7. 1942 ~ Kemp Brav.. Slug Little Change Dodter. In 11 Frames IOWA: No deelded ...... qe ield ! to l ' THE DAILY IOWAN fa temperahue t Cheer 8ee Slory on P.re t Iowa Cit Y, s M 0 r n. i n g New spa per today. fIVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATED ,ralss IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. AUGUST 8.1942 THI ASSOCIUID ..lSI VOLUME XLU NUMBER 272 'mp, IOn 01 Kemp, toe enly Wed. e Iy into Ab. Barkley. ISunknown e held Sun: ere CaplaiIJ I denti_tty ,to the arm, I gradu_1td nllstry hert liated ""1\\ II Irat~\\, the MaSllrb ''I e Are losinQ lhis Struggle,' Enemy Legions Thrust "earer born at AI. 2, 1908, and the Albert We Musl Sacrifice More: OWl Maikop Fields, Vilal Sialingrad iition to hI.! by his wile Coyle ~ Says War Output Biddle to Investigate Germani Reach Armavir, 160 Mile, Below Roslovi For June Dropped Japs Warn Second Front Not Confined Ended Below U. S. Quota To Europe or Africa ,-Residenta The ChicOgo Tribune, , I POpUlation WA SHINGTON (AP)-The T E t P I By RICHARD MeMURRAY 'eading :yea. office of war information, warn· , t of a union wo as ern apers Asaodate4 Prell W.r Editor over wages ing that "w could lose this . Cossacks of the Don and Kuban v.Deys, such M these, are pl.yln, chlDec\Ulll, the Don and Kuban Cossacks have Impreued the Ger­ German troops stood today within 60 miles or the Maikop oil an Important role In Russia's desperate strul',le with the Ipvadlnr mans with their fierce, bold charres and have wrecked havoc amon, ; that hailed war, " d clared last night that Vital Defense News fields in the Caucaslls after a swift advance to the Armavir region newspapen axis forces. Armed with sabres and American-made "tOmmy" ma- Italian .nd RUlr.anl:m troops on the Crimean front. production of fighting planes, Released Unlawfully and drove perilou ly clo r to Stalingt'sd in an advance north of Kotelnikovski. • tanks, most types of artillery, Accordi'ng to Navy Kotelnikovski lies only 95 miles south of the great Volga jn­ - and naval vessc1s fen behind , into the air dustrial city on the railway cr ing the Canea us. A furious tank schedule In June and that increas· WASHINGTON, (AP)- Attor- battle had raged there throughout F riday and the communique cl not so dll. ing secrifices mllst be made by ci- ney General Francis Biddle an­ changeablt made it apparent the German ste I monsters had forced back the vilians if the war program is to nounced yesterday that a grand r inforc d Russian lines. The extent of the retreat was not given I lengthened ', be successful. jury investigation would be started Freighters To ' Build 50<0 in the midnight communique. c lake. The Presenting a gloomy and criti- lown back 10 cal review of the military and pro- lmmedlately at Chicago into the ------"----- Armavil' liE'S almo t due 8 t of Maikop and i, 160 miles south next day reo duetion I!ituatlon at the present publication "by certain newspapers of Rostov. It was th driving Oerman tank masses that had shat. the lake had time, OWl asserted that individual on Sunday, June 7, 1942, of con­ Correspondent Says tel' d the Ru. illn defenses around Belaya Olina that roll d d eper I a freshly Gandhi Calls Followers to Rise With Him Kaiser Gels Americans had made great sacri· tidential information concerning and d eper into th ,,,tal Cauca ·u.s-a treasure bouse of oil, min­ liees but "as a nation we a~e not I the battle of Midway." erals, industrial plrnts and fertile lands. Armavil' i across the In Campaign to Drive British From India LI MacArthur 'On Shelf' Kuban river. ~:r.?,lol'e than ankle deep In the Biddle said he had directed the G . h Even as the Russians fought valiantly against overpowering Popular Pressure investigation as a resu It of a pre­ By PRESTON GROVER reen Ig I Offensive-Minded snperiority of German machines Ilud men, hint came from Referring by Indirection to de­ liminary inquiry and upon the re­ BOMBAY (AP)-In the bizarre Yet with this dramatic summons the 'fokyo radio that the hom of Ilnot11er Japan stab in the mands for the opening of a second commendation of the navy depart­ setting of a canvas pavilion fitted to acUon he coupled warnings that Militarist Is Now back- in Soviet Siberia might be • front In Europe, the OWl de­ with electric fans and a pUbli.c- the campaign must be passive From Nelson AGO ment. 'In Secondary Role' imminent. r------....,. tr" clared ths t "popul ar pressure tor address system, Mohandas K. that he would not tolerate violence, * * * action on this front or that of the Chlcal'o Tribune Gandhi ca ll ed on his nationalist and that Japanese invasion would peaking oj' allied talk ot a G ENE R A L MacARTHUR'S Itt' . , many possible fronts can serve The ~lficia l ' announcement did followers . yestel'day to rjse witq be' "a dangerous thing-you must 3econd front, th I'adio declsl' d nerpre mg \ no useful purpose." not name the newspapers, but Rob- him in an unprecedented mass remove it from your minds." WASHINGTON (AP}-Henry J. HEADQUARTERS, Australia­ a. second front was not neces· rEIS American military forces are ert W. Horton head of the news campaign of civil disobedience Ten thousand spectators heard Kaiser. west coast builder of dams General Douglas MaCArthur was sarily confined to Europe or west- Th W N ConlO' 011.., described yesterday by Norman e ar ews being disposed "as and where the bureau of the ~Hice of war infor- aimed at driving the British out him in a hush ::)0 deep that the hum and ships, got the go ahead yester- ern Asia or Africa. The newspaper I GUEST .111$ military commanders believe they ...... of power in all India. of the · electric fans was clearly Stockton, war correspondent of Chugal was quoted as saying "with Ce.kloll leo ... get the maximum results" and Imailon, saId the InvestIgatIOn In- "Our movements for freedom in audible throughout his address. day from Production Chief Don- the Melbourne Herald, as lin "of­ the approach of the decisive strug­ Nazis Claim Red's 'when we cannot be B trO~g and volved the Chicage Tribune, the the past will' become insignificant The occasion was the opening 0 aid M. Nelson to build a !leet of fensive-minded" leader who "has gle between Germany and the Left Wing Trapped hit hard everywhere, we must be New York Daily News and the compared with' the forthcoming an all-India congress party session 500 70-ton "Mars" flying boats, been placed in the position where Soviet Union, Japan too should be I! t able to hit hard where it counts Washington Times Herald." movement," the frail little. ascetic called to sanction a resolution but there were plain indications apparently· he cannot take the of­ By New Advances most even at the price of leaving orator declared as he sat motion- which will make Gandhi the non- that the navy had balked at the fensive." BULLETIN The' grand jury will be directed "The United States has consid­ other areas inactive," OWl said. less,bare above the waist, his violent generaliSsimo of the in G ENE RAL Mac~RTBUR'S By KIRKE L. SIMPSON to investigate the possible vio­ bare legs cl'ossed on a couch be- dependence drive. Approval, per plan. ered that this country (Australia), "We always knew that, for us, lation of any criminal statutes, HEADQUARTERS, A u s t raila, Wide World W.r Analy.t 1942 would be a year of prepara­ fore which a microphone had been haps today, is regarded as a A WPB oClicial who declined to in the wider strategy of global Biddle said, particularly the act Saturday, (AP)- Miled bomb­ A grave possibl11ty that the left lion, and that our allies would adjusted. foregone conclusion. be quoted by name, acknowledged war, must play a secondary role ers ca.rrylnr out a. hea.vy raid on of March 28, 1940, forbidding the for the balance ot 1942-perhaps wing of the Russian army of the :sl have