
OOit 1' Arf, Pi ,',.. ,, ,,,?,cfp,,,J , 4ir 1,cno,' ,11111i rir31 1,0,1 , ,0,,, -111-4,MvitQr (1:1'444-1. r.1, 1Hr t-ti& 0* 1-, ka (D C11^4M(+ WAY-y(1)14W, m,;',H1(44 KIF PKV 01 171 1-1H tilt a ...e r0Ok'tal,,'M 0,ritCtA,4 N'40++!!,i JO. c(1)P3:)'1,0 tli c>. o H, Ch 4'43.14010,,1,1-hf 171';;I1t4T111',,, ., W'' tzi 0 .P 0. [.0-0-hilv,.400(v(pqm,:fw 10 rP 40, Co Cl Z tI414:1, flay, 0,,146,(1); "Allmvo 0 . 12,4nvItv,f(1):,;:40)441),,44i1:00+,i115441,40'1" I,4 Poi ,0 +1,,Jti[ k Ac,,, it) M , jfl 1,11,141! , 10 15) 't 01, .0'',10,Agl'' 4D'1"4 ,..,,1-3,,ri-r), Iturallg110)'!1,01"',0 P1O N 0,4,1+41:4,;;01-1,11-1.!p'' I'(n , ,11,"K,O, k 0- ru, ,U14%.YP),,0 , H.4D, 4*;,P44i11cV0i'.1',41113)1'''' ,or, 0 IPI11, ,I.I.P i'l't 1-411; Ur 1=' 'Ti -"rt av ID m ,(1), to, !' P".4:0,,,crt-6 co. , tri m "I:21{`,RCA'a t1:101'!,4 I-I,' ClIF PI: 0 '' tr 1:1iCr, Pt ,(D 0 HP I1 rm DirtQ i,c?.10,0, I'vf,'"O','MA1,0 :on, DV '0'0 34],i,o4"c OPOO rXQa rn ii P ct',Z174,,,' :r 114 tC1' ''107:61:10,Ln' (1)' 4,,P) C' 1.1.. rca 1H,1 0",13! ,Pt se- 9 t:c cr. , 1-R (b rPi C)kUr Ii tli s) , . ("), sw, ,tct ,P 0'41) ,11.,4tt COL: p t:r AP '1,,' * ,I, 0 fc,,Lai'H,a)..pv:1-..m:11,ti, 01 ' 1-C 41'bee '0, 0 :C), 'CI' 0,,, eil,,,o!,,,t-y, .:a,, to up+, cot-rp ' CD' l'En'ID- tn ',0 1 , 4414:f,, 1!,(1:1'' 09-, 'I'. 71 'P,v4,CY't.o11:(17(.11''Lf.;9 ,411:140,4A+,,,er,31rta-.1m, OA+ utl In, "I-i r, 0 H.- 111,41411V 417,14*hr+ITCON'll' = rt. iv, ikleorto, Mocurtt iri-,0Y444041(1)0,, A), ';(1)elcsik,r+rj 0, 0)14 t0,4,, !,m14M,14),,,i bOrfits11< ''m 0 F-,,-0-0, 1-1 0,,! . ,uyil I-a' '0; H '0);, ]a1-141!cia:).1(0,11,"ti!`,,4'''>,:**ertt u) 1PP' (1 uy, Po, cn, D, ,4 rt" ',0,: ,,', 01 2.1)1.44!','P 1,$13 1104401,,harP,-11,04(.0 IrP 4. , ," Air , -4:13 l+ Phi.< ,113) 0-4/D PP L0-N t. , TO (I) t8 A+,in),to ?0 11,40' ID' ,;(+ 101,11-1+1',13),, tn4.1.41 2- .1fp ,m jtv '11 a 1,(1) GrNCDN ' "P), 10 ' 1P1,,,10'1111'0014 itivitok1-1In,,,ctHmiAt'Art,,t0-, ! (0, 0 tgt, 0 (n ti 004m (3): !1-3,,t13',Jall Olit I -YAP 41) rY go, TI,r0 !cr.. 0-1q IVO, 115- !la. 0 Itiryoiivicl 11:H th cb, !Oh''kl

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['t 4' ' 'CIZ1. '- mn`- 1 ,5:21rni;:n5"tplitOrIn.,,,ion2,ItUrii,C100 10 1,4c, ay i t ' ,z,igi-0,:laAgii 44.7.1:::::8:-....712::,i7.1:24;::::ici ,=g7-iciv, r, , em,Zzt,°my5023. -nx , ,

$-*foOD4,44`,*0!441 x!lic="1,104. .4,, VT , 'kr"' r i47,4VA, 4fr'r ; si.11;1rIrr 44"V t e^er01, r f , , I tr1,14,4,6,tu1, , ttfit ,t1to ...01 ',I It ,,.1110 ,11,14. 't I ItYtt ttlt Pt^lt,11, ,r,' T1+ It

It 1,1 lit !Olt pr 1,,,t 11,kt, .10 ChECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR r'- ASIA AND THE FAR EAST CD, CnBangkok, Thailand 1.L.1




UNITED NATIONS New York, 1972 CONTENTS Page Foreword ii Introduction How to use theDirectory.. iv

Australia 1 Burma 30 Ceylon S4 -Cliiria .-: -_ * iiong Kong ,, 40 = .. -- 47 Indonesia .. . :, . i_ ., 162 =Iran : .: 180

Japan .... . 196 -Khmer Republic . 250' KOrea, Rdpublic of 258

:Labs . 285

Malaysia .. :.. . 289 NeW Zealand- .. . 294

Pakistan .. : 304

Papua and New Guinea . 331

Philippines... . 333

Sifigapote . 362

Thailand . 367

VietNam, Republic of ...... 387

Annex I.The First Asian Population Conference: 1963 . 393

AnnexII.The questionnaires.. . 394 Annex III.Indexes to the institutions, areas of research and people covered bythe Directory

A:The institutions for which information is provided . 411 B:The institutions for which sufficient information could not be collected and those whose programMes had not begun` . 421 C:Subject areas of the research projects reported . 424 D:List of names.. . .. 429 Data arc in the process of being collected. FOREWORD

The publication of a comprehensive -diteCtoty of research teaching and training institutions in demography in the region- of the EcOnothic -Commission.-for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) represents the fulfilMent of -a major recommendation of the First Asian Population = Conference of 1963.The Conference_ requested the Executive Secretary of ECAFE to..maintairi a list Of demographic research- ,and-training institutions -in countries -of the region in,order_ to promote co=operation and diViSiOn of labouramongithein,Ao-enhatice =the- CoMparability -6f_ theit research findings and to iniptove_ the efficiency -activities recommendation =(see annex I);

The- sttengthetting=of the secretariat:thtniigh-th&-e§taiiii§hiliehttit,it- Population Division in January 1969, together with thenancial uport of the United Nations -Fund-for_Popul ado n (UNFIW)_ritade I-undertake:a detailed: legion=wide sttidy,Most important to achievOierit has = been =-,the :genetdus co= operation- of the research, tenching-:andi ttainingiiinstitutiohs in siipplYing:die detailed information presented in this- -Directory.

The region's -keen interest in- population= questions is _deafly_ reflected the. Dikeetory, which lists more than 210 institutions active _in-the-field, -over 1;060-

individuaN engaged- in cie-axigtapihie research; teaching--or -training; _nearly -500 research ptojeCts and about- 150 training and teaChhigicinStitutionS w_ ith -theft curricula.

A further step undertaken in the- study -is the-identifidatiOn,Of lniignage M the institutions of the iegioni in order that this knOWledge may be used to improve channels of communication and to increase ,professional understand_ ing among person:, interested in Common areas of research and -ttaiiiing.

It is hoped that publication of the Directory Will-promote co,operation between institutions of the ECAFE region and encourage them to contribute to the technical knowledge and understanding needed in attaining the goals of the Second United Nations DevelopMent Decade.

U NYON Executive Secretary

ii INTRODUCTION The First Asian Population Conference, held The primary aini of this-Directory is to serve at New in December 1963; strongly recom- government -officials, teaching and research staff mended that ECAFE facilitatetheexchange and interested agenCies, scholars and individuals among countries of information on population by-showing where and how deihographic teaching with the aim of providing Governments, research and- research are being carried out.Another and teaching institutions and individual research major ,purpose is to help the staff- of different workers with current data on research and action institutionstolocateothersinrelated -fields, in the population field. especially outside their own country; so that -they may-share and learn from their respective works. The Conference also directed that ECAFE Hence the recording of the languages used- =by assume the re§ponSibility of "mainlaining_a list of staff members and-the- language of printed pub- demographic research and training institutions in lications. countries within the region and of their activities, and promoting co-operationanddiVisionof To collect the information assembled- here, labour among them, with a- view- to enhancing a preliminary list of institutions was, prepared °comparability of research findings and improving froin,_ different -§ource§, including _the -iiirectoryOf the effiCieney Of research and training activities Key Personnel- and_ -PerlodiCalS in the kield;_iif in the regiOn as a Whole".This need has been POpylation in the ECAFE Aegibri_(E-reiV'41/: expidSed repeatedly' in- other international -ga- -898).The twosiitiestionnaires. i.eprodUCETTiii therings. annex_IL were then-,:sent -to7apProxiiiiately 1;469- Aecordingly, the secretariat =Carried- out a_ iii: _so addressesin -countries, 'thibtighorit the_ &MO-graphic survey in the ECAFE _region frOth regiori,1-_ in 'Many:, inStances-i with °the` help _ of liaison August 1910_ to June 1971_, in an initial,effOrtito otfiterS, and eieVaddiesseewaS died;1) decide compile a list of institutions engaged in research Whether or not the questionnaire applied to it and teaching in deniography, tiagether with -in- Spare- copies- were sentto the iGoVeriiiiient§', diCatiohs of the projects _they had completed (ker., together =with- a liSt of the institutions contacted=, the la§t 5 years and those in hand,_ and their and -a request --that the secretariat- be notified ,ot -any-othi§sion§:_It',isi thus-,that a ffel;v-goverh,. Mental or planning-,inStitutiOnS Demography was broadly definedas- the haVe been int:hided in __the Directory. "scientifie_study of- -human populationS,:their their structure and their development" and has, The Secretariat would- be glad to receive beenconsidered both as a discipline and as a at the following address notification of any _46-, technique. Veloprifent- _in population research and teaching in, the region, as well as -requests for =the stipple= Teaching and training have also bee'n ciehned mentaty_ infordiatiOn -whichitintends to in a broad Sense and -relate both to institutions froth time to time: teaching Only derhography and to those teaching a Certain amount -of this subject within other ECAFE -POptilation Division distiplines,such as sociology, economics and Clearing House and Information Section statistics.Finally; in=serViee training Organized Sala Santitham- by institutions has also been taken into account. BangkOk, Thailand Research should at the same time be under- stood as generally comprising both pure and Thanks- are expreSsed to the many 'Govern- applied research.The information- collected is ments, institutions and organizations that haVe centred on researchprojectsratherthan on co-operated in this Survey.The printing Of °the publications, since for various reasons many re- Directory has been made possible through the search projects lead to no publication or to United Nations Ftind for Population Activitid. publications in a form difficult to obtain (e.g. Afghanistan, Australia, Brunei, Burma, Ceylon, China, Fiji, mimeographed copies).Often only certain as- Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, the Khmer Republic, pects of the research are published, giving a the Republic of.Korca; Laos, Malaysia,Mongolia, Nepal, NeW Zea- land, Pakistan, Papua and New Guinea, the Philippines, Singap-oie, limited idea of the original project.Further, the Thailand, the Republic of Viet=Nani, Western Samoa.Foilr time-lag between the completion of a project and countries reported no activity: Afghanistan, Brunei, Fiji and Nepal, and two countries did not answer the survey: Mongolia and the Appearance of the relevant publication can be Western Sam6a.Information on Chinese institutions is in the considerable. process of being collected.

in How to Use the Directory

The classification and the series of indexes search,teaching,and researchand teaching adopted in the _Directory have been deterinined institutions). With various purposes inniind, for example: finding the name of an insti*. 'ion, identifyinga language that cOrrespOnds v_that of another Index B- contains informationon _institutions research worker or teacher and- ascertaining_ the for whialtsufficient Material could hot be collected current research in a country or on' a partiaillar or which were planning to Start a programMe but subject. were not yet active at the time of the survey. General system of classification of the institutions: Each-country's institutions are elaSSified _by The information collected has been-presented country, by alphabetical Order and by type_ (re- separately fir each institution; as .follows:

, Type of institution General Professional Reiearch characteristithi -staff project -Curricula Research Teaching Research and= teaching,..

:Professionalstaff Carr-len/a. The following pattetrfiglieen radopted- fOr The-lioteS- repotted: under -t6 _heading in- allstaff Members: name, sex; -year- _Of _birth; dicate -the-. existence :of irrieiiiitiOnaf profession_of research- workers, the-_iiiairindourSes exchange --prOgraniine- eitahliSh. tiught; MOthet, tongue,- :other ilangbages=--knOwn One, the -laiigliage(§):41§4itar±:_teaChirig: reading ability), as given :_by:the ib graphy.and-_:any-,Other'laiignageS-'thit_tbo-d:_be. lion. used; - requirements' Alle: diploma offered ; and the =courses of,-cie -;_ int dies t, While some of the professionals-liged may . tOge flier not have dentogiaPhy_aS =their l'nahi:actiVity.',.:7-.-'fOr itli t he it4eit iniateci t ntiniber:of hOurs. example, a geographer -niay-,be_ dondneting-de., MOgraphid-,reSeareh on the relatiobihip,d(CliMa7 Generally,the- informationcollectedon_ tblogY_ ind,populationdi§tribiltiOn-isr generally lahoratorys-Or field work -was =too _incomplete to possibleto _identifythestaff MeMbers most be included in the Directory: A few-in,Service directly concerned with population by Cheokirig traiiiing-dppordinitie§ -haVe beta- "reported: the courses, the- type of reSehithand'the-authotS . _ 5f the paperS. List Of cibbreViations and.syntbols:-

-l'esearch projects and publications listed M Male The following presentation:has-been adopted F Female for the projects: the title, director(S), date of Completion, aim and area Of research. n.a. Not applicable The works publishedas direct products of Information not available the research concerned are liSted at the end of pp Pages each project.. vol. Volume When available, information on the publica- h tions follows a set pattern: title, author, reference, Hour (s) number of Copies published, language of publica- No. Number tion, language of the summary anda -resume prepared by the institution or taken from the ASERAge specific fertility rate ,publication. GRR Gross reproduction rate iv IPPF International Planned Parenthood The sole purpose of the code numbers, which Federation are those given to the institutions in the ECAFE survey, is to facilitate location of the relevant IUCDInfra- uterine contraceptive device entries in the Directory; for example, India 15 IUD Intra-uterine device refers to the Indian Statistical Institute of Cul- IUSSP cutta; and follows India 14, the Indian Agricul- International Union of Scientific tural Research Institute; Indonesia 10 refers to Studies of Population LembagaDemOgraphi,UniversitasIndonesia. KAP KnoWledge, attitudes and practice The information on theinstitutions,staff, MCH Maternal and child health projects and curricula has been proVided by the V.S. Vital statistics institutionsthemselves;inseveralcases,the orig: al text has -been retained in order to avoid First year of research/teaching = in demography distortion. Name Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Department RESEARCH AND TEACHING' INSTITUTION of Human, Geography Australia 1 FirstAddr;:ssPerson year in of charge researchOfficial- title ActingLINGE,1952P. O. Head Box G.1. 4, R.Canberra, A.C.T., 2600, Australia Professional staff RIMMER,HO.LINGE, R. G. P. J. J.R. MM,M 193519211932 iGeographerGeographer TransportationRegionalUrban and agriculturaLgeography industrial geography geography -English, English,French French, Malay French KENNEDY,EASTON,L'IBB,SPATE,CLARKE, P. 0. M.W. H.R. D.C. K. ,MFM 1947194019111929 MathematicianComputerPoliticalGeographer scientist PoliticalRegional,Ecology geography,, political, cuaral trade geography n.a.n.a. "English,iEnglish,1EnglishEnglish, Russian French Spanish,French Neo-Melanesian Research projects DirectorTitle Patterns, processes and the mover - stayer, decisi`:r in New hebridean Programmer migration TitleAreaAimDate ofof of projectresearch completion ConsumerMigration.ExplanationSeptemberBEDFORD, spatial 1971 of R. processesbehaviour D goveniing in Southwest circular Sydney migration (provisional) in ,a Pacific territory AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch Sydney,especiallyTheoreticalLINGE,September Australia. G. as formulation L1971it R.relates to of the man-environment structure of cities interaction and an empirical investigation of form and process, Curricula CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement Various,Ph.D.MinimumEnglish depending B.A. Hons on field of doctoral research. Australian National University, Institute of RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Advanceci E",udics, Res. .rch School of Social Sciences, Department Australia 2 NamePersonAddress in charge Official title ProfessorCALDWELL,of P.Demography O.. Box of Demography4, John Canberra C. A.C.T. and Head 2600, of DepartmentAustralia of Demography FirstProfessionalFirst. year year of ofresearch staff teachingCALDWELL, J. C. 1947 1928 Dentographer Demography English, French, German BASAVARAJAPPA,McARTHUR,BORRIE,PRICE, W.C. A.NormaD. R.1K. G. 17 M 1931192119201913 Demographer DonographyDemographyDemography Kannada,English,Eng HA French English t.) KUNZ,BURNLEY,SINGARIMBUN,KAA, E.van F. de 1. D. H. J.2 Masri M 1931192219391933 DcmographcrDemographer Demography.DemographyDemography Hungarian,EnglishIndonesian,Dutch, English, English, English Gcrman German, French Research projects TitleDirectorRUZICKA, Ladislav McARTHUR,Urban piipulation N. of fiji 1920 Statistician Czech, English ArcaDatePublication of completionresearch componentFijiContinuingAn"Fertility analysis populationsand of marriage thc changes over in Fiji" the that decade(McARTHUR), have; 1956-1966.occurred Human-in patterns Biology of both fertility and marriage in Fiji's two major in Oceania, vol. 1, March 1971, in English. TitleAreaDateDirector of completionresearch ContinuingAustratiaPRICE,Imntigration C. A.policies and BROOKS, H. G. Publications vol."Seinefor statistics proolcms on of entrances international into migration and departtireS, statistics:,19, 'No. from an"Australian '1, AUStraliaJuly 1965, case-study" 'since pp. 17-27, the Second (PRICE),in English. World War. TraCes changes in definitions and compilation practices Population Studies. Australia 2 Analyses `i in"'White'statisticstemporary BritishEnglish. restrictions' 11959-1963Y.Columbia, and permanent California,,on 'coloured' movements New immigration" Zealand according and ,(PRICE),. toAUStralia. data, onRace, birthplace vol. 7, from.No. 3, the January 1954 census1966, pp. and 217-234. current An.loutline of the evolution of policies-, restricting the immigration of coloured persons into theAustralia"Post-warDiscuSies size and migration: Certain,.structure nspects,deniographio'backgrOund"of the new,Post-war of this relationship, inimigrant.,pOpnlation-and espeCially( PRICE), thoSe ,relOant its relationship to lain to the pre-war population.(Alan 'Stoller, 1966), pp. 11-29, ,in, English.. New,. Faces ofOutlines In:Migration the general and Family demographic Life in background. nt 'family life and mental copicS,"Australianhealth. in 'English. immigration: This', is' the, first bibliography.'''ptiti3OU( bylthe, Departments of Sociologya, bibliography and Demography and digest" (PRICE)., 1966, pp. 1-123, mimeographed, 1,000 Moitly.,pOst-SeCond.WOrld'iWar, arc 'arrange& alphabetically under w carryinPolicy;"covering 17Progress". each seeioni;* issectionimmigration including up to ,general;Australia. deMOgraphie, social and, national Origin. done historically to include materiali.rega'rdlesS,,,ofThis edition' is not date. annotated. ,tWo A,4SeCOnd, editiME, 'expected to be published in .1971, will **(Europeans"' and "Southern Europeans", will The 'final section is entitled "WorkOne section; the "White Australia mimeographed,"Thc,Study,,ofwillbe , ,precedetreated hiStOriCally: the 11,000assimilation bibliographical copies, ", (PRICE), IseetiOni. Australian Immigration: A initiliography and Digest, 1966, pp. 1-57, IEStiniitteS;and,.'analySer Various methods of studying assimilation. Zealand will be added. Analytical chapters disciplines,OVerseas,,and"Sonthern,(typologies; can Eurokans 'AuStraiian.'contribute: in 'works, are ,exantine& '1"Oe' their ,contribution to formal theory, and classification seqUential ClaSsificalkin), and suggestions are made as to the ways different ',PrObleMs, (eg ICE ) , International Migration. Review, "Thedifferentcommunity,volt. identification 2, variables' No 3, intermarriage, May affecting of ,1968; pp. and' 0OliticaUinvohiemcnt; measuring integiatiOti,,incIndin& OetfUnetioir of urban the churches, concentration, and intergencrational the role of the ethnic conflict. ethnic mhtorities" (PRICE),, Ethnic. Minorities in Australia, in 'Etigliih with,;'stintmary in 'French, Spanish and German. (Harold Throssell, ed. Analyses groups.political'"e::hniC"data 1968),and ,and incross pp. .o tabulation,1-10, in English. ;published' Vital, ,statistic, naturalization records and community surveys. , the broad`, senSC,, of 4,,Culture" s Ottilinei methods- by Whieh,ethniet' , minorities' may be identified,distinct,,giOnPS, using census nnt3iikeitifintile ,in the simple th0Sc, yhOr, for ,physical,, linguistic, religious, historical, 'rtliPlace ,an& nationality Uses I, , I 1 ,ry 1, , 'I ^ n 1 , 1, - , , 1 - 1t n, ,^, 1, 1 X1I y In, 'Lune' xt I ^ , , I 4. I`, YIN1 I ^ 4 1,^ u I LY y1I 1 , 1, 1, " n I ,^1 ^.4 SI, 1I I' n, II ,1 1 , - I t I I ,1 Title Asian migration to Australia', Australia 2 PublicationsAreaDateDirector of completionresearch and"Post-warAustraliaContinuingPRICE; general, C. migration, survey.A. and CHOI, to Australia" (PRICE), Crux, No. 2, April-Ma' 1967, pp. 3-4, in English. A statistical "The'beginning.Study"Migrants1969),, migrants"Conference, chap. in Australian (PRICE),,,AquIralia4, in1968, ,English. society",chap. 7, pp:(PRICE), A 95-1,12,. Survey Anatohiy (V.O..in English: Venturini, of Australia, ed., Duke,Institute' of Edinburgh's of Asian Affairs, Commonwealth ,Hamburg, This chapter' discusses in particular the impact ,of 'the post-war arrivals on this society. ,Disausses the size, and coMpoSitiOn, of ,Post-Fitst World War migrants to Australia, has Inca a migrant nation from the April-MayBritish-Australian,ed,"Post-warAustralia. 1969), ,1967; ,rnigration,pp. 3741, "culture".,is updated, in , toEnglish. Australia" and has an (PRICE),, additional Australian, short political PolitiCsl--7a l section. second reader (Henry Mayer, third Emphasis, is ,given to the AStatistiCaVandgenerali survey., changes, in the ethnic. cOmposition and the impact of this on the Article which appeared in Crux 2(3-4), Cheshire,"Immigrants"adjustments; Publisliing, (PRICE),, ,made, Pty. to itustialianHSOciety,,,a4OCOlogi*I*ipdi.Australian,,SocietY by the ethiièally dffereht ,pOst-war migrants, and the impact they 1970, ,chap. , 1180499;, 5;000 copies, in English. edited by A.. F. Davies, and S. Encel; Examines the exert on thk,soeiety., , "ChineseNo.,"Migration.'SeminarRepublic 14, spring,migrationirto,Adstralia paper,tofrom Australia,' 1970; , Marchthe United pp. in 33-40, recent la,,,PrcpOSalllOrm,the'..StUd.,Ci(the inyears English. and develOPMent ,Of:'fitture, Melbourne migration. .Chinese community" (CHOI), Arab; 'Republic '' to Australia?' (PRICE, and PYNE, Patricia), Migration Today, iniincoainphecii,,,40

L. I I 71 r rr, Publications Of"Sch4tzungen 'n'7itarrateS,,andquiUregroWth'"',11%/i,.nrGuiirdcu,I,Wegre/i. det ,peviilkerungsz,ifferit 'uncy ,ihrer',,kiinftigen,Ent,Wieklung in ,Papua and Neu Guinea" AustraliaTranslation 2 (KAA, Title Indonesianof''Papua"Population" and family, New (KAA, 'planning Guinea van de)',on studies the Papua basis and of inforinationNov Gicinga* available nOdivacdiii; prior' into English.the NO. 34, 1970: census of Discusses the demography 1.966. AreaAimDateDirector{ orof completionresearch 'Indonesia.TheSINGARIMBUN, 1970,project is chiefly M. concerned with fertility levels' ancrtrends and with factors affecting them Publica:ionDateDirectorTitle of completion Thesis.KHAWAJA,,Historical1970 statistical A. M. study of neonatal, infant mortality in Australia o DateDirectorTitle of completion 1970YOUNG,Generation C. anolysis M. of Australian mortality DirectorTitlePublicationArea of research YUSUF;Pakistan,Thesis.Australia fertility,F. project TitleAreaAimDate :of of research completion 'Pakistan, mainly,Rural-urbanThe1968' projectLahore migration. is City. chiefly,concerned' in Lagos; Nigeria with fertility revels, and trends and with 'factors affecting them AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion TheofToJanuary'EJIOGU, migrationstudy, main, theC. migrant demOgraphie'andand resettlement suburbs of in'Socio-economicthe urban Federal areas, Territory characteristics of Lagos of migrants in relation'1968 to the process patterns Publications 'African, rural - urban 'Migrants in the Maiit,Migraatareas:, Of',Lagb§; ',Federal Territory'', ,(E.TIOGO),, , Australia 2 The "Africanofcharacteristics,withPopulation' migration a summary migrants, of 'on! Tropical Of ,the in migrants'in English:'coniPoSition! Lagos Africa;, suburbs:,,andltion-migrants alicVstructure a ,demograPhie,,and` Aa of a-saiiiplaIthe,,itrban socio- of ,population. '569, economic households, survey in oforder rural, to urbanshow themigration effects This chapter'exainines!differentials in the :demographic' and socio-economic (ed: 'Ca ldWeif;,,J:. C:,:anokbkonjri,,,C. 1968, pp. 320-330) in English mentmigrant,households,phi:ato thesis; the and and main! 10(heaolofsocio-economic exPeriences, copies;to migrant shoW,,thei!effeets: houseliold)Aaracteri§ties in areasEngliShcWith in urbancharacteristics of the living. ofFederal' :Migration,On':flie,!urbant:POpulation6,,SumniarY of Territork:Of,Lagoi;and'rthea,Motives i;893: 'inigraiits, for 'and' !Nigeria" niigratiOn; '1,811 (ETIOGU,,january household;non patterns - migrants of the migration relationships in a1963, sample and:resettle- pp. between of 1-450; 679 study of the differentials in the ,demogra- AimDateDirectorTitle of completion TheOHADIKE,Fertility1967 project in Lagos is P. concerned 0. chiefly with fertility levels and trends, and with factors affecting them DateDirectorTitleArea of:completionof research CALDWELL,,FertilityLagos1966 City and (Nigeria). family J. C. :change in Ghana AreaAimPublications of research NoGhanaThe(with"A 2, project studyNovember emphasis ,ofis concerned'age '1966, on miS7statement, stated: pp.:4777490,, chiefly age): with of:among::young,:cliiidreit knoWn, fertilityin English agafroiri,birilif:regiStratiOns;levels, witli,a::Stiminaryln, and.. trends'in and with Spanish: fact...is! and a. comparisonaffecting them oG ,reported and (CALDWELL), Demography, vol. III, A census of 1,000' children questionnaire'planning"Africa"'actualWorld,'Developnients, age. in,(CALDWELL), Afriea,,, On 'the the subject:, major 1966; part Pp., being 163 a-report-18f, iii,,Engli§hw(lateringpOil* On-,tha, answers: provided' and in French). A review, of fainily B. :BerelSon et: 'al. Planning, and Population Programs: 'a, Review of African Governments to, changingDevelopments;"Family;'formation,and,(CALDW,E1.1.10: attitudes 1966,, and in pp.practiCesloWardS:lamily,,liniitatiOni:r'airibnist.:.the: p., limitation S 95 ',613; ia!Ghana:, :a!,'study,,Of:flie,l'eSidents,,of Ghanaian, urban !'elite. ,(later; ins Spanisl 'and,:ificFrench 'Programmes:. a ,Reyiew of World A , prel im inary: 'report on superior urbaw-,areas" I vol."The XX, erosion No. of1, theJuly family: 1966, app. study 5-26, of inthe English. fate of the family in Ghana" (CALDWELL), Population Studies, A retrospective study, of the reduction of cohorts (by Australia 2 tothreement"Fertility,size change of areasand family attitudesfamilyCultural of contrastingof birth!size. irt Change, three and socialeconOmically,,COntrastingiogionS^,df area vol. andofXV, residence) economic No. 2, ',by, change,of mortality; the economicrelating ',Ghana"' mortality value (cALOyva,L),,E,conotnie of to children family andsize. the pressuresDevelop- ianiiary, 1967, pp: 217 -238, in English. An examination in changea"Fertility reductionlower(CALDWELL), will fertility differentials, ofbecome fertility in PopulationGhana's more asamongst evidence widespread, towns, Studies, those ofthan incipient groups thusvol.in rural' XXI,,NO.tending most fertility, areas, subject to is1,reducede:cline demonstrated.July to social 1967,fertility. in a developingchange. pp. 5-21, in country: English. the case of Ghana" This is then explained in terms of It is argued that such social The existence of AimDateDirectorTitle of completion TheBORRIE,1966Australian project W. is population chieflyD. concerned growth with fertility levels and trends and with factors affecting them ts.) AreaPublications of research Agrarian"Populationvol."MalthusianAustralia 2, No. Affairs, 2, growthreflection February vol. 5,on 1967, No.the South2,pp. May 19 Pacific" -29; 1967, in English:pp:(BORRC), 93-1'14; Transactions in English. of the Royal Society of New Zealand, demographic and sociological viewpoints" (BORRIE), International Journal of AreaAimDateDirectorTitle of completionresearch NewThePOOL,Maori 1965 projectZealand: fertility, D. I.is chiefly New Zealand concerned with fertility levels, and trends and with factors affecting them Craricula Graduatemaythesupervisers.and Departmentmay average students spend, one ofoverin a Demography thefortnight;, the Australian three allyears,, provides thisNational ishundreds during UriiVersity., termof hetifs.On spend teaching most of techniques their time andon adiscussions, British-type with thesis their Such discussions ,arc specifiCally related to, the thesis topic and Are quite informal. two-hour ,sciiiinar each- 'week plus an additional seminar which time;, ,so that these seminars would add up to about In addition, ofinperk90 theAustralia;population h. year) ECAFE were aboutstudies, region; devoted, one-fifth includingabout to onefertility to demographic-fifthother and toaspects internatiOria1family and of 'planning formaleconomic niigration demography; about analyses. one-fifthand to andthe to absorption about otherThese one-fifthaspects areof migrants, arrangedof to the other population especially according, aspects to need. About- Onefifthi of the curriculum (that is, about 18 h 4. Australia 2 theResearchNearlyStudents100 University h all of maySchool studentssocial meetattend of statistics, their Social:find other specific that courses Sciences while some 'needs. inothers of orthe the the attached take other Research, hundreds weekly School School: orof of bi- hoursGeneral of weekly Pacific of Studies;Asian seminar Studies or for other ,series(both instance, languages. graduate given some in schools) takeeither about the of Perhaps most students would attend! at least 60 h of such additional Notes ' No Atenrolmentcountryseminars present Directorin a being year.the ofDepartments required'. the Nederland- 1..teruniversitati longerof Geography .1 stall member Demogialisch or of theAnthropolgy Department. Institut (NIDI), or the Economics, Hague, Netherlands. as he chose, with no formal A student working on Malaysia, woUld, be likely to go to seminars presented on that RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge POLLARD,NorthMacquarie Ryde University, 2113,A.H. Australia School, of Economic and Financial, Studies, Statistics Section, Australia 3 ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingresearchOfficial title 1967Professor of Economic Statistics and Director of Actuarial Studies RONLEY,MITCHELL,POLLARD, S. J.A. R.I. H. B. POLLARD,MF A. H. 1913193919161942 StatisticianStatisticianDemographer TopicsTopics lit indemography demography n.a.n.a. 'EnglishEnglish YUSUF,HOWSON,AITKIN, F.M. A. A. B. M 1939194219401934 DemographerStatistician Elementsdemography and topics HIA andin demography; B n.a. EnglishUrdu, English GRIFFITHS,CROCKET,CARROLL,MADDEN, G.N.P. R. N.C.G. C. M 1924194419371946 Statistician-demographerStatistician 'TutorialTopicsTutorial in demography n.a. EnglishEnglish ANDERSON,TAYLOR,POLLARD,OLIVER,HOSSACK, E. G. I.G. H. C.B.J. N. A. M 19451944 StatistStatistician-demographerDemographerStatistician ician-clemowupner TutorialTopics,Elements in anddemography topics in demography n.a. EnglishEnglish Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion JuneYUSUF,Fertility 1971 survey F. and of POLLARD, New South G.Wales N. TitleAreaDateDirector of of research completion POLLARD,RandomFertility.1970 mortality A. H. fluctuations and the binomial hypothesis PublicationArea of research "RandomMortality mortality fluctuations and the: binomial hypothesis" (POLLARD), Journal Institute of Actuaries, Australia 3 DatcDirectorTitle of completion POLLARD,A 1970,statistical1969 in English. pictureA. H. of the aged ArcaDirectorTitlePublication of research POLLARD,"AAgcingDemographic statistical of population A.picturc aspectsH. of theof ageingaged" (POLLARD), Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries, 1970, in English. PublicationArcaDate of completionresearch andpp."DemographicAgcing1969 32-57,directs of populationin the English. readeraspects to of sonic ageing" of the (POLLARD), sourccs of information The Aged concerning in Australian the -Society,agcd. (Sax S., ed., 1970), This paper prcscnts a statistical picturc of the agcd in the Australian community rft TitlePublicationAreaDateDirector of completionresearch '1968AnDemographyAnPOLLARD,Preparation introductory of A. text-booka H.manual Introduction forin general, undergraduate (POLLARD), demography students. 1968; of pp: demography 1 -92, in English. This book presents briefly thc endstudygivenanatmaterial Macquarieintroduction of any atcach usedthe particular chapter, end, University. for to aofthe short aseachsubject subject only series chapter by in of doingdctail.of demography. tolectures booksso; will delivered or he articles, becomplathiliar to- ,where first-year the with students .student the sourccs atmay the broadenofUniversity Australian his of knowlcdgc demographic Sydney and or Its purpose is to providea background for tutorials, aimed at giving thc student The student iSIstrOngly advised to attempt all the exercises at the The presentation is almost in note form, but references arc DateDirectorTitle of completion JuncFertilityPOLLARD,data, 1966 with in Australia the A. applications H. and POLLARD, of Ilk lifc table G. N. and with ihe icchnigocS for measuring mortality and fcrtility. PUblicationArca of research suggestschangesof"FertilityFertility Australia whicha in table Australia"and have which New taken Zealand, in(POLLARD the place authors' vol. in Australia, & opinions POLLARD), discussespresents' Transactions thcthe mostways realistic inof which the Institutepicture fcrtility of of hasthe Actuaries fcrtilitybeen measured ofposition. Australia and 17, 1966, pp. 19 -46,, in English. This paper indicates the fertility Curricula' Exchange programme An international student exchange programme is envisaged Australia 3 CoursesDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement tutorial05122B.A.HigherEnglish ELEMENTSSchool per week Certificate (optional) OF DEMOGRAPHYand 26Matriculation h: (2 credit 'points): I. Sources of demographic data; 2. The use of censuses and samples; first half-year course; one lecture and one 05221pertrends.population3. Construction week 'TOPICS in problems; second IN and DEMOGRAPHY half, use 6. Populationofyear. life tables; forecasts; (4,4. The credit life-table- 7. points):Measitrement, approach (optional) and to interpretation39non h, demographic two lectures of mortality problems; and one and tutorial5. fertility World Prerequisite: 18 'credit ,points- including 05122, Elements of demography, genetics,lectures:isariseaor broad, ofpermission importance,in education, thesepopulation view will ofof someandHead sociology,cevcr studies in of of whicha the School.rangeand economics)fields demographer'show of A topicstheyin series which, arcarc whiCli: of ,overcome':.workinitOiether.. at4,,,r6SearCh,,WOrt:crs deinographeis,lectures, arc of (plus general arc reading, engaged, interest, indiscussions other emphasizing in which fields and the(e.g. writtenthe population history, difficulties work) geography, factor giving which The course will consist Of ,three parts: (a) formal Sonte examples arc: The contribution of toyouandbirthdemographic write health;determine a paper population research . on a demographic, toforecasting; social history; (b),topic discussion.forecasting] which may topics: l'Crtility be chosen a series = the in ofrelationSocial questsions survey to his of factorsmethod;special the type causing interest. the "How sex variation ratiowould at ;, the measurement Of community' health; the demography of abortion;. smoking ." will be' set and discussed 'intuttirialS;.,(C) assignment: each student will be required Some human05321HID,andbeof thesean three DEMOGRAPHY populations.importantis topapers tutorials: present factor'will perdemography be in week.circidated, MAassessing' (6 creditas forhis an' general,perfOrmanCe. points):independent' 'discitsSion;' discipline the Student's ;for the contributionsystematic and during scientific the course study will of This Coarse in technical' demography will deal mainly with the methods of data The main purpose of thicottrse, in conjunction with 05322, Demography (optional) 78 h; course in first half-year, three lectures variousthree05322totechniquescollection study tutorials DEMOGRAPHY techniquesselected ^an,1 for per'analysing various portions week. of demographic, techniques, inadequate 'IMP'of variouS'Jmoks (6 creditof 'data'. analysisanalysiS points):; and,seientiffe inof thedeitiographic,data. ,(optional) Understanding', journals. 78 'h in of second the dynamics ,half -year; of population three lectures growth. and This ,course in substantive demography will largely deal with the application of No teit..bOoks.4ill be prescribed bUt students still be required Students will also be exposed to sonic Notes 23 1nserviceC.ourses startingtrainingSomeasfactors inis a1971.planned ofworld the affectingA student forimportant movement trainees doing fertility, from all'topics fouroverseas,towards courses 'mortality, 'proposed Particularly fertility will be toableand thosecontrol.be to migration; coveredmajor involycd in demography. in dare: the '(c) family population planning and and census labour programmes. force; (d) family planning (a). the growth of the world'i population; (b) NameAddress Clayton,Monash Victoria University, 3168, Department Australia of Geography RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Australia 4 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title ProfessorJOHNSON,1965 of GeographyB. L. C. and Chairman of Department I Professional oaf) JOHNSON, 13. L. C. J. M 19321919 GeographerGcographcr ` - Population geography n.a. English, French WHITELAW,ROBINSON,DUNCAN,DALEWILSON, W. M. L.J. G. S.G.J. S.A. MM 1937193519221917 GeographerGeographer n.a. EnglishEnglish WARREN,SANDERS,PETERSON,EDGELL, V. M. R.R. J. C. A.C.A. R. M 1937194119391943 Geographer n.a. English APLIN,URLICH,ANDERSON,MERCER. G. D. J. D.U. F. C.E. MF 194419281940 Geographer n.a. English Research projects TitleANDERSON,SALIFI, K. P. M. FMSpacio-temporal variations in Victorian fcrtility 19441947 GeographerGeographer n.a. EnglishMalayan, English AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion variationsToWILSON,Victoria,December ascertain, in. M.Australia 1971 bylocal G. use A. ferflity of multi levels variPte over techniques several decades of factor analysis and multiple regression, explanations for r Publications economic1970,"The spatial in English. data ,dimension, matrix having of ViCterian, some explanatory ,fertility" (WILSON)';;S4tliv/yeiv, power in metropolitan, Zealandurban and Geographical. rural contexts. Conference, PreliMinark report on early 'analysis: of :Ciata; "diMensions" of socio- Australia 4 "staneardseveralin"Alternate English. measures surf'cc"measures A comparison;ing of can fertility..tchof befertility: measures accounted of thesome inspatial' forlocal-scalegeographic by variationlocal studies.implications"'structural in the variations,"fertility (WILSON), response thereby New emphasizing surfaces"Zealand Geographer, as the derived dangers 1971,from of The study illustrates how most of the deviations from an arbitrarily selected AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToWILSON,Population1971 analyse M.Change,the G. various A. 1961-66, components Victoria of population change in rural, urban and metropolitan Victoria TitleDirectorArea of research WILSON,AgeVictoria, structure Australia. M. variationsG. A. in Victoria PublicationAreaAimDate of completionresearch Victoria,ToDeLember"Age describe structure Australia 1970 and account variations for inthe Victoria", spatial patterning (LAW, M.), of, age-structure 1970, a, thesis variations in English. in the State of Victoria Age structure indices for Curricula Exchange programme Althoughregionalurban and trends at rural present fromlocal there locallygovernment is no operative international areas, factors. by sex,student subjected exchange to several programme, forms financial of statistical assistance analysis could to separate be used DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement MatriculationB.A.Englishto create one Note Course t Engineering studentsone-thirdPOPULATION may oftake the population subject, GEOGRAPHY geography geography, as a (optional), humanities option 50 duringh (2 theirh, per third week),' or (mirth year.represents an option& unit making up Name The University of- Adelaide, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography. RESEARCH; 'AND TEACIiING INSTITUTION Australia 5 PersonAddressFirst yearin charge of research North1950 Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingGALE, Fay F 1969 1932 Geographer n.a. English WILLIAMS,SWAILES,GRIFFIN, M.T. P. L.J. C. M 1935 Geographer Population geography English Research projects TitleDirector GRIFFIN,Population structuresT. L. C. of small towns in South Australia AreaAimDate of of research completion ToSouthin-1971 establish and Australia. out-migration relative stability of town populations in the post-Secor.. World War period and patterns of TitleAimDateDirector of completion ToGALE,Demographic establish1969 Fay trends trends in fertilityin a population and mortality, of aboriginal over adescent period of 10V ears PublicationArea of research inO.U.P. mortality"ASouthern,South changing Melbourne, Australia. ratesSouth aboriginal along Australia a book with population" ofintermarriage 251 pp., (Gale), pp. patterns 65-88 in 5;000 among, copies, the people in English. of aboriginal descent at Point Meleay Settlement and Encounter, edited by Gale, F. & Lawton, G. An analysis of fertility and p Curricula= Australia S CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement POPULATIONB.A.MatriculationEnglish GEOGRAPHY (compulsory), 10 n: 1. Fertility and mortality, S I, 2, Demographic cycle Notes Theisgratuityand University generally migration, is a partthehas researcher's onlyno faculty 5of ah. department's or own department responsibility; curriculum, concerned teaching The 5Peeilleally University is the responsibility haswith nodemographic single of tuersonthe head teaching in of charge the and department of research. demographic concerned. research and teaching. Research Such teaching as includes 11cmo a The UniversityreservesGovernment hasbe noestaidislied frontalone whereby'of student its if postgraduate funds the exchange werelatter available,provides scholarships prograimile. a it scholarshipcan for only award be tosaid enablea' graduatethat thea graduate' University of an Italian from Council university.the University would As glue to to whether studyfull comideration in a Italy,student and exchange the University mogratmue would The twarot minimal appopach to such a programme is an agreement with the Italian to such a question. of Adelaide Ots) RESEARCH' INSTITUTION Australia 6 NamePersonAddress in charge UniversityNorth Terrace, of Adelaide, Adelaide, Faculty. South of Australia Medicine, 5000, Department Australia of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ProfessionalFirst ycar of .crap researchCOX, L. W. M1970 1919 M.D. n.a. English Research project TitleBURDEW, J. K. TheF acceptability of contraception to Australian aborigines . . . . n.a. English AimDateDirector of completion ThistheyObservationCOX, is wishindefinite L. W.for of help, asaborigines yet arrangements in the outbackwill be made and in for the them city toto havediscover medical their advice. reactions to contraceptives. If Note 1 There is no singleteaching 'sawmill is tlic charge responsibility of demography of the head research of the and department teaching concerned. in demography. Research is generally the researcher's own responsibility; IP

Nrr,rrn r,Eri ir r AddressName SouthUniversity Australia of Adelaide, 5001, Australia Faculty of Science, Department of Genetics TEACHING' INSTITUTION Australia 7 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingOfficial title ProfessorBENNETT,1969 J. H. CurriculaProfessional staff BENNETT, J. H. M 1926 Demography English ts) CoursesDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.Sc.MatriculationEnglish throughoutGENETIC II;ANDthe Demography year: HUMAN compulsory VARIATION:1and population course for growth. onedemography lecture' each covers: week 1 and a 3-h practical class fortnightly Note ' Course startingGenetichuman in 1971. variation, effect of demographic-migration and aspect,racial mixture, 6 h; 3. Human 2 h; 5. populationsGenetic and humanand their evolution, geneticDemography, 2structure, h. 2 3 h; h; 4.2. Genetic and TEACHING !INSTITUTION) Australia 8 PersonAddressName in charge DOWNING,Parkville,University Victoria ofRichard Melbourne, 3052, Ivan Australia Faculty of Economics and Commerce Profes.sional staff DOWNING,Official title R. I. MRitelee Professor of Economics 1915 Economist Economics English, French Curricula LanguageExchange Programme EnglishtoAlthough create one at present there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be used t.) CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement B.A.MatriculationandGENERAL (Hons) development. DEMOGRAPHY, 20 h: J. Population theory; 2. Mortality; 3. Fertility; relationship to growth TEACIIING INSTITUTION Australia 9 PersonAddressName in charge Official title BUTLAND,Armidale,UniversityProfessor N.S.W.of of NewGilbert Geography England,2351, J. Australia and Department Head of ofDepartment 'Geography Professional staff McPHAIL,WOOLMINGTON,BUTLAND, T. G. R. J. E. R. M 193919261910 n.a.n.a. Population !geographygeography English,English FrenchSpanish, Portuguese, French Curricular LanguageExchange programme EnglishAlihpughused to therecreate are one no international student exchange programmes. at present, financial assistance could be CoursesEntranceDiploma requirement GEOGRAPHYB.A.Matriculation HAIIIAI (compulsory) (optional) (optional) social advancedelementary geography; social population geography,22 63, h.. geography, 63 11. 20 h. DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.A.MatriculationEnglish Hpnours Notes Course 1 At postgraduateBesides level social the geographers previous arc B.A. prepared' course, to supervise it includes theses which an optionalmeritMr. W. thesis:classification. A. Halloway; requiring "Malaysia, about a study one-half in political: year's geography", work. submitted' for the degree of Bachelor of Letters in 1962 and awarded with a demographic content; two such in recent years arc those'hy: 2 Social geographyWithinBinh and theses advanced both therearc insocial arrstuclies the Departmentgeography of population are of Geography'sthe subtitles geography oflibrary; a butterm's itin is unpubliSited'iortn. work' difficult in: toeachtionMiss isolate ofof Isa theclass thisBalkish courses fromli division Mohammed, the geography courses 1. "The HAremaining and Malay IIIA, work.farmers respectively. in Malaya", submitted for the Honours Degrees B.A. in 1968 and^v.varded the classifica- r 4 AddressName UniversitySt. Lucia, of Brisbane, Queensland, Department of Geography, Queensland 4067,TEACHING Australia INSTITUTION Australia 10 PersonFirst inyear charge of teachingOfficial title ReaderWOOD,1960 P. D. Professional stall DICK,WOOD, R. P. S. D. FM 192619291924 n.a. CulturalBiogeographySocial geography English,English DutchFrench ts)Vt MARSDEN,DAVIS,TUGBY, I. E. B. E. S. 'MM 19351933 n.a. UrbanGeomorphology geography EnglishEnglish, French Curricula ExchangePHILPOTT, programme M. M. usedAlthoughM to create at present one there are no international student exchange1930 programmes, financial assistance could be n.a. Economic geography English LanguageDiplomaEntrance requirement B.A.B.A.MatriculationEnglish B.Econ., Hons. (majoring B.Com., M.A.,in geography), M.Econ., B.Econ. Ph.D.' Mons (Majoring in geography) Notes Courses 2 Relevant postgraduateADVANCEDMarsden,INTRODUCTORY theses: B. S., Moore, "Population SOCIAL E. G., SOCIAL"Residential',Densities GEOGRAPHY in Brisbane GEOGRAPHYMobility 1861-1966"'Diploma in (compulsory) an Urban .(optional)Context in(Brisbane)",including Regional, including andPh.D. population Town thesis, population Manning, 1966. studies, 1969. geography, 15 h. 40 h. Name University of Sydney, Geography Department TEACHING INSTITUTION Australia 11 PersonAddress in charge Official title SeniorDEVERY,Sydney, Lecturer New P. South J. Wales, 2006, Australia ProfessionalFirst year of staff teaching DEVERY, P. J. 'M 1960 1919 Geographer Population geography English Curricula ExchangeHOWE, A. programme L. toAlthoughF create oneat present there is no international student exchange1945 programme, financial assistance could be used Geographer Population geography English, French DiplomaEntranceCourseLanguage requirement B.A.,Matriculation,English B.Sc., B.Ec. University or M.A., of Sydney, M.Sc., orM.Ec. equivalent Note I Any student maymodels,2.POPULATION elect World to do the16 populations, course, h; 6. GEOGRAPHY'evenUrban though 16 and heh; is3.rural, majoring Migration (optional), 8 inh. another analysis, field72 e.g.h in16 economics, h; 4. Population in history etc. theories, 8 h; 5. Forecasting and ( including laboratory work): 1. Census analysis, 8 h; Name University of Sydney,, Department of Mathematical Statistics RESEARCH INSTITUTION Australia 12 PersonAddress in charge Official title ProfessorLANCASTER,Sydney, 2006, N.S.W., H. 0. Australia ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingresearch 19601959 Research project DONOVAN,LANCASTER, J. W.H. 0. MM 19401913 Medical statisticianand mathematical statistician Mortality, population dynamics' n.a. English AimTitleDateDirector of completion AnalysisContinuingLANCASTER,Mortality ofin theAustralia causesH. 0. of decline and the effects of the decline of mortality PublicationsArea of research "MortalityStatistics,"BibliographyOfficial Statistics vol. in New 6,of 1964,ofvital Zealand" Australia statisticsNo. 2,(LANCASTER pp. in 33-99, Australia August and and DONOVAN), 1964,New Zealand"in English New (LANCASTER), with Zealand a summary Medical Australianin Journal,English. vol.Journal 1966, of NoteCurricula' 'Depending on statistics.thein students English (matriculation with a summary and mathematics in English. required), courses arc offered on population theory, dynamics, mortality and medical

;4- RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge APPLEYARD,NedUniversity lands 6009,of Western R. Perth,T. Australia, West Australia, Department Australia of Economics Australia 13 ProfessionalFirstFirst year year of staff ofresearch teachingOfficial title 1967Professor1955 of Economic History Research project TitleAPPLEYARD,Director R. T. MAPPLEYARD,Australia and Asia: R. T.demographic dimensions 1927 Economist, demographer English PublicationsAreaAimDate of completionresearch "ImmigrationEconomicvis-a-visToJune assess 1971 Asia economicdemography, policies and andwith social economic special consequences reference development toof immigrationpast, in present south-eastern policy and future and and trends demographic eastern Asia" trends (APPLEYARD), in Australia Contributed"The changing Papers;.1. demographic Sydney Conference and economic IUSSP, enviro11-25, pp. 798-804,in English. in English. The prospective impact of demographic trends in south and southeast Asia on /ment" (APPLEYARD), Marketing in the Seventies, Curricula octagon"Candemand migration forlectures goods solve 1969, produced Asia's in in population the region. problem?" (APPLEYARD), Man and His Environment: The English. DiplomaEntranceLanguageCourse requirement ECONOMICB.Ec.MatriculationEnglish SOCIAL STATISTICS (compulsory) including basic demography and census analysis, 5 h. LanguageCourseDiplomaEntrance requirement ECONOMICB.Ec.MatriculationEnglish (Hons) HISTORY (compulsory) including historical demography, 20 h. Name University of Western Australia, Rainc Medical Statistics Unit RESEARCH INSTITUTION Australia 14 PersonAddress in charge Official title NedlandsSTENHOUSE,Director 6009, Perth, N. S. West Australia, Australia FirstProfessional year of research staff STENHOUSE, N. S. M1965 1924 Mathematical statistician n.a. English, French Research project' WERNER,ROSMAN, N. D. L. F 19401948 Programmer, statistician n.a.n.a. Hebrew,English, German, German English TitleDateDirector of completion ComparisonSTENHOUSE,ProceedingDifferential of age-specific migrant N. S. mortality death rates for each international causes of death code and for various groupings PublicationAreaAim of research and"DifferentialCompartivefor thenative-born larger study mortality migrant Australians"23 groupsfrom cardiovascular according (STENHOUSE to disease country in of migrants birth, ace, from sex England and period and Wales,of residence Scotland in and Italy, McCALL), Journal of Chronic Diseases, 1970, in English. Australia. Notes 2 Part of a symposiumUnderIn 1972 preparation: therenn migrant will be pub:icationsstudies, .ipproKimatcly held on in one1.Hawaii Lung million incancer; 1969. death 2. ccrtificrtes. Stomach cancer;cosering j. 10Strokes: years. 1.the Suicides: 1961. 1966 5. Violent and 1971 deaths. census data. which will be analysed. PersonAddressName in charge Rangoon,Arts and Science Burma University, Department of Geography RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Burma I ProfessionalFirst year of staff researchteachingOfficial title THIN,Professor19501966 Kyi of Geography HLAKHINHANSON,THIN, TUN, MA, Kyi LayAung Tadaw MFMF 1933193019231917 GeographerGeographer Urban geography n.a.n.a. Burmese,Karen,Burmese, Burmese, English English English Research projects TitleDirectorTIN, Ayc KHINUrbanF landMA, useLay of Bassein with emphasis on socio-economic1932 survey of recently migrated Geographer Human and settlement geography Burmese, English urban population PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion vol."UrbanBasseinToMarch 3, study No. 1969 Townland I,present February use urbanof Bassein" 1971, land in use (KHINBurmese wiih recommendations MA, with Lay), a summary Union for ofin futureBurmaBurmese. expansion Journal of Science and Technology, The town's present land use is Title Studyforsourcesexaminefirst future ofsurveyed from thethe expansion socialpopulation which on mobility the theyof the basisproblem have town.of of migrant migrated a of modified families population and version intheir the inmain Greater ofrecently classification reasons Rangoon settled for quartersmigration. Areaadopted of by the Prof. Stamp. Includes recommendationstown, atm., to analyse the Attempts to AreaAimDate.Director of ofresearch completion GreateratTo MarchTHIN,marriage; study Rangoon 1969familyKyi and and .size,to HLA examine to TUN,analyse desires Aung the relationshipsin regard to family between size fertility, income, educational level and the age Publication Rangoon.ExaminesaAung),A summary study Union on and inthe Burmese. 1)/analysespopulation Burma the Journal problem ,populatiop of ofScience the problem families and Technology,of in families, Greater Rangoonselectedvol. 3, No. by Area" 2,stratified June (THIN 1971, sampling, Kyi in &Burmese HLA in Greater with The sample was 0.82 per cent. The result indicated that families with 5 or more children were TUN, ship46.3 betweenper cent. educational The relationship level of between women age (for of those women with at above marriage middle and school fertility education) was found. and Inverse fertility relation- was also BUtii:a Title 'found.Athosetheresult preliminary inner requestingcould part be of misleading.study it)the city of the than urban in the land fringe use -area. of Grcatcr Rangoon There was no relationship between income and fertility. is recommended. One significant finding .vas that the desire for a small family was stronger in Based on this study a family planning programme (for Because of unreliable income-data that AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch GrcatcrproblemsToTHIN,1968 study Kyi Rangoon relatingthe and present HANSON, to, for patterns example, Tadaw of urbanindustrialization, and tural settlements transport and within water Grcatcrsupply. Rangoon; to analyse the Publication offacedtheDecemberTadaw),,"A the preliminaryproportion bycity's commutersto 1971 bewater published ofstudy foreigners supply which of the in also arises Burmeseurban in isthe examined.out land various inof use the wardsofsetting Greater of up the ofRangoon" citysatellite are determined(THIN,towns is Kyi, also and KYIN,considered. mapped. Htay & HANSON, In surveying the urban land use of Grcatcr Rangoon the pcpulation density as well as Union of Burma Journal of Science and Technology, vol. The problem 3 No. 3,problem Curricula' EntranceExchangeLanguage requirement programme MatriculationAlthoughBurmese;used to createat coursespresent one could thereif approved alsois no be international bytaught. the Government in English student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CoursesDiploma SETTLEMENTB.A.andman-landHUMAN distribution, GEOGRAPHYratio GEOGRAPHY etc., 12 4h; h; 2. 3. Urban(compulsory): Populationage. (compulsory): settlements,sex, health, 1. Trends, 1. ruraltypes Settlement and growthand urban distribution, patterns, and populations. distribution distributions, 8 h. 4 of h. population, rural settlements, 6 h; 2. Density, types migration. 6 h; 4. Population characteristics and their distribution CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement URBANM.A.B.A. GEOGRAPHY (compulsory): 1. Rise and growth of cities. 2 It; 2. Economic base of Note I Before 1964 onlyhasnature5 h; humanbeen 3. gisen.Urban.of geography city populationstructure Was taught 3 on studies,h. undcrgraduate 5 Ii; -lasso.4. Urban land-usc surveys and mapping techniques, 5 h; 5. General Since 1964 a more detailed course on human and sculement geography .*c ci j Name Institute of Economics, Department of Statistics RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Burma 2 FirstPersonAddress year in of charge research Official title ProfessorNYUNT,Rangoon,1964 KhinBurma Mamie l ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingNYUNT, Khin Mg M1955 1933 Statistician Population theory Research projects MYINT,LWIN, Thet Khin San FM 1939 StatisticianStatistician CensusDemographic analysis analysis Burmese, English AimDateDirectorTide of completio DecemberMYINT,Birth and Khin death1972 San statistics of rural areas (sample survey) TitleArea of research RangoonVitalpromotingTo statistics.find Children's out healthy the fertility Hospital conditions and (sample mobility m the survey) rural conditions areas in rural areas and to assist the Health Department in AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch MedicalToMarchLWIN, determine 1971 statistics. Thet per capita cost and the average duration of stay of an in-patient AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ofJuneLWIN, ToSomeproviding 1968make Thet aspects (Candidatea relevantdescriptive of the information methodologicalthesis) analysis of on the population problemsexisting methodsstatistics in securing ofin datadeveloping population collection countries. statistics and to determine in developing a method countries capable e Curricula Burma 2 CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.Econ.MatriculationDEMOGRAPHYBurmese; (Statistics) the course (compulsory), could also be 48 taught h: in English I. Census analysis, 20 Ii; 2. Ratios and rates, 10 h; 3. Life table, k1 Entrance requirement Matriculation18 h. CourseDiploma of DEMOGRAPHYM.Econ.errors in (Statistics) demographic (compulsory), data, 15 56Ii; It:3. Analysis of fertility data, 10 h; 4. Seminar, 16 h. 1. Population trend and policies, 15 h; 2. The detection and reduction ,,, v_ DiplomaEntranceCourse requirement 5DiplomaMatriculation h; DEMOGRAPHY4. Population (Statistics) trends (compulsory), and policies, 28 3 h: h; 5. Seminar, 4 h. I. Census analysis, 8 hrs; 2. Ratios and rates, 8 h; 3. life table, RESEARCH INSTITUTION Ceylon 1 PersonAddressName in charge Official title MedicalFERNANDO,385,Department Dean's Statistician Road, of D. Health F.Colombo S. Services, 10, Ceylon.' Health Statistics Branch Profession'!First year of stag researchFERNANDO, D. F. S. M 19291968 Statistician n.a. Sinhalese, English Research project DateDirectorTitle of completion JulyFERNANDO,Fertility 1969 trends D.in CeylonF. S. (1953-1968) and the national family planning programme PublicationsAreaAim of research Mohography"FertilityAll-islandEvaluation trendsand ofNo. district-by-district possible in 17 Ceylon of the causes Department1953-1968 of analysis fertility anddecline the national family planning programme" (FERNANDO), structure,from"Recentcopies, 1963 fertility inpossible toEnglish decline effect and in Sinhalese.of Ceylon" the 1969; discusses regional patterns, resurgence of malaria onAnalyses fertility decline,fertility trendsand(FERNANDO), and pcissible (in course of preparation). of Census and Statistics, Ceylon, standardizations on basis of marital causes of fertility decline. September 1969, pp. 1-35, 700 so on. Analyses fertility decline structure and age 4 14 Name Ministry of Planning and Employment, Perspective Planning Division RESEARCH INSTITUTION Ceylon 2 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title DeputySELVARATNAM.P. 19650. Box Director 277, Colombo S. I, Ceylon Professional staff FERNANDO,AMBALAVANER,SELVARATNAM, L. S. S. V. MM 19391937I 928 StatisticianEconomist - demographer n.a.n.a. Tamil, English Research projects GOONERATNE,DHARMAWARDENA, A. J. K. G. MF I1942 926 Statistician n.a. Sinhalese,Sinhalese, English EnglishEnglish, Russian AreaAimDateDirectorTitle of completionresearch AccuracyToDecemberSELVARATNAM,Population study the of 1970 basiceffectgrowth data, of and S.population mortality,& economic JONES, growth fertility developmentG. on and the migration, economic in Ceylon populationdevelopment and of economic the growth country Publications themimeograph,"Labour"Population1970, size and pp.force growth1-48,projections Juneprojections 150 1970,of thecopies, for pp.labourfor Ceylon: 1-40,Ceylon: in forceEnglish. 150 1968-1998" 1968-1998"in copies, Ceylon; in (SELVARATNAM, discusses English.(SRIVASTAVA, the R. JONES K., JONES & WRIGHT), & mimeograph, Brings together all availableproblems informationin the measurement on of the labour SELVARATNAM), Title Urbanizationprojections1968-1998.femaleforce with participation (May inreference Ceylon 1970), 1946-1963to ratesare the used forinquiries thefor derivingperiod undertaken 1946-1968, high, medium,in Ceylon and and sets since low out 1946,projections the examines of the the future trends labour in male force. These assumptions about future participation rates, together with the latest available assumptions made for the period population and PublicationDirector theJONES,theNo."Urbanization slow1946 unadjusted 2, G.rate1970 and and of 1953, monograph, SELVARATNAM,urbanizationin census Ceylon particularly data 1946-1963" sinceas wellthe the trendS. as Second (JONESdata in theadjusted World degree& SELVARATNAM), onWar of the privacy are basis also of discussed. thestated in pp. 1-14, in English. Analyses the trend in urbanization in Ceylon between principal city Colombo. in terms ofModern Ceylonassumptions. Studies, vol. The reasons for 1,

11111. 11 .1,1- AddressName University of Ceylon, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine TEACHING INSTITUTION Ceylon 3 FirstPerson year in of charge teaching Official title ActingFERNANDO,1965Peradeniya, Head of Ceylon M. the A. Department CurriculaProfessional staff FERNANDO, M. A. M 1927 n.a. Whole field of demography Sinhalese, English, French DiplomaEntranceExchangeLanguage requirement programme M.B.B.S.G.C.E.EnglishWith Advancedthe (Ceylon) United level' States (Bachelor of America of Medicine, Biology and Surgery) Note Course 1 The course is andAPPLIED.dso open ratios, to postgraduate STATISTICS 2 h; 4. Populationstudents. (compulsory) theory, 2including: h. 1. Census analysis, 1 h; 2. Life table, 1 h; 3. Rates TEACHING INSTITUTION Ceylon 4 PersonAddressName in charge UniversityDEKynsey FONSEKA, Road, of Ceylon, Colombo T. FacultyE. J. 8, Ceylon of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingOfficial title Professor1953 Curricula WEERASINGHE,DE FONSEKA, T. H. E. D. J. M 19251923 DemographyVital statistics Sinhalese,'Sinhalese, English , CourseEntranceLanguageDiploma requirement VITALM.B.B.S.GeneralEnglish, STATISTICS: CeitificateSinhalese (Ceylon) andof Education 20Tamil' h, compulsory (Advanced course, level) including demography, 3 h. LanguageDiplomaEntrance requirement English,M.B.B.S. Sinhalese (Ceylon) and Tamil' Note Course I Courses taughtVITAL inDiploma Sinhalese STATISTICS: and in Tamil tropical to the studentsmedicine (compulsory), entering and in hygiene1970. 20 h, including (Ceylon) demography,or Diploma in 3 child h. health (Ceylon) AddressName 94,University Thurstan of Road,Ceylon, Colombo-3, Faculty of CeylonSocial Science RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Ceeon 5 ProfessionalFirstPerson year in of chargestall teachingOfficial title ProfessorJAYASURIYA,1968 and Dean, D. L.Assistant and EDIR1` Lecturer 1NGHE, I. V. GUNAWARDENE,DANDEKAR,JAYASURIYA,EDIRISINGHE, K.1 D. I. L.K. V. FMFM 191119311945 GeographerDemographerSociologistSociologist GeographyDemography,Urban sociology of demographicpopulation techniquesn.a. Sinhalese,Sinhalese,, English English English Research project DateTitleKULARATNAM, of completion K. Study1972M of shanty-dwellers 1911 Geographer Geography of population Tamil, English, French 00 Curricula DiplomaEntranceAim requirement DiplomaDegreeTo study ofpatterns applied of quantitative migration. methods Sociological and demographic study of the city of Colombo. DiplomaEntranceCourse requirement B.A.UniversityDEMOGRAPHYin other disciplines. Entrance AND or General DEMOGRAPHIC Certificate TECHNIQUES,of Education (A 40level) h.2.3 The course is also .offered to students CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement GEOGRAPHY,B.A.UniversityDEMOGRAPHY Entrance 40 h.2.5 WITH or General SPECIAL Certificate REFERENCE of Education TO CEYLON, (A level) 40 h.2.4 Notes 53= CourseStartingAll courses given in 1971.arc Coursein compulsory. theSee Department Indiagiven 12. in the of Department Geography. of Sociology and the Department of Economics. The laboratory and field work are not included. in the 40 h. t Name Vidyodaya University of Ceylon TEACHING INSTITUTION Ceylon 6 ProfessionalFirstAddress year .stallof teaching Gangodawila,1970 Nugegoda, Ceylon SELVARATNAM,WILSON,KANNANGARA, P. S. D. M. M n.a. Population theorytrends and projections SinhaleseTamil,Sinhalese, English English Curricula LanguageExchange programme SinhaleseAlthoughused to andatcreate present English one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POPULATIONM.Ec.B.A. (Hons.) or M.A. TRENDSTHEORY, qualifying AND 2 h examinationper PROJECTION week IN CEYLON, 3 h per week. (data are in the process of being collected) CHINA / AddressName The Chinese University of Hong Kong, RESEARCH INSTITUTION Economic Research Centre Hong Kong 1 FirstPerson year in of charge researchOfficial title VisitingTANG,Shatin,1968 N.T.,AnthonyProfessor Hong M.of Kong Economics Professional staff AXILROD, E. 1 M 1920 Economist n.a. English CHU,CHENG,CHA P. I, N.C. T.H. Y. MM 193019331919 EconomistEconomist - demographer n.a. Chinese,Chinese. English,English German WU,LIN,GLASSBURN C.T. H.B. ER, B. M 192019341918 Economist n.a. Chinese,English EnglishEnglish, German MOK,YUI,YAMAMOTO, K. V. T. N. M 193419331921 Economist n.a. Chinese,Chinese.Japanese, English English Research project TitleDirector TANG.Long-term Anthony economic M. and agricultural commodity projections for Hong Kong, 1970, 1975 and 1980 PublicationAimDate of completion withEconomicLong-termStudyJuly 1968a ofsummary Hong ResearchEconomic Kong in English. Centre, and Agricultural Chinese University Commodity of HongProjections Kong, forNovember Hong Kong, 1969, 1970, pp. 1975 and 1980, The first chapter deals with population growth, projections and employment 1-248, in English Note a Later to includestructure. several additional economists with a knowledge of demography. ,., RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge CH545The EN,NathanChinese C. S. Road, University Kowloon, of Hong Hong Kong, Kong Geographical Research Centre, Graduate School Hong Kong 2 ProfessionalFirst year of stagresearchOfficial title Director1966 Research project TitleCHEN, C. S. PopulationM of Hong Kong 1920 Geographer, Sociologist Chinese, English, Japanese, German -14, DateDirector of completion July,CHEN, 1972 C. -S. PublicationAreaAim of research a"TheTo summaryHong study population Kong the in population English of Hong or problemsChinese. Kong", (CHEN),of Hong Kong a research report to be published in Chinese or English with AddressName University of Hong Kong, Department of Geography and Geology RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Hong Kong 3 FirstPerson year in charge of researchOfficial title ActingMcGEE,Pokfulum1968 Head T. Road, G. Hong Kong ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingDWYER, D. J. M1967 1933 Geographer Urban geography English RICHARDS,DRAKULUS,McGEE, T. G. S.Smith F. D. MM 1942193619331944 GeographerGt ographer UrbanEconomicUrban geography economic methods development EnglishCantonese,English English Research projects DirectorTitleCHUI, T. W. DWYER,Squatter project D. J. Geographer Economics of China AimTitlePublicationDate of completion ToHawkerBook collect1970 by projectdemographic DWYER, to andbe published. socio-economic data AimPublicationDateDirector of completion MonographToMcGEE,1970 collect T. demographic byG. McGEE, and to be socio-economic published. data AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToDRAKULUS,Urbanization1970 collect demographic housing S. D. project and socio-economic data. Curricula Hong Kong 3 CoursesDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement ie.HUMA.B.A.,MatriculationEnglish growth B.Soc., GEOGRAPHY and structure, M.A., Ph.D. 2(1st h; 2.year) Settlement (compulsory), urbanization, 20 h, including: 2 h; 3. Economic aspects, 2 h. 1. General population characteristics development,ECONOMIC2. METHODOLOGYFunctional analysis 2GEOGRAPHY h; 2. Population work(1st year) and (%meaning. (compulsory), as ycar) human of resource,census 20 h,and including:2 classifications,h. 4 h. (compulsory), 0 h, 1. Demographic conceptsincluding: and models, 6 h; 1. Pop..!Ption and economic 2.COMPARATIVE PRACTICALcomparativeURBANStatistical GEOGRAPHY and features, GEOGRAPHYsurvey REGIONAL populationtechniques (% GEOGRAPHY year)(1st-3rd change (elementary), year) and effects,(compulsory),OF 25-40 DEVELOPING 4 h. 1. Cartographic AREA (compulsory), and graphic 40 techniques, h, including: 10 h; (compulsory), 40 h. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Hong Kong 4 PersonAddressName in charge ProfessorSAW,HongUniversity Kong S. H.of of Statistics Hong Kong, Department of Statistics ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingresearchOfficial title 19621969 CHIU,LEUNG,HUI,SAW, W.C. S. S.K. H.C. K. M 194219361912:931 Statistician Demographic statistics n.a. Cantonese,Hokienese, Chinese, English Research projects Title,DateDirector of completion JuneSAW,The population1973. S. H. of Hong Kong PublicationsDateDirectorTitle of completion June,SAW,TheinThe changinga 1970 seriesChangingS. H. of population monographs Population of West ofon West Southeast Malaysia Malaysia Asian (SAW), Studies, to bepp. published 1482, in English.by Longmans of Australia in 1971 Title "TheUniversity(a) demography of Hong of Malaysia, Kong 1970, Singapore pp. 1-39, and a bibliography Brunei: a bibliography"The of 328 19661967 titles, sample (SAW), 500 surveycopies of the populationlabour force of of Petaling Petaling Jaya Jaya Centre of Asian Studios,in English. DirectorDate of completion "PopulationSAW,UniversityDecember(b) S. H. and 1970.of Hong labour Kong, force 1970, projections Occasion:31 of West paper Malaysia series, pp. 1962-1987" (SAW), Centre1-31, of Asit.n 500 copies Studies, in English. Curricular Hong Kong 4 DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B. AdvancedEnglishSoc. Sc. level examination of the University of Hong Kong Note Course itscholop.StatisticsDEMOGRAPHIC (with demographic STATISTICS statistics) can be (compulsory)taken as a joint degree 35 h. in crmjunction with mathematics, economics, geography. sociology or AddressName University of Hone Kong, Faculty of TEACHING INSTITUTION Medicine. Department of Preventive and Social Medicine Hong Kong 5 FirstPeodir year in of charge teachingOfficial title ProfessorTENG.1968Sassoon P. H.Road, Hone Kong Professional stag LFE,TENG, S. P.H. H. M 19I I n.a. PrinciplesDemography of statistics, vital statistics Cantonese, -EnglishEnglish Curricula LanguageEntrance requirement MatriculationEnglish; courses and could completion also be of taught first examinationin Cantonese CourseDiploma use;andDEMOGRAPHYM.B.B.S. sources4. Principles of vital ANDof statisticaltreatment STATISTICS data,of medical trends of population,(compulsory), morbidity, 4 h and per week: 1. Vital and statistical data. mortality; 3. Rates in medical statistics; 2. Nature common AddressName Aligarh,Aligarh U.P.. Muslim India University, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College. Department of Preventive and Social Medicine TEACHING INSTITUTION India 1 FirstPenan year in charge of teaching Oflicial title ProfessorZAHEER,1967 andMohid Head of the Department Pr(VesSioital staff ZAHEER.KHAN. Azix M. M 19381934 n.a. StatisticsPreventive and social medicine Hindustani, English Curricula Exchange programme Althoughused to atcreate present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be <_. --/A LanguageDiplomaEntrance requirement M.B.13.S.PreEnglish - medical or Intermediate Course STATISTICSI (compulsory)h: 4. including: Vital statistics, 3 h; 5. Health statistics. 2 h; 6. Population theory, 1. Applied statistics. 2 h; 2. Life table. 3 1 h; 7. Ratios. h., 3. Census analysis. 1 h. Name All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Healn RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 2 Penel ddress oi Official titlecharge ActingMAJUNIDAR,110, DirectorChittaranjan N. Avenue, Calcutta-12. Lidia Prol('ssiotta(First year Atoll of researchteaching 19671932 SEN,MATH A. EN, K. K. K. NIM 19341916 13iostatisticianBiostatistician DescriptiveDemography, statistics, statistical inference,biocssaypublic methods health, in sampling Bengali,Malayalam, English, English, Hindi Hindi CO RAMACHAKRABORTI, RAO, D. P. N. M 1937WI 7 StatisticianBiostatistician VitalProbability, statistics. numericaldemographic maths,applied techniques statistics in public health Telugu,Bengali, English, Hindi English, Hindi RAMABASU, RAO, D. K. V. J. MNI 192519401932 StatisticianBiostatistician Health statistics n.a. TelBengali,Bengali, English,.English, Hindi Hindi Research DAS,ACHARYA, K. K. S. C. projects M 1929 n.a. Health statistics Bengali. English,English. Hindi, Sanskrit Hindi DateTitleDirector of completion DecemberMATHEN,Rural Field 1969 StudyK. K. of Population Control AreaAim of research Familycommunityand relatively planning could cheap) and To be determine demography. motivatedmethods whether ofto contraception.accept the birth contraceptive rate in a given practice. rural community could be reduced significantly by simple 2) To evolve methods and materials whereby a rural e A.:?; 0.0 India 2 Publications todemonstratedincouldMonograph,"Rural be workedbe field freely instudy that out. Englishdiscusse there of populationwith are : among apockets summary thecontrol,making of rural resistancein English. people populationSingur" to the(RAO, of idea Bengal. M.of familyN., and planning MATHEN), and specific 1970, solutions pp. had accept The study was originally planned for a period of three years.family planning and Making them This study showed that the subject of family planning practise It revealed various types of difficultyregularly and continuously. As it progressed it 1-88, a It thebutforanwas evaluation another "extensive"steady reductionseen that decline9 years ofatin phase theleastthe from up"intensive" control 5 withto years 45the only per areabeginning would phasea1000 thirdfrom be inat of necessary of 461956the the 1970. per end stair to 1000 of37 tostrength the perobtain in 5-year 1000 intiny theinperiod. tangible 1961. "intensive" results. phase, subsequent to 1961 During the intensive phase the birth rate showed a slow 1965 to a fluctuating rate between 43 and 47. In addition, itThis gives was the significantly impact of more than The present report gives aspin-pointtodeclineDuring beIndia, learnt theand lessonsa post-intensivenumber the birth learnt of rates reasons from (extensive)in thisthe for experimenttwo the areas phaseslowness seemed arc(1962-1970) ofvaluable. this to bedecline approximatingthe experimental in birth rate. each area other. recorded a slower rate of is the slowness with which rural populations take to family planning. To developing countries such An importantThe lessonstudy tried to ANo Health,SEN,"An investigation P. Calcutta, C. & RAMA towards RAO, improvement D.), of vital events collection in Singur Health Centre area" (MATHEN, vol. X111, No. 27, October 1964, pp. Alumni Association Bulletin, All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public 18-23, in English with a summary in English. Title PopulationofrateThe 34.9 calculatedsurvey in surveyshowed was of 41.4considerable Chola instead service of improvement 21.2, area deathof Urban rateon Healththe 9.6 data instead Centre, collected of 1.81964 fromand infantroutine mortality sources, rate since 75.0 the instead birth 1962. AimDateDirector of completion dietaryofAugustMAJUMDAR, (i)the to entire obtain1968habits, area up-to-date N.occupation, so as to information obtain parity, information number about every of regarding living individual children, the inage, theabortions, sex,area religion, by stillmeans births, marital of a etc; house-to-house status, (ii) to education, know the visit antenatals,obtainatperiod Chetla ofinformation infantsstayarea; in (iv)andCalcutta on toddlers any of morbidity, each in the member area acute who of or theare chronic, family;not yet at (iii)registered the to date know ofwith the the theperiod survey; Centre; of (vi)stay (vii) to of toregister every contact member all new new to know the births and deaths occurring in the area since 1 January 1963; (v) to Area of research Urbandisposalthehouseholds(viii) house,demography of domestic sourceduring refuse. theand course adequacy of survey of water, and to both make washing them acquainted and drinking,..to withobtain thetype detailed services of latrine information of theused, Health method regarding: Centre; of type of housing and number of rooms, rental status of India 2 Publications and&"Population UrbanSEN, supplements D.Health K.), Survey Centre,1964, the healthof pp. ChetChelta 106, services la, Servicea practicemonograph, of the Area fieldState of of1000 Government UrbanAll-India copies, Health Institute andin EnglishCentre, Calcutta of Hygiene with1964" Corporation aand summary(MUKTHA, Public in Health,two in S., English.constituencies MATHEN,complements The household.bothorderof Calcutta clinic to obtain andCorporation. andomiciliary up-to-date services information are providedof the area, by athe complete Centre populationwas undertaken survey 5y oc interviewing six sectors where every The area surveyed consists approximately of 0.844 sq. The Centre provides both clinic and domiciliary services in Chet la arca. mi. It is well provided with . com- In girls.schoolstheonemunication, arca. corporation in the educationarca. maternity and home medical and two facilities. corporation dispensaries. There are three other higher educational Thereinstitutes are in5 higherthe arca. secondary schools, 6 primary schools, one junior high school and two nursery Some of them run in two shifts. Apart from the Health Centre, the area These schools provide for 4,748 boys and 3,576 There are 36 medicalThere arepractitioners also 13 registered in factories is provided with pp.Bulletin,"Familyemploying 1-10, planning Allin EnglishIndia 1,850 practiceInstitute workers, with a of summaryof ascouples Hygiene well as in of 211English.and reproductive small-scalePublic Health, age", industries Calcutta,(SEN, employing D. K.,vol. & XVIII, MATHEN), approximately No. 38, Alumni September 1,350 Association workers. 1968, Evaluates the acceptance of a family planning programme oul Curricula 6 carryby an outurban such community a programme where, both apart at fromhome various and through other agencies clinic service. existing in the city, Urban Health Centres LanguageExchangeEntrance programme requirement M.B.B.S.WithEnglish Asian or and B.A. African or B.Sc. countries (with Mathematics) CourserDiploma statisticsdata,VITALDiploma 5 STATISTICSh; insystems; (a) health Primary statistics (c) Census,ANDservices (D.H.S.) DEMOGRAPHY routine special sources, inquiries, (compulsory): hospital secondary data., sources; 2. Rates (b)and Historical ratios for developmentfertility and mortality, of vital I. Methods of collection of demographic Note 1 The Institute familyha. Ili 15 coursesplanning.. h; 3. in variousTnLife the tables, curriculumspecialities 8 of h;of the public4. majority Presentation health, of e.g. the administration,courses of demographic family sanitaryplanning engineering, and data, demography 4 public h; 5. archealth Population imIticd. nursing, maternity trends, and 3 h. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge AllRAMALINGASWAMY,New India Delhi Institute of Medical V. Sciences 16, India India 3 FirstProfessional year of teaching stall Official title Director1963 RAMACHANDRAN,KASH YAP, Padma K. MF 193419311924 Statistician M.D. DemographicPopulation problem analysis growth, economics and health care, etc. World and India, impact on Tamil,Hiddi, EnglishEnglish, Hindi cn Research projects MALHOTRA, B. D. Collection and analysis ofin vital a rural statistics health and centre morbidity Hindi, English AimDateDirectorsTitle of completion KASHYAP,ContinuingBase-line eligible P. and couple MALHOTRA, survey B. D. DircctorTitleArea of research SensitizedBallabhgarhI3HATNAGAR,To study pregnancy demographiccommunity S. rate development patternsin relation and block.to contraceptive other fertility acceptancemeasures in a rural population of 90,000 TitleAimDate of completion womenContinuingShort-A fertility after and study.malelong-term and women changes sterilization (in psychological, sexual, social and medical aspects) among urban men and AreaAimDateDirectors of completionresearch FamilyToContinuingSURI, study planning. S.the and effect KASHYAP, of sterilization P. on men and women Title Demographic characteristics of urban/rural women continuing and discontinuing oral contraception India 3 TitleAreaAimDirectors of research UrbanFamilyKASHYAP, andplanning rural. P., SURI, S. and SARAYA AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion FamilyToDecemberContinuationKASHYAP, study planning. acceptance 1970 rates P. and rates extended use-effectiveness of a closed intra-uterine device polygon (M) DateDirectorTitle of completion DecemberKASHYAP,(communityKAP of 1968family P. development and planning IviALHOTRA, block) and domiciliary B. D. midwifery among indigeneous (traditional) Dais, Ballabhgarh NIVI Curricula ExchangeAim Programme to AlthoughandTocreate find maternal one out at thepresent and demographic, child-health there is no social, international technical, student programme after training. characteristics concerned; to use these in exchangefamily programme, financial assistance could be planning used CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement andM.B.B.S.Pre-medical biologyEnglish in courseaddition (one to languages) year of college course in the biology group, which comprises, physics, chemistry relationshipapplicationgrowth,POPULATION 2 h;to to 2. healthclinical DemographicDYNAMICS and trials medical and ANDaspects contraceptive care, FAMILY of 2 h:Indian 5. methods, PLANNING Fertilitypopulation-implication patterns among semi-urban on resources, and 2 h;rural I3. Life table 3 h; 4. Demographic patterns in rural (compulsory): 1. Determinants of population area and women Entrance requirement M.B.B.S.compared Degree to urban plus women and contraception 1 year house job usage, h. CouiseDiploma studiesPOPULATIONstatisticsAPPLIEDM.D. in(Post-graduate India, system, STATISTICS 4 DYNAMICS, h.3 h; degree 2. Mortality (compulsory), in 20Preventive h, and compulsory fertility lectures and Socialindices, and course, covers: medicine) 4laboratory h; 3. Life work, table including: and its applications, 3 h. 1. Population theory, 4 h; 2. Demographic 1. Census and vital J TEACHING INSTITUTION India 4 NamePersonAddress in charge Official title AndhraAVADHANI,Waltair,Professor University, (A.P.) and T.Department IndiaHead V. of the of Department Statistics of Statistics ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingAVADHANI, T. V. M1969 1925 Statistician Telugu, English Curricula SARMA,Entrance P. requirement V. S. MB.Sc. (Maths) 1937 Statistician Telugu, English CourseDiploma ratios,briefDEMOGRAPHYM.Sc. history standardization of the (optional), development of ratcs, 120 demographic of h fertility(4 h theory research trends and 3 inin h India; India;practical 3.2. DemographicCensus per week): and 1. surveys vital statistics, vitalIntroduction rates and to demography,reproduction influence on and health surveys populationthesewithmigration,maritalrates; specialfactors 5. and Trendsgrowth referenceurbanization ofoccupational age and at marriage,structure, differentialsto India; andmortality labour cohort4.time Levels, inpatterns, force withinmortality, analysis analysis;trends unions,consequences and measurement and fertility 7.birth differentialsConstruction control ofcontrol mortality of programmes; of of fertility, lifedeclines; gross statistics relating to death,and age, foetal sex, mortality; racial, effect of fertility on table functions, their relations and 6. Internal and international and net reproduction andgrowthmodel,estimationuses, migration. Indian models,methods oflife birth tables,logistic of populationand abridged anddeath exponential rates lifeprojection; tables, and models, extent intrinsic 9. Birth ofbivariate rates; under-registration and death growth stochastic models; by processes,10. 8. Stable population analysis, stationary population, Chandrasekharan and Deming'sModels of fertility, mortality stochastic population AddressName VaranasiBanaras Hindu University, Faculty of Science, Demographic Research Centre 5, (U.P.),RESEARCH India AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 5 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title ProfessorSINGH,195419541 S. of N. Statistics and Director, Demographic Research Centre Professional staff' SINGH, S. N. Mm 19391924 Statistician, demographer Probability, measure theorypopulation and mathematics Hindi, English . BHATTACHARYA,SAXENA, P. C. B. N. M 1944 StatisticianDemographer Demography,Mathematical probabilityanalysis, demography,and models operational sampling research Bengali,Hindi, English, English, Urdu Hindi JOSHI,BHADURI,YADAVA, P. D. R.T. C. MF 19461943 Demographer Demography, official statisticsprobability and distribution n.a. Hindi,Bengali, English English, Hindi SINGH,SHRIVASTAVA,AGARWAL,ROY, S.J. G. C. P. L. FM 194019451946 DemographerEconomistDemographer n.a.n.a. Bengali,Hindi,Bengali, English,English English, Hindi Hindi Research projects DirectorTitle SINGH,A demographic S. N. survey of Varanasi (rural) AreaAimDate of of research completion GeneraldataToMay develop collected1972 demography, probability in the survey fertility, models mortality, in various migration, fields and family to verify planning their various and morbidity. assumptions with the help of the 1 DirectorTitle SAXENA,A demographic P. C. survey of Banaras Hindu University employees India 5 AreaAimDate of completionresearch GeneraltheToMarch discusshelp 1969 demography,of the validitydata collected fertility of various in and the assumptionsfamily survey planning of probability models utilized to describe fertility data, with Curricula ExchangePublication Programme Althoughto"Human the Banaras there fertility is noHindu andinternational stochasticUniversity, student models", (unpublished). exchange (SAXENA), programme, Ph.D. financial in Statistics assistance (Demography) could be used thesis to create submitted one CoursesDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.A./M.Sc.B.A./B.Sc.VitalDEMOGRAPHYEnglish statistics, 10 AND h;3. LifeACTUARIAL table, 8 h; STATISTICS 4. Population (optional) theory, 10 including:2" h; 5. Population 1. Census projections, analysis, 10 h; 2.6. DEMOGRAPHYProbability5. 10Fertility, h; 2. Poisson mortality,distributions, ANDprocess, migrations ACTUARIAL12 8h. 11; and 3. morbidityBirth STATISTICS and analysisdeath processes models, (optional) 10 h;15 4. Stochastic population models,11; 6. 8 Simulationh;including:2.3 models and Monte Carlo 1. Finite Markov process, EntranceDiploma requirement B.A.I.A.methods, /I.Sc. /B.Sc. 9/P.U.C. h. Course APPLIED5STATISTICSand h; ratios,4. Population STATISTICS 10 (compulsory) h; 4. theory, Population (compulsory) 7 including:4.3 h; 5.theory, Official including:1" 7 h; 5. Official statistics, 5 h. 1. Rates and ratios,statistics, 10 h; 5 2. Census analysis, 8 h; 3. Life table, 1. Life table, 5 h; 2. Censush. analysis, 8 h; 3. Rates . Notes 4321 FirstAlsoAlthough taughtrequires research in labiratory 1954.1969. and teachingand field startedwork. in 1954, the Centre was only established in 1969. Name Demographic Research Centre, Trivandrum RESEARCH INSTITUTION India 6 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title AdditionalGOPALAKRISHNANBureau1958 of EconomicsDirector and NAIR, Statistics, N. Trivandrum, Kerala, India Professional stall GOPINATHANBHAGAVA.THEESWARA NAIR, P.Iyer. S. S. MM' 19261921 n.a.n.a. Malayalam,English English SURENDRANATHANGEORGE, N. V. NAIR, G. M 193119271935 n.a. Malayalam, EnglishEnglish, Hindi ON ABRAHAM,DWAKAVAN,AYYAPPAN, M. 0.Pillai V. MM 19271933 n.a.n.a. Malayalam, English, Hindi Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion ContinuingGOPALAKRISHNANStudy of the characteristics NAIR, of N.the acceptors of conventional contraceptives and IUCD PublicationsAreaAim of research "Studyof FamilyToacceptors study of planningcouples the use-effectiveness visiting family planningof the methods clinics related ". to demographic and socio-economic characteristics with&"Aand 1966,GEORGE),a case socio-economicsummary pp.study 1-8, inDemographicof mimeograph,English. IUCD characteristics acceptors Research 100 ofincopies, contraceptivetwo Centre, hospitals in English Trivandrum, users in with Trivandrum and a October summarythe effectiveness City" 1968, in English.(KURUP, pp. of1-10, contraceptives. 150R. S., copies, NAIR, in P.English S. G. Studies demographic characteristics of IUCD acceptors, timing of IUCD with Demographic Research Centre, Trivandrum, January Studies the demographic i P."An ofS. copies,sertion.respectevaluation familyO. & IYER, planninginto dateEnglish of familyS. of B.),methods last with planning Demographicdelivery a summary in the activitiesand area. resumption inResearch English. in Peru Centre, of mkadavilla menstruation, December Block" and 1970, (AYYAPPAN, rates pp. of 1-160,expulsion, mimeograph,GEORGE, removal NAIR, and 200 rein- Assesses the extent of knowledge, attitude and practice Ai* TitleDirector GOPALAKRISHNANStudy of population of specifiedNAIR, N. regions India 6 PublicationsAim Tomimeograph,"Population study characteristics of Kerala" and (KURUP, groWth pattern R. S.), ofDemographic population in Research Kerala and Centre, the districts No. 27, of July the State1965, pp. I 0 copies, in English with a summary in English. Studies the growth of population of the 1-9, andinCentre,"Populationstate, English. its the implication. Trivandrum, components of Trichur No. of District", growth 46, March and(GOPINATHAN 1967,the impact pp. 1-11, of populationNAIR mimeograph, & AYYAPPAN, growth. 200 copies, K. S.),in English Demographic with a Researchsummary Studies the growth of population of the District, the factors contributing to population growth "PopulationofResearch "Populationpopulation Centre, of in Cannanoreof the No. Ernakulam District, 57. March District", the District" 1970, factors Demographic pp. (KRISHNAcontributing 1-17, mimeograph, Research P1LLAI,to the Centre,growth 200 N. copies, & Trivandrum,and RAJAGOPAL, its in implications. English. No. 57, T. November P.), 1970, Analyses the growth of population Studies the growth Demographic TitleDirector GOPALAKRISHNANStudyinpp. the 1-17 District,of mimeograph,the demographic the components 200 NAIR, characteristicscopies, N.of inpopulation English of sterilized with growth a summary personsand the in implications English. of such growth. PublicationsAimDate of completion "AstandToJanuary :ilization study age 1972 structure,ofsocio-economic operationpersons by who using have characteristics, data undergone available areligion, sterilization in hospital income, operation, records occupation, regarding 1968/69", education persons Demographic status, who numberhave ResearchgCentre, undergone of children a September"SterilizationduringdemographicMay 1965, 1968/69. 1965, pp. and as app.socio-economic method 1-12, mimeograph,of family characteristics limitation 150 copies, of persons in English who with have a undergone summary ina sterilizationEnglish. operation 1-14, mineograph, 150 copies, in Kerala",English Demographicwith a summary Research in Centre, Trivandrum, English. Analyses the Studies the operationEnglishAYYAPPAN,"Demographicprogress with of in sterilization athe summaryK. particulars hospitals S.), Demographic inoperations ofEnglish. of Trichur sterilized in Research DistrictKerala persons and duringCentre, inits Trichureffect the February year on District the1964/65. 1966, birth 1964/65" pp.rate. 1-9, mimeograph,(GOPINATHAN 200 copies,NAIR &in Analyses the data regarding persons who have undergone a sterilization Publications YUSUF,"Report1-10, on M. mimeograph, the & demographicSHAKUL 200 HAMEED, particularscopies, in A.), Englishof sterilized with Demographic Research Centre, Trivandrum, March a -summary in English. persona in Quilon District, 1964/65" (MOHAMMED 1966, pp. India 6 "ReportMayRAYANAN"Report 1966,on the on pp. demographic the 1-12,NAIR, demographic mimeograph, K. particulars & KRISHNA particulars 200of sterilized copies, of sterilized in VINAI, N.), Demographic Research Centre, persons inEnglish Ernakulam with Districta summarypersons 1964/65" in in Kottayam English. (RAJAGOPAL, District, 1964/65" (RAMANA- Trivandrum, No. 34, NAIR,"Report200T. P. copies, & P.SUKUMARAN,on & the in RAJAGOPAL, Englishdemographic with K. particularsK.), K.), of sterilized a summary in English. Demographic ResearchDemographic Centre, Trivandrum, Research No. Centre, 36, Trivandrum, No. 38, persons in Trivandrum District 1964/65" (SANKUNNY August 1966, pp. 1-9, September 1966. oo SERVERKHAN,"Demographicpp. 1-11 mimeograph, particularsM. M.), 200 Demographic. of copies, sterilized in English Research with a persons in Cannanore District, 1964/65" (KUMARAN, N. 0. & Centre, Trivandrum, No. 39,summary December in English. 1966, tr pp.SALLY,"Report 1-10,mimeograph, on K.mimeograph, the P. demographic& NATARAJAN,200 copies, 200 particulars copies, in English S.), in ofEnglish withSterilized a with a Demographic Research Centre, Trivandrum, No. 41,summary in English. persons in Alleppey District, 1964/65"summary (MOHAMED, in English. January 1967, pp. 1-9 "Demographicmimeograph,& KURIAN, 200 V.particulars C.), copies, Demographic ofinof SterilizedEnglishsterilized withResearch Persons a in summary in English. Centre, Trivandrum,Paighat No. District 42, February 1964/65" (PADMANATHA (YER, H. 1967, pp. 1-9 & "Demographic200AYYAPPANSHAKUL copies, HAMEED, in K. Englishparticulars S.), Demographic with A.), of a sterilized Research sum1.7aryDemographic in English. Research Centre, Trivandrum, No. 45, personspersons in Qui inIon Trichur District District 1965/66" 1965/66" (MOHAMMED (GOPINATHANCentre, YUSAF, Trivandrum, NAIRM. &No. 43, March 1967, pp. 1,-9, mimeograph, SUKUMARAN,mimeograph,"Demographicmimeograph,203 200 particularsK. copies,K.), copies, Demographic inof in Englishsterilized English withResearch with a a persons in Ernakulam District 1965/66" (RAJAGOPAL,summarysummary T. in P. inEnglish. &English. Centre, Trivandrum, No. 46, January 1968, August 1967, pp. 1-9 pp. 1-9, India 6 Publications "Demographicmimeograph,H. & SELVARAJ, particulars particulars200 copies, S. R.), ofof in sterilized sterilized DemographicEnglish personswith persons a Researchsummary in in Cannanore Paighat inCentre, English. District, District, Trivandrum, 1965/66" No. (PADMANATHA 49, June :968, IYER, 1965/66" (AYYAPPAN, K. S. & pp. 1-9, inCentre,"Demographic200KURIAN, English. copies, Trivandrum, V. in C.),English particulars Demographic No. with 54, of a Octobersummarysterilized Research 1968, inpersons EnglishCentre, pp. in1-9 Trivandrum,Kottayam mimeograph, District, No. 200 50, copies, June 1968, in English pp. 1-10, with mimeograph, a summary 1965/66", Demographic Research "AH."Demographicmimeograph, &demographic SELVARAJ, particulars 200 profile S.copies. R.), of of sterilizedDemographic in sterilized English persons personswith Research summary in in Kerala, Cannanore Centre, in 1957-1967", English. Trivandrum,District, Demographic1966/67" No. 55, (PADMANATHA June Research 1969, Centre, IYER, Tri- pp. 1-17, socn "SterilizationofJulyThevandrum, sterilization particulars1968, vol. pp. operations 16,1-11, operationsreferred October mimeograph, in toKerala" 1970, inare: Kerala age. mimeograph, (KURUP, 200 sex,and copies, itsreligion, impactR. in150 S.), English education, copies, Demographicon the with inpopulation English income,a suomary Research with ofoccupation inthe a Centre,English.summary State. and Trivandrum, in fertility. English. No. 52, Studies the progress TitleDirector GOPALAKRISHNANFertility pattern of women NAIR, in N. Kerala AreaAimDate of completionresearch FertilityToNovemberprogression discuss 1965 age ratio at marriage,and sterility marriage duration, birth order, complete and incomplete fertility, parity Publications pattern,women.Discussesmimeograph,NAIR),"Study of andDemographic t7lethe the 150 effect second copies, of Research the!,withMarumakkathayam in English themarital Centre,system withsystem asTrivandrum, a itsummary on ofexists inheritancethe fertilitytoday. in February English. prevalent 1968, invol. Kerala 1. 96; on March the fertility 1968, vol.The pattern II.first 20, ofvolume deals with the growth and decay of the system and its influence on the fertility pattern in Kerala" (SURENDRANATHAN A 1,1,10y4 tw Publications "Variation in fertility between two generations" (KURUP, R. S. & GEORGE), Demographic Research India 6 Centre,Research"SocialageDiscusses at Trivandrum, marriage; and Centre, the cultural variation numberTrivandrum, July aspects of1968, of fertility childrenof Novemberpp.fertility between1-12, born; of mimeograph, 1970,women twoand successivepp.interval in 1-23, Kerala" 150 between mimeograph, generations.copies, (SURENDRANATHAN terminations in English 150 copies, with of pregnancy. ina summaryEnglish NAIR), with Demographicin English. a summary The study falls under three heads: Note Other"Intensicperformancein publicationsEnglish. field surveyarc: of women to_study theit. Keralaimpact of in industrial. three major public health, family family types planning in Kerala. and extension activities on fertility and mortality". Deals with the various social and cultural factors which promote and retard the fertility "Modelsrecordsprovementsfro'Demographic in in mortality the of: piesenceResearch I. Model research" of Centre,in under-registration, mortality (KURUP, Trivandrum, research, R. S. MarchDecember), May Deinog- 1970.selected 1966,iphic Research pp.villages, 1.41, this100Ccntrc, papercopies May studies in 1965,English the pp. effect with 1.12, ofa summary mimeogra;industrial, in publicu, English. in English. health, family planning and extension activities on fertility and mortality. 1965; 2. The method of estimating de jute birth and death rates from deUsing facto data rollected Presents im- registratie 0Os AddressName SardarCentral Patel Statistical Bhavan, Organization' Parliament Street, New RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Delhi -1, Ind.:a India 7 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title ,CHAKRAVJoint19551969 Director ARTI, N. K. Professional stall MATHUR,CHAkRAVARTI, P. C. N. K. M 19211921 DemographerStatistician Hindi,Bengali, English, English, French, Hindi Persian Research projects SHARMA,DirectorTitle R. N. MRAMAN,Fertility survey M. V. (co-ordinating project) 1925 Demographer Panjabi, English, Hindi, Urdu ..oh AreaDateAim of of research completion practisedandCityDecember familyTo of study Calcutta. planning,1971 varit us aspects their knowledge of fertility of womanbirth-control in the methodscity, their andattitudes the extent towards to familywhich size,these age are at being marriage TitleAimDateDirector of completion DecemberDESAI,Fertility surveyP. 1971 B (co-ordinating project) Curricula ' Area of research CityanufamilyTo studytheir of planning;Delhi. effectiveness various theiraspects knowledge of fertility of birth-controlof women, their methods; attitudes the towards extent to family which size, these age are at being marriage practised and CourseDiplomaLanguageEntrance requirement projections,In-serviceCertificateEnglishB.A./B.Sc. 2 h; plus 2. Life two tahle,years' 2experience h; 3. Census in statisticsanto...sis, 3 h; 4. Vital statistics, 2 h. training for STATISTICAL OFFICER'S TRAINING COURSE, covering: I. Population ir . DiplomaEntrance requirement CertificateOfficer's working in the Government and in a supervisory capacity India 7 DiplomaEntranceCourse requirement B. HighertopicsIn-serviceStatistics assecon the training preceding' ,ry for courseSENIOR STATISTICAL OFFICER'S TRAINING COURSE covering the same DiplomaEntranceCourse2 requirement M-StatisticsB.A./B.Sc.,4.Compulsory Vital statistics, B-Statistics course 2 covering: h. 1. Population projection, 1 h; 2. Life table, 1 h; 3. Census analysis, 3 h; CourseEntranceCourse2 requirement B.A./B.Sc.Compulsory course covering the same topics as the previous one. its) PopulationINDIAN STATISTICAL projection, 6 h;SERVICE 2. Life table, TRAINING, 9 h; 3. Census a compulsory analysis, 4 h; 1 course for probationers, covering: 4. Vital statistics, 3 h; 5. Family I h. 1. Notes I The Central StatisticalPopulation.demographers.planning, Organization 2 h; (CSO)6. Health has a verystatistics, small cell 4dealing h; 7. with Migration, population and This organization is also representedThis cell on coordinates the 1)emographic all types and of demographicCommunication work Action in tht Research country. h; 8. Population theories, CSO provides the secretariat for the National Council of allied subjects and is manned by only two full-time 2 Course offered tofinancialplanningadvisory the II.Statistics limitations.committeescommunication and of MStatistics the and National other students aspects Council of of ofthe demographyPopulation Indian and carried functions out in this Statisticalas advisory Institute, and Calcutta. co-ordinating agency for all types of researchcountry. on family CSO does not conduct any research directly. owing '.) Committee which is one of the

o RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 8 PersonAddressName in charge CouncilROY,53 Lodhi for P. Social Estate, Development New Delhi-3, India First year of teachingresearchOfficial title Research19711969 Director t, Professional staff ROY, P. M 1924 Sociologist Statistics Bengali, Hindi, English, Chinese II BHAT,SNEH,SEKHAR,KUTHIALA, K. L. S. M. S. C. K. FM 193819351943 PoliticalHomeSociologistDemographer scientisteconomist Techniques in n.a. social sciences Hindi,Kannada,Telugu, EnglishEnglish, Hindi, Hindi, EnglishFrench English RAO,REDDI,GANGULI, UshaM. G. L. N.B. N. FM 193719401905 StatisticsHomeSociologistEconomist economist n.a.11.2. Telugu,Telugu,Bengali, Hindi, Hindi,Hindi, English EnglishEnglish Research TitleDateDirector of completion projects JulyROY,Shadnagar 1972 P. and fertility RAO, project M. L. PublicationAreaAim of research AndhraChangesassessesNo."Measurement 10, State, in mimeographed, the fertility Southchanges and pattern India changes over in measurement a English period in fertility" ofwith time, a Council summary for in SocialEnglish. Development, Annual Report, 1970, vol. Measures the current level of fertility and 10,

