by ROBERTA C. STEVENSON B.A., University of British Columbia, 1970

A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF 1 MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of Linguistics We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard


October, 1976

(8) Roberta &l~Stevenson, 1-976: In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study.

I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by his representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission.

Department of Linguistics

The University of British Columbia 2075 Wesbrook Place , Canada V6T 1W5

Date ^fJcst -*?A^ ABSTRACT The primary object of this thesis is the analysis of responses to the phonological section of the Linguistic Survey of B.C.: Postal Questionnaire (PQ3) which was designed by James Poison and Dr. R. J. Gregg at the University of B.C. In analysing the responses to the questionnaire, major emphasis has been placed on the distribution of variants in the province as a whole, on the shifting distribution of variants from older to younger generation speakers and on the isolation of dialect areas within the province. With regard to the isolation of dialect areas, the overall area distribution is the focus of attention; discussion of regional age variations is of necessity brief since sample sizes in age/area categories are for the most part too small to allow a definitive analysis. In addition to the analysis of PQ3 data, correlations have been made with data from other B.C. dialect surveys at both provincial and regional levels. Responses to other surveys at the provincial level are for the most part in agreement with those of PQ3> however, for some items significant variations occur. Comparison of responses at the regional level is difficult due to small and/or disparate sample sizes. The analysis of PQ3 data and the comparison of the results of this survey with those of other B.C. surveys indicates the necessity of a more concentrated study of B.C. speech. To this end, some alternative approaches to the study of British Columbia dialect have been suggested. 11



INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter I. A BRIEF HISTORY OF B.C 5 II. METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS 17 III. ANALYSIS OF PQ3_ RESULTS 30 IV. COMPARISON OF FQ3 RESULTS WITH THOSE OF OTHER SURVEYS 54 V. B.C. DIALECTOLOGY:"SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 74 Appendix I. THE QUESTIONNAIRE. 84 II. TABLES AND MAPS...... 89 ABBREVIATIONS...... 151 BIBLIOGRAPHY 152 iii ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Bivariate Table of Responses to Items 12 and 13.. 38 Bivariate Table of Responses to Items 18 and 41 2. 19.. 41 3. Bivariate Table of Responses to Items 20 and 21.. 4. Graph Illustrating the Method of Assigning Values to POJI. Sub-areas...... , 43 5, Assigned. Values for PQ3 Areas: Overall Distribution 46 6. Significant Age Group Changes in Areas...... 47 7. Assigned Values for PQ3 Areas: the o-Group.. 48 8. Assigned Values for PQ3 Areas J the m-Group.. 49 9. Assigned Values for PQ3 Areas: the y-Group.. 1° 10. Sample Sizes in Lower Mainland Groups...... 62 Table I. Communities Represented. in PQ3_...... 89 Ila, Background of Parents of informants-for B.C. and for the Age Groups...... 93 lib. Background of Parents of informants-for Areas and for Area/Age Groups 94 III. Distribution of Informants by Age and Area... 96 IV. Sample Sizes and Distribution of Variants for B.C. and the Sub-areas : 1 Tomato 97 s2 Vase...... 98 :3 Apricot 99 :4 Shone...... 99 :5 Lever...... 100 :-6 Root...... 100 :7 Soot...... 101 :8 Route...... 102 :9 Schedule, 102 :10 Rather.., 103 jll Zebra , 103 104 :12 Father/bother, 113 Caught/cot. 104 »l4 Marry/merry. 105 : 15 Aunt/ant...... 105 :l6 Leisure/pleasure...... 106 :17 Bury/furry...... 106 118 Mourning/morning 107 :19 Hoarse/horse. 107 108 ;20 Fairy/ferry...... , 108 »21 Mary/merry...... V. Number of Informants: Provincial and Mainland. Sample Groups 109 VI. Distribution of Variants: Provincial and Main• 110 land Sample Groups 113 VII. Number of Informants: Regional Sample Groups.. 114 VIII. Distribution of Variants: Regional Surveys.... iv

Map I-IX. Location of Communities Represented I. Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands (I) 123 II. Fraser Val ley-Lower Mainland (L) 124 III. Western Cariboo (Cw)...... 125 IV. Eastern Cariboo (Ce)...... 126 V. (0)...... 127 VI. Kootenay (K)." 128 VII. Upper Mainland-West (Yw) 129 Villa. Upper Mainland-North TYn) 130 VHIb. Upper Mainland-East (YeJ 131 IX. Peace River (P) 132 X. B.C. and the Sub-areas 133 XI- ' XIII. Area Variations XI. Tomato, Route , 134 XII. Vase .- 135 XIII. Apricot...... 136 XIV. Summary of Area Variations.. 137 XV. Area S.G. 138 XVI- XVIII. Age Group Variations XVI. The o-Group 139 XVII. The m-Group 14Q XVIII. The y-Group 141 XIX- XXI. Age Group S.G. XIX. The o-Group 142 XX. The m-Group 143 XXI. The y-Group 144 XXII. Distribution of Variants of Apricot in 0 and Ce T 145 XXIII. Distribution of Variants of Route in 0 and Ce...... 146 XXIV. Distribution of Variants of Leisure in 0 and Ce. 147 XXV. Distribution of Variants of Apricot in K...... 148 XXVI. Distribution of Variants of Route in K 149 XXVII. Distribution of Variants of Leisure in K 150 V


This study could not have been undertaken nor would it have been completed without the previous research and the assistance of many people. I would particularly like to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following: James Poison and Dr. R.J. Gregg, who designed PQ3_» Howard Woods, who gathered the Kootenay data, Mary Stott, who was responsible for tracking down so many suitable informants, Gabor Sandi, who undertook the computer programming,

and above all to Dr. R.J. Gregg and Lilita Rodman, who provided inspiration, advice and encouragement—with a large measure of patience and forbearance. 1

INTRODUCTION The first articles describing speech in the Vancouver area of British Columbia were published in 1957 by Dr. R.J. Gregg. Further study of dialect in the. Vancouver area and of dialect variation in other areas began some years later.

In 1965t James Poison presented a report to the Canadian Linguistic Association outlining the results of a survey conduct• ed among some two hundred students' in three Vancouver high schools. The survey questionnaire was designed to elicit variet- -ies of pronunciation of approximately fifty words. (1) During the next four years the field of investigation was extended. Two smaller high school surveys provided inform- -ation on the pronunciation of Duncan (Vancouver Island) and Hope (Fraser Valley) students; field studies in Victoria, the Okanagan and the Kootenays and two postal questionnaires conducted through regional newspapers added data on adult and student pronunciation in other parts of the province. (2)

By 1969» the Linguistic Survey of B.C.; Postal Question• naire (PQ3). designed to gather not only phonological but also syntactic and lexical information had assumed its final form. (3) The assembly of questionnaires, the search for possible informants, mailing of questionnaires and preliminary screening of returns was carried on until 1973 when it became apparent that few addit- 2

-ional informants could be reached by mail.

While the above was in progress, the publication of The

Survey of Canadian English (SCE)provided an important source of information on B.C. speech. (4) Since SCE was a national rather than a provincial project, no attempt was made to sub-categorize

B.Ci data on a regional basisj however, such a sub-categorization can be found in Rodman, 1975* at least with regard to and the rest of the B.C. mainland.

The search for PQ3 Informants was abandoned in the spring of 1973. While all the completed questionnaires were returned to James Poison in Montreal, copies of the informant data sheet and of the first two pages (phonological section) of the questionnaire were retained at the University of British Columbia. In the summer of 1973» I undertook the analysis of the data of the phon- -ological section. If I cannot claim recognition for the develop-

-ment of the questionnaire, for the location of so many suitable informants or for the computer programming of data, I must assume the responsibility for the final screening of informants, for the decision as to their grouping by area and age group and for the interpretation of the data compiled.

In analysing PQ3 data, I was primarily concerned with the distribution of word variants in the province as a whole, on the shifting distribution of variants from older to younger generation speakers and on the discovery of regional dialect areas-- if such existed--within the province. I was also interested in the correl-

-ation of PQ3 data with that obtained from the previous dialect 3 surveys outlined above. In analysing PQ3 and comparable data, I became increas• ingly aware of the difficulties of dialect study in an area as recently populated as B.C. This awareness led to the several suggestions for further dialect research found in Chapter V.. Whether or not the suggestions are of use, I hope that the data from PQ3 and from the comparison of results of the various sur- -veys of B.C. speech will contribute in some meaningful way to our knowledge of B.C. dialect. 4


1) Poison, 1965.

2) Poison, 19691 Gregg, 1973# 3) Poison 1969. 4) Scargill and Warkentyne, 1972 j Scargill, 1974. 5


Neither dialect geography nor social dialectology can be

studied effectively without reference to a historical or a

cultural milieu. Students of language change must refer to

historical developments and sociological changes in the community

or group of communities in which the language under observation

is spoken.

Since the survey, or surveys, considered in this thesis are essentially pilot studies, a detailed discussion of B.C.

history is not essential? however, brief reference should be made


1) dates of settlement of various parts of the province,

2) origins of the first settlers and later immigrants and

3) development of communications links within and beyond

the borders of the province.

Information on dates of settlement and development of

communications links can easily be found in a general history of

B.C. Information on the background of B.C. residents, on the other hand, is extremely difficult to obtain. There are few records prior to the date of the first census and due to the

concept of ethnic group inherent in the recording of census data,

existing census figures are of little use. For example, a B.C. resident would be classified as English whether his first ancestor 6 emigrating to the North American continent reached B.C. in 1886 or arrived in the Eastern United States in the late eighteeth century. What little information I have found to date has been included in the following discussion. Although the earliest settlements in B.C. were establish- -ed near the confluence of the Fraser and Nechako rivers (1), population in the northern areas of the province would remain sparse for over a century. With the decline of the fur trade, ex-Hudson's Bay employees at Fort George (Prince George) as well as at later established posts (2) turned to secondary industry? farming, cattle raising, flour milling and salmon export. How- -ever, these isolated nuclei of future economic development were still dependent on the Hudson's Bay Company and on the British Government• Toward the middle of the nineteenth century, the grow- -ing pressure of American claims to trade and settlement rights west of the Rockies led to the signing of the Oregon Boundary Treaty/.- In anticipation of the inevitable, James Douglas had been directed to find a suitable situation for a Hudson's Bay Company fort north of the . He chose a location on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Fort Victoria, established in 1846, became a Crown Colony in 1849. Both the Hudson's Bay Company and the Colonial Office intended that Vancouver Island, in addition to serving as a bulwark against American land grabbers should be 7

a colony of British land-holders who would hold high the social and ethical standards of mid-Victorian England and who could be counted on to despise the crasser values of the 'irregular squatters' who flock- -ed to new lands in search of material benefit. (3)

During the next decade it seemed that this pro-British colonial policy might be maintained. Under the influence of higher class English settlers and of officers of the British Navy sent to protect the colony from 'land-grabbing Americans', re-

-tired officers of the Hudson's Bay Company gradually absorbed the graces of 'polite society'. Many of these latter bought farms in the surrounding areas and in the Cowichan and Coraox valleys, becoming founders of a class of landed proprietors.

With the new settlers arrived middle and lower class servantsi later, arrived young professional men, graduates of English Univ• ersities and public schools, who entered into the political life of the new colony. In short, Fort Victoria was rapidly transmut• ed into 'Little England'. (4)

But the non-British element could not be barred forever.

In 1859t the first shipload of miners en route to the Cariboo gold-fields arrived at the Fort from San Francisco. As the stream of miners increased and the possibility of profits boomed, with the miners came (among others) American tradesmen and investors who found their respective places in Victoria society.

In 1852, the Hudson's Bay Company with a company of

Staffordshire miners had begun coal mining operations in .

By 1886, a railway firmly linked Nanaimo with Victoria.

Lumbering had become a primary industry in the Cowichan 8 valley by 1890. The area was also settled by retired naval and military officers and English 'younger sons' who could live there comfortably on little money. Although the first pulp and paper mill was built in Port Alberni in 1894 and logging became a profitable enterprise especially at the northern end of the Island, the areas north of the Comox valley were relatively unsettled until the twentieth century.

The news of the gold strikes at Hope and Fort Yale brought miners not only from California, but also from Washington, Minne- -sota and Utah. In the spring of 1859» the men moved north to Boston Bar. By the autumn of that year an estimated one thousand men were working in the area between Fort Alexandria and Fort George. Others pushed eastward to Lac La Hache and along the Ques- -nel river to the foothills of the Rockies. The richest strikes were made at Keithly Creek (i860) and Barkerville (1862) and attracted adventurers from Europe, the British Isles, the Atlan• tic seaboard and Canada. A road providing easy transport of goods and gold was clearly necessary in order that the wealth and trade of the Cariboo be directed down the Fraser River toward British channels rather than down the Columbia to American seaports in Washington and Oregon. The Cariboo Road, supplemented by steamer transport, was completed as far as Barkerville in 1869. A second road led from Cache Creek to Savona, where steamers carried miners and provisions toward the Big Bend diggings. 9 However, as the richness of the strikes increased, so did the difficulty of mining. Soon, only corporate interests could finance the machinery necessary to uncover the gold which was no longer found on or near the surface of the earth. The Hudson's Bay Company had already established a stock ranch at Fort Kam- -loops. Many disappointed miners followed suit or turned to farming. Later, as the returns from the gold fields decreased, those who had been successful-- many of them Americans--also in- -vested their profits in cattle ranching.

By 1891» the once gold eolony on the B.C. mainland had developed permanent ranching and agricultural settlements and in the southern Cariboo, an emergent class of large-landed families. B.C. had also acquired a greatly needed cheap means of transport and a link with the rest of Canada— the Canadian Pacific Rail- -road. Prior to the completion of the C.P.R., commercial growth on the Lower Mainland was slow. While the fur trade was still profitable, Fort Langley, benefiting from the construction of the Hope trail from Fort Hope to the Similkameen (a trail which pro• vided an alternate route to the old Brigade trail from New Cale• donia to the mouth of the Columbia River) was a center of impor- -tahce. However, with the transition of the mainland from fur trading empire to gold colony, the commercial center shifted to Fort Yale and Fort Douglas. When the Colony of British Columbia was established ia 1859» New Westminster was chosen as the sole port of entry for the 10 new colony but it was toward Victoria, a free port, that the out- -side trade for both Island and Mainland was directed. Although, Victoria lost her privi!• e'ges as a free port six years later, it was not until the C.P.R. established its western terminus in the new city of Vancouver (and shortly after, the first ship from the orient arrived in the harbor) that the balance of commercial en• terprise shifted in favor of the mainland. In the meantime, agriculture and dairy farming were be- -coming important industries in the lower Fraser Valley. In 1869# there were,between Delta and Chilliwaek, an estimated three hundred farms comprising twelve thousand cultivated acres. It is of interest at this point to digress for a moment on the subject of the attitudes of the inhabitants of Vancouver Island and the mainland with regard to each other. The early settlers of Port Moody and New Westminster were, for the most part, Canadians from middle class families in Ontario and Nova Scotia. They despised the class privilege of the English in Victoria and resented being governed by essentially British colon- -ial officers in residence there. (Although the mainland was granted a legislative assembly in 1862, when the colonies of Vancouver Island and B.C. were joined in 1866 Victoria became the capital of British Columbian) It is likely that the Victorians, in their turn, looked down on the mainland residents and the establishment of the rail• way terminal in Vancouver rather than in Victoria could hardly have: ameliorated the situation. But while the people of Victoria 11 may have been considerably mollified by the construction of the Nanaimo- Esquimault railway, animosity toward Victoria persisted on the mainland until Vancouver acquired its own symbol of culture --a University, The C.P.R. brought a flood of immigrants to Vancouver. From Yale and other deserted construction camps drifted engineers, carpenters and common labourers. From Manitoba arrived young Englishmen, many of them graduates of Oxford and Cambridge, who had been •busted' on prairie farmsj from Winnipeg, lawyers...! from Toronto, Hamilton and London, Ontario, journal- -ists t from Brockville, shrewd real estate men and brokersi from Montreal, officials of the Canadian Pacific Railwayj from the Ottawa Valley and New Bruns- -wick, lumbermen and loggers.....) from the Maritimes and New England, fishermen and canneryment from Phila- -delphia, ambitious young business men I from San Francisco, capitalists...} and before very long, from St. Paul, lumber magnates. From Ireland came young men grown impatient with the Irish nationalist agitat- -ion) from England, upper-class families, contemplat- -ing a new life on western ranches, (and) from Wales and Cornwall, unemployed miners (5) By the turn of the century, Vancouver was well ora its way to becoming one of the largest industrialist- capitalist cities in Western Canada, The first white settlement in the Okanagan was establish- -ed at Okanagan Mission in 1859* Here, the Oblate Fathers grew fruit trees and grape vines, thus initiating what was to become the major industry in the area. Cattle ranching prospered at the northern end of the Okanagan valley. In 1867» Cornelius O'Keefe moved north from Oregon to establish his cattle empire near Armstrong} a second ranch of sizeable proportion was established near Vernon by two Irish ex-army officers. 12

In 1892, the first commercial orchards were planted, in

1899, an advertising campaign was commenced to attract farmers with capital to the area. The advertising campaign induced many retired business men and farmers as well as younger sons of noble

English families to purchase ranches near and Vernon.

Throughout the following years, immigration and expansion increas• ed. A large number of immigrants came from England but many prairie farmers were attracted to the area around ,

Summerland and Naramata. As a final step in the development of the Okanagan Valley, a massive irrigation project initiated in the early nineteen-twenties, converted the semi-desert country around

Oosoyoos and Oliver into arable land.

A gold strike near Fort Steele (in the East Kootenay) drew miners from Washington and Montana, prompting colonial offic-

-ials to protect B.C. interests by posting gold commissioners at

Fort Shepherd and St. Joseph's Prairie (Cranbrook) and by extend• ing the Dewdney Trail from :the Similkameen to the new strike area.