to do most of the fighting unlawful communication of doc­ "Now is the occasion when we The congress party's working that the navy had "been reacting the Japanese Invasion base at longer," Stockton asserted. Caucasus, which Moscow says is during most of the year. Before will have to rise." (See INDIA, page 6) aU afternoon" to Nelson's an- 15 uments or information relating to Australian Derenses Rabaul. New Britain. dropped stili battUng nazi invaders south jIe can do much of the fighting We =:. =:::;::::::::=~=::::::::=+..: :-:------nouncement in the morning that of wmb 011 tbe malll ~ p­ .r 4 nationa I defense . At the sam time lin uuthorita­ too. of J{ushchevka, has been trapped must move creat numbe1'8 o( men allese airdrome there, 11 was aD­ Biddle said he had appoihted 1'""------­ 011 MedlOfate Knisei would let a letter of intent tivt' source, whose identity could was indJcated by Bet'Un versions IIld vast masses of materIal over S to build 100 cargo planes of the DOuneeci tuday. William D. Mitchell of New York, Fo D. R. Stl not be disclosed, declared the of the south Russian batUe, Ilormous djstances. former attorney general of the CITIZENS' DEFENSE Mllrs type in shipyards, to be fol- if greatest part of Australian defense The Germans claimed also cap­ "This job, so far, has been done United States, who was in charge of lowed by 400 more he mokes with en tire success: but we are CORPS good on the first batch. forces are Australian. not Ameri- prepared even more fully for ul­ ture of important AI'mavir Junc­ the preliminary inquiry, as a Case of 8 Saboteurs can, and that both the Australian timate victory." Chinese and Brit­ lOing to have to keep on dOing it, 7 To Sirn Commitmenl tion, more than 100 miles to the special assistant to the attorney p. m. Monday-Members of a~d Amedcan public have been ish military sources long have in increasing volume, until the the civil air patrol will meet Q.t A source in the middle of the south, and penetration of Russian general to direc~ the grand jury WASHINGTON, (AP)- There situation said Nelson was deter­ somewhat confused concerning real stressed the imminence of a Japa- lines across the Kuban to within war is won." inquiry "and any prosecution the Iowa City municipal air­ The review declared ,h.t our was no indication last night as to mined to sign the commitment facts of the situation. nese attack on Siberia. 30 miles of the Maikop oil field. port. I Hold Don Elbow which may result therefrom." American equipment which has It sUll seems possible, however, allies thus lar have carrIed most Published Jap Strenrth 7:30 p. m. Monday- The exe­ when the fate of the eight alleged himself if the navy would not. or the load "and we h.ve Dot nazi saboteurs would be announced Undel' his wartime powers, the been sent to Australia is a "trickle" In the Don elbow 75 miles that the fighting along the Yeya ll!lrton said the three news­ cutive staff will meet for first which could be replaced by three northwest of Stalingrad the firm liven them as much help u we papers he named published a aid instruction in room 179, 'the White House merely Ie WPB chairman had outhority to river, south of Kushchevka, is a had led them to expect." This direct that contracts be placed by days ot United States war pro- Russian defenses still held and rearguard action to cover red re­ story stating that the strength of medical laboratory. stand a statement by the chief ex- other government agencies. dUcHon, he said, adding that in hit back with such fury that 108 was due partly to enemy vlc- the Japanese naval forces engaged 7:30 p. m. Monday-Classes in treat below the Kuban in the sec­ ecutive that he had not yet com Nelson told reporters one Im­ the main Australia was carrying tanks and more than 850 Germans tor betw~en the Azov sea coast !trIes, the review added, but in the battle of Midway was known fire defense, gas defense and her own load. were destroyed, the communique "by and larre, we h.ve not been general course will meet in the pleted his study of testimony ob- portant string was attached to and the line of the Rostov-Baku in advance in American naval Sacrifice Initiative said. railway. produclnr war material to the circles. The story cited as its public junior high school. tained by a military commission his commitment to the shipbuilder. madmom or available c• .,acU, Kaiser must. demonstrate, before Stockton said that ' ~ by sacrilic- Guardsmen were credited with Nalls Claim Auv Pori authority "reliable sources in the Whic? tried the men on charges he starts construction, that his ing the Initiative which material repulsing 17 nazi tank charges in German claims of the capture of and hl1.ve not been ,eUln, that naval intelligence," material to 'he nrhtlnr fronia ID . they came to Americll'on nazi sub- proiram will not interfere with aid would hove permitted we have the last few days . Yelsk, Azov sea port 70 miles due The story carried a complete marines to destroy key war instal- combat plane produ<;tion by se­ lost Gona, Tulagi and Kieta, and The southern arm of the German west of Kushchevka on the lower Ihe IlDle and In 'he volume tb.t listin, of both the enemy's strik­ Report Anti-2nd Front the J a pan e s e ore constantly envelopment drive against Stal- will be needed to win." ing force and the occupation force Reservists in Greece lations. ~rely draining materials, ma­ ingrad was spearheaded by enemy end of the Bay of Taganrog, tends "We are deep in what may be Which were engaged and turned Mr. Roosevelt said late Tuesday chlnery or equipment. nibbling at other islands and other tanks and automatic riJlemen who however, to confirm the impression the decisive year of the war," the he would finish his review of the A second letter of intent will potential bases." that the main body of the Russian back by American naval and air ANKARA, Turkey, (AP)- An be issued to Kaiser, a WPB "They are employing every con- wed lied into the red lines, the ac­ review continued. "But 19t2 will forces. , authoritative so urce who would case in "two or three days." But count said. forces In the northwest corner of be the decisi ve year only If our The New York Daily News said not be identified said yesterday in the three days that ildve elapsed spOkesman sald. authorizing him ceivable means of sea transport Brlrbt Spot the Caucasus above the Kuban enemies do not succeed in in­ to prepare designs and engineer­ from launches and schooners to One brIg' ht spo t In th e R uss.lan may have made good its escape it had no comment to make beyond I the Germans, awaiting signs of a he has had relatively little time ing specifications lor a 200-ton to the Yeya river line . flictlng crippling. blows on our al­ stating parenthetically, in connec- second front, are holding between to devote to the voluminous doc great transports," Stockton con- communique was the announce- , ... ' lies before the year Is out." uments laid before him by the flying boat, intended to be a cargo tinued. "There are many small ment that Russian troops had • • • tion with the story on Biddle's an-I 150,000 and 180,000 Italian and II be U'ue, U seems ob­ "Even it they fail in that they nouncement, that the news publi- nazi mechanized troops in readiness military commission since Queen carrier vastly greater than any_ mission and trading posts and forced a Don river crossing sOuth UJ., will stili tak II lot of \lcking. Wilhelmina of the Netherlands has thing in the skies. many strategic islands which per- of Voronezh and that "fightina vious thal the front the aI'JDf 1 shed


