and Knowledge of the Pupils , concludes with an individual research-based written paper based on the student's own question-setting , connected with teaching practice or another aspect of the school's activity, and should deal with central professional, didactic and/or pedagogical challenges which confront the school. The work shall shed light on central problems or questions connected with the professional carrying out of duties, and shall give experience for critical reflection over and professional argumentation linked with the student's own, or another's, teaching, as a basis for change or development. The work comes under "Pedagogy and knowledge of pupils", but the choice of theme and seiing of the question cam make it of current interest to draw other professionals in, for the process of guidance and assessment.


No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have knowledge of central professional, theoretical questions in the field of educational research and insight into research methods which are relevant for such research, with special weight on active teaching/ active research have knowledge of practical, professional and pedagogical challenges in the school which are solved through work with the Bachelor's programme have experiential knowledge of the topics which this course of work deals with


be able to enter critically in to the analysing of relevant research work connected with school and teaching be able to initiate, plan, set in train and evaluate the work of development and change in the school be able to use professional theory- and research-method- knowledge in the expression of his own research project , and is able to write in a professional manner have acquired proficiency in academic writing.

General competence:

be able to show professional engagement in professional and pedagogical questions, and can argue about and take the initiative in setting up and evaluating various tasks of change and development connected with questions of school work be able to apply him/herself to questions of ethical research

Course type


Page 15 of 66 Prerequisites

Lectures are open, but initiation in use of other ways of working such as role-play, different kinds of tasks, project work, attendance at groups and seminars, tutorials, and participation in teaching practice, are reserved to students who are engaged in junior-school education. Student teachers who are engaged in following special studies can follow the course in selected subjects.

Mode of delivery

Teacher-training is a professional workplace in which active participation and collaborative learning are central. All the semester-plans and scheduled activities in the PELprogramme are compulsory. In addition, the student has the responsibility of being ready for the set-time sessions of instruction.

For students with special needs, absence due to illness or other welfare reasons have not been able to fulfil the compulsory participation; special arrangements can be made, after application and individual approval. Alternative schemes of work must combine to ensure that the learning outcomes in the course is completed. This possible alternative task, or studies, must done and approved before the final examination or exercise in the course.

Teaching activities and methods

Study is organised on a flexible model, where teaching and learning occur in many arenas. Participation is compulsory. 6 - 8 times a year there is session-based teaching on campus. Between these sessions, use is made of such learning management systems and on-line meetings, colloquium groups, seminars, practice or discussion forums. Guidance comes as a central part of the teaching and learning process. The content of instruction is connected in a great degree to practice.

By making use of various ways of work in practice, on campus and online, where the students themselves must be active, setting and solving problems. The students will develop creativity and entrepreneurial abilities, competences and strengths, which are important for the ability to engage in the various aspects of the up-to-date role of the teacher, and to take part in the school's changing and developing work.

In the course of the autumn term the students, working together with the PEL-teachers, must work out the statement of a problem as the starting- point for individual investigation. This enquiry should be connected to practice and reflect central practical, professional and/or pedagogical challenges in school, and shall end up with a bachelor paper, to be handed in towards the end of the spring term. This subject runs parallel with PEL 3 in the 5th and 6th semesters Teaching in professional theory will focus on the school profession's angles and questions. On the basis of an obligatory method course the students, working together with subject-teacher(s) choose how they will carry out their investigation. Question-setting and methods shall be approved by the teacher(s). Possible ethical questions connected with data-collection and data-materials must be cleared by the teacher(s), the Rector and teachers at the particular school, and maybe with pupils' parents. The investigation shall give the students experience with professional perspectives on educational practice , such as sharing in change and development work connected to school-subject or other pedagogical questions . Critical reflection and evaluation are central. In net- and practice-based studies all study assemblies are obligatory.

Recommended prior knowledge

Students must be competent in spoken and written Norwegian.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Bachelor Thesis, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Must be passed prior to submission of the Bachelor Thesis.

Compulsory coursework, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Bachelor Thesis.

Compulsory coursework, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Bachelor Thesis.

Page 16 of 66 Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto.

Page 17 of 66 Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology ST308L The course gives a broad introduction to qualitative and quantitative research approaches, and different methodological issues. It provides insight into and experience with how one can approach to plan, carry out, evaluate and disseminate research. No costs apart from semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 20 Year of study 5th study year Wenche Rønning Level Graduate Course location Bodø og Levanger. Course coordinator Course type Compulsory. Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +47 75 51 76 13 Start semester Autumn 2020 Education and Arts Teaching language Norwegian [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

This subject gives candidates insight into pedagogical research and also give them the ability to plan a methodical, scientific, theoretically-sound research project. The traditional way of distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative research is often artificial in a pedagogical and special- needs pedagogical context. We have chosen to divide the subject into four sections: design, research method, research tools, the presentation of research.


No costs apart from semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course:


The student should have:

A thorough knowledge of concepts, theories and methods which form the basis of pedagogical and special-needs pedagogical research A comprehensive knowledge of different views in academic theory A broad overview of the chief strategies used in pedagogical and special-needs pedagogical research Insight into the whole research process, from the formulation of projects to work with data and data presentation.


The student should be able to:

Analyse the use of different approaches to design, method and scientific theory to shed light on the practical formulation of a problem. Plan and carry out an independent piece of research at master-degree level.

General competence:

Student should be able to:

Reflect critically on their own and others research.

Page 18 of 66 Course type



Requires admission to the program.

Mode of delivery


Teaching activities and methods

This topic is organised as a separate course, where issues within scientific theory is connected to questions regarding research methodology. Theoretical topics are dealt with through lectures, casework, exchange of experiences, and through discussions in groups or in plenary sessions. Students are expected to carry out a considerable amount of individual study work and collective work in between the seminars at the university.

Permitted examination aids


Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university¿s quality assurance system.

Professional practice


Assessment and examinations

Compound assessment, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Assignment, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Assignment, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Overlapping courses

ST304Lv1 Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology - 20 study points. ST304L-001v1 Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology - 20 study points. VIT5015v1 Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology - 20 study points. VIT5021v1 Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology - introduction - 15 study points. VIT5022v1 Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology - part 2 - 7.5 study points.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 19 of 66 Research and Contemporary Debates ST312L


ECTS Credits 10 Year of study 5th study year Wenche Rønning Level Graduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Compulsory. Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +47 75 51 76 13 Start semester Autumn 2020 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course type



Requires admission to the study programme.

Mode of delivery


Recommended prior knowledge


Permitted examination aids

Students can bring their own notes to the oral exam.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university¿s quality assurance system.

Professional practice


Assessment and examinations

Compound assessment, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått Assessments task, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Oral examination, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått.

Overlapping courses

VIT5007v1 Research and Contemporary Debates - 20 study points. VIT5020v1 Research and Contemporary Debates - 7.5 study points.