I L h 1. L ILL,11"L I 1 .1, Title KUTHIALA,Fertility and family S. K. planning surveys in North and South India India 8 AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch conventionalJune,North( I ) 1972 and contraceptiveSouth India: fertility.users to measure fertility levels, by state; (2) to make KAP studies; (3) to study the characteristics of TitleDirectorDate of completion April,FamilyROY, 1971 planning P. and BHOGLE, adoption in Shalini two factories family planning programme, the Curricula AreaAim of research ToBombayother evaluate without and family Hyderabad, any planning family familyplanning adoption planning. programme in two factories, one with an active ExchangeCourseLanguage Programme AlthoughareCourseEnglishused scheduled to workatcreateand present Hindi is toone being start there organizedin isAugust no international and1971. a detailed student syllabus exchange would programme, be worked out by May 1971. financial assistance could be The courses Name Delhi . 001 of Social Work' RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 9 FirstPersonA ddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title PrincipalRANADE,3, 1967University S. Road, N. Delhi-7, India 4 ResearchProfessionalFirst year project' staffof teachingGANGRADI, K. D. M1967 1926 Social worker Family planning Marathi, English, Hindi 0 AreaAimDateTitle of completionresearch TrinagarToFebruaryOpinion(2) find their out survey colony,1967 views(1) the of Delhi. regarding 100socio-economic women the practising Centre, background size family of of family,planning the women the in loopDelhi attending and so Trinagar on Family Planning Centre, Curricula DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.A.B.A.,English (SocialB.Sc., B.Com., Work) B.S.W. or equivalent Course andpopulationofproblemsFAMILY social, administrative and culturalPLANNINGeducation population structureand in psychologicalIndia, control;(optional) of 6.a familyPopulation 3. Demographic 60 aspectsplanning h:2 policies; on programme; influences acceptance 7. Historical on9. of Programme::,India's reviewfamily economic of planning; family of family and planning; 5. social Conceptplanning; growth;8. Organizational and 10. 4.Agenciesscope Effects of 1. Pment population of India and its trend; 2. Demographic Notes Theand studentsschool resources offers have community taken of as family parts development of planning;research and projects family1967 some"topics planning as onits familyfields ofplanning specialization. for their Master's thesis, the referencespractitioners I.arc: S. /Calm in Opinion the General survey I Iosjjital of 100 of women Delhi on practising legalizing family abortion planning and on in abortion Delhi. as .1 method of family planning. I 1. Methods of family planning. 2. R. Manakta:a Study of views of 300 medical 19701968 acceptorssweepers,5.programme3. RckhaS.' !;anal of Ilhallashoe-makers. Nalpingin.Batala -- Study ec Block. tomy.of puttersfollowfip towards of loop family cases planning of 100 in womenrural arca. in Mehrauli town. A study of Family Planning devices, !MD and sterilization. 8. Ravish Sawhney A study of nonuscrs of family planning services at Madangir Labour Camp. 7. Kuld'd Saila 6. I). N. Gupta 4. Rita Bhalla A study of the acceptors of !MD sisavis A survey of Studyattitudes of familyof 75 planning ; ge RESEARCH INSTITUTION Indus 10 PersonNameAddress in charge KARMARKAR,Vidyagiri,Demographic Dharwar-4, Research D. P. Mysore Centre and KALE, andState, Institute IndiaB. D. of Economic Research ProfessionalFirst year of staff` researchOfficial title Honorary1962 Director and Deputy Director JORAPUR,KATTI,KALE, B. A. D. P. B. M 1928193519301926 SociologistEconomist n.a. Kannada,Kannada, English English ci. KANABARGI,HASALKAR,KOTESHWAR,PATIL., R. L. J. R.R.B. R.K. MM 193819401935 SociologistEconomist n.a. Kannada, English Research projects TitleDirector KATTI,A follow-up A. P.study of the vasectomized in Chitradurga District of Mysore State AreaAimDate of completionresearch aspects,ToMarchRural. know 1972 such the asafter-effects motivation ofand vasectomy communication and to in study the family the reaction planning of programme the respondents and other related TitleAimDateDirector of completion JuneKATTI,Demographic 1971 A: P. study of rural Shimoga for the Area of research ToRural.abnormal study the population demographic growth situation in the of region a high growth rate area and to locate the plausible. reasons i ... India 10 AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToMarchKATTI,Historical obtain 1971 A. astudy compilationP. of migrants of migration in Shimoga biographies District DateDirectorTitleArea of completionresearch MarchKATTI,DemographicRural. 1971 A. P. resurvey of Dharwar Town TitleAreaAim of research Follow-upUrbanconductedTo study the astudy bench-mark changes of the in Vascctomized thesurvey demographic in Dharwar pattern town inof 1962 Dharwar town over the last 7-8 years. The Centre eAimAreaDateDirector of completionresearch Rural.ToAprilKATTI, know 1970 A.the P. after-effects of vasectomy and to study the reactions of those vasectomized Publication onwererespondentsDharwar-4,"A107 atfollow-up illiterate.least sterilized one pp. were studyliving1-46, males from mimeographed, ofchild ofsterilizedlow-income 10was villages obvious. males" 2C3group of copies, Belgaum(KATTI of less in thanEnglish district& HASALKAR), Rs. with in100 Mysore aper summary month. State.Institute in English. About 32 per cent (highest) of respondents were aged 35-39 years. Average number of living children per respondent worked out AboutMore than48. per 50 cent per ofcent them of of Economic Research,Respondents' insistence The study covered planning)sterilization.sterilizationexperienceasto be12 4.61respondents worker anycomplaints change only. were were abovein their more 50 physical yearspsychological at healththe time thanor ofurge physical.sterilization. for sexual union after 2.47Information male and 2.14about female. sterilization is Though the mean age of those sterilized was 40 years,still asimparted many to a great extent by the village level (family Only 49 respondents had volunteered for The majority of respondents did not sterilization. The after- DirectorTitleAimDate of completion TheToAugustKALE,Family find Centre 1969planningoutB. D..theconducted changes resurvey a inbench-mark inthe Dharwar KAP situation survey in of 1962 family planning in Dharwar town over a period of 7 years. AreaPublication of research "FamilyUrban planning resurvey in Dharwar" (KALE), Institute of Economic Research, Dharwar-4, pp. 1-129, India 10 survey),size.ofseemedyears, 600three havingcopies, tochildrenwere be the awareatin least Englishmostwith of one asignificantfamily combination with living planning.a summarychild, factor of were associatedtwo in interviewed English.sons and with one thein daughter thedesire resurvey.A veryto washave high found more proportion, tochildren. be the i.e.most 89 preferred per cent of respondents (compared with 41 per cent of the 1962 Differential educational levels between different caste groups were A total of 527 respondents with wife aged 18-45 The number of living children A family size sample,tofound werethemorebe very otherto practisingknown beloop significantly twoassociated (36 methodsmethods family per with cent),associated toclaimingplanning theknowledge tubectomy respondents. methods,somewith of knowledge knowledge family (46 a substantial per planning. cent)of among family progressand them. planning.Nirodh Acompared little (condom) over with one-fourth (51 per ofcent) the respondentswere the Oral pills (20 per cent) ztnd foam tablets (16 per cent) were The number of living children was also found Vasectomy (52 per cent of the the 1962 data. In 1962 Title childrenDemographicshowsabout 5 werethat per there centthe report two ofhas respondents importantofdefinitely Mysore factorsbeenStatewere apractising break-throughassociated family with in planning.the regard practice to family of family planning planning. practice. 1901-1961 Educational level and number of living The resurvey a.00 AimDateDirector of completion trendsToAugustKALE, examine critically 1969B. D. the components of population growth in Mysore State over 6 decades and to examine their AreaPublication of research Mysoreani.e."Demographic150 increasing Malenad Statecopies, census ( intrendnorthern Report English data of and with Mysore southern), a summary State Maidan, in English. and the coastal region. in its growth of population since 1921; the growth itself was remarkable during 1901-1961" (KALE & JORAPUR), mimeograph, pp. Mysore State can be divided into four natural regions The State as a whole has shown 1-266, familyMaidan20of 1941-1961 urbanper centplanning towns population during particularly which appears 1951-1961. was had quiteto inshown be Malenad gradualquite a sluggish remarkable region over 1901-1961.growth. where in Mysore there had State. been a decline during 1901-1941. Malenad towns had shown a significant growth rate compared to northern Compared with the neighbouringAbout states, 50 progressper cent of towns had grown by about But sample studies in different regions sterilization, are of The growth withratioofquite highernon-agriculturalthe otherinadvanced state Mysore than States have elsewhere. ageState revealed in sectorwith India. was high to higher.that state fertility. couples income who has havebeen adoptedincreasing. family planning, particularly Literacy rates have increased Theconsiderably mean age over at marriage the last of60 femalesyears, particularly in 1961 in Mysore was comparativelySex ratio in Mysore showed a declining trendAs between regards 1901-1961 the economic along trend it can be said that the contribution Compared with other states, the dependency Maidanwastoamong 47 most per females. during rapid1,Q00 during1941-1:'51 population 1941-1951. and between in Malenad 1951 duringand 1962. 1951-1961. On the basis of various sample studies the crude birth rate in the state varied from 39 A high growth rate was observed in the coastal region and northern The growth of urban population in Mysore State India 10 AreaAimTitleDateDirector of of research completion UrbanToKALE,Dharwar1968 obtain and B. demographic accurate ruralD. and surveyadequate data on components of popuiation growth in urban and rural areas Publication bettertheinhigher500"Demographic the population copies, than rural-than census inarea that Englishbelonged survey (5.65) (5.5)data ofwithin towas Dharwar"thisrural dependent a higherregard.summary Dharwar. (JORAPUR), than age in groups. inEnglish. the urban Institute area of (5.50) Economic according Research, to. the Dharwar-4, 196'. census. pp. 1-295, Literacy of males in urban area was 76.7 andIn thein rural Dharwar areas district 45.9. as a whole the average household size The evaluation of ageHousehold data reveals size that in Dharwar survey data town are was 6.1, which was Half soON atgroupsandFor crudeconsummation females8.1 inperbirth Dharwar centthe rate literacy of ofwas females townmarriage 37.1 rates was per were werewas14.2 1,000 working.13.5 52.4years population yearand and 14.1in 11.5 rural in respectively. Dharwaryears areas in as ruraltown compared Dharwar.and 44.0 with in 14.7 rural in Dharwar. the urban area. The median age at marriage of women of the 15-34 age In the urban area 44.3 per cent of males The median age of females No significant The purposestheintervalareas.fertilityin survey rural differentialsof of areas areapregnancy education. waswere 10.3.were migrants. termination noticed between was 2.51 different years forsocio-economic the women ofgroups, Dharwar. whetherPregnancy in the rural wastage or the urbanwas found to be 10 per cent, both in rural and in urban areas. About 32 per cent of males in DharwarAbout 11town per and cent about of in-migrant 13 per cent males of males in Dharwar town had migrated for The crude death rate for The average AimDateDirectorTitle of completion demographicToMayKALE,Pilot ascertain 1967study B. D.in impactthe a Malenad incidence of in-migration Village of in-migration in Mysore inState the Malenad regions of Dharwar district and to study the PublicationArea of research perincidenceResearch,"ARural demographiccent pbpulation ofDharwar-4, in-migration study increase pp. of in a Malenadtheover Malenad the 1951-1961 village region in Mysorevillagesperiod. State" (KOTESHWAR),,. Institute of Economic 1-82, monograph, 500 copies, in English with a summary in English. is quite considerable.In this village `Kogilgeri' of Dharwar Taluka in The village showed a 66 The India 10 ofhavecehas Mysorethe its brought village impact State workeddown on as the many the villageout incidence asto be74 social 51.2.out of ofscene mortality. 119 mainly households'n extent,owing are tosocial in-migrantdiversity cohesiveness of households. migrants.death and community rate 13.4 per life. 1,000 in the years 1961-1963). The facts of Kogilgeri signify that villagers also are mobile in India. Age at marriage was quite low and the crude birth rate Kogilgeri shows a fairly low level of mortalityThe Malaria Eradication Programme might Large-scaleThe villagein-migration lacks, to a DateDirectorTitle of completion MarchKATTI,StudyThey tooof 1967 MysoreA.try P.to seek State their population fortune by moving from village to village. PublicationAreaAim of research summaryKOTESHWAR),DemographicMysoreTo collect inState Kannada. research perspective Institute papersContents: onof Economicdifferent1.Mysore "The Population Statedemographic Research, (a collection Problem Dharwar-4, aspects F4-ingof ofarticles Mysorepp. India 1-164, by State 11 500 authors, copies, edited in Kannada by KATTI with & an overview," M. V. Nadkarni; a in9.7.4.2. Katti;"Errors"Housing"Family"ParenthoodMysore 6. in "PopulationState'',planning age-reporting",situation in Kr.:.;an in inIndian growthMysore 11.Mysore", M."Demogtaphy village", and Shivainurthy;State", P.migration Hanumantharayappa; R.Shakuntala L. in Patil;in3. India", the"Differential 8. districtsKurtakoti; "MorbidityKoteshwar. 10.in fertility Mysore 5."Regional and"Population in mortality State", India variations and Vatsala growthin the Mysore," West",in Mukerji inpopulation Mysore SaraP. and B. la Jorapur;S. State",growthShetty; Gadam; AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToMarchKALE,Study know 1966 B.of the seasonalD. extent of in-migrants seasonal in-migration in rural Shimoga for growth of population in Malenad region in Shimoga district PublicationArea of research Shimogaa"SeasonalRuraland book, to study 500 district in-migrants copies,demographic in Mysorein inEnglish rural characteristics State; Shimoga" with 90 a householdsummary (KATTI),of these insegments seasonal English.Institute ofin-migrants of seasonal Economic in-migrants Research, consisting Dharwar-4, of 130 males The study was carried out in 12 villages of pp. 1-101, membersoforiginalThe4and per Hindus. 40average cent femaleshousehold. ofof sizethe were in-migratedtotal of the studied. population seasonally segment of in-migratedthe household villages. household was Rs 196, was considerably 2, which is a higher little less than than that one-third of the original of the Seasonal in-migrants were drawn from the low-income groups. As many as 87 out of 90 in-migrated households belonged to underprivileged categories The volume of seasonal in-migrants was very small. More males than females move out as seasonal in-migrants. The per capita income of This constituted only India 10 averagewerefemaleandseasonalhousehold 2.5 engaged cultivated seasonal perin-migrant (Rs cent as 136). in-migrantsholdingagricultural of wasfemale 27.8(both seasonalwereworkers. ycars, owned never whereas in-migrantsand married. unowned that of were females) was literate; just was 3.5 17.5 38acres. per years. cent of male and 40 per cent of About 50 per cent of in-migrant households were from cultivating households. All of them followed the same occupation at their original places. Mostly (78 per cent of males, 77 per cent of females) The median ageAbout of the15 permale cent of males The seasonalmonthsratesofThe above.males duration at in-migrants theof and arrivalplace of80 stay perof andhad in-migration ofcent return coveredthese of femalesseasonalof a the distanceseemed seasonal hadin-migrants to ofstayed be 25-74 in-migrants. the outside morerangedmi. important thefrom place 10 weekspull of originfactors. to 33 for weeks. a periodSeasonal of 20 weeksin-migrants and are generally brought in by contractors. They were mostlyFifty-seven from the neighbouring per cent of householddistricts. segments of Availability of work and higher wage October and June were the Nearly 60 per cent TitleDirector KALE,FamilyNearly 68planning B. per D. cent inquiry of the in migrants rural Shimoga stayed in improvised huts at the place of their in-migration. -41 AreaAimDate of completionresearch RuralstudyShimogaJanuary was 1966 region consid.-..ed had shown worth anwhile abnormally in this region high growth rate of 53.4 per cent over the decade. A KAP Publication planning81knowledgeofaFamily book, family per cent Planning500 wasplanning. of ofcopies, familyinsignificant: those Inquiry planningin who English in were onlyRural methods. with awaretwo Shimoga arespondents summary of some (KALE), inmethods reported English. Institute knewsuch of practice.only Economic this method. Research, Dharwar-4, pp. 1-150, The educational level was the most important factor associated with an awareness and Sterilization was the most widely known method of family planning; About 38 per cent of respondents were aware About 80 per cent of respondents The practice of family Title Familywereandthe very majorityhave planning willing experienced of inquiry men to know would aboutin aboutDharwar not 11 like familyyears Taluka to of haveplanning effective more methods. children married islife. 33 years, when they have three living children In this region the critical age level at which AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion ToUrbanDharwarJanuaryKALE, study and theB.1965 Taluka ruralD.knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning among urban and rural residents of India 10 Publication mosttofemalesper500Family be centcopies, significantlywidely Planning were of urban in knownaware English Inquiry males,associated of method family with in 22 Dharwar per aofplanning.with summary family cent the Taluka ofcaste planning. urbanin (KALE),English.and females, educational Institute 18 per level of centEconomic of theof rural respondents. Research, males and Dharwar-4, 5 per cent of rural Awareness and knowledge of family planning methods were found About 20 per cent of urban Themales field knowing work was specific conducted in 1962. Sterilization was the pp. 1-195,About 41 of ruralpresentwere.nonerespondentsmethods femalesof number the of rural returnedandfamily of age couplesliving planning was1-4 children foundasin thetheknew to idealsamplewas beabout associatedsignificantnumber wasthe sheath, practising of with amongchildren. diaphgram, willingness urbanfamily males jelly planning,to know and Theother ruralfamily 4.5 latter males.conventionalper planning allcent belonged of methods urban methods. to couples advanced While caste groups engaged in higher services and professions. About 60 per cent among The DateDirectorTitle JanuaryKATTI,Seminar 1970 onA. familyP. planning in Mysore State .1ts.) PublicationsAreaAim of research programmeThereMysoreTo study are 19State, the in papers Mysoreproblems urban/rural by State",different and prospects Ramachandran, authors, of asfamily follows: K. planningV. and Yeole, in Mysore M. Is.; Statc 2. "Family planning I. "An analysis of the progress in family planning programme planningcharacteristicsstatespopulationin Dharwar programme in anD..trict development educational in", MysoreNageshwar, of and family State, industrial B.; planning1956-1969", 3. "Knowledge campus", programme Jorapur, Rao, in family A. inP. Mysore Padma;B.; planning7. in"Some State",4. "Mysore Jain, the family planning programme", Bharadwaj, K. S.; 5. "Demographic and socio-economic amongst different sections socio-demographicof features among theP. southernK.; 6. "Family onCentre",Katti,of Hasalkar,sterilized sterilizedfamily A. Rao, P.planning males andJ.females NarahariB.; Hasalkar, in10. 21d Belgaumin A familyBelgaum C.follow-up S.;J. B.; Districtplanning12. 11.District "A study "Study preliminaryduring methods ofduring sterilized of1968/69", male practised 1968/69", study sterilization males Katti, by Karmarkar, them",in A. Belgaum P.; Ahmed,9. "Sterilized A. District D.; Syed 8. "CharacteristicsRiyaz and Gangadhara, of on views of the family planning health assistants, cases in Hessarghatta .Primacy Health males in Nargund Block",A preliminary report", the ofGangadhara, R.BangaloreS.;family17. H.; 13. "A16. "IUCDplanning survey "Sample S.;District acceptors onin registration (rural)",saleDharwar, of inNirodh Patil, Belgaum 1962-1969", technique R.through L.; District in15. commercialKoteshwar,evaluating "Surgical during family aspectsR.agencies1968/69", K. planning of in family Katti, the programme", villages", A. ".; 14. Ahmed, Ramabhadran,"IUCD Sycd Riyaz. V. K.; and 18. "Some demographic features of Mysore State", Revashetti, R. Y.; 19. "Seven i tanning in female", Kulkarni, acceptors in years DirectorTitle KALE,Seminar B. on D. urban population of India India 10 PublicationAreaAimDate of research AUlbanTo 1968publication locate the demographiccontaining 12 aspects papers of theurban seminar population is to be of released India shortly. DateDirectorTitle ICATTI,Seminar1967 onA. demographicP. aspects of Mysore AreaAimPublication of research MysoreandToSeminar bring demography State, together on demographicurban/rural ofacademicians, Mysore aspects State researchers, on of a Mysore common administrators State platform and social workers interested in family planning (KATT1), Institute of Economic Research, Mart inbriefplanning",ofon pp. Mysore Mysoredifferent note 1-155, on Kurtakoti, State", demographic family500 copies, Katti, planning S.; 3. inA.aspects "CommunityEnglish activitiesP.; 2. of "Field withMysore in education 'Thmkura experiences summary State, District", asfor infollows: IUCD regardingEnglish. Hiremath, (loop) attitudes programme", V. R.; of5. "Fatethe Sr. penpl A need for a new approach", Patil, R. L.; 6. "Characteristics of th, 1. "A noteThere on the are demographic 15 papers by situ various ai .c.rs of fanif_wards fa 1. ,,rogranfr..; 4. inR.differentialsplanning 15.migrationMysoreK.; Growth12. "Rolemethods", State", in of Mysore of "Towns familyChandrasekhariah, Rao, State,State", in A. ourMysore Shivamurthy, Padma;Narasimhamurthy, developing State", 7.N. "Family G.; economy Kale,M.; 14. 9. B. A"Fertilityplanning andStudyS.;D. 11.democracy", of "In-migration studyprogramme", In-migrants of Rangaswamy,Dharwar", in inRao, a Dharwar-Area,Mysore Jorapur, H. C. Krishna; V.;village", P.13. B.; "Urbanization 8.Katti, 10.Koteshwar, "Fertility "Studies A. P.; AddressName GandhigramThe Gandhigram Post, Institute Madurai of District, Rural Health Tamil andNadu, India RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Family Planning India 11 FirstPerson year in of charge teachingresearchOfficial title Director19641959RANGANATHAN, K. V. Professional staff PISHAROTI,VAIDYANATHAN,RANGANATHAN, K. A. K. K. E. V. MM 192819371927 PublicDemographerPublic health health administrator physician n.a. Taiail,Tamil, English, English French KACHIRAYAN,SANTHANAM,VENKATASAMANNA, M.M. L.B. S. MM 19381915 DemographerPsychologistPhysician n.a. Tamil,Kannada,Malayalam, English English English MAHADEVANRAMACHANDRA PILLAI,SASTRY, K. K. MM 19401928 AnthropologistSocial scientist Demography n.a. Kannada,Malayalam,Tamil, English English English 1 KRISHNAMOORTHY,MUTHIAH,SADASIVANGOVINDACHARI, A. NAIR, A. P. .S. MM 1942194319451924 StatisticianEconomistSocial scientist Vital statistics, registration,rates and ratio n.a.n.a. Tamil,Malayalam,Tamil, English English English KARTIKESAN,SELVAMANI,MOTHILAL,GUNASEKARAN, N. M. A. S.S. MM 1908194619421943 PhysicianStatistician assistant ... n.a.n.a. Tamil,Tamil, English English RAJESWARI,RANJITHAM,LAKSHMI,SETHU, S. M. P.R. FFM 194419321924 NutritionistPublicHealthProgramme healtheducator development nurse officer n.a.n.a. Tamil, English NATARAJAN,VARADARAJAN, T. S.R. 19381936 Health educator instructor n.a. Tamil,Kannada, English English India 11 SELVARAJ,THARANISINGARAJAN,SARANGAPANI, M. K. V. D.G. M M 193719291937 Health educator n.a.n.a. Tamil, English`English KALIAPERUMAL,RAMANKUTTY,KANAKADEVI,PADMAVATHIAMMA, M.K.P. G. P. F F 1939194219281939 PhysicianHealth educator n.a.n.a. Malayalam,Tamil, English English Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion MarchRANGANATHAN,Studies 1974 in health and K. human V. reproduction Aim levelToamongmotherof study: certain of childhood various and(a) disease the children; culturaleffect conditions,mortality of (b) groups, family the (actual health effect andsize impairment, orto asof constructconceptual) anbirth independent order psychological foetal onand lifethe variablebirth tables;level maladjustment spacing of of(e) fertility; family the on correlates family health and(d) mortality,the health; of pregnancy pregnancy (c)especially the outcomq, impact among of to include incid"nce prevalence TitleAreaDateDirector of of research completion StudyHealthMarchRANGANATHAN, on and 1972infant human weaning reproduction. K. practices V. TitleAreaAim of research ATo Nutrition.preventionstudy evolve of asocio-cultural suitableof protein and malnutrition andacceptable psychological by feeding utilizing factors programme locally affecting available for fertility infants protein if and a rich, low-fertile children food-stuffs forcommunity the correct' i and AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion Cross-sectionalJanuaryKACHIRAYAN,(a) To 1972 study demographicthe VI. existing fertilitysurveys. levels and (b) to find out the determinants of low fertility Title Study of the decision process in adopting family planning methods India 11 AimDateDirector of completion indiscussionAugustMAHADEVAN (a)different to 1971 ascertain for groups decision-making P1LLAI, the in operationthe decision-making K. andof the their decision-making respective for acceptance roles process; and; of family (c) (b)to planningdiscover to Arentify the thedifferences persons thatinvolved may exist in the AreaPublications of research andfactorsTheEnglisn."Decision-making factorsdecision-makingFamily which that Planning, control delay inprocess decision-makingit vol. familyhave III, been planning", No. ascertained 1, haveJuly (MAHADEVAN also1968, in been 5 pp. major identified. 35-56, caste PILLAI), 3,000 groups. copies, Bulletin in ofEnglish the Institute with a of summary RiiralThree Health in decision models have been developed to clarify the explanation of the process. Factors that generally determine decision The major beenminantsin"Stgdy (English. vfAHADEVAN studied. of of the decision decision andPILLAI), the interaction Bulletin ofamong the Institute the factors of Rural Health and Family Planning, mimeograped, This study reveals theSome different of the dimensions determinants of are: the thedynamics sources of of decision-making. information that create awareness; the category process in adopting family planning methods: in the final process of decision-making have an anthropological The deter-approach" cr.-1 Title Studybroadlycommunication;of persons on under non-sampling concerned three social categories. and errors and the demographic intype a demographic of interaction characteristics survey that takes of place the subject.prior to decision; the extent of intra-spouse The time factor is an integral part of the decision. All the decisions were classified -DirectorAimDate of completion attainmentusedToJulyKACHIRAYAN, measure 1971,for data the collection; relative M. (b)contribution the interviewer; of the (c)following the respondents' factors to characteristics, non-sampling sucherror: as sex and educational (a) the instrument PublicationsArea of research differentfoundIndia""AssessmentMethodological that(SINGH,combinations the of female studies selectedR.), Augustof investigator respondents non-sampling 1963, in pp. andcombination 1-19,errors interviewers mimeographed, in studies with were the of female fertilitytested in English forrespondent indicators: relative with gavecontributiona a summary case better study resultsin of ofEnglish::: errors: Gandhigram, on response it Three inthe"Characteristicsvariables 1969,the prospective later pp. such survey. asstudy ofbirths, the was birthsdeaths, compared missed caste, with typein (one-time) a ofresurvey: house resurvey and a brief parity for summary the purpose report" of identifying (KACHIRAYAN), the births missed May 1-6, mimeographed, in English with a summary in English. The prospective surv.cy was found to be better than one-time survey. A list of known births as per India 11 AimDateTitleDirector of completion ToJulyMUTHIAH,A thatstudy study: 1971 are of associated(a) bias A. the in extentthe with reporting ofthe accuracy tic= of acy age inof parity thereporting reporting and birth age, of intervals parityage, parity and andbirth birth intervals; intervals; (b) (c) the to social test alternative factors TitleArea of research AMethodologicalandmethods cross-sectional (d) to of develop age studies. estimation.demographic sensitive indicesparity survey and of on measuring birthcurrent intervals fertility biases inand in terms mortalitythe reporting of methods levels of in age, of two enquiry parity community and and birth respondents,development intervals AimDateDirector of completion familyToJulyMUTHIAH,blocks estimate 1971 planning (a)A. methods andthe currentKA CHIRAYAN, levels of fertility M. and mortality; (b) the current knowledge and practice of DateDirectorTitleArea of completionresearch DecemberSRINIVASAN,StandardCross-sectional fertility 1970 demographic K. survey surveys. PublicationsAreaAim of research "FertilityFieldusedTo measure to of detect fertility trends the small fertility and changes differentials trends in the over fertility in aAthoor period pattern Block"of time;and to(SRINIVASAN), to cross-check develop and the test extent Bulletin sensitive of vital of indicesthe statistics Institute that registration could of Rural be residentfindingsthatsincesummaryHealth the January and level birth ofin English.Familya 1965. ofsamplerate fertility in Planning, the'survey course conducted vol. of 11,3 to No. 4in years. 19601, January in the 1967, same pp.area 15-33, revealed 3,000 a 12 copies, per cent in Englishdecline inwith the a In comparingExplains the fertility the design differentials of a fertility of this surveyin block Athoor undertaken with Block national is in lower indices,Athoor than Block,it is the surmised nationalMadras State,average. A comparison with the 30-44Athoorlivecopies,Bulletin"Analysis births, recorded Blockin English ofpregnancies of the fromthe a Institute steeper decliningwith 1959 anda todecline summaryof fertility1968,birth Rural inintervals, especially Healthininfertility AthoorEnglish. and it than duringBlock" Family women the (SRINIVASAN, Planning, period of younger 1964-1968. vol. ages.MUTHIAHIV, No. 3, June & KRISHNAMOORTHY), 1969. pp. 28-58, 5,000 is concluded that there was a decliningFrom trend an analysis in fertility of different 'in fertility indices based on The women in the age group India 11 Publications average,ispp.Bulletin"Amenorrhoea 21-65 1-13, months. ofthe3,000 the amenorrhoea Gandhigramincopies, relation in English toperiod Instituteage, followingparitywith of A andRural summary abreast-feeding Health in English. and Family in Athoor Planning, Block" vol.(KRISHNAMOOR1HY), V, No. It is found that there is a positive relationshiplive between age and lactation. birth is 14-16 months; the period of lactationThe andaverage lactation period in the area 1, July 1970, On the completenessThe"Problemsageamenorrhoea and Journal amenorrhoea of are'of matchingof Family highlyvital after statistics positivelybirthsWelfare, eliminating identified registration correlated.vol. the XIV, fromlinear was No. twoeffect taken4, independent June of upparit." 1968,in which and sources"pp. lactation, the data (SRINIVASAN from collected both age in a and &fertility MUTHIAH), amenorrhoea. survey A significant positive correlation is found to exist between 13-22, in English. A study of the ofanApracticalregistrationregarding sequentialtheempirical fixation problems. births recordsestimatetype of that ofthe matching sooccurred numberof as the to possible use wasofin characteristicsthe done fertilityextentChandrasekaran-Deming and of an survey errors error and householdsconceptincriteria matching towas beIndex. during wasdeveloped. used worked 1966in matching. wereout to used highlight and matched the against There. were 9 characteristics for each birth with which the matching could be done. But the matching presented certain Based on these considerations, importance "Avol."An(SRINIVASAN probability 28,application November model of a1966, probability applicable in English. model to the tostudy the ofstudy inter-live of inter-live birth intervalbirth intervals" and random (SRINIVASAN), segments of theSankhya, same" Population Studies, vol. XXI, No. 1, July 1967, pp. 63-70, in English. `closedwereinterval'No."A set 1, tested 1968, ofinterval', and analytical on'openin theEnglish. i.e. interval' datathemodels inter-live on through birthfor the birthintervals studythe interval application of collected open was birthmade of in simple intervals" theby consideringStandard probability (SRINIVASAN), fertility the theory same survey. andas the theDemography, sum models of ipdependent developed vol. V, Analytical models were developed for two types of birth interval, The study of the viz. 'closed ThisAnopenintimerandom attempt thedistribution inintervals. fertility thevariables was susceptible surveyalso was each made derived and onestate. totests representing developunder of goodness three a set asets particularof of analyticalof fit assumptions NA component :re models carried on whichsuchoutthe onrate as wouldbirth post-partum of occurrence intervals be helpfal amenorrh6ea 2-3 of in andbirths the 3-4. study of waiting any of First the distribution of the open interval in the case of "fertile" woman was investigated. Approximations to certain parameters were made from the data available ofspecified (i(I)paritythe those open "i"order womeninterval in thein thereproductive whofor past any ever and woman reach the age *arity notgroupnext necessarily progressionparity at the time "fertile" ratio.of1), the but wassurvey who studied liveinto through threeby dividing mutually the entire all exclusivemarried reproductive women types: span with husband alive, and (3) those who do (i I); (2) those who do not ever reach next parity Second, the general case of the distribution . not ever reach parity (i + 1), but who .ail to live through the entire reproductive span in the married India 11. ofinstantaneoustypestate thepopulationthe becausewereopen open derived,i interval wasparityof mortality derived progressionandof the the asor three anmomentof appropriatewi,iowhoouratio different' was of theintroduced types mixture open were interval Offinally, to the be three fortocombined indicate any mutually woman thein order exclusiveweight chosen to withobtain types.at which random the momentsthe frommoments the of terval of the general case. An application of the model for closed intervals was made to study Expressions for the moments of the open interval for each The concept of TitleDirector SEET1'Reliabilitythe effectiveness 1 LAKSHMI,of informa. of different A. G. levels of abortions on the birth rate of the Indian population. i on the KAP on family planning given by couples and intra - spouse communication AreaAimDate of completionresearch Communicationextentand(a)December wife to of find communicationfrom 1969the an aboutcurrent independent family KAP th. planning levels; and simultaneous (b) and to ideas find the interview difference and in their statements perceptions about ofKAP each between other; (c)husband the takes place between spouses in matters relating to family planning .c)...3 Publication morealwayssummaryRural"A study communication Health over-estimate inon English. intra-spouseand Family their among husbandsPlannin communication" wives ,thanknowledge. among (SEETHA the husbands. LAKSHMI, A. G.), Bulletin of the Institute of The husbands always seem to under-estimate their wives' knowledge, whereas wives vol. IV, No. 3, June 1969, pp. 59-79, 3,000 copies, in English with a Wives have more knowledge than their husbands, indicating DateDirectorTitle of completion MarchSANTHANAM,Study on1968 the role M. of religionL. in family planning PublicationAim "StudyfamilytowardsandTo study the planning oninterpretation family(a) the the role doctrinesplanning of givenreligion ofand by different priests(c)in family how ofreligions far theplanning" religion tenets; on marriage, (b) (SANTHANAM),has the an religiousness, effect family on building attitude, Bulletin attitude practices, behaviour andof the behaviour numberInstitute and practice o'L.. of children people Rt.ral of familyItsoughtEnglish.Health was planning.planningfoundinand addition Family that methods there to Planning, obtaining isonly. no specific No.information objection on the to religiousnessthe family planning of a sample programme of people but and to thetheir use KAP of certainThelevels. opinion of the heads of the three religions towards the family planning programme was There seemed to be no association between religiousness1, July 1968, and pp. attitude 57-68, towards 3,000 copies, in English with a summary in v DateDirectorTitle of completion GOVINDACHARI,DecemberStudy on the 1967 depot A. holder system India 11 PublicationAreaAim of research "StudyDiagnosticperceptionTo know on the thestudies of community'stheirdepot-holder role in theperception family planning regarding programme the depot-holder system and to kno' he depot-holders' system.communityFamilymen (95 Planning,A good perleaders cent) depot-holder, vol. who and III s women according (65 per to cent) the perception have expressed of the acommunity favourable would attitude be towardsmarried, theaged depot-holder between _ J. and distribute.,tern" "condoms" (GOVINDACHARI), are1, July called 1968, "depot-holders." Bulletin pp. 69-79, of the in InstituteA English high percentage of with Rural a summary Health of and in English. The DirectorTitle RAMACHANDRA,Study30 and of 45 rumour and haying S. K. a high social status and an "example-setting" character. c>co AreaAimDate of of research com[letion DiagnosticcounteractingToJuly understand 1967 studies them the dynamicscould be developed behind the origin anu spread of rumours so that effective measures for Publication phenomenainterviewsEnglish.and"Case Family study of ofPlanning, people rumour.of rumour vol. regarding ', No. 2, IUD"July 1967, (RAMACHANDRA), pp. 30-44, 3,000 copies,Bulletin in of English the Institute with of RuralThe Health rumour regarding IUD which was spreading in a professional community in the community. Useful hypotheses were formulated for further study on the was studied through a summary in DateTitleDirector of completion GOVINDACHARI,MarchStudy of1967 communication A. of family planning ideas in Athoor Block . AreaAim of research Communicationknowthevillages(a) frequency tothe assessand characteristics Co ofthe compare use level of oftheof it theawareness withvarious output the channels baselinecommunicators about family datafor the of planning disseminationthe same methods population of amongfamily obtained theplanning people in 1962; ideas in the (b) and to (c) know programme to 4-.tt ....,. Publication menvol."Communication II,than No. women 2, July study" have 1967, reported (GOVINDACHARI), in English awareness with a of summary Bulletinthe different ofin theEnglish. methods Institute of of family Rural Healthplanning; and (b)Family more Planning, couples (a) Invariably a higher percentage of India 11 persons"of areforfamilieshavinginformation temporarymentioned largeand (73 "friends" perforfamilies methodsby IUCDcent); about are (c)is24(condoms awarereported mentionedperAmong cent of 3R.3 moremen,ofthe menmore postponment per "friends"than respondents. cent03.8 others and per are foam(41.4of cent mentioned pregnancy tabletsandper cent),33.1 83.4more (85.6 per"officials" per thancentper cent); cent) otherrespectively) and "mass thansources "friends" thosemedia" of than havinginformationas as sourcesothers. a source small As regards information on sterilization "sterilized is about(e)methods;"officials"Relatives"reported As familyregards "relatives"toand beas planningfriends" theamore source out-put come through are to of nextothersmentioned communicationinformation in"friends (31.9order more ofper andare frequency. centthan morefoundrelatives" andothers men to 11.5 be asthan(36.1 insignificantimportantper women centper cent respectively). channelshave andamong reported 35.2 for men. perinformation to cent have respectively); communicated on temporary Information on permanent methods of family planning (d) Among women 00 AimDirectorTitle e of completion ToandJulyRAMACHANDRA,Developing devise to1966 test instruments them and standardizingfor thattheir S. K. can validity measure instruments and social reliability for norms the measurement relating to family of the size family in an size illiterate norm in rural a rural community community AreaPublication of research instruments"DevelopingDevelopment1966,(RAMACHANDRA), pp. 1-30,and(1. of familyinstrumentsStandardizing 3,000 size Monographcopies, thematicto Instruments measure in English of reaction the intermediate forGandhigrarnwith the test a Measurementsummary and; input Institute 2. of in the English.of of familyFamily Rural planningHealthSize Norm and programme inFamily a Rural Planning, Community" No. 3, family size Thepictorial reliability choice and test) validity of two were tested DateDirectorTitle of completion MarchGOVINDACHARI,Developingby test-retest 1966 and method. standardizing A. a scale for measuring attitude towards family planning PublicationAreaAim of research 'To develop"DevelopingaMonographDevelopment summary a scale and forin of ofEnglish. measuringstandardizing the instruments Institute attitude ofato scale Ruralmeasure towards for Health measuring intermediate acceptance and Familyattitude' impactof small Planning, towards of family the family familyNo. size 3, planning" planningnorm1966, pp. (GOVINDACHARI),programme 1-10, in English with An attitude scale for the measurement of attitude towards small family size has beenattitudeThe developed scale level. is administered from opinions to gathered each individual froni the ruralwho is expected to agree or The scoring procedure evolved makes it possible to measure population and scaled by judges chosen from them. the intensitydisagree ofdepending attitude ofupon an his India 11 evaluationeducational'anyindividualthe family population. purposes.which planning programmes is not worker measured carried can in out the in Thurstone his area over scale. a period of time However, the utility in other parts of India has to be tested before utilize this instrument without difficulty to evaluate the effectiveness of In view of its easy administration and effectiveness, with regard to change in attitude in utilizing it for programme the Curricula LanguageExchange Programme ThereEnglish, is an coursesexchange could programme be taught in Tamil CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement affecting4DEMOGRAPHYD.H.E.M.A. h; 2. or Biological (Diploma MBBS mortality, or and ANDin B.A. 2 Health h;socio-economic 4.FAMILYwit',I Socio-economic Education) two PLANNINGyears factors of communityimplications affecting (compulsory), experience of higher including: fertility, 6 h; 3. Biological and socio-economic factors fertility, 2 h; 5. Sources of demographic 1. Population change over time, Entrance requirement Matriculation4data, h;8. 10.Population 2 h; Methods 6. Population with theories for 5 yearsevaluating andcomposition of policy, experience family 3 h;and planning9. in distribution,Vital community statistics programme, health2 registration 4 h; 7. Population projection and estimation. 4 h; h. and methods for improving registration, CourseDiploma andDEMOGRAPHYDiplomaregistration world,ratios, in 63 Sanitation h; and 6.2. EvaluationSocialANDits improvement, (to FAMILY and be renamedeconomicof health PLANNING 9 h; as andimplications 4.Diploma familyMethods (compulsory), planningin ofofCommunity populationpopulation programmes, including: growth estimation and 'Health) 1'. Growth3in h. ofIndia, population 3 h; 3. inVital India statistics, projection, 4 h; 5. Rates RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge ServantsGokhaleDANDEKAR, Instituteof India Kumudini ofSociety's Politics House, and Economics' Poona 4, India India 12 ProfessionalFirst year staffof researchOfficial title Head1950 of the Section in Demography GADGIL,KSHIRSAGAR,BHATE,DANDEKAR, V. S. S.K. FF 1939192219481931 Economist,Statistician,StatisticianSociologist, demographer demographer n.a. Marathi, English Research projects Title,MATHANKAR, V. B. M 1945 Economist n.a. Marathi, English Survey and resurvey of six villages in Satara District, 1953-1966 1 Director DANDEKAR, K. i AreaAimDate of of research completion towardsSocio-economicitsJune(a) impact 1971to family assess on planning the the change, demographic socio-economic in fertility the villages structureand change family surveyed of during planning. the villages; 1953-1966 (b) into the assess random the changesample inof fertility6 villages and and attitude to study TitleDateDirector of completion Follow-upJuneDANDEKAR, 1971 study K.of IUD cases in Poona District PublicationAreaAim of research Familyof"LoopassessStudy Contraception planning theofexperience the reactions loop Activity",inprogramme of the women non-city (DANDEKAR towardsin area the ruralof the Poona loopareas & District"BHATE). of Poona in "ProspectsDistrict, with of Population the help of Control loop camps, and to Evaluation DirectorTitle DANDEKAR,Prospects of population K. control-evaluation of contraception activity India 12 AreaAimDatk: of researchcompletion AprilPoonaassessFertility(a) 1969 to thedvring assess changeand 1951-1964 familythe in role fertility planning of family and change planning clinics in family planning activity in the city of Poona. in attitude towards and practice of family planning in the city of (b) to Publication Prospectspromotionalconductingpp.1964. 1-246,(4) of Populationin tubertotries,work English. by theControl clinics. but their contact with the The condom and(3) tubectomy seemed t o be more acceptable to people Cuntraceptivethan other practice in the city could reduce the birth (1) Family planning clinics worked effectively(2)Evaluation among the of lowerContraception social groups Activity in (DANDEKAR & AttitudeVAIJAYANTI), towards family planning remarkably changed during 1951- masses was limited. rate by about 16-20 per cent.There was ample scope for methods of Note ' While the institutesciencenotcontraception. doesmuch research not different have tnethods. a regular from The programme course that isof an ofother eletnentary training, countries in coursespecial in forcases demography a facilitiesperiod of arc 15-20 offered lectures. in its programme of training in social (5) The loop experience in the city as well as in the non-city area of Poona district was of one year after loop insertion. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 13 - PersonAddressName in charge Official title AssistantNAGDA,Bhopal,Hamidia Madhya ProfessorSohanlal Arts Pradeso, and of Economics Commerce India College ResearchProfessional projects stall NAGDA, Sohanlal M 1936 Economist Demography Hindi, English TitleAreaDateDirector of completionresearch ThreeNAGKnowledge,1971 DA, villages: Sohanlal attitude Dillod, and Islamnagar practice of and family Lambokheda. planning in three villages of Madhya Pradesh TitleDateDirector of completion NAGDA,Knowledge,1971 Sohanlal attitude and practice of family planning in Bhopal City Curricula AreaLanguage of research OldEnglish Bhopal City. CourseEntranceDiploma requirement developedDEMOGRAPHYB.A.DemographicM.A. or (Economics)Bachelor countries measurement; of (optional), Commerce and population 3 5. h Life per policies; week:table; 6. 3.Method Demographic of population features projection. of India and population 1. Population theory; 2. Demographic features of the under- policy; 4. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 14 PersonAddressName in charge IndianSINGH,Division Agricultural ofS. AgriculturalN. Research Extension Institute, (Rural New Sociology)Delhi-12, India ProfessionalFirst year of stallresearchOfficial title 104.Rural Sociologist KHERDE,SAHAY,SINGH, S. B. N.R. N. L. M 193719281934 Sociologist SociologySociology and and rural rural sociology sociology Hindi, English 00 CurriculaResearch project sociology.of DemographyDemographicbroader framework, is studies taught including in and the M.Sc. Rural those and Sociology of Ph.D. population degrees Section size are have and awarded structure,been ain part the etc. ofDivision a number with of specialization sociological studiesin rural Name Indian Statistical Institute, Research and RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Training School, Demography Unit' India 15 PersonFirstAddress inyear charge of researchOfficial title Director,RAO,203,1950 B.T. C. Research R.Road, Calcutta-35, and Training India School ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingRAMAN, M. V. M1963 1924 Demographer General demographj? 'I mil, English, Hindi, Malayalam GUPTA,CHAKRABORTY,M ' LAKER, P. B. G. R. B. M 189919261934 DemographerStatistician TechnicalTechnical demography demography and andactuarial statistics Bengali,Bengali, English EnglishEnglish, Hindi 06 PAL,PACHAL,RAMAKRISHNA, B. T. K. G. FM 19441943 Statistician TechnicalTechnical demography demographyactuarial statistics n.a. Bengali,Bengali,Telugu, English, EnglishEnglish French CHAKRVARTI,AGARWAL,SENGUPTA,LAHIRI, S. M. B. R. FMM 1948194919471944 ComputerStatisticianStatistician TechnicalTechnical demography demography n.a. Bengali,Bengali,Hindi, EnglishEnglish English DirectorTitle CalcuttaRAMAN, Fertility M. V. Survey, 1969/70 programmer AreaAimDate of completionresearch ToFertility.practiceDecember obtain informationof 1971 contraception on the and levels factors and associated trends of withfertility them in Calcutta and also oi, knowledge, attitude and , 1,1 0.94 14 ,1111,1 nrilT VIA ! 'k " Vr 1,1 I f I I , 4?": r,r

I 1 , , 1 r T1 1 Ill'114.1',1,;AN : 1t.'414,1:I1,,t111,01..11,1'i'Ill,M11,12,,,11101,',111,' In1111, iil, k, 1 0'4,1,'11,111,1 ,r'' ,ndufflf4,"i'liff'ff 4.,'11,,,,14,''''',Hfl , ' ., , ,, '4,11 , , 4q",,,:',14,,,::1,",',,',4,4,11 a.,44Tt"Ig,,-1 4l'4,1.1-",,,IIValli,V17,11,,,,l , 15,11, It A44\ 1 ,,,,,fx.'tffIff!,:ttlIsr'f,4,111 ' -,,,, '111 1,11,1111 ',1, 1 , 1, ,I, ,I F4; ,xl1 .,,w I ,,,,,,, ,,H,',1, 11,1 1 ' 'r,,'Ettf^ 'en '1, ' ',,,,,, '', 1 ,,r, , 1 ,r,,,Ii, J, ,1.1 1,4,, I I ' , , f- ,, 1 101 N 111,,,M,',1,,,,, MI, ,' I, 'ffpffur4,rf,t, If tf,,,,"foft,f.ffoqf ,,,,,,,, trff,,ff 1,,,tufal.11.11,;,,,.1111,,, f11,1, i , ' ' ' ' , e, ''OUP,17iNiff 'Li, P. ti, ,,,,,,,f,, fl 1" ''', i'''''f' ,,41,,b,",' f' ,'. f';'1", '''''' ,',{,,1 f', ' ''" ,1,0', '-'' '"' ,n '' rfi,-,1414'y oal 'e"''''' tx111,0, ,', Two, .,-,011, 0,,,,,,1" ' '''P Id ,' - ' ''''' 1, -,0,,,i, ''', ,d .4 L..' ff 'fff f ,ff Of f f'f '5 , ,1 ,f, , , , ''', .1- , if', "Indlii15'11 '1, ,f ' , uf, ' ,,,, Aimbpte,Director of 'conipletion, ,AugOi"grinsitk:1701, 4969', extiminn.4tren61,4vthei,,deniOgrap4ie', and ageStructufw 'din'initytfic' 19,011-1196,11 situaitOnl*"WeSc,Bengal, period; in ,I ',respect:, of !Mortality, fertility; migration, ,' ," Area of 'research ' ,'DemOgraphic",trends + , Publication ,a'near,:ennitant,l,'fOilitY,vfiei$1,,,,niiirtitinii,,,,iiiie4ad'iieen,,iiriair,e)ieePiqluring;1941,1907;"PP1004*i.F!0100':'Of'WcSt,Ecig4reniainOlairly',,Oablel'rfrO4,in ,EngliOn,:witly,n,On'iniary,'IiiiW,Engliih;,',11,t,',WaSI,Ifniiiidqkaitlier&had,tieen-,,aJ 1,01, to 1961'.19O1'-l961" OtpTAL 1,969; pp: , steady4enline',int,,MOrtality,,,and 1,77,,,,,1 , i n imL_ eOgraplied 100 copies,,age distribution lin& Curriculai Exchange , Programme' Although at ,Present,,'Ocre' is no InternatiOnali,,,,Stiide4 ,:exchangc, programme,, financial, assistance ,could be a* Entrance,Language requirement, , 'MaSter!vkilegree4,,,,Itli;statistieStiOeiist,EngliShL,used to ,,create ,iii:i,,, i,iii}3;*,:,,0,13*, fei.fe: l !on& CourseDiploma , DEMOGRAPHYLbii4971!1(b),',: 4v (compulsory),,v4t0-111idi;,;(C)i'lifeta0i;,;ii 'onegraptiy,ir One yoior,, ,';i' ,(4'''iib ,;O,P,_k4L04,#7'''00if'iete;k,2. ,Actuarial,,,stat;sucs,,1,20,41:;. ,(0)1, finite 1. Demography, i160, h,; '00' Oui'Co:, 'Of' OPirgOaPhie. ,statistics;. . 'tqii,'P!c;;!'.:1AFe0,sample'differences;11,,(01F40400i;',():1`41,4,!sPc!=10410'19tqiii,49,0;r#ti3:,'StatiSties',LOY''eS0,T!,,,00,00,i),1(0'0,4'M survey;' ;040,6,f1.il0,F1 survey; 1rtj0011:0,.0;4,.4. A;O:1'11,1#,Y400,0nw.ciCs,ur*cy,;:4,(,ti),t,ioq-saijiplit,i,g, pp,q,4i'rft,:4,niiliol:440),,iiii,i0y1i,ripicA,Ii,Iii!ysi;,,( 120h:; ,(a):4. diitribOiop'401e,T. l'fi'Llctile4it"10,hiCeltinnlysiS;1,(0,i,i ,74:140eiLO,', census; et,C.;', :.. Data-processing;. ,2$11 h:. errors; ;,(p).: nationalt), non-parametric , , 10h,.(u)511Pki,',1401; 1 ' , SySterri; (b) programming ifl FORTRAN ;i,i,ii;&,;siutoc:,00ERIiiiIgt;a0s,,i'oca4, 0:,,b4sertation, \\I Course,DiplomaEntrance, requirement statistics;,121bEMOOkA0iLiric,0hiltireiiietfCall,'Iliii1Pre-university, or higher secondaryStatistic* 2011P,priiieiiiiiii1eiSiiii:iulirireriurse'L'crivering.' 1 '.Source Of demographic ,International statistical, classification,I of J,causes ' , Of0,00401;:oioiio*f0410i4114;V;te:,' f , , ' 1 '' ' ' ' 1 , IN 1 I ,

, f f, ,fIfffiff,' , 1 11.14 .11',,ji111,1,11,i1,1,n, 1,111, 1,3 , ry k 1111 4, 11.,0,1,11,,,Y1., ,. 1,1,1 14.1. 11.11,1,11 1111,1 111,11, J11.111 1,, 1' 1', 'I 111,1,,, rInd .1,, 1111 1,1 1,11, 14 11 T,1111.1411 ,9 I '1' t111 IF:1 . I1 11 1- " '549 11 1 0,1 Entrance requireMent 13,A,4350: thatheinatiCv ror 'statistics India 151 Diploma M.t , t Course, , MO, , Entrance,,requirement ' PO1: `4iiii46006 ., OtA$#; 6 h 9100etiCato &Fit practiCiii 'COnPuisOry,Course,, cov . ering:. ,I', Vitallrates;2. Life table; 16000ia'COMSe' ,, I'DEt:IVE,0000Y.'ICeititiCtite'Ofinerit'',0506)'00h02.04cir,ce'4.', !FOFT,4,100.041') 404*41k'F400ciqk0' n'' Of '0',ws'O.'',9f;,i1010;,',010E0ci,, and injuries. ;C,O:i,i)Pt,i1SO,Ot)ii, 20H h :' 1,., ,,SOU0e:Ot ',51,emograPhIC° statistics;, '2, Vital rates; 3. Life table; PEM4P,P,,R4PkW .',(0'i4,t,,f0h4,0'i', ,1.00,1'h v 1,; :,L4,100ett , , . , , :,4'0ift0iiitta't,feriilitY/and,moitality;,3. Health surveys; . Notes s' k''POI*04000'**00i*:*'0",his insiittit ran offerita,'iliOrtleitriin4e0lea tiainini Cenirseiv l'. STATISTICAL. OFFICER'S MRAINING COURSE,,6:8 weeks for statisticians of , . . , oor luka0y, ,co0i*Ses'iaiko,!halatiOratark,Wark:,'the''SiaiiiiiiCentialitOOS4iiinieni,dePaitinents.:foreikngoyernrnents.,,, :2:, OCCASIONAL COURSES' Of 12' weeks. for statistical, of sponsored' by the national, or


kr 1 L-Ln ry Name Insiittite. of ,,Economic ',Growth, INST1TUTION India 16 PersonAddress in charge' 'Official , title ,Univ,eriity;SeniorDESAL, Fellow, Campus, 'e., Institute , o Delhi 7,, 1ECOnOMiC ',growth, , Demographic kesearChr Centre Prof/44.4;0aFirst' year'of'research ,'staff M1 1924 Economist-demographer GOYAL,BOSE, MhiStv R. 11'. 0,M 1100,'4934 'Statistician-demographer ' 1,Bengali;;EngliSh,Gujarati, English; Hiiidi,, Hindi French . English, , pFau, .BISFIT;NARAIN, INaieeS, ,Bano, Vir FM :119321193O . E.C90i0,01e41','461441040044' '0 ' 404,Y; K.. ' G. IN'/fM 1933 IECOpoinistol'fieldpecialiSt09001,004440it10)00P ' OIP :Hindi, Urdu; 'Punjabi. F'4,0g10;,,English Hindi G14.ATI;GROVER, S.,$:, C. R. MF M' 1945.194F193'5, SocibIbgistEconomist*000,00iSociologist na ,'104.0J0158-:*0g400?':11tItijahi;,*tigliSh; 'i-1100i;.'1Jr0t1; Flindi,, Urdu ,English;, Punjabi Bengali' 'TI(Ad"41?'SHABMA,.1V.,"0:1'e,,MADAN, Uma MF ,!,t'Ir90( 19341932 '1'0011,r904SbciaP anthropologist na ',,,,741141;""'`.01011;'-'00:.;;Hindi, English, 00114! Punjabi' '400' MADAM D. '14F i1943.1945 Economist " r""tariiii;, Punjabi; Eng1ish Hindi Director.Title Intetdjstric '*::' '',1090;l04 Eiigiishi Hindi: AreaAimpate-, ot researchEof "completion. To,,tneasare?,yarratMir1.0*"Wthl,F00§kow,901,i041,0j,iciy,1001,E,i'niyhg,th&variationsDecember in 1composition 97E and structurc of district iopulations, to 326, , districts of India;; to identify' assessgrowth potentials of different districts p. ...'4-21.t..41,t,:',, extiNv...,-m-,,N-...,,:e...... ,...... ,.., .,,.. . ,., , _ , ..., , .., - . . , ...... ,,, ,.. .., ...., ...... ,...... ,...... ,, , 1,14, 1r 11 1 4 , , HI 11 W , 1,ri TO 41, 11 I 0 , I , 1 , ] wrer -11,,.,1,r,,ro r ,..- W4,..:4 :1 pJ,, , 1,74,1, 1,.,4,4141 .,,, ^ ,4 1 *4 ,, , ro , II, 11 , , i: , 1,r, '1 1 ' , it i ,, . , ' , . , , ' , - 1 r ,"',, ''''.4 '''';1,1,frt'''''7":;':7",YrOTZItMtnt,'" 1,itl,r14,4711,,9,01:';`,r.",*7. Ofrr,#;

" 4-1 1 rr rr'r re 'r r r 4'11, 4.. L' 4,44 r rId ,r 4 41'4 111q4, 1, r re, treed-rr'a ro ror :v.erer re r.rree.e, e, 1 11 terer 'reed inrierepree-.erg..111,'.;:e4,err k, or,ere o Irk 4, 11 I r Ir 're V India 16 'rer etre, ''r- AimDateDirectorTide of completion Vo, analyseJulyBOSDemographic I971 ,,census- 'data structure relating Of tosmall towris. tons. of less than 50;060PopiilatiOn;, to assess their role in the process TitleArea of research DelhiOf.UrbanizatiOn.. urbanization demographic 'suryey. Director , DESAL P B. I AreaAimDate of of,Iresearch Completion, ' ,ccOnOtiiie'.faCtOri4oyeriiingfertii*hehaviOOrFertility,MeasoreMent,Otievellandi,ti:Odifferentials',Of.,fertiihy,lanthinCideilde,,OfJtily,11071'. ,anch.faMiiy/ ,,Planning:, family' planning, analysis of social and

A r Ir 't

. , .;- ," , r , ""f", ,.,,,,,. 1-,,,i ,-4 ,' ,,,,,,,,,., ..",..., 47.0.'1' .,.. ,,,,' . t , 4 Nam' e ..,, RESEARCH AND' TEACHING' INsTITulloN FirstPersonAddress year in charge,ofiresearchOfficial title DitectorAGARWALA,Deon1956, a r; , I Etornbay-88; Indi Professional:First year of';teaching staff AGARWALA,,;S. M1956 1920 Demographer POOulatiOnt research; adiniit,140401; deino-- Hindi, English RUZICKA,IMMERWAHR,,GeOrge' L.3 E.?" ,M M, 192041,96 'Statistician'"Oqiii904040' 'M00414.**,*"00.4.3/4j'h:0-00,'#40.§ii4Demographics; graP*F,'*-00104'9P'4,00Y,014,08' Oati6Os model,;constr`,uction, Czech,English English, ,French RELE;RAMACHANDRAN; J. 'R. K. V. M R. M 193,1:1930, Sc*4O4'0:itStatiSticiair data;,, data aplann 4'4.0' Hindi, English ,English STALLVENKATACHARYA, K. 13.F' 'M' 1932' 934; §000i,00#4' 71.!'cLhoi:60.40,rpogiaphyw:statistiCk,;COmpnter,Pop odsion eor /pterrel4tiyes,., h Hindi,Hindi; ,EnglishEnglish. 00100044, pfactors, iecondmicisocial g' co "s -ors;, benNe`fit k,urbanization? `a demographic Hindi, English,- NARAIN;SINHA,PATHAK, 'Vatsala K. B. M 1931939 V 'St,40;s0On'SociologistStatistician POOnlatiOndiSliri0§-oolitiOL0,44:004)**0§0iiiky;=''06.4cii, pj:obiiJ nibs!** Hindi; English,'English: KARKAL,BHENDE, Malini Asha, F 192'i19281 SociologistBiologist- dernogrqpher ,other.,'aipectshho rogrImpeess, 5rtififY` Hindi, English'.Englisk

1,1 'ItOY; "Tariin4Kuttiar M '19341942. kStátiticIahSociologist Fertility studies n I t Hindi; ,English India, 17 SAKSENA,SEBASTIAN,PATANKAR, D. Tara.nnanimaN.2 MF ,1;9431935 . AnthropologistStatistician PopulationMigration composition, offertility research,ecOnoMib. studies, niethOds, develOptiieht institutional, aspects Hindi, English English Research projects* KUMAR,Title Ashok MPopulation: reSearch.:byk computer simulation 1948 Psychologist Hindi, English r AimDirectorAreaDate of completionresearch Fertility,ToContinuing,AGARWALAi, deriVe, 'faMilypPlanning,MOrtalitYrIanciPOPUl*iOnlOrOjeletiOn. a. , coniptiter., ,S.. N. model for lndianpopuIatintànd use it ,for: projectiOn,, purposes Publications5 duction""Anl,exaMinatiOn,'Of (VENKATACHARYA),, CertaitibiaS,406,.tOttetiiioo:io'oui:ot*;,Conteist :of simulation models of human. repro- , . prOgramnie,"Estimation"Certain1966; ini implications ,:EngiiShi, Of ,O* ' fe natality/ aim ItiO OfSbOrtinUrita1f l'o,f,' ity, Ipopulation from t, a dUratiOnS:liti44,;UnalYiiSi of liV&birthr'interVals" (VENKATACHARYA), , set , of -marital 4§flk ;,,, an rtstudy Of '': the ,' impact of 1 , the , family ,planning "Effect10s;' *iii163if,:e6Oreii,'',IPOt of 'inditeedi4abortiOn i00i, *in h birth rate:. ."at ,'Siniiiiation, ,nrioder (MUKHERJI, S. & ,ia, ,sjailoiai8at.:aiiiiiot, '(viruistitRiL, ,§: & VENKATACHARYA), VENKATA-VEI11CATA- :., "Some"EffectCHARYA), reeentOf findings, 4?07i. onin "opeq=birth,1000, " intervals"' (L7.1,ENi(ATACHARYA)',. 1967, in, English.. Post=partilmdinenOtiiOe400000!itfil.(Mokii-gir,IftkVENICATAtHARYA),,,1967;:in,English. in'"Postponement' English., :Of :am'VENKATACHARYA),, at marriage''inethOrPfdrestiniatingatitinUr an& its; short4terMi'iMPacr- 1106$;:6 404041, birtlis,saYeon .fertility" rcitipyttiie;ttS64yUrfouSJaniilYPluntiing,methods"' (AGARWALA (VENKATACHARYA),, 1968, 4":-:.:4,,:' e 'f India 17 Publibations'" "Sorme1969,1968 implicatiO4;, in in' EngliSh.SiiiiieTrObletiOnAtheinSeNOEOPEOitithiiiiteryalslfas)lindicatOrkcOfleitilitY;ehange"`,(VENKA,TACHARYA)', of susceptibility and, its :appliCationt!in, fertility, English; evalUation ,, models" (VENKATACHARYA), "Population"EStimation' oUprojection! Monthly; chanee, byROY),, computer" 1969,, (IMN1ERWAHR)} in English. conception from age-,Spoeinc,, Marital , fertility, Engliih. , rate" (VENKATACHARYA Centre""WOrk"Recent"FaMily'siZe :on, 'advances,(AGARWAIA1),, ,POPUlatidni and,survivai, Models', '1969; 'through, in :compUter fertility , models" (IMN,iERWAok'fic'VENKATACHARYA), 1969; in A Nlonte'''CarlOtilOdelf (iiIMpitwAxR),, 1969; ,at, ',the Demographic Training and Research English. English. "A"Commemsl,"An set(VENKATACHARYA, applicatiOOof probability on, Of eStimatiOni,,Of ,models; :'a,,MOnte it for'eStintuting,, I? 'CariO1,1iiiicie1,toeStiinatebirths'avertad'due As;' ',fecUndabilitr,,'(1144EA*Aklg); N. ,fectindabilityffrom, data 1969;, on into English., :1900 various family planning :methods" "A"Onbelonging stochastic. ,iiredicting,rtile to. modelsthe same Ebt, a age!the andOpenbirthi :Marriage; ,interVa eOhori"",(0;.7FiAi0; 070;. in 'Engliih. (PATHAK)',. ,1910;, in English. :susceptibility status of the women "Ao,,applicatiOnol,,,411afysis"OnEnglish: the nieciianisni, of Seleetion, Of ,Varia'neeteehnkitioto,,,Ilonte,,Carlo,,,data, of IfeetlndubilitY": =(PA:THAK), 1970; in on human, reproduction" (ROY & ,Women, of a' marriage' cohort" (PATHAK), 1970, in English. vENKATAir*MlyA),,I ,1970 ;,in$ , VARMA,,'d."sway,"A1970; computer in ,EngliSk., !Model, ItO,,,estiMato of the, !impact ,, of 1970,, in English., !lapse On r, closed-birth,intervaIS';, through computer simulation "' (ROY , & DAS 'due ic,11,JCI:is' and sterilizations" (VENKATACHARYA ), .4.4641 4';4 1*'2.7: 444' *YM.1**00141-rq.4*-''''',.rP4044,."4"±"Oft.'4,7444444", .04.444444^4944444444.4444401.444 4.44,44.4/4444,0449.4449V404,444444.44 44444.1444 441.4.1044444.

Publications5 "AI sinulatibnmodetto1' I. study the ;iniPaCt,",iiiii r!'ioirOiii,,,,oiefigoies!, to., control ;fertility on annual 'birth rates" India, )17 ;(VENKATACHARYA),, 1970, in English; , "ComputerCHARYA"An'1970 'attempt in English; methods to ,Study for trendsthe Calculation' in fertility, of through stnyiiiOrshiprObabilities";,(IMMERWAHR 'birth interval data for India, 1931-1951" & GUPTA, (VENKATA- R. B.), - G:), 1970; iri,,English:, CHARYA."A gettlerat deSCriptictr.' çf the completely lido-pMethod,' of assigning parity IMMERWAHR), 1970, in English. (1ive, birth' order). for cgroup. of currentlysimulation married model, fe' (COMPSIM )," (VENKATA- es" (SINHA), "Methods,"A1970;,;i1nEnglish..1970, Monte in tCarlo Eñglishlof assigning modet, fotâgé,, the Se* study and of Marital'Statn&to.,,the- human fertility Under iraryitig, :initial ifccundability" .population and (VENKATACHARYA), the ages of husband" "DerKiittiontr,"Surviving(SEBASTIAN), children of singleyear 1970;'Of; each in survival English., o TOO"' , (ROY); 9,10;, in English. (IMMERWAHR), 1970; in English. "A"A,in imethocUof rinethed,Of";asSignint,parameterS:;regardiiii.:*-oOfCOntraceptive.'English. assikitinOnte"OakSinee. last livc birth and identi0cation ofmethods" susceptible, '(ROY), ;status"' 1970, (SOY), in English. 1970, H WAHR"Mortality"A(SEBASTIAN).; computers & ,siSHA),rates, 4orograinine, for 1970,,India; ;1951-1981,,iii in English.'Eiiglish ; for'iuSel of ,Computer , simulation; Model (compsIm)" (IMMER- F!t9Ncyy,, feMale,, records. of. initial 'population (INPOP)" CHARYA-, description, ,of the event, generation 'tnethOd&4Or,PrOjeCting.,pOpulation'4:'-111t4M44*.ek,44, at micro-level" (VENKATA- 1970,, in English; TitleDirector . Fertility,'!andii'il-iENDE, KAP` ,Asha.,, suevey',iii 'and; ,A0t0A; Panaji;-' 10.,Goa N:(India), AreaAimDate of of research completion 'To,,findcir*the',10els,andT,,differentials,Fertility,,regirdint,finlilkDecernber, aryl 1971'family' 1 planning' Planning., int IIP'4601,City; in rfertilitY' G'04, arid,the.eirtent. of'- knowledge, attitude and practice leveli ' TitleDateDirector of completion 1 'KARiSAL;'Febi4rary,',,Nasik,1District.,fertility ,Milini,' 1971 ,study. AreaAim! of research, Fertility,!4e'Tolstridy. /ta04','',0100t, .and, theTlfertility!differentials,and:,toy.knOw.,the family OFOgr*Onelii'l*"PkitOq 'Planning:. ''' .!,*ily,',planning,1 practice and reaction' of the 'people, to '' 0% DateDirectorTitle of completion. 'YantrarY,,197,1'iti4E,''i.Fertility in, '',/t,' Greater Ilombay Aim ,Fer,t,ity.,'andlTo1314'6008'''O'''904','#'004k ,aseertain the levels differentials'riry'firtility,' a'iir,l.)1crinWiedge,, !iiiitude, and ,practice regarding,,1 family AreaPublication of research '`,DfrEe0!#i.0,C?,LI366,ii; Iiit4ii fertility,:404ilj[iii0Oikik '':,0"600!',000,"Ci,i*a", '''''00,04i.,*C00,,t 7 .,10E1,,T.10*.:',*;,'Pi- 'Itti.E&'PATANKAR), IUSSP,Conferetice; n',IiiinnarY in 'French. DateDirectorTitle, of completion /-4. 'Lilii°4"foli'6e'1001000*,VAIDYANATfiAN;;iC., Of 1!ic!ik,1 E. bY;;L**,,Ocirc iti40:i 1.'40S?0*:Ii*O0ai* Territories, 1961'.;1981` Alin ToyeStirnate:41.10a0H911' !tie; ,:groWiliciii,:**Oti*,0).'c'e;, Or'1, ICAStEil,,,i* age, sex,and- residence; :in- different States ' PublicationArea., of , research 'LaboUrloreelPrOreetiOnS,,Ne*letter,,of InCli*""d:'POO''Te0004106,4,,i0,01iitOjeCti0s,I.:cif400ia, J'' , , a 0:":0'0;:44:Nol,,3'5,i, ''''' , ,,y sio,e;,4ii i00, ,,,rciri: 0, F 'eOiS4;in:'Enijisti'1,iiiith.d,:iii'iiina6r,:it'f']Eiigliifi,' .,0,0141,0s17, (Nrivtly:4Nik*N),. The, projections of labour, force resented.,,in:thiSeinonographo take as a, basis, the 1961 census :enumerations India 17 themillionforwillanticipatedof educational, it different notthe in,e,conotmcallrchange that states, Lprogrammes., in the the haver',labour 'age: ,activei,p,nptangnalltip,eFt-,,c9,mtPqcF1'P'91?t,!!4Y9tt?,"Proiect,ons: 'groupbeenparticipation :Aceording:tolLtheSe'Projections, arriVed, '20-59: ratdswillat on the:: decline basis of mt an-;analysis 0-14 the labour" of past force patterns will increase and u ot 1981..1 from 190 1961,' Ito 292 million in 1981, i.e. by 53 per cent in 20 years. 'sPeCi6CiiiiiiinPtiOnS,regarding;trendsLin :labour' par cipation 1.54.19 and 60+ age gro The average annual rate of c progress in but that it L ratesIt, is casefasteratwilltotalincrease a be fasterinPopulation' rate almostr:rural in than'labourrate' .lareas. thethan anticipated ,force same:female the 'according :forrural tabour bythe labourthe inaleonif to 'force;txpert::,COniiitittee.,: these force. ,'fetnale':'1abour.force;owing ;Projections, ter,seX, selective'POT the ivhereas, migration,country the a's., .urban. and a whole the labour opposite the -force rates ofWill growth iptithevurban.lareas, the mate labour force, will 2.1: per cent as against 2.3 per cent for the will be theglow at a grow DateDirectorTitle of completion DecemberRAMACHANDRAN,Differential: 1970 fertility in IC.West V. Malaysia TitleAreaAim of research ToNtiernsr:ofFertility., delineatc4fertility analysis. rural! ,thigration, differences in byLSouthern socio-economic Maharashtra;, characteristics initia AreaAimDate,Director of ofresearch completion: ToDescribingNovemberNARAIN,: estimate° theVaisalaithe1969 extentpattern' of of in-out Lntiggtionnin and return; three migration, iiiSirietS, and of ;' Southernthe characteristics :Maharashtra, of :migrants India, Publication "Patterns,:theHARAYAOLPAi,IP4, three of districts rural ; migration' .41)0! in 'manuscript, Southern, :Maharashtra; L of LKolhaPur,, Sangli' and SholaPOr..:and estimates the extent and type of in-. and out-migration , pp.. 44I4$;- 'English: , (NA RA IN, SEBASTIAN & HANUMANT-This sample survey covers 15 villages in dueto torural' marriage areas. and ancillary As it ',SL,generallY.,assMarcik'that, a;'4tistantiat' :portion of intervillage migration, in India is : reasons',:, speckle atkntin is paid to as certaining how' much intervillage characteriSties,L:aSSOciated,,With'attained.largeindividualandmigration, characteristics versus demographic smallis due land-holders, toof. economic return characteriStics, Migration'varying and'large other,tendcnci'cstto versus of is :Lfactors',Otit=Migrantis,, also sinalljantity migrate ':itOrrelated size;are: in-migrants ,agriculture caste, 'to. marriage. ,religion, and non-migrants. literacy and level of education 'as attempts to compare the families and versus nonagricultural occupation,An estimate of the magnitude Some of these

,,, .7111- ,11,71 4^,;;;,,,r111111+1",:P1xtr, Title Demographic study of Andhra- Pradcsh, India: a census analysis India 17 AreaAimDateDirector of ofresearch completion ToDemographicSeptember studyNARAIN, the '1969demographic Vatsala study of Andhra characteristics Pradesh of Andhra Pradesh's population TitlePublication Demographic&"Demographic SINGH. B.), study 4study typed of of Orissacopies, Andhra State, pp. 1-110, India;, in English. Pradesh, India" (INIARAIN, MURTHY, C. a census analysis S. R., NANJUNDAPPA, G. AreaAimDirectorDate of research of completion ToDemographicSeptember studyRELE, the .1. demographic1969 R. study of Orissa characteristics zitate of Orissa State's population %es Publication pp."Demographic' 1-1,10, in English. study of Orissa State", (RELE, SINHA, MALI, M. B. & SINGH B.), 4 typed copies, Do DateDirectorTitle of completion JulyA studyBHENDE, 1969 of oral Asha, contraceptive and SAKSENA,.]1/ users in BoMbay N. Aim To ,,study ]the'dethographie ]eltaractaristics,'Of,Pill4iisers; 1 . cumulative monthly specific continuation rates, com- PublicationArea of research A ]plaints, study ofrelated contracePt ,topill'4Use iicPil 'andi]reaiOnsU ]fOr droPi-' :Mit , uSers, of ] general 1MS pita!, clinics , ]'in 'Bombay , Population"A study of StUdiei, ]oraj contraeeptk,-,usersHlin]Hp044y7' DeOriar; ]rson,6y=gii; 00., 06;401i'ni65i,,i,apricd,, #:ii*sibp , ] , 'dc SAKSENA), International Institute for , , , 150 copies, in English. TitleDateDirector of completion JulyBHENDE; Follow-up1969 Asha, study and,,,ROY, T. ,,K., of 'IUCD,iaceePtors] AreaAim of research ATo studyrelated study of, the] toIU demographic:IUCD]andi CD-use:* lreasons elmraCteristicS'Of]!yb-cUiiiiilativ: for drop.Out ] of , gencrai-hoSpital]. clinics in ,,,BOinbay 4 ,monthlyk specific continuation] rates; coniplaints Publication , Ergigh"FOlioW=up],,sttidy- %ith',I SUnMarY,Iif',,EtgiiSi of the ifICO, ]uceeptOrS"],010100i ROY , ),, ,MiMeograPhed,] 1pp. '144, '50, copicS,, 'in

' 1.4 India 17 Curricula LanguageExchange Programme EnglishThrough .arr agreement with the United Nations, rainces 'front varions ,countries. arc accepted EntranceDiploma requirement Certificateispsychology.For pnPULATIONgiven Indian to inthosestudents: Population candidates STUDIES Post-graduate Studies" who(compulsory), have degree training in 480 ' tatistics, in h: For United Nations fellows: minimum qualification is B.A. 1'. Populationstatistics, broad view,social 5 sciences h; 2. Sources or demography of demographic mathematics, economics, sociology, anthropology or Degree or its equivalent; preference Course data,Statistics,activeand10 divorce, h;520 population, h;6. h; 3.Population35 19. Theories 10h; Sampling, 16.h; 15 10.Rates structureh;of Migration, 13.,population, 10'and Population h; ratios,and 20. 20characteristics. Problems 510 b; h;in h; 4.development 117. World of Interpolation population 15population II: plans, 7. l 1. Social and economic development, 15 h; 12. Economidally Mortality, 35 h; 8. Fertility, 40 h; 9.growth, Marriage 10 II; 21.andresources,5 Family 25graduation, h; 14. planning, h;Basic 5.10 Population h; mathematics, 45 h; distribution, 20 h; 15. 18. Evaluation of to Entrance requirement 22.DiplomaCertificatesocial Population research, in in Population projections,Population 20 h; 26. Studies" Studies" 30Research II; 23. Official',presentation statistics; 5 11; 35, h; 27-Population research administration. 5 h. 24. Human ecology, 20 h; 25. Methods in CourseDiploma thePOPULATION'studypopulation; ECAFE on mortality region;, 5. InterrelationshipsSTUDIES' and 3. Evaluationfertility; (compulsory), 7., of, studies;Historical population 90 4. h:demographY and methods in demography. growth andPsycholOgical economic I.and 'aspectsPopulation social of development; human nolicics; behaviour 2. Family 6. Advance with planning respect programmes to ecological aspects of demographical, phenomena; in Notes 3 Now a seniarPreviously8. research, FortnerDemographic' stafffellow known member in 'asthe models theDepartment of 11PS."Demographic and of actuarialDemography. Traiding and Australian Restarjr Centre" (DTRC).. 1,atinnal Unit eroit'y (scr Australia 2). *Prom sessionThe inThe'1970/71 projects Popuiation mut:larks thelisted' StudieseettifteateiM hate are been limited,respectiVely. omitted. Demography to time for, completed lack and ofr diploma space. since DTHC,becatoc IIPs, in,Dernographi arc known as certificate in Population Studies and diploma ESEAR w I C4 1 PersonAddressName in charge Official title !Calcutta32,,,IndiaGHOSEL,Jad'avpur! Ambikaprasad,University, Department of Economics, Demographic Research, Unit ProfessionalFirst year ofstaff teaching,research I 'PrOfessor19651961, of ,ApPlied*corroniics,t, CHAKRABORTY,CHAKRABORTY,GHOSH, Ambikaprasad'Dabesh, Chandra, . MM 1938;19431921 IEconomistEconomistEconornist, Demographic ,'arralysis;,!niatherhatical!'!deinographyi wa!,n.a. ,Bengali,,.Bengali,EnglishiBengali, English, English Animesh 'Chandra, , ! 0 Research, project DAS,SARKAk,.,KHASNOBIS; ritanjit,,Ranjani Hiren! HirOn! Moy MIM,M ,1947'1936,11947i , Programmer.EdoniiiiriSt, ' 1, Demographic l ianalys1S;,!, inadiebraticar demography. n.a,.ma: Bengali;Bengali, English,English AreaDateDirectorTitle of completionresearch 'Population.TrendsOHOSF)',.19721 of !Ginwthi,, 'Ambikaprasadpopuhtiongrowth, iri ladial births, deaths and' migr tion, regional variations Publications, Indit24'Demographic ' hi?*rib*,tren'ts: intirths!,,,!deaths !and', Migration .dambrirtke! ;EcOnoMic'iliStory of . qttritt, thellnsti_.: .'2004etn#1.egiOnalin'rlation§:;!!:, tiiiCriiiiinWniiif.!:cOnecitieriCe',, thereof. , "cnt6444:c4+, the,.iiinfoio:Oli,'!.,,(1,0,400is0"*.., !.'.9ffieer!,to:Ithe.,!Bekistar General; 'government, . .of.i!InClia;44196k.,aiin:441-44nOnO001,i.iniffitigti:c`'IMMigratiOM,'nrid',.P;00Uia(iOs.f*piii,qi!i.ity,,tii'ci,,:mi;t'?'OOolrs',,.4'0!ettttn''economicinvestigatmnsvere:.1madc,,,withkregardl..A01,,diStrlaced4personstfrmpEast and sociological .1aspects ,4 ,i0:00iiii?ti*'i,g4.§...i*iii),!Op,,,L..;2., !'!,*,1'§4i.dy4ofiiniiratIOnt.:intiil(li'0diik' ,nt :,,(DAS),'grO,.Vtli!:!m"iitiel, 'Pakistan. oi%Calonn.a.,- for 'CalCattn. demoginlihie,, ,, . ,1967,,!mcinogiaph,!,..pp. 1-1f74, Speciall of!'i4gliO4 migration i in !'Oed,reginni.: 1 POlitilli;!00","101j60,i0l?'sl,,',Y,',1g001dri*,,:,p.:0,i,Swoiioiroiinli.i3Oer.:CnICuita',,,!based', on al. careful+. study I ' '`,tertL14 tit ,t , 11,v4444,. Publications faiirnakAttempts first i ,ia,estimatartbe,rateS', Of ,natp ralriilel'e.a4.,J,90,fie',papidatibii,, Of '*est. 13engalvduring, 1951-1961,. by 4641(pootiOibil, issue ' (LIOurliar of hc QflICÔ óf t Rôistiai General, Government of AiOtAl3ColitNki),, 'Indian, Population in English: Ifldii 18 'CorreCtiUg197^E,,"Some(CHAKRAI39070', aSpects, ,tharceord,graikthafpoPtliatiOn', :Of employment ,OCcaSianall ProblCuiS, 'paper' yitii41tateffeCt0fUiligiiltiaa.andsnatianalAncrease: laud ,Cif ,,,PrOSI,peets the DePaliment,, due to migration. 11, seledied ';ECOnomics',.Countries, of Jadavpiiithe ECAFE 'University, region"' Calcutta, Curricula, Exchange ,programme Although, at , present thete is 0a 'internatiMMP stiilienl'Icxch4ilgo 'programMe 'financial:, assistance could be e: ... LanguageEntrance' requirement ,13.A.,i(witbECOnoluies);Englishused to ,Create one , o CourseDiploma 'DEMOGitA01-1*'indices;M.A. 't ePtianal)',, 59, 'll:, Migration; ' (5:1100iiiiiiiopy,10tion,, "l1:, IlVlatlieaiatiCalkileMagraPhy;; 2. 'Life' table: ,constructiOn;,, '3., Fertility:i)i,O0Ciiii.1


-,',11"1'" ' " ' ' '" " Indiit 19' PersonAddressName in charge Official' title 'ProfessorDliar\var-3,KainatakNANJUNDAPPA, andrHead, University, D.of Departniciit, the ,Department of Eeotionites, Indiu ProfessionalFirst Year stab'of research, 1,961' 1929 ADHONI,MET!,NANJUNDAPPA, T. K.M. A. D. M. M.M 19371934 ,,Economist,EconomistEconomistEconomist Ksinnada,Kannada,. English Ii AN English HIREMATA,1NAMDAR,UMARANI, N. R.Y. S. J.L. 'MM 1'942'194'111,935 Economist ,Kantiada,,:English,Kaanadiy,,,Kannada,. `English English BASAVANA, Gond M. I N Research project. NEGINHAK, R. T. M; 1944' I Economist' English TitleDirector NANJUNDAPPA,,Surplus, rtil'al,mitnpowcr .^0. and ,economic ,develOPitieni 'M'. , iii'}`ysoi.e.', AimDate of completion ' To,June evaluate 196ff the, 'rural' WiiII:programMe,!in; Nprtv'M'y:ioiv,,iinoc',to, asXess the extent, of rural, unentplOyment, , Curricular' PublicationArea of research Mysore,Salvias,'North -iititigalOte,, MysoreRni.0 StItte, , jantiOp.Mai.ch,,.11, OriP,'Pp.. ii'l':206,im ;Ellglisk XitinpOWer w:d/ ;1.i'CO , coverii*IW,,ditaHets, ntnnie ,'1.)0elOpptenti,,,i# 'iV ,i,sort (NANJUNDAPPA), Government of Exchange ,programme usedAlthough, to create-one, atc,piesentrtlicee, is no, internatiOnal" xtuflear ,c.'xchatige programme; financial a.ssistance, could, be , Note Language l'Thc Departpaiw English'of leonoinics ro,tleii190:101y,ih*'41:11.101c1C114, 19721 " " 0006 AddressName Karnatak 'University, ,'Deparinient; of Geography ST1TU;11'10 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingOfficial title REDDY;Dharwar-3,Head1961 :of tlio N Mysarc:,State,, Department of.: India Geography,: B. Professional staff, V1JAYARAJ,REDDY, N. B. N. K. C. NI :1929L936 n.a. HUinan,geography., Teltigu;,Kannada, English. English Curricula Exchange program me With; ,NePal[,,,undar the Colombo Eeopomiaigeogooiy., la n CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.A.B.A.English leir,is'iLSC.or B.Sc., iinelaqing:44§tribtitientiensity, 4 2, Growth pattern, '2 h; 3. Note ThiscConondepactiliitiei,,,en/irOnnient.uniP,'pOPUlatiOtkdikstribUtiOniECONOMIC cisurselieg.to GEOGRAPHY'in 1967. h.,, ,,analysis, 5 :11; '2. :Rclatimship,,between- AddressName Karnatak University, Department of Sociology TEACHINGHINSTITUITION. , ' 14(14,2i FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingOfficial title , Dtiarwar-3,Head,CHANDRASEKHARIAH,1960, of India the Department of K.Sociology Professional staff CHANDRASEKHARIAH,K. Ml 1926 n.a. DeinOgraphie;theoryr Kannada, English, German Curricula PAT1L, S. A. M 1939, n;.a.. DemOgraPhiC;,:analy,,, sc t, iOlogy of urbanization Kannada, English Exchange programme AIthdih at,Pregent,,, there, is .student, exchange ,,programme,, financial , assistance could be used DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirethent M.A.Englishto create one Courses 3.POPULATION: Demographic STUDY ,analysis kcoitiputsCry, 30';: '7; ,0009i0j011 12 h;, 2. World p9pu1ation,h:`, '12 h; Ir. inURBANIzivrIONI, 12India, h; 2. Urbanl',,pOpUiatiOn,,,,12;11i;;, r0 0,100* i:?ENi,01190,141.3i0 3. WOO , '1115 h. Urbane *Went!, ,'15' h;; 5,.. Urbanization, Theories of urbanization! 4