(This is the fourtlt in a series of edi­ nation's crisis is past; for, even. thotlgb en­ It torial.s dealing with citJ11iu delen e in listment in the aide corps is purely a volun­ lowa City.) teer activity, discipline 8llQ oond.JlAt· whick l¥' u1 910 ON YOUR QADIO OIAL will meet with the approva'hrl; the J)ursihg '0 Iowa City's nursing ranks have been greatly profession must he maintained. depleted since the start of the war. This de­ Enrollees must be prepared, however, to TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS Network Highlights pletion has come at a time of rapidly increas­ give generously of their time, especially dur­ mg needs for civilian defense, and can be rem· ing periods of great need. During t.he train­ BASEBALL GAME- NBC-Red edied only by a greater expansion of the vol· ing program, much emphasis iii' laid on phys­ Tbe baseball game between the WHO (l04e); WMAQ (610) unteer nurses' aide corps. ical fitness, emotional stability, mental a1Jlrtr Navy Seahawks and the Keokuk Each aide selected for the corps works un­ ness and , adaptability to unexpected situa.­ Goats will be b)"oadcast over WSUI , der supervi ion of a nurse and 8!1 an assistant tions and to new ways of doing things, as at 4 o'clock this afternoon with 6-Noah Webster Says to a nurse a aU times, and not as an in­ wcll as to the absolute nccessity of a<:l!llpting Chuck Rehling as announcer. 6:30-Musiciana dependent worker. The erviees of the volun­ tbe discipline of tbe corp. . 7-Keeplng Up wHh Rosemary teer corps are not designed to supplant those After the course i satisfactorjJy conwleted, TREASURY STAR PARADE- 7:45-By the Wa,y, Bill Henry done by paid workers nor the work wbich can aides will be uniformed in a blue cotton John Garfield and David Brook­ 8-AIka Seltzer National B~rn be performed by untrained workers. jumper apron, worn over a rcgu~atioQ. white man and his orchestra will present Dance Women volunteering for duty with the blouse, plainly tailored and inexpensive. a program in salute to our ally, 8:~O-Grant Park Concert nurses' aides are given training which will They will serve locally-a vit\ll in.~egedn RUSSia, on the Treasury Star G-Sports Newsreel ot the be of inestimable value to them after the the local war picture. Parade broadcast at 10 o'clock this morning over WSUI. 9:15-.Labor for Victory 9:30-The Grand Ole' Opry TODAY'S PROGRAM 100News IO:30-Hospitality Time, Beas­ 8-Morning Chapel, Rev. M. E. ley Smith's Orchestra Haney ll-War News 8:l5-Musical Miniatures 8:30-News, The Daily Iowan 11:05-Richard Himber's Orche­ • Change in U. S. Rqce Policy stra 8:45-0n the Home Front "NOBODY'S CllILDBEN,'" 8:55-Service Reports 11 :30-Tcddy Powell's Orche­ con ) Is Necessary for Sdlidarity­ 'Jelved and directed by Waite, 9-8alon Music stra Insofar as the Negro pep,ple in America a.r~ 1l:55-News WhUe .rr., 10 (aclla altemlOll 01' 9:l5-Homemaker's Forum children cut off (rom PUeulal concerned, a distinct change in'policy is neces­ 9:30-Music Magic love a.nd Iruldance, Js In Its lourllr sary toward the inclusion of' them into Ute 9:50-Program Calendar Blue 10-Treasury Star Parade year a~ a susta/ner over MutaarS{ wal' effort-a change is already indicated by' KSO (1460); WENR (890) 10 SWldin 10:I5-Yesterday'g Musical F'a - coast coast network. I 5:30 10 6:00 p. m. the president's reccnt hi8~ori(l executive oNler vorites 6-Message of .Israel against job-discrimination ia defeMe indus­ 1O:30-The Bookshel! ll-Musical Chats 6:30-Swop Night , Though Russia May CoJlapse, tri . . ' 11 :50-Farm Flashes 7-Earl Godwin, News * * * " . Second-Front Decision Is Ours­ ome progress has been made on'this line­ 12- Rhythm Rambles 7:15-Gibbs and Finney, General Livery WASHINGTON - Intimations that the particularly through the ' presid~t's intel'-' 12:30-Marvel of Vision l2:45-United States Depart- 7:30-Renlro Valley Barn Dance Russian war effort is in danger of complete racial fair employment pI'aetiees cOlPmitte~ ment of Agriculture 8-Summer Symphony Concert collapse, and a separate peace is imminent, working with unions, Negro and other organ­ 3:45-Drum Parade 8:45-James G. McDonal\!, News have bllen swirling around the fdnges of news izations. But not enougb. scenes are developing an emo­ 4- Baseball. Keokuk Goats vs. Analyst from Moscow. Hundreds of Negroes are ready to' jumJ;> at· • This Director Can tional wallop, and some of the Navy Seahawks 9-Bob Ripley. Believe It or Not 5:30- Musical Moods 9:30-Stag Party COllll, Take a Bow- more serious passages are taking The same suggestion has gone into official the promised opportunity to sel've their' 5:45-NeW5, The Dally (owan IO-Duke Ellington's Orchestra ears here from the ~ussiall official grape­ try in th.ose branches of the war effort ]>re-' By ROBBIN COONS on a comedy tinge. This is' characteristic 01 the 6-Dinner Hour Music 10:30-Ray Heatherton's Orche- viously denied to them. vine. HOLL YWOOD-Caty Grant is a McCarey method 01 movie-mak­ 7-Science News of the Week stra "Even U.S. congressmen have heard from They must be g iven tllRt opportunity, not star wno can choose the pic­ ing, for he believes in "develop­ 7:15-Reminiscing Time ll-War News Russian lips uch comments as : only becau e it was promised to them. Amer­ tures he'U do. He said the other ing" scenes and situations as they 7:30-SpQrtstime 11 :05-Musical Steelmakers day that if Leo McCarey offered 7:45-Evening Musicale 1l:3(}-Ray Noble's Orchestra "Well, if you get pushed back and back, ica needs all the manpower available to fight come u.p. Tbis does not mean that hi m the role 01 a bellhop in a he departs essentially from the 8-United States Army Recruit- 1l:55-News what can you doY" Hitler and his friends abroad. So lOng as we story, he'd take it without a ourselves set an example of Negro segregation script's story line, but that he ~ An eminent American newswriter in Mos­ glance at the script. embellishes, changes and deletes 8:15-Album of Artists CBS in our national life, it }l elps to create skepti­ 8:45-News, The Dally Iowan cow has gone as far a to predict the wal' This is a compliment to a direc­ as he sees fi t. A line that would WMT (600): WBBM (780) \yill be lost for us on the Russian plains within cism about both the '''ar and ~he pllace, an,d. Lor. When you consider that Cary be good for Irene Dunne might impairs the fighting strengtlt'o£ ou.r'people. '. 40 days unless a British-American inva ion looks over some 30 scripts a year not ring true for Ginger Rogers, 6-The People's Platform Edwin J\fcArthur, younl' sym· relieve the pre su re on the reds. to find the two or three he wants or vice versa. He likes to see his to do, it is quite a compliment. playel;s in the characters before 6:30-Tillie the Toiler phonic and operatic conducior, An American columnist in Washington has • Russia Used the 1939 Nazi Pact McCarey merits it because he was deciding how the script should Washington 7-.50ldiers with Wings who returll tOI' the fourth suooe,· give sellllOn 10 conduct the S.... ~roadC\lSt on the radio the ame prophesy, responsible for one of Grant's play. I ' 7:30-Commandos ~hich be expects will.come to pass unless the To Gird for War With Hitler first big hits, "The Awful Truth," This differs from the common 7:55-Eric Sevareid and the mer Symphony Orcheslra over invasion is started "immediately." For years Americans ()ondemned RuSl ia and responsible as producer for conception of "shooting from the News the BLUE network, will be heard Ioni,M at 8 o'clock. All these make the Russian pro pect seem Il~ a communis1ic nation, whose people were another, "My Favorite Wife." cuff." Occasionally when a bril­ IIJ Wartime 8-Hit Parade certainly disastrous and convey .the implica­ illiterate 1ll1d brhin