Page 20 of 66 Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 21 of 66 (Norwegian for Teacher Education 5-10) Norwegian Language 1A NO132L No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Irene Løstegård Olsen Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Compulsory Faculty The Faculty of Førstelektor +47 75 51 77 68 Start semester Autumn 2016 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

Work on reading and writing instruction at secondary level is focused on in this course NO132L Norwegian Language 1A . Students gain research- based insight into the topic and develop knowledge of relevant theories about reading and writing. Students learn about strategies for reading and writing, and how to develop key competences such as writing, reading, oral language, and use of digital tools. Students develop good understanding of literature, both modern and traditional, for children and young people and learn how to motivate and stimulate children to read. The students also learn how practical-aesthetical ways of working can be used in teaching.


No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


be able to recognise and describe relevant theories concerning language development be able to recognise and describe the different functions that writing and reading may have for the pupil's development be able to identify and use reading and writing strategies know how children's literature in different genres has developed and continues to constantly develop have good knowledge about the current curriculum


be able to plan, implement and evaluate Norwegian education be able to evaluate and use relevant educational methods be able to analyse and interpret texts and present literary theories in various ways be able to use digital tools and create and evaluate digital texts

General competence:

know how to communicate insights about the topic know how to work independently and together with other students

Course type



No. Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10 required.

Page 22 of 66 Mode of delivery

Face-to-face and online.

Teaching activities and methods

The course focuses on active learning methods. These activities are followed up by lectures on campus and via the learning management system Fronter on the web.

Recommended prior knowledge

Not applicable.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

NO120L-001v1 Norwegian Language, portfolio - 3 study points. NO120L-002v1 Norwegian Language, supervised written exam - 3 study points.

Course literature


Høigård, Anne (2006): Barns språkutvikling, Universitetsforlaget (ca 100 p) Mjør, Ingeborg, Tone Birkeland og Gunvor Risa (2006): Barnelitteratur. LNU (200 p) Roe, Astrid (2008): Lesedidaktikk - etter den første leseopplæringen. Universitetsforlaget. (200 p) Skardhamar, Anne-Kari (2001): Litteraturundervisning Teori og praksis Universitetsforlaget (, ca 128 s) Tetzchner, Stephen Von m.fl. (1993) Barns språk. Ad Notam Gyldendal. (Chapter 1 og 5 (56 p)) Fiction (Novels, picture books, etc.)

Page 23 of 66 (Norwegian for Teacher Education 5-10) Norwegian Language 1B NO133L No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Irene Løstegård Olsen Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Compulsory Faculty The Faculty of Førstelektor +47 75 51 77 68 Start semester Spring 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

Work with text and different genres are focused on in the course NO133L. Students gain research-based insight into this topic and develop knowledge of relevant theories about reading and writing in different genres. Rhetoric is also an important topic, and how to develop oral language and oral skills amongst pupils. Students learn about strategies for writing and reading and how to describe and prevent dyslexia and general problems with writing and reading and how to use digital tools in this matter. Students develop good understanding of modern literature for adults. The students also learn how practical-aesthetical ways of working can be used.


No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


be able to recognise and describe relevant theories about oral education be able to recognise and describe different genres - both in fiction and faction be able to identify and describe new for adult readers have good knowledge of literary terms and the current curriculum


be able to plan, implement, and evaluate Norwegian education be able to evaluate and use relevant educational methods be able to analyse and interpret texts in various genres and present literary theories in various ways be able to use digital tools and create and evaluate digital texts be able to use aesthetical and practical ways of teaching literature

General competence:

know how to communicate insights about the topic know how to work independently and with other students

Course type



No. Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10 required.

Page 24 of 66 Mode of delivery

Face-to-face and online.

Teaching activities and methods

The course focuses on active learning methods. These activities are followed up by lectures on campus and via the learning management system Fronter online.

Recommended prior knowledge

Not applicable.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

NO120L-001v1 Norwegian Language, portfolio - 3 study points. NO120L-002v1 Norwegian Language, supervised written exam - 3 study points.

Course literature

Required reading:

Kalleberg, Kirsten og Astrid E Kleivstad (2010): Sakprosa i skolen. LNU/Fagbokforlaget. (Ca 200) Bakken, Jonas (2009): Retorikk i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. Penne, Sylvi og Frøydis Hertzberg (2008): Muntlige tekster i klasserommet. Universitetsforlaget Elvemo, Jarle (2006): Håp for alle! Grunnleggende innføring i lese- og skrivevansker med undervisningsopplegg og lese- og skriveprøve. Fagbokforlaget. T. Høien og Lundberg (2000): Dysleksi. Fra teori til praksis (Extract). Skardhamar, Anne-Kari (2005) Kunsten å lese skjønnlitteratur. Universitetsforlaget.

Recommended reading:

Tønnesson, Johan (2008): Hva er sakprosa. Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 1-4 (ca 100 s) Fridunn Karlsrud (2010): Muntlig fortelling i norskfaget. Cappelen akademisk. (170 s) Fiction (Novels, picture books, etc.) and faction

Page 25 of 66 (Norwegian for Teacher Education 5-10) Norwegian Language 2A NO260L There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Claude Goffeney Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Universitetslektor +47 75 05 79 22 Start semester Autumn 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

Work with a Nordic and International perspective is focused on in the course NO260L. Students gain research-based insight into this topic and develop knowledge of relevant theories about how to implement an international perspective into the language course. Sociolinguistics and language amongst young people are also important topics. Students develop good understanding of literature and folklore texts originating from different countries. Students also learn about film and adaptation from literature to movies.


There may be expenses in connection with planned excursions and fieldwork in addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


be able to recognize and describe relevant theories about sociolinguistics and the language of young people be able to recognize and describe the various different genres - both in folklore and film have good knowledge of literary terms and the current curriculum have good knowledge about texts written by pupils and strategies for developing writing skills amongst pupils


be able to plan, implement, and evaluate Norwegian education in multicultural classrooms be able to evaluate and use relevant educational methods in multicultural classrooms be able to analyze and interpret texts and films in various genres and present literary theories in various ways be able to use digital tools and create and evaluate digital texts be able to use aesthetical and practical ways of teaching literature

General competence:

know how to communicate insights about the topic know how to work independently and with other students

Course type


Page 26 of 66 Prerequisites

Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10 required.

Mode of delivery

Session-based teaching face to face and online.

Teaching activities and methods

The course focuses on active learning methods. These activities are followed up by lectures on campus and via the learning management system Fronter on the web.

Recommended prior knowledge

Completed NO132L Norwegian Language 1A and NO133L Norwegian Language 1B.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

NO211Lv1Read more Languageabout privacy and atlanguage Nord University didactics and- 10.5 use study of cookies points. on this website. NO212Lv1 Literature and methodology - 10.5 study points. NO213Lv1 Language and language didactics - 10.5 study points. NO214Lv1 Literature and language didactics - 10.5 study points.