1:,1, 1 , , , I . ' 1 r..e` ''" iC- ' C' , .',Pm,,,,**,,-,,Aitod*444.k,x"-44',..,,t*LOJAY-**4*,*e**;0, 4.er;* ' r '1441-'4, 4, ,,4,-,A4944r44"4..v44.44",'41q.,44,fri,44y, 4,4444,44,0, twAr 0,10#,,,,,',,,j444, , % y4'1, ,",, 'Name .RESEARCH' tEACHIN(70 India 22 FirstPerson.Address year in chargeof researchOfficial title LecturerSIVAMURTHY,Dhaiwaf=31,1966: in StatiStias, Mysore "Statistics,"'. ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingSIVAMURTHY, M. M1964, 1935 ' Demographer Demography Kannada; English, Rtissiati; Telugu, Research project. TitleDateDirector of completion SIVAMUWTHY1,DernogiaphielgurVeyi ,M; of 'Mang* 'Village 1.967 AreaAimPublication of research "DemographyGeneralinTo..obtaincdeniOgraPhi&ah& the rural demographic, community of 'Mansur;' and 'Village"':(SiVAMLIRTHYt.),'monograph;,economic eCononlie',data,,whiefi sikuat would; keit!), the pp:,starting 1430,; point .for the study, of changes copies,, in English ,with , a those.notUniversity,,,.,edUcationtsummary 'bad in coinPareeVwith,,other,' im English': rural afea& ,1:S; other villages., Although r not deVelOped, in; ,o,et 'MYOre, ,State:, aticr,iiiciitality,,,eonditionS, in the village are similar toalongside' an educational institution, Kainatak ,conditions, of the, households ,are Curricula LanguageExchange programme EnglishusedAlthough to create, at present one ,there is no , internationaPistiident exchange) programme, financial' assistance could be CourseEntranceDiploma requirement ,DEMOORAPHY', ',(optional),, 70; h: ll,poritil4tiiiii,ukro*tht,15,11;, 2; Sources. of demographic data', 4 h.,' Note ' As Mr., Sivamurthy:WasaCthemethods,3; EValtiatientl 8 h. ,Anstralian and adjUstinent, National' IiWersitylionio1967tto,r1970; Fertilityof 'Idata;,:81.4.'4.,. teaching ,kOi.tal4yr, arnf-researchl, teChniqbes, of estimation; 12' apOysis, including Old 'concept 'Of life table, 17, h;, h.,.vas 7. interruOtoldnringPopulation, 'forecasting, this pi.rioch

, , , , .. m,l N j4., 0,41. o 'I, 111 nth f42144,1'1.111'g.111: ,r14 'Pt I" 41 31, , ,F,"fIrte....`;15.,:',7etEt"V't55";FVeXsTir,,,4,;:nr,gr,gr4"'iN RESEARCH .ANIY TEACHINGt INS,TUTUTKIN PersonAddress,Name in charge CHAtURVEDIcVaranasi,.Kashi Vidya 2 Pith(UP.) University,Dudh India Nath Department of',EconoiniesY India 23 First year of. researchOfficial title' Professor1.965 ,and i 'Head of the Department of Economics ' Professional'First year of staffteachingKAUL, Krishna Kumar M 1929 Economist, lEconomics, of ,poPulatibni, Hindi; English; Urdu, .... Curricula Language B.A. SliastiT of Vidyaliitli ikcquivalenti cOUrSe,couldoalSo,:be"taUght in Engish Cam.). o'ch CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement r'ECONOMICSMA.3,.of ,population;Indian ancl-world,, OF '3eir POPULATION li;;T::DYnarniCs; PoPulatiOn, study,:' 'OptiOnal0of Lpopyiatibii;,,'"7,6yh, 2Ay',Ii: IfOUreriod'srof 45 'mid eVery week, covering: 0,i(e:table;, projection, of population, census study); I. Theory, Notes 2I TheThis bcPartinent course is ,41so conducts r given, setnireearchl as, an optional work piper whicht is conititilsorrf." for .),hA. part: I h students lir economics. poit-gbduate , Snide nts ink sociology.

tt,tt ttt,t,t, S ."5 AddressName Lucknow,Lucknow University,India Economics Department TEACHING' INSTITUTION I India 24 ProfessionalFirstPerson year in chargeof staff teachingOfficial title HeadSINGH,1929 of theBaijit Department AHLUWALIA,JOSH',SINGH, M. Baljit a R. S. M .." 1909 1912 - n.a. PopulationTechniquesk trendstheory of .demographiC and. policy analysis Hindi, English,English UurumukhiSanskritUrdu 0 Curricula LanguageExchange programme English;toAlthough create courses oneat present could ,There ats.^ is beno taught.internatibnall'sttidant in Hindi, exchange 'programme; financial assistance could be used CourseDipiomaEntrance requirement andperPOPULATIONM.A.BA., sessionratios, B.Sc. 'aridi10 h; THEORY4'. Life tables; AND 10' DEMOGRAPHIC' h; 5. Ccnst ANALYSIS, 4 h per week .approximately 120 h optional course covering: PdpulatiOn, thCOry,. 30' h; 2., Population trends, 10 h; 3. Rates anafysis; 20. h; 6. Population policy, 40 h. AddressName Lucknow,Lucknow University, U.P. India Department of Economics, Demographic Research Centre ;RESEARCH INSTITUTION' India 25 FirstPerson year in of charge research Official title Joint1966HUSAIN, Director, I. Z.1Demographic Research Centre Professional staff SINGH, Baljit 4 M 1912 Economist n.a. Hincli;, rEnglish,, Urdu RAM,BANERJEE,HUSAIN, S. I. Z. S. K. MFM 19361934 'EconomistEconomistStatistician, n.a.n,a. BengalL,Urdu; :Hindi,English English, French English 000F=11 KAPOOR,KUMAR,AGARWAL,SRIVASTAVA, A. T: N. A. J.R. N. M 1944195a19471931 SociologistEconomist'EconomistEconomist n.a.n,a.n.a., `Hindi;Hindi,Hindi,Hindi;, English English English Research projects PANDEY,SRIVASTAVA, G. S. FF SociologistSociologist n.a. Hindi,Hindi, English English AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToContinuingSINGHPreparation provide B. an:inventory, of a demography of literature and development and work in, digest progress in the field of demography and development PublicationArea of research issuedannotated"DemographyDemography1-180 bi-annually. each, bibliography and periodical;and development DevelopmentVolumes of mimeographed,. literature I and Digest" II andand No.,work(HUSAIN), 250 1 inHofcopies, progress vol: Demographic in in the field Research of demography Centre, vol. and I-111, development No. 2, pp. is English.. A continuing project, underhave which already an been issued. ""-", f '';;) -;" "7".- India 25 AimDirectorTitle'Date of Completion, ToHUSAIN,FertilityMarch study and the1972 C. tainity,!plannine; extentZ. of regional, evaluation fertility ,differentials,'in: eastern,. Uttar, their Pitiriesti underlying factors and their impact on success of Area of research FertilityGorakhpuracceptorandfamily, .family and andplanning Division,planning ,family non-acceptor programme. planning.acceptanceby three-stage couples, in eastern. sampling has been and procedure, selectednorthern, from Uttar 88 Pradesh. villages This survey forms. thc.., first part of a study of regional' differentials in fertility For the survey,in 6 blocks a sample of three of 2,400 districts in AimDirectorTitleDate of completion ToMarchHUSAIN,Rural, study fertility 197I'the 1.level, Z. survey of fertility and mortality in rural areas, besides the rural-urban differentials. It is a ys Area of research Fertility.procedure,differentialsbase-line survey has ofin, fertility.beenthem designed studiedto socio-economic to measure factors. the level of fertility and mortality in A sample of 2,000 households from 40 villages, selected by a two-stage sampling The survey is alSo intended to throw light on rural-urban rural areas and to relate DateDirectorTitle of completion AugustHUSAIN,Intensive :1970 fertility I. Z. survey of Lucknow City PublicationAimArea of research copies;"IntensiveFertilityTo make in aEnglish: thorough stttclY, of fertility behaviour of married females of the city fertility survey of Lucknow City" (HUSAIN), August 1970, pp. 1-340, mimeographed, 100A thorough, study of the fertility behaviour of 2,000 ever-married females in the city. Thefemaleplanningemergencestudy stratified indicate education, and of sample 70differential, a per general, was wasccnt the drawn!of fertility. fertilitymost ever-married front, important rate the of infOrMatiOn:females, 177determinant in hadknOwledgethe City: collected of faMily ofin planning. thecontraceptives. pilot survey. fwenty-six per cent of currently married women were practising family Some evidence has also, been found of the Education, particularly, The results of the

a ;,«.; « aaa rw ; "e. .141,r,,zt Title Mean age az marriage and natality India 25 AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion theirToMarriageSeptemberHUSAIN, estimate relationship and mean1968I. Z.fertility with age birthat marriage rates a males and females, in different administrative division; and to study Publication wereratebirthmimeographed,"Mean16 estimated was rates.years age observed. atin for marriageMeerut 100different copies, (western). and adniinistrative natality" in English. state divisions and divisional, of estimates" (HUSAIN), September 1968, pp. Female, mean age at marriage was foUnd to vary from 13-14 years in eastern divisionsAn examination, to of the impact; of rise in female marriage age on birth rate, on thc. A negative relationship-between female mean age at marriage and birth Using Census data; mean age at marriage of males and females Uttar Pradesh and they were correlated with their 1-68, Title Familyoftobasis 20mean ofyears planning, fourage and at, models marriage, onlyprogress for7 per the infemale centIndia State, ifeducation marriageshowed wasa age reduction found rose to of be18 16 theyears. per most cent significant in birth rate factor. if marriage age rose Among socio-economic determinants AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch FamilyofToSeptember,SRIVASTAVA, the study country planning the 1968 growth J. N. of the family planning movement in India and relative performance of different states Publication togetherItofEnglish."Family istoprogramme foundevaluate' inplanning thatthe the objectives, countrywithin relative' in India" 12.85 'ups performance,approach., to, per,(SRIVASTAVA) '1967/68, 1,000 financial' of PopulatiOitleoverage different,,stateSthe'perfOrthance alloCatioir,,,,oreanization given,' by andsterilization acceptance. and IUCD schemesTraces taken groWth I of the family PlimaireylmOVement in the country with respect to the development September 1968; pp. ,yritility over-all efforts and achievements of the country. Stzte level varied widely from 36.24 per 1,000 1-71, monograph, 100 copies. in An attempt is made DirectorTitle Fertilityachievingin Punjab survey programMe to a ofmere the objectives. 5.50city of per Lucknow 1;000 in Z. comments are also offered on the prospects of AreaAimDate of of research completion July,Fertilityin(i)HUSAIN, 'fertilityto1968 estimate I. current levels, of fertility and mortality in the city; (ii) to identify socio-economic differentials India 25 Publications economicatindicatecopies,"Fertility 10 per in a in1.000.andbirthEnglish: Lucknow social rate Aof status. base-line City35 and a survey.general fertilityA sample rate 9f of 5,720 162.8 households during 1966/67. was selected in the city. A negative association was obServed between fertility and education and indicators of a pilot study" ( HUSAIN), Scptcmbcr 1968, pp. 1-150. mimeographed. 50 Death rate was estimated Results DateDirectorTitle of completion ScptcmbcrHUSAIN,DivisionalAn Urban demographicI.1967Fertility Z. Field characteristics and projections (HUSAIN), March 1970, pp. 1-154, 500 copies, in English. AreaAimPublication of research parameterspp."DivisionalDemographicTo estimate1-120, mimeographed,of demographicdemographic characteristicsUttar Pradesh, parameters incharacteristics and English. its diffcrcnt for the and Stateadministrative projections of Uttar Pradeshdivisions, Uttar Pradesh" and to itsidentify diffcrcnt (HUSAIN), their administrative relationship Scptcmbcr to division various 1967, Using census data, this study attempts to estimate demographic variables.47-48State.forcesocioimmensely - upper economic to 1.000 1881. with in variables'birth Gorakhpur rates. of theand regions Varanasi and Divisions. to project its size and compositionBirth of ratespopulation were foundand labour to vary from 33-35 per 1,000 in Uttarkhand and Kumaon Divisions to An interesting result was the determination of diffcrcnt demographic regionsBut inno the significant relationship could be established with selected socio-economic Expectation of life :It birth was found to vary TitleAimDateDirector of completion ToforceFebruaryHUSAIN,Methodology assess projections] the 1967 1. suitability 'Z. of demographic of Kanpur of different Region, projections methods up to 1881 of population projections so as to make population and labour a study of Kanpur Region PublicationArea of research haveavailability"MethodologyPopulation1-44, been mimeographed,projc'etionsapplied of data. of demographic for projecting 100 copies, projections the populationin English: a study of each of Kanpur district Region" and town (HUSAIN), of Kanpur FebruaryRegion up 1967, to 1881. pp. Four methods exponential, growth, component, stable population and homotaxial. Discusses alternative projection techniques in the light of Notes 2 Mr.3 Dr. D. I.N. Z. Saksena HusainupEstimates to isis the1881.presently present have demographic joint also Director been economist of made the Demographic inof the population World Research Dank, and WashingtonCentre. labour D.C., force United with States age of -sex America. breakdown for Kanpur Region S. Name Motilal Nehru Medical College RES'EARCII INSTITUTION India 26 FirstPersonAddress year in of charge researchOfficial title 1967ProfessorBAGCHI. of S. Social C. and Preventive Medicine Medical College, Allahabad, U.P.. India Professional stall S1NHA,SRIVASTAVA.BAGCHI, B. S. C. R. N. M 193719321916 MD n.a. Bengali,Hindi, Hindi,English English SINGH,ARUN,INDRAYAN, KumarG. A. MF 19421945 StatisticianMD,MD n.a.H.Z.n.a. ,Hindi,Hindi, EnglishBengali, English English. Hindi Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion DecemberBAGCHI,Evaluation 1971 S.of C.the impact of a training programme for family planning health assistants DirectorTitleAreaAim of research ATo BAGCHI,Evaluation.study suggest of theimprovements S. impact C. of leprot»atons in the training leprosy programme on fecundity of family planning health assistants TitleAreaAimDate of of research completion A Fecunditi.ToDecemberStudy evaluate of use-effectiveness 1970 the impact on fecundity of oral contraceptives of the males sufferingin a rural fromarea oflepromatoug Allahabad leprosy AimAreaDateDirector of completionresearch OperationaleasyToDecemberBAGCHI, evaluate remembrance research use-effectiveness1969 S. C of the day of commencementoral contraceptives in a rural' population associated with an innovation for 01:1C1,.., Q.* :rea nr,"'irt;14.'irg7C, k!'..1';',Trinini'lh.esiqQ,' 4'..41wd.411Sa1-1.1.f...,,!1..n.' .034 Publications "Use-effectiveness of an dial 'contraceptive in rural arca --an innovative study" (VERMA, V., BAGCHI India 26 & in(1NDRAYAN"Multivariatc1NDRAYAN), English. '&''pproach in BAGCHR), preparation. in epidemiological Indian assessment of continuity in Aigroup of 170 women who took the pill r were studied for a period of 15 months. Journal of Medical Research. vol. 59, No. I. January 1971. P. cohort of oral contraceptors" pp. The rate 1.59. DirectorTitle BAGCHI,Aobtainedof studydropout of as aS. ata infra I`unctionC.the end- uterine was of the 45device levelper cent.programme of associated the reasons in, social rural being areafactors socio-mcdical. of Allahabadthrough multivariate regression analysis. The duration of continuity was AimAreaDate of completionresearch OperationalAugustfactorsTo study 1969 in researchtheits acceptability use-effectiveness of IUD in rural population and the tole of social, economic and medical Publication rateswereBAGCHI),"A Study12 studied.for months medical of to the be and use-effectiveness publishedcauses 1.5 for were 17 in months'of i1.3 offor the 12 use. intra-uterine months and 14.5device for in 17 Allahabad months. District" (SINGH, B. R. & First expulsion rate per 100 women for 12 months was 26.2; for 17 months, 29.0. Indian Journal of Public Health. A group of 1,007 users in a rural area Pregnancy rate was 0.8 for Removal

14111,1,j LON, 111.-11.14:0A1 n rmirtm. oho,. "As,' TN,I1,1 a9.1 ..1T12,04.;;;,. ,^1 , . .14 ,1114,444x4 ' 4 4 RESEARCH, AND TEACHING' "'INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge Hyderabad-7,Osmania University, India Department of Economics India 27 First year of teachingresearch Official title t .ofessor1966MATHUR, and HeadGautam Professional staff VENKATESAWARA,MATHUR, Gautam Rao, H. M'M 19351929 Economist n.a. Demography n.a. Telugu;Hindustani; Urdu, Urdu,English, English, Hindi. Persian, French Research plojects Director.Title KUMARI,A strategy forRatna effectiver,implernentationr of ,fatitilY '0004, prograMmes in Andhra, Pradesh, AreaAimDate of of research completion PopulationtoToNovember effectively evaluate growth 1970' family bring and 'down,Ithe,,,growtit- planning economic; programmes. development rate, of ,population- most 'appropriate target age. eoup of parents-, TitlePublication ProjectionRatana);"A strategy. .mimeographed:, r offorthe te,,labOur,' affectivelimPlenientatibmokantilY,',p 'force. in.,Andhia,,prades progranunes in Andhra Pradesh" (KUMARI AreaAimDateDirector ofa researchcompletion Growth'ToMarchVENKATESACHARt;, estimate 'and; 1968' Ate,cOMpositiOnl,'Of,'ToPtilaIion, Publication owo ENI(ATESAthAR4; mimeographed:, Yiwyr 4, 4., 4,n,, '44";7'''', India 27 AimTitleDateDireetOr of completion , DeterminationSeptember'A StudyRAO, T.of 1967Rama,fertility of age rates specific in Andhra fertility, Pradesh rates and i,nprovident maternity index in Andhra Pradesh PublicationArea of research Andhrarelating"AFertility study Pradesh: analysisto of Demography fertility rates held in Andhra in September,, Pradesh", 1967, (RAO),, 'Bureau, in the of Economics and Statistics, GonrnmentProceedings of of the Seminar on Problems Curricula LanguageExchange programme AlthoughEnglishused to atcreate present one there is no international, student exchange, programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement, populationPOPULATION growth, STATISTICS, and economic (optional), development, 5 h, per analysis week: Methodsof 'fertility; and mortality ratios, andlife table,migration. population projection,

%,114f!!';r V.,,:',.*',7*:,,r,r44 Name Punjab University, Department of Geography /RESEARCH Alsitil'itACHISGINST*1110N India 28 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof research Official title GOSAL,Chandigarh-I4,Professor1956 Gurdev and India SinghHead of the Department ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingGOSAL, Gurdev Singh M1965 1927 Geographer Population geography Punjabi,. Hindi, English, French, German, Urdu CHANDRA,MEHTA,KRISHAN, Swarnjit Gopalr Romcsh Chander FM 19411940.1940 GeographerGeographer PopulationPopulationPopulatibn geography geography Hindi,Hindi, Punjabi, :Punjabi; English English Research projects Direi:torTitle GOSAL,Punjab Gurdcvstudies' Singh, Punjabi. ,Hindi, English AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion PunjabToContinuing'urbanization, make a thorough literacy, ,study and of poptilation. trends in such.. dynamics demograp:iie aspects as religious composition, labour force, Publications otherhaschanges23"Religious January reduced hank during composition,has 1965, their slightly19514961. inprOpintion English. improved: of Punjab's in its relatiVe.:strengtHectinsc,.population changes, ,1.01,1961", Of The excessive migration,ofThe ,the-Siklis. religious to compoSitiOn.of other Indianthe total' 'Punjab'sPoptliatiOnlo(tfieirlitoMe ,population has undergonestate.. excess of in-migration over out-migration. (COSMO', The Economic Weekl.i, Thc, HindU population', on the states and foreign, lands significant, increaseincreasedecreased,theWithin, decade. in Punjab many,in thatwhile aiso, districts.of the the contrastingrate Hindu's' of,growth in patterns nearly 'or,the alf of Hindiu,pOptlatibn thegrbW,tn,.Or trat*Sittlej, the' areas".. In the Sikh-majority districts,,,' This trend, has restiltedkin population, Or the Sikhs. either increased i'cduction:was twowry of communities highthe .proportion have of beenSikhs, witnessed and during It has reversed' the pattern of religious higher than the rate of natural very little anor greaterincreasedthecomposition, numbers mobility,* at in aboutof the the Gurdaspur,, pursuittheSikhs rate increased of Jullundurnatural! phenomenally ,growtli,,, and Sangrtir,.,districts.. .econotitic..Oppiirtnnitic*i.;than 'theii" itix ,sonic of the areas,, while, the Hindu, populatiOn In the Hindu - majority districts, by contrast,outside.' Punjab, the Sikhs havego ,shown brethren:, While the movement r ti Publications shifts'Inof thisthe Sikhsdiscussed,movement, is, to aboveareligious large have degree, and set linguistic' 'from,in 'rural considerations:have ,,areaS':to, rural' generally lareas,, that been of disregarded. the Hindus is to urban: places. motion, a, prOCess, of inter-mixing of people belonging to the two The interregional 2/3 ofphical"Occupationalandcommunities. (i) economic lack Journal; of participation significance: structure,Vol.. XL., of ofNo. Punjab's, females,, ruralin occupational population;;1961"' work,, (ii), 4GOSAL continuing & KRISHAN), out-migration The , of Indian active Geogra-workers It is. a healthy trend towards, national integration, and is a matter of great political; social I, January-March' '1965; and 'No. 2, April -June '1965; in English. Because ofinproportion byPredominantlytheexcessfemale a country. number ofworkers. of the workers, of in-coming, agricultural' cultural- to! variables,,total migrants, areas;,:partieularly.lhOSe]' rural 'among,population, and!, (111)) which in castePunjab, of iS, subsistence' is,.the only',',most 36, farming, important. per cent, have which, by far isthe among highest the percentage lowest There is an], inverse correlatiOnlietwecmdiVersitication,The ',degree of , participatidm; of econoMy, Of] and the 'femalewoMenfolk, participation: in the' ecoLmmic' struggle is also determined :of the population' in the 0-14 age group, the An , analysis of the working Thepopulation",,inandpopulation proportionhand 'rates with of a, reveals the,literacy.. ofquarter nonpercentage that- ofagricultural' "rural'the of rural, ,sCheduled,caste,;:persOns/tm:itirall, ,population"', workingworkers ht,ritral,areas, force,' in' 'Punjab,'Is deriving is,,strongly farits livelihood,population.from correlated being from ,synonymous with non-agricultural degree withof urbanization "agricultural pursuits. The importance (AL, households' industries, from. the viewpoint of employment goes , hand The proportion' of rural workers 'correlationofthreefoldengaged manufacturing(iii) between],diversifilcation',OU projection inrelationship:, manufacturing industries of the (i) industries, commuting'industries in economy,' into,' isof relatively: rural' theandldie rural]WOrkers, 0,prOportiom, ,tirpasYbcyon& ,to,,towns of Tura theto workers,work urban in 'limits. engaged'industries, ,in priMarilY, tm.catcr,for, 'the needs,,of the nearby towns and cities, and in, 'areas; containing, industrial towns, reflecting a There. is (ii) development a, fairly strong, miscellaneous "Urbanization,services.wherelarge land the holdings;,size in ofPunjab,, farms canal' is irrigation-Characteristically and, ,eash-crop The relative iMportance' of ,agriculinralj 1,`abOtiret's economy,in' of the a, rather rural subsistencelabour force..Conversely,. 'type: is high theyin] areas, are of 'Voor 'ECon. far: feiverEn:, 'Soc.. Geografic in regions approximating,,,of4MEI million] urban1921. /JUN11966. , growthin sharp,',contrast, an&] in the;:State: at times;,eYem with, 'stagnation exceeding iM the the,djit.e'ViOni401,years;,, ,h occupies a,,specialThe unprecedented jilacein,:the. growthhistory of. ,urbaMi,poPtilUtitin, ',Since, :1921 cam no doubt be attributed' to the ThePperiodi,1921i1961],,;&tirMVIiieM,Putijab'S 'urban, population trebled from] 1.3 to, over ThC,overwhehitingly.qsubSiitenee. economy .and, the frightfUlly high death] rates, account, for the lack; of :urbanization , before economy,increasingawhicheconomicrecurrence new rapidity:had and,.rate and of itsof the, calamitieSsocial,natural;-growth,,and,,tO,own ,multiplying,functions,,of repercussions, development which, 'had' ,in in the,11920s,and, ,marketi, Lilte.4reM1ClidOni; Ih6',,PeriO&-befOre ,1,930s., ,rural=orban, '1921 ;migration,. ,brought, stimulated, into 'Motion, fiby, theimproving, wheels of The result .was; the, ,rtipidilgroWthOft.;a;ntajOrity:,of existing towns' and the ,'birth.'of ,irony all fieldSLoU,,aetivity; :including road' development Which: ,started, with linioact of the. measures' , adopted, to obviateThis thewasfoll'Omed' by the ;Second' WOrld, War Publications broughtthenew commercial ones. in changes and ofadministrative far-reaChing,tonsequenees, 'capitals ]of, undiVided,punjab: fill the `geography of The regional orientation of this urban, growth. was . towards, Amritsar andThe Lahore, 'partition which, of Punjab were in 1947, however,relative,' location' of the existing towns. India 28" development'inIndependence:haveAs a result,caused' towns!of tremendous; transport in the have ,zone' slackening beerwgreatly borderingthe areas in their! ,with', of 'reduced rapid, grOwth... !Wrest urban! !Pakistan,' ,At:the.,same 'development... have timebeew4facing 'Furthermore;,',there has planned Not only has,, the ,netkvork,of ]roadS4been'rrnade, far ;denser but the regional, ,'During,i1951-1961,, hydro-elettric power, accessibility . economic development has folloWed new disadvantages which,been an eastward shift disparities in the alsovastdevelopmentspecial]to which been.expansion! concessionswas instrumentarin..:spreaiIing],urbanilation., the introduced' and,privilege-,ofHonly,, ,diversification for in the 5-year' incthea, few,-townscbefore.,194.7.; plans,,haSlielped administrative' irulthemachinery ,was diffusion made.luring availableof the industry. post..Independence its use in the develOpment, of industries. They combined effect "of 'all:theSe-Tlevelopments has been The concept of balanced 'regional' to, .nearly all towns, with and commerce. era have The toThistowns the1947.. is growth,of in regional marked., of !townsqat;importance! contrast .witindifferentleVelsofircgionalhierarChy,r,in4Most, haVelemerged,,,iwith4,SanktitOWns, the ]unidireetionailAarientatibli .ofof areas, parts.of ,rapid; Olthe 4 'invariance: oriented toward 'them: State. urban. development prior A number of large population,vol."Urbanization1.881 17, 4921parts.,I4I,, the: there]in yearPunjabit(India!);' pp:,was 1921 stagnation,:in;,!urhandevelOi'*enEt,,',Th*Cliiet1=26, representSoa.!signiffea4NIfti407',in;'/,'0*proCess. June;, 1.88,17.1960',',(GOSAU),r,is/tc.search,,'Bulletiit. 1966; deterininant of urbanilatiOn: (MSj Of, growth: witin respect*tO. the , growth, of, general cif} t he Pun jdb Upiversity,' of in, urban. ,Punjab. population During servicesaconditions,the.death=rate'ireth4i0*,eik.",Cl4C,6cO;],Oi4y*400edpotin*;:]i.he,lt?irth,=iate;;having,was marginal' naturarincreasc,,,whichArv;turni.Was;niainlYi.t*i0,400vq016, remained which Or aril stiniulate nnifOrnily!actuall 'cleereaSew,9pSochyot4,400.,ciko,i1004,01;:, fluctuating; mortality/ ,rateohe resulting birth=rate grOWthOf.'llowni;kvere:',1'cOns:p!enOlii's$sti their' .thrOughouLpraCticall .abs'enee. 4iheL'2frecinent recurrence.nf .epidemies: and Industry', commerce miscellaneous, , economyin. either famine ] The up,leaving.interiorthewas in this,chief overwhelmingly, areas..a; arew..arid,;inaintaineifp'h!r]raPid4grOkvihpJO surplus,,df.::,grains'4t04I)e4I*1004cntogi*loca subsiSteriCe., function:, of Fipaittiiwns., ,..prbarirPOpOlntiOniriereaSediiiaSter,.4:)nly,f.,,the,caral*NateclFerozepur, The 1,CieVelOPMenr,,iO(tranSPOr,t,WO'stilliJn,, 01ri,4,:tareaenjoyecIlinCreastrigulatibir ,agriculturatprosper ay; recurrenceits infancy., of nekrepidemics., ,Administration.was railway' lines than: in the towns, sprang The similar"Desinglecontribution mogra to town lhoSe! phiC] grew.!,intO.,a'.].,citheCaUse;,the of ofdy,na rural-urban 'the,,preiicittS migration to urban development was significant , each,, case: only in],this ,area: (The conclusion.; are Yet not a " in, thef011owing,effectscrowding of Worht,]],Ciicfo'n1,tiiVei.OtkPress;,,,NekVixoi*;,i0o;,4.,,,elinsky,'!populatiori.gtairo(t,risi,o§*:00,1*-01,,jiocioroo,populatipm,di§tributiOn,,,,etc;, solutiOnsfor.'thefaSt=inereaSingi,45,1*'§#1**00"4**,sobial.'ai*s,plkySicah!,,resourc erPti, m inflPhrijaiiv and iiricreai ing.,presSu re t;On t).it s., resources" (GOSAL),, Geography and a 'Oit) linen fiication, andand, ,suggests, the AnalyseS the in, Punj'ab, 34.{440.1440410,r4P,,44,,, 44, Zer.n.V.41,;4;1.W.OZ;I:P;41 applicationdiversification of the of agriculture,principles of (iii) conservation, diversification of resources. of thelasial as well as the urban economy and (h'); consistent Out-migration is not the answer to the population India 28 DirectorTitle GOSAL,problem,Internal confrontingGurdcv migration Singh thein India region'. AreaAimDate of of research completion TheToPopulationDeceMber examine study will areal1971 geography be variationsbased on mapsin mobility made andfrom to detailed investigate data factors on place associated of birth, with for 1951-1961these variations in India. Publication India,"Redistribution of population, in. Punjab, during 195,F196I" ,(GOSAL),, Patlertzsof1967, Population Change in ed. Ashish Bose; in English. The .decade, 11951-1961' , has witnessed an unprecedented contributionphenomenon,urbanofRoth,wide themargin, out-migrationpopulation.out-migrants is of the theredistribution, largest. frbm,and in-migration Punjabcare of population are'Sikhs; of in a,'Short7run frO6,4lie.,rurarPunjab. AYpe,, areas: the ,Among former a the bit, 'in-migrants less so: Uttar Pradesh's State hasThe suffered] entire area a net northa ,of-the Sutlej, .river along, with the Ludhiana, district and theWithin Punjab',rtherehaS,,beeni a considerable, redistribution of both rural, and loss, , of about 300;000' persons, during the With out exceeding "in-migration by a A large majority last 10 years. especially,ofmenaceland,Rupar out- the subdivision,ofmigration,, of smallest, water7logging,hasfthe 'United notpercentage theKi'ngdo'm.,only rA'mbaia touOther,' beenof literacy increasing parts in of -the the alarininglyduring+thelClecade,. ,St,41!:4-49tlier,;.ritral,'.poputation states, the 'highest,of India has but and become also where to. an foreignin important large ,countries, parts source the .Contrast,: :where-,denSitYddf,populatioai& the-highest, per capita, cultivated, , Punjab where previously, the land-holdings, justtherequiringwerebeen denselyabout' large; an more. ahnostthe extensive',populated, size' water- expl'osi've' of thecultNablesupply, areas, 'natural, increase mentioned areas inerease,witkVery'littleqn7tingratiOn were above: lying,Wtiste `because. _of semior out-migration -arid: eonditionS' or clayey, loains ticlrlidiere, rural populations owing ;largely, td massive iii-migration,, mostly fromrecent; yearnew,canak irrigation, has been extended, there has 'southern. ,parts, of the State, population growth, is In the economically numerous,long-stapleDelhiinbackward towns, territory industrial.' haszone cotton beenhaVe at andthe farbeeniplaces ,oil-seeds,,has:, foot,below- of: the ofthe in-rate Siwaliks, increased!, migration.. of nattrai'inereaSe,, andytheinsectnelbelt appreciably; , thus,,during indicating bordering:West' out-migration; Pakistan, on population the other grdwtlthand,, On 'the rail route ,conneeting:,Delhit and Amritsar and those in the areas .adjoining ,,,HOWeier,,,,iit,sucli,;canal: irrigated regions where area' under wherecomposition.mainly,mostand cases urban,Hindus, to local are areas are agricultural; rural-urban, inof ,overwhelmingly the 'State migration.market' during centres;, largethe decade:1;4's, number& have eXperienced Caused' ,signiheant an', explosive 'changes, increase of population owing There has, been considerable out migration Of',Sikhs, from the ,Sikh-majority areas to areas, The prOCers&,,OtrediStribution of population witnessed, both, in rural' The-:Proportion,of the Hindus has,, on the other. hand,, the decade, the urban, places which, in,, the, patterns of religious st ",.-111 f, haveincreased, superseded in the religiouspredominantly and political, Sikh, areas., considerations in the,,process, of redistribution These trcnds,,give, a :positive, indication that economic factors India 28 DateDirectorTitle of completion December'GOSAL,Populationduring theGurdev 1971 decade. geography Singh of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of India of population in Punjab PublicationAreaAim of research "ThePopulationToscheduled make, religious, ongeography tribes, thecomposition basis a detailed of ofdetailed India?stspatial analysis maps, depicting, popUlation characteristics of the of the deinOgraphic attributes of this section of India's population scheduled castes and strengthcollected'En Soc. Geografie-Mdreli/Aptitof at the the various, 1961 census, religious , reveals'` a number of,',factS,,,pertainingcommunities1970. in India: The 'Hindus,population "' ( GOSAL, &. MUKERJI, Based mainly, on four choropleth: to the areal variations in the relativeconstituting the basal population A. B.); maps. drawn, from district-data Tijdschrift Voor Econ. of fraction,castes.minoritywholethe country; ofcountry' India'S.religious' are where, total:in groups overwhelming, population. they owe do,not 'their, growth,,priinarily The direct descendants,oUimaiigrants:belOngingi,.toOther-Ireligious' outnumbermajority, praCtiCallYeveryWhere- .1r,WOther,religiOnS:The mOsu,intere`iting,,itiling',,abont communities There the to conversion;' either faiths, accountMinority for onlyfrom, are religious among only a thegroups few tribes districts or Hindu in thesingly or put together. 'a', negligible is their The significant.proportionofAlthoughThe predominantly"their Sikhs, population: the of and Muslimseach Christians religious,,,group-peripheral' in, ,are,,MOre the tend distribution widelyr In :practically, every, large,'administratiVe'-aiiiVin'Itidin'topuiation' to be ,dbncentratedin a i'feW-JlOCalHareas,. mOuntainons,,,l'egiOnand.inw,faetdiStrihutedin ,WiiiCiiiisi3Of':gre4 tlie ,,the','COUntry political, thary tribali,districts,.ofother peninsular religious India minorities, issocial the,and economic significance.mostlyis multireligious, peripheral in location:although, lack the inandHinduscombination,Muslims, Punjab, numerical, andMusliins,acconiii in however, isthat rorder the order; same, is-true,the are the'Hindus fortheofHindus most main, most of the population and Sikhs;varies,frotn are' the,4niiist.,numerous;- 'of the, aren,tO,,aren:, ,northern,4iStricts.,of' Inv*. ,coristituents.,ofAhethe Ganges ;population.. a,,nunierica'vsiiPerrOrity: groups are:insignificant. Assam 'Hills;the peripheral, Christians,In the Assam, areas Hindus, of Valley, West and Bengal, although the Plain also. ThisIn combinationthe northwest districtinpredominate, majority,Jammu,the Punjab, of ,Kathim, in while thePlain: eastern: andin West thethe' ,L1dliampur Hindus Kashmir andof the southern and Sikhs:Ghaggar and river.valley thediStricts;,,the:'HindUs Muslims, aredistricts, in overwhelming constitute '(, tract), and the 'Sikhs F'fir,' in the -north in Laddakh,, Buddhists ,the- Hindus' and Muslims the largest group. the Hindus' being in overwhelming majority. having numerical superiority On theIn theother Ganganagar hand, and Muslims thepopulation:.Hindus,communities.the reflection population. the,' These Of Muslims, interactions area4,,,varying, and ofChristians' In the interior of, the Indian!On the Malabar Coast,, Hindus, "Christians" a, great variety' of fadiOrs; deePIY, rooted,,in the are 'in: considerable Peninsulat,,(exCept. fOr,a, few small,,,areas :and the Hindus:, account; for nioSt, in history that, Of theorder, country. are the major rwhere, apart fromr,the form the bulk of India are of the India 28 TitleAimDateDirector of completion ToGOSAL,CensusDecember prepare Atlas*of Guidet a 1965 detailed PunjabSingh population (technical, directoryatlas of Punjab, so that it could be of practical utility both to planners PublicationArea of research India"PunjabCartographicanddemographic to 1961), research census vol.representation andworkers Atlas" other (ANAND, resource of population data R. alongL., GOSALdata with brief & OJHA,analytical B. notesS.), on the patterns emerging in the maps. XIII, part IX, February 1966, pp. 1-356, in English. L Punjab Contains 275 maps portraying Census Atlas (Census of Curricula= DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.A.B.A.English Notes Course 2 TheI Tide Department by ECAFE. havePOPULATIONofkrs Some already facilities summaries been for Ph.D. completed. of GEOGRAPHY publicationsdegrees in Geography have bccn (optional), withomittc(11 specialization for 4lack h ofinper populatiOnspace. week. geography. Three theses in population geography Name Patna University, Department of Sociology India. 29 PersonAddress in charge Official title LecturerSINHA,1967Patna-5', Gopal Bihar, Sharan India ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingPRASAD, N. M 1922 Sociologist Population planning in.family India; planning attitude towards Hindi, English, Bengali Curricula DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.A.B.A.Englisi Courses deathfactorsdiscipline,DEMOGRAPHY,10 h; rates, affecting5. Population 5 14h; 2.h. birth Scope,PAPER problems, rate and etc.),V (optional),methods,, 520 h; h; 6. 8. Measures 1334Differential h; 3. Population of population. fertility growth, of control,socio-cultural 3 h; 74. h; Theories 7. Vital of population 11.. 1. Histdry and development of demography as a scientific groups, 15 h; 9. Mortality, process (human fertility, growth, socialofhistory, DEMOGRAPHY,demographic15 change h;trend, 2. Population andproblems, data, economic vital'statistics, PAPER ofpolicy, Asia development, VI faniily with (optional), population special planning 15 reference h.127projection) etc., h: 20vh; to 42'h; JaPan; 4. Techniques 5. ProblemChina, Pakistan,of of demographic 25 analysis (sources 1. World'population, history trend and future growth, migration, 10 h; 6. Population, h; 3. Indian population,

, .114,n4Wo. India 30 PersonAddressName in charge MISHRA,Patna-5,Patna University, Bihar, D. India Department, of Statistics ProfessionalFirst year of staffteaching Official title Head1950 of the Department Curricula TitlePRASAD, S. MAlthough at present there is no international student exchange1943 programme, financial assistance could be n.a. Demography Hindi, English DiplomaLanguageEntrance requirement M.A.B.A.English;used toandand create the B.Sc.M.Sc. course one. with couldi mathematics also be taught in Hindi Note Course' DEMOGRAPHYSinceprojection, 1968 it has 5 been h; (compulsory),4. possible Fertility to take analysis, also 30 an optionalh: 5 h; paper 5. Mortalityin demography. analysis, 5 h: 6. Miscellaneous, 7 h. 1. Sources of statistics, 3 h; 2. Evaluation, 5 h; 3. Population Name Patna University, Department of Statistics, Demographic Research Centre RESEARCH INSTITUTION India 31 AddressFirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title ChiefMISHRA,Patna-5,1966 of the Bihar, DemographicDevendra India Research Centre Professional staff SRIVASTAVA,MISHRA, D. M. L. M 194119381921 DemographerStatistician n.a. Hindi,Hindi, English Englisll Research projects VERMA,BANERJEE; R.G. B.S.L. N.P.Das. MM 19411945 Statistician n.a.n.a. Bengali, Hindi, English AimTitleDateDirector of completion MISHRA,FactorsToDecember study affecting Devendra the 1970 average spacing interval of births between marriage and order of birth, as well as spaciiig of births according to TitleArea of research ChangeFertility.religion;:1) in diet the(6) distributiondurationof parent; of (2) marriageof maritalincome status of father; after 1961(3) education in Bihar and of parent;its impact (4) on sex fertility of t e ratesprevious child; (5) AimDateDirector of completion ToMarriagedistributionDecemberMISHRA, study the statistics 1970Devendra effectof Bihar ofand changing fertility. mortality level and of changing marriage pattern on the marital status DateDirectorTitleArea of completionresearch EndMISHRA,Demographic of 1970 Devendra report of Bihar 1901-1961

r ,,,. war, , 11 11,11'101 o India 31 TitleAreaAim of research WorkingToDemography.in obtain level of andand family presentpattern planning theof fertilitypicture clinics ofand populationin mortality Patna Town growth, age structure, migration rate, civil condition, variation AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion ToJulyMISHRA,Family investigate 1970 planning Devendra the working of family planning clinics in Patna town DirectorTitlePublication MISHRA,"WorkingDemographicwith a summary ofDevendra family study in planning English. of scheduled clinics castes in Patna and Town"scheduled (MISHRA tribes in & Bihar VERMA), to be published in English PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion "DcmogPopulationToG.December study L.), phicageto studies be1969 andstudy published sex of structure, scheduled in English literacy castes with and a education,summaryscheduled intribesmarital English. in status Bihar" and (SRIVASTAVA religion & DAS VERMA, AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToJulyinMISHRA,Fertility assess 1968a social theand Devendragroup level family ofof planning fertilityPatna and in a the social extent class to of which India family (a case planning study of methodsPatna, Bihar) arc known and practised PublicationArea of research in"Fertility 200ResearchFertilitysome copies, selected andand Centre, in familyfamily Englishcategories Department planning with of a people summary in of a Statistics, socialliving in English.classin PatnaPatna of India.town, University. (A case February study of 1969, Patna, pp. Bihar)" 1-110. Demographicmimeographed, Analyses the fertility level and extent of family planning The population included the teachers of Patna bysocio-demographiccourtsmajorbyUniversity, the the respondentsof portionCentre Patna members town,and of and thecharacteristics,Department. and reporttheir of allopathicthe wives. is Legislative devoted peoples' and tohomoeopathic Assembly aattitude study oftowards, andthe doctors. knowledgeLegislative and their and Councilopinion practice about,of Bihar, of contraceptivefamily lawyers planning. in methodsdifferent The report deals with the structure of the population in relation to various Based entirely on a survey conducted A India 31 AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToJulyA MISHRA,comparative study 1968 a comparative Devendra study of studydemographic of demographic structure structure of the Santhal of the andSanthals Birhols and of Birhols Hazaribagh of Hazaribagh District of district Bihar TitleArea of research DeterminationPopulationof Bihar studies. of an appropriate life table and stable population for an observed population AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion ToPopulationJuly developMISHRA, 1968 methods studies Dcvendra of population analysis Publication populationdeviation,between(SRIVASTAVA),"Determination two havecorresponding characteristics been obtained.in English to the of observed' thewith stable a summary one. (male and in English. female) age distribution, namely mean and standard of an appropriate The figures thus obtained facilitate the location of an appropriatelife stable table Techniques have been suggested to obtainand other characteristics stable An almost parallel and stratified populationrelationship for an observed population" TitleDirector MISHRA,Housingof the observed Devendrain class population through the stable population theory. 1 towns of Bihar AimDate of completion ToJuly investigate 1968 some aspects of housing in class 1 towns of Bihar AreaPublication of research study,Socio-economic"Housing based in on class aspects1961 I townscensus of population of data, Bihar" relates (AKHTER, to some aspectsH. M. Q.), of housingin English in classwith a summary in English. I towns of Bihar (Patna, The of toandhousesMuzaffarpur,the 90 materialsthat per of of centthe occupied State Ranchi, of(Jamshedpur). wall were censusandJamshedpur, found the houses materialsin, class Gaya, used of Darbhanga forroof. residence and purpose Bhagalpur). varied from 78 It has been shown that cities, are in agreement with respect 1 towns. The percentage of vacant census houses there was 5.07, Nearly one-third of total urban per cent (Muzaffarpur) to the ranking x.,1+ r, P.u*- ,11.7,,,q '*"." '1$141 India 31 TitleAreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch EconomicToJulyMISHRA,Population study 1968 population Devendra aspectgrowth of and populationgrowth food supplyand food in supplyBihar in Bihar Publication assumedin"Population projectedAfterfromEnglish. theexamining while Expertdeclinegrowth projecting Committee's variDusandin fertility food the factorspopulationsupply and assumptions improvement affectingin Bihar" of the regarding fertility(SINGH,State. in mortality and R.future B.),mortality will totrends bebe publishedinless of a fertility population,than whatin andEnglish the mortalityhe Expert's concludeswith a in summaryCommittee the that State. the The population projection for Bihar carried out by the author has some substantial deviations TitleDateDirector of coinp,:tion AprilMISHRA,Structure 1968 of Devendra Labour Force in Bihar, 1961 PublicationAreaAim of research EconomiclabourTocopies,"Structtire study force intheaspects Englishparticipation oflabour labour of demographic withforce force ratesa insummary Bihar and scut Pne in in 1961,specific English. the participation growth of labourrates in force1961 between 1951 anc: 1961, the in Bihar, 1961" (VERMA), February 1969, pp. 1-71, mimeographed, 200.s The labour force in Bihar was 24.18 million in 1961. 81.20malespermillion).1961It cent)was andper an 52.07 wascentfemalesincrease perlessand respectivelycent 17.52ofthan about of that perthe 3.57 cent.forStates' were millionthe 91.72total State's inpopulation. per the total cent labour populationand force 44.15 was per (19.77 noted.cent inper the cent). State, and in the rural areas:The labour force in rural areas was 10 times higher than that in urban areas. Females (12.20 million) outnumbered males (11.98 The decennial growth rate (17.53 Participation rates for From 1951 to TitleDateDirector of completion AprilMISHRA,Development 1968 Devendra of family planning in India ArcaAimPublication of research .Fertilitypp."DevelopmentToplanning study525-531, and family the development historyin ofplanning English family of family in withplanning India. aplanning summary in India" in inIndia (VERMA), English. since 1916 PresentsPatna Medicalin brief Journal,an up-to-date history of family No. 10, November 1968, Title Selection of model life tables and stable populations India, 31 AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch StableToMarchMISHRA, develop population1967 Devendra methods of population analysis Publication involvesTheuptoNo."Selection locate to 10,calculus 85+ August anonly .. ofappropriate yearsof model the finite1967, survivalof life differencespp.age model tables 904-911, is ratio available. table. and hasof inthestable been English life appliedpopulations" table. with to a thesummary known(SRIVASTAVA), inage English. distribution Sydney to arrive Conference, at a function Australia, which It is assumed that the age distributionThe in validity5 year age of thegroups method extending for other age groups is also indicated. The value of this function is used as a criterion to Presents a systematic procedure DirectorTitle MISHRA,Headgrowthlocate and a is Devendramodel alsosize obtained,o: life households and a in recurrence Bihar relation for the age distribution is suggested. table appropriate to the population under study. The population's natural rate of 00 AreaAimDatePublication of completionresearch ToFebruary"HeadEconomic study and1967the aspect structuresize of of households demography of the households in Bihar" in (SRIVASTAVA),Bihar in 1961 to be published in English with a summary 0.27Moreover,Indicatesthein areasEnglish. households persons showing a positiveamong more fell a higher associationallthan on the femPles. in percentage.c.'male 1951. between heads the of over-all households, sex ratio 225 and per the cent percentage had their of husbandsfemale heads alive, of households.with urban Shows that, in one of every 10 households in Bihar, the chiet responsibility of maintaining The 4-6proportion member household,in Therural average areas had wasthesize highest ofhigher a. household frequencies. than that in thein urbanState in areas. 1961 was 5.49 persons,

z .44 ;1. ,!' 41' Oft W""tri'^'t1 Name Planning Research and Action Institute RESEARCH INSTITUTION ( PRA I ) India 32 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title SpecialistCHANDRA,Kalakankar1963 Rural Jagdish House, Health New Hyderabad, Lucknow, U.P., India Professional stag M!SRA,CHANDRA, Sunil Jagdish M 1933 . . . AnthropologistPublic health doctor n.a,n.a. Hindi, English KATIYAR,SINGH, Ranbir R. K. MM 1937 SociologistStatistician n.a.n.a. Hindi, EnglishEnglish, Urdu ts) SINHA,TRIVEDI, Y. R.D. P. FM 19291942 Sociologist n.a. Hindi, EnglishEnglish, Urdu RAZDAN,SINGH, Usha Roopa F 194219431944 Sociologist n.a. Hindi,Hindi, English English RAM,SINGH,KANTA, Din RamjeetJai Nirmal Karan MMF 194519381937 SociologistEconomist n.a.n.a. Hindi,Hindi, English English MURTY,AGARWAL,JATAV, L.K. R. V. MFFM 1944194019481943 Sociologist n.".n.a. Hindi,Hindi, English English SHUKLA,MITRA,KUMAR, P.Suresh R. K. S. M 1931 . . . SociologistArtist (audio-visual aids) n.n.n.a. Bengali,Hindi, EnglishEnglish Hindi JOSH!,SINHA,MOBIN, C. V.Abdul D. K. M 1941 . . . SociologistEconomist n.n.n.a. .Hindi,Hindi, English English Research projects Title Family planning communication action research (FPCAR) project India 32 PublicationsAreaDateDirector of completionresearch To1.FebruaryCHANDRA, evolve a 1973 methodology Jagdish of extension educationPilot Phase in family Report, planning PRAI andpublication to test it No. in 345 a wider area ExperiencesGuideFPCAR on Test BirthRole inPhase Programmeand Report,DeathFlatcar ieeizistration, .',veloptnent,publication No. 362 "V of Family Planning Workers (1969) 'PRAT PRAIPRAI publication publication No. No. 361 358 publication No. 359 DateDirectorTitle of completion SINGH,Evaluation6. Ranbir of fertility behaviour Manual on Extension Education Methods in Family Planning, PRAI publication No. 360. PublicationsArea of research birthsandContinuing1970,"ARural tabulated study in district vol.the of wholeXI, toseasonal ascertain No. year. 4-5, variation thepp. trend of of births" births (SINGH and of conceptions. & TRIVEDI), 1-7, in English. Five-year data on births were taken from pilot area data ThereThe wereFamily two Planning peaks ofNews, incidence of April-May womenrate,skiWn"Evaluation 50.8 in no 1963,per appreciable of 1,000 fertilityhave in comechange; behaviour down nor hasinto the 239the pilot complete in 1967; villages", interval, the proportionPRAI, shown 1968, any of mimeographed, fourthmajor variation; and higher in the English. order births has 1963, dropped to 44.0 in 1968; specific marital fertility rates, 267 per 1,000 average incomplete The birth birthin"Fertilityinterval a wider rate has assessmentprevalent area shown covering ain ofdefinite the test a areapopulation phase trend and area", ofto form,increase,of PRAI,180,000 a baseline cyclostyled,from in two29.5 for research monthsa inrepetitive English. inblocks. 1963 fertility to 33.5 months in 1967. A similar study was undertakenThe aim was to assess the survey. AreaAimTitleDateDirector of of research completion RuralStudyContinuingThe Institute districtof vasectomizedacceptance and cases effectiveness Publications "A study of Vasectomized Cases, 308 'cases", PRAI, February 1970, mimeographed, pp. 1-19, in English. India 32 pp."Aoperation.qualityFocuses qualitative1-20, of mainlyin the English. cases; study on the whetherof vasectomymotivating the vasectomized operationsagency and incases the a district content were satisfiedof of Uttar motivation Pradesh",or what with were PRAI, particular their mimeographed, problems reference due to to1966, thisthe Undertaken with a view to assess the effectiveness of the family planning programme thehad"Studyin interms decision beenEnglish. of of consultedpost-operative reduction of the acceptors.before of birthsadjustment vasectomy and its of operations;consequent vasectomized influential effect cases", on .population. personsPRAI publication and village No. leaders 345, appeared1966, pp. to 13- support -144. A majority of cases faced no post operative problems; only 41 out of 46 wiveslof respondents TitleDateDirector of completion SINGH,Evaluation1970 Ranbir of data t..),... AimPublication andyears.ToWelfare,"A study applies study the significance of biases non-sampling introduced tests. errors by interviewers' in a demographic demographic survey" characteristics (SINGH & TRIVEDI),Analyses age Decemberof women, 1970,number in ofEnglish. living children, number of children died and type of interviewers Data were taken from two surveys of IUCD at an interval.of 2 Journal of Family TitleAreaDateDirector of completionresearch RuralPANDEY,Family1968 district planning M. S. programme organization Publications acceptors.typevillage"DiffusionIX, of No. leadership 2,of Februaryfamily whichis also planning 1968, hasstudied been pp.practices to 1-17,successful' know throughin who English. in can theleadership actively development participate (PANDEY), of the in family the motivational planning programme. effort of enlisting Also attempts to find out the number and type of acceptors who could be prepared by Studies the methods of selection and involvement of The Family Planning News, vol. The Theconvertsproved"Processinvolvement group to oftoand be peoplemethods ofmorepattern leadership whosustained ofof IUCDhadfamily and shown users and theplanning extentvasectomy. initialfor a acceptance";longerto willingness which period propagation acceptedPRAI, of time. mimeographed, can family travel. planning 1967, in larger pp. 1-23, numbers in English. and Only acceptor leadeiship was found to havb worked for They also had a higher percentage of 4,4 India 32 Publications proportionEnglish."Target-settingbefamily a good ofplanning. births way strategy savedof passing in Population projection Radiation through initial acceptor's a familythe planning message programme" of family was made for different strategies; planning to others. and informal interpersonal (SINGH), PRA), cyclostyled, also separate calculations communication appeared to 1966, pp. 1-8, in to know the AreaDateDirectorTitle of completionresearch 1967SEHGAL,Lactation amenorrhoea B. S. and per IUCD andrates vasectomy of conception operation. Publication repeatedceptionvol."LactationRural XIV, were in district an No.worked intensive amenorrhoea phase and 1, September 1967, out, and period of lactation rates of conception"area (SEHGAL and a report was prepared pp. 44-49, in of rural women English. & SINGH), The JournalPeriod of amenorrhoea was studied. A similar study of Familyand rates Welfare of con- was ts.) DateDirectorTitle of completion The InstituteKAP Survey on the same lines (1970). PublicationsAreaAim of research "Awareness,RuralComparative district1967 knowledge KAP study and between practice of family planning'', the Muslim and the non-Muslim PRAT, mimeographed, population pp. "Studyof hadofSeventy-fivebehaviour awareness, ofthe the lowest couldusers perknowledge proportion becentof of the of observed between the and practiceconventional show contraceptives,big differences. respondents'knowledge' were exposed, group though they stages of "awareness, knowledge to the programme. The practice grouphad isshown . highest practice. The andcomparative practice." extremely low. 1-33, in English. No set pattern percentages Muslims 42users,Aboutaccepted outmimeographed, of irregular 50 84 double per acceptors cent and methods. 1967, ofdrop=outs. hadthe pp. supply 1-13, in 29.5 monthspregnancies. was the Eleven per centof Englishcontraceptivesof total with a summary went waste in average period' of use 11 villages ofenrolled Chinhat acceptors and were foundEnglish. as it was distributed among Only 23.8 per cent of theamongst those practised regularly. Mohanlalganj ", PRAI,to be regular users; non-users, limited respondents thehigher"Characteristics increase1966, in mimeographed, acceptorsin education of acceptors of all the and pp. 178-186, in English: standards, average parity and also, castes, age groups and occupations,non-acceptors, Chinhat and Mohanlalganr, Average 'parity and child mortality decreased: while child averagemortality number of living children PRAL publication No. 345, Persons inwas the lower. age Withwere 4. group 25-29, just literate, having three children, showedt,a,miixiinum acceptance of family planning methods. TitleDirector TheA Institutestudy of IUCD India 32 AimDatePublications of completion Acceptance"Amain1967 follow-upfollow-up aim andwas study effectivenessstudyto assess of of 1,174 IUCDthe ofretentionIUCD thecases method cases", (951 and PRAI,termination, acceptors)",cyclostyled, rates. 1969,PRAI, pp. mimeographed, 1-37, in English. pp. 1-25. in English. Complaints and problems were also studied. Study undertaken The alongto mimeographed,"Clinicalknow with the the studyretention type of pp. and post-insertion rates1-10, severity after in English ofa theailments complaints. with aof summary the in 40-month period: IUCD acceptors in Mohanlalganj Block", ReasonsPRAI, 1966, for expulsion or removals were alsoEnglish. studied A number of problems appeared to Effectiveness"Effectivenessfirstbe mainly three monthspsychological; ofof IUCDIUCD should isand tranquilizers beone-and-a-half sterilization,made compulsory. helped clinics' times thatrecords"; of throughout) as against two per sterilization. in such cases. sterilization. PRAI, mimeographed, 1966, pp. 1-8, in English.Regular follow-up at short intervals in the On average, three births are expected andacceptfacilities"Acceptanceto be place. prevented family for general planning.of perIUCD IUCD treatment by rural,(if retainedattracted women", large PRAL, number Every worker present at the clinics should have fixed It is essential to have clinics functioning at' regular mimeograph, 1967, pp. 1-9, in English. of women, some of whom could be motivated to duties. intervals at a fixed date, time Clinics having TitleDateDirector of completion CommunicationSEHGAL,1967 B. S.and organization in family planning 4 AreaPublications of research RuralFullyandFebruary"A male districtother satisfied worker 1967;kinds acceptors pp.of motivates help 1-7, which inshowed English. 75 a cases worker a keen of isinterestIUCD" able 'to in(SEHGAL), Frequent visits!. to the target couples, rendering 'small medical offer; 'werefamily, found " planning successful work ways and of motivated motivating a number the cases. of cases. informal contacts% with resisters; also by providing The Family Planning News, vol. 8, No. 2., services RumoursNo."Familysomeup 345, the help against responsibilityplanning1966, to them. the pp. loopleadership 88-111, ofcould supplying mimeographed; bein overcomefour villages by in constantof English contraceptives; of preparing cases and organizing educational Chinhat and. Mohanlalganj Blocks", PRAI. with a summary in English. Leaders had taken Publication activities. ,,144 tj, mt.: 4. Publications Theyand had to have been an working incomplete without knowledge about any, incentive and appeared to be hesitant in talking about the methods of contraception. family planning India 32 decreasedpractices"Anreplies analysis as throughfor time ofthe systematic passedtreatment them", and PRAI, educationalof after sterile mimeographed, four women or for checking a high incidenceefforts of childmade mortality. byyears lady was workers nearly and exhausted, the diffusion while leader contributions 1967, pp. 1-17, in English. The influenceThey did of ladynot have workers adequate of family planning increased "Locationwerefoundas the found timeto have and passed.to abedevelopment sustained satisfied interestacceptors of family themselves. planning Social functionaries, such as priests, barbers over a long period. leaders" (SEHGAL), All leaders who actively worked in the and midwives, with a large clientele, The Family Planning News, programme 1965, were forin well-versed"RoleinEnglish. all English. types of familyof workerswith planning the engaged local workers" dialect in, family and be Male and female workers should be (SEHGAL), composqd. while speaking publicly. Thenormally Family Planningmarried and News, of mature age. Some training1966, periodical, is imperative pp. 1-13, They should be 4a. Title Evaluationathave various been of dealtlevels, the registrationwith are inalso detail. examined. system The evaluation and assessment of roles and planning, works The area of operation and methodology of functions, along with supervision work PublicationsAreaDateDirector of completionresearch "ARuralThe pilot 1966Institute villages study of the improvement of the vital statistics regulation in some selected villages of Lucknow perVitalbySecretaryinDistrict", the cent eachregistration committee for Gram PRAI,mustdeaths. Sabhabecommittee, members1966, involved oncemimeographed, (vitalthethrough continuous a month but normally, are 'not held. greatest improvements in, reportingregistration) were: than93 by the memberspp. of 1-14, Panchayat. in English. follow -up" and, feeding. Panchayat meetings are supposed to be held To improve reporting,Events the Panchayat were reported more frequently per cent for births and 80 As a result of the secretariesbasicPanchayat"Registration health secretary because worker of births ofagency (BHW) the and nature reporting deaths would of needhis beof a basic change",duties.vital' eventsfar PRAI, more was mimeographed, efficient better thanin collecting that 1966, of pp.basic births 1.-13, and in deathsEnglish. health workers. than Panchayat The India 33 PersonAddressName in charge Official title Bilaspur,PrincipalSHUKLA,Ravishankar M.P., D. University, India P. C. M. Dubey Post Graduate College ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingSRIVASTAVA, S. C. M1970 1939 n.a. Demography, theory and practice Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Bengali Curricula LanguageRAM, Babir EnglishM and Hindi 1940 n.a. Demography, theory and practice Hindi, English CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POPULATIONM.A.B.A.,7.tables, Demographic B.Sc. 12 or h; B.Com. 4. (optional): Projections, features of developed 9 h; 5. Emigration and underdeveloped and immigration, areas; 6012 h; h; 8. 6. Pbpulation Theories of policy, population, 10 h. 40 h; 1. Nature and scope of demography, 2 h; 2. Rates and ratios, 20 h; 3. Life TEACHING INSTITUTION India 34 PersonAddressName in charge Official title AssistantTRIPATHI,Sagar,Sagar University, Madhya Professor M. Pradesh, L. Department India of Economics ProfessionalFirst year of staffteachingTRIPATHI, M. L. M1967 1935 n.a. Demographic analysis Hindi, English Curricula LanguageExchange programme HindiusedAlthough to and create Englishat present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be ON DiplomaEntrance requirement M.A.Graduation (Economics) (B.A., B.Sc. or B.Comm. etc.) Course birthdeathpercentageoptimumDEMOGRAPHY rate, rate, standardizedtheory, crudedistribution, birth biological(optional): rate, fertility ratios, general theory correlation rate, fertilitygross and theand rate, transition regressionnet crude reproduction rate theory; and of calculation national rate, 2. Some increase, of demographic annual specific rate of measurements: deathgrowth, rate, specific (a) 1. Study of population theories and their criticism. (c) introduction to population estimation Malthusian theory, (b) crude distributionfutureStates;trendsfunctions,and projection, trendsin 4. a Sources definitionfew of of selectedpopulation; population, of of population the industrially life 6.trends Populationtable, data of advanced functions birthin India policy and and andand death fordeveloping notes,their India.rates, limitations;of agelife countries, tables;and sex 5. 3. Populatione.g.composition A brief India, study Ceylon, of of India, of population, broad Japan, past demographic growththe regional United and (d) interpolation and graduation, (e) introduction to life tables, life-table terminology and RESEARCH INSTITUTION' India 35 PersonAddressName in charge Official title DirectorGORE.Sion-TrombayTata Institute M. S. of Road. Social, Deonar. Sciences Bombay 88. India Professional staff GORE, M. S. M 1921 Sociologist n.a. Marathi, English KAIKOBOD,PUNEKAR,BANERJEE, S. G.N. D. R.F. MF 191719181916 Social:SocialEconomist worker worker n.a.n'.a. Gujarati,Marathi,Beneiili, English EnglishEnglish DERAI,KUDCHEDKALPANAKAL, M. J.M. J. L. S. FM 19191922 SocialLabourSocial worker worker field n.a. Gujarati,Marathi,Malayalam, English English English PANAKAL,DERAI,RAMACHANDRAN, K. G.S. R. P. FM 192819321929 LabourPsychologistSocial worker welfare n.a. Taniil,Marathi, English English Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion AugustGORE,Immigrant 1970 M. and neighbourhoods S. PublicationsAreaAim of research InBombayofTo inmigrants;migrants study (a) and the (b) Neighbourhoods relativethe neighbourhood diffeences relationshipsin the process in linguisticallyof adjustment heterogeneous to Bombay of communities three linguistic groups (GORE), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, No. 21. August matrix,pp."Social1970, 1-126, their Probleinspp. in socio-economic1-303, English. of in UrbanEnglish. problems Growth" in (PUNEKAR, regard to housing, S. D. education, & LALITHA. recreation, N. V.), themonograph, process of theJune migrants' 1968, Covers the demographic details of 250 households in Bombay their occupational etc.adjustment to the urban-industrial milieu, care of Of the 250 households, 200 were in Bhandup (a growing suburb in greater Bombay) and 50 in the migrants' parents and families at their native places, India 35 groupsConsiderablefamilyofWar the li (anextent life,from old (b) the andarea differencesadjustment data naturein collectedthe Bombay of wereto the community about found following island). age, in the educational`life, social nature problems and level, extent cultural affecting of the background, problemsindustrial economicinworkers: status,(a) impact savings, on A comparative study of the two groups(c) care was ofmade children, in respect and (d) utilization of leisure time. respect of these two Title Awith indebtedness,study the ofcity, family language housing, types difficulty, and effects composition shiftof migration, work in and four-towns effects social on and offamily Maharashtrarecreational life, contact facilities. with house, feelings of familiarity Reanalysis TitleDate of completion Unemployed1969.1970. youth 00 TitleDate of completion ThePavement-dwellers1969. industrial community in Bombay and Cityits changing composition TitleDate of completion Social1967.1968. problems of urban growth 4 4 AddressName Hebbal,University Bangalore of Agricultural Sciences, Sociology and Economics Division RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION 24, India India 36 FirstPersonFirst year inyear chargeof ofresearch teachingOfficial title CHANDRASEKHAR,Associate19661969 Professor and Buggi Assistant and KHAN, Professor Mumtaz All Professional staff KHAN,CHANDRASEKHAR, Mumtaz All Buggi M 19281016 Sociologist Sociology and economics n.a. Kannada,Kannada, English, English, Hindi Hindi Research project TitleDateDirector of completion CHANDRASEKHAR,DecemberA study in 1971 the response Buggi of people and KHAN, towards Mumtaz family All planning PublicationAreaAim of research Journal,"AToinBangalore study Bangalore. to inthe be the Cityresponse published response and ruralof in ofpeople English.peopleareas towards of towards Mysore family family State planning planning in Bangalore City" (KHAN), Religion has not barred people from resorting to family planning. Reveals that family planning is receiving the attention of the people Family Planning Curricula DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement EnglishPre-university course in science Course rates,SOCIOLOGYB.Sc. (Agriculture) AND ECONOMICS (compulsory): 1 h; 4. Population forecasts, 1 h. I. Ratios, 1 h; 2. Population theory, 2 h; 3. Growth AddressName The University of Allahabad, Economics TEACHING INSTITUTION Department India 37 FirstPerson year in chargeof teaching Official title 1961HeadJAIN,Allahabad, of P. the C. Uttar Department Pradesh, India CurriculaProfessional staff SHARMA, A. D. M 1929 n.a. Population problems Hindi, English, Italian, Urdu EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme IntermediateEnglishusedAlthough toand create HindiExaminationat present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiploma It20POPULATIONM.A. is h; also (Economics)3. Indian possible population PROBLEMS for studcnts,to problem, (optional), write 50 15 It; 4. A study of aworld thesis population, in demography for a Ph.D. or Doctor of h: 1. Population theory, 10 It; 2. Techniques 5 h. of demography,Letters degree. TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge KOTHARI,Baroda,Mahar* IndiaSayajirao V. N. University of Baroda, Faculty of Arts, Department of Economics India 38 ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingOfficial title Head, Department of Economics and Professor of Economics Curricula ExchangePANDYA, programme N. M. AlthoughM it present there is no international student exchange1939 programme, financial assistance could be n.a. n.a. Gujarati, English DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.A.MatriculationEnglishused to(major create in oneEconomics) Note Course' 'Sonic of as:2.PROBLEMS staff Occupational mother, arc interestedOF structure; INDIAN tr. research 3. POPULATION, Demographic in the arm of labour theory; 15 force lectures: and 4. urbanization.Population policy problems, I. Size and growth of the Indian population; etc. AddressName Baroda-2,University India of Baroda, Faculty of Science, RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Demographic Research Centre India 39 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title 1969HonoraryBHANOT,1965 Director I. V. Professional staff GANDOTRA,Bt-1ANOT, I. V. M. M. MF 19391919 StatisticianDemographer, Substantive and technical ETAOINF Gujarati, English, Hindi PADAIYAR,PANDEY,PATEL, G. D. C. A.N. C. MF 193719381943 StatisticianSociologyPolitical scientist biosta.otician demography n.a. Gujarati,Dogri, English, English, Hindi Hindi DESAI,PATEL,SHAH, V. J. R.J.A. R. K. K. FFM 1941194419471940 PsychologistSocialStatisticianPsychologist worker n.a.n.a.n.a. Gujarati,Gujarati, English, English, Hindi Hindi Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion JuneGANDOTRA,A study 1970 of age-specific M. M. fertility rates (ASFRs) PublicationAreaAim of research of published"DemographicBarodaToTeachers study city, ASFRs iii of EnglishIndia Preventive effects of Baroda with of afamilyand city planning and findSocial a change Medicine, (if any) held at two at Baroda, points of 4-5, in India" (GA NDOTR A ), Proceedings July 1970, mimeographed,time, viz. to 1960/62 be and 1968/69 of all-India Convention tothewasexcept onward.be order a duesteady 20-24, ofmainly 28decline which per to cent. theshowsin higher-order impact an increase. of the The. over-all decline in the total summaryThe decline in English. in ASFRs There from is a decline in ASFRs in almost all births of .3+ fromsterilization 1961 onward programme.fertilityFurther, rates was the of decline the order seems of 16.89 to be age 25 onward during the year 1968/69 appears up to 1969. steeper from the age group 25 per ccnt. The decline was of the ageAlso groups observed iii,t, 11 ii , i Title IUCD Evaluation Study India 39 AimDateDirector of completion toToMarchGANDOTRA, study estimate 1970 some the socio-economic M. number M. of births and saveddemographic due to thecharacteristics IUCD programme of IUCD-users during the period 1965-1969 and TitleAreaPublication of research BarodaFollow-upIn preparation. City survey of sterilized spouses AimDateDirector of completion operation,ToJulyGANDOTRA, estimate 1969 if theany, M. number with M. special of births reference saved todue to sterilization and to study the after-effects of a sterilization (a) physical and psychological effects (b) sexual behaviour I:tA TitlePublicationArea of research DemographicInBaroda preparation. District characteristics of sterilized spouses AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch ToAprilGANDOTRA,It enumerate !oda 1969 District, demographic M. IndiaM. characteristics of sterilized spouses of 1966 in Baroda District Publication CorrespondingAttempts"Demographicwaswere:to the of females,journal: tothe enumerate order tocharacteristics 32every ofyears 4.24somemale and and sterilizationof ofmales, , 4.52sterilizedthe demographic3D respectively. years.there spouses" were characteristics 8(GANDOTRA female sterilizations. of & sterilized PATEL, males R. C.), and Paper sterilised communicated females. Social Biology (U.S.A.), 1970, pp. 1-9, mimeographed, in English with a summary in English. The mean number of children to sterilized malesA and higher females proportion of urban males were sterilized in The mean ages of the sterilized sterilizedtoothercomparison Muslim hand, Muslim females. awith significantly males rural did males, not higher differ but proportionthe significantly reverse of was Hindu from the thecasefemales proportion with came sterilized* offorward sterilized females. for Hinduqerilizat;on males. as compared 4 The proportion of On the TitleDateDirector of completion FebruaryGANDOTRA,Post-partum 1969 amenorrhoea M. M. a cage study India 39 PublicationAreaAim of research "Post'BarodaofTo the study partumlength City, the of Indialengthamenorrhoea post-partum of lactation in amenorrhoea primi-para amenorrhoea women in of Baroda Baroda city, and the factors associated in the make-up a case study" (GANDOTRA & BHANOT), weighttheweeks,inJournal English. two ofwhilewasof the the positive the babyInstitute corresponding and and 0/ the significantlyEconomic period duration of Research, amenorrhoea.higher. of. the amenorrhoea period is 24.31 weeks; the correlation between Reveals that the average period of breast-feeding of primi-para women in Baroda city is 46.21 Dharwar,A negative Mysore, though 1970, small pp. correlation 1-16, in English was found with a between summary the TitleDateDirector of completion BHANOT,BarodaNovember fertility I. 1967 V. survey AreaAim of research ToBarodatowards estimate(social Taluka,family groups)the birth planning India ofand the death population rates in inBaroda Baroda Taluka; city and to find the the rural level part of fertilityof Baroda; of various and to cross-section study attitudes Publications onaand&"Impact summaryPATEL, couple Research of fertility. R. Certainin C.),English. Centre, Seminar Demographic Chembur, on Models Bombay, and inSocio Demographic India, - economic February Analysis Variables 1969, organizedpp. on 1-18, Fertility" mimeographed, by the (BHANOT, Demographic in GANDOTRA English Training with Education, especially the education of theAttempts wife, and to occupation study the impact were found of education, to affect occupation and area (rural or urban) "BarodaInhabitationcouple fertility fertility of negatively, the study respondents in the rural or urban area did not affet. a brief report"i.e. (BHANOT & GANDOTRA), the higher the education or occupation or both, the lower the Essays in Demography,the couple fertility. Januaryfertility. 0 crudebirthofin 1969,urbanthe birth rate mother pp.and ratein rural1-20, rural atwas first Baroda inBaroda observed Englishpregnancy TalukaTaluka withto bewas waswasa 35.33summary 19 41.32.found years per to in1,000in be English.Baroda 15 of years population city and and 12 17 in years yearsBaroda respectively. in ruralcity. Baroda Taluka. The over-all median age at marriage of females The corresponding The median age The India 39 Curricula ExchangeLanguage programme EnglishAlthoughused to atcreate present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be Course'EntranceDiploma requirement stationarySUBSTANTIVEM.Sc.1.B.Sc. Demographic (Statistics) (Statistics) and stable AND data; population; TECHNICAL 2. Mortality; 7. TransitionDEMOGRAPHY 3. Fertility; theory; 4. Migration; (optional),- 8. Fertility 5. Population and3 h permortality week characteristics; control for one and academic their 6. Concept bearing year: of Notes 23 MostC.111 stress otter teachingis onlaul theon ofthe demographygrowth tunics of to population; tither allied disciplines 9. Projection; also. 10. Data-processing procedure, including the use of computers. it demographic data, its sources, errors and adjustment: mortality: fel tility: and protections. to

4 AddressName BombayUniversity 32, of India Bomhay, Department of Economics RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 40 FirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title Director19571960DANTWALA, M. L. Proles.sionclFirst year of mallteaching DANTWALA, M. L. M 1909 Economist n.a. Gujarati, English RABRAHMANANDA,BHARADWAJ, NADIVE, K. R. R. P. R. FMM 193219241926 EconomistEconomist n.a. Kannada,Marathi, English English cis SHAHVISARIA,SANDESARA, C. H. P. M. J. C. M 193719201932 EconomistEconomist Economic demography, techniquesof demographic analysis n.a.u.a. Gujarati, EnglishEnglish, Hindi DESHPANDE,MEHTA, B. V. L. K. MM 193619331931 EconomistEconomist n.a. Kannada,Marathi,Gujarati, EnglishEnglish DaRAO,PANCHAMUKHI, cos rA,V. M.G. C. V. R. M 192919311929 Economist n.a.n.a. Marathi,Konkani, English English NATHAN,PANCHAMUKHI,PAVASKAR,DESHPANDE, Dev M. G.S. P. H. R. M 192419451940 EconomistEconomist n.a. Tamil,Kannada,Marathi, English English English 1YENGAR,NACHANE,GHOSE, Kum S. D. KumS. M. MF 194219401945 Economist n.a. Bengali,Kannada,Marathi, English English English6.4 r. Research projects India 40 AimDirectorTitleDate of completion ofToMarchVISARIA,The workers ascertain working 1971 Pravinfor the force rural sex, M. of andage West urbanand Bengal, marital areas Bihar status,of different and specific Punjab districts worker according of rates,the threeto and the statesthe 1961 industrial census category distribution TitleAreaDirector of research VISARIA,exposedFertilityLabour force. toin heavytwoPravin districts out-migration M. of western India (Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra and Kutch District of Gujarat) AimAreaDate of completionresearch ToDifferentialresidentDecember study the in effect1969the fertility survey of sex-selective villages migration, involving separation of spouses, on the fertiiity of the population TitlePublication TheBethesda."Urbanization,conference working Maryland, forceon "Familymigration of United Maharashtra in States,andtransition" fertility inState English. by in Fogarty India according International to the Centre 1961 ofcensus the National Institutes of Health, in India" (VISARIA), to be published in the proceedings of a AimDateDirector of completion JulyforandToVISARIA,' 1968 estimate;females urban areas P.by (a) M. 5-year ofthe different work age groupsforce districts participation and and marital divisions status;rates of of (c)Maharashtra; males the industrial and females (b) categorythe bywork 5-year distributionforce age participation groups of male in ruralrates and AreaPublication of research "TheLabourruralinfemale English. working forceand workers urban force byareas of age, Maharashtra of rural Maharashtra. and Stateurban in residence India, 1961" and (VISARIA),marital status mimeographed, pp. 1-128, 50 copies, Provides useful information on the sex-age pattern of participation in economic activity With some adjustment this information can be (and has been) in ofhowever,locallyparticipationinformationused participation to bornobtain holds femalesforby forprojections marriedthe male broad in migrants.the and age sameo. widowed groups marital availablefemale status migrants groups. in the publishedto Greater 1961Bombay appears to be less than by the in economic activity by females. the labour force which seem more satisfactoryAn increase than in the those proportion based ofon urban the population will lower the degree The prevalent contrary impression reflects only theThis is contrary to the usual impression which, census tables. The work force Publication experience based on familiarity with the employment of highly educated women. The sectoral distribution India 40 withurbanfemaleofprimary age.themale non-agriculturalareas, workers sector.workers however, engaged by 5-year theemployment in proportion agethe primarygroups opportunities of shows sectorfemale Airemains workers morearising or more engagedwith less oreconomicsteady less in the steadyrise secondarydevelopment. in overthe proportion different sector declines age engaged groups. steadily in the The widowed female workers in rural areas tend to work predominantlyIn other words, as cultivators, as may whereasbe pxpected, the young men are better able to take advantage The proportion of In DirectorTitle VISARIA,GujaratDemographicdivorced State P.female M.survey workers of selected tend to villages be predominantly in Ratnagiri agricultural District of labourers.Maharashtra State and Kutch District of AimAreaDate of completionresearch MigrationToJulymigrants study (b)1968 the (a) volume the demographic of out-migration and socio-economic and net-migration; characteristics and (c) characteristics of the population of out-migrations of selected villages; and return 0041.om Publication "ThelatertofromPopulation be pattern migrants. surveyeda correlation Associationof out-migrationvillages between show of America, athe fromvery occupations highcoastal mimeographed, concentration Maharashtra taken up pp.in by specific 1-46, inearly India"' 150 migrants occupations copies,(VISARIA), from in and English. a industries.village 1968 meeting and those of ofthe the A very high proportion of the out-migrants from Ratnagiri go to Bombay; a few go to The out-migrants There seems indestinationand partsfromPoonablue-collar African Kutchof but Gujarat as almostcountries occupationswellchoose andas none diverseoccupation suchto toEasternand Goa.as destinations not Qatar, or primarilyIndia. industry. Kuwait, although in trade Bahrein, members as is Southbelieved of specificAfrica on the and caste basis Tanzania. groups of observations seem to select in Bombay the same Interestingly, however, some of the Muslims emigrate to Middle EasternThese, as well as those going to East Africa, are reported to beContrary to an initial impression, many migrate to other The out-migrants Curricula haswithin metropolitanterms become the outsideof availablea well-established region. world educational and a realization stream, facilities. causing of current an actual trends. decline in the size of the usually resident population. The villages with a fair amount of out-migration seem more prosperous and progressive The latter phenomenon is In some of the surveyed villages, out-migration partly a consequence of contacts DiplomaEntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme M.A.B.A.EnglishusedAlthough to(Economics) create at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be Course Optional courses taught over a two year period; the number of lectures tend to approximate 60 yearly. The India 40 Malthus,oftime populationDEMOGRAPHYWorldpopulation devoted post-Malthusian togrowth,theory each and subjectpresent theories population isworld of population population, and resources and Ndo-Malthusianism resources. with special reference and the toMarxist the ECAFE approach, region, optimum history its limitations. flexible, depending on students interests Population distribution, Historyof population theories,factors doctrines of The paperscausing arc: IECONOMIC regional variations in Compositionmeasurement,force,relationEconomicallypopulation length to regionaldistribution, and ofincidenceactive sizeworking and ofpopulation, trendstheinternational and life. labour implications in urban-rural basic force, differences concepts occupationalof andunemployment regional inand economic definitions, and distribution industrialand development, under-employment. impact in composition developed of femaledemographic and participation of developingthe processeswork inforce countries. the on work the Employment and manpower planning and its significance and problems, Population and food in censusIIexperienceofforsupply population capital inmethods, relation formation,in differentchange vital to resource and investment statisticscountries, economic utilization and economicand methodsdevelopment. employment and incentives development of their in developedcompilation,andDEMOGRAPHIC populationof agriculture. and demographic underdevelopedpolicy, ANALYSIS family surveys planning countries, and and spatial interrelations state studies. policy. Sources of demographic data in India and elsewhere, population Need for a population policy under economic planning. Implication of population change VD techniques,ofBasic undermigration, principles five, testing measuringcontinuous of under-enumerationmeasurement errors population in age of populationregistration.reporting of the population and growth, adjustment estimates in a census,of age from data. testing censuses, under-enumeration vital registers andof children records Evaluation and adjustment of population data, need and Population composition, definitions netcausesaffectingcomposition.traitsof basic reproduction of demographic mortality, death. rates, mortality social factors and change affecting economic and fertility, population characteristics, growth, relationship regionalto economic ofdifferences age, and sex, social and othertrends organization, compositional in effect of birth, death and migration rates Mortalityupon population analysis, measures of mortality, crudeFertility, rates, specific measures of fertility and reproduction, crude and specific regional differences and trends in rates, the fertility, the study of life rates, gross and table, factors mortality, populationPopulationdistribution,affectingMigration,fertility, attitudes migration, measures projection,and their by migrationspecialof social methods internal andsurveys. inofand economic making international population implications, migration, projections, projections indirect United methods of labourNations of estimatingforce, projections use migration,of of projections future factors world to characteristics of migrants, relation Demographic transition, theory and experienceselectivityto regional in and different differentials, countries. migration and mobility of labour. differences in growth and urban-rural population Note Theestimate1970. data for future Kutch districtchild areand being old-age analysed dependency by Mis, Chandan and Savla requirements as a partThe of data her of Ph.foreducational Rotary.'D. diseertation, have facilities. also likely been to processed be completed and areby being analysed. December RESEARCH INSTITUTION India 41 PersonAddressName in charge TEWARI,Jodhpur,University Rajasthan, A. of K. Jodhpur, India Department of Geography' ProfessionalFirst year of staff researchOfficial title Head,1956 Department of Geography Research project TitleBOHRA, Dan Mal MA prospective study of fertility behaviour of married women1942 in rural Rajasthan Geographer n.a. Hindi, English AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch RuralToMayBOHRA, find 1971 Rajasthan out Dan differential Mal levels of fertility in rural population as influenced by the socio-economic milieu Published The"Awith Departmentprospective a summary of Geography study in Hindi.2of is fertility behaviour of married women in rural Rajasthan" (BOHRA), in English, of introducing a paper on "Population and settlements" for the M.A. degree during the academic year Notes 2 Other researchgraduate publications1971/72. and post in English graduate by classes. Bohra"Population include: distribution in 13armervol. District.' II 6; III, (AnnalsJanuary 1966.67.of Social No.Sciences). I, pp. 71.76. At present it neither teaches demography nor tr.'.ns demographers. journal of the FluidlyThe subject of Social of populationSciences, forms part of the syllabus of under- University of Jodhpur, --"Some"Rates "Rates ofaspects and female levels of participation j.upulation of mortalitypp. planning in "Rodistribution aml73-78. Jura' fertilit,. InternationalRajasthan", in India", in India", of population Geographical p. in Rajasthan Union, published during 1951-1961",by Patna University. Jodhpur Pnivernty/11CC Economic Magazine, Review, vol 23, to be Transactions of The Indian Council of Geographers, 1967.XX No 12, January I. 1969, pp. 25.26, New Delhi. 1968, December, "Future"Population population dist' ibution of Rajasthan" in Jaialmer"Regional"EcologyBose (in press),Road. desert variation Calcutta. Annals m ofdoelopment Social Sciences. as reflected University by certain of Jodhpur. population. of fertility distribution in an Indian desert town p. 9, to be published b) the National Committee for Geography. !Winer", p. 7. published by the National Committee for Geography, Achara JagadcchCharacteristics in the Indian and toZone". be published by the Nitional Committee for Geography. Name University of Kerala, Department of Statistics RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION India 42 PersonAddressFirst inyear charge of researchOfficial title ProfessorGEORGE,Karyavattom1960 and A. P.O. Head Trivandrum, of the Department Kerala State, India ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingGEORGE, A. F1945 1916 Statistician- Mathematical models Malayalam, English KARUNAKARANRAMAKUMAR, R. NAIR, N. M M 19351930 Statistician- demographer Substantive and technicaldemography and statistics Malayalam,Tamil, English, English, Malayalam, Hindi Hindi, French Research projects TitleDateDirector of completion ContinuingGEORGE,Pregna, cy historyA. data analysis DirectorTitleAreaAim of research ToGEORGE,StandardA analyse selected fertilitythe ruralA. structure areasurvey adjaccnt of birth intervalsto Trivandrum City, covering 6 panchayats. AimAreaDate of of research completion SelectedtheoccurToContinuing assessvarious from rural the indicestime currentarea to thatadjacenttime level can in local beofto fertilityusedTrivandrum areas, to detectand and toCity,to changes measurecollect covering inreliable in fertility a 6 standard panchayats data behaviour for way testing the changesthe relative in fertility sensitivity which of Publications betweenattitudeUniversity,"Impacta subsample toeach of family mimeographed,the husband offamily planning, husbands and planning wife knowledgepp. of on1-179, the matterseducation women inand English.mentioned practice ofprogramme the of sampleabove contraception, wason of husbands", investigated.the next attitude paper Depart' tow, menti ..ds it familyof Statistics, size, etc. from An attempt was made to _ Intery _o/s c Ilect information on theled. from 948 husbands Also, agreement Kerala Publications toAwere largeuse utilized. at majority least one of contraceptive the people were method. in favour Many ofhusbands family planning favoured and the aspacing large section of births. of them knew how The study did not reveal any significant changes from past trends in fertility performances. The findings of India 42 "ImpaL,marriedKerala,the study of mimeographed, women the provide family in hopethe planning age pp.for groupa decreaseeducation 15-44 in years.programme birth rate. on wives", Departmeht of Statistics, University of 1-1121 in English. AsBased regards on actual the results fertility ofperformances, interviews with the 1,785mean numbercurrently ownedThepregnancies,implyof sociopregnancies, and that -e relative.onomiceach live-births cohortby economicdifferentials age of ofand women wife, position)living (corresponding followed behaved children of thethe inwere different familiartoa mannereducation, found patternmeasures toconsistent religion,be extendednot of clear-cut income, withfertility bythe growthexlpenditure, shell,%vhcifl`behaviour as curves controlledthe of numbermean the which older numberfor ofseemed articlesagecohorts. and of to This suggests that not much has been achieved by way of breaking the age-old denotingdurationandtoFrompattern be the feltthe of thatof general significantly marriage.resultsfamily a decline growth.favourable in in the the actual inclinationgrowth fertility rate toward ofperformance, the family population planning increased is in methods the knowledge offing. should and be practice taken optimisticallyof as it may be conjectured that although the impact of the education programme remainsLarge sections of the sample women idealized small families and family planning. contraception ts.).(.." non-sterilizedundergoneofpp."A thestudy 1-23, 1,785 onin ahave English.effectivelywomensterilization been interviewed compared. sterilizedoperation. were wives", effectively Department sterilized, of Statistics, e.g., either University they or theirof Kerala, husbands mimeographed, or both The socio-economic characteristics of effectively sterilized couples and those of the The study ofThe the data two groupsobtained according for the second to the age study of thelisted wives here showed were used: 271 had Theamongcouplesa greater(upproportion to the of 5-6 concentration thelow-income, livingof nuclear women children) families low-education effectivelyof sterilized and than then sterilizedof abovegroups. other declined. typesthe tended age of family. ofto 30increase years andwith ofthe non-sterilized number of surviving children Sterilization was found to be more popular among the Sterilization was found to be more concentrated below the age 30. AimDirectorTitle ToGEORGE,Communicationamong ascertain the A. the special action most personnelresearcheffective means employed of canvassing (physicians, eligible midwives couples etc.) to wouldattend befamily the planningmost clinics; effective in such who Area of research Sixcouples:changesandcanvassing; panchayats also family-sizeinthose the the degree differentialwhoof rural attitudes accept of area birth-control characteristics the adjacentand family fertility practicesto planning Trivandrum behaviourof the amongcouples service City couples who offered respond and at theto to assess theclinics; different the also programme's modesto study of thecanvassing, impact on trend of '14-Amo1 Publication "ReportwouldmeansUniversity onbeof reachingthe of bestfamilyKerala, suited eligible planningmimeographed, to couplesreaching action is such through researchpp. couples 1-20, house-to-house programmein (i.e., English. physicians, canvassing. midwives, dais, volunteer workers etc.) The study revealed that (pilot study)", Department of Statistics, The attempt to find out who the most effective India 42 Title Tablesourhas request not of beenprobability for quitecontacting successful. integrals eligible for couples.interlive birth intervals Only government midwives or health visitors and local dais reponded to 0 PublicationAimDateDirector of completion ToGEORGE,Tables produce1969 of A. athe sequence Distribution of tables of Interbirth that help Intervals, to predict in future the press, birth-intervals in English. TitleAimDirector 49' ToComparativeGEORGE, compare the studyA. probability of two probability models for models interbirth for intervalsinterbirth developed intervals by Srinivasan and George t.....% Publication of& sensitiveseemsdevelopedPublicationPILLAI,variation more toofR.), by of thereasonable;the SrinivasantheSeptember parameterperiod International of theand postpartum1969.0, study theGeorge. Union probability supports Id; amenorrhoea. the this.Scientific that a pregnancy Further, Study of the terminates Population, continuous in General amodel live-birth, Conferenceprovides and ank, (GEORGE explicitthe range Attempts to compare the probabilityThe interval models being for interbirth a continuous intervals variable, the continuous model The results show that the continuous model is more DirectorTitle THAMPI,Fasilytakeclosed planninga very form N. cumbersome Krishnam for communication the distribution (till form. research of the interbirth interval while explicit expressions for the discrete case 1965) and GEORGE, A. (from 1965 onwards) AreaAimDate of completionresearch ToSixtofamilyMarch provide develop panchayats 1968planning a a better more ofand understandingeffectiverural to use area thefamily adjacent intormation of planning the to basicTrivandrum so programme obtained,factors City which including might the influence knowledge the and community skill made to available, accept Publication methodscharacteristicsprojectof"Preliminary Statistics, area were was report also of conductedthe collected. (base-line population. in survey)1962, to on obtain a family the base-lineplanning datacommunication on the socio-economic research project", and demographic Department University of Kerala, mimeographed, pp. From the base-line survey the population was Informationfound to be typicalon the knowledge,of a very attitude and practice of fainily planning 1-77, in English. A preliminary survey of the Publication backward arca. The community's very low socio-economic conditions, poor residential facilities and inadequate India 42 Title Effectivenessgaveto sanitaryfamily rise planning.to conditions a ofgreater sterilization resistencewere the in reducingmajor to family factors the planning. birth that rate made the population indifferent to family size and hence The substandard level of education made the population more traditional and thus AimDateDirector of completion Hospitals,ToGEORGE,mentioned1967 estimate clinicsA. belowthe number and family of births planning prevented camps inby two the districtssterilization of Trivandrum of 1,000 persons and Quilon in the in twoKerala districts State PublicationArea of I.:search byanalysedGEORGE"Aprevented examiningstudy 1,081on & futurethe NAYAR, the women effectiveness fertilitybirths in P.per Kerala amongS. 1,000 ofJ.), sterilizationsState Demography, awomen comparable who in were the in reducingsterilizedeithervol.group 6, sterilized ofNo. the group.1,000 birth orother rate" were women, (HAYNES, the wives estimated of A.; sterilized IMMERWAHR; the number men, and of I, February 1969, in English. The results of this estimation were then This study 4:611.4 annum.toyear measure,appliedconfirm there towere the project hopereductionone, thethreethat entire in theor the fivecrude savings crude sterilizations birth 'birth in ratebirth rate would performedover for Kerala a be 30-year decreased per from 1,000 period such byof ina total12 sterilization the per population.entire 1,000 Kerala programmeof the population populationThe is study estimated if peralsoeach discusses various measures of, reduction in the crude birth rate. The results Byfailed a reasonable Contributionsrespectively,as 1969,"Impact7 points in English.of after in sterilizationin the Statisticsa decadenumber andandor of 9births.Agricultural contraceptionpoints after Statistics, three on fertility" decades, presented (GEORGE, reflecting to Dr. V. decreases PILLAI, G. Pansc R.of (Felicitation K.21 &and GOPAL, 36 Volume),per cent, Y. S.), An attempt is made to evaluate possible changes in marital fertility for the 10-year iswhileadoptionwomenperiod contraception.even the1967-1976, morewho of reduction different alreadyso for changes the ratesinhave marita!changes ofthreewhich sterilization fertility or inwould morethe reductionbe ratelivecoupled brought births,is highly duewith about assuming to differentsensitive contraceptiveby adopting various reductions to changes various ratespractices. due ofrates in reductionto the contraception.of ratesterilization of in sterilization,fertility for marrieddue to It is seen that dramatic changes in the marital fertility rate can be brought about by Similarly it AimTitleDateDirector of completion ageToGEORGE,Family1965 study group growth: the 20-39 A. growth desires, years pattern ideals of and the achievements families in the study area by interviewing 534 utarried women in the