The first R.C.M.P., barracks west of the Rockies was situated at

Fort Steele and from there, steamer traffic followed the Kooten-

-ay River into Montana. Coal was discovered in the East Kootenay in the eighteen-ninetiesj lumbering became a profitable venture which drew American capital to eastern B.C.

Among the first permanent settlements in the northern part of the Kootenay, were Golden and Farwell (Revelstoke) which were established as construction camps during the building of the

C.P.R. 13 The raining boom in the West Kootenay began in l893i by the turn of the century numerous towns had been incorporated and were flourishing. Copper mining was the basis of the economy of Grand Forks, Phoenix and Greenwood, Rossland and Riondel. Silver was discovered near Nelson and Kaslo, lead and zinc near New Den- -ver and.-Sandon. Rossland's early population, at least, was American and sinee the C.P.R. at Revelstoke was too far to the north, ores from the Kootenay were shipped south to the United States via the Nelson- Fort Shepherd railway or from Rossland to the Northport smelters. However, immigrants from England, Scotland, Ireland and eastern Canada were also to be found in the area and, although Anerican capital, at first, financed mining ventures, British and Canadian investment soon followed. Prior to 1910, Hudson's Bay personnel at New Caledonia outposts, gold miners in the Omineca range and missionaries at Metlekatla (near Prince Rupert) were the only white inhabitants in northern B.C. However, the fishing and lumbering industries were developing on the north-west coast and canneries were estab• lished at Rivers Inlet and on Princess Royal Island in 1909. When in 1908 the announcement was made that the Grand Trunk Rail• way intended to extend its line to the Pacific coast, a rush for timber licenses along the Fraser, Nechako, Bulkley and Skeena Rivers began. Prince George became a boom town. The railway, (now a branch of the C.N.R.) was completed in 1915 with its ter- -minus at Prince Rupert. 14 At this time, settlers beganvto filter into the Peace River area. By 1926, wheat growing was a well-established indus• try} the discovery of oil in 1944 lent impetus to the growth of the economy and of the population of this most recently developed section of the province.

The keynotes of the twentieth century in B.C. are in- -creasing Canadianization and the consolidation of communications between various regions of the province. While the predominance of settlers of British background reached its peak at the turn of the century, after the First World War, immigration from the British Isles declined. 1912 saw an influx of immigrants from the United States, Germany, France and Russia (6)i the post-war years, an increasing number of set- -tlers from eastern Canada. Many of the latter were veterans who had received basic training at army camps in B.C. In 1922, Mennonites from the prairies settled near Prince George and in the Fraser Valley. From 1929 onward, as Vancouver continued to grow and prosper, capitalists from the east (predominantly Canad- -ian) and Maritime lawyers took up residence in the city and more and more of the industrial force was recruited from the prairies and eastern Canada. In 1941, 'Canadian' immigration reached a peak with the mass movement of laborers to the Pacific Coast, Of the roads, bridges and railways built between 1900 and 1955* a>nly a few can be listed herei the trans-Canada highway (which linked the Lower Mainland with the Kootenay and Alberta), the Okanagan highway, the Cariboo highway extension to Quesnel 15 and Prince George, the Patullo Bridge (designed to facilitate communication between Vancouver and the United States and between the Lower Mainland and the northern areas of the province), the Kettle Valley Railroad (which connected the Kootenay with the upper part of the Okanagan) and finally the Pacific Great Eastern Railroad which welded the Peace River to southern British Columbia. 16

NOTES 1) Between 1805 and 1807, Simon Fraser established Fort McLeod, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Gort George. It was Eraser's intention that the newly discovered territory be called New Caledonia and that the capital be Fort St. James. 2) Fort Kamloops (1812), Fort Alexandria (1821) and Fort Lang ley (1826)...... 3) Ormsby, 1958, p.101. 4) 'The country, said Dr Helmcken, was soon as "civiliz- -ed as any respectable village in England, with the few very few upper ten leading....what we were in England and Scotland was burnished and made most of! 11" .', (Ormsby, 1958, p.107) 5) Ormsby, 1958, p.299.. 6) Except at this point, no mention has been made of the non-English speaking immigrants to the province. Needless to say, they make up a considerable proportion of the population of B.C. 17

CHAPTER II In this chapter, I am concerned with the means by which the informants for PQ3 were located, computer programming of the selected questionnaires and methods of analysis of responses and of mapping of variants. Concerning the communities to be surveyed, Poison wrotes I have tried to choose communities that have had contin• uous settlement since before 1900 so that it would be possible to find elderly informants native to the region. In a number of cases it has been necessary to select more recent settlements to give proper geographic repres• entation (the Peace River settlements are comparatively recent, for example) or to give representation to large communities (Powell River's 12,000 inhabitants should not be ignored, even though settlement dates back only fifty years). Many towns that were established in the last century have not been included. Hope, for example, was founded in 1849, but its population dwindled after Yale became the terminus of the Cariboo Road, and in effect, it has been resettled in the last fifty years Geographic considerations such as lines of communication and natural barriers, have of course, been taken into account. Where a choice between nearby communities was necessary, I have selected the one more dependent on agriculture. (1) The procedure for locating informants in the selected communities was as follows* A letter of request for names of informants was sent to the secretary-treasurers of school districts in which the select• ed communities were located. Exoerpts from the letter of re- -quest have been reproduced on page 18. 18

LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (POSTAL QUESTIONNAIRE) .... As you know, the English language is not used in the same way everywhere. People who live in different areas often use different words for the same object, or if they use the same words their pronunciation-may be different. We want to investigate the speech patterns of the people born in B.C. We know that people here don't talk in just the same way that people from the United Spates, the Mar- -itimes, or even the Prairies do. We know, in fact, that there are some differences between people from different parts of the province. What we intend to do is send out questionnaires to people from all over the province and then analyse the results. The results should tell us a lot about our Canadian language--as we speak it in B.C., at any rate--and about the differences between regions...... To make this project work the people who answer the questionnaire must be chosen very carefully We need people who were born in a particular area and have lived there most of their lives. For every community we are trying to find three people ©f different age groups. We need a) an old-timer— the older the-better as long as the person is still mentally alert and will have no trouble with reading and writing. b) a young person, preferably between 19 and 25. c) someone mid-way between old and young, preferably between 35 and 55* Each one of these people must meet the following condit• ions* 1. They must have been born in the area--or at the ver;y least they must have come to the area at a very early age. 2. They must have lived in the area most of their lives with very few absences. 3. Their parents must not have spoken any language but English in the home. 4. Their parents should, if possible, have been long time residents of the area. 5. The informants should be intelligent and knowledge- -able, and should have no difficulties with reading. 0. They must have no education beyond high school. 7. Some knowledge of farming or ranching, and the outdoors would be useful, but it is not essential. 8. They must be willing. ...What we would like YOU to do is write names and addresses of people who will meet the above conditions and send them to us. A form is provided for this...... We'11 contact the people you name, explain the project to them and ask for their help...... 19 Questionnaires were then sent to the individuals whose names were suggested. If ne reply was received to the first letter of request, or the suggested informants who returned com- -pleted questionnaires did not meet the requirements of PQ3. a letter of request was sent to another possible source in the community. This process was repeated until the required inform- -ants had been located or until all possible sources of names had been exhausted. > In addition to the secretary-treasurers of school dis• tricts, the appeal for names of informants was made to the pres• idents of district Chambers of Commerce, museum curators, lib- -rarians and newspaper editorsi if none of these sources was productive, t© lawyers, justices of the peace,; proprietors of small businesses or as a last resort (especially in small north• ern communities) to private individuals. (The, names of lawyers, business-men etc. were chosen at random from local telephone di- -rectories.) No response was received from a number of communities in the Poison list, for example, 100-Mile House, Alexandria, Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek. (2) Responses were received from a few not in the original list, for example, McLure. In all, five hundred and eighteen completed question• naires were returned to the University of B.C. Of these, thirty --most from informants over sixty— were eliminated because the. informants did not meet even the more liberal birth and residence requirements adopted in the final screening of informants. 20

A further one hundred and thirteen were eliminated because the informants had moved too frequently from one part of B.C. to another, spent too many years outside the province or did not meet education or language requirements. Six questionnaires had to toe discarded because the informant data sheet was incomplete. Thus, of the five hundred and eighteen questionnaire respondents, three hundred and sixty eight were chosen.

Table I lists the communities from which responses were received and provides a key to the letter coding of communities on Maps I - IX. Figures in brackets refer to the number of in-

-formants in each of the age groups defined below.

As may be expected, in spite of an intensive search, in-

-formants meeting all the requirements of PQ3 were difficult to find by mail. Thus, during the final screening of informants, modifications were made--particularly with regard to residence re• quirements. The amount of deviation from PQ3 standards can be seen if one compares the requirements listed in the letter on page

18 with relevant sections of the following brief description of the informants chosen.

They range in age from fifteen to ninetyi the men out• number the women approximately five to four. They are fishermen, logging contractors, railway employees, millwrights, postmasters, housewives, business women, hairdressers, secretaries, clerks— in fact, are representative of nearly every occupation, although doctors, lawyers and other members of the professions are exclud• ed by the education requirement. 21 A number of the informants who were born in B.C. or came to the province at an early age have spent from one to six years outside of the area in which they are now living. Many of these were in active service for three to six years during one of the World Warsi others who have lived outside the area have generally moved once or twice during the period. Older informants born outside of B.C. have resided up to twelve years elsewhere, usually during the period from birth to arrival in the province.

Only five informants were not born into English speaking families, but unlike those who were eliminated because of the language requirement, they were born in the province and/or have spent most of their lives in one area. All five have spoken En- -glish since the age of five years. Informants with a high school education make up about fifty-six percent of the total. Approximately thirty-three per• cent have had a grade nine education and three percent finished grade five. Six percent had some post-secondary training (busi- -ness school or community college), generally brief in duration and most often within the area of residence. Only one informant was uneducated (formally) and one had a University degree. Area residency requirements for parents were even harder to meet than were those for informants. However, no informant was eliminated ©n the basis of parental background. Tables Ila and lib give details of the parental background of informants in each of the three age groups, for B.C. and for the sub-areas.(3) The informant data sheet and first section of PQ3 (along 22 with the instructions for filling in the questionnaire) are re• produced in Appendix I. All informant data was coded with the exception of question number six (4) and, of course, those quest• ions included as an aid in eliminating informants who did not meet the requirements. Printouts were obtained for responses by age groups (in decades) for B.C. and for each sub-area and by parental background and educational level of the informant. Bi-

-variate tables were also prepared for a number of pairs of items. (5)

Table III shows the number of informants classified by age-- in decades and in the age groups used-- for sub-areas and for the province as a whole. Map X is a simplified outline of

B.C. and the sub-areas.

Age group boundaries were set in order to give as even as possible a distribution of informants between age groups. As a result, informants have been divided into three groupst the o-group (age 61-90), the m-group (age 31-60) and the y-group

(age 15-30). The division also has the advantage of representing the various stages of B.C. settlement. The o-group (b. 1885-1915) are the pioneers or their immediate descendentsj the m-group were born and raised between two World Wars, during a period of decreasing immigration from the British Isles and of increasing

Canadianizationj the y-group is the post-war generation, born during the years of increased immigration from and communication with eastern Canada and the United States. 23 The province has been divided into seven areas: Vancouver Island (I), the Eraser Valley-Lower Mainland (L), the Cariboo (C), the Okanagan (.0), the Kootenay. (K), the Upper Mainland-Yellowhead Route (Y) and the Peace River (P) . These areaMivisions were made on the basis of several assumptions:

1. Some degree of dialect differentiation exists in B.C.

2. PQ3 areas are to a great extent isolable units in the province—historically, geographically and industrially

and therefore, 3» comparison of PQ3 area results is the first step in the search for speech differentiation. Items of pronunciation which vary considerably between areas are probably the ones it would be most profitable to study in greater depth. There is no way, as yet, of proving that the area bound- -aries as drawn for the purpose of PQ3 analysis are the optimum ones. In my opinion, Vancouver Island can be considered a .'well- defined' area on historical as well as geographical grounds. So, also, can the Peace River area. The Island, or at least the south• ern portion, was settled early in the history of B.C. and by a fairly homogeneous group of settlers: Peace River settlement was relatively late. The Island is separated from the mainland by what I have been told is a perilous stretch of water that Island• ers are loath to cross; the Peace River is separated from the rest of the province by the and possibly has more in common with Alberta than with B.C. The Fraser Valley-Lower Mainland is also fairly well-defined, separated geographically 24 and industrially from the Okanagan and industrially, if not geo• graphically, from the Lower Cariboo. The divisions between the Okanagan and Cariboo, Okanagan and Kootenay and Kootenay and Cariboo raise minor questions. Por instance, does Grand Forks belong in the Kootenay or in the Okan- -agan? Does Princeton have more in common with Okanagan communit- -ies or with communities in the Nicola Valley (Merritt and Quil- -chena)?

The boundary between the Cariboo and Upper Mainland- Yellowhead Route is extremely tentative. A major problem here is whether to group the towns in the Bella Coola Valley with those in the Chilcotin or those in the Prince Rupert area. In two areas—Vancouver Island and the Fraser Valley— further subdivision on the basis of urban and rural communities is indicated but impossible in the analysis of PQ3 data if sample sizes are to approach adequacy. To determine significant variation between percentage re- -sults for areas or age groups in PQ3, I have used the method described in Reed (1949) with two standard errors or more as the amount of variation required. (6) This method, with some modific- -ation has also been used in the comparison of PQ3 results with those of other surveys. When the formula for the calculation of standard error is applied to the percentage differences between any two age groups either in the province as a whole or in the individual ar• eas, there are only two alternatives; the percentage difference is 25 either significant or it is not. When the formula is used to determine significant variations between seven areas or between comparable age groups in the seven areas, complicationsarise. The best way to explain my procedure is analysing and mapping of this type of variation is to illustrate. The Data The percentages of variant X for questionnaire item Z in five areas of the province are as follows:

I- 91% 0- 88% Y- 75% C- 70% K- 659S Procedure (note: standard errors have not been calculated for this data). The formula is applied to the areas with highest and lowest percent of the variant, here, I and K. Let us assume that the variation is two standard errors or more. I is then marked High and K, Low for the variant. The formula is then applied to I and C, 0 and K. Assuming that the variation between the two pairs is again more than two standard errors, 0 is marked H (=High)— in contrast to K, Low— and C is marked L (= Low)-- in contrast to I, High. The formula is applied again, this time to 0 and C$ this time the variation is less than two standard errors (as are variations between 0 and Y, Y and C etc.). The H marking is retained by 0 and L by C even though they vary significantly with only one area each, while I and K vary with two each. This )

26 last statement is of importance when mapping of variants is con- -sidered. It should be understood from the previous illustration that marking an area High for a particular form does not imply that it varies significantly from all other areas, but only that it represents one end of a continuum and contrasts to a measure- -able degree with at least one area marked as Low. It should be also kept in mind that the sample size as well as the percentage of a variant in an area is involved in the calculation of the standard error of difference and by the same token, in the cal• culation of standard errors that is, that in the illustration on page 25» the area G might well have contrasted with 0 and the area K might not since the sample size in C is seventy-three and the sample size in K is only fifty-five.

The problem of mapping of variants is an interesting one. A line can easily be drawn between two areas that vary signif• icantly and have contiguous boundaries. Since the procedure in this study is from area to linguistic correlate and distinctions .between areas have been made on the basis of statistical measure- -ment, this line can hardly be called a heterogloss. I have therefore coined the term statistical gloss (SG) for such a line. For areas which do not bound on each other the solution is more complex. Two methods have been used in this study. Areas are marked High or Low for variants by 1. the use of symbols (Maps XIV-XVIII) or 2. item numbers (Map XIV) or by 27 3* patterns of markings covering whole areas (Maps XI- XIII). The advantage of the first two methods lies in the fact that a number of items can be accommodated on the same map. How• ever , there are obvious space limitations, and in addition, the use of symbols does not allow for the indication of the degree of difference between areas (see Chapter III). If a larger num- -ber of items were to be mapped, some form of shading (such as found in Map XIII) could be used. As a final note* if the variations between areas in the illustration on page 25 were to be mapped, areas I and 0 would be marked High and areas C and K, Low on the maps in which symbols or area markings are used. However, a statistical gloss would be drawn between 0 and K which vary significantly but not between 0 and C which do not. 28

NOTES 1. Poison, 1969, pp. 23-24. Poison also lists the com- -raunities chosen on pages 24-26. 2. Letters were mailed to a number of communities in the North West Territories. Although several people replied to the letters, most were summer residents. In one instance, the only non-native resident of the community was the local R.C.M.P. constable whose home was in the eastern part of Canada. 3. Parents are considered to be 'from B.C.' if they meet the,criteria applied to informants. The figures in brackets in the total line for B.C. refer to birth place of parents. I had hoped that the information in these tables would add a degree of depth to the interpretation- of survey results. Useful or not in this respect, the tables provide data—difficult to find elsewhere--on the background of B.C. residents. 4. Lack of an adequate classificatory system at the time of computer programming was a major block here. It was also felt that sampling within the requirements of PQ3 would not result in the representation of all sociological groups to the extent nec- -cessary for any valid statement to be made. 5« Little use has been made of these tables to date, though several references to them appear in Chapter III. 6. In brief: The reliability of a sample has been found to increase indirectly as the square root of the number of items counted (here, the number of informant responses-- or of informants) and indir- -ectly as the square root of the product of the proportions :(in 3 percent)) of ..the variants. Standard error, the percent error that is likely t© occur in any given sample, is calculated by the for- -mula» Standard error = .. J (p) (q) V N where p and q are the percentages of two variants and N, the field total. To compare two sample groups it is necessary to determine the calculated standard error of differences that is, the amount of deviation that could be expected to occur due to fluctuation in the individual samples. 29 This is calculated by the formula:

2 2 Std. Error of Diff. = /(Std. E^) * (Std. E.2) The actual percentage difference between the two samples is then divided by the standard error of difference and. the re- -sul$ is expressed in terms of a number of standard errors. A difference of 1.97 standard errors has been found to indicate a high (less than five percent) probability that the difference between sample results arises from factors other than chance. The validity of this method of analysis, when applied to sample groups of less than fifty, is open to question. Thus, when the method is used to determine 'significant variations' between age groups within the areas or comparable age groups in the yar- -ious areas, it has been used only as a means of isolating those percentage differences which are potentially interesting or sig• nif icant. Another very important point is that when the method is used to determine significant variation between percentages in large sample groups, the fact that a difference in percent is of the order of two standard errors or more indicates only that the difference is not due to chance. It is the linguist who must de• cide whether the difference is, in fact, interesting or signif• icant. This point will be illustrated and discussed in more detail in Chapter IV. 30


In this chapter I will present what I consider to be the

most important facts of B.C. pronunciation revealed by the analy-

-sis of responses to PQ3» The chapter is divided into four

sectionss a general discussion of the distribution of variants of

each item on the questionnaire! a summary of variant distribution and trends in pronunciation at the provincial level! a summary ©f

regional variations and, finally, a summary of significant var-

-iations between age groups within areas and between comparable age groups in the several areas, (1) A breakdown, item by item, of numbers of informants and distribution of responses for the province, areas and age groups can be found in Table IVt1-21, Percentages in this as well as in following tables have been round• ed to the nearest integer. (2) At the beginning of the general discussion, references are given to the variable number used in the computer programming of PQ3 and, where applicable, to the cor-

-responding item number in The Survey of Canadian English.