Course literature

Required reading:

Olsen, Irene Løstegaard: 'Skikkelig bondeknøl?' En studie av ungdomsspråk i et spredtbygd kystsamfunn', Masteroppgave. Utdrag. (ca 50 s) Mæhlum, Brith (m.fl.) (2008): Språkmøte. Cappelen akademisk. (ca. 70 s) Språkbruk i nyere medier (Facebook- og SMS-språk) (kompendium) Strand Torill (2009): Litteratur i det flerkulturelle klasserommet. Universitetsforl. (200 s) Kibsgaard, Sonja og Olaf Husby (2009): Norsk som andrespråk. Universitetsforl.( 200 s) Skjelbred, Dagrun (2006): Elevens tekst. Cappelen akademisk. (233 s) Penne, Sylvi (2010): Litteratur og film i klasserommet. Didaktikk for ungdomstrinnet og videregående skole Universitetsforl.(255 s) Birkeland, Risa og Mjør (2006): Barnelitteratur - sjangrar og teksttypar. LNU s. 55-84. + Fiction (Novels, picture books, etc.) and faction

Recommended reading:

Danielsen, Ruth (1995): Så levde de lykkelig... Barn, eventyr og verdier. LNU / Cappelen Håland, Anne og Rutt Trøite Lorentzen: Dialogar om tekst. Universitetsforl. (221s) Fougner, Jorun (2005): Under fortellingstreet. Universitetsforlaget. (Kap. 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12)

Page 27 of 66 (Norwegian for Teacher Education 5-10) Norwegian Language 2B NO261L No tuition costs. Semester registration fee. One can also expect costs related to the purchase of non-fiction, fiction and compendium. In addition, one must assume expenses for theater, cinema - and museum visits and excursions.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Jostein Greibrokk Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +47 75 51 72 58 Start semester Spring 2018 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

Norwegian is a subject in giving knowledge and upbringing, an aesthetic subject, a language and a practical professional subject. In primary school teacher training the course deals with the appropriation of knowledge of the Norwegian language, on the Norwegian text culture and didactic theories related to Norwegian education. These areas form the basis for academic and didactic reflection of you as a student and future Norwegian teacher, and they form the basis for the daily work in the classroom. The Norwegian subject in teacher training is both research and professionally oriented.

Language and language use are important parts of identity development and play a fundamental role in all learning activities. A democratic society depends on new generations being active participants in carrying on the cultural heritage. Pupils should be socialized into a culture where language skills and linguistic skills provide the entry key to everything from social life to public participation in national and international contexts. In work as teachers of the Norwegian language prospective teachers help pupils to become confident and active language users of functional oral and written communication skills. This is an important field of the teacher's education.

Working with different types of texts helps pupils strengthen their literary competence. Texts provide insight into the human being, into cultural and social life: fiction texts and factual texts, older and newer, oral and written, texts in newspapers, magazines, books or on screen, and a variety of complex texts. As a Norwegian teacher you must therefore have knowledge of a variety of texts that you can present to the pupils so that they develop understanding, experience, motivation for reading and a desire to develop their skills.

In the Norwegian subject there also lies a special responsibility for teaching the basic skills, the ability to express oneself orally, being able to express oneself in writing and reading. Students must therefore have knowledge of language development, vocabulary and concept learning, and the development of reading and writing. Motivation and mastery of reading and writing lay an important foundation for further education. Therefore students must - as coming Norwegian teachers - have insight into various types of texts and how they can engage students and motivate them to further develop their own reading and writing skills.

Norway is today a multicultural society that is constantly changing. The Norwegian course plays a central role in language education of minority students and also develops cultural understanding that takes the multicultural reality seriously. For Sami pupils the subject of Norwegian together with the subject of Sami forms the basis for development of bilingual competence of these pupils.

In Norwegian 2B is the relationship between language and text in the past and present centrally. As a student you get extended, research-based insights into how literature has developed and continues to develop. By studying the text culture in the past and present, you will get good literary- historical knowledge. You will further gain in-depth knowledge of the duck language standardization so that you get deeper insight into the development of both the Norwegian written languages. You will also gain insight into how to facilitate teaching and learning in both Bokmål and Nynorsk. You will also get extended research-based insights into the didactic issues including in the basic skills. Furthermore, you should work with a wide range of working methods, so you get an expanded understanding of the relationship between subjects, didactics and practice.

Students will be assessed in both bokmål and nynorsk.


No tuition costs. Semester registration fee. One can also expect costs related to the purchase of non-fiction, fiction and compendium. In addition, one must assume expenses for theater, cinema - and museum visits and excursions.

Page 28 of 66 Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have knowledge about linguistic processes of change in the past and present have knowledge about dialect variation in modern Norwegian on historical and dialectological basis have knowledge about Norwegian language history after 1800 and the current norms of the Norwegian language have knowledge about central works of Norwegian fiction and non-fiction literature and knowledge of the theories of complex texts and good literature historical overview


be able to initiate, advise and evaluate oral, written and composed text production among pupils in lower secondary school grades and give reasons for the grades you set be able to use knowledge of the spoken language and the written language standardization in writing instruction be able to urge to facilitate and conduct training in the form of language that is secondary language for the pupils be able to advise students in various forms of oral and written arguments be able to compare texts written for young people and adults with regard to content, form and function be able to set key Norwegian texts and a selection of Sami texts (in translation) in a historical context and see them in light of the Nordic and other international literature be able to advise students in the use of scientific literature, source material be able to use the curriculum in the subject to formulate goals for Norwegian education and relevant criterion for assessing

General competence:

be able to assess Norwegian trade and own practice as a Norwegian teacher and explain assessments have insight into Norwegian subject on the basis of research and in relation to history and to reflect critically and constructively on the basis of this perspective on the subject be able to advise students in their work with texts so that they can develop themselves, gain knowledge and prepare for active participation in public space and society as a whole be able to see the subject in a larger perspective of education and teaching as part of the instruction in an active participant democracy

Course type



The lectures are open. Seminar groups are reserved for students registered on the programme and are mandatory for these students. For collection of primary- school based teacher training all education is compulsory and reserved for students registered to study unless otherwise specified.

Mode of delivery

Face to face.

Teaching activities and methods

The working methods in the programme alternate between lectures, tutoring, seminars/regional groups with and without a teacher, project and individual work. Individual supervision related to some written assignments.

Recommended prior knowledge

The student should have completed: NO132L Norwegian Language 1A NO133L Norwegian Language 1B NO260L Norwegian Language 2B

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Page 29 of 66 Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

NO211Lv1 Language and language didactics - 10.5 study points. NO212Lv1 Literature and methodology - 10.5 study points. NO213Lv1 Language and language didactics - 10.5 study points. NO214Lv1 Literature and language didactics - 10.5 study points.

Course literature

Theory (1000 pages):

Andersen, Per Thomas (2001): Norsk litteraturhistorie. Universitetsforlaget (ca. 500 sider) Penne, Sylvi (2010): Litteratur og film i klasserommet. Didaktikk for ungdomstrinnet og videregående skole Universitetsforlaget. (s. 208-245). (37 sider) Skjekkeland, Martin (2010): Dialektlandet. Portal forlag. (130 sider) Torp, Arne og Lars Vikør (1993): Hovuddrag i norsk språkhistorie. Ad Notam Gyldendal (Kap. 1-4 og 6-13) (250 sider)

+ A small self-selected reading in connection with a major task.