I I li[F, ,a II n I India 42 PublicationArea of research waswereFamilyinSix discernibleEnglish. far panchayats Growth: below Desires,the with of average; rural respect Ideals area apparently to andadjacent income Achievements, theytoand Trivandrum occupationimproved their city of the position husbands. with the passage of time. Shows that when most of the couples start their married life their socio-economic conditions Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, pp. 1-168, This pattern Curricula LanguageExchange programme EnglishtoAlthough create oneat present there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be used CoursesDiplomaEntrance requirement TECHNIQUESPOPULATIONFirstM.Sc.M.A. -year ordegree M.Sc. compulsory course degree OFPROBLEMS, inDEMOGRAPHIC courses:in demography mathematics, 124 h per statistics, ANALYSIS, year psychology, 124 h pet economics year or sociology STATISTICSCOMPUTERSTOCHASTICPHYSIOLOGYINTRODUCTION AND(for PROCESSERS AND thoseTO SIMULATION FAMILYSOCIOLOGY, who are AND PLANNING,not POPULATION MODELS,post SOCIAL - graduates 124 PSYCHOLOGY,124 hMODELS, h perin per statistics), year year DATA ECONOMICS, 124 ANALYSIS h per year HUMANUSING ELECTRONIC GENETICS THESISSecond-yearSEMINAR,PARTICIPATIONRESEARCH (to compulsorybe 30 METHODS,submitted h per IN yearcourses: FIELD at the124 end SURVEYIt per of year.the secondRESEARCH year). CoursesEntranceDiploma requirement GeneralVitalM.Sc.B.Sc. statistics'de degree andgree population in statistics dynamics.= Notes 3 -Genetic%t "Vital statistics" and populationDepartmenttot was 1069/70. Offered ,knamics" of as Statattio a subject is offered from for 1969the ac posta /70special graduate onward, subject students (optio la sal) statistics for the in attulLnt4. the Unicersity's :chinned clepartment for the M.Sc. of Statistics (Statistics) from course 1945 inonwards the

4 111,1,Z.,0414 a N.1.1.41,,,, Name University of Mysor TEACHINGDepartment INSTITUTION of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Sociology India 43 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof teachingOfficial title ProfessorPARVATHAMMA,Manasagangotri,1963 and Head Mysore-6, of C. the Department India of Sociology Professional staff VENKATARAYAPPA,PARVATHAMMA, C.K. N. MF 19281923 n.a. UrbanCriminology, sociology, aid Indiansocial structuresociety Kannada,Kannad English1, English Curricula SOMAIAH,SADASIVAIAH, K. N. H. M. M 19271915 n.a.n.a. PoliticalRural sociology, sociology, research education methods sociology Kannada, English EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme B.A.English;usedAlthough to create courses at present one could there also is be no taught international in Kannada student exchange programme, financial assistance could be Courses1Diploma SOCIOLOGICURBANM.A.RESEARCH SOCIOLOGY, 11, METHODS, THEORIES, including: including: including: demographic demographic geography, research 2 methods,h per 'year. 2 h per year. 1. General demography, 1 h per year; 2. Population theory, 2 h Note 1 Demography notSOCIALis providedper choosing year. as STATISTICS,that an option.optional subject, including: but since there 1. isLife no qualified table (elementary),teacher m demography 2 h perin the year; Department 2. Census at present. analysis, students 4 Ii per year. arc TEACHING INSTITUTION AddressNamePerson in charge HUZURBAZAR,Poona-7,University India of Poona, V. S.Department of Mathematics and Statistics India 44 ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingOfficial title 1969Professor and H4,0:I of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Curricula LanguageBISWAS, S. EnglishM 1930 n.a. Demography Bengali, English -.1 CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHYB.A.M.A. or B.S.:.or M.Sc. (optional), (Statistics) 72 h: 1. Sources of demographic data-census, vital registration, surveys, 3 h; and2. tables,adjustmentMethods Deming 15 of h; method, in census5. the Methods infant and 4 h; vital mortalityof3. American statistics, rate, andreverse 3 h; English 4. survivalLife life tables, and constructionthe differencing of complete methods, andChandrasekhar abridged Deficiences in the estimated vital tables, methods of Indian rates and the methods of adjustment, life tables, mortality life graduation,migrationdemography,38. h;1::rative 10. Lotka's process,2 methods h; 8 6. h; stable 13.6 h:of The constructionpopulation models of projection,of Shep life tables,and Perin, 3 h;3 h; Brass,9. Fertility Patter rates, and Singh,gross and 10 neth; 14. reproduction Birth, death rates, and Probability distribution of life-table functions, 6 h; 7. Makehain's graduation, 2 h; 11. Leslie matrix, 4 h; 12. Probability models in 416 ,1

1 RESEARCH INSTITUTION , Name University of Rajasthan, Department of Sociology India 45 PersonAddress in charge Official title ProfessorJaipur,UNNITHAN.1964 4, andIndia Head T. ofK. DepartmentN. ProkssionalFirst year of .stajj researchUNNITHAN, T. K. N. M 19117 Sociologist n.a. Malayalam, English, Hindi Research project TitleSINGH, Yogcndra AM study of selected sociological, economic and ecological aspects.932 of Jaipur, and Kota Cities Sociologist n.a. Hindi, English AimDateDirector of completion toMainlyJulyUNNITHAN, arrive 1969 to at evaluate precise T. K. estimatesthe N. existing of economic,their future social growth and needs cultural and patternsproblems and of potentialitiesplanning of the three cities, PublicationArea of research English.separate"AThrcc study major volumeof selectedcities for of eachsociological,Rajasthan, city) viz. economic Jaipur, Ajmer and ecological and Kota aspects of Jaipur, Ajmer and Kota cites"The study(a has been undertaken with a definite policy-planning orientation. ( UNNITHAN & SINGH), mimeographed, pp. 1-1400, July Its main objective 1969, in andoccupationalthearrivewasmedical objectives recommendationsto at evaluate precise facilities, pattern, and theestimates method existing leisure,housing to improve of of study,economic, recreational theircondition, the futuretopography city social income, growth-needs andare someandculturaland public culturalhistory, of theactivities, and majorecology,patterns problems topics population demographicand of coveredpotentialities planning. projection in characteristics, the of report. theup tothree the migration, year 1991 utility services, educational facilities, health and Besides the details of cities to 44* . RESEARCII INSTITUTION India 46 ProfessionalAddressName stall PAREEK, Udai ,University India of Udaipur, Maharana Bhopal College, School of Basic Sciences and Humanities Research projects DirectorTitle MAM0RIA,Udaipur City: C. a study in urbanization 13. AreaAimDate of completionresearch UrbanizationfacilitiesTOMay(d) 1971 during the decade: (c) to establishascertain norms (a)to theestimatefor different the financialtypes of socialrequirements and public for 1991utility service; causes and extent of urbanization during 1956-t966; (b) progress in infrastructure TitlePublicationDirector TANDON,AttitudeUnder preparation. towards 13. family planning in K. AreaAimDatePublication of completionresearch "AttitudeKegar,FactualJuly 1967 Kagdar, inquiry towards Delwaraof family beliefs, planning(three knowledge, villages) in Udaipur use and District" attitude (TANDON, to.Aard family B. K., planning MURDIA, methods B.S. & BUMB, B. L.), determinantsforfindand,mimeographed,(i) the out into nurture favourableconductrelevant that of helppp.determinantsa family factual eases, 1-154, or hinder planning. inquiryto 200 assess affecting adoption copies. into the peoples' beliefs,inacceptibility of English birth-control practicesattitude with of toward adifferent measures.andsummary attitudes family contraceptive in planning; English.concerning WO methods family to collect andplanning socio-economic means; in (ii)general People in rural areas arc not so hostile as they are generally supposed Clearly the atmosphere is favourable The study attempts mainly: to forfourthareasonconditionsto the be. the future. of planauthorities the may anddistrict make the concerned appointmentfor greater all these headway that yearsof no family inefforts of checking planning. planning have the been extension"boom" made of educatorstobabies propagate in the are country. familya happyHence planning sign andadequate inaugur the propagandaruralwell with education on sex matters and improvement in The recent emphasis on family planning in the draft It is a sad reflection their economic RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION AddressName MISRA,Vani-Vihar,Utkal University, Bidyadhar Bhubaneswar-4, Department Orissa, of Rural India Economics, Sociology and Applied Economics India 47 FirstPerson year in chargeof researchteachingOfficial title 19691966Professor of Rural Economics Professional staff BANERJEE,MISRA, Bidyadhar Ajoy Kumar MM 19181939 EconomistSociologist TheorySocial of population demography Hindi,Oriya, EnglishEnglish, Bengali, Hindi, Sanskrit 071 Research project DateDirectorTitle of completion ContinuingFamilyBEBARTA, planning Prafulla communication C. research project Curricula AimPublication SeveralTo locate papers the have agencies been throughpublished. which the family-planning idea is communicated EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme B.A.EnglishtoAlthough createwith economics atone present there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be used CoursesDiploma SOCIAL4.techniques DEMOGRAPHYM.A.Indian in populationDEMOGRAPHYapplied of demographic economics (compulsory), problems analysis; (optional), and 3 policy.3. h Contemporary per 9 h. week: demographic situation, world population and resources; I. Theories of population; 2. Quantitative and qualitative

1 0 'MAC' IING INSTITUTION PersonAddressNana' in charge Ujjah,VikramMISR... University, A. B. Department of Economics 'iladhya Pradesh, India India 48 ProfessionalFirst year stallof teachingOfficial title Head1970 of the Department Curricula VAZDI,MISRA, A.T. K.B. FM 19281920 n.a. Demography English,Hindi, English Hindi EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme Althoughu.A.Hindiused orto and B.Sc.createat Englishpresent in one economics there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiploma demographicsituation;M.A.DEMOGRAPHY economic problems (optional),theories of developed of 4population, h per and week: underdeveloped theory A study of staticof populationcountries. theories, contemporary demographic equilibrium; Population social policy;and hereditary population and effects; ofmethodsdembgraphiceconomic Mathematicalmigrationdemographic and growth, and data, andfeaturesurbanization, effectsage component and in of sex India industrial concentrationstructure, methods, and its and lifeimpact logistic occupational 44,1es,of pc.pulationon curve economic pop fitting,changesnation and develupninnt. pyramids,Makeham's occupational on population morbidity and structure. Gompertzcomposition. and mortality; curves. internal utility,° enumeration tables. Methods of population forecasts and population projections: Population policy for India. Population census- Sources of A study Name Andalas University, Faculty of Economics, Institute for Economic and Social Research RESEARCH INSTITUTION Indonesia 1 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title DirectorESMARA,Djalan1970 Djati Hendra 77, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Professional stall ROSDIWATISIAHRUDDINESMARA, Hendra .FM 193919401935 EconomistEconomist ma.n.a. Indonesian, English C.)crs Research project TitleDirector . ESMARA,The population Hendra of West Sumatra, Indonesia AreaAimDate of completionresearch TheToSumatra,March estimate province 1971 Indonesia the of Westpopulation Sumatra, growth, Indonesia. birth and death rates, and other aspects of the population of West AddressName Central8 Djalan Bureau Dr Sutomo, of Statistics Djakarta, (CBS) Indonesia RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 2 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title DirectorABDULMADJ1D,19581962 of CBS M. Professional staff MAMAS, S. G. M. M 1938 Statistician Demography Indonesian, English ALISUARD1,SUHARTONO,SUTOPO, M. Hadma Poniman M 1938193719401935 '` Statistician Labour statistics n.a.n.a. Indonesian,Indonesian, English English C..)a%1.4 SASTRASUANDA,POEDJASTOETI,SUKMADI, B. Sri Toto MF 19431946 Statistician n.a.n.a. Indonesian,Indonesian, English English RASJID,NOEGROHOSUNGKONO,SLAMET, Azwar Toekiman Bambang M 19341942 Statistician n.a.n.a. EconomicsDescripti ye statistics n.a.n.a. Indonesian,Indonesian, English English KARTINI,HASAN,SOEPRANTO,SUHARTO Moh M. A.J. FM 193319391940 n.a.n.a. MathematicsProbabilityEnglishMathematical statistics Indonesian, English TJAHJANISUNARDI,SUGKARTONO, ITO, M. M. H. A. A. FM 1935193419391933 n.a.n.a. NationalEconomicStatisticalSampling income methodsstatistics Indonesian, English SAMSUSUDARMOPARTONO, HA POERNO RTO S. H. MM n.a. SociologyPublicSocialManagement administration statistics Indonesian, English Indonesia 2 SUGITO,SUBRATA, Tow Made Arc NIM 19411938 n.a. . AgricultureData processing statistics Indonesian, English Research Project TUTUARIMA,MARTANSURASMO J. MM 19351938 n.a. TradeIndustrialPrice statistics statistics statistics Indonesian,Indonesian, English English AimDateTitleDirector of completion ToOctoberRASJNational collect I i967 D, data SampleAzwar on socio-economic Survey (NSS) characteristics(third round)' of population AreaPublications of research DemographicJavainBirth Indonesianand and Madura Death Characteristics and Statistics- English. of of Java Population and Madura, of Jaya CBS, and NSS, Madura, No. 5, Contains 19 tables of births, deaths and fertility results of 1967 (includingMay 1970, births, pp.CBS, deaths 1-64, NSS, 300and May copies,migration) 1969, published pp. 1-656, 300 NSS. "Labourbyofcopies, Population, 10religion, years in Force Indonesian andage by Statistics over,and age sex; andby education, of7.English.sex; Population,Java 3. Populationand age Madura, andby religion of CBS,10 and NSS, education October Contains main tables of: sex; 5. Population, by religion and maritalyears status; and over,6. Population, by marital status, age and sex; 4. Population I. Household, by number of1969, members; No. 2, 2.pp. 1-166, 300 copies, Curricula Language Indonesian;persons;in Indonesian 3. courses Unemployed and couldEnglish. also persons; be taught 4. Hours in English of work; 5. Population not in the labour Contains 13 tables about: 1. Population in the labour force; 2. Employed force. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement adjustment,DEMOGRAPHYB.St.Matriculation and M.St.etc. AND POPULATION STUDIES (compulsory),2 18 h; 2. Population growth, 8 h; 3. Geographical distribution of 86 h: 1. Data collection, evaluation population, 10 h; 4. Notes = Certain courses haveThetionPopulation first additional projections, ancl second laboratory characteristics, rounds 18 andh. were field taken work. 10an 1963/64 h; 5. Self-reproduction and 1964/65. of population, 14 h; 6. Migration, 8 h; 7. Popula- Name Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Economics RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 3 FirstPersonAddress year in charge'of research Official title SeniorSUDARSONO,Bulaksumur,1970 Lecturer Jogjakarta, Antonius Indonesia Guntur ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingSUDARSONO, A. Guntur Mlbts 1930 Economist Indonesian, English Research Project SUTRISNODJOKOAMINOTO M 19361937 Economist Indonesian, English AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ContinuingSUDARSONO,Knowledge,(a) to describe attitude Antoniusknowledge, and practice Guntur attitude of family and practice planning of family planning; (b) to provide data for devising effective Curricula Area of research home-visitingSpecial region. techniques of Jogjakarta for motivating women to accept family planning Courses1DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement DoctorandusHighCompulsory:Indonesian School, with testing Note 1 Demography development.4.is taughtPopulation as part of migration, economic development, 2 h. economic geography, problems of economic development and a seminar in economic 1. Population theory, 2 h; 2. Population composition, 2 h; 3. Population distribution, 2 h; l Name Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Economics, Bureau of Economic Research RESEARCH INSTITUTION Indonesia 4 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title IPA'Bulaksumur. .e,,,....11968 NDIREDJA, ers Jogjakarta, Atje andIndonesia MUBYARTO Professional staff MUBYARTOPARTADIREDJA, Atje M 19371935 Agricultural economist Indonesian, English Research Project TitleDateDirector of completion MUBYARTOEconomicFebruary survey 1970 and of PARTADIREDJA, Central Java and Jogjakarta Atje. AimPublicationsArea of research CentralToEconomic"Economic have Java a comprehensive Studies,and Survey Jogjakarta No. of Jogjakarta11, picture October of 1969" the1968; whole (MUBYARTOalso economy mimeographed, including & PARTADIREDJA), 200 population copies, in English. and family Bulletin On family planning: planning of Indonesian IUD.mimeographed,"Economicthe growing Surveyacceptance 200 ofcopies, Central of the in English. ideaJava" of (PARTADIREDJA), family planning, the lackBulletin of information of Indonesian on potential Economic acceptors. On family planning: the shortage of equipment; the high cost of Studies; also '74 Name Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Geography RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 5 AddressFirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title BINTAR,TOBarekProfessor1960 Utara, Sekip Utara, Jogjakarta, Indonesia ProfessionalFirst year of stallteaching M1958 1932 Demographer, Demographic analysis Balinese, English SOEDARSONOKASTOMANTRA, 1. B. MM 19381941 Demographer,Demographer statistician RegionalGeneral demography demography andpopulationand statistics geography - Javanese, English WALGITCDARJATI, S. M. FM 19411939 Demographer, social worker GeneralPopulation demography theories Javanese,Javanese, English Engiish Research projects TitleHANDONOMULJO PopulationM fertility distributions in Turi Parish, Sleman Division1938 (Central Java) Demographer., social worker Regional demography Javanese, English AimDateDirector of completion theFebruaryMANTRA,(a) fertility to study 1970 rates1.rates; B.the of (c)physical the to population study environment, the relationship socio-cultural between theenvironment physical and in thesocio-cultural parish of Turi; environment (h) to measure and PublicationArea of research Turithe"Population (v)location,thesisParish, 25-29 education; in ageSleman Indonesian climate; fertility group; (vi) Division (ii) distributionreligion.(h) with age some summary(Central at geographicalfirst in marriage; TuriJava) in Indonesian. Parish" an factors area(iii) (MURNIJATI), onduration which the slope influence of settlement;of MountJune the 1970, fertility Merapi (iv) pp. the of customs population. of the i.e.: society; Studies: (a) the fertility rates of the population in 1-160, Master doeree (i) TitleDirector A MANTRA,Prambananstudy on the I. knowledge, B. attitudes and practices of family planning of the rural people in the parish of Indonesia 5 PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion "SomeTheToApril study parish 1969 demographic the of knowledge, Prambanan review attitudes inin therelation special and to practices the area ideas of of Jogjakartaof family family planning planning (central of at Java) the ruralparish people of Prambanan, in the area Jogjakarta, onplanningdensityconditionswithin the the summary special part of (the population, andof area", lowthein the Indonesian. peopleeducational situation(SONTOSUDARMO, low themselves. income of level the people perof ). the capita); Alip),whichpeople, 3. July urge somelack 1970, family of conditions guidance pp. planning 1-154, andwhich Master's to counselling, be prevent practised degree the inadequate thesis(smallpractice in land Indonesian of attention familytenure, Findings: I. no adequate notion concerning family planning; 2. geographical 001.4 DateDirectorTitle of completion FebruaryBINTARTO,AreaSome (Centralgeographical 1969 R. Java) factors which influence the density of population in Sicilian Division. Jogjakarta Special PublicationArea of research "SomeinaccordingThe (ISTIJARIN,Indonesian. area geographical of to Sleman the Sri density factorsDivision. nDaru), of which population:January influence 1970, (a) the pp. Tjangkringan density 1-97, Master's of population Parish: degree (b) in thesis TempelSleman in Parish;DivisionIndonesian (c) (Central Godean with a Java)" summary Parish Studies some geographical factors which influence the density of population, whether positively Because of the large size of the universum, the research was done in samples TitleDirector MANTRA,Populationor negatively, I. composition i.e. land, location, at Plema geomorphology, han Parish (East transport. Java) in relation to the usage of manpower on farms B. PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion PlemahanToJune"Population discuss 1967 parish, the composition composition Krliri division, of the East population Java in relation to its activities on farms in Plemahan Parish in relation to farm" female.harvestsomesummary(SOEDARSONO months period. in Indonesian. characterized Kusnomihardjo), by underemployment, August 1967, and pp. some 1-214, by a Master's lack of work degree force, thesis especially in Indonesian di-ring with the a Every year the average surplus of work force Studies: population activities on the farm, depending on the variety of reasons. is 39.1 perthe cent usage male of and manpower 34.1 per centon the TitleDateDirector of completion AprilSUDIHARDJO,The trend 1965 of urbanization Basuki in Palembant! Municipality (South Sumatra) Indonesia 5 PublicationArea of research historicalStudiesMuhir),"GeographicalThe area someApril offactors; Palembang causes point transport. ofof Municipality urbanization:view towards andeconomic the its trends surroundings factors; of urbanization educational in Palembang Municipality" (SALMI. 1965, pp. 1-87, Master's degree thesis in Indonesian with factors: a summarysecurity. in psychological and Indonesian. Curricula LanguageExchange programme IndonesianusedAlthough to create at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could he CoursesDiplomaEntrance requirement densityGENERALDrs.I. High(Doctorandus and School DEMOGRAPHYpopulation diploma. Degree) distribution. 2. (compulsory).Entrance 4 h; selection 3. 50Optimum II: population and over population. 4 h; 4. Population Nlortality, life tables. cause of deaths. 6 h: 7. Migration (internal I. The scope and limits of demottraph.6 h: 2. Population composition. 4 h; 5. Fertility. 6 h; 6. , ofthesis,POPULATIONprobablemigration), population 6 h; future 6 problems. h; THEORIEStrends.8. 'Gross 4 411; h;reproduction (compulsory). late 30 and h: net reproduction rate. 4 It; 9. Natural increase :me ''s (b) Social and economic conditions in Malthuss time, 4 h; (d) Pessimistic10. Population census. 6 outlook. 4 h; 2. Some post-Malthusian tf I. Thepopulation doctrines of Malthus: h. (c) Malthus (a)other as pop;;Iati Mal. determinantsPOPULATION4REGIONAL(a) h; 2. Problems of DEMOGRAPHYpopulationGEOGRAPHY in finding numbers and (compulsory), (compulsory).handling and distributions. Naturaldata. 30 30 4h: theoriesh;h: 63. h; The 5. of Ae.rieultumlimpact population of economic growth. approach 6 factors. It;to (hthe ) regionaliiatioaSome6 h: 4. social Cultural theories of poptilmi- I. TheI. substance and limits of popadionSoutheast geography, Asia, 10 11; 2. u, 20 11, h. ss7otes 2r DemographyCertain codrses is also hayc)f heing additionalpopulation, taught laboratoryto the Agrarian4 h; work 6. AcademyandPopulation field work.in Piglakart regions t. i.stte(laly and the larger world. 6 h. . et rrati t t rtes.; upl land RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge GeographicBHATTA,Rd Dr. Wahidin Institute J. N. 1 of/ 11, the Djakarta, Indonesian Indonesia Army Indonesia 6 ProfessionalFirst year staffof researchOfficial title 1960Research Officer DJOKOSUWITUSARINGHADI,BHATTA, Sukarno J. N. MM 1938194219461931 CartographerGeographer,CartographerGeographer, demographer demographer n.a.n.a. Indonesian,Indonesian,Hindi, English. English English Indonesian 0Z; Research Project DateDirectorTitle of completion JanuaryBHATTA,Fertility 1972 ofJ. theN. population of Djakarta PublicationsAreaAim of research aUrbanTo summary(BHATTA),"An see estimatethe growthin Indonesian. The of patternsthe Geographic fertility of the level Service, urban of the populationNo. population 16, 1966, of Indonesia ofpp. Djakarta 1-19, monograph, by the factors 1,000 of copies, polynomial in English function" with Djakarta's birth rate was found to be 45 per 1,000 for the 1961 period rateparticularlyofNo."A urban brief 20,of growth, August populationnote outside on the1970, the Java.population is growthpp. 1-58 of (incl,.dingof url,' the nurban population 27 areas maps of andof Indonesia Indonesia" charts), 1,000will (BHATTA) double copies, in in aboutThe English. Geographic 15 still small (15 per cent) The main causes are population pressure and political unrest. in Indonesia, but it is growing very rapidly at present, years. TheAt proportion the present Service, RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge SUHARSOP.National 0. Box Institute 310, Djl. of GondangdiaEconomic and Lama Social 39, Research. Djakarta, Population Indonesia Studies Center Indonesia 7 ProfessionalFirst year of staff researchSUHARSO M1968 1936 RAHARDJO,TAN,REDMANA, Mely G. Julfita Han R. FM 194019301929 AnthropologistSociologistDemographerDemographer. geographer n.a. Indonesian,Indonesian, EnglishEnglish, English, Dutch,Dutch German French, German +4IA Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion AugustSUHARSOSonic 1971 aspects and of urbanizationTAN, Me ly ina Djakarta TaleAreaAim of research A DjakartabehaviourTostudy study of University-trained metropolitanthe of migrantseffect of area.in-migration labour foi to Djakarta; cc in South Sulawesi educational characteristics; employment and reproductive AimDateDirector of completion JuneToSUHARSO 1969get the general picture of University graduates in South Sulawesi, their distribution, occupation, supply 4 1 Area of research Southand Sulawesineeds donesia.

...... , ' AddressName Djl.Sriwidjaja Bukit Besar,University, Palembang, Faculty Indonesia of Economics, Research Institute RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 8 FirstPerson year in Official titlechargeof teachingresearch Head,BACHTIAR,1969 Department Effendy of Demography Profecsional .stall BAKIR,BACHTIAR, St. Zainab Effendy MF 194019431937 Economist n.a.n.a. Indonesian,Indonesian, English English Research Project DirectorTitleDIPODISASTRO, Soemarno JUSUF,Demographic Sofjan survey Economist AreaAimDate of completionresearch CityPalembang,August planning 1969 South Sumatra, Indonesia Characteristics of Palembang Municipality) Publication sample).nftivities;ofIndonesianPenelitian (REDMANA,Palembang's (d) Penduduk with distribution amunicipalityHan summary KotaR.), of Fakultas Madynpopulation in byIndonesian. age Palembang Ekonomi, and(population sex; Universitas (Population(b) parameters Sriwidjaja, were calculated vol. from a 2 per cent population The book's main objectives are to ascertain: fertility and mortality; 1, March 1970, pp.(c) manpower and working (a) population 1-56, in Curricula LanguageDiplomaEntrance requirement Drs.2SMA,'Indonesian Notes Course 3 "Doctorandus-,Seko3.ECONOMIC equivalent Economic lah Nienengalt to an developmentNI.A.DEVELOPMENT, Atas degree. (equialent to theory Semor'141 72 40 h; h; optional, 4. Rural covering:development, 1. Ratios, 14 h. 10 h; 2. Population composition, 8 h; 1 &hoop. Name Universitas Brawidjaja, Economics Research Institution of Economics Faculty RESEARCH INSTITUTION Indonesia 9 AddressFirstPerson year in chargeof research Official title ResearchHA1970165 RSONO Madjen Director Harjono Street, Malang, East Java, Indonesia Professional staff HARSONO M 1939 Management n.a.1.a. Indonesian, English K.IPTHASTOETISUMADJI,SALEH, IJAH Mob. Alex FM 1940 StatisticianFinanceDemographer n.a. Indonesian, English SOEBANDIEFFENDI,DJUM ILAH Rustam MFM 193919441942 AccountantStatisticianMarketing n.a. Indonesian, English SJUKUR,MURJATIISHARUN M. MF 19401942 CooperationPlanning n.a.n.a. Indonesian, English E Elish ,lish Research P,oect TitleSJAFRADJI, Sala ProblemsM of demography in Kotamady a Malang (especially1942 fertility problems) Agriculture n.a. Indonesian, English Area.',imDateDirector of completionresearch Making,ToApril,SALEH, collect 1971 EastMohamad and Java. estimate data s RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 10 AddressNamePerson in charge ISKANDAR,SalembaUniversitas 4, Djakarta,Indonesia, N. Indonesia Falai ltas Ekonomi, Lembaga Demografi First year of teachingresearchOfficial title Director19641965 Professional staff ISKANDAR, N. M 1917 Economist Demographic analysis and seminar Indonesian, English, Dutch, German, French AZWINIMOERTININGSIH,NURDIN,GUNAWAN, Bahri Kartono Sri FMF 1944194319331931 EconomistEconomist Research method n.a. Indonesian, EnglishEnglish, Dutch SUHARTOSAMPURNO,TAN, Me ly. G. Dus MF 193019301935 n.a.n.a. MathematicsHumanSociology physiology and and reproduction Indonesian,Indonesian, English, EnglishEnglish, Dutch, Dutch German, French MAMAS,SUHA DI S. 1. MM 19291927 n.a. DemographicEconomics statistics Indonesian, EnglishEnglish, Dutch Tit te, The current fertility of Djakarta, 1970 techniques AimAreaDateDirector of completionresearch ToDjakartaDecemberISKANDAR, study the nietropolitan 1970fertility N. of Djakartaareas. Title Kegunaan Kartu Keluarga Sebagtu Stunt Infortnasi Penduduk (The utility of family cards as a source of Indonesia 10 AimDateDirector of completion ToNovemberOEMIYATI,population study an 1969 effective lam:nation) S. source of demographic information Dj. PublicationArea of research Novemberof"Kegunaan Djakartapopulation 1969,t Kartu inforr pp. Kcluarga Sebagai Sumber Informasi Penduduk" (The utility of family cards as a source Aropolitan Incas : at), Lembaga Demografi17, mimeographed, and Indonesian 400 Planned copies, inParenthood Indonesian. Association, vol. 1, DateDirectorTitle of completion AprilGUNAWAN,Knowledge, 1969 attitudes Kartono and practices of family planning in Djakarta, Indonesia 1968 t.n AreaAim of research "Knowledge,MetropolitanToIndonesia assess information attitudesDjakarta and on practice tie knowledge, , survey of attitudes Djakarta, andIndonesia, practices 1968" of Lembagafamily planning Demografi in uroanand Indonesian areas of TitleDirectorPublication GUNAWAN,Knowledge.Planned Parenthood attitudes tiartono Association,and practices pp. of 1-111,family planningdraft report, in Kabupaten 500 copies, Bekasi in English. 1967 AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion , KabupatenToMarch assess 1967 informationBekasi, West on Java knowledge, Province attitudes and practices of family planning in a rural area of Indonesia Publication copies.Lembaga"Hasil-Hasil(Research in Indonesian. Demografi Penelitian findings and regarding Pengetahuan Inuonesian knowledge. Planned attitude Parenthood and practice Association, of family vol. planning in the Bekasi region) Sikap-Praktek Keluarga Berentjana Di Kabupaten Bekaa , 1. pp. I -76, mimeographed, 400 1967" Curricula Language'Exchange programme' Indonesian;Althoughto create at onepresentthe courses there could is no also international be taught student in English exchange programme, fin-racial assistance could be used .1 Entrance requirement University graduate (members of Faculty of State Universities in Indonesia) Indonesia 10 Courses2Diploma SOCIOLOGY,DEMOGRAPHY,Compulsory:Certificate64 in Demography 16 80 h; h;ECONOMICS, DEMOGRAPHIC 16 h; TECHNIQUES,h; SEMINAR, RESEARCH 16 80 h. METHOD, h; MATHEMATICS 32 AND STATISTICS, h; HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION, 16 h; CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POPULATIONSophomoreSardjana Muda PROBLLAS, (B.A.) 60 h. DiplomaEntr_ ::.:,-.! requirement SardjanaGraduate (M.A.) cN--1 Course problems,tables,4SEMINAR h (World, 6 h; 4 6. ONAsia,h; Fertility, POPULATION South-east 10 h; 7.Asia, Migration, (optional), Indonesia); 2 60h; 8.3.h: DynamicPopulation population composition, growth, 4 h; 44. h; Mortality, 9. Stable 6population h; 5. Life 10. Population projection, 4 h; 1I. Interdependence of population growth and economic 1. What is demography, 2 h; 2. Population problems. , 1 development, 4 h; 12. Population theory and policy, 4 h; 13. Family planning study, 6 h. Notes 2 First taught inscientists:11 courses. (c) business administrators. 1')70: teaching in demography offered by the institution to: (a) physioans: (b) economists; (c) physiologists; (d) pohncal

1 st. University of.Indonesia, School of Public Health RESEARCH INSTITUTION Indonesia 11 NameFirstPersonAddress year in chargeof research Official title HeadSAMPOERNO,Djl.1969 Pegangsaan of Department DoesTimur of R. 16, Demography Djakarta, Indonesia and Family Planning 6 ResearchProfessional projects staff RIFKI,SAMPOERNO, Nitra Does R. FM 19351942 M.D. n.a. Indonesian, English AreaAimDateDirectorTitle of completionresearch ToTALOGO,FamilyCommunicationApril test variousplanning1972 R. Widodo communication communication in family and planning.SAMPOERNO, techniques study geared Does to R. motivate family planning acceptance DirectorTitleAil-;Date of completion programmeToAugustSAMPOERNO,Study identify characteristics 1970 the characteristics Does of R. indigenous of indigenous midwives midin Ketjamatan gives in order to Pendjaringan and Senen, Djakarta utilize them later in family planning PublicationAreaTitle of research POERNO"StudySocialEvaluation aspect Characteristics & TALOGO,of family ofplanning R. Indigenous Widodo), exhibit Midwives Dinas Kesehanan by Ketjamatan Kota, Djakarta,Pendjaringan pp. 1-20, and 750 Senen copies. Djakarta" (SAM- AimDirectorAreaDate of completionresearch SAMPOERNO,`CommunicationToAugust Evaluation evaluate 1969 theof Doesfamily effectivenessin family R. planning planning of exhibit" a family (SAMPOERNO planning exhibit & TALOGO. R. Widodo), The Indonesian Journal Publication arepresentedTheof family aboutPublic exhibition theplanning Health, exhibition;almost has exhibitionvol. 88been I,per about No.visited cent was 7, 23-31 ofApril veryby the a per 1970,poor;dailytotal; cent average75pp. disapproved per 8-17, cent of 1,000 788 averaged of persons. family 5 almost 62-82 per cent of Djakarta Fair visitors copies, in English with a summary in English. planning.min. The visits between 7.00-10.00 p.m. Information on the existence of did not know TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 12 PersonAddressName in charge BASRIUniversitasDjalan M. Lambung KustanLambung Mangkurat Mangkurat, 20, Faculty Bandjarmasin, of Economics Indonesia ProfessionalFirst year of staffteachingOfficial title Dean1967 MUCHRAN,MASRANI,RUSDI, Saleh Basri, Rasjid M. M.M 19411939 n.a.n.a. PopulationThe role of policyproblemspopulation and economic in development situations Indonesian, English oo Curricula EntranceLanguage requirement EntranceIndonesian test CoursesDiploma etc.ECONOMICDoctorandus in relation POLICYDEVEVWMENT to economic (optional), policy. (optional), including: including: population the problems, role of population 10 h, fertility, in development, mortality, labour 10 h. force, TEACHING INSTITUTION Indonesia 13 AddressNanwFirst year of teaching Mataram,Universitas1966 Lombok, Mataram, Indonesia Faculty of Economics Professional staff SAHIDU,PUTRA, N. A. K. M'M 19321933 n.a. GeovapLSociology Binia,Bali, English, English, Indonesian Indonesian Curricula LanguageExchange programme AlthoughIndonesian;used to atcreate present courses one there could is alsono international be taught in studentEnglish exchange programme, financial assistance could be u,--.1 CoursesDiplomaEntrance requirement TestingSOCIOLOGYGEOGRAPHYDrs. (Doctorandus) (optional) (optional) including including population ratios, 2 h.theory, 2 h. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge POOSTCHI,PahlaviNational University, Development I. Shi raz, IranDepartment' Iran 1 ProfessionalFirst year ofstallof teachingresearchOfficial title Chairman19651968 of National Development Department ADJAMI,POOSTCHI,PAYDARFAR,RAZEGEII, E I. N. Ali M Sanitation and Health. AgricultureSanitation and Health Persian,Persian, EnglishEnglish 00 DUNKLE,SALEHI,TAVAKOLI, M. B. M. MM Sociologist-statistician SociologyRural sociology statistics Persian,Persian, English 0 BHATTACHARYAHEMMASI,NASSABEH,AMMANOLLAHI, M. A. E. MM DemographerPopulation-geographer PopulationDevelopmentAnthropology and dynamic geography Persian,English EnglishEnglish Research projects DirectorTitle ADJAMIA Dam,"before at presentand after" under study construction of socio economic condition of sample of villages Demography under Darius the GreatBengali, English DirectorTitleAreaDate of 4f research completion D:..erentialContinuingIranian villages. fertility and soeo-economic status PublicationAreaDate of of research completion mimeographed,"DifferentialShirazPAYDARFAR1968 fertility in English.and and SARAM socio-economic status" (PAYDARFAR & SARAM), Pahlavi University, 1968, 1.1 r- Title ShesNiangi Iran 1 PublicationAreaDateDirector of completionresearch AnADJAMI,"Seshdangi"1968 Iranian E.village (ADJAMI), Pan! vi University, vol. 1, 1968, pp. 1-250, in Persian. TitleDateDirector of completion IranianADJAMI,1968Different village E. social classes in three Iranian villages Curricula AreaPublication of research "Differentwith a summary social classes in Persian. in three villages" ( ADJAMI), Pahlavi University, mimeographed, pp. 1-30, in Persian ....00 . Exchange programme Althoughused to atcreate present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be ; LangtineDiplomaEntrance requirement B.S.DiplomaEnglish (5 years)and Persian I1 Course theDEMOGRAPHY factors underlying (compulsory), them_ and their 6 h persocial week: and economic implications, including the analysis of mortality, A survey of demographic trends throughout the world, Mote. ote 2 The Department fertility,plans to establish migration, a population changes centre, in compositions, problems of prediction, and issues of policy. I1 1jl 1! 1 AddressName Statistical Center of Iran, Population Division RESEARCH INSTITUTION Iran 2 ProfessionalFirstPerson year in chargeof stallresearchOfficial title DirectorSOTOUDEH-ZAND,911965 Kooshk St., Ferdowsi Mahmood Ave., Teheran, Iran MAROUFI,TAMRAZIAN,SOTOUDEH-ZAND, Nasser Seza Mahmood MF 193819301931 DemographerDemographer n.a. Persian,Armenian, EnglishEnglish, English, French French, Persian SADAT-DARBANDI,MOINI,ZAMANI,MOMTAHENI, Reza Saifola DclafrouzSbolghasem MF 1940194319361935 SociologistDemographer n.a.n.a. Persian,Persian, t nglish English,FrenchEnglishFrench Research projects TitleTOUBA,ZONOOZI Jacqueline FEstimationM of birth and death rates and the level of fertility1937 1937from the indirect method Sociologist n.a. English,Persian, EnglishPersian AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch TotalquestionsToMayPopulation obtain 1971 country aboutbirth Division and andnumber death of rates children and factorsever born affecting and children fertility still differentials. living egions if possible. The method used is based on AreaAimDateDirectorTitle of of research completion TotalToMarchSOTOUDEH-ZAND, estimateDemographic cnantry. 1971 population sample growth Mahmood survey and socio-economic characteristics of population AreaAimDateDirectorTitle of of research completion TotalToMarchPopulationEstimation estimate country. 1971 iti-out Divisionof migration and net ratemigration based onrate census in administrative results divisions Name University of Isfahan, Department of Sociology and University of Isfahan Population Programme RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Iran 3 PersonAddressFirst inyear Official titlechargeof research AssistantVADII,Isfahan,1966 J. Professor Iran ProfessionalFirst year stag S'IAFAGFII, S. of teaching M1966' 1933 Human geographer Urban geography Persian, German, Turkish Research projects VADII,Mat", AHEDI, J. S. M 19231925 GeographerSociologist-demographer DemographyPopulation geography Persian, English,French, EnglishTurkish AimDateDirectorTitle of completion StudyDecemberTheSHAFAGHI, population of population 1911 ofS. 1sfahan2 characteristics in Isfahan, especially among the minorities TitlePublicationArea of research StudyACity report of of Isfahan wasphysical mimeographed. and psychological sequelae and side effects of tubal ligation AimAreaDateDirector of completionresearch IsfahanToJuneSARRAM, study 1971 and M.3 recognize possible harmful side effects of tubal ligation on women who have had children Publication po3:AminGIANPOUR,"Studyup partumlater Maternity of inthirty patients;a .M.),study Hospital cases mimeographed, of(b) possibllof women were tubal subjected physical seekingligation pp. contraceptiveto1-6, andin tubal Amin psychologicalin Persian ligation. Matcrnity advice and side riglish.in Hospital", theZffects. clinic. (SARRAM, M., AZIMI, A. & Two categories of patients were selected: (a) Thirty cases of women referring to These patients will be followed t 1 r'r it 4,,''O'Y'''',,*'"',(,,,!,c , , 1 , , 1 , ,,' , , , I , Iran 3 Curricula 'Diploma,CourseEntrance requirement ,,DottOrata,,iMatriculationAPPLIED SOCIOLOGY, '16+ h a, week Notes Pcmo'graOhyofDEMOGRAPHY, Isfahan and Iran. 2, was first, taught, in, the,Deparunent of Human Geography anthsinceL I 9664 it has been+taught by the Department of Sociology. per ,Week: ratios, 'population 'l thadry,,,MOvement of population, demographic problems I. 3'Director,Of,2 Additional the studies, 'Celitcr,mines arcf forin isfahan.1undertaken PopulatiiinStudies. by the 'Departtnent, of Human i Geograpliyi.suCh as review of educational facilities in the city of Isfahan, study of Ft00 4 3. Name 'University, of Tcticram,,,F6culty of Eeonomies TEACHING "INSTiTUTON., Iran 4 Person,AddressFirst year in ofcharge teachingOfficial, title '1966iDEAN Enic' ,14/.1322; iteherani,'IranMankhehr, CurrkulaProfessional staff PAKDAMAN, Nasser '1933" POPulatiO11.stuclic's Persian French, English' LanguageExchange: programme AlthOtigh;,thei'ISCati;presentr:;.!*li,e6jai:,COurSeS1^.'cOUld,lalSO,11;,:e,ItaUghti.kpi00', exChangei,Pr,OgraMme;.!fIrianCiall,assiStance could be used to create one . .. . 1

i-iign,i'sdnaoil 0,i'prioilliiftuaIlienlatiO0 'and', entrance i''eXamiiiii,tiOn, 1 1 1 1 Entrance reqUirement 1 00 COurses.Dip linna ''DEMOGR'APHY,,r ?S'ethOdology, .'.tr..h i, ..h'r'ikaaniPuliark),1',c6V,Ciing enlOgriip,, let. sourcespT, i'dengifs'osatiipliiig;, CiVW , .r. tilitnrlia'irc 1.6eliVc concepts population, .,registration.).,, in demOnraphic 'analysis; 2 h; '6.. h;, 4. Demographic 2. structure ,oge,;,,,0*,, 14i i*J00,,(64100144,: :1104 'opl thajiiic:4,C,r,PeOlil6lis,tinill:i i.,-;ifli Demographic,t.riOge,i.OtOs;2,1)';'7/. models,, .2 li. 'Migration; 2,.h; a.'POpulation, statistics,.1-employed; population); .8', ,h; 6'. lt. Tittiance, requirement 'ECONOMICSCICIAL.',ECONOMICSqCOMPUrioilY4,;iiiielii" ."G,E0011'AP,, '(EeononiieS,)" ciiiiop`cC (coill'OpIsqr.04: qi001"iii'fig:-,06P1,14tibii. CMOgrafkiiie,,exPloSidif,,, ,geography; 4' ,h. ,4 h. M.A. , Coursepiplonia leydutiroii..6ndi:j#OjeCtiOn)ECONOMICSY0E"TPOEIJ Y4k*ti;10;, 'ilL 1. '[EOon'olpiel' 'ficii5i-..iihdi:Iftiograpiiic;;,prOblenis,. &01,1,':ciri4C01006',Ou'i.set,00NfOrs: h; 4., .Populat kin- explbsiOn T. Active' poputation;., 2 h; 2. Manpower' .. Note iiconrici,andkeeenOiniO4iOvAik giyeil, P9,p,0#tpp4p,opo4Tin they Dcnirtnien(of4SoCiail,E6nOritics. gll,fi 13en'riO'grap ;10)v aelorS:',in;ecoilioi,probreillsi,6,11;,`6.,11.1emOgraphie.'.models1 arict, 0011-0,, 1'14., I y HIT L, q4,111'rv', ,1,.141r , , rtr,0.0.e.r.0.+1,..-0rro' rrro,1,,, . RESEARClIt'AND711EACHINGANSTITUTIONt: Iran 5 PersonAddressName in charge Official title Teheran',Head'AMANL,Department of Iran Department,, M- of Demography,, 'Lecturer University, of Teheran,,, Social; ,Studies and Research, Institute ProfessionalFirst year staffof research,AMANI, M. 1961, ;19301 ,beatograiitiet P6019.011,014001yO§'?., Persian, French, English SADRI',,ARASTEKHANI;ZANJANI, V. H. D. M. NitM :193: Assistant11's§istP,OLLO0100:a0107Assistant dmographer 10010#4014' "ai?iihe4Ont=ic!en104raPhy 441`,, Persian,Persian; FrenchFrench, English 0011 Research projects DirectorTitle :MortalityAMANI, in :rural !K., areas 'dr !Iran, PublicationAreaAimDate of ofresearch! completion 'StudY,,,,ofSaniple!:"Of,":TOI,COnstrtiCt!,''liieta§10:!!!Of:,villageSt1971 Mortality; villages! in :rtrial!,.tiretiSI',6 f!' 'I ranl,'''' '(Deparinienti,'ot:Demograpliy,,'SSRI, Title' pr,eFcLot:in !!PerSian-WithL4 ,.eclut6ticilii ,ohiiiloy,,io? on i"e0i1iij'r 0 and ilitiO, mil :Planning', .' UniVersity of Teheran), Area,AimDateDirector of of :research, "completiOn! '!0094t0h3gY,,'Entire,Completed101,41`4,H4,' ipopttlationp!OCilfan:, '(in'',1'?fe)' lifillial TOpufaiioni:otilran, AiniDirectorDateTitle of completion POPnia0§ni3Oinaliok'#0014r01001:40)ht'!',1.AoMilAliiiItell,,Atia6,sier''',1,9$6:: prid51966',:emistiSeSoin,lft* : , mort,rk,r6,,t' S b .10 g. LIR r A1,4-,1-6,4 wit ,,,,,-1,,,,,,r.,71.PRI11RxRA'in?""',Al, 1/44' 441. !IRA AIN, 0, , r rot ,1 .-tr , 1' , 1 , 4 " ="1 Iran 5 PubliéatiönsArea of research jEtItirel:ROpulationpiOf:1,,Iran,EachtdireetedP6-Y/:AMatniYii,;DePartineliim,OVI'DeiiiiigraPhY,';t'S)210VniV.eiisiiy:6f,Twenty' 60Pagei ;(layerage),b10014;;*-ReSialtSyriptheaOhjp:arati',6.;titiai:SISotiPttie.:' tefici-afi; 1,970 , describes and analYSeSt curren(POPiiiationqUeitiOns-. 111 of Iran. '1,956 ind 1966 densilsoS,- and 1,971`, in: Persian. AimDateDirectorTitle cf :completion, CHASTELAND,,To+:deriVe',effeetiVe;'1967Fertility' (legitimate), age=sPecific,` fertility and 'AMANIs 'N11, 'areaS, of ':Iraiir::and- MI Teheran; Publications, ",Study, , , rate, : :various, indices ,Of current fertility, and attitude to 1Iran1'34gq,,,0;,i*.",60"iP''(TciOari;:iititilicati00,.:,,in,,:pycij:af4ii6,0):Withi4,,SiiMniarytDeinOgraPIiieFiesearch E eriStics,,,I, of yili'agos;',itiftiUt.,,,olpruiOty;rtit6SP000er.'400449:,,,o,tipti4.14y, Sectton Of' the ,:fertilityk and sçnie demorraphi. eharacter!StieS.,,Of Married:Social women: tudiestandifLeSeni'Clit,inStitnte; 'University characteristics, opinions and knowledgein, English l ivi6EZI,, A. l'ez PUECH', : of Teheran, 1968;in four 316 ruralSocio-i!conomic regions 'of charac- Teheran,,:atOY,heipUblii3OiedhiMg.fip:oiipoptilatiOnitiatters"Studyy '0Eleitiljty:A.00iattitUde-l& the f elieiOrir , 4AN,1, AMINEZADEH,, F:, CHASTELAND InStitute;,'pr;iversity, of of villages, 'Denipgraphfc"The'',matters; pOputatioryOf 4i'es'earch''C'etiOn',KAP. ,'Iraill,,,,r000)iF,04,19564986l"i( l'121,`,',11thihterSitiji, rititehe`rhrio, inOriality::;retiOSPeCtiVe*fertility, ,,,AN4,,'C-HASTELANp,;, .1: C,3f!z- PO ECH:, 0.). '1966;,',iiitIF.ieneW. 31Z, 'pages:, kflOwledgeJ on population "ProlectiOirOtih;" ' '1 p,9p91,60661,, of teii01iP ?(A,1S4AN: iti'Mr.:*,:dEikStELAINip;.1.'Oji,Deiiiographie , , , , , , 'Research Exchange programme #inanCialt4isiStaifeep,COilitiflbe,,uSedl,tOtoSection, '09,1, S§kt, ,TIIIiNeriit so iiP,:;a1Stilden*,o'cii.49g& ,' of Teheran, 1966, , : French ,- , , 'S'Lgi pages .; prograinnte' ,P 0' et' :The population' of Teheran ' I Language Persian';: coniseScOuldalSo'lbe:giye'rt:in'r,:EngliSh':, ':OitiiPiiiSOr:jq,Ootitse*gi'yen, ' '',1' . " . at the SOci4'SCienee Departments i Entrance: requirement CertificateHuManities',1iFaCiiity of 069144y,' 000000111 ,, ' CourseDiploma 0"1-i'4.136,'deiferaVii,e4ograptir!,,3,1:4,,,,,poo**;Met,40,416.if,0000'1,01i,idB.A. i',4'0,6,1 1 Analysis, , 111,04,w,Oek;, applied demography,, , '..44..VOAS.Riog&N.4:4,41,.*$4417.4*R4.4,} ..0.4t. ,111.1 ROI ;1.1 41.-V 41 toO tvtl ¼1' ¼ .:;1/41.:1/40I I U,,1RyIht ....TV..., :ON ' r I i

CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement Methods of demographic tan4iySiS,,'2' lit per ,,week;, CoMPalSOry, ''courses given, at the Public Health, 11,1, L+ ,. I 411, Faculty: COurseDiplomaEntrance requirement SciencepeneraltB.A. Faculty,' demography, hltPer,Weekt niethodstt demographic, analysis; optional courses g ven,, at the tPolitical, DiploinaEntrance requirement ,GenerapSecondary deMogeaPhY,, educatibn`,certifiCatet Note Course 1' More cOmpiejtensive ihstructiOn, is ,itlOitie0froin,Per week: IL

, 431,X=,444FMCd;:ede4ilxi-.WArr., kr4.,,isrwrorw4r-r, rai :MomAdresse ORGANISME DE RECHERCHE ET D'ENSEIGNEMENT ntVerSite 04itc44,0piidosl,w,cre,Reclierch0.ScieiMeS) Iran 5 Nom du directeur Titre officiel Teheran,DirecteurAMANI, Tran M.de Departement,, Professeur Associe rl ChercheursDebut de la etrecherche enseignantsAMANI, M. (armee) 1961 M 1930 Demographe' Analyse ,demographique, Persan, Francais, Anglais SADRI,ARASTEKHANI,ZANJANI, V. H.D. M. M 193919381939 Assistant'AssistantAssistant deinographedemographe deinographe applicatkins denon,non:aPpliCablenon:apPliCable la' demographicapplicable Persan, FrancaisFrancais, Anglais ,000 Projet de recherche TitreDateDirecteur d'achevement AMANI,La mortalite1972 M. dans, les regiOns rurates de Man: ObjectifsPublicationDomaine Departeinerit"EtudeConstruction::EehantillOn de la: de:mOrtalite, de:de 'Demographic; :tablesvillages, 'dedans: mortalit:,des lesHERS;, regions :UniverSite: 'villages, rurales, de de Plratir Teheran' Titre Effetcmlivre Persan, de ]'education resume: eir Sur Anglais. lah fecondite: et le: family planning; ObjectifsDomaineDateDirecteur d'achevement Teheran'1972:AMANI;Etude, andde'Mi. feCondite: Isfahan: differentielle- entre: feinMes,,lettre4 et ,illettrees' Titre , . LP:U.0 deOi0' 0,401,iiq;010i,M,0,0,i400i0.(044"4,154fita4:01100TOP Iran 5 ObjectifsDateDirecteur d:acKvement- 'AMA111;,'Gerontologie.Acheve M. (sotis7presse) de ,11apopulation- iraniene , 'DomaineDirecteurTitre AMANI;Analyse,Population 11v1. des recenseMentsridetotale de 17Iran., 1956 ,eU de 1966, de VIran DomaineObjectifsDate crachevement PopulationsSitnation,Acheye eir totalei.de 'eVolUtiotivdemographique iTlran de I'Iran , Publication. $ 20 Departenient,Sonslivres; lal'directiOn,,cle, de r1601, de,demographie;IF.E.R.S.,,"UniVersitet pages, .Anian4k"moyennel. M., de" Teheran Resultats, de Vanalyse comparative des recensements 1965-1966 TitreDirecteur CHASTELANp;,,..kFiconditerQuestionsPnblies, deniOgraphiquesien, desrJeinMes,,niariees.,danS 1970,', et laCtuelleS cl'e 19.7i11; 'envpersan: AMANI, ,M: ta, PoPUlation, de' Than. regiOns, ruiales, de- 171rau et a. Teheran, PublicationsObjectifsDate crachevement *titder,surrIalifeCCUidit4et','qtielititie&.Oltenirl'attitUder1967' des taux ,de: ,feeOndito' ,effeCtier caraCteriSitiqUeSN:deintigraph1ques, r(legitiMe)) par. groupe d'Age, different& indices, de fecondite des .femmes, mariees. dans quatre 7ones et livre,SeCtiOnATind.CS;beiii:OgraPhiqiiesiOhiStitut,CHASTELAND,rtirales',,, 01140' citinde&e(deReCherehes,pp. Sociales, , Universite de Mr';r AMINkiAbEW r#t 'KHAZANE1-1, rki.; MOEZI, ,,"(PreParatiOnditme ,publication en Persan); resume en Anglais; A.; ,PUECH,Teheran, 1968, "Etude,de'tarkterist 1a,'nuptialite;t,bPiniOfis.'etr.,,`COnnaiSSanees,denriOiraPhique:S;7' I de, *Orlia; 'feeotidite' , et attitude Teheran'' fecondite retrospective, ,caraeteristiques de,ikMA141,,,Section la, InUptiaffie;;,,,oPiiiiOn&', d?EtudeSrpc:#160001i4,04;,!0040i!:,ap004,,et,,-49. et Connai&Sanee& ,deniOgraP1UqifeS;;''cAtP. ,,AMiNHEZAbEIL1; c-i-;..'1(HAZANEH,41fantile;','fecondite; H. Tetrospective, caracteriStiques Soci'ales; Univcrsite' de Teheran,

41 , Iran 5 Publications, *.a,,fSituatiom,demograPhiqUetPublieSection. .ens d!EtuileS', 1966, ileinOgraphiqUes,',,LEK.S1,,,'Universite de llraiv en 1956 de' Teheran0,,ulatintn,; Illtan;,'.1PF. 'Francais,, pp. 31',2' 'SectiOryProjectionPutilieAMANE; en dttudesciennigraPhiiquesi;"..K.s:, 1966,M.; de,de 1a4PoPtilatiOn 'CHASTELAND,'la 'brochure, PopulatiOn eril'Frattgais,,,p0. de de Teheran, Telierarijitsqii1901f; ',ilnii7eisite de Teheran Programme d'enseignementiLangueProgramme d'echanges, CoursUttePermit, aSSiStaneei'finandereipottrraif'.'etre; obligatoireS',,,,dOnn4 les, courspotirraient ati!.:Departement 'affssilletre utilfsee.Pottr-,donfteir,enoAnO'afs deS'',SeienceSkSociales,,'Faculte 'ereer',un.,programme ides d'echanges Lettres et d'etudiants !flees, Humaines. Titres requis Diplome eettides,' secOndairesi- , , c, MatieresDiplome .D8,00012APME'B.A. ,GENO1ZALE,',, 3 h.. par sentaine ,. 01, 0, . ilpplome: itrcs requis . M.A.B.A.APPLICATIONM&HODE,S '''DN:MitSt.);;DP:40,ORAPH'#)140;, ''*11: par 'sentaine IDEMOd*APFHOPO'.',Y111.,'Par kinailic DiplomeTitresMatieres requis M.A.'B.A.Cours,MI THODES'obligatoires,,, ,DTANSE, dotifieS; k 1::,la 1FaCulte 'de .1a,,,ante Publique : MC(00.A0010lik;, 4: ,h :-. Par ,semaine TitresMaffei-es requis 'DiplOme,Cours,'facultatifs;,m&ficip0$,,,D'IiAtLY$OLO:t.MOORAPOI041,DEMOPIt0HIE'otisfit'ALE,",,,2 d7etudeS, seconclaireS, dOnnes; il,',1a.'FaCulte", h. cie'spar semaine ciciiCCs,Pcilitiitues:' Note MatieresDiplome lull, '158140GRAPHIE,,,GONORAII:E,,B.A. enscignctilent, 2' h. pluscomplet, eit pr01.1,:tpartir de 1971. par .semainc .

44- RESEARCH AND' TEAC111110 !INSTITUTION' Health ,Research Iran 6 ti PersonAddressName in charge Official, title DeanFAGHIH,P.University 0: Box of the 1310; M.of School Teheran, A. Teheran,, and SchOol Director Iran of Publicof the InstituteHealth and' Institute of Public ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingresearch 19661964 MOFIDI,JALALI, Gh.Ch. M 1921, , EcologistSociologist,'Ecologist 'SOciolOgyflunian,Human] e*.cology',. and' "ecology, 'population and, populationdynamicsdynamics Persian,Persian, English, English FrenchFrench. German 0Isa LESHGANI,PEYMAN, H. M. M pbstetrician-, gynecologist ''Phy'siology of trip}eductivc biology n.a. Persian,Persian, English English NAVIDI-KASMAI,AZARI, S. B. F Obstetriei'anMtn 0600!Ogist n.a°.n.a. Persian,.'ersian, English MAJD,NEHAPETIAN,FAGHIH,MOHSEN1, A. M. M. A. V. MF 1920': .. StatiSticianrEPideMiolOgistSociologistsMCH , StatiSties, and- research, 'methods n.a.n.a. Persian, EnglishEnglish;French French Research projects TitleAMANI, M. StudyM on the determination, of the contraceptive efficacy of three1930 orally... ,DeMographer 'Demography Persian,active English, progestational French substances AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch Teheran.Ev*ation'LateNA REY 1972' the"'aboYe-mc'ntiOn )staneeS1:1114,,;,aie, eXPeetedl, to, have a lacteal, supplementation, effect S Iran 6 AreaDateDirector of ofresearch completion 113irthilcOntrolhIllOrinOtieSiand14their.,.relittiOn,'HEDAYAT.Teheran.Mid-1972 !tp0,11000101iiie,,,antt iron, capacity AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToLESHGAN1,TheMid study incidence -1972 the above-mentioned M. of Thrombosis in complications pill-users among, pill-users TitleAreaDirector of research StudyTeheran.PEYMAN,women's of the fertility dynamics of interrelationships between' socio- economic status and fertility and follow-ap of AimAreaDate of researchcompletion ToRural'two,Mid-1972 assess, years); communities changes etc. that (various have takenareas). place in fertility rates, family size, attitude towards family plannine (after TitleDateDirector of completion Mid-1972LESHGAN1,KAP study among M. the medical profession, towards poi lation and family planning TitleAreaAint of research ToStudyMedical find out of profession thethe dynatiticrandl!mterrelationships.between,famtly,stze medical in,Teheran. profession's attitude towards family planningi and family health, in different cultural groups AimDateDirector of completion JALALI.VariousEarly 1972 'NAV1131-KASMAI; eroups in Teheran. B., NEHAPET1AN; V. 1 AimTitleDateDirector of completion -To 'findJuneA, LESHGANLKAP out 1971 studyteachers"' aniong M. attitude schOOl towards teachers family planning

U1,4 Irrn Iran 6 4 TitleDirectorPublicationArea of research JALALI,ImmediateUnderPrimary preparation. LESHGANI, school post pitman teachers M. insertion of the MagzItun IUCD PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion UnderToTeheran.June study press. 1971 the acceptability, effectiveness and complications of the Magi= IUCD AimDateDirectorTitle of ccuipletion MayPEYMANHealth 1971 effect and of .theurbanization World Health Organization (WHO) TitlePublicationArea of research StudyTwelveTeheran.Rural of papersmigrants the relationship under and press.their between adaptation socio-cconomic t experience status of households and fertility fates and behaviour PublicationAreaDateDirector of of research zonsp!ction UnderFiveMayPEYMAN, preparation.197villages H. in and Fars EFTEKHAR (South Iran) AreaTitleDateDirector of of research completion Teheran.JALALI,MarchAcccptation 1971 Gh., ofand family AZARI, planning S. and its relation to age, parity and income (1,500 cases) DirectorTitle , Major,JALALL, Religious GIL, andand FamilyPEYMAN, Planning' H. "at PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion "ReligionsToJuneReligions study 1970 the ,antl*Fainily prevalent, attitude of in 'Planning",,religions lira* !towards ./PHi?. iiithhciitipit 1Vo: 1.3"8; 1970, in Persian. , family ,planning - 14 I 1' Aat Title An evaluation of the follow-up method in a fainily' planning research programme Iran 6, AreaAimDateDirect ofOr completionresearch ToJuneJALALIWomenmethods, evaluate 1970 referring by the socio follow-up to- economic clinics method for status contraceptive in advice fainily planning and to find out the differential use of contraceptive DirectorTitlePublication JALALIScience"AnStudy evaluation Publicationander ,a1 statistical] of follow-up No analysis 1765. method of abortion in a family in Farah' planningMaternity, research programme"Hospital (JALALI et al), IPHR A:mPublidationAreaDate of completionresearch Teheran.ToApril14."Study study 197017501 andthe (1970). problem.statistical in ofPersian.analysis abortion of abortionin Iran, its in Fp,rah Maternity Hospital" (JA.ALI et al), 1PHR socio-economic and hygienic importance 'and impact Publication Curricula EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme WithDoctorPersian; Afghanistan of courses Medical in ,Sciences English' are 'planned for the near future CourseDiploma hiP.KbiOstatistics;,2BIOSTATISTICS Eval=fiOn (compulsory),,', and ,research 6 mettio4 per Week, lectures and 4 h per week laboratory; Advanced 'biostatistics and biometrics; 4. Sampling. 1 1. Advanced FAMILYMAIN'1 COURSE PLANN100,(copipuloiy),3 ,(cOn!P9913'),,-11, per week; 4 3. It:per 'Deinographyl: 2 hPerlweek., Week, l 11,"Por Wreelti; 4t:."Iiiiiiiiiii*octitis; 'ECONOMIC 'Col.OrrioNs IN FAMILY PLANNING AND health nutrition, h per week. h per week; 2. Sociology, SOCIAL,ADMINISTRATION'COMMUNICATION'PERSONNELANALYTICALPOPULATION PSYCHOLOGICAL 'TRAIN:NG PROGRAMMES DEMOGRAPHY ,11.4, IN 'METHODS,FAMILY AND (OptiOnall,2 (optional).' ,i'LANN;T:101,(Cdpiptiisory.),2 ,PLANNINg (oP1ionaW' '2,2 11t'',pce' 'h,,,per, lOPtionalj',2''l,"11,,per,' 1 week, h per week (and fieldh, per work). Week. lutes 'Gtioc givcp,PHYSIOLOGY inand 11* 2 i)cpattiiiC04194'!:!0tic. h per week OF laboratory. IIREORObucrioN AIipi,:pioLopitA ili,1)0)ar,O.i,enik 41- iiitOot.,0!;,4;,: p,;(411,4M;;*,4', CONTROL (compulsory),2' I h per week '111,,} Name Akita, University, Faculty of Education, Department of Geography? FirstPersonAddress year in of charge research Official title ProfessorTegataKUDO,1956 Fukada, K. Akita-Shi,,Akita-ken, Japan Professional staff MIYAZAKI, Reijiro M 1929, Geographer' n.a. Japanese; English Research, projects TitleKUDO,HOJO, Hisashi Kichijiro Study,MNI orklachiro-gata '1917'1942' GeographerGeographer' Japanese,,Japanese, EnglishEnglish PublicationsAreaDateDirector of completionresearch Hachiro-gata,COntirmingWATANABE, ,area, Manziro, populationctrendsPopulatibtiJ Changes ink, itti this, flachiro-cata area Area! ,(IVIIYAM01),1;t ISilay, 1,9'65, in Japanese: , trends, of, IiipPulatibii1.0046, ,,POpulatfon,, distribUtion, structure, fertility and Over-all analysis. of Faculti'ofi''Liberal'',mortality:"Populations' changes Arts' inol-faChirb-gatatA', ands t40c0ion;, /i'liittyc'iltierSitY;,,',NOLAI;,'Marcit , Ahalyqg,:pf;tfertility,, decline" '(MIYAZAKI,),, Memoirs of the . 1967; ,pp. It-3Z,, in JapaneSe. DirectorTitle MIYAZAKIt,History"PopUlationk of Akitiu Reijiro 'changes, 'Prefecture ',of Akita ',Prefeetufe:1,960='1,965-;,1RelatiOliShip,lif decreasing 4:kitic,,e.-,e'OraPhiettP:AssOciatiOn; No. 6, March. '1971,, in 'fertility, and other social Japanese. AreaPublicationDate of of research completion ArtP,,,and"'#dneatiOn,,,"Population;AkitaMardi, 'Prefecture, 1966 ,change Prefeettire194=,169,40i"':,{',!MlyrAZAKI),,, Memoirs of the Faculty' of Liberal,' General, Note sulijcct,to.highlfertility;,lir'fore'lltstrends;populaticin area poPulatiOn1in Akita, VrCfccturc,sliows ,grOwth,'apd the way,, distributibn,Idensity) ,increase- ,and'''this is particularly noteworthy in, villagcs.whichwere ''gravity;. ,,total population, and its 4'478; in Japanese:

11,if'.14 RESEARCH ,INSTITUTION Japan 2 Nante' A19111ie'P910"lP4stOtr $ Pencil:AddressFirst yearin charge of researchOfiichil title 'DARLING;,Director,,1949' ,ABCC' ,George, 'Hire ;i4'S 1 01111'4 Professional staff TACHIKAWA,JABLON,ISHIMARU, S. T. K. NI'MMI 1926,19031[9,118, StatistieihnStatistician,Epidemiologist, ,n.a:,n.a. Japanese;English `Bnglish, Re3earch projects' WAKABAYASHI,KATO, H. T. forTheredemographyM\1 ABCC's, are twentieth' 'are the ,following::: anniversary (vol:, 22:: No , Itj, 19694(.,1977'1927 ontintiing' studies, ins differentEpideMiolOgistEpidemiologist' liekk ,whielit,cant,,be','regrouped as suggested in the special volume ii.a. Japanese; 'English, Bpglish,The studies more closely connected with TitleAimDate of completion 'Geneticgeneration,'oficebergTo,Continuing, ,study' studies, the', children, possible, 15tirtv 'genet 'after the bOMb; 11:16';i'Csityqukit it?ccothe,appar'en( in- later' generations., if lhere, were any, results, of the'rattiMie,,qiOnibi,,bnly,'a, Sinafil, part would' be apparent in the first effects, of the being' known that genetic ',effects are like, an DateTitlePublicationsArea of completionresearch, ContinuingManyAllMortality ,babies,'boriyint ,papers: ,studies' in' IEnglishs HiroShiniaL, and Japanese:and r,Nagastik andi,,,Iftir,PUrpose' of comparison; Kure. PublicationAreaAim of research orResults::Life elevation:, 11,4001w,frOnt,'Ithe,,ttyPeeentre,t1n41inicilioSe,4eXPO4,beYeitOiiSI,distitnee;expectancy,' a' study,tt of Mortality 'or the-,ConittlatiVel the ,rate, survivors LaMang,', of the the atomie'lbeMb',,fellOwiligieXpostire;, siti'81YOrS:, Influence 'especially of ini,thedose, age,years etc. 4950=1455. Nagasaki; nietc,,Pronouneed,in, ,a shortening' of life expectancy exposed within ThesewhoTheoffrom eleVittitim,ofwerestatistics,, are sttektfatal,'radiation4indUceif,,diseasek,,a0eitkoinlitqfidirpalignant'lietiplasnis older:,statistical 'excluding' mortality restilts',Obtained stichrdeaths,, "rate is to, ProbabiyAvill!!bc,,aVaikilifeinAhe 'date ,futiire: are, included: The ,clevat iMOS,,,,ntore` 'IMO:01* 1,NagaStilt filthan:, reitiarkiiblePlOOSe' c!, Stedy,]populatioa, of 100,000 menibers, and deaths exposed',' at ybung ages', than in 'those The results nn, 'Ir.enr'In 11' A 411,1 1'. I I , Title Adult health, studies 11ippn AimDate of completion exainillationTo,radiationContinuing search, are forof the,as,the folloWs:, exposed'late ,effects ulteratioati, survivors of a, singl(4 'allin the irosItiatta'andNagasitki:, whole7libOYilleidetiectifviliSetise,;' l'adiatiOn, alterations' from the inatomic' the nataral, bomb 'history,through, of Tlic- potential', delayed' effects of ionizing disease;careful Area of 'research Hiroshima,,whoandlong-rangedevelopment lateUndergo, , effect., ,Nagasakepidemiological; of' examination. physi6lOgieall i studies change; on and'acceleratilia,ofIging.these four items, the functional' ,nature' of the relation between dose It is also an, ,objective' ,ofi this itivestigatibli to help in the health managementThe .ultimate objectiveof those is to clarify, through TitDatePublications It of completion , COntinuingPopulation,Many papers. studios, AreaAim of research ,Hirosliima;,Toandpopulation' understand Nagasaki Nagasaki ,composedthe ,population of 'known ,ctimposition,:of survivors, the' by study, sex, ngc,samples.. mid exposure,alistance separately. The first attempt was made to for 'Hiroshima prepare a'. TitleDirectorPublications SAWADA,Fertility,Many ,papers,,study Flisaol, and ,FINCH', Stuart', C., Aim problems,,andextretnelycOmpleic,:,,Proble,ar..Toresulted detcraiiitel'vhetlicr it ,appears orin untilysiS',Ian*:intetlpi.etttiiiiiil,a, 1 thattemporary 'thel.' or not task or exposure, perlitaitent of Optaiiiing-CoMPleteHttild,ireliableniiitOrniation (,)f to rethicUon ioniiing ridiitionsmi Tthtility o theof ,the.,pop'ulation atomic bomb of Hiroshiina and 'InCOMPleteltifOraititiO104,1VOtihirOillavStOdy; of this at 'tunic' of 'exposure,,, extent of exposure, is, at risk is an importantindeed, buttype could 'formidable: be misleading, Nagasaki, The PublicationArea of research "FertilityHiroshimaoccurred,planned'ethnic and 'study, 'and studyamong, demographiC, 'Nagasaki Hiroshiimi 'might the exposed' ,provide clifiereneCs, l enOttgli, Present', infOrmationk 'farther,cOMPiietitiOils., to detcaliiic' whether and Nagasaki,, prcivisibitalt 'research', plan (SADAWA, Hisao. and FINCH, ,Despite '' the many limitations, a carefully or not major alterations in , fertility Notes 3 Current3 The ni research kStuart C.), AI3CC, Teeithibut,WPori, towArtll the in.iintettaneeitvC AllCCIare 1tintriiiine.,throogluextensiye-ln&IOng4ranye ;totilto$ etoncerning the,tocilical elfeet, of',:itinie bomb of tireirtois Prigoolk. 694,0, '142, iii [English, and Japanese. ulili'zation of :iota:: energy. radiation ton 1 44& 1'4 1 n , PI Whbrfl.k rid TWI 11 h4 rrrr ITN] 611': s'.7""9,' 1.0 11.1 rol r 11'4:01 L,11,E0")40,," RESEARCH AND TEACIHNdt Japan 3 Ir PersonAddressName in charge Official title ChibaPresidentKAZUYOSH1,1-33 University Yayoicho, Also Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken; Japan, Professional'First year staffof teachingMINAGAWA, M1969 1929' Sociologist Modern' society 0009,00001, Japanese, English I Research Project TitleSASAKI, Y.2 t, StudyM , of 'demographic history before Jiishin Koski iñ Japan1933 Economist Om. Japanese, English %0%,0 Curricula Director SASAKI, Y. EntranceLanguage requirement JapaneseMatriculation , II Diploma Bachelor Of Education, 1, y MODERN, SOCIETY, AND 'POPULATION JO) ;Ii'L 'TECHNICAL ;DEMOGRAPHY, 30 h., , , Notes Course 2' Faculty, Department of liclitc;ition. of Social' Seiences;',Faculty of fitonnities,ittfSocilh Ceit'ces. I , 1,1 . 1 1,! s r,

r 11" fl4 . ro;), r TEACHING INSTITUTION Japan 4 PersoaAddress,Name in Charge- OH9, Chu°,a-ehome,, BUCK, University, Kandh-Surugatfiti,Hirai* Faculty of Econemies, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, First, year of teachingOfficial title Assistant,1953, Professor Professional staff OHBUCHI,OKADA, M. H. M 1929 n,a.n.a. EconomicsHistory of , thoughts,o1 population on ;population ' Japanese,JaPanese, EnglishEnglish, French, Curricula EntranceLanguage requirement, JapaneseMatriculation o CourseDiploma interrelationship,ECONOMICSBachelor' OF between econotiiic groWth, and 'poPulation, Change,: 39., h. poplA.A.ctoN ropoolow , rscii 1,.,1q,;tpry of poptil'atiom theory, 29, h; 2. Analysis of I

P r r Name AESEARCHLANI) ACHINGANtlttiltiON JaPan 5 PersonAddress in charge Official title, ProfessorYOKOYAMA,No.Ehime 33, University, ,Bunkyo-cho; of Geography Shoichi College: 'Matsuyama-shi, of Law and Ehinie4en,. Literature, Japan, SOuili-East Asian Studies. c/o Geography Institute FirstFirst year year of ofresearch teaching 1 -1964 1965 Professional staff YOKOYAMA, Shoichi M 19281 Geographer MethOdS,, of demographicgeography analysis., 'population-of Southeast Asia+, Japanese, English, Chinese o Research Projects DirectorTitle YOKOYAMA,,Changes in the industrial' S., population in, southeast ,Asia' Aim,DateArea of ofcompletion research To,DecemberThailand,economic' study 49711population Malaysia:,development Singapore,migration, fndiniesiafront rural and areas .13iirniat to, ,urban' areas ,and, to analyse population pressure on TitlePublication The"PopUlation:Southeast industrialization 'A'sian, influence' Studies, of itt Hong tirbaniiation Centre; Kong, of South{ and indtitrializationg East, Asia' of ,Kyoto, ini,southeast University. Asian, countries" (YOKOYAMA). AreaAimDirectorDate of of research, completion ToAPrilYOKOYAMA,Hong analyse 1969' Kong, the ,population,'S.. chanees, caused) by inthistrialilationt and economic development Publication `Thepopulation industrialization-in= of i'llOntl Kting Hong and :Kong;" InittlYses,'Ithe (YOKOyAMA,),t,...April social! ,oicijieContiniic 1969; 'congitions, pp. 1i-390; during in, Japanese. the Second World War. , , Studies- the

iy 4 414 4 111 4. 9

1, 44,, 1,4,1 4 44' 444 44 Lr ',`1:t1-14L';,`41 JpOin,;;S. AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToJanuaryYOKOYAMA,,Population analyse, 1965,, pdpulation growth, S. and ,structure' its,,strUctUral. and ,changes: change: inof 'liOng1KcingWorking-population after the Second' World, War AreaPublications of research, ofPresent&'amUniversity,,,'voL"HongHong,. KongYKones, analySi&O(theizOpulationditcrease,,and*faCtOr&by,1961 4;,population, growth5and its stuctural",,changesr (.YOKOYAMA),, census and a-surveyScience Report,of the distribution of Ehiine '3; lannary.changes 1965;15P., 7036;, ,w9,0:41'000010Fonr-iitter the war... 'ShoWs, some of the, factors icoPies; in: Japanese' with a, summary, in English. 'Offers.ofIhe.,inflirence,,of populationiiierease,.'andiO4imiiortapi:.e an analysis of Eltiiner fOrlittitiStrialiOtiOn in,,fifong Kong. itiversity, ,Working rpopplailOw-lifi,giowth, 'Hbite,1Koruz, on'StUdieS,,popillationr ,sciciaP,dfianee after the iirowth;4,,,;peceiodr ,an'alYses, ,;9,6,;,,yfip.,11',1134205;.,im the factors. of population increase -Japanese' and with a' summary in English. +long, 'Kong?' YOKOYAMA),1950s Science and its influence,Report on the 0is) Curricula" andchangesindustrialization' economic ,irr',th&6.90uiatiOry',stracture. of the, area: and .cxplantsp,the significance of these factors and ,changes for social EntranceLanguageDiploma requirement JapaneseCertificate,B.A., (Literature): ini demograPhy ,and j)"opilitition geography I 10,,h.. Note Courses 1 The institutionOptionaj:Coiriptilsory:: ,offers Urban, and [HiStory of',deniography,.''sk iservice training course inddemography to goVernment, officers, urban planning, officers and civilians. :15' ,Ii., The during1institution smairtre bas vacation: 2 courses:week, 2. POP.01147.ZON duringi summer ,vacation. PROREEMS OP 1A0A11 AND ASIAN COUNTRIES (Publicopem schooling of tlic Institute), 1. rIDENIOURAPillq, ASPECTS1'OP'POEUEATION' IN JAPAN (1,tiblicoperschooling of the Institute), 3 weeks , oio I 7,11^;11., Name 'Fanikt 'Planning: 'Federatiimi of Japan,, RESEARCH- INSTITUTION, Japan 6 FirstAddressPerson year in Official titlechargeof research Secretary-Gcneratc/oKUNII, Hoken1962 Chojiro Kaikan, 2-1 Ichitzaya Sadohara-cho, Shinjuku4t, Tokyo, Japan Professional staff TACHT,KOYA,TERAO, Y.Minoru2 T. M 1890190G1909' Medical)DenographerEconomist Die& n.a,n.a. 'Japanese,japanes.e,Japanese, EnglishEnglish KOBAYASHI,KINOSHITA,MATSUMOTO,. S. T. S. 1VI'M 1909,19116196; MedicalMedicaMedical, 'DoctorDoctor Doctor ma.n.a. Japanese,Japanese, EnglishEnglishEnglish. MORIYAMA,KUBO,SHINOZAKI;MURAMATSU, H. Y. Nobuo M. M 1908'191419041923 MedicalAfithropoligist,Medical,Medicat Doctor Doctor ma.ma.n.a.n. a. Japanese,Japanese,Japanese;, English Research Projects DateDirectorTitle of completion DecemberKOBAYASHI,,Studies of 1968:..,the intra- T. uterine contraceptive rine, in Japan, TitlePublicationAim StudiesToHarmful1M.), study May of ,the-casCs Intra4Iterine effects1969;, ofpp.'of induced longContraceptire -term, abortion, users Ring- of theimiapanr1(1013AY OtahritiOnt.Japtin. ASHU, 11 -109; 1,000 copies hi. JaPaneSe, with a summary in EnttliSii. MATSUMOTO, KUBO & NAGANO, PublicationAimDateDirector of, completion HarmfulTolMayKOYA, investigate 1966- YoshioEffects any possible harmfu1 ,effects ,dite; to, artificiab termination of pregnancy oft Induced'' Abortion (mo4iyikmA,. MATSUMOTO, HAYASHI, M., SAWASAK!, S. Note 21 It is regrettedparticiphritsTheet that al), Federation', Dr. Taci*dileil froiii Gilombrioften, recc:94. organizec Planicoiintries. seminars or group training, courses ini'familY planning which arc sponsored1966; pp: by the1:91; Goernsnent of Japan for 1F 000 copies,, in Japanese' andi 4111111 I1,, 1,{1.11,0 I' I X NA,11,,,111. I ,1A A110 Name Fukushima Medicalt College; Departdent of 'Statistics, RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 7 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title ProfessorNANJO,5-751960 Sugitsuma-cho, Zenjiof Statistics Fukushima-shi, Japan, ResearchProfessional Project staff NANJO. Z. M. 1926 Statistician; n.a. Japanese, English AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToContinuingStudyNANJO, study on life Zcnji tables mathematically and to try to apply them to demography or public health PublicationsArea of research "Generationgenerationvol.'apan 32, and No. otherlife life 4,, table countriesJuly of 1966, persons pp. born,122-127, in in Japanese with, a summary in English. tables for Japan" (NANJO), Japanese Society of Race Hygiene,, Ed.: F. Yanattisawa. 1'895.. Constructs Japanese Abridged.S.by"A lijimat, prefecture,study on Listvol. deaths using,I955 from ,life for malignanttables,'catisc, 100.4961,or:dcath)t, neoplasms,, byJapan!''' ,prefeCiure;: including (N;NN10)'. ,neoplasms front, Fukushhna the followingof lyMphatic three and points: haematopoietic (a) tissues. 14; NO., 1!-2 1967; pp. 2144, rifi,.English. Investigates. deaths from .B18 (Internatibnal Journal of Medical. Science, Ed.: the probability caseof pp:(Male,"Comparativeeventually of 51-78, climinating1B118 1,930)" dyingin English.t stud},(NANJO frotnt'B1S; on as prefecture'& a KUSIJNOKI,cause of Iworking death. Jt.)r. life rukusltinUt tables, for JapaneseJournal, males,of Medical Science, the life; table for ,deaths. from B18; (c), extension of life expectation in 1930 and 1960, with 48 tables vol. 17. No. 3-4, Ir Address.Name '142;,'Takaokachb,Hakodate Univetsity, Department. of Commerce TEACHING INSTITUTION' Japan 8 ProfessionalFirstPerson year in chargeof stagteachingOfficial title PresidentNOMATA.1966 of 'Sadao University Curricula ExchangeISHI, Yoshikuni plogramme M 1932 Population, theory anddemographic analysis Japanese, English, German, Korean EntranceLanguage requirement Japanese;Matriculation,usedAlthough to createcourses at present one could' there also be taught in Korean is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be 06' 0 EntranceCoursesDiploma requirement MatriculationOPERATION,STATISTICS,B.A.ECONOMIC (Commerce) (Undergraduate) (compulsory) RESEARCHTHEORY (optional''), including: (optional) including: Demographic,including:, statistics, 6 h. Population 'theory. 3' Population mathematics, 6 h. CoursesDiploma AllCertificatecycled.a. compulsory:,' Malthus'Keynesian theory in Demography population in populatibtv ,population, ,theory, theory, 2 h; the8 8h; theoryh; b. 2. population! PoPulatiewtheory, of 'denitigrapitic of Marx co:Montle 201i:,and' Marxism, a. optimum development, 2 Ii; population c. neo-Malthusianism,4 h; theory, 2 h; b. 2 the h; POPULATION' THEORY, ,40 h. coycrs: I. History of population theory, 20 h: c. population theory ESTIMATESmathematics,growth,DEMOGRAPHICANALYS1S,,2041:andin developing econondestructure; 2 h; c. countries,4OF h.vital POPULATION, statistics, 4'h;2' Ii; d, f. the the 4 econothic,arialySis:OFh; economic'atuilySisl.pl'ICY d. the h: life table,,,4 population, labour force movement, population, 4 h; 2 e. h. population urbanization 1. DentograPhiestatisticsi. 1,6 h: a. census statistics,1'. 'Estithates2 h; b. population of population size, 4 h; 2. Estimates of population e: the theory of reproduction, 4 h; Z. Population, Note These3.POPULATION,increase, Econoinio courses 2 arch; planningalso3., 'POLICY,Estimates'°tiered andto students populatiom 10'h:of demographie,baie in,statigiess policy, operation 411: rciearch, coMPOSition; and econoniics. 4 h. 1. Theory of:fatitily,'planning, 3 h; 2. System of population policy, 3 h;

iii iu Our u0 ri,i0r0 0 Mo.0.4r0,1,07',[010V6,0,11,A,0 RESEARCH INSTITUTION, PersonAddressName in charge NOMATA,Hakodate142, 'Taktioka-Cho, University, Sadao ResearchHakodate-shi, Institute Hokkaido, of Hokkaido Japan Economic Development japaiL 9 ProfessionalFirst year of stallresearch Official title President1965 of University ISHIHARA,KOGA RI MA Masayoshi I. Kiyohiro Yoshikuni M 1936i1932 934 EconomistEconomist, demographer n.a. Japanese, English,English, GermanGerman, Korean Research Projects DateDirectorTitle of completion MarchISHI,Forecasting 1971 of population increase in Korea and structural change ofYoshikuni population AreaPublicationAim of research Japanlight"PopulationPopulationTo establish ECAFEon the growth populationincreaseAssociation),population, and inbasic trend projectionsKorea vol. composition in2, and Korea,No. forstructural 4, the April'and Republic estimates1969,, change, pp.of Korea, ofthe1-29, population" vital in 1960-1980 Japanese.rates for(ISM), a lone Chosa-Shiryo-Geppo term. (Th This article, firstly, throws The author tries DirectorTitle PopulationgrowthISHI;to forecast andYoshikuni increase the the basic process and compositibn. economic of the demographic development transition, in Korea in Korea in relation to the pattern of population AreaAimDate of researchcompletion PopulationtrendsToMarch study 1970of population Korea and economic perspectives interrelations in Korea in, relation to. economic development, through an analysis of the population Publications "ModelconstructsWorldandvol. III,for life War, March1942 tables models abridged and 1968, for estimates for Korea"pp. life the 159-180, tables Republic others for 750 for 1955-1,966of 1906-1910; copies,Korea on in andJapanese.the 191'1-191'5, 1961basis wereof the 1916-1920 constructed ten preceding and and 1921-1925; life published, tables. after and the this Second article (ISHI), Hakodate Daigaktt Ronkytt, (The Review of Hakodate University), Constructs abridged life tables for 1936-1940 Japan 9 Publications sex"PopulationaccordingmakeMarch ratio its at1970, own. birth, projectionsto the pp. is post-enumeration 207-232,applied and 750 calculations copies, survey in analysis. Japanese. are 'based on the census data of The component method, tinder specific ,assumptions of mortality. fertility. the Republic of Korea, 1960-1980' (ISM), Attempts to evaluate published projections and to Ilakodate Daigaku 12onkyu, vol. 11 December, 1960, adjusted migration and V. TitleDateDirector of completion MarchISHI,Estimates Yoshikuni 1969 of annual births in Korea, 1906-1944 PublicationsArcaAim of research "EstimatesKorean'To establish fertility of. population Korean Population projections for the Republic of Korea, 1960-1980 in Korea, 1906-1925" (ISFII), Ilakodate Daigaku Rongyu, vol. II, 1.4O of InDecemberthe 1925.this Yi calculation,Dynastyr 1966, periodpp. the 101-128, base to the population early600 copies, Japanese by in,sex coloniaLJapanese. and age, period, is that givenby the by method Korea's of firstreverse census survival of ratios. EStimates the population of Korea from the end 1 October collectedannualreporting"Estimates'11,000.1969, through,births, pp. for of 165490, the onannual administrative year.the basis, births750 copies,of in channelsthe Korea, census in Japanese. 1906since data -1944" and the (18141), life-table estimates. The large fluctuation, is inexplicable: In this article, such Unreliable vital, statistics arc corrected by the estimation of 1910; ,OflifcialThis may be largely dependent on the completenessshowed of annual birth rates vital Ilakodatestatistical Daigaku data Ronku, during vol.the Japanese regime, varying from 29 to 42 IV. March per

a ririrr rrr,ro r , 14 CIO 1' 0,4r, rri, nr..:3-,,,,r1rt,ortrrrr.,,,.. arr- r,nrr AddressName HiroshimaStatistics Section, University, Department 1-1, Senda-machi, of General Hiroshima-shi,Education Japan, 730 RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Japan 10 ProfessionalPersonFirst yearin stag Official titlechargeof research AOMORI.1949Professor Kazuo OKAMOTO,AOMORI, K. M. MM 19281908 Statistician Applied statistics, censusvital statistics analysis and n.a. Japanese.Japanese. English, German, French, English Russian, German Research Project TitleDirector AOMORI,OnHinoc the stability Uma) Kazuo of the sex ratio (significant variation owing to Japanese superstition on a calendar year, 000N.11 AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion SexResearchMarch ratio 1971 on the stability of the sex ratio and the effect of superstition Publications birthmonthof March"On1947-1965, for fromthe 1967,female). stability January thepp. 60-65,mean of 1965 the of300 tosex sex September copies, ratio" ratio =in(AOMORI). 104.9 Japanese, 1966 and which istandar&Statistics/Thewith corresponds a summary deviation Societyto in theJapanese. = "superstition0.68. of Economic calendar Statistics, year" No. (evil 17, Except for December 1965 and January 1966, significant variations of ratio cannot AccordingRatios to thearc statisticssurveyed each SurveysEconomic"Onbefoetal' detected. warning deaths. live-birth Statistics, of a markedratios from deficit October of live 1965 births to inMay January 1966; these1966" have(AOMORI), quickly Statistics/Therecovered to an Society ordinary of Live births of males observed to be remarkable in addition toNo. a sudden18, &larch increase 1968, pp.of artificial 51-57, 300 copies, in Japanese with a summary in Japanese: Curricula Language Japanesepowerlevel a mundin future. 106. Proposes aIn shift January of half 1966 a year the figurefor entrance was 98.95, to primary which willschool. give rise to a serious deficit in labour Note CourseEntrance requirement I APPLIEDEntrancePatt of a four-year examinationSTATISTICS course. (matriculation (compulsory), level) including:' 1. Life table, 2 h; 2. Census analysis, 6 h; 3. Ratios, 2 h. , Name Institute of Developing Economics KESEARCII, INSTITUTION' Imps. 11 AddressFirstPerson year in chargeof research Official title 42,PresidentOGURA; Ichigaya-Honmura-cho.1960 Takekazu Shinjukit-ku. Tokyo, Japan Professional staff YANIAMOTO,SAGAZA, Haruo Kazumi M 19411935 Statistician n.a.n.a. Japanese, English'English Research Projects KOBAYASHI,MINAMI, Ryozaburo= Kazumasat MM 18961919 Demographer n.a. Japanese, English AimDirectorTitleDate of completion AMarchMINAMI,Population demographic 1972 Ryozaburogrowth and and socio-economic economic development analysis ofin AsianAsian population.countries This project will cover most Asian PublicationArea of research duringIndonesia,PopulationAsiancountries countries the up GrowthperiodIndia, to 1972 Pakistan 1960-1970,and and Economic will and conclude1,000 Korea Development copies with, for an each over country,-all study in of Japanese. the region's population (MINAMI (Ed.) ), 7 volumes ,(by' country) have been published Peoples Republic of China, Philippines, Malaya-Singapore. AimTitleDateDirec.or of completion ToMarchKOBAYASHI,Evaluation evaluate 1971 census of Demographic Kazumasa and vit114,statistics Data of Asian Countries Notes Area of research 2 FromI From komazawa the InstituteAsian Unis4oity. of Population'Prohltms. countries. 4', :1! !!!!' 4'!' r'4r "4;;a!!, ,1( a ,, 1,a r valaakal,,,, aaaarlaunia I,n any, 1,a:raaaaa Name kansai Medical School, Department of Hygiene and ,Public Health RESEARCH? 'AND, *!'EAO-ili&, Japan 12 FirstPersonAddress year in Official titlechargeof research FumizonoProfessorIIBUCHI, -cho,Yasuo No.)60 I, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka-Fu, Japan Profesatonal staff IIBUCHI,HIGASH1DA, Yasuo Toshio- M 19311913 M.D. Hygiene and public health n.a. Japanese, English, German Research Project DirectorTitle H1GASHIDA,Socio-medical problemsToshio concerning the concentration of population into Japanese, English,, German, French an urban area AreaAimDate of of research completion OsakapopulationToContinuing" study the effects of socio-economic changes and public health services on the qualitative aspect of Publications "Analyticalfor(HIGASHIDA), the Twenty-fifth studiesstudies Report onon Genera recentrecent for trends Congresstrendsthe Twenty7-sixth of of growth, death,of the especially Japanese,inf GeneralhCOngress childhood, differencesSociety in Japan, of Racebyof especially, theprefecture" Hygiene, Japanese differences OctoberSociety 1960 (HIGASHIDA), Report of Race Hygiene, by prefecture" Curricula School,"AOctober socio-medical 1961. approach to population probleMs: in Japan" (HIGASHIDA),vol. 14, tNo. 3-4, December 1962 pp. ,852'7861, in English. Journal of Kansai' Medical CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement fp DEMOGRAPHYM.D.B.Sc.Japanese (Medical Sciences)(Optional). ,-^te:irr3"W1:7,?,",*1111r71'"4171,1,1'rotP'',,r,'7,' I ,:ACHING INSTITUTION, Japan 13 ti Addre.vNameProfessional stag 2-15-45Kei'o''UniVerSity1, Mita, Minato-ku; Tokyo, Japan Curricula HAYAMI,YASUKAWA, Akira Masaaki M 19291926 Economic-historianEconomic-ilemographer n.a.n.a. Japanese, a English Elnglish EntranceLanguage requirement B.A.Japanese (Economics), If N CourseCourseEntrance requirement M.A.POPULATIONDEMOGRAPHY (Economics) THEORY (optional), (optional), 50 h. SO CourseEntranceEntrance requirement requirement Ph.D.DEMOGRAPHYMatriculation (optional), 50 h. i. CourseDiploma ECONOMICM.A. HISTORY OF PRE-INDUSTRIAL JAPAN, including historical demography.