A General Discussion of Variants of PQ3 Items

1, Tomato

PQ3- #16 SCE- # 48

/tameitq/, chosen by 8796 of B.C. informants, is the pro•

nunciation most prevalent in the province. Percentages increase 31 from 74$ of the o-group to over 90$ of the m- and y-groups. /tamaefco./ was chosen by only 8% of the total number of B.C. in- -formants, while variants with /t>J, f%J or /bj in the stressed syllable were chosen by the remaining

/tamsefcq/ and /tairmtq/ are used by 33^ and 25$t respect• ively, of the Vancouver Island o-group; a combination of these plus variants with /a/or faj in the stressed syllable by 30$ of the.Okanagan m-group. (3) Vancouver Island is the. only region in which there was any significant variation between age groups; namely, between the o- and m-groups—/tameitq/ increases from k2% in the former to 89$ in the latter. Vancouver Island and the Okanagan have been marked Low for /temeitq/, the Kootenay (and arbitrarily, the Peace River) High. (Maps XI and XIV) The Vancouver Island o-group is Low in contrast to the Lower Mainland, Cariboo and Kootenay, High, the Okanagan m-group is Low in contrast to all other areas but the Island. (Maps XVI, XVII) Statistical glosses for the areas are found on Map XV— for the age groups, on Maps XIX and XX. 2. Vase

PQ3- #17

SCE- #27 /yoz/ is the pronunciation of choice for 63% of B.C. in-

-formants, /veiz/ for 26% and /veis/ for only 9f°* The occurrence of fv&zj and {vazj is minimal. Although /veis/ occurs mainly in o- and m-groups (except in the Cariboo and, marginally, in the Kootenay), there .32 significant variations between province-wide age groups for-any of the alternates. (4)

On the Island, the percentage of fvoij drops from 78% in the m-group to ky% in the y-group in which /veiz/ is the major competitor, and by a small margin, the variant of choice. (It should also be noted that /veiz/ was chosen by a relatively high percent of all age groups in this area.) Although the change is not statistically significant, /VTJZ/ has also lost ground in the Cariboo y-group but here it gives way to to a combination of /veiz/ and /veis/. In- the border areas— the Lower Mainland, Okanagan and Kootenay-- there is little tendency to abandon the older British form /voz_/.

The Lower Mainland has been'marked High for /voz/, the Island and Cariboo, Lowt the Island is High for /veiz/, the Lower Mainland and Kootenay, Low. (Maps XII,XIV) The Lower Mainland and Kootenay y-groups are High for /vz>z/, the Island and Cariboo y-groups, Low, while the Island y-group (High for /veiz/) con• trasts with those of the Lower Mainland, Okanagan and Kootenay. (Map XVIII) Statistical glosses can be found on Maps XV (areas) and XXI (y-group). 3. Apricot PQ3- #18

SCE- #19 59% of B.C. informants indicated that they used the pro- -nunciation /eiptlkot/. There is little or no variation between age groups at the provincial level. 33 Vancouver Island is again the only area in which there is

a significant variation between age groups—and again, it occurs

between m- and y-groups. While 82% of the m-group chose

/".eiprlktrt/, only 52% of the y-group did so.

Considerable variation is found between areas and between

comparable age groups from area to area, eiprlkifc/ was the

pronunciation of choice of 60-76$ of the informants in the

Kootenay and the Cariboo, on the Island and in the Okanaganj but of only k2% on the Lower Mainland. (5) Maximal difference is seen between the Okanagan and Lower Mainland. The Island, Okan•

agan and Cariboo have been marked High for £ eiprlkBft/, the Low•

er Mainland, Upper Mainland (and, arbitrarily, the Peace River),

Low. (Map XIII, XIV) Age group variations are as follows*

o-group- Okanagan, Hight Lower Mainland, Low.

m-group- Vancouver Island, Hight Lower Mainland, Low.

y-group- Okanagan* Hight Vancouver Island and Upper Main-

-land, Low.(Maps XVI-XVIII) The resultant statistical glosses are found on Maps XV and XIX-XXI.

4. Shone

PQ3- #19

Only nine informants gave ^oun/ as a response. Six were in the o-groupi six had at least one parent born in the United

States. (6)

5. Lever

PQ3- #21

SCE- #8 34

In the dialect of 72$ of B.C. informants, this object is a f livr/ and there is a significant increase in percent from i

65$ in the o-group to 79-82$ in the m- and yrgroups, respectively.

The Kootenay is the only area in which a difference in percent between age groups is significant. Here, /" livr/ is the choice of 87% or more of m- and y-group informants but of only

36$ of those in the o-group. 36% is also an unusually low figure when compared to the percentages in all other area age groups in the province. (7)

With the exception of the Peace River, all areas are close in overall distribution. Lower Mainland and Okanagan 0-

-groups have been marked High for f livr/, the Kootenay o-group,

Low. (Maps XVI, XIX) '

6. Root

PQ3- #22

/rut/ predominates in all age groups, the provincial distribution being 95$« /TAXJ does not occur in this sample.

/rvt/ is the variant of choice for 39$ of Vancouver Is-

-land 6-group informants and this age group varies significantly with o-groups in all other areas of the province. (Maps XVI, XIX)

/rut/ is also found in all age groups in the;Cariboo.

7. Soot

PQ3- #23

SCE- #103

/hut/ is the pronunciation indicated by 80$ of B.C. in-

-formants. Of the remainder, 15$ chose /sut/ and 5$ /sAt/. 35

/su*/ increases from 58$ in the o-group to 82$ in the m-group and

92$ in the y-group, with /sut/ decreasing in a parallel manner,

(32$, 14$, 6$).

The distribution of /sut/ is fairly even throughout the o-groups in all areas, accounting for from 25$ to 39$ of the re• sponses in these groups. Close to significant variations are found between the Cariboo and Upper Mainland m-groups and those on the Island and Lower Mainland and in the Okanagan. (8)

Significant increases of /sut/ (and decreases of /sut/) occur between o- and m- groups on the Island and Lower Mainland and between o- and y-groups in the Cariboo.

The Cariboo has been marked High for /sut/, the Okanagan,

Low. (Maps XIV and XV)

8. Route

PQ3- #24

SCE- #93

The three age groups demonstrate from moderate to almost total preference for the pronunciation /rut/. 63$ of the o-group,

77$ of the m-group and 93$ of the y-group checked this response.

The provincial distribution is 79$/21$. . JL

A high percent of Island o-group informants chose /rut/

(the next highest o-group percentage is 67$ in the Okanagan), but with this exception, comparable age groups in areas and in the province show roughly equivalent distribution of variants of route. Significant age variations are found on the Lower Mainland and in the Kootenay between o- and m-groups and, in the Okanagan 36 between m- and y-groups. The Island and Okanagan have been marked High for /rut/, all other areas (with the exception of the Peace River), Low. (Maps XI and XIV) Age group variations are as follows! m-group- Island and Okanagan, High! all other areas but the Peace River, Low. (Map XVII) y-group- Okanagan, Highi Island and Upper Mainland, Low. (Map XVIII) Statistical glosses are found on Map XV (areas)and Maps XX-XXI (age groups). 9. Schedule

PQ3- #25

SCE- #20 • This word is pronounced /skeehjl/ by 70$ of the total num- -ber of B.C. informants. However, approximately half of those in the o-group and one-quarter of those in the y-group chose the alternate pronunciation ^e.cb^l/. The latter variant is particularly popular in the o-groups of the Island , Lower Mainland and Cariboo, areas in which sig• nificant increases of f sk^djl/ are found between o- and y-group informants. 10. Rather

PQ3- #36 85$ of the informants indicated that they rhymed this word with lather. (9) 26$ of the o-group chose the alternate father, but only 17$ of the m-group and a marginal 8$ of the y- 37 group, £ ryvar/ does not occur in this sample. (10) Significant increases in the frequency of £ ra&r/ are found between o- and m-groups in the Kootenay and m- and y-groups in the Cariboo. The only area variation found for: this item is between the m-group in the Kootenay (High) and the m-groups in all other areas. (Maps XVII and XX) 11. Zebra

PQ3- #37

The provincial distribution for the variants £zibraj and /"zebrg/ is 59$/ 41$. Both o- and m-groups are fairly evenly divided between the two alternatives but 77$ of the y-group chose £ zibrs/. In general, the trend from / zebra/ to / zibra/ in the sub-areas parallels that in B.C., although £ zebra/ accounts for a high percent of the responses in the m-group in the Kootenay. Significant variation between age groups within an area occurs only in the Lower Mainland, where the percent of /"zibra/ in• creases from 57$ in the m-group to 95$ in the y-group. The y-group in the Lower Mainland has been marked as High for £ zibr$/ in contrast with the y-group in the Cariboo. (Maps XVIII and XXI) 12. Father/bother 13. Caught/cot

PQ3- #26 , , PQ2- #30

SCE- #51 SCE- #78 72$ of the total B.C. sample group reported that the first 38 pair rhymed. Group percentages ranged from 60$ of the o-group t©

72$ and 78$ of the m- and y-groups (in that order) 90$ chose the rhyming alternative for the second pairj differences in percent• ages between age groups spanned a smaller range (8l$-95$)«

Figure 1 shows the percentages of responses (province-wide) for the four possible combinations.

Father/bother R . NO

R 67 23 Caught/ cot NO

Figure 1. Bivariate table of responses to items 12 and 13.

Significant Increase'of rhyme of father and bother occurs between o- and y-groups in the Lower Mainland, between o- and re• groups in the Cariboo and between m- and y-groups in the Upper Mainland. Significant increase in rhyme of caught and cot is found on the Island and in the Okanagan between o- and y-groups.

The Lower Mainland and Upper Mainland y-groups have been marked High for rhyme of father and bother in contrast to the y- groups in the Cariboo, Qkanagan and Kootenay. (Maps XVIII and XXI) The Cariboo as a whole is High for rhyme of caught and cot in contrast with the Okanagan. (Maps XIV and XV)

14, Marry/merry

PQ3- #28 39 Questionnaire respondents are fairly evenly divided in the choice of /matri/ and /mtri/ as the pronunciation of marry. How- -ever y-and o-groups are diametrically opposed, as 71$ ofthe o-group chose £msx'\J and 72$ of the y-group, the alternate. The m-group is about evenly split between the two variants. Individual areas, in general, follow the pattern for B.C. Significant increases in the frequency of /msri/ = marry are found between the o- and m-groups on the Island and in the Okan- -agan and between m- and y-groups in the Kootenay. The Lower Mainland y-group has been marked High for /maeri/, the Kootenay y-group, Low. (Maps XVIII and XXI) 15. Aunt/ant

PQ3- #32

SCE- #87 Only twenty-seven informants reported that this pair did not rhyme. Eleven were in the o-group, thirteen in the m-group. Of the fifty-four parents of the above, thirty-nine were born in the British Isles, two in the Unitfed. States and the remainder Canadian born. 16. Leisure/pleasure

PQ3- #27; SCE- #66 /lEjr/ is still the pronunciation of choice in B.C.; 62$ of the informants indicated this response. There is no signific- -ant variation between age groups at the provincial level. A significant decrease from 90$ to 37$ is found between 40 o- and y-groups in the Kootenay and close to significant de• creases between o- and m-groups on the Island and m- and y- groups in the Okanagan, but these are the only areas in which fliycj may be gaining ground. Age group variations between areas arei

o-group- the Kootenay is High for f leyjt the Lower Mainland, Low. (Maps XVI and XIX) m-group- the Okanagan (High) contrasts with the Island, Lower Mainland and Cariboo. (Maps XVII and XX) 1?. Bury/furry PQ3- #31 SCE- #41 These two words rhyme for 30$ of B.C. informantst age is not a factor according to PQ3 results. Distribution in the Peace River favors f b3ri_/ 57$/ 43$. 18. Mourning/morning 19. Hoarse/horse

PQ3- #33 mi" #35 20. Fairy/ferry 21. Mary/merry PQ3- #34 PQ3_- #29 Theoretically, if mourning and morning rhyme, hoarse and ftorse ought tot the same holds true for the pairs fairy and ferry. Mary and merry. Although B.C. percentages for the first set are identical (92$) and for the second set, close (83$, 85$), Fig- -ures 2 and 3 on page 41 indicate that individual informants are not always consistent in pairing their responses. (11) On the basis of PQ3 responses, it can only be said that 41 the phonemic oppositions /©/ / /$/ and /e/ ^ /€/ in stressed position before r plus a following vowel occur only marginally in

B.C. A more definite statement must await further field work.

Mourning/morning R ,. NO 89 Hoarse/ horse NO

Figure 2. Bivariate table of responses to items 18 and 19.

Mary/merry R ' NO <

R 82 ; 6 Fairy/ ferry NO 3 9

Figure 3« Bivariate table of responses to items 20 and 21.

A Summary of Variant Distribution and Trends in Pronunciation at the Provincial Level /§vri/ and /rut/ = root^ are favored by over 90 % of the informants in all age groups. Increasing preference for younger speakers is clear for f tameito/, /'livr/, /hrt/, /rut/ = route. f sktdajl/, /ra&r/, /"zibra/, /msri/ = marry, fint/ and the rhyme of the pairs father/bother and caught/cot. The fate of fn>z , 42 veiz, veis/, /eiprlkut/, /bsri/ and /lfijr/ is undecided. A Summary of Regional Variations If, as I have assumed, measurable dialect differentiation exists in B.C. and is most likely to be found within PQ3 areas, the examination of statistical glosses and the comparison of High and Low marking should yield some positive results in the direct- -ion of isolating dialect areas. If dialect areas exist in the province, it should be possible to discover some common denominat- -or which characterizes them and distinguished them from other areas•

A major stumbling block in the analysis of PQ3 data is the fact that relatively few items show significant variations cross- regionallly. As a result, an area may be marked for as few as two items and not all areas are marked for the same items. (12) This problem is more acute when we try to compare age groups cross- regionally but is also noticeable when distributions of variants for all age groups within areas are taken into consideration. Therefore, a secondary form of measurement of similarities and differences has been added. To illustrate the method of assigning values to areas, I will use overall area distribution data (with adaptations for the purpose of comparison of age groups indicated where applicable). In Figure 4, M is an axis representing the provincial distribution of each of the nine items--tomato.» apricot, lever, route, schedule, rather, zebra, marry and leisure—used in assigning values. For example, for apricot, M represents 59$ or 43 41$j for lever, 72$ or 28$i arid for route, 79$ or 21$, depending

on which variant percent is used. (As will become evident, it

does not matter which percentage is used as long as it is the

same one for each item throughout the procedure.) If age groups were being compared, M would represent the provincial distribut-

-ions of items in the age group under consideration.

M B ritis h [ 1Uneric ji n <-> (+)

3 )$ 2< \% 1 )$ 1(1 $ 21 )$ 3 )$

apricot « • I C L

lever_ • L IC

• m i I C L

, X . 1 1 +1 +2> +* 1 1 1 i\ M

Figure 4. Graph illustrating the method of assigning values to P0.3 sub areas.

The variants of each item are characterized as being American or British/ For example, /tameito/ is characterized as

American, all other variants of tomato. British j /Sbprlkzrt/, /raut/ /meri/ and /lijr/ are American, /eiprlkit/,/rut/, /maeri/ and

/Itjr/, British. (13) Each area is then graphed for the nine items according to: 44

1. the percentage variance between the area distribution

and the provincial distribution of each item and

2. the direction of variances that is, whether the area

distribution of an item favors the American or the British var•

iant. Areas for which the distribution of an item favors the

American variant are graphed to the right or plus side of the

axis, those areas for which the distribution favors the British

variant to the left or minus side. In Figure 4, the Island,

Lower Mainland and Cariboo have been graphed for apricot, lever

and route.

For each item which varies from 0 to 9$ from the provin• cial distribution, -an: area is given a numerical value of plus or minus one (plus, if the direction of variance is toward the American side of the axis, minus, if toward the British side). For each item which varies from 10$ to 19$ from the provincial distribution, the area is given a value of plus or minus two, etc. Values for each area for the nine items are then totaled, the results being the assigned values for the areas.

The assigned value for the Island in Figure 4 would bet

/ (-1x1) + (-3x1)/ + / (+1x1)/ =(-4)4.(~i)± -3.