Texts: Novels (4 pieces):

Gisle Surssons saga Knut Hamsun: Pan (1894) / Sult (1890) : Is-slottet (1963) : Genanse og verdighet (1994) / Roman 1987

Norse myths:

Helge Horn: Gudelære. BraBok forlag 2010 (39 sider)

Stories / short prose: Compendium available at semester

Maurits Hansen: "Luren" Hans Aanrud: "En vinternatt" Alexander Kielland: "En god samvittighet" Amalie Skram: "Karens jul" Knut Hamsun: "Et spøkelse" Kinck: "Den nye kapellanen" Bjørnson:" Faderen" Cora Sandel: "Barnet som elsket veier" : "Av en født forbryters dagbok" (Film: Bestefar er en stokk) Agnar Mykle: "Skjenselens korinter" - "Kjøreturen" Tarjei Vesaas: "Hesten frå hogget", "Naken" Nini Roll Anker: "Hvor er lammet til brennofferet" Kjartan Fløgstad: "Riksvegen vestover" , Askildsen:

Proposal poetry: Compendium is the semester.

Middelalderballade: Torsvisa (Tors brudeferd i Valhall) Petter Dass: "Herre Gud! Dit dyre Navn og Ære" Wergeland: "Pigen paa Anatomikammeret" Welhaven: "Diktets ånd" Magdalena Thoresen "Savn" fra: Digte af en Dame 1860 Bj. Bjørnsom: "Mit Følge" (1870 Digte og sange) / "Salme II" Ivar Aasen: "Gamle Norig" Sigbjørn Obstfelder: "Al skabningen sukker" 1890 Arne Garborg: "Mot soleglad" A.O. Vinje: "Ved Rundarne" Olaf Bull: "Metope" Arnulf Øverland: "Sommernatt" : "Fra en annen virkelighet" Astrid Hjertnæs Andresen: "Hestene står i regnet" Olav O. Hauge: "Kveld i november", "Eg var båten" : "Den korsfestede sier"

Page 30 of 66 : "Loffen", "Kulturuke" : "Bussene lengter hjem" Paal Brekke: "Som i en kinosal" Edith Södergran: "Dagen svalnar" Karin Boye: "Ja visst gör det ont"" Cornelis Vreswijk:"Felicia, adjö" Tove Ditlefsen: "De evige tre"

One play

Av Henrik Ibsen: Peer Gynt.

Non-fiction (from ¿Sakprosa i skolen¿):

Knut Hamsun: "Fra det ubevidste Sjæleliv" Camilla Collet: "Strikketøisbetragtninger" A.O. Vinje: "Ferdaminne fraa sumaren 1860" Arne Garborg: "Eit og annat um Kristendomsstriden vaar"

Spoken language:

4-5 spoken language texts from: Papazian, Eric og Botolv Helleland (2005) Norsk talemål. Lokal og sosial variasjon. Høyskoleforlaget 2005.

Page 31 of 66 (Matematics for Teacher Education 5-10) Mathematics 1A, grade 5-10; Number theory, algebra and functions MA132L In addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature, there will be need for a calculator, about 1200 NOK.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2016 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Course description

Number Theory Algebra and equations The function concept Elementary functions

Topics in Mathematics Education: Mathematical knowledge for teaching, teaching in RME, communication in the teaching of mathematics, basic skills in mathematics, didactical topics connected to number theory, algebra and functions.


In addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature, there will be need for a calculator, about 1200 NOK.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have a broad knowledge of teaching mathematics in grades 5-10, especially for this course numeracy, the transition from arithmetic to algebra, algebra, and functions have knowledge about central ideas, concepts, theorems, and practices in number theory, algebra and functions have knowledge about the role of language in the learning of mathematics have knowledge about oral expression, reading, writing and using digital tools in mathematics have knowledge about the mathematical part of the school curriculum in grades 5-13 have knowledge about different theories of learning, and the connection between views of learning and views of teaching have knowledge of a broad repertoire of methods for teaching mathematics


have good practical skills in oral and written communication in mathematics, and competencies in promoting such skills in pupils be able to analyze the cognitive level of a lesson plan, and assess how to make activities more open be able to analyze and evaluate pupils' thinking, arguments and solutions from different perspectives on knowledge and learning

General competence:

understand the role of mathematics as a general education subject and its interplay with culture, philosophy and societal development understand the role of mathematics in other subjects and in society understand the role of mathematics for participation in a democratic society

Page 32 of 66 Course type



Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, or, for in-service teachers, completed teacher education.

Mode of delivery

Session-based teaching and online.

Teaching activities and methods

Learning activities: lectures, group work where the students work without teacher, and seminars with teacher.

Recommended prior knowledge


Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program descirption.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

MA120Lv1 Mathematics - 10 study points.

Course literature

Hinna, K.R.C, Rinvold, R. A. og Gustavsen, T. S. (2011). QED 5 - 10 bind 1. Høyskoleforlaget. Del 1, kap. 1, 2, 3; Del 2, kap. 2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6. Hansen, H. C., Skott, J. & Jess, K. (2008). Matematik for lærerstuderende. Delta: fagdidaktik: Forlaget Samfundslitteratur. Kap. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10. Kartlegging av matematikkforståelse: Veiledning til tall og tallregning, Veiledning til funksjoner, Veiledning til algebra. Læringssenteret Bergsten, C., Häggström, J. & Lindberg L. (1997). Nämaren Tema: Algebra för alla: NCM/Nämnaren forlag. Kap 1 - 5 Brekke, G. (2002). Kartlegging av matematikkforståelse: Introduksjon til diagnostisk undervisning i matematikk. Læringssenteret

Page 33 of 66 (Matematics for Teacher Education 5-10) Mathematics 1B, grade 5-10; Geometry, statistics and probability MA133L In addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature, there will be need for a calculator, about 1200 NOK


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Spring 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language Norwegian Application deadline

Course description

Geometry Statistics Probability Topics in Mathematics Education: planning of lessons in mathematics, open tasks, assessment in mathematics, learning difficulties in mathematics, numeracy as a basic skill in other subjects, didactical topics connected to geometry, statistics and probability.


In addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature, there will be need for a calculator, about 1200 NOK

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have broad knowledge of teaching mathematics in grades 5-10, especially geometry, measuring, statistics, probability and combinatorics have knowledge about central ideas, concepts, theorems, and practices in geometry, statistics, and probability have knowledge about the importance of numeracy as a basic skill in all school subjects have knowledge about oral expression, reading, writing and using digital tools in mathematics have knowledge about the mathematical part of the school curriculum in grades 5-13, and the transition between different stages of education have knowledge about and experience with using different educational resources in teaching mathematics, for instance ICT, and know the possibilities and limitations of such resources. have knowledge about the historical development of mathematics, especially the development of the concept of probability


be able to plan, carry through and evaluate mathematics teaching for all pupils in grade 5-10 with focus on variation and pupil activity, grounded in research, theory and practice have good practical skills in oral and written communication in mathematics, and competencies in promoting such skills in pupils be able to use assessment tests and different observations and evaluations to adapt the teaching to the different needs of pupils be able to communicate with pupils, one at a time and in groups, listen to, evaluate and use pupils' contributions, and institutionalize knowledge be able to analyze and evaluate pupils' thinking, arguments and solutions from different perspectives on knowledge and learning be able to work to promote pupils' wondering, creativity and skills to work systematically with inquiry activities, arguments and proofs

General competence:

understand the role of mathematics as a general education subject and its interplay with culture, philosophy and societal development understand the role of mathematics in other subjects and in society understand the role of mathematics for participation in a democratic society

Page 34 of 66 Course type



Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10 required.

Mode of delivery

Session based teaching and distance learning online.

Teaching activities and methods

Learning activities: lectures, group work where the students work without teacher, and seminars with teacher.

Recommended prior knowledge

Students who only fills lowest admission in mathematics must be aware that the contents of matematics, grade 5-10 is demanding. It is recommended to read course descriptions carefully so you are familiar with the requirements.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

MA120Lv1 Mathematics - 10 study points.

Course literature

Hinna, K.R.C, Rinvold, R. A. og Gustavsen, T. S. (2011). QED 5-10 bind 1. Høyskoleforlaget. Del 1, kap. 4, 6, 7. Hansen, H. C., Skott, J. & Jess, K. (2008). Matematik for lærerstuderende. Delta: fagdidaktik: Forlaget Samfundslitteratur. Kap. 5, 8 ,9 Kartlegging av matematikkforståelse: Veiledning til geometri. Læringssenteret Programmet GeoGebra, inkl. deler av manualer og opplæringshefter ( som er aktuell for temaene i kurset.

Page 35 of 66 (Matematics for Teacher Education 5-10) Mathematics 2A, grade 5-10; Quantitative and qualitative methods. Research and didactics of mathematics MA260L No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Course description

Qualitative research methods Quantitative research methods Research in mathematics education (didactics) Mathematics education topics: both general theories in mathematics education and theories about probability and assessment of pupils' learning in mathematics


No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have knowledge of research in mathematics education relevant for developing mathematical knowledge for teaching and pupils¿ learning have knowledge about the mathematical discovery process: experimentation, stating of hypotheses, reasoning and falsification, generalizing, and how to facilitate pupils' participation in this process have knowledge of the cultural aspects of the teaching of mathematics have knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods that are relevant for mathematics education


be able to use quantitative and qualitative research methods to do research in mathematics education be able to assess how pupils learn, and use this as a basis for adapted teaching be able to use varied teaching methods grounded in theory and experience, e.g. choice of tasks, assessment and design of activities

General competence:

be able to initiate and lead local development work in mathematics teaching be able to participate in and contribute to FoU projects and other collaboration projects for developing the mathematics education practice

Course type


Page 36 of 66 Prerequisites

Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10 required.

Mode of delivery

Session based teaching with distance learning online.

Teaching activities and methods

Learning activities: lectures, group work where the students work without teacher, and seminars with teacher.

Recommended prior knowledge

Matematics 1A, grade 5-10; Number theory, algebra and functions Matematics 1B, grade 5-10; Geometry, statistics and probability

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Assignment, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Portfolio, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Assignment.

Compulsory attendance , comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent.

Overlapping courses

MA211L-003v1 Muntlig eksamen - 5 study points. MA211L-004v1 Statistics and calculus of probability - supervised written exam - 5 study points. MA254Lv1 Experiments in mathematics, statistics and probability - 15 study points.

Course literature

Kvantitative og kvalitative metoder:

Kristoffersen, L. og Johannessen, A. (2012): Forskningsmetode for lærerutdanningene. Abstrakt forlag (178 s) Lysø, K. O. (2014): Sannsynlighetsregning og statistisk metodelære. Caspar forlag. 4. utgave. Kap 8-12 (170 s)

Matematikkdidaktisk forskning:

Streitlien, Å. (2009): Hvem får ordet og hvem har svaret? Universitetsforlaget (140 s) Grevholm, B. (2007): Læreren som forsker i matematikkdidaktikk i Grevholm, B. (red) Matematikk for skolen. Fagbokforlaget (24 s) Kleve, B. (2010): Vurdering for læring i matematikk i Dobson, S. og Engh, R. (red) Vurdering for læring i fag. Høyskoleforlaget (15 s)

Artikler, notater og oppgaver lagt ut på fronter eller delt ut på forelesningene kommer i tillegg.

Page 37 of 66 (Matematics for Teacher Education 5-10) Mathematics 2B, grade 5-10; Analysis, proofs in mathematics MA261L In addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature, there will be need for a calculator, about 1200 NOK


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Spring 2018 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Course description

Mathematical analysis Proofs Assessment of pupils' learning Mathematics education topics: both general theories in mathematics education and theories about functions and assessment of pupils' learning in mathematics


In addition to semester registration fee and syllabus literature, there will be need for a calculator, about 1200 NOK

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have knowledge of research in mathematics education relevant for developing mathematical knowledge for teaching and pupils' learning have knowledge for teaching in connection with different forms of mathematical proofs and arguments, and experience with mathematical theory building in algebra and analysis. have broad knowledge of mathematical analysis, including differentiation, integration, differential equations, and basic modelling in mathematics, and be able to relate these concepts to the teaching in grades 5-10 have knowledge about the mathematical discovery process: experimentation, stating of hypotheses, reasoning and falsification, generalizing, and how to facilitate pupils' participation in this process


be able to disseminate special knowledge in a chosen topic in mathematics or mathematics education relevant to grades 5-10 be able to work systematically with assessments of learning difficulties in mathematics, grounded in theory, e.g. through strategy teaching be able to assess how pupils learn, and use this as a basis for adapted teaching be able to contribute in working with local curricula

General competence:

be able to initiate and lead local development work in mathematics teaching be able to participate in and contribute to FoU projects and other collaboration projects for developing the mathematics education practice

Page 38 of 66 Course type



Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10 required.

Mode of delivery

Session based teaching with distance learning online.

Teaching activities and methods

Learning activities: lectures, group work where the students work without teacher, and seminars with teacher.

Recommended prior knowledge

Mathematics 1A, grade 5-10; Number theory, algebra and functions Mathematics 1B, grade 5-10; Geometry, statistics and probability Matematics 2A, grade 5-10; Quantitative and qualitative methods. Research and didactics of mathematics

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Written examination, 5 hours, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Portfolio, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Written examination.

Compulsory attendance , comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Must be passed prior to submission of the Written examination.

Overlapping courses

MA208Lv1 Mathematics 2 - Elementary Calculus - 10 study points. MA255Lv1 Experiments in mathematics, statistics and probability - 15 study points.