laab's Homer Paces Lowly Bo~ton BrIY4S 1 THE DAILY IOWAN Seahawk~ Nine. Sports Browns to Victory Smack Down Brook's :Meels Keokuk Trail Speedy Base Running In 11 Frames, 210 ·1, 51 81 b~ By Vernon Stephens Vince DiMaggio Hits t=ernandez Marks Up CI Njne Joday WBlTNEY Provides Winning Run dl Two Singles In Rally MA&TIN Winning Score Wh,,, 'JI ST. LOUIS (AP)-Chet Laabs' To Score 3 ' ~ates The Navy Pre-Flight school's Peewee Reese Err. General Roundup 20th and Vernon ste­ Seahawk baseball team will face * phens' twinkling feet, which car­ BROOKL YN (AP) - The lowly PITTSBURGH (AP)-The Pitts­ C~rl Hubbell Pitches the Keokuk Goats here this after­ Of Sport Chatter ried him across the plate from * Boston Braves smacked down the burgh Pirates won their fifth noon at 4 o'clock on the Hawkeye second base on Mike Chartak's straight game last night with a 13- * With AP Writer infield hit In the eight inning, Brooklyn Dodgers 2 to 1 in eJev~n 6 victory over the second place St. Giants to 6-4 V,ictQry diamond. in the second meeting aided the St. LouiS Browns to a inni ngs last nigh t, scoring the win_ Louis Cardinals. The Pirates went of the two teams this season. In NEW YORK-Caught short: 3 to 2 triumph over Detroit last ning run when Nanny Fernandez on a hitting splurge in the second an earlier game the Keokuk out­ Have you noticed the goodly night. tripled after l wo were out s'na Over Pbiladelphi .~ \9 held the Seahawks to a 10- inning, scoring eight runs on seven m percentage of ofllcers chosen by Laabs' drcuit smash to the tar raced home as Peewee Re~~ hits. inning 3-3 deadlock. left-center grandstand came in the f um b led Max West's grounder PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The The Keokuk nine so far this Col. Bob Neyland tor the all-:ll'my which Relief Pitcher Hugh Casey The game was a free-hitting at­ second inning with the bases un­ New York Giants turned back the year is undefeated, and las.! year football squad? Would seem to in­ occupied and lifted ihe Browns had deflected. falr, the Pirates counting i6' 'hlts '-. Phils, 6 to 4, before 5,800 last night was claimant to the s tate amateur dicate the gridmen aren't such into a 2 to 0 lead. Walt Judnich's The games was completed just and the Clirds 11. NeitHer start­ title. first inning single had scored Don a few minutes before the dimout ing pitcher was arolU'ld at the as Carl Hubbell won his seventh a dumb lot after all, and that the Lieut. Otto Vogel, Seahawk Gutteridge, who led oIf with a regulations would have balted finish. Hubert (Max) Lanier went game of the season. game develops leaders. All the mentor, probably will start Cadet centers have commiSSions, which double. play, but even though the Doctg'e,s to the showers during the second New York AB R .H 1'0 A E Jim Reusswig on the mound. So The triumph gave the veteran fell behind in the top halt ot the inning uprise anti starting Pirate bears out our theory that the pivot far this summer Reusswig has a job is the toughest on the team, a .500 average tor the season-10 eleventh and the score would Hurler Henry Gornickl foHowed Bartell, 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 2 0 . 500 per cent record, having won and that anyone who can ihink wins and 10 losses. have reverted to a tie if tj}e con­ bim when the Catdlnals rallied for Witek, 2b ...... 5 0 2 1 2 1 one and lost one. straight while looking at the world test WIIS stopped, Brooklyn made three runs in the third. Aldon Ott, tf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 upside down must have a fair Detrolt AB It " PO A E no attempt to stllil. Wilkie relieved Gornlckl and re­ Young. 1b ...... 2 2 1 9 0 0 The navy diamondmen will share of what you think with. We Bloodworth 2b .. 3 1 2 0 2 0 In the last half of the eleve.nth ceived credi t for the ictory. Barna, If ...... 4 2 2 5 0 00 tangle with the Muscatine Indees are told to keep an eye on Bob N. HarriS "XX ., 1 0 0 0 0 0 the Dodgers went down in order St. Louis AB R HPO A E Maynard, cf ...... 5 2 3 4 1 Ihere tomorrow - afternoon at 4 Voitier, Southwestern Louisiana Cramer cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 Ion six pHcha. by AI J8vel1, who Danning, c ...... 4 0 1 5 0 0 o'clock on tj}e lowa field in a game institute halfback, this fall. He's a McCosky 1t ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 went the route for the Braves. .Brown, 3b ...... 3 1 1 1 2 0 Jurges, S5 •. ...••••. 5 0 4 1 4 ~ that originally was sceduled for l80-pound triple threater and is Higgins 3b ...... 4 0 1 2 2 0 Boston was held to seven hits by Kurowski, 3b ...... 2 1 1 1 0 0 HAdUb bell , p ...... 05 0 0 0 20 0 last Sunday at Muscatine, but was rated along with Tulane's Don York Ib ...... 4 1 2 6 0 0 Curt Davis and Casey. 0 0 0 Walker, cf ...... 2 1 1 1 0 0 ams, p ...... postponed because of the weather. Zimmerman and little Monk Si­ Radcllff rf ...... 4 0 1 0 0 0 Javel')' yielded 10 hits in ae- I T. Moore, cf ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 ------The Indees, playing in Iowa mon of other years. Boy, how Franklin ss ...... 4 0 2 4 2 0 quiring his eighth victory. Siaugl)ter, rf .... 5 0 1 2 0 0 -..:otals~ ..... 38 6 14 27 11 1 semi-pro circles, have won 12 and some of the bigger schools could Tebbetts c ...... 3 0 1 7 1 0 Boston AB R HPO A , MUSIal, If ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 PhUadelpbill ~ R H PO A E lost foul' so far this year. Today's use a guy like that this year! Hitchcock x ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. Cooper, c ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 contest is the first meeting of the • • * Trout p ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Holmes, cf ..4 o 1 5 0 , Narron, c ...... 1 0 1 2 0 \l Kay, cf ...... 3 0 0 3 0 o two teams. The Yankees and Browns Gehringer xx .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cooney, r1 . .... 5 o 0 2 0 0 Sanders, Ib ...... 4 2 1 6 0 0 Naylor, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 o Lie'ut. Vernon (Whitey) WiI- played a twin bill at SI. Louis Fernandez, H .5 1 1 5 0 0 Marion, ss ...... 4 0 2 '3 2 0 Murtaugh. 5S •••. 4 1 1 5 3 o shire, former major league hurler, recently with tbe Ilrst game Totals ...... 34 2 11 24 7 o West, Ib . .... 4 121108 Crespi, 2b ...... 4 1 1 1 2 0 GJossoP. 2b ...... 4 1 1 0 3 o probably will get the nod from startin&" at 5 p.m. and the second x-Ran for Tebbetts in 9th. Lombardi, c .. .. 5 o 1 5 1 0 Lanier, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Litwhiler, if .... 4 1 1 3 0 o Lieutenant Vogel for the. pitching at 8:30. Ordinarily tbat would xx-Batted for Trout in 9th. Miller, 55 . .•. 4 o 0 1 1 1/ Gumbert, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Etten, Ib ...... 2 0 0 5 0 o duties in tomorrow's tilt. leave more than an hour be­ xxx-Batted for Bloodworth in Sisti, 2b ..... 3 o 1 2 5 0 Hopp, x ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Livingston, Ib " 2 1 1 3 0 o So far this season the Seahawks tween games, and at feeding 9th. .Roberge, 3b . . .. 3 o 0 2 4 D Dickson, P ...... 1 0 1 b 2 0 Northey, rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 o have won seven games and lost time, with no pass-out cheeks. Javery. p 3 o 1 0 1 0 :Pollet, p ...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 May, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 3 o two, both to the Cedar Rapids Looks like a conspiracy between st. Louis ABRHPOAE ...... 3 Triplett, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bragan, c 0 1 7 4 o Raiders. the club and tbe conceSSion men. Gutteridge 2b .. 3 1 1 4 6 0 Totals .... 36 2 7 33 12 0 L. Moore, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Melton, p ...... 2 0 1 0 0 o Not so long ago the customers p ...... 0 0 0 0 Clift 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 4 0 Brook-ly-n---A-B--R-H-P-O-. ~A-E ------Pearson, 0 o would pass out after the tirst McQuinn 1b ...... 3 0 2 11 0 0 Totals ...... 