The assigned value for the Lower Mainland would bet

/ (-1x1)/ + / (+2x1) + (=3x1)/ =(-i)+(+5)= +4.

The advantage of this method is that it allows for degrees

of contrast between areas—which High and Low marking does not.

(14) The disadvantage (ignoring particular arguments against the use of the American/British dichotomy) is that variants of some 45 items cannot easily be fitted into such a dichotomy.

Returning to the discussion of regional variation in B.C.,

on the basis of the data available from analysis of PQ3 responses,

Vancouver Island appears to have most in common with the Okanagan with which it shares three features that I will designate as +B

(British)—a Low marking for /t»meitq/ and a High marking for

/rut/ = route and /eiprllczrt/. The Kootenay and Lower Mainland, sharing or characterized by +A (American) features--Low /rut/ = route in both, Low /eiprlkTjt/ in the Lower Mainland and High

/tamelto./ in the Kootenay--differ to the greatest extent from the Island. The Lower Mainland and Kootenay differ to a lesser degree from the Okanagan since a significantly lower percent of

/veiz_/ in these two areas distinguishes them from the Island but not from this third mainland area.

The Cariboo and the Okanagan share one +B feature—High f \ /eiprlkut/—but are differentiated by one feature—/rut/ = route is High for the Okanagan, Low for the Cariboo. These two areas are also divided by two SG.—7 (/sut/) and 13 (caught = cot)— peculiar to the Okanagan and Cariboo alone.

The Cariboo is differentiated from the Lower Mainland by

High/Low markings for /vz>zj and /eiprlkot/.

In brief, even on the basis of the limited amount of data in PQ3. comparison of High and Low feature markings establishes grounds for considering the Island and the Okanagan to be dialeSt areas within B.C. Assigned values for the areas shown in Figure 5 emphasize the relative isolation of the Island and the Okanagan 46 from other areas and the +B orientation of both areas (indicated by both methods of comparison) is in keeping with what we know of B.C. settlement patterns.

Figure 5, Assigned values for PQ3 areas: overall distribution

However, the status of mainland areas other than the Okanagan and their relationship to each other and to the Island and Okanagan is impossible to assess at this time, regardless of which method of comparison is used. A Summary of Significant Age Group Variations Age Group Variations within Areas Significant age group changes are shown in Figure 6 on page 47. The direction of change is indicated by the form listed. The Okanagan and Cariboo seem to be the most stable areas, while the greatest number of changes are found on Vancouver Island. All changes are parallel to those in B.C.-- unless the increasing frequency of /seprlk-pt/ as a response on the Island can be said to oppose the B.C. 'trend'. 4?

0/M M/Y 0/Y /tameitq/ /atprlkot/ caught=cot

/suty /rllr/ /zibra/ father=bother /suty /s k^l/ /rut/=route c father=bother ./skecfcl/ 0 /rut/=route /m£ri/ caught=cot K /meri/ /rut/»route i Y fath^ersbother

Figure 6. Significant age group changes in areas,

Age Group Variations Cross-Regionally The o-Group (Maps XVI, XIX)

SG 6 sets the Island apart from all other areas in B.C., SG 1, the Island from the Lower Mainland (and all other areas but the Okanagan)• SG 3 divides the Okanagan from the Lower Mainland and Cariboo, 5t "the Kootenay from the Okanagan and Lower Mainland. The Kootenay and Lower Mainland are differentiated by item 16.

On the basis ;of this limited data, it can only be said that the Island is differentiated slightly from the mainland and that on the mainland the greatest contrast seems to be between the Lower Mainland and the Kootenay.

Assigned values (figure 7) show the isolation of the 48

Island more clearly. They also indicate that the Okanagan

differs from other mainland areas but to a much lesser degree

than does the Island.

In spite of, or perhaps because of, High and Low marking,

the Kootenay and the Lower Mainland differ little in assigned

values. In these two areas there is an interesting contrast of

• +A and +B variants. The Kootenay is High for /it^rj (+B) and

/l£vr/ (+A) and also has a high incidence of /§tprIkT>t/ and /zebra/

(+A) and ^edjl/ (+B). The Lower Mainland, on the other hand, is

at the opposite end of the scale for each of these items.

Figure 7« Assigned values for PQ3 areass the ©-group

The m-Group

Changes in SG. can be seen oh Map XX, High and Low mark•

ing on Map XVII.

Although the Island is now marked for one +A feature—Low

for /lz,ycj--both this area and the Okanagan are basically +B

areas. /rut/= route and /r^v/cofrohrj are common to both, 49 the Island is High for /eiprlk-art/, the Okanagan, Low for /tameitoy. The Lower Mainland, Cariboo, Upper Mainland and Kootenay are, on the other hand,.,+A areas. The Lower Mainland and Cariboo

share three +A features--Low /rut/ = route and /le^rj, High /tameitq/. The Kootenay and Upper Mainland are marked for two of these three features, the exception being /l£?|r/.

Figure 8. Assigned values for PQ3 areas: the m-group Assigned values (Figure 8) also attest to the +B orient• ation of the Island and Okanagan and the +A orientation of the remaining areas. However, comparison of Figures 7 and 8 reveals a certain amount of rapprochement between Island and Mainland. The y-group (Maps XVIII, XXI) In terms of feature marking, the Okanagan is still char•

acterized by +B features—High /eiprlkTrt/ and /rut/ = route. However, the Lower Mainland is now marked by three +B features--

High /ruty = route, /zitre/ and /mxci/—in place of the three +A 50 features of the m-group in this area and the Island has gained

one +A feature—Low /eiprlkotz. The Cariboo, Kootenay and Upper

Mainland are all marked by one less feature than they were pre•

viously: that is, the Cariboo is marked by two—Low /rut7 =

route and /zinr$/, and the Kootenay and Upper Mainland for one

each—Low /mxri/ and Low /rut/ = route, respectively.

Figure 9» Assigned values for PQ3 areas: the y-group

Comparison of assigned values in Figures 8 and 9 as well as the changes in marked features noted above suggest that what• ever degree of dialect differentiation existed cross-regionally in the m-group is disappearing. However^ High and Low marking of areas for /v*?z/, /veiz/ and father=bother (variants or items not taken into account in assigning values) complicates the picture. While marking for one or both variants of vase differ- -entiate the Lower Mainland, Okanagan and Kootenay from the Island and Cariboo, marking for father=bother divides Okanagan, Kootenay and Cariboo from the Lower and Upper Mainland.

Perhaps it need not be repeated that the preceding anal- 51 -ysis of age group variations is supported by very little con• crete data. Significant variations are found for few of the items on PQ3 and area age group sample sizes are small. I feel, however, that the analysis of PQ3 responses provides enough evid• ence of speech differentiation between age groups (particularly between the m-groups, in which sample sizes are larger than in the other groups) in the several regions of B.C. to warrant further investigation on a larger scale.• 52

NOTES 1. Since there are only four informants in the b-group in the Upper Mainland, this group has been ignored. Peace River m- and y-groups with seven informants each (and the Peace River as a whole) have not-been discussed unless they vary radically from other m- or y-groups (or areas). 2. Even a cursory inspection of Table IV will reveal that the number of informants in areas or in age groups vary from item to item. Fluctuations occur for several reasons. -a few informants indicated that they used more than one pronunciation variant for an item. In such a case, when respons• es were computer programmed, each variant was counted as a sep• arate response, thus increasing the number of informants by one. -a number of questionnaires were missing the second page. -a number of informants had difficulties with R/NO type questions and either omitted them entirely or answered them in a manner which made it impossible to interpret the responses. Several informants failed to answer some of the multiple choice questions. 3. The Okanagan was the only region in which informants wrote in their own rhymes eg., 'ah', 'car' etc. 4. The Cariboo is the only area in which some informants in each age group chose /veisj. In the Peace River area both m- and y-group percentages are high (m-group- 43$, y-group- 29$). 5. Only 36$ of the Peace River informants chose this variant. 6. Poison found 2% and 4$, respectively, in Vancouver and Duncan surveys. 2% is reported for teenagers and 4$ for adults in the Kootenay. (Gregg, 1973) 7. The m-group in the Peace River area could be an ex• ception. 8. /sAt/ is used mainly by m- and o-group informants scattered over most areas of the province. 9. One informant noted an ambiguity in the questions " lather as in 'shaving lather' not as in 'a lather' meaning some- -one who uses a lathe* " 53 10. Both bother and father were given as alternatives to lather. Of the informants who did not .choose lather, all but one chose father. This suggests that bother and father rhymed for these informants and that their choice was dictated by the pre- -sence-of the same letter representing the vowel in rather and father.

11. But, see G-P results for the Kootenay in Table VIII. 12. However, few of the items which could vary from * region to region in B.C. are included in this section of PQ3«- The phonological section of SCE contains forty-two items (only twelve; of which are found in P$3) and a further sixty or more grammatical and lexical items. 13* The designation of certain variants as American or British in an absolute sense could be disputed. For example, while /aprlk-wt/ and /meri/ are American, or to be more exact, not British, /l£vry, /raut/ and /zebra/ which are usually considered as^being American ar,e also use^ in Britain and 'British.' variants Afidjl/, /rcisJr/, /lejr/ and /livr/ (as well as /eiprlkot/ and /maeri/) are aiso usea in the United States. This classification is, however, the most useful (and, perhaps, the only) one avail- -able at the moment not only for assigning values, but also for characterizing High and Low marking for areas (see p.45). 14. For example^ thesis land, Okanagan and Cariboo have been marked High for /eiprlkot/ in contrast to the Lower and Upper Mainland areas. There is a difference between the Okanagan and Lower Mainland of 34$j the difference between the Cariboo and Lower Mainland is only 19$. 54

CHAPTER IV In the previous chapter I outlined the salient facts of B.C. pronunciation on the basis of PQ3 data alone. Here, I am concerned with external evidence, the question being« what do the results of other surveys in B.C. contribute to the interpretation of the above data? The major source of information for B.C. is The Survey of Canadian English. Figures in the columns headed Rodman (Table VI) and SCE (Table VIII) are also derived from this survey. (1) Under Gregg-Poison (G-P) are grouped those surveys conducted through the Linguistics Department at the University of B.C. prior to 1972. Consideration must be given to the fact that the aims of other surveys are not the same as those of PQ3 and that their scope and the methods used differ as well. Among the aims of The Survey of Canadian English. Scargill enumerates the following! 1. to obtain on a large scale, information about Canadian Englishi 2. to observe linguistic changes in progress or already accomplished) and as a primary aim, 3. to compare the speech of the younger generation with that of their parents. (2) 55 One thousand questionnaires weve evenly distributed to schools throughout each province. Grade IX students were chosen to represent the younger generation. No attempt was made to dis• tinguish between urban and rural groups or to sub-divide the provinces regionally, and, although information was requested as to the educational level of parents, no attempt was made to gather further details of the background of students qr.parents.

There are, then, three major differences between SCE and PQ3 which could influence the comparison of the two surveys. 1. SCE informants out-number PQ3 informants approximately 4:1, This large sample sizes could skew the re• sults of survey comparisons. In addition, the distribution of questionnaires evenly throughout the schools in B.C. has resulted in a heavier sampling of Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island where there is greater population density and therefore a larger number of schools.than in other areas in the province. PQ3 informants, on the other hand, are distributed fairly evenly over the province. Thus, to the possible skewing of results due to the discrepancy in' sample sizes must be added the possible skewing of results due to differences of informant distribution. I, therefore, decided to compare, as well, two sub-sets of SCE and PQ3 informants t the Rodman sample group (nGV) and a main-land sample group (PQ3-(I+GV)). In these subsets there are roughly equivalent numbers of informants, and, with certain exceptions (see area comparisons for further discussion) there is a 56 similar distribution of informants within the area. 2. SCE students are fifteen year olds, whereas the PQ3 y-group informants range in age from fifteen to thirty. These two groups have nonetheless been equated in this chapter. Al• though parents of SCE students could be as young as thirty-five or as old as seventy-five, they are more likely to correspond in age to the PQ3 m-group and have been compared with this group.

3. Although no data is available on the background of SCE informants, it may be assumed that not all of them wouldV meet the requirements of PQ3. The aims of the G-P surveys, taken as a group, were the same as those of PQ3_. But althougha few informants were reached through the two postal questionnaires conducted prior to PQ3. the majority of the data was collected in the field. As field studies, the G-P surveys serve, to some extent, to check on the results of both SCE and PQ3.

The number of informants interviewed in the individual surveys varied considerably--from eight (Victoria adults) to two hundred and forty-six (Vancouver high school students). The students were between fifteen and nineteen years old when the surveys were conducted (1965-1969). Adults interviewed in the Okanagan and in Victoria were possibly classifiable as o-group by PQ3 definition at the time of interview, while Kootenay adults would be classified as m- and o-group informants. Table V shows the number of informants and Table VI, the distribution of variants in PQJI, SCE, PQ3-(I+GV) and Rodman sample 57 groups. (3) Comparison of SCE and PQ3 Results for the Province and for the Mainland 1. Tomato- no significant variation. 2. Vase The percentage of responses for /v©z/ (r. paws) is much

lower in SCE than it is in PQ3i the reverse holds for /vaz7 (r. ahs). I have assumed, however, that the second response has been chosen by many SCE informants who could have chosen the firsti ie. that ahs is frequently pronounced with a slightly rounded vowel (and many people answer multiple choice questions from the bottom up). If the percentage of B.C. residents native to the province who use the pronunciation /vaz/ is less than 4$ (and I suspect that it is) it can be assumed that there is no significant variation between questionnaires for this item. (The only possible significant variation would be between the PQ3- i (I+GV) and Rodman sample groups.) 4. Apricot- no significant variation. (4) 5. Lever According to PQ3 figures, the trend in B.C. is toward /livr/. Admittedly, this trend is significant only when the o- group percentage is taken into account. SCE figures point to a reverse trend both in the province as a whole and on the mainland. /livr./ is significantly higher in the SCE adult group than in the equivalent PQ3 group and also in the Rodman sub- sample as compared to PQ3-(I+GV). /livry is significantly lower 58 in the SCE student group as compared to the PQ3 y-groupi student/ y-group percentages in the two mainland sub-samples are about equal. (5) ?. Soot The SCE student group percentage for /sut/ is higher, province-wide, than that of the PQ3 y-group. Rodman/PQ3-(I+GV) groups vary in the same manner. Percentages for student groups, both SCE and Rodman, are also higher for /sut/ than are adult per• centages in all four sample groups.

While PQ3 results point to a trend in the direction of fart/t SCE figures point to a trend toward /sut/. 8. Route Both SCE/PQ3 and Rodman/PQ3-(I4GV) student/y-groups vary significantly. More SCE and Rodman students chose /raut/, 9. Schedule Mainland student/y-group figures vary significantly with fewer informants in the Rodman group choosing /^edjl/. 12. Father/bother 13. Caught/cot Fewer SCE students rhyme these pairs than do PQ3 y-group informants•

15. Aunt More SCE students chose the non-rhyming pronunciation. 16. Leisure More SCE and Rodman adults and students chose /lijr/ than did their PQ3 and PQ3-(I+GV) counterparts. Percentage differ• ences between adult groups, both mainland and provincial, are 59 exceptionally high compared to percentage differences between adult and student groups for other items. While (significant) percentage differences for other items range from 7$ to 16$, for /lijr/, the difference between mainland adult groups is 27$» be• tween provincial adult groups, 28$. Variations between student/ y-groups are less pronounced (10$ and 14$). 17• Bury- no significant variation. Summary of Significant Variations- SCE/PQ3 Student/y-group The frequency of fx/ in soot, /acq/ in route, /Of in aunt and /i/ in leisure is higher in SCE than in PQ3. The frequency of /!/ in lever and of rhyme of father/ bother and caught/cot is lower in SCE. Adult/m-group The frequency of /!/ in lever and in leisure is higher in SCE. Summary of Significant Variations- Rodman/PQ3-(I+GV) Student/y-group The frequency of fvj in soot, f&Xt/ in route, fx/ in leisure and /sk/ in schedule is higher in Rodmani the frequency of fctj in aunt is lower in Rodman AduIt/m-group The frequency of fi/ in lever and in leisure is higher in Rodman. Trends In SCE and the Rodman sub-group the trends are in the dir- 60 -ection of /sut/ and /leyr/j in PQ3 and PQ3- (I+GV) the trends are in the direction of /hxrtj and /livr./. In Chapter III, I outlined the age group percentages and directions of change in pronunciation in B.C. on the basis of PQ3 results alone. Comparison with SCE figures supports PQ3 indicat- -ions of change for all but two of the twelve items common to both surveys. Adult percentages varied little for ten items, student percentages for five. (6) Although G-P differences must be borne in mind here (see area comparisons), the similarity of results of the two questionnaires despite the differences noted at the beginning of this chapter, is a strong argument for the validity of both PQ3 and SCE data. As such it focuses attention on variations where they occur. Are they due to disparities of sample sizes or informant distribution, or to age differences be• tween student and y-groups, or are they indicative of a greater prevalence of certain forms within certain sections of the gen• eral population? Comparison of mainland sub-groups reveals two adult and five student variations. Both adult and four of the student variations are also found between equivalent provincial groups. (7) This would suggest that disparities of sample sizes and of in- -formant distribution have little effect on the results of com- -parisons of PQ3 and SCE and the answer to the question of why variations between survey results occur at the provincial level must be sought elsewhere. Further investigation of some sort is necessary before this question can be answered. 61 Comparison of SCE, PQ3 and G-P Results for Areas Table VII fives sample sizes and Table VIII, the distrib• ution of variants for PQ3_, G-P and SCE surveys at the regional level. Sinee all SCE questionnaires from Vancouver Island were returned to the University of Victoria, I have no SCE data for the Island. G-P surveys covered only the Island, Lower Mainland Okanagan and Kootenay. Therefore, comparisons are for the most part, between SCE and PQ3 or G-P and one of the two postal sur• veys. Only in the Kootenay is there a reasonably adequate body of data from all three surveys.