Page 39 of 66 Course literature

Gulliksen, Tor; Hashemi, Amir H.; Hole, Arne: Matematikk i praksis. 6. utgave. Universitetsforlaget 2013. ISBN 9788215020877. Holm, Marit: Opplæring i matematikk. Cappelens Damm 2012. ISBN 9788202378851. Jahr, Einar; Grønmo, Liv Sissel; Skogen, Kjell; Wistedt, Inger: Matematikktalenter i skolen - hva med dem? Cappelen Damm 2014. ISBN: 9788202420536. Ostad, Snorre: Strategier, strategiobservasjoner og strategiopplæring: med fokus på elever med matematikkvansker. Læreboka Forlag 2013. ISBN: 9788299474290.

Et kompendium bestående av:

Bjørkås, Øyvind J.: Funksjonslære for allmennlærerutdanningen (under utarbeidelse). 2005 Tall, David: Students- Mental prototypes for Functions and Graphs. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science & technology, 23 1, s. 39-50 (1992). Tolcsiner, Frank: Derivasjon og funksjonsanalyse. Fra: På Talefot Med Matematikken, 1999. s. 125-154. Hole, Arne: Differensiallikninger. Fra: Klassisk analyse og lineær algebra, 1998. s. 179-196. Hansen, Hans Christian; Skott, Jeppe; Jess, Kristine: Funktioner og funktionsbegrepet. Fra: Ypsilon, Bind 1, Kap. 11, 2007, s. 423-471. Hansen, Hans Christian; Skott, Jeppe; Jess, Kristine: Bevisets stilling. Fra: Ypsilon, Bind 2, Kap. 12, 2007, s. 505-536. Schou, John; Skott, Jeppe; Jess, Kristine; Hansen, Hans Christian: Matematiske modeller og modellering : Hvad er det, og hvorfor undervises der i dem? Fra: Omega, Kap. 1, 2008, s. 21-44. Schou, John; Skott, Jeppe; Jess, Kristine; Hansen, Hans Christian: Modellering som generel strategi til matematikundervisning. Fra: Omega, Kap. 6, 2008, s. 127-141. Petersen, Vigdis P.; Tvete, Kjartan S.: Litt om bevis. Fra: I tallenes verden, 2010, s. 21-26.

Page 40 of 66 (Music for Teacher Education 5-10) Music in school 1A MU180L No tuition costs. Semester fee. Literature and data equipment, plus any purchase of instruments.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Rune Asgeir Mathisen Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Professor +47 75 51 73 23 Start semester Autumn 2016 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

Music education

Planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching of music in accordance with current curriculum regulations for primary schools.

LOM 1A (Listening And Music Orientation 1A)

Basic audio training. Basic musical theory. Use of digital aids

KIM 1A (Composition, improvisation and music technology 1A)

Knowledge of improvisation, composition and creating music in various ways The use of analogue and digital musical instruments and technical and electronic aids to enable musical creation, dissemination activities and music education Notation of the student's own compositions and arrangements of musical material

Singing/Playing instruments

Develop your voice Piano or guitar as an accompanying instrument Basic introduction to drums, bass and piano/guitar Basic introduction to musical interaction


No tuition costs. Semester fee. Literature and data equipment, plus any purchase of instruments.

Page 41 of 66 Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have skills and attitudes that lead to personal growth and provides the attainment of a music professional and educational foundation for being a teacher in primary school have an understanding of the aesthetic dimension and the knowledge and experience of music as a creative activity have knowledge of music as a cultural expression and social phenomenon - previously and now have knowledge of the use of analog and digital instruments and technical and electronic aids


have trained aesthetic and qualitative judgment have developed musically acumen in handling different types of music and can see this in the context of children and young people's musical development and the music young people face in their everyday lives have developed basic singing and instrumental skills have developed skills in the use of analog and digital instruments and technical and electronic aids

General competence:

have developed a reflective attitude towards the subject, pupils and teaching and gained confidence in its own potential as a teacher and an interest in further development of the subject have developed the ability to conduct musical activities within and outside the school environment and be able to use music as part of the theme and project

Course type



Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, or completed teacher education required.

Mode of delivery

Session based teaching with distance learning online.

Teaching activities and methods

Lectures, practice sessions, seminars, tutored assignment work, practice, self-study, presentations, performance etc.

Recommended prior knowledge

Not applicable.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Page 42 of 66 Course literature

(In Norwegian) Knut Djupdal: Musikkteori (Gyldendal) Ingrid Marie Hanken og Geir Johansen: Musikkundervisningens didaktikk (Cappelen) Odd-Magne Bøe: Musikkdidaktikk for grunnskolen (Universitetsforlaget) Kai Lennert Johansen: Komponering, Kunnskap & kreativitet (Musikk i skolen)

Page 43 of 66 (Music for Teacher Education 5-10) Music in school 1B MU181L No tuition costs. Semester fee. Literature and data equipment, plus any purchase of instruments.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Course description

Music education

Planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching of music in accordance with current curriculum regulations for primary schools

LOM 1A (Listening And Music Orientation 1A)

Basic audio training Basic musical theory Use of digital aids

KIM 1A (Composition, improvisation and music technology 1A)

Knowledge of improvisation, composition and creating music in various ways The use of analogue and digital musical instruments and technical and electronic aids to enable musical creation, dissemination activities and music education Notation of the student's own compositions and arrangements of musical material

Singing/Playing instruments

Develop your voice Piano or guitar as an accompanying instrument Basic introduction to drums, bass and piano/guitar Basic introduction to musical interaction


No tuition costs. Semester fee. Literature and data equipment, plus any purchase of instruments.

Page 44 of 66 Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have skills and attitudes that lead to personal growth and provides the attainment of a music professional and educational foundation for being a teacher in primary school have an understanding of the aesthetic dimension and the knowledge and experience of music as a creative activity have knowledge of music as a cultural expression and social phenomenon - previously and now have knowledge of the use of analog and digital instruments and technical and electronic aids


have trained aesthetic and qualitative judgment have developed musically acumen in handling different types of music and can see this in the context of children and young people's musical development and the music young people face in their everyday lives have developed basic singing and instrumental skills have developed skills in the use of analog and digital instruments and technical and electronic aids

General competence:

have developed a reflective attitude towards the subject, pupils and teaching and gained confidence in its own potential as a teacher and an interest in further development of the subject have developed the ability to conduct musical activities within and outside the school environment and be able to use music as part of the theme and project

Course type



Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, or completed teacher education required. Completed MU180L Music in school 1A or equivalent.

Mode of delivery

Face-to-face, session based teaching with distance learning online.

Teaching activities and methods

Lectures, practice sessions, seminars, tutored assignment work, practice, self-study, presentations, performance etc.

