Primaria Volunteer. Meet New People. Comunei Cocieri Connect to the Community. Raionul Dubăsari D. Riscanu str. 11, of. 41 Stradela Zamfir Arbore, 5, of.7 Chisinau, MD-2005 Chisinau, Tel/Fax: (373-22) 450024, 449626 Moldova E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (373 -22)292284 Email: [email protected]

19th May 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are happy to invite you to take part in the international work camp that may be of interest to you or your members. The work camp will be held from 19th of July to 2nd of August 2009 in the disputed village of Cocieri, in the Transdnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova.

The camp will involve participants from the Republic of Moldova and the breakaway Transdnistrian Republic, as well as international volunteers from all over the world. During the day the group will focus on cleaning up the riverbank, while in the evenings the programme will include different activities aimed at getting to know the history, culture and traditions of Moldova, Human rights activities in this region and, of course, intercultural exchange.

The work camp is organized by Association Resource and Development for and implemented by Promo-LEX Association in partnership with ADVIT Moldova with support of the Cocieri Mayor and Cocieri Village Hall.

Please find attached detailed description of the work camp.

If you are interested to take part in this work camp please send the request of your participation by June, 20 2009 to [email protected]

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours sincerely,

Natasha Alexandrov

Program Coordinator, ADVIT Moldova Name of the organization: ADVIT Moldova

Year of foundation: 2004

Type: NGO

Location of the central office:  Office: Stradela Zamfir Arbore, 5 of.7 Chisinau, Moldova  Postal address: str.Mitropolit Dosoftei 97/1 of.31 Chisinau, Moldova  Tel/fax: +373 22 292284; email: [email protected]; skype: advitmd

Aims and objectives: ADVIT is a non-political, non- profit, non-governmental organization, started by and for young people, to involve Moldovan young people, with and without professional experience, into programmes at national and international levels in the fields of education, culture, ecology, historical heritage protection and helping disadvantaged people, by contributing to the development of a more peaceful society and to work for a more just society.

Activities: sending and hosting EVS, ICYE volunteers, MTV, workcamps, coordinator of the volunteer meetings (pre-departure, on-arrival, mid term evaluation, final evaluation) in Moldova.

Official web page:

General conditions for participation in our work camps: - Age limits: 18 + years old - English as working language; - Extra fee: 70 EUR (transfer from Chisinau to Cocieri, excursions (Transnistria)) Work camps 2009

Code/Name Location Dates Type No. of vols. (Ages) ADVIT01 COCIERI COCIERI 19.07-02.08 ENVI 15 (18+)

ADVIT01 COCIERI COCIERI 19.07-02.08 ENVI 15vols 18 99

Work: The volunteers will help with cleaning and arranging the coastline of the River Nistru and the nearby area of approximatively 300 square meters. Also, the volunteers will do the restoration of two springs.

Accommodation and food: All participants will be accommodated at the Cocieri's Kindergarten for free. The volunteers will be living up to 10 persons per room according to gender. All participants will be provided with mattresses, but should bring bed sheets or a sleeping bag. Meals will be prepared in the Kindergarten kitchen in groups of 3 participants each day, being helped by a local cook. Ecological toilet and shower, located outside of the building.


Cocieri is a commune in the Republic of Moldova, located on the eastern bank of the River, consisting of two villages, Cocieri and Vasilievca. During 1992 War of Transnistria inhabitants of this village rebelled against the separatist authorities of Transnistria. The military unit of the 14th former Soviet Army which was located in the village was attacked by local inhabitants who armed themselves and opposed the forces of Transnistria. As result, after the war, half of the Cocieri territory remained in the area controlled by the Republic of Moldova.

Transnistria, also known as Trans-Dniester, Transdniestria, and Pridnestrovie is a disputed region in southeast Europe. Since its declaration of independence in 1990, followed by the War of Transnistria in 1992, it is governed by the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), which claims the left bank of the river Dniester and the city of Bendery within the former Moldavian SSR. The modern Republic of Moldova does not recognize the secession and considers PMR-controlled territories to be a part of Moldova's sovereign territory.

Nearest town: Dubasari (7.2 km)

Chisinau (45km)

Terminal: Nearest airport: Chisinau international airport; Nearest train station: Chisinau train station; Nearest bus station: Chisinau North, Central, South Bus station or Dubasari Bus station

Visa: If you are holder of the EU, Israel, Turkey, USA, Canada or any CIS country passport you does not need visa to enter Moldova. You travel passport should be valid at least for 6 months for the moment you enter Moldova.

Insurance ADVIT Moldova does not provide any insurance for volunteers during the work camp. The volunteers MUST get a valid medical insurance for the duration of their stay in Moldova.

Study & Leisure time: Cocieri is situated 45 km from Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. It’s a beautiful place at the bank of the river Dnestr, that is one of the main summer resort in Moldova. Late afternoons and evenings we plan to engage together in activities aimed at developing intercultural communication, i.e. learning and working with information about the history and the situationion in Moldova and Transnistrian region. Local excursions to Chisinau (capital of Moldova), (capital of Transnistria) and Old will be organized.

Fee: 70 EUR (transfer from Chisinau to Cocieri, local excursions)