Vancouver Island- G-P/PQ3 Of the ten items elicited in both student surveys (8), only five vary to any marked,degree. A significantly higher percentage of G-P informants chose /r^ryc\3/n^rj /livr/, /m*ri/ and /zibrs/ were chosen by a larger (if not significantly so) number of G-P students. Differences in the distribution of the variants of soot merit further consideration. The percentage of /svt/ is significantly lower in G-P than in PQ3» The major competitor in the former survey is /s/it/ which was used by 29$ of G-P informants and none of the PQ3 y- group. Considering that the difference between /u/ and fisj is difficult to distinguish and that questionnaire informants are not trained linguists, the absence of /s/v±/ in PQ3 is explain- -able. The difference between surveys, however, does provide an excellent illustration of the weakness of written questionnaires.

Adult percentages for variants of tomato and of route 62 differ if comparison is made with the PQ3 m-group but are in keep• ing with percentages in the PQ3 m-group. The opposite is true for /eiprlkflt/. A Lower (if not significantly so) percent of Island adults chose /veiz/ than did informants in PQ3 m- or o-groups in that area. The Lower Mainland Two problems arise when we try to compare survey results on the Lower Mainland. The first is the proliferation of sur• veys and of sample groups within them. G-P surveys include one in Vancouver (GV) and one in Hope (nGV) and both PQ3 and SCE student and adult groups can be divided into sub-groups for GV and nGV. (9) The second problem is that of inadequate and/or widely disparate sample sizes. The dimensions of the problem can be seen in the following exerpt from Table VII.

PQ3 G-P SCE Students GV 5 246 135 (=y-group) nGV 14 14 17

19 260 152 Adults GV 13" - ' ITJ (*m-group) nGV 18 - 28

31 141 Figure 10. Sample sizes in Lower Mainland sample groups.

The PQ3 y-group sample (19 informants) is extremely small compared to G-P and SCE student samples and, while the Hope (nGV) sample and PQ3 and SCE nGV sub-samples are equivalent in size, 63 they are too small to provide much reliable information. (In addition, the Hope survey covered relatively few items.) I have, therefore, in this study compared G-P (Vancouver) and SCE student groups only. The disparity between the PQ3 m-group and the SCE adult group sample sizes is only slightly less than that between the sample sizes of students in those surveys. However, adult nGV sub-samples in both surveys are of adequate and equivalent size. I have, therefore, compared the PQ3 m-group (as a whole) with the SCE nGV sub-group. The percentages given in Table VIII for SCE students are for the most part adjusted figures for the whole Lower Mainland sample group. (10) Percentages were calculated separately for nGV, and GV sub-groups but since percentage differences between the two groups were found to be small and the proportion of nGV students within the total sample was low, skewing of GV percent- -ages was slight when the two groups were amalgamated. Where marked differences occur,(cfr. route, schedule), figures are given in Table VII and the GV percentage used in the comparisons. With regard to the adult groups selected for comparison, PQ3 figures given in Table VIII are those for the total Lower Mainland sample. Again, percentages were calculated for both GV and nGV informants but since differences were found to be slight, the PQ3 m-group distribution can be considered represent• ative of both nGV and GV distributions. Calculation of percent• ages for SCE adults was carried out in the same manner as for 64 students and separate figures are given for GV and nGV sub-groups only when there is considerable variation between them. Students-SCE/G-P (GV) Four of the seven items common to both surveys vary to a considerable degree. Significantly more G-P students chose /veiz/ and /lE^r/ and significantly fewer chose /l£vr/. Although these variations cannot be considered significant, fewer G-P students chose /veis/ and, possibly, fewer chose /wz/ although it is difficult to make a definite statement concerning the latter due to already mentioned ambiguities in the SCE questionnaire. As on the Island, the figures for soot in Lower Mainland surveys merit further consideration. The incidence of /sAt/ in the G-P survey is recorded as 23$ (equivalent to the Island fig- -ure of 29$). However, in the Lower Mainland /sut/ accounts for 30$ of the responses in SCE but only 6$ in the G-P survey. A reason for the higher incidence of /sAt/ in a field survey has already been discussed but this does not explain the high per• centage of /sut/ in the SCE student group. Tomato (all variants), schedule and bury showed no sig• nificant variation. Apricot, route and aunt were not included in the G-P survey. Adults- SCE/PQ3 (nGV) Significant variations are found for three or possibly four out of ten items common to both SCE and PQ3, close to sig• nificant variation for another two items. 65 Significantly fewer SCE informants chose /bameitq/— 14$ were divided between pronunciation with [aj or fb\&,aj in the stressed syllable-- and significantly fewer chose ^tprlktrt/ and /levr/. The distribution of fwzj SCB/PQ3 is 54$/77$ but it is impossible to decide how,many of the SCE informants who chose ahs as a rhyme for vase were indicating a pronunciation with a rounded vowel.

Incidence of /raut/ was higher and /le^z*./, lower in SCE Distribution of variants of soot, schedule, aunt and bury was equivalent in both surveys. The Cariboo-SCE/PQ3 In SCE, the Cariboo is represented by one city, . Sample sizes are small, especially for the student groups of both surveys compared here. Only two significant variations are found between surveys In this area. Fewer SCE students chose /l£vr/ and fewer SCE adults chose /lezr/» Close to significant variations are found between student groups for /ttprlk-pt/ and /l£^r/. In both cases, the incidence of the American variant was higher among SCE students. The fact that more SCE students use /feprlkot/ and more SCE students and adults use /li^-r/ is of some interest as Salmon Arm is located in an area where, according to the distribution of variants shown on Maps XXII and XXIV, these variants occur more frequently than in the rest of the Cariboo.

The Upper Mainland-SCE/PQ3 Numbers of informants are small in both surveys, especial- 66 -ly in the student groups. The school district from which SCE questionnaires were returned is labeled Skeena, no longer in ex• istence officially, but probably represented by schools in Prince Rupert, Terrace and Hazelton and possibly Stewart. No significant variations occur between student groups j in fact, for nine items there is an average variation of about 4$l The incidence of /bsri/ is about 28$ lower in SCE.

Significantly fewer SCE adults chose /ranjt/ and fie^rj, Although the differences cannot be called significant, more SCE adults chose /feprlkat/ and /sut/ and fewer indicated /veiz/, /ievr./ and /hut/ as the pronunciation of choice. The Okanagan Sample sizes for adults in SCE and PQ3 are comparable, student informants more numerous in the first survey. SCE in- -formants are from Penticton and Kelownaj that is, from the Okan- -agan Valley proper. Since the G-P sample is small, very little can be said about the differences in results of field study and written questionnaire. Students- SCE/PQ3 Pour out of ten items vary significantly. More Okanagan students than members of the PQ3 y-group in this area indicated that they used /5eprlk©t/, /sut/, /Taut/ and /ax&J, 22$ fewer SCE informants chose /le^r/. Tomato, vase, lever, schedule and bury show no significant variation. Adults- SCE/PQ3/G-P A significantly larger percent of SCE adults chose /raut/ 67 while a significantly larger percent of the PQ3 m-grqup inform-

-ants chose /l;am©to/^/tam

G-P figures for tomato differ radically from those of SCE and PQ3_. 7/l8 G-P informants (38$) used the pronunciation /tanraetq/ while only 10/l8 (56$) used /tgmeito/. SCE and PQ^ fig- -ures for these variants are 80$ and 20$, 70$ and 15$t respectiv• ely. Only l/l8 (6$) G-P informants gave /veiz/ as a response. The corresponding figures in SCE and PQ3 are 6/27 (22$) and 8/15

(31$). The percentage for /ratrt/ in G-P differs little from that in SCE and the frequency of /rairt/ in both groups is significant- -ly higher than it is in the PQ3 m-group. (However, the incid• ence of /raut/ ih G-P is equivalent to that in the o-group of PQ3). The percentage of /l£vr/ in G-P is about mid-way between SCE and PQ3 figures.

The Kootenay- SCE/PQ3/G:-P This area is the best in which to compare results of all three surveys. Thirty-three of the PQ3 informants are from the West Kootenay, the majority of these, from the southern portion. SCE informants live in Nelson, Trail and Kaslo which are also located in the south-western region of the Kootenay. The G-P survey was particularly concerned with the border area. Sample sizes in all three surveys are adequate and in addition, we have 68 comparable data for eighteen items G-P/PQ3 and ten items SCE/PQ3 Students Only two significant variations are found between SCE and

PQ3. More SCE students chose /levr/ and fewer, /§£d^l/. The in-

-Cidence of /veiz/ is higher and of /voz/, lower in SCE butthese differences are not statistically significant. Variation between survey groups is less than 12$ for other items. The distribution of variants of vase, lever, soot and schedule was similar in both G-P and PQ3. Incidence of /veiz/ and /levr/ in both these surveys is significantly lower than in

SCE and incidence of fvvzj and significantly lower. As in the Lower Mainland, significantly fewer G-P students chose /sut/. The percentage of /bari/ is significantly lower in G-P and the percentage of rhyme of father and bother, higher than in both PQ3 and SCE. For tomato, route, caught=cot, aunt and leisure there is little or no variation between any of the survey groups. Only one of the ten items found only in G-P and PQ3 varies to a significant degree. The incidence of /zebrd/ is higher in PQ3. . . . , . . . . For root, rather, marry, and the last four items on the PQ3 questionnaire there is no significant variation. Adults Three significant variations occur between SCE and PQ3 sample groups. Percentages of /Znt/ and /bari/ are higher and of 69 r/, lower in the SCE adult group. Distribution of variants of other items is similar in both surveys. /v»z/, again, presents a problem but likely varies little between survey groups although the incidence of this form in SCE is comparatively low.

G-P percentages for variants of caught, leisure and bury are close to those of PQ3. Percentages of caught=cot and /le^r/ are significantly higher and of /ant/ and /bari/, lower in these two surveys than in SCE. For other items there is no significant variation between any of the three survey groups. Two of the ten items common to G-P and SCE alone show sig-

-nificant variation. More G-P adults used /rooty and fewer used /z£brs>/. None of the G-P informants distinguished mourning and morning or hoarse and horse phoneticallyt however, distinctions were made by some informants in the pronunciation of fairy and ferry and Mary and merry. It should also be noted that while only one informant out of twenty-four made the distinction fairy / ferry, three out of twenty-four made the distinction Mary / merry. When the results of SCE and PQ3 were compared at the provincial level or for the mainland sub-region, it was found that percentages in adult groups varied significantly for only two items and in the student group for roughly half of the items common to both surveys. This was taken to be a fairly strong indication of the validity of both SCE and PQ3 results but also 70 raised the question of why some variations did occur. Although" several possible reasons were suggested (and some tentatively re• jected), no definitive answer or answers to this question could be supplied. Comparison of area percentages SCE/PQ3. unfortunately, can provide no clue as to the why of provincial variation, nor does it allow us to say much about the validity of PQ3 and SCE results at the area level. Comparisons have been made of the var• iant distribution of ten items for two sets of informants (student/y-group and adult/m-group) in each of four areas and for one set of informants in one area. Thus, a total of ninety sig• nificant variations could occur at the area level. Although few of these--twenty in all—do, in fact, occurv because sample sizes are small and/or disparate in -some areas and the distribution of SCE informants is restricted in others, no strong claims can be made on this basis. Where data is available from all three surveys and signify -icant variations are found between field study and written questionnaire, G-P results more frequently support PQ3 figures than they do those of SCE. Whether it can be argued from this that PQ3 results are more reliable than those of SCE is open to question. Of more interest, perhaps, are the instances in which G-P figures differ from those of both SCE and PQ3_, cfr. father/ bother and bury in the Kootenay student/y-group. As stated previously, a more intensive investigation of 71 B.C. speech is necessary before any definite conclusions can reached. 72


1. Rodman (1975) subcategorizes SCE questionnaires as followst " r BG1- Vancouver island questionnaires plus those from the mainland returned directly to the University of Victoria. ' BG2- mainland questionnaires returned to the University of B.C. from: GV- Greater Vancouver, and nGVr- the rest of the mainland. Some of the figures used in this study are taken from the above mentioned article, for the remainder and for those used in area comparisons, I am indebted to Miss Rodman.

2. Scargill, 197^, pp.11-12. 3. Both Scargill and Rodman give individual percentages for male and female informants in each age group. For the pur- -pose of survey comparison, these percentages have been adjusted! that is, the figures in the columns headed SCE and Rodman (Tables VI and VII) are percentages for all informants in each age group. Furthermore, SCE allowed for an either one choice for a number of itemsi namely, apricot, lever, route, schedule, leisure and bury. PQ3 informants had, of course, the option of checking more than one response. In coding PQ3_, the choice of two var• iants by one informant was coded as two separate informant re• sponses (see p. 52). Therefore, a (second) similar adjustment has been made of SCE and Rodman figures. The number of informants (male and female) who chose the either one response has been added to the number of informants who chose variant A and to the number of informants who chose variant B (and, of course, to the total number of informants in the age group under consideration). Percentages for each variant have then been recalculated on this basis. The number of informants given for SCE and Rodman in Tables V; and VII is the actual number.,: not the inflated one pro- -duced by adjusting for either one choices. 4. Althoughnthere is no significant variation SCE/PQ3 or Rodman/PQ3-(I+GV), SCE/Rodman/groups do vary. Fewer adults in the Rodman sub-sample chose /feprlktort/. PQ3/PQ3-(I+GV) groups, however, show no significant variation. 5. While there is a significant variation,between student groups SCE/Rodman (fewer Rodman students chose /l£vr/, variation of the same order is not found PQ3/PQ3-(I+GV). 1 73 6. In Chapter III (p.29), I noted that when the calculat• ion of standard errors was used to determine significant variat• ion between percentages in large sample groups, the fact that a variation in percent is of the order of two standard errors or more indicates only that the variation is not due to chance and further, that it is the linguist who must decide whether the percentage difference is, in fact, interesting or significant (in a linguistic sense). To illustrate this point: Although it can hardly be denied that the 28$ variation in the distribution of /lijr/ between adult groups SCE/PQ3 is both interesting and linguistically significant, we could question the importance of an 8$ variation in distribution. It may be necessary to add a second condition which must be met be- -fore a variation is considered significant: ie., the variation must be two standard errors or more and greater than X percent. It is not my purpose, in this study, to decide exactly what value should be assigned to X. The point I wish to make is that if X were to equal 10$, only five of the seven student var• iations would be significant (the percentage variation for lever is 8$, for caught=cot, 9$), If X were to: equal 12$ only one adult and three student variations would remain (the per• centage difference between adult groups for lever is 11$, between student groups for route and father=bother, 11$ and 10$). In brief, there may be a greater similarity between the results of SCE and PQ3 than the summary of variations of two standard errors or more suggests. 7. Only one significant variation (schedule) is found in the mainland student sub-group only. Since disparities of sample size and of informant distribution seem to have little effect on other items and since this variation occurs between groups in which sample sizes are small but not between larger sample groups, it could reflect a real difference in the mainland as a sub-area of the province. 8. tomato, vase, lever, soot, schedule, rather, zebra, marry, leisure, bury. 9. GV in SCE includes Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and Richmond, in PQ3, these plus North and and Surrey. nGV in SCE is represented by Powell River and Langley. 10. See note 3« To arrive at percentages for regional groups, adjustments had also to be made for varying numbers of informants in the communities representing the region. 74

CHAPTER V The Survey of Canadian English provides a wealth of data on B.C. speech. It can, however, tell us nothing about regional variation within the province. And although Rodman (1975) and other unpublished data from this study furnish information on dialect differences between Greater Vancouver and the rest of the mainland, this data is limited not only by the fact that it in• volves only two regions but also by the fact that not all Great• er Vancouver or mainland questionnaires were available for analysis, (see p.72) The results of G-P surveys suggested that dialect variat• ion did exist in B.C. (1) The results of PQ3 support this con• clusion and on the basis of PQ3 data we can tentatively divide the province into three dialect areas: Vancouver Island, the Okanagan, and the rest of B.C. (2) However, conclusions based on PQ3 data are limited by several factors. First, few of the possible number of varying items are included in the phonological section of PQ3. (see p.53) Second, PQ3 data indicate that dial• ect variation in B.C., although existent, is not of great order and is determinable only on a statistical basis, and since there are relatively few informants in the total PQ3 sample, it is difficult, if not impossible, to establish precise boundaries of dialect areas. Third, by the same token it is even more difficult 75 to determine the extent of differentiation between age groups in one area or age groups cross-regionally.

Comparison of PQ3 and SCE figures for the items common to both surveys adds somewhat to our knowledge of B.C. speech. How-

-ever, few phonological (not to mention grammatical or lexical) items are common to both surveys7and while results are mutually supportive for most of these items, the fact that for even one

(e.g. leisure) figures vary radically, raises questions as to the validity of results for other items in both PQ3 and SCE. (3) In addition, both PQ3 and SCE are written questionnaires, the limit-

-ations of which are well known.

Analysis of data from all surveys is hampered by the lack of information on, the settlement patterns*in B.C. (with the con-

-commitant inability to relate dialect situation to causative factors) as well as by the absence of sociological correlates. (4)

The question, therefore, arises as to what must or can be done to broaden our knowledge of B.C. speech.