1,1 t 444*44',;. Kobe University, Faculty of Economics 'RESEARCH IINStITUTIONP Japan 14 NamePersonAddress in charge Official title YAO,Rokko,Dean; Jiro Kobe-shi, ,Faculty ofJapan Economics Professional stafi ISHIMITSU, Tohru M 1925 Economist, conservationisv n.a. Japanese, English, Chinese, German Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion ProductionMarchISHIMITSU, .1968 and Tohrureproduction PublicationsArea of research "Food,"Balancingmonograph,Population 'for India" growthfood500' (ISHIMITSU), copies,-supply and food within Japanese. supplypopulation Asian, Economic in Asiaa Research,dilenint of,' Series, high-density vol. society" 6, February 1968, pp. (ISHIMITSU), Asian 1-239, TitleDirector StudiesEconomic on poputation, Research growth,Series, vol. 7,, March, 1968, Op. .1-306, 500 copies, in Japanese. PublicationsAreaDate of researchcompletion July"EffectsPopulatIon ISHIrarsu,:rohri1966 of prefecturalgrowth, and population, conservation' decrease Of natural', upon, resources evenness of popUlation, distribution in Japan, 1920-1965" 0 Studies,"Some3,000,(ISHIMITSU), copies, changes Faculty. in, Japanese. Jourqui"inof populationEconomics, of Economies distribution, Kobe' University,,vOl, and in 13a.:Iness,Admimstration, Japan,, '1920,13i 'July -1965" 1966, (ISHIMITSU), pp. volt 197-231, OW, No. The 600 5, Annalscopics, May 1966, pp. of Economicin Japanese. 48-62, RESEARCH, INSTITUTION, Japary 15 PersonAddressName in charge SASAKI,KobeUnited University, NationsSeiji Research Depository Institute Library, for Rokkodai, Economic and Business Administration Kobe -shi, Japan ProfeisionalFirst year mapof researchOfficial title Director1968 NISHIMUKAI,1SHIMITSU, T. Y. MM 19301925 EconomistSociologist (with specialreference to conservation) ma. Japanese, English,'English, Spanish French, Spanish NISHIMURA,TAKEUCHI,NOSSE, N. K. K. F 192519461949 DocumcntalistSociologistEconomist nat,ma. ,Japanese;Japanese, English English Research project TitleDirector Population growth and energy inputs in developing countries, AreaPublicationDatb of ofresearch completion "PopulationPopulationISHimasu,i 968 growth growthT. and and food, food consumptiom consumption, iii Asian] countries with special; reference to developing countries in Asia" isAsian populationMiyashita,(MIYASHITA,the firstdeveloping' problem T.)',in the T.), 'No.countries inadvance Problems attaining, need'toward ofa favourableEconomic a industrialization.,big input Developmen't, ,balance' of fertilizers between; andto maintaih, AihniniStration consumable their enormous food in Asian and inputspopulations.Countries for food (Ed., and Prof. 14, March 1968, in, Japanese: This the"TheresultEconomics, 1940s. impact, of the of.Kobe enormous changing University, rise food' in M. habitsGNP, English. givingon inputs, rise ta,ttint1' new the; ,problenvof future land disequilibrium use pattern inof,naturai Japan", environment.Faculty of Patterns of land use and agricultural, ,population Dears; ,with,,,chnnging food habits., especially' in urban areas since inf Japan have been rapidly reduced, as a

. o VA,a, AddressName KusunokiKobe University; -cho 7-chome, School, Ikutaof Medicine, -ku, Kobe-shi, Department 'Japan of Hygiene 'REstiurttilika TEACiliiNG:INS*01110N' Japan 16 PersonFirst yearin charge of researchOfficial title TODA,Professor1964 Y. Professional staff TODA, Y. M 1915 Human ecologist n.a. Japanese, English, German, French, Indonesian OKAMOTO,ARAKI,MURAKAMI, T. K. H. FM 194519441927 Human engineeristecologistphysiologist n.a.n.u. Japanese, English, FrenchGermanGerman, French, Russian KITAMURA,SHIBATA,YAMAMOTO, M. S.' Y. MF 191519461944 TechnicianCardiologist Demographic analysis n.a.n.a. Japanese, EnglishEnglish, GermanGerman, French Research project TitleDirector TODA,Maternal, Y. and child health in Indonesians PublicationsAreaAim of research Medical"ResearchIndonesia,Promotion Science;, of on health public Kobe and health UniVersity," welfare; of Lombok, of Schoolthe inhabitants Island in Indonesia "'' (TODA ,& MORI, 1-1,),1 Kobe Journal,Vol. of 13, No '2, September- 1967, pp. 139455; KARTIN1,"Studies,3,000, copies, on 'KOENTOmaternal in English' ,and withchild, a health summary lit, SOEDARJO), Kobe', lndoneSiO"` '(TODA,, MOR1, H., SABDUADI,, HOEPOEDIONO; Science,, Kobe' University; School of A questionnaire ofmediandistrict,forMedicine, pregnancy women, andJava vol, mode'on, Island,, 1'6, 'mate'rnal of No .first, Indonesiat, 4; ,Marriage'Mardi' and child are health,: ,'118.2,, 1,9711,,3,000eOPieS'';ikolg*,Ai/iihThe main 'reitilt*,,Otatiied.are a summaryin as follows: 'English'. :0,4'25; w4,0:414edc,,-iii, Augusti118':2,,,:Oi416,01 and September ,respectively; 1968, in Surabaja,2. The average, number of times tii,&:Otev'of ,abortions ii the later stage, Of 'L. The mathematic' mean, Publications pregnancyin the range is estimated of 18-119, rather and thatlow; of 3. last The delivery average is age estimated of mother about at the32 andtime the of firstmaximum delivery age is is estimated 48; 4. The Japan: 16 longto7.midwifetion,average High,the (7-12of mother; menopause age,rateof months Dukun, of menarcheinfant and although,of andall the age ischildnext 14.7 group&,,areamong 13-24'death with young aremonths,standard estimated46.6 pregnants,the ete.),anddeviation 5.7L;and in L68;,'6.rate most The of 5. cases helpermedical The theaverage of doctorsexact the delivery age cause as and a ofhelper isthe death in standard most is isincreasing; unknowncases devia- the 8. New born babies and infants are fed on mother's milk, the duration of lactation being Curricula LanguageExchange programme JapaneseusedAlthough to create," at present one there is no international[ student exchange programme, financial assistance could be Note Course InDEMOGRAPHIC charge of teaching. ANALYSIS.. %. FtESEARCH, iNgrtrutiorr Japan 17 PersonAddressName in charge Official title DirectorNOSSE,Tarumi-ku,Kobe University Tetsuyaof Kobe-shi,Institute of Commerce of Japan Economic (Kobe Research Shoka Daigaku), Institute of Economic Research' Professional staff YAMAMIYA,UEKAWA,NOSSE, Tetsuya Yasuo Fujito MM 193319251927 Economist n.a. Japanese,Japanese, English, English, FrenchGerman KONISHI,NAMBU,KAWANABE,KOMORI, Yasuo Minoru Seiji Uzuru MM 1944194319351939 EconomistSociologistEconomist n.a.n.a. Japanese,Japanese, English,, Chinese,English, GermanFrenchEnglish Research projects DirectorTitleEGAWA, Ikushi .mNOSSE,Manpower Tetsuya and economic growth 1945 Economist n.a., Japanese, Chinese, English 1 AreaAimPublicationDate of of research completion &AJapan, ToMarchbibliographyNOSHO, study New 1975 theZealand;J.), ofeffects vol. studies 1, Australia ofNo. inmanpower 4,English 1967, onpp. upon the 43-77, Japaneseeconomic in English. growth, economy since 1850 (YAMAMIYA, FUTATSUGI, Y. AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToMarchNOSSE,Manpower analyse 1975 Tetsuyathe in labour(starting the developing market in April and ECAFE 1972) economic region development Note. Area of research ' The Institute hasresearch ECAFEat present programme- memberno official: is :to programmecountries, its like the cletnograpitic(fiehli.Burma, India, the'Studies Philippines. sec utpin, the near' future. ,are, pursued by staff members interesteti, in, the.field. A ;4 TEACHING' INSTITUTION Japan: 18 AddressNamePerson in charge SHIBATA,Kokushikan1-28-4, TokujiroSetagaya-Machi,University, Department Sctagaya-ku, of Economics Tokyo, *Japan ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingOfficial title President1967 Curricula LanguageNISHINOIRI, J. f. Japanese;M courses could also be taught in English 1887 n.a. General population Japanese, English ts.) CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement B.A.MatriculationPOPULATION (optional), 60 h: 1. Population theory, 20 h; 2. Population problems, 40 h.

41(1.45 , - w ^«,^f51 ^i, 1' ! 1Y RESEARCH AND TEACHING, INSTITUTION: Japan 19 PersonAddressName in charge Official title KyushuProfessorKURATSUNE,1276 University, Katakasu, Masanori Faculty Fukuoka-shi; of Medicine, Japan Department of Public Health ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingresearch 19401941 Resear_sh projects HIROHATA,KURA TSUNE, Tornio Masanori M 19311920 M.D., epidemiologistpublic health Demographic analysis,analysisepidemiology Japanese, English 00N AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToKURATSUNE,Epidemiology identify1975 the environmental of Masanori cancer factors of cancer PublicationArea of research gastricwith"TheCancer(HIROHATA ageographical summary preventioncancer and in& thatcomparison English.KURATSUNE), of gastric of ulcersmortality The in British Japan. from cancerJournal of of the Cancer, stomach vol. and 23, ulcer 1969, of pp.the 465-479,stomach in in Japan" English No positive correlation was found between the standardized mortality rate of TitleAimDateDirector of completion ToKURATSUNE,Study1972 clarify on artificial the real M. incidenceabortion in of Japan artificial abortions practised in Japan PublicationArea of research correspondingvol."AVitalIt statistical-study was31, statistics No.shown 7, to July thal"total onthe1967, fertility aaificial'abortion" total in rate Japaneserate" had was steadily calcillated;frOmwith: (HIROHATA a decreasetL summary agel-specific & induring' kURATSUNE), Japanese. the artificial years. Koshueiseiabortion rates (Public for 1955-1965. Health), The total artificial abortion rate , to 4,r Title Investigation of births and infant deaths in Ryukyu Islands Japan 19 AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch ToAugustKURATSUNE,Vital clarify statistics1972 the real Masanori mca9ing of the extremely low infant mortality rate in Ryukyu Island Publication mortalityplaceByKURATSUNE),"Infant interviewing of mortality, delivery,rate reported and Bulletinparturition and by is examiningother incorrect of theandrelated Populationthepopulationwas officialfacts demonstrated. for vital Associationchanges 99 statistics women in Kuroshima, of records,aged Japan, 15-59, the No. Ryukyu history the2, fact of Islands" gestation,that the (YOSHIMURA very birth, low still-birth, infant & 1968, pp. 1-29, in Japanese. Curricula LanguageExchange programme AlthoughJapanese;used to atcreate presentcourses one therecould is also no internationalbe taught in Englishstudent exchange programme, financial assistance could be N%.0 Course'EntranceDiploma requirement '2 HEALTHMatriculationM.D. STATISTICS (compulsory) including: 1. Census, 3 h; 2. Birth analysis, 3 h; 3. Death analysis, Notes 2 Medical studentsDemographicincluding of the Faculty lifedisciplines. aretable, required technique 14 toh. take of analysis the course (bask). of public and factshealth arc which taught includes to medical a basic atudents knowledge as a basic of demography. part of health statistics.

r Name Kwansei Gakuin University, Department of Sociology TEACHING INSTITUTION' Japan'20 FirstPersonAddress year in of charge teachingOfficial title PresidentKODERA,No.1960 1, Ucgahara, Takeshiro Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan, 662 CurriculaProfessional staff KURATA, W. M 1929 Demography Japanese, English N DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.A.JapaneseHigh (Sociology) school graduation 0 Note Course I Demography 3.DEMOGRAPHY Demographic policy, (optional),' 10 h. 60 h: can be taken by any student of the University. 1. Population theory, 40 h; 2. Urbanization and population, 10 h; 1 Name Meiji University, Department of Political Science and Economics TEACHING INSTITUTION INSTITUTION Japan 21 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof teachingOfficial title SHIRAISHI.DeanKanda1951 Surugadai, Shiro Chiyada-ku, Tokyo, Japan Professional staff YAMAGISHI,YOSHIDA, Tadao Tsukara M 19301926 n.a. HistoryPopulation and theories policy of population Japanese, EnglishEnglish, German, French N Curricula Exchange programme JapaneseusedAlthough to create at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement population,B.A.HighPOPULATION (economics)school 20graduation h; 3. THEORY, Population 60 policy, h, optional 20 h. course covers: I. History of population, 20 h; 2. Theories of

d {I m: RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Japan 22 PersonAddressName in charge . NOMA,KandaMeiji University,Shigeru Surugadai, Institute Chiyoda-ku, of Social Tokyo, Science Japan FirstFirst year year of ofteaching researchOfficial title Director19691954 ResearchProfessional project staff YOSHIDA, Tadao M 1926 Economist Population policy Japanese, English, German, French ts.) TitleDirector YOSHIDA,Population policy T. in Japan ts.) PublicationAreaDate of researchcompletion Japanese.A Economics,False1972 idea: sociology Over-Population in Japan (YOSHIDA), Seikatsu Kagaku-shu. May 1965, pp. 1-286, in in the near future Japan will fact under-population. Curricula LanguageExchange programme usedAlthough to create at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement ofSTUDYCollegeJapanese M.A.population, (Economics)graduation OF POPULATION 20 h; 3. Population PROBLEMS policy, 20 (optional), h. 60 h: 1. History of population, 2G h; 2. Theories Name Ministry of Health and Welfare, Institute of Population Problems RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 23 PersonAddressFirst inyear charge of researchOfficial title DirectorUEDA,2-2, 19391-chome, Masao Kasumigascki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Professional stag TACHI,UEDA, Minoru* Masao M 19091906 HumEconomist-demographer Pi geographer-demographer n.a. Japanese,Japanese, English, English, German German OGINO,HAYASHI,SHINOZAKI,KURODA, Shimako ToshioShigeru Nobuo FM 191419051909 M.D.Economist-demographerPhysical anthropologist-demographer n.a. Japanese,Japancsc,Japanese, Chinese,English, English, GermanEnglish, German German NLoa HAMA,AOKI,KOBAYASHI, Hisao Hidchiko Kazumasa M 192519221919 HumanPhysical geographer-demographer anthropologist-demographer n.a.n.a. Japanese, English, GermanGerman, Spanish UCHINO,TAKAHASHI,YAMAGUCHI,OKAZAKI, Sumiko Yoichi Seiko Kiichi FFM 1930193619281925 Economist-demographerSocialDemegiapner scientist-demographer n.a.n.a. Japanese,Japanese EnglishEnglish, German, French KANEKO,YAMAMOTO,NAKANO,INOUE, TakayukiTakeharu Eiko Michiko MF 1936193219301939 OrientalHumanPoliticalDemographer geographer-demographer historian scientist-demographer n.a. JapaneseJapancscJapanese TAKAHASHI,WAKABAYASHI,SHIMIZU,KOMAI, HiroakiHiroshi Shinichi Keiko MF 194319441940 Sociologist-demographerHuman geographer- demographer n.a. Japanese, EnglishChinese,English, GermanEnglish, French, German WATANABE,KONO,ITO,SHIBATA, Tatsuya Shigemi Hirotoshi Yoshikazu MM 193019451941 Sociologist-demographerHumanPoliticalscientist-demogt geographer-demographer aphcr n.a.n.a.ma. Japanese, EnglishEnglish, FrenchFrench, German

I 41,1 tilA 44,44,4 4, 4 ix ans. Research projects= Title Study of effects of family planning practice Japan 23 AreaAimDateDirectors of of research completion JapanToContinuingTACHI, study Minoruthe effects and of AOKI, family Hisaoplanning s practice on fertility, with theon fertilityhelp of various sources of data Publications Report"TheJanuary"Effects fourth, of 1967, the of reportfamilyInstitute pp. /6-81,on planning ofthe Population 1,000effects practice copies, of Problems, in uponcontraception fertility" (AOKI), practised by an industrial Japanese with a summary inNo. English. 12, October 1967, pp. 68-73, 1,000 The Journal of Population Problems, organization" (AOKI), copies, in Japanese No. 100, Annual English.Populationof"Somewith the a American summarydemographic Problems, familyin English. implications planning of No. 11, November 1966, movement)" (TACHIpost partum & NAKANO), amenorrhoeapp. 34-38, (In commemoration 1,000 copies, of in the Japanese fiftieth with Annual Report of the Institute of a summary in anniversary Title StandardizedMayof "Somethe. 1966, American demographic vitalpp. 1-14, ratesfamily monograph, andimplications planning stable populations 300of movement)" (TACHIpost partum & NAKANO), copies, in English. in Japanamenorrhoea (In commemoration of the. fiftieth English Pamphlet Series, anni, No 62, ,ary AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion JapanToContinuingKOBAYASHI, compute since 1920standardized Kazumasaand to study vital their secular rates, reproduction rates, intrinsic vital trends rates, and stable age structure for Publications "StandardizedsummaryThe"StandardizedJapan Journal in English. vitalof vital Population rates, rPtes, reproduction reproduction Problems, rates, and intrinsicNo. 94,rates, vitalApril ratesand 1,965, intrinsic in Japan, pp. 51-61, vital 1925-1962" rates 1,000 in copies, Japan, 1963" in Japanese with a (YAMAGUCHI), Research"StandardizedaThe summary Journal Series, in ofbirth English. Population rates by Problems, prefectures: No. 167, February 1966, No. 96, October 1965, pp. 36-48, 1,000 copies, pp.1930, 1950 and 1960" (KOBAYASHI &1-57, monograph, 1,000 copies, in Japanese. (YAMAGUCHI),YAMAGUCHI),in Japanese with 1-9 Publications English.Population"Specific divorce Problems, rates No. 10, October 1965, pp.to 78-81, marriage: 1920-1962" (YAMAGUCHI), 1',000 copies, in Japanese with a summary in Annual Report of the Institute of Japan 23 No."Trendscopies,YASHI),"Demographic 64, in Novemberof Japanese population process 1966, with reproduction of a pp.a summarycohort 1-54, ofmonograph, in inJapanese Japan" English. (YAMAGUCHI females 500 copies, born inin English.&October TAKAHASHI), 1932 to September 1933" (KOBA-Annual Report of the Institute of Population Problems, No. 10, October 1965, pp. 66-69, 1,000 English Pamphlet'Series, of "TheNo."APopulation replacement population Problems, index"reproductivity (TACHI of & Japan TAKAHASHI), in comparisonI withI ,other November countries" 1966, (YAMAGUCHI), pp, 1-5, l',000 copies, in Japanese with a summary in English. No. 104, October 1967, pp. 15-38, 1,000 copies, in Japanese with a summary Annual'Report of the Institute of Population Problems, The Journal ts.) "Indicesin 178,English. October of population 1967, pp.reproductivity for all Japan in 1960-1965" (YAMAGUCHI)., 1-42, monograph, 1,000' copies, in Japanese. Research Series, No. of"ChangesResearch"Standardized Population Series, in prefectural Problems, vital standardized birth tales: 1925-1960" (KANEKO), No. 180, December 1967, pp. 1-52,,rates monograph, by prefectures: 1,000 copies, in Japanese.No. 12, pp. 53-55, 1,000, copies, in Japanese with a summary in English. 1965" (YAMAGUCHI, YAMAMOTO & YAJIMA, Akiko), Annual Report of the Institute DateDirectorTitle of completion TACHI,ContinuingDemographic Minoru analysis of "household trends AimPublicationsArea of research JapanTo"Regionalthe study interrelationship secular correlation changes of between deinographic in households household and in socio-economic sizeJapan, ai by making factors use of household statistics, and to analyse : some demographic factors" (TACHI, YAMAGUCHI Problems,& "Families1,000KANEKO), copies, and inhouseholds Japanese within recent a summary Japan: theirin English. trends and problems" (UVI)A), No. III, July 1969, pp. 48-69, 1,000 copies, Annualin Japanese Report of the Institute of Population Problems, withNo. a 13,summary December 1968, pp. 5-10, The Journal of Population in English. 44., 4..4. ,L . 44,,.°1.4 4 , 40A aot, '-4aolhYOtt4A.64.41,:tk.if, 0,4 o4 ood Publications "Secular trends in the size of household in Japan" (KOBAYASHI), Tlw Journal of Population Problems, Japan 23 English.of"Regional No.Population 111, correlation July Problems, 1969, between pp. 4-20, household 1,000 sizecopies. and No. 1 1 I , July 1969, pp. 21-47, 1,000 copies, in some demographic factors" (YAMAGUCHI), Japanese with a summary in The Journal Title Populationinof "NuclearEnglish.Population projectionsfamilies Problems, in forrecent Jap Japan: their trends No. 13, December 1968, pp. 11-15, 1,000 copies, and problems" (UEDA), Annual Report of thein JapaneseInstitute with a summary AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion ToContinuing estimateHAMA, theHidehiko future population for all of Japan, for. 46 prefectures, and for specially grouped areas cr%ts.) Publications inResearch"Future JapanEnglish. population Series, estimates by prefectures, Japan: No. 164, July 1965, pp. 1-63, monograph, 1,000 copies, in Japanese with 1965-1995, estimated in October 1964" (HAMA), a summary 1,000Region,"Estimated copies, 1970-1985" future in Japanese population (HAMA), with in a residence and working The summaryJournal of in Population English. Problems, pace, by minor district, in six prefectures of Kinki No. 102, April 1967, pp. 30-50, 6 English.Series,for"Future October population estimates for Japan, by No. 192, September 1969, pp. 1 of every five years from 1990 to 2025, estimated 1-82, monograph, 1,000 copies,sex andin Japanese age, for withOctober 1 in August 1969" (HAMA), of every year from 1965 to 1985, a summary in Research DateDirectorTitle of completion ContinuingHAMA,Labour force Hidehiko projections for Japan PublicationsAreaAim of research Population"AnJapanTo estimate estimate Problems, Japan's of futtire future labour labour force force, population by in No. 98, April 1966, pp. 1-15, 1,000 copies, sex and age, and to study its implications Japan" (HAMA & YAMAMOTO, C.), in Japanese with a summary in English. The Journal of Japan 23 4 Publications inDecember"Estimates "RegionalJapanese. 1966"of variation future (HAMA), labour in reproduction force population, of labour in force Japan population for 'October in Japan" (HAMA), Research Series, No. 174, January 1967. pp. 1-49, monograph, I, from 1965 to The Journal 1985, of 1.000Populationestimated copies, in TitleDateDirector of completion Problems,ContinuingHAMA,Household Hidehiko projections for Japan No. 107, July 1968, pp. 13-28, 1,000 copies, in Japanese with a summary in En glish. PublicationAreaAim of research in"FutureJapanTo August estimate projections 1966 future (interim numberof number report)" of householdsof households (KONO), in forJapan Japan and 46 prefectures: October 1965 to 1990, projected Research' Series, No. 170, August 1966, pp. 1-25, monograph, DirectorTitleDate of completion ContinuingConstructionKOBAYASHI,1,000 copies; and in analysis 'inof since children, agricultural experiences labour ofin agriculturalabout a young age, etc. as well as 2,000 Publications pp."Report(SHINOZAKI, 1-191, of monograph,the survey OGINO, on 300 maintenance MIYAKAWA,copies, in Japanese. and M.improvement & MARUYAMA, of quality A.), of Surveyaged labour Report force Series, in rural March areas" 1967, Japan 23 Report"AnEnglish.Problems,"Quality estimate of ofthe No. aged Instituteof 104, births labour October offrom Populationforce number 1967, in rural pp.Problems,of reported areas1-14, and finalNo. pregnancies" its 12,report, problems" October 1,000 (KOBAYASHI 1967, (SHINOZAKI),copies, pp. 61-63,in Japanese & 1,000YAMAMOTO), Journal withcopies, ofa summary inPopulation Japanese Annual in of"A No."Anwiththe study 65,Instituteanalysisa summary ofAugust decline of 1967,Populationdeclinein ofEnglish. birthpp. of 1-42, birthrate Problems, monograph,of rate farming in No.Japan households13,300 (revised December copies, edition)" in English.recent1968, (OKAZAKI), pp.years" 42-46, (HAYASHI), 1,000 English copies, PamphletAnnual in Japanese Report Series, ts.) Problems,"Onwith thea summary transition No. 14, in October,ofEnglish. age-parity-specific 1969, pp. 16-20, 1,000 copies, in Japanese with a summary in English. fertility" (AOKI), Annual Report of the Institute of Population "RecentinAnnual Japanese Report trendsfertility with of atrends, fertility thesummary Institute particularly in inJapan" English.of Population (KOBAYASHI the fertility Problems, decline & YAMAGUCHI), No. in the12, yearOctober of 'Hinoeuma'Journal 1967, pp.of Population56-60, " (YAMAGUCHI), 1,000 Problems, copies, "RecentEnglish.Population"ChangeNo. 108, trendsOctoberin Problems,regional in 1968, the distribution birthNo. pp. 113, 1-15,rate January of 1,000of Japan natural copies, 1970, with increase inpp.special Japanese in reference Japan" with (TACHIa summaryto the birth & inTAKAHASHI), order"English. (KOBAYASHI), Journal of 1-14, 1,000 copies, in Japanese with a summary in Notes 2 There arc nearly Dr.inAnnual40 research,JapaneseUeda has Report topics been with appointed of a +thesummary Director Institute ofin the Enggsh. of Institute Population following theProblems, death of Dr. No. Minoru 14, Tachi October on 21 March 1969, 1972. pp. 12-15, 1,000 copies, it projects assigned annually to the sections of the Institute. Many of them arc lasting topics without any 3 While the InstitdtcThethepossibleprovisional papers is studies not listedconductingto notdateinclude below,having of completion.all this written thebeen project, projects conducted on the some and fertility forsummaries;of itsatrends particular staff inmembers theJapan, single projects arc arcproject. related' listed,collaborating maitilyto several continuingin it.research ones, topics are assigned given to to illustrate various sectionsthe Institute's of the activity.Institute, More than 150 papers have been published by the Institute since 1965. For reasons of space it has not been RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonNameAddress in charge MORIWAKI,,411,National Mishima-shi, institute Daigoro ofShizuoka-Ken, Genetics Japan Daigoro Japan 24 ProfessionalFirst year staffof researchOfficial title Director1957 - YASUDA,KIMURA,MATSUNAGA, N. M. E. MM 193419241922 GeneticistGeneticistGeneticist n.a.;f.a. Japancsc, English, German LTitle(Research projects DateDirector of completion ToKIMURA,Theoretical be continued Motoostudies for in many population years genetics AreaAim ofPublications research TheoreticalToofPopulation inquire "Recentpopulation into advancesConference, the genetics genetic in asthe1965, structure related theory vol. to of2, human 1967,populationspopulation pp.populations. 478-480, genetics"at in English.(KIMURA), in Proceedings of the Second World the theoretical level Reviews recent advances in the theory Title Genetic"DistributionMathematically effectsInternational of familyof matrimonialCongress analyses planning ofthe Genetics,distance distribution inTokyo the of matrimonialMishim 1968, vol. a District" 2, distance August (YASUDA), in1968, Mishima pp. 178-179, district,in Proceedings monograph,Shizuoka of Prefecture. the in English.XII AimDirectorDateArea of ofcompletion research To evaluateJapanMarchMATSUNAGA, as 1969 genetically a whole, E. using the effect demographic of the Eugenic data and Protection vital statistics Law ofin theJapan Government upon future generations Publications Association,"Possible genetic consequences of family planning" (MATSUNAGA), Journal of the American Medical Japan 24 of"Birthpossible Human control genetic Genetics, policy effects, in Japan: various a reviewdemographic from the data eugenic in Japan standpoint" that arc published(MATSUNAGA), at the national level. vol. 198, No. 5', October 1966, pp.vol. 533-540, 13, No. in 3, English. December 1968, pp. 189-200, in English. Analyses, with respect to their Reviews from the eugenic Japanese Journal data,Education,"Somestandpoint the reflections biological the Eugenic on consequences the Protectionbiological of consequences Lawfamily in planning. Japan, of andfamily its planning"outcome since(MATSUNAGA), 1949. vol. 44, November 1969, pp. 89-93, in English. Discusses, mainly on the basis of Japanese Journal of Medical RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION AddressName - 4-6-1National Shirokanedai, Institute ofMinato-ku, Public Health, Tokyo, Department of Public Health and DemographyJapan Japan 25 FirstFirstPerson year year in Official titleofcharge ofteaching research DirectorSODA,1948 Takemune Professional staff OGINO,MURAMATSU,KUBO, H. H. M. MM 192419231907 M.D.M.D. FertilityPopulation (in general) Japanese, English Research project DirectorTitle MORIvInduced abortion survey (on harmful M.D. Y. Family planning methods effects) Japanese, English PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion To"HarmfulSeveralJanuary investigate medical1965 effects any institutionsharmful of induced effects in abortion" Tokyo of inducedt abortionand other areas (MORIYAMA, ,KUBO & OGINO), Family Planning Federation Curricula Exchange programme disorders,abortionof Japan, sterility, were1966, compared pp.ectopic 1-97, monograph,with control pregnancy, childbirth processes were not significantly 1,000 copies, groups.in English and Japanese. Habitual miscarriage was significantly high; Harmful effects different.of induced menstrual Course'DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement ExampleSeeGraduationJapanese;With notes several forthe from M.D.course Asian college (optional): couldcountries or Universityalso be taught in English Note 1 As the lectures3. nutritionistsonFamily population planning. and the hours vary, with the kind of training family planning arc part of I. Population problems in the world; course. a curriculum for .1 variety of trainees 2. Population problems in Japan; medical doctors, nurses, midwis es, ,,,O,.0',;,1I ilr 14 AddressName OsakaI-1 Machikaneyama-Cho, University, Faculty of Toyonaka-shi, Letters, Department Osaka-Fu, of Sociology Japan 560 RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 26 FirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title ProfessorKODA,1951 Kazue Professional staff NISHIDA,KODA, K. H. M 1920'925 Sociologist n.a. Japanese, English, FrenchFrench, German Research Project TitleYAMAMOTO, T. SociologicalM research of families and communities 1939 Sociologist n.a. Japanese, English, French AimDirectorAreaDate of completionresearch Japan,ResearchKODA,1975 India K. of structures,and southeast functions Asia and change in families and communities Publication saidcausedcousin"Cousin 1966,at marriages leastby marriage pp.the that 59-80,family cousinin in Muslim a 500 titleMuslim marriages copies or society. by village" ain consciousare Japanese powerful (KODA), withtendency in Centre amaintenance summary towards for Indian in theandEnglish. and forming formation Southeast of ofa title,Asianfamily but Studira, titles it can as December bea kind safely of It is not clear whether patrilateral cousin marriages in Kalikapur is Attempts to explain the meaning of spotinpp."Replicatedsocial Airin 64-72, sampling stratification. Area final sampling unit.(slum report, indesign" 1,000Osaka copies,(NISHIDA), City, Japan) in Japanese Japanese by using with Sociological the a summary replicated Review, in samplingEnglish. vol. design together with the 19, No.Estimates 4, March the 1969, population AddressName JoanchoOsaka 33,University, Kita-ku, Medical Osaka-shi, School, Japan Department of RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Hygiene Japan 27 FirstFirstPerson year year in of charge ofteaching researchOfficial title ProfessorMARUYAMA,19331955 Hiroshi Professional staff MATSUDA,MARUYAMA, Takcshi Hiroshi M 19291909 M.D. Hygiene Japanese, English, German, French Research Projects NAKAGAWA,IIBUCHI, Yasuo Yonczo MM 19261931 M.D. Philosophy, history andsociology of medicinen.a.ma. Japanese,Japanese, English, English, German, German FrenchFrench AimDateDirectorTitle of compktion ToContinuingMARUYAMA,History clarify ofthe demography concept H. of demography DateDirectorTitleArea of ofcompletion research MARUYAMA,HygienicWorld-wide. problems H. and uses of the statistics of mortality of Japan Publications'AreaAim of research "LiveAllToContinuing(IIBUCHI), study Japanbirth, the deathsand historical Bulletinone and or twopopulation ofstatistics theother Population countries offor mortality, the AssociationJapanese by by of Japan, age and sex annual transitions, a use of the bills of mortality"December 1968, pp. 34-37. in Japanese with thein"Soci'alanda Japanese,summary Japanese sex, statistical born in bywith Japanese. fromage studies a andsummary 1899 sex, to born1966 in Japanese. from 1899 on deaths, Studyby age, on from the generation1899 onward" life table(IIBUCI), ( =cohort December life table) 1969, of Study on the generationto life1966. table ( cohort life table) of the Japanese. by ace pp. 52-55, Japan 77 DateDirectorTitle of completion Socio-MedicalMARUYAMA.1972 studies Hiroshi on historical demography Publications-AreaAim of research in"HowHygieneTo (MARUYAMA),Japanese. conduct to anduse a demography,thepilot mortality sw Komi vcy for Kinkibills No establishing Shaw°, whichDistrict. have vol. Japan a hygienic h-en4, No. kept 7, methodology Juncat the 1956. Buddhist pp. 32-33,Temple in in Japancsc Kinki District with aof summary tapan" Curricula demographicalMinzokueisei"On the age of Gakkaishi, studythe dead made at November ofa provincialvillagers' 1959, registrations village pp. from 1-8, kept in1688 Japanese at theto 1958" Buddhist with (NISHIZAWA, a Templesummary (C....izenji, in S.Japanese. & MARUYAMA). Me Prefecture). Historical t.4 CourseDiplom-1Language DEMOGRAPHYM.D.Japanese (compulsory): 1. Historical demography; 2. Vital statistics; 3. Health statistics; 4. Life Noir, 21-his prnuct has Tim,12 table;more protect publication,. 5. has Casc 6 inure study. publications. Name Rikkyo University TEACHING INSTITUTION' Japan 28 PersonAddress in charge Official title ActingHIRAI,Nishi1967 Ikebukuro, President Ryutaro Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingKURODA, Toshio M 1909 n.a. Population problems and methodology Japanese, English, French Curricula LanguageExchange programme usedAlthough toapanese create at present one -iere is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEnt,ance requirement POPULATIONAnalysis,GakushiMatriculation (B.A.) 15 h. THEORY (optional), 45 h: 1. Population problems, 15 h; 2. Methodology, 15 h; 3. RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 29 PersonAddressName in charge YAMAMOTO,SagaI, Honjo-cho, University, FumioSaga-shi, Faculty ofSaga-ken, Liberal Arts,Japan Department of Sociology FirstProfessional year of research staff Official title Professor1967 Research Project TitldYAMAMOTO, Fumio MModernization of the Mortality Order 1913 Sociologist n.a. Japanese, English, French, German AimDateDirector of completion indicesAMarchYAMAMOTO, study 1972 of correlation F. between the modernization of mortality order and the improvement of social-cultural PublicationsArea of research LifeTheMarchcultural"Modernization table pre-war 1969, causes characteristicspp. for of 53-99, mortalityJapan" 500 (YAMAMOTO), order, ofcopies, the especiallyJapanese in Japanese Journal mortalityon the with improvement aorder summary present ofin mortalityJapanese.on the qx sex curve rates the and existence its social of and "a of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Saga University, vol. 1, "ModernizationindicateatTi.mountain living backward thestandards. and achievement tendency a ofvalley" mortality has in of been the modernizationorder, youthdissolved especially and with that of onthe of the mortalityimprovementsthe international mortality order. excessin differences socio-cultural for female of expectation cond; in several of age life classes. at birth The fall of quotient of mortality and the extension of expectat ; and theof raisinglife at birth University,andadvancesittheinternational totheir extension be theoreticallysocial asvol. a of comparison resultand2, expectation March cultural ofvalid the 1970, ofthatmodernization ofcauses" data life expectation pp. atfor -.1-74, birth(YAMAMOTO), 1960, andof of500 1962society. thelife copies, socio-cultural atand birth 1965 in extends Japanese showed conditions and withthe the existence ofamodernization summarysociety. of correlationshi Japanese.of mortality between order Journal of the Faculty of Liberal The authors consider Arts, Saga An

o nal, 11, Name Tohoku University, School of Medicine, Department of Public Health RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 30. FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title ProfessorSEGI,Seiryomachi,1950 Mitsuol Sandai-shi, Miyagi-ken, Japan 980 Professional staff MATSUYAMA,KURIHARA,SEGI, Mitsuo Minoru Tsuneaki M 190819341925 Doctor of medicine n.a. Japanese.Japanese, English Research Project TitleDateDirector of completion ContinuingSEGI;Demography Mitsuo of cancer and other diseases AimPublicationsArea of research "CanJapan,Cancer1-125, Jr Hawaiiepidemiology mortality and in other Japan (1899-1962)" (SEGI, KURIHARt% & MATSUYAMA),monograph, 500 copies, in English. countries Attempts to introduce various data on cancer mortality in our August 1965, pp. ratesoncountry.byDemographical cancer andsite, age-adjusted elucidatedsex and analyses age by deathgroup reports on rates incancer on each arc vital computed.mortalityyear from prior 1899 to to In Japan, vital statistics have been issued since 1899; the first population census was statistics were collected here for publication. 1920 1962, are, therefore, not possible.are shown in detail, and age-specific death Deaths from cancer, Despite this, data in 1920. English.rates""Mortality (SEGI, Biennial for selected age-adjusted causes in death 30 countries rates for (1950 cancers -1961) since 1950 are KURIHARA & TSUKAHARA, Y.), February 1966, pp. Age-adjusted death rates and age-specific death -ulated1-229, by using data from the cen- for monograph,20 500 copies, in causes of death in 30 countriesofaregroups.tral the bienniallystatistical death aroimdare rates computed,administrationscomputed 1950, per I0-year as between andstandard theage-groups, of 24results1950 population. countries. and presented using 1961. The the togetherage-adjusted total population with deaththe (includingdeath kites rates Some graphs on the age-adjusted death rates and the trends in the rates are Twenty causes of death are computed Theand age-adjustedclassified on deaththe rates are computed on the basis males and itemizedfemales) byof 4610 year age- included. The rates ern ofbasis Diseases, of the Seventh Revision. Abbreviated list of 50 Causes for Tabulation of Mortality (B list), International foo Classification "Cancer mortality for selected sites in 24 countries (1962/63), No. 4" (SEGI & KURIHARA), September Japan 30 toforsites 131966,1963. each forcountries pp.1962/63two 1-355, years other as monograph,from classifiedth,..n 1950 the 24toby 700 1963;citedage- copies, group;aboveand inthe andtheEnglish. number deaththese ratesof deaths byare age addedof all-group ages as an and by appendix calendarage adjusted table. year deathfrom 1950rates Also are computed the age-adjusted death rates for cancer for selected sites in 1960/61 for Gives the number of deaths front cancer for selected beencountriesYAMA),"Cancer computed. Augustmortality as of 1950 1969, for or selected pp.so is1-174, used sites mo-tograph,for inthe 24 adjustment countries 800 copies, by(1964/65), age, in and English. No. death 5" (SEGI,rites by KURIHARA5 -year age -group & MATSU- have For the sakc of practical usefulness, it may be more convenient to use as a standard An aggregate population of 46 age-adjusted"Mortalitybecausebutpopulation the authors of bya a simplified causes fairdeath ventured comparison rates"of population death to use(SEGI, withand here composition prefecturesthe KURIHARA, the adjusted standard such in death NIATSUYAMAJapanpopulation as therates (1953-1967) world theywhich population had& they ITO, thus had M.), suggestedfar been Octoberpublished. using by 1970, inDr. the Richard pp.past 1-251, simply Doll, Death rates by age-groups and Note r Prmotly president,Themonograph, 1)cpartmcnt Mizulto College, 6 now 650 Sholikoclio,headed copies, by 1)r. Mizoltoku,in Suzuki,Japanese ThiguyochiNagoya, with 467 (ace a Wan. summary Japan 35). in English. Name Tohoku University, Faculty of Economics RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 31 PersonAddress in charge Official title DeanHAGA,Katahira1949 and Hanjiro 2-1-1, Professor Sendai-shi, of the FacultyMiyagi-ken, Japan ProfessionalFirst year staffof researchYONEZAWA, H. M 1911 Statistician n.a. Japanese, English, German, French I Research project DirectorTitle KINOSHITA,Recent Behaviour Akira of the Labour Market in Tohoku 4A. AreaAimDate of completionresearch RegionalToJuly survey 1966 analysis economic of andpopulation social conditions in Tohoku Region Publications partpopulation4,SAITO,"Recent July H contains1967, S.Behaviour in& Tohoku,pp.HIGASHI, a 15-25,descriptive of (2)the 300 T.),regional Labour analysiscopies,Journal mobilityMarket in of Japanese. migration inof Tohoku,the labour from (1) theforce, and agricultural (3)(II)" comparison (KINOSHITA, sector ofin wageTohoku. A., levels YONEZAWA, in Tohoku; Tohoku Development, vol. Part I describes (1) the age distribution of current 6, No. 3, April 1967, pp. 10-30, No. snap-shota numberrecentthe"A correlationPopulation years. of similaritycorrelation Associationanalysis or coefficients dissimilarity for ofthe Japan, interregional among of vol.interregional interregional mobility labour employmentof mobility the labour patterns exchange force" between (YONEZAWA), data compiledcorresponding by PESO in Most coefficients are computed among a variety of worker groups, and they provide 1, No. 1, December 1967, 200 copies, in Japanese. BulletinCalculates groups. of a AddressName TokushimaMinamijosanjima-cho, University, Department Tokushima-shi, of Education Japan RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 32 FirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title ProfessorMURA1,1965 Michiakiof Education Professional stall MURAL, Michiaki MM 19241917 SociologistProfessor of education n.a. Japanese, English HARADA,IKEDA,HIRAKI, Hideo Masanao Akira M 193019321937 SociologistSociologist n.a.n.a. Japanese, English ts) Research project HAYANAGI,TitleKONDO, Hidemaro Tadashi Inter-prefecturalM migration of graduates of senior secondary1933 Administrator n.a. Japanese, Englishschools in Tokushima and West Japan AimDateDirector of completion TokushimaprefecturesToMarchMURAL determine 1972 Michiaki intoand theWest developed Japan and (a) why the graduates of senior secondary schools flow out (h) the types of personality of those who go to metropolitan areas from the under-developed PublicationArea of research Tokushima"Qualitative"Study1-5, in on Japanese.University, out-migrationstudy relating vol. fromto XV, theFebruary prefecture 1967, of pp.newly inter-Prefectural migration of newly graduates" (IKEDA), monograph, pp. 1-35, in Japanese.graduates" (MURAL, HIRAKI & IKEDA), Gakugei "StudyHARADA,TenMarch on year interregional 1968, Follow-upIKEDA, pp. 85-118, SASAKImigration of a Senior in Japanese.& of HAYANAGI); seniorHigh School high Graduate school graduateThird workers"Report of (MURAL.the Population KONDO, Migration Survey, Worker, 1967, pp. 1-102, in Japanese. HIRAKI, vol. 16, RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge MOROOKA,Tokyo10 Women'sKawada-cho, Taeko Medical Shinjuku-ku, College, Tokyo, Department of Hygiene Japan Japan 33 ProfessionalFirst year staffof researchOfficial title Professor1940 KUWAE,MOTAI,MOROOKA, K. T. T. FF 192319201919 MedicalMedical doctor doctor MaternalVital and and health n.a.child statisticshealthstatistics Japanese, English N Research project DateDirectorTitle of completion 1975MOROOKA,Mortality from Taeko various causes in Japan compared with those in other countries PublicationArea of research non-whiteinHeart"Cardiovascular JapanEnglish. Institute, and was international analysed Japan,mortality Tokyo for in the'Japan Women's and Death from cardiovascular years of 1950, 1955 and 1960. in the UnitedcausesMedical forStates" College,Japanese (MOROOKA 1968, and American population of pp. 91-116, in English with a summary & KUWAE), Bulletin of the both white and Curricula compared1970,(KUWAE),"Cardiovascular in withJapanese Human Japan mortality with Ecologyand a the in UnitedandEngland Race summary in English. and WalesHygiene,States, Japanesewas analysed Society for of the Race Hygiene, Death from cardiovascular diseasesA comparative in study with Japan and years 1950, 1955 and 1960. vol. 36, No. 5, September England and Wales,the United States" CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement PUBLICM.D.MatriculationJapanese HEALTH (compulsory) including: 1. Vita! and health statistics, 8 h; 2. Census analysis, 2 h. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Japan 34 PersonNameAddress in Official title charge AssistantNISHIKAWA,University1964Mcguro-ku, Professor of Tokyo,Tokyo, 0. FacultyJapan of Liberal Arts, Institute of Human Geography ProfessionalFirstFirst year year of ofstall research teachingKAWABE, H. M1965 1931 Geographer Population geography Japanese, English, German Research TitleKIUCHI,NISHIKAWA, S. 0. Projects TheM analysis of population distribution in Japan 19101925 Geographer n.a. Japanese, English, GermanGerman, French TitleAreaDirectorDate of of research completion KAWABE,RegionalPopulationMarch 1972 Hiroshianalysis geography. of birth rate in northeastern Japan PublicationAreaDateDirector of completionresearch August"TheDepartmentPopulationKAWABE,1967 regional 1966, geography Hiroshi in ofanalysis JapaneseHumanities, of withthe University birth a summary rate ofin Tokyo,inJapan, English. part(Ed. I"Institute of Human Geography ) , Attempts to define the areal( KAWABE. differences H. ), in the Proceedings vol. 38, No. of2, the Curricula Exchange programme Althoughchangepopulation ofat birthpresent change rate. there in Japan is no as international well as to trace student their exchange causes. programme, financial assistance could be Stress is placed on areal differences in the CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.A.POPULATIONMatriculationJapanese;used to create courses one GEOGRAPHY could also be taught(optional), in English 30 h. Name RESEARCH INSTITUTION Japan 35 FirstPersonAddress year in of charge researchOfficial title AssociateSUZUKI,7 -31968University -I, Hongo, TsuguyoshiProfessor of Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Faculty Tokyo of Medicine,113, Japan School of Health Sciences, Department of Human Ecology Professional staff OHTSUKA,TAKEMOTO,SUZUKI, T.R. T. M 193219451936 AnthropologistHuman ecologist n.a. Japanese,Japanese, English, EnglishEnglish, German German Research Projects DateDirectorTitle of completion OHTSUKA,1975Ecological R.study of Tokara Islanders DateDirectorTitleAimArea of ofcompletion research AprilSUZUKI,InfluencesFieldHuman 1970 study T. ecologicalof of population human study ecology. structure of the onlife health or activity indicators and population etc. in island ecosystems r AreaAim of research ... HealthnaturalTo compare orscience socio-economical the and relation demograr' between environments health indicators and population structures in prefectures having different ' TitlePublicat ion OnbothNo.SUZUKI"Relations the 3,onisolation pp. some & between KATSUNUMA, healthsyndromes healthindicators. in 11.u.zators mice H.), Ed. Medicaland population Association structures of Japan in prefectures National Medicine: of Japan" Almanac(TAKEMOTO, 1970, 1-3, in Japanese. Describes the influences of population structures or of urbanization, or AimDateDirector of completion . ConsiderationExperimentalNovemberTAKEMOTO, of effects 1968 study of T. population on animals density from a biological and sociological point of view ,. PublicationArea of research Noteswhitetheir"Socio-biological12 on body weeksblood Human weights, corpuscles.in differentEcology, effects body conditions,November compositions, of population 1970,isolated weightsdensity" pp. and 1-18, ofin (TAKEMOTO), insomea group,Japaresc. organs, changes cholesterol Ed. of KATSUNUMA,their contentsfeatures inwere blood, H. analysed, and and SUZUKI, red such and as After feeding mice of both sexes for 6 or RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge UniversityKATSUNUMA,7-3-1, Hongo, of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Haruo Faculty Tokyoof Medicine, 113, Japan Department of Public Health Japan 36 ProfessionalFirst year of staff researchOfficial title Professor1960 and Head- of the Department NOHARA,KIM,KOIZUMI,KATSUNUMA, J. K. A.T. H. M 1935193319261916 SociologistPhysician,Physician bio-statistician n.a. JapaneseKorean Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion SocialMarchKOIZUMI, and 1972 cultural A. aspects of contraceptive practices in Japan TitleAreaAim of research .FamilyToImpact ascertain planning. of rapidwhy theindustrialization condom has been and urbanizationused most prevalently on health indicatorsin Japan of rural population AimDateDirector of completion increaseToDecemberKATSUNUMA, compare 1968 annual H. changes of various health indicators in rural districts, with special reference to population PublicationArea of research purposecorrected&"Age-correctedDemography KOIZUMI), of PMI comparison and isproportional Bulletin biostatisticspresented of of rural themortalityand World populations.explained indicator Health to be Organization,(PMI) a practical as a comprehensive and vol. correct 39, pp. indicator health 986-9 1, in English. tdicator" (KATSUNUMAIf health levels for the The age- RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge MURAI,647Waseda Totsuka-machi, Sukenaga University 1-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160 Japan 37 Professional staff TONOKI,OHMI,Official title TetsuoNorio President t Research project DirectcrTitle OHM!,ShimokitaThe1972 distribution Tetsuo Regional and ofTONOKI, Communitypopulation Norio in the Shimokita Area: The sub division of the structural analysis of the , 00N PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion Shimokita"AnalysisReconsideration Area, of the Aomori ofdemographic the Prefecturesociological composition concept ofand a regionaldistribution community in Mutsu City" unpublished research report, Curricula ExchangeLanguage programme JapaneseWithMarch, the United 1970, inStates Japanese c EntranceCourseDiplomaEntrance requirement requirement 12STUDYM.A.A.B. years' in Economics elementaryOF POPULATION, and secondary 48 h.' education Course2Diploma SOCIALURBANSOCIOLOGYRURALA.B. SOCIOLOGYPROBLEM SOCIOLOGY OF THE (optional) COMMUNITY(compulsory) (compulsory) including: (compulsory) including: Urban Migration, including: 6 h. including: Population problem, 8 h. population, 6 h. Population phenomena, 6 h. Notes 3 COUTSCNl Courses given in the git en in the Department of Sociology, School of Literature. Department of Applied Ikon( llll ics. Graduate School Of Economics. is RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge ITO,4-chome,Yamanashi Takeshi Takeda, University, Kofu-shi, Department Yamanashi-ken, of Education Japan Japan 38 ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingOfficial title Assistant1967 Professor Research project TitleITO, Takeshi CertificationM and analysis of population in Yamanashi Prefecture1929 since the Meiji era Economist Economics Japanese, English, French, German AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch PopulationToMarchITO, study 1971 T. the estimation population in Yamanashi Prefecture since the Meija era Publications "EstimationEstimatesArts"LabourJune and 1968, Education,force and of pp. analysesofpopulation 76-93,Yamanashi Yamanashi the 300 during 1879 copies, Prefecture University, labour1879-1920" in Japanese. force, in vol.1870 (ITO), and and compares Kaishigaku-Kai 1920" (ITO),it with thatMemoirs Province of 1920. of History the Faculty Review, of vol.Liberal 23, 17, October 1966, pp. 86-93, 300 copies, in Japanese. Curricula Exchange programme Althoughused to atcreate present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement ECONOMICB.A.Japanese;Matriculation (teaches courses STATISTICS degree) could also .(optional), be taught includingin English, census German analysis. and French RESEARCH INSTITUTION Khmer Republic I PersonAddressName in charge SOU-PHENGPhnom-Penh,laInstitut Population National Khmer de la Republic Statistique et des Recherches Economiques, Direction du Recensement General de ProfessionalFirst year of stall researchOfficial title Director1960 General, Census of Population Research projects TitleSOU PHENG MNational Census of Agriculture 1938 Demographer n.a. Khmer, French, English 0 AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch Agriculture.WorldDecemberSOU-PHENG census 1972 of Agriculture 1971 (under FAO programme) AreaTitleDateDirector of of research completion Population.SOU-PHENGPopulation1971 Census of Phnom-Penh fr$ ORGANIST E DE RECHERCHE Khmer Republic 1 NomAdresse du directeur SOU-PHPhnom-Penh,PopulationInst;tut ENG National Republique de la Statistiquc Khmcrc et des Rechcrches Economiques. Direction du Reeensement General de la ChercheursDebut de etla enseignantsrecherche (annee)Titre ofPciel 1960Directeur du Recensement General de la Population Pro jet de recherche TitreSOU PHENG RecensementM National de l'Aericulture 1938 Damographe Non applicable Khmer, Francais, Anelais DomaineObjectifsDateDirecteur d'achevement 1:agricultureReccusciticntDecembreSOU-PHENG 1972 mondial de l'agriculture dans la cadre du programme FAO 1970 DomaineDateDirecteurTitre d'achevement SOU-PHENGPopulation.1971Recensement de la population de Phnom-Penh Vi TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in ,,harge UniversitePRUMPhnom-Penh, Male de Phnom-Penh, Khmer Republic Fact' lte des Lettres et des Sciences Humilities de Phnom-Penh Khmer Republic 2 ProfessionalFirst year stallof teachingOfficial title Dean1964 Curricula MIGOZZI Jacques M 1935 n.a. Population geography, general demography French, English, German DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement Degree'BaccalKhmer, au French reat Course andtrendspositiondemographicPOPULATION methods in of the population; subjects:Third(censuses, GEOGRAPHY:World; surveys), geographical Two hours distribution per week of population, urbanization. 1. History4. of Demographic the world's population;analysis; 8. Demography of Cambodia and other Asian countries": demographic S. Nuptiality and fertility; 6. Mortality; 7. Populationare devoted to the study of each of the following 2. Demographic rates and indices; urban populations 3. Com- sources occupational(factors,SOCIOLOGY":1.in Demographicindustrialized consequences); groups Two in behaviourcountries Cambodia2. hours per andof weekpopulations Third are World devoted and countries. social to the study of each of the following 3. Fertility: socio-cultural and economic factors in variations; 4. Fertility and groups; measurement, indices; 2. Decliningdemographic mortality subjects: social- ntes 31Demography isProspecttveTheeoption SUbjCe.t) by sociology programme. are emphasircd.students. , .at of the gcograph course. Research subjects arc assigned to graduates pleparing IOT This elms se is also taken 1tUllt`ilt% preoaring for .1 degree in I listory and ma he taken as an (6.1111.1te. ORGANISME D'ENSIIGNEMENT Khmer Republic 2 AdreseNom du directeur PRUMPhnomUniversite -Penh,Male de RepubliquePhnom-Penh, Klunere Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Phnom-Penh, ChercheursDebut de etla enseignantsrecherche (annex)Titre officiel Doyen1964 Programme d'etzseignementM[GCZZ[ Jacques M 1935 Non applicable Geographic de la population,demographic generale Francais, Anglais, Allemand LAts) TitresLanguc requis BaccalaureatKhmer, Fratvais MatieresDiplome populations;GEOGRAPHIEphiquessemaine:Licence' dans lc DE Tiers LA Monde; POPULATION, S. Demographic les questions du Canibodge demographiques et d'autres payssuivantes d'Asie2: sont sources etudiees et 2h.methodes par1. Histoirc de is population mondiale;4. Analyse demographique; 5. Nuptialite et feconclite; 2. Taux et indices demographiques; 6. Mortalite; 7. Tendances demogra- 3. Composition des demographiqueSUCIOLOGIE3,populationde la demographic urbaines des les (recensernents,populations dans les pays et des enquotes),industrialises groups sociaux: repartition et les mesure, pays geographique du indices; Tiers Monde. 2. de La la baisse population, de la niortalite (facteurs, question_ demographiques sont lsv titudides, 2k. par semaine: I. Le eomportementurbanisation, les Notes 1 La cli:mographic grouperconsequences);fait panic des socio-professionnels certificats de geographic. auCcs Carnbodgc2.certificats soot prepares 6g:element par Its etudiants se destmatit a uric licence trflistoire 3. La fecondite: facteurs socio-culturels ct economiques des variations; 4. Fecondite et 3 L'accentProgramme est misprevu. seerunct pcuvcnt, doctorat.ccs questions. cn option, ttrc pre'pares par des etudiants de sociologic. Des thimies de recherche sent 'nevus pour les diplomes dcsircux de preparcr RESEARCH INSTITUTION 'Omer Republic 3 FirstAddressName year of research Phnom-Penh,RecherchesUniversitti1965' de(CDR) Khmer Phnom-Penh, Republic Faculty des Lewes et des Sciences Humaines, Centre de Documentation et de ReProfessional ,earch projects staff MIGOZZI, Jacques M 1935 Geographer n.a. French, English, German AimTitlelateDirector of completion UrbaninMIGOZZI, progress geographyresearch Jacques and studies in the Khmer Republic Publication ticular,workgraphed,economic"Preliminary is demographic, being in surveys note done ofconcerning or urbaneconomic planned, areas preparations and butin the socialother Khmer statistics for and French, summary in French. equally necessaryGeneral; operations should be plannedRepublic" (MIGOZZI), CDR April 1970, 20 the organization of proposedI. demographic and socio-In the Khmer Republic at present much statistical for; pages, mimeo- 2. In par- TheforbePenhcompleted laidorganizing preparation down,justify by to athe newpermanentprovideand arranging organizationsurveys; the system geographicalof special of for all registeringoperations urban basis 3. A statistical definition of "urban" population surveys shouldfor befor "urban undertaken that city; surveys; by theessential central statistical statisticalon data, thebody urbanin particular sector vitalneed statistics; to be brought up to date and 5. Urban surveys might be the starting 4. The peculiar problems of Phnom- and "urban" places should point 6. DirectorTitle Researchtheafter operations. full on consultations the population with of the Khmerdepartments Republic and persons concerned and subject to a rigid time-table for AreaAimDate of completionresearch trt ToNatality,Documentation study1972 fertility,fertility levels mortalityand Research in the Khmer Centre of the Literature Republic Faculty Khmer Republic 3 AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToOctoberMIGOZZI,Factors study 1967 the affectingJacques socio-economic population and growth cultural in the factors Khmer affecting Republic fertility and mortality in the Khmer Republic Publications (mimeographed,theeconomicpopulationFactors country affecting contextmovements are 1968); presented, population in thein arcFrench. case togetherstudied growth of nuptiality in within their Cambodia the geographicaland probable fertility. ( MIGOZZI), future context demographic CNRS, and, essentially, Paris, trends. France by reference (book in press), to the socio-1971 On the basis of the data from the 1962 census of population, natural Tentative conclusions on the demographic data of determiningconsequencesJuly"Mortality 1970, in a inCambodia:mortality ofFrench a fall levelin withfactors mortality (estimated a summaryaffecting are suggested from it" in (MIGOZZI), the indata the availat.'conclusions. Cahiers d'Outre -Mcr, Bordeaux, France, 22 pages, English. Description of factors (natural, social, economic) Malaria is discussed in detail. The NOR' 3 CDR is directly affiliatedprior to that to the date Literature bac been Faculty incorporated and has in no its Director programme. as yet. The centre was established in 1969 and personal research initiated A ORGANISME DE RECHERCHE Khmer Republic 3 DebutAdresseNon; de Ia recherche (amide) Univcrsite1965'Phnom-Penh,Recherches de (C.D.R.)Phnom-Penh, Republique KhmereFaculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaincs, Centre de Documentation et de ProjetChercheurs de recherche et enseignantsTitreMIGOZZI, Jacques RecherchesM et etudes urbaincs au Cambodge* 1935 Geographe Non applicable Francais, Anglais, Allemand PublicationObjectifsDateDirccteur d'achevcmcnt socio-economiques"NoteGeographicenMIGOZZI, cours preliminaire Jacquesurbaine cnconcernant milieu urbain In preparation au Cambodgc et ('organisation d'eventuelles enquetes demographiques et Generalites:C.D.R.enMIGOZZI, frangais, avril 1970, Jacquesresume 20 enpages, francais roneote 1. Actuellement, au Cambodge, de nombreux travaux statistiqucs sont en cours ou en Hems4.desiilesprojct. jourLes statistiqucs localitespour etproblems completeescette "urbaincs" ville;demographiques, particulicrs par doitde nouvelles queetre oconomiques poseelaboree. enquetes; Ia vile de et Phnom-Penhsocialcs concernant justificnt le secteur la preparation urbaiiiCependant qui d'operations doivcnt d'autres etre particu- operations, mists egalcment necessaircs, devraicnt etre envisagees; 5. Les enquetcs urbaincs pourraicnt etre lc point de depart de ('organisation d'un Elle determinera la base geographique3. Une desdefinition enquetes statistiquc urbaincs; de Ia population "urbainc" et 2. En particulicr: Titre Recherchespréciscentralisateurpreparationenregistrement des operations. etsur apres ('organisation permanent la population unc large de desconsultationdonnees du diversesCambodgc statistiqucs enquatesdes services essentielles, urbaincs et personnes doivent notamment interessees etre assurees des statistiqucset ('elaboration par l'organisme d'otat-civil; d'un statistiquccalendricr 6. La ObjectifsDomaineDateDirecteur d'achevemcnt EtudeNatalite1972Centre des de nivcaux Documentation de fecond:te et deau CambodgcRecherches de la Facti he des Lettres fecondite mortal ite , DateTitreDirecteur d'aLnevement OctobreMIGOZZI,Les facteurs 1967 Jacques de l'accroissement clemographique au Camboclge Khmer Republic 3 PublicationsObjectifs CN"LesMIGOZZI,stud RS iaeteurs deJacques I'aceroisseiuent clemographique au Cambodge" es facteurs soeio-economiquesParis .France et culturels (livre sous de lapresse), recondite 197I, et delivre Ia mortalite(1971), roneote au Canibodge (1968) public en frangais "LademographiqueseconomiquelaA mortalitepopulationpartir des et auclonnees culturel sontsu, Cambodge; etudies endu cereeenseinent avec sesqui facteurs"referenceconcerne de Iaau population nuptialitecontexte geograpliique et du Cambodge et, de essentiellement, 1962, les inouvements naturels de le pays est presents ainsi que des perspectives demographiques. Ia fecondite. Un essai de bilan des donnees au contexte socio- d'apresPresentationenCahiers'MIGOZZI, anglais des d'Outre-Mer donnees Jacques des facteurs disponibles). (naturels, sociaux, economiques) qui determinent un niveau de mortalite (estime Bordeaux Le paludisine faitFrance, l'objet pp. d'une nose au point. 1-22, jitillet 1970, periodique public: en francais, resume Les consequences d'une Note 1.1:I.cbaissc Centre de a laete mortalite cri:e en I'/C) sontct Ie. trassuggerees en conclusion, est dim:smolt nimbi: :11 raculte des Loves \ct personnels n'a pas encore entrepris do Directeur!, anparavant y out etc integ es. RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAName adress in charge SONG,90,Economic Kyungundong, Chong Planning Ho Jongro-Ku,Board, Bureau Seoul, of Statistics, Republic Population of Korea Division' Korea, Rtpuliit.! of 1 Professional staff Official title MChief of the Population Division 1925 n.a. CHOE,UM,KIM,LEE, Joon11 WonEhn Hyun Yong Hyun Sang M 19301934 DemographerDemographer n.a.n.a. Korean,Korean, English, English, Japanese Japanese ts.) KIM,YOON, Nam Kong 11 Hyuk MM 1942 Demographer n.a. Korean, English 00t.11 Research project DirectorTitle CHOE,Population Sun projections Ray for Korea, 1966-1986 ArclAimPublicationDate of ofresearch completion "AToApril,Whole comprehensiveestimate 1970 country the population study of thefor 1966Korea population 1966-1986, census" on the (Economic basis of the Planning 1960 andBoard), 1966 pp. census 1-109, data in Korean Note 1 This institutionaswith clocs a1966-1986; government anot summary have aoffice. .separate and in migration researchEnglish. institution and population in the field of demography, redistribution. but the Population Division conducts such research activities Presents a life table for Korea, 1966; population projections for Korea, 176 Name Statistical Science Research Institute RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Korea, Republic of 2 AddressFirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title DirectorAHN,Dongguk1964 Sa-inyung University, No. 26 Pil-clone, Choong-ku, Seoul, Republic of Korea Professional stafi AHN,HONG, Sa-myung Sung-hae M 19311915 EconomistStatistician Applied demography n.a. Korean, English, Japanese, German CHUNG,OH,KOO, See-ung Ja-heung Jae-ku MM 194419421936 StatisticianDemographer, statistician Formal demography n.a. Korean, English, English, GermanJapanese, German CHOU,KIM,YUM, Hong-chulJong-ho Jun-geun Pung-chan MM 193419381945 EconomistStatistician ... n.a.n a.n.a. Korean,Korean, English, English, German Rc.search projects DateDirectorTitle of completion AHN,DecemberStudy Sa-myung of fertility 1973 in Korea TitleAreaAim of research OnTheTo classifycurve-fitting 1970 census the women of of Korean population: in Korea population a by special number growth tabulation of based own onreport. children Korean government census AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch ToFormalDecemberKOO, estimate Ja-heung demography. the1971 future population size of Korea TitleDateDirector of completion SeptemberAHN,Study ofSa-myung 1970Improvement of the Korean Statistics Administration Korea, Republic of 2 TitleAimArea of research StudyStatisticalTo improve of the administration statistics the Korean system statistical in Korea method of survey AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion StatisticalToAHN,December develop Sa-myung administration. the 1968 Korean statistics administration C'ts) Curricula Exchange programme Although at present there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be 0 CourseEntranceLanguage requirement FORMALB.A.usedKorean; (Mathematics), to createDEMOGRAPHY courses one B.A. could (Economics also (compulsory) be taught or Sociology) in 3 English h or Japanese per week; APPLIED DEMOGRAPHY. RESEARCH INSTITUTION Korea, Republic of 3 PersonAddressName in Official titlecharge ThePresidentPYUN,No. Institute 20-29 Si-Min 5thof Population Street Chungmu-Ro, Problems Chung-Ku, Seoul, Republic of Korea ProfessionalFirst year staff PYUN, Si-Min of research ii. M1965 1918 Sociologist n.a. Korean, Japanese, English, German LEE,YOON,WANG, Byung-Moo Jong-JooKyu-Hyok M 19271'261924 DemographerDemographer,Statistician sociologist n.a. Korean, Japanese, EnglishEnglish, German KIM,HONG,LEE, Jung-WooIn-Soon Yong -Pyo MM 194019301929 EconomistDemographer, economist n.a.n.a. Korean,Korean, Japanese, Japanese, English, English German PARK,KIM,AHN, Hyon-JoHyon-Wha Il-Kyu MFM 194419371933 Demographer,SociologistEconomist sociologist n.a.n.a. Korean,Korean, EnglishJapanese, Japanese, English, English, German French Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion DecemberPYUN,A study Si-Min on 1968 population and employment in Korea PublicationAreaAim of research ATo tionManpowerStudy present and on showsthe Population and trends employmenttheir of effect and Korea's Employment onpp. employmentpopulation 1-126, in 100 Koreaand copies, to (Theshow in Institute their Korean effect of with Population on aemployment summary Problems), in English. December 1968, Presents the trends of Korean popula- Korea, Republic of 3 DateDirectorTitle of completion DecemberPYUN,A demographic Si-Min 1967 study on scientific and technical manpower in Korea PublicatiOnAreaAim of research PopulationAManpower Demographic Problems), Study Decemberon Scientific 1967, and Technical Manpowertimate Korea's scientific and technical manpower part I, pp. 1-608, part 11, pp. 1-63, 300 copies, in Korean with in Korea. parts I and II (The Institute of DirectorTitle PYUN,Plansa summary and Si-Min programmes in English. for improvement of vital statistics Estimates the scientific and technical manpower of Korea. PublicationAimDate of completion "PlansToJune produce1967, 1967 and mimeograph, programmes a plan for improving pp.for 1-109,improvement the 300 vital copies, registrationof vital in English. statistics" system Proposes (The in Korea Institute measures of to Population improve Korea's vital Problems), June statistics. TitleDateDirector of completion SurveyDecemberPYUN, on Si-Min fertility 1966 and migration of Seoul City AreaAimPublication of research Estimatesof"TheFertilityTo Population survey survey somethe report fertilityStudies basic on demographic offertilityNo. Seoul 3, December and City migrationcharacteristics 1966, of pp. Seoul of 3-85, Seoul's City" 800 population.(The copies, Institute ii, Koreanespecially of Population with its afertility summary Problems), Journal and migration. in English. TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonNameAddress in charge CHOI,Korea1 Anam-Dong, Jai-Seuk University, DepartmentSeoul, Republic of Sociology of Korea Korea, Republic of 4 FirstProfessional year of teaching staff Official title Director,1963 Professor CHOI,HONG, Jai-Seuk Sung-Chick MM . n.a. Statistics,Korean society, social family,psychologyrural sociology Korean, English, French,German, Japanese, Japanese Chinese NIP HONG,LEE, Soon-Kow Sung Chick M n.a. SociologicalApplied statistics history Korean, English, Germari,German, Japanese Curricula ExchangeYOON, programme Chong Joo AlthoughM at present there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be n.a. Demography Korean, English, German, Japanese DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.A.HighKorean,used toschool create some graduate onecourses are taught in English at graduate level EntranceCourse requirement M.A.B.A.APPLIED STATISTICS (compulsory) 14 h. 1. Life table, 4 h; 2. Census analysis, 10 h. Note CourseDiploma I A dissertation is alsoDEMOGRAPHY' possible for a Ph.D. degree. (optional) 26 h: 1. Ratios, 10 h; 2. Population theory, 16 h. Name RESEARCH INSTITUTION Korea, Republic of 5 FirstPersonAddress year in Official titleofcharge research DirectorKIM,IKorea Anam-dcmg.1966 Yun-Hwan University, Seoul, Labour Republic Research of Korea Center Professional staff KWON,KIM, Yun-Hwan Doo-Young MM 19291921 EconomistEconomi§t n.a. Korean,Korean. Japanese, English HAN,PARK,KIM. Nack-JungJeong-hyun Chong-Yearl MM 193219351940 LawyerEconomistSocio-econom ist n.a. Koreah,Korean,Korean. Japanese, English HAN,PARK,AN, Oh-nam Young-Dae Chang-Hwan M 19411940 EconomistEconomist n.a. Korean.Korean, Chinese,EnglishEnglish English Research projects DateDirectorTitleKIM, ofSang-Kwon completion JulyAM KIM,study 1969 Yun-Hwanof labour problems related to arranged overseas employment1937 Economist Korean. Japanese, English PublicationAreaAim of research ToKoreanJulyLabourOverseas analyse 1969, Problemsoverseas theemployment pp. situation 1-173, employment Related ofin KoreansoverseasKorean to Arranged which with employment rapidly Overseasa summary oegan and Employment attractingin overseas English. interest.labour (Labour markets at Research examining Center, potential Korea overseas University). labour Attempts to analyse the present status of TitleDirector KIM,Anofdeducingmarkets. Koreans. analysis Yun-Hwan atpolitical reviewing of the andlabour labourinstitutional situation policies atimprovement Inchonand administration formulae regarding for a logical overseas expansion employment, of overseas and employment at thereby PublicationAreaAimDate of completionresearch AnTopp.InchonDecember analyseAnalysis 1-337, City the of 19661.000 thelabour Labour copies. force Situation inand Korean population in withInchon agrowth summary(Labour in ResearchInchon in English, City Center. Korea University), December 1966,

4.1.1 III RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge VIM.Seoul.Korea Seong Republic University. Hi of Korea Social Research Institute Korea, Republic of 6 ProfessionalFirst year of stall'researchOfficial title Director1966 Research project TitleYIM, Scong Hi MResearch on Ilie process of industrialization of a small urban1929 society Sociologist n.a. Korean. English. German. Japanese AimDirectorDate of completion ToDecemberYIMtheneighbours assess Seongsurrounding the1970 Hi structuralan American arca; andsocial functionalair mobility; base and change developmenta metropolitan of a relatively. of areasmall fastgives industry; urbanizing rise tounequal the small migration income town; distribution;ofthe rural fact thatpeople thisf- lily to Note Area of research 1 There arc alsoSmallplanning: several urbanpart-time deviant, society assioants. delinquent and criminal behaviour: and cultural conflicts. , AddressName KyungHeoki Dong, Hee University, Dongdaemun-ku, Department Seoul, of RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION RepublicGeography of Korea Korea, Republic of 7 ProfessionalFirstFirstPerson year year in of staffcharge ofteaching researchOfficial title Dean19601962PARK, of College No-Shik of Liberal Arts and Science KAND,CHOU,PARK,LEE, HanDongDac No SoonHyun ShikKyu MMM 1912192419171922 GeogiGeographelGeographer apher Geography of population n.a. Korean.Korean,Korean, JapaneseJapanes.Japanese, EnglishEnglish, German English, Chinese Research project TitleHONG,SIN,KEEL. Dong YongSi Hwan Yuk Hyun MM 192419151939 GeographerGeographei n.a.n.a. Korean,Korean,Korean. Japanese,JapaneseEnglish English 0 AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion KoreaToDecemberLEE,International analys- Han 1970polarization Soon migration and of interregionalpopulation in Korea with particularrelations refeience to the cities Publication to ainJournal"Athe special English. study Seoul of demographicon metropolitanPopulation internal migration Studies,survey area, on ofNo. the population 8, period 1960-1966. A statistical and cartographic analysis is dominant through step-wise migration June 1969, pp. 73-104. 1.500 copies. in Korea. mainly conceinc0 with cities.- (LEE, based on the data of resident The movement towards urban in Korean with a registration figures and centres. especially summary Soon). Curricula Exchange programme Althoughtoarmy plain.create bases. at one prelent there is Besides this type of migration, there no international student exchange are flows towards programme. financial assistance could be used the minim regions and the from the rice-cultivated areas near western CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement 8GEOGRAPHYB.S. h;StatisticsKorean OF POPULATION (optional) 3. Natural and social increase, 8 h; 4. Socio-economic impact of28 population. h: I. Composition of population, 4 h; 2. Census 4 h. analysis. Name Kyungpook National University, Department of Sociology TEACHING INSTITUTION Korea, Republic of 8 PersonAddress in charge Official title ProfessorBAE,19601370 Yong-Kwang San-Kyuck-Dong. and Chairman Taegu, Republic of Korea ProfessionalFirst year of stall teachingCHUNG, Chul-Soo M 1927 n.a. Study on developing countries Korean, English, German, Japanese Curricula LanguageKWON, Kyu-Shik Korean;M courses could also be taught in English 1933 n.a. Population problems Korean, English, German, Japanese CoursesDiploma problemsSTUDYB.A.POPULATION10 h; ON in DEVELOPINGdeveloped PROBLEMS societies, COUNTRIES (compulsory) 10 h; (compulsory) 50 h: including population4. Socio-cultural problems, background 8 h. of family planning, 8 h; 3. Population growth and problems in underdeveloped societies. 1. Population theory, 15 h; 5. Population policy, 7 h. 2. Population growth and ----- 1, TEACHING INSTITUTION PeoonA dares%Name in charge BAE,Kyungpook1370 Yong-Kwang San-Kyuck-Dong. University. Graduate Taegu. School, Department of Sociology Republic of Korea Korea, Republic of 9 ProfessionalFirst year of staffteachingOfficial title Prole,sor1962 and Chairman YOO,BAE, Yong-KwangShi-Joong M 19251921 n.a. Study in major fieldsof sociology Korean,Koi ean. F,nglisn,English, GeiGerman, man, Japanese 00ts.) Curricula Language Korean: the course could also be taught in English CourseDiploma urbanSTUDYruralM.A. sociology sociology IN MAJOR 15 15 h). h). FIELDSUDY IN MAJOR FIELDS OF SOCIOLOGY (1)(2) (compulsory) including: Urban Rural population, 3 h, (in population. 3, h (in .. RESEARCH INSTITUTION Korea, Republic of 10 NamePerumA ddre s sin charge RAE,K)ungpook1370 Yong-Kwang San-K) University. uek Doug. The Taegu. Korean Republic Rural Community of Korea Research Center ProfeNAhnzalEst year of research staff Official title PI 1970otessor and Director BOO,KIM,BA Jae-J Kwang-Shik in E. Yong-Kwang NIM 192719231921 EconomistSociologist n.a. Korean.Km ean. English. English. German,Chinese,German. Japanese KIM,CHUNG,KWON, 'I ac-Young Chul-Soo Kyu-Shik M 193319281927 Sociologist n.a. Korean,Korean. English,English. GetGerman, miL, Japanese Rescaich project DirectorTitle A studyRAE. Yong-Kwangon the rural exodus and changes ir. rural population AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion YoungnamTourbanizationMatch clarify 1972 some region of (southeast the causes Korea). of social change in a rural community which followed the process of RESEARCH INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge LEE,Kyungpook101 Sung-Kwan Dong National In Dong, University, Joong Ku. School Taegu, of R:tpublic Medicine, of Department Korea of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Korea, Republic of 11 ProfessionalFirst year of stall researchOfficial title Professor.1966 Chairman of the Department KIM,LEE, SungHui-KyoDoo-Hie -Kwan M 19351918 UrologistPublic health physician n.a.n.a. Korean.Korean, English, Japanese, German HAN,HONG,Y EH. Dong-Sub Soon-HoMin -Has MNI 192019361936 PediatiPublicPublic healthician health physician n.a. Korean,Korean. English,Engiish.English. Japanese. Japanese. German KWUN,KIM,PARK, Jung-Won Sang-Bin Kyu-Shik M 193319211932 SociologistObstetrician n.a. Korean,Korean,Korean. English,English.English, Japanese, Japanese.Japanese, GermanGerman Research Projects DirectorTitle LEE.A study Sung-Kwan in acceptance and continuation of oral contraceptives among women in a rural area AreaAimDate of of research completion Kyung-SanIUDToOctober promote which 1969 County. hadthe use shown Kyungpookof oral a continuation contraceptives Province rate after of onlyobserving 5 1 per their cent acceptance since 1964 and continuation rates; to replace AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToDecemberLEE.Family support Sung-Kwan planning more 1971 effective through family delivery planning services through delivery services to rural women Korea. Republic of 11 AreaPublication of research encouragedHAN."AKyung-San stud)1969. Dae-Woo. pp. County.to 23-59.use YEN. the Kyungpook monoui IUD, and and KIM. aph. insertionProvince Doo-150 _epics. iates have been high. in acceptance and continual of oral contraceptivesKorean among, JournalKorean women of withPreventive in a asummary ritral Medicine, area" in English. (LEE. Women were especially Termination rates, however, reached 50 per vol. 2. No' I. Octob'er poiplanningcentimportant twice in two pto e.ramme. yearsthe to providegovernmentacepmes. owing anto which spontaneousalternative programme. are very method expulsion. effective of fanul:' sideand easyeffects planning to anduse. for other ha:e former problems.become IUD users.mailable as part of the national family The study of acceptance .and effectiveness was begun because of its relevance and im- Therefore, it Recently oral eon- is highly TitleDirector womenStudiesLEE. Sung-Kwan on the silk. ects, tcommition and continuation rates of sonic oral contiaceptives among rural AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion Kyung-SansonalToOctober supply side 1969 effectsoral County, contraceptives Kyungpook for Province family planning and to observe' their defects. including medical and per- Publications "StudiestoplanningOctoberwomen" supplying of 1970.theprogramme,(LEE, sidethem monograph KIM. effects instead acceptanceDoo-Hie, and ofin termination IUDs.Korean "EH, and which withandcontinuation and hada summarycontinuation shown rates ain 50ofEnglish. rates oralper ofcentcontraceptives some continuation mat contraceptives were rate observed since among 1964. with rurala view HONG), Korean Journal of Preventive Medicire, In accordance with the national family vol. 3, No. 1. JuneinKorean.long"On English. the 1967-Hak. Journal chaa,e and PARK: June ofof Preventivebasic Jung-Duck,.969 characteristics in Kyung-San KIM, Dong-Chul. County, of Korean Kyungpook analHUH, women In-Moo, Province. in LEE, Hyun-Shik and KIM. Doo-Ilic), Compares the basic characteristics of rural women in Medicine, October 1970. vol. 3. No. I. monograph. in Korean with a summary relation to familyrelation planning" to family planning between (JUNG, \ TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge KIM,Kyungpook1370 Jac -JinSan-Kyuck-Dong, University, Teachers Taegu, College, Republic of Korea Department of Social Studies Korea, Republic of 12 iFirstProfessional year of te chingslap Official title Professor1960 and Chairman Curricula KIM, Tac-YoungJae-Jin M 1928I923 n.a.n.a. DevelopmentEconomic development of society Korean,Korean, English, English, Chinese, German, Japanese Japanese 1..) CourseLanguageDiploma ECONOMICB.A.Korean; coursesDEVELOPMENT t.uuld also be(compulsory) taught in English including: -. GENERALKOREANDEVELOPMENTand economic SOCIOLOGY SOCIETY development, OF ((,Anpulsory)SOCIETY (compulsory) 10 h. (compu;sory) including: including: Population problems, 5 h. Populationincluding: Demographic problems, 4 h. factors in social 1. Population theory, 5 h; 2. Population development, 7 h. growth TEACHING INSTITUTION Korea, Republic of 13 PersonAddressName in charge KIM,No.Pusan 30 IiNational Jang-Jun-Dong, Gon University, Dong-Nae-Ku, College of Business Pusan, Republic of Korea ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingOfficial title Associate1965 Professor Curricula KIM,Language Il Gon KoreanM 1932 ma. Economic demography Korean, English, Japanese 1.3 EntranceCourseDiploma requirement MatriculationECONOMICB.A.12 (Economics)h; 4. Population DEMOGRAPHY theory, 15 (optional) h; 5. Population including: and economic development, 10 h. I. Life table. 5 h; 2. Census analysis, 6 h; 3. Ratios, Name CenterSeoul National University, Collette of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The Population RESEARC/I INSTITUTION and Dewlopment StudiesKorea. Republic of 14 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title DirectorLEE,Seoul.1965 Hite Republic Young of Korea Professional .staff LEE, Hae Young M 19231925 SociologistSociologist n.a. Korean. English, Japanese CI-101,CHANG,YU,LEE, Eui ImMan x Yun oungHyun Gap Shik MM 193219361937 Demographer n.a.n.a. Korean,Korean.Not can, English, JapaneseJapanese,Gc man, French French. German CHOI,CHO,YU, Soon ShiJi Hoon Jung M 193819341921 SociologistMathematicianEconomist n.a. Korean,Korean.Korean. English, English, Japanese Japanese Research projects TitleDateDirector of completion JuneKIM.Urbanization 1970 Kyong Dong and economic development PublicationAim Center."Urbanizationindicesindexa) To Publication&Abeinlormation theand association economic Series for measuring No. development"between 6, June. changes recent 1970, (KIM,in economic pp. social 1-394, Kyong anti growth monograph, culturai Dong). and factorsThe social in Population English. changeand to correlatein and Korea; Development them b) To with provide economicStudies some DateDirectorTitle of completion MarchLEE,KoreanVocational 1970 Hae metropolitan Young education area,and occupation: Tae Ju a sociological appraisal of vocational high- school education in a . .. Aim tion(a) to define the meaning of work; (b) to evaluate occupation;in terms of (c) occupational to appraise vocationaladjustment, high satisfaction school educa- and aspiration; (d) to examine the economic and Korea, Republic of 14 PublicationArea of research "VocationalTaeeducationalanDevelopment Ju English aspectseducation version Studies of (Series vocationaland Center, occupation" No. Publication 4).high-school (LEE, Series training Hae No. Young 4, March and 1970KIM, pp.Kyong 1-179, Done), monograph. The Population in Korean and with DateDirectorTitle of completion ., DecemberLEE,Differential Hae 1966Young fertility survey in a Korean middle town PublicationsAreaAim of research "FamilyToIchon-Eup.family ascertain sizeplanning fertilityvalueKyonggi-Do and in differences a status Korean of accordingfamilymiddle planning town" to the (LEE, practices;socio-economic Hae Young, family background sizeKIM. values Jin Kyun andof women; and attitudes KWON, attitudes toward Tae towards familismHwan), "DifferentialPacific"FamilyKorean Region Journalplanning fertility Conference of status Sociology, in a inKorean aof Korean 1PPFvol. middle 2, atmiddle1968, Tokyo, town" pp. town" Japan, 329-331,(LEE, (LEE, MarchHae inHae Young,Korean 1966, Young), inKIM. English paper Jin Kyun, presented KWON, at the Tae Western- Hwan). . meeting,"Ageinpaper English atpresented first for with publication.marriage" a at summary the Pacific (LEE,August in SciencesKorean Hae 1966, Young, Congressmimeographed. KIM, Symposium Jin Kyun, in Korean. atKWON, Tokyo, TaeJapan, Hwan), August paper 1966, presentedmimeographed, at a DirectorTitleDate of completion LEE,Haman1966 Jay study Cho of vital statistics AreaAimPublication of research delaysSociology,"TheBoban-Myon,a) to enumerateorlevel failures ofvol. Haman-Kun,fertility 2. invital 1966,registration events: and pp. mortalityKyongsangnam-Do, 143-146, in ina Korean Korea withrural a community" summary in (LEE,English. Jay Cho), Korean Journal of b) to match survey data with vital registration; c) to examine reasons for Name Seoul National University. College of Medicine, RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Urban Population Studies Cen:_r Korea, Republic of 15 FirstPersonAddress year in Official titlechargeof research DirectorKWON,28,1964 Yun KunE. Hyock Done, Seoul, Republic of Korea ProfessionalFirst year stall KWON, E. H. of teaching M1964 1923 Epidemiologist Population control Korean, English, German. Japanese PARK,KIM, T. H. R. J. MM 193()1927 HealthPublic healtheducitor (maternal & child health) CommunicationDemographic aspects in populationchildof maternal health 4nd Korean, English, German. Japanese KO,LEE,PARK, U. Y. R. W. S. Y. MM 19301935 StatisticianDemographer Population statistics n.a.n.a. Korean,Korean, English,English German, Japanese Research Projects LEE,HONG,YUN, Y.B. J. H. W. .1. FM 193919341937 StatisticianEpidemiologist n.a. Korean,Korean, English AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ActionUrban'.,!yKWON, 1967population research E. Hyock in project family planning with an urban population DirectorTitleArea of research SeoulKWON,A study onE. H.post-partum family planning AimDate of completion theToFebruary studyurban the city 1972 relationships of between post partum family planning and the various types of delivery care in Korea, Republic of 15 AreaPublications of research Seoul(Julyductedmonograph,(KWON,**A study 1964 for KIM, ontwo - !,000June urban months, and 1966),copies. populationPARK, starting and in H.Korean a control:Jpost-actionApril 1, College with1964. Sunedone a surveysummaryof Medicine, Gu which action in English Seoulwas i.search conducted National project University,in on July family and planningJulyAugust 1967, 1966. and pp. fertility" 1-149, This was followed by a two-year continuous action programme Consists of the pre-action survey con- tion.**A3,609KIM, 1,000 studynumber andmarried oncopies, PARK, urbanof children,women in populationH. Korean T.), in marriage. CollegeSeoul with control City a of summarypregnancy, Medicine, and their in attitudes SeoulbirthEnglish. andNational towards Thisabortions surveyUniversity, family and was planning,so Mayconducted on. 1967, channels pp.on a1-87. random of communica-monograph, sample of family planning and fertility with population in Seoul" (KWON, ts.) Curricula' Entr;LanguageDiploma nce requirement CertificatePartKorean; of M.D. courses curricula could also be taught in English CourseLanguage POPULATIONKorean;POPULATION courses AND STATISTICS could FAMILY also be PLANNING (compulsory)taught in English (compulsory) 24 h. 12 /r. CourseEntranceDiploma requirement COMMUNICATIONPOPULATIONPartB.A. of the M.P.H. PROBLEMS curricula (compulsory) (compulsory) 8 h: 16 h; Note I As this institutiondoesPOPULATION is not engaged award mainlya (liploma STATISTICS in research or certificate. on population (compulsory) and family planning, 24 h. the lectures are gi*en for M.D. and M.P.H. degrees; the centre . NameAddress 28.Seoul Yon National Kenn Dong,University, Chongro School Ku, of Seoul. Public Republic of RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Korea Korea. Republic of 16 a. PersonFirst inyear charge of teachingresearchOfficial title DeanKIM.19651964 In Dal Professional staff KIM,LOH, In InDal Kyu MM Physician n.a. Korean, English, JapaneseJapanese, German PARK,KIM,KO, Ung JoungJong Jae Ring Kun SuSoon MF 19331931 StatisticianPhysicianPhysician & &statistician statistician SamplingStatisticalBiostatistics techniquemethod n.a. Korean,Korean. English,English.English, Japanese Japanese CHOI,PARK,LEE,- In Yong YoungHyonHyuni Hwan SooJong M 1930194319291931 StatisticianPhysicianDemographer and IntroductionAppliedHealth statistics education to demography Korean.Korean, English.EnglishEnglish, Japanese KANG,KIM,IM, Chea Tae Kil EunRyong Won MF 194019261935 PhysicianHealth educator health educator MaternalHealth education and and cl7,i1.-.' child health*lealth Korean,Korean. English.English,Figlish. JapaneseJapanese Research project TitleLEE, Kyung Sik UrbanF population control study' 1932 Nurse Public hea!:: .,-..4,,g Korean. English, Japanese AreaAimDateDirector of completionreselirch ContinuingFamilyToKWON, evaluate planning E. Hyock the family planning programme in Seoul City . Publications "A study on urban population control. Sungdong Gu action research project on family plannin, and ferti- Korea, Republic of 16 ofprogrammeConsists Nationallity"approach (KWON. of University, thefrom pre-action KIM, July T.1964July R., survey 1967, and KO, the andconductedpp. post-action 1-149, Park. H.monograph.for J.),twosurvey Collegemonths conducted 1.000 fromof Medicinecopies, April in July 1964, in andKorean the AugustSchool with 1966.of Four methods mass media, home visits, group meetings and mails were adopted. two-year continuous action a summary in English.Public H alth, Seoul planning.onpp.and"A studya 1-87.PARK. random onmonograp'i,channels H. urban sample J.), College populationof of 1,000communication. 3,609 of copies.Medicine marriedcontrol, in andwomenfamilyKoreannumber School planning residentswithof children.of a Public summary and in SeoulpracticeHealth,lei tility in City,English. Seoul inof Seoul" contraceptiveand National their (KWON, attitudes University, methods, KIM, towards family This survey was carried out T: R.. MayKO, 1967, marriage, University.KIM,"Apregnancy, study T. R., in1968, acceptabilitybirthPARK, pp.and 1-139.H. abortions, J., and & monograph, KANG), effectiveness etc. College 1,000 of oralofcopies, Medicine pills inwith Korean andwomen SO with AA of Public Health, Sident in an urban area"a summary (KWON, in English. Seoul National Includes C)N "Aandbasic study practice characteristics in the with acceptability regard of tooral-pill oral and pills. users.effectiveness measurement acceptance of intra-uterine ratesof use-effectiveness according contraception to their of characteristics,oral pill it1 users. etc. knowledge, attitude findingsteristicsmonograph,Yong-Wook).vr 'iables" onof (KWON, womenstatus 1,000 College subsequentcopies, with KIM, of IUDMedicine T.in R..Koreanir:sertions; to PARK. IUD and with insertion; School H. informationa summaryJ., KANG,of and Public termination inrelated HONG.English. Health, to Jac acceptanceSeoulrates Woong, ofNational IUD. ofPARK, intra-uterineUniversity, Soon Young, & LEE, Includes socio-demographicrelation charac-to socio - medical 1969, pp. 1-204, contraception; of"A KoreanandKANG, observationstudy School on HONG,with the ofincludinga status summary PublicJac Woong, of Health,knowledge, maternal in English.PARK, Seoul and attitudes, Soon Covers National child Young, health marriedand University, LEE,practices in an Yong urban 190,in Wook, regard arca" & (KWON, YUN, Bong KIM, Ja), T. CollegeR., women residing in Seoul City, with the major items pp. 1-91, monograph,to maternal1,000 copies, and child health and PARK, H. J.,of Medicine in Ja),T."Afamily R..study College PARK.planning, of the of H. socio-demographicMedicine in J., addition PARK, and to Soon theSchool basic Young,characteristics of socio-demographicPublic KANG, Health, ofHONG, intra-uterine Seoul Jac characteristics National Woong, contraception University, LEE, of theYong acceptors" 1970. Wook, (KWON, women. pp. 1-63, mono- YUN, Bong KIM, insertions.characteristics,intervalsfirstgraph, delivery. 1,000 between copies,marriage, births, in pregnancy,Korean number with of live-birth a children, summary rates, and in English.numberexperience of living of abortions children, ofideal the The age after which women should not have any children is also studied and Includes findings on basic socio-demographic women receivingage atIUD marriage and so are the ideal 11' r=t, rmsu T ,101,1,4174 414, 1,4r 40,1,44 LIIIL

' , ILL 44:41,1 eeee eeie, r 44114 le 1'14144,4 Le. L.4 44P4:44., ,4444d 4,4J14,1, ..'f;'"'',,' ',' L'',.''`,,' 4 ' vit ui flu o' ;4, e,eleeeleee veer, a :Lee evree,.,4 t. I qenet,e,e tieenoe;e.,1 , 1; r4,4:44V.,41444,44441,471'4;411.4,14'1,1'.1E , ' H''' '',"r' ' I' " `'''' "'" ' l',' 4 ,'I''',1 ''' 'I '", r "" n''"' '',''',',', , , , 4 '' r TT,I'M r, '''''''Lq'Af""rr'',' ',A1' l''''' ' 4""' rq 'C''' ''''''ll'I'Ltr'',7;"n''' n.'''-^" ''d N". ,!,1.41r.",r,',2,1,""' l'','",''''''''''"'N''':', ''''i ,"r4',', -1 1 ', -''' - '-,1, '',,,, ,, 't ",,,' Ir., , ,,, y'kr,-r,,J,,P, , , ' '' uriicula7"'''P1?:angtiage'l r',,''' ,',',1'*',,' ,, ,, hlt,,,,,,,,J,,,,,,,4L4.,,,4,[1,,,L,,, , oreawri4coursesioou ?a1so4 e$taug tAn n IlS , . DiplomaEntraneo requirement, IrAr0St,i'vED: or I3auhetor's4 fiegi,C,'. 1 'c' 'Course TIONAll optjOriul,I TOIDEMOORAPI-IY,,,'30th,h;',,,ILIEAL'iti)EDIJOATION;30',.'h;;,MATERNAL,AND'CHILDO'' 4NTRODUCTIONr,TCY13/0STATIgTICS',,,30,111lecturc;L, I., , 60u h: HEALTH, laboratory work; INTRODUC- I , 30, h. FAMILY '1pi:..i'4+NN!NqHATip,'PoRt.:ri:'4ATppo'plcipt,ms;, ., cs,' h; 'PUBLIC' HEALTH NURSING, Nates " 11Carriet11;itticjointly,'Family ;"111anit witOlie:Mitlicali kir anti h College detnographyi,are of the'NatiiniatUnktetiitY,,,Seriul. taught by the ,Department ' of Iliostatiitiesi, K.C.I I.,, Health, Education , and Public Health Nursing. , 0 . a 1 ) '1