Recommended prior knowledge


Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Page 45 of 66 Course literature

(In Norwegian) Knut Djupdal: Musikkteori (Gyldendal) Ingrid Marie Hanken og Geir Johansen: Musikkundervisningens didaktikk (Cappelen) Odd-Magne Bøe: Musikkdidaktikk for grunnskolen (Universitetsforlaget) Kai Lennert Johansen: Komponering, Kunnskap & kreativitet (Musikk i skolen)

Page 46 of 66 (Music for Teacher Education 5-10) Music in school 2 MU250L Semester fee, literature and data equipment, plus any purchases of instruments.


ECTS Credits 30 Year of study 3rd study year Bjørn Andor Drage Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Professor +47 75 51 77 83 Start semester Autumn 2018 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description


Training, creation, dissemination and experience in the music profession in the light of the "core curriculum in music." Here, amongst other topics, music education, music theory, arranging, composing, improvisation and digital literacy will be included as tools for generating creative activity.


Developing your voice Piano or guitar as an accompanying instrument Basic introduction to drums, bass and piano/guitar Musical interaction and management of interaction


Semester fee, literature and data equipment, plus any purchases of instruments.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course the student should:


have skills and attitudes that lead to personal growth and provides the attainment of a music professional and educational foundation for being a teacher in primary school have an understanding of the aesthetic dimension and the knowledge and experience of music as a creative activity have knowledge of music as a cultural expression and social phenomenon - previously and now have knowledge of the use of analog and digital instruments and technical and electronic aids have knowledge of digital learning resources for use in primary schools and informal learning processes outside school


have trained aesthetic and qualitative judgment have developed musically acumen in handling different types of music and can see this in the context of children and young people's musical development and the music young people face in their everyday lives have developed basic singing and instrumental skills have developed skills in the use of analog and digital instruments and technical and electronic aids be able to use digital learning resources for use in primary schools and informal learning processes outside school have developed skills in arranging music for use in primary school

General competence:

have developed a reflective attitude towards the subject, pupils and teaching and gained confidence in its own potential as a teacher and an interest in further development of the subject have developed the ability to conduct musical activities within and outside the school environment and be able to use music as part of the theme and project

Page 47 of 66 Course type



Admission to Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, or completed teacher education required Completed MU181L Music in school 1B or equvalent

Mode of delivery

Face-to-face, session based teaching with distance learning online.

Teaching activities and methods

Lectures, practice sessions, seminars, tutored assignment work, practice, self-study, presentations, performance etc.

Recommended prior knowledge

Not applicable.

Course evaluation

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

Professional practice

See program description.

Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Portfolio, comprises 30/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F. Portfolio, comprises 30/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F. Practical work, comprises 40/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto.

Page 48 of 66 (Natural Sciences for Teacher Education 5-10) Science 1, part 1 NAT15-10 1

SCIENCE 1, PART 1 NAT15-10 1

ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 1st study year Level Undergraduate Course location Course type Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2016 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

NAT100-1v1 Science 1 - 15 study points.

Page 49 of 66 (Natural Sciences for Teacher Education 5-10) Science 1,part 2 NAT15-10 2


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 2nd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Course type Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

NAT100-2v1 Science 1 - 15 study points.

Page 50 of 66 (Specialization) Norwegian Didactics, master module NOR5008


ECTS Credits 30 Year of study 4th study year Jostein Greibrokk Level Graduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +47 75 51 72 58 Start semester Autumn 2019 Education and Arts Teaching language Norwegian [email protected] Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory participation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Compulsory work, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Presentation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Assignment, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Overlapping courses

NO301Lv1 Norwegian Didactics - 15 study points. TO301Lv1 Inclusive Education; Norwegian - 15 study points.

Page 51 of 66 (Specialization) Current research in mathematics education, part 1, master module MAT5008


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 4th study year Dag Oskar Madsen Level Graduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +47 75 51 77 79 Start semester Autumn 2019 Education and Arts Teaching language English and [email protected] Norwegian Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Presentation, 1 hours, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory participation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent.

Overlapping courses

MA300Lv1 Mathematics Education - 7.5 study points. MAT5001v1 Mathematics 3A - 15 study points. MAT5004v1 Mathematics 3A - 15 study points.

Page 52 of 66 (Specialization) Current research in mathematics education, part 2, master module MAT5009 No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 4th study year Marja Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen Level Graduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Faculty The Faculty of Professor II +47 75 51 77 37 Start semester Spring 2020 Education and Arts Teaching language English and [email protected] Norwegian Application deadline


No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

Course evaluation

Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.

Assessment and examinations

Assignment, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory work, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Must be passed prior to submission of the Assignment.

Compulsory participation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Must be passed prior to submission of the Assignment.

Overlapping courses

MA300Lv1 Mathematics Education - 7.5 study points. MAT5002v1 Mathematics 3B - 15 study points. MAT5005v1 Mathematics 3B - 15 study points.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 53 of 66 (Specialization) General didactics - master module DID5000


ECTS Credits 30 Year of study 4th study year Fredrik Karl Henry Rusk Level Graduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +4775517411 Start semester Autumn 2019 Education and Arts Teaching language Norwegian [email protected] Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Assignment, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory participation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Must be passed prior to submission of the Assignment.

Compulsory work 1, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Compulsory work 2, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Compulsory work 3, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Compulsory work 4 - Workshop, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått.

Overlapping courses

DI300Lv1 Didactics - 20 study points. TO300Lv1 Central elements in inclusive education - 10 study points.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 54 of 66 (Specialization) Special Needs Education and Inclusion SPD5008


ECTS Credits 30 Year of study 4th study year Level Graduate Course location Course type Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2019 Education and Arts Teaching language Norwegian Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory participation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Written assignment, comprises 45/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F. Written examination, 6 hours, comprises 55/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Page 55 of 66 (RLE for Teacher Education 5-10) RLE 1A Religious pluralism today RL210L No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 4th study year Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2019 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

ReadCourse more about description privacy at Nord University and use of cookies on this website.

The course is part of RLE 1 (religions, life philosophies and ethics), i.e. the first part, making up the entire course together with the second part (RLE 2). The subject of RLE is a scientific study of major aspects of world religions, life philosophies, secular worldviews, philosophy and ethics (independently of religions and secular worldviews). In addition the course is aimed to reinforce the students¿ own and personal understanding of these subjects.

RLE 1a is a study of world religions (10 p), the religious situation in Northern Norway (1 p), new religious movements (2 p), life philosophies and political ideologies, i.e. Communism and Nazism (2 p), including the theory of teachings this content knowledge in a multicultural school today. Where it comes to religions the course will especially attend to Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Where it comes to the situation in Northern Norway we¿ll study Laestadianism and Sami indigenous religion. Where it comes to secular world views or secular ¿religions¿, the subjects are concentrated around secular and general Humanism, Naturalism and the main political ideologies with a religious character, in addition to Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). In the course one will discuss the choice of topics (what) and the teachings problems related to the topics (the why and how) for children in grade 5-10.


No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.