The results of the syntactic and lexical sections of PQ3 should be available in the near future (5)» further publications based on SCE data should soon appear (6), and pilot socio-dialect-

-ological surveys have been begun in Vancouver and Victoria. But although the above will contribute much to our knowledge of B.C. dialect, the limitations and biases of PQ3 and SCE (and the re• stricted scope—in a regional sense--of the Vancouver and

Victoria surveys) indicate that a third full-scale survey should be made. 76 If this survey is to he fully effective, it should be a field study. The limitations of written questionnaires, the nature of dialect differentiation in B.C. and the problem of locating suitable informants all point in this direction. It is not necessary, here, to elaborate on the limitations of written questionnaires. However, the problems raised by the nature of dialect differentiation and by the difficulty of locat• ing suitable informants merit a brief discussion. As previously mentioned, PQ3 data indicate that dialect differentiation in B.C. is not of great order and is determinable only on a statistical basis. Therefore, any attempt to define dialect areas in the province requires the sampling of a large number of informants and that the informants be distributed fairly evenly throughout the province. (7) And if, in addition PQ3 requirements for in- -formants are to be met, the investigator would be forced into the field if only to find the required sample. The question then becomes! how large a sample is necess- -ary?, Although I am unable, at this time, to find any scientific --i.e. statistical—backing for the contention, I feel that a sample group of fifty is adequate for our purposes. If we main- -tain the division of the province into seven areas and three age groups, the total number of informants required would be approx• imately one thousand. (7x3x50 =1050) There are additional complications. Although the primary aim of a B.C. dialect survey should be to study the speech of the life-time residents of the province, attention should be paid at 77 least to the speech of later arrivals if not to that of residents who have returned to the province after an absence of a period of time beyond that allowed in the selection of PQ3 informants. The education requirement of PQ3 also excludes an important section of the population, not only hampering the correlation of speech and education, but also excluding certain socio-economic groups which may exert a strong influence on the speech of the community. In a province-wide investigation it would be impossible to control sampling to the extent of including a representative sample of all these groups, but even if it means proliferation of the number of informants necessary, a random sample,'a"t least, should be included. Assuming that this latter group is in IsZ proportion to life-time residents, the total number of informants to be interviewed becomes approximately fifteen hundred.

To find and interview some fifteen hundred informants using a questionnaire of at least one hundred items (see note 3) is a formidable task. Unless one has a large number of field- workers (which in B.C. we do not) or is content to extend the investigation over an indefinite period of time, some kind of compromise must be found between the ideal goal and the means at one's disposal. With the above in mind, I will outline several alternative approaches to B.C. dialect study. (8) I Full-scale Survey with Modifications The number of informants necessary for this type of study has already been determined as approximately fifteen hundred. 78 Modifications »1. The Questionnaire and Interview Where PQ3 and SCE results are available, the productivity of certain questions bould indicate items to be excluded from the questionnaire. For example, shone, mourning, hoarse, fairy and Mary could be excluded on the basis of PQ3 data since the minor• ity variant was nowhere chosen by more than fifteen percent of the informants and no significant variation between areas or age groups was found for these items. Interview time could be shortened by the use of a written questionnaire for syntactic or lexical information. (9) The use of two questionnaires is an alternate method of shortening inter- -view time. The first questionnaire would include all items chosen for the study, the second, those for which eighty percent of SCE or PQ3 informants chose one variant. The latter question- -naire could be administered to every second informant in m- and y-groups. 2. Informant Sele ct ion The shortening of interview time is a factor which benefits both interviewer and informant but is of less importance when measured against the ambunt of time required to find inform- -ants who meet the requirements of the study at hand. (10) The number of informants required could be reduced by sampling in terms of only two age categories. The y-group would consist of seventy-five informants from age fifteen to fifty and the o-group, the same number from age fifty-one to ninety--a 79 total of one hundred and fifty per area and approximately one thousand in all. The third age category, the m-group, could then be set up by selecting from the first two groups approximately seventy-five informants between age thirty-one and sixty. Al• though this method (which I call the overlap method) has the advantage of cuttingdown the number of informants required, it could result in the blurring of differences between age groups, II Survey of PQ3-type Informants Only The number of informants required for this type of survey is approximately one thousand and use of the overlap method of sampling could cut this number to seven hundred. Since the time required to find and interview informants would be less (though the size of the province must still be considered), general knowledge of B.C. speech could be obtained more quickly than if the first approach were taken. However, we would lose province- wide socio-dialectological data and, if the overlap method was. used, much information on age group/area variations within the province, (li) III Interrim Suggestions 1. Socio-dialectological Studies in Vancouver and Victoria Pilot studies have already been begun in these areas and will, without doubt,.increase our knowledge of socio-dialectolog- -ical variations in B.C. They will also provide insight into a methodological approach to this type of study in other parts of the province.

Unfortunately, such surveys require time. Can a province- 80 wide survey await their results? 2. An In-depth Survey of All Age Groups in One Area This type of survey has much in common with the socio- -dialectological study previously discussed, and, in fact could be easily combined with such a study using a more generalized questionnaire in which items chosen for the socio-dialectological survey are embedded. Again, however, there is a question of time involved and also the problem of dove-tailing the results with those of any future province wide investigation. (12) 3. Survey of the o-Group The question: how long can we wait? has been asked or hinted at in the course of the discussion of both the above inter- -rim plans. It is of particular importance here. One of the goals of dialect study in any area is that of recording the speech of early residents. On Vancouver Island, at least, these people are rapidly vanishing from the scene. Al• though we are still faced with the problem of the amount of time required to traverse the province, with as few as five-hundred informants to be interviewed (7 x 75= 5?5) o-group sampling could be accomplished relatively quickly.

The investigation of B.C. speech has scarcely been begun. Hopefully, this investigation will in future be of interest to more than the handful of people already involved. Whichever approach or combination of approaches is taken to the study of 81 B.C. dialect will, in the final analysis depend on the number of people in the field—and on their own particular interests. 82

NOTES 1. See Gregg (1972) for a resume of Vancouver Island, Okanagan and Kootenay surveys. 2. The PQ3 Peace River'sample is too small to allow any definite conclusions to he reached from the data. I suspect, however, that the speech of this area has more in common with that of Alherta than with that of B.C. If this suspicion is proved correct, we would have a fourth dialect area in B.C. 3» PQ3 in its entirety, contains one hundred and ten items, SCE, the same number. 4. I should, at this point, add that in this chapter and throughout this study I have virtually ignored work done at the University of Victoria. The reason is simple. Little or nothing has been published up to this time and I have had little opportun• ity to familiarize myself with the available data. 5. Analysis of the responses to all questionnaire items is at present being carried out by James Poison at Sir George Williams University. 6. Warkentyne (1971) gives some data on the correlation of speech and education although on a Canada-wide basis. Dr. Warkentyne has also informed me of the imminent publication of further articles. 7. A grid of some sort is obviously necessary. What PQ3 areas do not reflect is the distribution of population. An alternative unit could be the federal electoral riding or some multiple of the same. The drawbacks of this type of division are that the con• centration of population in Greater Vancouver and Victoria would result in either the proliferation of sample units or the merging of large sections of the B.C. interior into one unit. On the one hand we would be faced with a major increase in the number of informants necessary, on the other, thinning of distribution in the B.C. interior. Of the two alternatives, the former would be the most acceptable. However, even if PQ3 area divisions were to be used, some provision for Greater Vancouver and Victoria would have to be made; that is, we would have at least nine areas in place of the original seven. It will be argued that in a province-wide in• vestigation a thorough socio-dialectological study is impossible. 83 Such a study should be and is being undertaken in Vancouver and Victoria. If we were to isolate these areas for separate invest• igation, the boundaries of the remaining PQ3 areas should coincide fairly closely with those of federal electoral ridings. 8. Throughout the following discussion, I will maintain the PQ3 division into seven areas and three age groups strictly for the purpose of comparing approaches. If Greater Vancouver and Victoria,were omitted in a province-wide survey, there would still be seven areas—ie. the rest of the Island and of the Lower Mainland would still be separate areas. If Vancouver and Victoria were included, we would have nine areas. Furhtermore, PQ3 data suggest that an eighth (or tenth) area should be set up, This area would include at least Armstrong, Enderby, Grindrod and Lumby (Okanagan)> Salmon Arm Chase and Sicamous (Cariboo) and possibly Revelstoke and Golden (Kootenay). (see Maps XXII-XXVII) Finally, another type of grid (note 7) could vary the number of areas to be considered. 9. This technique was used by Dr. H.K. Warkentyne in a survey of o-group Vancouver Island residents, 10. In B.C., the distance to be covered within provincial boundaries is a major problem. 11. Two further aspects of dialect study have been omitted in this chapter. a. Computer Programming A computer program is essential even for the least compre- -hensive survey plan. Details of the program should be estab• lished before field work is begun since this enables the field- worker to record data on code sheets as work progresses, thus speeding analysis at a later date. Provision for computerized mapping is also essential except, perhaps, in the case of (following) interrim suggestions. b. Historical Data As previously mentioned, this type of data is difficult to find in provincial or federal statistical material or in volumes of provincial history. Local histories could provide much information! however, the most profitable method of invest• igation (also profitable for dialect study) would be conversation with the informants themselves. 12. Poison (1969) outlines two arguments against a piece• meal type of approach. First is the problem of reconciling trans- -criptions of two or more field-workers who have no trained to- -gether and may have different methods of approach. Second is the fact that results of a survey often lead to deletion or addition of items so that the dialectologist who undertook a second survey would be faced with the (probably impossible) task of finding the original informants or be forced to resurvey the whole area. 84 APPENDIX I INSTRUCTIONS POR THE B.C. LINGUISTIC QUESTIONNAIRE Please read these instructions before trying the questionnaire. This is NOT a test. We do NOT presume to judge people's speech habitss we merely record them. So when you answer the questions, PLEASE put down what you actually say. Do NOT put down what you think you SHOULD say. Do NOT put down what your friends and relations think you should say. We picked YOU as our informant and we want YOUR answers. Don't let anyone else tell you what to put down. If someone else wants to add his two-bits worth and you think the information might be interesting, add a note to your answer telling who the other per- -son is and where he comes from. But PLEASE don't let the other person influence your answers. It isn't very likely that you'll be able to answer all the quest• ions . Don't worry about it. The fact that you don't use a particular word can be just as important as the fact that you do. It would be helpful, though, if you would put something in every space so we'll know you haven't overlooked anything--such as "don't know", "never heard of it", "can't remember", "the quest• ion isn't clear" or whatever. YOUR COMMENTS ARE WANTED. Not much work has been done on B.C. speech and there is an awful lot we don't know. Furthermore, we're city boys. If you would assume that we're shockingly ig• norant about most things, and try to set us straight, or give explanatory notes, or add information, it would be helpful (and don't worry about your writing—we're not snobs). Comments of ANY kind are welcome. If there is not enough space under the question, use the back of the previous page. As well as correcting us, giving explanations, or adding information, consid• er adding comments along these lines* I used to call it such and such when I was a boy, but now it's a This word was used in the old days but you never hear it now. Teenagers say My father used to say I've heard people say. 85 The ranchers (loggers, fishermen, etc.) say, This word is old-fashioned. This word is only used in a joking way. I use this most often, but sometimes I say.. If you can think of any word or usage that might interest us but is not related to any question asked, make a note at the end of the questionnaire.

Some of the questions ask you to choose alternatives and have parentheses in which you can put a check mark or an X. e.g. The long suits of underwear worn by men are called red flannels ( ), long-Johns ( ), Stanfields ( ). PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG INVOLVED Some questions have a blank that must be filled with one or more words• e.g. If you were talking about whether a child resembles its father or mother, you might ask» "Does he • •••••• his father or his mother?" When you've finished the questionnaire put it in the stamped en• velope and mail it back to us. We don't want to rush you we are a bit short of time, so the sooner we get the completed question• naire back the better.

MANY THANKS 86 Linguistic Survey of B«C»* (Postal Questionnaire)

Informant Number:

1-3 Name: Date: Address:

4-5 6 Age: Sex: Occupation (or Spouse's): 7-8 Where were you born? How long have you lived here? Have you lived outside this area? If so, where and how long?

9-10 Where was your mother born and raised?

11-12 Where was your father born and raised?

Did you speak any language other than English as a child? 13-14 How much formal education have you had?

Do you have any interesting details to add about your life and background? 87 Linguistic Survey of B.C.t (Postal Questionnaire) 1)

16 1. In the word tomato do you pronounce the middle part of the word as eight, at, or ought? If none of these words fit, give a word containing the 'a' sound you use. a) eight ( ) c) ought ( ) b) at ( ) d) other 17 2. Would you rhyme-vase with 'face', 'days', 'cause' or 'has* ? If you don't rhyme it with any of these, supply your own rhyme. a) face ( ) c) cause ( ) b) days ( ) d) has ( ) e) other 18 3» Do you pronounce the"first part of apricot to rhyme with 'cap* or 'cape' ? a) cap ( ) b) cape ( ) 19 (Do you normally use any other term for this fruit?) 20 4a) Does 'shone' as in 'the sun shone brightly' rhyme with 'John' ( ) or 'Joan' ( ) ? 21 b) Does 'lever' as in 'pull the lever' rhyme with 'clever* ( ) or 'cleaver* ( ) 22 c) Does 'root' as in 'root of a tree' rhyme with 'foot' ( ), "boot* ( ) or 'but* ( ) ? 23 d) Does *soot' as in 'chimney soot' rhyme with 'foot* ( ), 'boot* ( ) or 'but' ( ) ? 24 e) Does 'route' as in 'paper route* rhyme with 'shoot' ( ) or 'shout' ( ) ? 88

Linguistic Survey of B.C.* (Postal Questionnaire) 2)

25 5. Does 'schedule' begin with a 'sk' as in 'ski' ( ) or a 'sh* as in 'she' ( ). 6. Read the following list carefully and mark with an •R' each pair that has a perfect rhyme. Write 'NO' py any pair that does not rhyme. Examples t sad-mad R) cough-rough (NO)

26 27 father-bother leisure-pleasure

28 29 marry-merry merry-Mary

30 31 caught-cot bury-furry

32 33 aunt-ant mourning-morning

34 35 fairy-ferry hoarse-horse

36 Which of the following words would you choose as a rhyme of 'rather' ? 'mother' ( ), 'lather' ( ), 'bother' ( ) or 'father' ( ) ? 8. Does the first part of 'zebra' rhyme with the FEB of FEBruary ( ) or the FEEB of FEEBle ( ) ? 89

APPENDIX II TABLE I Communities Represented %n PQ3

•o=o-group (age 61-90) m=m-group (age 31-60)y=y-group (age 15.30)

Letter Code Community Number of InfnrMnt. »(o,m.y) mv It Vancouver Ts land and the Gulf Islands

A- Alert Bay (0,2,2) C- Courtenay (0,3.2) D- Duncan (2,0,1) E- Pender Island (2,1,1) G- Galliano Island (0,0,1) I- Port Albe mi (1,1,2) L- Ladysmith (1,1.2) N- Nanaimo (1,1,1) 0- Saturna Island (1,0,0) P- Parksville (1,0,0) R- Campbell River (2,1,2) S- Saltspring Island (0,1,1) T- (0,3,0) U- Uclulet (1,2,2) V- Victoria (0,1,1) W- Cowichan Lake (1.1.3) Map Hi Fraser Valley-Lower Mainland

A- Abbotsford and I- Matsqui (2,2,1) B- Pemberton (1.2,0) C- Chilliwack and S- Sardis (1,2,2) D- Delta (Ladner) (1.0,0) E- and K- Roberts Creek (0,1,2) F- Fort Langley (1,0,0) G- Cloverdale (1,1,0) H- Haney and T- (2,2,3) J- Bow en Island (2,0,1) L- Lund (0,1,0) M- Harrison Mills and X- Dewdney (0.1,2) N- North Vancouver (1,3,1) 90 TABLE I Letter Code Community Number of Informants

(L) 0- West Vancouver (0,1,0) P- Powell River (1,1,2) Q- Squamish (2,1,0) R- Richmond (0,3,0) V- Vancouver (3,4,4) W- New Westminster (0,1,1) Y- Yale (0,1,0) Z- Surrey (1,1,0) Map III: Western Cariboo

A- Anahim Lake (1,2,2) C- Cache Creek (0,3,3) F- Ashcroft (0,1,0) G- Lac La Hache (1,2,0) H- Hanceville (0,1,0) 1- Clinton (1,1,1) L- (3,2,1) S- Spences Bridge (1,1,1) T- Tatlayoko Lake (0,1,1) W- Williams Lake (0,0,1) U- Quesnel (2,2,1) X- Alexis Creek (1.3,1) Y- Lytton (0,2,1) Map IV: Eastern Cariboo (St! B- Barriere-Chu-Chua (1,0,2) E- Chase (0,1,0) K- Kamloops (3,1,1) M- Merritt-Nicola and Q- Quilchena (1,4,1) 0- Sicamous (0,2,2) R- Salmon Arm (3,1,2) V- Savona (0,2,1) Z- McLure (1,0,0) 91

TABLE I Letter Code Community Number of. Informants

»(ofm,y) Map V; Okanagan

A- Armstrong (3»3»3) C- Cawston (0,0,1) D- Peachland (0,2,0) E- Enderby and R- Grindrod (0,5.1) F- Okanagan Falls (0,1,0) G- Grand Forks (1,2,2) K- Kelowna (1,1.2) L- Lumby (1,1,2) M- Okanagan Mission (0,1,0) N- Princeton (1,5,1) 0- Oliver (1,2,1) P- Penticton (0,0,2) S- Okanagan Center (1,0,0) V- Vernon (1,2,1) W- Westwold (2,1,2) Map VIt Kootenay

A- Argenta (0*1,0) B- Briscoe (0,1,0) C- Cranbrook (1,3,2) D- New Denver (1,0,0) E- Fernie (0,1,1) F- Canal Flats (0,2,1) G- Golden (1,1,1) 1- (0,3,1) K- Kaslo (1,1,1) L- Riondel (0,0,1) M- Marysville and Y- Kimberley (1,1,0) N- Nelson (1,0,0) 0- Slocan (1,2,3) P- Spillimacheen (0,0,l) R- Rossland and T- Trail (0,2,2) S- Salmo (1,1,1) V- Revelstoke (1,1,1) X- Castlegar-Kinnaird (1,1,4) Z- Creston (1,2,1) 92 TABLE I Letter Code Community Number of Informants *(o,m.y) Map VII—; Uppe

D- Dawson City (Yukon) (0,2,0) F- Telegraph Creek (0,1,0) Map VHIbt Upper Mainland-East

G- Prince George (0,1,1) J- Fort St. James (0,4,2) M- McBride (see Map IX) (0,1,0) V- Vanderhoof (0,4,0) Map IXt Peace River (FT C- Chetwynd (0,0,2) F- Fort St. John (0,3,2) H- Hudson's Hope (0,3.1) N- North Pine (0,1,1) P- Pouce Coupe (0,0,1) 93

TABLE Ha Background -of Parents of Informants^ for B.C. and for the Age Groups Percentages have been rounded to the nearest integer. Parents are considered to be from B.C. if they^meet the requirements for informants. Figures in brackets in the total line refer to place of birth of parents. ** = less than 1%.