I d r ,e loree4 OPPA , 41444.1i,,,L4'41.4.11(01,944.11,4"411714,4.44,4444:44ILLY ' II , .144'41 171,10,1714,,m, IName :W,O6'.§*,`iiiniVerSity;,'[DePiirtiiieiit ,of ObstetriCS,ra'nik'dyiitiecdrogy,' RESEARCH INSTITUTION Korea,, Republic of 17 PersonAddressFirst inyear charge , of 'research--Official' (title 'Professor,'HONG:,'24, 2nd]1961 SUng7bong,, i1Street, Obstetrics 'Myting-yun-dong; andk Gynaecology' blio,n&a-kii,,, SeOul,i,*cPiiblie of Korea Professional staff ' ' KW.,PARK;,HONG, Yong,'Whan 'Sung-bongYon i Jay 'm,M 1942'0)21,1925 ObStetrician,,',GynaecOlOitist ' . . i ''il.'.,,n.a:, , ,Korean,;Korean,..Korean, 'English, ,English' English; Japanese, Japanese, German Research Projects'TitleDirector . 'HONG,I,Sttidies,Ont,feniale,'deiithSAntthe 'Siiii050figE ,,reproductive, r' agg's, , in, Seoul t ....is.) AittyPublicationsDate, of coMpletiOn, . ,February'PO,' ass4s y 1969 in aiernak;StudiesigiVfeihale,,rdeath§jnIrtheyeprOductiVe4goei,vor,SeoUlt,,,,based niortii0ity, , alicit;;,nieria1 iiy; ;i011ti*iian',inquced; ;abortion: on a review of causes of death in eleven , r . 1 'abOtit,the!iiiiirbidity",citatiging4attern4ni',c'indicedr,!abOrtiolyprincipalVilospittil§'969 ,andl,,,niOrialitt011OW'ing4lh'CliiceiliabOrtioir. 00,,',07,..j*:,1,;599Copic§e,iii,',KOii,hlii,6000§fi',4*, (11,i3ONd);, i'c.iireari4,:letirn*,0 'int ''SpoUh., '1Corear, ,(HONG);, in,i, ,preparation.sUnimary. ,bstetrics;raild',Gynaecology,, vol, , in 'both languages. 12,, No 2, February Proviues. facts A, Title . , Date,ofDire Ctor 'completion', IHOivoi,.ung4iOng,,,11/0064June 1966t 4041.000§iiit , AreaAIM,Publications of research, 1Ficidi"stirvey,,tO,'Wit-hl"InduCeil,abortionv,i01,'isootkii;it,,,(Otii;C)wi000doli;,inducedl,"abortiOnrikthenietroPaiitanrarco,f1COullTo,eValtiate la. 's,tom44, the4sii.*l'indOdCci)4tiOitjOn 'ineittenCe,,theLdeinOgrziPhie ,;1:1 #000:, ,Attilliiighlriiooati;09:;,ilioivLi*.illegall,.'the itiidkSodiO.1-eecinomie June 1969'.,, variables 'pp. r actual and incidence medical., problemsof induced related abortion to 1-91,,, 2;000 copies, in English, '",IndudedabOrtiOn,Ik'airural'arekOf',;KOreaNHONG);KOreaii-,"jouriial,,ino,ScotliThesinceyo1'., 'lincidence 1966;,,,Coinciding*ithrith 10j,'NO:,';r4iite,'''19,614'1100),',127,*,- 'Iout.,'2PerHednt?, OfAlidUc4di'rabOOiall'v*'"f00004h0apert,,eelit,,iiilithe A ;;all elnitiatiOnv,of'qthe ;:;vivegi;;ik,*,1-ne.ii'OPOti,ta!rarea: il;5'00':,eLii,pi,e§,:,4ii*Oreani'randli'Eliglisht,,with:'a,sumniary,,,in ofrUralr Obstetricians area, in I966 and Gynaecologists, 'botli'languages. 1 f 0 4 , 1, ,1, I , ,, I ,., i, , , 1, 4,19 , , ,-, o'Veriiiiienti',faMily, rplanning./ campaign.11,0 , , The trend' has-been. Steadily, upward,

Lrr 44, '47',L,' 4 ,RESEARCH, Korea, Republic of 18 PersonAddressName in charge Official title DirectorYANG;NoYonsei-University;, '5 San,. Jae MotShinchon-ciOng;, CentenfOr SuhdaemooOcu; Population Seoul",,,epUblic; the , Center ancl"Tarnity ,Plannine Korea Professional'First year ofstaff researchYANG,, J. M. M1962 1920' Pubkici 'health 'physician, rpciput4ti904:100,fcs' Korean, English, Japanese, Gerinan KIM.BANG, M. H.S. M'M 19231923, . 'Public'Public beahliphicianf FamilyFFamily planning planning 'dP"Oi,Okal?c0140004i"and family planning 'Korean,.Korean,, English-, English, Japanese b.)00 KIM,HAM,HAN,CHOI, M. K. B.I.C C.H.C 19351932,19291911' EconOiiaiSt: teblii40i10§IP°4004Y/ 1korean;,;Englisli:Japanese,Korean;,Korean, English; 'English; Japanese Japanese, German German, French KIM,LEE,,,11 I. S. W. MF 494f1935. itatiStician, SOCiOldgigt;pub' TO1*"006,114,S,?:00,711.0,Te0404,0*40randifanillY40104ing, ,Korcan,,English;,koreanKOiean ,EngliStr,, Japanese Japanese Japanese KWAK,H.AHPARK, '5, htT. K. C. "MMiM. 192610,26,1§3§1194t ,ObstetriegynaeColOgiSt,scicjoiogk, ria Korea*, EngliSh,,,Jaanese Japanese SONGLEE,CHUNG;ROBINSON, J., S. O. S.,W. O. J. C., M.M, 194! `,64440b',,gyoiofrorogo.,ObstetricObstetrie:Obstetric ' gynaecologistgynaecologist' gynaecologist Family" 'planning :KoreanEngliSh;Korean;Korean, English English, Japanese Japanese' Japanese Research, projects DirectorTitle Joint PkY!'4006'YOiiPi fál YANd,,,Ij4; 'MO/ 4 '''44-0441,44i.46e±,A.441,02.44;14-1,444.40.-' , 6 n "

.Arriati1X4r, 4 f t 'rkelorY. ,r,yrrr, ryrj.ir }r, 'rrrrrr

, ,17Pf,74rrt,V,S3,1Y*11-11,,tvol4-.,groy,.4,6,./,1,r, ,,4,wor+t-.1.,,. 441, 44- 4, ,4,44 `4 n ..-r,., 4, 44,4- ° D'"44,4"44,441-44,4.,°^".11141' 4'14 "4° 444 ^14,v, 4111,/^11,, 4 " 4' a ,;r4444 4' I

1 . Korea, Republic of 18, 11 Curricula Language' Korean; Courses, cOuldalSO be taught-in, English .% . CdarsesDiplomaEntrance; requirement BASICDemographyB.A. (Sociology) MATHEMATICS (Economics); 0:S: (MathematiCS)1 '(Statistics);. Medical, 5r part of ,ali'MT:I-f. Science and; related: fields, ; ADVANCEbjigiOdk*PHICII,METI-01)1(oPtibnal)',,,tionand1/%1,7ERODOC4,1461V't&DEMOORAPki[.(CiorijOill§6.ry);;f4 growthi,'projeetiOn, Of4iOPUlaiiOn;', .31. Various irtcasiati.:Si of 4&'h... l.i: ,._ ,fertility; 4. Mortality and migration;. 5. Life-table popula- L. I.Census 'Life, table. and regiStration from a; stochastic data; 2.. Structure process, point of View. '2.,'MathernatiCakniOdelS; in+' measuring'' e'riertilitSP anci mortality;, 3. Stable population, theory and ; fertility:METHODStheoriercieVant-tOdenioiraPhie,"analySiS., AirAlt,SISOPtiOnal);, 32';.:h: , various, methOdS, of analysing and estimating I

POPULAtKO`DYNAMiCS..(OptiOnal);, 1 familinPfiCatiOn.Of,,fertility,ICOntrOlMetbOds;', ,3,.,,,OaMili;Plannifig..;COMunicatiorrplanning. 4'.tjanlily:Olininiiigin'the'Republie of Korea; 2. Programme , and', education; 4. Research in healthl, and to family plan- Proiram,610;1:'idandplanningning, itsadthinistration, ,2: education, Population sociological prOblenis; 5 The roleof factor ,31Top.0rT,,01440:00iiofgeg,w01;, voluntary 'OL in family planing, 7 organizations in the fa:114., planniitg programme; 6. Family totifraceptiVe; ryediod§; 8 National family planning programme ,evaluation of family' planning Religious ethics Note 'UniversitYitbusinesi411' intire!etteCtiVetto,earry,',iin, thrTPrograiputi:S.4ilittid;iloPdiiit'oiwithkti. as ihe!$icialf'iitlnlinistratittO4 ScientiC;Reieneh statiStics;;1*,,PiibB.:, these4;ttidieS-undcertliedgereralry!unilieiltattpiceZot, I rstittlie,,,tbe'Instituie, adininiStra!ittn;vittediCine.;tite.,tieaff inryplitcetrutitler oft' Orbani the StutIk theVithrsoine, at'aiiei. qtyralAcoortlination,o1. the CePter. nthlievelopinent, and the Institute of Business Management. aspects, of population.-This applies Studies. ,also the to University such reset deems raj intttttc s of the Although the faculties of economics:

4r, 47, ."."4., err. ^4^v", .1444ventit,"4,44444,4,14,..h4,441.4,44444 444.44U4:444 ,44,44gir 44t., ., .44 44,4 4,4, 4,4,4'4444 ,44,4, 4c,44, Name Service National! delat Statistiquc RESEARCH' INSTITUTION !Laos, 1 9. PersonAddressFirst year of researchOfliCial, title "itt charge MinistereDirectorCHOUNLAMOUNTRY,,1959 du. Plan, et de Somsanouk Cooperatibut Vientiane, Laos Prolessionat .staff CHOUNLAMOUNTRY,Somsanouk M 1935 EcOnomist, Lao. ,French, English. Thai OULOTK.LAWARN,1NTHAVONG, Keo Phouy Sorasinh MMM, 19391937193(1 StatiStician,SociologistDemograPher, Population ,StatiSticsY n.a. tao,Lao?, Lao;French. Ficneh, French. English, Endish, English. Thai Thai Thai oo Research, projects TitleDirector andCensus,,of1NTHAVONG, Patk.se. the populatioft, Sorasinh of the five main, towns:. {Luang ,Prabanet Vientiane, Khanimouane, Savannakhct PublicationDate of completion "Population.Study,de.December l'a, of popUlation,Statistique,,' cenisuss ofmovements volt. the cityI, Augiist Of ',Stivannakhet, 1.976, '56' pp; int JulyMinieograpbedt. ,1,97,(fintil ,results)7 200) copies. (INTHAVONG), in French., Service National A full, census of in.roughlycooperation,the the' population, KingdoMt 'a, Week. .of ofthe Ih&-,city,d'Savamiakhet, Ministry Was,,taken,fOr; the first time from 3 to 5 July 196; with the ' The results are ,essential ' the 'Intcrior '1JS:kirD., study. of ,popujation, problems and for the next census The training of the census &numerators, lasted TitleAimDateDirector of completion MayLAWARN,.SamplePopUlatiow 1970! survey, ofof' the' .the Plain,;(140;000populatiCUr of' the'Plairi of V:icOtiane- , ,. Publication "ReportwithasCensus: part , a ono ,grantand the- the SurveysiDiViieon,,voL. natiOn*elevelOPipent,pilotunder census the' of the Plain plaw,7-r--IcitOW0S;411:0?utline: of Vientiane" (LAWARN),, Service1'larr-19611974. National de la Statistique, budget" and iii,I-parpOSes*ere:; ,F. to familiarize enumerators, checkers and mimeographed,, 100, copies, in ,French. The survey was made It was carried out Laos 1 Title Agro-literacyVientiane.supervisorsinterview 'with; techniques. survey the,preParatOry of for''a-SaMPle'lsurvey; SpO, people work, for' thq,ugeneraF CeriSus, .plannedr: for' 1972; 3., to,,studY,:pOpulation, and economic trends, in the Plain of 2. to put into practice Director LAWARN; 'pho uy N AimDate of completion ofTheAugust education survey 19711 is: l ,andF,Ithe' important agrieulturallsituation.for planning, in,qan6wiPerintentali, farm: It aims at,studying the population, the level r on00N.) DateTitleDirector of completion SeptemberLAWARN,Sample survey 1969 'PhOuy , of the ,OOPillatiOrt, ,of, the tPlain, of '''Vi'enti'ane' , 1.40,coo) AimPublication 'Integrated''DokkeO)SeptembercroWth, rAgrieUlturaFrates, 1969, and 257 labouEin 1?0,:rin,,,igiii*Ii.,:!Development districts' *Fagiaaiari in' which &expérimenta 'f0i7Iiilel, yielitiane:,'Plaiti, stationsor' farms , , 117,4, ie0-00*iniCiidecik;fOr'the'r agricultural development . are situated (ThaLaos., 'Ngou vol. and Hat 1, code 'No. 4600, projects in Note T leAsian'the' Department plain, Development. Ofproyitles, Vientiane training 1:Fank,,under"itS*ChnieaF.aSSistatice,'Progranime 10FlirrigatiOn-:PrOjeCtSlin,theeOining courses 'fdr,aninnerators. 15, for !Laos. , years). The. study was carried out by the ORGANISMS' DE RECHERCHE Laos I Non:AdresSe du directeur Titre officiel '&1litiStere,dir'i?iiitat.,de',1aiiiPeration,;CHOUNLA11OUNTRY,ServiceDirecteur Nation,a1,c1e1 ,la Statistiqoe Sonisanouk Vientiane, 'Laos ChercheursDebut' de etla' enseignants,rechercheCHOU4LAMOUNTRY, (annex) Som anotik M1959 1935 Economists Non applicable Lao, Francais, Anglais, Thai LAWARN,OULOTH,INTHAVONG, Kdo Phouy Sorasinh MIA 1939-1930.1937 StatisticicnSociologueDernographe Statistiques demo-NonNon applicable:, applicablegraphiqUesr Lao, ,Francais,Francais, Anglais,Anglais,Anglais,Thai Thai 00ts.) Projet de recherche DateDirecteurTitre d'achevement SavannakhctDecembre1NTHAVONG,Recensement 1970et Pakse de Sorasinh la Population des Cinq Principales Villes: Luang Prabang, Vientiane, Khammouane, ObjectifsPublication Service"Reeensement1NTHAVONG,Etude Nationalcdedu..mouveinent,,dei deMegraPhique Sorasinh la ,StatiStique, la-population, de-,1w vor. Ville', del' Savannakhet en juillet 1967' (Resultats definitifs) AoUt 1970; pp. 50;Joneote, 200 exemplaires l'etude'desenaLe ,enqueteurs.IpOurafu recensement des5 juillet ,PrObleines '1967, complet ee,trecenSernent en,,etriiite! oen4raPpicitie Francaiseo11a*iHration. a':dare arecleMiniOre del'intOrieur et de l'USAID. popolatiOn., de ta.,Ville:,,i1eSavannakhet a etc effectue pour la premiere' fois du' et: pour,, le ,Piiieliaint.i'ecensement dtr 'ROyainne., Ces resuliats. sont indispensables pour La formation ObjectifsDateDirecteurTitre d'achevement ',PopulationMai'LAWARN;Enquete 1970 de par la Phouy '.sondage,Plainc-(140:000'hahitant) dellailpoPUlatiOn, derlvp#1*,de,Mentiane, 'N.44 rli Laos 1 Publication 'tut-"Rapport fondSeffectueeDiv. Recensenient dtt Budgetdans k cadre National. et Enquetes,,dui:PlatyiNational,IdeDeVel4Peatent',dit'Plan,,Cadre 'ayant pour' but 1961-7,4. du' recensement pilote de :la Plaine' de:'Vientialte" ,(LAWARN), Service' National, de la Statistique, I,. pp.r 16,,, iOneotei; 100! eXemplaires., en Francais. L'enquete a ete !fantiliariser enqueteurs, les controleurs et les Elk a ete realisee avec Titre EnqueleI'(2)superviseurs evolution de' mettre ,Agro-alphabetisation-Projet deinogr'aphiqiie avec les. travaux et. de, preParatiOw'trua,recensetnetit .de 5,000VtiiabitantS .geneial qui est prevu applicatiOnC , ecOnontiqneldc, 'traPpirOehe,iiionr 'une ,enquete par11:,14iiie, sOndage; de: Vientiane. .pour Vannee 1972; (3) de connaitre ObjectifsDateDirecteur d'achevement 'Ellea'LAWARN;L'enqUete,estAout"1970 pour iobjectif,PliOuy itnportanteiPonr une' etude 'nnePlani0CatiOnlOnetionnelle, dans le perimetre &tine ferme experimentale. p41:1'atiOn, dtivniVealc d!eilticatiOn et de la situation de ('agriculture. 00t..) DateTitreDirecteur d'achevement Septembrd'LANVARM,Enqueta 1969'par Phonysondage de lapOpulation dela' Ea* :de Vientiane (140.000 habitants) PublicationObjectifs Septembre"Integrated!HatTatix Dokiceo) dTaccrciissement agrienInnoil,,d000pthen(PrOg0,0*144",t1te et: main Oeuvre 'aux 'alentours ,deS stations' 1969;.ppl,,2S7', 1'1,1*, ett,,',Nnglais'.. ,L.:,e,t'appOit eSt;,ntilepour,les' projets,de developpement agricole , ,Vientiane' Plainow fermes experimentales (Tha Ngou et .7 Lao?., vol. 1., code No. 4600, Note I Dec courN,tle ((irritationBanquedela Plaine .ont' ASiaticitte (Iona:, der pm-, Vientiane:(8,,,PrOje0,0',1rrigatiOnApniii.,,,ies. lede, .c.rvict, 'DeVelOPpement? pour. pri:Parcr daps; le, cadres dit,PiogianiMe ,o, oh4c. ci'assistancer technique. ctiOZteur. ii' veno. L'etude a ete faite par le au Laos. tdu Name Department of Statistics RESEARCH INSTITUTION .Molaysia 1 AddressPerson in charge Official title ChiefCHANDER,Jalan1968 Young,Statistician RameshKuala Lumpur, Malaysia ProfessionalFirst year of stallresearchTAN,FERNANDEZ, Edward K.Dorothy, J. Z. MF 19421941 'StatisticianStatistician n.a.n.a.* Chinese,Malayalam, English, English, Malay Malay Research projects DateDirectorTitle of completion NovemberCHANDER,Population, '1969 prOjeetiOns' 00VZ, PublicationAreaAim of research SHANTAKUMAR;,,G),'"PopulatiOtiWeStTo ;present Malaysia population projections,' projections, tiyi'ResearctrI'pnriCr !age; race' for andthe periOdisex!No., !for' [4;ADe'Partniend 1967.1997'West. for West 'Of Statistics, Malaysia Malaysia Nov. 1969, pp. 78, 4alaysia, 1967-1997" (LEE, Jay Cho, TAN, & Title tions,'olposSibleFertilitywith,[fOurmonograph; 'fnittrei',,to, [study, prOdueedifferent '800fertility copies,;peopulatiOniprOjeCtiOns I sets; ',and[[ 60 MOrtalitY,assumptions; trends. rbYPinee; [ [ in ['English., By The prOjectiOnS' are by 5-year intervals, from 1967demographic to 1997, data from Research papers 1-3 age for West Malaysia, under, certain assump- it was Director CHANDER, , , PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion WeitJuneResearch.TO Malaysia 1960'present paper estimates N. 3. ofthe fertility Department for West .'of"'StatiStieS,,4tine;'1969:' Malaysia, pp. '16,' monograph, 300 copies, in English: of fertility foe' West Malaysia '(195t7'1967)!''';(1.-EE,, Jay 'OM, TAN. & SHANTAKU MAR, G.)) dology,ofround;sample,The age; Deparinient age- covering.'by, of specific single.'0..ibo,,householdS, about` !carrier!years; "according: out a, was, koehi-economic[ to,,Itheagechosen. There': OfiI[the:',MOther. ,i!ere-ifiree: rounds[Using 'aof refinement, interviews; of the Grabill-Cho metho- rates Were' estimatedi"fOr eaelv[Year,Of the',10-year period' prior to the survey data. stiOeY!!ef households in 1967 -1968. N random the number of children, under 10 years the second and third DirectorTitle CHANDER,Life tables R. Malaysia 1 PublicationAreaAimDate Ofof researchcompletion "LifeWestToJune provide tables1969Malaysia a(Or set, West of estimates MilaySia, of 1966" life-table tLEE, parameters for Westlay Cho, Malaysia TAN, & SHANTAKUMAR, G.), Research paper poptilatiOnriiiSednonabsenceratesNo '2; and ofDepartment population life' tableS,for-lWeSttMalaYsia ofestimates ,Statistics, -!by. 'Malaysia; ,age, identitY,,F4w, race and sCS'hal,.preventedJune, ,1969, the calculation of agespecific death :105t'censiis of Population.CS6akCiv, paper No 1) and the registration of death, life 41, monograph, 300 copies, in English. The Using the new estimates of F TitleDirector CHANDER;Identitytable Card,,project 11t, the titainraciat group iivere,lealaidated., 8 PublicationAreaAimDate of researchcompletion To"EstimatesWestMarch present Malaysia' 1969 estimates ,ot,Poptilation otlIpOpulation;,bY for Yiait', age,,JMalaysia eaFF, (1967)'ood,,,)/:'tor '(LEE, 'West Jay Malaysia Cho, TAN, & SHANTAKUMAR, G.), of DepartmenttionResearchthe identityunder 14Ofcards years,tStatisticS. was. was 'taken estimated: tth produce' 'front, eStitnati. ine,,s,iiiotics of 'registered births and deaths compiled -NortiritteiPal,SOurces,'of Department c)'f,''StatistieS,,40444;. March 1969, pp. 87, monograph, 800 copies, 'icteritity 'OW and ,vital, statistics.Ci(itopulatiOn, A 5 per for cent ,ages sample 14 and over The popula- by the '4 III 'u AddressName KualaUniversity Lumpur. of Malaya, West Malaysia Faculty 'RE-sicARCR: 'ANP"'OACRINP':INsT1114,19N' of Economies =fitl Administration. Division of Statistics Malaysia 2 PersonFirst inyear charge of teachingresearchOfficial title AssistantDEVADASON,1965 Lecturer Solomon in Statistics ResearchProfessional projects staff DEVADASON, Solomon M 1941 Ecobomist, statistician Demography and actuarial science Tamil, English, Malay TitleDirector SAW,Fertility Swe..! studies Hark 00. PublicationsAreaAimDate of completionresearch "'FertilityToFertility study1967 differentials in early post-war Malaya" (SAW), the changing fertility patterns in West Malaysia Demography. vol. 4. No. 2. 1967, pp. 641-656. thein the"Urban-ruralEnglish. National attitudes Seminar of attitude the West on towards Family ,Malaysian Planningfamily urban, size fKliala, andand family, Itimptill limitation 'June, in West Malaysia" (SAW), Proceedings of Discusses fertility differentials among the major races in Malaya. rural public towards the limitation of family size. 1968; in English. Compares and contrasts AimDateDirectorTitle of completion SAW,ToPost-war1967 study Swee themortality Hock causes trends of declining in Malaya mortality levels.in the country PublicationArea of research changingratesUnion"Post-warMortality were for attitudes the mortalitynoted Scientific andtowards trends attributed Study westcre in ofMalaya" Population, to medicine. the (SAW),availability of better health and medical faciinies as well as to (Aupst) 1967, in. English. Proceedings of the Sydney Conference of the International The declining post-war mortality AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToSAW,Errors, improve[967' Swec in MalayanFlOckthe colleetion, age 'statistics, of Chinese age statiStics,,in,MalaySia PublicationA-ea of research `Census.therectified,with"Errors Chinese methodology a summary in with; ChirieSe , animal the;'helrvof in ,age,English.calendar. statistics" jivo, tables, (SAW% to corivertChinese,ages:,intiy peinagraPliy,, the Explains hOwntlre Cri.OrS,irittthe colleation of Chinese ,4,, NO. 2; Avesterru,age systeni, by understanding 1967; pp. 859-875, in English age statistics can be Curricula EntrariceLanguage requirement Final-YearMalay' students, with aA second-year course statistical etllods in the Divisiorp of Statistics: CourseDiploma doidgandIlEe.DEMOGRAPHIC" or OA., analysi, STATISTICS. AND 'AcitY*Att',:ciN(p,y, 40"stbs, ,,. ; inctuding:,graphy, in; h;I. Census inetho- 4. Life tables, Note to-risk,amotnts;jl'h; fOrmUlae:: Oeferre& Actuarial Scienee',J0,h, 41;(ir ,muiii074opreilidot 44044,, 4i interest; ai4040iVe',iikeszOCihiprest; iic gradriation;; fOrce of annuitiescortd mortality;present exposed- values and 1 i'he;coui.e is upon to,:studiatts, $cren1 divisions of the ftf lkom itnics and 1 Administration:

4 00, d. hi.l .477'444- 4144 11 14 44 4i, ,r1r4 414, 0", 444 104,400 1:61 404 , , 4,44 ," 4' '4 ;01 0' 114 Malaysia 3 PersonAddress,Name in charge oANAIWKualaUniversity. Lumpur, of 'Malaysia, 'Malaya, , Faculty of Medicine ProfessionalFirst year of staffteachingOfficial title Dean1967 Curricuia SOONG, Foong San, M' 1936 n. a. 'Fe k i!Y'' 914°°01' '0900* 4,001 Chinese, English Az* ,EntranceLanguageDiploma requirement High,,SchoollCcrtifieatcEnglish Course PopulationDEMOGRAPHY"MEDICAL. r p WC an4,1-1EAL'Ait''STAIISIICSAcomPulOryy,,''T , 61,,11.1 and:', projections, 1 h; 3.

1, 14 '0 444 4,144414,44' YU, ,. Name Massey University, Department; of Geography 'OEstAitcii AND TFAC1fi1IIiNG`PIiNST1fTUTION, New Zealand 1 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title THOMSON,ProfessorPalmerston1963 of Keith North,Geography; W: New; Zealand ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingTRLIN, A. D. M1963 1942' Geographer 'Population, geography, English, Scrbo-Croat Research project THOMSON,THOMAS, E. K. G. W. M 19241944 Geographer HunianPopulatiOn, ;and and 'ecOnnihie.geOgraPhy,,, 'C'ennonlie;,deVelopment-Australia;, Japan of paid' Pacific Islands English,English French AimTitleDateDirector of completion ToTHOMSON',Immigrants.1970 contribute, in K,!,W. lOwards,New Zealand,and an TRLIN: understanding,. of ininligra4., settlement', and`-assimilation in New Zealand Area of research Settlement, and assimilation. Ol,effinie 4411111i0ai*010,000- r , Publication ExaminesP.ImmigrantsIndians), Yugoslays,,immigration Greeks,. 'policy, 'POICS:, immigrants;H., 8i,'bench; TAHER, and an0 ',Ceneinnuessettlement ':COOle.,;1:slantiers],;in.New. and' Zealand:adjustment 'of Asian's (Chinese, Z ad la: (THOMSON; :THOMSON' ;'T,R1.14N,' ,A,,, '1,970,.ROY; 'Pp.T4 BURNLEY; I. R., CURSON, 1' -208, 1',060; copies, in English. Curricula' LanguageExchange programme EnglishtoAlthough, create onethere is no international studentICXeliange/prograinme, at present, financial' assistance could be used CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement GEOGR'APHY'13.A.Matriculation enry,, 2,..'stati§tioaysOtiiccWc1cRographic);,

11. Language B.A.English New, Zcelandr CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement M.A.andgeography,GEOGRAPHY Mortality;, 4 h; 6 '(GEOGRAPHY'2. h; SpatialL'patterns MASTERATE, of populatibinigrO'vthi, ,PAPER),,'5,2 history, ,h; (optional): and theOry, 8' h; Migration;, 12 h;, 5.-PoPulatiomeoinpositionl,, 8 h; 6. Population, and manpower' plan- I Introduction to 'population Differential, fertility Note t This courses ofning axiologyning, to introduce 6introduced' h; formal, iw teaching the University in demography in,,197,1 in 1972' at, an, advancechlqel: Student seminar, 8' h. incInclanne onitlenugraphy. Nloreover. the Faculty of Social Sciences is plan- ts3 a

V', t'4f1;16,' INSTITUTIO New Zealanit PersonAddressName in charge Official title Vice-ChancellorNEVILLE,PrivateUniversity Bag, ofWarwick Auckland,Auckland; NewDepartment Zealand of Geography, Profes.sioludFirst year of teachingNEVILLE. W. shill M1964' 1933 n.a. Principles, of 'demography English, Curricula TIMMS,EntranceLanguage D. requirement W. G. MatriculationEnglishM 1930 ma. Urbanization English rn CourseLanguageDiploma English6POPULATIONB.A., h. B.SC. and URBAN' STUDIES (compulsory), fitclucliiigL 2: Census at alysis,, 6 h; Population theory, CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement tion,casePOPULATION:M.A.,,I3.A., study. one B.Sc. M.Sc. year analysis; after GEOGRAPHY!',, ,(by'the'previous growthi"cOmponents); course. (optional);, Methodology, census analysis, 'population theory, ,table. A. thesis, can be done on popula- CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.A.PATTERNSB.A.English OF URBANIZATIOIO' ,01;Cmigrationi Notes 'Given2''Given in thetha Department,ol,DepartmentTheCompulsory School' of ofcourse Geography.Socioliov.Medicine for all does second-year some research geograqhy ou maternal" ,ttulents,:lintrnittinnal; mortality (I'rn1.1)ennis fora, tle,t*e fur stutlents in other fields. .nul on psychiatric pAtients, (I;rof. John S. Werry). ti ho.,,t1toOen,lo, Name RESEARCH ,INSTIT*TIO1N:, New Zealand 3 PersonAddress in earge Official title ProfessorJOHNSTON,PrivateUniversity1937 pati. of Christchurch,Canterbury; W, B. Department New Zealand of !GeographY, ProfessionalFirst year of staff researchJOHNSTON,JOHNSTON; R. J. W. B. MM 19411928 GeographerGeographcr ma.itm 'English!English, Research projects TitleCANTDirectors R. G. JOHNSTON,MaoriM migration R. in;J., andNew POL/LSEN,, Zealand;, 1951-1966 M. E. 1935 Geographer Ma. English, -4 AimPublicationAreaDate of of research completion NetTo!!provide-an,December!M.A. migration thesis, 1970 'cstimatcs,(to, ovcr-all be:,published'by vieW, census, of survivalsthe POULSEN1 'Spatial mcihoilS;; pa'ttern's M,, grOss,migrationhestimatcs ,of ,Maori, migration sampling from electoral rolls ArcaAimDatcDirectorsTitle of completion,.research MigrationToDecemberCANT,,Population, elucidate patterns, 1970 ,mbvements, the ,main.lnigratiompatterns, on the in 'rural- the, Rangiont urban, fringe: EleCtorall andISAMAD, A. North*, Canterbury, 1963-1966 `PublicationDatcTitle.Directors of completion December-JOHNSTON,,Migration in, 1969 Wcstcrn! 'R.J.,, and' Southland 'kc:AVN,,, thesis,!(SAMAD);, ter'be !Published-int PublicationsArcaAim of research Sixth"The"MigrationMigration,TO Newrelate 'illZealand ,occupatibnat' patterns 'Western, .deograPIty ,Southland !patterns!t&!sclected ,(kEOWN);, ,modets,oU!MJJN., !thesis, Migration!stepwise.,migratibni,precessand,the, in English.. (notably the gravity model) , a, ruiay, area.- 4iicp7wro, will appear in the Proceedings of the nyr,,r,n4,0of,t;:ctit,,1 RESEARCH, AND TEACHINGLINSTITUTION' AddressName P.O.University of Otago, Department of Geography Box 56, L.D.B. Dunedin, New Zealand New Zealand 4 FirstPerson year in of charge teachingresearch Official title d LecturerHEENAN,1964 in Geography ti ResearchProfessional projects stag HEENAN, L. D. B. M 1438 Geographer Population geography, 'English 10b.) DateDirectorTitle of completion Continuing.HEENAN,Regional, aspects L.1113. of internantigrationr in', New, Zealand{ 00 AimDateDirectorTitle of completion h ToContinuingHEENAN',Migration isolate the of L,D.B.;pattern, the aged,T direction, in New Zealand , ,determinants, and ,consequences, of elderly Migration. DateDirectorTitle of completion, :HEENAN;Spatial1970' k distributionL.D113. cif ' mortality in New Zealatid TitleDirectorAim HEENAN,Population,historicalTo analyse "(nineteenth andAlescribeL,Dlit.of South Island,.century), New, Zealand (Part, of wider thc,[gcographic significance ormiortality research), Ncw Zealand; both contemporary and PublicationAreaDate of research of completion American,"Rurat-urban,DescriPtiOnand*nalYsiSOUSPatiaP1969 Geographers; distribution of fertility in '7r; No: 4, ,190,1 pp., 713=735,, in English, with SOUthAsland; 'New Zealand" (HEENAN), Annals, Association of a, summary in English. ngr q? ,^'^ New Zealand AimTitleDateDirector of completion InternalToHEENAN'. compute migration1969 L.1113. and in South;analyse Island! estimates of New of internal Zcalanit migration (part, of andkto,assess a Completed indirect Plt.D research) residual methods of estiination. Publications "Internalreporttion No. 109,, migration,migration 1968, in inpp, Souththe 1-108, South Island monograph; island" (HEENAN); (HEENAN) 150 Universitycopies. New in Zealand Enelish.of Otago. Geographer, A Departmentmethodological vol. of 24, Geography,review No. 1,and April statistical publica- 1968, Curricula Language Englishpp. 84-90, in English. A brief analysis of highlights, front ,the previous publication. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POST-GRADUATESTAGEMatriculationB.A. Pons: II, ADVANCED Post-graduav COURSES, CULTURAL Diploma B.A. (Hons);,PAPER:' (optional),, POPULATION and M.A., GEOGRAPHY 40 h. (compulsory), 13 h. TEACHING 'INSTITUTION' PersonAddressName in charge P.O.University1925 Box 913, of Otago, Dunedin, Medical' New Zealand,School. Department of 'Preventive and Social Medicine New Zealand 5 Professional'First year staffof teachingOfficial title Professor,DIXON, C.W. Preventive and Social' Medicine SAIMOND,DODGE,HICKLING,DIXON, J. C. S.G. W.S. C. MM 1937192919171912 Social and preventivepreve..ive mcdicinemcdicincmedicine EnglishFnglish 8 Curricula SASPEARS, LMOND, G. C.F. S. FM 19431932 Statistics.Statistics English CourseDiplomaLanguage DEMOGRAPHYAPPLIEDDiplomaEnglish STATISTICS in Public (optional), Health (optional), 8 h. 70 h. CourseDiplomaLanguage APPLIEDDiplomaEnglish in STATISTICS Industrial, Health (optional), 12 ,h. , AddressName UniversityPrivate Bag; of. Hamilton. Waikato, New Zealan'd RESEARCH AND TEACHING' INSTITUTION , Departmeni,of 1GeograPhy New Zealand 6 FirstFirstPerson year year in of charge ofteaching researchOfficial title ProfessorDUNCAN,196719f)7 of Craig Geography Professional staff FOOKES,FARMER,FRAZER, T. R. W.R. M. S. J. MFM, 1943'19421931 Geographer Population geography English o Research projects DirectorTitle FARMER,Migration of R.S.J. graduates of the University of Tasmania PublicationAreaAimDate of of research completion 'Out-migrationTasmania,,ToMarch analyse 1971 selective,Australia of graduates migration, of inthe Tasmania! University, of Tasmania"AFARMER), Committee of Enquiry on Exten- Title Changing,anceExamines,sion ofand,destination. University.EducationAn' settlement graduate out-migiation,patterns along Tasmania, rates, a'major arterial (Ed.,,'IatufitoN, rotite; a preliminary tvic and CLARK, study J.R.), TaStitaiiiivbY, time of graduation. faculty, examination perform- pp. 1-7, in English. 9 AreaAimDateDit of completionresearch :tor Auckland-Hamilton,ToMarchFOOKES; study, 1971 patterns T.W. of New settlement, Zealand. cha Igc and to develop a model to enable prediction of change

' TitleDateDirector of completion DecemberFRAZER,Application .1970 R.M. of census survival ratios'to studies of migration in Fiji and New Zealand New ,Zealand 6 PublicationsAreaAim of research English,Annual'"AnNewTo analyse analysis Zealand meetingto bedifferential ofandpublished interprovincial of Fiji, Association migration also in migration ofby Pacific age cohorts of Coast Fijians, Geographers, using a technique May 1969, of age-cohort mimeographed. analysis" 100 (FRAZER). copies. in geography journal'. A critique of the technique as applied in Fiji and an migration,New"Patternsanalysis Zealand, of ofamong age-cohort Maori Geography groups Migration: flows agedConference; which an 10-54 East vary and AugustCoast in thedirection (ofdirection1970, North and mimeographed, of Island,magnitude movement. New with inZealand) English. example" A survey ofFRAZER), the rate of Sixth out- age and sex. TitleDateDirector of completion FARMER.The geography R.S.J. of migration in Tasmania. 19211961 AreaAimPublication of research ATo "Population"Tasmania,Octobersurvey analyse of 1970 differentiathe Australia (FARMER),population migration of Atlas Tasmania into. of outTasmania atof, the and time within(Ed. of I.the Tasmania L. 1961Davies), census, between August including 1921 1965, and size pp. 1961 and46-52, distribution. in English. Curricula2 Exchange programme toage, Althoughcreate sex oneand there marital is no status, international population student dynantics exchange and programme economic at activity. present, financial assistance could be used CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement GEOGRAPHYB.A.NewEnglish (frontZealand 1970 OFUniversity onwardsPOPULATION entrance this is a(optional), uldB.Soc.Sci.)' pass in21 Part h: 1, GeographyI. 'Projections, 3 h; 2. Patterns of distribution. 3 It; Notes 'Sine;I Th.; Department it is. in fact, tion3.has r department Structure: no to research resources, of programmehuman Fertility, 3biography, h. in 3demography h, itMortality. intends as tn,build'w midi. 3 h. streamNatural of courso increase, in demopraphy. 3 h; 4. Migration. 3 h; 5. Population in rela- Researdi i e.:rried out on an individual basis.

g tY.A.KI,..t n e 111. L., In r0 461"., ' TEACHING INSTITUTION, 1 11 11 I., 1 1 1 New Zealand 7 PersonAddressName in charge Official title ProfessorROBB,P.O.Viadria Box JamesUniversity of196, Sociology Wellington, Of'WeilngtOn;Departnient' New Zealand AdMinistration and SoCiology ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingGILSON, Miriam F 1957 1926 n.a. Demography and population studies English, French Curricula EntranceLanguage requirement UniversityEnglish entrance* CourseDiploma StageFORMALB.A., IIIIII M.A.-- WORLD DEMOGRAPHY POPULATIONS (optioim1), (compulsory), 16 h for B.A. 14 h:(Hons). trends, theories and statistics. NEW ZEALANDFORMAL POPULATION! DEMOGRAPHY4 (compulsory), (optional), 9 h. 20 h. Notes 32 StudentsFirst taught in other in 1963.1964:1957.discipline occasionally follow the courses.

' ura i Name National Research Institute of Family Planning (NRTFP) RESEARCH INSTITUTION, ,Pakistan 1 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title DirectorRAZA,42-0,1962 Block-VI. Batul P.E.C.H. Society, Karachi-29, West Pakistan Professional staff ZA I RDI, Wiciar H.A ZZAQUE,Rukanuddin A. M 19271934 SociologistDemographer n.a. Urdu,Punjabi, English Urdu, English, Sindhi RAZA,KHAN,AGHAHAYAT, I,Batul Martin M. Fcroz A. Nahar Md. FMM 1935193819271939 PhysicianSociologistStatistician n.a. Urdu,Bengali,Punjabi, English English,Urdu, English Urdu KAKAZIMMUBARAK,KHAN, ZI, A TalatALT, froz Azra Razia F 193619331933 Physician n.a.n.a. Sindhi,Urdu, English Urdu, English SYED.JAFFAR,GHAN1,ZAHIRUDDIN M. N.Abidi Ehsan N. MF 1945193019251934 ChemistSociologistBiologist n.a. Urdu,Urdu, English English AZAISHEIKH,MUSHTAQ, BBAS, DI, M. Shakila S. H. S. Ali FMF 1944194019251935 ResearchSocialChemist worker supervisor n.a.n.a. Urdu,Punjabi,Sindhi, English English, English, Urdu Urdu Research project DateDirectorTitle of completion ContinuingRAZA,Clinical Bawlrecord card project Aim provideIUDsTo develop so aas systematic 'to, a uniform develop and minimuma syStentlby rapid feed-back record Which:the h ofto 'pertinent'pe,mointained datrio.etiiil&I inforniation be:throtichout Imitle to available the theaction country for programme analysis. for all clients and to whodevelop use The aim is to Pakistan I PublicationsArea of research familycoverage"ADemographya sampling profile income, of offrame IUDs and IUD rural-urban family forreported clients" special planning onresidence, (NRIFP), studies clinical of parity recordMonthlyclients, of card clinicslive Report, project births and pp. and(CRC).doctors, 12-14, pregnancies, rni,e etc. and posteducation. partum of insertions clients, monthly etc. 5t)(.1 copies, in English. Shows the variousexpulsionsbe500of"A theinshort-term copies, sociositu Fifth in or -in Di-annual 73economic removalsIUDEnglish. per retention cent Seminarcharacteristicshad of beenthestudy eases ondue of Research West"to interviewed.of bleeding those Pakistan" in woMen Familyor pain. (RAZZAQUE who Planning. retained NRIFP. P.e or PEDERSDlost NovemberIUDs. 1968, pp. 72-81. Seventy five per cent. of the cases were contacted and tl c IUD was known to No significant difference has been observed in the . H. A.). Proceedim's Most of the IUD ofproportionSeminar"Second IUD.IUDs short-termwereon of Research non-traceableknown IUD toin retentionFamilyIv fr: cases situ. Planning, ratewas for 36 Westper NRIFP, cent. Pakistan" April (RAZZAQUE), 1969, pp. 231-241, ProceedingsBleeding 500 copies, and of pain in English.continued to be predimninant medical reasons for the removal of IUDs. The data show that age is not a significant factor in the retention of On the average, 5 months after insertion Sixth B1- annual 64 pct cent The aftercharacteristicsproportion"Thirdremovals about six-monthly of ora non-traceable8-month expulsionsof traceable IUD period. retention etc. casesand non4raceable was survey 34 per for cent Westeases. but 'Pakistan" there was (RA-LAno significant difference in the socio-economic Bleeding and pain ,continued to be the major medical reasons for the IUD Fifty three per cent of IUDs were known' to be in situ RA-LIM:WE), in English. The and(RAZZAQUE),recordingrespondentsNovember,"The 8 and extent then ages. 1968. and bya. paper oddthemimeographed, enumerators digits. presented toin to theEnglish: have CENTO' preference SymPosium or and avoidance on Demographic of certain Statistics. digits while held atreporting Karachi. or of The study indicatedigital that 0 and 5 arc the most preferred ."-'ts. being followed by 2, 4, 6preference in age- reporting'Observe's that the in Pakistan is a general tendency among bothA thecase study of IUD insertions" ofIUDference"Social Forty-fiveWD acceptors acceptorsofcharacteristics Pakistan per had ceni f-am beenSociological' of of the thepreguanti IUD highest li.1D acceptors 'Association acceptors 5 parity times in group orPakistan"(RAZZAQUE), in less.'held the over countryat Karachi the last were in year January,below and submitted 30 a 1969, half.yew:, minnograpltedto of the ace. Fifth Annual in English. Con- There has been 50 Per cent decline in the proportion Twelve per cent of IUD Ove, half of the r. ,r4r.reft4.4;i2s... )14, t d N I, 11,1J'. I 1'11.1,1,4'1'10,1441 1',11.- ,If. 1-1,00'0 Publications ofacceptors their'Rs. 5099. post partum and 80 per cent of the acceptors belonged to rural, About 6a per cenV ofniMithly, the 'Wonieri-iiiA?akiStaUi had! their IUD insertions within, the first income 'Of IleSSVIthainAs:',50:0ar and 47:1,per eent belonged to ,;inconie greup, areas of the country. Pakistan year observed,givenpp.International"An to assessment the and district the Union, weighted ofagelie ageacceptablefor distributions thedatadistributions Scientific of in IUD comparisonbased wereStudyclients on found' ;the 1-13,of with Population ,conipleteness toin the; beEnglish. insignificant.age helddistribUtiont, of at coverage, London, of Septemberotherthe differences studies. 1969, between No. 4 R. the 11, The age , distribution, of the clinical record, card project (CRC) has been found in[ Pakistan" (RAZZAQUE), General Conference of the Hence it was concludedWhen that differential the weights were DirectorTitle Pakistan:RAZA,Conventionalunweighted Batul age contraceptive distribUtion field gives study a reasonable estiMate, of the age characteristics of IUD acceptors in rn(4, AimDate of completion effectivenessToJuly obtain 1968' various by estimating socio-economic the, pregnancy characteristics rate and: of reasons users and for todiScontinuation determine the continuity of L or replacement of method, use and use- PublicationArea of research inFourth"ADemographyetc. English:, report Bi-annual on and conventional family'Seminar planning on contraceptive Research in "Family study" (.114yAT & PEDERSEN, H. A.), Proceedings, of the NR1FP; March 1968; pp. 51-61, 500 'copies, Thepregnanc)%, purchasersmajority,' ofwere the somewhatwomen did younger not begin, and ,hairfeWeir'xusing contraceptives liking children until The data'Indicates yielded that a pregnancy, 60 per cent rate; of the of elieuts;4:9! per purchased 1,000 women-years - condoms, of and, 30 a year after terminationas compared of their to women last using IUDs. use.per cent foam tablets. fi AimDateDirectorTitle of completion, ToyJune'RAZA,Extended see, 1968 the Bata IUD,effectiveness, study, side-effects' and acceptability,'of IUD and,to spread' the programme in the country under the superviSlon, of the National,! itesearelvjastittite, of Family Planning , PublicationArea of research partum.vol.before"SocialMedicine, 2, NO. their '1', demography' ,youngest , andchild family- was -one planning.., year old anit'5,pitiocent,, otliic 'clientscharacteristics Nearly half' of the clients came to' know,, abOut the ,device fromJantiary,, the doctors 1,968, Op:, 49-60,,-590,I'COpie§:, of'IUD ,clients," (K,ALInT,ALT,'Ilaziii),, Pakistan' Journal,' of Faintly 'Planning;'NRIFP, .. , 'Nearly,lialf' of the clients ,came, for IUD insertion came within' one year of post or someone associated Pakistan 1 TitlePublication Nationallargerwerewith athemselves Lippesclinic. IUD loops study using were IUD. used more frequently. The second most frequent' souree Low-parity womemeameAo know about .the IUD .from, medical sources. The final report was to be completed byinformation, December was 1970. friends, relatives or neighbours who, The AimDateDirector of completion JunefertilityToRAGA, 1968obtain rates, Bawl information so as to aboutenable the the acceptability, Government effectiveness,tod decide upon safety, 'their cost future and use side in effectthe country's of IUDs family in lowering plan- PublicationsArea of research GEIYERSTAM;Foundation"PakistanMedicine,ning programme demographynational] No. K.72, G. study1964, & and CORSA, ofpp. family plastic 406-408, ,planningL.), infra mimeographed;_in-English. - uterine coils, for fertility' control" (HAQUE, M. S., .ZAFIR, S. A., Excerma Medica,,International The preliminary findings, indicate that Congress Series, Excerpta Modica -4te.) centremoved,experiencedthe of fertility women. for rates thedifficulty,discontinue of women .through use using because expulsion the coil.'wereof initial'of the bleeding 5 per 100 opnin' women and -yearsno more of than use; 5-10, no more per .cent than women5-10 per , purpose of having ai baby. coil: Conception occurred, readily after coils had been Elevenstudy.WISHIK,"The1965, national, per mimeographed, S. cent M.), intra-uterine' women.Excerpta. had'in English. Medics,contraceptive already Internationale discontinued device; evaluation,Using,'IUDs,Congress ,programmeSeries, and othersExcerpta, of who Pakistan"' Modica Sixtydiscontinued six Foundation(KHAN, per .cent, had Ziauddin retained ofNo. IUD 86, & insertions' were of smaller sizes orboth, the Lippes and Margulies, types. During, the calendar year ,I963 1,734 women were admitted to the inpaper "AforFamily preliminaryan discusses average Planning, reportoni theof 4.1 side months, -IUD effects ,studies"' compared of IUDs (TURABli);,:PiTiCeedirigs,,pf and with the 5:8:,,niOnths, technicar aspects in of insertions and follow-up.. NRIFP, February 1966,, pp. '5158, in.tnglish with a summary in English. the total group who received IUDs.the First Bi-annual Seminar on Research Observes The 2.1gross75selected'that per when discontinuation cent the a upto freeIUD. November,,choice without rates' of any family' per 1965. persuasion 100 planning' insertion. and pregnanciesMOO; after'of '1015s, ,was,Oneyear per wasoffc'icci , 21,of the 32to clients,programmeand 42' 65-70' for 6the months, per continuation' cent 12 of months the rate women wasand 1'00, women-years. The ,.prOportiow',Or pregnancy was 1.8 per:Maio!' cent of catises total .insertions .Of,' discontinuation and were pain and bleeding. The waswithparity.and 181duenumber lower months to pregnancy;for of okiCt after'living womeninsertion,, children 14 per 61'35 respectively:cent and years, tonumber expulsionl of ,age of ancit.oycr., iiVing. and? boys.,,10. per 'Cent to removal. The ,termination, rates were'lhigli amongliterates.. The terniintitioni, rate wasiligher for women of 25-29 years of age thare',has been a poSitiveAfter 12 correlations months, of useof termination 4 per cent, of terminationThe termination rates declined with higher

. Vo,1141 [1,' p' Pakistan 1 AimDateTitleDirector of completion JanuaryPEDERSEN,Study 1968of a profile of clients in Karachillelinies A. AreaPublication of research "ComparativeDemographyeconomicTo derive andcomparative anddemographic study family of prOfilesplanningthe changes profile of urbanofin clienteleclients IUD attending clients, urban clinics at 6-month intervals and to assess various socio- in Karachi" (HAYAT), Pakistan Title clientsJournal30 years from of Family old the or urban, morePlanning, clinicsand comeNRIFP, are higherfrom vol. moderately 2,parity No. 1, January low-income 1968; women,. with 6 pregnancies and 5 living children; they are levels. pp. 61-65, 500 copies, in English. The AimDateDirector of completion ToOctoberTURABI,Pregnancy determine 1966 Batul interval' the interval, study between, the last two living children, the last two live births and the termination 00 PublicationArea of research Second"PregnancyDemographicof the last 81- two annual Interval' and pregnancies family'Seminar Observed planning one inResearch a Selected, in Family, Group, Planning;,NRIFP,, of Women in Karachi" October 1966, pp. 204-212, in English. (HAYAT), Proceedings of 'the tolast4yearsThe yearsproduce' two,average preferred andpregnancies 100 the number, forsurvivingmedian the was of first yearsurviving children and of secondthe andchildren, termination', 107 birth, to wasproduce, of 3'.9''years, pregnancy 100,-live that births. between the second, and third 28.2 months. The index of, per women n, the survey group was 5. pregnancy was 14.7. wastage showed that it takes 112 births The averaae interval between the The mean number of births was Fund"Differential Quarterly, fertility New in York, a rural April area 1969, of East vol. Pakistan"' XLVII, No. (STOECKEL 2, English. & CHOUDHURY), Milbank Memorial 4' Oak Fe 1 Name Pakistan Academy for Rural Development (PARD); Family Planning Section RESEARCH INSTITUTION Pakistan 2 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title ResearchCHOUDHURY,Kotbari,1960 Comilla,Associate Mogbul East Pakistan A. Professional stall HAZRATALI,CHOUDHURY,MANNAN, M. M.D. A. M. A. .MM 1947f939'. .. SociologistSocial .psychologist n.a.n.a. Bengali,Bengali,,Bengali, English English, English, Urdu Urdu Research projects TitleDateDirector of completion ThaliaSTOECKEL,1968 KAP and John fertility E. survey AreaAimPublication of research "FertilityTo100 evaluateKAP copies, trendsand the infertility in impactEnglish. Comilla, of family Kotwali, planning Thana" on (STOECKEL fertility' & CHOUDHURY), 1968, pp. 1-7, mimeographed, ' TitleDateDirector of completion STOECKEL,KAP1968 and fertility John survey E. of 15 villages AreaAimPublications of research CHOUDHURY),"FactorsKAPEvaluation and relatedfertility of a family to PARD, knowledge planning Comilla, and action 1968,practice programme pp. of 1-25, family mimeographed; planning in East2001 Pakistan copies, in villages" English (STOECKEL &

n v... atm Name Pakistan Family Planning Council, Inspection Directorate ,RESEARCH INSTITUTION Pakistan .3 FirstPersonAddress year inof chargeresearchOfficial title DirectorBURHANUDDIN,196614 Dhanmandi Residential, A. F. M. Area, Road ,No. 6, Dacca-2, East Pakistan Professional staff HUQ,BURHANUDDIN, Najmul Md. A. F. M. M M.D. n.a. Bengali, English SHAFIULLAH,RAFIQUZZAMAN A. B. M. (HAQUE, Md. Nazmul) M 194019411937 SociologistSocialSocial worker worker n.a. Bengali,Bcngali, English Co) HOSAIN,AKHTER, FarkundaS. MF 19261938 Administrator worker n.a.n.a. . -.Bengali,Urdu, English Endish Research projects DirectorTitle WALIULLAH,Usc effectiveness S.,. of RAFIQUZZAMAN, .printed' family planning and communicationRAHMAN, MOkhlesin materials AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion transmittingToSeptember ascertain 1970, the the message extent of of use birth by control' field staff of printed communication materials and their effectiveness in Publication useMAN,"Use-effectivenessThe1-35, ofuse andvarious, mimeographed,. of RAHMAN,printed printed materialsof printedMokhlesm),material's in English on family familyand Central withplanning,the planning attitude, a summaryFamily; communication of Planningth0.esPondents in,;English. Evaluation materials" towards Unit, (WALIULLAH, printed Dacca, communication September S., materials. Provides certain information regarding the RAFIQUZZA- 1970, pp. DateDirectorTitle of completion SeptemberSHAFIULLAH,Demographic 1970' effectiveness A. B. At of thc vasectomy progranuue in East Pakistan

"'" selected vasectomy clients and to estimate Pakistan 3 AimPublicationArea of research ToFamily"DemographicFollow-upthe verify number thePlanning ofcorrectness of urban birthsEffectiveness Evaluation and averted of rural recorded ofUnit,by(sample) Vasectomy each Septemberdemographic vasectomy vasectomiscd Clients, 1970, information Programme pp.clients 1-52, of mimeographed, in East Pakistan" in English with a summary(SHAFIULLAH). Central KAPthein recorded English. survey andin three the reportedindustrial characteristi:s concerns in Eastof vasectomy Pakistan clients. Estimates the number of births averted by vasectomy and explores the differences between AimTitleDateDirectors of completion ToestablishingAugustWALIULLAH, obtiin 1970information a family S. and on planning HUQ,knowledge, Najmul motivational attitude-and Md. centre practice in commercial of family andplanning, industrial to explore units the possibility of PublicationArea of research English.Planning"AKAPwilling KAP among surveyEvaluationto adoptindustrial in thethree Unit, requisitelabour industrial, Dacca, force methods, August concernsin selected the 1970, ratein industrial' East pp. of current 1-21,Pakistan" concerns mimeographed, users (WALIULLAH is very low. in English & HUQ), with a summaryAlthough many labourers are aware of the need and importance of family planning and are Central Family in TitleDirectorsDate of completion CoupleHUQ,April registration Najmul 1970 Md. system and MITRA, S. N. An introduction , AimArea of research To"CouplePilotof gain introducing project sonic registration experience on such registering a system system in implementing and undertaking a couple the eligible registration couples system and to see An introduction" (HUQ MITRA), Central Family Planning Evaluation problems and prospects Publication children:atUnit, (d)growthSavar Dacca,proportion reveal5.41. rate April per the of 1970,, 1,000 fertilefollowing: pp.population:couples 1-38, (a) per mimeographed,i,inaverage 100 19 persOns;-population: number of English 16.76;persons (e),with in living aa summary children in per couple: (c) average number of .couples in a household: household: 6.01; (b) annual population English. The pilot projects 3.80; (0 evcrborn 1..084; Pakistan 3 AimDateTitleDirector of completion ,AprilTo 1969Clinical estimateHUQ, methodsNajmul the use Md. of- effectiveness contraception: of Their selected acecptanCe,,and',,effectiveness IUD and vasectomies through the., application of the Tietze- AreaPublication of research theEvaluation"ClinicalUsePotter possibility- effectiveness multi-segment methods Unit, of Dacca, estimatingof of decrement contraceptionIUDS April and the 1968, lifevasectomies retention, -table pp. 1-20, approach removalin monograph,,East, Pakistan and expulsion in English rate with of IUDs and the effectiveness of Their acceptance and effectiveness" (HUQ), Central Family Planning a summary in English. Explores DateDirectorTitle of completion July,SpecialHUQ,vasectomies. 1968 study Najmul on Md.vasectomy clients PublicationAieaAim of research "Specialpp:Follow-upTo establish1-5, study mimeographed, of aonvasectomy profile vasectomy of clients vasectomyin clients"English, (HUQ),, clientswith a summary Central Family in English. Planning Evaluation Unit, Dacca, July 1968, Provides certain characteristics of yasec- DateDirectorTitle of completion AprilKHAN,Vasectomy,tomy 1968 clients. N. follow-upI. study PublicationAreaAim of research clients"VasectomyFollow-upTo1-14, establish and mimeographed, shows of thefollow-upvasectomy thatsocio-economic each study"' inclients vasectomy English (KHAN), and with demographicoperation a Centrat summary checks, F,amily characteristics im-English. about Planning, 5.4 potentialof Evaluation vasectomy pregnancies. Unit, clients Dacca, in selected April 1968, Provides certain characteristics of vasectomy areas -1H pp. TitleDateDirector of completion HUQ,A Marchstudy Najmul of1968 family Md. planning urban organizers of Dacca City . I ON AreaAim of research EvaluationEducational of and motivational motivational workers activities in selected of urban areas female organizers (case- referers) -- A profile Pakistan 3 TitlePublication KAPtionUnit,"A study: on survey:March the family characteristics 1968,level planning ofpp. desirability 1-20, and urban mimeographed, performance organizersand acceptability of of in fcmalc Dacca English of familyurbanCity" with (HUQ),organizers.planning a summary Central in Dacca in English.Family Planning Evaluation Provides informa- AimDirectorDate of completion andToSeptemberWAL1ULLAH, estimateadministrators 1967 the S.KAP status on family planning and to provide base-line information for policy - makers PublicationArea of research tral"KAPA experiences.inpilot Family English. survey: KAP Planning survey level ofinEvaluation desirabilitya selected Unit, village and September acceptability 1967; pp: 1-8, mimeographed, in English with a summary Initiated as part of .a ''nation -wide' KAP survey and as such provides a few guidelines and fainily planning in Dacca" (WAL1ULLAH), Cen- Name Rajshahi University, Department of Sociology and Social Work RESEARCH AND TEACHING,,INSTITUTION Pakistan 4 PersonAddressFirst inyear charge of researchOfficial title 1970ReaderKHAN,Rajshahi, andFazlur East Head PakistanRashid of the Department ProfessionalFirst year stallof teachingKHAN, F. R. M1964 1940 Sociologist n.a. Bengali, English Research project TitleDirector If KHAN,Fertility Fazlurdifferences Rashid and population growth in North Bengal (A selected study of Rajshahi District) AreaAimDate of of research completion FertilityandToJanuary ascertain urban 1972and residence, populationthe differences religion, growth. in wealthfertility and caused their by impact different socio-economic variables, on population growth e.g., education, rural CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POPULATIONB.A.High (Hons),School SociologyCertificte PROBLEMS (compulsory), 3 h per week. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POPULATIONM.A.B.A. (Hons.),(final) (Sociology) M.A. (compulsory), (previous) 3 h per week. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement POPULATIONM.A.B.A. (final) (lions), (Social M.A. (optional), Work) (previous) 3 It per week.

J.-, ro,,,C+61,1 r` L-W+ Jdra..",1J,rrrirr7r ii rrr r n ,orr I , TEACHING INSTITUTION AddressName RajshahiRajshahi, University, East Pakistan Department of Statistics Pakistan 5 PersonFirst inyear of teachingOfficial title charge Vice-ChancellorHUSAIN,1962 S. Sajjad Professional staff AHMED,ABEDIN, A. A. U. S. M n.a. Descriptive demography, formal demography Bengali, English cti Curricula CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DESCRIPTIVEBachelor'sHigher Secondary Degree DEMOGRAPHY Certificate(Hons) (compulsory): 1. Life table: 2. Rates and ratios: 3. Formal demography. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DESCRIPTIVEMaster'sBachelor's Degree Degree (previous)DEMOGRAPHY (pass) (compulsory): 1. Life table; 2. Rates and ratios; 3. Formal demography.

C.; 4.0 qt. 1.4,1 -.4 4., AddressName NewSocial University Sciences ResearchCampus, CP01,Centre 484, Lahore, West' Pakistan TEACHING INSTITUTION Pakistan 6 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title Director19611960HUSSAIN, Mazhar Professional staff SAEED,HUSSAIN, Salem Mazhar FM 193719351929 SociologistStatistician SociologyResearch methods, statistics Punjabi, English, Urdu, Persian JAMAL,ZAHID,RAFIQ,SATTAR, AmanatMohammad Mohammad Amna All Nazi: MF 194519421938 SociologistStatisticianEconomist n.a.n.a. Punjabi, English, Urdu FAYYAZ,ALI,RASHID.IQBAL, Karamat Shahid Mohammad Mohammad M 19301946 SociologistEconomist Sociology, n.a. Punjabi,Urdu, English English, UrduUrdu, Persian IQBAL,MAJID,AURAKZAI,KHAN, MohammadM. A.K. M. H. A. A. Khan MM 1941193719211918 Statistician n.a.n.a. MathematicsTechnicalEconomics demography English,Punjabi, Urdu English, Urdu Research projects TitleAFZAL, Mohammad EmploymentM pattern of persons holding an M.A. 1942 SubstantiveMathematics demography or M.Sc. Degree of the University of the Punjab. 1961-65 Punjabi,Punjabi. English, Urdu AimDateDirector of completion Punjab,(a)DecemberHUSSAIN, To see 1961-65; the1970 Mazhar employment (b) To assess pattern the of naturepersons of holding jobs held by them and the an M.A. or M.Sc. Degree of the University of the emoluments and other amenities accruing to the incumbents; '(c) To makc inter-disciplinary comparison and contrast: (d) To assess the Pakistan 6 TitleArea of research satisfactionLahoreUtilizationunder-utilization business and of manpower security community of this or highlyinsecurity qualified in their personnel; existing jobs(e) To determine the professional satisfaction or dis- PublicationAreaAimDirector of research BusinessToInQURESHI, define community the characteristicslihizur-Rehman of Lahorepreparation. business men who emerged as a new class after the partition of India AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToABBAS,Long-term corn1967 seS.A. Pakistan'sprojections agricultural of supply and production demand andfor selectedthe size ofagricultural human population products in Pakistan PublicationsArea of research "Supply"SignificanceAgriculturein English and Demand production of social of Selected factorsin comparison in Agricultural the epidemiology with humanProducts population of in tuberculosis" Pakistan growth 1961-1975" (SAEED), monograph, in English. (ABBAS), December 1967,up to 1975 Curricula LanguageEntrance requirement EnglishusedAlthough to create at present one therc is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement SUBSTANTIVETECHNICALCompulsoryPost-graduateM.A. in one courses:of DiplomaDEMOGRAPHY, the DEMOGRAPHY, social in sciences,Demography 50 statistics 50h; h; or mathematics MATHEMATICS,RESEARCHSTATISTICS,ECONOMICS,SOCIOLOGY, METHODS, 50 50 60 h; h; h. 50 h; Name Training, Research and Evaluation Centre RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Pakistan 7 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title ActingAMIN,196216-B, DirectorRuhul Road No. 7, Dhanmandi Residential Area, Dacca, East Pakistan Professional staff DUJA, M. B. M 1935 aker Sociologist n.a. Bengali, English AHMED,QUDDUS,AMIN,HAIDER,RATCLIFFE, R.G. S. A. J. J.H. W. G. M 194219411938 SocialSociologistHealth worker educator n.a. Bengali,English English KARIM,HUDA, M. M. N. F. M 19421945 . SociologistSocial worker n.a. Bengali, English HOSSAIN,MURTUZA,RAHMAN,NAJMUNNESSA,NESSA, S. Moshrraf Mizanur Sycd M.Saccdu MFMF 1944194219371937 HealthHealthAnthropologist educator educator Motivation,Motivation, communication, communication, n.a. etc.etc. Bengali,Bengali,Bengali, English EnglishEnglish, English Urdu Research projects TitleDateDirector of completion AHMED,Follow-up G.of East Pakistan vasectomy clients, 1969. AreaAimPublication of research pp."TheSocio-demographicteristicsToAugust 1-27, find second part1970out the H,follow-up pp.degrce 1-25;cum of evaluation mimeographed,Eastsatisfaction Pakistan of ofmethcd vasectomy vasectomy 100 copies, clients, clients in English.1969" in relation (AHMED, to their RATCLIFFE socio-demographic & DUJA), charac- part I. AimDateTitleDirector of completion it ToAprilVasectomyRATCLIFFE, determine 1969 study the J.. various W. socio-demographic and motivational aspects of vasectomy AreaPublications of research "FactorsH.Socio-demographit T.), relatedProceedings, to vasectomy and 5th a particulartiiannual in East familySeminar Pakistan", planning on Family parts method I Planning,and II (RATCLIFFE, NRIFP, Karachi, QUDDUS 1968, &-CROLEY,in English Pakistan 7 TitleDateDirector of completion OctoberCROLEY,NationalPakistan"Follow-up 1967 JournalIUD H.study retentionT. or of Family vasectomy study Planning, clients vol. in East3, July Pakistan" 1969, pp. (QUDDUS, 1-40, in English. RATCLIFFE & CROLEY, H. T.), PublicationAreaAim of research inR."East Demographic,To English.A., determine Pakistan& HAIDER), IUD theIUD retentionAnnual retention Report, study"rate of East(preliminaryIUD Pakistan report),Research parts and I Evaluationand 11. 1968 Centre, (CROLEY, 1967-1968, H. T., 500 MILLER, copies, O AreaAimDateTitle of completionresearch ToBase-lineDacca obtain1965 family base-line KAP, growth including data study on demographic papulat: data Publications CLARK,"FamilyW.),"Husbands'English Population. planning E.with W.. versus)wivcs' a SHAFIULLAH,summary survey Studies, in in responses JuneDacca, French 1965,A. East B.to pp.aM. Pakistan" fertility 29-43,& HUQ, survey" in(ROBERTS, R.),English Demography,(YAUKEY, with B. a J., summary D., YAUKEY, vol. ROBERTS, 2, inMay English. D., 1965, B. GRIFFITHS, J. &pp. GRIFFITHS, 74-96, W., in Curricula' CourseLanguage COM?TECHNIQUESBengali !UNICATION and English OF MOTIVATION; AND COUNSELLING; Notes t The Centre'sCLINIC purposeapproachesPOPULATION isMANAGEMENT; to suitable assist Pakistan'sto AND the national ITS Family CHARACTEMSTICS2and Planning provincial Program:if programme, through consultation, the training evaluation of personnel, and programme-oriented demonstration of variousresearch studies. Front 1961 to educational * Information wasplanningtheOctober notjob availableresponsibilities 1964, action the programme for Centres the of other individualtraining personnel activities, staff. with both both pre initial - service and ref:.sher and in-service, training. were confined to its own staff. courses.From the autumn of 1964, at the. request of the Government, the Centre started to provide family - Courses were designed accotding hh 4,4 hp,' ,; r 1r r Name University of Dacca, Department of Economics RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Pakistan 8 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title ReaderHOSAIN,Dacca,1967 Eastin EconomicsK. Pakistan Tafaz.-ul ProfessionalFirst year of ..tall teachingHOSAIN, K. Tafazzul M1967 1931 Economist, demographer Demography Bengali, English, Urdu, Arabic, Russian, French Research projects TitleAHMED, Momtazuddin DemographicM characteristics of the districts of Pakistan 1946 Economist Demography Bengali, English, Arabic 0t) AreaAimDateDirector of of research completir PakistanToJuneHOSAIN, identify 1970 the K. differencesT. in the magnitude of demographic variables at the district level DateDirectorTitle of completion JuneHOSAIN,Demographic 1969 K. T.characteristics of rural East Pakistan TitleAreaAim of research ChildRuralTo identify areas: woman the differencesratios in the in rural the magnitudeareas of East of Pakistan,demographic variables in rural East Pakistan selected villages in East Pakistan AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion Child:ToJuneHOSAIN, form woman 1969 an idea K. ratios T. of fertility in selected differences villages. in rural 'areas, orn Pakistan 8 Curricula ExchangeLanguage programme EnglishStudents from abroad are freely admitted CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHYM.A.B.A. (Honours)(Final) (optional), 120 h: 1. Methods of demographic analysis, 50 h; 2. Interrelations of demo- Thegraphic 1.topics and are economic detailed as variables, follows: 50 h;Development 3. Population of policy, population 20 h. theories: role of theory in population studies; theory of population growth; sexpopulationmeasurement2.populatior. and age; distribution: census future of fertility; method.of growth internal of and world external; population.Techniques manpower in populationand working analysis: activities; rates population and ratios; projections accuracy byand errors; life tables; study of mortality; stable population model and determination of age distribution; migration and t.) and4.labourposition;3. per force. capita demographic income; factorseconomic in labourprogress forcePopulation;Population and growth; declining compositionresources; mean population age technology; atand gr.mth;mariage utilization populationlevels and of female ofhuman living; growth participation resources; population and rate econcmic theo.y inof and effects economic of changes analysis; in populationage com- obstaclespressure;investmentpopulation5. to economic betterment;consequences expansion people, and of demandthe jobs present andPopulation for economic capital;trend of policy; populationpopulation; development. traditions .:ycles family and andplanning values business inand population methodscycles; population policyof popu- in relation to the areas of heavy population 7.6.lation control; economics of preventing births.AllSelected topics populationto be studied studies, with reference Japan, China, to Pakistan. rhilippines, Malaya, Pakistan, India, and Africa.

olul,:;,,k:h1.11,11, AddressName Dacca-2,University East of Dacca, Pakistan Department of Geography RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION' Pakistan 9 FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title AHMAD,1964Professor1964 Nalis and Head of the Department of Geography Professional staff AHMAD, Nafis M Geographer UrbanPopulation population structure Urdu, English, French, Hindi, Bengali KHAN,RASHEED,NAQVI, F.S. K. H.S. H. M GeographerGeographer Population dynamics n.a.n.a. Urdu,Bengali,Urdu, English, English, EnglishEnglish, Bengali French, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu Bengali ZAMAN,HUQ,ISLAM, F.L. Md. M. I. M. M GeographerGeographer ma.n.a. 'Bengali, Bengali,EnglishBengali, English, English French NIZAMUDDIN,MAJID,ISLAM, N. K. Rosic MF Geographer ma. Bengali, English AHMAS,CHOWDHURY,TAHER, Razia A. Sultana S. 1. FM GeographerGeographer n.a.ma.n.a. Bengali, English Research projects TitleDirector AHMAD,Urban centres Nalis of East Pakistan AimAreaDate of researchcompletion EasttionToDecember determine alongPakistan with 1972 the a determinationspatial distribution of their of urbancharacteristics centres in East Pakistan and to account for such distribu-

1.1. 444. 0:* Publication "Urban Centres in East Pakistan" (AHMAD), Asian Studies Centre, Occasional Paper No. 12 (Ed. PARK, Pakistan 9 Title Variationfunctions.inRichard relation C), of to population 1969,physical, pp. social 1-117,in East and in Pakistan English. economic (by factors.district)[ The same towns are also classified according to thcir Traces the growth of some important towns of East Pakistan AimDateDirector of completion to ToJuneNAOV1,account determine 1972 forS. H.it the H. pattern of spatial distribution of population variation in the districts of East Pakistan and TitleDirectorArea of research AHMAD,AEast study Pakistan. of Nafis growth of towns in Dacca District, East Pakistan 1.) AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion theirToEastMarch study areas Pakistan. 1972the of variousoperation forces of urbanization at work in Dacca District of East Pakistan and to establish Curricula LanguageExchange programme usedAlthoughEnglish to ctiate at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement politicalGEOGRAPHYM.A.Intermediate and (Artscultural OF & POPULATIONScience) aspects of population; (optional), 2. 120 History Ii, 4 ofh perpopulation week: 1. growth; Theory 3. of Distribution population. and economic, move- Note I See also Economicpolicies;ment Geography of 8. population; Factors of East Pakistanof population4. Population (AHMAD), and OUP structures; settlements; London 1968, 5. chapter Birth,9.Rural 10 and (Population: and death urban distribution,rates; populations. 6. patternsLongevity and trends). trends; 7. Population RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Pakistan 10 PersonAddressName in Official titlecharge AHMAD,ScienceUniversity Annex M. of Building,Dacca, Department Dacca-2, East of Statistics Pakistan ProfessionalFirstFirst year year staff of teachingresearch Head1959 of the Department MALLICK,QAMRUDDIN,AHMAD, M.S. A. M. MM 194619281937 StatisticianStatistician DesignQualityDemography controlof experiment and methodssequential andmathematics analysisof analysis, statistics; of probabilitynumericalvariance, Urdu,Bengali.Bengali, English English 41. TAHER,CHAUDHURY,ABDULLAH, M. A. J.A. S. M 194719431946 StatisticianStatistician grheoryEconomicProbability of inference statistics and and applied general and statisticsdistributionvector statistics and matrixtheory Bengali,Bengali, English English Research projects RAHMAN,ISLAM, M. M. N.S. M. MM 194519481949 StatisticianStatistician QualityDemographyMathematical control andstatistics appliedmethods statistics of statistics Bengali,Bengali,Bengali, English English English DirectorTitle AHMAD,Demographic M. studies in rural . areas in East Pakistan TitleAimDate of completion Attitudesocio-economicToNovember, estimate of teachers,various 1974 variables. rates parents relating and to births, deaths, migration and marital status and their relationship with AimDateDirector of completion stageAugust,KnowledgeAHMAD, of 1971education M. about on population population and and attitude family students towards family life education towards the introduction oflife education. courses in the curriculum of secondary is v 44 tPIV 14` Curricula Pakistan 10 CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement DEMOGRAPHY,B.A.HigherEnglishtables, or Secondary B.Sc.and 9 h; Bengali 3.(Honours)-in Stationary Certificate25 lecture statisticsand h and stable 30 class population, h: 3 h;4. Logistic curves with applications, 4 h. 1. Balance of births and deaths, 9 h; 2. Construction of life CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHYB.A.M.A. or orB.Sc. M.Sc. (Pass) (Preliminary) 25 with lecture statistics h inand statistics as30 oneclass of h, the covers: subjects 1. Balanceor Senior of Certificate birth and deaths,in Statistics 9 h; 2. Construc- DiplomaEntrance requirement M.A.tion of or life M.Sc. tables, in(Preliminary) statistics 9 h; 3. Stationary in statistics, and stable B.A. orpopulation, B.Sc. (Honours) 3 h; 4. inLogistic statistics, curves Diploma with applications,in statistics 4 h. N 1,4 Course of andpopulations,DEMOGRAPHYpopulation correction statistics, 5 h;of 4.errorsAND Life 3 h;POPULATIONin tables 2.-demographic Rates 12 h;and 5. ratios,CollectionGENETICS, data, 1212 h;h; and 7. 60 Biologicalanalysis lecture hof and basis demographic 72 of class man's h: data,1.inheritance, Source 10 h; and 6. 6 Detection reliabilityh. 3. Concept of stationary, stable and quasi-stable "" NameAth:ress UniversityScience Annex,of Dacca, Dacca-2, Institute East of StatisticalPatas:an Research and Training RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Pakistan 11 FirstPerson year in of charge researchteachingOfficial title 1968DirectorHOSSAIN,1964 M. Professional staff OBAIDULLAH,HOSSAIN, M. M. M 193619251938 StatisticianStatistician DemographyEconometrics and and sample operation survey research Bengali, English col RASF'ID,KHATUN,AHSANULLAH, A. Khadija M. MF 19301943 Statistician MathematicsStatisticsMethods and of and computationalstatistics bio-statistics techniques Bengali,Bengali. English rn RAHMAN,RAHMAN,RAHIM,KABIR, M. M.M. M. H. A.M. MM 1942194519441943 StatisticianStatistician MethodsEconomicDemography of statisticsstatistics Bengali,Bengali, English English AHMAD,MUSTAFA,MUNIRUZZAMAN, M. M. G. A. N. M. M 193719381924 StatisticianStatistician SampleDemographyEconometrics survey, theory and operations offormal inference researchdemography and Bengali,Bengali, English English Research projects' TitleBAIRAGI, R. DemographicM studies in rural East Pakistan 1940 Statistician Methods of statistics Bengali, English AimDateDirector of completion socio-economicToNovemberAHMAD, estimate M.1974 various variables. rates relating to births, deaths, migration and marital status and their relationship with Title Urban housing demand survey Pakistan 11 AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch UrbanToJulyHOSSAIN, study 1971area housing in M.,East problems MUNIRUZZAMAN, Pakistan. in general, in A.order N. toM., make AHMAD, comprehensive M., OBAIDULLAH, planning M. DirectorTitleAimDate of completion AHMAD,AttitudeKnowledgeMarch, of 1971 M. teachers, about population parents and and students attitude 'towards towards family the introduction life education of courses in the curriculum of secondary TitleDateDirector of completion FebruaryHOSSAIN,Demographicstage of education 1971 M. research on population on population and family projections life education. and target population AreaAim of research EmploymentfamilyToPakistan. analyse planning projections survey activities of graduates under in order different to achieve assumptions a pre-assigned of mortality decline and in population growth fertility and to establish targets for AimTitleDateDirector of completion studentToJuneOBAIDULLAH, study 1970 is thetrained volume M. of unemployment and the extent of employment in the specified field for which the DirectorTitleArea of research MUNIRUZZAMAN,EastPilot Pakistan. health survey ofA. jute-mill N. M. workers of Khulna industrial area AreaAimDate of completionresearch DecemberIndustrialficantTo determine effect 1966 area on theof their Khulnageneral health. District health ofin Eastthe jute-mill Pakistan. workers and whether working conditions have any signi- ,144.+1- Curricula Exchange programme Althoughniai to creatc at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be Pakistan 11 CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement DEMOGRAPHYCertificateHigherEnglish; Secondary incourses Statistics (compulsory) could School also 25 h, course covers: be, taught in Bengali 1. Ratio, 10 h; 2. Population theory, 15 h. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHY15SeniorCertificate h; Certificate in Statistics (optional) in Statistics or M.Sc. 60 h: in Mathematics 4. Demographic research, etc, 15 h. 1. Rates and ratios, 15 h; 2. Population projections, 15 h; 3. Life tables, oo CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHYB.A.15Diploma orh; B.Sc.4. Demographic in statisticsin statistics; (optional) research Senior 60 h: Certificate etc, 15 h. in statistics 1. Rates and ratios, 15 h; 2. Population theories, 15 h; 3. Life tables, CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement THESISTHEORETICALM.A.M.Phil. or leading M.Sc. in statistics to inDEMOGRAPHY M.Phil.statistics (optional) 60 h. Notes 2 For1 All all thecourses. projectsupon so thefar carriedpublication. out by the Institute arc external. When they arc completed, a report is submitted to the sponsors who decide Name NewUniversity campus. of Lahore. the Punjab, West InstitutePakistan of Sts tistics RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Pakistan 12 FirstAddnlsPerson yea in charge Official title -f research Director195()KHAN, Muhammad Khalid Hayat ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingKHAN, M. K. H. M1968 1918 Statistician Demographic techniques Punjabi, Urdu, English, Arabic Research projects TitleCHAUDHRY, M. I. MMultivariate analysis of fertility data 1943 Statistician Demographic techniques Punjabi, Urdu, English AimDateDirector of completion numberToOctoberBEG, assess M. of1974 Afzalthe abortions effect ofor variousmiscarriages, socio -or economic, both, and demographicinf ant mortality variables on number of children born alive, DateDirectorTitleArea of completionresearch OctoberKHAN,PopulationEffect of1972 M.socio of K. Pakistan- H.economic factors on fertility Curricula AreaAim of research Socio-economicPast, present and aspects probable of the futiire poptiation trends of ofPakistan population and urbanization in Pakistan EntranccLanguageExchangeDiploma requirement programme B.A.English;WithM.Sc. or Iran,B.Sc. (Statistics) courses Thailand, with statistics could Jordan, also or mathematicsbe Turkey, taught British in Urdu nation als from Kenya Yt',444^, Course 1 methodsDEMOGRAPHIC of enumeration, TECHNIQUES vital registration (compulsory), procedures; 140 11: 2. Evaluation of demographic data. classification of I. Sources of demographic data, census data and Pakistan 12 tionmeasurement,Mortalityoferrors, adjustment of grossdetection analysis, reproduction ofof of defectivedifferential basic errors, mortality analysis anddata; mortality, other measures, of indiceserrors cohort of life fromanalysis; coverage table census construction 5. and Fertility data, response measurement analysis, and thein census applicationbasic of fertilityanddifferential surveyof measures,life table data,fertility, functions, methods calcula- cohort 3. Basic demographic measures, rates and ratios, standardization; 4. migration.projectioninter-ccnsalstableanalysis; and 6.techniques, stationary Growthestimates, and population8. estimation Populationreplacement, models, ofmigration, population growth intrinsic migration rate, forrates; netsmall and7.reproduction Populationareas, demouraphic estimation rate.estimates analysis, construction of populationand internal projections. and and characteristics, application international post- and of EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme B.A.English;With orIran, course Thailand, could Jordan, also he Turkey.taught in and Urdu British nationals from Kenya -,,c. CourseDiploma DEMOGRAPHICPostgraduate Diploma TECHNIQUES in Statistics (optional), 105 It covering the same topics as the previousr o course.