37 6 11 24 9 Warren, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 ' game between the Yanks and 0 o Judnich cf ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Reese, .5 x-batted for Gumbert in 3rd. Nahem, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Aroused Chisox Brownies anyWay. In more ways ss ...... 0 0 1 8 I o Stephens ss ...... 3 1 0 2 4 0 Vaughan. 3b ..... 6 xx-Ttiplelt batted tor Pollet in than one. The club manage'" 1 3 1 2 0 Laabs If ...... 3 1 1 1 0 0 Walker, rf ...... 5 8th. Totals ...... 32 4 6 27 13 0 ment explains that pass-out 0 1 1 0 0 Seem to Be Rolling Chartak rf ...... 4 0 2 0 0 0 MedwiCk, H ...... 5 x-Batted for Pearson in 8th. checks with a crowd of 15,000 0 2 1 0 0 PIUs burgh xx-Batted for Koy in 9th. Upstream Now would result in a c()nfusion Ferrell c ...... 3 0 1 5 1 0 I Camilli, lb ...... 2 0 o 19 0 0 Niggeling p ' ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 I Galan, cf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Cosca rart, ss ...... 5 2 3 2 2 1 New York ...... 002 000 301-6 which would make a. SundaY Philadelphia ...... 000 000 202-4 CmCAGO (AP) - Cbicago's traffic jam look like a cow pas­ ------Herman, 2b .... _. 5 0 2 5 7 6 Wasdell, rf ...... 6 0 3 2 0 0 Totals ...... 30 3 8 27 16 0 owen, c ...... 2 Runs batted in-Barna, Maynarq White Sox, docile liS lambs all ture at sunrise. Which is prob­ 0 0 2 0 0 Van Robays, If .. 5 1 1 1 0 0 DetrOit : ...... 000 1I0 000-2 Riggs. z ...... _.. 1 2, Danning, Jurges, Livingston 2, season, chiefly through misfortune, ably right, at that. It would onfy 0 1 0 0 0 Elliott. 3b ...... 5 3 3 1 2 0 st. LOUIS ...... 110 000 01x-3 Sullivan. c ...... 1 Glossop 2. Two base hits-Jurges, suddenly have become sufficiently take a whiff of hamburgers to 0 0 3 b 0 P'letcher, Ib ...... 3 1 1 15 0 0 Davis, p ...... 2 0 0 ,0 4 0 DiMaggio, cf ...... 4 2 2 4 1 0 Bragan, Murtaugh. Three base hit aroused to make a determined bid stampede a hungry crowd. -Barna. Home runlr-Livingston, for a first division berth in the • • • Macon, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 e Gustine, 2b ...... 5 2 0 2 10 0 Casey, p ...... 2 0 1 0 1 0 Lopez, c ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 Glossop. Stolen bases-Maynard, American league. Notes on the Hambletonian • Young. Double plaYlr-Glossop, With the Sox winning six games which will be trotted off at Goshen Baseball's Gotnicki, p ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 College All-Stars Begin Training Today Totals ...... 41 1 10 33 22 1 Wilkie, p ...... 4 1 2 0 2 0 Bragan and May; Bragan and MUr­ in a row, it appears as if Manager Aug. 12: It costs $960 to stat·t a taugh. Left on bases-Philadelphia Jim Dykes' boys might succeed. horse in the classic. with the larg­ l.-batted for Owen in 7th * * * * * * 1, Dykes hopes so. They will be gun­ Big Six zz-batted for Davis in 7th Totals ...... 40 13 16 27 17 1 Coach Bob Zuppke Will Be Assisted by Steiner, New York n. Base on balls-­ est payment-$500-due the day Melton 2. ;pearson I, Nahem 2. ning for their seventh straight, and before the race. In 16 Hambleton- Boston .. .. . 010 000 000 01-2 St. Louis ...... 003 001 110- 6 Leahy, Norton, Waldorf, Ingwersen Brooklyn .. .. 000 000 010 oO-i Pittsburgh ...... 082 030 00x-13 Struck out-Melton 4, Hubbell 4. perhaps their eighth, when they ians, favorites have won nine BATTING Hits-Off Melton 12 in 7 innings; tangle with the Cleveland Indians times, and outsiders seven. The Player, Club R H Pet. Runs batted in-Miller, Med­ Runs batted in-DiMaggio 3, I The college aU-stars of 1941 , is that no group has had greater off Pearson 0 in 1 inning; off Na­ in a doubleheader here Sunday. last long-shot to come through was Gordon, Yankees ..... 55 123 .343 wick. Two base hits-Holme$. Gustlne, Coscarart 2, Wasdell 3, ,hem 2 In 1 inning; off Hubbell 6 Lee in Form McLin Hanover in 1938, the year Reiser, Dodgers ... _ 71 117 .343 Vaughan, Medwick. Three base hit Van Robays, Brown, Slaughter. chosen to meet the Chicago Bears, speed. This quartet fits into the professional football champions, in 8 1-3 innings; off Adams 0 in The principal reason lor the Long Key was supposed to win. Williams. Red Sox .. 92 124 .341 - Fernandez. Stolen bases - Lopez, Wilkie 2, Moore, Marlon. assignments and all have the speed Cammi, Galan. Sacrifices-!Sistl, in national poll, assemble to­ 2-3 innings. Hit by pitcher- By upliIt of the Sox is the return to The race was named after a nag Wright, White Sox . 37 78 .339 Two base hits-Elliott 2, Walker, a and ball handling ability Coach Javery, Walker. Double play.r­ day at Northwestern university to Melton (Young). Wild pitch-Mel­ form of Pitcher Thornton Lee, a which wasn't much of a race Lombardi, Braves .... 23 73 .330 Wasdel!, Sanders, Marion. Three Bob Zuppke demands lor his wide Roberge, Sisti and West; Reese, begin training for the game Aug. ton. Winning pitcher-Hubbell. 22-game winner last season; the performer himself. However,lIam- Medwick, Dodgers .. 54 129 .327 base hits-Slaughter, Kurowski. open attack. Herman and CamilU; Reese and 28 in Soldiers' field. The young Losing pitcher-Melton. power of TaUy Wright in hitting bletonian 10, the horse in question, DOME ltUNS Double plays-Gustine. Coscarart In some years the fans have not Hermltn. Left on ba es-Bostonp, men will be greeted by their staff Umpires - Jot·dan, Barr and and the achievement of Luke Ap­ is recognized as the lineal grand- American League ond FletCher; Marion and Sanders. elected what coaches call a bal­ ot coaches headed by Bob Zuppke, Magerkurth. Time of game-2:03. pling in shaking off his batting pappy of about 95 per cent of the Williams, Red Sox ...... 24 Brooklyn 13. Bases on balls-Q(f Left on bases-St. Louis 8; Pitts­ anced backfield. In 1939, for in­ Javery 5. Davis 1, Casey I . Hits-­ who last fall retired after 29 years Attendance-5,800. slump. horses raCing in the event. A tall Laaoo, Browns ...... 20 burgh 11. Bases on balls- Laniel' I, stance, Davey O'Brien of Texas off Davis 5 in 7 innihgs; Case}, 2 service at the University of Illi- Lee, lost to the team since the spire at Chester, N. Y., hard by York, Tigers ...... 16 Christian was named the all­ in 4. Hit by pitcher-by Davit Gumbert I, Dickson 4, Pollett 2. nois. end of the spring training cam­ Goshen, honors his memory. There DiMaggio, Yankees ...... 16 Gornicki 2, Wilkie 2. ­ American quarterback. That was paign because of a damaged mus­ are usually four or five rubber Keller, Yankees ..' ...... 16 (Robi!rge). Losing pitcher-Casey. • • • the position assigned him in the Umpirl!S - Pinelli, Lanier I, \Dickson I, Pollet 2. Hits Zuppke's assistants in the cle ill his pitching arm, pitched tires ruined in the race because attonal Leatue BaUan.!anl TCU system. On the basis of and Barlick. Time 2 :28. Att!n­ -off Lanier 5 in 1 1/ 3 innings; three weeks' campaign which MAJOR LEAGUE his first game of the season less of crowding at the sharp turns. Mize, Giants ...... 19 what he did. however, he natur­ • • dance 7,394 paid. Pollett 3 in 3; Gumbert 2 in 2/ 3; tbe college men hope will culml­ than two weeks ago, lOSing to Saving your scrap rubber, mister? Ott, Giants ...... _ ...... IS ally was a halfback for he was a Dickson 5 in 2; L. Moore 1 in 1; Iiate In victory over the Na­ Philapdelphia 6 to 0 on six hits. • • • Camilli, Dodgers .'...... 17 Gornick! 4 In 2 2/ 3; Wilkie 7 in a runner and passer. STANDINGS Bonham Works Fas& tlo~al leuue's cbamplons are Then he came back to trounce For the first time in history RUNS BATTED IN 6 1/ 3 mnings. Winning pltcher­ NEW YORK (AP)-Ernie Bon­ Lon Steiner, Oregon state; • • • Detroit, 1 to O. the Grand American trapshoot American League Wilkie. Losing pitcher-Lanier. ham, Yankee pitcher, is reportedly Frank Leahy, Notre Dame; Ambrose Schindler also was AMERICA~ L,E~GUE Better Start handicap will be decIded over Williams, Red Sox ...... 