To B.C. From- B.C. Alta.-Man. Ontario Quebec Maritimes

o-group 11 1 21 3 6 ** m-group 33 10 9 3 y-group 62 22 3 *#

(30) (13) (ii) (2) (3) B.C. 38 1.12! 9 1 3

To B.,C .

From- U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other

o-group 12 31 10 2 2

m-group 9 21 7 2 6 y-group 1 k 2 #« k (10) (20) (9)—- (4)

B.C. 7 18. 6 2 5 TABLE lib Background of Parents of Informants- for Areas and for Area/Age Groups To I From I B.C. Alta-Man Ontario Quebec Maritimes q- 8 ## ** 11 0 4 m- . . 44 8 17 0 0 0 y- 60 19 12 0 0 0 I- 41 11 11 4 0 0 ---52 U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other 0- 19 27 23 4 0 m- _ 0 19 3 • - 0 9 y- 0 0 5 0 5 I- 5 13 9 1

To L From L B.C. Alta-Man Ontario Quebec Maritimes 0- 5 1 1 18 10 8 m- 27 10 8 13 2 2 . y- 50 13 29 3 0 0 L- 2 9 12 12 4 ? ft 3 — 38- U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other o- 8 34 3 3 0 m- 8 16 10 0 5 y- 0 3 0 0 3 L- 6 17 5 2 To C From C B.C. Alta-Man Ontario Quebec Maritimes 0- 5 8 0 26 0 5 m- 28 20 3 2 2 0 y- 36 30 16 0 2 0 C- 2* , 20 6 8 1 1 —45- ... U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other 0- 11 18 16 5 5 m- 11 14 9 6 5 y- 5 7 2 0 2 C- 9 1? 9 4 4 95 TABLE lib To 0 From 0 B.C. Alta-Man Ontario Quebec Maritimes 0- 13 0 0 4 4 8 m- 13 9 9 13 0 2 y- 46 11 22 3 0 0 0- 24 8 11 8 ## 3 —32 U.S.A.. England Scotland Ireland Other 0- 12 w42 4 0 12 m- 4 28 4 4 14 y- 0 5 3 3 8 0- 4 24 3 3 11 To K From K B.Gi ; Alta-Man Ontario Quebec Maritimes 0- 5 0 5 32 0 0 m- 17 9 13 20 0 4 y- 40 .. 14 21 10 0 0 K- 24 9 15 18 0 2 —33- U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other o- 9 45 5 0 0 m- 7 26 2 2 0 v- .4 7 2 -0 2 K- 5 23 3 *# To Y From Y B.C. Alta-Man Ontario Quebec Maritimes o- 0 0 0 37 0 12 m- 7 14 7 7 2 8 y- 50 14 14 0 0 4 Y- 19 12 9 7 1 7 —31- . U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other 0- 12 25 0 0 12 m- 12 25 12 0 9 y- .0 .4 0 0 11 Y- 8 19 7 - 0 9 To P From P B.C. .Alta-Ma n Ontario Quebec Maritimes m- 14 0 36 . 0 0 0 y- 21 7 65 7 0 . 0 P- 17 4 50 3 0 0 —21- • U.S.A. England Scotland Ireland Other . m- 36 14 0 0 0 y- 0 0 0 0 0 P- 18 7 0 0 0 96 TABLE III Distribution of Informants by Age and Area

*I= Vancouver Island K= Kootenay L= Fraser Valley-Lower Mainland Y= Upper Ma in land-Yellow C= Cariboo -head Route Q= Okanagan P= Peace River

*Area I L C 0 K Y P . B.C. Age Decades

11-20. 7 9 13 8 12 5 2 . 56

21-30. 14 10 9 10 9 9 5 . 66

31-40. 5 9 5 4 3 8 4 . 38

41-50. 8 10 13 12 9 8 3 . 63

51-60. 5 12 14 11 11 14 0 . 67

61-70. 2 8 14 7 7 4 0 . 42

71-80. 6 9 4 4 4 0 0 . 27

81-90. 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 ... 9 Area Totals 69 57 55 48 14 . 368

Age Groups y-gp. 15-30. 21 19 22 18 21 14 7 . 122 m-gp. 31-60. 18 31 32 27 23 30 7 . 168 o-gp. 61-90. 13 19 19 12 11 4 0 . 78 Area Totals 52 6? 7J 55 48 14 . 368 97 TABLE IV tl

Tomato feij . /kj fa\a.%oJ N -

BC -60 . 91 7 3 168 -90 ?_4 l£: 10 ?8 Distrib- -ution^BC 8? 8 5 371 _ _ _ 22" I -60 89 5 5 18 ~ -90 42 3J 25. 12 Distrib- - ...... ~~ -ution-I 81. - . . 12 8 52 _ _ _ _ L -60 100 . 0 - 0 31 ~ -90 80 10 10 20 Distrib- -ution-L 91 3 6 70 — ^ - ^ — C -60 91 9 0 33 ~ -90 79. 21 0 19 Distrib• ution^ §2 12 1 7_5_ _ 90 5 ^TJTI 19" 0 -60 70 15 4tll 27 "* -90 ?J> 0 17t 8 12 Distrib- -ution-0 78 9 6t 9 5_8_

^30 100 1 0 6 21~ K -60 96 5 0 22 " -90 81 2 9_ 11 Distrib- .. . . . ! ! -ution-K . 95 4 2 54 _ gTj 7 7 T4~" Y =.60... 93 7 0 30 -90 7J 25 0 4_ Distrib- -ution-Y 90 9 2 48 .. .-.30 100 .. 0 0. .7 .. P -60 100 0 0 7 Distrib- . -ution-P 100 0 0 14 98


Vase /eis/ feizj fa? . M N , -30 9 30 59 1 2 128 BC -60 .. 8. . 26 .6.3. 1 3 168 -90 12 18 68 1 1 78 Dist rib.. . BC ... : 9 26 ". '. 63 1 2 374

-30 3 52 >3 0 0 21 I. .-60 ...... 0. 22 78 0 0 18 -90 • 31 54 0 0 13 Distrib. . I 6 .'.' 37 58 : 0 0 52

-30 5 15 75 0 5 20 L -60 .., 0 20 77 0 3 31 " -?0 16 16 68 0 0 19 Distrib. L . . ". . 6 '" 19 73 0 "•- 3 70

-30 20 36 40 4 0 25 c: -60 13 31 56 0 0 . 32 ~ -90 11 16 74 0 0 19 Distrib. C 15 29 57 . .*.*.. 0 76

-30 0 21 74 0 5 19 0 -60 7 22 56 4 11 27 ~ -90 8 17 67 0 8 12 Distrib. 0 5 21 64 2 9 58

-30 14 18 68 0 0 21 K -60 0 17 78 0 4 23 " -90 8 19 64 9 0 11 Distrib. K 7 16 73 2 2 55

-30 0 40 60 0 0 15 Y -60 13 37 50 0 0 30 -90 0 25 75 0 0 4 Distrib...... ^ Y . "" 8 .'." :5a "'' . 0 . . 0 . . 49

-30 29 29 43 0 . 0 7 P -60 43 29 29 0 0 7 Distrib. P 36 29 36 0 0 14 99 TABLE. mt3,k Apricot A/ M7 N Shone /bu7 N . -30 40 60 121 2 98 123 BC -60 42 58 164 1.. . 99 168 . -90 43 57 77 8 92 77 Distrib. BC 41 59 362 . . 2 98 368

-30 48 52 21 0 100 21 I -60 . 18 . 82 . 17 0 100 1.8 -90 39 62 13 15 85 13 Distrib. . .1 35 65 51 ". 4 '. 96 52

-30 41 59 17 0 100 19 L -60 60 40 30 0 .. . 100 . 31 -90 68 32 19 10 90 18 Distrib. .. L :; 58::. 42 66 3 • 97 68

-30 39 61 22 5 95 22 C -60 36 65 31 3 97 32 -90 4? 53 19 0 100 19 Distrib. C 39 61 72 1 99 73

-30 16 84 19 5 95 19 0-60 33 67 27 0 100 27 -90 17 83 12 17 83 12 Distrib. 0 24 76 58 5 95 58

-30 43 57 21 0 100 21 K -60 41 59 22 0 100 23 ~ -90 30 70 10 0 100 11 Distrib. K 40 '.. 60 ". 53 0 100 55

-30 57 43 14 0 100 14 Y -60 40 60 30 0 100 30 -90 50 50 4 0 100 4 Distrib. Y 46 .54 48 0 100 . 48

.-30 57 43 7 . Q 100 7 P -60 71 29 7 0 100 7 Distrib.. P 64 36 14 0 100 14 100


Lever f£/ fi/ N Root: M /V N

-.30 18 82 122 4 1(5" 123 BC -60 21 79 168 5 95 168 _2I _6£. _J8_ Sk. _2L Distrib. BC 28 368 ?5 ?69

-30 19 ^1 21 5 95 21 I -60 10 90 18 0 100 18 -90 12. il 12. J8_ 62 12 Distrib. I 21 _7_9_ IL 12 88

-30 21 79 19 0 100 19 L -60 36 65 31 7 9k 31 -90 26 _7jL 12. 0 100 12. Distrib. L 22. -2L 69. •2Z. i9_ -30 27 73 22 9 91 22 C -60 13 88 32 12 88 33 -90 J2_ 68 12. 12. Distrib.. -21 C 22 _7_8_ 12. 2L 7k_

-30 16 84 19 5 95 19 0 -60 19 82 27 0 100 26 -90 25 75 12 8 92 12 Distrib. 0 19 81 58 4 96 57

-30 5 95 21 0 100 21 K -60 13 87 23 4 96 23 ~ -90 6k 36 11 0 100 11 Distrib. K 25 75 55 2 98 54

-30 7 93 14 7 93 14 Y -60 20 80 30 0 100 30 " -90 25 75 4 0 100 4 Distrib. Y 17 83 48 2 98 . 48

-30 29 71 7 • • 0 100 7 P -60 57 43 7 14 86 7 Distrib. P 57 14 7 93 14 101 TABLE IVs? Soot faj fx] /A/ N

. -30 92. 5 2 12~T~ BC -60 : 82 14 4 165 . -90 5J 22 8 78 Distrib. .. BC 80 15 5 366 __ . — - 0 2T~ I -60 89 6 6 18 -90 46 3J li 13 Distrib. . . - - I 81 14 6 52 -30 95 5 0 19 L -60 90 3 7 30 =7^0 5J _J2 16 li Distrib. ... L 81 12 7 68 -30 91 9 0 22 C -60 74 23 3 30 =29. 5J 22 11 i£ Distrib. C _ _75 21_ _4 7_1 0 -60 89 7 4 27 l9_0 62 2J 8 12 Distrib.

0 86 : 9__ : $ 58 _ — _ - _ K -60 83 13 4 23 " -90 64 3_0 0 11_ Distrib. K 82 15 . it ; H — 0 lk~ Y -60 73 23 3 30 -90 ZS ?J 0 4 Distrib. Y 78 21 2 .48 -00 86 0 ~~~ 14 7. P -60 86 14 0 7_ Distrib. _P 86 2 J 14 102 TABLE IV«8,9 Route A/ ATI/ N Schedule M7 ••£>• N -30 93 8 120 78 22 122 BC -60 77 23 163 67 33 172 -90 63 37 76 55 45 75 Distrib. BC 79 '• 21 359 70 - -.30 - 369

-30 100 0 20 81 19 21 I -60 94 ..: 6..; 18 . 63 37 19 -90 83 17 12 42 58 12 Distrib.. I 94 - 6 . 50 65 35 52

-30 100 0 18 95 5 19 L -60 80 . 20. 30 70 30 22 -90 53 47 19 41 59 17 Distrib. . L ;: 78:. 22 67 69 31 68

-30 81 19 21 76 24 21 C -60 63 37 30 70 30 33 -90 58 42 19 47 53 19 Distrib. C 67 33 70 66 34 73

-30 100 0 19 70 30 20 0 -60 96 4 25 62 38 29 -9© 67 33 12 67 33 12 Distrib. 0 91 9 .' . 56 65 35 61

-30 91 10 21 75 25 20 K -60 74 26 23 78 22 23 60 * -99 40 10 70 30 10 Distrib. K 78 22 54 74 26 53 -30 86 14 14 79 21 14 Y -60 67 33 30 55 45 29 -90 75 25 4 75 25 4 Distrib.. . Y 73 27 . 48 64 36 47 -30 - 86 - . 14 7 57 ^3 - 7 P -60 71 29 7 86 14 7 Distrib. P 7? 22 14 71 29 14 103

TABLE IV:10,11

Rather fa? /vt0? N • ' Zebra , fe? A? N

.. . -30 92 ~8 123 23 77" il7 BC -60 83 17 165 51 49 162 . -90 74 26 73 4j? 51 74 Distrib, -

BC 85 15 361 m 41 59 353 . -30 95 ~ ~5 21" 14" 86" 21 I -60 72 28 18 41 59 17 ~90 62 22 13 5J 45 11 Distrib.. I 79 21 52 33 6? 49.

• -30 95 5 19 6" 95 IF"" L -60 83 17 30 43 57 30 -90 • 72 28 18 5J 47 17 Distrib. L §4 16 67 35 65 65 .. -30 100 0 21 38 52 21 C. -60 77 23 34 - 55 45 31 -90 79 21 19. 42 58 , 19 Distrib...... C ...... 84 . 16. 74 . 45 55 71 T^Tj 90 10 19 28 72 rs 0 -60 85 15 26 46 54 26 -90 69 3JL 13. 5J) 50 12 Distrib. 0. 85 li 5J 41 . 59 56 130 974 5 18 21 79" 19 K -60 100 0 22 68 32 22 -90 60 40 10 ho 60 10 Distrib. K 20 IQ 50__ 45 55 51

— — - — — Y -60. 86 14 28 59 41 29 -90 75 2J 4_ 80 20 5 Distrib. Y 87 13 . 45 51 49 . 4?

.. ^.30 100 0 7 29 71 7 P -60 100 0 7 29. 21 7 Distrib. _P 100' 0 14 29 71 14 104

TABLE IYi.12,13

Father/bother . R NO N Caught/cot R NO N

-30 78 22 iT8 ~~ 95 5 1T9" BC -60 72 28 166 89 11 166 -90 60 41 ?4 81 19 75 Distrib. BC 72 29 358 . 90 10 360.

"O 80 20 20 100 0 20" I -60 61 39 18 78 22 18 *90 -• 54 46 13 69 31 13 Distrib.

I • 67 . 33 51 . : .8 5 15 51

, -30 95 5 19 90 10 19" . L -60 . 83 27 30 93 7 30 -90 61 39 18 83 17 18 Distrib... L 81 19 67 90 10 67 ______— 21 95 5 21~ C -60 75 25 32 94 6 32 -90 • 44 56 18 94 6 18 Distrib. . C . 66 34 . 71 94 6 71 ~30 68 32 19 95 5 19~ 0 -60 63 37 27 82 18 27 -90 67 33 12 67 33 12 Distrib. . ._. . 0 65 35 58 - 83 17 58

^JO 6~8 32 19 100 0 19~ K -60 87 13 23 96 5 22 -90 68 23 9. 73 27 11 Distrib. K 77 24 51 ______— _^ _g ___ Y..--60. 69 31 29 93 7 29 -90 100 0 4 100 0 4_ Distrib. Y 80 20 46 .91 ... 9 46

-30 : . .57. 43 .7- ~Tb~0 0 7~ P -60 43 57 Z 86 14 7_ Distrib. _P 50 50 14 93 7 14 105 TABLE IVsl4,15 •k - - Marr-y/merry R . , • NO . N Aunt/ant R NO N

-30 72 28 120 . 9.7 . 3 119 BC -60 46 54 166 .1.. ' 92 8 165 -90 29 71 75 85 15 74 Distrib.. - BC 52 48 361 93 ? 358.