..,,..; AddressName UniversityBox 1144, of Boroko,Papua New Papua Guinea, Ncw DepartmentGuinea of Geography RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Papua New Guinea I FirstPerson year in chargeof teachingresearchOfficial title GUNTHER,Vice-Chancellor1968 J. T. ProfessionalResearch projectstall WARD, R. Gerard M 1933 Geographer Geography of population English, French. Pidgin c..3t..) DirectorTitle WARD,Labour R. migration Gerard in Papua New Guinea . AimDate of completion areas.ment.Elucidate1972 the changing patterns of labour migration, with respect both to sourceThe area project and thento type considers of employ- the consequences of labour migration in both source and destination Curricula EntranceLanguage requirement MatriculationEnglish CourseDiploma tility;POPULATION13.A. or3. B.Sc.Mortality; GEOGRAPHY 4. (optional). 90 h per semester: 7 : ;ation. 1. Distribution and population change: 2. Fer- RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonNameAddress in charge SCRAGG,BoxUniversity 5623, BOROKO,ofRoy Papua Ncw Papua Guinea, Ncw DepartmentGuinea of Social and Preventive Medicine Papua New Guinea 2 First year of teachingresearchOfficial title Professor19711948 of Social and Preventive Medicine Professional staff SCRAGG, Roy M 1924 Medicine OrganisationalPopulation Dynamics English NResearch project Title ContinuingDemographic characteristics of small communities Medicine Frcnch AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion Fertility.ToContinuingSCRAGG, study mortality changing Roy fertility and mortality patterns in several communities Curricula Publication ratesMortality in total Changes and in indiseases Rural Ncwspecifically Guinea, associated (SCRAGG, with Roy). improved health services, and social development. The paper describes the decline in mortality CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement 20M.B..English h: Demography, 3rd and 4th 4year students Fertility and population, 12 Family planning. 4 h. 40+ RESEARCH ivarrunoN Philippines 1 PersonAddressName in charge Official title SENDEN.AsianSociologyDirector Social Francis Research Institute. Department 1518 Leon Guinto. &mita, Manila. Philippines ProfessionalFirst scar of researchSENDEN. F. .stall M 1969 1916 Sociologist VIDAL.CRUZ,RIKKEN. V. M.' G.' FM 194119421935 EconomistSociologistEconomist n.a.n.a. Filipino.Dutch,Filipino. English English,German. English French. English, German, French, Latin BUENAVENTURA,VERZOSA.RAMIREZ, M. E. F 194119361931 Sociologist n.a. Filipino, English CAASI,CAAS1,VILLANUEVA, A.M. M. FM 19311942 SociologistSocial worker n.a.n.a. Filipino, English Research projects TitleDateDirector of completion DecemberSENDEN.Family building 1971Francis in th.: Tagalog region (Philippines); a motivation study AreaAim of research logSignificant,"PhilippinesforTo traceachievingregion the factors basic an optimal attitudesaffecting family familyof parents size; size. to towardsreproductive develop family a behaviourmodel building for and regionaland attitudes the motivationalstudies of married on family implications couples building in the of inTaga-these the TitleDateDirector of completion CRUZ,SeptemberPsycho-social Victoria 1970 Paz and (thesiseconomic adviser factors for affecting methodology) acceptance and practice of family planning methods (thesis)

, Philippines 1 AreaAim of research January-JuneFamilyandTo find actual planning out practice 1969.the clientelepsycho-social of family of the planning,and Philippines economic using General factors the pill thatHospital and can the explain (PGH)IUD thePost-Partum gap between Clinic apparent for the acceptance period Publication mayThe&"Psycho-social acceptors")CAASI), 60-per-centbe explained 1970, of and family gap bypp. economic such between1-285, planning factors mimeographed,factors apparent methods, as knowledge,affecting acceptance specifically bookbound, acceptance aspiration, (bythe pill"initial and50 achievementand copies, practice theacceptors") IUD, in of English familyamonglevel, and attitudeswith planningPGH actual a family summary practice inmethods" various planning in(by English.(CAASIareas "directclientele Note psychologicalsex, remporardyfamily planning detailedfactor, to in the general, Dcpartment. specific family planning methods, economic factors, cultural factors, socio- and the clinic's services and physical facilities. r'l TEACHING INSTITUTION t'l Philippines 2 NamePersonAddress in charge JULIANO,N.MedicineFar Reyes Eastern Street, SerafinUniversity, P.O. Box Dr. 609, Nicanor Manila, Reyes Philippines Medical Foundation, Department of Social and Preventive ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingOfficial title Dean1955 SOLIVEN,CORTEZ,PIDLAON,GAN, T. J.D.M. T. M 1906194519331930 n.a. SocialSocial and and preventive preventive medicine medicine Tagalog, English Curricula' YOROBE,VERZO, R. E. M 19451936 n.a.n.a. Social and preventive medicine Tagalog, English CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement M.D.Matriculation,English B.Sc. or A.B. Note 3 Demography monthisSOCIAL giventaught in together inthe the DomiciliaryAND subject with biostatistics,PREVENTIVE of Service social and Department sanitation, preventive MEDICINE and and medicine other another social during month and(compulsory) the preventivein thirda rural and area aspects fourth doing30 years ofh. social medicine. in the and Medical preventive School. medicine. During their internship the students spend one This arca of study

I. hi..{ m AddressName P.O.Saint Box Louis 71, Baguio,University, Philippines Sociological Research Institute RESEARCH INSTITUTION Philippines 3 FirstPerson year in chargeof researchOfficial title ProjectROEKAERTS,1969 Director Emiel Professional sue ROEKAERTS, Emiel M 1944 Sociologist n.a. Dutch, English, French, German BAHATAN,DEHOKNEDO, RAEDT, F.J. MM 194119261938 EconomistAnthropologist n.a.n.a. Filipino,Dutch,Filipino, English English, English French, German BROECKAERT,SAVAT,MARASIGAN, C. P.J. MFM 192919471944 SociologistPsychologist n.a. Dutch,Filipino, English, English French, German Research project TitleVAN HELLEMONT, Raf M 1945 Sociologist n.a. Flemish, English AimDateDirector of completion ToROEKAERTS,Family find1972 the planning gap between Emiel in Northern an increase Luzon in population and endangered ec( imic development TitleAreaDirector of research ROEKAERTS,AnNorthern attitude Luzon, analysis Emiel Philippines. of Filipino barrio folk AreaAimDate of researchcompletion SociologyToDecember had out 1971 the possibilities of social change in more remote places fa , r'....04ty t Title A socio-economic survey of Benguet, Mountain Province and Ifugao Philippines 3 AimDirectorDate of completion possibilities'Ft)SeptemberVAN provide HELLEMONT, 1971 a compr..tcnsive Raf and dynamic survey of the region, its natural and human resources and its DirectorTitleArea of research VANASocio-economic socio-economic HELI.EMONT, survey Raf of Nueva Vizcaya AimAreaDate of researchcompletion Socio-economicToSeptemberpossibilities provide 1971 a comprehensive and dynamic survey of the region, its natural and human resources and its -4t..4 TitleDirector Some selected characteristics of freshmen enrolled in Saint Louis University AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion SociologyToAugustROEKAERTS, ascertain 1970 the Emiel profile or freshmen enrolled in Saint Louis University Publication city,"Doesemphasizedschoolin English.their Saint yearage Louis whenthe1969-1970 province Cater they firstto inof the enteredorigin, Rich?" sex college, (ROEKAERTS),and status the college of the Saintstudents,they enrolledLouis their Chronicle, in,boarding and the vol.places particular 2, No.or residences 2,courses July 1970, theyin the Draws a rofile of the first-year college students enrolled in the Universityorder to during the academic locate some of their significant characteristics. This profile study Note 2 The staff abc,thechose, int hides father and.ttitlentc and the RI thesocio-economic ei. ingmother iii..er. ite and training. thelevels combination their parents of .belongboth parents' to, with occupation reference towith the their respective income occupations bracket. of RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 4 PersonAddressName in charge Official title Director,PAL,DumaguetcSilliman Agaton Silliman University' City, University Philippines Extension Service Programme ProfessionalFirst year staffof teachingresearch 19641963 MALANOG,ORACION,PAL, Agaton T.Frdneisco S.P. MM 192419111922 SociologistAnthropologistSociologist PopulationPopulation problems statistics n.a. Cebuano,Cebuano, English English 00 Research project DateDirectorTitle of completion JuneLAING,Silliman 1968 UniversityJohn E. family planning action-research project PublicationsAreaAim of research "FertilityFamilyTo determine planningand family the (KAP acceptability planning survey in and anda Philippine clinical effectiveness experience) City: ofpreliminary family planning survey in findings" a Philippine community (LAING), August 1967, mimeographed,"FertilityPhilippines,pp. 1-48, and mimeographed, familyMarch-April, 100 copies,planning 1967. 100in in copies,Dumaguetc in English. City: supplementary report" English. Supplements the previous paper Results of a KAP survey conducted in Dumaguete City, (LAING), April 1968, pp. 1-57, planningEnglish.Planningpublished"The relationship and Research in subsequent a collection between (Ed. behavioural Donald of attitudes theses J. Bogue),responseand dissertationsbehaviour: Chicago: to a motivational the entitled Community Further campaign. and Sociological Family Study Explains the causes of the disparity betweem attitudes and intentions regarding case of family planning" (LAING), Ph.D. dissertation Contributions to Family theCenter, use of family 1970, in Curricula Exchange programme Althoughused to createat present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance cod(' be Philippines 4 CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement POPULATIONA.B.MatriculationEnglish; (Sociology), courses PROBLEMScould A.B. also (Anthropology), be 54taught h.2 in Spanish M.A. (Sociology), M.A. (Anthropology) Notes 21 AsThe an Medical elective centreinout soul sociology in sciencetheis engaged University and subject an in elective.1 forof tamily the students Philippinessubject planning taking for M.A. programme. PopulationA.B.. in B.S.E.. anthropology. Institutebut B.S. statistical Agriculture, in Manila. analysis B.A and , in other all undergraduate Philippine institutional courses a required programmes subject arc for earned M.A. AddressName 2219University C.M. ofRecto the East, Avenue, Department Manila, Philippinesof Sociology D-403 TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 5 FirstPerson year in of charge teachingOfficial title PresidentDA1,UPAN,1965 and Francisco Chairman T. of the Board of Trustees Professional stag CHAVES.SALCEDO, H. L. FM 19251941 n.a.n.a. Demography and ecology Filipino, English Curricula LanguageExchange programme usedAlthough to create at present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHYA.B.HighEnglish school and graduatesonic and Filipino; ECOLOGY and matriculation the course (optional), could entrance including: also examination'be taught in Spanish 1. Population theory, 12 h; 2. Population charac- NItc 1 Students in other6 h;teristics, disciplines 10can takeIt; the course as 5. Family planning, 6 h; 3. Sources of demographic data, 3 h; 4. 6. Ecology an electo.c social science sulnect. principles and application, 10 h. Natality, mortality, migration (measures of each), Name University of Negios Occidental -Recoletos "FEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 6 PeiA ddreProfessional um SA III charge .stall Official title RectorRev.Lizares Fr. Avenue. Juango, 13acolod Jose Ma. City, K-501. Philippines MAGNO.VZARAGOZA. ILLA NUEVA, Rena Dominador Wolfgang Y. M MF 1942193619351908 n.a. Biostatistics,SocialMedical, problems. legal records advancedand andpsychiatric hygiene sociology information Tagalog.Ilongo,Bongo,Ilongo, English EnglishEnglish, English Spanish TAJANLANG1T.YU,ESPINOSA. Nelia Leo Gloria F 19341935 n.a. SocialRuralEconomic problems and urbanproblems sociology ofeconomyeconomic the Philippines; ofand the human twentieth geography, century llongo,Ilongo, English JALANDONI,BALINAS.DEPASUCAT,DIAZ, Leticia A Patriartemio Cecilia MF 1930193619261940 n.a.n.a. LandMarriageLand reform reform atid and family and taxation taxation life Ilongo,Ilongo, EnglishEnglish, English Spanish Curricula ExchangeBERNAJE,FORTU, Corazon programme Marietta WithF various countries 19301944 n.a. PersonalBackground and ofcommunity major world health events Ilongo, English CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement BACKGROUNDPopulationB.S.E.,MatriculationEnglish A.B. and worldOF MAJOR problems, WORLD 3 h. EVENTS (compulsory course given in social studies), including: CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement cluding:MEDICAL,B.S.Matriculation CRIM. Statistics LEGAL tables and on PSYCHIATRIC criminal and mentally INFORMATION sick individuals, (compulsory 6 h. course given in psychology), in- Philippines 6 CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement distributionSOCIALA.B.,Matriculation B.S.E. PROBLEMS of wealth, 6(optional h. course given in the Social Sciences Department). including: Eugenics, CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement ADVANCEDfamily.PHILIPPINESA.B.Matriculation 25 h; SOCIOLOGYSOCIAL PROBLEMS (optional). (optional), including: including: Population Size. and structure ecology. and 6 h;development of the Filipino CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement RURALMatriculationB.S.E.,MARRIAGE andB.S.S.W. URBAN and FAMILY SOCIOLOGY RELATIONS (compulsory), (optional). including: including: Structure Life tables and relativeand development of city cause analysis, 9 h. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement SOCIALB.S.S.W.Matriculationand barrio SERVICES folks, 15 (compulsory), h. including: Relative size and problems of low-income families. 12 h. CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement ment),ECONOMICA.B.,Matriculation including: B.S.C. PROBLEMS Size. structure OF THE and developmentPHILIPPINES of (compulsory the Filipino society,course given 9 h. in the Economics Depart- CourseEntranceDiploma requirement clud'ne:BIOSTATISTICS,B.S.M.T.Matriculation Records on births, RECORDS deaths andand HYGIENEdiseases. 15 (compulsory h. course given in the Statistics Department) in- TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 7 PersonAddressName in charge SOLER.CityUniversity of Naga, Janet of Nueva Philippines Caceres. College of Liberal Arts .ProfessionalFirst staffyear of teachingOfficial title Dean1969 Curricula LanguageRAVALO, Jose R. EnglishM 1927 n.a. Rural sociology English t...,4=-6) CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement RURAL13.S.Matriculation SOCIOLOGY (compulsory); including: Population theory, 10 h. Name University of the Philippines, College of Arts and Sciences, TEACHING INSTITUTION Department of Geoiogy and Geography Philippines 8 FirstPerronAddress' year in chcrgeof teaching Official title DepartmentTAMF.,SIS,Diliman,1968 Quezon EmmanuelChairman City, V.Philippines Professional stall LUNA, Telesforo W. M 1931 n.a. Population geography, geography,political cultural geography. Ilocano, Tagalog, English.Spanish German, SALITA. Domingo C. M 19451916 n.a.n.a. Introduction to geography,politicalintroduction geography to geography Pampango, Tagalog, English,German, Spanish, French tO Curricula TABIGNE, Liberty C. F Introduction to geography,political geography Ilocano, Tagalog, English. Spanish EntranceLanguage'Exchange requirement programme' MatriculationEnglish:usedAlthough to create courses at present one could there also is be no taught international in Filipino student exchange programme, financial assistance could be EntranceCourseDiploma requirement MatriculationCULTURALM.S. GEOGRAPHY (compulsory), including: Population theory, 4 h. CourseDiploma INTRODUCTION8POLITICAL h.POPULATION13.S. GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHYTO GEOGRAPHY (optional), (compulsory), (optional), including: including' including: Popttlation : Population densities and characteristics, 9 h. Life tables. census analysis and ratios. pyramids and population characteristics, Notes 2 This3 is the unlyenrol subjectFor in all this courses. resembling course ocalstunalk, tIcimgraphy statistics Mitred and M the sociology Dcpartment. majors take impulation geograpli:, .is their cognate. Thus. Nocial science majors or minors from the College of Education 'TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 9 PersonAddressName in charge Official title ChairmanANGANGCO.DiUniversity liman, Otte of the7on Ore Philippines,City, lia R. Philippines College of Arts'- and Sciences, Department of Sociology ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingARCINAS, Fe R. F 1954 1928 n.a. Demography and human ecology English Curricula STINNER,De la Cruz, William Ester B. MF 19381943 n.a. Demography and human ecology EnglishFilipino. English t-F.t..... /1 Language'Exchange programme' , usedAlthoughEnglish to create at present one there is no international student exchange programme. financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement ty.4DEMOGRAPHY h;M.A.Sociology 4 3. h: Population 160 and change,(compulsory), 9 units 4 inh; social 34 h: science 7. Fertility, 4 h; 8. Migration, 4 h. 4. Population distribution, 4 h; 1. The nature of demography. 4 h; 2. Demography and sociology, 5. Population composition, 4 h; 6. Mortali- CourseEntranceDiploma requirement ThreeDEMOGRAPHYA.B. units of introductory AND HUMAN or general ECOLOGY sociology (compulsory). includine 1. Introduction, 8 h; 2. Compon- Notes 2 CompuI 1c,r all kory tletteSeS. countents for .t of11.A. population in gatiqics. optional growth. for other 10 Sttti.11 h; silence 4164:i1,1int". 3. Population: a world view. S h. RESEARCH INSTITUTION Philippines 10 AddressNamePerson us charge TaftAPELO,BiologyUniversity Avenue. Center Ruben of Manila. the A.Philippines, Philippines College of Medicine. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Reproductive Professional stall APELO,Official title Ruben MAssociate Professor in Gynaecology: Project Director 1917 M.D. n.a. Filipino. English PENALOZA,HIPOLITO,PLANTILLA,PAREJA, ScrotinaMildred Angela Lily N. FF 193719381926 M.D. n.a.11.8.n.a. Filipino.Filipino, EnglishEnglish RAMOS,ROA.LASTA, Preciosa Glenda Ma. Salome F 194219361944 NurseNurse n.a. Filipino.Filipino, English BALDONADO,LINAN,HILARIO, Estrella Rebecca Flor F 193819361930 Social workerworker 11.8.n.a. Filipino,Filipino. English Research project DateDirectorTitle of completion \June 1971APELO.Research Ruben on Contraceptives A. AreaAimPublications of research .,; graduatesFamily planning andReproductive practitioners;) to provide Biology (c) toinformation Center carry Spt.,:ialout researchand Report" service in family (for APELO). family planning planning;Actor Medico (b) to Phi teach Rimini:. family -11. planning V. No. IV.to medical April- under- effectiveinPAREJA-TheJune English. 1969,use oral of& pp. a VELOSO,contraceptive new 173-181, progestogen Irma).in in English. the Journal casenorgestrel, of 196of Phil. Filipino as an Med. oral women Assoc.. contraceptive with vol. minimum 44. among No. side 3. Filipino Marcheffect and 1968. women- high pp. acceptability (APELO.160-163. A new preparation of norgestrel 0.5 mg. with ethvml estradiol 0.05 mg. Two-year performance of the Reproductive Biology Center is shown as an Publications ciation"Lactation Convention. changes with 2 May norethistcronc 1969. to he acetate"published (APELO in English & PAREJA). read at the Philippine Medical Aso- Philippines 10 bination""Resultsin"Clinical preparation experiences of(APELO a controlled & VELOSO. with studs Depo-Procra. Irma). in anpreparation' injectable contraceptive- (APELO & LOPEZ. Florencia C.1. employing d-norgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. a new oral contraceptive com- Curricula DurationDiplomaEntrance requirement TrainingPost-graduate for M.D.. CertificatePost-giaduate 1968-1968: 1(1 days in Cotmc HUMAN5 days in REPRODUCTION AND FAMILY PLANNING: 1 1970 (Mice in the year): 10 days in 1971 (ix times in the year) I. Introduction to family planning. 1 It 2. ...,) conceptsfamilyPhilippine planning. in thepopulation. physiology 1.15 It 5. ofExamination menstruation of and the reproduction.female patient. I 1.15 It 6. The IUD. 1.15 h: It 3. Socio-economic aspects of family planning. It 8. Oral contraceptives. 1.30 It 4. The Church and 1 7. Current 4-....1 healthand 1controlled aspects. rhythm. maternal other and methods child health of conception and family control.planning. newer I.30 Itmethods under study. 3 h: 11. Motivation for family planning. It 9. Rhythm 10. Public log,.14. 18.1.3(1 Statistical Woikshop It language on motivation.li: in family planning.6 It 1.15 h: 15. Implications12. Diagnosis of andfamily treatment planning of gynaecologic the infertile couple. ptho- 1.30 h: 16. Sexual behaviour. I 19. Movies:h: 20. Clinic. 17. Sex education. pre-marital and marital counselling. 13. Treatment of anovulator:. e-cles. 1.15 hr; 1 h: Name Unix et sit of the Philippines, Institute of Hygiene RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 11 PersonAddress in charge Official title AssociateL113REA.6251963 Heliali Prolessor Aittno St.. Manila. A of Epidenuolo2) Philippines and Biostatistics Pro/CAA/0/1a/FirstFirst year year of ofresearch teaching tap 1951 R(' 'arch projects TitleLIBREA, .Arturo A. A Mstuds of %ital statistical rates and causes of death 1914 Physician Demograp1-4; and vital statistics in a Philippine rural community Filipino, Et .dish 00 AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion DemographyDecemberI, WREN. 1971 Arturo A. deter mine' the degree of unde-registration of births and deaths and the accuracy of certification of deaths DateDirectorTitle of completion GUZMAN,AprilFel 1970till!), Vittinia and its B.relation to child health TitleAreaAim of rese:,,-Ii AboitionToPait assess of MCI. innutiitional Filipino project womenstate, growth and development of children in a Philippine community AreaAimDateDirector of of research completion MaternalToDecember\ determineALENZUELA. and 1969 childabortion healthAmanda sates amongV. Filipino women Publication "AbortionsPopulation. in December 1969, Philippines, in English. This first Filipino women, phase I" (VALENZUELA). hoceedings of phase of a study of abortions in Filipino the Third Conference on Philippines 11 yearstrendsmethodifwomen any, 1963-19f".and of wasusedpractices sonic done to social get among in informationSta. and ever-married Rosa.economic Laguna, was characteristics womenthat from of agedinterviewing Deeenlxr of the 1967 mothers to July towith 1969.the a occurrence history to determine of abortion of abortions. abortion during rates, the They were located by house-to-house inquiries in the "poblacion" and the 14 barrios of I 5 - 4 5 . Data was also gathered to show relationship The whereofhistory.Sta. Ithe 963-1967. Rosa.complete data-gathering pregnancy in the histories were taken. A second survey involving a Similarly20 per cent interviewed systematic were sampling 394 mothers of ever-married without history women of abortion in their whole reproductive first survey and provided bases for estimating pregnancies durinng the years This second survey served as a check on the reliability was done Curricula ExchangeLanguage programm.: WithEnglish several Asian countries CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement theory,DEMOGRAPHICC.P.H.,Matriculatio 4. M.P.H. Rate and AND ratios. VITAL STATISTICS (optional): I. Census analysis; 2. Life tables; 3. Population 44.M4,0!,

AddressName University of the Philippines, Population Institut& RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 12 FirstPerson year inof charge researchOfficial title CONCEPCION,1961DirectorRizal Hall, Padre Mercedes Faura, B. Manila, Philippines ProfessionalFirst year of stallteachingCONCEPCION, M. F 1963 1928 Sociologist, Methods of sociological research, Filipino, English, Spanish, French PACHECO,ZABL.AN, Z. A. MF 19391944 Demographer demographer DemographyDemographic ofstatistics Asia,andpopulation economic studies, development population Filipino, English Oto4 FLIEGER,REGUDO, W. A. MF 19311939 Sociologist,Statistician demographer Data-processing,Computer applications special indemographic problems sociologydemography statistics German,Filipino, English. English French LAING,STINNER, J. W. MM 19371938 SociologistDemographer Demography of Asia, introduction to demography n.a.n.a. F.nglish,English, German French OSTER1A,RAF10A,PASCUAL,PASABA, M. M. T. E. F 194419451937 Demographer n.a. Filipino,Filipino, English English Research projects DirectorTitle CONCEPCION,National demographic Mercedes survey, B. 1968 AimAreaDate of researchcompletion conductedFertility,AimsContinuing similar labouron a to country-wide earlierforce, migration,surveys, basis except and social that thismobility was a large -scale fertility, mobility and labour-force study Philippines 12 Publications Conference,Conference,,ChangingWhat is FertilityHappening 1969,1969, Behaviour toto bebe to publishedpublished the ofPhilippine Filipino in English Women Birth Rate? (CONCEPCION (FLIEGI:R), ), Proceedings of thethe Third Third Population Population TitleDirector .the ThirdNationalThe Population 1968 pre-pregnancy National Conference, Demographic clinic 1969, evaluation to Survey:be published programme Some in Findings English on Mobility (PIRON, Georges), Proceedings of AimDate of completion institutionsToCONCEPCION,provideMarch analyse 1971 maximum clinical Mercedes records adequate B. now and available, useful data,to revise to analyse and 'or extenddatP reporting records and procedures, to and make results available to interested TitlePublicationArea of research PostProceedings1UCDFamily partum Retention planning world-wideof the Rates Third amongfollow-up Population Family survey Conference, Planning (in conjunction Patients 1969, in with atEnglish the the Philippine University's General College Hospital of Medicine) (ZABLAN), M AimDateDirector of completion yearsToJuly.ZABLAN. measure 1970ago. Zelda the (foreffectiveness the Philippines) of the post portion programme initiated by the Population Council some 5 TitleArea of research PZ.Ist-enumerationFamilyacceptors planning following survey their entrance into the field work completed programme To describe the acceptor population and the contraceptive and fertility experience of the AimDateDirector of completion errorsToSeptemberCONCEPCION, measure 1968 the validityMercedes of the B. responses given in the national demographic survey and to study non-sampling TitleDateDirectorArea of researchcompletion CONCEPCION,JuncStudyFertility, 1969 of labourthe completeness Mercedes force, migration B. of vital and events social registration mobility in selected Philippine municipalities Aim overTo get a 3-yearas complete period. a count as possible of live births, deaths and changes of residence in the municipality To find out the extent of under-registration of births and deaths in the selected Philippines 12 PublicationArea of research Philippine"Under-registrationVitalmunicipalities statistics Sociological and Review,the estimation vol. 13, of No. births 4, Octoberand deaths 1965, in app. Philippine 227-231, municipality" in English (CONCEPCION), TitleDateDirector of completion CONCEPCION,DecemberDifferential 1967 fertility Mercedes B. in selected Philippine communities AreaAim of research marriedinquiriesTo measure women into and the explainMterrelationships the relations between between fertility fertility and and other certain characteristics social factors. of a cross-section of Filipino To serve as preliminary ts) Publications ."Family"FourMarchFertility fertility size1967, and and surveys"pp. fertility expectations 153-184, planning (Ed. inMURPHY, Englishin Manila" Edmund), (PRATT, monograph, William), St. pp. Louis 1-134, Quarterly, 500 copies. vol. in5, English.No. 1 and 2, vol."Studiesin"Prospects the 5. 1970s,No. of 2. offertility pp.1968, fertility 367-395, and pp. decline fertility714-731, mimeographed, in planning 1970s" in English, (CONCEPCIONin the 200 with Philippines" copies, a summary in & English HENDERSHOT.(CONCEPCION in English &G. FL1EGER), E.), Philippine Demography, Population SHOT),"FactorsReview,"Family building St.associatedvol. Louis XVI, patterns Quarterly,No. with 3-4, marriedof July-Octoberyoung vol. 6,women's Manila No. 3, 1968.couples" Septemberideal infamily English(CONCEPCION 1968,size and pp. approval" 355-374, & FLIEGER), (CONCEPCIONin English Philippine &Sociological HENDER- SHOT),CharacteristicsReview,"Characteristics Proceedings vol. XVI, of MigrantsNo.of theof 3-4, the interview toJuly-OctoberThird Manila Population situation and 1968,Other in Conference a UrbaninManila English Places survey" 1969 from( fort(HENDERSHOT), Twohcoming). Rural inCommunities English Philippine (HENDER- Sociological 40 I L' Philippines 12 LanguageExchange programme English;usedAltho ^'' courses could also be taught in Filipino t create one at present there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be EntranceCoursesDiploma requirement CompulsoryMasterBachelor's of ArtsDegree courses (Demography) are: COMPUTERSTATISTICSDEMOGRAPHICPOPULATION APPLICATIONSFOR STUDIES,STATISTICS,AND THE HUMAN BEHAVIOURAL 48 IN 48h;ECOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, h; SCIENCES, 32 h; 48 48h: h; t,) SPECIALDEMOGRAPHYOptionalPOPULATION courses TOPICS arc: OFGROWTH IN ASIA, DEMOGRAPHY, 48 AND h; ECONOMIC 32 h; DEVELOPMENT, 48 h, COMMUNICATIONLABOURBIOMETRICBIOSTATISTICSRESEARCH ECONOMICS, METHODSANALYSIS, 48 AND h; SOCIO-CULTURAL48 SEMINAR 32 h; 32 h; CHANGE, 32 h; it URBANPUBLICPOPULATIONNATIONALDEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION INDUSTRIALINCOME GEOGRAPHY, ECONOMICS, AND GEOGRAPHY, EMPLOYMENT, AND 32 48 h; SOCIAL h; 32 CHANGE, 48 h; h; -IR h; Notes TheSTATISTICAL.STATISTICAL Institute offer, shoitterm ANALYSIS ANALYSIS in-servue II,tiaining 48 toh. (.1) goveinment employee, doing work I, 48 h; on population analysis, through a workshop on popula- POPULIt11711Teatfamilytion (5 him' planningweeks): in tlemigraph to (b) Unikriztritithite(l'ast eniplo:.ces 12 weeks).ollt red scramsof L1111111' to graduate planning students organization, of sot whip, invoked and Inof reportingsocial work. .4 nil ret.ord-keeping: sociology and in 'elated Si t gal sciences. The Institute also teaches the introductory course in Lourses. and internship programme in Name University of the Philippines, School of Economics, Institute of Economic Development and -0-Research RESEARCH INSTITUTION Philippines 13 FirstPersonAddress year in chargeof researchOfficial title DirectorKINTANAR,Diliman,1965 Quezon Agustin City, Philippines Professional stall CASTRO, A. A. MM 19241947 EconomistEconomist n.a. Filipino, English, Spanish KINTANAR,HUBER,EDDIE,CACHERO, S. J. N. A. MM 192719351909 EconomistEconomist n.a. Filipino,English English, Spanish 4=.Cr3 MORENO,MEARS,MARIANO,MANGAHAS, L. H. R. M. MFM 192219071944 EconomistEconomist n.a. Filipino,English English, Spanish JAN,SICAT,POWER, E. G. J. R. FMFM 1942193419351921 EconomistEconomist n.a. Filipino,English English, Spanish GONDON,VILLARROEL,VALENZONA,JIDALGO, D. R. L. R.A. L. MFF 192319421947 EconomistEconomist n.a. EnglishFilipino, English, Spanish Research projects DateTitleDirector of completion DecemberSocio-economicKINTANAR, 1971 Agustin impact of slowing population growth in the Philippines Aim e To set up; a simulation model of the socio-economic impact of the family planning programme in the Philippines 13 AreaPublication of research censusfinishedNoThePhilippines publications effects are using available. of fertilitycensus based data declineon thisfor 1960.studyon the as Philippine yet. population, GNP, labour force, etc. The model will be tested again as soon as data for the recent 1970 A pilot study based on the "Develop a Model" has just been AimDirectorTitle ToRUPRECHT,Fertility relate control fertility Theodore and control per K.capita to pert income capita inincome the Philippines in the Philippines ,PublicationArea of research characteristicsmodelThe"Fertility interactionPhilippine to cot, explore -rcpt (due ofEconomic thedemographic to quantitative mortality Journal, rndand importance vol.economic fertility VI, No.changes) variablesof 1,some pp. and 21-48,interrelationshipsin theeconomic Philippines1967, invariables English. between such changes as labour in inputs,population rate -Ind per capita- income in the Philippines: some first approximations" (RUPRECHT), Attempts to develop a tAr DirectorTitle SICAT,Someof capital demographic Gerardo accumulation, P., aspects and LAMPMAN,availability of the Philippine of Pobert land economic per J. capita, development and the investment mix. AreaAimDatePublications of completionresearch "Output,TheTo1967 investigate interaction capital, the of labour demographicimplications and population: of and population economic projections growth variables on from output,in Philippine the supplycapital, society side" and labour force ( SICAT & JIDA LGO), First onunemployment)behaviourConference1960-2000 a population of on aggregate underPopulation projection different output for1965, changes (boththe pp. Philippines "actual" 354-388,in capital and by information "potential"Lorimer. and asin definedtechnology, in terms given of the a labour"desired" force level based of English, with a summary in English. The period covered by the projections Estimates the is theofbetweenThe"Some caution Philippinespopulation Philippine interactions acceleration that acceleratinggrowth andEconomic betweenalternative of might population Journal,economic economic be, trade-off society growth vol. growth growth situations VI,must and No. involves andbeforegone 1, willingunderpopulation intersectoral GNPreduced to pay changeper the fertility.capita and price in intergroupduring of these post-Second changeschanges. and, World whatever War in 1967, pp. 1-20, in English. the Philippines" (LAMPMAN),The paper ends with a note Discusses the trade-off '1EACIIING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge PAREL,P.O.University Box Cristina479. of theManila, Philippines,P. Philippines Statistical Center Philippines 14 ProfessionalFirst year stallof teachingOfficial title FDirector1969 1917 Statistician n.a. BLAQUERA,BUENAVENTURA.GUTIERREZ.PAREL, Cristina RosarioJose S.P. L.Angeles R. M 193019221925 Statistician Statistics n.a. Filipino, English to SIA.RAMOS,CALDITO,DE Luisa, GUZMAN. Ernesto L.Gloria Gcneroso C., G. M FM 1940194619441942 StatisticianStatistician Introduction to demographicn.a.n.a. statistics Chinese,Filipino, Filipino, English English TIENZO,PEREZ,HIZON,TAN, Rudy ManuelBernardino Benjamin H. MM 193119241912(943 StatisticianActuary n.a.n.a, Filipino,Filipino, English English Curricula EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme' 2English;usedAlthough years' to creatework courses at present inone thecould collegethere also beof Arttaught and in Sciences Filipino is no international' student exchange programme. financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEn Lance requirement MasterSTATISTICSBachelor's s degree degree (optional), in statistics inand statistics 6including: units and ofM.S. calculus Introduction to demographic statistics, 32 h. Note Course 2 For .ill courses.DEMOGRAPHY (optional), 48 h. a nl Name University of San Carlos, Department of Sociology a. nd Anthropology' RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 15 FirstPersonAddress ycar in charveof researchOfficial title Chairman.FLIEGER.Ccbu1970 Department of Sociology-Anthropology City. Philippines ProfessionalFirst year .staff` of teachingFLIEGER, Wilhelm M 1969 1931 Demographer The study of population, German, English, French MORENO,KILATON,KOPPIN, HelenaBrigida Macrina F Sociologist,SociologistPhysicist demographicn.a. method Filipino, English, SpanishSpanish, German, French Research projects Title PopulationF Commission 'Bureau of the Census and Statistics demographer n.a. Filipino,, University English, of SanSpanish Carlos project AreaAimDirectorDate of of research completion ToContinuingMIJARES,Easter establish Visayas Tito a sample A. (Philippines) vital registration system DirectorTitleDate of completion CONCEPCION,FebruaryofEvaluation the Philippines, 1971 of nationalMercedes Maniia) demographic survey, 1968 (in conjunction with the Population Institute, University PublicationAreaAim of research read"WhatFertilityTo analyse at isthe happening Thirdpast fertility Conference to the trends Philippine on Population, birth rate" Manila, (FLIEGER), December mimeographed. 1959, 100 copies. to appear with other papas Philippines 15 Curricula' DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.A.Eno' ;sh .sful termination of first two years of college studies in any of the social sciences Courses DEMOGRAPHICmigration.3.STUDY Philippine OF 5 POPULATIONh: population 7. PopulationMETHODS trends, (optional), control, (optional). 5 h; 44. 45h. Study 45 h: h: of fertility. 10 h; 5. Study of mortality. I. Po Nlation theories, I.3 Censush; 2. World analysis. population 10 h; trends.2. Mortality 8 h: measures, 10 h; 10 h; 6. Study of 3. Note s The dentogr ph%trAtning.Fertility cour.c ale optmeasures. n to all thud and10 fourthh: 4. N Introduction ear qua% nt% to stable population. 10 h; 5. Survey techniques, 'shuttling III In% of tht social ..fence.. It t. al.o propo.ed to .tart to -.en Ice 5 h. 00tkl TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 16 PersonAddressName in charge Oficial title HeadPESIA-BULOS,Manila,University of PhilippinesDepartment of Santo Alicia Tomas, Department of Sociology FirstProfessional year of stallteachingZI PAGANG, Almadora F1968 1946 n.a. Demography Filipino. English Curricula Exchange programme usedAlthough to create at present one there is no international student exchange programme. financial assistance could be .c) CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement DEMOGRAPHYB.A.MatriculationEnglish; major courses in sociologyplus could (compulsory),background also be taught in 3 introductory It perin Filipino week sociologyfor one semester and general (equivalent sociology to a thcorics course ofand 3.5 methodology months). 1

14.141114V,VI/F144, rq IP TEACHING INSTITUTION Philippines 17 PersonAddressName in charge CagayanDepartmentXavier de University, Oro ofCity. Sociology PhilippinesResearch and Institute Anthropology for Mindanao Culture (RIMCU) FirstFirst year year of ofteaching researchOfficial title 1957DirectorMADIGAN.1958 of RIMCUFrancis C. Professional staff MADIGAN, Francis C. M 1917 Sociologist Fertility. mortality English. French, Spanish. Binisaya, TAN,TALIBONG. Glicerio Enriqueta MF 19441946 Sociologist Methods,Marriage, rural populationpopulationanalysis Binisaya,Binisaya. English, English. Spanish. Spanish. Tagalog Chabacano, German Tagalog Research project' DateTitleDirector of completion MADIGAN,Cagayan de FrancisOro population C. study A study of vital statistics in Cagayan de Oro City PublicationAreaAim of research BirthSociologicalBirthApril and and death1969 deathcity in of Cagayan ratesCagayan by de de ,Oro Oro age and sex. social category, marriace data, data City (MADIGAN. with the help of on immigration. Curricula households.socialand TALIBONG). categories. 1970. Provides data on the physical and Provides data on age at marriage. pp. 1-450. in English. Gives birth andcultural death background (if the on immigration; a three-stage sample study of BALABA, FIERRO.rates PALABRICA, by age and sex, by various area. 2.074 LanguageExchange programme Eng!i.h:Althoughused toemu createat presentses onecould there also ishe taught no international student cxchanec in Tagalog. Binisaya, French and programme. financial assistance could be Spanish Entrance requirement Matriculation for M.A., completion of I or 2 years' college for college major Philippines 17 CoursesDiploma AllM.A.taryPOPULATION optional: or statistical A.B. with operations ANALYSIS, major in obtaining 44 h:2 common rates; 4. National and international trends and history. I. Population theory; 2. Population process and variables: 3. Elemen- GENERALADVANCEDlity,POPULATION sampling, STATISTICS, STATISTICS,various STATISTICS, methods the number the 44througt.1 number h: of hours analysis of hoursvarying of varying variance with interests with and interests total and correlation. level and of levelstudents: zero-order of students: use regression.of probabi- I. Life tables, natality, fertility, mortality, marital rates. analp:is Notes 2I InStudents 1968.196') of education. ofthe co-variance,Institute ctoflonill cos-Owed higher-order correlation and regression. Jjellt ohm, Malt( HUM,1.11ge.,L.IIC elif..1 tot ,O1.10-001(Ihir liopulation lllll anall.16111: 'Mr %CYCOMM. with . some demographic ape, t. ol .1 little-known region. .

01 Reim AddressName Singapore-University l0, of Singapore Singapore, Department of Geography RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Singapore I FirstPerson in charge Official ear of research title Professor001.19701949 J m-Bee and Head Profe.s.sionalFirst year of stallteaching00i, Jin-Bee M 1931 Geographer ( English, Malay CHIA,HILL,LEE, RonaldLin-Sicn Yong-Leng NiMM 193819351930 GeographerGeographer Chinese;EnglishChinese. English English. Malay rnts..) YEUNG,WONG.SWAN, Yue-Man BernardPoh-Poh MM 193819451925 Geographer f Chinese.Chinese,English English English Research projects TAN,TEO, Siew-EngLee-Wah FF 19461939 Geographer Chinese, English AimDateTitleDirector of completion To1967LEE.Sarawak study Yong the various Lcng ethnic groups in Sarawak and thew ,ii pact on the landscape PublicationsArea of research PopulationSarawak1-257. 3,000 and Settlementcopies, in English m Saramak (1 EE ) . Donald Moore: Asia Pzcilic Press. Singapore. 1970. pp. 0 "The1965. population pp. 344-356, of Sarawak- 1,500 copies, in English. ( LEE ). The Geo graphic d Journal, London. vol. . A geoc.raphical analysis of the population of Sarawak. 0 131. No. 3. September Publications "The Malays of Sarawak" (LEE), Heinivhere, vol. 11, No. 4, April 1967, pp. 28-32, in English. Singapore I June"Populationpp."The 28-39, 1968,Dayaks in pp. changes English.of 55-68, Sarawak" in 1,500 Sabah, (LEE), copies, 1951-1960" Journal in English of (LEE),Tropical Journal Geography, of Tropical Singapore, Geography, vol. 23 Singapore,(December vol. 26, 1966), DirectorTitle "TheLEE,North 'YongChinese Borneo Leng (Sabah)in Sabah" (LEE), Etylkunde,, vol. 19, No. 4 (1965), pp. 306-314 AimPublicationsAreaDate of completionresearch NorthToJanuary study Borneo 1965 the population, (Sabah) rural settlements and house-types of Saban Universities °ress, Curricula Language EnglishSingapore,North Borneo, 1965, a pp.Study 1-156, in Settlement 5,000 copies, Geography in English (LEE), Donald Moore, Eastern CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement SocialPOPULATIONB.A.University aspects entrance, of AND population, second-year SETTLEMENT 131/2 students h; 1-h GEOGRAMY tutorial held once(205) every (optional), 3 weeks; 47 fieldh: trips are also involved. i Rural settlement, 131/2 h;


ilk Name Unix ersity of Singapore, Depai fluent of Social Medicine 'LEACHING INSTITUTION and Public Health Singapore 2-_-_-_-_-_-__ FirstPenonAddress year in of charge teaching Official title Outran]ProfessorP1-400N,1954 Hill, W. Singapore 0. 3. Professional staff NO,POLUNIN,PHOON, W. K. W. I. 0.V. M 192019221932 n.a. SocialPublicOccupational medicinehealth health and social medicine Chinese,English, English, French, MalayFreach, Malay Latin Curricula' TAN,YOOK,TUAN, Nal laTye TanR. Cho Kim MF 193919231927 n.a.n.a. MedicalSocialMedical medicine statistics statistics and and demography demography Chinese,EnglishChinese. English DiplomaEntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme M.B.,MatriculationEnglishWith B.S. international organizations such as WHO Course healthcourseBIOSTATIST1CSMortality. andincludes supervised 3 h., Community 4. II Fertility,(compulsory), work. Health 3 h; 5. 25Survey, Population h: dynamics, 3 h; 6. Seminar 1. Vital registration and census1 month, data. analysis of demographic characteristics in relation to on population problems, 3 h. This I h; 2. Life tables 3 h; 3, CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement BIOSTAIThisD.P.H.NIB., course B.S. ISTICS and also 2 (compulsory),covers years' supervisedexperience including: work (epideMiological Medical demography including vital and health statistics, 20 h. Note 'Onuses to DemographsCollegetopics. (or with demographic umtent) ha% e been given by staff of 1111. Department Diploma in Education: I lealth blikation Course: SoLiolog5 Degree Courses: International Training Cou.ses organized iw WIT; Evra- suivey. seminar, dissertation) on demograpilic to students attending: Teachers Training curmula ecnnsc. organized be 'tie Department of hAtra-mural Studies; Publa Health Nursing Course and whet special courses from time I. time. et Nanic Uoi crsity of Sirtgapote, Economic Research Centre RESFARCII INSTITUTION Singapore 3 FirstP.A ddreN,\ non in (lunge Official title ear of research DirectorYOU,1.3:1k1966 itPoll Timah Selig Road. Singapore- I 0, Singapore PrOfe%A/0//a/ 3IaU YOU. Poli Seng M 19321919 SociologistEconomist, IL! mogra pher. statistician n.a. Chinese, English CH.AN,CHANG,YEH, Stephen Mi Chen Kee H. Tung K. FM 19401944 n.a. Chinese,Chinese. English ct.t...) m TING,KOH, FoonaGrace Yin F 1947 n.a. Chinese, English TAN,TAN,CHAN, MaureenFAN, Chio W311 Hui Tee Yoke Boon F 194819401944 0 n.a. n.a. Chinese, English Re.sewch proje CLARK,TAN;LIM, ChooEi:,-....en David Suan H. MF 193219481944 Economist n.a. Chinese,English English AimDateDirectorTitle of completion ToCHANG.-Fertility study1971 fertility Chen-Tungstudies declines of Singapore' in Singapore PublicationArea of research "FactorsNo.Ponulation influencing the declining birth rate in Singapore"I , (CHANG), MalayanApril Economic 1970, pp. Review, 83-100, vol. in XV, English Title Singapore Sample Household Survey. 1966 Singapore 3 AimDateDirector of completion ToreferenceAprilYOU, acquiie 1967 Poh information to Seng needs of onrehousing population and economic transportatiur characteristics, employment, education of Singapore with lo PublicationsArea of research andSurveySingaporePopulation housing Publication Sample Hou.seliold Series No. Surrey. Repoli No. I, September 1967, pp. I (YOU, YEH, NG, 1-302,Kim Nco in English. & I.EE Yoke San), 1 ables relating to population Note 'There is also an unpublishedNo."Singapore 2. April paper sample 1970. by Chang. household pp "The continump survey fertility 1966, decline report in Singapore". No. 2** (DAROESMAN, Ruth), Survey 1-300, mimeographed. 50 copies, in English. Administrative report. Publication Series

., RFSEARCII INSTITUTION Thailand 1 AddressNamePenal! in charge 910Chiengmai InthararorosRERKASEM, UnReisity. Rd, Rabieb Chienamai. Faculty of ,vledicuu...lhailand Depaitnumt of Social and Pieventive Medicine ProfessionalFirst year of staff researchOfficial title Dean1960 SA-ARDAIRM;PROMKUTKAO,NABANGXANG. Somsri HatchaChoomnoom MFM 194519291938 SociologistPublicEpidemiologist health administration n.a. Thai, EnglishEnglish, Spanish eT Research project TitlePONGPROT, Boonyong MMicrodose piotiestion study 1oi comic)l of fertility 1933 Public health administration n.a. Thai. English AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch ChiengmaiToSVASTIWi'.February study the Province 1972 effectiveness!ANA. Amnawsvasti and side effects of magestral aeotate- in the field of fertility control TEACHING INSTITUTION PersonAddressName in charge SASIDHORN,Chiengmai,Chiengmai University,Thailand Nibhondh Faculty of Social Sciences Thailand 2 ProfessionalFirst year of staff teachingOfficial title Dean1964 4 PROMPRIENGPHANDHU,SASIDHORN, NibhondhChomphol M M 19451931 n.a.n.a. Demographyntroduction to sociology,sciences, demographicintroduction problemsto political Thai, English 00ch1.4 Curricula Exchange programme Althoughused to createat present one there is no international student exchange programme, financial assistance could be CourseDiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement problems,DEMOGRAPHYB.A.University 10entrance h; 4. (optional),Population examination 45programme, h:' 10 h; 5. Other aspects, 8 h. 1. Population theory, 10 h; 2. Rates and ratios, 7 h; 3. Population Note 1 The courses in demographyOccupation;LABOUR are ECONOMICS considered 4. Labour particularly market; (optional): important 5. Employment for students majoring and unemployment. in politics. 1. Human resource and economic development; 2. Population; 3. economics and sociology. t TEACHING INSTITUTION Thailand 3 PersonAddressName in charge NOPAVONGS,PhyaChulalongkorn Thai Road. University, Poonsapaya Bangkok-5, Faculty Thailand of Education ProfessionalFirst year of stall teachingOfficial title Dean1968 Curricula LanguageLATTANANT, Lerm ThaiM 1927 n.a. Demography Thai, English os CourseDiplomaEntrance requirement DEMOGRAPHYB.A.,3.M.A. Mortality; B.S. (Education) 4. (optional),Migration; part 5. Population of a school policies; 6.Population of Thailand. 'survey course, 24 h. 1. General characteristics; 2. Fertility; RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Thailand 4 PerAddressName Ion in charge Official title DeanSUI.V.ANAGUL,PhyaChtealongkorn Thai Road, University, KasemBangkok-5, Faculty Thailand of Political Sciences ProfessionalFiistFirst year of Atafl teachingNsearch 19651963 NAMATRA,,DEBHASAENGSWANG,PRACHUABMOH, VALYA, Nangnoi NibhonPiecha Visid MMF 1938194219361937 StatisticianDemographerSociologist,Demographer demographer StatisticsDemographyPopulation problems Thai, English Research project TitleAMYOT. J. Jacques NationalM Economic Development Board (NEDB) rural manpower1920 study Anthropologist French, English, Thai, Chinese AreaAimDateDirector of completionresearch TheToDecemberAMYOT, gather following socio-economic1971 J. provinces: Jacques Chiengmai. data relevant Khon to Kaen, the NEDB Kalasin, planning Aytithya. of ruralPrachinburi, human Nakornsrithemrat,resource utilization. Songkhla Curricula EntranceLanguage requirement Thai:Matriculation courses could also be taught in English CourseDiploma tionotherDEMOGRAPHYB.A. study.(political Departments 16 h.science) (compulsory of the Faculty) for the3:' students in the Department of Sociology and optional for those of h: 1. General demography, 8 h; 2. Methodology, 8 h; 3. Popula- . Name Chulalongkorn University, Institute of Population Studies RESEARCH AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Thailand 5 PersonAddressFirst yearin charge of researchOfficial title DirectorPRACHUABMOH.Ratasatr1966 Building 3, Visit!Bangkok-5. Thailand Proje.monalFirst year ofstall* teachingPRACHUABMOH. Visid M1967 1936 Sociologist- Research methodology, Thai. English SATHOMLINSON, ENGSWANG, Ralph Pricha M 19371925 Sociologist-Demographer demographer Population study,study. comparativecomparativestudypopulation of world of Thailand population Thai.English. English French, Spanish CA) DEBHAVALYA, Nibhon M 19391942 StatisticianDemographer - Demographic analysis Thai,English, English Thai ....---.1 PIEMPITI,POLISSAIL Sauvaltick Lincoln F 19381939 StatisticianSociologist- demographer Thai. English VIBULSERTH,THERASWAT,NAMATRA,PITAKTEPSOMBATI, Nangnoi SuwathanaPenpornPichit FM 194419451945 DemographerDemographer Statistical methods of research Thai. English Research projecis TitleDirector National longitudinal sui vey of social. economic and demographic change in Thailand 1 AreaAimDate of ofresearch completion ToContinuingFamilyPRACHUABMOH. study social.planning, economic KAP Visid and and fertility demographic studies change in Thailand L. Publications versity:Masters"FactorsCenter,"Urbanization Chulalongkorn affecting in degree Thailand. migration University. thesis. 1947-1967" in 1970. Research 20 (GOLDSTEIN, copies, Report. in Thai No. Sidney), with2. 1970. a summary Thepp. 1-38.Population in monograph,English Research in English and Training rural Thailand" (THERASWAT (fellowship student) ). Chulalongkorn Uni- Thailand 5 DirectorTitlePublications The-Theversity Potharam fertility Master's of Study Thai degree Project women thesis. in rural 1970, areas" pp. 1-63, (VIBULSERTH 20 copies, in Thai(fellowship with a summary in English student)), Chulalongkorn Uni- PublicationsAreaAimDate of ofresearch completion ToPotharamPRACHUABMOH. study1968 family District, growth Changwat Visid and family Ratehaburi planning in a rural district of Thailand (POOMCHUMPA.-Socio-economicEnglishResearchThe and PotharaniVarapornTraining characteristics Center, (fellowship study- ofChit (HAWLEY.family lalon:4ornstudent). planning Chulalongkorn\nio University. ac:.eptor EL FAWCETT. lesearch James Amphoe Potharam.Universtty Changwat Master'sreport. Ratchaburi" No. degreeT.. & PRACHUABMOH), thesis, 1970, Population I, pp. 1-50. monograph, in Curricula degree"Patterr,pp. 1-55. thesis. of in child-spacing Thai with a summary in Amphoe in Potharam"English (PRONAKIET. Kanda), 1970, pp. 1-61. in Thai with a summary in English Chulalongkorn University Master's CoursesLanguageDiplomaEntrance requirement CompulsoryThaiM.A.B.A. and (in(social English any courses: science)social science discipline and in related sciences and statistics) TION,STATISTICAL,POPULATIONMETHODRESEARCH 68 h. OF METHODOLOGY,METHODS DEMOGRAPHICSTUDIES. OF68 h.RESEARCH, 68 ANALYSIS h. 68 IL,I., h; 6868COMPARATIVE h.h. STUDY OF WORLD POPULA- OptionalSEMINAR:SOCIALSEMINAR:SOCIAL courses: PSYCHOLOGY, ORGANIZATION, POPULATION SOCIOLOGY 68 OFAND h. 68 THAILAND, ANTHROPOLOGY,h. 68 h. 68 h. Asc.t. 20 Jul!, 1972,LincolnREADINGENGLISH, the professional Polissar IN17 left staff SOCIOLOGY, h.the menthe+, Institute: 11,0.e II) staff the 68menthe following h. is ellangestwho ha% a) c the gone abroad for ,chanted naming: I'm 11.1 Sae ogsesang. %mum.: teaching staff: Dr. John replaced Thoniltson, 111101 n Therasivat, Suwathana ) new stall members who have Joined the Institute: Sue hart Vrasithratbsin, 1 dok tolia Kira:inda. TEACHING INSTITUTION Thailand 6 AddrecsPersonName in charge Official title Chairman.BURLIZamathibokiiMailidt0 Prem Departmentt2im Hospital,ersity. Faculty of Medicine. (Community Health Programme) Stn!..ry.Rama INDirector of Community Hcai Road. Bangkok-4. Thailand Programme ProfessionalFirst year of stafiteachingBUR!. Prem M1968 1918 MDn.a. Community medicine Thai. English LIKANCHANATHITI,WRAY. BRYANT.PAMSUW NCH Joe AN. ET. D. JohnAnuw Supawat H. at Pensri M MDn.a. CommunityEpidemiologyHealthNutrition stimulation medicine Thai.English English OSATEIAWATVIRIYANONDA. rHANAKASETR. NON DA. Somchit VitulSiripat MM MD StatisticsCommunityMaternal andmedicine child health Thai. English CHATURACHINDA,KRATA LA ICHURWONGSE, KUL. PramoteChindaKa"theang M MDn.a.M D OrganizationMaternalMaternal and and ofchild healthchild health health service Thai.1That. hai. English'English PRACHUABMOh.RATANAJAHATBOM RUA. RN. ChinnsodhaChurosakdi Visid M NI 1936 Sociologist- demographer MD OrganizationDemography and utilization of health resources "Thai. EnglishThai. English C urriculaLanguageVERAWAITAYA,SA I HOO. Pataya Nlechai ThaiM n.a.n.a. CommunitySociology development Thai.Thai. English English DiplomaEntrance requirement M.D.B.S. Medical Science 1 Courses lationtistics.ANALYSISstatistics,preparationHEALTH ofsociology. problems.sociology, DEMOGRAPHIC of OF questionnaire COMMUNITY social evaluation.social anthropology, anthropology, and SURVEY. collecting conductingHEALTH defining field of PROBLEMS field healthwork. L programme work: data. optional (optional)tabulation, objectives, course 112 analysis operationcovers: h: demography. and demography of interpretation. the programme. epidemiology. epidemiology, formu- sta month: lectures during one week. 3 weeks supervision and AddressMune 420Nlabidol 1 University. Faculty of Public Health Rajvithi Rd. Phya Thai. TEACHING INSTITUTION Bangkok-4. Thailand Thailand 7 FirstPerson year Official it: titlechargeOf teaching Dean1965YAMARXI. Charas Professional Siafl YAMARAT, Charas M 1908 n.a. Population planning Thai. English MUANGMAN,HEMPRACHUABMOH, ACHUTHA, Dephanom Chit Visid MM 193519151936 n.a.n.a. PopulationPopulation planning planning Thai,Thai, English SINGHARAT,VARAVEJ,KEOVICHIT, Porapan Orapin Srisomang F 194219401927 n.a. Population planning Thai, EnglishEnglish SAENGSWANG,PRONAPORAPAKKAM, KEIT, KandaPricha Yawarat FM 194319371934 n.a. PrinciplesIntroducti9n.Basic d9mography- of demography to demography Thai,Thai. English Curricula' SUKHANIVAT. Sara)a 2 F 1944 n.a. Principles of demography Thai. English EntranceLanguageExchange requirement programme ThaiusedAlthough to create at present one there is no d t4st or veterinarian international student enc'. . ge programme. financial assistance could be CourseDiploma Thailand,planPOPULATIONM. P. H.in family 6 h; 3. planning: ResearchPLANNING communication methodology, (compulsory), programme) 2 36h; h:24. Family I. Basic 20 planningh. demography. 8 h; 2. Population (birth control, programme planning. programme in 7 aailand 7 DiplomaEntranceLanguage requirement B.Sc.inHigherThai home (Health certificate, economics education). Diploma 13.Sc. in public (Nutrition). health B.Sc.nursing, (Public Diploma health in nursing) public health sciences. Higher Certificate -, Course INTRODUCTION6phic4.2 h. h:The 2.methodology, growthThe raw cf nerialTOthe 3 worldDEMOGRAPHY h; of 6. demographic populationDemographic and (copulsory) research, aspectthe theory of 302mortality. ofli: h:" demographic 5 h: 7. regulation.Human fertility. 4 h; 5. 5 Basich; 8. Migration. demogra- 3. Population change and its components, 3 h;I. Introduction to the study of demography, DiplomaEnticeLanguage requirement B.Sc.UniversityThai (Sanitation), matriculation B.Sc. (Occupational health). tis-1c...) Course problems.PRINCIPLESthe lry: OF DEMOGRAPHY (optional). 36 h: 4. Demographic processes, mortality, fertility, migration; I. Introduction; 2. Source of data; 3. Population 5. Population growth; 6. Population Notes 3I OnusesCourse greenowletComm:C.44tirse inalso the b 1)tpartment taughtgreen peen inmin theEnglish.the 4,1 DepartmentMI'll I leJlth Department. 1.41m-awn. of Oceniutimial Department I kaki]. 44 Nuismon and Department of Public I lealth Nursing.

,,,104,4«,i4 1\tatiti! Maliiill'Univcrsity,, F acuity -.,of 'Public 00:4:AKIf rLINSTliV1101,4 lastittac for ,POpulation- and lesearehl Thailand 1First year c.)17 ,research. 0111641 titre. in clytiwe 1961"Director440,' 'V ,Phya, Thai, Oatigkalci4',

,Prplcvsfimirl, srapl , , [icEOV,1041T,Y?kMAR'AT,.'haraSH "14fvfF rI,Ot'OM1935i 'Thai,Thai,Thai,. .English: 'English'Eriglish Ji 1,29N,000.0'OORAPAKHAM,''-awaratPHIJAFSAN(T ;,''Pcns'ri fF F' 119341 10371'I938 'Thai;Thai;Thai English 'EnglishEnglish SINGHARAJ,. 0,.orapanl F.Or 'T94'11',194z1940 Henith educator Tliai,Thai;Thai, .English,:iinglish4 English 'PLIIIITRAINIKUkk'NP41SA110011,, M',"RaOvian it090gfoia, MF ,I,94±19391104$' Thai,Thai;Thair :English.English:English YZeseorclr1 projects' PhOrnpinioi P`seielfectiVeaess,Oft,he ,lt)i),,,an& the pill'. 'DirOoprArea.,Date ,'Off Of, ,rcseari.iv, SoonynertubiS;lriefcA9.014119,7 KOrat, ',Province. Thailand ji 6 DircOlCipTitlelate of completion 'Novomt*I7Netlietors (2,f-, pregkittiey, 13a0ghett , Aiett,Ainr of rOdarroh, 13angkhom.,tor, lint out ;the'litctot,,iritipelicht4rogiianOy, ,Otito.-,OfTitleDir adtIC91)10096; Novcnibi#,1910)'ktovitOtt'SOX ,J:c.Xiting,:chil0fOrit and ,IiTegotthoy, TitleArea,Aiiir of research', t$tMly717(Y,6,00.01,11,00i1e0. of. ,using 04'1010 fariiily planning OacOOtot.s 9t, sex lof,ptiStirtgvchilikem ,gOrterat, chOio patients. to recruit new ,cases apc1.,p`rognai, COupoO, *07. v Th40'9(,40i*Ocithi"AimDirector ,,e3aiobeif070, ,user ;referrals' TitleArea 'of 'research; 'Wa'rd;Study 'Si'riraj tit,"'ittfOiMatiOti:IObout ihitthk-,OtitttrotthOt affects, birth conirO1P;OarttOipation'ooio'pg..'WthfienlittHospital' $09Ogh*,1C(ravPr9Y*e- os,tportim :DirectorAimDate of, couipletion, ''t9' '000tOctober"sOWNI', OrOjiOPPill. i.0100000145:''OW9c0,10000t10h4 apot4 the IUD flanct the: ,pill 'and', ,participation, int. the Title,ArOtt, ,O ,research:' TrogrOMMeSiri'raj ;Hospital,0* i:46060'' ,09§v-Pc00''WO'Fct.,90g' Pl4r000' at ttitOtliert Thailand: i)11300i00'Date04cptoi of.coinpietion `MI4?Nii0M4.N,i0OP!i4004)'61:131tlitle4001),August,,

1:1n1 inno n rirrr rv ir rrir, 6 J`c,, rrr, r rr. rrrr rrrr trrr, 0,1,, r,` +Ili ,,I, rrri r Title ,#ergOtYrIiii-',440&1qt:i; 4444000' Thailand 8 Aimiihte,Director' of ,likA.1\40.At;,;Jithei 1960' ,iinir,Oir ',,l{,0:0' 'N'/ICl:Iit,, 'grispinatii, 'Tiii*''''OriWri' in Ungklieti: 4.0- 01:4' O*10444' of '0iiir001ii , AreaPublication of.' research `'*Og!qi0;,'Osko**Iiiko*:,oi ,upgy;,. Richard=?''',,,'*60'''POiii'6*,:'Fooirrol000Jog4inridaiiikli40?1',(0)W,0"4",1: .1:4,,'Cdiiiei7,Ilfi, it?' 41i'gOili':. rpciii*ion,,044, Social: ,,,Ci,,D.,,,,iCEOVIO-0.;,/3CJIZNIC;HT, 4tesehrch, ''Rob41; 'Mahid61:.._,. '0iii'Vetsity,. 'June; ).9'60,, ,piir:, ,,, p:. yAmAiiAt ;. 'Director,Title 'C§0"114090, ,:0,ieinunekiesting'AS nileitility,,,,mensutertient: technique: 1969' coo AreaRini of research. Bang ToChen'., study ,tfie 400q4,,,orl" TEACHING ;INSTITUTION Thailand !?eisOfri,i,r-c1icrigeAddressNcigier 'T1*,)Bangkok islaticiiali -10', In$tio.itc'Of'11DevelOpmeni AchniOisteatioh,INIDA);. Schooli,', of APpliecl-Statistios Thailand 'th.§i:' year of IO4chiOg, offrOi a. titt- .., e '11VVrsJANDANA,1909ikOdtol'° Malhi '-:F.WPk101? '0091'110T 11931:1901 !).4"! ,Population;TochliiquOsl ania Of,10'enio'graphis'. economic development thai; j0)gli§h, Efigh"sh, *1***,q: fx010g6'ii):00014*, .LIS'OCi0'1,,efOate':Ohe;AlitiO,Ugh'i ;at' ,present' there; i "s, no intei ,studOnt 'excli4tige^, 'program*, 'fiO4ociali',issistaOce Oould,b 'Entrance'ft.:afigoge,' ;requirement 'Thai; COlai:s'eStc,014,i,Iscii,:i'd'iiiughif, ,(beveloPiileht-,dooliomiOs),, ,BSc: *Ogh§h, Courses 't1'0111;:k,pOpuhitiOM,,aMclk'liOPV,LATION economic idevelopnien''t,, 0,601,1141i6m c,li5Oih'iii(iM,r`a0()Liii,igraiibi,; ECON9141:c*'1\1;1+NpoOsiiRt'(Optional),:,'3'Lh.ANDY per week: 1:.,1OciO:="ecOOOnlic,EcOOfyffc faOtorS,affoOi- ;100141006'' POpulatiOMOoliey, '6:106POlatibM'Olannht 'ancli;,Orojedtion.,(OptiOn:ap',, 311 fertility hoc). mortality;; TheirelatiOm he:csi,cen,3'.. (Population struc- Entrance. {reg'uireni °ent. Ma'tayom'a1ngRouliipo%'yO'rot,agfiConloaraf,apOLfrIci'ostri:a0ahOoi'forco;, special 'S ManPower. PlaOphig and policy:. recruipilent. 3:, tOttt'se.Dipl'o»ia r cc ifi6TECHNIQUES' nienv'Ofdata;,atc 3..aat4",,anti 'OF ;DEMOGRAPHIC ,in ,applicdi statistics ANALN7$,IS`laic& G., Manpoivei., analysis. I Stu,vit,al:(OptiOnal); rates. 'h: 4. I>o0u1 SbOrce: o prOjec tions. '5,-'d'ata; ',Megaire=

Ng N Nwiic The-N,ationall,Research,,COpheil; ,iNslijrv*iNt :Seicace,, ',Research, Division, Thailand 10 )00r:sOnA ildiess ,4n.;c1iOrge 'Y94i, 'Pt ,research title Secretary-j1,9.6GIFIEOSAKUL1964. ,.Paholyodhim General; Rd;'Oradistir Bangkok 9, Thailand 'i19NbASITA,SUV Jrcitise4,, IPAKI T, ''$oontarec: .1%& ,SOeio(Ogist,Politicah ,scientist Thai;Thai;, English'Onglirsk 'cHAN*A00Wiciliqa0i4P60PPMKA$0

7.1 TEACHING; 6 , Thailand 11 1 'Naive'PersonAddress. in ,,i' charge '''IN,O4A!(.01V,IN;A4ilgic,Oki,*Iii"40q1S'4,inii,ia0t Univet'sily, ,Ainppt F4colty,of Ocl,litjofF-Sciciicc Peotes#01#,''Opt_ Year' of 'ieaclifng 0M-6i4"?'00e' '1949rFiiit, :pracie,:46OtiiieiL . Curricula 'h*O0gd',OrogOthij19' Although at :present. 'th'ere' is. ,nok intei ationali student` exchange 10=ogra.ninic, ',001-10kraPhy, 'Dighsh could.' be' 00 -Entrance0100014't.P11.040 requirement '0$0440,{40*-0*'CiiverityrIMatrictul4tioni4a00j,(ifstB.A.. '(political! sciencc)7 rye# Course. $000!*',00,t.:HeSthrtat0;, population 2 !If' 6 cPcijitilitionr-ikdotjr, 2'.41i 'OisptiOcaVhaCkgrotirid; 'Social and economic' ,facicits rtiopukttiorb. 4 -1i; h: 2. -Rates '14igiatioh.t.-41,,,ratios,,,;8,,h.,_ 3. `Popilla= and,, deathrOisti-iti9-

A 4,44 r:4:1 RESEARCH' AND TEACHING INSTITUTION Thailand, 'NO*.Person:Address 'in Charge "Tharniii4atiVniversity;,'FhOnity,',Of,AMARTAYAOL;,Bangkok, Thailand Nuannart Social Administrâtibn FfrstFirst year of i.esearch,,teachingOfficial tit 1969''Dean'1969; professional Sluff TANTISUK,SAI:0101PAN;,,Oiira INIatchhi ,M. 19211926' Social worker 0!0';'n.a, Thai,Thhi;,'gnglish; ,EngiiSh Frenäh oo kOi*OV-;,,q00q*40,-SUWANSANG,.THAMMARAKS, IP40w00- FF 1950'1946,19441942 'Social'Social§Oci4*911c0 worker WOrker.worker. n.a. Thai,Thhi;Thai,Thai,, '00810h, 'English,EnglishEnglish. 01Atti'r?I'49ist,,,t}0110§011t,'Ypii#411iASAtiOtoN.F;,COOP:17,1*AM,,Jt4-0C1`. 'Pornsiri' Thevee' F 4944192019421950, 'Social000.60,i1901.#'' *Or1cerSocial worker n.a. 'Thai;Thai,Thai,, .English, EnglishEnglish, 'French,French' ,PAATTI-1AYAN4211;,'PrOOZOT,"t114110.141N, Chittima Suvaporiii qs11)' at' F 19441949'1047, '$00011"*01.41",SP04*Oil*Social' WOrlcer- n.a. Thai,tii0; English English English, ViE$§0.WAN400, t Family11101.0atiOnPopulation ,planniOg and band manpower manpower.mily plhnning, 'Thai,Thai,1.110i;, English. English'English English '1)!ZACF10A0M0-1, V:01.1- -, 4,0 1%.4' Introduction, to 'population Thai, English ,Reseaich piojecis Thailand- 12 DirectortidO, TO'MarchFamily. iiic4,conrse- planning.in,.rural: reCinirenient,t area Of as direct:, study., Students are requested 'to, study according19711 (Supervisor) related ,to social and economic ,develOpment in Thailand to their interests 'PublicationArea .0f :i*4roi, 'Populationstudents)?"Fantilyi,Fertility paiternk, Plan ronograPh;, nip.' H in, desirable itrali[area.-aS, size: of related fainilY,, : to,serviee grOwth.,int thailand,, COinParing,,thc.'fertilitY sate of Women (agc an d, economic ,(tWth,distriets :'Of.1.Jdoln",,proVince),deveroPnent, in Tbail an< (ive fourth-Year DirectorTitle A.'sfudySAKORNPAIsocial of ,aililieCOnOnlic-erciwth,,,ihe-,COS(effeets, migration tUdOin, ProVineet,,witht,the of :Popitlation,, 04tterns4ty districts of' Ithlcirti plannine, services, Proyincc ;Health education, and motivation,, 00 Aitm ot,,cOmPletiOn 71V1971' study, ,, 4ir4: migration; liontes,,1the. demographic distribution of migratory , Director:TitleArea' of .research, ,t0cpartthenttiOf'*iei0SocialMigratiOn,eauses,.,teinPorary, 'Vv90C,:,E=aeulty.,of:',SOeiat Or',,Perniarient,des1ination Adniinistration ,iC§O*Ii, Of, tbe squatter- slum ,,area at iClongtueY, Bangkok AreaDate, of completion ,!'00,Fch, ilciongtucy,,'ocial,'Welfare,andtfantily Etafigicialc planning 'social_ slum area at klringtueY, itangicOlc, Thailand?' June, 1971 206, , contraception.,plannint,,Ciiric:eOf is available:=living children ,Women, do, not-W4pi:,tiiorc'the A.sex back.to of'good cOntnItinications and frightening. runiouri,:diseOulage is. kery,',h;gh; the average children, htifithe;aeceptance rate age,fainilY,size, is 16,i is 7' abOnt,,6-persOnS: and the pfr The:-;numberincome ,PractiSing, Curricula Langnage, #640tc,' '10'00** ,Althoughttatifir4ent,'thereThai. is no ,international student exchange 'program n e 'Thailand 12 'Oidance.Diploma Tecjitircittent :Matriculation'!iOtit*ertIoNrB:S:W: (OPtienal),:. 32 h:1 2 ). Population structure, change,. and cause of t90!*, ' 3,2`daYScOf''held',Werl,;,.1(2!laySivreel6::change; '1.:I0opulation dynamics in thailand,-4'h;, ,2.'Werld'cOMParativ&.study,Population, as. related' to economic development; (Ffio.)-PLANiG2 'optlation, growth as related .to otherSoeial compulsory), h of leetureS, of ,population change 'aMi',egeer '$Oeial''aneetlturtal asPeetHOf family planning. 4 t:, , '11; ,A0pro#4:115 and:, Meditation,on social 6-,h;, and.ccOnomie,deyeiopinent. 4,h; 3. ,Reproductive Methods,OfrcentraCeptien .and'iheit tt,dies ef- services avail- 00tk404:'rc4PiFO'rfit of population. on, rOcici700tiontic dciMOlj*iii",' 4. iippui*oriyoistribpiipil. ... ,'3#''h:=1 1. Growth'of ,population: 2. Oopulatien, Change; 3. :Impact '0).00. Course rposition;'E44ir*061!AN iiiTRODOCTIONI''TO 'POOPLeiticii4lthailai4 and ',-iiteriti'tpenUiation. (compulsory), 4$ h: McastiOn*nt 'of 'population; 5..'Pepulatienanalysis; '6. Population ,Policy; Population changei. Population i 11' The, fiuriiosc An CfcctitC ntajor.cdurse which students in other 13:p.iittuctit can takC; offered at the Faculty's DcOttincnt.of ti40.11*tith. of,thC Cott* it,to study pilled, and, planning the we of littettait resottiet-4, in toci.trand cetinontic development. . iVattre,A il(lres 29',1-1fin',tbuyiln.11istititt '14atiOnal Saigon. ,dc '11eiMblic, of Viet-Nam RESEARCH ENOttirrits4: 'ir,ictN sit, Republic of Pe'r4itttFirst ii7 year eltarke' of researchOfficial title DirectOr,1958 Professional staff [B01-QUANG-MINHL8NAN-HOANG ,MM 19241918 Statistician 11*,n.a., Vict-Napicse.Vict-NaneSC, ,French,.French, English, English ,Research:,,nrojeet Titic, M 1929 siii4ey of 'Saigon, Statistician n.a. Viet-NiaineSe, French,, 00 'OfrOi0.!Aim0M9"Cof tensUs,ollthe13a:ciiang city, of Saigon, .Minh I 1(distribUtiOO.Population-essential'Viet- Naniesc., $ttrye.t, toby, the sex,, TheOciycrnnient. agei, purpose inatriniOnia1, status,. 'branch of CCotiMMC .aCiivity. ial`iilic;,'sii:nrCy,*.06, collect statistical' data on :theadministrative .purposes and for its ,economic and social 'Polley.Institut 'National, de, ,l Statistique, 'December 1968,, pi). etc.population ). This 'information is and its - structure 78, in

S ORGANISSIE DE RECHERCHE VietrNani,, Republic, of Noro-Nom.AdiesSe du 4fre00/ii Titre .refficiel: ;Itistitut'PirecteUr Nationali,deAa''tatistkque anv .01eiqte:iii*,.Debut' et en.teikiOnt.1-tr391,00AiNi04140-i, ,Ialieetierchel(alin0e)': Non 4001i601?le Viatnatiiien, Anglais. Pit)jeiSP4e.',i."e"Chefche'0-ric0=v181000: '10291 'NO1,44'34006'1Voii ,'applicable Vietn4mietii Francais, AnglaiS Anglais, Date''700' ,d'acheveinent Bui.Qu'ang19671' Minh 3)L Saigori '0§i060, 111§00t''d`09460''''0611:190'40hiciieR'CC6pOni,cr4 'iN?a000411'O',1:4: ,de'laoille '440§044e' de; S.41,0601 Ot;liag'esi :pUblie:-4u, Covolo)64.poor en' 'YietiiailOnt spn: 00_ IhuniciOcitiCs1 et etc.,. ,politirciticin,econonii9pe et= sa structure Cc- :par. seze TEACHING' INSTITUTION' *iet:Nant, Retinbtie, 'of Address :17' JOuLOSt 'Saigon; ''F4'000, '0, 'Droll' 1PersonFirst :Offkial year of teaching, title 1)0; i'Ng0y01 :i'refessiiisiol' :Ogg tiC° POOgeOl?ji' Viet-,Nothesdi CurriCUla , student ,cxchari;c:;prograi'imc but could used ,,'O'stablish' -LanguageExchange programme there is; no teaching 1 't.-0?0'11,-1111t1; #0glisk CourseDipioiiiaEntrance, `rcy'uirement' 4i1'0040411TOlici41$' 'OC %410401,Vi :OhcE 060091i*' ,dcniography,. 75 ii.,

fi '014S1001!:: liritiSSOPNFmENT 4 dic,.yset tOi:!cjf w ,Stogpo'(o9tAjcitqSitilton; :dt( Republiett ti : `00,)9c,c1Olitte60eFreke,"(0!in,i5c),'N0,0 4,0:4frectutti7,' Titre .06100' OdYetir100,,'Nit0101 ,proki,oroet ,friin.4!(groiiort o,. TO( Sittig tNOjit:4,!POI)Oitb)'6' AngIttisi, \rte his 0 crohliges't 431-0, .rettseigtie(tieritt ,ttiatierti4 ,titfs'sitt ptit iiirt)grtutijilet tc)iiiietts0 teten Atigittigt ttni: D. 4P0!41,r1;!9;' ,410066:06)ic0911,t.VgPO' 15C,Onoill4t!c,,,J$ 1110e11.'sUe' '70004 i'4**01,19N:, cle,GLI0grObic,,,'F=peub des 'Lewes, et, des Sciences :I-14,10441es, 'Viet -Nam, 'Republic of ,3' !Dean,1,, 1.)10ig, 'tIgOO,111 tOp0; Prof Osith* 47k!ilirP,110' staff 110:2$ Frebch, 'EfitritheeLanguageExchange Tcquiietrielit :programme th9te prograthme;,,bUt',f100ciiil' assistance niitht be 't!secl to one. 04i!00!4 se 't011600echanges;,POPLI,(sATION in gt!000' geography. GEOGRAPHY (coiiipul'sc,iy)r 30; 'h:, ! Distribution of 'Worb.1,pcipu1009',, h; Population ' ' OilOANOts* 16,EfsitiGrOm'ONT : jiii.tOiec',.4 Viet-Nam, Republic of 3 1iyoqz:AdiT.s.sr ;0, Titre ofilOqi, Doycii 1)000giptty,4700,,i1-012409011cht)lc.ticiti ct,06§-Scieni:CsHu!iiain'Cs CiteichOtkv, ci :La4k!-IAc;, 19:28` ,N0n, iqiji400tet ,Gqogi:40ii10.de' iFeang*, TitresLanguc iequis Aropedcutique pOdr jitogt4triptc,,d'641iipgti: pOuir4it MathDiplonic res t Oa '0000re' '1'011;fit, ,S'tructure de ht popuhtion,, l0 lt. cOui's THE -FIRST- ASIAN _Ii_OPOLATI9I4SONFERENdEi 1903

(9)- ECAF- should strefigthen. the staffjn. (b),Maintaining aLlist:.of. deinographic its -secretariat assigned to -work on ,population-- roseateh-andzstraininginstitutirins,=-Iii,cOuntries -matters so-. as to be in a ;position = `to- render within ,:the-,region -and;,Ortheir,aetivities-and: effective services to:the government: agencies and pronioting-_ co= operation- institutions working in -_thiS,-field l-thro-ughoht the of region.-Among= the activities_ :recommended' -for labour among_ them; 'with- a -view =to en= _the -EtAFE Secretariat, are: hating.- dOippaiability,of ,and -:iniprovhig,,the:efficiener of research and- (a)Assembling _and' analySing- static= training -the_,regihn _as a whole. cical- data- and -other- information: on the demography of eOhntries, in-the region, -and- 1c)- .-AiiangingT kir --itindaniental- re= prepating-repprts:for- pbblidatiOn.-_onvarious- -aspeets of the demographic- situation _and- -Search- on-_population,queStionS to be-carried- proSti_ects__Tin-=thei:tegion: as-a, Whole- and the -Oa by universities and-leseafch;institUtionS- _Interrelationi,of-_7:poOlatichiltendS-with social= -vOithinthe-_:tegibthandi-fpt,-Fiublicacibb::4::e--!he -and- econoniie ,develdrinient. --reStitS;-Off:Sue:WreSeareh.

__193; 771,40 00$1,01,4NAROA00* ;Puri '1. 'Gene'ral Information OilnQUESTIONNAIRE` 1. J'I;E$04*E0(i0'10,$E,8F.t1CO' ;00:160**140 li,isis1171700SA,V90,4k4iiP TI**'f-c8tt"40a9rIsil . , In , 6, .-;' , ... , . . `' . ' ...... ^ ' ...... I ..... 1, 4. Y institution- . P, 1.,0'seP,Fght . ... ' ...... e: ...... , .,, ,., , , 'Staff:,;NoePosts.''filled' of persom inias ,otcharge;. ,- ... ' ,, , 11.19. I !65, ''" " ,, , '11/lan. ,If.)69 ' i,ipli.ible , , i*.s!imated , " ' Tina! nun?b,cr (4.,,stiif1.,^in'cliOisii; sl:ilICtIt , c''.4:kt.iii:il'A`1VOCrit..:il! 11:111,19qi Illip.,1967' ,,Ilair. 196$, , l'In. 1!)7'W ,i',T0i11,.1971, :taf,l' IrbiRr.,197U" ricit.,l'or Trial number of r ,Tilliiinie, 1 linclutlitiFL,00p(rFli.whera:)1, 'professionals , iiiint.th 1;u:i-time ' ' , , .. Tidal rOtplili'er (t , , 1 'ii.triiTiaphi:r; , 'iP't'TIIkic ' - . ..,i4!.10ii.,!illirti)cr , . , ot4ialit itistit!!tiotr. ,,, . r crititni001,w;silrilities.pro).:r;titIme. kOlease.lbiloW the: fCitiiiilbelOw .[1 'to: list Istaff b .$) S Cc Yeii. OU . 711'ci%yo,r1.05:. , Jcoltimm :increb'eck: tli,c,c9ricpontlini; Nirnc iiiil,iitle 4,,iiiii, :Div isi9616r sCcii0,1,i, ,,Profe:,:ii10: tohe tutu: ';11citlic,11 , 1R1' 1;_' 1E,ia;,/p/e:Scik6;1,1':,rRs6;irclilDirector, '1:, , , 11948; .- ,iral:r(lit.ii,Itir0,11,,ii' jcticirf. 'Socipliigi, Chilicsy !* r,.,1'. 2: H , ; , t . , , . t 7:, . 1 0: . .. , AO. , , 7' IfDoes, ,S*; the please rinstitutions cornIete train,-4u.F1191ia#0.g, dcmogriphcrs9 , , Yes 0 - No ,(Ifr(i)1Case there is0.04* more irormati ' n, aording to the folloying outline, cm each of' the resetireh-;projects.,ttn4crOke*or-Onipletedin the he.lcicif fertility ind its rclated fields since b January, rone projects and indicate tth c0respoachng, publications . Pleise use the the Title of :projeet': supplementary form ,prOvicleOl'at, ,the,i,enct of 'the 'J 000 ..100;taire;,:if ,,rieCeS0ey,,$ , ... ,ArekA00§,'Director Of researeh.., Pf 'T0i7'9je0 :of project: . . ptcofcoth1etion; Ifno e00f0,109,0;43,e0?000',00e i ?P: '1\4000b , r, ; ..... Year 17§----1: , r , r ......

, , . . ' , .r ,, .., . , ,,, . ' ,, .,,,, ,1 .,'.., I II I , , 'LIM, P.III PI IP III IIII II III III f , I I , PPP, If .1 I II, I III I f II I I hI,PP I ',,,I I , III PI I ,III,III, 1,,,,, If 'II I I P I I r.M. , ' U.11, 0 ., I 1,4,, ,,' 1,,r , 1,1, ,1 ,,,, . , 1 , , ,M1 "(a):,E'lease"Pro#4k ' 7. .,. On ,(019450' attach a copy of ,cacti.if uva0b16)1 .. . , rr, . , ...... P9r0i,'ofs;15.01*400: § ) .- .,7 i.Minieogeaph,'0040001f...... ;0:0 .... '0.00;T:394 ...... Moriogr4pily, ..... 0 ...... Name °of publication and %or .editor; Number of copies published . ` . . . t0...... a. `' ., 'N't!!`pii`etVciluiiie: of 'in a p,Ciio4ic011, 43'4gc 'Month: 177-1 Year. (19 "' ...... BriefLanguage,.of,ah'e' publication `NO', 1 . . ,tigi.ibiliCak (laiiguagC)^ . , ......

' (04 Title: ...... , OeF1901`0P ,0, ...... Book a .... Monograph), O; ...... '4oio(5kook Other 11 101 Nanie of putilicatiOrit ahOY,Pr' ,Number, ~of ,copies :publi'shed' . r I 4, .. , . ... YO0i, 119' *,4s,chis,,,,iiiealli4ii,i4ortJ1001ber,,:Of4A)06S:,BriefLanguage summary>,of; ' 0f tie putilicatio the subject: is 7. ,lor; Yes', MI No 4pagc number rims the ,, ,(i4rigu 'ago'? ...... Tlenge,0.0,ideseparate foriii provided at tháendthe';field',ot of the 'demographyqJcstionnaire iffipfe. than neOoNifig to.', the ,,foilOyvitig,Outhne,'O06 enclt.i.eseareht projectr:tindeitzil:en4or$ eoniplOtehy 'the. 'Institutfon,-PiensO, the' 13l'ojects and ,indicate' the' ,,COfrOspolidnigkJanuary- 1965: publications.:iieee§Sarty.) Please ;use 'tlie 1. Title 'OfcLproject: ...... , , . Director' of project: . .,...,...... Area' ,...... 1?nte;,Of .toniplctiOn: not ate of 0i-010601: Ycai I Month Year ffirn v. ;Please'(4)' ihOe,m4tiooprotyaii;'01.iblicatioiis, ; attach a. copy. of ,..,...... it'of4 ,of'p,ublication:..... Periodical' 0 '090...... MOnbgrniilij..... 0 'MimeographNumber of copies rpublish'ed 0 Other 7" 7,7 " ..... ' Number of , , p a g e s : . . . . , . . , r; :if. in. a-, .064ochenl,,, ;pnge, nninhei., ',;in, the lEiefiOdienl: bate: Month, u " ..... Year : ...... ,: ...... ,.,...... 'WasLtiriref, Language-Of,this,',theL summary: i011,4 'ilie,,OnhliOntiOn:; pfl'',tri,e report?' ',Silbject'.:,' '*es, JIM' . ... r'-,.. . X ... .. :.: . vithh-"summary ni, ',(langOng4, .,.,...... ,, ...... _.,...... ,

4,,1 0 1 1.1

1 1 I 10) rOie: 4006176 y. Of'ptiblibutiob: MiiitcographRcriodicalf 'Other)book, Monograpby Name -of ,pUblication, ibiciVor NutUb tc: 'WasVolume:Lang "uagc of ',the :publication: the report;', yes,10i, 7 if in ul,,peti,ocliCaEL ,page '.iii.nii5cr .iii= tlic periodical: L .. with' stiinuiary. iii, (liinguat,e.), Moiub 'Year StipOlenientOry !Brief 'guibn*ry, basi:SUPPii4,Oniy.oneItlic:10oPU14ibb ,titiplOUctItifry ;farm!:,of' the subject-: It ,ntipticr fc...Caicht0i-ojects OndC:itUkCn by your institution, coipPloiing Title,of''pojccf:Director ,of project: the ..... question:, ...... , ...... AbbsL,,of,projCct:Area'. of research: ...... 7,...... , ...... ! ! ...... pfq,c',Oi-cOknOlbtiOu: not ().iiiii!ct0C); i Y'dai7 Yeah 11,9 2: ''!?,ic4§C1Prbi?idC tf , ,on completion: copy of each if available), ro .. y ..... I', ...... - ...... :PO1!74h01.`(S); I ', ...... i'.401cogrzijik'Ntiinbcr Of ,Co 0 ... Book 0 ..... Mpnography ......

r'rr r orrq rorr rr^o'olo or tor, or orrorror o rvror,r rr orrrr, ror orror n 0,1 Y01,0*!Name of 1, publication: ,,nrd/or editor: Nninher:- .Date: Month Year x19 : ,BriefWasIi.:4tigiingeNumber, StnittOrY;Of ithis',1the ot Of pages: the thepiti)licptiott: -subject: Yes, 0 No page nuinbei with the in (Innen:10.); project: , . 7,. ',Arent-O(reSenieli:Director-;,of project: ...... 7 ...... 7 ,Date -of -completion:Aim's: of ,project: ...... oi ..... Year ...... , wr ... ),':o ..... Title:Ple''ase pr'o'vide information ,oni,alll,publications on this projectif' not 'OOOiPtOtC4, '0`!'060iiO-'01O,Of ,c0OPio0OO: *001 Month, copy of each if ,available) Year ; Fortii:'ofAntliOr(S')' ;publication: ,PeriodicalMimeograph '0 Bonk. MonOttinpity Isinin& of ,iinblientiOn, and/Orr ,editOr:' Number,' of copies published 0 ' o ...... 'number the periodical:, 1719 , 'Wns,'1.:afigitage-,Of.the,pnblicatiOn:Ninber thisBrief, the soul of pages:nary'. Orihe .... report ?' .. YOs, . NO' 0 ...... 'in, ,(4inguagc):

- , - ,.. I :00.01O$NOW,:2; ANO/91C*081:S4044'iliSIJ '0.0301*A0111( i:NcisOm TE;elilSiG Pie* 1);!:1rP4rt, 1 institution's, uppiiCiOiiiy Of ,thC! rario,,'iiiii-ts of the :P;111'PartP.irt V 'Foy'IV -iii.401005,,OffOlingl,li short' -term For where ,,cicirOgrOliffy sections}, lead**inrscrvicc ,otgy iqt*, training: 007 course in demo :'raphy deniographtc subjects ,sociologjr 04fit 9t,tiik! ...... 7 ...... ! 7 ...... "7 .... ',^',- . '-' . ` ...... ,, ...... , OI1icia) title: ...... , ...... , ...... 14 Arc there` any if "yes' °, ,with which ,countries? ...... , 0 ,No' 0 ...... :0-"no'r; 'es0 OiiatiCbili 'Sip. could- lit. ....,..., ...... ivr*.11;!1,0!ktin';ge courses. 404 be Taught^ '10igtikjesl' . 'ye*,0 1No in:=whick languages ?` , ...... , ''!' 7' .. I 4 ...... 74' ', r ~rear: (Please 'follow, the form below , i you need: addition ii `s'pcc to 14't 001. members;) '17Ingt Lige jiintickiky::PicJiC''il.itiiC ':itii.clicck thi*Icorrciiimiliii'l );4:,ti,iiC'thiil titl (1)'' ' .sc,,(2) ' Ne.r.,)1,birdi WII,It lbws tlIC,prim-itI,Iieac4 0), ct.h.tiniisR=Rt7a();,W::-.Write, ', f 5) . , `Nhither : , uing tie ,, 'W W R W W ''Fr''44c: '49'i'!1);;;I't^rcis9i , .. , ... , ')) ,1930' l'),iiiii,graphic analy+, 'Illintli, tif.iii,1).fi 2: ..... , . ' j. NI I7. NI S. , . Elul ' )0...... , MINI a qrth01001 reaching, only dOnov-Elphic 'Iii&.Igsvcic.00,04: Total approN mime a timber. ofs hoiiirls: Plc.bc which`tlicrcindicate :111)jects.foi is Exam pit: Name of the degree ,(4)1?.6F,slic(:i(F)r Ai:sta,s1Cnt (2) tkiC (3); ,,,peOfy do014116iir y (4)) -011'64 1:11", liabor:itor avurk (6). Diehl li:A:..(Sociology/F.cqnontio)f 00paitibrit001-yAfiidds IO,h'5 It YesYorNo Nr9'isro, N' 1 ,1 11 1 i1004100191:' 41,e,P100ii,Yheir 4?00,05 subjects 0'!'.10ilii11*/)" , ., , , ,,,, ,. 00; 1-tiint' aiiititi stnie-,ntittliet , , 1?le'.i:er indicate stitsjects, tni, , e'll'',Innsri.:1 visiels, i116.re, is a....., ' Spin e [. Of"titc,tlegree- o'r iliOloma,u%'3r(led ('14 \.. tin t i;i rice, ietin i icitien, i' (tilente,liecify)I,' for rstutlenti',, ,,,, , . , IN,Iiiser o'f,,enell',,,the,esiiiieitilint';,j)lea'sdr;i>eeify, sith)Cet/enitise, in ,' the a re:1$ r cavcreti, "sitpieetsletstties,. Ctinti)iii,nry, ' 'tlisiects/ctsurses ,Oistiistiali . Lit'esatt-'4;.' Fieldwork

, ,,

, .

r ,

I ' . :Part ,III., (conhin n..d) For °:ins i((Niiins,,;(or, ,'ikparfnicitfs, , or, .siri(iam),Ilca lung only d nogr,,,,, , "ip/uc cubjecls 4 ,, 1 1461,izliiproximme, number. of Iliniri: i , .1,1C-:i's'i: '.'intli'caii,;sris,i)jCit'$'"foin which 4 V.nfrance,icquirenii:iii$, 1:6)i snulents, , - 11 r.rLniii:'or,i.ocii4n146:1/4.'ionic. in , f . theiiii ,iianii.. nfIliiltl,egri:e or , 1 I 'iniiity, iiw'.'irilFil, , iliFcniiii;iilinn',1ili (!:,.,,Iiiii.,,;i;,, .Optional I I.aborainiy ,, '01'ralc 'siii''city), . ilijiluin.i '.. tlico;iri:A.c'ini"Cii:(1, , , , ,( 0: ,(,2), '.('3' ISublcet:/cmril:,,,' (1)' . - '.111)icctsjetinrcs ,(5)r . Wilik;'()T.,, . , I. f (7) work

g ,

, 1 . 2. 40001onoriolootioio:,, ,Name and number' ciff,:degccs /diplo'nizt s' awarded ;; , I 1Itnnl)cr ins 'Nqiiic,',09;n:,e/ilipleniin . ' .4 '.ii , 'LI r 1 ;ye( ) J 7 1967 1 1968' '1969 '19711 2.32.2 Is.'tedchingYear 'in demography' offered ;b'y the; 401,1,0'grOPhY, 'first : , Ycs '0 449', Aticaile*y;. ee9honlic*, final stages, it wilI be necessary to report cu..h 111 Basic nforniatni on thc last academIc year tagc si.paratcly Ti9 whcrc ours IcquIIcmcnt diffi a bety'veCii prolihiinary and , A, A.:a%e It. , lea l! ' 1, indicate ,ilte,:subjeets r , , II. deiongraillty : , ,, 1 Miiiie-,anititonlier.Of: hone:. of,the,' 11.11,einograpliy ean lie'takeii, , Entranceretitiireineins 1.41r,.stutlents. 1 litintki's(cioirsesIiiinler'.AS,,Iiiel),' ,,, , recjuired', ;l t'IIOIPii"0 5 .for iviiicti diere.is: ' .,,,I,;;Iii44rapiT,44111)41,t, ._ '1'.1,ine of tin. , ' , ,I ' 'N:tau nitlie,degree ., for die iinS%iiils tin. , dep.Irtinens or Cicul47 '(l'Ile:I#F'sPecI(Y)' 6!1'1IIIIIPIII.4 i!%!vl!rdeill " ,Plea'>ntleiaill'ilie-areaS ct'Wered'; , , .. tli.1,reett,Iii'llonia,',' Ili,. tleinography .,, ile)reeitliplinnalTOkal..appr,oximate'otnoberhours for 'ciielvirea;e'a'S.ered of in ' ti.tooratory sS,ork , Fielivork. 'detiiiihraphy , , , (7)", (8' , , :(6) Eiample: 1 11apt:','Staii$tic$ Niatriculaiion, ',N LA: ' ,:lpplieri,:riorirrier.:01/,. lac iablel'' 3 1.1i " Yts. No 1 , ...,,,,, ' l'emtic..nrilysiS. , ,7,, 7 ., '',, 8 Ili 'Pciiiaiiiiii/iY,5ii /I' , Ritiiim 10'',11,- . i4o,, . , 'i'e'. . ),,c')i'fltP11P"?.Ph.,'';' .,1:,... , .,., . '8 II No; No . , .4 ir 1 L. it ,,,, u ,14,1 I ,11,,, r 4 4 4 4 ' ,

, i , , 1 1,1 kr, 4 a , r 41 4 I , .si 4 ,, , ,,,,,,, ,4 , , 1 1, 4 . .

1 i i 'I,. 'd'art ,ri,V:, ,(ciii'th),i, ci),04iiiiql),Oilsi 'inf00*01),(i'li' t1it: "For IlfilsOryfik0,1i.lt,Otrifri?iiiip:qpity 'is, ,litif.i;/# lilstl Ai0i,100:1114:'',Yth!1':-.- '19' ,... ,iyitiq?/"4/1/1t!ri'l*IWN'''cou1.'se'''rt=q111'i=iilOis ,f/i,l'eli)fitle,Y ditith..a% '1j0weell' Oe11011liaiy ziiit , e4;vociolo#, .e.,ofionlicv; 'slgtiPie;$*, 41011 'stagO, ;i( yi11r.11e ,i*oss;ry ,,tol ii:iiprt ,0',01)', sti,,tic '$,9p;!iiiteljP:, C.i.e A C.I.+5 It ' , , . 11,t1cmogra ith). l'Iva+e itull,catc the NO/317a% 'Nanie Of. thel liutrance requirement: , for ',:titiktit's ,,,.- . N.Une,,,nf 4 thlihlfr,ec ::tin'e tuantilither,a,holin,st.thiect;ieutir,m7.+,, of 'ile'.111i)};,6,,,ioii:4, 1111(1FrrrW))1C!Ir ,i.,,:iiii- If demography IN require:1 canttl,,;t'i.tIsr-8:;:in he nikint 'tomtit the , for,whid 'there iv. ileparittieift,iir,,'factitty, fitle.ue,ttectfy). , r or tliOomia,:ini:irtie& "Ille.t.:C,`tiCtaill the ;t4ca':"'e. 'n'erill 1111,iligiipif:iiily., leitreehliplitma ,f4 the (!CS:i14',./(li)IP'''93' Lalioratorc (1), , ''(). ':() c (1), lionrs'fur-e.ichTinalLantruximate 411'1;e4;,Fi'ed number ii!,of (5)' tie'iii,i1,01iliy .(6), .60.;, q). ,FiFill York, (8), is 001.000000001000,400000.0000000000.0 0 I I ',awe., 1 rw000. I I , 400.00000-0.00000000000,000M I i imr**00000 *0,000. i i I I I i . I i re.10;14007.00,0000001* I , . 0 0000.0.00 **OK i i 0 I r i 0000 ,r

I I i I .1.0 ....'...... i 00.00.50,0' *000.00 Jo, Part J\ , teoititific0 I 4st is ifliii biller di.cipluws cf:gt final stiw§r,. Linformation on the , e; ciop who'cr,'Oprse, reciiiirchiots -differ (,4se-11 is between, OrOliipiifaej, tnd , , Ii",1.;,,-;,ir'.',iiii: l'lease.iOilic:or flit, 1.,,o1)1Fels. , 1 t . , 11 , Entrance' require9irms . , t ', :.',..onetaiitl`tniiiiiliter,,01,11,oiors,Of41,lijtei:iii:oifrf.:es. tke t9iiler .%,,hicli; t If (IL .i.'f it:cloyed' . ,cao.be.t:iken, ti': nivoiniOn, 'for winch ,there 6: N.mic,Of elie' frir,...::inlents 1 'N .One of Ithe.ileiirec tii.ci,w,it.iitiliy,,;;;IalOulii, : 'f for .tit e !o%vt.irdc eke t t f' . ciepaitiodill or faculty (ple.iscfa.prcif). qi.'(111)10imi at'FirOL;I'' .1)1ca'.'e, 1,1ilraili tlititiiilvti:g6,61311 degree/ilijiloom . . . t clegreciidilikomi' . in ckologrOlty l'otal OliproNm me numnln - r , °I. t .I.:ioOratory %%'.ork Ii Id work ' , , , liiitiforle ach. trea ,-,1 vercif in ,, , r l)',, -(7,)' , ,,' '0 , , (P.1, 0', 0,"(1)f, , , , (.5)' .(6).- (7), . , ,, ,' 4 , , ,- , , ; 4 , : , I I 1 I I 1 r u. I I , I 'J.. 4 ifdiii()iia 1 d I ; 1 r 00e0q0'., )Cr In 0 t t N 'line, elf, clegreeitlifilchoii, 1965. ' t , 19(16 , ,19 )7 Ntliii t ..1968. 1969t : .1970. (5), 1 . -0 ,,,,,,, , , - ,, .. ,,,,,, ,, rhe h, ,- h ,,r, o, , ,,,,,,, . ,,,, ,,,,... , ,,,,, ,,,',, ,,..',,,.. ., , , ,,,, I, ,, ,,, . . ,,,,,, , ,,, ,,, ,, Ofcr>,' to'co.,:lie,:iL !FOlui*t'( 6)1, t k .,.. ,, - 0,, , - -.. ,. - ,, ,, ,,,, , ,,,, ,,,,, -,,, - ,,, ,,,,,- 1., ,, , , - -, 24, i''411'1' 191' Case I 9 No O. 1 1 11 '44 V. dI/ elir9,0010this ;`,0,11;', rfe0000 in- service training` gout* , . . , pi:11';'UO' mAiiir, o ,,,i):Irttc pilots, in: Of, si,1?)CCts/couisOs.i)ljorcd', il'.cligtli.O1, tiler su,j'CC1sicosirici, 10,ivOil:s 'For. %viii)111.:is.,tile,Cour-so,i1Csiknisil?' , .1968, :1069 .xariii,:leiiiitt:;ft.iioOdici-tribF Names: I week. b 1tit.uisttci5nc ,i111,'.,111C,eil-Sus Bureau 1907' '15.

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I I I 11 I I rl 1 ;IN.PEXES, ."THE--114STOVTIO z-Altkas. F--=REsEARcit


instifulicos birectoiy-rekicitee -No:. AUSTRALIA Abwaiiati 1.qatiadar_unive-rsity=00erray :Research :Sclibot--- of i-Pacific -8tutlies,,,p0partmeitt,--tit :Hu Out it G ctigraphy: ., .. , : -...... , ...Atstralia 1: --Research of Social Institute of Advatd*StOdiei,

-DePartritent: of beniogralitiy.-... ._ ,,. ._. . :,, .,, ,, .. : ,, Australia 2

-;Ma4itiarie University -(30itey).-

'School Or Economic and Financial ._tittliesi-Statistit' S Section i ,.._ i. Australia 3'.

:Moiashi-l.iiiiVeiSity, -_(Melbourne)

060ritiferit-:Ot 0 eography AUStralia"- .4=

University of Adelaitle-i(Adelaide_)-_-

Faculty :4--. Arts; ;Department of GsOyanliy, ...... _, . , Australia r -S'-

Pa--04y of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ;_ ; -.- , Australia ; ,---

--taatilty- of Science, .Department of -Genetics . _.,-. ,. ,. .. . _. Australia_ -1-

-'_Utiiv-eiSityl, faf'ivielbotifiteAMelbotrri4

_ Ta6-tilty=.-off-aOlioliiids and -Commerce.; . .:,AOStfalia- 1.1fiwo§icy.,0-:iiecv _-_Ehgroict,,vitibidoe-y . Department of GeOg-t-O-phy -.,.. ,,.i. ,.. , -.- . .. .-.... . --, Atistraiia, '0-

AiniverSity_'-orOtieernslatitl,;.(131riSbatie) :

PetiartiOtit..of.-Geograiihy- . .. -.,. _ -..- , .,_AuSttalia, JO,- . Iliii*Sity7-01-'$ydney::(ydney),

EfieliattniehtoUgeograpily. . . _ ...... ,._ . ,,_:. ,AtiStfalia II.

--_,Iiepartinent:,-6U-Mathenatital-:$tatist1ti .-_, _._ Australia -- -12

11,t0e-iiity- 64 Ne,Sterti,_Aiitialia--(Petth) .

Department Of .'EcoitorifitS, ._. ..-, .- ._ .:, . -,. . AuStralia_ -1=3-

,1Rdin& Medical-Statistics rUnitS .. ,. , . ._ ; _ . --_ ,,,.. .-,..AtiStfalia 1-4-


Arf,S, aild=Saleri-01-UniveisitSt:.(flattgocin 126_ part inetit-- ot--0600-04_ ;"Eturtiia


_ -ADepartinctit,of '$iati-Sti&S -,. ,_, : , . : . 1 . __-. .,:_ . -,-. _..-._ Elttiffia-- 2


qt) -Instittitiotik :Directory -reference No.