101 one of the fastest workers i~ the Homer Norton, Texas A. &. M., known as a quarterback In the W L Pct. GB The presence of Wright in the 200 targets this year. It al- DiMaggio, Yankees ...... 77 big ieagues. His games seldom run and Lynn Waldorf and Burt system of play taught at South- New York ...... 70 35 .667 outfield earlier In the season ways has been 100 targets, with Stephens, Browns ...... 76 longer than two hours. Inrwerstft, of Nortb\vestern. ern California by the late How- Cleveland ...... 60 47 .561 11 m,ight have pushed the Sox off the results that some unknown Lord V$. HainlJne I~ • • • ard Jones. Actually, Schindler Boston ...... 59 47 .557 11 ~ to a better start. Wright, who in­ who was having a hot day almost Medwick, Dodgers ...... 75 The all-star- backfield, high vote was & hall'back, but Head Coach SI. Louis ...... 55 54 .505 17 jured a stomach muscle, was un­ invariably won. In the 18 toum- Mize, Giants ...... " ...... 75 men in the naUonal election, hail Dr. Edwanl A,nderson moved Detroit ...... 51 59 .464 21 Ii able to appear in the line-up for aments held at Dayton, Ohio, Slaughter, Cards ...... 68 IOyt8 N~, Me,t 1048Y from the midwest. Three were Sehlndler to rullback for the Chicago ...... •6 55 .455 22 weeks even as a pinc!J. hitter. He since 1924 only Sparrow Young, membe'l-s of Western conference 1940 game and Amblln' Andy Washington ...... 43 61 .413 26 % was out of action when the club of Springfield, Qhio, and Walter Beaver, of Berwyn, Pa., among to the Sooner pre-season football DES MO)NES (A,P) - Dick elevens last fall; the other played was votell th~ most valuable Philadelphia .... 43 69 .384 30J ~ needed him most. STARTS TODAY! the established stars have won. roster. n is "military status." and Hainline ot !tack Island, Ill., de­ for Notre Dame. player on the all-star squad. YetRerday's Results Loss of Pitcher Johnny Rigney tells whether the candidate is un­ Out 01 the past, tbey acculCll .... The theory behind the game is fending champion, moved a s.tep The !our men who will carry - • • St. Louis 3, Detroit 2 to Uncle Sam's navy six weeks der 20, or registered, or in the of crlme that shadowed ~Ir nearer hIS second consecutive Iowa Cleveland at Chicago (post­ ago was a blow to Dykes, but Lee's lhat class will tell over the love! the burden for the all-star~ at the Erdlltz finished the season last lonnr route, the same as it marine or air force reserves. etc. s,tate tennis title yesterday when kickoff are Dick Erdlilz, North- fall at Northwestern as the regular poned) return to iorm has somewhat off­ Fine idea, which. baseball clubs he defeated Wayne Anderson of Boston at Washington (post­ set Rigney's departure at a time does in golf. Those IS-hOle western. quarterback; Steve Juz- quarterback. He was a blocker matches are killers for the golt might copy to avoid unfair criti­ SHenandoah, 6-;3, 6-.3, in Ii quar.ter- poned) when ",Sailor Johnn'y" appeared wlk. Notre Dame, and Bruce and blocking is the primary re­ stars. The national open cup cism. One of our favorite ball final rouhg match. ' (Only games scheduled) to be headed for his greatest year. Smith, Minnesota, haJfback~, and quirement for the position. More­ would have a lot of straJlge players. , is a Serling Lord of Burlin!{ton NATIONAL LEAGUE Jack Graf, Ohio State. fullback. over. Erdlitz will add strength to names on It If the even' were lieutenant in the air force now. W L P c&. GB f:ained the semitinal berth oppo­ Election of these men by the the attack in place kicking. In Shatters Record decided over 18 boles. Flying Tiger, huh? site Hainline when he downed fans of the nation to starUng posi- his junior year the former Wild­ Brooklyn ...... 14 32 .698 NEW LONLJON. Conn. (AP)­ • • • Chuck E:vert of Chicago, 6-0, 6-2, tions raises the total of Western' cat did not miss an attempt from St. Louis ...... __ 63 40 .61 2 9 ~ A human fish, Leo Nakama, Ha­ Harold Keith, Oklahoma U. in another quarterfinal contest. conference backfield men who the field and last fall he made Cincinnati ...... 55 48 .534 171i waiian-born Ohio State ace, shat­ author-publicist, has added a new have held this honor to 18. Juz- 15 kicks in 17 attempts. New York ...... 56 51 .523 18 I!. tered the world's one-mile record column of stalistical information TODAY'S PAIRINGS wik is the fourth Notre Dame back Exceptionally Fast Pittsburgh ...... 48 53 .475 23 ~ last night as the three-day na­ Men's Singles to start against the professional Juzwik and Smith are excep- Chicago ...... 48 59 .449 26 Ii tional men's A. A. U. outdoor a~:\1i~ (SemItinal Round) champions and Sam Francis was tionally fast. Juzwik played right B05ton":"...... 44 65 .404 30 ~ swim championships got under STARTS TODAY Dick Hain11ne (Rock Island, chosen fullback for the All-fI,meri- haH at Notre Dame last fall anCl Philadelphia ... .31 71 .304 41 way. }11.) vs. Sterling Lord (Bur­ chosen fullback for the all-Ameri- Smith was the left half on the I Yesterday's Results ~ington). can eleven in the 1937 game. Minnesota eleven, champion of the Boston 2, arooklyn 1 H a r r i s Coggeshall (Des Twenty-three backs from the cen- Western conference. Smith is a P)ttljbur'Ih 13, St. Louis 6 Moines VB. Jim Evert (Chicago). tral slates have been elected to fine forward passer. Juzwik is a New YOrk 6. Philadelphia 4 Men's Doubles all-star starting elevens. splendid pass receiver ~ither going Chicago at Cincinnati (post- (Semifihal Roimd) Speedy Backfield fiat or down deep. Each handled poned) Doors l:U !lie to 5:30 P.M. lJainline and Lord vs. COI­ The oLftsta/lding fact about the punts for hIs team. Smith can TODAY'S "IDI Shows. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 geshall and Max Everett (Des backfield which will meet the play a defensive halfback posl­ AJDerlC&o Leacue Broadway,. 2-4.6-8-10 Moines)_ Bears in the ninth annual game tion as well because of his height. Detroit at St. Louis-H. -White NOW PLAYING! Chuck and Jim EvI!r.t (Chi­ (7-9) vs. Auker (11-9). cago) vs. Ftank Brody (Des Boston at Washington (night)­ LATEST NEWS Moines) and Ben Beckerman Dobson (7-6) \1'3. Wynn (8-10). (Des Moines). Brenda Helser One Qefending Champion Philadelphia at New York­ \ Marchillion (13-8) vs. Bonham (12-4) or Go~ez (5-4). 't.J ll ~ WEONESOA T' The other seeded 'pl!lYer in the Who Is S.ure fo Have Trouble in Meet (Only games scheduled) quarierfinlll roul,l~ advanced as Na&lorlal Learue Harris Coggeshllll ot Des Mollies Wiele World Feature! Unsung contenders may de- New York at PhiJadelphia- whipped 'Ben Beckerman, al'o NEENA'H, Wis.-Pretty Brenda throne other champions, too, but Lohrman (8-4) vs. Podgajny frO!\) Des Moines, 6-2, 6-1. Helser, the Portland. Ore., sprinter, Miss Meiser is the one titleholder (4-10). iim E!vert ot Chlcalo estab- il the ohe defending champion who knows in advance she has :BrooklYn at Boston - Wyatt Jished bid for tne sinlles crown who is sure to have serious com- a fight on her han,ds. Two who are (13-3) vs. Salvo (5-3). with an impressive, 6-3, 6-2, tri- petition ill the national women's tigUred almost certain winners St. Louis at Pittsburgh-M. u~ph over Bob Sandler of Des NA,~· swImming championshipl are Helen Crlenkovich, diving Cooper (13-5) vs. Hamlin (3-4) .. Moines. Iiere Auru.' U·18. . I queen for seve1'al years, and Gloria Chicago lit Cincinnati (2)-War-I ; ~_~~~.. ____ ~ Varold Joh.1I5on the 10Vla hi~ Her chief rival will be Marilyn CaUen, the Nyack, N. Y., beauty neke (7-6) and Lee (10-10) VS. sc!lO