Page 56 of 66 Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

Knowledge: Demonstrate thorough knowledge of

religions and life philosophies in the course in their different traditions with beliefs, values and practices, their ethical basis and esthetical expressions the history of these religions and traditions: Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism holy texts: main contents, historical background and core narratives secular humanism in history and as philosophy of life in relation and opposition to other secular and religious traditions comparisons of religious and secular traditions today the debate concerning cognitive confusion in the encounters of religious and secular pluralism main teaching methods in RLE for 5.-10. grade the relevance of ceremonies and festivals for these children law regulations concerning exemptions from school on religious grounds

Skills: Understand the basic principles of

planning, performing and evaluating the teaching of RLE i these sub-themes in an independent and scholarly way with a focus on formation (Bildung) and the challenges from the religiously plural society the use of core methods in RLE with a weight on ways of dialogue, exploration, comparisons as well as a critical and analytical study of the teaching and learning of RLE conversing with the students connecting to themes of troubled life situations cooperation with other teachers, students and their homes in RLE-matters perform adapted teaching in RLE, i.e. in view of students from different religious and secular traditions how to combine the need for an objective, critical and plural teaching with ways of teaching that are both of different forms, activating and engaging, as well as their appropriate ways of assessment preparing the development of basic skills the use of Internet and other digital tools for teaching in a critical and stimulating way

General competence: Make overall evaluations regarding

ethical competence for teachers generally in relation to religious and secular pluralism in the class-room prepare a good working relationship with the home, the school authorities and local communities

Course type




Mode of delivery

Flexible and distance learning

Teaching activities and methods

There are both lectures, practice sessions, seminars, tutored assignment work, practice and excursions. Students need to be online on Internet with web-camera and headset. Several papers are expected to written for assessment (portfolio system).

Recommended prior knowledge


Course evaluation

Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system

Page 57 of 66 Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation , grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory attendance , comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Portfolio, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Written school examination, 6 hours, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 58 of 66 (RLE for Teacher Education 5-10) RLE 1B Christianity, general and ethical philosophy RL211L No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.


ECTS Credits 15 Year of study 4th study year Kåre Sigvald Fuglseth Level Undergraduate Course location Bodø Course coordinator Course type Elective Faculty The Faculty of Professor +47 75 51 77 13 Start semester Spring 2020 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Course description

The course is part of RLE 1 (religions, life philosophies and ethics), i.e. the first part, making up the entire course together with the second part (RLE 2). The subject of RLE is a scientific study of major aspects of world religions, life philosophies, secular worldviews, philosophy and ethics (independently of religions and secular worldviews). In addition the course is aimed to reinforce the students¿ own and personal understanding of these subjects.

RLE 1b is a study of Christianity (10 p), general philosophy and ethcis (5 p), including the theory of teachings this content knowledge in a multicultural society and school today. Where it comes to Christianity the course will especially attend to a critical study of the Bible (in both parts), the history Christianity and major traditions (churches and denominations), Christian beliefs and life philosophy and practices. Where it comes to general philosophy and ethics, we are especially concerned with the main questions in philosophy, the history of philosophy, children and philosophising, principal ethics and current ethical questions. In the course one will discuss the choice of topics (what) and the teachings problems related to the topics (the why and how) for children in grade 5-10.


No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.

Page 59 of 66 Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

Knowledge: Demonstrate thorough knowledge of

Christianity in its different traditions with beliefs, values and practices, its ethical basis and esthetical expressions with a particular weight on its place in Norway the history of Christianity the Bible: main contents, historical background and core narratives Western history of philosophy, particularly related to anthropology and axiology, and philosophy for children ethical theories and the application of these in relation to some current ethical issues the work with human rights and the UN conventions on children, in addition to possible consequences for the teaching of RLE in public schools for 5.-10. grade the history of the teaching of religion and life philosophies in Norwegian schools the notion of God, religious perceptions and experiences among children today central teaching methods for these themes (Christianity, philosophy and ethics)

Skills: Understand the basic principles of

planning, performing and evaluating the teaching of RLE i these sub-themes in an independent and scholarly way with a focus on formation (Bildung) and the challenges from the religiously plural society the use of core methods in Christianity, philosophy and ethics acknowledging and conversing with the students connecting to themes in relation to religious and philosophical questions preparing the development of basic skills in relation to these subjects reflection of contents and objectives for the subject at school and the relationship between the school subject, the teaching of it and her own professional development as teacher

General competence: Make overall evaluations regarding

the understanding the teacher as positive role-model in a pluralist society

Course type




Mode of delivery

Flexible, distance learning

Teaching activities and methods

There are both lectures, practice sessions, seminars, tutored assignment work, practice and excursions. Students need to be online on Internet with web-camera and headset. Several papers are expected to written for assessment (portfolio system).

Recommended prior knowledge


Course evaluation

Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system

Assessment and examinations

Compound evaluation , grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Compulsory attendance , comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Portfolio, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått. Written school examination, 6 hours, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Page 60 of 66 Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 61 of 66 Teaching practice grades 5-10; 1st year PR121L


ECTS Credits 0 Year of study 1st study year Solrunn Pedersen Level Undergraduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Faculty The Faculty of Seniorkonsulent +47 75 51 77 89 Start semester Autumn 2016 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline > Book academic advising

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

PR120Lv1 Teaching practice grades 5-10 - 0 study points.

Page 62 of 66 Teaching practice grades 5-10; 2nd year PR122L


ECTS Credits 0 Year of study 2nd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Course type Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Autumn 2017 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Overlapping courses

PR120Lv1 Teaching practice grades 5-10 - 0 study points.

Page 63 of 66 Teaching practice grades 5-10; 3rd year PR123L


ECTS Credits 0 Year of study 3rd study year Level Undergraduate Course location Course type Faculty The Faculty of Start semester Spring 2019 Education and Arts Teaching language Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Practice , 20 days, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått

Overlapping courses

PR120Lv1 Teaching practice grades 5-10 - 0 study points.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 64 of 66 Teaching practice grades 5-10; 4th year PR124L


ECTS Credits 0 Year of study 4th study year Gisle Pettersen Level Undergraduate Course location Course coordinator Course type Faculty The Faculty of Studieleder +47 75 51 77 77 Start semester Spring 2020 Education and Arts Teaching language [email protected] Application deadline

Assessment and examinations

Practice , 20 days, grading scale Bestått - Ikke bestått

Overlapping courses

PR120Lv1 Teaching practice grades 5-10 - 0 study points.

Course literature

The reading list can be found in Leganto

Page 65 of 66 Master's Thesis ST314L


ECTS Credits 30 Year of study 5th study year Fredrik Karl Henry Rusk Level Graduate Course location Bodø and Levanger Course coordinator Course type Compulsory. Faculty The Faculty of Associate Professor +4775517411 Start semester Autumn 2020 Education and Arts Teaching language Norwegian [email protected] Application deadline

Course type


Assessment and examinations

Compound assessment, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F Assessment task 1 - Assignment, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Assessment task 2- Presentation, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Godkjent - Ikke godkjent. Master Thesis, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale A-E, Beste A, Ikke bestått F.

Overlapping courses

SPD5021v1 Master thesis - 30 study points. ST313Lv1 Master Thesis - 30 study points.

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