MAT 362 at Stony Brook, Spring 2011
MAT 362 Differential Geometry, Spring 2011 Instructors' contact information Course information Take-home exam Take-home final exam, due Thursday, May 19, at 2:15 PM. Please read the directions carefully. Handouts Overview of final projects pdf Notes on differentials of C1 maps pdf tex Notes on dual spaces and the spectral theorem pdf tex Notes on solutions to initial value problems pdf tex Topics and homework assignments Assigned homework problems may change up until a week before their due date. Assignments are taken from texts by Banchoff and Lovett (B&L) and Shifrin (S), unless otherwise noted. Topics and assignments through spring break (April 24) Solutions to first exam Solutions to second exam Solutions to third exam April 26-28: Parallel transport, geodesics. Read B&L 8.1-8.2; S2.4. Homework due Tuesday May 3: B&L 8.1.4, 8.2.10 S2.4: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 15, 20 Bonus: Figure out what map projection is used in the graphic here. (A Facebook account is not needed.) May 3-5: Local and global Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Read B&L 8.4; S3.1. Homework due Tuesday May 10: B&L: 8.1.8, 8.4.5, 8.4.6 S3.1: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 Project assignment: Submit final version of paper electronically to me BY FRIDAY MAY 13. May 10: Hyperbolic geometry. Read B&L 8.5; S3.2. No homework this week. Third exam: May 12 (in class) Take-home exam: due May 19 (at presentation of final projects) Instructors for MAT 362 Differential Geometry, Spring 2011 Joshua Bowman (main instructor) Office: Math Tower 3-114 Office hours: Monday 4:00-5:00, Friday 9:30-10:30 Email: joshua dot bowman at gmail dot com Lloyd Smith (grader Feb.
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