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~ COOK WOULt:> NINER UNCL"E BERT AA5 INVITE:> 8ECK MOTOR 'DO "FOR. W AANCH, JaxiE ! US ALL 10 VI'CATION AT .,. SAlt) SHE COUI.'DN'T , A CA"";P ON A L/lKE!'" COMPANY llA"R'BB:VE 'THIS CUT OF 'BeEF /'1' WE'LL '8,o,'RBECUE H·13 E. Wa hlngion st. TO B Y AND SEtL •••• wAN1""Et:> 10 SLICE IT IN IT U?~/ f STe.a.KS,·-·· WHY,·-~1(. HOMlO 'fE ONLY USc STeAKS . INSTRUCnON t=~ '8LXK "EYES ! - WITH • PROFIT USE ~'. Commerce CoUeq. I. -,""",nlted •• • qU .Ilr1 ~d Buslne.. TllllUn, School. Completo 8elecuon of 0...... Prepare lor lucen ~epend.bly ·W.U8. 01.' CLAIISES NIGHT CLA88&iI .~ ..r, Daf I • ••,llIrall .. D.,'I ...... \be Penney 8tore D101 4AI

,iidiJ!li •• i:I;i:1 WANT ADS , ~18 Fu \cst Gro..... in' Scbdold QiYel You- DEAR. ~.W~ 00,,", " More Tra ining In Less Time! "T'HIa.Y AaIa,lEST Dl!NTl$T.S, 1\1(1111. '11\\-- "111. ;,,11 F"Oa. Slitl.... ./He '""" 'HE ,.~itTH 1 Iowa City • G.W.MCOO..;u...\ 4t _"-1IU4 011", Commercial Colle~e ~AGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY. AUGUST 8.1942 FUTURE OFFICERS LEARN CLEANLINESS HARD WA..Y Here and There I Harlem Hermit Goes OPA Prepares Sen. Truman Asks Immediate In 'he News To Bowery Banke! « For Financial Help Ration System' (hanges in Steel Distribution

Reveals Strange Life Says Priorities Idea navy dePlll'tm('nls to ascertain For All Needs, thei r renl n ds. In Mystery Mansion, Should Be Discarded The committee found it would Devotion to Brother WASHINGTON, (AP)- The To Meet War Needs be lossen d by competi ti on ot new office of price administration dis­ steel making t[lcilitieH, insisted that NEW YORK (AP)-An elderly closed yesterday that it was pre­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Chair- there could be no ~ hol'tage and man, dressed in the garb of 30 paring a universal ration book man Truman (D-Mo) ot the sen- supported their position by reter­ years ago, walked seven miles yes­ which could be issued to each ring to the s ln(lllllC'SS at the ol'ders terday from Harlem to Park Row. ate defense investigating commit­ citizen for use in rationing any tee said last night his committee which the WOl' and navy depart­ His name was Langley Collyer commodity or article as need arose. ments esthnated they would make and. his destination was the Bow­ "Such a book is being designed believed the war production board in the lutul·e." ery Savings bank. The curiosity experimentally for the OPA now, should take "effective steps to I'e- Except in alloy, steel is being of this town of 7,50a,000 was and proof copies are being pre­ duce the innuence of represen­ di stri buted through a priorities fixed on him. for he had tried pared at the government printing tatives of the la rgest steel pro­ system "in whieh therll is no as­ to shut out the world. surance th:!i thl' ste('1 reaches the oUice," f'aul M. O'Leary, deputy ducers in iis iron and steel His mission was to prevent bank OPA administrator in charge of most import;!nt lIS('l'$," he said in foreclosure on the four-story man­ rationing said. branch." urging the strict (l lIoention piau. In a speech over the Columbia Senatore Kilgore (D-W.Va ) de­ sion at 128th St. and Fifth Ave. in "If it can be made workabtwe Harlem where he and his blind would have in our hands a in­ Broadcasting system, Truman de- clared yesterday the government brother, Homer, had lived in se­ strument that would enable ' s to ela red thnt "we must have steel could speed WUI' production ~nd clusion for so many years that start a rationing program ost save "m i1liol1~ lind mi lli ons of gossip had endowed their home Ito win this war and no obstacle dollars" by junk inll U)(' priority overnight, instead of havink to should stand in our way." system, inLegnlting the nation's with the mystery of a murder take 6 to 10 weeks as in the past thriller mansion. when we have had to let the em­ The committee, the chairman entire steel industry ond all oea t­ Ample Time Allowed ergencies wait while we got scores added, believes the entire system ing orders dil'l'clly to specific At the bank Langely talked to of mmions of coupon ' books Cor distributing steel should be plants. printed." revised immediately with the war "I think eventuully w 're gOing F. Donald Richart, a vice-presi­ to have to camp to some such sys­ dent, who told him a "generous At the same time, O'Leory em­ production board selting up a strict tern in all defense production," Charged with beaUng his wife, amount of time" would be ar­ phasized that his agency was plan­ plan of allocations. Kilgore told (] repurter, after mak- Gertrude, to death after she re­ ranged to complete repurchase Of ning rationing machinery for many turned home from a round of WTPBI HeadhAcrees tl bing the sllgg sllon ::It 0 seSs ions the house which was threatened commodities "in which there is R eese oy or, w a recen y e- lt d r t' t' t' nllht clubs, Rodney Hake, 26, with seizure as the result of a $6,- not present need for rationing." came head of WPB's iron and steel, or t le. tStena e E' en ~ e mv s Iga lUg bulldozer operator, Is pictured In . comml ee. 700 mortgage against the brothers. "We're like the fire department," ?ranch, IS fully cognizan~ at the I "Certainly we'll hov to in re- San Francisco Jail. Only wltncss Thursday night Langley raised he declared. "It gets its fire fight­ Importance of such allocations and d tt l eh ste I to the fatal beaUnr was lIake's the curtain on the mystery of his ing equipment ahead of time so is urging that immediate atten- gaI' ,0 ';':111' me a s su 3a e slx-year-old' daughter. that when the alarm sounds, they · b . t 't T 'd an d ZI11C. secluded life for a Herald Tribune tIon e gIven a I , rum::ln SUI. Th I II 6 't f 11 Ut' reporter whom he found sitting don't have to go shopping for a The chairman blamed the war . ,e p an WOll .( p,:lml II . I- "ab a Ilzatlon of lhe fuclilties of ~ mall on the steps waiting to tell him of fire engine in order to go to a fire." an d navy d epa l' t men t s fo I· S - r . h' 'Ii 1 id ld ' th the eviction notice of which he The universal rationing book lute tanure" to work out during IIlIS mg ml s, Ie ~a ,:It IIlg ,at · " th h'I" t ' some of th m :Ire now working had not been aware. will contain pages of coupons oC peace tImes war w Lees 1- b I 1 U . He disclosed no gruesome mys­ various numbers and various colors, mates of what their material fal' e ow u capa ltV . so that any commodity or article The United St.ates navy has a reputation for keeping things ship-shape, with brass and decks glistening, teries, but rather told frankly a and future navy ufficers have to learn how it.s d.one-fil'st-hand. Middies of the reserve orficers t.rain­ needs would be in wartime. The story of unselfish devotion to his could be placed on a direct coupon office of production management, ing corps are shown above swabbing deckS on a t.raining cruise. brother who went blind in 1933 ration basis, or a whole group h e declared, failed to restrict and became paralyzed two years could be lumped Into a 'point-ra­ ------~--~-- civilian activities and failed to in­ ago. tioning system. Roosevelt, Generali ssimo Chiang skies. crease steel production during the Ghost Legend 'Under the point system, O'Leary Kai-Shek of China and Ivan "I know full well that the many months it took the war ond INDIA- British will have to give us our He said he was aware that he said, three points might buy, for example, a handkerchief and five (Continued from page 1) Maisky, Russian ambassador to freedom when we have made and Homer had created a ghost Britain, to support th e demand sufficient sacrifice and proved ing Russian military lea ders were I legend in the neighborhood be­ points a pair of socks. He observed Admiral William H. Standley, U , S. that he used socks and handker­ committee just prior to the open- that Great Britain grant India our strength. We must remove cause they were never seen in ing yesterday authorized its presi- independence Immediately. hatred for