; -CEYLON Departnient of Health Services ,(Coloinbo)- Health 'Statistics- Branch .Ceylon- Ministry of Planning -tinUEniploy_hient (Colombo)- Perspective 131anning--DivisiOn. .. ..Ceylon- 2 I University -Of teylOn_ (Peradeniya): 'FaCulty- of -Medicine, : Department of :Preventive and 'Social- 'Medicine . Ceylon, 3 =Facility of 'Medicine; Department -of Public -Health-,:uid- frevenlive-MediCino . Ceylon 4 Facultyof-_-Social-Scienee ,CeYlon, _ Vidyothiy_a_'University of '_CeylOn--(0aimoilaWila) Ceylon,

HONG -KONG The - Chinese- University Of-1164:.1(one--.(Hon,i2Adit) Economic Acsearch -Centre-._. .. . HOfig-_-Kong: I '--Graciiiate Sam* GeOgiiipliical=-.12esea'relr_Centre: . .. -Hang-,Kong:2= thiVersity. .of. (Hong. bong)-

.01,-Geograpily and-Geology. Hong Kong 3-_ 150 artnieht.- -SuitiStics f_kong, '-'Faculty of Medidine,.-15epartneni: of-=PreVeiitiv_e :arid= So-dial. -Medicine Hongf=1(cing-'5-

INDIA Aligarh; Muslitu =University -(Ali arh): Jawalarlai3Nehro---Medidal-cuileo,,kiiittinelir-OUPreyentivcand Social: Medicine . India All -India Institute of 'Hygiene --andr_ Oublie _Health_:_.(Calentka)] SeiCheies-_-(NO , ,_. -Andh-ra.-University--(Waltair): Department= of Statistics_ . . lit dia Banaras_ Hindu University ;(Banaras): fad-4ty =of-= Science, .DemographicResearch= Centre 4ndia; Anteau_OTECO-nbricieS_;Onds'Sialisties-(kerOla) Demographic 'Ikesea-relir--Centre India -C-crifeartirutis001.:0?g,unliaiion_=,(NeiV India,, Council_ for= Social = De"velopment';(New = Delhi)_ ._ Delhi °SchoolFof :Scitial*ork- -India DaiiiographiC.Elte-Seareti:-: Centre ,and: nSiitute...off-:pedii-ainie.12001--Ch: (Vtityagiri),,I: India 10

=412' institutioid Diri,etory =reference No: The -Gandhigrani-_In-stitine-oURuraLHealthiiand4amily_-Planning-= (Gandhigram) India 11, -Goklialelnstitute of--Politics-a-nd=-ECcinbmics -( Poona), India 12

:Huniidia- Arts andLCOinnierce-College :(Bhcipal)- 13-

Indian Agrictiltutal- RekatchInstituteDelhi)::. India= =14- Indian_-Statisticallristitute (Calcutta)' *cseatchr and:Training:Sell-01, DeinograOhy --Unit India Institutd- Economic bemogra-phie 'Rescarch-,Ccntre, India 16 I ritctnationat',Instit -:(Etonthay) India 17 ladavOur=thdversity--(Calcutta): ,Departnient=of' .cononiies;Peniograpide `Research- Unit India IS Karnatak-University ;(Dharwar); pepattnient- of. Economics- India 19- of-= Geography =India -20 `bcii_artcnt-f Of: -SCiciology ;Departmcnv Toff-Statistics India= 22- lOshi'---Vidya,r-Pith:::Univcrsity_-:(13-anaras) -Department- ofr India -:Lucknows'Univetsity--(kucknow), tiejartinent-of-jEcononii4, India 24 :6Cpattifient - India ---NieltilarNehru-AIedicaVCollege--;(A11ahUbad). . .. India 26 (Hydeja had )," of-Etotioinies_ India ,eatijab_-:-University Ocpattinent:-of: Geography_ --. .z. - India_ Patna= University_ (Patna), :Department-of =SOCiology, . _.,.. India =29- -pepartnienC-of -Statistics-- : . ,:_ -._. . : :-. - India_ 30- beliatt nienr_of-,Stat [sacs; -beniogtaphic-'Iteseateli_ Centre':.., lUdia-- 11:

PlaiinitigItosojaith-tand,*tiOn, institute- (Lucknoiv)--:-. .--. Itidid- RaWMiankat _Uniyeriity, (Itaipui),_ C-.M: -DubeSi_Postlraduate-=Colleg ,India 33 Saiai-Uiliveiiity (Sagai-4: Department- of =-,Economics-. :_.- _,:,. -: ._. :--: tata:-:-InStitute:_ol-Social: Sciences_=.11Iombay): :. _... 35- :University of Agricultural- Sciences (1angaiOie) sgoeiolciky_-_and Eciiniinii&EDiviSibii-- .,: :_. :_. India 36

413- -Directory -referchcc No. The-;University rof:_Allahabad- (Allahabad) Economics Department India 37 University-of -Baroda- (Baroda)- Faculty of Arts, :Department. of EconOmies- India .38 Fac u ty -of- Scienee, -Demographic,Rescarch.Centre India 39 University of-Bombay ,(13oMbay),

-Department -of Economics _ ._. 40 U_nivetsity of ..10hput- =(1pdhpur)_ -Department-sof:Geography .._ University_ of-TKerala- (Trivandrum) Department- -of Statistics-. -6, .. -University-of-Mysore '(Masagangotti) Department of:: Post-Graduate-Studies and-: Research 'in- Sociology 43 -University__ or Poona. (Poona):

-Department--orMatheinatics- and -StatisticS- India Univeni_ ty- _or Rajasthan= :(..raipur-)- ,_Department.:_offSoeiOlogy 'UniVersityrofUdaipurJOdaipur-)i- School-of-=Basic.-Sciences- and. , India. -46 =Utkal 'Depaettnent;ofc-ItUraCEconomies- ViktaniAJniVerSity:(Ujjain)-, bcpaitment%ofsrEconomics_-_

INDONESIA Afidalas ,Uitiversityr(padang)` -Faculty -of---EtOttoMics,'_Institute:far Eeottomic=andSocial:_eltesearch_ indoneiia -I- Cent taF-Buteatt-_of- Statistics (Djakartay . .z._ .. Indonesia, 2: Gatljah:lviada--=University, --(Jogjakatta), FaeliIty-of,-EConemicS . IndOnesia -Faculty 'of- Economics,- Bureau--ofiEeciO-mie llteSearek ,. Indonesia: ;Faculty- OUGeography . _ . . . , _Indonesia- 5

-Geographic_Elnstittike=ofc-theindOnesian-.ArMy-.(Djakarta)-,, _.-:. Indonesia. National cEconoMic and-Social'Iteseareh_ (Djakarta): Population -=Studies.-Centre IntiOneSia- S_tiWidjaja -UniverSity,i(Palembang)- sFacuItY- di:stionoinieS, .Research Institute_. Indonesia 8 Universitas r'Brawidjaja-,(4filang)' Economics- Faculty, FECOnoMie-ReSearchlInstitution' Indonesia 9 Thstitutiotis Directory__,erence No ,Universitasindoncsia (Djakarta) Faku:tas. Ekononii. Lembaga .Detnograli 10

School: of :Public H e a l t h .. .. .- . - .. IndOnesia :1-1 Universitas ",lambung_'Mangkurat (BandjarMasin).

-Faculty of Economics Indonesia 12_ Universitas 'fqatarani-_(Lombok)

-Faculty of Economics . .. Indonesia 13

IRAN t:= :Pahlavi lUnivcrsity(Shiraz)

National- -Developnient Department' _,_. ',Iran 1 -Statistical Centre_of :Iran, (Teheran) Topulation_Divisiki- .. ._.- .. Iran- '- University of Teheran -_(Teheran) -Department 'of- Sociology Iran 3 'University Of Tehran-(-T0On):

-Faculty -of-=EcOtiotnics: ., ,-.-_ ...... _-,.. .r. _Iran',_ 4- institut-dt(udeS:_et-.-der':-ReCheicliesz Sociales. Dt!fiatteinent -de Demographic- _, . -. ... ._. Win -School of _Public_Health _-and' InStitute of:-Pubht: 'Health. ReSearch- Iran

_JAPAN AkitaAjniver-Sity -(Akita. City.)- ,

Faculty -of Educatios; Department -_of _Geography Japan-ian, 1_

Atomic ponhltastalty,ConniSsion (Hiroshima) .-. Japan :2_

-_Chiba,UniVersity-(Chiba) -. ... _.-Japan- _3- ,Chuo-lhiiverSity (Tokyo)_

Faculty - of-lEconoinies .-_. -1 -Japan lEhinfe--UtiivefsitY (Matkiyaina CRY). College of 'i:.mv and Literatuici -gecigiapily :Institute, So-tali-East' Asjah_-StudieS .._ ..':_ __. .. .. ,-._Japan 5

''lliiiiy,Planning -Federation-of- Japant-,:(Tokyo) .._. =Japan 'Eukushiffia-Medical College-i(FukuShiina)-

= Department of Statistics- -- . . .._...... _ Japan -7 -HakOdate ',Univerity -(Hakodate);

Department-OLtOmmerce .-. _._._ -_._ . ,:-.' , .16-04n_ itescafctr-InstituteOf-Hokkaido -EConoMici DevelopMent- Japan'pan' -Hiroshima

Departmentof ,OeneraltdutatiOn, Statistics'' Section- -. . . -,"Japan: 10_

Institute- oF'DeVeloping:EeditOMICS-(TokyO)- _ - ,.-Japan_ -ti

415- In.st/tiitio 'Os_ Directory ,referciice' Ng:- kansai-Mecjical-t-§0Opl-= (Morignahi)

boPattinenti of Hygiene and '.:PubliCtidalth ..: ._: ...: Japan

Keio Viii,o-rsity--qokyO):a

Department 'Of _Economics ._'. .. Japan Kobe:-Univeii6,_ -(10124

,FiactiitS-7- of Economics- .. :- .-:,, :. ... :_. :: ..Japan- '4,

Research Irititine Or Economics 'and Business Ackninistration .. =Japan =15- School of'Metlieine, -1)0Pari-ment_of sygietie; Japan 16-_ kobe Ijni./O-ray.-'6f :Cdniniel'ca .(Kobe)-- Institute -of Economic ,ItOseatch :r: .:: . .14.040- 17 '1COli4iikaii-lJnivaisity-:Trol:yO)=

:Department of ECoritimieS : .,. ._-: ..: Japan 18 :Kyushu Vroosity.-.(Fukuoka).

=Faculty_ of Medidine_; Depailiiiieni, oriPublic'Health -..ppoi-y

,KWansOi-:Galsnin--.UniVersity_ E(1IisliitiOniiya)_

-Department -4-§OtialOgy- .-: :-.- .: .... . 'Japan: MeijiAlti1V-th'ity:,(TOkyo): , 1)eparinient-of--'0Olitidal---Sciefied::ancif;i8dOnoni16..-: ... ..=Japan .Institute ,-bi---SociaLTSOkke-- ... _. : _ :. :_. .. JaPaii_ Mii*tty- Of,--flealt11--.rancL-87Veltato--0640)

Iiikiint-:Population`-litOble-iii s.. .-. -Japan

/4ational4n§titutd-of_cgOnetiOsirl-MiSiiinfaY...... --- Japan_ NatiOnaLIntitiinte-.of.,Pnblia--eHealth.:(ThkyO)-

,Dep4ttnient--bi,-Pnbiia-!-1-ealikdnit1=-ipe-iiiog-i404,..,. __, i-apo- 15_

06ka_',U0170§Ity.,i(001c-a_)- _ -Faculty.--of -.Letter's;. The ,DOP_a-itiii-diit--,OESoe-ibitigy Japanf 26: Ald-clical;:gdhool;rbefia-rtniont-- of Hygiene Japan


PaO-ulty --6(EOon-Oiniai,_.-_. .: _ _ ..- Japan 31= Tokushima liiiivef-Sity, -(t_OknAiiiia-,eity)- _Depitthe-iit-: of. Education- :_._ -.. .._ Japan- 33 Tokyo-V-OinO&-griViediOal= tollete-T(Tokyo)

tepartinent-of :Hygiene ._:- -.-:- . -:. .-: :-. .- ._ ._. ._-. = Japan _33 416

- Institutithis :blrechily,.referehee.:No,. ;University of-Tokyo -(Tokyo)-

= Faculty. Of'Libteity-Arts, Iristititte- of 'HuMan-6e-bgraphy._. . -:. 'Japan, 34 'Faculty of Medicine, School' of :Health-- Sciences;-

_ :Department O LI-iumairtcOlogy._, :-.- .... :: ::- ._: ',Jap-an 3S.

'FaCulty-dt--Medieine; :Depaitment of Public_ = Health- .. . -. .: -... Japan 36

-Waseda. University (Tokyo)- Japan 3T

Y_anianashiAlniVersity (kofti4ln), tepartnientzot EduCatiori=, .1. Jar in -38.


Institut ,National- de la" Statistic:0e- et fdeS :Recherches -:ECotkoinitfues, ,(Phnoni :Direction du: Itecensemelic denerall de --la Population ::. _Khnict_ :Rcpublic- -eUniversit&-&-:Ph-noiiiPenh -(Phnloip=penh) :FacUlteAles_-Letires,,et:deS . -Khmer Republic - -et z- de_ Itethereifes_ ,er


. Economic ,=pialinings-1304E-1S)-61,1).= -= Bureau Off StatisticSi_:POpidation,-DiviSiOif -Korea; _Republic_ of l

tongguk- -tiiVerlity, -(Seoiii).:

-Statistical_ -Sciefide- Research --:Institute ._.: :_.: :Korea, :_Republic if

the:hiStittite-of4opulationlitoblenis-,f(Seouft ._,. :: .K*4, ItepOhlie Of 1- ,kbrea_AlniVersity_7(Sebill): 1 'Department= -of..7-SocillifOgy-_ -Korea, Ilepliblie,7_Ot

I.abOur-ileSedith-teritre :_. :i= ---- Korea;; Republic =of° SOCIal:Ike-search-,In-stittite: _Korea, = Republic: of=

-KyUng,7,Hee-,Universicy -- (Seoul)-

-r_ixepartfilefil'Aitjoept-rapky, :-:- ._. -:_. ..:_. .--: =Korea,-_ -Re-pUblie ,O1= 7 . xyLing000k-pliiirersity (taegui)

Department of 'Sociology. .._. ..- :_. :. _. .: :. `Korea, ,Republie IOU -8-- Graduate School;_-boatithent-of:Socioicigy_f _.. -Kpie-o-, _Republic of 9-

the- :kdrean-.Ittiral- --.oliiir-iiniity -_ReSear7Cit-tentre- .--.. :. -.. 1SO.rca;_ RePiibliC_ of -lb -SchOOI,_-_Ot Medielne-i, Departtheni--*4!reventive- =-Medithici

:and-:Otiblid:=1:1ealth, _:.:_- .._ ._: _._,:_ _._.: _._._ .: .__-: . zKorea,:=Republic--_,61_

Teachers --_ Coll 4.7-e-;_-Depa it Men t of Socia1==Stddies _.._ . Korea,_ Republic Of-

PuSan-NatiOnal-triiVersity--,(PtiSan) College-oti:13u"silidi.§: .-: ..Korea, Republie of13


-; 1 nstitiiiiorii _ Directory fejereh0- Seoul- National University ,7(Se001)- ,Cotlege- ortiberalL Arts: and=_Scioices, The Population and -__DevelOp_ment ,StudieStentre- . -Korea;_ . _ Republic of'14 -C011ege -.of --Medicine, 7,Urbaii--optilation = Studies- Centre . Korea; =kept-11)1k- of -15 Schoor-orPublic-Ilealth- . :Korea,, Republic- -of Voti-Sok University ,(Seritd)- Department- of and Gynaecblogy- Korea;:Republic- of '17- Yonsei :tinh-ersity.-(Seoul)__

'Centre for poPulaiioti= and-:lEamily -Planning ,Korea; Republic of ,1 8--

LAOS, SciliCei National' de-'la;: Statistique -.(Vientiane)-. 'Laos


-Departinent of- Statistics (Kuala-.-Lumpur)-. "Malaysia i. ilinkreisity; of = Malaya _( Kuala _Lumpur) Faculty Administ ration; = Division =of= Statistics _Malaysia-

.1EnenIty;-ofi;-MediaitiC- ;_: t-

islEw4EALAND'- -Massey: i iniversitSqPalMer;:ondslorth)- bePartinent-,tbfkOetst..4,iptijr- 'Nle*.zealatid= flAt!ci4060- _ --Department= Geography -:_:- iNeW and' -Iiniv-ersity:University= Of:* itafitaitnifrIthiiitchintIO eparttnent=_OV_Geographi . Zentand:, thiiirersity,--bl'Otago, )- --Departnient=_OV Geography -116W Medidar'Seltobli -Department=-_-6 (=Pietienti've- -and =-Sotiat:Medicind ..New Zealand` University== of`\Vaikato=(Hamilton)_- Department -of Geography_ -New :-_Zeal and. Vietorin=-Lhiirreisityr,Off*Ilingtan,s-lwdliiiigtoo Department Of:=SOcial,Administratioirrand-Sociology- _New- 2calandi 7:

pAkISTAN- -Nationallesearch--Instit u le_ -Pakistan: `Pak istanrAcarlemy for- Development 7(Comilla)1

Family- Planning=Section -Pakistan.= 2= =Pak iStan,Family -Planning -toiicil:=_(baaea)

=InS:pectibiLDireettorate- . . ._. Pakistan

418- !nAiitteitoks -Rajshalti.-AlnivetSity-(Raishalti)- =IXpartnient_ of Sociology. . Pakistan peparttnent of Statist ies . -Pakistan : Sciences Research -= Centre-- (Lahore)- 'Pakistan-

.71 :tilling .Reseati:11 and Ual t centie -(Dacca), . _Pakistan- University-of: Dacca .(Dacca) :Depatitilein- of EconnitticS'. !Pakistann- bepi_itilhent ot:-GeograPhy- .Pakistan, pep-au-Intent of Statistics- Pakistan. institute Of_ Statistical- Research and Tthipink- -PakiStan- Unlytesityr of--the 'Punjab (Lahore)' Institute..of -StatistieS- .. Pakistan 12

PAPUA NEW' =GUINEA _nUniveiSity..ol'PapuAr and=-New Gitinda-106t-Ok_O),-

ljepartinent- of-- Geography- ; - ==Paiptta.--NeV,:-qukliea -Departnient- of- Social anct Preventive ,Medidine Painta-_-=New,ditineai

PHILIPPINES= -Asiati4OcialAnStitUte :ReSearelrbepartmen( . Philippines 'PaT y ;pt. Meat:tot:Reyes ;Medieal---6undatiOni. -1(fiepattnitnit.- OfT$ocial-and'E-:Pievent ARitintiO), SOctokticaliteseateli-instititte - Philippines: '111ititan,itinivetsity 'Proiratnine Philippines

_ Department-- of:-sociejogy, `Philippines

'Of-2 "ca-...job C "dentaVI bletoS Plultppines `Nueira-Cateeres--i(City--oNaga)-_ ArtS. _ -of-:the Colleree=,61 Aft-s-n:and-Scienees, -_--DePartment,ofi=6:016-isr- and'GeueitiPIty ; -,C- tt ieue_ -of= kits anj"eietcesi_5ePart nrt $o- c iology Philippines =Col leee -of=Medicinc;,'Depa n Mist etrid_ and = Gynaecology.. TReprodaethe 'Cent .. =Philippines- 10= . . . Philippines- =f 1: -PepitlatiortAnStittite -12-

'School -;of, _Economics,=institute Ds velopinent :and-Reseal-cif . .n. iPhiliPpines- StatiSticarCentie . Philippines -I-4=

419' liiiectorjr*feitiice Wo. UniVthity or-San:tarlos

Department ,o(--,Sotiology=Anthrnpology, . . . Philippincs 15 -University- of---S'anto--ToinaS- -(Manila)- -Department=-of Sociology Phitippines16. Xavier _University "(Caga)an -de Oro ResearchAnstittitc for Mindanao-Culture- -(2INICU), "Philippinei '17'

-SINGAPORE University : of f.Singapnie IlSingapoie)- ; Depart wilt_ of"-"Ee_ograPhy- -== Silva-pore: IF

Department of Social Medicine=and Public -Health ..Singapore 2

tainoniicr Resenieh :Centre- . . SingapOic :31

THAILAND_ Chiengmai University (thiengmai): Faculty of Medicine, Departinent-:of-=PretfentiVe_ and 7f: SOCial-=-14edieine- . Thailand= 1 ;Fatuity- of Social ffitailaiid, I_ ChidaiongkoriilitiilierSity:2(13aligkey): Faculty =c4;:Edileation Thailand: j: --Faculty of Pàlitical Sciences *aritanci, --4" Institute- 01-=FopulatiOnStudi4 :Thailand" Mahidol University (Bangkok)

Faculty of="Igedicink.--Itaitiatiiibodi;JHos=pitat_ -Thailand; -6".

"Health; :._. Thailand" 7_- Faculty of Public Henith;_:Institute---for'PnPulatinn and Sôëiãl !teie41t4, Thailand: --ES' The (3aiigkok), '9: The="Natiniia1-:-_Rekarch_-C-nuneitli3angko10, 1T-hailand 19- ThanininSati.I.Ini'Vertity:Jkangkol:), Faculty of Political Science th:ailopci=

:=7, _ -Thailand= 1;2-_

VIET-NAM, REPUBLIC OF National de Ii Stittnistigif& (Saigon)

='En-CUlt6-,:de=1)-roii= . Afiet=-Nairii42epithlic-Aif- Univers ite-- de Hue (Hue) Facult&Si-lefties- et .-des;Sciences-.; Deptiiiiiient=cl!HiStoire et de . . . .Viet-Nam, itepublio. of 3 420 Index_ =IL, THE INSTITUTIONS- -FOR IVIIICH- SUET ICIENT7INFOOATION= COULD-1:Nor BE -COLLECTED _AND -THOSE WHOSE I'lltOGRANINIES' HAD -.NOT-BEGUN

AUSTRALIA Sri 'Vgirkeitesiciya;iiire.isity.,Coilege; DeDc- rnielit ist Tlitipati, 1.10*r.sit),= Of-ii!eitcrit,iwr4lia,, Deparinkiit -undet,Di. of :Nedlands,'W.A._:6600 -DemOgrapItyi.optiOnaVpaper;J--hi,per -Week, 'Some: work Is beihg done- by I*: :D.S.- for iv1:Sc:, -HOughtoh- inthe eeneral'i -field- of = population Staie-i_tamity.-Planning-Bureqir:3.4=526/24i ee9gOphy. ;Bariatpara,, -Hyderabad-27: -has_,:a =de= ihographid :find-evaluation ccll- -INDIA -U niversity, pPDelhE,Departnient of5Socioloty__ flwiaras -11 indii 'University-, Department (Centre-for Advanced-Study ih:Sociology)-i>elhi: Economies; -Vatanasi=5:.TAvO-rptiPers=on---_-popidz -(h)- Iiisteity,Of ;population theories " and popittlatiOn:probleMS"-. Uriiicr {iti .o I -thiilbre; _ilfitkiiel,(MHP Facult-Sk-,_-iitAil:: llauiid a A ris :13e;: esearebTrojcetss.(PhD:lhesis)- ,partmetti,off Geoiiraphy,Aesearck C -C Chaudhri, `'Demography -'of -.- Narmada -POpulatiOn-An'AVIalw_a-_; -13k1). theSis; stiideatS-alSo4o-_Scitc_ Study- of= Economic ,,_CatiSation;,_ With' &tint- re= -research: A CoMptiliory.course,b:y_'v.,_N.:-Saxenh, fere-ace- to_ Inciore -Kapoor-; -"00014tiOlil Set tle thentS"

Institurc-4-,Soci0V.YerVice,JSchooLrof=-SoCial' 2)-"Workinglo:=E4mjiy, ititriing=in5A45it-va Work; Nirniala- Niketanj- 38--New Marine; Lines; Region_ -.of_ Madhya Pradesh; :1956-4968;':by ;Bombay- =lithe =Institute 16- establish -_a_ K.-K---ShaStri-under-the'supervision-o(`Dr V -D- !Resdatcii,tented .14e;,..11kboariii1y; -with= a pietranime,ofide-Mographicreseatch,OriTthe:iiiban, TeaChink: One:Optionalpape==4Den-Mgraphy"-lhiAA: -iikPartthent:=of= _tehnotities,_ ;1tiratigabadl._ Paper_ : ;Demography; One Ph. :findet,pie=_ . _ :paratioh_,by Gbarphre_ -(1920,- undc-p-,the §t tiOy a.poptdatitili-,,ilicory,Tand= supervision -of -P. ,Fiedle:- -analysis.:OFtlie-Contemporary-demo&aphic--,sitita= Family---Plafiliiitr-o( transport. WorkeiSi in -A u.7 lion;_:inelhdlitt,demographic-_,prOblethS--61,hndeir,=; raiigabadiCity"-: :1(.shoitid'be Conipletdain-f I 9_71 -developed ,Cotintries-and_-,pophlaiion,..-spolky., Dr. -Peck Onrult: study. of demograpliic'_features _ Profiles ,-of- anilJrbati-TOptitatio-n7: in- India- and heir,-:ihPaCt- on eeon-Onkie p= merit: Population._policy =for =India: 2)Teaching -:at MA._ level=ttor,bez:started- _ Piffeient. demographic ,theaSti re- Part , One -OPtional- ,paper- on1:iopulatiori- -PrOblertiS; , __ _ three periods .aweek: ;I:iirth,rate;-_-age-specific-lbirth,rate, --igrosS- ,repeodtietion,rate =net.- repiod uct ion-,-_rate;, Nn;puir_ Department Geogra- Woniatr rateilo,_,grthyth--ntte_ of poPhlatjoii;_ death phy; agei!specific-rdeativ,rate;_rlife-:::tables:

-421' .

A study -of -iiietitods for _p_opulatioit ,Projce- Is:de/dry-Of `Seiefice don: :f eaching-ond-option-afpaper, lientography One compulsory :paper "peinographyand, for1V1-.SC. Statistic-sr covers: population_- .problems ",for -(Socitiltigy)- -covers:

Deili.bkrafgry: TaperVI: Sources-,Of deniOgraphic flata-in:India and Detiioiy-dpIty- afictrpopulatioh, zelseivbere. Vital statistics, :their importance-and- _methods':of-their, Populationcensus I._PopulationtheOries_ Methods. -Indian: census.-bentottraphic-,surVeys:

2.;POphiation rates; ,cleintigrapitic equations: 4:,0110imcold- orljOsinipit- -of ;pOptilatioq data needand Testing

3. -BirthS: enumeration" Of it* :population_ in..;14 Te§-04,0dcrenuineeatiori_.of children ,00-05. -(a)- -society and _fertility inducenientsand Measuring-, errors in _age =reporting,and_'"adjiiStirient_ imPedinients- c&age-datay.

-_(b) ii'tobletus-of shish -and low-biiir rates: Measures of mortality... sunty ;of -selected stitieties Crude, specific and- -Standardized' -death,'rates. Infant' :mortality -rate; Abateriiaf chi-Ortality,rate. (ii)- Indian, -birth -rate Morbidity -rate-K.' ,Ofatittatitin oC-_ntortalityrates 17*-3, (c) "Checks on'- fertility: -tiomand co_ nStructisbn.--oLcoMplete- and,abridged- .(i) 'poss'ible, Cheeks,,okfertility lifeAnhieS,

(4) v.-hecks--On- fertility ifi,inaip- teitifity:-MeaStiresTcif_fertility-5-nthreproditC=. -_(iii),-_fainilyplanning=Tin,'.1fidia- =_Cindebirth -rate,.-totaii.gericial.aridSpecific fertility ratcs-,, ;gross__an*-;net--rqffiluctipp--;rratCs: 41 :Health: CoMparison_ol-niortality, fertility and :reprOduc- -tiritil'ateS. _SOmety -and:health. Aids anc1=-- pcci -measures of inierni :and. inter national. mi ration:Indirect =meuiuus of. estinr- (G)" hcaltliand- ;arid ;ling =tiiigration.- abroad : octercensiii-popiilptiOii:ifildthods (i)scieititfattors_ affecting- :healthy of -*kingpopulation ,projectiOnsL,-bitited7 =66ithiits =adfitittiStratibit dens ;projections- Of =,fittire_ -%Vcirld atid=seope:

S. Migration: 'SMbfe--Midcsfrafbnary'-pb/M/ritiolis,

ct _ s_of migration

4/4-survey of migration;- -emigration:and tiniveisitasrAtrlatiggi,:#aetilty

diSplate Merit Of_ tion'- Dji: Airlatiggak

,DipOnegOiy); pos= 270,;Semarang. A -reseatreh- (a) -co Ifirbjeet- on kiwarativc:_s-tiowth -_0(06-poatioh, haniati4Citility Java---is,-_plaritied_ 01-relatiOn="betweenloapbration-And. nivearSitos: SO (kit inion; -(i): nationaLiDeOthe- PacAlty of;Economics, Pjf.- Pejigadilan- 0o., F. -13 rVio ke rtb de in okra p h ibto urs in =human (ii)z_literaey and educhtiOn. geogra 15"hy

=422 Pad jiadjcfrati, faculty Eaoh0-4 PAKISTAN 17;:pandatig..A teaching= ,prograpune 'Witli.eoutses On'cleifielgraphOs to _be TheBoard of:iEe-OttOtnicEtOtiiry,_ -Statted-In-1971. 'G.tilberg-41; Lahore;

thc-=first=1Wo-,IiidonesianinistitationS-- PHILIPPINES. -mentioned= liaVe --- staffittaine4-m. p-rommune-,for"facnIty staff :members Central Mindanao:. 1" t011ege- --InclOnesia, -10). As _this- eprogramme ,deyelopS. -Aft Sdicticds,_Musittiti -81.tkidtion: -ninny ;thay-',bei d.i;pected,-to -start, clettioiiraPhie -1.cseafeli-or degree; a course .in-- demography(de- scription Wind inilysis of population iggregatesis ,affectc4--_by_t.ecOlpiidallntefactionj JAPAN in-sehoOl 1934/15.

,ChibtiVhitTr.sity; -P'actilty of Scienc, `La= Asiar-vC'cntro,, '-botatory -of--EColOey, Yayoi=ehci,.'0iba. Qu4o-n

-Kottiti;:ttwanirefsity,,facuity ofrEconcnnics Utiiversit zo the'Philifipin 4,Depart in en L. of _Cro46). Aerie ulfata _E-dticatibn,=LOSi_13,,atiosTthiits-j.agana_, :11aS-some ciesebiCK Masashi Uttiversity, Fac..'ulty,of,1-1timan- and Cultural: -Sciences., -26, ToyOraniakat0-!1-=chone, 'Netinta=ku, Tokyo, ,I16, -plans to ,:establislr G: T. Castillo, "Sonic sociological 'coat:Se-- tiii,deniofitaphy. ning4rogr ainin eSt. Ant-500-061y. -'o1,5'No. U1ni fityr-zei f,to be pa r nt en u. 0(A cat tail= 1?Optilation-:man in nuns =taral-Etorio-iiiiCS,:=Bunkyokity;TOkyO.Sonie-rteath= bets'';a,chapter ,,prepaiation; iii.c.t-is--6Ven==diripOpulatiOniti--_ttitaFateas ancroll iiitefindastry,,labotirAingiatitin, Mitiensiotis,-of =DevelorpOtent,ittifilkiliOfiitieS,jrRural

-1:0A;ffZEPIAtIg AilitiniaLeonOr=_(MS thesisE on "Husband- ,Wife an-0 *C-SpiinSe;:,t6 family C="Oilege,,-of_Acir= culture; --172ejiattnient----of_--Agrietilturat"EconOinies. li-,cOtii.se on -4Rara:LpOptilaii-oe is?g!y0 -foe -PiOkno: ,(MS: thesison9FaetOts -fisSoeiatet per--week_i:for-onc--setnester:_ -a-dOpiiOn, -Of,=family_- planning. = -- fitt:stihitejoit 1?eseciitit:44---the- SINGAPORE k OLAfts,aticf

Sciehes: . u_61;$od ob,, (CS t b NEV ZEALAND: fished- in:1965);-,OffeTS- _courses-On,deinkraphit; :ecological and :other _aspects-, ofinstittaional., the-illitiversitY :Of- -change, Singapore and `SOUtheast_cAsizi.7ke= Metlieinci- FUritler.Professor Cecil° --seatth4aCilltieS. LeWis,-Dean,has_- a_project_on °`maternal mortality study -On;pSychiatric_patients, VIEtNAK- -REPUBLIC_ .:Doiart niCnt-of'SoCio1014;J"rbfesso-r-T.D.C. Faculty_of _Social Scien- ,Pittis -iigOertaking a-coatinaifig,:iiirijbarpa -de= ee5; tino_ngMinh_-Giang, -Saigon; -Oldsa _mographic aspects of ethnic- relations-in New *-course =in- demography -in theifotat_11-:_retir -kealandr. e-prograrnme o =lie_ considerably - expanded:


423 $thoet, Aioio=-4:*--tot =0§tioctvototclo

-Under icach-- zheading .are .,indieatcd; of,rthe _tokthttSr. hayitit-,-a-lirdjeeti the _.a'rea- -c-idncetiicd, did -dcicie- Dt the institution 1paenecs t eVvnumbs of _-0:tbjects.

"Olafaeteti4j6- Iiidia/2410(4)=:. 1 6-2-5,2g:=31:-5(4)= 45=46 tridiihe-sia/$(2)=64=8-,--10,(2). -train/3/ J_apart/O:=1:22=JC404=} 6=37: Khinet ;.kbeca;-. Aelinblie-f,o(l_6=7447, 4,;:aos/4- Wew_ Zealand:a Pak istan_i349,(1-

rma -2=

ti fidoite-sia4(2)41 rant; .2:1/2: Republic =1' ,kolta; -kelitibilc_ Of d 0=14 (2)1 P:ayistaii=8(2)=.1 :S. lilt; F

Tt ends aiid-projeetions:

, Austral, iai--4(2).; jqe)16-4--/4' 1-1-ibn;_i:"Kolitii-

4ndia/-046-0)=1---==i g=.4-j.

ilmionesialS--- :lapatii-1(2)==_9_..--4-4(2)4 1 kbeed; ,of1,12=24-

- Malaysia/T, _

ii-itOphies/0= Sociakchaiaelei-istieS':. lirban_Elttiraldistributioni tirbahization 1-10_fig-=k,oligi( )z _and' iiebait--studic: P35-

A tistealia/-2475 1437- ,13tirmail (2)- .14aklistahl3=6 , -Philippitie/ 3- 424 hnici-chafadteeiskies:- IOalaysia/41_ Angealia-12(2) -Indi6/3 1( ) :P1iilippi0§4-1_

10a4iysiai2(2),- O --Zeatandftf: Si 0.apoi.e/ 4utsr /ice 28= Other-cliaractei tcykilv -India i2 0=i--=26,-3r(2)=. f 6 1(2)=3241= -I riirj/$1(-2;j-

Japa'n/2 1 0;2S- 1CljnIerac uhA/l> ( kitaii,/ Ansiralia 3' $[11g501.0 7 uilini: -1

-India/3,-,,L1=31=-30,41(3) Japan; -16 ftifaiiand/B(125-: ^IiiiinO-Itepublic =Korcic, Republic 61-- Pakistair r =Phil ippi hes,-; 1.2 B"


)-40=4 piA@RUB /\¢ ;23(21=34

aiidi eiala-0 /4: =144 $hlppns 2' f'Prenatai'andk,_pefinati-11.- 1-n61'01i-00;

4415diti =19-- i age:



:lap-an/1943043 =165ita; LevelIt

ustealial-2(8)=3=4=5- 2urnial2 bmiclly- -Iii_dial8(2). 11 (2).=, 15=11(2)=-1 f3ufin-a/-2 ran76- di a /26 Jap/-0-1aii 9=23'

425 ti

trend: Economic growth:: Austrpthi/ 375- _Australia/ 13' 1-- I 8=25- Malaysia /2 Ili-din/19=22435- New Zealand/ 4° IiidnoeMa/4. Japatil5(2)-9.1 Other: .Korea, Republic- of %14= .lapin /36. : Philippines / -1 =I 3(2) Thailand / -12-

-Migtation- Othe-re-dtinonne:inctors:

International' lidgfation: Australia/ 1_ India/31, Australia/2(4)4 344- :Japan /23 New .-Genlniid/ I' HOnsing-nOiphysiealitilanning: Internal migration: Australia /1 Anstenlia/.1,2(2)=5 _fit-Kong/I :Burma/ iiidin/3 1=35.46- Ceylon/5z -indonesiag

jfidin/10(2),..4 7.-28;35440_ hpan).,1 2..0(4 _

-Iran /2=

1.SOren,4-12e-publie Oath: Zegaticf/3(3)=4(3)=6(4) ,p0tititt4tici--4-110:Otilttett- .Burma /2: Thailand/ l trait-i6,(2)± _ Othet: a0ii/2==i2=-V1,-.35436: 'Win/40:1840

EciuCatieh: thideheSiati= f 1fan/-5=,,

Interr _elations.of= demographic=and other-factors= .Korea, Republic. -z)ft-141': _Labour force and --ietiiipleynient:; *40/1=- -Pal:istan111._ -Atigtralia-/2(2):: Hong Kong /1 -4` Singappic/3' eindint17F19;21=3 1=3540(2): Social- develiVnlent: 40.01/5=-17(2)=23(2)-43 Republic- of/3(2) =5(2)- -i_apan/23(3)=6='20 :Lni)s/ILaos / -t Thilippiriest12, -NC* -Zealand/6- Thailand /12(2)- Tnkisthii,13;641(2)- P-Oilaziand--NeW buil-lea/1= -Other sbdial-:=fadtots:_ -1ldliiipines/12,4 3- indini6t31-L Shigtipere/-3 _Indi)fieSin/5 haitant1/4:

426 :General: other factors: Other -Aust ral in/ India/3-25-32(2)-42 1361.niall (3) Indonesia/10-1i Jaciaii/27-29 Indonesia/2-5=7- Korea,rAcii-tibliesto172 traii/1(2) -NcW Zealand/h= J-apalC-14=15:2.3 PAiStn/ I= lleOublie/-3= Thailand/8 Piikistan:. 11- Philippines/=l-3(2)d2 _

Po_pulution't polieieLt General: Policiest relating -to-fertilityrowth: Australia/2 2,2531: p_Onf 22' ndonesi:V* -knrei), Republic of' 1-18 :Policies -rt.111011e =to Tastkinit1; Thilippiriesttl 2,13t A tistrUliari Thailand/42(2)

=Others: Trograrnkfie-Toreanikation:

'korea. Republic o0 itidini-1,1:-2-7431:-,32(2)A 1-

tkorea;tileptibi le :of/s1=1,16: \kthodoiogy

rkAP: .-,KoedoizOopUblictioftti 8(2). Alistralin/t0- 1ficlia/3(2)q(2);,8(2)40(f :,_1(3)-7,1-3(2)-4 ColWOO-a. oft chitieranikverification: 1-=1641(4)=-26-y-31-_,32=39_40,

1hiclin/11(6)=28-2(2)-421 11iidoiesia/1 10= Korea. tit-041)11c- 14 rni1/2()- Pakisiniii-1(3);2(2)43(2).-7 _--J_Iip-an/941,19;23-- 8 $t Klunei_ Republic/J(2)- _ _ thnilan0=8(2)-10(3):

=Korea; :Republic_ oris14k1 8=

MAlaS,Siti2)=21 Methods: -New- Zealitrid--;4-, 2;3(2),6(2)=-32(2)=39--42- =Pal:is-inn/1-3= ran4/4(4), Philitipiiies/T1(2):1 2(2)=1_5(2), I-7- =Koreat,-_-12epubl id of /.1-1- YIQI-NaIiiRepublic:of/t Puicistair/T-3(3).--1(3)

-Models; Operation -Resenecli:

Iiidiat5P)=1,1=11=31(2)=42(2) Abortion: -100h-/-7=231 Iran/6 NdW _Zealiutd/3=6_ -J n01116=119-25 Pakistan/12: Kotea,ReOlublic of/ 17(2) PliilippinetI-1-3 -Phil ippineS/11-

427 Cotumunitatioti: -Other training: a Tindia/10-1-1(4-32(2)-4,2(2)-47: indla/3-9=1-1(2)=26- '1 ndonesia/3--11(3)n '.1aria-n/24' Pakistan/31

-Evaitiation-andimpaa: -Other: Ccyionfl_ Australian- nitidia,.3(2)=10(2)=12(2)=17-25,(2)=26 india/25 32(2)-36=39(2)42(2) 'Iran/5-/6 :10oneshif 1 1 Japail/2=3-24(2)=27-3(2)- ,,n1rati/31 -0(2)- .Kurea,:Republic: of/2(2) fPakistah/6--11: -KOrea.ltepublie of:-11=16=18 :Pakitan 1(2)7420(3)40H Philippines.' 2(2)-t3 =peneral: -Indi:!2=10-28(2)-45 -IndekD. LIST- OF -NAMES

Name Cowitty Natiie :CtypItry

AbbaS-S.A. Pakistani 6- Amy_ot,_-1. Jacques, Thailand/4- PakiSt An, Oh -nam :KorUa, Republic -of /5- Abdul lab, --Pakista_a/I Anand,_ India /28 AbdUltuadjid, M. Indonesia /2 :. Anderson, Aust '4 Abedin, A.S. -Pakistant-5- Anderson,..A-: _Australia/3 -Abrabatn,_KV-. India/6 Andcrson,_:.P_.M: Australia-l4 Ac Itarya, S.C. An&W --Ord Philippines/91 M.A. Indiall 9 Anuwat (see _ Adjanir. Iran /- -1 Antiwat), Afzal.:Mobahi-nuid :Pakistan /6 Aoki. _nisao Japan; 23 _Attali,',Manticheht- -Iran/4- Aomori; K. ,Japan/lt)- India/25- =PItilippincS/10, _Aarwal,_ G. -Australia/4" Agfir-w4L- -Ilidja/15 Applcyiird, `R T; Australia/II Auar(var..y: India, /32= T. Lipab/il6 _Agarwala.: -ladia/-17- A raStcktnin;:M. Iran/5- =Pakistaiiil Archias, Te--R. Alilii*;11raj.-ICS., India/14: Arun. ikuniar A bin:id:A._ -Paki_Stantl_O Autakzai;;MA.A. -Pakistan/6 Alirnad;, Nails. Khan. Antimis.'huzia-Stiltana- Avitilliani. -India,/ 4-- Ahinet, ,IiakistUni$; Hong =KOi /II: Ahmed: G. Pakistar /7 :India/6 A1uncti..M-Ointaiuddiiy=Pakistan/8, A Korcat- Republic =of i =3= taii-/3- Prea,_Fitcpbblie -off, 8- Axwini -Ifidoiicsia-t1 Korea,.'Ropbblic-of-i bsan_ul I aik. Australia/3= -Aklitcr.- Akhter.Farkuntla tfictitly ndOnesia 8 Bac ycing!K*ant Korea, Itcniibli_of/ Alistlardi; -8/9,16- iran/5/6- -Aniatiayitkul Nitanart-filailand112 'Ratatan, Phlippines/3 Ainbalayatier,_At.. Ce_y(Orit2- 'Pakistan/11r Ainbanriavat, A Ustral -Bakir; ,ZaiiialYE iiidonesia;'S Pakistan/? -Baldonado,= F: -Philippines il 0 iner'4delt_, Itan/5- io Philippines /6 E. Iran/ -_(sec AntnuCy=v?it--.(Sce- :Cliriciwoniti -Bat-id:jet!, _Ajciy lndia/47 Anmuey -wit) Kumar G.R. India/35 -Banerjce-S.1C-. India/25

429 Nane Country-- -Name Country India /3 -1 Burnley, 111. Australia/2 gang, -S. Korea. 'Republic of- 18- Btiridex, New Zealand! -1 43aSavana. 1V1. India 119- -13utland; Australia :'9= Basavarajappa; K.d, Anstralia,:2- -13asri% M. -Kiistaw Indonesia :12 1.3astt; ndial2-__ -13ebarta; -Prafulla-TC. Inditi/47= :Bedford, Australia/1 _13ea, -M. Afial_ Pakistan/i CaasI. M. Philippines,' 1 ;13entiett, Cachero, N, Philippines/ 13- ;Berlitije; Marietta Philippines/6. Caldno; C-. Philippines; -l4- iliaduri, T. India/5 Caldwell; Australia Mtap.avaqiees-kvata, India/6 4.2,2G; flycr. S. -Carfoili -P.C. -B4not, 1.v: . India/0- -CaStro, -A-.A, Thilippi_tiesP13= -1)iiap(imj: R. Ihdia140- (hal; -.CM: TiOng7-Kofigl- India /8 Cliaiyastithi; --1311tite,-V. N'anthanee J Render India/ 16 :Cbakraborty. ilhatitallar, S. _Atilinesii_Cliandra- -nhatia, indotiosia/6, ;(11akeatiorly-,_;* -thaitatharya- --ChakratiOity, fbli-zittadliarya;-11:N. ThbeS1),Cha)i_dra Asha 'Cliakirlibbril,,,;011:- -Blogle;_ ini- -Cliakrava eillike..i,afci; -1Bititarto, =Indonesia Batio =India/16- =Biswas;8: -India/44 Thailand/10 ,1:31zigoe-rd, -1toSario Pliilippii 'Pryttlig =Bolira, =Iiiiiia-1-41! SEiaP6 -K-wang=SItik Korea, Republic j0- `Singapore/ 3- 130ohlert_ (seetieW= -chanoyr. itirapai; --Booniert)_ jogo India/ 32 :i3Oonyong (see --PongE. -Chandra,_ 'Thdia -'28= :prot,l3ooliyoutt): -Chandef tViD. Australia- 2 Chandrasekliar, indiar 36= 43ose; As liish India. -16= -Chatid ra-sekhariah-,JC, irtillinatimida, P.R. _ -India 40 Chaim ;--Cheri =Tune- -SitiEtapo-re- iliroeckttert;,P, Philippine-s_ 3 Chang; Y-tt-ti :Korea;_-Re-pitt3lie of- -14 13rooks, Australia/2- Cliankat.tOw, Thailand=!_10: oryatit; Thailand, 6- -Chittainanee -_13uen avefitura, Philippines- 14 Chantanit -(sec Taut- Atigeles R. tiWajt;_-_Chantan,a)- -13itenaven tura-, E. Philippines :1 Chartis-(se:: Ii3tii-Quant.t=Mboh Viet-Nair: -Republic of -1 Y-mnarat; Charas) titub; Lidia/4-6- Cliastelaitc, Iran 5 chatiyanon,Poriisiri 43ilityaellatphistith; Thailand10- Thailand -TY -Pasta Chattirachinda, Thailand 6 Kairheang 13urakasikorn, Kasetn Thailand, 10 Chasuryedi, Duch `f3ukleW, J.K, Australia. 6 India 23 13thanticklin, Nath -Pakistan, 3- Chaudhty, =Bai, Peen] -Pakistan12 Thailand 6 ChaticlItury, J. Pakistan/10- ;burn iglu, Robert,-G. Thailand 8 Chfitt-Van =1iong Viet-Nam, Republic of 'I 430 Country -Muni! Country Chaves. _H: -Philippines/5_ -Chutaniariee- (see, -Chen; C.S. Hcing_ Kong/2 Chankaeow-,, tY. Hong Kongit -Ciftitanlanee) -Cheosakill; _Pradisth "fhailand/I Clark, lDavjd:H Singapci_re/3 Chia. -Lin=Sien S i ngapci 1- Clark, E:W. Pakisinn/7 -Clatka, AUStraiia/1 tigse,_Chiticia)- -Conception, M.. :Philippines/1i -2./15' ChinoS_odha,(sed- Pakista_nir -171atbOinruai tort4; . _ Philippines/2 C_ciWgil I; 01); Thailand/8 -Sakornpati; Cox, LVV-: kt-Strafin/6, -Chira) -QOcket;jliG: Atisyalia/3- Chit (seeHeikaChu±-- trolejii_sfet-L Pakistan/j -tha;_-Chit) Ctlii-D6'14,=:F4ter=iP. Cruz; ThilippjnesAL- çhiu, WK Cti4on;,1"11-. i\le%..Zealant14 ChôTSoon Korea, Republiä ottr.4 Korea, Republic of/I -Crticie,--Sun _Ray: 'Korea ; --Republic of/ 1: C. Austral /40, -r Korea i- =Readbile :608- jak aiS4ya;__ thailandt10-_ f:Cticii, JO; Australia/2 -N4ideratatia, ,Korea,_kepubt;c:.004- Hyttit- -Aiist / Korea, Republic et/ 161 'd_hol,_-10-.HyOrt altipan, Francisco -717.- 1644; 1k00* --4/4 _ 1)40. raj; Trliq: Malay- a/3 Choi, Jil-loon Korea =Rep-01k --64/14- _ jpcjioji -Etodi474(Y horn-001j: Choomboonii(sec- Thalilmaraks) :Pitifizkinka0,_ incyniesia/-5 Darling George-B Jai/Z- -_ Chothvotigi_ Amiatey=l'hailand/10 Daroesman, Ruth Singapniel 3-

_ =Chop:filar:hi.. kar,eidt -th-diland/1:2_ DdngKki 'Koren; 'RePUblid-offi Chou,100iig=afiaii lore-a--, Republic of/2 Dävis,J;- Atiittalia/i 0_ 'Pakistan/2: ---12ebhaVa1Yai.-.141011.611- Tháiland]4J5 Chounlamountry, -Laos/I- _0e.:-.FOU-Seka; TEJ SOnigainitik- =Phil iPpines/6_

ChOirdh_UrY; S I ---" Pakistan/9 Hong Kong/1 -.Mhangrhan, Hongkong/3 zDephanoth)- iChümpôl :(see 'De .-Raedt, J. :Philippines/3- - antawee-sitk, Detai; -K.G: Ifictia/35 --,Citu Pol) India/35 -Chung; Chui=Soo- Korea; :Republic of/ -Desai;=_ India/T-/ 16 --3/10 India/39- Chung, _--faezxu- Korea, -Reptiblic of/2 :-DeShpande,LK -India!40 Chung; -S:0: Korea, Republic of/18 besliparide-; SH :india/ 40' 'OevaciaSbn; -Solomon =Churosalii-(see Aatanajarn, _Dev_aku1;_ thailanij/10= -Churasakdi) Australia] 1 1-

431= Country Mute Cothory =1..)Inuiota. Satish India/16 Fuangfa--(See__kliuna- -Dharmawardelia. Ceylon /2- _-dorii, iftiangfaY -FtitatStiei, Y. Japan 17 Dia?: Leticia 'Philippines/6- Australia/I- Dick: =R-:S: Australia/10-, =G- Indonesia/$ Soentarno- -Gadeil;S. India/ -Nd* Zealand /5 Galei:-Fay Nustralia/5- -=pjokoaminOto -IndOiieSia/z3- -Gan, TN. -Philifipines/. 1.)jokosii_witu indobesia/6- qatidotra,'NI.M. _India/39' Indonesia/9_ India-/-9= \__b-yeti Viet=Nam.Republie of12- ttdia/8' IYOdge;_i.$;. _NewZeal a n 075 Donoi'an 1-NV ustral George ;A. =India/41 Downing. AtiStralia/8- Dr dl tiIuf, Sniith D. Koilgt3- Ghat* 'NN: Fakistan/-1:. r-Dtija. /7- Ghosd, India/40 -Dulayapan.-SUp_i_t_n_nee Tliailandailand/1/10 :GheoSh, Ainbikaprasati-=Indian_S- Gianpoo-r,=M;_ Eltan/3_ zOtnujan.-_=J.S. Atistrallai4: `Gilson :Mimi* :NeW. r.an/i tpwakavani_Tillais :India/6 "Glassburner. : Dwyer, -Goldstei_n, Thailand/5' -11iikOfi_incs/131 06oitcrat ne,:_ CeYlpitt,2: opialakriSh EastonM D; _AL'Sif-AA/I' EddleirS. -Philippines/I a- India /6= lair+ _

=IndoneSia/9, -7.Eftekhat Iran/6- tGOyal-, =k): ndia/16 -.:Xustratia/$_- = laPantst7 ,Ejiesi.i-ui Charles Australia/2 Australia/3_- _Esinatai=lidiidraE -PalaStaiilt Esfiinloia;-Leo- -Philip- -pines/6- Grover S.R: 6 India/ 16 Giniasekaran,--f :36 'Karionos Indonesia /t0" Gunawaedene,_K.- Ira-n/6= Gunther,l_.T_ irap-ua-s-Ndw-rGluineat -Farina; New-Zealand/6s =Gt-ipta;!P:B 3 Fawcett; =James T. Thailand/5/ to: ePayyaz, MOhamfilad Takisia9/4- -G-titiderezi _philippilicsy 14- :Fernandez, Dorothy Malaysiair Guzman00i Gdiletosb' Z._ G. Ceylon,'I Guzman, = Virginia B: ,Feinando,=L.S. Ceylon/2 -Fernando, - Malcolm Ceylon/3

Flieger, -W: Philippines/12/15 H= ,FOokcs,_ New Hadi,Sukarno- -Indonesia/6 Corai.on Philippines/6 Haga, Hanjiro Frazer,_R M. =New-Zealand/6 Haider, S.J. 'akistang 432 Nome -Country Ntunq -ecriottry llaiii. =p.c. -Korea; -Republic off 18- Sting;_chiek- -Korea, :Republic ot./i- Japan/23 Hong; Sitng=eltiek -hdrea,_-Republid Of/4- kiai.1,:bac,W00 Korea,_:Reptiblic Suitg-hac -Korea, RepUblie_ of /2 -Korea, -Republic_ of/I'. Heng,_ yu4g-Ppzi KOrca,_-kepublic of/3 -Han, jeong 1-lynn- -Korea. -Republic of/5 Los*, K. Tafazzul--Pakistau/S 11;11,-X.C._ Korea,_ Republic :of/18- 113. Australia/3r Hint, Ypititg,Dae 'Korea.RePublic_ of/5 liossain, -pakistan-/-Li- i-hutdonoinulju lndonesia/5 :Pakistan/7- akiStan 11 an-sci-fi-4174 aW_ -13tirtiut,*1 Flossabi, liantinnttli_arayiipOa; India/17- Sang Viet-Nain,:RaPtiblic of/2 -Howe: -Hague, M.S. Pakistait '1 _Howspn._-A,13: -Australia/3 liaracla,- Akira_ Ja-pan,:32- -11arSpiio- -Indonesia/9 .1 I uda, Pakistan/7- :1-iasal_kar, JB india, 1O of/IL :1-ht Indonesia/2 'Hlistoeti ludOitesia,19 tfuq;F. PakiSlitn/9-= Hatbouttua. Thailanth6: Tulcistai1/9- :Palcistan/3-- 41ateha-,-(see :Nilbang=

Jiaw14,-4-1mos-,=H-. Thadaitc1;-5.,10:- 5ajjad: TakiStait/5 Japan:1J :Pakistan/6r Tadashi: JaPaiti /32= HayaSbi, otoyUkk_ -11100-16. -India/44: :HaYash1,---Shigrtt=

HavziiFcioz- --PakiStalif I 1: Pakistan/2+ .1-1ectayat libtiehi:_ ',Yasuo Japan/4212-7' New _"Calaild-/4-. Thailand .."7- In:. Icorci, Republic of 16 IL liumerWahr, Ilippjncs/ 12 GeoigcE. 'Hick line, -S. Higashi, T; _Indtapin. A. :India/26 Toshici- =Japan/12 indrayan, S.A. 1-f ilario.R. -Philippines/10 - !fnotidi Takavuki Japan/23. 'Hilt 'Ronald :Si itgdporei-1- _LaoS7-1: 1-11pOlito, S. philippines/10=-- iIMönad Pakistiii/6 rItyularo- -Japan/28-- ilciblaj, _Shahid: Pakistaii/6- Japan/32 -Indonesia/9 -Hifeniata India/19: Ishi,_-YOshiktini Japan/S/9 p/19- --1Shiliara. :Masayoshi 'Hi oil Manuel- Philip-pines/14 IShilUdru, Jap/2 _ Japan/14/15' lila,- Tun- Aiiint_ BUrniatl: IshimitSti, T. 10 I _:: Australia/1 -10.1. -Pakistan/9- -tioepoediono Japan/16 M.N-. -Pakistan/1Q 'Hojo, Japah/1_ :Want, :MS. -Pakistan/10= HökIKdÔ, F. ppines/3 Isiani, N. Mist Korea. Republic of/ Istijarin, Sri_ltDatu- Indonesia/5 15/16 'Ito, Mareko Japan/30 :Hung, Si Hwaii Korea,_ Republic- Of/7 Ito, Takeshi Japan/38 Soon=Ho Korea, Republic.f/11 Ito, Tatsuya Japan/23 -1-160,_ Sung-bong- _Korea, _Republic of/11- Tycngar, S.S. India/40 -

433 Now Country Nate Country J

-Jab Ion, S. Japan/2 :Kant.,Niknial_ -India-/32 Jatrar, Abidi- -Pakistan/I- KaPoori_ T.N. indi-.'25 Jain: -P.C. India/37 Karim,-M-.F. iIlakistan/7_ Australia /2 Karkal, Malini- India/17 Iran/6 Kannarker,J3:1?-. India/-10- Jalandoni, "atria- =Philippines/6 KartikeSan, -A. Indiat-i I- Jamal, :Moho ninad- =_pakistaii/6 =Kart iiii, MiA. indOnesia/2- =Jan. =E. PhiliptaineS/13-- Kartini Japan/-16_ Jatar.- 'India/32 -Kartoilof ff. _-Inc:Mesh/2= Javastii-iyai =Ceylon/5- ,Kornnakariiii, -_11-. -India/42- jiLlako, Philippin-es/E13s Kascm (sec_-Bufakasi, -7 Johnson; _ Australia /4 ,-koili;.;KaSL'IliY Johnston: R.J. New Zealand/3- Kastlyap;=Padina Inthaj-3 Johnston: -NeW Zealand/3 Kasto- Indonesia /`)= -India /16- ,Katiyar,r;R:K._ !.India/32 ..__- _ Jones, =Gavin_ 'Ceylon/2 Kato, :11:- Japan/2 JorapittcPa- =India/110, KOtsununia,r H.- -Japan/35/36 JoShi;, cp, India/32 :Katti:-A.0, ',India/10-- Joshi; MD: IciM1,:KriSiiiarlKninlitfIndia-/-23', .10shL ;FM: iKOWabe,i1-1: j=Japan " /34 Jotisefv(see:NOrida-=- Japart/17- stita,,JOtiSen& Xfii1-Afroi Pakistan /°1° Jnattgo,-JOseMO-(FOr sK#ini :Pakistari/L . Juliano; _Serafin: -Pin1ippineS/2 -Kazuyoshii-rAiso Japan/3 JUnIpOlz(see-_SaWas- Xorea, Republic -ofJ7 diyak-ornijtimpol) rh.enneciy,,R-, Australia 1_ Korea; Republic -of /11 :Keovich rise)nnm Thailand/7/$- JuSuf; iSofjan- Indonesia/ NOW Zealand- 3: Thailand/10: -khan; --Aziz- =K khan' -F,K. Paki_staii/9= Khar,_-Faziuritashidr-PakiStaii/4= ikaai Van de DJ. =Khan,- _14._ Anst Pakistan/II =1.(11Oil,WehritnINahar= Pakistan /I- Xachirayan _M. 'India/11 Pakistan] 6/12 ±Kaikobad,-- Klian,_:Mitilltaz Ali-- India/36r :Kale; -B.D. Jiidia/10' -Kiiani_ NA. 'Pakistan/3 K5liaperunta {;= K: indiati I Khan; Talat Pakistan /1 _,Kalrai_Stishina- India/16 -Ziauddin Tztkistan/1_ =Kaniala(see-Saciig=, Khasnobi- Hiron moy srithong, ikainala) .-Khatun.=Khadija- -Pakistan/1-1' Kaniheanejsee- Khawajai A.M. Australia/2 r-Chattitachinda, =KliP;i-iiieh-, =H. Iran/5- Kainheang) -kheillOyOdiiiii, _Nett Thailand/I0 Kanaliarei RR. India/10 India/14 sKailakat16i, M.G. =India/11 -Klan -Mai Lay Burma /1 Kanchailathiti,rPensti Thailand/6 Klninadorn, Thailand/8 Kand; -Dac Hyun Korea, Republic of/7 Kilaton, Macrina Philippines/15-- =Kanda (see Pionakiet, Kim, -Do-lig-Chat- Korea; Republic of/11 Kanda) _Kim; Doo=flie Korea, Republic-of/i-1- Kaneko, Takeharu Japan/23 Kim: _Hong-Chul Korea; Republic of/2- Kang,Kil -Won Korea, Republic of/16 Kilt;_ Korea; Republic of/-I-1- -Kanaangara, -D.M. Ceylon/5 Ki:n, Hyon-Jo Korea, 'Republic of/3 Kansa!, J13. Korea, Republic of /13 434 tame Country Nanie Country

11-1-1yun_ Korea, Republic of /1- KotesltWar, India/10 =Kitn, Korea, Republic -of/16 itidizi/38 In-Sbon Korea, Republie of /3- Koya, Y. Japan /6 Korea, -Republic Of/ ktishati,-Gopal- :India/28 =10/12 krislinantoortlty,_-S. India/11- 1.1w,, J :K. Japan /36- Kshirsagar,.S. :India/12 Jin-kytin- Korea, -Republic -_of/14 H, Japan /6/25 Jonitzho =Korea,_ Republic of/2 India/35 hint, Jon:ill:Un- Repitblie -of/16- =Kudos japan/1 Korea,. -Republr'of /I 8- -Ceylon/5 kiini-Joune-Soott `Korea; -Republic of /16- Kull-far, India/25 Korea, Repiiblic of/1-1 -Kitniar, -Ashok =India/17 =tiyoung-Dong Korea,_ Republic -of /14 India /32 -Kit* _Korea, Republic =Oil 8- India /27- 49 -Kim, -.MI: -k-orea;--3RePiiblie--of/ I 8- -ktitimunghate, Thailand /-10 King -NackAurie Kerea,r =paluay :kitii,ratit--_11_= =Korea;_ -kepilblic -jai pan/6-- SiingZtiwoftli _Korea, :Republic- of/5_- 10=rea,,,=Repilblie:of/151 Japan,: Taeltyong: ::Republitef/16 ,Tae =Young= 1- :brea,_-Ae-pitblie: off japan/30-±_ ;10/12: ;Kuroda,_ -Japan/23/2S_ `Y_OntOVII a ii -_Korea, Republic_-of/17. ItidotieSta/5-- Yun=1:1Waii Korea, ..iZepUblic -of /5- Seedarsono= Japan /24 i Kinoshna_ Akira jap_aft/31= japan/33- E)CitioSititai Japaii/6= -KW_514.=FLM: ==tierea, = Republic = of /18- Xititanar-,,Et: =Philippiries/13- =k-Won, Dab --Y_ o-iing ,Korea, Republic of /5 -ICIaichttrwongsd, Korea,- Repul-ticof/ Chitida f-5/16-= *iPtijaliz =IndotieSia/9 =KWoii, skyii=Shik- Korea ;. Republic. =of! Kitatiiura, S: japan/16 Japan /34- :ECWo-ri, Tad -i-t an_ =Republic=-of/14- =Korea, !RepUblic -_Of/15= =kwon, Ati-Stralia/2: 0,-AJtig=Ring: :Korea, RePUblic- of/I6 Kwttn,1Kyu,Shil4 -Korea, =Republic--of/-1 r ;Kazuipasa-_-Japan/11/23= =Burma /1_ -kObayashi Japan /6- KobkOyi Raddawan =Thailand/ 1-2= -Kodn,=Kazue Japan/20 L Takeshiro Japan /20- -tioento' Japan /16 India/15 KiyOhiro Japan/9' L a i fie John-nE, Philippines/4/12 Koh, -Foongi-Yin S ingapo re/3- Lak--(sed- NitiWatana- AuStfal ia/2 -vithaen,_-Lak), -Japan/36 Lakshtni, M, India/ I=1 Japan /23. India/35- Japan/1-7 Laniptnan, Robert 1. =PItilip-pines/13 flidentaro' japati/32 Lancaster, H.0; Australia/ I2 Kongkaeon (see Lane, PA. New Zdalatida -=StiWanprako-rn, Laosatiti, Pornpront Thailand/10 -kotiakaeon) Lasta, G: Philippines/10 _Kotiishii -Yasuo-- -Japan/17 Lattnnant. Lath Thailand/3 =Kong, Shigemil Japan/23 Law, 1%. Atistralia/41 -Koo, -Ja-heung Korea, Republic- of/2 La warn, =Pluitty Laos/I l3rigida Philippines /15 Lee, Bytme=Moo-- Korea, _Republic of/3 435 Name Country _Naive -Country -D.W. Kotea, Reptiblle Off i 8 iliottai, BD. India/3- Lee, Hac -Youtie Korea, -Republic_ of/ l 4 Malt; MR India/17 ,Lee, Han Soon_ Kotea; RePublic Of/7- Milli-6k; SA: Pakistan /-10 =Lee, Hyutt-Shik :Korea, Republic offl 1- tylatna, -M-. I tide nc si a/2. Lec,_ Jay -Chti fKorea, Republic of /14 Manias, Si -Indonesia/10= Manioria;_ C.B. Lee, Korea, Republic -of/_18' Mangalias, Lec,_JimgAVed_ 1:orea,_ -Republic- -Of /-3,_ Mannan, -pakiSian/2_ -Lee, :Kyting Sik- Korea; Republic -6f/16- Mantra; 113. -Indone_Sia/5 Lee, Man- Gip Korea.:Reptiblie off-14 -MaraSitraiiiTS. Philippines /3 Lec, S. H. Hone Koini./51' tianoi.R. Philippines/13 -Lee; -SooitAVow _Korea, -Repablie-0114 Maniuk ,NaSSer-- ,Iran /2" Lee, Sung -Kwan =K'or'ea, Republic of /=11= Marsden; Australia /10 .Lee,---Wott -Sang -Korea;_ _Republic -of /I_ -Marian:_ Indonesia/2. Korea; Republic 6f/-151 Maruyania;. Hiroshi -4415411/27 i*Lec, Yoke-San SingapOte/3_ =Indonesia /1 -2 _(ee, Yong =i-wan- Korea,, Republic -of/ I S Milbank-at, V.B.- -Lee, Shieaporel_lt Malheris -India/2-- =Korea, °Republic= of /15= :Mathuf, =-SitiiigiWook- Korea ;_ Republic_ =of/ 16 iMatitat, India /7` Tile-6-;--E.pitios-5- =_IVIntSuda, -Takeshi,

=Leritt).- 'Matson_ agai_a Japan /24_ -'LeOligatii; _Iran/6 _MatsuYanin;_ -tifneaki2 -Le :Khder, '-Viet._,Nang Otep_ublic-of/3. :MCArt Hoint-riCatie/4= Metall= Lfe,-.-Vait=i4oAtig= Viet-ofAl= -MeDonaid,±:P.F. Australia z?:;_ Libr ea; Arturo A. =1,_16Gree- -7EG; -C-Initi-Ndfi= -McPhail, 'LW. :(see= ehfk.) Phi I ip Pines/13: thailzinc119' :India/40- =Lint, =Eileen_ Shigaporef3 Swarnjii- -Liinsuwan; _Anuwat- Thailand/6 Niereet;_j?:C. AttStralia/4_ =Lin, T.B. =Hotig*Kotig/1 Met i,- 10-(11-5/10- -Lilian; -E. Migo_iii-i-houes- t911407124putili/2-13, Ausfralia/I- -Mijaiit-,_TitO A. ;Lc*, In :Kyu -Kotea; OVA 6- Miller ;_ RAa Pakistan j7 - -LOpez;_!Florenciti:C. fliilip-pineS[10: -Minacawai . . _ =Litita, Telesford Philippines/8- _Mtnanu,- _Ryozaburo- _In-pan/1'1 :Lavin,- ;flet -BUrnia/2 :(ke- BA)-. M -Japan/23 MiShrai_ India/30/31 ffMadan_i D. -India/16 hidia/48- Unia- 6_- Misr,, Bidyadhar Inilia/47 _Madden, G.N. Australiaalia/-3_ /3_ . _ Mista- Sunil_ hidia/32 Madigan; _Francis C. Australia/3 :Magna, Rena Philippines /6 _Mara, Mahadevan Pillai _K. --India/.1-1 Mara, S.N. Pakistan/3 ,Majd, A. Iran /6- -Miya2aki, Reijiro Japan/1 ',Majitl; M.A. Pakistani/6 Mobin; _Abdul India/32 Majidi =Rosie --.Pakistan/9 Moertiningsihi Sri Indonesia/10 1/Iajtititdat, -India/2 Moei, A: Itan/5 ,Malaker, -India/ 15- Mofid Ch. itaii/6 =Wallet, Francisco- Philippines /4 Itan/6 436 Name Country Nahie Country _Mojtahodi, S. -Iran/3 Nahibu, Minoru J apan /17 ;Mini; Iran/2 -Natignoi--(Set_ 'Mbk, Hong- Kong/ 1 Naniatras Nangnoi) 116krationf Thailand/10 Nanjo; Zenji Japan/7 -Chtitaininiee_ Nanjtindappa; India/19- :Montialieni;DelafrouzIran/2_ Nanjundappa, -G. India/17 Nforefio; sH. -Philippities/13- Nantlialiee;(see -Moreno, :Helena = Philippines, I-5 Chaiyastithi; 41gri; H: Japan/16 ,Islanthiniee)_ -Moriwaki, Daigoro J apan/24- Pakistan/ 9- 'Moriyania, Japan/61 Narain;,-VatSnlai India/17 Morooka, T. Japan/33 Nateeratana-(see- =NIotni, K. Japan/ 33 DajakaiSaya; Mothi 01, N. - India / li Nnrceratana) Thailand/77-8- Naraini India/16- Di phaiioih Nassabeh; Azrai Pakistan/1 -Natarnian; lnili.i 11_ Mtiliyarto Indonesia/=l- -Natehai',-(see-Tantisnk): 1ndia/28' liidia; /40- Nai'idi Kasntai; B: Weinhak;_r-_12::T: India/49- Sen= Neapetinn; lfzini=6= Pakistan,_=_ -Nessa, Pakistan/1- -Netipat; thailan-t1/10 Indonesia, -12- Neville, :W New= Zealand-7,2= AMithiaki- Japan /32` Ng -Kihi :NCO_ Singapore/I Aufai, -Sukenaga Japan/37: iSingapote/2 .Nfiirakami; _H. J apan-116_ Niantinbi -Chanthfing= Thai_1-andf 10- -Muramatsni Japan/6/25- NibliOri--(sde-nDebha= =Mtirdia:_13.S. :India/46- Niblitin)1 -Mu_rjati IndOiieSial9= Mariiijati Itdonesia/-5- :horn. Nibhonda)= Murphy, Edmund Philippities,1 Nipa ;(sec ,Piirintran= -Murthy,_ India/17- = Nipa jSee _Suwansang, Murtuzai Syed _M. -Pakistan/1 -K. India-/32 Nishida, °H: Japan /26 iMtisiltatb_s. All _Pakistan/1 NiShilcaWa; -0. Japan/34-Japan /34 .Mustafa,. Pakistan / -1,1- NiShihnikai,Y. -Japan/15 -Muthiah, A. India/11- _K. Japan/1-5 -Mfint. Khin_ San Burnta/2 Nishinoirii .1:1. Japan /18- Nishizawa. -S. -J apati/27: Nitiwatanavieharn, Thailand/10 -N Lak- Nizaintiddin, K. P akistan/9 :Nabangxang, Hateha Thailand/1 Noegroho Indonesia/2 :Nachane India/40 Noll-aril, T. Japan /36 5 --Nafiey tran/6 Noipa, Shigeru Japan/22 Naga-no, Masao Japan /6 Nontata, Sadao Japan/8/9 Magda; Sohanlal India/13 Nondasuta; Jotiseng Thailand/10 Nainitinnessa,Saeedu Pakisian/7 Nopavongs, Thailand/3 Nakagawa, Yonezo Japan/27 Poonsapaya :Nakano, Eikoi Japan/23 Nosho, J. Japan/17 :Nan-twit, Nangnoi Thailand/415 NosSe, N. Japan/15 437 Name Country Ndme _Count., Nosse, Tetsuya Japan/17 Pareck, Udai Iridia/46 Nordin, Bahri Indonesia/10 Pareja, M. Nyunt, Khin Mating Burnia/2 Pare!, Cristina:-P. Philippines/1-4- Park, Chang-Hwah -Korea, Republic of /S Park, Choriffearl KOrea; -Republic -of/5 0 Park, H.J. -Korea; Republic -of/ .0t tiidullah, 'M. _15/16, _Pakistan/ II Park, Odaka, -Kunio Japan/23 Korea, -Republic--of/3 Park,Jae- 0eniiyati, S. Dj; Indonesia/10 -prea, -RepUblie -of/-16 Park, Jang=Dbek Kdrea, RepubliC of L Japaii /25 Park, Shik -Ogind, Shimaka Japan/23 Korea;__ Republic- of/7 -Ogura, Takektittr Park,-Sarig.=Bin Korea,- Republic -of/11 Japan/ 1-1 park, S:T.- -Oh, See=ung- -Korea, _kepriblie-of/18-_ Korea, -itePublic 6f12 Park,= Soon Young z0hadike,, Australia-'2 =Korea, Republic ,o(1. -!Olibirchi, H. -15/16_ Ohmi, Tetsuo =Korea; Republic lapari,'37 -park; _Wring -Soo Olitsrtika; Japan /35 =pd-rtaditedja,Atje Jiidi4 28= pationO, 0.kada-, M. JaPaii/14 Indonesia /.2' ParValliahinia. C, :India /43 Jap_an/1-6- "-paSaba-;.4y1._ apan/10- ;Okazaki Japan/23= Philippines/12r `PasUt--(See.--BtInyaahat. -Oliver; -EH. AtithlitiO,.. -3 Ooi, JinzBee. -SingapOrel_1= -Patarnanorida, 1":8. Thailand /=10 ---WaraffrOtri- -Orapiii_ '(§ce r4tankar, Sitrizhataj, Orapin) (s'e Thailarid/6: COstcria, T, Philippines/ 12= -k6o -India/39= LaoLk1I Patel, -JAC. India/39- 4ndia/-39 - atel; India/39 _Pathak;:K.B. India /=17 -1>anettliayanon. Thailarith'12 P._atil; India/10 -Stivaporn- pat'', S.A. India/21; -Pavaskar-, 1?_adhal, India=' 1 -5 =India/40 paydarfar._ All Akbar Pacheco; A. :Philippines/12 =Iran/ 1- Pederson, WA. -Padhiyar, India/39 -PakiSta-n/1 Peria,Bulds,AliCia :Padinavathianthia; _P.Iridia/11 Philippines / -16 peii_al0a, A. Paisan, Wiriya Thailand/42 Pakdamani_ Nasser Iran/4- Penporri_.(se-e Theras= -wat; Penporn) Pal, Maton--P. Philippines /4- =Pal; Pcnsri(see Phijai- India/ 15 -Sanit; Pchsti) Panakal, J.J. India/35 Perez, : Bernardino Parrakal, -Philippines/ 14 -India/35 Peterson,-J.A: 'Paticharntikhi P.R. AuStralia/4 India/40- _Peyinan,H. :Parieharnuklii, V.R. Iran/6 India/40 PhijaisaMt, Pensri =panchet, Stipawat Thailand/8 Thailaiid/6 _Philpott,. M,M -Paridey, D.N. Australia/10 India/39 Phoori, -Paridey, Singapore/2 India/25 Phornpithol (see- iParidey, M.S. India/32 Suvanaratana, Pandya, N.M.. India/38- Phornpirnol)- 438 Nathe Country -Name Country Piãhit (see--Pitaktep= Punekati S.D. India/35 -Putintrankiirai Nipa Thailand/8. Tidiaton,_ T-. Philippines/2- Pütrã,N. Iridone,Siill 3 :Pleinpiti,-Sauvaluck thailand/5- pyne, Patricia Australia/2 -pkbatoti, India /11' Pytin, Si-Min Kcirea, Republic of/3 :PitaktePsoinbati, Thailand/5 Piáhit _. PhilipPineS/10 Poedjastoeti, Sri Thailand/5/8- Oamruddih, M. Pakistan/I0_ PoIIàid, H; Australia/3 -QtidduS, AR.G. Pakistan/7 f,ohofd; Ausiralia/3- Vier=Nain,Iteptiblid-Of/3' -Australia/ 3- Khi2ur PakiStati/.6 Singapore/-2- -.Poitgprot-d3OonYong_ oOkapat. R -Thailand/5- -Vatapoih, _RaddaVvaiijSeei,:' -,PoOinriecv; RoongroteThäiäñd/8 1'hallati-d11/8,- Rãzeid'a(See.- Po ripaii:-:(See choptarlfri;;:101eid) itaq;14ohaifirria0: akgi/6- Rafiquziaman 43akiStin-43,

Poriisiri (see


J ran/-1 _ ttlSeityMt._ NeW=Zealand/3: ,PoWer; ThilipPinest=1- 14fachtiabtrioni:Visid: Thniiand/4/5/0/ Iñdia/I6- 7/10/12 =RajataiiOrt, Thevee Thailand/12 :(iee- :Rájëswari, :P 'kataktil,_PramOte)- iRam, =13'0)4= =Pirdnee: (see Ijpiji -Siisairalcorii,nPranee) CPraPa--(See- :karriabharidia-= Satayaiii)iit-, _Prapa).- ,tPli:apapen-r(s_ee_ India/3 SuWair,-Prapapen) -fRainaeharic_i_rafv=k.-Nr. !ñdia/17 Piaga_dp N. India/29 =Rainaahandraii,,T_ -Prasack, S. India/30 ,Rain-akrisbridizd: -:Piatt,-Williant PhilippirieS/12 riyecha= (SeerSaetig- Ram lin-gasy.i,a-inyi India/-3 swang,-__=Prechn)_. -I-ndia/7/-15 Australia/2 _Rarhani4itty, -India/E1-1 ProffikUtkao, Thailand/1 RñiaRãö;D. hoot-111106m- kania-llao; Proinpriengphandliu, Thailand/2 karnirei,14. Philippines/1 Rainos, -Ernesto Philip-pineS/14 .Pronakiet, Thailarid/5/.7 : Ramos, _Ma; -Philippines/10 Pruth,MãIe: -Khener RepUblic-/2 S.N. RanadiVe, --K,11-. --rachang,=Pryang)- Rangan-athah,,KN. IñdiafIi ,--Puech,_-0. -Iran/5 Rafijithaiiii -R. inlia/ 11

439 Name Cdwary Name Cotihtry -S- Ratitia, M. Philippiries/12 Sa.,Ardairm,-_Somsri Thailand/4- Rao,-C.R. 1fidia/15 Sabduadi- Japan/16 Rao, -KL. India/8 SadaSh?diah171.M: India/43- Rae, T. Rania India/27' .SadaSiVaii_Nair;:P. India/=1I Rao, India/8 Sadat=Darbandi Iran/2' kaoi_ V.M. India/40 Sbghasem 'Räsheèd;-S. Pakistan/9 _Saki, \tip,: RaShid,,A. Pakistan/-1-1 -Sage-di -Saleem, Pakistan/6 Rashid,_ Mohammad pakistan/6,, Saengiritheng, -thailafid11-2 Rasjid, Azwâr Indonesia/2 1katalkul.,,-praniote Thailand/6= SaengsWang,:f"richa. Tnailand14/$11/9 Thailand/6 -Sagaza;;Hatue Japan-I 1:1 _ Chniesakdi -8UnaY_13,;N: Ratdige;.2.1:W. PalciStan/1- kaVAIO,Jose R. iSaihee,_-:-Patayk Thotoid/0_, Riwanée -SalkaeoW; Suthol hailand/I 0, .."-NeyvZeiland akiStan4 _ SakernOattChira, Th- ailatid/4 India/47i

Indonesia/9; Riikanuddiri saieh; -4rideneSia.4. :Redd; bait Red_dy;;N:13:K: ',India/26 Addrriatia; ;Indeffeila/.7-18' -- ilijies/8 Philippines/ 12 'Salfileild;-_,C: New Zealand/5 _ :Role; _I:- R., Sain-ad;_ 'NeW-"Zeallfid/3'- _ Rerkasem, Rabiab Tfiailatid/iL -Sanfpeefne= ärdSF. .17.1cing:Kon-g/3; Safnpberiie _1366S- ,IfidOneSia -IndeneSial-11: 1-SampUrno;_=Dlii_§. IeneSia/10' -G: -Sanders; Australia,- itifniner; -alidelata;=LC. Indiä/O ThilitYpiii-0/4 0 =Safigchlai;-12-OriVv-an, Rebb,,James -New, Zealand-1-7. -SaiitaWee"SikehutripolTnaid-/10- Roberts, B.J. -Pakistan/-7-, Robinson; G. AUStfalia/4: _Iran/4; J.C. Korea, rRepublic Sarangapani;N:IX Jfidia/1-1: -Reekaeits; Philippines/3- -SaraYa Roti ley, -Atistralia/3' Sa_raya-(See: Rem-trete- -Thailandg) -(sce_-PooniiieW; IndeneSia/6- 'Reofigiote)- tarkar, ResdiWati Iridonesia/1 -Sainfa; India/4; Rosman; Australia/14 Sarram; M. Rey,_ india/5 Sasaki, SêijI Roy, P. India/8 TeShinori -Iapati/32 Roy, T. -New- Zealand/1 JaPan/3, Roy; rahinKuniar India/17 Nibondh Thailand/2" Raprecht, Theodore EPhilippitieS/13- -SaSiOat. (See _= Thera:fig= -K. kuni_Sasioc) i- Indonesia/12 a§t!'a-,s:potca;_. Toto Ruzicka, Atistralia/2, India/17 Satayanont; -Prapa (see:Stikhaith;at, Saltat, Pakistan/6 440 =Name Country Name Country Sauvaluck (see Piem- Singh, Ranbir India/11/32 piti, Sauvaluck Singh, S. = India /5 Savat, C. Philippines/3 Singh, -S.N. India/5 Saw, Swee-Hock Hong Kong/4 India/14 Malaysia /2 Singh; Usha- India/32 Sawasaki, Senshu Japan/6 -Singh,_ Yogendra Iridia/45 -SaWrisdiyakorn, Thailand/10 SifighakoWiti, =Ampol= Thailand/1 1 Jumpol Singharaj, Orapin Thailand/7/8 Saxeirn: Pk. *ha; -Gopat'Sharan:India/29' Scraeg,_=Roy_ Papua New Guinea /2 Sinha, U.P. lndia/17 -Sebastian; -Aithainnia India/17 V.K. India/32 Seetha -1.akslinii; A.G. India /1-1__ India/32 Segi. -Mnsuo Japan /30 Sinha, B. India/26 Sehgril;:p.s. India! 32_ Sirilaksaria-(see India/8 Netipat;_ Se lyaninni; :M.S. _Sirilaksana) Selvaraj;-=M:K:_ -India /1 -1- _Siripai_(See'Wattkana,- Solvarrathain,JS. Ceylon /2/6 zkaseir:Siripat) -SO._ -A:K.: India/2 TS1riWat--_,(0e Sup_orn SeiL-;piswajit Sivaniurthy,= M. Australiu/-2- WW1. Sjafradji; SalehT Indonesia/9= :Sjtikur; M. IndorieS10 -Seirgirpta,_B. -Sinniet; Tockiiiran Indonesia/2z T-Setku;-S. -Sheh;-1._ -India/8- Slinfagni;=-S. Iran/3- -Takennthe _JnPaii/25- "Shatitillah, A-. !Pakistan/3/T Soebandi; IridOne6a/9- -C India/40= Soedadot J apan/16 :Shah; IR. ii_dia/39= :SoedarSono IndoneSia/-5= 'Shairtnkiiniark,G. ,Malaysia/ T Socpranto; 'Indonesia/2- India/37 :Soh-0;1k Bac =Knren;_:RePUblic =of /-18 Sharma; -RN. -Soler, =Janet' _Philippines/7= 'Snarina; V_.P.C: India/ 16 =Soliven; Philippines /2- :Sheikh; _S: 'Pakistan/1- soniai4h;x:N. India /43- -.Shevasnin; SoMPhong-Tkailarid/-10= =Scinictiit- (see-- Viriyan, =Snipata,IiirotoshiE Iapan/-23- -6-rida-,- SOrnehit)- -Shibata, _Japan/16- So :Shibata; TOkUjirer Iapaii/1 A Hai rin;;SOntSri) :Shirnizti;:Hiroaki= Iapan/21- :Song; Cliongilfo Korea; =Republic of/1 7-Shiridiaki; -Nobbos Japarr/67=23, Song,-Sang = Whan =Korea, :Republic =of/18 ,Shiraishii-Shiro- _Japan/21 Santostidarrno, Alip IridorieSia/5 `SlfriyaStayn; India/5= SookaPat=i(see -Pong- India/-33= 1;60, _SoOknpat): India/32: Soong, Foong San- Malaysia/3 Sia; =Luisa L: philippines/-1-41 Soontaree-,(see;Skvi- -Siahinddin -Indonesia /1 -p-akit;-SOontaree)- Sotrnideh=Zarid, Iran/2 :Sin; ,-Dong_ Yuk Kr:40;_Reptiblie--of/7 Mahinood AuStralia/-2 Soti=Pheng Khmer Republic/1 Singh;_Balirani India/17 Spate, 011.K Australia/1 India /24/25 Spears, G.F.S. New Zealand/5 -Singh, =Chaiiian India/16- Srinivasan,- India/11 :Singh,_ G. =India/26 StiSarakorn; _P_ratiee Thallarid/10 Iai--:Karaii S_ eisokiang (see -KdOvi, Singh, Ratrijeet. India/32 chit, Srisorriarig)

441 Marto Country Name Country Srivastava, -3.N. India/25 Suwathana (Sec Vibul- -Srivastava, M.L. India/31 serth, Suivathana), Srivastava, R.N. India/26 -Suzuki,_ T-._ Japan/30/35 Srivastava, =S. India/25 Swailes, Australia/5 -SrivaStava, S.G. -India/33 SUran,_ Bernard SingaPorc/1- Stenhousc,:N.S. Australia/14 Swastiwattana, Thailand/1 &Inner; W. _Philippines/9/12 AmnaWsvaSti- Stoeikcl, John-E. :Pakistan/2 Syed, =M. lElisan Pakistan/1 Subrata, :Made Arc- Indonesia /2- Sudartho Indonesia /2_ .Sudarsorio, _A.-Guntur, ,Indonesia/-3- 1-- Sudavalya- (sec_ Thep= pipidli,_ SudaValya) -Tabignc,:Libcrty-C, =Philippines/8= Sudihardjo,-Basuki- .IndorieSia/5- Japan/6/23. -_Sugita, =MA._ -Indonesia/2 Taclukawa,= IC: = Japan /2= -Sugito, Tutu indOnesiari Tahcr, A. =._pal:istan/9, Suhadi =iidonoSia/10- TahOi =M. -New- Zcalandit Suharso Indoficsi4/-7 Pakistan /I0 -SnhattO Indond Sia/10= Suharto- Thdoficsia/2- Takaliashi;;Sciko7_ Japan123 _Si iliatio- IndOksia/2-: -Takahashi; 'Shiniehi, japan/23= -5Uhartaio,_,Poniniari, Ind onesia /2 Takernoto; Jap_ap/-35 Siiklianivat,:Saraya: Thalia-lid/7= qapan/15=- -Su lariadi; B. Indonesia/2= TalibMik,,EnriquCt-a 'PhiliPpincS417, Sainadji; Talogo,=421, _IndOnesia/11--- =Subol= (s-edeiSaikOCOW,_ gminanucl. Philippines /8-

=M.A. 7ndticsiaf 2_ Tanitazian,_Scza =Siinglino; ;13arbbaUg nd_One-sia/2; SingapOreil Snpaannte-(seleT,DUla, SiitaPoic/-3.-= -ya0, panriCc): $nparbIsecNiscsSura;- = k 5 uParb)-; ,lluil3oon: Singapore/3- SupaUrat-(sce:Parclic0- Tan, -=146-Wah: S ingapore/1_ =SuporriPaibul;_Sirit.Wa Thai di-10 Tan,=Maureen :_Sitigap_Ore/3= Surasmo- 1bliaticsia/2- "Tan,: MCly -Indonesia /7 =10- Sarclidianathan 111-dia/§- Tali; SingaPore/2 Tan; EPliilippibes/14 _Sufi, Itidia/17: TandOn,_ WK. India/46- suti; India/3- Anthony IM. IIOng_-Kong/1- _SUtopd, -M. IndOncsia/2 Tantisuk; NatChai Thailand/s12- Sutrisbo Indonesia /3= Tantiwar,-Chantaria Suitithain; Tucnchai Thailand/10 TaVakoli,--M. Iran/ 1 -Suvanaratana, Thailand/8- Taylor,:G -.C. Australia /3- -Phottiphp_ol Teng, =p4 Hong =Kong/5- Suvaporn- (see Teo, -Siew=Eng SingaPore/1- Paactthayanon, TCrao, T. Japaii/6 Suvaporri)- Tewari, =AK. India /41- Sirvipakit, Soontarcc Thaniinaraks Thailand / -I2 Thailand/10 -Data*Mis -Suivan,-Prapapcn-r Thailand/8 Thanipi,--Krishnam SOWanagul; -Kasem India/42 Thailand/4 Tharanisingatajan, G._ Sawanprakorri, India/11- Thailand/10 ThdPpipidh-, -korigkacoW Thailand/10- SudavalYa, Thailand /-12 Th-craSwat,_-Pcnporn Thailand/5: 442 Nathe Country Name Country Thevee- (see Veloso,IrMa- Philippines/10 Rajatanon, Thevee) Venkatacharya, K. In-dia/17 Thin, -Kyi. Burma/ Venkatarayappa, K-.N;India /43' hoinasi E.G. New Zcaland/-1- -Venkatasamanna,_B.S, India/I I Thom Nilson. -Ralph -Thailand/5 Venkatosawara, India/27 Thomson, New Zealand/I_ -H, Thongsopit, Viphavan'Thailand /12= VeraWaitaya, Mcchai Thailand/6= Ohrzingkun,--_Sasipa Thailand/I 2 Vernia,-G,L. -Das India/17/31

Tienzo, 13cnjarnin _ -Philippines/14- -Verma, -India/31 Timms;_ D.W.G. New-_Zcaland/2_ %Mai_ V. India/26 Tin. Ay& -Burnial_ I Vcrzo, R. Philippines /2

Ting, Grace Singapore/3 Verzosa, =Philippines /1- Tjahjani -Indonesia/2 Vihulsert, -Suwathana Thailand /5 Toda; Y. -Japan/1,6 Vidal; M, Philippines /1- Tominaga,_ :Kenichi= Japan/23- -Vi jayaraj N-,C. India /20f Tcinhki,- Norio -.1apan/37- -VilliinneVa, M. Philippines /1 Touba,, Jaccjueline Iran/2 Villanueva,. WolfgangPhilippines /6 _Trainiontri; 'hamrimg Thailand/10 Villarrocl, -A, :.Philippines/13 Viphav_ail--i(sec:Thon-g= Sopit, --Viphavan)-= New-Zealand/ I- -Viriyanondaif Thailand/6- Tsukilviia -Yasuo apan-/30- India/40 -Tnan, Titn,Kim Singapore/2- -Viscsstirakara,==SciperbThailand/12 Tuctichai:(sed---Sinti= Prachilab,_ moh -Anstralia/10 Vitul-(see ,bsathali, Pakistan/1: onda,_ Vitit1)- -I ridonc-sia/2- -Tyagi, India/16

U Wakabayashi,=Keiko: -Japan/23 Vakabayaihi; Japan/2 Sinniko Japan/23 Indonesia/5 -Udry, Richard; J. S, fakistati/-3: Ueda,-,Masao Japan/23 -Wangled,-.-Anuree Thailand/12 Aiekawa, Yasuo Japan/17 -Wang,.:Kyu-Hyok :Korea, Republic of / -3 Joon Yong Korea, Republic of/1 -Waraporn,(see_ 'Ult:arani, India/19 Tatainanonda, thinithan; T.K.N. India/45 -Waraporn)- Urlieh, D.U. Australia/4 --Ward;_Ri.G. Paptia -New-Guinea/ I --Uthkrit, Chittima Thailand /12 Warren,_ -V,R.C. Australia /4- -Watan_abe, -Ilanziro Japan/1 Watanabe, YoshikazuJapan/23 V Watthanakasetr Thailand/6 -Sirip-at_ Vaclii, J. I ran/3_ Weerasinghe, Ceylon/4 Vaidyanathan, K,E, India/1-1/17 Werner, N. Australia/14 -V,alenzonaR.L. Philippines/13 -Whitelaw, J.S. Australia/4 Valenzuela, Amanda Philippines/ Williams; M. Australia/5 V, Wilson, M.G.A. Australia/4 .Van Hellemont; Raf Philippines/3 Ceylon/5 yarakarajani R. -India/ I1- Wiriya --(see -Paisan) Varavej,,Porapan Thailand/7/8 Wishik-, S.M. Pakistan/1 T.K. :India/48 Wong, Poh,Poh Shigapore/1

443 N ante- -Country Name Countty P,p. Ausit al in/ lt) YoO, Shi -Joong -Korea, -kepitblic of /9- Woolmington, E.R. Australia/9 YoOk, Tye Cho- Singapore/2_ Wray; Joe -D; 'Thailand/6 Yoon; Chong Joo Kbtea, Republic 6f/4 Wright; Nicholas Ceylon/2 Yoon, Jong-Joe, Korea; Republic of/3 WU; C.H. -Hong-Kong/1 Yoon, -Kong 'Hyuk =Korea, Republic of/ Wutilert -(see yorcibe, Philippines/2 Devakul, Wutilert) Yoshida; Tadao Japan /21/22__: Yoshimtira, T. Japan/19' You, Poly-Spng 'Singapore /3: Atistralia/2 jai Young Korea, -Republic of/14- Yadava, Yu, Nelia- "Yamagishi, Tsukara Japan/21: Yti, Shi° Jung :Korea, 'Republic- of #4= Yamaguchi,_1(T. -Australia/2 Ytii; Hong,Kang/i- -Yainaguelti,Klichi Japan/23 Jun-geun- Icoten, Republic of /2; Yamannya; Fujito Japan / -17 Yilni.13ong Ja Korea; 'Republic= of! Yamamoto, Fuiriio 11011/29 5/16, Yamamoto;: Kaiuini; Japan / 1 L Yusuf, -Anstra141/2/3: Y-ainnmoto; Miehikci JOan/23 Yamamoto, -N. Hong-Kong/ L Yanianioto; =T. Yanianoto, Y. Japan /-L6 Yainarat-,_charas Thailari-d/7/8- Zablan, Z. -philippines/12 y4fig,),N4. Korea, -Republie of/18- 2afir, -Pakistan/ i, YaO,, Jiro aparil; 4- 2dheer, M. Jridia/i_ -IYaSida; N. Japan/24- Z=ahid,.Ainanat Ali Takistdiv6 -Yastikawil; Masaaki Japan/1-3. -PO:istantt Yaukey, D. Pakistaii/7 2aidii -101: -PaKistafi/1- Yawani--(sediPora,- 2aidi, WiOr H. 01-ikistaft/1_ -paldiain, Yavarat Zanian, IVI(, M. -Pakistari-/9- -Yeh, _Min=.11e Korea, Republic ,of/1-1 Saifola -Iran/2- Yeti; Stephen H-K. -Shiga-pOre/3 Zanjani.'H, Iraiiy 5

Young,_ Ytie=Man- Singapore /:1 Zaragoza, DQininador -Philippines /6 Korea, Republic of/6 Shoichi- Japan /5- Zipagang., AlatadOra -Philippines/16 YoridaWa, H. Japan /31 Zorioozi Iran/2