-30 : 07 : 33 ' 21 Too 0 21 I -60 33 67 18 89 11 18 -90 -- 15 8 5 13 67 33 12 Distrib. .. -. . . 1 _ 42 _58 _52 _88 1._2 ... _51-_ L -60 40 60 30 90 10 30 ~ -90 39 61 18 <_4 6 18 Distrib. L 46 54 67 93 -8 671

-30 65 35 22 95 521 C -60 50 50 32 94 6 32 -90 33 67 18 8J 17 18 Distrib. _ . . C 51 49 7_2 9_2 8 71

-,30 ' 74" 2? 19 100 0 19 0 -60 48 52 27 85 15 27 ~ -90 25 75 12 8_2 17 12 Distrib. 0 52 48 58 9_Q 10 58

-30 90 10 19 100 0 19 K -60 44 57 23 100 0 23 -90 30 70 10 9J) 10 10 Distrib. K 58 42 52 98 2 52

_____ ^_ _ _ ^ _ Y .-60 57 43 28 100 0 ... 28 ~ -90 25 75 4_ 100 C) 4 Distrib. '. • • /.Y 62 38 45 . 96 4„ 45 -30 71 29 7 100 0 7 P -60 43 57 Z §6 14 7 Distrib. ^ _P 57 43 14 22 Z lit 106 TABLE IV:l6,17 Le isure/p leasure., R NO N Bury/furry. R NO N

-30 ~50 50 117 34 66 119 BC -60 67 33 163 26 74 166 -90 61 40 76 31 69 75 Distrib-.- • •• . •• BC 62 38 356 30 70 360

______- -_- . . --• ^5 21 I -60 53 47 17 33 ~ 67 18 *90 85 15 13 31 69 13 Distrib. . I 64 36 50 31 69 52

______— L. --60 57 43 30 30 70 30 -90 • 50 50 18 39 61 18 Distrib. L 54 46 67 33 67 67 -30 57 53 21 41 55 21 C -60 66 34 32 28 72 32 ~ -90 63 37 19 28 72 18 Distrib. C 63 38 72 34 66 71 ______. — 0-60 88- 12 25 26 74 27 " -90 67 33 12 17 83 12 Distrib. . 0 68 32 56 24 76 . 58

______— — K -60 74 26 23 9 91 23 -90 90 10 10 50 50 10 Distrib. K 64 37 52 . 21 79 52

______^ — ; ^ ___ _ Y -60 69 31 29 25 75 28 -90 100 0 4_ . 0 100 4 Distrib...... Y 63 37 45 28 72 45 -30 : 57 ... 43 , 7 57 43 7 P -60 43 57 7 57 43 7 Distrib. _P_ 50 50 14 57 43 14 107

TABLE, IV: 18-19

Mourning/morning. R.. . NO N Hoarse/horse .. , R NO N

. . -30 $2 8 1T9 97 3 118" BC -.66. 94 6 165 92 8 165 -90 90 10 76' 88 12 76 Distrib... . _. .. . BC 92 8 360 92 8 359

-30100 0 20 9o 422 I -.60 89 11 18 88 12 17

-90 ; 8J _5 1_ 95 15 13 Distrib. -I 90 10 51 90 10 52

-30 90 10 19 90 10 19 L ^.60 90 10 30 93 7 30 ~ -90 83 17 18 94 6 18 Distrib. . L 88 12 67 93 7 67

-30 90 10 21 100 0 21 C -60 91 9 32 94 6 32 -90 95 $ 19 90 10 19 Distrib.. C 92 8 72 - 94 .6. 72

-30 90 10 19 90 10 20 0 -.60 100 0 27 - . • . . .. . 100 0 26 -90 92 8 12 92 8 12 Distrib.

0 : 95 5 58 . : 95 5 58

-30 95 5 19 100 0 19 K -60 100 0 23 96 4 23 -90 90 10 10 80 20 10 Distrib. K 96 4 52 94 6 52

-30 : 85 15 13 85 15 13 Y -60 97 3 28 86 14 28 "" -90 100 0 4 100 0 4 Distrib. Y - ; 93 7 45 87 13 45

-30 ~~~ "Too ' 0 ' 7 ' ~ .. 1.0.0 0 .7 P -60 86 14 7_ 100 0 6 Distrib. _P 93 7 14 100 0 13 108 TABLE IV:20,21

Fairy/ferry ,R , NO. N^ " Mary/merry R NO N

.. -30 3- 8 119 88 12 lTF BC -60 89 11 166 8? 13 1.65 -90 81 19 75 72 _2 ZZ Distrib.. . BC- 88 12 360 85 15 358 ______5 21 ' 86* 14" 22* I -60 94 6 18 82 18 17 -90 77 23 13 ZZ 2J 13_ Distrib. I- 90 10 52 83 17 52

, -30 ~ 90 10 19 ' 74" 26* 19 L -60 90 10 30 87 13 30 -90 83 17 18 8_? 11 18 Distrib. L ...... 88 1.2 67 84, 16 . 67 -30 90 10 21 80 20 20 C -.60 87 13 32 88 12 32 -90 78 22 18 67 33 18 Distrib. C 86 14 71 - •• - 80 20 70

-30 95 5 19 95 5 19 0 -60 85 15 27 89 11 27 -90 92. 8 12 7_5 2_2 12 Distrib. 0 90 10 58 ... 88 12 58

-30 95 5 19 Too 0 19 K -60 91 9 23 87 13 23 7 -90 7_0 30 10 60 40 10 Distrib. _ K 88 12 52 86 14 52 I30 85 "15 13 ' ; 53 il 13 Y -.60 90 10 29 ... 89 11 28 -90 100 g 4 100 g 4 Distrib... .. - Y .87 13 46 89 11 45 . -30 Too . 0 .7 10.0 0 .,.7. P -60 86 14 Z_ 86 14 Z. Distrib.. . _P 9J 7 14 9J 7 14 109

TABLE V . Number of Informants t Provincial and Mainland Sample Groups Students Adults (y-group) (m-group)

PQ3 122 168

SCE 697 563

PQ3-(I+GV), 95 137

Rodman 114 128 110 TABLE. VI Distribution of Variants; Provincial and Mainland Surveys A = PQ3 B = SCE C = PQ.3-CI+GV) D = Rodman

Students Adults (y-group) (m-group)

A B C D A 1 C D 1. Tomato

/ei7 92 93 93 97 91 89 90 84

M 4 3 4 3 7 7 11 10 4 4 3 1 3 4 3 6

2. Vase

/eis/ 9 8 10 8 8 11 9 7 f-eizj 30 28 24 30 26 26 33 24

fz>J 59 46 63 51 63 49 54 53

fx? 1 2 1 l 1 1 1 1

2 15 1 10 3 12 1 14

3. Apricot

M7 60 51 63 57 58 52 56 62

M 40 49 48 43 42 49 44 37

5. Lever

18 26 19 18 21 10 21 11

A/ 82 74 81 82 79 88 79 89 111 TABLE VI

A = PQ3 B-= SCE . G = PQ3-(I+GV.) D = Rodman

Students Adults (y-group) (m-group) A B C D A B c D 7. Soot

92 78 91 78 82 87 80 84

/V 6 20 6 22 14 12 16 13

2 2 3 1 4 1 5 2


8 19 10 21 23 25 27 27

/V 93 81 90 79 77 75 73 73

9. Schedule

/sk/ 78 84 75 86 67 72 70 73

22 16 25 14 33 26 31 26


R 78 68 76 71 ; 72 69 66 72

NO 22 32 26 29 28 30 34 28


R 9^ 86 94 90 89 89 9P 85

NO 5 13 7 10 11 10 10 15 112 TABLE VI A = PQ3 B: SCE

0 = PQ3-(I+0V) D = Rodman Students Adults (y-group) (m-group)

A B C D A B C D 15» Aunt/ant

R 97 83 96 89 92 87 93 83 NO 3 15 4 11 8 13 7 16

16. Leisure/pleasure

50 36 R 4? 37 67 39 69 42 50 61 NO 53 63 33 59 31 59

1?. Bury/furry

R 34 34 33 33 27 25 27 26

NO 66 65 67 67 74 76 63 68 113


Number of Informants{Regional Sample Groups

Students Adults

PQ3 G-P SCE PQ3 G-P SCE (o-gp) m-gp

8-9 apricot Vancouver route Island (I) 21 42 (19) 31 16? tomato vase (Van.) Lower . GV- 5 246 135 13 113 Mainland nGV-1_ 4 lZ* 18 28 19 (Hope) 152 31 T4T

Cariboo (C) 22 12 32 18

18? tomato Okanagan 18 48 (12) 27 vase 25 (Of 11-12. apricot route

Kootenay 21 83 28 (11) 23 24 42 (K) ,Y

Upper Mainland 14 30 14 (Y) 114

TABLE VIII Distribution of Variants; Regional Surveys . . Students Adults PQ3 . . .G-P SCE PQ_ G-P SCE (o-gpTT 1. Tomato

MJ 95 98 - (42) 89 24 - I fe? 5 2 - (33) 5 47 - Sia.,0? 5 0 _ (2 5) 5 30 _

MS 90 96/ 93 100 - 83 L fa/ 0 3 2 0 - 9

10 1 5 0 _ 8 MS 87 - 90 91 - 83 C fa? 9 _ - 10 9 - 0 /z>;a,a/ 4 — 0 0 _ 17

MS 90 - 94 (75) 70 56 80 0 faS 5 - (0) 15 38 6 /bia.a/ 5 _ 2 (25) 15 6 0 MS 100 100 100 (81) 96 92 83

I ft 0 0 0 (9) 5 0 10 /bi^.a/ 0 0 0 (9) 0 8 7 MS 100 - 100 100 - 85 Y fa? 0 - 0 0 - 7 fax*, A? 0 - 0 0 - 8 115 TABLE VIII • Students Adults PQ3 G-P SCE PQ3 G-P (o-gpTT"m-gp) 2. Vase •*/a/ includes fa/ and /Q/

/-eis./ 3 0 (15) 0 6

/eiz/ 52 41 '.(3D 22 6

fa] 43 52 • (54) 78 89 /a/ 0 _2_ (0) 0 0 GV /"-eis/ 13 0 nGV GV /"-eiz/ 15 50 32 20 nGV GV 75 35 39 nGV 77 GV 15 nGV /"-eis/ 20 8 13 - /-eiz/ 36 33 31 - ^/ 40 42 56 -

Va/ 4 17 0

/eis/ 0 8 (8) 7 6

0 /eiz/ 21 23 , (19) 22 6

74 52 (64) 56 75

__ 17 , (8) 15 12 116

TABLE VIII Students Adults PQ3 G-P . SCE PQ3 -P SCE - G (o-gpT! m -gP. 14 5 6 " (8) 0 0 5

K /"-eiz/ 18 12 40 (19) 17 25 25

68 83 54 (64) 78 71 55

Va/ 0 0 0 (8) 4 4 15

f-eisj 0 - 0 13 - 7 Y /"-eiz/ 40 - 22 37 - 21

A/ 60 67 50 - 57

Va/ 0 _ 11 0 14 3o Apricot' & only I 48 - - (39) 18 17 . .-

GV 40 L 41 - 40 60 - ~ nGV 29

C 39 - 60 47 .42

0 16 -. - ...... 4? (17) 33 25 36

K . 43 31 30 (30) .41 . 34 . .40

Y 5-7 - .. .. 60 '. 40. - . .60 117

TABLE VIII Students Adults PQ3 G-P SCE PQ3 G-P SCE (o-gp7Jm-gp. 5• Lever /£/ only

I . 19 7 . .. - .... .

•t ..••).. GV 15 L 21 5 24 36 *~ nGV 10 ..

C 27 5 13 il

0 16 - . 22 19 - 4

K 5 4 20 (64) 13 8 18

Y 7 - 10 20 7

6. Root1 faj only

K 0 0 (0) 4 17 118 TABLE VIII Students Adults PQ3 . Gj-P . SCE PQ3 G-P SCE (o-gpT)m-gp. 7. Soot

95 67

I A7 5 2

o ___. GV 95 71 68 90 83 nGV GV 18 30 nGV 6 GV 1 /V o 23 nGV _2_

91 83 73 89

_V 9 17 23

0 0 _1

95 75 89 80 0 A7 0 25 7 16 ______I 0 4 4

91 99 82 (64) 83 92 86

K A/ 5 1 15 (30) 13 0 14

______0 _2_ ___i 4 8 0 86 90 73 93 14 10 23 7

0 0 0 0 119

TABLE VIII Students Adults PQ_ G-P SCE PQ3 . G_P SCE (o-gp7) m-gp. 7. Route /atr/ only

I . . 0 (17) 25

0 11 20 17

19 25 38 38

0 a 18 (33) 4 . 37 23

K 10 12 20 (40) 26 21 30

14 22 29

9. Schedule /$/ only I 19 23

16 11 30 27

24 23 30 21

30 18 38 20

K 25 16 (30) 26 26 25

21 20 45 43 120


. Students Adults SCE PQ3 . G-P SCE (o-gpT/m-gp.

10. Rather /it/ onlv

I 5 32

£ 5 11 - .

K 6 4 - 0 17

11. Zebra /&/

I - 23 10

_ 5 10 - - -

K 21 6 68 35 -

12. Father/bother /R/

K 68 99 64 (68) 87 88 74

13. Caught/cot /R/

K 100 100 96 (73) 96 96 79 121


Students Adults PQ3 G-P , . SCE PQ3 G-P SCE (o-gp7T"m-gp.

15. Aunt faJ only

I . . 0 - ...... 11 - . . -

GV 28 L 5 19 10 nGV 18

C 5 - 8 6 - 6

0 0 - 17 15 - 13

K 0 0 3 (10) 0 4 21

Y 0 - . 10 14 . 14

16. Leisure /_/ only

I 60 51 *

. GV 40 45 L 53 33 57 43 nGV 53 57

C 57 - 33 66 - 35

0 42 . - .20 88 - 58

K 37 22 30 (90) 74. 46 33

Y 42 - 45 69 - 35

„ 122

TABLE VIII Students Adults SCE 1 G-P , SCE (o-gpT*f 17. Bury

I 24 . 20 . - -

GV 48 L 32 35 34 30 - . nGV . 32

C ._ 46 ...... - 31 . 28. . ' - ... 26

0 26 - .. . 26 26 - _. 24

K ..... 21 1 . 32 (50) 9 8 32

I 46 - 18 25 - . 20

18. Mourning" _w

K 5 0 - (10) 0. 0 -

19. Hoarse _W K 0 0 - (20) 5 0 -

21. Fairy M7

K 5 0 . .. . - (30) 9 . 4 -

Mary /el/ K 0 0 - (40) 13 17 - 123



Major Roads Ferry Routes — — — 1. to the Fraser Valley 2. to the U.S.A. 3. to the Upper Mainland and Alaska - 1 The key to the letter code for communities for this and following maps can be found in Table I (p.89). 124 MAP Hi FRASER VALLEY-LOWER MAINLAND

(L) Boundary- L/C, 0 Major Roads . Ferry Routes • Railways , 1. PGE 2. CPR & CNR Rivers and Waterways 3. Fraser River 4. Harrison Lake 5. Lillooet River and Lake


Rivers and Waterways 4. Thompson River 5. Shuswap Lakes 127



E K a v E + e M r i d d R - w

y y* u

BlJ.S.A {WS shingti Boundaries- 0/L, Major Roads Rai lways ______Rivers and Waterways 5 • CPR 1. Similkameen River 6! Kettle Valley 2. Okanagan River and Lake 3. Shuswap Lakes 4. Kettle River 128


Boundary- K/O, C ______Major Roads • Railways ______4. CPR 5. Kettle Valley Rivers and Waterways 1. Columbia River 2. Arrow Lakes 3. Kootenay River and Lake Passes 6. Kicking Horse 7. Crow's Nest MT



n g e Boundary- Y/C _____ Major Roads Railway (CNR) Rivers and Waterways 1. Burke Channel 2. Dean Channel 3. Skeena River k. Bulkley River 5. Nass River 6. Babine Lake


Boundaries Y/ C, P

Major Roads

Railways ______1. PGE

, Yukon Vsi 133 (see Map Villa) ^P_Xi B.C.. AND POJ SUB-AREAS N.W.T.

\ I = Vancouver Island L = Fraser Valley-Lower Mainland \ C = Cariboo 0 = Okanagan K = Kootenay / \ Y = Upper Mainland-Yellow'head Route


Washington ana

139 MAP XVI» AGE GROUP VARIATIONS The o-Group *}T=~High L =_Low tomato /ei/ H 6. root /^j/ H un-J marted apricot feij H V/AL 16. leisure /*£/ H lever fi/ H 140 MAR.XVII^ AGE GROUP VARIATIONS The m-Group *H = High L = Low 10. rather frj 1 H[>£ ' tomato /ei/ H III ||L L | marfked mm 3. apricot /ii7 H KX/lL 16. leisure f£,J H

8» route /u/ H |J^JL 141 MAP XVIIIi AGE GROUP VARIATIONS. The y-Group *H = High L = Low

2» " vase:: £p/ H III ML 11. zebra fij H |\|L [\J

2b. vase /eiz/ H |9IL 12. father = bother L 3. apricot /ei/ H IVXIL 14, marry / merry "IHJ 8» route [v] H

!• /ei/ in tomato 3. /ei/ in apricot 5. /i/ in lever 6. in root


Distribution of Variants of Apricot in 0 and Ce

PQ3 area boundaries -_. —

The key to the letter code for communities can be found in Table I (


ABBREVIATIONS (+)A- American (+)B- British C- Cariboo Ce- Eastern Cariboo H- (Map XIV) High I- Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands K- Kootenay L- Fraser Valley-Lower Mainland L- (Map XIV) Low mrgroup- informants aged 31 to 60 0- Okanagan o-group- informants aged 6l to 90 P- Peace River Y- Upper Mainland-Yellowhead Route y-group- informants aged 15 to 30 For the key to the letter coding of communities see Table I (p.89). 152

BIBLIOGRAPHY Avis, W.S., "Speech Differences along the Ontario-United States Border: III, Pronunciation," JCLA II (1956), pp.41-50. ."The English Language in Canada," in Sebeok, T. ed., Current Trends in Linguistics, v.10, (1973), pp.40-74. * ."The Phonemic Segments of an Edmonton Idiolect," in Davis, L.M. ed., Studies in Honor of Raven McDavid. University of Alabama Press, 1972, pp.239-50.

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. "Contemporary Canadian English," American Speech, v.46, "f3~4, (1971), pp.193-99. Wolfram, W. and Fasold, R.W., The Study of Social Dialects in American English, Prentice Hall, N.J., 1974. Wood, Gordon R., Vocabulary Change: a Study of Variation in Regional Words in Eight of the Southern States, Southern Illinois University Press, 1971.

* reprinted in: Chambers, J.K., Canadian English: Origins and Structures. Methuen, 1975.