the British from our ambassador; Major Gen. Follett daylight and he explained their chiefs as illustrations "because Bradley, U. S. ail' Iorces; Sir Ar­ there is absolutely no thought of dent, as soon as the resolution is Britain's previous offers of hearts. At least in my heart there mode of living. is no sllch hatred." chibald Clark Kerr, British am­ "I barricade the windows and rationing them." endorsed, to appeal to President dominion status after the war bassador; Roger Garreau, of the Nowl Enjoy your evening. out· double-bolt the doors to keep have been.rejected, not only by Despite his mention of fighting, Fighting French; and Maj Gen. doors with .mazing freedom from but by other major factions in he cautioned: "It may be that in insecu! New )ellow all gl ... bplb thieves out," he said. "The people William Steffens, or Norway, Ger­ CUIS insecl aunction up 10 92%. in the neighborhood have tor­ the vast , diversity of religions a moment of angel' they (the Brit­ man radio reports have insisted mented and abused us for years. anti pol it i c s among India's ish) might do things that might that Prime Minister Churchill and TEST *l\lARK The children have broken more Lee Asserts propping Bombs nearly 400,000,000 , people. provoke you, Neverthel ss, you William C. Bullitt, special envoy BUG ellA ER LAMPS than 200 wihdows and finally I Gandhi declared that he did not should not resort to violence. Put from President Roosevelt, were in 60 watt. 2Sc 7S watt. 3Sc stopped replaCing them and . want tel be "the instrument of Rus­ violence to shame." the Kremlin. Richard Knight, above, former boarded them instead." sia's d~feat, nor of China's," re­ The conference apparently was New York lawyer who attract\!d The son of a physician, Lang­ Is Better Than Ducking Them marking: "If that happened, I preoccupied with supplies, for na:tional tame when he stood on ley explained that he was treat­ would hate myself." RUSSIAN- Stalin has insisted steadfastly that IOWA·ILLINOIS GAS his head In the New York Metro­ ing his brother's aliments him­ He urged Indian independence (Continued from page 1) Russia's vast reservoir of man­ politan Opera house, has been sen­ self, aided by some 15,000 medical By CLARK LEE as an essential to Indian coopera­ power obviatl!d the necessity 01 &ELECTRIC CO. tenced to three months In the books in the house. The brothers ABOARD AN AM E RIC A N higher than that they became toy tion in the war against tl]e axis. seeking means to save Russia and any expeditionary 10rce of Britons, 2U Ea t Washington Street workhouS\l tor sending annoylnr are without outside gas-" elec­ NAVY DIVE BOMBER, Some- boats on u vast, unruffled blue "We shall get our freedom by win the war. Americans Or Chinese fighting on letters to attorneys and judl'es. trici ty or a telephone. He sai d he where Over the Pacific, (Delayed) lake. figh4ng. It cannot fall from the Among those talking with rank- Russian soil. He was disbarred last May for his can make his own "hand-made" (AP)-Having been , on the re- At 14,000 feet we were flying ab)Jslve criticism of New York electricity from a generator built ceiving end of numerous b9mbs along beautifully. The sea, clouds courts which hancJJed the estate of from old automobile parts and during the early days of the Pacific and mountains were all in their his late father-In-law. had made Homer several old fash­ war, I was finally on the hand-out propel' places. ioned crystal radio sets. They eook end today. Then our wings flipped UP. our Named Rubber Chief and heat with kerosene and use it I found out that when it comes flops snapped open and we went for lighting. to bombs, it is infinitely more into a dive. pleasant to drop 'em than to duck I really don't remember much 'em-even though dive-bombing of what I sa.w on the way down. is a little rough on the constitution My eyes never got prollerly Phyllis Propp Enlists the first time you try it. focussed. There is a. confused This was only practice but it impression of whit.e sand, blue was deadly serious-a rehearsal As Officer in WAAC surf, brown earth all rushing UP of operations the United States toward us in a whirling kaleido- navy will have to carry out many Phyllis L. Propp, who was grad­ times in the Pacific war as we scope of color. uated from the college of liberal rmoved westVolard to drive the Then just as the landscape was arts and law here, has been sworn Japanese out of their bases. beginning to unscramble itself in as an officer candidate in the The boys who fly the dive and I was beginning to enjoy it, wumen's army auxiliary corps at bombers told me: Pilot Ensign Bill Henry of Bakers­ Omaha, Neb. "You won't even feel the dive field, Ca!., p\lIJed out at less than Miss Propp has been in Omaha or pull out. It's not even as ex­ a thousand feet. for the past six years, and was an citing as a roller coaster." Something lifted me out of my attorney for the Federal Land bank Maybe they don't feel It but seat and jammed me against the before enlisting in the WAAC. to me It was like rldlnl clown safety belt and the gun mount. My Beulah E. MarShall of Omaha the Ilde of the Empire State lungs, heads and ears all felt like was the first Nebraska woman to b u i I din I on a motorcycle at they were going to burst. be sworn in as a private. She is nearly 400 miles an hour with an I remembered to look back at a holder of two degrees from Col­ eJasUc rllpe .taed around your tbe target and saw two huge ex­ umbia university and has taught middle. When yOU reach the plosions squarely in the center elementary school in Omaha for fourUl story the rope pulls taut from our bomb and the plane be­ 19 years. and sna.ps you back to the hind. fortieth. "Hit it right on the nose," said Our take-off from an aircraft Bill, Gets 2-Day Sentence carrier was smooth and perfect. I gasped back, "Swell shot." James Kelley, 727 E. Washington, I was seat~ in the rear gunner's The boys tell me dive bombing charged with being intoxicated, cockpit with complete gear, hel- is really enjoyable when you drop Bernard Baruch. abC)ve. czar of was sentenced to two days in the met, ear phones and life jacket. live bombs on real targets with U. S. war produetion durinr World county jail and fined $5 and costs From a thousand feet our ships the "Ack Ack" bouncing you war I, is named U. S. rubber chief in police court Thursday. below still looked like shiP'S but around. Within the last year, readers of Associated Press member by Presi4eJU Roosevelt wlUl or­ newspapers (including this newspaper) have profited by: ders to unravel the confusloll sur­ rounding the rubber problem and FIREMAN COOK THINKS HE HAS ENOUGH MASCOTS! speed produetlon of synthetic sub- • Development of the Special News stltutes.· . Service, giving readers a behind-the­ scenes approach to the news. • The streamlining of news wires bring­ ing still greater speed of news distri- bution. ' .

• The further expansion of picture COY­ erage, hand in hand with the news. • "AP-The Story of News," an accu­ rate and thrilling history of The Asso­ ciated Press-the first and only news organization of its kind. But. with all. AP member newspapers and their r.aders hav~ 'cheered and have been inspired by the f,ithful. brilli.nt reporting of AP's gallant foreign staff-the most efficient American-trained staff ever assembled .broad.

Maj. Ge", Folie," Bradley, above, who flew to Rull8ia from Wuh­ Incton 10 help lIJIeed the flow of American suppiles 10 the Soviet tJlIlon, admits IrJ a MOIIcow Inter­ v'ew Ihat dellver.letl· of war mate­ rials to the bard-pressed reds are The Associated Press Serves , You througH beeomlnt IncreUllllly 41fflcqU due to German bomblllIs of ",any nice aortilem ahlpplnc lanes and the pictured, JaDd oU~Dllve I" &be CaucullS. THE ·DAILY IOWA"N